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IPS - Inter Press Services
- CLIMATE CHANGE: All Eyes on Cochabamba MeetBONN, Apr 16 (IPS) - International negotiations towards a new regime on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, responsible for global warming, are as deadlocked today as they were last December at the Copenhagen climate summit.
- INDIA: Balancing Biodiversity and Livelihood A Jug ...BANDIPUR TIGER RESERVE, KARNATAKA, India, Apr 16 (IPS/IFEJ) - Hanumantha Nayak thought he had not gone that far into the forest in search of firewood. But while he crouched to tear off a cluster of dried bamboo, a tigress apparently leapt onto his back, bit his forearm, and then went for his t ...
- ENVIRONMENT: Whaling Profitable but Bad for Icelan ...REYKJAVIK, Apr 16 (IPS) - Early April Greenpeace protestors in Rotterdam intercepted seven containers with 140 kg of fin whale meat from Iceland, destined for Japan. They said that the import of whale meat to the Netherlands is illegal, but Dutch authorities turn a blind eye on consignments ...
- PHILIPPINES: Women’s College Corrects Gender ...MANILA, Apr 16 (IPS) - Flip open a typical textbook used in many Philippine schools and you will likely find images of women illustrating verbs such as ‘cook’ or ‘clean the house’, but hardly appearing anywhere much in economics and history textbooks.
- Is the U.S. Going Soft on Israeli, Indian & Pakist ...UNITED NATIONS, Apr 15 (IPS) - When a much-ballyhooed two-day nuclear security summit ended in Washington early this week, there were several lingering questions that remained unanswered - even by the host of the high-powered 47-nation gathering, U.S President Barack Obama.
Scoop - NZ
- Could California go the way of Greece?Another year, another crisis. If we spent last year worried that big banks were going to fail, the fear of the moment is that entire governments may go under. The anxieties about "sovereign debt" have been most acute in Europe, where the infelicitously named PIIGS countries-Portugal, Ireland, Italy, ...
- George Soros issues stark economic warningRailway porter-turned-billionaire financier George Soros has delivered a stark warning that the financial world is on the wrong track and that we may be hurtling towards an even bigger boom and bust than in the credit crisis. The man who "broke" the Bank of England (and who is still able to earn $U ...
- Sexy scientists & the Hadron ColliderOver the last few years, I have definitely noticed a shift in the public's attitude towards science: from viewing it as a useful sideline in society - a valuable pursuit for the boffinous few, that ultimately looks after itself - to a cause worth fighting for, which has the power to change society f ...
- Olympics 2012: A "mangled rollercoaster" ?The ArcelorMittal Orbit tower is supposed to be the symbol of the 2012 Olympics and London's answer to the Eiffel Tower. But despite Mayor Boris Johnson's assurances that it represents the city's "dynamism," not everyone is impressed by the recently unveiled design. "There is simply too much," comme ...
- Chiropractic: Singh wins libel battle for scienceThe science writer Simon Singh has won his court of appeal battle for the right to rely on the defence of fair comment in a libel action. Singh was accused of libel by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) over an opinion piece he wrote in the Guardian in April 2008. He suggested there was a ...
Independent ( London )
- Britons feared killed in Afghanistan suicide blastThe Foreign Office is investigating reports that a number of British nationals were killed in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan.
- Thai protester in dramatic escape to avoid policeThailand's political crisis took a surreal twist today when an anti-government protest leader scaled down a hotel facade with a rope to evade arrest and drove off with two police officers taken hostage by his supporters.
- Poland crash pilot 'not ordered to land'The black box salvaged from the devastating plane crash that killed Poland's president and scores of political and military leaders showed that flying error was the most likely cause of the accident, with no sign that the pilot was put under pressure to land, Russian investigators said yesterday.
- Triple bomb attack kills eight at Burma festivalThree bombs exploded at a water festival in the former Burmese capital Rangoon yesterday, killing eight people and wounding 94, state television said, blaming "destructive elements" for the attacks.
- Russia places freeze on adoptions by AmericansRussia halted all adoptions by US citizens yesterday following a week of anger over the case of a young boy who was sent home alone on a one-way flight to Moscow by his adoptive mother.
Rogue Government.com
- Kazakhstan: U.S., NATO Seek Military Outpost Betw ...
- TIME Magazine Lists Flouride as "Environment ...
- NASA to Launch R2 Humanoid Robot to Join Space St ...
- Library Acquires Entire Twitter Archive Have you ever sent out a “tweet” on the popular Twitter social media service? Congratulations: Your 140 characters or less will now be housed in the Library of Congress.
- Jobless claims rise for second straight week The number of newly laid off people signing up for unemployment benefits rose sharply for the second straight week, suggesting that jobs are still hard to come by even as the economic recovery gains traction.
Innovation Canada
- Hip-hop storytellers
- Trapping an invader(Courtesy of the University of Windsor) The first time she saw a group of male round gobies in their nests, pumping out billows of pheromones to attract females to lay their eggs, Lynda Corkum couldn’t help but think of an old boy’s club. “It reminded me of a bunch of men, sitting in a crowded room ...
- Beefing upWhen a deadly virus spreads through California after being transported from the African rainforest in the 1995 movie Outbreak, most viewers reacted in horror. But not David Asper. He watched with fascination as the main character, an army medical researcher played by Dustin Hoffman, investigated the ...
- The power of autism(Courtesy of Le Devoir) Montréal researchers have uncovered previously unsuspected intellectual potential in many people with autism, a discovery that opens doors to new approaches for education. A new approach to research, which looks at the neural disorder not in terms deficits, but in terms o ...
- Disappearing act(Courtesy of Frontier magazine, University of British Columbia) A commitment to both discovery and education places the Beaty Biodiversity Centre in a unique position to safeguard our natural heritage by bringing together outstanding researchers, exceptional facilities, and the public to better un ...
Signs of the times
- Therapy only furthers sociopath's agendaWhat can we say about the games sociopaths play in psychotherapy? We might start with: Sociopaths don't seek counseling, ever, from a genuine motive to make personal growth. This isn't to say sociopaths don't end up in therapists' offices. They do, either because they've been mandated to attend the ...
- Bee populations decliningNORTH LIBERTY - Bee populations have been in decline for several years, and it's not just a national trend. For Dave Laney, beekeeping is not only a hobby, but a family business. His warehouse in New Liberty is stocked with hundreds of bottles of honey. "Even in these bad economic times, our bus ...
- Dark-skinned immigrants to Canada urged to take vi ...Canadian doctors and nutritionists are urging dark-skinned immigrants coming to Canada to supplement with vitamin D in order to stay healthy. Many Canadian immigrants have relocated from countries with warmer, sunnier climates, and are exposed to far less natural sunshine in Canada than in their nat ...
- Artificial pancreas breakthrough offers solution f ...It's downright amazing: A biomedical engineer at Boston University has developed a so-called "artificial pancreas" that helps diabetics maintain balanced blood sugar levels by monitoring the blood and releasing either insulin or glucagon as needed. Now all those people who eat artificial food adve ...
- Fearful Aceh Islanders Tell of Massive Sea Change ...Banda Aceh - Local residents claim the seabed near Banyak Island in Aceh Singkil district, Aceh, has risen dramatically since the 7.2-magnitude earthquake on April 7. They also say they have seen an undersea fissure spewing out mud and rocks. But experts are not so sure about the supposed geologica ...
The Galloping Beaver
- And now... a REAL economistOne of the best in the world. This Harvard professor could blow little Stevie right out his bathtub. Hat tip Liberal Oasis
- The burning priviledge of St. AlbertJJ and Pale highlighted a letter sent to the St. Albert Gazette earlier this week where Chris and Karleena Perry decried the notion of low or even (gasp!) middle income families being "allowed" to move into an area that is occupied by.... the conspicuously wealthy. That letter contained such gems a ...
- When the Klan won't touch you with a ten foot pole ...You should really submit your hate-peddling, racist, homophobic position to an independent review.
- Transaction costsOnce upon a time Canadian foreign policy, especially in the realm of peace and security, was centred on the United Nations the exercise of [relative] impartiality when dealing with parties in conflict. Canadian governments typically officially sat out of the various post-war ideological and post/ne ...
- Tea Party Troubles . . .CARL PALADINO IS THE TEA PARTY CANDIDATE FOR NY STATE GOVERNOR. According to Zachary Roth, of Talking Points Memo's TPMmuckraker , ol' Carl's got a nasty taste in e-mails. In an article " Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality ", An online news outlet in New York sta ...
Media Matters for America
- Alternate reality: Fox News disputes fact of Obam ...Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli stated on Fox & Friends that "you wouldn't have all these people in the streets across the country, you know, criticizing President Obama because he cut taxes. He indeed has not cut taxes," adding that the Obama administration is "above and beyond what realit ...
- O'Reilly's latest bogus spin: Nobody at Fox pushed ...Responding to criticism from Media Matters about his claim that "[n]obody" on Fox News advanced the false claim that under the health care legislation individuals could go to jail for failing to purchase insurance, Bill O'Reilly claimed that when "jail time" had been "on the table," Fox had rep ...
- Quick Fact: Hannity perpetuates false claim that ...Sean Hannity again repeated the false claim that "50 percent of [households] aren't paying taxes."�In fact, while the Tax Policy Center has estimated that 47 percent of American households pay no federal income taxes, the "vast majority" of these households reportedly pay other federal taxes. ...
- Under fire, "furious" Fox News execs yank Hannit ...Amidst a firestorm of criticism, reportedly "furious" Fox News executives have yanked Sean Hannity from taping his April 15 show at a Cincinnati Tea Party event which charged admission and had "all proceeds" benefiting the organization. As Media Matters for America had reported, Hannity's appe ...
- Despite historically low tax burden, Rove, Fo ...Blaming President Obama's policies, Karl Rove and Fox & Friends �highlighted a Rasmussen poll finding that 66 percent of respondents believe America is "overtaxed." In doing so, Rove and Fox & Friends completely obscured the fact the vast majority of Americans paid lower federal taxes this year ...
Global Research.ca
- Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER": For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- CONFERENCE: World for 9/11 Truth Presents Richard ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Conférence: Michel Chossudovsky, La Guerre et la c ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Israel Evades 'Ambush' at Nuclear SummitFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Dear Readers. We Need Your Support. Donate to Glob ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Ways and Means TestimonyYesterday I testified to the House Ways and Means Committee regarding clean energy finance and tax policy. You can find my testimony here . United States House Committee on Ways and Means - Economic - House Ways & Means Committee - National Budget - Taxation
- VIDEO: AIPAC Staffer Reveals How Lobby Works (In B ...Now it's on video. Top AIPAC staffer tells how AIPAC plans to turn around Berkeley vote on divestment. He says that AIPAC will take over Berkeley's student government to install a pro-Israel student legislature. "This is how AIPAC operates in our nation's capitol. This is how AIPAC must oper ...
- The Republican Strategy on Financial Reform: Make ...Senate Republicans today debuted their new strategy for financial reform: Refuse to cooperate with Democrats on grounds that the Dems are too willing to give Wall Street what it wants. I'm not making this up. In a Senate floor speech Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Republicans couldn't su ...
- Presented By:
- Jordan's King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War Ma ...Congressman Adam Schiff hosted a "Members Only" meeting of the 'Congressional Friends of Jordan Caucus' in the US House of Representatives this morning in the CVC Congressional Meeting Room with Jordan's King Abdullah II. According to one attendee in the session, "the King's message was sobering. ...
- NSA Whistleblower Indicted for Leaking Classified ...A former senior National Security Agency (NSA) official was indicted Thursday on charges he leaked classified information and served as a source for a reporter who wrote a series of critical articles about the agency. read more
- Arizona Passes Restrictive Immigration Bill A bill approved Tuesday by Arizona lawmakers may be one of the most restrictive pieces of state-level immigration enforcement legislation in the country, making it illegal to be in the state without proper documentation and expanding the power of local police officials to enforce immigration law. r ...
- Happy Tax Day: Are Americans Getting Our Money's ...Most Americans seem to regard April 15 - the day income tax returns are due to the Internal Revenue Service - as a recurring tragedy akin to a Biblical plague. Particularly this year, with US government deficits soaring, everyone from the teabaggers to Fox News and Senate Republicans are sounding t ...
- US Foreign Policy: Sixty Years of DisasterOn August 19, 1953, pro-Shah supporters in Iran staged a coup on the Iranian government that was planned, organized and supported by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and British Intelligence. Iranians lived under the brutal rule of Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlavi for the next 25 years ...
- Prison-Based Gerrymandering Creates Phantom VotersAnyone who is in prison on the first of April, 2010, will remain there for the next ten years - according to the US census . When the census counts prison populations, it counts them as residents of the towns in which they are incarcerated, not the communities they left and will most likely return ...
- Second Garbage Patch Confirmed in Atlantic OceanPlanet Earth’s oceans now have a second confirmed garbage patch filled with plastic detritus. The discovery of the first garbage patch is credited to Charles Moore, an ocean researcher who discovered the large patch of plastic floating in the Pacific in 1997. Now the Atlantic can lay claim to a hum ...
- Sustainable Food Lab and SAI Platform Launch Globa ...At least a dozen global food companies collaborate toward practical, cost effective solutions to reduce the climate impact of specific farming systems. I happen to be a fan of the Sustainable Food Lab , which is a group of businesses, NGOs and academic institutions working together to accelerate ...
- Looking at the Wrong Side of the Issue: World Wate ...Due to lack of water in Peru, locals are forced to harvest fog to convert it into a usable resource. The world water shortage is a crisis and we need to look at the right side of the issue. There are many developments taking place around the world that are acts of desperation. The issues often go un ...
- Millions of Endangered Sea Turtles Killed by Fishe ...Sea turtles are getting killed in the millions from large-scale fisheries. See how this happens, potential solutions to the problem, and what you can do below. A new report published in the journal Conservation Letters shows the results of the first global assessment of turtle “bycatch” by longlin ...
- Canadian Devon Island Ice Cap is ShrinkingAccording to almost 50 years of data the Devon Island ice cap in the Canadian High Arctic is thinning and shrinking. A paper published in the March edition of Arctic , the journal of the University of Calgary’s Arctic Institute of North America, reports the substantial loss of mass, ice volume and ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Israel is threatening to shut down water supply to ...A short but worrying news article in the Jerusalem Post prompts me to post something on the groundwa
- Miss USA changes view on the world after visiting ...Kristen Dalton, Miss USA 2009, traveled to Bayaguana, Dominican Republic with Children International
- Dirty water kills more people than violence, says ...Saving half the water lost through leaky pipes and ill-maintained sewage networks could supply 90 mi
- happy birthday to me…It’s that time of year again tomorrow where I take a day off to celebrate the anniversary of being b
- Just a few Faces in FracklandIt is so easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless in this struggle to get the real story about drillin
Public Citizen in Texas
- Citizen Sarah going on hiatusHey folks! Just letting you know that I’m going to be taking a little summer-time breather from Public Citizen. All this advocacy awesomeness is my passion and has been invigorating, but I need to unplug for a little while. Expect to see me again sometime this July! If you’re going to miss me, mis ...
- By Meeting Renewable Energy Goal 15 Years Ahead of ...Statement of Tom “Smitty” Smith, Director, Public Citizen’s Texas Office We are thrilled – but not surprised – that because of a growth spurt in the development of wind energy, Texas has met its renewable energy goal 15 years ahead of schedule. Each time Texas has set a renewable energy goal, the st ...
- Our thoughts are with the victims of West Virginia ...Our hearts are with the victims of the West Virginia mining disaster. Reports now indicate that the explosion claimed the lives of 25 workers, making this the worst mining disaster in 25 years. Huffington Post is pulling together a list of places where you can donate to support the victim’s families ...
- Last Chance to Save with Appliance Rebate ProgramImportant update! The first day you can make a reservation for the Texas Trade Up Appliance Rebate Program has changed from April 5 to April 7, starting at 7 a.m. CT. We know from past experience that reservations for programs like this fill up quickly. If you don’t make a reservation Wednesday, yo ...
- Texas’ New Technology Implementation Grant Applica ...Have you really really been wanting to get a flywheel energy storage (FES) project going, but were short a million or two? The window of opportunity to apply for your share of the $3 million available for the New Technology Implementation Grant (NTIG) Program will be opening soon. Now’s your time ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- DNA swap could eliminate inherited diseasesA pioneering new fertility technique involving DNA being swapped between eggs could elimintate several conditions. The technique could prove to be eff...
- Bear killed by hunter may be a rare hybridA bear killed by an inuit hunter could be a rare example of a cross between a polar and grizzly bear. Only one "pizzly" or "grolar" has ever been conf...
- Obama vows renewed space programPresident Obama has renewed the country's committment to manned space program in a speech on Thursday. "The bottom line is, nobody is more committed t...
- Are black holes gateways to other universes ?A mind-bending new theory suggests that black holes are actually wormholes to alternative universes. The theory also implies that our own universe may...
- Mysterious radio waves detected in nearby galaxyAn unknown object in a nearby galaxy is producing mysterious radio waves that are baffling astrophysicists. The strange signals are unlike those of an...
- True Cost of Cheap FoodpeoplebeforeprofitDSC00464_1.jpg How does cheap food contribute to global hunger?� Tim Wise, a former Grassroots International Executive Director, recently wrote an article in Resurgence magazine explaining the contradictory nature of food an ...
- Haitian Led Reconstruction and DevelopmentSubheadline:� A compilation of recommendation documents from several Haitian civil society and diaspora conferences, organizations and coalitions Haiti_leader.JPG Grassroots Intern ...
- Honoring Land Day in 2010, and Remembering Its Roo ...4420070025_7d496d4fc5_b1.jpg � Sakhnin is a Palestinian village nestled between the mountains of Israel’s Galilee and is known for at least 3,500 years of agrarian tradition. It wasn’t until March 30, 1976, however, that the people of Sakhnin ...
- Water Rights -- What's Wrong?bechtel-water.jpg Frankly,�a lot! read more
- Combating Hunger by Reforesting Haiti� Last August, I stood in Haiti’s Artibonite valley with several peasant organizers and looked out at the mountains leading up to the Central Plateau. The older leaders in the group explained in depth how green the mountains once were, while the younger organizers and I listened in amazement. The tr ...
- April 15, 2010Senate Leader Set to Take Command of Climate Bill (Climatewire) The way the bill is being announced, some senators warn it attempt to circumvent the committee process if the Kerry-Graham-Lieberman proposal moves directly into Reid's office. Could Obama's Supreme Court Pick Kill the Cl ...
- April 14, 2010 Some Republicans Say Open to Climate Bill (Reuters) Some prominent Republican senators expressed openness on Tuesday to a U.S. climate bill that might be introduced next week and that would need bipartisan support to have any chance of advancing. Salazar Unveils Arctic Drilling Research ...
- April 13, 2010 Glacier Breaks in Peru, Causing Tsunami in Andes (Reuters) A glacier broke off and plunged into a lake in Peru, causing a 75-foot tsunami wave that swept away at least three people and destroyed a water processing plant serving 60,000 local residents, officials said on Monday. Reid 'Pus ...
- April 12, 2010Investigators to Look Into Cause of Mine Blast (AP) A team of federal investigators is expected to arrive today in West Virginia as officials try to figure out what caused the blast that killed 29 men in the worst U.S. mining disaster since 1970. Extra UN Climate Talks Agreed after Co ...
- April 10-11, 2010UN Climate Chief Urges Progress as Bonn Talks Enter Final Day (AFP) Another failure in the quest for a treaty on climate change would cripple trust in the United Nations' ability to tackle global warming, the UN's climate pointman warned as new talks ground into their final day Sunday. ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Tea Bag truth: A sad collection of angry, underedu ...No, the health insurance reform isn't perfect. But it is better than what we've had. Late last week, hundreds of ignorant Tea Party morons were as ecstatic as pigs in a Dumpster full of stale doughnuts. Bart Stupak, the Michigan congressman who cast a difficult vote to make health care reform realit ...
- Sedition: Oklahoma Tea Party Leaders Ask State to ...Coming on the heels of the arrests and indictments of the Hutaree militia group in Southern Michigan and given the fact that April 19 is the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing - the day that Tim McVeigh exploded a truckbomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building killing 168 people ...
- The Circus: Fox, MSNBC and CNN all hire Sarah Pali ...Foreclosures are at record levels and the Grapes of Wrath continues under Obama as it did under Bush. The real jobless rate is 17 percent and a whole generation of workers is being left behind while the stock market soars to record highs. American astronauts will soon be paid passengers on Russian s ...
- Free the Troops: The Case for Professionalizing th ...The number of new U.S. Army recruits who are high-school dropouts soared during the Bush years, peaking at 29.3 percent in 2007. The economic collapse made life easier for military recruiters. "Only" 17 percent of soldiers who joined in 2008 failed to graduate from high school. But high unemployment ...
- Teabaggers Protest Government, Taxation, Other Thr ...BOSTON (The Borowitz Report) - At a Tax Day rally held by the Tea Party movement, hundreds of Teabaggers assembled to voice their opposition to government, taxation, and other three-syllable words. Rallying the faithful, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin sought to clarify the mission of the Tea Par ...
Ten Percent
- The Obama Torture RegimeHilary Andersson BBC News, Bagram:- Afghan prisoners are being abused in a “secret jail” at Bagram airbase, according to nine witnesses whose stories the BBC has documented. The abuses are all said to have taken place since US President Barack Obama was elected, promising to end torture. The US mili ...
- Great Moments In Online PollingAn Online YouGov oracle survey today:-
- People Worth Voting For: Salma YaqoobIf we want change, we have to engage. As the great anti-slavery campaigner Fredrick Douglas said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lig ...
- No SignalOddly the Mexican government cutting off 24 million mobile phones has failed to fire the civil liberty neurons of those US liberty lovers who quake with outrage every time Hugo Chávez (or sometimes Morales but they aren’t that well informed so mostly they stick with a name they know- Brand Chávez ...
- On The Bright Side Neither Brown, Cameron & Clegg ...The comparison doesn’t mean much, as is their wont, each country has its own specific conditions, for example the UK prefers to kill defenceless civilians on foreign fields, that way you get to travel to somewhere warmer and serve the establishment’s blood lust. Although must be said New Labour hav ...
Booman Tribune
- Don't Miss the ProgressI've already written about the administration's announcement that they are going to treat walking and biking as equally important transportation options as driving in a car. Today, the administration also announced that gays and lesbians will be able to visit loved ones in hospitals and exert power ...
- Always WrongIt never ends...they're always wrong: WASHINGTON — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a weekend bicyclist, might consider keeping his head down and his helmet on. A backlash is brewing over his new bicycling policy. LaHood says the government is going to give bicycling — and walking, too — the ...
- Doh!!And, as I predicted, McConnell doesn't have the votes to sustain a filibuster of the financial regulatory reforms and he's just punked out. The only way the Party of No strategy can work long-term is if McConnell can maintain absolute party discipline. But since Scott Brown has been seated, health ...
- Stupid Americans Screwing Things Up My good friend Noz and his wife have been attempting to adopt a child for many years now. They've been in Kazakhstan since late last year attempting to get a hearing and satisfy the authorities there that they are suitable parents (which they certainly are, and then some). And, yet, they keep gett ...
- GOP HubrisWe can already see a tangible benefit from Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter's decision to challenge Blanche Lincoln in a Democratic primary. Until Tuesday, the big worry among proponents of derivatives reform was that Blanche Lincoln, the Arkansas Democrat who chairs the Senate Agriculture Committe ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 16 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1951 – Birth of...
- Thursday Open ThreadToday's gossip, all in here......
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 15 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1878 – Birth of...
- Wednesday Open ThreadOpen for use...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 14 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1904 – Sir John...
- More on the Orbit digital short fiction offerIn the wake of yesterday’s announcement that Orbit US will be publishing short genre fiction in a digital format, The Scalzi weighs in with some pertinent questions from the authorial side of the fence: As I don’t know the answers to any of these questions, I’ll refrain from saying anything abou ...
- Content is a public good: the abundance economics ...In the absence of Charlie Stross (who is out in Japan, the fortunate devil), guest posts are appearing on his blog… and today’s is a little something different, namely a 101 guide to the economics of digital media from one Milena Popova: So, to recap, for pure private goods, the market is both a pra ...
- Orbit to take short fiction to the digital marketFrom the press release: Orbit (US) has offered to publish digital editions of all original short fiction written by its authors. The digital editions will be distributed widely through major retail channels, for reading on a variety of devices. Authors will be paid a royalty for each story sold, rat ...
- I’ll trade a Puffin for my as-yet undelivered jetp ...Personal electric aircraft? Yes please! Nice to see NASA aren’t just resting their feet on the desks at the moment, though whether the Puffin concept would ever make it out of R&D (let alone strike anyone as useful or necessary at a consumer level) is a question probably best left unasked. As charm ...
- Kingdom-jumping viruses leap from plant to humanAnother pulp skiffy trope turns out to be (possibly) a little less pulpy: is the pepper mild mottle virus making people sick? Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Kingdom-jumping viruses leap from plant to human Share and Enjoy: Project Wonde ...
Therapy News
- Issues Unique to Fathers of Abused Children Explor ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline When children are subjected to sexual abuse, many people may tend to suspect that the father is involved, but in scores of cases, the acts are carried out by others, and fathers may be left with a collection of intense and confusing emotions. Intent on studying these ...
- I Just Tested HIV Positive! Now What?By John Sovec, LMFT, LGBT Issues (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact John and/or see his GoodTherapy.org Profile One of the scariest moments in any gay man’s life is going in to get an HIV test. It can be motivated by a questionable sexual encounter, ...
- Tools in Internal Family Systems Couples Therapy – ...By Mona Barbera, Ph.D., Internal Family Systems Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Mona and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Internal Family Systems couples therapy aims to help partner bring more Self energy to their conversations and conflicts. One of the main ways that is d ...
- Weekend WarriorsBy Kelly Chicas, LPCC, NCC, CRS, Relationships & Marriage Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Kelly and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile As a psychotherapist that specializes in couples and relationships, my phone rings incessantly on Fridays and Mondays. Frantic men and women call to m ...
- Body Image Issues Detected in Healthy WomenA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Among women who experience concerns and fears over their body image, both outward and underlying signs of the negativity or preoccupation may be especially visible to professionals. But such signs may also be present in women who otherwise present a healthy body image ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Surface mine rules to change - Daily Mail - Charle ...Surface mine rules to change Daily Mail - Charleston The federal agency that regulates surface mining is preparing long-awaited rules that could affect mountaintop removal practices across Appalachia. ... OSM looking for 'holistic approach' to stream rule Charleston Gazette all 2 news articles�� ...
- Activist Larry Gibson visits Boone for Earth Day - ...Activist Larry Gibson visits Boone for Earth Day Boone Mountain Times Larry Gibson has gained national attention for his efforts to stop mountaintop removal in the Appalachian Mountains, and he will speak at ...
- Activists Against PVC and Mountaintop Removal Spea ...NYC Independent Media Center Activists Against PVC and Mountaintop Removal Speak at NYU Environmental Forum NYC Independent Media Center Details at http://snipurl.com/loispratt Dea Goblirsch and Jeff Friederich of Climate Ground Zero addressed address efforts to end mountaintop removal in ... ...
- EARNINGS PREVIEW:US Coal Cos. Face Challenges In F ...EARNINGS PREVIEW:US Coal Cos. Face Challenges In First Quarter Wall Street Journal ... restrictions on mountaintop-removal mining and stricter air-quality rules at a time when anger over the recent explosion at a Massey Energy Co. ... and more��
- The Massey mine disaster isn't just tragic, it's c ...Reuters The Massey mine disaster isn't just tragic, it's criminal OregonLive.com Another cause may be the mine's proximity to Massey mountaintop removal operations. Mountaintop removal involves the massive blasting away of mountaintops, ... Despite Disaster, Mine Owner Gets Mixed Reviews WBUR Micha ...
- Former Sen. Mack withdraws as Crist campaign chair ...Brent Kallestad / MiamiHerald.com : Former Sen. Mack withdraws as Crist campaign chair — TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gov. Charlie Crist's political mentor, former U.S. Sen. Connie Mack, resigned Thursday as Crist's campaign chairman in his race for the U.S. Senate. — Mack wrote a terse, two-paragraph ...
- C.I.A. Document Details Destruction of Tapes (Mark ...Mark Mazzetti / New York Times : C.I.A. Document Details Destruction of Tapes — WASHINGTON — Porter J. Goss, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, in 2005 approved of the decision by one of his top aides to destroy dozens of videotapes documenting the brutal interrogation of tw ...
- Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger W ...Victor Zapanta / Think Progress : Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack — In February, a software engineer named Joseph Stack flew a small aircraft into an IRS building in Texas, killing two people and leaving another two hospitalized.
- Did Glenn Beck just post a new ratings low for 201 ...Eric Boehlert / Media Matters for America : Did Glenn Beck just post a new ratings low for 2010? — It sure looks that way, as Beck's ratings continue to sag. — Bottom line: Over the last nine months, Beck gained and then lost nearly one million viewers. Trust me, in the world of cable news, t ...
- Fox News yanks Sean Hannity from Cincinnati Tea Pa ...Matea Gold / Show Tracker : Fox News yanks Sean Hannity from Cincinnati Tea Party rally he was set to star in — Angry Fox News executives ordered host Sean Hannity to abandon plans to broadcast his nightly show as part of a Tea Party rally in Cincinnati on Thursday after top executives learned ...
Energy & Environment News
- Australian Miner to Hold Talks Over $3.8 Billion O ...Macarthur Coal, which has been the object of an intensifying takeover battle, has until now rejected rival offers.
- Toxic Waters: Saving U.S. Water and Sewer Systems ...Ruptures in aging water systems cause pollutants to seep into water supplies, but in many cities residents have protested rate increases to fix pipes.
- BAN to Certify and Audit E-Waste RecyclingThe system would effectively ban recyclers from exporting toxic, nonfunctional discarded electronic devices to developing nations.
- U.S. Tightens Rules for Energy Star LabelUnder new rules, effective immediately, the approval process for appliances will no longer be automated and a staff member will review each application.
- Army Corps of Engineers Said to Err on Flooding Ri ...An attempt by the corps to correct old data may have led to underestimates of the current risk of flooding, scientists argue.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Solomon IslandsFriday, April 16, 2010 08:58:06 UTC Friday, April 16, 2010 07:58:06 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.1, Santa Cruz IslandsFriday, April 16, 2010 03:01:25 UTC Friday, April 16, 2010 02:01:25 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.0, Guerrero, MexicoWednesday, April 14, 2010 05:16:16 UTC Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:16:16 AM at epicenter Depth : 71.80 km (44.61 mi)
- M 6.3, SpainSunday, April 11, 2010 22:08:11 UTC Monday, April 12, 2010 12:08:11 AM at epicenter Depth : 619.70 km (385.06 mi)
- M 5.3, Ryukyu Islands, JapanSunday, April 11, 2010 13:02:14 UTC Sunday, April 11, 2010 10:02:14 PM at epicenter Depth : 44.20 km (27.46 mi)
China Dialogue
- End of the hinterlandThe status of forests in climate politics changed radically in 2009, bringing opportunity and peril in equal measure, says the Rights and Resources Initiative. Forests have long been a hinterland: remote, “backward” areas largely controlled by external, often urban, actors and seen to be of little u ...
- The disillusion of youthPolitical wrangling at Copenhagen forced a group of young Chinese and American delegates to ditch plans for a unified front. Meng Si explains what happened. On December 19 last year, the controversial Copenhagen Accord was agreed. On the same day, following a heated debate, a group of young Chinese ...
- Feeling the heat in AustraliaThe defeat of climate-change legislation has dealt a blow to the green credentials of the world’s driest inhabited continent. Erwin Jackson examines the nation’s prospects for building a low-carbon economy. Recent news of an Australian firm’s US$60 billion (410 billion yuan) deal to supply coal to C ...
- Living vistasFranceso Bandarin is director of UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre. In an interview with Jared Green, he discusses the concept of “cultural landscapes” and managing preservation in a changing world. Jared Green: There are only 63 “cultural landscapes” listed in the world, less than 10% of the total Wor ...
- Secure investment strategies (2)Far from serving China’s interests, protectionism in the water sector is stifling innovation. In the conclusion of a two-part article, Hu Yusha says it’s time to let more foreigners in. Politically ambitious regulations in China have created wastewater-discharge standards that are comparable to thos ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Who Are the Hutaree Militia, And Why Do They Want ...Christian Soldiers of the Apocalypse have been running around the woods of Michigan planning attacks on federal law enforcement in their war against the Antichrist.
- They're Trying to Call HIV-Positive People Bioterr ...HIV-positive Daniel Allen was charged with 'possession or use of a harmful biological device' after biting his neighbor during a neighborhood fight.
- How Bubble Barons Protected Their Influence While ...AlterNet citizen journalists investigated bubble barons who got rich as the rest of the economy tanked. The project shed light on the barons' power delusions and toll on society.
- Do Men Have a Sexual Advantage in the Post-Viagra ...According to a new study, older men say they have great sex lives; older women, not so much. But those results may not be all they're cracked up to be.
- 8 Invented Diseases Big Pharma Is Banking onSleep sweating? Here are some new ways the pharmaceutical plans to make money.
Threat Level
- Final Conspirator in Credit Card Hacking Ring Gets ...Damon Patrick Toey, the “trusted subordinate” of TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez, was sentenced in Boston on Thursday to 5 years in prison. He also received a $100,000 fine and three years’ supervised release, according to the Justice Department. Toey, 25, helped Gonzalez breach the networks of numerous ...
- Cyberwar Commander Survives Senate HearingPresident Obama’s pick to be the 4-star general at the head of the military’s new computer security and cyberwar command sailed through a Senate confirmation hearing Thursday, while revealing virtually nothing about he plans for the new command. Lieutenant General Keith Alexander has run the Nationa ...
- NSA Official Faces Prison for Leaking to NewspaperA former senior National Security Agency official was slammed with a 10-count indictment Thursday after allegedly leaking top secret information to a reporter at a national newspaper. Thomas Andrews Drake, 52, was a high-ranking NSA employee with access to signals intelligence documents when he rep ...
- Yahoo, Feds Battle Over E-Mail PrivacyYahoo and federal prosecutors in Colorado are embroiled in a privacy battle that’s testing whether the Constitution’s warrant requirements apply to Americans’ e-mail. The  legal dust-up, unsealed late Tuesday, concerns a 1986 law that already allows the government to obtain a suspect’s e-mail from ...
- Prosecutors Seek 6-Year Sentence for TJX Hacker’s ...If TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez had gone to trial instead of pleading out, one man would have been the primary witness against him — accomplice Damon Patrick Toey. Toey, identified often in court documents simply as “PT,” provided information that investigators say likely helped persuade Gonzalez to p ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Thai "red shirts" gather after botched arrestsBANGKOK (Reuters) - Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters gathered at a central Bangkok site on Friday after police botched an attempt to arrest three of their leaders as the authorities vowed to crack down on "terrorists."
- Volcanic ash turns northern Europe into no-fly zon ...LONDON (Reuters) - A huge ash cloud from an Icelandic volcano caused air travel chaos across Europe and beyond on Friday, leaving hundreds of thousands of passengers stranded.
- Health insurers shifting costs ahead of law: repor ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of the largest U.S. health insurers are changing their accounting practices to book administration costs as medical costs in an attempt to circumvent new industry reforms, according to a U.S. Senate panel's report released on Thursday.
- Quake sees Tibetan Buddhist monks assert rolesYUSHU, China (Reuters) - The earthquake that devastated northwest China's Yushu has unleashed a quiet contest for influence between the government and Tibetan Buddhist monks who say they speak for the people of this arid mountain region.
- Icelandic volcano eruption intensifiesREYKJAVIK (Reuters) - A volcanic eruption in Iceland, which has thrown up a 6-km (3.7 mile) high plume of ash and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, has grown more intense, an expert said on Thursday.
Equality Trust
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inequality: a threat to social cohesionAs Edmund Conway comments in today's Daily Telegraph : "It is not merely, as Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point out in their book The Spirit Level, that this damages health and encourages crime; in times of austerity, inequality can tear apart the social fabric."
- Labour is running up a down escalator to tackle in ...Tackling society's inequalities is what Labour governments are supposed to be about, and this one has quietly redistributed billions worth of tax since 1997, much of it paid by those fatcat bankers, to alleviate the plight of the poorest. How much has it got to show for it? Read Michael White's ...
- The five-star lifestyle: "horrible, soulless and w ...Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy. Read more here...
- Lynda Gratton: The business case for greater incom ...Read Lynda Gratton in the Financial Times [Wilkinson and Pickett's] argument is that societies which are very unequal have all sorts of problems, and I have a feeling that the same is true for companies,” she says. “I think one has to be very careful about what you pay people ... We’ve put far t ...
- Earth Day and Climate CrisisWhat can you do for Earth Day?Earth Day was established 40 years ago as a day to take action in support of our environment. Unfortunately things have become a lot worse since 1970 the ...
- Google Faces Fallout as China Reacts to Site ShiftBy MIGUEL HELFT and MICHAEL WINES Google pushed. Now China is pushing back. The company’s problems in China escalated on Tuesday as its ties to some Chinese partners began to come apart and the government reacted angrily ...
- Rocks and bulletsBy RICHARD DAVIS | Brattleboro Reformer Wednesday March 31, 2010 When did this country lose its political moral compass? Maybe that is an oxymoron and it is too much to expect that political discourse should be civil ...
Marler Blog
- KCTS 9 Series April 16, 2010 Lead Story - How Safe ...� � This is a great program from the epicenter of the 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak. �This will air tomorrow night 7:30 PM on KCTS Channel 9. �Here is the show: �The above will air Friday night at 7:30 PM on KCTS 9 - Seattle's Public Television Station. �Do not miss it.
- Is E. coli O157:H7 really down since 2004, or is i ...Where is George Bush when you really need him? I was pleasantly surprised this morning reading the 2009 CDC FoodNet data from MMWR (Yes, Morbidity, Mortality Weekly Review – Seriously) on the plane back from Washington D.C - perhaps. Along with the FDA, FSIS, and 10 state health departments, the C ...
- CDC Preliminary FoodNet Data on the Incidence of I ...The Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet) of CDC's Emerging Infections Program conducts active, population-based surveillance in 10 U.S. states for all laboratory-confirmed infections with select enteric pathogens transmitted commonly through food. This report describes preliminar ...
- Real Raw Milk Facts dot comIn 2009, two important public health sessions sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association and the International Association for Food Protection were held to discuss emerging issues surrounding the increasing popularity of raw (unpasteurized, unprocessed milk). This website was inspired ...
- NSF announces 2010 Food Safety Leadership Award wi ...NSF International, a global leader in food safety solutions, has announced the recipients of the 2010 Food Safety Leadership Awards. The winners will receive their awards at the 2010 Food Safety Summit in Washington, D.C. (Award ceremony is 9:45 a.m. EST, Wednesday, April 14th in Washington D.C. Con ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.15.10Aptera 2e moves forward, eyes set on X Prize Silence is broken. SAE 2010: General Motors investigating battery electric urban commuter for 2015 and beyond Megacities need love, too. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.14.10Quick Spin: 2010 Plug-in Prius prototype is just like your mother's Prius, but better The first wave is here. Fun fact about the UC Irvine hydrogen fueling station: 15 cars a day is too many ...
- Quick Spin: 2010 Plug-in Prius prototype is just l ...Filed under: Hybrid , Hatchback , Toyota , Electric , Quick Spin 2010 Plug-in Prius Prototypes - Click above for high-res image gallery It's been two-and-a-half years since we last got behind the wheel of a plug-in Toyota Prius . The name is the same, but today's plug-in Prius is a totally differe ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.13.10At Witz' End - BMW's "One-Day University" says EfficientDynamics means having it all While a lot of folks probably buy BMWs more for image than driving dynamics, the company is ready with the green tech. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.12.10Amtrak could set ridership record in 2010 Up 4.3 percent so far. Better Place will test first ever commercial battery swap later this month Here goes nothing... ...
Rafe's Radar
- Real-world iPad annoyances: A timelineA dozen days of use and the nits and niggles come out.
- Top sites for saving money on techA little research makes a big difference in how much you spend. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- CNET Showcase on 3D: Videos and wrap-upAt our first CNET Showcase event, local readers learn about 3D and see the latest hardware for themselves. Originally posted at CNET Showcase ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: The Web meets the TV (podca ...Today's show: Internet meets your TV. Or, the elusive set-top Internet box. We're going to talk about how the Web is coming to television, both for video programming and other content. Because, really, we all want to surf Facebook on our TVs, don't we? No? How about Hulu? Our guests for this ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Google vs. Apple (podcast)Today's topic: Google vs. Apple. Or, "It all started out so well." When Google and Apple first started to get to know each other, it looked like a match made in heaven: Apple had Macs and Macbooks running its own operating system and browser, and it wanted to provide non-Microsoft apps and ser ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Massey Disaster Not Just Tragic, but CriminalMassey Energy runs the Upper Big Branch (UBB) mine in Montcoal, W.Va., where 29 miners were killed last week. The loss of life is tragic, but the UBB explosion is more than tragic; it is criminal. When corporations are guilty of crimes, however, they don’t go to prison, they don’t forfeit their fre ...
- Poet and Author Alice Walker Speaking in GazaFollowing the Israeli siege, Alice Walker visited Gaza in March 2009 along with a 60-member international delegation led by Code Pink. Walking among the ruins, she spoke to Democracy Now! producer Anjali Kamat.
- Democracy Now! Evening with Alice Walker on Tuesda ...Date: April 13, 2010 Time: 5:00 pm Location: 207 West 25th Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10001 Tickets: $1,000/person Click here to purchase your tickets today. Support Democracy Now! as we launch our new green TV/radio/internet broadcast studios with Alice Walker! Be one ...
- COMING UP: Once-Banned Muslim Scholar Tariq Ramada ...Scholar Tariq Ramadan was banned from the United States for six years. He’s just been allowed back in and arrived in New York on Wednesday night. Tune in to Democracy Now! Friday for an extended interview with Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at the University of Oxford in t ...
- Part II...The Dangers and Difficulties of Reportin ...We speak with two journalists who have covered Gaza extensively about the dangers and difficulties of reporting from the Occupied Territories. Mohammed Omer, an award-winning Palestinian journalist was interrogated and beaten by armed Israeli security guards on his way back home to Gaza after recei ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
Digg Green
- How Volcanic Ash Can Kill An AirplaneAs volcanic ash spreads from an eruption under a glacier in the Eyjafjallajokull region of Iceland, the British have taken the drastic step of locking down the country's airspace. Here's why.
- Aptera Unveils 200-MPG Pre-Production 2eGetting a new vehicle startup off the ground is tough, and even tougher when you're trying to build all-electric, three-wheeled, futuristic bubble cars.
- 9 Worst Coal Mine Catastrophes in World History (P ...As we were tragically reminded last week with the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster that claimed 29 lives in West Virginia, coal mining is a dangerous and dirty business for both people and the planet. As we continue our reliance on coal for energy, we think it's important to highlight the human costs ...
- 15-Cent Gas Tax Could Become Part of Senate's 'Cli ...Senators are considering a new tax on gasoline as part of an effort to win Republican and oil industry support for the energy and climate bill now idling in Congress. The tax, which would be in the range of 15 cents a gallon, was conceived with the input of several oil companies and is being champio ...
- 10 Animals That Are Bad For The EnvironmentJust like humans, animals can respond to imbalance with extreme behavior that can be harmful to the environment. Here are 10 animals that can be bad for the Earth when nature's balance gets disrupted.
Invisible Opportunity
- Beware the Schadenfreude my SonBy Les Visible I note a great deal of glee in certain circles about the pedophile scandals and the general exposure of immoral behavior in those entrusted with serving humanity in all of the faiths. I haven’t seen any Buddhists tagged yet but I’ve seen multiples from all of the rest. The atheists ar ...
- Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxyby Stephen Battersby, Glasgow Yet it does seem to be moving – and fast: its apparent sideways velocity is four times the speed of light. Such apparent “superluminal” motion has been seen before in high-speed jets of material squirted out by some black holes. The stuff in these jets ...
- Brilliantly Exposing ClimategateBy Alan Caruba Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Over the years, I have read dozens of books by eminent scientists, climatologists and meteorologists, that exposed the lies that support the greatest fraud ever perpetrated in the modern era, “global warming.” I have always wanted to read one that an ...
- GERMANY IS GUILTYBy John Demjanjuk DECLARATION of the accused to the criticism of the court and the prosecution of his behaviour during the trial: I am personally thankful to the people, who are helping me in my hopeless position as a very ill person, be it in prison or be it here in the courtroom. Therefore, I esp ...
- DESMOND TUTU: DIVESTING IS THE RIGHT THING TO DOSent from Emily Schaeffer, human rights lawyer in Israel/Palestine, who asked Archbishop Tutu to write the letter. It was with great joy that I learned of your recent 16-4 vote in support of divesting your university’s money from companies that enable and profit from the injustice of the Israeli occ ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- How Los Angeles Became the "Wild West" o ...How Los Angeles became the medical marijuana capital of America thanks to a combination of entrepreneurial energy and benign political neglect.
- Don't Just Smoke a Joint on 4/20 -- Take Action Ag ...Stand up today with other Americans and get the word out there. This war will end; how soon depends, in part, on you.
- How Stanislav Grof Helped Launch the Dawn of a New ...The world of medicine may finally be ready to catch back up with psychedelic pioneers, whose work was rejected a half-century ago.
- The True Inside Story of the Catastrophic Mexican ...Why Ciudad Juárez has a murder rate nearly four times higher than Baghdad's.
- How Marijuana Could Save California AgricultureWhile a legalized marijuana crop wouldn’t solve all of California’s agricultural woes, it might still keep the state in the green.
Twilight Earth
- Earth Day 2010 is Almost Upon Us – 7 Ways to Get I ...April 22 marks the 40th anniversary of the modern environmental movement, Earth Day. Related posts: Happy 40th- Earth Day! Earth Day 2010 – History and Events International World Water Day 2010- March 22nd First Day of Spring – 2010 (Photo Essay)
- Investors and Politicians Call For Coal Giant Don ...Calls for the resignation Don Blankenship, the CEO of Massey Energy have started. Massey energy is the company that recently had 29 employees die in what is the worst Coal mining catastrophe since the 1970's. Related posts: Explosion at West Virginia Massey Coal Mine Kills 25 Miners – Our Mes ...
- Eco Child Website Spotlight – Eco Childs PlayEco Child’s Play is a blog devoted to informing and discussing “Green Parenting for Non-toxic, Healthy Homes." Related posts: Natural Parenting Website Spotlight – Natural Papa Going Green Has Never Been So Fun! – Play Outdoors Simple Earth Media Website and Social Media Information
- The Great Potomac River Watershed Cleanup 2010Pulling trash from a river, creek or wetland. There is no better way to spend a Saturday. Related posts: Photo Sunday – Great Falls National Park Kayaking Pics of the Potomac Rivers – Pohick Bay Shell Wants to Divert Yampa River Water for Oil Shale Development
- Explosion at West Virginia Massey Coal Mine Kills ...A huge explosion ripped through a West Virginia coal mine operated by Massey Energy Co. and headed by Don Blankenship, killing 25 miners. Related posts: Coal’s Health Costs In Appalachia Outweigh Economic Benefits Massey Energy is Blasting on Coal River Mountain, Endangering Local Lives -Vid ...
- Salone Satellite 2010: Young Designers Go Green(...)Read the rest of Salone Satellite 2010: Young Designers Go Green (571 words) (...)Read the rest of Salone Satellite 2010: Young Designers Go Green (571 words) � Rachel Grace for Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World, 2010. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: ...
- Well Tech Awards Showcase Green Innovation at Mila ...(...)Read the rest of Well Tech Awards Showcase Green Innovation at Milan Design Week (306 words) � Jorge Diego Etienne for Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World, 2010. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: I Saloni, Milan Design Fair, Milan Design Week, Milan Sal ...
- Inhabitat Reports From the Fortune Brainstorm Gree ...Some of the greatest minds in green business recently convened in sunny southern California for Fortune’s Annual Brainstorm Green Conference. Inhabitat was on the scene to catch compelling talks by an incredible list of speakers including movers and shakers in the top Fortune companies as well as s ...
- Stanford Scientists Harvest Electricity From Algae ...Scientists at Stanford have just discovered the greenest source of energy yet — harvesting electricity directly from plants! They’ve successfully collected energy from photosynthetic processes in algae by tapping straight into currents of electrons generated at the cellular level. We know that cars ...
- Prefabricated Chicken Coop Generates its Own PowerIf humans can have off-grid, prefabricated structures, who says livestock shouldn’t get the same eco-treatment. A recent competition held by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development asked for an upgrade to inefficient and polluting family-run chicken coops in Galilee and the winning ...
Pogue's Posts
- A Paler Shade of White for Passport PhotosWho's right when it comes to passport photos? A government Web site or a government bureaucrat? Need you ask?
- Philips Changes Policy on Fitness MonitorWith the DirectLife fitness monitor, you lose access to your custom Web sitesite should you end your subscription. The company is making some amends.
- Four Music-Sharing Tricks on Windows 7There are plenty of interesting or useful features on Windows 7, but the one that surprised me most was the music-sharing feature of Windows Media Player 12. Here's how to get the most out of it.
- Apple iPad FAQ'sI answer the most frequently asked questions I've received about the iPad.
- Why the Line2 App is Up and DownAn explanation of the ups and downs of Line2, the popular iPhone calling app.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Oldest Martian Meteorite Not as Old as ThoughtThe Allan Hills meteorite, named for the site where it was found in Antarctica, was once thought to contain fossil traces of life. That idea has been mostly dismissed, and now the rock also appears to be not quite as old as previously thought. The oldest known Martian meteorite isn’t so old after ...
- Networked Networks Are Prone to Epic FailureNetworks that are resilient on their own become fragile and prone to catastrophic failure when connected, suggests a new study with troubling implications for tightly linked modern infrastructures. Electrical grids, water supplies, computer networks, roads, hospitals, financial systems — all are ...
- Icelandic Volcano’s Ash Plume as Seen From SpaceA NASA satellite captured an image of the ash plume from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano’s Wednesday eruption. We can see the ash plume from the event sweeping east just north of the United Kingdom en route to Norway. The plume has disrupted air travel in western Europe, The New York Times reports, be ...
- Why NASA Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Li ...A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. The Robonaut 2, which was co-developed by NASA with General Motors, will serve as an assistant to the humans on board the International Space Station, using the same tools ...
- The T. Rex of Leeches Found in Amazon Swimmers’ No ...A toothsome leech found in the noses of Peruvian swimmers has called attention to an unrecognized and gruesome branch on the tree of life. Dubbed Tyrannobdella rex, “tyrant leech king,” the pinkie-finger-sized bloodsucker has a single jaw, with teeth five times longer than those found in any other ...
The Progressive Realist
- Protecting People by Not Taking Actions That Lead ...My latest TAP column expands on the themes from yesterday’s blog post , noting that for all the talk of “counterinsurgency”-oriented warfare putting more emphasis on avoiding civilian casualties, there are still an awful lot of civilians getting killed under COIN doctrine. Spencer Ackerman responds ...
- Africa: Partner or Problem?Had there been more time, I would have been interested in pursuing some of the tantalizing statements about Nigeria's foreign policy that Acting President Goodluck Jonathan made in his remarks launching the Atlantic Council's Michael S. Ansari Africa Center yesterday. The chief executive — who wa ...
- Off-the-Radar News Roundup- China raised the down payment requirement for purchases of second homes, from 40 percent to 50 percent of the property value, in an effort to rein in its boiling-hot housing market. - Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama returned home from Washington "empty-handed," with "confidence among Washing ...
- 3 in 5 Israelis Support Settlement Dismantlement f ...I regularly watch the very good work the Steve Kull and his team do at the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland -- and just a few moments ago I got an attention-grabbing email from his team on Israeli political attitudes. Kull has done some excellent work lately pr ...
- Pondering Universal Jurisdiction: Did Spanish Judg ...It was announced last week that Judge Bathazar Garzon will be investigated for over stepping his authority for knowingly taking on a case that was outside of his jurisdiction . Garzon is, of course, famous for indicting Chile’s General Pinochet for crimes against humanity in the 1990s which lead ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: All Tomorrow's Tea Parties.National Review's Rich Lowry seems awfully smug about an NYT poll in which 52 percent of respondents fear that Obama is leading the country toward socialism and 10 percent don't know or didn't answer. In other words, 38 percent of those polled actually understand what socialism means. Way to go, g ...
- The Moral Behind Arizona's Draconian Immigration B ...Most of the reaction to Arizona's passage of a draconian immigration bill -- one that is almost identical to the 2006 bill that set off mass immigration-rights protests across the country -- has focused on whether it will lead to racial profiling. SB 1070, which was approved by the state Legislature ...
- Shutting Down NYC's "Rubber Room."New York City has reached an agreement to stop paying teachers who are sitting in a "rubber room" doing no work while they contest their firing. The city will also require principals and administrators to file charges against teachers within certain time frames, and pledges to speed up the hearing p ...
- The Little Video: Your Tax Dollars at Work.It's Tax Day, and the Tea Partiers are out in full force . Instead of showing you crazy signs and tricornered hats, here's the tax-supported PS22 Chorus singing "This Must Be the Place" by the Talking Heads. Socialism, everybody!�
- Who's Hit Hardest by Layoffs in Newsrooms?Via the Nation Institute, a new study shows that minority employees of newspapers have been disproportionately hit by the drastic layoffs in that industry, according to the American Society of Newspapers and Editors. About 800 lost their jobs last year, which brings their representation in newsrooms ...
Andy Worthington
- Please Sign The World Can’t Wait’s Statement Oppos ...The following statement, prepared by campaigning group The World Can’t Wait, responds to a barrage of terrible news lately — including the endorsement of the assassination of Americans anywhere in the world and the Wikileaks revelation that US troops fired on an unarmed party of Iraqis in 2007, in ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses the Guantánamo Habeas R ...On Tuesday I was delighted to be invited to speak once more with progressive radio host Jeff Farias. The show is available here, and the half-hour interview starts 24 minutes in. Jeff had read my recent article, “Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: The Torture Victim and the Taliban Recruit” (originally p ...
- 800 blog posts – and thanks to all my supporters i ...Please support my work! I recently passed another milestone as an independent journalist working mainly in the new media (and the very old media of writing books). My 800th blog post since I began writing about Guantánamo and related issues as a journalist nearly three years ago (following th ...
- Col. Morris Davis Defends the Rule of Law, Calls f ...Yesterday, I was delighted to receive an email from Morris Davis, the retired Air Force colonel and former chief prosecutor for the Military Commissions at Guantánamo Bay, who asked if I had a contact at the Huffington Post for an op-ed he had just written defending the importance of the rule of la ...
- Lawrence Wilkerson Demolishes Bush, Cheney and Rum ...Those of us who have been studying the recent career of Col. Lawrence Wilkerson were not surprised when, last week, he submitted a declaration (PDF) in a lawsuit seeking compensation from the US government that was filed by former Guantánamo prisoner Adel Hassan Hamad. A Sudanese hospital worker, Ha ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Iceland Volcano Makes 27-Story "Mountain"After weeks of fiery fountains, an Icelandic volcano has apparently quieted down—leaving behind a new, 270-foot cone, experts say.
- Lions, Hyena Killed With Poisoned MeatA bloody bucket streaked with purple stains suggests Kenyan herders killed the animals with a controversial pesticide, experts say.
- Deepest Volcanic Sea Vents Found; "Like Another Wo ..."It was like wandering across another world," said a researcher of witnessing the hydrothermal "smokers," which may hold unknown creatures.
- Plenty of Gas, But No Simple Solution for U.S. Ene ...Innovation has sparked a boom in production of this low-carbon fuel. Taking advantage of its benefits is another matter.
- Earthquake Baptism Saves Chile FamilyA christening celebration saved a Chilean extended family from the devastation of the February 27 Chile earthquake. Video.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Support The Troops - Pay Your TaxesConnecticut Man1 It is the tax deadline and this stuff is pretty self explanatory. You pay taxes and they get beans, bullets and valuable training that might just save their lives. When you want tax cut after tax cut? The active duty soldiers serving overseas, in training here or elsewhere and the ...
- Tea Party Credo: "If you can't reform your image, ...Last week I posted on one of the Tea Party leaders and a "Man of Faith", Dale Robertson, who has some serious messaging issues to deal with, as you can see here: It appears that Robertson has decided to reform his image in the only way he knows how: When you're a Tea Party activist and you've bee ...
- Welcome Back To The New and Improved New Milford B ...This is just a switch over to the new Blogger In Draft Templates ... But I plan on overhauling the place more, installing some better vats, dusting off the mugs and shot glasses. Be careful as you wander around and try not to knock over the cases of empties over on the side bar because recycling bro ...
- Eric Cantor: "Dem Thugs Did This To Me!"From Jed Lewison : It's clear from the Richmond police statement that Cantor's office was not directly targeted. Rather, an office that he has used in the past (but not his main campaign office) was randomly struck by a bullet that had been fired into the sky. I'm not minimizing the dangers of ran ...
- The view from here...Pretty sure you can guess where I am. Hope you had a nice green beer kind of weekend. :)
SPL Center
- After Call to Arms, Nativist Extremist Leader Call ...A major nativist group known for its armed border patrols is disbanding. In a Monday E-mail to supporters, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps President Carmen Mercer said the MCDC will no longer exist as an organization, though she encouraged supporters to continue its work independently. “I predict Am ...
- Paleocon Starts New Extreme-Right MagazineHard to believe there’s a need for yet another far-right magazine or conference, but now there are both. Richard Spencer, who was editor at “Taki’s Magazine,” an online paleoconservative magazine, is now executive editor of a new online magazine called “Alternative Right.” He calls this venture “an ...
- Second Hal Turner Trial Ends in MistrialThe federal trial of hate blogger Hal Turner ended in a mistrial late this afternoon — for the second time. After deliberating for three days in Brooklyn’s U.S. District Court, jurors decided they would not be able to reach a verdict, according to The Associated Press . Judge Donald Walter declared ...
- April 19: A ScheduleApril 19 is the most significant date on the antigovernment “Patriot†movement’s calendar. It marks the day that the first shots were fired against the British in 1775 at Lexington and Concord, but it’s also the anniversary of the end of the 1993 FBI siege at Waco, Texas, as well as the 1995 ...
- He’s Back: Robert Stacy McCain and the Washington ...Robert Stacy McCain, a former key Washington Times editor who has suggested that “perfectly rational people” react with “altogether natural revulsion” to interracial marriage, apparently has returned as a free-lancer to the newspaper he left in January 2008. In a “Special to The Washington Times†...
change: org.
- Five Major Shifts In Social Change MediaThe centrality of social media in the Skoll Forum conversation has increased dramatically in the past year. What was, as recently as last year, a fringe panel discussion that was filled with questions of "how can I use this Facebook thing?" has become a full-blown conversation about the internet as ...
- Ending Poverty to End ConflictAs I wrote yesterday , there is a clear if subtle shift in the emphasis of the Skoll Forum this year. More and more of the content here is pushing social entrepreneurs to reexamine their roles in the context of big epochal challenges. One of the most interesting examples is the subset of organizatio ...
- Carriage Horse Industry Keeps the Reins in NYCThe New York City Council was considering three bills concerning the future of carriage horses this week: 1) ban the industry, providing for humane disposition of the horses; 2) replace the industry with hybrid classic cars; or 3) support the industry with raises for the drivers. If you guessed that ...
- The Tea Party's War on the PoorA new poll from the New York Times takes us inside the minds of Tea Party members. Scared? The poll has lots of red meat for Tea Party opponents — 84 percent of members think the Tea Party represents the views of most Americans; 30 percent still think Barack Obama was not born in the United States; ...
- Natural Gas Suddenly En Vogue: What About Renewabl ...It's been a pretty rough week for traditional energy titans here in the U.S. The coal debacle is well known. After the tragic West Virginia coal mine collapse earlier this month that killed dozens, coal executives were invited to speak before Congress this Wednesday to answer questions on topics ran ...
Common Dreams -News
- Medvedev Fears 'Kyrgyz Civil War' The Russian president has warned that neighbouring Kyrgyzstan is "on the brink of civil war" after the president was forced to flee the capital, Bishkek, in the aftermath of violent protests. Dmitry Medvedev's remarks in Wahington late on Tuesday came as the self-declared interim goverment threaten ...
- Indiana Connections to Drone Warfare Technology by Fran Quigley The no-frills YouTube video looks like it could be the chronicling of an ambitious science fair project. Inside a spare Indiana warehouse, a young man launches a thin two and a half foot black cylinder into the air, where its propeller ...
- Yemen Refuses to Go Along with US Extrajudicial Ki ...by Charles Fromm WASHINGTON - Last weekend, authorities in Yemen said they would not participate in the extrajudicial killing of U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was recently targeted by military and intelligence agencies in Washington. "Anwar al-Awlaki has always been looked at as a preacher ...
- Only 'Global Democracy' Can Prevent 'Climate Trage ...by John Vidal In what is becoming the hippest environment meeting of the year, presidents, politicians, intellectuals, scientists and Hollywood stars will join more than 15,000 indigenous people and thousands of grass roots groups from more than 100 countries to debate climate change in one of the w ...
- Climate Bill Would Curb EPAby Lisa Lerer Efforts to limit the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases has emerged as a major battleground in the climate debate, as three key senators move toward releasing the first draft of their revamped climate bill. Recent drafts of the legislation wo ...
- Autodesk Homestyler Renders Your Blueprints in 3D ...If planning some remodeling, landscaping, or any kind of home renovations is in your future, you'll want to check out Autodesk Homestyler—a free and simple to use drag-and-drop design tool. More »
- Stop App Store Links from Opening iTunes and Boggi ...Even if you're a huge fan of iTunes and the App Store it's extremely annoying—especially on Windows—when you click an App Store link to check something out and your computer grinds halt. This simple browser-hack prevents the lag. More » ...
- Test Out VLC Media Player with (Rough) Hardware Ac ...Windows/Linux: VLC gets a lot of praise around here, but it's Achilles' heel has long been a lack of hardware-accelerated playing, which means HD content choking up. A rough 1.1 preview offers GPU-accelerated video on Windows and Linux for cur ...
- Gmail Adds Drag-and-Drop Attachment Uploads, Deepe ...Starting today, Google Chrome and Firefox 3.6 users can drag and drop attachments into Gmail messages without hassling through the slow, kind of annoying manual file upload. Gmail has also increased their support for Google Calendar with a new ...
- Fine Tune Volume Adjustment in OS X by Holding Alt ...If you use a Mac, chances are you regularly adjust the volume using your keyboard's volume keys. They're handy enough, but the volume increment is pretty large. Reader cruud writes in with a new-to-us shortcut for more fine-grained control. ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- McChrystal: We'll Have Our War No Matter What You ...By Steve Hynd Our pal Gareth Porter with the news that General Stanley McChrystal isn't just a liar, he doesn't mind making Hamid Karzai a liar in front of over a thousand of his tribal leaders either. The U.S. military has now officially backtracked from its earlier suggestion that it would seek th ...
- Is Governor Of Helmand Province A Paranoid Crazy?By Steve Hynd Imagine the epic fail for any population-centric counter-insurgency plan that installing a paranoid lunatic as local governor, one who hired his own thuggish and inexperienced friends as district leaders, would represent. That's exactly what the U.S. and its allies seem to have done in ...
- The Price Not Worth PayingBy Steve Hynd Today's must-read is by Robert Wright at the NYT (h/t Balkanization). He presents evidence from a statistical studt by Jenna Jordan of the University of Chicago that "decapitation" strikes on terrorist leaders - drone attacks, for example - actually increase the viability and prestige ...
- Kandahar Bursts Gen. McChrystal's Counterinsurgenc ...By Derrick Crowe In case you hadn't heard, the next stop in General McChrystal's counterinsurgency plan is Kandahar, the ideological heart of the Taliban. Using the spadework done in advance of the Marjah operation as a template, McChrystal says the plan is to: "...do the political groundwork, so th ...
- The Trouble With COINBy Steve Hynd Back in 2006-07, a lot of progressive national security writers were seduced by the prospect of a "kindler, gentler war" that counter-insurgency theory held out for Afghanistan and, particularly, Iraq. We were being told that "winning hearts and minds" would neuter insurgencies from th ...
Water Wars
- Salmon fishing will return to West CoastFishery council votes for an abbreviated season for the Sacramento Delta chinook. The West Coast will have a salmon fishing season for the first time in two years, but it will be a far cry from the days when abundant chinook catches drove a multimillion-dollar industry in the region.
- The Week: April 15 21The Red & Blacks event guide to happenings news, variety and sports in and around Athens from April 15 April 21. Pick of the Week Heads vs. Feds Debate about the Legalization of Marijuana High Times Magazine isnt a guide to first-class airfare, but it does advocate the one thing that can send yo ...
- Raising money continues to paint Selma's first mur ...Selma's first mural is marching steadily closer from the fund-raising process to putting the paint on the wall. Around $5,000 has already been collected, with $11,500 left to go.
- BRIEFLY COMMUNITYMilitary officers meet for social hour, dinner The Emerald Empire chapter of the Military Officers Association of America will hold its monthly meeting today at the Eugene Veterans Club, 1626 Willamette St. Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:15 p.m. Cost of the meal is $21. Retired
- Sega Announces Ecco: Water Wars 2On these high seas, no one can hear you scream. Sega announced today that one of their most beloved characters is returning from the deep. A post on the official Sega America Blog revealed that a sequel to Ecco: Water Wars is currently in the works. Confident of the titles success, Sega is already b ...
WordPress | Economics
- Tax Day Special... The False Hope of Code ChangingLike many Americans, I approach Tax day each year a little more annoyed than the year before. I have
- Daily Comment - 16th April 2010: The Yuan and the ...Macro The Yuan and the Dollar – Where does Financial Protectionism End? Are Monetary Authoriti
- Watch the Growth of Walmart and Sam's Club Across ...“Walmart (blue) started slow in 1962 and then spread like wildfire in the southeast, starting
- The US-Sino currency dispute: Introducing a new eB ...Thanks to deft diplomatic footwork, a US-China confrontation over the renminbi has been avoided. But
- ECB Official Warns of Potential Sovereign Debt Cri ...The way to protect yourself in this coming monetary crisis is to buy physical monetary metals ie: go
Electronic Intifada
- Did banned media report foretell of Gaza war crime ...An Arab member of the Israeli parliament is demanding that a newspaper be allowed to publish an investigative report that was suppressed days before Israel attacked Gaza in winter ...
- Adding torture to injuryGAZA (IPS) - It was bad enough that Ahmad Asfour was severely maimed by an Israeli drone strike outside his house on 9 January 2009. But, his search for advanced treatment landed t ...
- Film review: Missed opportunities in "Checkpoint R ...Sometime early this decade the Israeli army issued a military order banning Palestinian musicians from using simile and metaphors. This order also prevented them from singi ...
- Israel's manufactured outrage over a presidential ...Israel's hysterical reaction -- and the US support of it -- to the building of a Palestinian Authority presidential compound on a street named after a Hamas military commander, is ...
- An immaculate conception?The Palestinian Authority is pregnant! Indeed, it is the unelected and American-imposed Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad who is pregnant. He told the Israeli newspaper Haare ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Security company targeted in Afghan attackA suicide car bomber in Afghanistan has killed three Afghan soldiers and three foreign security guards in the south of the country.
- Four German soldiers killed in AfghanistanFour German soldiers were killed Thursday in one of the deadliest attacks ever on German forces in northern Afghanistan, Afghan government and German officials said.
- Up to six dead in attack targeting foreigners in A ...KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — As many as six people including foreigners were killed in a suicide car bombing targeting a foreign security company in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, officials said.B...
- Brits Feared Dead After Afghan Suicide BlastMinistry of Defence confirmed that no British military personnel had been caught up in the blast. The explosion took place just hours after a car bomb exploded outside a hotel in the city, injuring e...
- 3 foreigners, 3 Afghan soldiers killed in Kandahar ...KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Two powerful bombings rocked the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Thursday, killing three foreigners and three Afghan soldiers, President Hamid Karzai's half brother said. ...
- More on the Orbit digital short fiction offerIn the wake of yesterday’s announcement that Orbit US will be publishing short genre fiction in a digital format, The Scalzi weighs in with some pertinent questions from the authorial side of the fence: As I don’t know the answers to any of these questions, I’ll refrain from saying anything abou ...
- Content is a public good: the abundance economics ...In the absence of Charlie Stross (who is out in Japan, the fortunate devil), guest posts are appearing on his blog… and today’s is a little something different, namely a 101 guide to the economics of digital media from one Milena Popova: So, to recap, for pure private goods, the market is both a pra ...
- Orbit to take short fiction to the digital marketFrom the press release: Orbit (US) has offered to publish digital editions of all original short fiction written by its authors. The digital editions will be distributed widely through major retail channels, for reading on a variety of devices. Authors will be paid a royalty for each story sold, rat ...
- I’ll trade a Puffin for my as-yet undelivered jetp ...Personal electric aircraft? Yes please! Nice to see NASA aren’t just resting their feet on the desks at the moment, though whether the Puffin concept would ever make it out of R&D (let alone strike anyone as useful or necessary at a consumer level) is a question probably best left unasked. As charm ...
- Kingdom-jumping viruses leap from plant to humanAnother pulp skiffy trope turns out to be (possibly) a little less pulpy: is the pepper mild mottle virus making people sick? Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 Kingdom-jumping viruses leap from plant to human Share and Enjoy: Project Wonde ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- UBS Whistleblower Files Clemency PetitionTAKE ACTION Today, Bradley Birkenfeld , the whistleblower who exposed the $20 billion illegal UBS tax fraud scheme, submitted a direct appeal to President Barack Obama and filed an official petition requesting clemency. Mr. Birkenfeld blew the whistle on a $20 billion program run by UBS designed to ...
- April 15 Plea for UBS WhistleblowerTAKE ACTION! Attorneys for Bradley Birkenfeld, the Swiss banker who exposed the massive ($20 billion) tax evasion scandal at UBS, Stephen M. Kohn and Dean Zerbe wrote an op-ed piece entitled “April 15 Plea: Pardon Tax Whistleblower” published on Forbes.com . Mr. Kohn and Mr. Zerbe criticize t ...
- Bunny Greenhouse inspires artistArtist Marcia Annenberg was so inspired by the story of Army whistleblower Bunny Greenhouse that she has included a portrait of Greenhouse in a recent painting . "You are my hero," Annenberg says in a letter to Greenhouse. "Your compelling story is woven into my painting, 'Portrait of Two Women.'"� ...
- UBS Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld WIll File Off ...TAKE ACTION! Washington, D.C. April 14, 2010. Former UBS banker Bradley Birkenfeld , who is currently serving a 40-month sentence for one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States at Schuylkill County federal prison, will file a formal request for clemency to President Barack Obama on Ta ...
- New ARB rescues SOX whistleblower on equitable est ...We waited a year for the Obama Administration's new Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, to appoint new members to the Administrative Review Board (ARB), but now we finally get to see what a difference these appointments can make.� Today the ARB released its decisions from March, and one decision shows ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Has the New York Times Run Afoul of the FTC's Endo ...Terry Heaton and Jeff Jarvis have commented recently on the conflicts of interest implicated by the adulatory coverage of the iPad in the New York Times and other media companies. They point first to the expectation that widespread adoption of the iPad will foster consumer adoption of a platform wh ...
- Crowdsourced Project Relies On Fans For Rotoscopin ...Digital artist Aaron Koblin has a fantastic knack for creating innovative, beautiful, fascinating works that merge the worlds of data and technology with art. Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk, he created The Sheep Market by commissioning 10,000 online workers each to draw a left-facing sheep. Ten Th ...
- For Small Authors, eBooks Are Much Better Than Bei ...Hephaestus writes " This is a different perspective on the e-books as the killer of the book publishing industry. It's a take from the small author perspective. " As the eBook experience improves, especially with the increased adoption of the Kindle and iPad, authors now have the same opportuni ...
- The Real Reason Skype's App For Verizon Phones Won ...Back in March, Derek Kerton noted in a post here on Techdirt some peculiarities popping up around Skype's plans for mobile devices. In particular, he pointed out how Skype announced a version of its client for several smartphones on the Verizon network, but the app looked crippled because it couldn' ...
- Technology Isn't What's Holding Mobile TV BackNearly every single year of the past half-decade or so has been touted as "the year of Mobile TV", the year in which the long-heralded service would finally break through and get widespread adoption. It didn't happen in 2008 , it didn't happen in 2009, and while the upcoming World Cup is supposed to ...
- Corrupt WHO Attempts To Rewrite History To Confuse .... . . Peter Doshi, graduate student Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA 02139 http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/340/apr06_2/c1904 To the Editor: Since the H1N1 outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) appears to be distancing itself from the idea that it ever promoted the ...
- HPV Vaccination Campaign Suspension Demanded Globa .... . . Press Release Immediate Release Contact: Bobbi Cowan Public Relations Phone: (818) 980-2372 Email: bobbicowan@sbcglobal.net Web Site: http://TruthAboutGardasil.org April 15, 2010, North Hollywood, CA. The global outrage at reports of injustices inflicted on the children of India from unethica ...
- (Video) Gardasil, or “Gardahell”?
- India has sparked global demands to suspend HPV va .... . . Christina England American Chronicle 04/15/2010 The suspension of the HPV vaccination programme in India has sparked a global demand to suspend the HPV vaccinations altogether. Parents and professionals from all over the world have come together and the organisation Truth about Gardasil.org h ...
- Vaccine Has Led To Changes In Pneumococcal Infecti .... . . Medical News Today 04/13/2010 In the decade since the introduction of pneumococcal vaccination, significant shifts have occurred in the bacterial strains causing serious pneumococcal infections in children, according to a pair of studies in the April issue of The Pediatric Infectious Disease ...
- Things You Might Have MissedJust got back from seeing Alice Walker at Busboys and Poets. She spoke a lot about Israel, about finding your voice in the face of unspeakable horror, about starting where you are at and not always seeing change in terms of the big thing (policy…). Can’t wait to read her new book. She also answere ...
- Does the Supreme Court Lead or Follow?Everyone is talking about Supreme Court nominations again. I agree with those people who think that the court is going to be more conservative with the loss of Stevens. But I’m looking at that a different way these days. I’ve always paid close attention to Supreme Court picks. Partly that was ...
- Of Glenn Beck, Horror Stories, and Fairy TalesMy friend posted this article the other day. And I just had to comment, because it is such a clear example of cherry picking facts – not only by Glenn Beck (who is clearly one slice short of a sandwich), but also the people who respond to him. So here is the map that started it [...]
- Things You Might Have MissedA little over a week ago, I sent an email to all those who asked to be put on the email list for the women-focused gathering. I’ll be sending another one this week. If you are supposed to be on that list and aren’t, let me know. The anti-sex crusaders can be so vicious. HT to [...]
- MonstrousI had a post all ready to put up tonight, but I just watched the video of U.S. soldiers mowing down people on an Iraq street and I can’t think about anything else.   It is so cold, so monstrous. If you haven’t seen the video yet, it is below. And remember, as you watch it, that [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- LaRouche: Obama Is Committing Treason With His Afg ...EIR News Service press release.
- Germany's Future Potential: Rebuild After the Coll ...By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 2, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 13
- A New `Nawrooz' for the World? British Iran Sancti ...By Hussein Askary Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 2, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 13
- Defining Life's Actual Purpose: The Brutish Theolo ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 2, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 13
- The London Trainees in the Gaidar GovernmentReprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, March 26, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 12
Armies of Liberation
- Yemen National Dialog Coalition Seeks Reform, Broa ...Yemen’s National Dialog Committee published an English language summary of its National Salvation Plan yesterday. The document is available at http://yemenvision.wordpress.com/ The National Dialog Committee (NDC) is an important Yemeni civil society coalition dedicated to creating a forum and consen ...
- Al Qaeda in Yemen, unwanted nomads or essential nu ...The announcement that al Qaeda in Yemen’s (AQIY) leadership escaped to Somalia in recent weeks is not the end of Yemen’s terrorism woes, but may instead signal the Yemeni al Qaeda group is taking a leading regional role among al Qaeda factions from Saudi Arabia to Somalia and beyond. The flight ...
- Large al Qaeda camp in North Yemen dims peace pros ...In Yemen, al Qaeda’s training camp in the Abu Jabara valley is no secret. It is in an old military camp between Sa’ada and al Jawf provinces, near the Saudi border, and it houses hundreds of Yemeni and foreign al Qaeda loyalists. Acting as mercenaries for Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, al Qaed ...
- South Yemen clashes escalate, police wound 20Twenty people were wounded today when police opened fire on a funeral march in the restive town of Dhalie. Local reports indicated one person later died. The crowds had gathered to honor two victims killed when police broke up a anti-government protest on March 11. Yemen launched a broad assault on ...
- Tribal anarchy in Yemen: the tragedy in al Jasheen ...The Yemeni government’s abdication of its responsibilities in rural Yemen is amply demonstrated by the ongoing saga in the village of al Jasheen, in Ibb province. In this drama, a group of poor villagers refuse to submit to a tyrannical Sheik who demands illegal taxes. The Sheik’s personal militia o ...
Dark Politricks
- COL. EVGENY KHRUSHCHEV: HELL-MADE DAY OF RECONINGIs that what the US military is for – to be duped into dope syringe surge? By Colonel Evgeny Khrushchev (ret) STAFF WRITER/Editor (Moscow) Army of the Soviet Union Army of Russia The CIA Red Cell insinuation campaign, led by its agents of influence and media imbeds to spin a Black Widow angle, is no ...
- The Hypocrisy of a KillerApril 15, 2010 Danang, Vietnam Chuck Palazzo The Hypocrisy of a Killer Hypocrisy is defined as “the act of persistently professing beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that are inconsistent with one’s actions. Hypocrisy is thus a lie”. On April 18, 2010, The Dow Live Eart ...
- Yet Another Reason To Break Up The Big BanksMany of us have pointed out that the economy will not stabilize until the too big to fails are broken up. We have also pointed out that derivatives are still very dangerous for the economy, that the derivatives “reform” legislation previously passed has probably actually weakened existing regulatio ...
- Did Nick Clegg win the televised leaders debate?By Dark Politricks I have just watched the first UK televised debate between the three leaders of the main political parties and from the first reports in from pollsters and commentators it seems that the Lib Dem's Nick Clegg "won" the debate. This is obviously good news for the Lib Dem's and it ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Milan Furniture Fair 2010: Super Posh (and Pricey) ...New Spring sofa by Patricia Urquiola. Photo copyright Mairi Beautyman I've always been a fan of Moroso -- the brand is just so lux and classy....although very expensive, and not green. Until now. The Italian furniture manufacturer has not one but three eco-slanted items in its collection for 20 ...
- Pickens Still Has a Plan, Even If It Doesn't Inclu ...photo: Florian Boyd via flickr. T. Boone Pickens hasn't been showing up as much in these pages since the wind power part of the Pickens Plan went south during the Great Recession, but, as Greentech M... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Being Pushed Towards a Paperless Existence? Not As ...Photo via koalazymonkey The debate on whether or not going green means going paperless is still a hot one. While digitizing much of our once-printed media saves on tree pulp, it doesn't necessarily save trees. A new article from GreenBiz calls into question just how much more environmentally fr ...
- Volcanic Haze Closes British Airports; Continent C ...the Telegraph Another reason to take the train: Apparently planes cannot fly in volcanic ash. An eruption in Iceland is shutting down airports across the UK and spreading to the rest of Europe. The Telegraph, reports that the ash can shut down the engines and be sucked into the ventilation ...
- Ashley Watson & Lina Rennell Collaborate on Handma ...Ashley Watson + Lina Rennell Bag. Image courtesy of Lina Rennell Two of our favorite green fashion designers Ashley Watson and Lina Rennell have collaborated on limited edition bags for the spring/summer season. Watson sources her leather from charity thrift shops and makes on-trend, functiona ...
- Why humans outlive apesGenetic adaption to meat-rich diets may also lead to high rates of Alzheimer’s and heart disease The same evolutionary genetic advantages that have helped increase human lifespans also make us uniquely susceptible to diseases of aging such as cancer, heart disease and dementia, reveals a study to be ...
- Antioxidants aren’t always good for you and ...Antioxidants increasingly have been praised for their benefits against disease and aging, but recent studies at Kansas State University show that they also can cause harm. Researchers in K-State’s Cardiorespiratory Exercise Laboratory have been studying how to improve oxygen delivery to the skeletal ...
- To restore vision, implant preps and seeds a damag ...Researchers trying to restore vision damaged by disease have found promise in a tiny implant that sows seeds of new cells in the eye. The diseases macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa lay waste to photoreceptors, the cells in the retina that turn light into electrical signals carried to the ...
- Gene function discovery: Guilt by associationScientists have created a new computational model that can be used to predict gene function of uncharacterized plant genes with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The network, dubbed AraNet, has over 19,600 genes associated to each other by over 1 million links and can increase the discovery rate of ...
- Craig Venter talks about creating synthetic life
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Lord Monckton at Bonn climate talksMonckton: "Nobody here in Bonn seriously imagines that this or any treaty brokered by a UN, which is still reeling from blows to its credibility from the Climategate scandal and revelations of errors in its reports, will ever make any difference to the climate that could be measured even by the most ...
- CFACT carbon credits distributed at Bonn conferenc ...
- Driessen debunks climate hypeCFACT policy analyst speaks on global warming
- Promoting entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation ...CFACT travels to Uganda
- It's Always 'Earth Hour' in North KoreaStark contrast between Stalinist North and democratic South Korea
Ria Novosti Online News
- What the Russian papers sayRegional conflicts to influence Russian-U.S. relations more than nuclear arms / Kremlin plans to win back lost influence in South America / Russians agree to 'ruling tandem' after 2012 / Russian companies to bid for Turkmen gas-pipeline
- U.S. gets no official notice of suspension of adop ...The U.S. has not yet received any official notification of a moratorium on adoptions from Russia, following a recent row over a Russian boy shipped back home alone by his adoptive U.S. family.
- Russian strongman blows up hot water bottles for s ...Russian strongman Sergei Buganov demonstrated his remarkable strength to a an audience of Moscow schoolchildren: he blew up a hot water bottle like a balloon, bent a steel rod and tore an 800-page phone book right in half. Buganov visits schools to promote a healthy lifestyle. Sergei Buganov is a me ...
- Bakiyev faxed resignation letter to Kyrgyzstan - i ...Interim Kyrgyz Prime Minister Roza Otunbayeva showed journalists on Friday a copy of a fax that she claimed was ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev's resignation letter.
- Normal air traffic in Europe 'might not be resumed ...Air travel in Europe might not get back to normal for weeks or even months after a volcano erupted in Iceland, an expert on the Euronews TV-channel said.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russian Geographical Society to organize polar bea ...The Russian Geographical Society (RGS) is to organize an Arctic expedition to investigate the effects of global warming on polar bears
- Russia to build submarine-detecting satelliteRussia could build a satellite for the detection and tracking of submarines from space, a defense industry spokesman said on Thursday.
- India's GSLV rocket launch failsIndia has failed to launch its indigenous GSLV rocket due to engine trouble, the head of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) said.
- Russia concerned by impact of climate change on Ar ...Arctic peoples and their cultural inheritance are vulnerable to rising global temperatures, the Russian president's adviser on climate change said at the Fifth Arctic Leaders' Summit in Moscow on Wednesday.
- Expo 2010 in Shanghai to boost Russian-Chinese sci ...The World Expo 2010 fair in Shanghai is expected to expand Russian-Chinese cooperation in scientific research
Pruning Shears
- Where is the Debate on Obama's Assassination Progr ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The revelation last week that the president authorized the assassination of a US citizen created a surprisingly small splash. I try not to engage in speculative “imagine if” games, but if the president had done such a thing in 2005 ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Jerome Starkey on why most war reporting by big outlets is so inadequate: Some journalists in Kabul are hamstrung by security rules set in Eu ...
- You Can't Miss What You've Never HadNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Wednesday Yves Smith fretted that bloggers may be doing more harm than good, and wrote “the hollowing out of news organizations can only go so far before information delivery becomes impaired.” In Smith’s formulation, news organi ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. This could be huge. WikiLeaks may be taking over the functions formerly held by well-funded (and supported) investigative journalism at big ...
- What's So Bad About A Value Added Tax?No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Over the last few weeks I have heard some rumblings about a value-added tax (VAT), “a fee that is assessed against businesses by a government at various points in the production of goods or services-usually any time a product is reso ...
Natural Health News
- Do You Know Where Your Fish Comes From?The American seafood industry is flooded with imported fish that are contaminated with banned chemicals, carcinogens, antibiotics, and other poisons.
- Diet Alone is Not Enough for Weight LossNew research demonstrates that simply reducing caloric intake is not enough to cause significant weight loss. This could be the result of a natural compensatory mechanism that reduces physical activity following a reduction in calories. Diet and exercise must be combined to achieve weight loss goal ...
- New Proof that White Bread and Rice Increase Heart ...Women who eat a lot of foods high in blood-sugar spiking carbohydrates, such as white bread and rice, are twice as likely to develop heart diseases. Complex carbohydrates, such as fruit and pasta, were not associated with the increased risk of heart disease. This suggests that the problem is not ca ...
- Omega-3 Boosts Male FertilityThe omega-3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) may reverse sperm abnormalities associated with infertility. Mice were genetically engineered to lack a gene that helps them produce DHA. These mice were found to produce fewer sperm, and a greater number of abnormalities in what little sperm they did hav ...
- How to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time Mor ...Some people seem to have all the luck. Here’s how they do it: 1. Proximity Most “lucky” people put a lot of effort into being near as many opportunities as possible. Identifying areas in which you already have the necessary skills to capitalize on sudden opportunities. 2. Practice “Luck” usuall ...
- Norfolk Without the NavyBy David Swanson It's hard to imagine a desirable and sustainable world with the world's largest naval base still in it, but it's hard for a lot of people in Norfolk, Virginia, to imagine it gone. The military is not just the force of good that selflessly patrols the world, slaughtering evildoers f ...
- Our National Epidemic of ViolenceBy David Swanson James Gilligan published a book 13 years ago called "Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic," in which he diagnosed the root cause of violence as deep shame and humiliation, a desperate need for respect and status (and, fundamentally love and care) so intense that only killing ...
- Dutch Holocaust Victim Finally Receives An ApologyToday is Shoah day in Israel and also the 65th anniversary of the liberation by Canadian troops of Westerbork , the Nazi transit camp in the east of the Netherlands. As Radio Netherlands reports, one of the survivors of the death camps has finally been recognised by the Dutch government, As part of ...
- The Rich Progressive Legacy of FDRApril 12, 2010 marks the 65th anniversary of the death of the leader who spearheaded the twentieth century progressive movement, righting the economic ship during perilous times, giving Americans hope at a time when it was desperately needed while changing the face of the Democratic Party in the pro ...
- Reducing Wastewater Contamination Starts with a Co ...Cross posted form Border Jumpers , Danielle Nierenberg and Bernard Pollack. In Accra, Ghana, most homes do not have indoor plumbing or sewage systems. Instead, households dispose of waste into the same ditches and streams that urban farmers use to irrigate the crops they sell at local markets. The u ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Meatless Monday: A Campaign Rooted in Public Healt ...The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health embraced the Meatless Monday campaign back in 2003, and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future has proudly served as the national campaign’s scientific advisor ever since. Today I welcome and laud The Johns Hopkins Hospital for launching its ...
- Response to Professor MitloehnerDear Professor Mitloehner, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. What you wrote was informative, but your response also raised additional questions for me.  I will lay them out here and you are welcome to respond again. From your response: “I did not write the press releases ...
- A leader for a livable Future – Happy Cesar Chavez ...It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco after college that I found out who Cesar Chavez was. Being from Pennsylvania, where his birthday is not celebrated as a state holiday, perhaps I knew his name, but certainly not his legacy as a leader and organizer for farm workers rights. But in California ...
- DC Healthy Schools ActOn Friday, March 26th the DC Council listened to testimony from various concerned citizens and experts from the community on the DC Healthy Schools Act. This bill represents a wonderful first step in improving the health of DC’s children and the role that schools play in the sustainability of ou ...
- Unsupported Claims About Livestock and Climate Cha ...As a public health doctoral student, I have been taught the importance of communicating scientific information to the public, journalists, and policy makers in a careful manner, especially when dealing with complex issues. Scientific research almost never provides clear answers, but as a scientist ...
- DDN headline writer nails it!Wow, a chance to see Alan Keyes! Dayton Daily News reporter Katie Wedell also got some choice quotes from Tea Party rally attendees in Fairborn, Ohio: “We want capitalism back” — Brenda Schmitt of Beavercreek “We hate being told what to do” — U.S. Representative Jim Jordan, R-Urbana I don’t kno ...
- Too many goddamned links (again)Air travel is shut down all over Europe due to volcanic ash from Iceland. That or the Icelanders are burning all their bad paper all at once. - Econacy: The comments on Stephen Hemsley’s big payday (so far 65 out of 74 people agree he’s not worth it, and half the comments have a decidedly single pay ...
- Jesus fucking Christ$102 million? His Wikipedia page says it all.
- All the news that was fit this morning (but which ...Very slow starting today so it’s probably just as well I ran errands instead of blogging this morning. Met a friend for coffee and that jazzed me back into high gear but judging from the morning stats, it’s spring everywhere and everyone’s ass is dragging (or otherwise distracted, or at least that’s ...
- Papal misdirectionsHaters, mostly: Bill Kristol: Kagan OK, but only after GOoPers drag her through the mud (and even then she’s not OK in my book) Corn says Republicans will launch major shit fit over nomination just before election (Cornyn already engaging in one-handed speculation about gay nominee) They never ever ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation ‘Rah-e-Rast’. Before the operation ‘Rah-e-Rast’, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be ‘legitimate politics’. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
- Bling Faith or Emotional Pull ?? | Teeth MaestroRecent debates, especially on facebook , regarding Zaid Hamid and his relations with a convicted blasphemer who died in jail almost a decade ago have certainly caught the Pakistani youth by surprise. They find themselves locked in an argument which is taking a heavy toll on their intellect and ener ...
Center for Food Safety
- NRC Report on Genetically Engineered Crops Misses ...Genetically Engineered Crops Are Already Having Negative Impact on Farm Sustainability in the United States The Center for Food Safety today released a statement in response to a National Research Council (NRC) report that purports to address the impact of genetically engineered (GE) crops on “farm ...
- Vandana Shiva and Andrew Kimbrell discuss “G ...On Saturday, April third, World-Renowned Environmentalists & Activists Andrew Kimbrell and Vandana Shiva Discussed Genetically Engineered Eggplant Moratorium in India and upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case on GE Alfalfa in Washington, DC at Busboys and Poets. Saturday’s conversation,“Global Perspectiv ...
- More Than 200,000 NGOs, Farmers, Consumers, and Or ...Resulting contamination of non-GE and organic alfalfa hay and seed would devastate livelihoods and organic industry The National Organic Coalition (NOC) today announced that more than 200,000 people submitted comments to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) critiquing the substance an ...
- Court Rules in GMO Sugar Beet CaseToday, federal district Judge Jeffrey White of the Northern District of California denied a request by a coalition of organic seed growers, and conservation and food safety groups seeking a temporary ban on genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets and sugar beet seeds. While Judge White denied the pr ...
- More Than 200,000 NGOs, Farmers, Consumers, and Or ...Resulting contamination of non-GE and organic alfalfa hay and seed would devastate livelihoods and organic industry The National Organic Coalition (NOC) today announced that more than 200,000 people submitted comments to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) critiquing the substance and ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Aboriginal Press eBook: When Victims Become Victim ...When Victims Become Victimisers: Zionism’s Angry Xenophobic War Against Itself and the Rest of the World Free eBook download: (PDF Format) Brief excerpt from the eBook Edition : -------------------------------------- This Ebook is a complete edition of a ten-part editorial originally published i ...
- Native American Delegation to Bolivia Climate Summ ...Grassroots Indigenous Delegation brings voices of the people to Bolivia Climate Summit By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ Top photo: Michelle Cook, Navajo A delegation of grassroots American Indian activists will attend the Bolivia Climate Summit, thanks to the gen ...
- Cynthia McKinney: "They're White Just Like Us . . ...Cynthia McKinney on Facebook : The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, Barcelona Session, convened for three days, considered the evidence presented to it, and delivered its decision in response to a series of questions that could be summed up as: "Is the E.U. complicit in Israel's crimes against Palesti ...
- John John: Truth and Reconciliation: An interview ...www.trentarthur.ca: How many Aboriginal children died in Canada’s state-funded, church-run Indian residential schools, which ran from 1879 to 1996? Where were they buried? How did they die? These are some of the questions Trent history professor John Milloy will be working to answer as the director ...
- Malema's "Kill The Boer" Is Racist IncitementLast week and Tuesday Julius Malema, the African National Congress Youth (ANCYL) leader, sang "kill the boer" (the Afrikaner farmer) at a birthday celebration held for him at the University of Johannesburg. Malema was wearing a bright yellow tee-shirt with the face of Nelson Mandela emblazoned on t ...
- Footage of Meteor in WisconsinAn impressive video capture of last night’s massive meteor fireball reported in Wisconsin. Related posts:Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics Related posts: Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics
- Guanajuato’s TunnelsAs we were wandering Guanajuato looking for a the San Gabriel de Barrera museum and gardens, I stuck my hand out the window of our van and shot these three videos of Guanajuato’s tunnels. Guanajuato is unique in the network of bewildering tunnels that crisscross it. The narrow streets of Guanajuato ...
- Guanajuato and San Miguel de AllendeI spent a wonderful weekend in Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. I took over 1,300 pictures, and several videos. All that has taken much of the energy for blogging about it, but I’ll let these few pictures speak for themselves. Related posts:So much to blog about!!! Miguel Torres: Doña Esper ...
- Inside Costa Rica Features my ArticleAfter being disappointed by two articles in a row that presented Honduras in the unfavorable light the news wires shine on Honduras, I complained to the editor of Inside Costa Rica with a accusation of severe bias. He responded, and graciously invited me to write an article for them. I thank him, an ...
- Chigüire Bipolar Hacked, Bad Week for FreedomThis week has seen the demise of Google China, the arrest of Guillermo Zuolaga, the president of Globovisión, Venezuela’s last opposition channel, and the reelection of Jose Miguel Insulza as the leader of the OAS. In a much smaller and more personal level, my website was hacked. But that the Chigà ...
Green Times
- Massive Renewable Energy Project for Ontario Canad ...Ontario Canada plans to eliminate its remaining coal fired power plants by 2014, and create 20,000 new jobs through renewable energy…
- Environmental News - 15/04/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Greens float carbon levy with govt (http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-national/greens-float-carbon-levy-with-govt-20100413-s62x.html)-The Australian Greens have started negotiations with the ...
- Pure Essential OilsWe delve into why pure essential oils are preferable to synthetic or blended fragrant or scented oils …
- Environmental News - 13/04/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Flannery warns of climate change apathy (http://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/flannery-warns-of-climate-change-apathy-20100412-s3jb.html)-The half-asleep look on a koala's face is a re ...
- Environmental News - 09/04/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) One man's vision to sell monsoon water (http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2010/04/09/137941_nt-business.html )-AN entrepreneur wants to sell one of the Territory's most plentiful assets - clean wat ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- 2005 destruction of interrogation tapes caused con ...'The heat from destroying is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into public domain.' A cable ordering the destruction of the tapes, which were held at an overseas location, was first drafted by a person who remains undercover [Well, isn't *that* convenient?] The 2005 destruct ...
- E-mail: Ex-CIA chief agreed with tape destructionFormer CIA Director Porter Goss agreed with a 2005 decision to destroy interrogation videos showing waterboarding, but nobody told White House counsel Harriet Miers, who was "livid" to find out afterward, according to internal CIA e-mails released Thursday. The documents show that, despite Goss' ...
- Afghans 'abused at secret prison' at Bagram airbas ...--The abuses are all said to have taken place since US President Barack Obama was elected . Afghan prisoners are being abused in a "secret jail" at Bagram airbase, according to nine witnesses whose stories the BBC has documented. The US military has denied the existence of a secret detention sit ...
- British security staff feared dead after suicide c ...As many as seven Western contractors [] mercenaries were feared dead last night when the southern Afghan city of Kandahar -- the target of Nato's next big operation -- was hit by a huge suicide bomb. Windows were blown out two miles from the blast after a vehicle was driven into a compound housin ...
- Four German soldiers killed in AfghanistanFour German soldiers were killed in Afghanistan Thursday and five wounded, Berlin said, in the latest bloodshed bound to fuel opposition to the unpopular mission. The government said in a statement that the troops were travelling from the northern city of Kunduz to Baghlan, a Taliban stronghold. ...
Daily Loaf
- Do It This Weekend: Camille Leone in Ybor, Incredi ...Hmm … if you say Camille and Leone together, it kind of sounds like chameleon. Coincidence? I think not. Camille Leone is Square One’s spring-themed art extravaganza, which has attracted more than 2,000 attendees in the past, and embraces the idea of a woman changing her appearance and character as ...
- Online dating ads: what NOT to doTips for writing an enticing online dating profile.
- My morning spent upside down with Chuck Aaron and ...CL Contributor Chris Humphreys boards the "helicopter of doom" for a fly-along with Chuck “Malibu” Aaron at Lakeland's Sun n' Fun Air Show and lives to tell this tale …
- Fun, earth friendly baby shower games for the eco- ...Being creative on the games is one way to show your friends how serious you are about helping the environment.
- Sub Pop Records presents a Record Store Day playli ...To commemorate this Saturday's third annual international Record Store Day celebration of indie music stores, Sub Pop Records presents a playlist preview showcasing songs by Sub Pop artists who've produced RSD-exclusive releases.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- A Bailout For Arms Dealers: US Aid and the Israeli ...By Rela Mazali and Jesse Bacon The US Congress has shamefully abdicated its oversight role in US foreign policy and has become an apologist for the worst policies of the Israeli Government, all the while sending Israel billions of dollars in aid. Fortunately activists are not waiting for the US Cong ...
- How to Market Gaza as an Israel Success StoryFrom Gisha’s Gaza Gateway The following guide was inspired by a report by the Government of Israel, summarizing Israel’s humanitarian activities for the Gaza Strip in 2009 and at the start of 2010, which was submitted yesterday to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee. Take things out of context. When ...
- Israel Demolishes and Silences its Bedouin Village ...By Yeela Raanan of Regional Council for the Unrecognized Bedouin Village (RCUV). (ed’s note: This piece shows how home demolitions are not limited to Palestinians in the Occupied Territories or those who are suspected of crimes.) April 13, 2010. The Government of Israel is putting me on trial next ...
- How the Shabak Use the Children of Palestine Ed. Note: The following is a report from Bi’lin resident Yasser Awad Yasin on his interrogation by Israeli security forces.  My name is Yasser Awad Yasin. I am 27 years old and I’m from the village of Bil’in. I’m married and I have two sons and one daughter. The Shabak (Israeli security ) ...
- Arrests and eviction orders in Sheikh JarrahBy Noam Sheizaf, reprinted from his Promised Land blog with permission. Jerusalem – about 200 people took part in the weekly protest against the Jewish colonization of Sheikh Jerrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem. Among them were New Israel Fund President Naomi Hazan, former Knesset speaker Avru ...
Politics in the Zeros
- New bill would mandate energy storage for Californ ...A new bill in the California Assembly would mandate that electricity utilities store 2.25% of peak demand load by 2014 and 5% by 2020. AB 2514 was introduced by Attorney General Jerry Brown and Assemblymember Nancy Skinner. If it passes, energy storage will become common in California and this will ...
- New energy storage technologiesGreen Chip Stocks details some of the new ways to store electricity. This is an important feature for the creation of a smart grid. Currently, supply must always equal demand, as there’s no place to store it. This is inefficient and wasteful. With stored energy, power plants can create energy at nig ...
- Polizeros Icelandic Volcano investment opportuniti ...Where some see tragedy, we see opportunity. Now, you can speculate in disaster severity in our newly created ASH (Assessing Significant Hazards) exchange. Afraid the Iceland volcano might cause a crop failure in Europe? Then short some of our ETFs, like those composed of European food futures, airli ...
- US geothermal grew 26% in 2009Nevada continued to lead in terms of projects under development with more than 3,000 MW in the pipeline. The fastest growing geothermal power states were Utah which quadrupled its geothermal power under development, New Mexico which tripled, Idaho which doubled, and Oregon which reported a 50% incre ...
- Oregon state panel probes teacher wanting to ‘demo ...[the teacher] has said he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets, and acting as offensively as possible — anything short of throwing punches. Why is it any business of a state school board ...
- Anat Kamm and the Peacock IncidentSince the gag order was lifted last Thursday(April 8 2010), the Israeli public debate has been largely engaged in indignant verbal stoning of whistle-blower Anat Kamm and journalist Uri Blau. The most vicious attacks have focused on the treasonous criminality of the theft (Kamm) and possession ...
- Maariv: Jerusalem municipality moving forward on c ...This report follows the news Tuesday (April 13 2010) that Mayor Nir Barkat was attempting to renew house demolitions in East Jerusalem. Note also the repetitive framing of the story as an act of defiance of the US administration (three out of five paragraphs.) Construction in Jerusalem: Business as ...
- How to Market Gaza as an Israeli success story: Th ...Cross-posted from Gaza Gateway, an analytical blog recently launched by the Israeli human rights group Gisha — The legal Center for Freedom of Movement. Gaza Gateway provides up to date data and analysis on access to the Gaza Strip and is an essential tool for for fact-checking and contextualizing ...
- Yediot: Israel says no to Barenboim Gaza concert & ...Israel refuses Barenboim access to Gaza because of Schalit Itamar Eichner, Yediot, April 13 2010 Israel has rejected a formal request by the Spanish government to allow the famous Israeli conductor, Daniel Barenboim, to hold a concert in the Gaza Strip. Barenboim asked permission to enter via the Er ...
- Likud power-broker: When Biden “or any other ...Moshe Feiglin heads “Manhighut Yehudit — The Jewish Leadership Movement” an extremist theocon group, which in recent years has established a strong presence in the Likud. Feiglin-endorsed candidates performed strongly in the 2008 Likud primaries and make up a large part of the party’s current Knes ...
Deadline Live
- This Day In History – April 161178 BC; The calculated date of the Greek king Odysseus’ return home from the Trojan War. 73 – Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the Jewish Revolt. 1862 – A bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia becomes law. 1917 – Lenin returns to ...
- Martin Luther King, Jr: LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAI ...April 16, 1963 MY DEAR FELLOW CLERGYMEN: While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely.” Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my [...]
- Internet Host’s Supporters Trying To Raise Bail Mo ...Supporters of an internet talk-show host, the self-proclaimed former “minute mom” or “psycho babe,” are raising money to get her out of the Taney County Jail. On Tuesday, prosecutors charged Christie Czajkowski with two counts of felony child abuse and two counts of felony child endangerment and res ...
- Media Downplay of Ron Paul’s Popularity Reflects E ...We are not stupid. This becomes more and more evident as time goes on. Oh, sure, many of us are or were apathetic. Many of us living amongst this mass of humanity residing in this land designated The United States of America have given up hope of effecting change in the political system and have [.. ...
- Deadline Live – April 14 2010Wednesday – Hour One: Rasmussen Poll Shows Ron Paul and Cousin Barry in a Dead Heat and Much More… Hour Two: Jack’s Special Guests John Bush of Texan’s For Accountable Government and Catherine Bleish of The Liberty Restoration Project Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Fac ...
The Air Vent
- Kernel of ScienceAs I see it, the battle with global warming is not where many alleged ’skeptics’ would prefer. Radiative physics mandates, and I mean MANDATES that CO2 makes it take more time for heat to escape from the surface of the earth to space. Since that is the case there are a few types of skeptics [... ...
- AR4 – 30% non reviewed literatureNofrakkingconsensus just finished a report on the IPCC chapters. -Take a moment to check out the link. 21 of 44 chapters in the United Nations’ Nobel-winning climate bible earned an F on a report card we are releasing today. Forty citizen auditors from 12 countries examined 18,531 sources cited i ...
- Too tired to blog.Babies are tough and I’m getting older. I’ll try to get something up tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, if there is someone interested in discussing global warming. Send your post to me in doc format for consideration.
- New Jersey Cutting Back On Fake Global Warming Bud ...A little sanity from New Jersey, not much though. ———— N.J. DEP employees to have shorter workdays in 2011 BY TOM HESTER SR. NEWJERSEYNEWSROOM.COM Gov. Chris Christie is taking $65 million, the entire allocation, from the state’s global warming fund, and $5.9 million, from the toxic waste site clean ...
- What would you doI worked for several hours on gridded temps again this weekend. In the meantime ..hours of thought went into this………. What would you do with a little global warming. If I had some global warming, I’d ….. - Canoe to the north pole? Buy carbon credits? By stock in speedo!
Focal Point
- Crack, Junk Food, and AddictionIn TIME, science writer Maia Szalavitz dissects a recent rat study that was purported to show that junk food is "as addictive" as crack . Some rats were assigned to the equivalent of an all expenses-paid cruise: nearly continuous access to a spectacular array of fatty delicacies including bacon and ...
- That Dating vs. Hooking Up StudyA recent study on college students' preferences for dating vs. hookup is, unaccountably, generating national media attention. The authors found that a bunch of 18-year-old college freshmen in the South embraced traditional gender norms. The study is called "To Hook Up or Date: Which Gender Benefits? ...
- Rep. Bart Stupak to Retire Politico reports that the notorious anti-choice congressman Bart Stupak (D-Mich) is retiring. Stupak claims that he abruptly announced his departure on a Friday afternoon for no particular reason. He told Politico that he'd been thinking of retiring for the last couple election cycles and, now that ...
- An Engagement Ring is a Deposit on a WifeVia Gawker we learn that a New York judge reaffirmed a guy's right to demand the ring back if the engagement breaks off for any reason. In the case before the court, a Long Island woman maintained that she should be allowed to keep the $19,000 ring because her former fiance cheated on her: On M ...
- FBI Astroturfs the Astroturfers to Nab Nut Who Thr ...An FBI Special Agent impersonated a representative of a real, legal anti health care reform group in order to positively identify a Washington man who allegedly left a series of anonymous death threats on the office voicemail of Sen. Patti Murray (D-Wash). The agent called up Charles Alan Wilson cla ...
Inside Facebook
- Misinterpreted Job Posting Sparks Rumors of Chines ...Recent media reports from China suggested that Facebook is looking to enter the country even though it is currently blocked. The reason, it turns out, is that local Chinese media misunderstood a job posting by Watercooler, a Facebook application developer active in the country. And, yet, we hear whi ...
- Facebook Tests Advertising Offers in Its Credits V ...Facebook is partnering with two offer providers so users can earn its virtual currency, Credits, without having to pay directly. For users, this means another way to get Credits without paying — meaning they’ll possibly get more virtual currency for social games and other applications on Facebook. F ...
- Saudi Arabia Leads the Middle East With High Growt ...Following a lull in growth in February, most of the Arabian Peninsula (plus Egypt) sped ahead in March, adding 640,280 new monthly active users. That’s an 8.2 percent increase, to a total of 9,830,480 users for the sub-region, which we’ve broken out from our latest Facebook Global Monitor data ...
- Facebook Announces First Round of PhD FellowsFacebook announced it would start a Ph.D. fellowship program — and yesterday the company announced who these first fellows would be during the 2010-11 school year, as chosen from hundreds of applications. Finalists appear to specialize in areas that Facebook has been either addressing or planning ...
- 5 Gum Will Offer Free Streaming Of This Weekend’s ...For those of us you that didn’t get your Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival tickets for this weekend’s uber-concert in southern California, 5 Gum is offering you a way to enjoy the festivities live through your Facebook page. Coachella and the Wrigley brand have teamed up to offer three live s ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Hey friends, we'd really appreciate your ...truthout: Hey friends, we'd really appreciate your help spreading the word about our work. Please #FF us tomorrow! #Truthout #p2
- truthout: In Praise of the IRS: http://digg.com/d3 ...truthout: In Praise of the IRS: http://digg.com/d31OWOK?t #Digg #Truthout #p2 #topprogs
- truthout: George Lakoff | The Poll Democrats Need ...truthout: George Lakoff | The Poll Democrats Need to Know About: http://digg.com/d31OXV3?t #Digg #Truthout #p2
- truthout: NSA Whistleblower Indicted for Leaking C ...truthout: NSA Whistleblower Indicted for Leaking Classified Information to Reporter: A former senior National S... http://bit.ly/bM4hcC #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Arizona Passes Restrictive Immigration B ...truthout: Arizona Passes Restrictive Immigration Bill: A bill approved Tuesday by Arizona lawmakers may be one ... http://bit.ly/bi0xSQ #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Did banned Israeli media report foretell of Gaza w ...Jonathan Cook views the possibility that a banned report by Haaretz journalist Uri Blau – suppressed days before Israel attacked Gaza in 2008 – contained vital information warning of Israeli intentions to commit war crimes and revealed the aims of a so far unimplemented phase of the Gaza attack invo ...
- Israeli Mossad operation threatened against whistl ...An Israeli journalist who went into hiding after writing a series of reports showing lawbreaking approved by Israeli army commanders faces a lengthy jail term for espionage if caught, as Israeli security services warned they would “remove the gloves” to track him down, Jonathan Cook reports.
- The dark underbelly of Israel’s security state. An ...What is misleadingly being called in Israel the “Anat Kamm espionage affair” is quickly revealing the dark underbelly of a nation that has worshipped for decades at the altar of a security state, Jonathan Cook reports. ”[Fugitive Israeli journalist Uri Blau’s] reports [based on Anat Kamm's leaked i ...
- Israel and the question of legitimacyAs the world wakes up to the reality of the colonial implant in the Middle East known as Israel, the hitherto unthinkable question of that implant’s legitimacy is on more people’s lips than ever before. Thanks to the internet, which is allowing a growing number of ordinary people to learn the trut ...
- Israel’s choice of lawlessness and defianceWilliam A. Cook considers what might have been had the Jews decided to work within international law, rather than defy it and seize most of Palestine by force and through ethnic cleansing, and live side by side with the Palestinians the indigenous inhabitants of the Palestine.
Amazon Rainforest
- Brazilian rancher guilty for murder of Dorothy Sta ...A Brazilian rancher accused of ordering the murder of U.S. nun and Amazon defender Dorothy Stang was found guilty and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Jurors in the jungle city of Belem reached the decision late Monday after 15 hours of deliberations, according to a statement on the Web site of a P ...
- Travelling down the Amazon RoadIn the opening of the Sustainability International Forum in Manaus, Brazil, Thomas Lovejoy, the scientist who invented the concept of biodiversity, criticized the construction of a highway through pristine areas in the Amazon rainforest. For Lovejoy, the highway poses a serious threat to the Amazon ...
- Top Amazonia activist shot dead!Pedro Alcantara de Souza, who headed a union of landless farmers in Para, was shot in the head five times by two men on motorcycles, according to a police spokesman in the town of Redencao. Souza was riding a bicycle on the outskirts of the town and his wife was with him when he was shot, [...]
- Avatar Director James Cameron returns from a visit ...James Cameron, director of Avatar, will hold a press conference on Wednesday, March 31 at 10 am at Hotel Tropical to report back on his experience a three-day visit to the Big Bend region of the Xingu River, site of the proposed Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam project. “I was told by my friends at ...
- Amazonia for Sale – new documentary – ...Amazonia for Sale is a new documentary on the Awajun People and their struggle to protect their ancestral territory. Approximately 35 minutes in length, Amazonia for Sale tells the story of the Awajun Peoples, who, like so many other Indigenous People around the world, are struggling to preserve the ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Jamiol Presents
- Jamiol Presents
- Peddling Peril, Peddling LiesA Book on ‘Arming America’s Enemies’ Written by America’s Enemies?! David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), has a new book out (which I haven’t read) about AQ Khan and the nuclear black market called Peddling Peril: How the Secret Nuclear Tra ...
- Updates & Weekly Round Up for March 28Today marks Boiling Frogs Post’s fifth month of operation, and the last day of our fundraising campaign. On behalf of our team members I want to thank all of you for your support, with a special thanks to 658 of you who donated to our cause. We may not have reached our benchmark for our [...]
- Podcast Show #26NWC’s Stephen Kohn Takes on the Absentee White House Last week Boiling Frogs Post invited Mr. Norman L. Eisen, Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform, and Mr. Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblowers Center, to publicly debate on the Whistleblow ...
Afro Spear
- Thoughtless ThinkingI wished I had recorded the name. There was a black man on CNN defending Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell for his announcement designating April as Confederate History Month. The only thing the man had to say was the same tired old rhetoric about how it was good to see the other side of [...]
- A response to the article: “New Scramble for ...Commentary from xcroc: There is a lot of misinformation here, the only thing really accurate is the names of the countries. I don’t have time available to go through and document point by point, but I will recommend some reading for those who may wish to know more. First I looked up the author Dr. J ...
- Out of the Mouth of FoolsIn a recent interview with the New York Post, Actor/Comedian Tracy Morgan stated: “I’m glad I dropped out of high school, man. I wouldn’t be where I’m at. I would have had a net. I’m glad I didn’t have anything to fall back on, man, because that made me go for my dreams that much harder.” OK, [...]
- Is Satan Speaking and Are You Listening?One night last week while I was at work, satan started speaking to me. He told me I was deficient, old, unable to concentrate, and not truly sold out to God. When I’m blogging I sometimes get guilt feelings that I’m not focused on my Lord as I should be. I’m thinking too much about [...]
- sat’day riddymz
Expose the BNP
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Journalists expose ‘murky world’ of far rightLeading anti-fascist journalists last week gave a fascinating insight into the “murky and disturbing world of far right politics”. Nick Griffin’s biographer Dominic Carman and photojournalist Marc Vallée shed light on the violent and antidemocratic core of the BNP and the English Defence League. A s ...
- Exposing the Irish National PartyIn February, the Irish Sunday Tribune ran a piece on the emergent Irish National Party, giving undue attention to a group that was little more than one Dublin based paediatric nurse and a couple of impressionable hangers on. The group identified as a moderate party in favour of immigration reform an ...
- Collett arrested on suspicion of threatening to ki ...LAST week BNP youth leader Mark Collett was suspended from the party for allegedly threatening to kill Nick Griffin. Collett (29) was detained by police following claims by the BNP that he was involved in a plot to harm both Griffin and party financer James Dowson. However, sources close to the BNP ...
- On the ground in DudleyEntering the town of Dudley on Saturday was like entering a ghost town, an almost militarised ghost town. More than half the roads in the town centre were closed, with police manning the roadblocks. As we made our way to where the English Defence League rally was due to be held we walked past rows [ ...
- Palin Alaska Boycott Gets ANOTHER Boost from Tina ...Click Here for Palin Alaska BOYCOTT Central On sen4earth.org...another SEN donation to Defender's campaign, another Care2-SEN fight-fast fun-fest...
- Palin Alaska Boycott Gets Boost from Defenders Cam ...Click Here for Palin Alaska BOYCOTT CENTRAL and the link to the latest on the Defenders of Wildlife campaign. SEN could not be more ecstatic and yes SEN has donated to the campaign in honor of all of you making our united effort grow. We will not relent. The boycott SEN is leading has commenced and ...
- Drill Us to Hell? Say What YOU Demand!Drill Oil, USA & World to Hell? Tell Us, Them What YOU want! Â The USA and world will soon be out of oil regardless. Tell us what YOU demand, we’ll tell THEM for you. The consequences of “too little too late”. Tools and links for more info and ACTION. Â The Energy and Climate Bill being debated in ...
- ABC’s Kimmel Joins SEN’s Palin Alaska ...Click Here For Kimmel’s Video on ABC Please Note: Kimmel’s Condemnation Video is Comedic, but uses animation and special effects to imitate (ie fake) Sarah Palin shooting Alaskan Wildlife. Also, there is a 30-second ad before the two-minute Kimmel video starts. Click Here to Condemn and Boycott Th ...
- SEN Condemns EDF, Walmart, Fox News, Glenn Beck, D ...Click Here for the Boycott Action Page for All Above Article this Page: SEN Condemns EDF and Walmart The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organization that purports to be helping to save planet earth. In fact EDF has partnered with Walmart and is now shamefully singing Walmart’s praises on ...
If Americans Knew
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
- Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first week to ...
- Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... i ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandh ...
David J. Gregory
- REMINDER: The Vast Majority Of The Government Defi ...Many people right now are making a scare story out of the U.S. government’s future deficit projections. Many of these same people are also blaming our government’s horrific projected deficits on the current administration. Problem is, as shown in the chart below (via The Economist), America’s defic ...
- Nearly Too LateCorporate Takeover 95% Complete Time to wake up!! You’ll be late for the END.
- PEACE………………………………….PEACE…………………………….. No! Sadly dear heart, passivity and quietism won’t make the nightmares go away!.. Some of US write to reach those who are still asleep.. We rally to express our disenchantment with the status quo! We March to show the strength of our convictions. “We” will com ...
- Join this Care2 group, Care2 over 12 million stron ...~ WELCOME ~ Get involved join this Care2 group to make a difference, apathy is no longer acceptable! Group Discussions new topic default View All red Welcome (4) blue News (4) green Petitions (3) yellow Miscellaneous (10) [...]
- Prayer for AmericaThis prayer was offered eight years ago in Congress by Dennis Kucinich, one of a very small group, who actually represent the American people in government today. Please do all you can to see that he is reelected to Congress, he represents the 10th District of Ohio in the House of Representatives, w ...
Unsuitable Blog
- Jan Lundberg Attacks Sierra Club’s Support f ...Our good friends The Sierra Club are at it again – this time with regards to motor transport. The Sierra Club believe you can have “clean cars” as demonstrated by this press release, emanating from the new radical Executive Director, Michael Brune (didn’t take long for him to become a member of the ...
- Greenwash of the Week: Chevron’s Solar Proje ...Yes, I’m being lazy: we’re packing to move house so The Unsuitablog will be a bit sporadic for a while. Thank goodness there’s so much greenwash to choose from out there. (That was a joke)
- The Chagos Archipelago – Where “Conservation ...No need for comment, straight repost with thanks to Fred. How do you greenwash a large airforce base? A base that is responsible for bombing nearby countries, and which was built on an island you confiscated from residents who are now living in exile on the other side of the world? Easy. You announ ...
- RecycleBank Is Worse Than Doing NothingWe’re moving house soon, which means discovering untold secrets in the rarely visited corners of our current place of abode. After 16 years in the same place, much of that with an attitude that could possibly be described as “hoarder”, it’s no surprise that our domestic recycling bin is being kept ...
- Scientists vs DeniersThe following groups say the danger of human-caused climate change is a … FACT: U.S. Agency for International Development United States Department of Agriculture National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology United States Department of Defense United St ...
Subalternate Reality
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
- Galbraith: 2nd Stimulus NeededUniversity of Texas economics professor James Galbraith appeared on Al Jazeera today to discuss his vision for economic recovery. The first priority, said Galbraith, is to fill state budget gaps. While the concern over of the growing deficit and the national debt is important, ultimately, “unless ...
- Evo Morales Scores AgainEvo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has secured reelection by a landslide. In fact, the victory gives him an even greater mandate than the one he previously enjoyed. Unofficial results show that Morales received 63 percent of the vote, an increase of almost 10 percentage points from ...
- Lingering Corruption in AfghanistanCorruption is one of the main factors behind the increasingly dire situation in Afghanistan. Since 2001, billions of dollars have poured in and yet, there is little to show for it. To a large extent, much of what hinders the present Afghan government is its inability to tackle systemic cronyism a ...
- The Hijacking of Adam SmithAdvocates of an unregulated global economy like to use Scottish philosopher Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations to support their bold claims about the invisible hand. Smith, capitalism’s patron saint, however, was much more nuanced and reflective than unscrupulous market-friendly ideologues portray him ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Documents Pouring in as DocumentCloud Goes Beta Eagle-eyed followers of the DocumentCloud Twitter feed have already picked up on the fact that we began adding users to our beta last month. We made a strategic decision to peg our beta to NICAR' s March 2010 computer assisted reporting conference , where we knew we'd be able to gather a sizable ...
- Clifford Stoll Was Wrong, But Internet is Far From ...Poor Clifford Stoll . His 1995 Newsweek essay The Internet? Bah! Hype alert: Why cyberspace isn't, and will never be, nirvana resurfaced last month and, yes, is still so curmudgeony that it makes Dennis the Menace's Mr. Wilson sound like Pangloss: What the Internet hucksters won't tell you is th ...
- Agriculture and UsI attended an Ashoka conference in New Delhi yesterday on rural innovation and farming. There were so many new things I realized about agriculture's deep rooted connections with culture, society and the economy that I decided to immediately write about it before the memories fade. Plus. I watched Av ...
- Printcasting Adds Partners in Philadelphia, Puerto ...Do niche print magazines still have a role to play in the digital age? Media outlets in five different cities around the world are using the Printcasting publishing network to try and answer this question. We've added three partners in two weeks. They are: La República , one of the leading newspaper ...
- Hacks and Hackers: A New Community for Technojourn ...Last June, at the annual Center for Future Civic Media Conference , I got to talking with Aron Pilhofer (an old friend, leader of the New York Times news applications team and a Knight News Challenge winner for the DocumentCloud project) about the growing number of people who are now doing computer ...
Cutting Edge News
- Edge of Deterrence - Obama's Ballistic Missile Pro ...The Department of Defense released its Ballistic Missile Defense Review Report (BMDRR) on February 1, 2010, laying out America's long-term policy on ballistic missile defense. At the same time, the Obama Administration released its fiscal year (FY) 2011 budget request, which includes recommended fun ...
- The Edge of Wind - Proposed Electric Grid Could Ma ...The energy needs of the entire human population could potentially be met by converting wind energy to electricity. While offshore wind power resources are abundant, wind turbines are currently unable to provide steady power due to natural fluctuations in wind direction and strength. Steady is the ke ...
- Inside Africa - South Africa Faces More than Socce ...Eugene Terreblanche, the white 69 year-old South African most famously known for his racist stance, was killed on April 3 in his bed, in the town of Ventersdorp, 100 miles from the capital, Pretoria. He was the stereotypical Boer: fearless, tough, no-nonsense and convinced of his racial “superiority ...
- The Edge of Law - Universal Jurisdiction is Abused ...The Legal Task Force of the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East released its first major statement condemning the misuse of universal jurisdiction in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, while and insisting upon reform. In light of recent harassment of Israeli officials, the international panel of le ...
- Inside Iraq - The Road to Power: Iraqiyya and Iraq ...As the news broke that his cross-sectarian alliance was leading last month's parliamentary election with 91 seats, former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi was seen on television, grinning and receiving well-wishers in his Baghdad headquarters. His supporters took to the streets, jubilantly dancing a ...
High Country News
- Wildlife fauxtographyIf a wildlife photograph looks too perfect to be "real," it probably isn't.
- Horses running wildStatistics reveal the cost and complexity of wild horse management in the West.
- Only 40 years ago, the Earth got its dayEarth Day, which was first celebrated 40 years ago, was largely created by Gaylord Nelson, a Democratic senator from Wisconsin who fought hard for environmental laws.
- Audio: High Country Views, episode 3Sarah Gilman and Cally Carswell talk about tough times for coal.
- Pioneer stockA Franciscan manzanita, long believed extinct in the wild, is discovered near San Francisco, in the path of a highway expansion.
- Hamas Should Be Treated As A Political Actor: Rich ...Dr Hanan Chehata, interviews Prof Richard Falk Interview With Prof. Richard Falk the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied , since 1967
- Lawrence Wilkerson Demolishes Bush, Cheney, And Ru ...By Andy Worthington Col. Lawrence Wilkerson last week submitted a declaration in a lawsuit seeking compensation from the U.S. government that was filed by former Guantanamo prisoner Adel Hassan Hamad. In the declaration, Col. Wilkerson, who served in the U.S. military for 31 years and was chief of ...
- Obamas Record On Guantanamo Just As Shoddy As Bush ...By Lt. Col. Barry Wingard It pains me to say that nothing has changed since Obama became President. In fact, people are questioning whether we can believe that any change will ever come. On February 5, 2008, Obama said, change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. He i ...
- Endless Casualties Of Israels Buffer Zone By Eva Bartlett Mahmoud Shawa, 19, is the latest victim of Israeli aggression against Gazans in Israels Buffer Zone
- Fighting American Wars From On HighBy Tom Engelhardt In the last week, we ve seen -- literally viewed -- a modern example of what it means in our day to act from the heights, and we ve read about another striking example of the same. The website WikiLeaks released a decrypted July 2007 video of two U.S. Apache helicopters attacking ...
Blacklisted News
- U.S. Army Clarifies HTS Role: Human Terrain System ...There has been a lot of debate over the years about HTS’ part in the US Army’s intelligence operations function. Critics and neutral observers have known for some time that HTS is an information collections program. HTS proponents have denied that fact at every turn. At long last, that debate is fin ...
- VIDEO: Massive fireball reported across Midwestern ...Authorities in several Midwestern states were flooded Wednesday night with reports of a gigantic fireball lighting up the sky, the National Weather Service said.
- Senators consider gasoline tax as part of climate ...Estimates put it in the range of 15 cents a gallon. Some oil companies are on board with the plan because it would cost them far less than other proposals to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
- Call for choice on gene testing to allow designer ...
The Intelligence Daily
- Security for Benazir Bhutto was ‘fatally insuffici ...The 65-page report from the independent commission appointed by the UN said that the inquiry...
- Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority W ...By Rick Rozoff (The Intelligence Daily) — A war can be won without being waged. Victory can...
- Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The ...By Michael T Snyder (The Intelligence Daily) — For a long time many of us have had very...
- Court Rules Against NSA’s Illegal Spying, Illegal ...By Tom Burghardt (The Intelligence Daily) — What could be a significant legal victory in the...
- After Peak Oil, Are We Heading Towards Social Coll ...By Emily Spence (The Intelligence Daily) — Recently, Glen Sweetnam, director of the...
My AntiWar
- Thursday: 26 Iraqis Killed, 6 Wounded
- Iraqi Refugees in Syria Not Going Back Soon
- Study: Defeat al-Qaeda by Removing Its ‘Cool ...
- Yemenis Protest Against Surging Prices, ‘Vio ...
- Huge Explosion Rocks Kandahar, Killing at Least 11
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Obama´s Dead End On Iran SanctionsSummary: "This is, truly, a “dead end” policy. The way out, for the Obama Administration, is to get serious about nuclear diplomacy with Iran—first of all, by reaching agreement on plan for refueling the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR)." source: The Race for Iran read more
- Iran: Sanctions Will Fail -- Then What?Summary: At some point down the road -- six months, twelve months, down the road -- the Obama administration is gonna have to basically ask the question of "what do we do now?" since the sanctions are, predictably enough, not working. source: MRZine/KBO Radio read more
- Full text of Iran's letter of complaint to the UN ...Summary: Iran’s UN ambassador Mohammad Khazaee called for the Security Council and other UN related bodies to show serious opposition to the US President’s nuclear policies and his threat against an NPT signatory which does not hold nuclear weapon. source: ISNA read more
- Iran complains to UN over Obama 'nuclear blackmail ...Summary: Iran's letter to the United Nations: "The United States, in an illegitimate manner, has identified a non-nuclear country as a target of its atomic weapons and is drawing its military plans on this basis." source: AFP read more
- Turkey, Brazil Come out against new Iran sanctions ...Summary: Juan Cole On Iran, the picture for Obama was far more mixed. Turkey announced itself firmly against ratcheting up sanctions on Iran. This stance matters because Turkey is a non-permanent member of the UNSC. Likewise Brazil currently has a seat, and its goverment, as well, has just annou ...
The Daily Galaxy
- From the X File: Unknown Object in Nearby Galaxy S ...There is something strange is lurking in the galactic neighborhood. An unknown object in galaxy M82 12 million light-years away has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before...
- A Central Unsolved Mystery of Climate Change: Wher ...State of the art observational tools cannot account for roughly half of the heat that is believed to have built up on Earth in recent years, according scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., who...
- Does Our Universe Exist in a Black Hole (& Other C ...Some of the world's leading string theorists -"the theory of everything"- believe that our entire universe exists in a black hole. In this bizarre view, the pre Big-Bang universe is vast, infinite, and stretching back indefinitely in time. Meanwhile, scientists...
- Image of the Day: ISS Crew -Dinner Time in SpaceImage credit: Big Picture, boston.com
- New Tech Dept: Ford Eco-Route Plots Your Most Fuel ...Ford's MyFord Touch interface is emerging as the EV generation standard from Pandora music to its the latest stroke of genius. In an effort to provide more routing options to drivers, the automaker is showcasing its new Eco-Route function in...
Natural News
- Artificial pancreas breakthrough offers solution f ...(NaturalNews) It's downright amazing: A biomedical engineer at Boston University has developed a so-called "artificial pancreas" that helps diabetics maintain balanced blood sugar levels by monitoring the blood and releasing either insulin or glucagon as needed. Now all those people who eat artifici ...
- Dark-skinned immigrants to Canada urged to take vi ...(NaturalNews) Canadian doctors and nutritionists are urging dark-skinned immigrants coming to Canada to supplement with vitamin D in order to stay healthy. Many Canadian immigrants have relocated from countries with warmer, sunnier climates, and are exposed to far less natural sunshine in Canada tha ...
- Want to save the planet? Eat less meat and dairy(NaturalNews) The British government has released major recommendations for a diet that is good for both the planet and human health, and reducing consumption of animal products is one of its top priorities. "So far we've had fragmented and contradictory thinking on what dietary intakes should be. A ...
- The Sick Care Economy (comic)(NaturalNews) This CounterThink cartoon was originally published in 2006, and at the time it seemed almost outlandish to suppose that virtually an entire economy could be run on junk foods, sickness, disease and health care. And yet in the years since, this scenario has become more of a reality in t ...
- What are the health consequences of the tax season ...(NaturalNews) It's tax season in the U.S. again, and when it comes to discussions about the financial burden on the economy from the complexity of the current U.S. tax code, most of the criticisms focus on the number of dollars (or hours) spent in compliance. According to a study from the Tax Founda ...
Threat Level
- Final Conspirator in Credit Card Hacking Ring Gets ...Damon Patrick Toey, the “trusted subordinate” of TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez, was sentenced in Boston on Thursday to 5 years in prison. He also received a $100,000 fine and three years’ supervised release, according to the Justice Department. Toey, 25, helped Gonzalez breach the networks of numerous ...
- Cyberwar Commander Survives Senate HearingPresident Obama’s pick to be the 4-star general at the head of the military’s new computer security and cyberwar command sailed through a Senate confirmation hearing Thursday, while revealing virtually nothing about he plans for the new command. Lieutenant General Keith Alexander has run the Nationa ...
- NSA Official Faces Prison for Leaking to NewspaperA former senior National Security Agency official was slammed with a 10-count indictment Thursday after allegedly leaking top secret information to a reporter at a national newspaper. Thomas Andrews Drake, 52, was a high-ranking NSA employee with access to signals intelligence documents when he rep ...
- Yahoo, Feds Battle Over E-Mail PrivacyYahoo and federal prosecutors in Colorado are embroiled in a privacy battle that’s testing whether the Constitution’s warrant requirements apply to Americans’ e-mail. The  legal dust-up, unsealed late Tuesday, concerns a 1986 law that already allows the government to obtain a suspect’s e-mail from ...
- Prosecutors Seek 6-Year Sentence for TJX Hacker’s ...If TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez had gone to trial instead of pleading out, one man would have been the primary witness against him — accomplice Damon Patrick Toey. Toey, identified often in court documents simply as “PT,” provided information that investigators say likely helped persuade Gonzalez to p ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Tea Party "Contract from America" a Fiscal Suicide ...As Tea Party favorite Karl Marx once said, historical events occur twice, first as tragedy, then as farce. And so it is with the Tea Party " Contract from America ." But rather than following Newt Gingrich's gimmicky 1994 path to retaking control of Congress, the Tea Partiers sound more like Ronal ...
- 10 Inconvenient Truths for Tax DayWith Tax Day again upon us, two story lines will predictably dominate the media coverage on April 15th. In their perpetual war on taxes, conservatives will claim that rates are too high even as those Americans who receive tax credits get " welfare ." Meanwhile, frothing-at-the-mouth Tea Partiers w ...
- Right-Wing "47% Pay No Taxes" Talking Point Debunk ...welfare ." Now, media as diverse as the Daily Show and the New York Times are pushing back against the latest attack in the Republicans' perpetual class war. In a segment Tuesday titled, "That's Tariffic," Jon Stewart lamented: "The media attacks the poor and elderly for not paying federal income ...
- Dow 11,000 Ends the Right-Wing Obama Bear Market M ...For the millions of Americans struggling to find jobs or pay their mortgages, the Dow Jones' flirtation with 11,000 isn't particularly meaningful. But for the legions of right-wing talking heads who even before the November 2008 election declared Barack Obama's supposed "socialism" would "tank the ...
- NBER Declares Bush Recession Not Officially Over - ...On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research ( NBER ), the nonprofit group which officially marks the birth and death of economic downturns, announced that the Bush Recession which commenced in December 2007 isn't over , at least not yet. Despite the promising signs of economic growth, job c ...
Blackspot News Feed
- McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About ...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been blasting the Senate’s financial regulatory reform bill in recent days, falsely arguing that it “institutionalizes” bailouts for Wall Street. read more
- Arizona Legislature Makes Being Undocumented a Cri ...Arizona is on track to become the first state in the nation to make it a misdemeanor for a person to be there without legal immigration documents.
- Welcome to “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month”We are halfway through April, which you may not have realized has been dubbed “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” for the second year in a row by Texas Governor, Rick Perry and Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Just for the record: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not designed to offer comfort t ...
- Tax Grousing Tells Half The StoryIt’s tax time again, the time of year when Americans grouse about forking over part of their hard-earned cash to the dear old government. These days, there’s a whole movement dedicated to grumbling about taxes full time — I’m talking, of course, about the Right’s latest incarnation — tea partiers, w ...
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
Consortium News
- Watching Innocent Iraqis DieOfficial Washington loves George W. Bush's belated "victory" in Iraq but a leaked video shows the grim reality, reports Robert Parry. April 9, 2010
- Letting Coal Miners Die in West VirginiaCorporate greed is the backdrop for a devastating West Virginia coal mine explosion, killing more than two dozen, says Michael Winship. April 9, 2010
- The Case for Independent JournalismEditor Robert Parry says he understands why independent journalism may not seem like the most urgent priority at a time of need. April 8, 2010
- Murder Replaces Torture, BrilliantFrustrated by the legal problems of torture, the U.S. government has turned to assassinations instead, observes David Swanson. April 8, 2010
- CIA Assigned to Kill US CitizenThe Obama administration has authorized the CIA to kill a radical Muslim cleric who was born in the USA, writes Jason Leopold. April 7, 2010
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
- William P. O'Connor : The Story of Pvt. Hargrove
- Alexander Cockburn : From God to Gaia to Obama's N ...
- Joshua Frank / Jeffrey St. Clair : The Case of Br ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Israel clamps down on West Bank 'infiltrators' (P ...When Abdullah Alsaafin said goodbye to his wife last August, he didn't know it might be for the last time. The couple and three of their four children live in Ramallah in the West Bank, h ...
- Jerusalem park threatens Palestinian homes (Al Ja ...
- Adding torture to injury (Pam Bailey, Inter Press ...It was bad enough that Ahmad Asfour was severely maimed by an Israeli drone strike outside his house on Jan. 9, 2009. But, his search for advanced treatment landed the journalism student, ...
- Israelis demolish West Bank homes (The Jordan Tim ...Israeli bulldozers, flanked by troops, demolished properties in two West Bank villages on Wednesday, leaving nine Palestinians homeless, Agence France-Presse reported citing Palestinian r ...
- Obama doubtful on Middle East peace (Al Jazeera)Barack Obama, the US president, has admitted that Washington's power to influence stalled negotations between Israel and the Palestinians in limited. Speaking to reporters after hosting a ...
Water - AlterNet
- Why Consumers, Community Groups and Investors Are ...Nestle has worked hard to convince people that the company has turned over a new leaf, but fewer folks are buying Nestle's line or their water.
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
- Another Water Crisis Unfurling: Tar Sands Developm ...A new project may be coming to Utah that could have significant effects on water quality and quantity.
- Water and Energy -- Obey the Law on Cooling System ...Once-through cooling systems are an outmoded environmental disaster. So why are so many power plants still relying on them?
- Use Rain Barrels to Drench Your Garden and Save Wa ...Why not get some rain barrels and collect the runoff from your gutters that would otherwise go to waste?
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Feb 8, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance congratulates the city of New Orleans for the Saints’ stirring Super Bowl victory, and reminds them that the “hair of the dog” trick doesn’t really help with the hangover. The Texas Cloverleaf highlights the sentencing of GOP Denton County Constable Ken Jannereth. P ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- NATO: Pentagon’s Gateway Into Former Warsaw Pact, ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism A
- Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to yo ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://wordpress.com/blog/2010/04/15/be-nice-to-america-or-well-bring-democracy-to-
- The Transnational Homeland Security State and the ...by Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad April 15, 2010 tweetmeme_url = 'http://word
- Depleted uranium is destroying life By Jerry Mazzatweetmeme_url = 'http://wordpress.com/blog/2010/04/15/depleted-uranium-is-destroying-life-by-jerry-m
- Kazakhstan: U.S., NATO Seek Military Outpost Betwe ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://wordpress.com/blog/2010/04/14/kazakhstan-u-s-nato-seek-military-outpost-betw
Axis of Logic
- Yeah, yeah, they're dead: Get back to work!
- It is not Chavez. It is the People.
- Jimmy Cliff - "You can get it if your really want! ...
- Haiti camp evictions begin ahead of rainy season
- Do You Want to be Free or Not?
They Gave Us a Republic
- Yes, We Have a Sense of Humor About the DerbyOldest and most important horse race in the world, most exciting two minutes in sports, blah, blah, blah. It's not really Derby season until the Running of the Rodents. It took a little persuading, but once Burrhus Frederic decided to break from the starting gate, the gray and white rat circled the ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapAndrew Bacevich continues to be our favorite true conservative. Maybe because he is a Colonel who buried his son, and knows what war is, and not a chickenhawk? "My own view is that every American war, large or small, ought to be commemorated smack dab in the middle of the nation's capital. Crowding ...
- So What Are The Big Banks Hiding Now?From Susie Madrak @ C&L: Interesting, don't you think? They don't want us to know who took our money and how much, because they don't want us to know just what bad shape they're in. Notice their general counsel says they're concerned about "real-time disclosure of information" that could cause a ban ...
- What Would War Billions Buy in Your State?$7.5 Billion. �That's what Kentucky taxpayers have paid for Smirky/Darth's pointless desert clusterfucks since 2001. �And it's going up $50 every second. You can watch it increase at breathtaking speed here, at Cost of War dot com. �The counter shows totals for all wars since 2001, just Iraq and jus ...
- It's a model of an ATOM, you morons!Oh good Ford. The stuff you miss when you throw away the teevee sets and just watch the stuff you really want to see online. Since I don't surf, I didn't see the idiots on Fox get their knickers in a twist and jump off the deep end squaking about yet more proof that the president is a secret Muslim ...
Care 2
- Burmese Refugees Face StarvationAid agencies in Bangladesh are warning that thousands of unregistered Burmese refugees are facing starvation because of government moves to drive them out of the country. The refugees, from a Burmese minority community called Rohingya, complain that Submitted by Naoko I. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Social Media Reacts To West Virginia Coal Mine Tra ...Facebook members come together to offer condolences and prayers to those affected by this tragedy... Submitted by Sally G. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- HAMP: Still No Hope for HomeownersA common refrain among those who testified yesterday was that HAMP remains a mostly voluntary program; that Treasury has yet to force mortgage servicers, who are the boots-on-the-ground connection to homeowners, and investors to make tough but necessary c Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business �|� ...
- Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxyThere is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before. Submitted by Katie Miller to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Speak out Against Slaughter The Whales need you! P ...April is a dangerous time for whales in Norwegian waters: it marks the start of whaling season. This year, up to 1,286 minke whales will die from exploding harpoon and rifle wounds. Norway needs to know that this is unacceptable, NOW. Submitted by Tierney G. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comm ...
- EPA to Require Lab Tests Before Granting Energy St ...Companies seeking Energy Star certification for their products must furnish lab test results to verify energy use before they can use the famous label. The new requirement is the latest move by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy to strengthen the program.
- The Consequences of Ignoring Water Risks in the U. ...Failure to address water risks and other critical issues posed by aging or inadequate infrastructure could further impede the U.S. economy and America's attempts to regain global competitiveness on a number of fronts, a new study warns. �
- LG to Spend $18B Cutting Carbon, Making Greener Pr ...The South Korean company's plan is expected to reduce emissions 40 percent by 2020. The other half of the money will be spent on increasing production of energy efficient and clean tech products, such as fuel cells and rechargeable batteries.
- Volvo Water and Energy Intensity Grows, but Total ...Although water and energy use at Volvo declines last year, the gains were outpaced by production declines, driving up intensity in both areas.
- GE's New 40-Watt LED Bulb Will Last 25,000 HoursGeneral Electric will start selling a 40-watt LED bulb later this year that will last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, which are being phased out in the U.S. �
Reuters Global
- Turkey’s EU bid meets another Cyprus roadblo ...The Mediterranean island of Cyprus has been divided between Turkish and Greek Cypriots since the 1970s. An election on Sunday in the northern Turkish portion could have a long-term impact on Turkey's bid to join the European Union.
- Oil sands and ethical investing at a priceEthical investors face a dilemma over investing in companies with oil sands operations.
- Holbrooke hits the airwaves in new pushLeaving out the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan on President Obama's first trip to Kabul raised a few eyebrows.
- EU asks public what it thinks of CAP reformThe European Commission has launched a public debate on the future reform of Europe’s common agricultural policy (CAP) from 2014. It wants everyone to have their say on how the European Union should support agricultural production. But the question on everybody’s lips is off-limits.
- Obama to World Cup? Well, if U.S. team reaches the ...President Barack Obama has said he might make the trip to this summer's soccer World Cup in South Africa -- but won't commit unless the U.S. team reaches the finals, according to South Africa's foreign minister.
Paul Krugman
- Days Of Tea And WineThe Tea Party eats French.
- Geographical MeThe new economic geography, now middle-aged.
- The Secret of the Banks' SuccessWe got into this mess because we had an over-financialized economy, with finance making a share of profits out of all proportion to its actual economic contribution. And now it's baaaack.
- Bank Failure: Two Brief NotesOf Georgia banks and shadow bank runs.
- Andrew Ross Sorkin Owes Several People An ApologyCaricaturing the advocates of bank nationalization is not OK.
No Quarter
- Really Lost in Space, Obama in Delusional OrbitWhat a breathtaking, audacious display of mathematical ignorance by Barack “Nero” Obama! who spun an unintelligible fantasy today at the Kennedy Space Center today. President Obama told a supportive crowd at the Kennedy Space Center on Thursday that NASA should aim to send astronauts to explore as ...
- Double Dip Recession?Well Barack, how’s that stimulus package turning out? Not so good. Here are the latest “good” news about Barack’s economic leadership: Foreclosure rates surge, biggest jump in 5 years A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are st ...
- How To Beat the Crap Out of a College KidHere’s a good “How To” if you are in the market for wanting to put a beat down on some unsuspecting college kid. Now let me tell you what the media is not. Although the media is acting like this is something new and unexpected, that is just not the case. Prince George’s County Maryland borders [.. ...
- Obama’s Increasing Disdain For The PressWell, this is a fine how-do-you-do for a press that was completely sycophantic for Obama, did his bidding, published whatever he, Plouffe, or Axelrod claimed about Obama without EVER bothering to look it up (except for a very, very few intrepid reporters, like John Kass and Lynn Sweet, both out of C ...
- The Democrat DebacleThe Democrats control the House and the Senate with overwhelming majorities. And what do they do with this advantage? Cry like puppies scalded by hot water. Take a gander at this poor excuse for “leadership:” Congressional Democrats said Tuesday that they may be unable to approve a budget plan th ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Yummy! - How to Cook Chesapeake Bay Blue CrabsChesapeake Bay's Blue Crabs are a terrific feast for summer. In fact, many Marylanders prefer a crab feast to any other sort of outdoor cook-out. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Help! Aliens In My Tree!They look like tiny aliens in your Cedar or Juniper tree, but they aren't. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Bull Terrier Vs PorcupineThis is what happened when said canine messed with the wrong animal – a porcupine that made a pin cushion out of the dog’s muzzle... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Young Eco Designer 2010 - A Special Interview With ...This spring sees the launch of the Young Eco Designer 2010 competition, which hopes to inspire eco-friendly behaviour in a fun and creative way by encouraging kids to ‘up read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- Rapping Mouse Works the Mic to Promote Herbs and G ...Recently, Mountain Rose Herbs held a contest for folks to create fun videos that promote environmental preservation. The winner, Chives the Mouse, created by Catherine Wi read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Will America Buy a New Climate Policy?Congress is deadlocked on the issue of climate change. But a new bill, with bipartisan support, has a good chance of breaking the deadlock and actually reducing U.S. carbon emissions.
- Review: 'Bridging Partition'This powerful collection of essays describes the citizen diplomacy and peace movements that have been taking root in India and Pakistan.
- Out of Okinawa: Military Bases and the U.S.-Japan ...Join us for a brown bag lunch with U.S.-Japan expert Gavan McCormack.
- Afghanistan: Should We Stay or Should We Go?At an FPIF panel on Afghanistan at the recent Left Forum in New York, panelists agreed that there are no military solutions to the current situation but disagreed on whether U.S. troops should leave as soon as possible.
- The Really Really Long WarIntolerance and bigotry lie at the root of Islamophobia -- that and a thousand years of protracted conflict and bloodshed.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Ash cloud disrupts global aviationThousands of flights cancelled as huge plume of ash spreads across half of Europe.
- Red shirt leader escapes hotel raidThai commandos launch security operation as deputy PM brands protest leaders "terrorists".
- Pakistan 'failed to protect Bhutto'Damning UN report says assassination of former PM could have been prevented.
- Deaths in Pakistan hospital blastAt least eight people killed and 16 wounded in explosion in Quetta in Baluchistan province.
- Cold grips China quake survivorsThousands go hungry in freezing temperatures, waiting for emergency help.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Senate Climate Bill Debut Set for April 26The Senate sponsors of climate and energy legislation now plan to unveil their proposal on April 26, aides say.
- Solar Growth Slows, With Homes a Glaring ExceptionThe growth of the solar industry slowed in the United States last year, but residential installations surged, in part due to stimulus spending and tax credits.
- From the Sea to a Sushi Plate, a Trail of DNAResearchers are already tracking DNA in restaurant offerings to figure out how the market in whale meat works.
- I.B.M. Suppliers Must Track Environmental DataThe giant technology company will also require its 28,000 suppliers to set environmental goals and publicly report on their progress.
- McDonald's Parries on Cage-Free EggsThe board of McDonald's recommends against a requirement that it use some cage-free eggs.
Dot Earth News
- East Anglia's Climate LessonsA second inquiry into questions raised by climatologists' files finds no wrongdoing but pushes for openness and better statistics.
- Obama Seeks Local Action for Earth DayFacing deep division in Washington on climate policy, Obama urges Americans to go local in improving the environment.
- The Climate Path From Copenhagen Through CancunA document may hold clues to American goals in climate negotiations.
- Artists Weigh in on What Matters MostA sampler of artwork exploring "what matters most" on the human journey in this century.
- Your Dot: Energy Gluttony, Poverty, IrrelevanceIs humanity's energy problem gluttony, poverty, a distraction, or all of the above?
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
- Oh noes: Epic FBI white supremacist troll Hal Turn ...Alright here's a bizarre story about a strange man from New Jersey, Hal Turner, who rose to fame as a racist, anti-semitic blogger and radio talk show host whose violent rhetoric upset many people. Alex Jones to his credit accurately flagged Turner years ago as an FBI informant/operative. No mainstr ...
- War on WikiLeaks? Nasty intelligence plan to destr ...Well this is grim! The ACIC or Army Counterintelligence Center published in March 2008 a National Security Information Special Report, under the auspices of the Department of Defense Intelligence Analysis Program (DIAP). Michael D Horvath of the Cyver Counterintelligence Assessments Branch d ...
- Restored 1927 "Metropolis" adds new subplots on wo ...Frame by frame, the lost almost-complete version of Metropolis is coming out. METROPOLIS2710 It's an amazing & essentially perfect film, which created the bases for epic pop culture characters like Doc Brown, C3PO, as well as a powerful vision of utopian urbanism -- the film itself created a huge c ...
Daily Censored
- Times Have Changed So Why Haven’t We?We know that education is suffering in many ways nationwide. An enormous increase of students with special needs is being identified. According to America’s Promise Alliance, capable students are dropping out of school. In April 2008, ABC World News segment (“Failing Grades,” April 1) featured a ...
- Crist vetoes Senate Bill 6 – victory for students, ...We won! Governor Charlie Crist of Florida Vetoes SB 6, merit pay/testing trap After huge teacher call-ins (at least 6,700 teachers in Miami/Dade school district alone) and scores of student walkouts, along with a huge rally and other actions, including a “sit-down” (turned meeting with Governor Cr ...
- BAMN attorneys representing the elected Detroit Bo ...Picket and Press Conference Friday, April 16, 1:00 pm City/County Building Woodward & W. Jefferson Court Hearing, 2:00 pm Room 1421, Judge Wendy Baxter Stop Rob Bobb from Dismantling Public Education in Detroit No More Charters, No School Closings, No Layoffs, No Program Cuts Our Children are N ...
- Can America Have a Quick Recovery from Economic Co ...By Guest Blogger Liping Chen, Job creation has been a major problem since the Bush administration. 2009 was marked as a year of spending with unfulfilled economic recovery. President Obama, in his State of the Union address, pledged ‘jobs must be our number-one focus in 2010′, and proposed ‘a new ...
- US threatens to nuke Iran; blame victim’s “intenti ...video live and author engages in comments at source. Can you handle the truth? Do you have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to employ middle school-level verification of factual claims on our nation’s most important issues? This involves no belief; only verification of the following ob ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Obama grants hospital visitation, power of attorne ...
- UN slams deliberate failure to adequately probe Bh ...
- Obama’s Justice Department indi ...
- Obama wants manned mission to Mars by 2030s
- Health insurers cooking books to game reforms
Institute for Policy Studies
- The Really Really Long WarIntolerance and bigotry lie at the root of Islamophobia -- that and a thousand years of protracted conflict and bloodshed.
- Flying and Radiation RisksShouldn't we determine whether full-body airport scanners could increase cancer risks before deploying them everywhere?
- Seismic InequalityWhy Chile fared better than Haiti after earthquakes struck both countries.
- Tax Day Talking PointsThere are two tax systems in America today: one for the privileged and one for everyone else.
- Lying with StatisticsBill O'Reilly falsely claims respected medical journal is on his side.
Pine River World News
- Why Are Corporate Groups Funding the Tea Party?The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Why Are Corporate Groups Funding the Tea Party? � �Shamus Cooke Source: � Global Research April 15, 2010 Rank and file Tea Partiers are, politically speaking, lost at sea in the dead of night, looking for the light of comm ...
- Caucasus Emirate media: Int'l terrorists from FSB ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Kavkaz Center, Caucasus Emirate (mujahideen) news agency, citing other media sources. International terrorists from FSB Russia murdered Polish President with EMP � � Kavkaz Center April 14, 2010 �12:54 Emirate time The Romanian Global News wa ...
- Michael Leon: Tea Party Movement Spreads to Milita ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Veterans Today. Tea Party Movement Spreads to Military � �Michael Leon Source: � Veterans Today April 13, 2010 Knowing the Tea Party's idiosyncratic views on the Armed Forces, the U.S. Constitution, God and oath to resist the liberals enslavi ...
- Eric Walberg: Kyrgyzstan: Another colour revolutio ...The following column is reprinted with permission from Eric Walberg. Kyrgyzstan: �Another colour revolution bites the dust � � Eric Walberg April 12, 2010 So what's the real story behind the coup in Kyrgyzstan? asks Eric Walberg The pretense that the leader of a modest country like Kyrgyzstan can ...
- Kyrgyzstan, Another Washington RevolutionThe following column is reprinted with permission from Stanislav Mishin, a frequent contributor to Russian newspaper Pravda. Kyrgyzstan, Another Washington Revolution � �Stanislav Mishin Source: � Mat Rodina April 10, 2010 It seems like just yesteryear when DC's power brokers where rubbing their b ...
- News you may have missed #330Pakistan released captured Taliban behind CIA's back. Kiwi activists accuse police of spying. CIA suspected existence of Israeli nukes in 1974.
- Australia to expel Israeli diplomat over Mabhouh a ...Australia has announced that it plans to expel an Israeli diplomat from the country, in connection with forged Australian passports that were used by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.
- News you may have missed #329Iran insists US hikers had intelligence links. Gerdes case shows difficulty of CIA jobs. US still denying India access to Headley.
- Analysis: Inside the US-Israeli intelligence relat ...Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv, authors of Friends in Deed: Inside the US-Israel Alliance, have produced a lengthy, well-researched and up-to-date essay on US-Israeli intelligence relations. The essay, which appears in the latest issue of The Tablet, carefully examines the highly complex subject of the ...
- News you may have missed #328Venezuela releases 4 of 8 alleged spies. Security services will determine fate of Kyrgyz uprising.
After Downing Street.org
- Norfolk Without the NavyBy David Swanson It's hard to imagine a desirable and sustainable world with the world's largest naval base still in it, but it's hard for a lot of people in Norfolk, Virginia, to imagine it gone. The military is not just the force of good that selflessly patrols the world, slaughtering evildoers f ...
- Mining Disaster: Kevin Zeese on The Dylan Ratigan ...
- The Pentagon Papers Are Public This TimeBy David Swanson If a new Daniel Ellsberg were to release a new pile of Pentagon Papers exposing the lies behind the Afghanistan War, or even the past few decades of misdeeds by our country in that one, the result would differ from what happened to Ellsberg in a number of stark ways. No newspaper w ...
- "Hunting Season Is Over in Iraq" - Time to Kill Af ...U.S. doubles anti-Taliban special forces Secretive buildup of elite teams reflects view that time is short to degrade Afghanistan opposition, LA Times By Julian E. Barnes, Reporting from Washington The Pentagon has increased its use of the military's most elite special operations teams in Afghanis ...
- Money for War
Grist - News
- Iceland volcano cloud brings European air chaosby Agence France-Presse Photo courtesy of Sverrir Thor via FlickrREYKJAVIK - A huge cloud of ash from an Icelandic volcano covered northern Europe on Thursday, forcing the closure of vast swaths of international airspace and the cancellation of thousands of flights. The eruption of the Eyjafja ...
- Britain’s ‘Coed Darcy’ shows the ...by Jonathan Hiskes Sim Darcy: An illustration of the Welsh urban villageCourtesy The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment Coed Darcy is an oddly named urban village that's going to be built from the ground up over the next 20 years in southern Wales. It'll h ...
- What the green movement needs from the next Suprem ...by Jonathan Hiskes Courtesy Related Links: Justice Stevens’ pro-environmental legacy embodies a simple approach: follow the law Coal execs get slammed in House hearing Great Barrier Reef oil spill hits renowned nature sanctuary
- Great Barrier Reef oil spill hits renowned nature ...by Agence France-Presse A sea turtle swims along the Great Barrier ReefPhoto courtesy The Lightworks via FlickrSYDNEY -- Australian police on Wednesday vowed to "throw the book" at two crewmen from the Chinese coal carrier that ran aground on the Great Barrier Reef, smashing coral and spilling ...
- Paris mayor wants to drive cars away from the Sein ...by Agence France-Presse A pedestrian's view of the Seine.Photo courtesy Olivier FfrenchPARIS -- Parisians longing to take more leisurely strolls along the banks of the Seine may soon get their wish under a plan unveiled Wednesday by the city mayor. Socialist Bertrand Delanoe wants to ban cars ...
Popular Bookmarks on Del.icio.us
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Hope For the Future: Panthers Need SunshineThe Panthers had a rough season - David Booth's two concussions served as an adequate picture of their year at large.
- Video: Tina Fey Wages War On WhoresTina Fey doing what she does best — calling a whore, a whore.
- Row, Row, Row Your FloatWays to create float with your business and earn extra cash.
- Tax Time Brings on the StressTax time brings the stress level up in U.S. adults
- Documentary: Eliot Spitzer Flew Too Close To The V ...In an upcoming, hard-hitting (heh) film, Spitzer compares himself to Icarus, flying on borrowed wings to court cherubim which were paid hourly.
Time - Top Stories
- Obama Explains NASA Policy, Promises Space-Industr ...Obama's grand plan for the future of NASA and the U.S. manned space program promises lots of jobs, but not much more
- Regulation of Toxic Chemicals Faces TighteningNew legislation would finally modernize the 34-year-old chemical regulatory system in the U.S., giving the EPA the power to protect humans and the environment from toxic substances
- Arizona's Tough New Law Against Illegal ImmigrantsIt will give police the right to hold anyone on "reasonable suspicion" if they cannot produce proof of immigration status. Sound like racial profiling?
- Does Kitty Kelley Have the Goods on Oprah?TIME analyzes what biographer Kitty Kelley has uncovered -- and sometimes re-covered -- about the guarded television host
- Why Young People Should Buy Stocks on MarginTwo Yale professors are advocating leverage as a way to raise returns and lower risks on retirement savings. Is their idea smart or dangerously crazy?
Washington Independent
- A Radical Climate Solution Goes MainstreamScientists have come to accept the necessity of researching this worst-case approach to addressing the climate crisis -- and so have some conservatives, creating what one scientist called "an alliance of strange bedfellows."
- Massey Takes on Obama Over Violation BacklogSpeaking at the White House this morning, President Obama took Massey Energy to task over last week’s deadly mining explosion in southern West Virginia, saying that the tragedy was “a failure first and foremost of management.” “Owners responsible for conditions in the Upper Big Branch mine should be ...
- Democrats File Cloture on Lael BrainardThis afternoon, the Senate filed cloture on the nomination of Lael Brainard to become undersecretary for international affairs, one of the highest ranking positions in the Treasury Department. Both Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner are former undersecretaries for international af ...
- Holder: We Must Use ‘Both Our Civilian Court ...In a packed room of civil libertarians assembled for a Constitution Project dinner, Attorney General Eric Holder gave a passionate if unpopular defense of the use of military commissions in addition to civilian courts to prosecute terrorism detainees. Disappointing his civil-libertarian supporters, ...
- Pelosi Suggests Admin Changes Enough to Ensure Min ...Judge for yourself, but in the following exchange with a reporter today, it sure seems that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is saying that the administration, through regulation and enforcement, has the power to ensure the safety of miners without Congress stepping in with new legislation. Fro ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture ...
- Teacher breaks 4th grader’s arm for ‘forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic R Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- We're expanding, while economy shrinksAmericans now have another excuse for hitting the fast food establishments and getting farther out of shape by adding unwanted weight, and it's allegedly not their fault. The latest health discovery is called "recession pounds," and some researchers Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to So ...
- Reports call for radical rethink on food policy to ...The food and farming sector is not pulling its weight when it comes to tacking climate change and food shortages could be the consequence if we fail to make fundamental changes to the way we farm, process, distribute and eat our food over the next 20 year Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- Organizer Of ‘Crash The Tea Party’ Rec ...Organizer of ‘Crash the Tea Party’ receives threats By Anita Kissée KATU News and KATU.com Staff Story Published: Apr 14, 2010 at 12:57 AM PDT   Story Updated: Apr 14, 2010 at 8:32 PM PDT PORTLAND, Ore. – A group planning to infiltrate Tea Party protests on Tax Day is led by a local ...
- Talking Palestine To PowerBy Sonja Karkar, ZNet, April 14, 2010 Today, there is no excuse for not knowing the truth about Palestine, especially what is happening in Gaza. Even taking into account the disinformation spread in mainstream media, there are enough glimpses one gets of [...]
- War Crimes in Iraq and AfghanistanRobert Dreyfuss, The Nation, April 13, 2010 War crimes, massacres, and, as Al Jazeera properly calls it, “collateral murder,” are all part of the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. The release last week of the Wikileaks video, thirty-eight grisly minutes long, [...]
- Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud, Part 2“This is Orson Welles, ladies and gentlemen, out of character to assure you that The War of The Worlds has no further significance than as the holiday offering it was intended to be. The Mercury Theatre’s own radio version of dressing up in a sheet and jumping out of a bush [...]
- Springboro Tea Party Leader Who Suggested Shooting ...Local Tea Party Leader Who Suggested Shooting Hispanics Now Is Wanted By Cops — Tweets: ‘Arm Yourself’ TPM MUCKRAKER Zachary Roth | April 14, 2010, 3:35PM Police are searching for a local Tea Party leader in Ohio who is wanted for violating a temporary protection order. Meanwhile, speakers at ...
- Chemtrails MovieView the series on YouTube. . .
- G. Edward Griffin Talks About ChemtrailsView the video at YouTube. . .
- Money & Markets Charts ~ 4.15.10View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report tonight, Thursday, April 15, 2010. Click here to view all charts as a pdf file. See previous Money & Markets Charts blog posts here. Currency cha ...
- NanoparticlesFrom Wikipedia: In nanotechnology, a particle is defined as a small object that behaves as a whole unit in terms of its transport and properties. It is further classified according to size: in terms of diameter, fine particles cover a range between 100 and 2500 nanometers, while ultrafine particles ...
- The Boom That’s Left Small Business BehindHAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! At least that’s what a recent flood of articles appearing in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek and BusinessWeek are asserting. The economy really is recovering, thanks mainly to the Obama administration’s policies, and those who doubt it are simply too obd ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- They're Trying to Call HIV-Positive People Bioterr ...HIV-positive Daniel Allen was charged with 'possession or use of a harmful biological device' after biting his neighbor during a neighborhood fight.
- "I Didn't Do Anything, And I Got My Ass Kicke ...University of Maryland police brutality case is a sobering reminder that an officer's word can carry tremendous weight against that of an innocent person.
- The Huge Challenges of Building a Life After Priso ...Helping women prisoners cope with the challenge of re-entry into normal life requires a lot more than motivational speeches and fashion advice.
- Virginia "Sovereignty March" Claims Rep. ...House Minority Whip Eric Cantor is reportedly scheduled to receive the Virginia Sovereignty March, organized by a group with racist "friends", on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.
- How the FCC Can Protect the Internet from Pro-Corp ...Net neutrality ensures a fair Internet. The telecom industry has the money and power to make sure that doesn't happen -- but the people (and the FCC) can fight back.
Sideways News
- Blacklist of opaque companies publishedCorporate Responsibility magazine has broken it’s tradition of positive reporting of CSR issues and published a blacklist of the least transparent companies in the US. The list highlights those corporations which publish only the minimum amount of information they need to in order to comply with reg ...
- Hotel offers pedal-powered mealsA Copenhagen hotel has unveiled an unusual plan to do its bit for the environment - asking eco-conscious guests to get on their bike and pedal their way to a greener future. The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers , located 15 minutes from the centre of the capital, has installed two stationary exercise ...
- DNA swap targets genetic diseasesInherited diseases could be prevented through the use of a technique that swaps DNA between eggs, scientists have claimed. Researchers at the University of Newcastle said the method involves transferring nuclear DNA inherited from a child's parents to a donor egg free from malfunctioning cells. They ...
- Bangladesh factories remain death trapsA campaign to put pressure on the Bangladesh government to clean up clothing manufacturing in the country has been launched this week on the anniversary of the country’s worst factory disaster in recent memory. The Clean Clothes Campaign is encouraging all companies sourcing clothing from Bangladesh ...
- 'History girls' new fad in JapanA growing number of Japanese women are looking to a romaticised version of the past for escapism and role models in a trend which has gathered popularity over the past year. Labelled rekijo, or “history girls”, women from their late teens to mid twenties are styling themselves on a bygone era and t ...
Fabius Maximus
- We can try to inflate away the government’s ...Summary:  another in a series about the financial condition of the US government.  This is  follow-up post to Why the U.S. cannot inflate its way out of debt (15 March 2010).  We’re in worse shape than most of our peers, and far larger (whales cannot manuever like minnows).  Other posts ...
- FM newswire for April 15, interesting articles abo ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. “French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment“, Daily Telegraph, 11 March 2010 — “A 50-year mystery over the ‘cursed bread’ of Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents suffering hallucinati ...
- A major function of our intelligence agencies is t ...Summary: Another in a series about the effectiveness of our intelligence apparatus. Today we examine one of its greatest accomplishment, the creation of the global jihad. Just-in-time salvation for the 21st century military/intelligence apparatus, facing the prospect of post-communist obsolescenc ...
- FM newswire for April 14, interesting articles abo ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. Not a good start: “Tea Party NY Gov Candidate’s E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality“, Zachary Roth, 12 April 2010 — “Caputo accused Democrats of wanting to change the subject from su ...
- The EU does Kabuki for Greece. Is it the next domi ...The ever-evolving rescue plans are — so far — just Kabuki. It’s obvious, but seldom acknowledged — as explained in this excerpt from “Europe’s bazooka is not enough“, Models and Agents, 8 April 2010: Back in August 2008, Hank Paulson, then US Treasury Secretary, went to Congress to request the ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Japan rolls out elite science fundsNature – FIRST scheme targets large grants to world-leading researchers. Physicist Akira Tonomura struggled for seven years to raise funding for his dream project: developing a microscope able to image three-dimensional arrays of atoms in unprecedented detail. Last March, with little hope of finding ...
- French City Plans To Harness Pedestrian Power for ...Popsci – In the French city of Toulouse, the newest craze in sustainable energy is about to hit the streets. Literally. Inspired by a nightclub in Rotterdam, Netherlands, the city of Toulouse has begun investigating the installation of energy-absorbing sidewalk panels that would harvest pedestrian p ...
- DR Congo gang rape crisis ’spreading’, new study s ...BBC – More than half of the victims of rape in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo were gang raped by armed men, a report says. For years rape has been used against women in the region but the report reveals the scale of the problem. Read article
- Fed Shouldn’t Reveal Crisis Loans, Banks Vow to Te ...Bloomberg – The biggest U.S. commercial banks will take their fight against disclosure of Federal Reserve lending in 2008 to the Supreme Court if necessary, the top lawyer for an industry-owned group said. Continued legal appeals will delay or block the first public look at details of the central ba ...
- Evidence of First Virus That Infects Both Plants a ...Popsci – From rabies to bird flu to HIV, diseases passing from animals to humans is a well-known phenomenon. But a virus jumping from plants to humans? Never. At least, that’s what doctors thought until Didier Raoult of the University of the Mediterranean in Marseilles, France, discovered that the m ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- What about the Second World?What about the Second World? (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) “Dear Maoist-Third Worldist, The First World is made up of exploiters. And the Third World are countries that have populations that are mostly exploited. What is the Second World? Raised-fist salute†Thank you for writing. We hav ...
- Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide(shubelmorgan.wordpress.com) Filed under: ..Shubel Morgan, Amerikkka, Communism, Idiot Amerikkkans, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo, North America
- Growth of casual sex in the United StatesGrowth of casual sex in the United States (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) According to a new report, there is an increase toward multiple sexual parters, especially amongst those people in the United States who are in nonromantic sexual relationships. Sociologist author Anthonsy Paik: “The ...
- Leaked video shows U.S. brutality in IraqLeaked video shows U.S. brutality in Iraq (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) A webpage, Wikileaks, has released a dramatic video showing the brutality of the U.S. military in Iraq. According to the webpage: “WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slay ...
- The global slum growsThe global slum grows (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) The global slum has grown by 51 million in the past 10 years, according to a recent United Nations report. The number of inhabitants in the world’s slum grew to 828 million in 2010. Overwhelmingly, these slum dwellers reside in the Third Worl ...
- BBC Documentary: Evidence Israel’s nuclear weapons ...Is it not unjust or what else do you call it? Read More at http://pakalert.wordpress.com/
- Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 2 The Satan ...Part 2 The Satanic New World Order Read part one here: Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? (Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) – I and many other writers have talked about the New World Order (NWO) but who are they and just how far will they go to achieve their goals? The answer [...] Read Mor ...
- Israeli Raid Called Off After Soldier Discloses De ...JERUSALEM — Israel’s military has “unfriended” one of its own – after a combat soldier potentially updated Israel’s enemies on Facebook. The military said Wednesday that a planned raid on a West Bank village was called off after the soldier disclosed its details online. The military said the ...
- There Were 88 Media Companies… Now There Are 6From Rense.com These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters. The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, no ...
- GlobalzionationBy: Haris Mumtaz October 30th 1938, just another evening in New York where city life was streaming along nicely and people were busy in their lives fulfilling their social requirements with nothing unusual whatsoever when mercury network, a radio station in New York interrupts the music o ...
- Envision Launching Three Sub-$30k EVs This SummerThere's been a lot of press lately about EV launches and pricing strategies of big auto companies, like Nissan with their LEAF. But out of the shadows, practically-unknown Envision Motor Company has emerged and announced that they will be launching not one, but three EVs this summer, all with a pr ...
- IBM Requiring Suppliers to Track and Report Enviro ...IBM has made a significant step in cleaning up its global operations. It's now requiring all of its suppliers in 90 different countries to install management systems to track environmental data like energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste and recycling levels. All suppliers must set envir ...
- Solar-Powered Airplane Has Its Maiden FlightThe Solar Impulse HB-SIA, a solar-powered aircraft under development for an emissions-free around-the-world flight , had its maiden flight on April 7. Bertrand Piccard, the adventurer who first flew a balloon non-stop around the globe, is the chairman of the Solar Impulse project. The plane was ...
- Solar Scorecard Assesses the Manufacture of Solar ...Solar panels are one of the greenest and least controversial types of renewable power generation technology. Some neighborhoods don't like how they look on roofs of houses, but there are no concerns about harming wildlife, as with wind turbines or tidal power systems. And the technology to make ...
- Yamaha to Develop Electric BikesYamaha, one of the best-known names in motorcycles, is finally entering the electric bike fray. The company has announced that it will be selling shares in order to raise $812 million to go towards developing low-cost, all-electric motorcycles and "motor-assisted" bicycles. So far, electric bikes ...
- Memo to Tea Party followers: That Other Party Is S ...Body From yesterday's NY Times/CBS News poll on the Tea Party movement and its 18 percent of supportive Americans, the bad news -- in fact, I'd say worst news -- was that they reject the idea of a conservative base-dividing third party. Drats. They're smarter than we thought. The good ...
- Sen. George LeMieux Wins Our GOP Hypocrite Award f ...George LeMieux Welcome back to GOP Hypocrite of the Week. On Tax Day 2010, President Obama outlined a plan to save the federal government money by privatizing and cutting parts of an enormously expensive federal program . One would think Republicans would be overjoyed by such news. But remember, ...
- Having Tried Blaming Victims and Jews Already, Vat ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Meg White So much for diplomacy. After the Pope and the Catholic Church at large failed miserably at placating the angry and disgusted masses after the public became aware of the widespread child abuse scandal, the Vatican's top diplomat was deployed to explain what had ...
- To Organize Against Wall Street, We Need a Narrati ...DANNY SCHECHTER FOR BUZZFLASH In politics, it’s always all about the narrative, about how issues are framed. We ask ourselves how we can be experiencing the largest economic meltdown in decades with millions out of work and millions more losing their homes, and yet, with no real mass mobilization or ...
- Republicans Insist No One Shouted 'N-Word' at Demo ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH “Obama wasn’t born here!” “His birth certificate’s a fake!” These are the kinds of positions The right wing’s likely to take. They want every Democrat’s claim To be challenged and put on trial The only weapon they seem to have When faced with the truth is denial .read more
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- What happened to "look forward, not backward"?(updated below) The�Obama Justice Department today announced that it has secured a ten-felony-count indictment against�Thomas Drake, an official with the National Security Agency during the Bush years. �Drake's indictment, of course, has nothing to do with the criminal surveillance unde ...
- The Obama DOJ's warrantless demands for emailsA very significant case involving core privacy protections is now being litigated, where the Obama Justice Department is seeking to obtain from Yahoo "all emails" sent and received by multiple Yahoo email accounts, despite the fact that DOJ�has never sought, let alone obtained, a search warrant , an ...
- Blog newsEver since I began writing about political matters, reader support has been a vital means of enabling me to maintain independence and devote the vast bulk of my time and energy to what I do here.� As I noted during last year's blog fund-raiser, this model of readership support for journalism and com ...
- The case against Elena Kagan(updated below) It is far from clear who Obama will chose to replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, but Elena Kagan, his current Solicitor General and former Dean of Harvard Law School, is on every list of the most likely replacements. Tom Goldstein of SCOTUSblog has declared ...
- More cause and effect in the War against Terrorist ...(updated below) The extreme paradox of our actions in the Muslim world is now well-documented: namely, the very policies justified in the name of fighting Terrorism (invasions, occupations, bombings, lawless detentions, etc.) are the precise ones that most inflame and exacerbate that th ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Smoking cadmium, benchtop X-rays, genetic obesityLatest science news including this week’s round up from my SpectroscopyNOW column: Smoking out cadmium problem – A statistical analysis of spectroscopic data is helping scientists home in on the problem of decreased fruit and vegetable consumption being associated with an elevated concentration of ...
- Young children see the moon illusionWhy does the full moon seem bigger when it’s near the horizon than when it’s high in the sky? The moon illusion, which also applies to the perception of the size of the sun in the sky, has intrigued artists and puzzled psychologists for many years. The moon illusion refers to the fact that the sun ...
- Eye disease, combat robots, and a battery boostLatest round-up of science news, including my Intute physical sciences news column. ETROP Study MNR – Treatment strategy confirmed for childhood eye disease Reviewing peer review – Scientific peer review has many problems and no one seems to know how to address them Bots High – A documentary on hig ...
- How Many Licks?The idea of carrying out a Fermi estimate sounds like something that only nuclear physicists would be able to do with any degree of success, but a Fermi estimate, or Fermi problem, is nothing more than an approach to estimating numbers that cannot be counted. For instance, how many grains of sand on ...
- The Open Laboratory 2009The self-proclaimed “best in science writing on blogs” brings us once again a wide range of posts from the great and the good of the scientific blogosphere. The project was started with Bora Zivkovic (Blog Around the Clock) who recognised that science blogs were taking on a more and more relevant ro ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- U.S. Judge Threatens EPA With Contempt on Everglad ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2010 Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) A frustrated federal judge stopped just short of a formal contempt of court finding against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to stem mounting pollution in the Florida Everglades. ...
- Major Corporations Step Up for Certified Green Ele ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2010 Basel Action Network The Basel Action Network (BAN), the group that first documented the dumping of toxic electronic waste in China and Africa, announced today the official launch of the world's first global e-waste recycler certification and the first such pr ...
- UBS Whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld Files Officia ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2010 National Whistleblowers Center Today, Bradley Birkenfeld, the whistleblower who exposed the $20 billion illegal UBS tax fraud scheme, filed a direct appeal to President Barack Obama and an official petition requesting clemency. The petition, which is now avail ...
- On Tax Day, Brave New Foundation, With Congress Me ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2010 Brave New Foundation On Tax Day, Members of Congress Alan Grayson, Raúl Grijalva, and Barbara Lee will partner with Brave New Foundation to release an online short that reminds tax payers to take stock of how the war in Afghanistan is affecting the economy an ...
- Federal Marriage Discrimination Hurts Families on ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2010 Freedom to Marry April 15 th marks a deadline that few Americans look forward to - and same-sex couples in particular have reason to dread. read more
Common Dreams-Views
- The Whistleblower They Ignoredby Robert Scheer There aren’t too many genuine heroes to come out of the banking disaster, but Armando Falcon is one of them. You have probably never heard of him, but his testimony Friday before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, available on the commission’s website , is must reading for any ...
- What We Don't Know About GE Cropsby Ben Lilliston After 15 years on the market, and constituting 80 percent of soybeans, corn and cotton grown in the U.S., we still know remarkably little about genetically engineered (GE) crops; and some of what we do know is cause for alarm. read more
- King Coal Says, 'Live Free or Die'by Jim Hightower By gollies, one group in our country has what it takes! One group has done more than just strut around at teabag rallies, barking loudly about nullification, secession, militias and other big-talk threats to stop federal intrusion into our lives and businesses. This group has put th ...
- Massey Disaster Not Just Tragic, but Criminalby Amy Goodman Massey Energy runs the Upper Big Branch (UBB) mine in Montcoal, W.Va., where 29 miners were killed last week. The loss of life is tragic, but the UBB explosion is more than tragic; it is criminal. When corporations are guilty of crimes, however, they don’t go to prison, they don’t for ...
- The Tea Partiers' Racial Paranoiaby Joan Walsh Salon's Numerologist, David Jarman, nails it today : He combines the widely covered CBS/New York Times poll on the Tea Partiers -- no surprise, they're white, and they think President Obama is doing too much for black people; some surprise, they're wealthier than the average voter ...
Karl Burkart
- Peruvian glacier breaks apart causing tsunamiMore evidence of global warming in Peru, as Huacan glacier collapses into lake.
- Real 'Avatar' begins as Cameron returns to the Ama ...James Cameron makes his second trip to the Amazon this time with Sigourney Weaver to try and stop the massive Bel Monte dam project from decimating the Brazilian rainforest.
- Top 7 disappearing glaciersHere for 10,000 years ... gone in 10. Seven glaciers that are melting before our eyes.
- Just say no to 'Dirty Gold'New report lauds companies like Tiffany and Sears who have banned dirty gold, but 4 out of 5 jewelry manufacturers still use it. The 'No Dirty Gold' campaign hopes to change that.
- Computer chip breakthrough mimics brain synapseToday HP unveils a breakthrough in powerful computer chip technology that can process data, store memory and stack 3-dimensionally.. just like a brain synapse.
Water Privatization
- Powell River to Privatize Wastewater TreatmentPOWELL RIVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 15, 2010) - Residents may soon see privatized wastewater treatment if the City's plan goes ahead. CUPE 798 members are raising concerns about the agreement in principle the City signed with Catalyst on Friday, April 9.
- Bellingham meeting to focus on local and global wa ...BELLINGHAM - The League of Women Voters of Bellingham/Whatcom County will focus its Saturday, April
- Voice Yourself Abroad: Use A British Vote!*A GIVE YOUR VOTE/USE A UK VOTE (GYV/UAUKV) Project involving the Planet Repairs Youth Positive Action Campaign (PRYPAC) and its associated organisations, networks and other campaigns in Ghana; supported by the PANAFRIINDABA All-Afrikan People's Community Consultative Commission in Europe, London, Un ...
- Consulting firm to analyze county septage facility ...Siskiyou County will soon be seeing an assessment of options for replacing its aging septage storage facility, which has come under fire from regulators in recent years for failing to meet state standards.
- DMCI to join bid for Angat hydroelectric plantMANILA, Philippines - A unit of listed DMCI Holdings, Inc. will participate in the bidding for the 246-megawatt (MW) Angat hydroelectric plant, joining heavyweights Ayala Corp., Metro Pacific Investments Corp., the Lopez family, and San Miguel Corp.
- Lib Dem support surges after debate winBoost for Lib Dems as ComRes survey shows Nick Clegg's party gaining 14 points among those who watched last night's TV debate Nick Clegg has surged into contention as a potential prime minister, according to a Guardian/ICM poll carried out following last night's TV leaders' debate. A quarter of vote ...
- Pakistan criticised over Bhutto deathPakistan officials condemned for failing to protect Benazir Bhutto or investigate her death properly Pakistan's intelligence services have been condemned in a devastating report by a United Nations inquiry into the assassination three years ago of the former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. The report ...
- Liverpool owners confirm sale plans• BA chairman will run five-man board at Anfield • Hicks and Gillett agree refinancing extension with RBS Tom Hicks and George Gillett today formally announced the beginning of the end of their turbulent ownership of Liverpool with confirmation they have put the club up for sale and appointed the Br ...
- China quake death toll nears 800Rescue teams in Qinghai province in China say nearly 300 people still missing after major earthquake in Yushu The death toll following a major earthquake in western China has risen to at least 791, with another 294 people missing, rescue teams in Qinghai province said today. As the country's prime m ...
- £225m fine for cigarette price fixingImperial Tobacco fined £112m and Co-op and Asda were penalised by £14m each A dozen tobacco manufacturers and retailers, from supermarkets to petrol station operators, have been fined a record £225m by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) for unlawfully inflating the cost of cigarettes. The fine, the la ...
- Obama outlines NASA plan, meets with Estefans duri ...Reconnecting to a state critical to his reelection, President Barack Obama on Thursday rounded up about $2.5 million in Miami for the Democratic Party and tried to mollify critics in both parties about plans to scale back — but not scrap — a space exploration program out of Cape Canaveral.
- Jerry Brown returns to spotlight at California Dem ...Of the 3,000 or so Democrats who will gather at the California party's convention in Los Angeles this weekend, the one with the most to prove will also claim one of the longest political track records in the state — gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown.
- Prosecutor calls evidence against Jaycee Lee Dugar ...The evidence against Jaycee Lee Dugard's alleged kidnapper and rapist is overwhelming, the prosecutor said Thursday, but the case against Phillip Garrido's wife may show she acted under his control.
- Alaska Rep. Young outpaces foes in fundraisingWASHINGTON — Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, continues to hold a money advantage in the race to keep the congressional seat he's held since 1973.
- Alaska lawmakers OK Permanent Fund checks for the ...JUNEAU — The Legislature has voted to give Alaska Permanent Fund dividend checks to the dead.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Comeback for climate cautions and caveatsThere are many ways in which climate science has moved on since the mid-1990s, the period from date which the oldest e-mails stolen from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and featured in the so-called "ClimateGate" affair - and there are quite a few in which many both insi ...
- US driving climate process - but where?En route from the UN climate talks in Bonn: After the brutal medicine of Copenhagen , no-one was quite sure how much of the UN process would survive through the harsh winter intact and emerge into the warming weather of Bonn in springtime. Judging by the three-day meeting here, at least one UN clim ...
- Earth spirits' twin visions on climateFrom the UN climate talks in Bonn: Good news: I've had my sins absolved. Well, not all of my sins, obviously - that would take more Hail Marys than there are days in the year - but my carbon sins, at least. Tucked in my back pocket is a piece of paper saying I am "hereby forgiven" for sins such a ...
- Climate: How we got hereFrom the UN climate talks in Bonn "When you think back to Rio," the delegate asked rhetorically, "would you ever have imagined it would end up like this?" This is a delegate with much greater experience than me in this arena - someone who saw the UN climate convention come into being in 1992, and ...
- Bonn voyage for Copenhagen busThe battered old charabanc of the UN climate convention (UNFCCC) splutters back into life this week for a quick three-day outing. But how it runs during the course of the year, and where its final destination lies, are issues that the drivers and passengers have yet to decide. It appears that th ...
The Wonk Room
- Waxman Cancels Hearing, Report Shows Actual Loses ...After President Obama signed the new health care bill into law, large corporations like AT&T, Catepillar and John Deer announced that a provision in the law that preserves the subsidy employers receive for providing retirees with prescription drug coverage, but prevents companies from deducting it f ...
- Draft House Ethics Committee Rules Recognizing Gay ...Roll Call is reporting that the House ethics committee “has drafted rules that for the first time would define gay married couples as ’spouses’” in the financial disclosure forms Congressional members and their staffers file each year. While the change would not affect any openly gay members — none ...
- Pro-Immigration Reform Activists Say ‘Viva T ...In stark contrast to the angry “tea party” activists who marched on the nation’s capital today to protest excessive taxation, crowds of peaceful immigration reform supporters gathered outside post offices in several cities yesterday and today bearing signs with slogans stating “We Love Taxes!” and “ ...
- What Does The Government Do With All That Money?Today is tax day, when about $1 trillion is due from American taxpayers to fund their national government. Income taxes make up the largest slice of the revenue pie, though payroll taxes, whose burden fall heaviest on working families, are close behind. The combination of President Bush’s tax cuts f ...
- Reagan’s Solicitor General Promises To ̵ ...Last night, Fox News hosted what may have very well been the first conversation about how the constitutional challenges fit into the current state of law. Greta Van Susteren invited Charles Fried, the former U.S. Solicitor General under President Regan, to explain his opposition to the lawsuits. Fri ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Canadian Forces Says They'll Investigate Allegatio ...Um, that's okay boys. We'll take it from here. A parliamentary committee has heard stunning allegations from a former translator who claims the Canadian military tried to cover up the fatal shooting of an Afghan man in October 2007. Responding to the allegations late Wednesday, the chief of defen ...
- David Bercuson AgainI noticed a lot of people (Hey! For this fucking blog anyway!) liked my recent trashing of David Bercuson's stupid editorial . In the comments section, Alison at Creekside hepped us to the fact that Bercuson's Centre for Military and Strategic Studies is a recipient of almost $800,000 from the Depa ...
- Historians Behaving BadlyThe latest is David Bercuson, who wrote a howler recently. About how stephen harper can get out of his own supposedly ill-advised promise to get Canada out of the Afghanistan nightmare by 2011. It's called " This U.S. plea is a [h]arper saver ." The United States, according to The Globe and Mail, ...
- Canada & Torture & Law & Democracy: Where Do We St ...How depressing. The sub-title of this post started out as "Where We Stand," but seeing the long-term apathy (at best) about our present government regarding the possibility of complicity in the torture of innocent people, reading the detailed expressions of sympathy from conservative trolls on the ...
- Margaret Wente replies to "The Lomborg Deception"When hell freezes over. The imbecile refers to Lomborg the fraud as an "iconoclast." She (like other stupid people) jumped to conclusions about those CRU e-mails . How has she dealt with the fact that someone went through every single footnote in Lomborg's book Cool It and found out that they eithe ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: March Madness?by Brian Pretti. "In more ways than one? Sure could be. Time to quickly discuss the theoretical end to Fed money printing to buy back mortgage backed securities. As you know, there’s plenty of thought on the Street that mortgage rates will pop immediately when this wondrous and oh-so experimental pr ...
- Sell Now, Buy Later – the ABCs of Short Sellingby Jake Weber. "The catch phrases "Buy low, sell high" and “The market fluctuates” are probably the two most frequently used clichés of the investment world. The latter statement is hardly astute, and the former far easier said than done. What both of these simplistic ideas overlook is a third conce ...
- An interview with a long wave master (Part 2)by Clif Droke. "David Knox Barker is one of the leading authorities on the economic long wave, otherwise known as the Kondratieff Wave (a.k.a. “K Wave”). Barker has had an impressive career both as a financial market writer and long wave analyst, as well as being an entrepreneur in the field of eme ...
- Market Observation: Irreconcilable Differencesby Chris Martenson, Ph.D. "I may have to get a divorce from the news. I just can't get things to add up anymore. For example, even as the stock market surges along, as one might expect at the tail end of trillions in stimulus and bailouts, and retail sales apparently roared ahead in March according ...
- Gold in Perspectiveby David Galland. "As the price of gold rises and the inevitable quacking begins again about the “barbaric” metal being overvalued, I thought a quick check-in with the historical perspective might prove useful. The first of two charts that follow shows the long-term picture of gold from 1970 to the ...
on Government Oversight
- Classification Data -- The Tale of the TapeToday, the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) released its 2009 Report to the President. The report details agency efforts to classify and declassify government information. The news is mixed: the number of original classification authorities — individuals designated with the...
- Air Force Investigating "Class A" Osprey Mishap fr ...offers an interesting theory about the Afghanistan crash .
- Morning Smoke: GAO Finds Deficiencies in Interior' ...GAO Report: Interior Fails to Accurately Track Oil and Gas Production on Federal Leases by Noelle Straub [The New York Times] SEC watchdog to fault Stanford probe: sources by Matthew Goldstein and Rachelle Younglai [Reuters] Behind the Financial Reform Push,...
- Interior Still Doesn't Know How Much Taxpayers Are ...Confirming some of POGO's long-held concerns, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report issued today found that the Department of the Interior has been lax in ensuring that taxpayers are receiving their fair share of oil and gas royalties. The title...
- Morning Smoke: Wall Street Bolsters Lobbying Force ...Lawmakers Regulate Banks, Then Flock to Them by Eric Lichtblau [The New York Times] House panel proposes more defense contracting reforms by Matthew Weigelt [Washington Technology] Blanche Lincoln Wall Street bill tacks left by John Bresnahan and Carrie Budoff Brown...
Digital Journal
- Nova Scotia apologizes, pardons Canadian civil rig ...Viola Desmond, now deceased, had attended a movie in 1946 in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia while waiting for her car to be repaired.
- Canadian Immigration consultant busted for fraudA Windsor immigration consultant has been charged with eleven counts of fraud after a criminal investigation was conducted by the the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Windsor Immigration and Passport Section.
- Toronto transit union to discuss 'fare evasion' on ...The Toronto transit union wants to talk about TTC fare evasion with the public this weekend after assault charges were laid against a bus operation this week over a fare dispute.
- Half of Canadians say stop worrying about Canadian ...When it comes to watching TV Canadians are split down the middle on how much of their viewing pleasure should be home grown entertainment according to a Ipsos Reid poll.
- Toronto Blue Jays' post record-low attendance at R ...The Toronto Blue Jays suffered a massive loss against the Chicago White Sox by losing by ten runs but they also posted a record-low attendance.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Street Papers Do More Than Report the NewsThe North American Street Newspaper Association, with the help of the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation, has launched a new website . The NASNA, of which I am the chairperson, represents 31 street newspapers that work with more than 1,500 individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty ...
- Down for the Count: The U.S. Census Bureau's Failu ...Neil Donovan is part of Change.org's Changemakers network, comprised of leading voices for social change. Neil is the Executive Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless. It is unknown nearly how many homeless people live in the United States. America's inability to define the size and na ...
- Goodbye to Tent Living in HonoluluStarting next Monday, tents are no longer allowed in Honolulu's beautiful parks. While the law applies to everyone, I think we all know why it was instituted — to get those pesky homeless people from living in the park. How else to explain why police have been handing out fliers about alternatives l ...
- It Should Be Obvious: Homeless Shelters Shouldn't ...Unfortunately, that's exactly what New York City is trying to do ! This is nothing new for the Bloomberg administration. Last year the New York Times reported that the city began charging rent to families living in a public shelter who have a member of the family who is working. The practice s ...
- Can Homeless Seniors Be Foodies?What do homeless people eat? It's a question that doesn't get much attention. While the homeless are certainly not scarfing down anything from a five-star restaurant, adequate food and nutrition is an important component of staying healthy enough to transition out of homelessness. In a recent articl ...
- Loon watch: Logo madness meets nuclear summitFresh from revealing the secret Islamic threat encoded within the logo of the Missile Defense Agency, the right-wing loon crowd has now decided that the logo of the Nuclear Security Summit (shown above) is also sending secret Islamic messages — although Frank Gaffney appears to have stayed out of th ...
- Doug Roche discusses Obama’s summit on CPAC (2nd i ...
- Roche and O’Hanlon on CTV Powerplay
- Doug Roche discusses Obama Summit on CTV
- John Polanyi discusses Obama’s nuclear summit on C ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- My Lie Detector ResultsThis past Sunday, Dr. Rima Laibow interviewed me on her radio show, Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way. Some people have doubted my former ties to secret societies. So, during this interview I got hit with the tough question about my relationship to the Illuminati, Bildeberg and other secret ...
- New Study Says LESS Cardio Gives Better ResultsApril 15, 2010 Mercola Dr. Mercola Working out for 20 minutes a day using interval exercise may provide many of the same benefits of much longer workouts done in conventional “long-duration” style. Many experts “recommend that children and teenagers exercise one hour every day and adults get a weekl ...
- 3 out of 5 Brits Do Not Believe the NHS is Doing a ...April 15, 2010 Telegraph By: Rebecca Smith When asked to grade the NHS only 30 per cent gave it a score of very good or excellent, The Deloitte 2010 Survey of Health Care Consumers in the United Kingdom, found. The NHS scored worse than the healthcare systems in Canada, France and Switzerland but be ...
- Home Foreclosures Hit a Five-Year High in MarchApril 15, 2010 Daily Finance By: Betsy Schiffman Amid growing signs of an economic recovery, one troubling fact remains: Foreclosure rates aren’t slowing down. In March, 367,056 foreclosure filings were reported, according to RealtyTrac, up 19% from February and up 8% from a year earlier. It was the ...
- New Jobless Claims Unexpectedly SoarApril 15, 2010 Yahoo! Finance The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for jobless aid soared last week as the backlog from the Easter holiday was processed, adding to worries about the economic recovery, while U.S. industrial output rose less than expected in March. Initial claims for state une ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Global: Conference will establish African Socialis ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
- Global: Guadeloupe paralyzed by widespread strikesRiot police from mainland France have arrived on the French Caribbean islands as protests threaten to paralyse tourism and spread further afield. Strikes on Guadeloupe and Martinique have closed shops and schools and the reinforcements will help loca...
- Brazil: The high price of clean, cheap ethanolBrazil hopes to supply drivers worldwide with the fuel of the future - cheap ethanol derived from sugarcane. It is considered an effective antidote to climate change, but hundreds of thousands of Brazilian plantation workers harvest the cane at slave...
- Haiti: Open Letter to Barack Obama - pre-electionWe - citizens of Haiti, political militants and unionists of the grassroots movement for democracy in our country - solemnly address ourselves to you on the eve of the election that will most likely make you the next president of the United States....
War in Context
- Obama’s indiscriminate killing programIn The Price of Assassination, Robert Wright reflects on the pitfalls of President Obama’s policy of so-called targeted killing. Wright comes closest to hitting the right target when he says: Terrorists are nourished ultimately by a grass-roots sense of injustice. And one good way to stoke a sens ...
- Obama ain’t no SpockA US resolution to the Middle East conflict has become a national imperative and a logical necessity. Therefore it will happen. At least it would if we lived in a world governed by logic… I confess I don’t pay unswerving attention to everything that’s happening in Washington, so when I saw a headl ...
- Obama: Middle East peace “is a very hard thing to ...Amid swirling rumors and grand propositions, President Obama spoke yesterday on the so-called peace process and among peace-process professionals his words will be duly noted as an effort to “manage expectations”. But for those of us who do not have an investment in the idea that the show must go o ...
- Why Netanyahu stayed away from WashingtonThere’s been plenty of speculation about Benjamin Netanyahu’s last-minute cancellation of his plan to attend the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. The official explanation was that it was to avoid facing criticism from Turkey, Egypt and other Middle East states over Israel’s nuclear program. Su ...
- Fighting American wars from on highTom Engelhardt reflects on the detachment with which the US military, operating from a position akin to that of Olympian gods, has turned people into targets: [I]n the cities, towns, and villages of the distant lands where Americans tend to make war, civilians die regularly and repeatedly at our ha ...
Watts Up With That?
- Where’s the Climate Beef?Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A while back in the US there was an ad for a hamburger chain. It featured an old lady who bought a competitor’s hamburger with a great big hamburger bun. But when she opened it up she asked … I got to thinking about this in the context of whether there is [...]
- A House bill aiming to make research and data open ...Climategate demonstrated what can go wrong when a few misguided scientists take control of data and keep it from the public. Now there’s a movement afoot to make open access to data and research papers a law. Congress takes another stride toward public access to research Federal Research Public Ac ...
- NOAA says – Hottest (Warmest) March on Recor ...I’m sure the press will make this into a much bigger story. This today from NOAA News. The choice of “hottest” in the title is interesting. We should ask our Canadian friends if it was “hot” during March, since Canada seems to be leading the world in “hotness” according to the NOAA image. – Anthony ...
- Ash Thursday – the day the UK was planelessThe eruption of a volcano in Iceland has the skies over the UK and Europe filled with ash. Like what happened on 9/11 in the USA, planes are landing everywhere and staying out of the skies. Volcanic ash eats scours jet turbines, making in flight failure almost a certainty. There’s a cool website ca ...
- Iceland’s volcanic ash cloud – airport ...This image, acquired on 15 April 2010 by Envisat’s Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), shows the vast cloud of volcanic ash sweeping across the UK from the eruption in Iceland, more than 1000 km away. The ash, which can be seen as the large grey streak in the image, is drifting [... ...
Dandelion Salad
- F. William Engdahl: Kyrgyzstan’s second R ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ TheRealNews April 15, 2010 — F. William Engdahl discusses situation in Kyrgyzstan F. William Engdahl: Kyrgyzstan Revolution see Kyrgyzstan moves to shut US-run Menas air base + US reacts to Kyrgyzstan coup Kyrgyzstan And The Battle For Central Asi ...
- Keiser Report: Special Greenspan Bubble editionhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ RussiaToday April 13, 2010 — This time Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the scandals of financial crisis show trials in America; Citigroup alleges they could not possibly have predicted the collapse of a very obvious housing bubble; and for ...
- Lawrence Wilkerson Demolishes Bush, Cheney and Rum ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 13 April, 2010 Those of us who have been studying the recent career of Col. Lawrence Wilkerson were not surprised when, last week, he submitted a declaration (PDF) in a lawsuit seeking compensation from the US gove ...
- The U.N. Partition Plan and Arab ‘Catastrophe’ by ...by Jeremy R. Hammond Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Foreign Policy Journal 13 April, 2010 The following is excerpted from The Rejection of Arab Self-Determination: The Struggle for Palestine and the Roots of the Arab-Israeli Crisis. In 1947, Great Britain, unable to reconcile its conflicting o ...
- U.S. Reserves Use Of Nuclear Arms, Missile Shield ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism April 13, 2010 This month has seen the signing of an agreement on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II by U.S. and Russian heads of state Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in Prague on the ...
Your New Reality
- No title"You Can't Even Have A Beard Anymore In This Country Without Being Called A Fucking Terrorist!" By Darryl Mason A stunning, downright shocking glimpse of the reality behind so many of those news stories you see where someone leaves court and "turns on the media". An Australian mainstream TV news ...
- No titleMore quality journalism from Rupert Murdoch's The Sun (UK) : And the apology, buried on Page 10, days later. Suggested? Presumably they knew the story was bullshit, but they just couldn't resist that oh so punny headline. How will you be able to resist paying to read such thorough investigat ...
- No titleAn amazing glimpse of the Future Now reality of digital books. Impressive stuff : It'll be hard to drag me away from the paper and carboard variety, but books have barely changed (besides become mass market) in centuries. A revolution in book publishing is long overdue.
- No titleUS Soldiers On Vid Of Slaughtered Iraqi Civilians : "Oh Yeah, Look At All Those Dead Bastards" "Nice" At 8 mins in, it's clear for anybody to see the van has pulled up to take the injured to hospital. There are no weapons visible. One young American practically begs for permission to kill them all. ...
- No titleEven eight years later, this Budweiser tribute to New York City and the victims of 9/11, aired only once during the 2002 SuperBowl, carries remarkable emotional power :
Wired - Science
- Oldest Martian Meteorite Not as Old as ThoughtThe Allan Hills meteorite, named for the site where it was found in Antarctica, was once thought to contain fossil traces of life. That idea has been mostly dismissed, and now the rock also appears to be not quite as old as previously thought. The oldest known Martian meteorite isn’t so old after ...
- Networked Networks Are Prone to Epic FailureNetworks that are resilient on their own become fragile and prone to catastrophic failure when connected, suggests a new study with troubling implications for tightly linked modern infrastructures. Electrical grids, water supplies, computer networks, roads, hospitals, financial systems — all are ...
- Icelandic Volcano’s Ash Plume as Seen From SpaceA NASA satellite captured an image of the ash plume from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano’s Wednesday eruption. We can see the ash plume from the event sweeping east just north of the United Kingdom en route to Norway. The plume has disrupted air travel in western Europe, The New York Times reports, be ...
- Why NASA Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Li ...A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. The Robonaut 2, which was co-developed by NASA with General Motors, will serve as an assistant to the humans on board the International Space Station, using the same tools ...
- The T. Rex of Leeches Found in Amazon Swimmers’ No ...A toothsome leech found in the noses of Peruvian swimmers has called attention to an unrecognized and gruesome branch on the tree of life. Dubbed Tyrannobdella rex, “tyrant leech king,” the pinkie-finger-sized bloodsucker has a single jaw, with teeth five times longer than those found in any other ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Dina Elmuti: Deir Yassin’s inextinguishable fireIt is a reminder to us all that injustice did take place there, and that it is our responsibility to remember that the atrocities and intolerance we see and hear about today had their inception with... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Did Banned Media Report Foretell of Gaza War Crime ...Jonathan Cook: Haneen Zoubi, an MP who previously headed an Israeli media-monitoring organization, said it was "outrageous" that the suppressed report was still secret so long after the Gaza... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in ...
- Nadia Hijab: Rollback America / Parsing PetraeusThe best way for America to achieve its goals would be to seek a definitive end to Israel's occupation and other human rights violations; to itself get out of the occupation business with its... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now i ...
- Israeli Public’s Support for Dismantling Most Sett ...A survey of the Israeli general public and Israeli settlers taken in early March shows three-fifths of the Israeli public (60%) support "dismantling most of the settlements in the territories as part... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Al Mezan: Israeli Military Order enables IOF to ex ...Gaza-born Palestinian living on WB: 'The Israeli order will destroy our lives. We will live as if we live in a huge prison even if we are not deported to Gaza. No one would dare to leave the city or... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia to build port facilities for Mistral shipsRussia will have to build port facilities if it decides to purchase a French Mistral helicopter carrier for the Russian Navy, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin said
- Russian cruiser passes Suez Canal on mission in In ...The Moskva missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal and entered the Indian Ocean to join other Russian warships for large-scale naval exercises, a Defense Ministry spokesman said.
- Russian warship escorts another convoy in Gulf of ...The Russian Udaloy class missile destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov is escorting four civilian vessels off the coast of Somalia, a Russian Navy spokesman said.
- Russian nuclear cruiser makes port call in SyriaRussia's nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky has arrived in Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus ahead of Russian Navy drills in the Indian Ocean.
- U.S. warship arrives in Georgia for joint trainingA U.S. frigate has arrived in Georgia's territorial waters to take part in joint Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) exercises with the Georgian Coast Guard, a Georgian official said on Wednesday.
- UC San Diego Ranked Among America's Best Graduate ...The University of California, San Diego's School of Medicine, Jacobs School of Engineering and graduate programs in the sciences are ranked in the top 20 by America's Best Graduate Schools, 2011 Edition released today by U.S. News & World Report. The annual, closely watched nationwide ranking of co ...
- Odorant's Molecular Structure Determines Its Pleas ...Weizmann scientists find that the perception of an odor's pleasantness is hard-wired to its molecular structure, indicating that smell may not be as subjective as once thought. These findings have implications for automated environmental toxicity and malodor monitoring, among other applications.
- For Older Adults, Flu Season Tends to Peak First i ...An analysis of hospitalization records for adults age 65 and over found that seasonal flu tends to move in traveling waves, peaking earliest in western states and moving east. New England states tend to have the latest peak in seasonal flu. The public health research team detected patterns between p ...
- Weekend Hospital Admissions Are Higher Risk for Pa ...Patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) who are admitted to the hospital on a weekend are more likely to die than those admitted on a weekday, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN). This disparity was most evident in smaller hosp ...
- Take Charge of Your Healthcare Plans on National H ...UVA is encouraging all adults to complete an advance directive, a document that allows adults to specify what kinds of medical treatments they would want and who they would want making decisions about their care if they were unable to make decisions for themselves.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Mainstream Scientists Finally Admit that GMOs are ...Andrew Pollack reported yesterday at The New York Times Online that, “Genetically engineered crops have provided ‘substantial’ environmental and economic benefits to American farmers, but overuse of the technology is threatening to erode the gains, a national science advisory organization said Tuesd ...
- Ten Good Reasons Why GMOs Are Not Compatible with ...Despite fundamental differences in what they represent, there are occasional calls to allow the use of genetic engineering (which produces genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs) within the USDA National Organic Program. GMO varieties are currently most widespread in corn, soybean, canola an ...
- Study Finds Benefits in Modified Crops but Warns o ...Overuse of the RoundupReady (genetically engineered) approach to weed control is starting to backfire. Use of Roundup, or its generic equivalent, glyphosate, has skyrocketed to the point that weeds are rapidly becoming resistant to the chemical. That is rendering the technology less useful, requirin ...
- Havana Homegrown: Inside Cuba's Urban Agriculture ...I recently had the good fortune to travel to Cuba as part of trip organized by the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance and the IATP Food and Society Fellows program. The organic and urgan agriculture revolution that is under way there is nothing short of amazing, but what a lot of people don't know ...
- Only 'Global Democracy' Can Prevent 'Climate Trage ...The World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth which opens next week in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, will have no direct bearing on the UN climate talks being conducted by 192 governments. But Bolivian President Evo Morales says it will give a voice to the poorest ...
- Animales salvajes (16 fotografías en alta resoluci ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Prueba cómo se ven tus fotos en estos portaretrato ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Paisajes maravillosos y algo más. (33 elementos)... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Celebración de Semana Santa (39 fotografías)... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Más de 2,500 fotografías by No Traces (muy interes ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- Advice for the U.S. delegation in Kampalaby Duncan Hollis by Duncan Hollis Harold Koh’s ASIL speech drew lots of attention for his defense of the legality of U.S. use of aerial drones. But Koh also spent much of the speech explaining and defending the U.S. decision to reorient its relationship toward the International Criminal Court. ...
- Changes in the U.S. News International Law Ranking ...by Duncan Hollis by Duncan Hollis Today, U.S. News & World Report (USN&WR) officially released its 2011 rankings of American law schools. This, in turn, led the legal blogosphere into its annual love-hate dance with the “overall” rankings–pouring over every move up or down the ladder, while ...
- Do We Need an International Court for Nuclear Prol ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku During the recent “nuclear summit” in Washington, Dutch prime minister Peter Balkenende proposed the creation of a new international tribunal to enforce and punish violations of nuclear non-proliferation agreements. Putting aside the fact that this is a blatant effort ...
- A Response to Brian Cheffinsby Christopher M. Bruner by Christopher M. Bruner Many thanks to Professor Cheffins for his thoughtful response, in which he highlights an important challenge in evaluating the degree of shareholder-centrism in differing corporate governance systems—the difficulty of quantifying the impact of var ...
- A Response to Christopher Bruner by Brian Cheffinsby Brian Cheffins by Brian Cheffins [Professor Brian Cheffins is the S.J. Berwin Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law] As Prof. Bruner points out in his insightful Article, in the literature on comparative corporate governance, there is a tendency to treat the ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Hot Topic gets it wrong again #86Truffle grower Gareth Renowden thinks he can race to the defence of a flawed Royal Society analysis with this piece of fluff: TWB [Treadgold, Wishart, Brill] are wrong, and Hunter’s precise point is correct: the measured increase in carbon storage...
- NASA fakes temp dataSee how NASA has faked global warming data over three decades. The same raw figures have been progressively NIWA'd to show a warming trend:
- Amazon fire major new shot in Kindle warsFaced with a battle from iPad and other wireless devices, Amazon.com have tonight announced they're making Kindle software available free for computers, iPhones and smartphones, so you can now read Kindle books on virtually any digital device. This turns the...
- Air Con doco, part oneAlthough other channels have now copied and uploaded part one of our Climate doco on Youtube themselves, thus turning it viral, I noted this morning that this original upload is only a whisker away from 10,000 viewings. Who will be...
- Public meetings called on NZ ETS, starting MondayWant all prices to rise after July 1? Then reject the ETS now! (posted by John Boscawen) On July 1, the most pointless tax ever inflicted on New Zealanders will come into force. It’s called the Emissions Trading Scheme. And...
Public News Service
- AARP National Spelling Bee: Mental Fitness Challen ...AARP National Spelling Bee: Mental Fitness Challenge for Arizona Phoenix, AZ – Discussions about keeping the aging brain in tip-top shape are part of the focus at this year’s AARP National Spelling Bee. Spellers from Arizona and around the country will compete June 18-19 in Wyoming– with entries alr ...
- Redefining What It Means to be a Girl ScoutRedefining What It Means to be a Girl Scout Phoenix, AZ – As the Girl Scouts approach their 100th year, the organization is putting more emphasis on helping girls develop their leadership skills. The newer concept is to help girls find and nurture their own strengths. Comments from Tamara (tuh-MAH-r ...
- Start Walking Challenge Issued for ArizonaStart Walking Challenge Issued for Arizona Phoenix, AZ – The American Heart Association has issued a challenge for Arizonans – walk for 30 minutes a day. “National Start! Walking Day,” is April 7th. It’s a national initiative to get people into an exercise program to reduce the risk of heart disease ...
- Arizona Bucks Trend of Fewer State Prison InmatesArizona Bucks Trend of Fewer State Prison Inmates Phoenix, AZ – For the first time since 1972, the number of state prison inmates in the U.S. has gone down, according to a new report from the Pew Center on the States. But Arizona’s inmate population continues to rise. Comments from Adam Gelb, Pew’s ...
- Center Offers Families Break from 24-7 Care of Lif ...Center Offers Families Break from 24-7 Care of Life-Threatened Kids Phoenix, AZ – Families caring full-time for a child diagnosed with a life-threatening condition will be able to get a needed break when Ryan House opens later this month in central Phoenix. The facility will focus on making kids com ...
My Care2 Picks
- Meth-Addled Sheep Shocked With TasersNow we've learned that 16 sheep were restrained, injected with methamphetamines, shocked with a Taser device for up to 40 seconds and killed in cruel and ineffective experiments aimed at studying how being shocked with a Taser affects the hearts of meth Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! ...
- Introducing the new Aptera 2e electric carApterar claims the 1,800-pound, all-electric 2e — which runs on a Remy HGH250 electric motor, and phosphate-based lithium-ion batteries from A123 Systems – operates at the equivalent of 200 mpg. (Video) Submitted by Valerie M. to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Contractor Deaths Accelerating in Afghanistan as T ...A recent Congressional Research Service analysis obtained by ProPublica looked at the number of civilian contractors killed in Afghanistan in recent months. It's not pretty. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Polish crew 'refused to listen': air controllersThe crew of the Polish plane that crashed in Russia killing President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others refused to listen to advice to divert to another airport, air traffic controllers said Tuesday. Three times told the crew to divert,they know Russian badly Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech ...
- Drop That Omelet: HSUS Video Reveals Egg Farm EvilA new HSUS video revealed the hellish existence factory farmed chickens endure...plus ideas on how to kick that egg habit and free yourself from the axis of egg evil. Submitted by Kayla Coleman to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Justin Raimondo: Liberals Smear Wikileaks Mother J ...Liberals Smear Wikileaks Mother Jones and Colbert go after Wikileaks :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]: First up is Mother Jones... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Afghan anger at US casualty paymentsAfghan anger at US casualty payments :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]: "KABUL - An ad hoc system of payments by the United States... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Syria Warns of Israeli Ethnic CleansingSyria Warns of Israeli Ethnic Cleansing-palestinechronicle.com: "Syria calls on the international community to unite in the face of Tel Aviv's intentions to purge the occupied West Bank of its... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Emergency! Arrest of Humanitarian Workers must be ...Emergency! Arrest of Humanitarian Workers must be fought! :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [reg.de]: "The arrest of Emergency staff in... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- The Obama DOJ's warrantless demands for e-mails - ...The Obama DOJ's warrantless demands for e-mails - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com: "A very significant case involving core privacy protections is now being litigated, where the Obama Justice Department... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Bayer admits GMO contamination out of controlDrug and chemical giant Bayer AG has admitted that there is no way to stop the uncontrolled spread of its genetically modified crops, and farmers win lawsuits for contamination!
- I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this ...VIDEO
- What do HAARP, Chemtrails, and Global Warming all ...Chemtrails are bad news. They contain barium and aluminum, which have the potential to destroy ecosystems around the world. But what if this destruction is merely an inevitable and acceptable consequence of a much larger program? A program intended to be part of an all-in-one solution to global cont ...
- Organic Amicus brief filed in GM Alfalfa AppealAn Organic Amicus brief has been filed in support of the Center for Food Safety’s case against Monsanto’s Supreme Court appeal of the lower court-ordered injunction against the selling of GM alfalfa.
- Monsanto…….when will the courts move to stop this ...The PPJ Gazette _____________________ The idea that the contamination world-wide from genetically altered crops seems never to end; Monsanto employees, both current and former now residing in specially created offices in the Obama Administration and at least one former Monsanto attorney holding ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Volcanic Ash to Curtail Air Traffic Into Midday Fr ...Noted by Rachel King on April 16, 2010 4:04 AM
- How Not To Play Games On TV, From Someone Who's Be ...Noted by Fruzsina Eordogh on April 16, 2010 2:04 AM
- Music Director Rickey Minor Leaves 'Idol' For Leno ...Noted by Matthew Greenberg on April 15, 2010 1:04 PM
- Michelle Obama: 'Immigration reform is necessary' ...Noted by Marcelo Ballve on April 15, 2010 1:04 PM
- Artists, Bipolar and the Role of Medication (chica ...Noted by Fruzsina Eordogh on April 15, 2010 1:04 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- 2005 destruction of interrogation tapes caused con ...'The heat from destroying is nothing compared to what it would be if the tapes ever got into public domain.' A cable ordering the destruction of the tapes, which were held at an overseas location, was first drafted by a person who remains undercover [Well, isn't *that* convenient?] The 2005 destruct ...
- E-mail: Ex-CIA chief agreed with tape destructionFormer CIA Director Porter Goss agreed with a 2005 decision to destroy interrogation videos showing waterboarding, but nobody told White House counsel Harriet Miers, who was "livid" to find out afterward, according to internal CIA e-mails released Thursday. The documents show that, despite Goss' ...
- Afghans 'abused at secret prison' at Bagram airbas ...--The abuses are all said to have taken place since US President Barack Obama was elected . Afghan prisoners are being abused in a "secret jail" at Bagram airbase, according to nine witnesses whose stories the BBC has documented. The US military has denied the existence of a secret detention sit ...
- British security staff feared dead after suicide c ...As many as seven Western contractors [] mercenaries were feared dead last night when the southern Afghan city of Kandahar -- the target of Nato's next big operation -- was hit by a huge suicide bomb. Windows were blown out two miles from the blast after a vehicle was driven into a compound housin ...
- Four German soldiers killed in AfghanistanFour German soldiers were killed in Afghanistan Thursday and five wounded, Berlin said, in the latest bloodshed bound to fuel opposition to the unpopular mission. The government said in a statement that the troops were travelling from the northern city of Kunduz to Baghlan, a Taliban stronghold. ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Hot Topic gets it wrong again #86Truffle grower Gareth Renowden thinks he can race to the defence of a flawed Royal Society analysis with this piece of fluff: TWB [Treadgold, Wishart, Brill] are wrong, and Hunter’s precise point is correct: the measured increase in carbon storage...
- NASA fakes temp dataSee how NASA has faked global warming data over three decades. The same raw figures have been progressively NIWA'd to show a warming trend:
- Amazon fire major new shot in Kindle warsFaced with a battle from iPad and other wireless devices, Amazon.com have tonight announced they're making Kindle software available free for computers, iPhones and smartphones, so you can now read Kindle books on virtually any digital device. This turns the...
- Air Con doco, part oneAlthough other channels have now copied and uploaded part one of our Climate doco on Youtube themselves, thus turning it viral, I noted this morning that this original upload is only a whisker away from 10,000 viewings. Who will be the person that pushes it through that barrier this weekend?
- Public meetings called on NZ ETS, starting MondayWant all prices to rise after July 1? Then reject the ETS now! (posted by John Boscawen)� � On July 1, the most pointless tax ever inflicted on New Zealanders will come into force. � It’s called the Emissions Trading Scheme. And it will make not the slightest practical difference to the Eart ...
- With friends like these . . .Overheard at UC Berkeley while people were waiting to get into the room for the divestment debate: Student: "So, is Alan Dershowitz going to be here?" Akiva Tor, Israeli Consul General: "I hope not." Related posts:First calls to students who spearheaded Hampshire divestment came from an anger ...
- UC Berkeley divestment vote–it isn’t o ...Being a part of the tremendous coalition effort to pass a divestment bill at Berkeley was quite simply an ecstatic experience. As my colleague Sydney Levy said, "The movement grew by an enormous leap today." First, the vote itself: after the UC Berkeley Student Senate originally voted on March 18, ...
- Anti-divestment talking points: Avoid the facts an ...The following talking points were distributed on UC Berkeley's campus in the days leading up to last night's debate over divestment. Several sources on Berkeley's campus have confirmed that they had seen them on campus, and that they were adhered to closely by anti-divestment advocates during the de ...
- Showdown for Human Rights in BerkeleyA former IDF soldier is speaking out in opposition to the occupation of Palestine. An 85-year old Holocaust survivor testifies to the peril of waiting to make a decision rather than saving lives now by stopping war machines. A queer Jewish Latino speaks about his own journey from living in a settl ...
- Right of return and international law– why t ...Noam Sheizaf, an Israeli journalist who blogs at Promised Land , has a post up supporting the idea of an Obama administration imposed “peace plan” based (at least as a starting point) on the “Clinton Parameters” and disagrees with my negative assessment of the plan. He raises good points that should ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
- VRM: Autism – Steps To Take Toward Prevention & Re ...1) Vitamin D is highly recommended – According to Dr. John Cannell, “Autism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in ...
- VRM: Media Spin & Swine Flu Hysteria“Canada’s vaccine uses an adjuvant, which consists of squalene (shark liver oil), DL-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier also used in ice cream). An adjuvant is a chemical product that boosts the immune response. There were claims that squalene, used in the anthrax vac ...
- Petition: Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children say ...A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-de ...
- Petition: Doctors & Nurses Say NO To Mandatory Vac ...A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determ ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
- Product Review: Hydroclean Water-Saving Toilet Fil ...The other week my wife surprised me with a gift that only a prepper could �get excited over: a dual-flush toilet retrofit! I'm really excited to try out this gadget, however when I read the instructions I found out that it doesn't work with the "ball and lever" floater style fill valves. �I'd ...
- More Tips My Wife HatesPeople seemed to get a kick out of my post about tips that my wife hates so I thought I'd keep it. I should let you know though that she doesn't hate all these things. �She seems to range from strong dislike to tolerance with a dash of "my husband is odd". �I should create a "Spousal Colour ...
Michael Yon
- Under Cover of the NightUnder Cover of the Night with 1-17th Infantry 11 April 2010 During a mission there is no “pause” button. It’s on until it’s over. Recently, Charlie Company 1-17th Infantry conducted a mission that included visiting villages in the Shah Wali Kot district of northern Kandahar Province. The m ...
- Village BoysEaster Sunday, 2010 Anywhere, Afghanistan Back in December, C-Co 1-17th Infantry battalion had been in about the worst place in Afghanistan. There is stiff competition for the position of actual worst place, and I am sure there are many contenders that remain unknown, but the Arghandab was one ...
- War reporter Michael Yon wants answers on Seattle ...Published: 02 April 2010 FROM: Americans for Limited Government April 1st, 2010, Fairfax, VA—Michael Yon continues to question why he was arrested upon arrival at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for his refusal to answer a question about how much m ...
- RED HORSERED HORSE in the Desert of Death Some troops in Afghanistan go months without a shower. Major Ryan O’Conner, XO of the 1-17th Infantry, now in Kandahar Province, said that during a previous tour his Soldiers fought half a year without so much as a dip in a creek. Shortages of drinking water aff ...
- The Battle for Kandahar: Part IFOB Frontenac, Afghanistan 28 March 2010 Under an early morning sky, a red glow is cast from the lights on an Air Force water drilling rig. A new MATV, or “MRAP All Terrain Vehicle,” is being deployed to Afghanistan to combat homemade bombs, the favorite weapon of the Taliban. The 1-17th ha ...
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Milan Furniture Fair 2010: Super Posh (and Pricey) ...New Spring sofa by Patricia Urquiola. Photo copyright Mairi Beautyman I've always been a fan of Moroso -- the brand is just so lux and classy....although very expensive, and not green. Until now. The Italian furniture manufacturer has not one but three eco-slanted items in its collection for 20 ...
- Pickens Still Has a Plan, Even If It Doesn't Inclu ...photo: Florian Boyd via flickr. T. Boone Pickens hasn't been showing up as much in these pages since the wind power part of the Pickens Plan went south during the Great Recession, but, as Greentech M... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Being Pushed Towards a Paperless Existence? Not As ...Photo via koalazymonkey The debate on whether or not going green means going paperless is still a hot one. While digitizing much of our once-printed media saves on tree pulp, it doesn't necessarily save trees. A new article from GreenBiz calls into question just how much more environmentally fr ...
- Volcanic Haze Closes British Airports; Continent C ...the Telegraph Another reason to take the train: Apparently planes cannot fly in volcanic ash. An eruption in Iceland is shutting down airports across the UK and spreading to the rest of Europe. The Telegraph, reports that the ash can shut down the engines and be sucked into the ventilation ...
- Ashley Watson & Lina Rennell Collaborate on Handma ...Ashley Watson + Lina Rennell Bag. Image courtesy of Lina Rennell Two of our favorite green fashion designers Ashley Watson and Lina Rennell have collaborated on limited edition bags for the spring/summer season. Watson sources her leather from charity thrift shops and makes on-trend, functiona ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Nine die in Rangoon bombingsBombings occur in area packed with people celebrating the annual water festival marking Burmese news year
- The General must not be disturbed’There is a quirky side to the bland and sometimes 'incapable' Burmese dictator, Than Shwe, that has kept biographer Benedict Rogers always second-guessing
- Suu Kyi triggers health concernsOpposition leader suffering from dizziness and low blood pressure and reportedly briefly admitted to Rangoon hospital on Sunday
- Burma ‘will remain rich, poor and controversial’Norwegian envoy backs continued international engagement with the Burmese junta but warns that the country's future lies with those "in the driving seat"
- Will ASEAN eventually deliver?There are signs that the Southeast Asia bloc is growing increasingly impatient with Burma although it remains to be seen whether this translates into action
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Police question climategate information seekersPolice are investigating anyone who requested information from the university department at the centre of the 'climategate' scandal.
- Coldest weather in 30 years marks the start of a s ...After enduring the coldest winter for 30 years, you might have been hoping for some respite from the cold weather.
- 'Hockey stick' graph was exaggeratedThe 'hockey stick' that became emblematic of the threat posed by climate change exaggerated the rise in temperature because it was created using 'inappropriate' methods, according to the head of the Royal Statistical Society.
- 'Climategate' scientists criticised for not using ...Climate change scientists at the centre of an ongoing row over global warming are criticised for being "naive" and "disorganised".
- Environmental Policy: General Election 2010 Key issues, the latest news and Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative environment policy.
National Geographic | Environment
- Iceland Volcano Makes 27-Story "Mountain"After weeks of fiery fountains, an Icelandic volcano has apparently quieted down—leaving behind a new, 270-foot cone, experts say.
- Lions, Hyena Killed With Poisoned MeatA bloody bucket streaked with purple stains suggests Kenyan herders killed the animals with a controversial pesticide, experts say.
- Deepest Volcanic Sea Vents Found; "Like Another Wo ..."It was like wandering across another world," said a researcher of witnessing the hydrothermal "smokers," which may hold unknown creatures.
- Plenty of Gas, But No Simple Solution for U.S. Ene ...Innovation has sparked a boom in production of this low-carbon fuel. Taking advantage of its benefits is another matter.
- Earthquake Baptism Saves Chile FamilyA christening celebration saved a Chilean extended family from the devastation of the February 27 Chile earthquake. Video.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Georgia to join health care constitutionality laws ...[JURIST] Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum [official website] announced Tuesday that Georgia will join [press release] 18 other states in a lawsuit [complaint, PDF] challenging the constitutionality of the recently enacted health care bill [HR 3590 materials]. The lawsuit was originally filed ...
- Zimbabwe government voids law restricting foreign ...[JURIST] Zimbabwe's government on Wednesday declared void a law mandating that indigenous people have majority ownership in all businesses valued at over $500,000. The law took effect [JURIST report] last month, but the country's stock market has since fallen 10 percent [BBC report], causing concern ...
- Kyrgyzstan interim leader urges trial of ousted pr ...[JURIST] Interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva [Telegraph profile] said Wednesday that ousted president Kurmanbek Bakiyev [BBC profile] should stand trial for the violent protests [JURIST report] that erupted in Kyrgyzstan last week. The protests, prompted in part by a drastic increase in utility co ...
- Federal judge orders Mississippi schools to desegr ...[JURIST] A judge in the US District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi [official website] on Tuesday ordered [DOJ press release] a southern Mississippi school district to end its practice of allowing students to transfer from their assigned schools and classroom groupings, resulting in a ...
- Israel ex-PM suspected of corruption in Jerusalem ...[JURIST] Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert [official profile; JURIST news archive] was named a suspect Thursday in an investigation into the Holyland bribery scandal that occurred during his time as mayor of Jerusalem. It is expected that law enforcement will interrogate [Ynet report] Olmert ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Sarah Palin, Gen-X SlackerSarah Palin wins over crowds, but she has low favorability ratings and doesn't win straw polls. Why? As Chris Cillizza notices, whenever she speaks, the default tenor of her voice is sarcastic : " Palin is more comfortable playing to those who already love her rather than to reaching out to those ...
- Holder Takes on Right and LeftSpeaking tonight to liberal lawyers, Attorney General Eric Holder stoutly defended the administration's�counter terrorism�policies, including its intended use of military tribunals, as well as its decision to push for federal trials for the 9/11 suspects. �In remarks seemingly designed to respond to ...
- Republicans in California Ready for VictoryFormer eBay CEO Meg Whitman is essentially purchasing the Republican gubernatorial nomination from tech exec Steve Poizner -- he's fairly wealthy himself, but she's pouring record amounts of her own money into the race. It's not in her interest to take positions on issues; it's in her interest to gi ...
- Don't Be Shy About Meek's ChancesMark Blumenthal picks up on something I've been wondering: when Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL) is paired against likely Republican nominee Marco Rubio in a two-way race for the Florida Senate seat -- assuming Charlie Crist doesn't run as an independent -- Meek comes within six points, on average, of the ...
- A Tale of Two New GovernorsOn November 3, 2009, New Jerseyans and Virginians elected Republican governors, sending a message to Washington that they were most unhappy with the status quo. Two former prosecutors, Chris Christie, and Bob McDonnell, were soon inaugurated, and hailed as heroes of the new Republican renaissance. T ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
- [COAT] Making a Killing on War! Cancel CANSEC, Can ...
- [COAT] Canada's Arms Exports to Israel: Aiding & A ...
- [COAT] Myths for Profit: New Cdn anti-War film: 35 ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Obama Getting Tough on Israel or Just More Words?Yesterday, the N.Y. Times published one of those tea leaf articles about presidential politics which can either be suggestive or frustrating depending on whether you believe there’s any substance to the speculations. Pres. Obama has made two rather astonishing statements regarding Israel in the pa ...
- Spanish Supreme Court Rejects Shehadeh War Crimes ...The Israeli army has won a victory on behalf of impunity in its war against the Palestinian people with this week’s announcement that the Spanish High Court has rejected jurisdiction over the case of the assassination of Palestinian militant Salah Shehadeh and 18 civilians by the IDF in 2002. After ...
- Justice Goldstone Disinvited from Grandson’s Bar M ...Every so often events like this happen which make me ashamed to be a Jew. Or I should say, ashamed to share a religion with biryonim (“hooligans”) like the ones I’m about to portray. Justice Richard Goldstone, author of the UN report on Operation Cast Lead, was expecting to travel back to his home ...
- Israeli MK Demands Publication of Blau Story on Ca ...One of the most contentious aspects of the Kamm-Blau case, which goes to the heart of why it is so dangerous for the IDF, is the article Blau wrote about the army’s battle plans for Operation Cast Lead. It passed the military censor and Haaretz planned to print it one week before the war/massacre [ ...
- Russian TV Segment on Kamm-Blau AffairI was interviewed for a segment on Russia Today TV about the Anat Kamm-Uri Blau affair. This is a short version of a long story which ran on TV inside Russia. I’m trying to get my original interview and/or the longer story to feature it here. One of the things that’s interesting about the intervi ...
Ode Magazine
- Ton's Musical Musings: In the true Danubian spiritBy: tonmaas Even though as a river, the Danube tends to divide rather than connect, the Danube Music Festival , sailing on a ship between the Serbian capital of Beograd and the German border town of Passau, goes a long way in compensating for this historic error. ...
- The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace makes a world ...By: PeaceCorso I first learned about this remarkable sculpture from a tweet on Twitter feed by Dr. Deb Brown . Thanks, Dr. Deb. Here is a delicious video about The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace and the process that occurred to make it happen. Dr. Deb writes: ...
- Maggots: Nature's nursesBy: TheBlueEconomy Have you ever wondered why there are flies? The Nigerian priest Godfrey Nzamujo un-derstood that they eat rotting left-overs, when food is rich they quickly lay eggs and be-fore long maggots proliferate. Maggots are rich in protein and a favorite ...
- Budadogs gives new leash on lifeBy: MarisaBeahm Answering the cries of abandoned and abused animals in Budapest, a group of committed Norwegian veterinarians launched Budadogs , a nonprofit that rehabilitates and facilitates adoption for some of the capital's neediest canines, many of which are i ...
- Ton's Musical Musings: Matthias Loibner and the hu ...By: Ton Maas Many heads turned in surprise on the 2nd day of the Danube Music Festival , when Mathias Loibner from Vienna in Austria started rotating the handle of his hurdy-gurdy. The sound of this ancient instrument combines the qualities of fiddle, bagpipes and ...
OpEd News
- Little Sarah and her MillionsI always used to make fun of my college friends who did dumpster diving, I thought it was ridiculous, rich white kids dirtying their designer jeans for some stale bread. But today changed all that" Two college kids went dumpster diving at California State University and found something rotten al ...
- Norfolk Without the NavyItapos;s hard to imagine a desirable and sustainable world with the worldapos;s largest naval base still in it, but itapos;s hard for a lot of people in Norfolk, Virginia, to imagine it gone.
- Senator (D-NY) Charles E. Schumer on the Afghanist ...Chuck Schumer (D-NY) weighs in on the reasons for continuing the Afghanistan War. What is the cost of the wars? Itapos;s worth remembering that while local, State and Federal Governments "fight over crumbs" the largest single outlay - over half - of the Federal Budget goes to the military, more tha ...
- Patients Reported Fractures Caused by Bone Drug Lo ...Last month, the New York Times reported that researchers were "puzzled" by the role of bisphosphonate osteoporosis drugs like Fosamax in "rare thighbone fractures."
- Punish Them When They Wake Updonapos;t hold their pasts against conservatives who have awakened.
- Zale Says No To PebbleWhen Zale Corp., the nation’s second largest retail jeweler, announced this week that it would boycott minerals produced at the proposed Pebble Mine, the reaction of Pebble Partnership CEO John Shively was telling: “ Big deal ,” he said, meaning, of course, that it was no such thing. Actu ...
- Californians Know BetterA bunch of the dirtiest oil refiners from Texas are trying to derail landmark California legislation that will cut greenhouse gas pollution and jumpstart the state’s emerging green economy. The cabal, led by Texas-based Valero Energy Corp., Tesoro Corp., Tower Energy Group and World Oil ...
- A first-hand view of Dimock, PennsylvaniaI've written in the past of the environmental assault on Dimock, Pennsylvania , from natural gas drilling, including drinking water contamation and chemical leaks and spills. My colleague Kate Sinding recently visited Dimock. You�can see her photos and read the powerful story of her visit�o ...
- Empire State Building Glows Green for Forces of Na ...Skyscrapers. Even after thirty years of living and working in New York City, the engineering, the architecture, the majesty all keep me peering upward. The Empire State Building is, without a doubt, one of the most special of them all. She’s nearly 80 years young and continues to thrill mor ...
- Carbon Crossroads: California can tackle toxic air ...As California continues its leadership in countering global warming, we face a critical policy decision on whether to solve some of the state’s insidious air pollution problems at the same time. While opponents of Assembly Bill 32, California’s landmark global warming legislation, vigorously ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Soviet Era QueryI’m in the midst of Charles Tripp’s excellent A History of Iraq”>A History of Iraq, and I’m curious about the Russian interest in Persian Gulf stability during the war. The Soviets played footsie with the Iranians in the wake of the Revolution, but by 1982 sided decisively with Iraq. By 1988, the ...
- More on the MistralsMichael Cecire responds to my article about the sale of four Mistral class amphibious assault ships to Georgia, but unfortunately misses most of the point: Certainly, there is no question that the Russian navy has qualitatively declined since the demise of the Soviet Union. And to be sure, even the ...
- 2010 NHL Playoff PreviewWith the Imperial Grand Poobah-Elect of the Liberal Elites Who Discuss Literatchoor Association having already weighed in, it makes me feel embarrassed that my more modest responsibilities have delayed by own picks by a day. But they’re now below the fold! I promise the picks are in good faith, a ...
- Libertarianism, proprietarianism, feudalismI have a weird sort of idea that I should somehow avoid letting my snark:serious post ratio exceed 1:1, so I’ve been feeling mildly guilty about this little indulgence with nothing to balance it out. I’ve got a post about the whole ‘liberaltarian’ thing in the works, but until then, I recommend this ...
- Death, Taxes and GOP rhetoricThis Arthur Brooks WSJ article illustrates most of the classic tropes of Republican anti-tax rhetoric: (1) Talk only about federal income taxes, which — subject to a few marginal exceptions such as the currently non-existent estate tax — are the closest thing we have to a progressive tax. The vast m ...
Desert Research Institute
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
- Cloud Seeding Program Receives Support from SNWA a ...Cloud seeding will continue this year in the Tahoe/Truckee River Basin, the Ruby Mountains and with one generator near Tuscarora, Nevada.
Earth Techling
- Black & Decker Debuts Two New Electric Lawn MowersBlack & Decker is rolling out two new electric motors just in time for that first spring lawn mowing, complete with features like instant start and a quieter mowing experience.
- Scorpion HX Maker Details New Sports Hybrid Sedan ...Ronn Motor, a niche auto manufacturer of exotic green cars, has announced plans to develop a new midrange sports hybrid sedan, based on electric/diesel hybrid technologies.
- Oregon Set To Expand “World’s Largest” Solar Light ...The Oregon Department of Transportation in partnership with Portland General Electric are set to move ahead with plans for a 3 mW solar array slated for an exit just off Interstate 205 near West Linn.
- Wild Calls App Uses Endangered Species Sounds As i ...The Center for Biological Diversity has debuted the Wild Calls app, a piece of software for your iPhone that lets you download endangered species sounds to use as your ringtone or alarm.
- 14 Year Old New Yorker’s Science Project: His New ...After a tragic fire, Jeremy Durbin's house in Southampton, NY, is slated for rebirth as one of the first working models of a true net-zero house.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- OPINION: The last common law justice?Justice John Paul Stevens generally decides cases narrowly, with careful attention to the facts of the case; he employs judicial power in moderation.
- OPINION: Sanction the 18 state AGsThe suit challenging the new health care law represents shockingly shoddy lawyering; the key claims are without support in the law and the facts.
- OPINION: Secrets of the Catholic ChurchThe Vatican's confidentiality policies have impeded attempts to expose and punish wrongdoings by priests.
- OPINION: Obama should exercise the pardon powerIt is an important tool to provide a second chance for hard-luck Americans.
- Justices take up workplace privacy with text messa ...The Supreme Court on Monday leaps into the high-tech world of text messaging in a challenge with potentially huge implications for the privacy rights of senders and receivers and for workplace communications.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Tax Day FairnessHere is a piece about the gas industry and taxes that comes from Penn Futures. Tomorrow brings the annual income tax deadline, and the media will predictably cover those who complain the loudest about having to pay taxes. But all the sound and fury misses the point – most citizens regard paying taxe ...
- Marcellus Hearing in Williamsport, PAAnne Harris Katz attended the four-hour hearing on Marcellus gas impacts two days ago, in Williamsport. Here are her comments: “I was in the audience for the entirety of this hearing, the [...]
- Leasing of PA state land for natural gas drillingHere is a link to the transcript about the PA House Majority Policy Committee’s public hearing regarding the leasing of state and for gas drilling. http://www.pahouse.com/policycommittee/documents/31810hmpc.pdf
- Gas industry’s potential impact on the environment ...By DAVID THOMPSON dthompson@sungazette.com POSTED: April 14, 2010 While few people are questioning the enormous economic impact of developing the natural gas resources in the Marcellus Shale, the gas industry’s potential impact on the environment is generating a lively debate. That debate came to ...
- What PA residents think of Range ResourcesHere is some excellent video of the meeting with range Resources that took place in Washington County, PA today. Thanks txSharon! http://txsharon.blogspot.com/2010/04/7-videos-what-pa-residents-thinks-of.html
News Blaze
- Somali Government Welcomes US Embargo Against Mili ...With US president Barack Obama this week announcing sanctions against key insurgent commanders in Somalia, the country's World-backed transitional federal government (TFG) on Thursday lauded the move.
- Military Leadership Academy Now Recruiting High Sc ...Most high school students consider a number of career options following graduation. Very few, however, get the chance to actually experience one of those options before making such an important decision.
- Lost Episode 12 - Everyone Loves Hugo - Play by Pl ...Hugo leads part of the group to a showdown with the Man in Black, while in the flash sideways Desmond continues to remind passengers of Oceanic 815 of the Island.
- Pressure Cooker DVD Review Philadelphia public schoolteacher Wilma Stephenson is a throwback who reminds me of one of those no-nonsense nuns I feared in grammar school.
- Pires Headlines 'Spring Fever'Many of New England's top prospects will be in action May 7 on the 'Spring Fever' card, presented by Jimmy Burchfield's Classic Entertainment and Sports, Inc. (CES), at Twin River Event Center in Lincoln, R.I.
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