The U.S. Air Force is threatening to halt construction
of a 845-megawatt wind farm in eastern Oregon that would be the world’s largest wind project, citing concerns that the wind turbines would interfere with a nearby military radar station and its ability to detect radar images. Rotating wind turbine blades could impart a Doppler shift to any radar energy reflecting off the blades and cause false images or interference. This has impact on the location of future wind farms but issues remain on how to resolve this problem.
- BAE Uses Fuzzy Logic to Make Wind Farms Vanish
June 29, 2005 12:00 AM - Pickens' Mesa Power orders GE wind turbines
May 15, 2008 09:02 AM - Powerful Ideas: Wind Turbine Blades Change Shape
August 24, 2009 10:05 AM - Statkraft and Catamount in UK wind power project
March 14, 2008 02:42 AM - 100 Best Blogs to Help You Find Happiness
- BBC - Science & Environment
- How volcanoes have shaped history
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8622520.stm - In 1991, Mount Pinatubo on the island of Luzon, in the Philippines, erupted just 90km (55 miles) north-west of the capital, Manila.
Over the course of several eruptions, the volcano ejected a massive 10 cubic km of material, making it the second biggest eruption of the 20th Century.
While volcanic dust is in the upper atmosphere, it can have a profound short-term effect on the global climate, because it blocks out a portion of the sunlight able to reach the ground.
The Mount Pinatubo eruption caused the average global temperature to drop by 0.4-0.5C.
Previous eruptions have been much more deadly. The eruption of the volcano on Krakatoa in Indonesia in 1883 is one of the best known eruptions in relatively recent times, because it occurred after the invention of the telegraph.
Animated guide: Volcanoes
It killed thousands, pulverised two-thirds of the island and drastically altered the ocean floor. But Krakatoa was a mere baby compared with the eruption of Tambora, also in Indonesia, some 68 years earlier.
This was the most powerful eruption in recorded history. Rivers of hot ash rolled down the 4,000m (13,000ft) -high volcano, killing around 10,000 people on the island.
It is thought to have ejected 50 cubic km or more of material and pumped vast amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.
The cloud from Tambora caused an unusual chill, lowering global temperatures by an estimated 0.4-0.7C.
See spread of cloud and where it is predicted to go next
Animated guide
How volcanoes occur, in graphics and text
HAVE YOUR SAYVolcanic ash: Your photos
Polynesian canoes re-live Pacific migration
Four double-hulled canoes set off from Auckland aiming to sail 4,000km (2,485 miles) to French Polynesia. The voyage is expected to take three months.
The route retraces the great Polynesian migration journeys of 1,000 years ago - albeit in the opposite direction.
http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/environment/climatologists-claim-planet-is-haunted-201003302603Comedy Alert
'Only global fascist tyranny can save us now' says nice old man
James Delingpole
On computer models:
I remember when the Americans sent up a satellite to measure ozone and it started saying that a hole was developing over the South Pole. But the damn fool scientists were so mad on the models that they said the satellite must have a fault. We tend to now get carried away by our giant computer models. But they’re not complete models. They’re based more or less entirely on geophysics. They don’t take into account the climate of the oceans to any great extent, or the responses of the living stuff on the planet. So I don’t see how they can accurately predict the climate. It’s not the computational power that we lack today, but the ability to take what we know and convert it into a form the computers will understand.
On carbon trading:
I don’t know enough about carbon trading, but I suspect that it is basically a scam. The whole thing is not very sensible. We have this crazy idea that we are setting an example to the world. What we’re doing is trying to make money out of the world by selling them renewable gadgetry and green ideas. It might be worthy from the national interest, but it is moonshine if you think what the Chinese and Indians are doing [in terms of emissions].
http://www.rocketscientistsjournal.com/2010/03/sgw.htmlThe extremely good and simple match of filtered TSI to Earth's complex temperature record tends to validate the model. The cause of global warming is in hand. Conversely, the fact that Earth's temperature pattern appears in solar radiation invalidates Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).
All the data you need to show that the world is warming
The complete guide to modern day climate change
Volcanic ash cloud: TV historian Dan Snow’s attempt to rescue stranded Britons thwarted by French
James Cameron recreating Pandora on Earth with first of a million Avatar trees
Ecuadorean threat to oil giants
The Ecuadorean government has threatened to take over foreign oil concessions if the companies resist growing state control of the industry.
President Rafael Correa said every day millions of dollars were going to oil companies that should go to the state.
The Tragedy in Smolensk Brings Russians and Poles Closer Together...
Over 70 percent of Poles now see that the main threat to the preservation of their independence comes from the EU. At the same time, the fear of a so-called "Russian threat" at the epicentre of Polish policy dissipated.
Opera iPhone app downloaded a million times in 24 hours
Infected XP owners left unpatched
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