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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28 Apr - Late Links

Ah, drinking water supply!Image by vaishalee via Flickr

How polluted is U.S. drinking water?
As regulators struggle to maintain 40 years of halting progress in cleaning up U.S. tap water, countless Americans will inevitably be drinking unsafe water long into the future — both from unregulated pollutants and regulated ones that make it past water-treatment plants. Not all of these pollutants will be dangerous, and even some that are may only cause mild stomach pains, or may take years to show any effects. But since chipping away at the uncertainty will be a slow process, here's a quick look at what we do know about U.S. water supplies and the pollutants that plague them.

Hat Tip Trager Water Report

Wars Over Water Will Become a Reality
Demand for fresh water is increasing all the time, but since the supply of it is a constant, a real battle goes on with nature to try turning the odds in our favour. The additions of supposedly healthy additives to drinking water is a prime example of how foolish man can be with this valuable resource. US drinking water has been found to contain over 700 synthetic chemicals.
The building of ever larger dams around he world is causing really damaging disruption to the world’s eco-systems.Thousands died of Rift Valley Fever – directly caused by the new Aswan dam on the Nile, which proved an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. The same happened in Mauritania in 1987 after the building of the Diama dam on the Senegal river.
Water shapes the geography of the world and governs the existence of all life within it, but still not all of its properties or capabilities are fully understood. That it should feature so strongly in religion is hardly surprising. Not for nothing is it sometimes referred to as ‘Adam’s Ale’.
Big business is now taking a keen interest, staking claim to the great lakes of Canada, which hold 25% of the world’s fresh water supply.

Good Bacteria vs Human Hygiene

A British study of 11,000 children – by Andrea Sheriff and the Institute of Child health – showed that while the kids who were washed the most were the most likely to develop allergies, exactly the reverse was true of those who washed least!

Professor Graham Rook – immunologist at University College London – expounds the ‘Hygiene Hypothesis’ – which simply believes that it is that exposure to bacteria, which have survived on earth far longer than we, which strengthens and aids our immune system in its work. 

( That's a lot more 'politically correct' than saying - as I do - that routinely infusing one's environment with toxins will cause more health problems than it will solve : even in hospitals.  
Anyone who has ever read WHMIS or TDG instructions and relevant cautions about chemicals will appreciate the mindset behind advising people of danger...so as to evade responsibility for them being at risk from substances that are, in essence, more or less diluted poisons and corrosives.  Cleanliness entails dirt removal...not chemical deposits or choking airborne particulate suspensions. 
Who else thought so ? A lady called Florence Nightingale : who revolutionized patient care in the Boer conflict by insisting on surgical survivors experiencing fresh air and sunshine. )

Most Americans still live in unclean air

The two biggest air pollution threats in the United States are ozone and particle pollution, the Lung Association said. Others include carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and a variety of toxic substances.

American Lung Association's report: http://www.stateoftheair.org

Cape Wind, first U.S. offshore wind farm, approved
Winds from Siberia Reduce Arctic Sea Ice Cover, Norwegian Researchers Find
 Massive Southern Ocean Current Discovered
Australia delays carbon trading scheme 

Startling studies: take kids outside or sentence them to disease and shorter lifespans
Kids aged 2-5  sit in front a a TV screen  more than 32 hours per week.  
The average American child (ages 8 to 18) now spends seven hours 38 minutes plugged in per day.  Scientists now report that nature is essential to brain functioning and brain development. Twenty-four million U.S. children have sub-optimal levels of Vitamin D, which can be absorbed through the skin by good old-fashioned sunlight.

A Swine Flu Post-Mortem

the flu case.com on redditt
( Best I can do until Jane Bürgermeister gets her site back up )


Environmental Water Markets:

Restoring Streams Through Trade
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