IPS - Inter Press Services
- RIGHTS: Death Penalty Lingers in Former Soviet Re ...MOSCOW, Apr 5 (IPS) - The executions of two Belarus citizens in March and calls by Russian senators to reintroduce capital punishment for terrorists are being seen as indications that the death penalty is not about to fade out soon in the former Soviet republics.
- CUBA: Old Havana Reaches Out to Hearing ImpairedHAVANA, Apr 4 (IPS) - An innovative programme in Old Havana has given the hearing impaired greater access to the historical and cultural wealth of the restored historic city centre.
- INDIA: After Slowdown, Art Market Picking UpKOLKATA, India, Apr 4 (IPS) - After sitting out the slowdown in the art market until last year, Ambica Beri, owner of an upscale art gallery here in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata, is cautiously hosting shows again this year.
- ENVIRONMENT-ZIMBABWE: Future Generations Will 'I ...BULAWAYO, Apr 3 (IPS) - The plumes of smoke rising above the dense working class suburbs of Bulawayo are a sign of the environmental impact of Zimbabwe's electricity crisis.
- EGYPT: Battle For Women Judges Half WonCAIRO, Apr 3 (IPS) - There are "no obstacles according to Islamic sharia, the constitution or the law" to women serving as judges, announced one of Egypt’s main courts, the State Council, last week. But "there are currently practical obstacles," it affirmed.
Scoop - NZ
- Ashcroft faces fresh inquiry over Tory pollingThe Conservatives are facing fresh questions over donations from their deputy chairman, Lord Ashcroft, after the elections watchdog announced it is investigating complaints about opinion polls worth hundreds of thousands of pounds which the peer funded in 2005. The Electoral Commission is making pr ...
- Alfred W McCoy: The opium wars in AfghanistanIn ways that have escaped most observers, the Barack Obama administration is now trapped in an endless cycle of drugs and death in Afghanistan from which there is neither an easy end nor an obvious exit. After a year of cautious debate and costly deployments, President Obama launched his new Afghan ...
- Five myths about how to create jobsWith the unemployment rate in the United States lingering just below 10 percent and the midterm elections just nine months away, job creation has become the top priority in Washington. President Obama has called for transferring $30 billion in repaid bank bailout money to a small-business lending fu ...
- What Global Recovery ?Ireland poised for 'once-and-for-all' a4‚¬15bn bank rescue ... The Irish Government is preparing to nationalise a large proportion of its financial services sector in a radical bid to restore confidence in its embattled banks. In an announcement expected after the markets close on Tuesday, the Irela ...
- The Demons of Pope Benedict XVIThe case of an American priest who abused deaf children for years has shaken the Vatican. Detailed information about the sexual misconduct of the Rev. Lawrence Murphy went across the desk of Cardinal Ratzinger prior to his papacy. Abuse allegations in Italy are also putting the Catholic Church in an ...
Independent ( London )
- Baghdad bombers target foreign missionsThree suicide bombers detonated car bombs within moments of each other in a co-ordinated attack on foreign missions in central Baghdad yesterday, killing at least 41 people and wounding 249.
- With Beijing, pragmatism beats principleFrom the perspective of Washington, the China tea leaves are suddenly looking less ominous. In the space of a week, Beijing has agreed to sit down for serious discussions on new Iran sanctions and to attend a global summit on nuclear security in Washington.
- Leaking oil poses threat to Great Barrier ReefA coal-carrying ship that strayed outside a shipping lane and ran aground in protected waters was leaking oil on Australia's Great Barrier Reef and was in danger of breaking apart, officials said last night. The Chinese Shen Neng 1 ran aground late on Saturday on Douglas Shoals, a favourite pristine ...
- Father identifies suicide bomberMOSCOW A 28-year-old computer science teacher has been identified by her family as the second of two female suicide bombers who killed dozens of people on the Moscow metro a week ago, according to a Russian newspaper.
- The €500m concert hall that was only meant to cost ...It aims to be Hamburg's answer to Sydney's iconoclastic opera house. A gigantic glass and steel concert hall complex built in the shape of rolling ocean waves and designed to tower majestically over the river Elbe like some fabulous watery castle floating on air.
Rogue Government.com
- At Least 41 Killed In Triple Car Bombing In Baghd ...
- Meet the Sims and Shoot Them: The Rise of Militai ...
- Israel Gags News on Extra-Judicial Killings An Israeli journalist remains under house arrest and another lives abroad, after they broke news on Israeli undercover units carrying out assassinations or "targeted killings" of non-combatant Palestinian political opponents.
- Global Food Reserve Needed to Stabilize Prices, R ...A global crop reserve system is needed to reduce price volatility, curb speculation and prevent a food crisis, said researchers from Germany and France.
- Rothschilds Bring In an Outsider to Run the Show This month, his great-great-great-grandson David de Rothschild, a baron, took an equally unusual step to ensure the future of the family-owned firm: For the first time, he passed some responsibilities of running Rothschild to someone outside the family.
Innovation Canada
- Beefing upWhen a deadly virus spreads through California after being transported from the African rainforest in the 1995 movie Outbreak, most viewers reacted in horror. But not David Asper. He watched with fascination as the main character, an army medical researcher played by Dustin Hoffman, investigated the ...
- The power of autism(Courtesy of Le Devoir) Montréal researchers have uncovered previously unsuspected intellectual potential in many people with autism, a discovery that opens doors to new approaches for education. A new approach to research, which looks at the neural disorder not in terms deficits, but in terms o ...
- Disappearing act(Courtesy of Frontier magazine, University of British Columbia) A commitment to both discovery and education places the Beaty Biodiversity Centre in a unique position to safeguard our natural heritage by bringing together outstanding researchers, exceptional facilities, and the public to better un ...
- Particle accelerating … in high schoolFor Palak Suryavenshi, the grade-12 science lab was the first step in a journey that led to a chance to test a hypothesis on one of North America’s most advanced particle accelerators. In 2007, Suryavenshi and her classmates from Saskatoon’s Centennial Collegiate worked with researchers at the Unive ...
- Nose jobs(Courtesy of Carleton University Magazine) People around the world ask the same question on a daily basis: “Is the milk bad?” A quick sniff gives us a fast and reliable answer. The sense of smell is very powerful and often taken for granted. We simply follow our nose, because it always knows…but so ...
Signs of the times
- Scientists look to nature's template for flying ma ...Sydney - Australian scientists are a step closer to creating a radical micro-aircraft after decoding the aerodynamic secrets of locusts, some of nature's most adept flyers. The goal is to build miniature robots the size of a coin that could search for earthquake victims trapped deep in rubble or ...
- Hawaii: Cold Records Fall on 3 IslandsThe Easter bunny may be hopping cold these days as winter-like temperatures, created by cool, northerly winds, continue to plague the Islands for the third consecutive day. This morning's low temperature broke three records for this date. It was 59 degrees at Honolulu Airport at 6 a.m. breaking th ...
- More Toxic Paper: New Subprime Bonanza in the Hous ...Another Stealth Bailout for Pudgy Banks Whew. That was fast. It didn't take long for Wall Street to figure out how to game Obama's new mortgage modification program, did it? The plan was hyped as help for "struggling homeowners", but it turns out, it's just another stealth bailout for pudgy bank-ex ...
- Magnitude 7.2 - Baja California, MexicoDate-Time: Sunday, April 04, 2010 at 22:40:40 UTC Sunday, April 04, 2010 at 03:40:40 PM at epicenter Location: 32.128°N, 115.303°W Depth: 10 km (6.2 miles) (poorly constrained) Distances: 26 km (16 miles) SW (225°) from Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California, Mexico 60 km (38 miles) SSE (165° ...
- Former Israeli Defense Minister: Israel Will Attac ...Israel will be compelled to attack Iran's nuclear weapons facilities by this November unless the U.S. and its allies enact "crippling sanctions that will undermine the regime in Tehran," former deputy defense minister Brig. Gen. Ephraim Sneh said on Wednesday in Tel Aviv. The sanctions currently be ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Epic of Guergis continues...Via Stageleft , this report about Helena Guergis' assistant penning fan letters to newspapers under a pseudonym...
- Happiness is a new tabletSupposedly, this kind of temporary joy has been going on for centuries...
- Catholic ChurchI've long since let go of any religious affiliation or belief in a deity. Still, I recognise that a religious faith is an unchallenged article of life for the majority of people at this time in history. I can understand how it might give meaning and reason to existence and at least provide a fra ...
- The Harper hillbillies, hard at workFirst you read this . Over the past four years, the Harper government has mocked, ignored or fired almost everyone it has in place to provide guidance on the most complex issues that Canada needs to address. From the firing of the head of the Nuclear Safety Commission and the watchdogs of the RC ...
- No problem Hamid.Take care of your own problems . Afghan President Hamid Karzai has slammed Western backers for the second time in a week, accusing the United States of interference... Here's an idea. Since, administratively, Afghanistan is presently little more than a quagmire of warlords, narco-agriculture and ra ...
Media Matters for America
- Hume accuses White House of "economic illiteracy" ...Fox News contributor Brit Hume relied on dubious claims to accuse the White House of "economic illiteracy," pushing the myth that March employment gains were primarily driven by "government jobs" and the discredited claim that the stimulus has failed. But March job growth at private employers w ...
- Right-wing media complain that Pelosi incited tea ...Right-wing media figures have criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for carrying a gavel while walking to the Capitol to vote on health care reform, claiming she sought to incite Tea Party members protesting the legislation. Glenn Beck said Pelosi was "inciting" the tea partiers and "slapping t ...
- Huckabee blames Dems for "fewer private sector jo ...While criticizing congressional Democrats for touting March's improved employment figures, Fox News' Mike Huckabee claimed that "there are fewer private sector jobs because of their policies, their regulations." But the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that private employers added 123,000 jo ...
- Right-wing media oppose corporate welfare -- exce ...The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Times have blasted the federal government for pursuing policies that amounted to "corporate welfare." However, these same media outlets have attacked the decision by President Obama and the Democratic Congress to eliminate a "highly unusual" tax provision ...
- Thiessen's Disaster: For Thiessen to be r ...In addition to resting on numerous falsehoods, Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen's argument that President Obama's national security policies have made the United States less safe relies on accusations that an FBI agent, terrorism experts, public officials, the former head of the British lega ...
Global Research.ca
- Big Brother and the Hidden Hand of the "Free Marke ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Iran's International Nuclear Disarmament Summit C ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Hundreds Detained in Belgian Anti-Nuclear ProtestFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Rapprochement between Russia and Latin America: Bo ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- VIDEO: Israel: An Apartheid StateFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Brilliant Krauthammer: Defends Israel Without Ment ...As I have written in the past, Charles Krauthammer only cares about one issue: Israel. Every single one of his political views (including his shift from Mondale Democrat to right-wing Republican) is motivated by his desire to ingratiate himself with the people he thinks are more "pro-Israel." H ...
- Communications Corruption at the White HouseThe communications team at the White House has an extremely difficult job -- and I admire how hard Ben Rhodes, Bill Burton, Tommy Vietor, and of course Robert Gibbs and others work to connect the President's policy direction with a communications effort that furthers the Obama agenda. The role of ...
- No Protections for Gays In Army During "Deliberati ...Just when things seemed to be lightening up regarding homosexual men and women serving their nation and saluting their Commander-in-Chief honestly and openly, the Army walks back toward the nation's institutionalized bigotry. Apparently Army Secretary John McHugh showed a bit too much enthusiasm ...
- The Fed in Hot WaterThe Fed has finally came clean. It now admits it bailed out Bear Stearns - taking on tens of billions of dollars of the bank's bad loans - in order to smooth Bear Stearns' takeover by JPMorgan Chase. The secret Fed bailout came months before Congress authorized the government to spend up to $700 bil ...
- Independent and interdependentPublished in Haaretz, Fri., April 02, 2010 By Sam Bahour and Bernard Avishai The latest rift between the United States and Israel, which began with Israel's announcement of more planned construction planned in Ramat Shlomo - a Jewish-only neighborhood - that would further separate East Jerusa ...
- Major Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Shakes So. Califo ...� UPDATE 2 - 5:29pm Pacific -�Truthout Deputy Managing Editor Jason Leopold felt the quake for about 10-15 seconds at his home in Beverly Hills, CA. The ceiling of his dining room cracked beginning at the light fixture and extending for about two feet. He and his family were not hurt nor did they s ...
- Robert Reich | Greenspan, Summers, and Why the Eco ...I'm in the "green room" at ABC News, waiting to join a roundtable panel discussion on ABC's weekly Sunday news program, This Week. read more
- What Haitians Want From Americans (and What They D ...We asked Haitians in civil society organizations, on the streets, in buses, "What do you want from the US? What help can Americans give Haiti?" Here are some of their answers. Roseanne Auguste, community health worker with the Association for the Promotion of Integrated Family Health: read more
- Union Organizing Campaign Heats Up at Los Angeles ...Concerns over faculty pay, benefits and students' classes have propelled a union organizing drive at the private Los Angeles Film School, where management is not pleased that a majority of staff want to join the California Federation of Teachers (CFT), AFL-CIO. Some faculty members contacted the CF ...
- Meet the New TicasMany women in Costa Rica are delaying motherhood to pursue career dreams. San Jose, Costa Rica - In Costa Rica, one woman will soon be president. Another is training to summit Mt. Everest. Meet the new Ticas. They are increasingly taking jobs out of the home and putting their careers first. Many ...
- Satellites, GPS Capture Migrating Greenland Ice Co ...The chart shows the averaged rate of Greenland's mass loss, measured in centimeters of ice thickness, between February 2003 and June 2009 (AGU). New study and coordinated video simulation show ice loss migration in Greenland for the first time. Greenland’s ice mass loss over the past decade–concent ...
- Climate Change Deniers Making Avatar DVD Release E ...The Avatar DVD release is to be environmentally themed. Is it because of how much climate change deniers have irked director James Cameron? Well, if you saw Avatar, you know it had a bit of an environmentalist message in it. Apparently, this upset a number of climate change deniers who, very selfl ...
- Year of the Tiger? King of the Jungle Faces Extinc ...Since the start of the last century 1900, Earth’s tiger population has decreased ninety percent. I am writing this post thinking of how it is the traditional year of the tiger in the Chinese New Year calander. Sadly, the South China tiger is extinct. While hunting was banned in 1979, that was at a ...
- North America Predicted to Freeze LessA new climate projection map released on March 31 by scientists from Climate Central shows predictions for the next nine decades that depict northern states of the continental United States of America experiencing less and less freezing temperatures. According to the prediction map, over the next 9 ...
- ‘Financial Kingpin’ Trying to Undermin ...The “largest corporation you’ve never heard of” — the first or second largest corporation in the US — is the leading source of funds for anti-climate science efforts. It’s much more fun to write on the good stuff environmentally friendly people and businesses are doing, but occasionally we have to ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Riverdale Avenue Green Street Under ConstructionView of the Riverdale Green Street project under construction. Photo taken from the street-end mini-
- Innovative Financing Mechanisms for the Water Sect ...OECD (RFFers can access full text through OECD iLibrary. User ID and password are on the library
- Pricing Water Resources and Water and Sanitation S ...OECD (RFFers can access full text on OECD iLibrary. User ID and password are on the library’s
- KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES-PART 2The Pew Commission Ref #1 stated that CAFO food products were not cheap except to the consumer becau
- Water News Roundup – March 24, 2010KSL: Study says mercury in Great Salt Lake is global problem - Scientific studies are turning up ans
Public Citizen in Texas
- Public Citizen Deputy Director David Power, Meliss ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Trade Up Your Appliances to Save Money and EnergyBy taking advantage of the Texas Trade Up Appliance Rebate Program from April 16-25, Texas residents can receive rebates for replacing old appliances with new, more efficient models. Rebates range from $45 up to $1,000 and may be even more if you qualify for additional rebates through your electric ...
- Three steps are needed to create a solar boom in T ...We can do the same thing for solar that we did for wind. Set a modest goal, say - 4,000 MW by 2020, and require every utility to buy some solar.
- Get to Know an Activist: Citizen SarahHave you ever wondered, “who is that citizensarah who writes so many engaging and informative articles on Texas Vox?” Well, today is your lucky day because I had a chance to temporarily slow down our queen blogging bee to ask her a few questions and learn about all the other things she does at Publi ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round UpWhy not enjoy these posts from the Texas Progressive Alliance along with the beautiful spring weather? CouldBeTrue of South Texas Chisme sees vast differences between Perry, his bud David Dewhurst and Democrat Bill White. Democrats are for a robust public education while Republicans are doing their ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Missing link between man and apes foundA new species of hominid thought to bridge the gap between prehistoric and modern humans has been found. The skeleton of a child dating back 2 million...
- Was Jesus the son of an architect ?A new book has claimed that Jesus wasn't the son of a carpenter but of a successful middle-class architect. The book by biblical scholar Dr Adam Bradf...
- NASA spacecraft to photograph Saturn's moonsNASA's Cassini spacecraft will take new close up pictures of Titan and Dione in a fly-by next week. Scientists are hoping to capture new high resoluti...
- Filipinos re-enact Christ's CrucifixionThousands of spectators turned up to watch people being nailed to crosses to mark Good Friday. The bizarre practice is intended to mark the day that J...
- Man with half a body defies the oddsKenny Easterday was born with only half a body due to a rare medical condition and walks around on his hands. Despite his disability Kenny is able to ...
- True Cost of Cheap FoodpeoplebeforeprofitDSC00464_1.jpg How does cheap food contribute to global hunger?� Tim Wise, a former Grassroots International Executive Director, recently wrote an article in Resurgence magazine explaining the contradictory nature of food an ...
- Haitian Led Reconstruction and DevelopmentSubheadline:� A compilation of recommendation documents from several Haitian civil society and diaspora conferences, organizations and coalitions Haiti_leader.JPG Grassroots Intern ...
- Honoring Land Day in 2010, and Remembering Its Roo ...4420070025_7d496d4fc5_b1.jpg � Sakhnin is a Palestinian village nestled between the mountains of Israel’s Galilee and is known for at least 3,500 years of agrarian tradition. It wasn’t until March 30, 1976, however, that the people of Sakhnin ...
- Water Rights -- What's Wrong?bechtel-water.jpg Frankly,�a lot! read more
- Combating Hunger by Reforesting Haiti� Last August, I stood in Haiti’s Artibonite valley with several peasant organizers and looked out at the mountains leading up to the Central Plateau. The older leaders in the group explained in depth how green the mountains once were, while the younger organizers and I listened in amazement. The tr ...
- April 4, 2010Panel Advises Against Cape Cod Wind Project (Reuters) A federal advisory panel urged the U.S. Interior Department on Friday to block a $1 billion wind project off Cape Cod opposed by local business leaders and politicians. Arch Coal Sues EPA Over Veto of W.Va. Mine Permit (AP) A s ...
- April 2, 2010Canada Mirrors US Crackdown on Vehicle Emissions (Reuters) The U.S. on Thursday finalized its first greenhouse gas emissions rules on autos and significantly boosted fuel efficiency standards for the first time since the 1970s, moves Canada jointly imposed on its industry. Virginia AG C ...
- April 1, 2010UN Official: No Climate Deal Likely Until 2011 (AP) Yvo de Boer, the outgoing head of the U.N. climate change secretariat, said countries need to restore confidence in U.N. negotiations following the dismal results of the Copenhagen summit, meaning no deal likely until late 2011. NASA ...
- March 31, 2010Obama to Allow Oil Drilling Off Virginia Coast (AP) In a reversal of a long-standing ban on most offshore drilling, Pres. Obama is allowing oil drilling 50 miles off Virginia's shorelines. At the same time, he is rejecting some new drilling sites in Alaska. Climate-Row Professor Phil J ...
- March 30, 2010EPA Proposes Scuttling Bush-Era Air Pollution Rule (The Hill) A coalition of electric utilities quickly bashed EPA’s plan announced today to scuttle a Clean Air Act rule finalized at the tail end of the Bush administration that determined how much a power plant or factory could be modified befo ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Ten Years, And CountingIt was the "Mr. Big Talk" in me that several months ago was pounding his chest declaring: "No Public Option, No Re-election, No Kidding!" But, when push came to shove, I took what I could get out of the messy, stupid-laden debate over health care reform. So, why did I, and many other progressives, j ...
- Who Abused the Child-Abusing Priests?Those who study the ways of child abuse, like the pyschologist Alice Miller , tell us that adults who abuse children were themselves usually abused as children. Abuse is a self-perpetuating noxious cycle. As you were mistreated, so will you pass that along. So I wonder: were all these pedophile Cath ...
- What Jesus MeantI have just finished reading Garry Wills' "What Jesus Meant," and what an extraordinary read it was. For me, it was a reintroduction to the Jesus I grew up with [ages 5-18], reading my Bible and going to the Little Brown Church every Sunday to learn more about this revolutionary man from a lower-cl ...
- Rep. Steve Cohen: Sarah Palin Made John McCain Loo ...Rep. Steve Cohen was on The Young Turks last night and he brought it. He said the Republicans in Congress seemed to be encouraging the Tea Party protests to the point of nearly inciting a riot. He said it was like "mob rule." In Tennessee people were throwing rocks through windows. Talking about the ...
- As The Crisis Deepens, More Attention Is Being Pai ...A Cavalcade of U.S. Corruption Is Finally Being Scrutinized The "F Word" (for fraud) is back in polite conversation on Wall Street. Fraud and financial crime are slowly becoming part of the debate over what must be done to restore confidence in what has so plainly been a confidence game. Drilling fo ...
Ten Percent
- Jim Lobe On Drone Legality(IPS) - While welcoming an initial effort by the administration of President Barack Obama to offer a legal justification for drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists overseas, human rights groups say critical questions remain unanswered. In an address to an international law group last week, State ...
- Spanish Fascists Try To Silence Human Rights Judge(IPS) – Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón, who became world-famous when he issued the warrant that resulted in former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s arrest in London in 1998, is now facing legal charges himself, which could cost him his job. Garzón, who sits on the Audiencia Nacional, Spain’s hig ...
- John McDonnell’s Letter To The Guardian Re: RMT Ba ...The media treatment of RMT and Bob Crow over the last 48 hours over the Network Rail strike ballot has been the worst example of a concerted campaign of media bias against a trade union that we have seen since the 1980s miners’ strike. John Humphrys’s interview of Bob Crow, with his references to ba ...
- Friday! Siouxsie & The Banshees- Hong Kong GardenA couple of songs I heard in the last month kept bugging me until I realised it was because they were reminding me of this. Some much needed context for the lyric.
- Statement By UK Chagos Support Association On Mili ...(BIOT – British Indian Ocean Territory consists of 55 tiny islands and a quarter of a million square miles of ocean) The Foreign Secretary David Miliband has today announced the creation of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Chagos islands. The full text of his statement is available below. Whils ...
Booman Tribune
- Serious Question Okay, so that didn't work, and it's impossible to imagine that it will work...ever. So, can we give up now?
- SCOTUS OpeningJohn Paul Stevens has announced that he will definitely retire during Obama's first term in office. I suspect he'll do it this year. I've heard that he hasn't hired the usual number of assistants. I kind of wish he'd wait, but it looks like we'll have fewer senators to confirm a replacement next y ...
- Happy EasterListen to this. It should tie you over until there is some political news to comment on. If you know of a more triumphant demonstration of rock guitar playing, post a YouTube of it. I don't think you can top this performance from May 8th, 1977 at Barton Hall, Cornell University.
- Casual Observation When wingnuts discover Saul Alinsky the result is even more buffoonish than when they discover Ayn Rand.
- NRO, Ladies and GentlemenThe unsurpassable Mark Steyn: "As a notorious "Islamophobe", I certainly don't begrudge anybody his Judeophobia." Isn't that special?
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 5 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1942 – Peter Greenaway,...
- Easter Sunday Open ThreadGot eggs?...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 4 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1920 – Birth of...
- Easter Saturday Open TreadBecause we never tyre......
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 3 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1954 – Birth of...
- Away at EasterconHey, folks – just a note to let you know I’m away drinking beer and talking books networking with other sf publishing professionals at Eastercon this weekend, and that I’m treating it as a largely-away-from-the-internet holiday. Of course, I’m never completely away from the internet (who is?), but w ...
- NEW FICTION: OUT WALKING THE STREETS by Eric Del C ...They've put me on this train, among regular people. I've promised to control myself, and my promises have convinced those who needed convincing. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 NEW FICTION: OUT WALKING THE STREETS by Eric Del Carlo
- Futurismic fiction submissions form closed! (But n ...The title says it all, folks – as of April 1st (no joke) we’re shutting down the fiction submissions webform here at Futurismic so that hard-workin’ Chris East can catch up on the slush mountain and get some well-deserved time away. So if you’ve been working on something to send to us, you’ve got a ...
- Nation-building 101Fancy starting up your own micronation? It’s not enough to just think up a flag and occupy your turf; there’s paperwork to be done. Luckily, Wired UK has a four-point beginner’s guide, as suggested by former UN strategy co-ordinator Carne Ross, to get you started. Step one: Play by the rules – Mee ...
- Away at EasterconHey, folks – just a note to let you know I’m away drinking beer and talking books networking with other sf publishing professionals at Eastercon this weekend, and that I’m treating it as a largely-away-from-the-internet holiday. Of course, I’m never completely away from the internet (who is?), but w ...
Therapy News
- Study Finds Coping Methods Influence Impact of Rac ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Many people experience daily life free from incidents of racism, but there are many others who experience the issue on a regular basis, and such incidents can have a decidedly negative impact on personal well-being and self-esteem. In an effort to understand how differ ...
- Play Therapy Questioned and ExplainedA GoodTherapy.org News Headline For those who have never experienced or studied play therapy for children, the practice may seem overly simplistic or far removed from the “serious” work undertaken in other forms of treatment such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. Yet play therapy can be a reli ...
- Researchers Explore Self-Treatment for Binge Eatin ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Bing eating has been identified as a significant issue contributing to concerns of obesity and poor physical and mental health in many people, and investigations of potential treatment methods have been ongoing in an effort to ease and treat symptoms. A research team ...
- Psychology Professor Hoping to Bring More Therapy ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline In the wake of the reign of Saddam Hussein and following several years of war and conflict, many of the people of Iraq face challenging psychological difficulties, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, therapy and other potentially he ...
- Dermatitis Vulnerabilities – Stress and Personalit ...By Jeanette Raymond, Ph.D., Body-Mind Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jeanette and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Family gatherings bring on dermatitis. Sabrina woke up itching with red splotches all over her face, neck, chest and arms. Dermatitis was back, out of th ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Alert: Call to end mountain top removal coal minin ...Examiner.com Alert: Call to end mountain top removal coal mining March 9, 2010 Examiner.com This week hundreds of activists are in Washington, DC taking action to end mountaintop-removal coal mining. You can be part of the action by picking up the ... National Call-In Day to Stop Mountaintop Remova ...
- Breaking News from EPA: The Beginning of the End o ...Breaking News from EPA: The Beginning of the End of Mountaintop Removal ? AlterNet (blog) The EPA administrator announced a major decision today to clamp down on Clean Water Act violations from mountaintop removal mining–yes, ...
- Mountaintop Removal Bill Stalled by Adjournment Vo ...Mountaintop Removal Bill Stalled by Adjournment Vote Nashville Public Radio The bill would have regulated “ mountain top removal ,” the controversial practice of blasting on mountaintops to expose the coal underneath. ... House Move Blasts Hopes to End Mountaintop Mining This Year Knoxville Metro P ...
- Earth, Sea and Sky - New York TimesEarth, Sea and Sky New York Times Behind the News Environmentalists said the blasted rubble from mountaintop removal poisons rivers and streams by leaching huge amounts of salt and toxic ...
- Big Kenny Joins Music Saves Mountains - RTT NewsRTT News Big Kenny Joins Music Saves Mountains RTT News According to TheBoot.com, mountain top removal coal mining has ravaged over 500 mountaintops in the Appalachian mountain range. by RTT Staff Writer.
- Earthquakes rattle Pacific Coast (CNN)CNN : Earthquakes rattle Pacific Coast — (CNN) — A string of earthquakes and aftershocks rattled the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico on Sunday, including a magnitude 7.2 quake that could be felt across Baja California, Arizona and Southern California, the U.S. Geological Survey rep ...
- School Law Clinics Face a Backlash (Ian Urbina/New ...Ian Urbina / New York Times : School Law Clinics Face a Backlash — ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Law school students nationwide are facing growing attacks in the courts and legislatures as legal clinics at the schools increasingly take on powerful interests that few other nonprofit groups have the resources ...
- Progressives can't get past the Knowledge Problem ...Glenn Harlan Reynolds / Washington Examiner : Progressives can't get past the Knowledge Problem — “If no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?” — President Reagan, Jan. 20, 1981. — Economist Friedrich Hayek explained in 1945 w ...
- Kyl: GOP Willing To Filibuster Obama's Yet-To-Be-N ...Amanda Terkel / Think Progress : Kyl: GOP Willing To Filibuster Obama's Yet-To-Be-Named SCOTUS Nominee — The media have been in a flurry in recent weeks over whether Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens will retire this summer. Today on Fox News Sunday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) already held open ...
- Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews and the 'regime' que ...Byron York / Washington Examiner : Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews and the ‘regime’ question — On Friday, I asked Rush Limbaugh for his response to President Obama's description of him as “troublesome” and of his program as “vitriol.” Limbaugh told me he does not believe Obama is trying to do wha ...
Energy & Environment News
- Green Inc. Column: Gasoline Still Has Some Advanta ...Electric cars are attracting interest as a realistic and clean fuel option, but the fresh attention may highlight flaws of this fuel source.
- Off the Shelf: ‘Green Gone Wrong’: C ...In a new book, Heather Rogers warns of the dangers of buying into green euphoria and says green capitalism is undermining ecological progress.
- Field Notes: The Burden of Paying for Wedding Bell ...With the upswing in the cost for weddings, most everybody now chips in to pay for them.
- Massachusetts and Rhode Compete Over Wind FarmMassachusetts and Rhode Island are taking different approaches in their competition to become a leader in alternative energy.
- Despite Mild Winter and Few Hunters, Seal Pups Fac ...The same warm weather that has kept hunters’ boats in harbors has also reduced the amount of ice, a main habitat for harp seals.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Sonora, MexicoMonday, April 5, 2010 00:07:11 UTC Sunday, April 4, 2010 05:07:11 PM at epicenter Depth : 9.60 km (5.97 mi)
- M 5.4, Baja California, MexicoSunday, April 4, 2010 23:25:09 UTC Sunday, April 4, 2010 04:25:09 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.2, Baja California, MexicoSunday, April 4, 2010 23:15:14 UTC Sunday, April 4, 2010 04:15:14 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 7.2, Baja California, MexicoSunday, April 4, 2010 22:40:40 UTC Sunday, April 4, 2010 03:40:40 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.6, Andaman Islands, India regionTuesday, March 30, 2010 16:54:47 UTC Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:24:47 PM at epicenter Depth : 41.70 km (25.91 mi)
China Dialogue
- Venturing forth Major investors around the world are turning their attention to clean technology. John Elkington visited Silicon Valley – California’s high-tech hub – and found cause for cheer. It is always exciting to be in California, particularly when the venture-capital community there is working itself up into ...
- Causes for optimism (2)Copenhagen failed to deliver – but it also revealed truths about climate geopolitics that might just make it easier to tackle global warming, says Michael Grubb. From a research perspective, Copenhagen was a call to arms for a community that it seems has never paid enough attention to political anal ...
- Causes for optimism (1) The bare-bones climate agreement produced at Copenhagen has provoked international gloom. But, argues Michael Grubb, history may judge it more kindly. “Diplomatic disasters don’t come much bigger than this” was the verdict of one European-based newspaper on the outcome of the Copenhagen climate-chan ...
- Man with a missionKirit Parikh, former member of India’s Planning Commission, chairs a 26-member expert group tasked with developing a low-carbon growth strategy for India. Here, he tells Anna da Costa about his plans. There was a time, not long ago, when the idea of a national low-carbon growth strategy for India wo ...
- A personal one-child policy?Family size is the great unmentionable of the campaign for greener lifestyles, writes Oliver Burkeman. Westerners need to consider that babies are consumers, too, with their own carbon footprints. Twelve years ago, the American author Bill McKibben published a short book entitled Maybe One: A Perso ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- High School Students Protest Fred Phelps’ Ha ...
- Sarah Palin’s Talk Show Debut a Total Bust & ...This post originally appeared on Think Progress. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R) lack of policy knowledge and gaffes on the 2008 campaign led manyto conclude that she may be better cut out to host a talk show than stay in politics. But her first foray into the genre, “Real American Stories,” w ...
- Tea Party Darling Gets 200K Government HandoutThis post was originally published on Hullabaloo. Here’s a little story about a handsome young conservative congressional candidate in Tennessee named Stephen Fincher who is attracting lots of attention from the national GOP, which is swooning over his corn pone appeal and ability to raise gobs of m ...
- John Paul Stevens Retiring — Not a Good Time ...This post was originally published on the Booman Tribune. John Paul Stevens has announced that he will definitely retire during Obama’s first term in office. I suspect he’ll do it this year. I’ve heard that he hasn’t hired the usual number of assistants. I kind of wish he’d wait, but it looks like ...
- Doctor Drives Away Patients Who Supported Health R ...This post was originally published on the Washington Monthly. Dr. Jack Cassell, an Orlando-area urologist and part-time Republican crank, probably couldn’t have imagined what he was getting himself into. This week, Cassell’s medical office posted a sign for patients and their families: “If you vot ...
Threat Level
- 30-Year Computer Ban for Sex Offender OverturnedJust in time for the iPad launch, a federal appeals court Friday overturned a 30-year computer ban imposed on a sex offender caught in an online police sting. Mark Wayne Russell, 50, was arrested in 2006 after traveling from his home in Columbia, Maryland to a location in Washington D.C. where he e ...
- Law Against Police Bumper Stickers Unconstitutiona ...A local Ohio ordinance making it a crime for civilians to display bumper stickers of police organizations is unconstitutional, a federal judge says. The First Amendment decision by U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett blocks the suburban Village of Lockland from enforcing the minor-misdemeanor stat ...
- Appeals Court Sides With eBay in Tiffany Trademark ...A federal appeals court ruled against luxury jeweler Tiffany and Co. on Thursday in finding eBay is not liable for trademark infringement just because some sellers  hawk counterfeit goods. Tiffany’s lawsuit accused the online auction house of contributory trademark infringement because it allegedly ...
- Urban Legend Watch: Cyberwar Attack on U.S. Centra ...Claim: A foreign government’s computer hackers were found lurking on a classified U.S. military network in 2008. UNLIKELY Example: [Collected from the internet, March 2010] More than 20 years ago, the United States realized that having an advantage in “intangible factors” — more informat ...
- Court Says Bush Illegally Wiretapped Two AmericansA federal judge on Wednesday said the George W. Bush administration illegally eavesdropped on the telephone conversations of two American lawyers who represented a now-defunct Saudi charity. The lawyers alleged some of their 2004 telephone conversations to Saudi Arabia were siphoned to the National ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Teacher identified by father as 2nd Moscow bomberMOSCOW (Reuters) - A 28-year-old computer science teacher has been identified by her family as the second of two female suicide bombers who killed dozens of people on the Moscow metro a week ago, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
- China's yuan casts shadow over U.S. - India talksNEW DELHI (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will try to strengthen bilateral ties with India during talks in New Delhi this week, but his visit may be overshadowed by Washington's tense relationship with China.
- UPDATE 3-Cardinal defends pope, denounces "petty g ...* Unprecedented defence indicates Vatican feeling pressure
- "Termite gangs" tunnel into third French bankPARIS (Reuters) - Would-be robbers armed with a pneumatic drill dug a tunnel from a Paris subway station into the basement of a bank in the early hours of Sunday but failed to seize any cash or valuables, police said.
- UPDATE 1-"Termite gangs" tunnel into third French ...PARIS, April 4 (Reuters) - Would-be robbers armed with a pneumatic drill dug a tunnel from a Paris subway station into the basement of a bank in the early hours of Sunday but failed to seize any cash or valuables, police said.
Equality Trust
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inequality: a threat to social cohesionAs Edmund Conway comments in today's Daily Telegraph : "It is not merely, as Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point out in their book The Spirit Level, that this damages health and encourages crime; in times of austerity, inequality can tear apart the social fabric."
- Labour is running up a down escalator to tackle in ...Tackling society's inequalities is what Labour governments are supposed to be about, and this one has quietly redistributed billions worth of tax since 1997, much of it paid by those fatcat bankers, to alleviate the plight of the poorest. How much has it got to show for it? Read Michael White's ...
- The five-star lifestyle: "horrible, soulless and w ...Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy. Read more here...
- Lynda Gratton: The business case for greater incom ...Read Lynda Gratton in the Financial Times [Wilkinson and Pickett's] argument is that societies which are very unequal have all sorts of problems, and I have a feeling that the same is true for companies,” she says. “I think one has to be very careful about what you pay people ... We’ve put far t ...
- IOT: Special Clean, Fair, Transparent Elections M ...Special Clean, Fair, Transparent Elections call with John Bonifaz on the Free Speech for People campaign, 3/31/10 John Bonifaz—former PDA board member, legal director of Voter Action, director of Free Speech for People, and active PDA ...
- Crazy From the Ground Upby: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Author’s Note: Sometimes, the best way to celebrate April Fools’ Day is by spotlighting some actual there-but-by-the-grace-of-God-go-I fools, genuine and in ...
- What’s Another Month? April Call SchedulesWhat's another month?! Dear Conor, Members of PDA national team will be on the road in Pennsylvania and California from April 7th to the 21st, so we have had to change the conference call schedule a bit. ...
- 91 and countingSix years ago I stood with PDA at Roxbury, Mass., when you began your journey. Together we have called for an end to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and for “Medicare-For-All”–”Healthcare NOT Warfare.” During ...
- IOT: Inside the Democratic Party March CallOn this call we ratified the national endorsement for Bill Hedrick in CA44. We also heard from Tracy Emblem (CA50) Robert Dobbs (SC01).
Marler Blog
- Daniele Inc., Wholesome Spice and Mincing Spice Li ...The CDC reports 252 individuals infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Montevideo, which displays either of two closely related pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, have been reported from 44 states and District of Columbia since July 1, 2009. The number of ill persons identifi ...
- Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) Information Update ...We have been in the process of updating all of our bacterial, viral and foodborne illness informational websites (our “about” sites). Click below: Post-diarrheal hemolytic uremic syndrome (D+HUS) is a severe, life-threatening complication that occurs in about 10 percent of those infected with E ...
- Des Moines Register notices Foodborne Illness Outb ...Phil Brasher , dean of food and agriculture reporters, gave our new foodborne illness outbreak database a nice “shout-out:” The nation’s top private food regulators, otherwise known as the Marler Clark law firm out of Seattle, are putting together a database for tracking food-borne illness. That’s ...
- Smith v. Cargill E. coli Complaint listed as an ex ...For those with access to Minnesota Rules of Court:� Key Rules - Volume IIA - Federal - 2010, you will find a copy of the Complaint beginning on page 538 - 542.� Good to be used as an example.
- Honolulu Peppa's Korean BBQ closed due to E. coli ...Hawaii Health officials said today that Peppa's Korean BBQ on South King Street in Honolulu agreed to remain closed until it completes corrective actions that meet department requirements. In the meantime, extensive sanitation measures are being taken.� The department is continuing to investigate se ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.02.10Plug-in vehicle industry responds to Nissan Leaf's low price Who's worried, who's not. New Federal CAFE standards officially released, 34.1 mpg by 2016 Spend an extra $1,000 up front, get $3,0 ...
- AutoblogGreen for 04.01.10New York 2010: The inside story of the Nissan Leaf price There was a target price, and Nissan met it. Drill Baby Drill? Obama says "Yes we can." ...
- New York 2010: Ford and Microsoft announce Hohm el ...Filed under: Hybrid , Ford , Electric Alongside the debut of the Lincoln MKZ Hybrid at this year's New York Auto Show , Ford announced an extension of its partnership with Microsoft (see also: Sync ) into the electric vehicle (EV) recharging realm. The new space that Microsoft and Ford want to ta ...
- AutoblogGreen for 03.31.102011 Nissan Leaf US pricing officially announced: as low as $25,280* Holy Wow. Think details its plans to let its simple, bold electric cars "change the world" We get the details direct from ...
- AutoblogGreen for 03.30.10Transportation Secretary embraces bicycling, walking for a greener future Makes sense. Gasoline-powered alarm clock catches Energy Star off guard Wow. Just wow. ...
Rafe's Radar
- Coming April 8: CNET Showcase--3D in the homeI'm happy to announce that we're launching a little event series here in San Francisco, called CNET Showcase . Our goal is to bring local tech enthusiasts together to talk about new consumer technologies with the people who are studying them and making them. And--bonus!--we want to give ... Original ...
- Taxation without negotiation for Calif. smartphone ...Cell phone buyers in California pay unfair tax on devices bought under contract. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- The Rescue survey: Car navigation systemsIs convenience worth a 10x premium? Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Demo debrief: Rafe and Josh's favoritesThis year's Demo Spring conference has come to a close, and we take a minute to look back at some of our favorites. Originally posted at Webware ...
- Neverend Media builds smart new e-book formatIt's arguably a better format than PDF for electronic books. But is it better enough to get traction?
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- The Obscenity of WarPresident Barack Obama has just returned from his first trip as commander in chief to Afghanistan. The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of that country are now in their ninth year, amid increasing comparisons to Vietnam. Daniel Ellsberg, whom Henry Kissinger once called “the most dangerous man in ...
- Part II: Daniel Ellsberg on US Foreign PolicyPart II of our conversation with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. He speaks on the under-reported leaked memos of US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, US Policy on Iran, and more. In 1971, the then-RAND Corporation analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked to the media what became kn ...
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN tonight at 7pm ETAmy will make her third appearance on CNN’s new show, John King USA tonight at 7pm ET. If you missed her March 26th appearance, take a look here: If you want to see more of Amy on CNN, please get in touch with John King and his team to let them know. You can contact them via: Emai ...
- Indonesian Media Reports Journalist Allan Nairn Fa ...A leading TV news network in Indonesia is reporting the Indonesian military is planning to charge journalist Allan Nairn with “smearing [its] good name.” In an appearance on Democracy Now! last week, Allan exposed that US-backed Indonesian armed forces assassinated a series of civilian activists ...
- Obama’s Bad Prescription for IndonesiaPresident Barack Obama dedicated the signing of health care legislation to a number of people, including his mother, S. Ann Dunham Soetoro, who, he said, “argued with insurance companies even as she battled cancer in her final days.” The health care legislative process and its frenetic endgame prom ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
Digg Green
- Interflora scientists grow the world’s first polka ...After years of patient research, scientists at Interflora’s plant cultivation faculty have succeeded in creating polka dot roses.
- Darpa & Pentagon Want Troop Poop Porta-ReactorsThe Pentagon’s got a new idea for generating renewable power at overseas military bases, and it’s an eco-friendly initiative inspired by one of nature’s most irrefutable truths: everyone poops. It’s no surprise that Darpa, the military’s risk-taking research agency, is behind this one.
- Severe storms cause flooding in the USFlooding and damage across the US after severe storms.
- Obama administration set to unveil offshore drilli ...(Reuters) - The Obama administration is expected to announce by Wednesday its updated plan for oil and natural gas drilling in U.S. waters, including whether to allow exploration for the first time along the U.S. East Coast. [What else do you expect with a greedy, soulless oilman in the White House. ...
- Toads can predict earthquakes!For ages, mankind has craved a tool that can provide an early warning of that terrifying moment when the earth begins to shake - and if a scientific paper published today is confirmed, we may at last have found one... TOADS!
Invisible Opportunity
- God’s not Dead, he’s merely HidingBy Les Visible Of course, Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus the Christ, also a sun god, just like Ra and so many others, differentiated for the benefit of varying cultures and times. We hear that Jesus died for our sins. This cosmic role play; this recurrent theme, is carried out into the ...
- Obama – Alleged to be Hated by the Chicago L ...By big black dog [Admitted simply a post to a blog, but the fact of the matter is all this conjecture is Obama's own fault. He could release his documents, school history, etc...practice the transparency that he promised and then these rumors and "maybes" would end. Maybe the reality of Obama is wor ...
- Judge strikes fear into biotech industry with null ...By Mike Adams As NaturalNews readers already know, corporations and universities right now claim intellectual property ownership over roughly twenty percent of your genetic code. This absurdity has occurred due to bizarre operations of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which has handed corporatio ...
- Yet More Stuff We Always Suspected But Its Nice To ...By Roy Spencer Many of us have argued for years that much of the measured surface temperature increase has actually been from manual adjustments made for opaque and largely undisclosed reasons by a few guys back in their offices. (Update– corrected, I accidently grabbed the old version of the post ...
- Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warmi ...By Marco Evers Plagued by reports of sloppy work, falsifications and exaggerations, climate research is facing a crisis of confidence. How reliable are the predictions about global warming and its consequences? And would it really be the end of the world if temperatures rose by more than the much-qu ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Afghanistan: The World's Number One Narco-State?The Obama administration is now trapped in an endless cycle of drugs and death in Afghanistan from which there is neither an easy end nor an obvious exit.
- Hightower: Wal-Mart and the Essence of the Inhuman ...Think corporations share some of mankind's key characteristics, like compassion? Think again. As Joseph Casias' case illustrates, they're more ruthless than ever.
- How Marijuana Can Fix CaliforniaFar from being a war between hippies and police, the fight to legalize marijuana in California centers on whether decriminalizing cannabis can help fill the state's fiscal hole.
- The $250,000 JointA single joint smoked by Amir Varick Amma cost him an additional 5 years in prison, and taxpayers roughly $250,000.
- Marijuana Legalization on the CA Ballot: Separatin ...Brace yourself for a blast of alarmist hot air from the drug war status quo, a nine-month onslaught of distortions, half-truths and real whoppers.
Twilight Earth
- Photo Sunday – Easter and Passover – Renewal and R ...This week celebrates both Christian and Jewish Holidays and traditions. Both of these traditions represent a celebration of overcoming death and a time of hope realized. Related posts: Photo Sunday – All Things to All People Photo Sunday – The Meaning of Sacrifice Photo Sunday – When its Ra ...
- Tea Partiers and Suicide Bombers (cartoon)In case either group needs some guidance, click here. Follow Mean Joe Green (Joe Mohr) at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons… Related posts:School Lunch Reform? I Dont Think So! (Cartoon) Monsanto News Roundup – A Frankenfood Extravaganza of GMO News Articles One Million Acts ...
- Happy 40th- Earth Day! Earth Day 2010 – History an ...April 22 marks the 40th anniversary of the modern environmental movement, Earth Day. Every day is Earth Day in my book, but certainly our Earth deserves its own holiday. Related posts: International World Water Day 2010- March 22nd Earth Days Documentary – History of the Environmental Movem ...
- Environmental Graffiti Launches New Citizen Writer ...Our friends over at Environmental Graffiti have Re-launched their wildly popular and successful UK based Green Blog, and are offering world citizens the opportunity to contribute their own writing. Related posts: Senior Citizen Tells Youth – Dont Make the Mistakes We Made Japan takes One Gia ...
- 10 Incredible Green Technologies That Could Shape ...As consumption of fossil fuels and other, damaging non-renewable energy materials reaches it’s greatest extent, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that sustainable power will play a significant part in shaping (and possibly saving) the future of the planet. Here’s our list of 10 of the most promisin ...
- Green Graffiti Bunnies and Bambies Loose on The St ...HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! In the spirit of wishing you a happy spring, we’d like to share with you some adorable green moss bunnies and bambis adorning the walls of construction sites in Brooklyn. Artist Edina Tokodi puts a new spin on green guerrilla art tactics by creating cuddly moss critters and ...
- Electronic Underpants Sends a Text Message When We ...We’ve seen our share of wearable technology, but nothing could quite prepare us for this – electronic underpants! As odd as this concept may seem, these techy unmentionables aren’t for anything salacious. They were developed in order to help nursing home workers keep tabs on when a patient becomes ...
- GIVEAWAY: $100 Worth of Limited-Edition Scarves Ma ...If your wardrobe is looking a little lackluster these days, then you’ve gotta get wrapped up in these colorful scarves. From eco-fashion company GreenSewn, we’ve got $100 worth of their sari upcycled scarves for one lucky reader to win. So enter now to earn yourself a little shopping spree in GreenS ...
- The Perfect Little Black Dress from Uniform Projec ...Every girl needs a little black dress in her closet to dress up, to dress down, and to dress herself when she shrieks “I haven’t a single thing to wear!” Produced in New York from 100 percent locally sourced surplus cotton, Eliza Starbuck has taken this indispensable number and designed a universall ...
- NEW YORKERS: Come Party With Inhabitat as it Turn ...ATTENTION NEW YORK INHABITAT READERS! You’re invited to our fabulous 5th Birthday Party – taking place at Green Spaces NYC on April 23rd! Are you ready to throw on your fanciest eco-friendly duds and sip some cocktails with your fellow Inhabitants? Inhabitat will be celebrating its 5th Birthday, A ...
Pogue's Posts
- Apple iPad FAQ'sI answer the most frequently asked questions I've received about the iPad.
- Why the Line2 App is Up and DownAn explanation of the ups and downs of Line2, the popular iPhone calling app.
- A Bigger Sensor for a Coat-Pocket CameraSamsung's NX10 takes the necessary next step in the development of a small camera that takes SLR-quality photos.
- A Tech-Filled Life, Without PowerMy family has now been without electricity, heat or hot water for five days. I gotta tell you: it's getting old.
- Photo Tip: Slowing a Babbling BrookTry photographing a babbling brook on a sunny day. Here's the trick to avoiding an overexposed shot.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Why Volcanic Eruptions Can Spark LightningIt’s the ultimate love-at-first-sight story: In the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from anything else, lonely sand grains meet up in a crowd and decide to electrify each other. Sparks fly. Physicists have long puzzled over why sand grains and other small particles can build up electrical c ...
- Inca Skeletons Show Evidence of Spanish BrutalityIf bones could scream, a bloodcurdling din would be reverberating through a 500-year-old cemetery in Peru. Human skeletons unearthed there have yielded the first direct evidence of Inca fatalities caused by Spanish conquerors. European newcomers killed some Inca individuals with guns, steel lances ...
- Video: Tortoises Learn From Each OtherAnimal hermits can learn from their peers, researchers say, even though they rarely encounter one another in the wild. Red-footed tortoises in the wild live a typically lonely tortoise life, without even being cared for by their parents. But in the lab, they can pick up hints to solving a proble ...
- Think You’re Good at Driving While on Your Cell Ph ...Cell phone users frequently drive themselves to distraction while operating cars, and all too often end up in traffic accidents. But a select few multitask behind the wheel with extraordinary skill, a new study finds. About one in 40 drivers qualifies as a “supertasker,” able to combine driving and ...
- End of Gene Patents Will Help Patients, Force Comp ...When you went to sleep last Sunday night, 20 percent of your genome belonged to a researcher or company. One day later, following federal district court judge Robert Sweet’s ruling, it belonged to you. Some activists cheered the landmark decision on general principle, but for others, it was a busin ...
The Progressive Realist
- Iranian Influence in IraqOne reason we were told it would be unwise for US forces to begin leaving Iraq in 2006 is that if we did we would leave behind a country in which Iran had a lot of influence. Instead we got a “surge” that “succeeded” and now as Rob Nordland details in an excellent piece , all those problems have mel ...
- Did Religious Parties Really Lose the Iraqi Electi ...I'll be moderating a "conversation" with US Ambassador to Iraq Chris Hill at the Brookings Doha Center tomorrow. In thinking about questions to ask him, I've been trying to get a better handle on the slowly solidifying perceptions of the March 7th results. And one of the post-election memes that's s ...
- China Should Let its Currency AppreciateHere are handy talking points to bear in mind in case someone asks you, "Hey, what about that tricky Chinese RMB?" 1) It is important that China let the value of its currency rise again (it's been frozen for nearly two years), because that will reduce its economy's distorted emphasis on exports and ...
- The Flimsy Case for Drone WarsAmitai Etzion i, a law professor at George Washington University , has followed up the State Department’s justification for drone attacks in Pakistan with an argument of his own , published in the new issue of Joint Force Quarterly . Here is the first paragraph, sentence by sentence with commentary ...
- The Right’s START Confusion: It Doesn’t Cut Enough ...The right wing is really confused about how to respond to New START. On the one hand, New START doesn’t do any of the things they feared it would. It doesn’t impact missile defense or conventional weapons programs like prompt global strike. It updates and modernizes verification measures and eve ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: A Blogger Ethics Panel Might be I ...To follow up on yesterday's question of why Mitt Romney thinks states are better than the federal government as agents of implementing health care, it's worth noting that under the Affordable Care Act, states will be overseeing a lot of the nuts and bolts of setting up the exchanges and regulating ...
- Things Were Better When You Were a Kid, Whenever T ...According to a poll released today by the Washington Post , people who are angry about health care are also angry about pretty much everything: The health-care debate has generated intense levels of frustration among the bill's opponents, and those who say they are outright angry almost universall ...
- The Golden Girl Image.Anna Clark talks with Robin Black about making older women complicated heroines in fiction: Rarely are older women centered as protagonists in American fiction, a fact that mirrors their marginalized role in society. In If I Loved You, I Would Tell You This, her new collection of stories, autho ...
- The Little Picture: Cory Booker.In March, according to the Star-Ledger, Newark, New Jersey went a full calendar month without a single homicide. Reduced crimes rates over the past four years are partly attributable to the Cory Booker administration. Booker took office in 2006. (Flickr/ Oracle Monkey )
- Sometimes The Radicals Are Right.Ta-Nehisi Coates ethers Chuck Lane over his weaselly equivalence of abolitionists and pro-slavery forces using the incident in which fugitive slave Shadrach Minkins was broken out of jail in Boston by abolitionists in 1851: Lane is referencing, in rather disrespectful fashion, the awesome Shadrach ...
Andy Worthington
- Video: Andy Worthington Discusses the Closure of G ...On Tuesday, I was delighted to be invited to a TV studio on a boat on the Thames to take part in “Crosstalk” on Russia Today, hosted by Peter Lavelle. The other guest, who, I believe, was not obliged to endure the most miserable wind and rain to reach the equivalent studio in Washington D.C., [...]
- An interview with Andy Worthington, author of “The ...The following interview, conducted by email, was published on the Pakistani website Celebrity Dialogue, run by blogger Zeeshan Kureshi, which describes itself as being “dedicated to bringing forward those who have made a difference in our world.” Celebrity Dialogue: Andy, we really appreciate the ti ...
- Anger in Yemen Over Halt to Release of Cleared Gua ...I’m cross-posting below an article that was published on NPR’s website yesterday, primarily because the sister of Abdul Salam al-Hila (also identified as Abdulsalam al-Hela), a Yemeni colonel who was kidnapped in Egypt in 2002 and rendered to the CIA’s “Dark Prison” before his transfer to Guantánamo ...
- “Victory at last!” by Guantánamo lawyer David Reme ...The following article, circulated as an email by Guantánamo lawyer David Remes this morning, apparently caught a number of people off-guard, and David has subsequently found himself taken to task for circulating it. In contrast, I thought it was a perfect April Fools’ Day joke, and neatly encapsulat ...
- More Dark Truths from Guantánamo, as Five Innocent ...After eight years’ imprisonment without charge or trial, five former Guantanamo prisoners are beginning new lives this week — two in Switzerland and three in Georgia. Their stories reveal, yet again, how Republican lawmakers and media pundits in the US, who have, in recent months, renewed their fe ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Solar Brings Light to HaitiWith a crucial meeting at the United Nations today on the rebuilding of Haiti, renewable energy advocates and entrepreneurs are urging donors to consider the role that solar power can play in an impoverished nation that has one of the lowest rates of access to electricity in the world. ...
- Gene-Altered "Enviropig" to Reduce Dead Zones?"Enviropig," now approved for limited production, is modified to excrete less phosphorous, a key trigger of algal blooms, scientists say.
- Earth Hour 2010: Record 121 Countries to Go DarkIn the biggest Earth Hour yet, millions of businesses and homes around the world will participate in a voluntary blackout to show support for action against global warming.
- Texas Pioneers Energy Storage in Giant BatteryUniquely prone to electrical outages, Presidio, Texas, deploys a first-of-its-kind solution.
- Global Warming Making People More Aggressive?Forget anger over leaked emails: Murders and assaults could jump by a hundred thousand cases a year in a warmer world, a new study says.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- "Fashion Show"A little something from Lauren Greenfield: Greenfield's video "Fashion Show" mixes filmed footage with still photography from over 50 runway shows in New York, Milan and Paris. Cut to the pulsating beat of Fol Chen's latest musical single, "The Longer You Wait", the multimedia piece is an experienti ...
- Would you drive this car?More importantly, would you buy and drive this car? Tata Motors May Launch Nano In America: Special Editions In The Works Efficient, light, and affordable. That is the philosophy behind the Tata Nano, the world’s cheapest car, and one of the smallest as well. Launched earlier this year in Tata’s ho ...
- Medicare spending rose an OUTRAGEOUS 5% !eleventy! ...That is according to the CBO : Adjusted for timing shifts, Medicare spending rose by $7 billion (or 5 percent). Of course this is reason to be outraged at all that government spending coming out of our pockets, right? Right? Thankfully those fiscally responsible Republicans have come up with the gre ...
- Lieberman's numbers in Connecticut tank - Public O ...From Scarce at MLN, Joe Lieberman's numbers across the board are pitiful after his healthcare asshattery . That's the word from PPP's poll they've done this week in Connecticut. Want to know how far Joe Lieberman has fallen in the wake of the health care vote last month? Barack Obama's approval rat ...
- Is Our Children Learned Yet?Clearly our town is hellbent on turning out thousands of uneducated kids in the future as New Milford has frozen the school budget for the second year straight. This is from an email that is circulating around and was forwarded to myself by more than one person: Dear Friends, Below is a letter I s ...
SPL Center
- Year in Hate and Extremism WebcastSouthern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen and Intelligence Project Director Mark Potok discuss the recently released annual count of hate and extremist groups.
- Answering Our Critics: SPLC ‘Smear’ DissectedThis Thursday, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) — a Washington, D.C., think tank that describes itself as “pro-immigrant” but pumps out an endless stream of papers claiming that immigration is hurting America in a myriad of ways — plans to issue a “report” attacking the Southern Poverty Law ...
- Leading Holocaust Denier Leaves German PrisonLongtime Hitler enthusiast and Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel was released from a German prison on Monday after serving five years for the crime of inciting racial hatred. Zundel, who turns 71 next month, said he would be heading to his home in the Black Forest to regain his health. “It’s kind of a s ...
- After Call to Arms, Nativist Extremist Leader Call ...A major nativist group known for its armed border patrols is disbanding. In a Monday E-mail to supporters, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps President Carmen Mercer said the MCDC will no longer exist as an organization, though she encouraged supporters to continue its work independently. “I predict Am ...
- Paleocon Starts New Extreme-Right MagazineHard to believe there’s a need for yet another far-right magazine or conference, but now there are both. Richard Spencer, who was editor at “Taki’s Magazine,” an online paleoconservative magazine, is now executive editor of a new online magazine called “Alternative Right.” He calls this venture “an ...
change: org.
- Are Rabbits the New Chicken?The New York Times featured rabbits in a recent article . Unfortunately, it was in the Dining & Wine section. Sorry, Easter Bunny, but apparently rabbit meat is gaining popularity. Rabbit has historically been seen as a "crisis meat" consumed by poor immigrants and encouraged by the government dur ...
- The Top Three Conversations People Are Having Abou ...After months of informed waiting and years of speculation, Apple's iPad product is finally reaching the hands of consumers around the US this weekend. As the debate and conversation around the product reaches a fever pitch, the one thing that can't be denied is the iPad's relevance. Importantly, the ...
- They're Not Doctors, But They Play Them on TVNext up in unnecessary medical research: this new report from the Journal of Medical Ethics that concludes that the portrayal of doctors on popular dramatic television shows is — gasp! — not exactly representative of real life. To come to these conclusions, researchers from Johns Hopkins University ...
- April Is Genocide Prevention MonthFor many around the world, April is a month of transition: from winter into spring with a preview of summer, or from summer into fall with winter just around the corner. April is also host to an odd (and dark) coincidence of anniversaries, with commemoration dates for the Holocaust and the Rwanda ...
- A White House Easter Message to End Gay Adoption B ...Each year, the sitting U.S. President hosts an Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the White House, bringing together families from around the country for some colored eggs, baskets and bunnies. And though it sounds like a simple and cute event, it's actually the largest public event that the White Ho ...
Common Dreams -News
- Obama Expands Military Involvement in Africaby Daniel Volman WASHINGTON - When Pres. Barack Obama took office in January 2009, it was widely expected that he would dramatically change, or even reverse, the militarised and unilateral security policy that had been pursued by the George W. Bush administration toward Africa, as well as toward ...
- Feds Found Pfizer Too Big to Nailby Drew Griffin and Andy Segal Imagine being charged with a crime, but an imaginary friend takes the rap for you. That is essentially what happened when Pfizer, the world's largest pharmaceutical company, was charged with illegally marketing Bextra, a painkiller that was taken off the market in 2005 ...
- RN Strike at Temple, Day Four: In Your Easter Bon ...by Donna Smith PHILADELPHIA -- Well, it wasn't an Easter parade coming through Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, but it was a march by striking registered nurses and other Temple University Hospital health professionals that included lots of kids and family members deferring the activities that us ...
- BP Fights to Limit Controls on Shale Gas Drillingby Terry Macalister BP is lobbying on Capitol Hill against a federal US environmental agency being given jurisdiction over the use of a controversial method of extracting gas from shale deposits, ahead of an important meeting this week. The London-based oil company wants decisions on drilling techni ...
- On Job Creation—Local Fruits and Vegetables vs. Co ...by Ben Lilliston It turns out that foods that are better for you may also be better for farmers and local job creation. read more
- The Office Stylist's Workspace [Featured Workspace ...If your job is writing about people's offices and finding inspiring aspects of those spaces, you'd better have a well-appointed office yourself. Today's featured workspace certainly doesn't fail to deliver when it comes to visual appeal and sp ...
- Make a Bath Mat Out of Wine Corks [DIY]If you're quickly tasting your way through your wine collection , you might as well use all those corks for something . Craft blog Craftynest has a guide for creating an attractive, foot-friendly bath mat by hot gluing them to some shelf liner ...
- Ask the Commenters Roundup [Hive Mind]Is there an easy way to reinstall Windows XP on my netbook? My hard drives keep disappearing from Windows. Anybody seen this happen and have a solution for it? I accidentally did a high-level reformat of a drive. Anyone have any good data recovery software recommendations? First tim ...
- Make Blooming Tea for a Drinkable Decoration [Tea]While coffee seems to be the energizing drink of choice among Lifehackers, tea is a great alternative. Step up your drink with blooming tea, a flowerful, delicious cup that is great to enjoy with your tongue and your eyes. More�� ...
- Use a Simple Spreadsheet to Organize and Rate Wine ...Just because you're tasting wine doesn't mean you can't still get your geek on. Microsoft's Office Online site has a wine tasting spreadsheet to keep track of what you've learned, and what you like, in vino. More��
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Allies and common goalsSo what is the ten year desired end state and the probable end-state of relying on actors with severely different incentives and goal-sets? It might just be time to redefine goal sets and embrace minimalist goals that are achievable.
- ElBaradei Blasts West For Supporting Tyrants, Kill ...By Steve Hynd Mohammed el Baradei, former IAEA head and a favorite pinata of the "Real Men Go To Tehran" crowd, has spoken out against the West's support for repressive regimes and its inability to put fine-sounding rhetoric into action in the Middle east and further afield. In his first English-lan ...
- Hyping The Evil Iranian EmpireBy Steve Hynd Over at Salon, Glenn Greenwald examines the quality of "reporting" on Iran and the threat it presents to America. it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Iran wanted a nuclear weapons capability. If anything, it would be irrational for them not to want one. What else would a rational I ...
- Bush & Blair Killed The Special RelationshipBy Steve Hynd Renowened British national security reporter Michael Smith - he off "Downing Street Memos" fame - notes in the London Times today that a report by the Commons foreign affairs committee says that using the term "special relationship" to describe Britain's relations with the U.S. “is pot ...
- Pakistan Sends More Troops To Indian BorderBy Steve Hynd Just days after Hillary Clinton's giggling presser with Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan is already walking back any real co-operation with American interests - and, as always, Pakistani fears of India are the prime motive. The Financial Times eports: Pakistan has sent extra troops to it ...
Water Wars
- Annual Tech series teaches sustainabilityLouisiana Tech University is in the midst of its annual Shaping the 21st Century series, and William Willoughby, associate dean and director of graduate studies in the College of Liberal Arts, said this year's series is different in that it does not focus on one nation or region of the world, but on ...
- Discourse on India-Pakistan water sharing hots upISLAMABAD: As public discourse on the water component of India-Pakistan relations takes on a shrill note with charges like stealing water and water wars being levelled against India, High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal on Saturday said India had never hindered water flows into Pakistan even during th ...
- Nasa technology used on Mars 'could prevent wat ...Nasa technology used on Mars to find underground ice could be used to search for water hidden throughout the world's deserts, a UN conference has heard.
- Water: Drink it, ski on it and paddle in itWater, what wondrous stuff. Two hydrogen atoms sharing electrons with an oxygen atom. Seventy-five percent of the earth is covered by water. The human body is 60 to 70 percent water. Were supposed to drink eight eigh-ounce glasses of water a day.
- POST BAG Birds of a featherThaksin claims he is in Russia negotiating with a millionaire to invest in Thailand after he returns. Thaksin should be reminded that in Russia many millionaires are in jail serving time for corruption. In Russia, millionaires come and go.
WordPress | Economics
- GameOn! In order for any cluster to grow it must have some government support, in particular because cluster
- How to Get Your Children to Take Home School Serio ...While you have decided to home-school your children. You set up a family environment great school, a
- Change We Can Believe In, Take TwoThere is jabbering from the right. There is remorse from the left. Too much change. Too little c
- Firms Make Money By Disputing Unemployment ClaimsWith unemployment still hovering around 10% and the prospects for recovery still uncertain, millions
- DS Najib: Affirmative Action StaysThis what was reported in The Edge Daily, sourced from BERNAMA: KUALA LUMPUR: The government will no
Electronic Intifada
- Four Palestinians injured during Land Day protest ...Four nonviolent demonstrators were shot at close range with live ammunition by Israeli soldiers during six simultaneous protests throughout the Gaza Strip commemorating Land Day. T ...
- Film review: Pastoral resistance in "This Palestin ...This Palestinian Life , a 28-minute documentary, surveys rural resistance in occupied Palestine: in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun, in the Jordan Valley, and in the south He ...
- Activists burst AIPAC conference's bubbleOutside the Washington Convention Center, together with activists from CodePink, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Avaaz, Jewish Voice for Peace and the US C ...
- A rare voice of courage: journalist Gideon Levy in ...Gideon Levy is a rare voice of courage in an Israeli media generally supine towards the political establishment. Since 1988, he has written the "Twilight Zone" column for the Israe ...
- Swedish fashion chain H&M under pressureMore than a year ago, several concerned Swedish organizations asked fashion chain H&M about its plans to extend its franchise to Israel. H&M's management denied the rumors ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Karzai blasted by frightened eldersAfghan president Hamid Karzai has been criticised by tribal leaders during a visit to the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar. Tribal elders shouted as they accused the president of failing to do enough t...
- Taliban fighters pushed backPakistani forces backed by tanks and artillery repelled Taliban attacks in northwestern Orakzai yesterday, killing nearly 40 militants, an official said. Orakzai, southwest of Peshawar, has become a T...
- Karzai says leaders must show they are not puppetsPRESIDENT Hamid Karzai, who is under fire for anti-western remarks, distanced himself from his foreign backers in a speech yesterday, telling tribal elders that Afghans need to see their leaders are n...
- US special forces 'tried to cover-up' bo ...END: Module - M24 Article Headline with landscape image (d) --> BEGIN: Module - Main Article --> US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody...
- British army dog finds Taleban explosives cache in ...END: Module - Module - M24 Article Headline with portrait image (b) --> BEGIN: Module - Main Article --> An army dog discovered enough explosives for ten bombs during the recent Operat...
- Away at EasterconHey, folks – just a note to let you know I’m away drinking beer and talking books networking with other sf publishing professionals at Eastercon this weekend, and that I’m treating it as a largely-away-from-the-internet holiday. Of course, I’m never completely away from the internet (who is?), but w ...
- NEW FICTION: OUT WALKING THE STREETS by Eric Del C ...They've put me on this train, among regular people. I've promised to control myself, and my promises have convinced those who needed convincing. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 NEW FICTION: OUT WALKING THE STREETS by Eric Del Carlo
- Futurismic fiction submissions form closed! (But n ...The title says it all, folks – as of April 1st (no joke) we’re shutting down the fiction submissions webform here at Futurismic so that hard-workin’ Chris East can catch up on the slush mountain and get some well-deserved time away. So if you’ve been working on something to send to us, you’ve got a ...
- Nation-building 101Fancy starting up your own micronation? It’s not enough to just think up a flag and occupy your turf; there’s paperwork to be done. Luckily, Wired UK has a four-point beginner’s guide, as suggested by former UN strategy co-ordinator Carne Ross, to get you started. Step one: Play by the rules – Mee ...
- Away at EasterconHey, folks – just a note to let you know I’m away drinking beer and talking books networking with other sf publishing professionals at Eastercon this weekend, and that I’m treating it as a largely-away-from-the-internet holiday. Of course, I’m never completely away from the internet (who is?), but w ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Scientists raise concerns about radiation risk of ...Several media sources are reporting on concerns raised by scientists about the radiation dangers of CT scans. CT scans delivers the radiation exposure of about 400 chest x-rays. Their popularity for colon cancer screening and other diagnoses has increased the average American's lifetime radiation ex ...
- Birkenfeld Featured in World Policy Journal's "Cri ...An article written by Bradley Birkenfeld appears in the Spring 2010 issue of the World Policy Journal , released by the World Policy Institute. The “Crime + Corruption” issue examines how corruption occurs, its effect on society, and how to stop it. Birkenfeld’s article, “ Inside the Cartel ,” is d ...
- Amy Stroupe wins reinstatement to BB&T!I reported here last September about Amy Stroupe's whistleblower hearing against BB&T bank. While working as an investigator for the bank, she uncovered a $20 million ponzi scheme. A bank official and some developers used a phony land development to recruit customers. After BB&T fired Stroupe, she ...
- NWC Seminar on Whistleblowers and the Media availa ...C-SPAN aired today's National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) seminar on Whistleblowers, Lawyers and the Media.� It is available on C-SPAN online . The seminar features insights about some of the most famous whistleblower cases in the media, and general comments about what whistleblowers should know bef ...
- Judge approves $3 million settlement of CIA decept ...I previously wrote here about the extraordinary findings of U.S. District Court Chief Judge Royce Lamberth in Horn v. Huddle .� See my posts of August 28 and November 12, 2009 . Judge Lamberth found that officials of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including Director George Tenet and an agenc ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- The Fool's Gold At The End Of The iPad RainbowThe media has been making a huge deal about how the iPad is supposed to "save the business," because suddenly everything will return to apps, and people pay for apps, and toss in a big dose of "Steve Jobs!" and there's some sort of magic formula which includes some question marks and inevitably ends ...
- Mobile Phones Suck... But Isn't It Amazing That Th ...By now, hopefully, you've seen that clip of comedian Louis CK on Conan O'Brien's show (the old, old one) which went kinda viral, where Louis talks about how "everything is amazing and no one is happy": It's hilarious and oh-so-true. I'm reminded of it because of David Boaz's post over at the ...
- Prince Discovers That If You Charge People To Conn ...If you've never seen Kevin Smith's long, but quite funny, explanation of his week of making a documentary for Prince , it's quite worth watching -- just to get a sense of "Prince World" and the way Prince will have big ideas that he starts, but never does much to follow through on. With that as bac ...
- But I Thought Counterfeiting Movies Ran Rampant In ...If you only listened to the entertainment industry spokeslobbyists, you might think that Canada had no copyright/anti-counterfeiting laws at all. Europe is pushing for massive changes to Canadian copyright law via CETA, and the US entertainment industry insists that ACTA is needed to to drag Canada ...
- The Christian Science Monitor's Bold (And Successf ...Reader cram points us to a paidContent post by John Yemma, the editor of The Christian Science Monitor, in which he makes a lot of great points about digital strategies for news publishing . A year ago, we ceased publishing the daily, 100-year-old Christian Science Monitor newspaper and launc ...
- HPV vaccine not just for women anymore. . . Geoffrey Cunningham The New Hampshire 03/30/2010 Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S, and affects both men and women. Up until recently, the two vaccines that exist for the disease were available to women only. A few months ago, how ...
- Vaccine with no jab: Protein vaccines for needle-f .... . . PhysOrg.com 04/01/2010 (PhysOrg.com) — Most immunizations currently involve an injection in the arm. In the future, vaccination may be accomplished without the unpleasant jab of a needle: a team led by Victor C. Yang at the University of Michigan (USA) has developed a method by which vaccines ...
- GSK will provide free vaccines for low-income Amer .... . . John Carrol Fierce Vaccines 03/31/2010 GlaxoSmithKline has decided to make a direct contribution for improving the poor vaccination rates in U.S. adults. The pharma giant has created a new program that provides free shots against hepatitis A and B, cervical cancer, tetanus, diphtheria and who ...
- Medical experts in Shanxi to investigate vaccine p .... . . By Shan Juan China Daily 03/30/2010 BEIJING – A team of eight medical experts sent by the Chinese Medical Association has arrived in Shanxi province to help with the ongoing investigation of the latest vaccine scandal. Specialists in neurology, allergic reaction, vaccine adverse reaction, ...
- Toyota 52 Deaths, Gardasil 49. Toyota Recalled.. . . Barbara Hollingsworth Washington Examiner March 30, 2010 Cervical cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancer deaths, so it was somewhat surprising when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked approval of Gardasil, a Merck vaccine targeting the human papilloma virus that ...
- Guest Post at Womanist MusingsOne of the blogs I follow religiously is Womanist Musings. Renee always makes me think. This week she had a guest post by Kola Boof that set off a bit of a kerfuffle. Renee then challenged her readers to respond with their own post, which I did. Below are links to all the posts (and comment [...]
- Things You Might Have MissedIncredibly, the NY anarchist book fair is just two weeks from Saturday. Don’t forget to pop me over an email if you are going (mel@broadsnark.com). Today is both César Chávez day and The International Transgender Day of Visibility. I think it’s sort of appropriate that the two groups who are m ...
- Carnival of the GodlessThere is a new Carnival of the Godless up at Arizona Atheist. Enjoy.
- Growing up Jewish – Passover EditionIt’s passover, the perfect time for another installment of Growing up Jewish. Passover is a very big holiday for the Jews. It commemorates our escape from slavery in Egypt about two gazillion years ago. (We have very long memories). The story goes like this. Once upon a time the Jews were slav ...
- Why the Legal System Does Not Work For YouOn Monday I wrote about how car contracts work and how people end up getting screwed. The logical question, and the one that started this all, is why doesn’t the legal system work for you? And the answer is…it isn’t meant to. Who writes the laws? Legislators. Who are the legislators? They ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- How Many Haitians Must Die Before We Impeach Obama ...By Dennis Small Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 10
- Chancellor Merkel's Moment of Truth: What About th ...By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 10
- Rogers Victory in Texas: Impeachment Is Now on the ...By Harley Schlanger Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 10
- 22nd District in Texas: Kesha's VictoryBy Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, March 12, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 10
- Putin Headed for Strategic Visit to IndiaEIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- US Sanctions Iran Based al Qaeda, Zawahiri Promise ...The US Treasury Department placed financial sanctions on Saad bin Laden, thought to be in Pakistan, and three alleged al Qaeda operatives in Iran including a Yemeni. The terrorist designation Friday froze their assets within US jurisdictions and prohibits Americans from financial dealings with the ...
- Arabian Peninsula al Qaeda groups mergeIn the face of Saudi Arabia’s success against the al Qaeda organization, many Saudi operatives have fled to the more hospitable climate in Yemen, joining others who recently arrived from Iraq, Somalia, and Pakistan. Al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda organization to ...
- Yemen strikes multi-faceted deals with al QaedaYemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh recently struck a deal with Ayman Zawahiri, and Yemen is in the process of emptying its jails of known jihadists. The Yemeni government is recruiting these established jihadists to attack its domestic enemies as it refrains from serious counter-terror measures aga ...
- Yemen’s Multi Faceted Deals with Al Qaeda (A ...اليمن تعقد صÙقات متعددة الوجوه مع القاعدة كتبت: جين نوÙاك – Ùبراير/ 2009 عبدالله عبدالوهاب ناجي- ترجمة خاصة بالمستقلة عقد الرئيس اليمني علي عبدا لله ØµØ§Ù„Ø Ù…Ø¤Ø®Ø±Ø§ صÙقة مع ...
- Yemen’s three terror frontsBy Jane Novak March 28, 2009 3:18 PM Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took credit in an internet statement Friday for a pair of suicide attacks that targeted South Koreans in Yemen. A teen-aged suicide bomber killed four South Korean tourists in Shibam, Hadramout on March 15. A second terror att ...
Dark Politricks
- Question – Do you deny the laws of physics?By Dark Politricks This article and the videos contained within should be compulsory viewing for anyone who believes that any talk of controlled demolitions in relation to the World Trade Center is the crazy talk of tin foil hat wearing loons. Its a collection of clips, news stories, talks and li ...
- Why I am glad the Special Relationship might be ov ...by Dark Politricks One piece of news I have heard over the weekend has really cheered me up. It was a report by the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee that said that the government should be “less deferential” toward the Americans and that the overused and totally phony term the specia ...
- Lib Dem response to my enquiry about their Freedom ...By Dark Politricks Recently I wrote a couple of articles about the Liberal Democrats and their proposed freedom bill which can be found here, here . I then emailed the Liberal Democrats asking them whether implementation of their freedom bill would be a key part of any bargaining to form a coalli ...
- Chris Huhne and the Lib Dem’s Freedom BillBy Dark Politricks I've always liked the Liberal Democrat Chris Huhne and personally thought he should have won their last leadership contest instead of Nick Clegg. Although Clegg comes across okay I have always found Chris to be more articulate and he seems to have much more passion especially w ...
- The Tory plans to roll back Labours high tech poli ...By Dark Politricks I recently wrote some articles about the upcoming UK general election and the Liberal Democrats proposed Freedom Bill which aims to roll back some of the most intrusive and liberty destroying measures introduced by successive Labour and Tory governments in the last 20 years. ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Norway Raises Hunting Quota to 1,286 WhalesPhoto via cretananimalwelfare The government of Norway announced on April 1st, perhaps hoping the unseemly news would be lost amid the fictitious headlines of the day, that the country's whale hunting quota would be raised to the highest level in 25 years: 1286 whales can be killed this season. ...
- Japanese Designer Grows Chandelier Out Of Crystal We've covered Tokujin Yoshioka's clever furniture before, and now the Japanese designer has unveiled yet another 'slow furniture' piece in anticipation for this year's upcoming Milan Furniture Fair in April. His latest creation is a living chandelier - grown out of crystals.... Read the full sto ...
- NEW: Branch Boutique Online Sustainable Fashion Sh ...Credit: Branch Boutique New online sustainable fashion shop Branch Boutique launched this week and we are delighted to see that it features some of our favorite green fashion collections by Mika Organic , SUST , mr. Larkin ,
- Future Food Comes to the White House Easter Egg Ro ...Image credit: Wikimedia Commons No, the White House Easter Egg Roll is not a presidential-themed late-night snack food . It's an annual race in which several lucky children try to roll Easter eggs across the White House lawn with big spoons.... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Endangered Whale Birth Photographed for First Time ...Photo via NRDC It's a rare thing to see a whale birth in the wild, and even rarer to see that of an endangered species. But just last week, researchers from the University of North Carolina Wilmington witnessed a North Atlantic right whale - one of the rarest whales on earth - give birth to a c ...
- Lesser-known C-diff a bigger hospital threat than ...Theres good and bad news on the “superbug” front. In community hospitals in the Southeast, an easily spread bacterium appears to have overtaken the widely feared MRSA as the most common hospital-acquired infection. But a pilot project in Ohio found that pushing hard on simple things such as hand was ...
- Light Switches for NeuronsJust five years ago, scientists at Stanford University discovered that neurons injected with a photo-sensitive gene from algae could be turned on or off with the flip of a light switch. This discovery has since turned hundreds of labs onto the young field of optogenetics. Today researchers around th ...
- Life’s smallest motor, cargo carrier of the ...Life’s smallest motor, a protein that shuttles cargo within cells and helps cells divide, does so by rocking up and down like a seesaw, according to research conducted by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Brandeis University. The researchers crea ...
- Further doubt cast on virus link to chronic fatigu ...Researchers investigating UK samples have found no association between the controversial xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Their study, published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Retrovirology, calls into question a potential link descr ...
- ‘Starving’ fat suppresses appetitePeptides that target blood vessels in fat and cause them to go into programmed cell death (termed apoptosis) could become a model for future weight-loss therapies, say University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers. A research team led by Randy Seeley, PhD, of UC’s Metabolic Diseases Institute, has fou ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- A Constitutional Amendment, PETA-style
- Bright future for nanofiber light bulbs
- Rainforest story latest IPCC scandal
- Lawsuit challenges EPA's 'endangerment' finding
- Monckton on Bonn climate conference: they're at it ...Lord Christopher Monckton issues a warning to America that the UN will try again to pass their treaty in Bonn, Germany.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Obamas to open White House gates for 2010 Easter E ...The U.S. first couple Barack and Michelle Obama will on Monday open the White House gates for the 2010 Easter Egg Roll event.
- Ukrainian president to pay unofficial visit to Mos ...Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych will on Monday pay an unofficial visit to Moscow, a deputy head of the presidential administration said.
- Death toll in Baghdad blasts exceeds 40The death toll in Sunday's blasts in the Iraqi capital has exceeded 40, officials said.
- Man throws grenade to neighbors' yard in Russia, i ...A drunken man in central European Russia's Voronezh Region threw a grenade on Sunday to the yard of his neighbors who he was in conflict with, injuring four people.
- Patriarch Kirill to visit Ukraine in summerThe head of the Russian Orthodox Church said Sunday he will visit the Ukrainian cities of Kiev, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk in the summer.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- UN chief takes look at Aral Sea environmental disa ...UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon took a helicopter tour over the Aral Sea on Sunday, seeing first hand the environmental devastation the receding waters have left behind
- ISS Expedition 22 to return to Earth on March 18A Soyuz-TMA-16 space capsule carrying two astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) is scheduled to land in central Kazakhstan on March 18, Russian Mission Control said on Wednesday.
- China's fourth space center to be completed by 201 ...China's fourth space center, Wenchang, will be put into service between 2014 and 2015, not in 2013 as it was previously announced, the CCTV channel reported on Tuesday.
- Large Hadron Collider
- Large Hadron Collider could "open door to new phys ...The world's largest particle accelerator could provide key insights into the makeup of matter and change our view of physics as early as at the end of 2010.
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. This could be huge. WikiLeaks may be taking over the functions formerly held by well-funded (and supported) investigative journalism at big ...
- What's So Bad About A Value Added Tax?No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Over the last few weeks I have heard some rumblings about a value-added tax (VAT), “a fee that is assessed against businesses by a government at various points in the production of goods or services-usually any time a product is reso ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Jane Mayer dismantled Marc Thiessen’s book “Courting Disaster”: In order to make the case that America was blind to the threat of Al Qaeda in the days before 9/11, Thiessen skips over the scandalous amount of intelligence that reache ...
- Political Rehabilitation and Financial ReformNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Republicans may be at their lowest point since 1964. Sure, they got walloped in 2006 and again in 2008, but afterwards seemed to project an attitude of “beaten but unbowed.” Now though, there is an air of capitulation about them, w ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. I don’t want the military to be above criticism, so I don’t have a problem with this . It is worth noting, though, that a similarly sharp cr ...
Natural Health News
- FDA Suppressed Imaging Safety ConcernsDr. Julian Nicholas, a former Food and Drug Administration scientist, said his job was eliminated after he raised concerns about the risks of radiation exposure from high-grade medical scanning. Dr. Nicholas said at a public hearing that he and other FDA staffers "were pressured to change their sci ...
- Alternative Remedy Use Common Among InfertileA substantial number of American couples are looking beyond just state-of-the-art fertility treatments to therapies dating back centuries in hopes of improving their chances of conceiving a baby. More than a quarter of northern California couples followed in a study sought help from acupuncture, he ...
- Brilliant Thinkers Relish AmbiguityBrilliant thinkers are very comfortable with ambiguity -- they welcome it. Routine thinkers like clarity and simplicity. There is a tendency to reduce complex issues down to simple issues with obviously clear solutions. The brilliant thinker is wary of simple nostrums. He or she knows that complex ...
- Omega-3's Show Heart Benefits for Non-Fish EatersIncreased intakes of omega-3 fats may decrease the risk of heart disease and heart attack in people with low fish intakes. Daily intakes of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of about 240 milligrams was associated with a 50 percent reduction in the risk of coronary heart di ...
- German Magazine Shows Drug Company's Influence on ...Those who suspected a money and greed driven conspiracy behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak -- declared a pandemic by overzealous WHO officials and their advisers from within the industry -- are being proven right by recent revelations in the German magazine Der Spiegel . The article Reconstruct ...
- Obama squeezed between Israel and IranOriginally published at Asia Times The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual show in Washington would hardly be out of place in a Quentin Tarantino movie; picture a giant hall crammed with 7,500 very powerful people regimented by a very powerful lobby - plus half of the United Stat ...
- Torture Diaries, Drawings and the Special Prosecut ...Attorneys defending Abu Zubaydah, a Guantanamo prisoner designated as the first "high-value" detainee by the Bush administration, have finally gained access to three volumes of diaries he wrote while he was in the custody of the CIA and brutally tortured by agency interrogators and contractors at a ...
- Betraying The LeftMarch 31 - MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan, and Jane Hamsher, on offshore drilling, the oil industry, political corruption, and funding terrorism.
- Bringing High-Quality Food Aid Closer to HomeCross-posted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet . The highways in southern Africa are filled with trucks carrying food aid across the continent. In the past, much of the maize, rice, soy, and other foods loaded onto these trucks came not from African farmers, but from the United ...
- Journalistic Integrity: Helen Thomas On The Run Up ...Yesterday we saw Helen Thomas talking with Paul Jay of The Real News about US Foreign Policy in the Middle East and her "one question" for Barack Obama about nuclear weapons in the region. Today in part 2 of the interview Helen discusses with Jay the virtually total capitulation of US media to the B ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- DC Healthy Schools ActOn Friday, March 26th the DC Council listened to testimony from various concerned citizens and experts from the community on the DC Healthy Schools Act. This bill represents a wonderful first step in improving the health of DC’s children and the role that schools play in the sustainability of ou ...
- Unsupported Claims About Livestock and Climate Cha ...As a public health doctoral student, I have been taught the importance of communicating scientific information to the public, journalists, and policy makers in a careful manner, especially when dealing with complex issues. Scientific research almost never provides clear answers, but as a scientist ...
- Maryland’s Grocery Store Tax Credit Bill Could Imp ...Maryland House Bill 1135, the Grocery Store Property Tax Credit Bill, passed the House yesterday with 138-0 votes! The bill grants a property tax credit to grocery stores throughout the state located in low-income areas. Delegate Justin Ross, the main sponsor of the bill, represents Prince George’s ...
- Urban Chicken FarmingThis past Saturday, the Baltimore Food Makers held their monthly potluck in Northeast Baltimore at the home of an urban chicken farming couple. Our hosts distilled a lifetime of farming know-how into a short tour of their backyard chicken coop, and fielded questions about their three hens, poultry h ...
- JHU’s Ambitious Sustainability Plan Needs Help fro ...Johns Hopkins University reached a major sustainability milestone March 11 when President Ron Daniels announced a commitment to reduce the University’s carbon footprint by more than half by 2025 - which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 81,000 metric tons a year. That is equivalent to the annu ...
- Roland, the headless chocolate bunny- It’s Easter Sunday and the Strib has rolled away the stone with both an editorial and an interview with Koua Fong Lee. Attention should be paid, and commenters are raising the question of why absentee Gov. BridgeFail doesn’t just commute Lee’s sentence as a matter of basic fairness. I think that ...
- Suffer little children and forbid them not, especi ...Just in time for Easter: [The Rev. Michael] Teta was accused of engaging in abuse not long after coming to the Diocese of Tucson, Ariz., in 1978. Among the eventual allegations: That he molested two boys, ages 7 and 9, in the confessional as they prepared for their First Communion. Bishop Manue ...
- Good day to flog JesusWhat you came here for: Krugman Suddenly there are lots of stories about the Koch brothers Whack jobs threaten governors in several states Because failed means failed (means failed) Failing on purpose Calling out themselves Obama already has a terrorist Top Ten Why Africa is poor, cont. Why you ne ...
- April foolsNo, no April Fool’s jokes today. Too busy with an out-of-town guest and the usual stuff. Besides, I prefer to celebrate April Fool’s Day this Sunday, April 4th. That’s when my people traditionally celebrate the greatest April Fool’s Day hoax ever (yes, my one day a year to watch Fox). More here on t ...
- Stations of the crossCross? Yes I am. I would probably go to the co-op up the street more often were it not so heavily infested with hippies. Slow moving, aisle-blocking, filled with the beauty of spring and about as quick to get to any other given point, fucking hippies. So slow the second-fastest moving person at the ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be ‘legitimate politics’. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
- Bling Faith or Emotional Pull ?? | Teeth MaestroRecent debates, especially on facebook , regarding Zaid Hamid and his relations with a convicted blasphemer who died in jail almost a decade ago have certainly caught the Pakistani youth by surprise. They find themselves locked in an argument which is taking a heavy toll on their intellect and ener ...
- Israeli tanks cross technical fence near LebanonTwo Israeli tanks have crossed their technical fence near the border with Lebanon two kilometers south of the disputed Ghajar village. The United Nations peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, also known as the UNIFIL, were present in the area along with Lebanese Armed Forces to make sure that the Israeli ...
- Colonel Imam: ‘I have the Green Beret but the Tale ...Perhaps no man alive knows Mullah Omar, his Taleban insurgents and the American military quite so well as “Colonel Imamâ€, a battle-creased Pakistani officer who wears a faded British paratrooper’s jacket and a turban. As a top agent for the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI, Colonel I ...
Center for Food Safety
- Court Rules in GMO Sugar Beet CaseToday, federal district Judge Jeffrey White of the Northern District of California denied a request by a coalition of organic seed growers, and conservation and food safety groups seeking a temporary ban on genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets and sugar beet seeds. While Judge White denied the pr ...
- More Than 200,000 NGOs, Farmers, Consumers, and Or ...Resulting contamination of non-GE and organic alfalfa hay and seed would devastate livelihoods and organic industry The National Organic Coalition (NOC) today announced that more than 200,000 people submitted comments to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) critiquing the substance and ...
- Lawsuit Filed to Bar GE Crops from National Wildli ...Delaware’s Bombay Hook Lacks Required Environmental Review and Justification A lawsuit filed today in federal court against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service seeks to compel the Service to uproot genetically engineered (GE) crops from its Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. As many as 8 ...
- Food Safety and Health Organizations Criticize Ela ...Food safety, consumer and health advocacy organizations blasted Eli Lilly subsidiary Elanco for claiming that prominent health organizations had endorsed use of the controversial artificial growth hormone rbGH,(rbST) on dairy cows when, in fact, they have not. Elanco’s report, from eight experts and ...
- Farmers and Conservation Groups Seek to Halt Plant ...Earlier Court Decision Found Federal Approval of GE Sugar Beets to Be Unlawful Earthjustice and Center for Food Safety announced today that they filed court papers seeking a ban on genetically engineered (GE) sugar beets and sugar beet seeds. The motion was filed in Federal Court on behalf of a coal ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- 10 reasons to Commemorate the Chicano Moratoriums ...Submitted by Social Justice Affairs correspondent Viola Wilkins: -- 10 reasons to Commemorate the Chicano Moratoriums 1969-1971 1. Because they opposed an unjust war. 2. Because they were grass roots based 3. Because they supported the non violent struggle for social justice 4. Because ...
- Australiasia Bureau-Chief: Sina Brown-Davis - Lex ...On August 9th 2008 Lex Wotton, invited by Indigenous Social Justice Association Melbourne, spoke at the Solidarity Fiesta at the MUA Auditorium prior to his trial relating to the riots in Palm Island. He was charged with "riot with destruction" and describes in his own words the events that day. h ...
- Clayton Thomas-Muller-Speaking at the Green Jobs C ...Clayton Thomas-Muller from Glen Richards on Vimeo . Speaking at the Green Jobs Conference, Toronto
- Guest Editorial: RevolutionaryBrotha: Open Letter ...Queer. Black. Revolutionary: I have watched you on your so called "battlefield" for months and wondered why I desired to have no part in this movement. I have sat and wondered why my passion for the student struggle continues to decrease. I have wondered where the people who look like me belong am ...
- Re-direct: Lex Wotton on Palm IslandPlease follow this redirection to this story: http://indigenist.blogspot.com/2010/03/lex-wotton-on-palm-island_14.html
- Inside Costa Rica Features my ArticleAfter being disappointed by two articles in a row that presented Honduras in the unfavorable light the news wires shine on Honduras, I complained to the editor of Inside Costa Rica with a accusation of severe bias. He responded, and graciously invited me to write an article for them. I thank him, an ...
- Chigüire Bipolar Hacked, Bad Week for FreedomThis week has seen the demise of Google China, the arrest of Guillermo Zuolaga, the president of Globovisión, Venezuela’s last opposition channel, and the reelection of Jose Miguel Insulza as the leader of the OAS. In a much smaller and more personal level, my website was hacked. But that the Chigà ...
- My Site Was Hacked, sorryApparently my site was hacked. I removed 17 links to malware and have resubmitted this site to Google, hopefully everything will be ok soon. Related posts:Presidential Island, by El Chigüire Bipolar What! (Google Suggest oddity) Here Comes Another Bubble Related posts: Presidential Island, by E ...
- Presidential Island, by El Chigüire BipolarEl Chigüire Bipolar is a Venezuelan spoof news website inspired by The Onion and the Colbert Report. It has probably been the cause of Hugo Chavez’s latest attack on the freedom of Venezuleans, his threat to censor the internet. Thanks Gringa for leading me to find this! If your browser is warning ...
- Ted Williams Show Launches WebsiteThe Ted Williams Show, a Monterrey rock band I play keyboards for, has released a new website, in Spanish, called “El Show de Ted Williams“. It is a very modest embryo of a website, but hopefully I’ll be able to expand it to include bios, a blog, a lyrics section, and who knows what else. The [...] ...
Green Times
- The Story of Bottled WaterReleased to coincide with World Water Day is the latest animated video from Annie Leonard takes a provocative, humorous look at bottled water…
- Environmental News - 25/03/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Businesses 'should protect environment' (http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-national/businesses-should-protect-environment-20100324-quhg.html)-Nine out of ten Australians believe big business ...
- Greening Education, Increasing EmployabilityWhether directly employed in a green job, or in a related field, green skills and sustainable practice become essential as the world transitions to a low-carbon economy.
- Book Review: No Impact ManFind out what possesses a man to go off the gird – literally – in New York City. A radical, experimental family journey to full-on eco-living…
- New Energy Efficiency Ratings Set To Impact Buildi ...Approximately twenty per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings, with commercial buildings accounting for ten per cent of those emissions…
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Spending questions dog Republican National Committ ...Many in the party were troubled long before the $2,000 nightclub scandal hit the RNC this week . Donors were restless, candidates were wary and critics were piling on Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele -- and that was before this week's revelation that the committee treated a ...
- Acorn Says It Continues Its WorkAfter months of budget problems and criticism from the right, the community organizing group Acorn plans to release a letter next week clarifying its path forward and stating that its local chapters may be closed, but the national organization is alive and well. "You will continue to hear from ...
- Calif. AG: No criminality found on ACORN tapesCalifornia Attorney General Jerry Brown determined Thursday that ACORN broke no criminal laws, after reviewing videotapes that sparked a recent political firestorm. Brown's office said it would not pursue charges against the now-defunct community organizing group. But it said ACORN engaged in i ...
- Pope's preacher compares abuse row to anti-Semitis ...Pope Benedict's personal preacher has compared criticism of the pontiff and Church over child abuse to "collective violence" suffered by the Jews. The Rev Raniero Cantalamessa was speaking at Good Friday prayers in St Peter's Basilica, attended by the Pope. In his sermon, he quoted a Jewish frie ...
- Personal traits will be used to screen U.S.-bound ...Official: U.S. citizens traveling to the United States from abroad would be subject to special screening if they match certain characteristics The Obama administration will announce Friday a new screening system for flights to the United States under which passengers who fit an intelligence pro ...
Daily Loaf
- The Green Community week in review: Offshore drill ...Read what you might have missed last week in CL's Green Community.
- Giuliani to endorse RubioThe authors write that with the belief amongst Giuliani officials that he ultimately would get that crucial endorsement from at the time an extremely popular governor, Giuliani then "so valued their new prize that they proceeded to build their entire fall strategy around it."
- Joe Bardi talks Clash of the Titans 3D, North Face ...For this week's show, the guys discuss the 3D remake of Clash of the Titans , why the mountain climbing movie North Face (now playing at the Tampa Theatre) might leave you a little depressed, and what the hell is going on on Lost , anyway?
- ninebullets.net March podcast: Ha-Ha Tonka, The Bl ...Another month, another ninebullets.net podcast.
- Week in review: Most Americans still against healt ...Photo credit: ingridtaylar @Flickr.com 1. Just in case you were not one of the many Americans upset over Obama’s health care takeover, he is now proposing offshore drilling in Florida. How’s that sitting with ya? According to this article Marco Rubio supports the President’s proposal. Great, ...
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Israeli Military Offers “Cartoon” Theo ... Ha’aretz reports that a year after Bassem Abu Rahmeh was fatally shot in the chest by a tear gas grenade as he stood unarmed at the weekly protest against the Wall in the West Bank village of Bi’lin,  the military prosecution has decided that it would not investigate his death. Although b ...
- “What Compels You to Do That?”: Teachi ...By Rebecca Kirzner I teach English in Hebron. There. It’s said. The seemingly innocuous statement that generates an onslaught of questions, quizzical looks, and widened eyes. To be fair, it’s the type of statement that one does not often hear from a nice Jewish girl from New Jersey, living in Jer ...
- Celebrating Passover and Land Day in BudrusBy Rebecca Vilkomerson Monday evening: a standard seder in north Tel Aviv with my family, where the story of the historic liberation of the Jews from oppression by organizing themselves (my own personal takeaway from the Pesach tale) passed quite quickly by in favor of dinner. Tuesday: the f ...
- The Only Democracy? Wishes You a Sweet and Liberat ...By Jesse Bacon Of all the stories in the Passover liturgy, I am most inspired by the idea that it was “mixed multitude” that went forth from Egypt, Israelites and Egyptians alike. Here is a perfect description of what I mean when I talk about democracy: a diverse group of people united by an idea, a ...
- Jerusalem City Government Muzzles a Tourby Rebecca Kirzner Sometimes it’s just too easy. I mean, really. Sometimes, the total idiocy of your political enemy just makes it so much easier to promote your ideas. This week, the Jerusalem Municipality requested that Ir Amim, a Jerusalem-based non-profit organization, remove its study tours of ...
Politics in the Zeros
- GMO Enviropig™ poops cleaner manure(How could I possibly make up a headline like that?) A new breed of pigs with genetic modifications that produces up to 65% less phosphorous in manure has been appoved in Canada. This is actually a big deal as it could cut way down on pollution from pig poo.
- Pope needs to answer questions. says National Cath ...We now face the largest institutional crisis in centuries, possibly in church history We urge this not primarily as journalists seeking a story, but as Catholics who appreciate that extraordinary circumstances require an extraordinary response. Nothing less than a full, personal and public accountin ...
- Catholic Church sex abuse scandalsIreland, U.S., Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, detailed by BBC. Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Wikipedia list. Latin America. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru Philippines. “Hundreds of priests”. As reported ...
- Use Feedburner to post RSS to TwitterI’ve been using Twitterfeed to auto-post from here to Twitter. Unforunately it’s now doing sporadic updates and seems unreliable. However, you can use Google Feedburner to auto-post from your RSS feed to Twitter. Choose the feed, Publicize / Socialize. Added bonus: Configure your blog to use PubSub ...
- India’s water crisis is man-madeThe solution: water harvesting The problem: The green revolution uses high-yield seeds that require much more water, and pesticides too. And naturally, the World Bank forced farmers to stop growing drought-resistant crops, silly peasants, what do they know.
- Yediot’s Barnea: Netanyahu asks Wiesel to in ...Say something to Obama Nahum Barnea, Yediot, April 4 2010 [page 2 with front-page teaser] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows that he is in deep trouble at the White House. This weekend he made an interesting effort to find ways into Barack Obama’s heart. The author Elie Wiesel, in Israel for th ...
- Hanoch Marmari: It cannot happen here!This morning’s (April 1 2010) readers of Yediot were treated to a particularly cumbersome and puzzling news item, entitled “What the the GSS doesn’t want you to know”: What all the world’s citizens are allowed to know is denied Israeli residents: Foreign newspapers and international media publish a ...
- Fmr. Israeli NSC Chief: Time to say “no, we ...CORRECTION: A reader was quick to point out that Uzi Dayan is a the former head of the National Security Council. The current one being Uzi Arad. See this link for more. Although active in the Likud, Dayan apparently carries no current official position, which of course greatly reduces the importanc ...
- Arrested for Post ZionismCross posted from Promised Land. Editors note: Note how the charge resembles Yuval Diskin’s definition of the Shabak’s mandate. —– Pay close attention to this item. It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s an important one: Two international activists, Ariadna Jove Marti (Spain) and Bridgette Chappel ...
- Searching for scapegoats, Netanyahu now tries to l ...In May 2007, the current head of Israel’s internal security agency, the General Security Service (GSS aka Shabak and Shin Bet), Yuval Diskin, unilaterally revolutionized his agency’s mandate.  Disken was responding to a request by Adalah to clarify the scope of the GSS’s authority to investigat ...
Deadline Live
- Teaching Aikido to SheepSheep have a big problem. They don’t have the greatest knowledge of self defense. Mostly, they count on their shepherd to protect them. They gather themselves together in herds and pass their time in the pastures just eating grass. Should they wander away from the herd, they take the chance of being ...
- Ground zero to be sifted again02 April 2010 — Nearly three thousand lives perished during the September 11th terrorist attacks. Almost nine years later, New York City officials are beginning a new search for the remains of those killed. What is the significance of doing the search? And why search now? Book Mark it-> del.icio. ...
- White Supremacist Leader Killed In South AfricaApril 04, 2010 PBS France 24 Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | BlinkList
- Cops Taser 10-Year-Old Boy At Day Care CenterCops Taser 10-Year-Old Boy At Day Care Center Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | BlinkList
- 30-plus governors told to quit in letters from Gua ...More than 30 governors, including Robert F. McDonnell (R) of Virginia, received letters from an anti-government group this week demanding that they resign within three days or face removal from office. The letters from the group, Guardians of the Free Republics, do not threaten violence, according t ...
The Air Vent
- Arctic WindsOften here, I’ve made the point that the 06-07-08 sea ice reductions in the Arctic were created by winds and water flow rather than temperature.   These reductions look pretty dramatic in video, but the key is that the wind patterns are very much visible during the summer melt season – especiall ...
- Islands of ReasonThis is an update to the sea ice situation. Yes, I’m a sea ice watcher. I keep waiting for it to melt away leaving us with nothing but corrosive liquid di-hydrogen monoxide. It seems that climatologists must be reading the Air Vent and WUWT pretty regularly as they have just released their c ...
- The Solution is the ProblemWillis Eschenbach asked a number of questions of climate scientists at this thread on WUWT. I’m not a ‘climate scientist’ but the questions are fun, and those of us who are not climate scientists can form informed opinions on these. On the WUWT thread, climate scientists are invited to answer, ...
- Climate Scientists Speak up or we WILL hear you!While sitting here with my son, I took a moment to look around blogland and noticed Climate Audit has come out with what I consider a proper response to the rubbish science recently swept to the corner by the UK parliament. In fact, it has got to be the strongest worded post I’ve seen from [...]
- House of Commons Report on ClimategateBreaking news: Today The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee released their report on climategate emails. Professor Jones et team were exonerated from any wrong doing. No big surprise there but oddly I’m a little busy right now with my newborn. My wife and I thank you for the wis ...
Focal Point
- As Seen on Rachel Maddow...My story in AlterNet about the Republican National Committee's creative expense accounting got picked up by Rachel Maddow last night. Watch the video: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Topics: Politics & Policy
- Booze is an "Office Supply" at the RNCWhen I read that Republican National Committee staffers had expensed nearly $2000 worth of "meals" at bondage-themed Hollywood nightclub specializing in simulated lesbian sex, I knew it couldn't be an isolated incident. No one would be bold enough to expense that unless they were sure they could g ...
- The Marketing Wizards Behind the Bitter Community ...A few days ago, I posted about an unusual ad that appeared in my local subway stop. The ad featured a kid with a broken leg hobbling down a hospital corridor on crutches. The copy read: " Football? Nope. Broken sidewalks. Broken sidewalk stories won't win us a Pulitzer, but they could keep you out ...
- Calls to Move Goalposts as Girls Surpass Boys in S ...In his latest op/ed Nick Kristof is lamenting the fact that girls are outperforming boys at school. Kristof is as ardent a defender of women's rights as anyone in the established media, so he gets a proverbial clitoral ' hood pass . That said, Kristof seems uncharacteristically oblivious to th ...
- The FDA Ignores Court Order on Emergency Contracep ...In March 2009, a federal judge ordered the Food and Drug Administration to reassess the arbitrarily imposed and scientifically unjustified age restrictions on access to emergency contraception (aka "the morning after pill" or Plan B). Nominally, EC is available over the counter, but on ...
Inside Facebook
- This Week’s Headlines on Inside Social GamesFrom virtual collectible card characters to gardening and treasure hunting, the past week has shown us a variety of different types of new social game releases. In addition to these, we also saw a number of new investments and new metrics with the change in months, but without further delay, here ar ...
- Thanks To Our SponsorsInside Facebook extends a big thank you to our sponsors for supporting the continued growth of Inside Facebook. Check them out below! mopay is a global provider of mobile payments for web content. RockYou providers developers with virtual currency and display ad monetization services. Zong is a ...
- Facebook Roundup: Prineville, Google, Developer Ga ...Facebook Posts Prineville Pics – Facebook’s Prineville Data Center’s Page posted an album’s worth of photos from the new Prineville, Oregon facility this week. Photos illustrate a range of construction progress, see them here. Data from 210 Facebook Profiles Deleted – Pete Warden’s data s ...
- Facebook Makes Another Small Acquisition – This Ti ...Facebook has only acquired three companies in its history, that we know of: Parakey, FriendFeed and Octazen. Facebook bought Parakey in 2007, FriendFeed last summer, and Octazen in February. And now it’s snapped up a fourth, a small photo sharing service called Divvyshot. The Divvyshot team will be ...
- Facebook’s March 2010 US Traffic by Age and Sex: O ...Facebook’s overall number of monthly active users in the US stayed around 113 million over the course of March, according to our latest look at the company’s self-reported numbers. We specifically counted 112.67 million for February and 113.28 million last month, which is the slowest gain we’ve seen ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Early reports of Damage, USGS predicts m ...truthout: Early reports of Damage, USGS predicts more "triggered quakes," "6.0 in the next few days likely." http://bit.ly/9tuG54 #Baja #Earthquake
- truthout: Unverified images said to be from Mexica ...truthout: Unverified images said to be from Mexicali, Mexico: http://twitpic.com/1d9x8b and http://tweetphoto.com/17193148 #Baja #earthquake #Truthout
- truthout: USGS - another earthquake of up to 6.0 m ...truthout: USGS - another earthquake of up to 6.0 magnitude "likely" in the next few days. http://bit.ly/9tuG54 #Truthout #earthquake
- truthout: Major Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Shakes ...truthout: Major Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Shakes So. California: News reports and the Did You Feel It? earthqu... http://bit.ly/9QuDC9 #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Robert Reich | Greenspan, Summers, and W ...truthout: Robert Reich | Greenspan, Summers, and Why the Economy Is So Out of Whack: I'm in the "green room" at... http://bit.ly/bz393A #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Israel and the “delegitimization” oxymoronAlan Hart argues that in law the foundations upon which Israel claims legitimacy do not actually exist and that “only the Palestinians could give it the legitimacy it craved”. He says that “what delegitimizes Israel is the truth of history”, which is why “Zionism has worked so hard … to have the tru ...
- Palestinians are winning the legitimacy war: will ...Richard Falk argues that a Palestinian victory in the legitimacy war with Israel would not necessarily produce the desired political results and that it is vital that the Palestinians exercise "patience, resolve, leadership and vision, as well as sufficient pressure" if they are to win their just ri ...
- Israel: total boycott against total occupationAntoine Raffoul argues that as the Israeli occupation is total and is sustained with the help of almost every institution and enterprise in the country, so must the boycott of Israel be all-encompassing and uncompromising.
- Israeli journalist secretly detained, another flee ...Gilad Atzmon argues that the revelation that an Israeli journalist had been secretly held under house arrest and that another had fled to the UK for his life expose the hollowness of the Zionist claim that Israel is “the only democracy in the Middle East”.
- Who’s afraid of 9/11 conspiracy theories?Maidhc Ó Cathail views some of the more intriguing facts as reported in the mainstream media implicating Israel in the 9/11 attack on the New York Twin Towers. "...it’s hardly surprising that some of the most obsessive critics of 9/11 “conspiracy theories” have ties to Israel. If Americans ever fin ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Top Amazonia activist shot dead!Pedro Alcantara de Souza, who headed a union of landless farmers in Para, was shot in the head five times by two men on motorcycles, according to a police spokesman in the town of Redencao. Souza was riding a bicycle on the outskirts of the town and his wife was with him when he was shot, [...]
- Avatar Director James Cameron returns from a visit ...James Cameron, director of Avatar, will hold a press conference on Wednesday, March 31 at 10 am at Hotel Tropical to report back on his experience a three-day visit to the Big Bend region of the Xingu River, site of the proposed Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam project. “I was told by my friends at ...
- Amazonia for Sale – new documentary – ...Amazonia for Sale is a new documentary on the Awajun People and their struggle to protect their ancestral territory. Approximately 35 minutes in length, Amazonia for Sale tells the story of the Awajun Peoples, who, like so many other Indigenous People around the world, are struggling to preserve the ...
- New threat to uncontacted Tribes in Amazonia !Anglo-French oil company Perenco has revealed plans to build a pipeline deep into the heart of uncontacted tribes’ land in the Amazon rainforest. The pipeline is being built to transport an estimated three hundred million barrels of oil from the depths of the northern Peruvian Amazon. The company ...
- Austria: Call for OPEC and Latin UNASUR cooperatio ...Ecuadorian Germanico Pinto, current chairman of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has called for the development of South-South talks and cooperation with the Union of South American Nations(UNASUR). Pinto, who is also Ecuadorian minister of Non-Renewable Natural Resources, s ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Peddling Peril, Peddling LiesA Book on ‘Arming America’s Enemies’ Written by America’s Enemies?! David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), has a new book out (which I haven’t read) about AQ Khan and the nuclear black market called Peddling Peril: How the Secret Nuclear Tra ...
- Updates & Weekly Round Up for March 28Today marks Boiling Frogs Post’s fifth month of operation, and the last day of our fundraising campaign. On behalf of our team members I want to thank all of you for your support, with a special thanks to 658 of you who donated to our cause. We may not have reached our benchmark for our [...]
- Podcast Show #26NWC’s Stephen Kohn Takes on the Absentee White House Last week Boiling Frogs Post invited Mr. Norman L. Eisen, Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform, and Mr. Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblowers Center, to publicly debate on the Whistleblow ...
- White House vs. Whistleblowers Debate: NWC Accepts ...National Whistleblowers Center & Boiling Frogs Post Ask White House to Reconsider On Friday, March 19, Boiling Frogs Post invited Mr. Norman L. Eisen, Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform, and Mr. Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblowers Center, ...
- Boiling Frogs Post Takes Obama White House to Task ...Boiling Frogs Will Host a Public Debate on the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act Boiling Frogs Post has invited Mr. Norman L. Eisen, Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform, and Mr. Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblowers Center, to publ ...
Afro Spear
- sat’day riddymz
- easter riddymz
- Canada’s Olympic Hockey Gold!Congratulations to the Canadian Olympic men’s and women’s hockey teams for bringing home the gold medal! What is even more satisfying is that both gold medal games were against our neighbours to the south, the USA. Make no mistake about it, hockey in Canada is like football in Brazil, rugby in Ne ...
- Will junta rid Africa of tyranny or resurge? by Nk ...I abhor undemocratic means of ascending to power. When Capt. Mousa Dadis Camara survived an attempt on his life by his aide Boubakar Diakite, many thought it was just an isolated incident and a passing cloud. To the contrary, thinkers had a different take of this. Is this the beginning of a new era ...
- sat’day riddymz
Expose the BNP
- Multi-racial communities celebrated in DudleyAnti-fascist demonstrators are meeting in Dudley today to celebrate Dudley’s multi faith and multi racial community. The event put on by Unite Against Fascism in partnership with Love Music Hate Racism, brings together anti-fascists, interfaith communities, local politicians and young people to ...
- BNP leader facing suspension for racist rantBarking and Dagenham’s disgraced BNP leader Bob Bailey may be suspended from his role as councillor for making racially offensive remarks. His racist rant was made during a planning meeting in July last year, when the predominantly Nigerian Redeemed Christian Church of God, applied for permission to ...
- Police protection of fascist movementsWitnesses to last weekend’s demonstration against the English Defence League in Bolton reported deeply disturbing police operational tactics. Greater Manchester Police sought to stymie the Unite Against Fascism counter-demonstration with aggression and brutality, whilst allowing the racist EDL to ra ...
- MEDIA BRIEFING: The BNP and the electionWith DOMINIC CARMAN, journalist and author of the unofficial biography of Nick Griffin. And MARC VALLEE, photojournalist and investigative journalist who is currently working on a long-term project to document political protest and dissent in modern Britain. Wednesday 7th April at 7pm National Uni ...
- Eyewitness: Police attack demonstratorsThe following is the eye-witness testimony of an NUJ member who joined the anti-fascist protest in Bolton on Saturday. On arriving in Bolton at 10.30am, the group from the East London coach walked to Victoria Square, where we assembled on the north side of the square, opposite the eastern corner of ...
- ABC’s Kimmel Joins SEN’s Palin Alaska ...Click Here For Kimmel’s Video on ABC Please Note: Kimmel’s Condemnation Video is Comedic, but uses animation and special effects to imitate (ie fake) Sarah Palin shooting Alaskan Wildlife. Also, there is a 30-second ad before the two-minute Kimmel video starts. Click Here to Condemn and Boycott Th ...
- SEN Condemns EDF, Walmart, Fox News, Glenn Beck, D ...Click Here for the Boycott Action Page for All Above Article this Page: SEN Condemns EDF and Walmart The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organization that purports to be helping to save planet earth. In fact EDF has partnered with Walmart and is now shamefully singing Walmart’s praises on ...
- Overshoot: Climate, Inequity and Corruption(See Recent Posts at Right for More articles) The author of the article below is Dr. Glen Barry, President and Founder of Ecological Internet (EI). He is recognized internationally by the environmental movement as a leading global visionary, environmental policy critic and public intellectual commit ...
- More Proof of Need for Urgent ActionClick Here for SEN’s Catastrophe Summary This page is to document, detail and expand upon the facts for the benefit of those who may be understandably disbelieving or skeptical.            In World Energy and Population Trends to 2100, Paul Chefurka establishes the direct c ...
- Sustainability Education NetworkWelcome to Sustainability Education Network! The main website of Sustainability Education Network (SEN) at sen4earth.org will not be completed until May. In the meantime, we are using this ”blog” or article section of sen4earth.org to get underway without delay, because the world is running out of ...
If Americans Knew
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
- Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first week to ...
- Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... i ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandh ...
David J. Gregory
- REMINDER: The Vast Majority Of The Government Defi ...Many people right now are making a scare story out of the U.S. government’s future deficit projections. Many of these same people are also blaming our government’s horrific projected deficits on the current administration. Problem is, as shown in the chart below (via The Economist), America’s defic ...
- Nearly Too LateCorporate Takeover 95% Complete Time to wake up!! You’ll be late for the END.
- PEACE………………………………….PEACE…………………………….. No! Sadly dear heart, passivity and quietism won’t make the nightmares go away!.. Some of US write to reach those who are still asleep.. We rally to express our disenchantment with the status quo! We March to show the strength of our convictions. “We” will com ...
- Join this Care2 group, Care2 over 12 million stron ...~ WELCOME ~ Get involved join this Care2 group to make a difference, apathy is no longer acceptable! Group Discussions new topic default View All red Welcome (4) blue News (4) green Petitions (3) yellow Miscellaneous (10) [...]
- Prayer for AmericaThis prayer was offered eight years ago in Congress by Dennis Kucinich, one of a very small group, who actually represent the American people in government today. Please do all you can to see that he is reelected to Congress, he represents the 10th District of Ohio in the House of Representatives, w ...
Blacklisted News
- Meet the Sims… and Shoot Them: The Rise of Militai ...
- Geithner Delays Chinese Currency ReportU.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner delayed a scheduled April 15 report to Congress on exchange-rate policies, sidestepping a decision on whether to accuse China of manipulating the value of the yuan.
- Global Food Reserve Needed to Stabilize Prices, Re ...A global crop reserve system is needed to reduce price volatility, curb speculation and prevent a food crisis, said researchers from Germany and France.
- Power of the pupils: Child 'spies' allowed to sabo ...Pupil 'spies' are attempting to rid schools of strict teachers by sabotaging their promotions and snitching on their lessons, it has been claimed.
- MIDEAST: Israel Gags News on Extra-Judicial Killi ...An Israeli journalist remains under house arrest and another lives abroad, after they broke news on Israeli undercover units carrying out assassinations or "targeted killings" of non-combatant Palestinian political opponents.
The Intelligence Daily
- Twenty-Eight Countries Helped U.S. Detain “Suspect ...By Sherwood Ross (The Intelligence Daily) — Twenty-eight nations have cooperated with the...
- Human Terrain System Leadership: Worst Ever?“They Don’t Give a Rat’s Ass Except for the Money†by John Stanton (The Intelligence...
- Seventy-nine Percent Of American Voters Say They T ...By Michael T Snyder (The Intelligence Daily) — An overwhelming majority of American voters...
- US-Russian START treaty: A comprehensive flicker(The Intelligence Daily) — Two floundering presidents grabbed at a chance to show some...
- Riddles in the Dark: The age of cheap energy stumb ...By John Michael Greer (The Intelligence Daily) — Any number of metaphors might be used for...
My AntiWar
- Colombia Slams Rights Court Over Israeli’s E ...
- Karzai Lambastes West Again: Report
- Afghanistan Seeks Arrest of Ex-Minister Over Graft
- Official: Troops Kill 38 Militants in Nw Pakistan
- Karzai Rallies Tribes, Distances Self From West
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- India snubs US over Iran pipelineSummary: India indicated during the 12th International Energy Forum in Cancun, which ended on Thursday, that it wanted to resume talks with Iran on the long-delayed $7.5-billion(Rs 3,375 crore) Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline project. source: Hindustan Times read more
- We look at Iran and see ourselvesSummary: The result is that when we look at Iran we see ourselves: how we would behave in a similar situation. But Iran is not Israel exactly, and the Israeli experience does not necessarily reflect Iran's behavior. On the contrary, it leads to systematic errors when making assessments. source ...
- THE UNITED STATES, IRAN, AND THE MIDDLE EAST’S NEW ...Summary: The absence of US-Iranian rapprochement will perpetuate the new Middle Eastern Cold War, imposing costs on the United States, Iran and other regional and international players. However, in strategic terms, the heaviest costs of continued US-Iranian estrangement are likely to be borne b ...
- Iran rebukes 'threats' as Obama urges Chinese sup ...Summary: Jalili and Jiechi "Many issues came up in our talks on which China accepted Iran's position," Jalili told reporters after talks with Chinese officials including Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and State Councillor Dai Bingguo. source: Sydney Morning Herald read more
- "Reporting" on Iran should seem familiarSummary: As the invasion of Iraq demonstrated, the kind of fear-mongering, reckless, and outright false "reporting" we're seeing already -- and have been seeing for awhile -- over Iran's nuclear program poses a far greater danger to the U.S. than anything Iran could do. source: Salon.com read ...
The Daily Galaxy
- The Daily Flash -Eco, Space, Tech (4/01)Alien planet hunter develops a blind spot NASA's planet-hunting telescope Kepler has developed a fault that means it sees the equivalent of static in some parts of its view. Kepler launched in 2009 to hunt for planets orbiting other stars....
- Buried Lakes of Antarctica Harbor New, Unknown Vir ...Like a modern, micro version of The Thing, Antarctica's icy lakes have been discovered to house a surprisingly diverse community of viruses, including some that were previously unidentified. The finding could shed light on whether microbial life evolved independently in...
- The "Gamma Ray Galaxy": NASA's Alien Eyes See Mill ...Fermi's Large Area Telescope resolved high-energy gamma rays from an extended region around the active galaxy Centaurus A. The emission corresponds to million-light-year-wide radio-emitting gas thrown out by the galaxy's supersized black hole. If our eyes could see radio waves,...
- Unlocking Your Inner 'Fish': Human DNA Traced Back ...Have you ever felt like you're really a fish? That you love the water, you want to swim forever, that you should don an artificial tail and eat kelp for the rest of your life? Then congratulations, you're crazy. But...
- "We Are 10 Years Away From a Functional Artifical ..."It's a new brain. The mammals needed it because they had to cope with parenthood, social interactions, complex cognitive functions. It was so successful an evolution from mouse to man it expanded about a thousand fold in terms of the...
Natural News
- AIDS vaccines stop working after a few months, sho ...(NaturalNews) An experimental new AIDS vaccine is proving to be effective for only a very short time, according to researchers who have been finding it difficult to explain whether or not the drug is actually useful. Dr. Nelson Michael, a colonel at the Walter Reed Army Research Institute of Researc ...
- NaturalNews seeks cartoon animator for video proje ...(NaturalNews) NaturalNews is hiring! We're looking for a talented animator who can contribute to some new music videos we are producing. I recently spent time in the studio recording three new songs for my album Beyond All Reason (http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Music.html), and now we're looking f ...
- What pregnant mothers eat affects the skin health ...(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from Fukuoka University in Japan found that babies born to women who eat high amounts of green and yellow fruits and vegetables, and those rich in beta carotene, have a reduced risk of being born with eczema, a type of condition where dry, itchy ...
- Organic cheaters exposed by public protest at heal ...(NaturalNews) The Organic Consumers Association has long fought against what it calls "organic cheater brands" -- personal care products that use the name "organic" in the product name or brand, yet are not truly organic products at all. This year at the Expo West Natural Products Expo in Anaheim, C ...
- 90 Percent of Parents Want to Know More About Alte ...(NaturalNews) Ninety percent of parents would like to know more about alternative medical approaches for their children, according to a survey conducted by Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (Children's), a nationwide leader in integrative medical approaches. Integrative medicine combines ...
Threat Level
- 30-Year Computer Ban for Sex Offender OverturnedJust in time for the iPad launch, a federal appeals court Friday overturned a 30-year computer ban imposed on a sex offender caught in an online police sting. Mark Wayne Russell, 50, was arrested in 2006 after traveling from his home in Columbia, Maryland to a location in Washington D.C. where he e ...
- Law Against Police Bumper Stickers Unconstitutiona ...A local Ohio ordinance making it a crime for civilians to display bumper stickers of police organizations is unconstitutional, a federal judge says. The First Amendment decision by U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett blocks the suburban Village of Lockland from enforcing the minor-misdemeanor stat ...
- Appeals Court Sides With eBay in Tiffany Trademark ...A federal appeals court ruled against luxury jeweler Tiffany and Co. on Thursday in finding eBay is not liable for trademark infringement just because some sellers  hawk counterfeit goods. Tiffany’s lawsuit accused the online auction house of contributory trademark infringement because it allegedly ...
- Urban Legend Watch: Cyberwar Attack on U.S. Centra ...Claim: A foreign government’s computer hackers were found lurking on a classified U.S. military network in 2008. UNLIKELY Example: [Collected from the internet, March 2010] More than 20 years ago, the United States realized that having an advantage in “intangible factors” — more informat ...
- Court Says Bush Illegally Wiretapped Two AmericansA federal judge on Wednesday said the George W. Bush administration illegally eavesdropped on the telephone conversations of two American lawyers who represented a now-defunct Saudi charity. The lawyers alleged some of their 2004 telephone conversations to Saudi Arabia were siphoned to the National ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- How Jon Kyl Learned to Love the Judicial Filibuste ...With word that 89 year old Justice John Paul Stevens may step down from the Supreme Court as soon as this year , the second-ranking Republican in the Senate made clear his party wouldn't hesitate to filibuster Stevens' replacement. Asked if the GOP would resort to the obstructionist tactic it once ...
- When Romney Met KennedyAs his somersaulting positions on abortion, immigration, Iran, Osama Bin Laden and myriad other issues showed, watching Mitt Romney's political gymnastics has long been painful. But with the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Romney's contortionist act has reached a new low. ...
- New IRS Unit Targets Wealthy Tax CheatsAs FactCheck documented in detail, the Republicans' "scary claim" that the IRS will hire 16,500 new agents to enforce the new health care law "simply lacks any foundation in fact." But for a Republican Party which spent much of the 1990's successfully waging war on the Internal Revenue Service on b ...
- April Fool's Jokes We'd Like to SeeAfter " Tea Party Thanks Obama for Tax Cuts ," here are some of the other April Fool's jokes I'd like to see: Republican donors stop paying to see women in leather bondage attire and instead watch for free as Sarah Palin wears her dominatrix jacket at campaign events. Republicans also decide it's ...
- Tea Party Thanks President Obama for Tax CutsAfter months of incendiary rhetoric reached a crescendo with the passage of health care reform last week, this announcement from a coalition of Tea Party organizations comes as a welcome relief. Perhaps cooler heads and a more civil political discourse will prevail in America after all. The full t ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The American Taliban by Bruce GagnonChristians cannot love their enemies and kill them, tooOriginally uploaded by Lorri37 by Bruce Gagnonfeatured writerDandelion SaladOrganizing NotesMarch 27, 2010A French documentary about the right-wing Christian fundamentalists who are preparing to wage war on behalf of Jesus.The difference between ...
- Chris Hedges: War is a Force that Gives us Meaning ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/by Chris HedgesFeatured WriterDandelion SaladUCTV – University of California Television11/1/200459 minutesVeteran New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges has covered conflicts in Bosnia, El Salvador and Israel. Tune in for this thought-provoking lecture based on ...
- NATO Chief: Weapons of Mass Destruction threat is ...Propaganda Alertcompiled by Cem ErtrFeatured WriterDandelion Salad27 March 2010 http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-D6107D8E-02CBC541/natolive/opinions_62395.htm excerpts from: Building a Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture Speech by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary General Anders ...
- received goods 27mar10It’s like watching a reknowned and venerable pointillist taking up a brushpen. Studying the paper for long moments, considering its tooth and weight. Laying down five lines without apparent consideration for where they should be or what they are. And with the sixth mark you realise, you see, you can ...
- The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground f ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/by Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research, March 28, 2010A Recent report in Star and Stripes reveals the nature of the US military operation in Haiti. Combat units from Iraq and Afghanistan have been deployed in Haiti under the banner of a humanitarian operation. Conv ...
Consortium News
- A Method to Republican 'Madness'Republican resistance to President Obama follows a GOP playbook that dates back four-plus decades, reports Robert Parry. March 31, 2010
- King's Prophetic Words of PeaceForty-three years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. pointed toward a different path for the United States, recalls Gary G. Kohls. March 30, 2010
- Why Pope Benedict Must ResignPope Benedict XVI's role in the cover-up of priests raping boys means he must resign, says Marquette ethicist Daniel C. Maguire. March 28, 2010
- A Surprise Tea-Party ConfrontationReporter Richard L. Fricker found himself surrounded by angry Tea Party protesters denouncing him as a "professor." March 28, 2010
- Welcoming a CIA Official at FordhamSenior CIA official Michael Sulick and ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern got different receptions at Fordham, reports Debra Sweet. March 28, 2010
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
- William P. O'Connor : The Story of Pvt. Hargrove
- Alexander Cockburn : From God to Gaia to Obama's N ...
- Joshua Frank / Jeffrey St. Clair : The Case of Br ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Another forlorn summit (Khaled Amayreh, Al-Ahram ...Palestinians reacted with a combination of ambivalence and disenchantment to the outcome of this week's two-day Arab summit in Sirte, Libya. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud A ...
- Demonstration against the wall in Al Ma'sara, Pale ...
- Christians angry at Jerusalem lockdown as Easter c ...Today, by a quirk of the calendar, eastern and western Christians will celebrate Easter together, an irregular occurrence. With the Jewish holiday of Passover at the same time, however, a ...
- Palestinian dies after being delayed at IDF checkp ...63-year-old Palestinian man died Saturday night of dehydration and cardiac arrest after being delayed for several hours at an IDF checkpoint in the northern West Bank. The army said it wi ...
- Palestinian aspirations are clear, but what does I ...Does anybody know what Benjamin Netanyahu wants? Has anybody ever understood what his predecessors wanted? Where are they headed? And where are they leading us? One after another, Israeli ...
Water - AlterNet
- Can Consumer Pressure Help Save Our Fisheries?Right now 70 percent of the world's fisheries are being harvested at capacity or are in decline, but there are some reasons to be hopeful.
- How an Unlikely Coalition of Farmers, Ranchers, In ...Only a few years ago, the Klamath embodied a failure to resolve natural resources disputes; now, it stands as an example of how to step past confrontation and negotiate.
- It Takes a Network: Water Seminar Draws Participan ...In early February, representatives from more than 30 countries met to discuss the benefits and dangers of democratizing water resources.
- Obama Expands Offshore Drilling Far Beyond BushObama has unveiled his offshore drilling plans, and to the eyes of the environmentally conscious, it ain't pretty.
- America's Largest Private Water Utility Joins Laws ...The lawsuit alleges that Syngenta AG made billions of dollars selling an herbicide that endangered public health. American Water Company joined the suit yesterday.
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Feb 8, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance congratulates the city of New Orleans for the Saints’ stirring Super Bowl victory, and reminds them that the “hair of the dog” trick doesn’t really help with the hangover. The Texas Cloverleaf highlights the sentencing of GOP Denton County Constable Ken Jannereth. P ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- CrossTalk on Gitmo: Morphing injustice - Andy Wort ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://wordpress.com/blog/2010/04/04/crosstalk-on-gitmo-morphing-injustice-andy-wor
- Thank You Mr. LeMunyon for Constitutional Truth by ...by Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org April 4, 2010 For those of us ad
- Letter of Condolence I Never Wrote, and Should Hav ...by Daniel N. White Featured Writer Dandelion Salad April 3, 2010 Clif Grubbs was an economics profes
- Obama: All the evidence indicates that the Iranian ...Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 3 April 2010 1) US President
- Victims of US state repression: Of Oppressed Souls ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://wordpress.com/blog/2010/04/02/victims-of-us-state-repression-of-oppressed-so
Axis of Logic
- Israeli forces violent action on Good Friday
- Pro-GMO chemical polluter becomes Obama's ag trade ...
- Why Insurgency in Balochistan Cannot Succeed?
- Australia: Look Different and Risk being Assaulted
- My Palace, My Palace
They Gave Us a Republic
- Kraft Gives Brits A Lesson In American Style Busin ...From Consumerist: Kraft To Cadbury Workers: Leave Pension Plan Or Take Pay Freeze Mac-n-cheese king Kraft Foods, which acquired British chocolate maker Cadbury earlier this year, isn't wasting any time when it comes to flexing some American-style corporate muscle. According to the Financial Times, ...
- Fourth Kentucky University Extends Benefits to Dom ...Now here's a "good friday" event I can celebrate: Western Kentucky University officials announced Friday that the school will begin offering health insurance to qualifying dependents - including domestic partners - of its employees, starting next year. WKU is the fourth public university in Kentucky ...
- Hannity Charity: Brief Update... Still Nothing In ...Did a Google News search "Hannity+Freedom+Alliance" this morning and got a few hits, all of them for blog sites. �Most of them mentioned Joe Conason's current Salon.com piece and the others were from various sites picking up on either that story or the original piece by conservative blogger, Debbie ...
- Quote of the DaySo my friend Catherine is in my apartment as she is many Sundays, being unchurched and all, and we were talking about the bleating right wingers who blather on and on and she said this... "I have just decided to ignore them. They don't deserve a voice so why should I give them an ear?" See why I lov ...
- Rebuild the American Jobs Machine: Break the Mega- ...We've heard it a million times: most new jobs are created by small businesses. It's been true since the dawn of the modern economy in the 17th century. But not this time. �This time, when the giant corporation shuts down its local factory and moves overseas, there's nothing left to take up the slac ...
Care 2
- Janet Sees 3D MovieAdvocating for healthy eyes and good vision took a new turn… into 3D! “How to Train Your Dragon” earns FIVE STARS from me. Unfortunately, nine to eighteen million Americans will NOT enjoy a 3D movie due to undetected vision problems. Read more here... Submitted by Janet Hughes to Health & Wellnes ...
- Community celebrates reopening of new Second Chanc ...Community members celebrated the reopening of the Second Chance Animal Shelter Saturday, more than five months after the facility caught fire killing 99 cats and 12 dogs. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- As weather warms, beware of bearsWith the return of warm weather, New York’s black bear population will soon be emerging from its winter dens, and the state Department of Environmental Conservation is offering tips for avoiding problems with the animals. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- What . . . Now You're Mad?We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, and now Tea Party members, Rush and right wing conservatives now have a problem! Submitted by Pamela M. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Vegetarianism and the EnvironmentAs a vegetarian who believes that living a vegetarian life is more of a moral or spiritual issue than anything else, it is something I don't often bring up in discussion with others. Submitted by Daphna Yanez to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- NBA's Second Shot at Green Week Aims for a Slam Du ...The NBA tips off its second annual Green Week with a number of programs that expand tree planting activities and greenwear promotions, which got lots of attention in Year 1, to broader team efforts.
- Can GMO Pigs Shrink the Gulf's Dead Zone?The latest crazy idea of the day combines genetic modification with industrial agriculture to reduce water pollution from hog farms.
- How IT Helped Citi Become 'America's Greenest Bank ...Virtualization, a companywide PC upgrade and strict e-waste policies are some of the moved that combined to propel Citi to the top of "America's Greenest Banks," a new list compiled for the first time by Bank Technology News.
- The Green Building Opportunity IndexThis assessment by BetterBricks and Cushman & Wakefield is the first to provide weighted comparisons of top U.S. office markets based on real estate fundamentals and green development considerations.
- Recycling ConcreteIn its report “Recycling Concrete,” the Cement Sustainability Initiative argues that the recycling of concrete can reduce natural resource exploitation and waste going to landfill. The report asks for an ultimate goal of “zero landfill” of concrete
Reuters Global
- Teaching Twitter in HavanaAs an educational institution, Cuba’s Blogger Academy suffers from a few notable deficiencies. Its six-month course doesn’t grant an accredited degree, and its single, cramped classroom — the living room of founder Yoani Sanchez — isn’t even hooked up to the internet.
- India, U.S. push ahead with ground-breaking nuclea ...For all the hand-wringing in India over getting sidelined by the United States in its regional strategy, the two countries have gone ahead and just completed an important deal on the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from reactors to be built in India.
- India and Pakistan: a personal view of the water w ...The row betwen India and Pakistan on water is not new. It has just been newly uncovered.
- Obama’s secret trip to AfghanistanFor a leader who has come to own the Afghan war, U.S. President Barack Obama's first trip to Kabul and the military headquarters in Bagram since he took office 15 months ago was remarkable for its secrecy and surprise.
- Japan’s “political deflation”Six months after the Democratic Party of Japan swept to power for the first time in a landslide election win, support for the new government is down by half.
Paul Krugman
- WWS 543, April 5Trade and wages in advanced countries.
- Alan Greenspan: Still Not A MenschHe still won't take responsibility for his actions.
- European LeisureIt's a social choice.
- Why Has Greece Dropped From The Headlines?Why the sudden hush?
- We Are Not Mirror ImagesI don't know any progressives who gloat over increases in the federal payroll or the government share of GDP.
No Quarter
- Obama, The Great PretenderObot disciples are in denial, insisting that things with their boy are just swell. Meanwhile, all opinion polls show a downward trend and that Obama is at the lowest support of any President at this point in their tenure. So I was thinking, “How do I convey this disconnect with reality?” and [... ...
- Happy Easter And Blessed Spring **Open Thread**For all of my friends and family celebrating Easter, “Hallelujah, the Lord is Risen; the Lord is risen indeed, Hallelujah.” And to celebrate this joyous holiday, I would like to provide you with the following selections. They are parts of a BBC production on different composers and their contributi ...
- The EggTo those who celebrate–whether with the traditional stories of escape to freedom or of ultimate redemption or the spirit of renewal as symbolized by the egg— We at No Quarter wish you wonderful day.
- Obama Just Don’t Know When to Shut UpIf the first rule of crisis management is, “If you’re in a hole stop digging,” then we may be seeing the corollary for politics–i.e., when you pass an unpopular policy stop talking about it. No matter how much lipstick Obama smears on his turd of a healthcare plan, most people don’t want to kiss it ...
- Water, Water, Everywhere?Um, no. In fact, the issue of water is one that has been of increasing importance. Former Senator, Paul Simon, wrote about the looming crisis regarding water shortages back in the 1990’s in his excellent book, Tapped Out: The Coming World Crisis in Water and What We Can Do About It. Those [...]
Environmental Graffiti
- Happy World Water Day
- This is How Environmental Graffiti is About to Shi ...
- Paradise is a Land Called Kissimmee
- 13 Incredible Arcus Clouds
- Amazing Tape Graffiti by Buff Diss
Foreign Policy in Focus
- The Foreign Policy of BaseballMajor league baseball and U.S. global policy have both been acting like they're on steroids. But the similarities run a great deal deeper.
- The State of the World's WomenOn the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day: the good, the bad, and the potentially ugly.
- Egypt's Impending Political EarthquakeEgypt is gearing up for a presidential election that will likely transform the politics of this critical Middle Eastern country -- and the United States can play a constructive role.
- Author Event: Ending the U.S. War in AfghanistanJoin us for a conversation and book signing with IPS fellow Phyllis Bennis.
- Iraq's Baby Steps Toward DemocracyThe recent Iraqi elections have brought the country a few steps closer to true self-determination.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Nine trapped Chinese miners rescuedRescue workers free nine people but more than 140 miners remain trapped.
- Quake rocks US-Mexico border areaMagnitude-7.2 quake hits Mexican state Baja California, shaking high-rises 300km away.
- Call for calm after S Africa murderPresident warns against racial tensions following killing of white far-right leader.
- Australia races to stabilise shipSalvage crews battle to keep China ship from breaking up on Great Barrier Reef.
- Dubai upholds kissing couple rulingTwo Britons lose appeal against prison sentence for "inappropriate behaviour".
Green Inc. - NYT
- Boost for U.S.-China Clean Energy ResearchThe Department of Energy announced this week the availability of $37.5 million in funding to support a joint U.S.-China clean energy research initiative.
- Clean Technology Investments Bounce BackGlobal investments were up 29 percent from the fourth quarter of 2009 and 83 percent from the same quarter a year ago, according to a new report.
- New Efficiency Standards for Water HeatersThe Obama administration on Thursday released new energy efficiency standards for water heaters and other appliances that it said would save consumers $10 billion over 30 years while cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
- In Montana, Governor Stirs Ire Over CoalBrian Schweitzer requested that county officials express support for "coal money" in exchange for financing for local projects.
- For the Smart Grid, a 'Synchophasor'The hope is that synchophasors, when deployed by the hundreds, will increase the amount of energy that can be reliably transmitted on the high-voltage grid.
Dot Earth News
- Dot Earth 2.0Dot Earth shifts to a new home at The New York Times.
- Can Humans Manage the Atmosphere?Humanity's growing pains on a finite planet include pondering how to "manage" the atmosphere.
- Weather Forecasters on Global WarmingVideo excerpts of on-air comments by meteorologists, who are more likely than climatologists to question the science of climate change. Whom do you trust when it comes to climate science?
- In Canada, TV Goes Deep on ClimateA rare thing: five hours of television on climate modeling, science, politics, media coverage and more.
- Heat-Toting Ocean Currents Chugging AlongNew findings boost confidence that Atlantic Ocean currents are not at risk from climate change.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Oh noes: Epic FBI white supremacist troll Hal Turn ...Alright here's a bizarre story about a strange man from New Jersey, Hal Turner, who rose to fame as a racist, anti-semitic blogger and radio talk show host whose violent rhetoric upset many people. Alex Jones to his credit accurately flagged Turner years ago as an FBI informant/operative. No mainstr ...
- War on WikiLeaks? Nasty intelligence plan to destr ...Well this is grim! The ACIC or Army Counterintelligence Center published in March 2008 a National Security Information Special Report, under the auspices of the Department of Defense Intelligence Analysis Program (DIAP). Michael D Horvath of the Cyver Counterintelligence Assessments Branch d ...
- Restored 1927 "Metropolis" adds new subplots on wo ...Frame by frame, the lost almost-complete version of Metropolis is coming out. METROPOLIS2710 It's an amazing & essentially perfect film, which created the bases for epic pop culture characters like Doc Brown, C3PO, as well as a powerful vision of utopian urbanism -- the film itself created a huge c ...
- Young: "The Internet is a giant spying machine rig ...Got BitLocker? Feel a bit r00ted??? [It was later posted that this full Windows 7 law enforcement pack was actually originally posted on the very cool newer site PublicIntelligence.net: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista Advanced Forensics Guides for Law Enforcement | Public Intelligence ] In a continuation ...
- Viddy Still from Michael Ruppert appearance in Min ...Its taking a while but I have a lot of footage from Michael Ruppert's visit to St Anthony Main for the screenings of Collapse last week... Overall it was quite awesome, with new items of geopolitics and a lot of jokes. Plus the lighting looks like the movie which is neat :) Standby on that one, I th ...
Daily Censored
- Censored, You want censored?I was in the middle of writing about how the express purpose of a corporation is to kick people when they are down. It is a company that is hired by 2/3 rds of the Fortune 500 companies whose job it is to manage ( read that “deny”) unemployment benefits to people when they are [...]
- I am not a traitorI awoke this morning to a link and a reminder of Mr. George Hutchins’ website from someone I chat with online. I was told that he was a great patriotic American. I really don’t like the site. It’s been made fun of a lot on the internet already. I made jokes about [...]
- American Monetary Institute (AMI): History of mone ...engage in comments at source. The American Monetary Institute is the world’s leading organization for understanding monetary history and how to reform monetary policy. These six articles reprint AMI’s principle information, available at AMI’s website, with their express permission to share widely: ...
- Obama lies to CBS on Iran nuclear evidence; CBS pu ...comment and see video at source. Based on the history of lies preceding the unlawful US armed attack and invasion of Iraq (explained verbally here), Americans have little time to stop a lie-based US armed attack of Iran. Official US policy allows first-strike use of nuclear weapons based upon these ...
- Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated by US governme ...engage in comments and view video at source. On April 4, 1968, US government assets murdered Dr. Martin Luther King. This is the conclusion of the civil trial jury from the King family wrongful death suit. The King family and Dr. King’s friend and attorney, Dr. William Pepper, conclude that the assa ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Justice Stevens likely to retire during Obama&acir ...
- Boy Scouts of America sued over sexual abuse of ch ...
- Pope’s immunity to prosecution ...
- During Easter mass, Pope Benedict remains silent o ...
- Exclusive: Obama ‘wonâ&eu ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Israel-U.S. Relations, Obama Visits Afghanistan, a ...Talking points on the aftermath of Biden's trip to Israel, the president's trip to Afghanistan, and the elections in Iraq.
- Earthquake OlympicsDemocracy, market forces, and religious apostasy aren't determining factors in the scores Chile and Haiti notched in this grim competition.
- Enabling Wall Street's Gambling ProblemThought bankers had learned their lesson in 2008? Think again.
- Advice for the Blue Ribbon CommissionHopefully Obama's new commission will motivate the country to finally deal with the toxic legacy of the nuclear age.
- The New U.S.-Mexico WarSanho Tree discusses the significance of U.S. officials in Mexico, and whether the new plan is an adequate one.
Pine River World News
- Pravda: Moscow Subway Bombers IdentifiedThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda. Moscow Subway Bombers Identified � � Pravda.ru April 2, 2010 One of the terrorists, who blew themselves up in the Moscow subway on March 29, was tentatively identified as Jennet Abdurakhmanova, aged 17. She is a widow of the leader of ...
- Gordon Duff: Time To Send "Hanoi John" McCain Pack ...The following column is reprinted with permission from Gordon Duff, staff writer and Senior Editor at Veterans Today . Time To Send "Hanoi John" McCain Packing � �Gordon Duff Source: �Veterans Today March 31, 2010 * �Never has an American candidate had so much to hide and done so much to hurt Amer ...
- Ramzy Baroud: This Land Belongs to MeThe following column is reprinted with permission from Ramzy Baroud. This Land Belongs to Me � �Ramzy Baroud March 31, 2010 As I listened to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address an animated crowed of supporters on March 22, I felt physically sick. The man has already displayed time a ...
- Backlash against Muslims simmering in Russia after ...[ Blogmaster note : �I wrote the following article for my satellite blog, IntelTrends, but I believe it may also be of interest to readers of Pine River World News.] Backlash against Muslims simmering in Russia after Metro bomb blasts � � IntelTrends By Steve in Wisconsin March 30, 2010 The recent ...
- The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground f ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan � � Global Research By Michel Chossudovsky March 28, 2010 A recent report in Stars and Stripes reveals the nature of the U.S. military operation in Haiti. Co ...
- News you may have missed #322 (Netherlands edition ...Moroccan-Dutch policeman to face spying charges. Easy to spy in Holland, says Dutch secret service.
- News you may have missed #321 (CIA edition)Uruguay ex-president sent to prison for 1973 coup. FSB 'dropped the ball' in Moscow metro bombings. Calls for expanded DoJ probe of FBI killing of Detroit imam.
- More on alleged Mossad spy arrested in AlgeriaOn March 29, intelNews reported on allegations by the Algerian government that an Israeli intelligence agent had been arrested in the country, after he was found to be carrying a forged Spanish passport.
- News you may have missed #320Wikileaks alleges US government surveillance. Saudi charity wins wiretap case against NSA. Kremlin accused of KGB-style honey-traps.
- Senior Iranian scientist defected to CIA: reportABC News appears to confirm earlier rumors, which intelNews reported on last December, that a senior Iranian nuclear scientist has defected to the CIA.
After Downing Street.org
- Forum on Afghanistan PolicyCongressman Bill Delahunt hosts a forum on Afghanistan policy, honoring a commitment he made to Cape Codders for Peace and Justice When: Sunday, April 11, 2010, 3:30 pm Where: Morse Pond School • 323 Jones Road • Falmouth • Massachusetts Speakers: Jo Comerford David Swanson ...
- "I Don't Need a Warrant Under Federal Law"
- Early Morning April 4
- April Fool's BlowbackWhen I wrote an April Fool's article claiming to have discovered the Democrats' new super-pro-war strategy, I mostly got the desired result: outrage, followed by recognition of the joke with some lingering outrage. But I also got a call from a corporate reporter who knew it was a joke but who thoug ...
- A Step Closer to the Peace Museum: Mortgage Compan ...A few days ago, Cindy Sheehan wrote about the impending foreclosure of the Crawford Peace House, asking if you could help by contacting Johnny Wolf directly. Today, Johnny wrote: The mortgage company has agreed to a month’s delay in foreclosing on the Peace House. Your support is making a differe ...
Grist - News
- Easter and plastic eggsby Jonathan Hiskes There’s always a place for some old-fashioned hating on plastics, especially if there’s a timely hook: “If the traditional Easter egg is a symbol of resurrection, or a more paganesque generalized celebration of fertility, than what does a plastic Easter egg signify?” Andrew ...
- Why climate realists and skeptics talk past each o ...by Jonathan Hiskes Courtesy Nemo's great uncle via FlickrTruth be told, I’m more interested in people who are overcoming barriers to progress than in the endless “does global warming exist?” debates. When your house is on fire, at some point you stop arguing with someone who says there’s no fir ...
- Can we get some attention for our issues now?by Jonathan Hiskes Fareed Zakaria -- prominent foreign policy writer, Newsweek International editor, Washington Post columnist -- uses President Obama’s campaign words to suggest it’s time for the president to devote his attention to energy policy: During the 2008 campaign -- before the glob ...
- Al Gore wants Earth Day volunteer videosby Jonathan Hiskes Al Gore is calling on volunteer videographers to create short videos about their favorite organization working on climate-change solutions. Three of them will appear on YouTube’s homepage on Earth Day, April 22. Then millions of YouTube viewers will have their climate awarene ...
- McDonald’s responds to April Fools’ st ...by Grist It looks like McDonald’s has a Big Mac–sized sense of humor. The official McDonald’s Twitter account responded to readers’ questions about our April Fools’ Day report saying that McDonald’s is scrapping a composting plan because its food won’t decompose . While some people didn’t real ...
Popular Bookmarks on Del.icio.us
- Tons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines ...
- The iPhone Becomes a Web Server - ReadWriteWeb
- God Talk - Stanley Fish Blog - NYTimes.com
- Sell Your By-products - (37signals)
- Dynamic Programming Practice Problems
Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- When Will White House Blame Themselves For Unemplo ...The new job growth figure is pure data massaging, and at some point blaming Bush will not create new permanent jobs.
- Redskins Prefer Chunky Soup Over OriginalThe Washington Redskins have given yet another vote of non-confidence to Jason Campbell by completing a trade that brings Donovan McNabb into the fold.
- Certified Wood Is The Key To Sustainable ForestsThe future of all wood-producing industries will hinge on keeping forests alive and renewable.
- NBA Draft Shouldn't Overlook Da'Sean ButlerWest Virginia's Da'Sean Butler has a knee injury that will cause him to miss a chunk of time, but shouldn't cause him to miss out on the draft.
- Republicans Losing Support Thanks To "Civil War" R ...If they're trying to start the next civil war, they might be outnumbered.
Time - Top Stories
- Europe's Education Crisis: College Costs SoarEuropean countries are renowned for their low-cost higher education systems. But following deep budget cuts during the recession, this may be a thing of the past
- Box Office Weekend: Cash of the TitansBox Office Weekend: Cash of the Titans
- The Dark Side of Brazil's Economic MiracleAn assassination in one of the country's most resource-rich states raises questions about how far along Brazil is in terms of development
- Flushed Away: How Dangerous Are the Drugs in Our W ...Americans take thousands of different kinds of drugs, and many wind up where they shouldn't: in the water supply
- Taking Up the Dr. Seuss School of CatholicismAny Sunday school kid knows that the best piece of Christian theology was written not by St. Augustine or Reinhold Niebuhr but by Dr. Seuss
Washington Independent
- -30-When I returned from Atlanta to D.C. in November 2009, having wrapped up coverage of the Libertarian Party’s presidential campaign for Reason magazine, Spencer Ackerman came to me with an idea: Why not work for The Washington Independent? Reason and I were parting ways, and no one else in the city h ...
- The RNC, Ending the Week as It Began ItLindsay Beyerstein, operating on the principle that an expense-approval system slapdash enough to miss an expense for Voyeur West Hollywood, finds extremely strange expense reports filed by RNC staffers under the heading of “meals” and “office supplies. I asked for a comment from the RNC early in th ...
- Report Highlights Problems Surrounding Local Immig ...The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General today released a report that confirms the problems surrounding the controversial 287(g) program, which gives state and local law enforcement agencies authority to enforce immigration laws. Among its observations, the OIG found that ...
- Rudy Giuliani Will Have His Revenge on TallahasseeRudy Giuliani’s endorsement of Marco Rubio is one of the most obvious — and delightful — cases of political revenge in a long while. In July 2007, Gov. Charlie Crist (R-Fla.) promised his endorsement to Giuliani. At the time, the former mayor of New York City was way ahead in the Florida presidentia ...
- White House Transparency, Nukes EditionDoes it bolster or undermine Mike’s point in his excellent post if I report that next week’s Nuclear Posture Review will be released in its entirety, without any annexes withheld for nebulous reasons of national security? How about if I add that I can’t disclose my very reliable source for that info ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Snail pie is tastier, more nutritious than beefMalnutrition and iron deficiency among schoolchildren in developing countries could be reduced by serving up generous portions of delicious, bargain-priced snail pie and other handy beef alternatives. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- CO2, Methane Ousted as Worst Global Climate Change ...Move over CO2—you’ve been ousted, along with methane, as the biggest offenders of global climate change. The majority of “greenhouse gases” are created by humans. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Pe ...Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing dozens of people in order to sell their fat and tissue for cosmetic uses in Europe. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 6 Ways Agriculture Impacts Global WarmingSure, agriculture provides us with the food we all eat every day. But do you know how those agricultural practices impact global warming? Turns out there's some pretty big impacts, on both the sustainable and industrial sides of the equation; employing su Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- We love ButchersFormer chef Josh Applestone and his wife, Jessica Applestone, are typical of the new butcher breed. He was a vegan, she was a one-time vegetarian when they founded Fleisher’s Grass-fed and Organic Meats in Kingston, N.Y., in 2004 Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �N ...
- The Evangelical “Mainstream” Insanity ...The Evangelical “Mainstream” Insanity Behind the Michigan “End Times” Militia Huff Post – Frank Schaeffer Posted: April 1, 2010 02:24 PM A federal prosecutor in Michigan says authorities decided to arrest members of the Hutaree Christian militia after learning “they were prepared to kill.” Wh ...
- Forensic Experts To Start New Search Through WTC R ...Forensic experts to reexamine WTC rubble By Raw Story Thursday, April 1st, 2010 — 7:30 pm New York forensic experts will start a major new search Monday through debris from the World Trade Center for remains of people killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack, officials said. About 844 cubic yards ( ...
- Evening Jukebox- CrazyGnarls Barkley – Crazy
- LL Cool J vs. Fox News And Sarah PalinLL Cool J vs. Fox News, Sarah Palin [UPDATE: Toby Keith Responds] Huffington Post |Â Â Danny Shea First Posted: 03-31-10 11:10 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 03-31-10 06:28 PM Updates below… Fox News has an unlikely adversary: rapper LL Cool J. Afte ...
- Jon Stewart: GOP Bondage Club Scandal (VIDEO)Jon Stewart Revels In GOP Bondage Club Scandal (VIDEO) Huff Post- First Posted: 03-31-10 08:31 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 03-31-10 08:41 AM The majority of the news stories covered by Jon Stewart are of a serious tone. So while we get to reap the benefits of his satirical breakdown, he’s got to de ...
- In Memorium…40 Years Later“Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want [...]
- “Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medici ...‘Food Matters’ Official Trailer Continue reading ‘Food Matters’
- Here Come China Gold ETFs?The World Gold Council (”WGC”) and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (”ICBC”) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for strategic cooperation within China’s gold market….Both parties will explore and jointly develop new gold investment products tailored to the Chinese market, and co ...
- The Chutzpah Award to JPMorgan ChaseI just noticed a 3/4 page add in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal. I thought I would publish the entire copy. Here it is: The Way Forward JPMorgan Chase & C Small Business Lending Makes A Big Difference At JPMorgan Chase, we know small business lending can make a big difference. It can help open an en ...
- US Down, Trans-Texas Corridor UpBy The Daily Bell So it turns out it is full speed ahead for the Trans-Texas Corridor! You know, it’s kind of incredible. We can hardly keep track of the pressure being applied to the poor, bleeding union of “these united States” - and to Mexico as well. We’ve pointed out the seemingly deliberate d ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Supreme Court Protects Immigrant Due Process Right ...The ruling in Padilla v. Kentucky requires defense attorneys to accurately advise their non-citizen clients of the potential immigration consequences of pleading guilty to a crime.
- Intelligence Agencies Allegedly Going to Extremes ...Disturbing allegations have surfaced around WikiLeaks' promise to release a video April 5 at the National Press Club confirming a war-time massacre.
- Why Are Pedophilia-Hiding, Child-Abusing Church Fa ...The moral authority granted the Catholic Church in the secular world is the most repellent aspect of the current crisis.
- Corporate Court Acting in Secret, Citizens Locked ...Delaware has a special court for corporations. And it's about to start hearing cases that the public can't hear about.
- Ruling OK's Tasering Pregnant Woman Three TimesSeven-months-pregnant Malaika Brooks suffered repeated 50,000 volt shocks for refusing to sign a speeding ticket, and a federal court of appeals ruled it justified.
Sideways News
- Michelin star rating goes greenA new rating system launched by the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) will rate restaurants according to how green and sustainable they are. Food provenance in restaurants – apart from a select few – has been slow to catch on. The new award scheme of bronze, silver and gold will be listed in ...
- Don’t have children: save the earth“The single most meaningful contribution I can make to a cleaner, greener world is not to have children,” writes Lisa Hymas of environmental news site Grist.
- Ordnance Survey maps go onlineA new form of Ordnance Survey map is now available, but they won't be accessible to hikers out on the moors unless they have a laptop with them. Digital forms of the maps are now freely available to members of the public and companies. Information about electoral and local authority boundaries will ...
- To Hel and back the hard wayCarl James and Tom Picton, two intrepid young men from Buckinghamshire, embarked this week upon a gruelling journey to circumnavigate Africa for charity. Their aim is to drive to Die Hel in South Africa via the east coast, before returning home via the west coast, scaling Mount Kilimanjaro on the wa ...
- Sherpa to take 'Hillary' up EverestA veteran Sherpa who has conquered Mount Everest a record 19 times is to return to the dangerous slopes for his 20th ascent - this time with the ashes of Edmund Hillary. Apa Sherpa, who has lived in the US for the last seven years, wants to tackle the summit once more as part of campaign to promote ...
Fabius Maximus
- American States on the brink of financial catastro ...In the third year of the worst recession since the 1930’s many States totter on the brink of catastrophe, after generations of imprudent management. Ahead lie even greater challenges, as employees cash in on their insanely generous pensions. A few charts tell the tale — showing America’s most p ...
- Quote of the day: ‘you must spend a trillon ...While that’s not a real quote, it aptly summarizes the current news. See this following excerpt from a major new article providing a summary of the climate science debate: “Climate Catastrophe – A Superstorm for Global Warming Research“, Der Spiegel, 1 April 2010. It’s strongly slanted in fa ...
- Today’s agitprop: Don Surber borrows at a l ...Part of conseratives’ ”the worse, the better” strategy is to arouse fear using a steady stream of “the end is neigh” warnings. This requires both imagination and a willingness to exaggerate.  As seen when reading Reynold’s and his peers since Obama’s election. Hyping every bit of bad ec ...
- FM newswire for April 3, interesting articles abou ...Today’s links to interesting news and analysis, collected from around the Internet. If you find this useful, pass it to a friend or colleague. “Dear Voters: Find Another $6 Billion“, John Myers, KQED, 24 March 2010 — Voters’ fantasies about the budget deficit. About the urban farming: “The Prob ...
- The core truth about our health care systemSummary: Health care reform tests the ability of America to reform. We cannot afford our current system, one factor causing deficits for both State and Federal governments — and dragging down the competitiveness of major companies. Yet it delivers results no better than our peers get at les ...
Open Your Eyes News
- CIA can withhold Oklahoma City documentsUPI – A federal judge in Utah ruled in favor of the CIA in the agency’s refusal to release documents regarding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups Tuesday refused to order the agency to hand over the documents to Salt Lake City lawyer Jesse Trentadue, who filed a Freed ...
- Did Boy Scouts Keep “Perversion Files?”CBS News – Case Alleges Group Kept Files on Thousands of Molesters, Intending to Keep them out of Scouting but Keep Incidents Quiet Read article
- Iraq gunmen kill at least 25 in attack on Sunni vi ...BBC – Iraqi gunmen have killed 25 people believed to be linked to Sunni militias opposing al-Qaeda, police say. Five women were among those killed, as the gunmen in army uniforms pulled the victims out of their houses in a village south of Baghdad on Saturday. The victims were reported to have been ...
- Putin bolsters oil, defense ties with VenezuelaReuters – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited Venezuela on Friday to discuss oil, defense and nuclear energy cooperation with Latin America’s main leftist foe of the United States, President Hugo Chavez. They were to launch a $20 billion venture between Russian firms and Venezuelan state c ...
- Missing link between man and apes foundDaily Telegraph – A “missing link” between humans and their apelike ancestors has been discovered. The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week. Read Article
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Imperialists move closer to imposing more sanction ...Imperialists move closer to imposing more sanctions on Iran (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) The United States has been leading the charge against Iran over the past months. More sanctions against the Islamic Republic are now on the table at the United Nations Security Council. New sanctions will ...
- Crackers arrest “illegal” McDonald’s workers, cite ...Crackers arrest “illegal” McDonald’s workers, cite economic and cultural reasons (http://raimd.wordpress.com) In March, raids targeting migrants in Phoenix-area McDonald’s restaurants concluded in the arrest of 21 people and a hunt for dozens more. Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, who in the pa ...
- RAIM-Seattle: 7 years of ongoing u$ imperialist sl ...7 years of ongoing u$ imperialist slaughter in Iraq (raims.wordpress.com) Figures and statistics are stubborn things sometimes, especially for the impotent First Worldist “anti-war left.” A RAIM-S analysis of polling data reveals that roughly 75% of Amerikkkans supported the invasion and occupation ...
- Jednostavna pitanja prema brojevima.. veDina u Sje ...Jednostavna pitanja prema brojevima.. veDina u Sjedinjenim DrE>avama: revolucionarna ili ne? autor: Prairie Fire (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (English) (Macedonian) (Tagalog) (Serbo-Croatian) (Czech) Srednji (ne proseDni, nego onaj iznad kog su 50%) prihod po domaDinstvu u 2006 bio je 48.201 ...
- Едноставни прашања според бројките.. мнозинството ...Едноставни прашања според бројките.. мнозинството во Соединетите Држави: револуционерно или не? автор: Prairie Fire (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (English) (Macedonian) (Tagalog) (Serbo-Croatian) (Czech) Средниот (не просечниот, туку оној над кој се 50%) годишен приход по домаќинство во 2006 б ...
- Anti-terrorism court issued non-bailable arrest wa ...An anti-terrorism court on Saturday issued non-bailable arrest warrants of Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks, and Fahim Arshad Ansari, an Indian national accused of helping the assailants. Read More at http://pakalert.wordpress.com/
- US Is Waging War Against The Wrong CountryBy Kourosh Ziabari Freelance Journalist And Media Correspondent, Iran Tittle-tattles regarding the possibility of a military strike against Iran are being renewed these days. President Obama, to whom I still wonder why the Nobel Peace Prize has gone, is confessing that former President Bush was ri ...
- Mossad’s One Million Helpers World-WideBy Martin Webster Aftershocks following the assassination in Dubai in January of Palestinian Hamas leader Mahmoud Mabhouh by Israel’s secret service Mossad finally shook the Palace of Westminster in London on the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd March. The assassination was perpetrated by a ...
- The Road To ArmageddonThe morons in Washington are pushing the envelope of nuclear war. The insane drive for American hegemony threatens life on earth. The American people, by accepting the lies and deceptions of “their” government, are facilitating this outcome. Paul Craig Roberts The Washington Times is a news ...
- Why the CIA is the World’s Number One Terrorist Or ...by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The time has come to abolish the CIA –to smash it into a thousand pieces –as JFK had promised! Its leadership should be dismissed and investigated. Where there is probable cause, CIA members should be investigated and tried for crimes against humanity.Th ...
- Ford Partners with Microsoft to Bring Energy Manag ...Microsoft has a new partner for its Hohm software : Ford Motor Co . The two companies are pairing up to outfit Ford's electric vehicles with Hohm's energy management tools. The partnership will allow the EV drivers to charge their cars in a more affordable and responsible way, lessening the stra ...
- Upgrade to LEDs or the Easter Bunny Gets It!Cree is a leading manufacturer of LEDs and the circuitry and components needed to bring them into our homes and businesses. They've been growing like crazy and, thankfully, have also managed to hire someone who knows something about social media. That someone decided to show, very clearly ...
- Ships Face New Emissions Rules in North American W ...The EPA and the International Maritime Organization have announced stricter emissions regulations for ships operating in the waters off the coast of the U.S. and Canada. Starting in 2012, ships within 200 nautical miles of the shores will either have to use cleaner, more expensive fuel that contai ...
- Nissan Sets Price for the LEAFWe've all been waiting to hear what exactly Nissan has meant by "competitively priced" when describing the LEAF. Well, now we know. The all-electric sedan will have a sticker price of $32,780, slightly more than expected, but still pretty cheap for an EV. At that price, the LEAF is a good $10,00 ...
- FedEx Adding All-Electric Trucks to FleetFedEx says it will be the first U.S. delivery service to add all-electric trucks to their fleet. Starting in June, the company will enter four EVs into service in Los Angeles . Two of the trucks will come from Navistar, based on a design the parcel service already is using in Europe. FedEx has 1 ...
- For Working to Put an End to Priest Pedophilia, Ga ...BUZZFLASH WINGS OF JUSTICE AWARD GARY BERGERON Don't call Gary Bergeron a victim; te sees himself as a survivor, a survivor of sexual child abuse at the hands of a religious figure: in this case a priest. His father and brother were similarly violated in the Boston Archdiocese, as the hierarchy of ...
- The M.D. in Florida Who Refused to Treat Obama Vot ...SHERRY YARMOUTH FOR BUZZFLASH BuzzFlash received this heartfelt letter over the weekend in response to Dr. Cassell, a urologist in Florida, who put up a note on his medical office door that persons who voted for Obama should go elsewher for treatment. This guy shouldn't be practicing medicine; send ...
- Don't Run from the Republican Slime Machine. Attac ...RICHARD A. STITT FOR BUZZFLASH It is worth repeating what the late George Carlin said�in a November 2004 interview on the Charlie Rose show. When asked by Rose�why he thought the Democrats lost the 2004 election, Carlin responded (paraphrasing), "When the other side has you talking their language th ...
- Poor Li'l Eric Cantor Wins GOP Hypocrite of the We ...Eric Cantor Welcome back to GOP Hypocrite of the Week. Did the stork just bring Eric Cantor a new baby brother or something? Because he sure is in need of attention lately. Last week he was so angry about all the attention Democrats were getting (because people wanted to kill them) that he held ...
- FOX’s Fake News: Reporting a Global-Warming Hoax a ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT by Jeffrey Joseph Many have remarked on FOX's tendency to promote a set narrative in lieu of actually reporting on the news. Nonetheless, few might have suspected that the network's zeal for their own narrative would have so plainly led to false implications as when FOX reported ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Things that would not happen today(updated below - Update II) From the obituary of Jerald terHorst , who died yesterday: Jerald terHorst, who resigned as President Gerald Ford's press secretary just 30 days after taking the job because of the pardon Ford granted former President Richard Nixon, has died of conge ...
- The criminal NSA eavesdropping programWhile torture and aggressive war may have been the most serious crimes which the Bush administration committed, its warrantless eavesdropping on American citizens was its clearest and most undeniable lawbreaking. Federal District Judge Vaughn Walker yesterday became the third federal judge -- out o ...
- Robert Gibbs endorses denial of civilian trialsVirtually everyone I�know who regularly works on civil liberties issues believes it's a fait accompli that Obama will reverse Eric Holder's decision and deny civilian trials to the 9/11 defendants, sending them instead to military commissions ( just as George�Bush did ).��Today, White House Press Se ...
- White House access is a jackpot for reportersThe Washington Post 's Howard Kurtz reports that "the White House has practically been overrun by journalists pumping top officials for behind-the-scenes details for a growing roster of behind-the-scenes books."� He lists numerous Beltway reporters who are working on such books ( The New Yorker 's R ...
- "Reporting" on Iran should seem familiarFox News currently has an article at the top of its website that is headlined:��" CIA: Iran Moving Closer to Nuclear Weapon ."��The report, by DOD�and State Department correspondent Justin Fishel, begins with this alarming claim: A recently published report by the Central Intelligence Agenc ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Spectroscopy NowLatest science news from David Bradley with a spectroscopic bent… Muscling in on the mussels’ grip – Spectroscopy has been used to probe the chemical composition of the cuticle of the common bivalve mollusc commonly known as the mussel. The research provides the first direct evidence that the cutic ...
- Press releases should be about peopleWe’re all increasingly familiar with corporate press releases. There are countless websites that regurgitate the corporate and institutional public relations output for wider and wider audiences. If you’re familiar with the blogosphere, you will almost certainly recognise that many posts simply echo ...
- Climate emails, MS trek, Gulf Stream safeLatest science news snippets Hacked climate emails – Hacked climate email inquiry clears Jones but questions remain Trekking for multiple sclerosis – Wendy Booker (wendybooker.net), is determined to change the face of MS. Her mission? Climb the Seven Summits—the highest mountains on each continent; ...
- Materials, water, and lightSome scientific links from this week, including my Materials Today news round up. Periodic Table of Parodies – Yet more periodic table fun and games Similar websites to Sciencebase – This neat little tool automagically works out your site's keywords and searches for other sites with the same keywor ...
- Awards, PTs, and green phonesAwards – Research Blogging – Winners and finalists in the Research Blogging Awards 2010 announced today! A Clever Periodic Table from Sciencebase | Genome Alberta Education – It's official. My periodic table of science bloggers is clever, even if it maybe didn't include enough Canadians. Go Green! ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Obama Administration Adopts Historic National Gree ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2010 Friends of the Earth The Obama administration today established a greenhouse gas pollution standard for motor vehicles that will result in the sale of cleaner, more efficient vehicles, and that is expected to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and lead to healthier ...
- Greenpeace Polluterharmony Ad Profiles Relationshi ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2010 Greenpeace Greenpeace released the latest Polluterharmony ad today on the heels of its new report, Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine. The Koch Report details the role of oil conglomerate Koch Industries and its owners Charles and David K ...
- Toxic Sludge Stance by Alice Waters Sparks Protest ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2010 Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) RONNIE CUMMINGS JOHN STAUBER Cummings is director of the Organic Consumers Association ; Stauber is an advisory board member of the group and co-author of the book Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! read more
- New Fuel Economy Standards Are a Historic First St ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2010 Public Citizen Today, the Obama administration published its final rule establishing a national program to improve vehicle fuel economy, save consumers money at the pump and slash greenhouse gas emissions. The rule is a historic first step forward. These standards ...
- ACLU Urges Department of Justice to Object to Chan ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2010 ACLU In a letter sent today to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the American Civil Liberties Union urged the DOJ to object to changes to board elections for the Fairfield County School District in South Carolina because the changes would dilute the voting ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Race to the Top Should Be Left Behindby Heather Kim After reading aloud from an essay about the fast-food industry, I threw a typical softball question to the students of a UC Berkeley composition class: "What's the argument of the paragraph?" Silence. Written by a former student, the paragraph implied that a rise in American obesit ...
- Defending the Freedom to Hate: Supreme Court to Ta ...by Leonard Pitts Jr. You will be furious when you finish this column. Fair warning. In March 2006, a 20-year-old Marine, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, was killed in a motor-vehicle accident in Iraq. His family probably thought that the most painful blow imaginable. Truth is, their pain was only beginn ...
- Glenn Beck's War on Easter Backfires by John Nichols I'm no fan of President Obama's clumsy attempts to play media critic. The Obama administration's wrangling with Fox News last year was as wrongheaded as it was counterproductive. A smart president does not dismiss an entire national network, even if it is biased. Indeed, as I ar ...
- Imperial Overstretch in Afghanistanby Tom Engelhardt He donned a leather bomber's jacket with an Air Force One logo on it, got up in front of a boisterous crowd of about 2,000 military personnel in a hangar at Bagram Air Base, and gave a tub-thumping, "support the troops" campaign speech . I'm talking about Barack Obama on hi ...
- Appalachians Hail EPA's Great Victory for Clean Wa ...by Jeff Biggers Earlier this morning, I wrote a piece for April Fool's Day, Obama Ends 150-Year War of Strip-Mining in 24 States: Mountaintop Removal Loses Its Groove. Well, turns out the second part wasn't an April Fool's joke after all. EPA administrator Lisa Jackson invoked the rule of scien ...
Karl Burkart
- Mountain lovers, don't get excited yet about EPA r ...New EPA ruling on infilling valleys may limit future mountaintop mining permits, but it's only the first step in a long process to stop the 'Appalachian Apocalypse.'
- Top 5 naked protestersThis week Planet100 counts down the top 5 naked protests. What would you strip for?
- Pepsi's refreshing twist on environmental actionPepsi Refresh Project uses social media to get across its new brand message -- you can change the world.. if a giant corporation pays for it.
- Eggbeater technology to double wind farm outputBy creating mini-tornados using adjacent counter-spinning vertical turbines, WindHarvest International hopes to revolutionize the productivity of wind power.
- The dirty side of cleantechNew report calls out some very dirty practices in what is widely considered a 'clean' industry.
Water Privatization
- SMC investment thrust: Buy anything that adds valu ...FOR a little over two years now, business reporters have been groping for the right adjectives to describe San Miguel Corp.
- Meet the financial managerLANSING - For more than a decade, Joseph L. Harris warned city officials.
- Meet the financial managerLANSING - For more than a decade, Joseph L. Harris warned city officials.
- Green building norms for QatarDOHA: The Barwa and Qatari Diar Research Institute (BQDRI) has released the first full version of Qatar Sustainability Assessment System (QSAS) that includes all QSAS Manuals, Toolkit and Project Management Systems.
- Water privatization is globally ineq ...If you have lived in Colorado long enough, you are probably aware of the water issues we face. The problem can be summed up in one word scarcity. Fresh water is disappearing around the globe from excessive consumption, poor water management and pollution.
- Magnitude 7.2 quake hits Mexico• Tremors could be felt as far as downtown LA • No immediate reports of major damage A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck last night just south of the US-Mexico border, rattling buildings as far away as Los Angeles and closing rides at Disneyland. The earthquake struck at 3.40pm (10.40pm GMT) in Baja ...
- Tories try to limit 'gay ban' damageParty say comments were recollection of his old view, as doubts emerge over shadow home secretary's future role Conservatives rounded on their shadow home secretary today after he attracted fresh concern about intolerance at the top of the party by saying owners of bed and breakfasts should be allow ...
- Met 'ignored' phone hacking evidenceCPS papers reveal investigation focused on a small number of cases and suppressed names of more prominent victims Police who investigated the phone-hacking scandal at the News of the World obtained previously undisclosed telephone records which showed a vast number of public figures had had their vo ...
- Lords will hold keys to the countrySenior peers expected to keep wheels of state turning in run-up to general election Lord Adonis and Lord Drayson, two of the most senior peers in government, may step in to make key decisions and keep the country running once parliament is dissolved, under a little-known convention whereby ministers ...
- Far-right vows Terre'Blanche revengePresident Jacob Zuma tries to calm racial tension as far-right group ramps up language of race war A white supremacist group in South Africa today vowed to exact revenge for the death of their leader as the country's president, Jacob Zuma, sought to calm growing racial tensions. Eugene Terre'Blanche ...
- Bombs strike four embassies in Baghdad, killing at ...BAGHDAD, Iraq — A wave of bombings struck foreign diplomatic missions in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 30 people and wounding 224 others, Iraqi authorities said.
- Living in economic downturn has become the new nor ...MODESTO, Calif. -- Vacant storefronts, abandoned homes and shuttered schools tell the story of the economy in the Northern San Joaquin Valley: This is the new normal.
- Calorie counts on menus having little effect on ea ...FORT WORTH, Texas -- Jane Short made her lunch selection at a Panera cafe-bakery in Fort Worth on Friday, not realizing that the chain was the first to nationally roll out menu boards displaying calories of each item.
- Moonshine quietly gets a 21st-century makeoverFORT WORTH, Texas -- Sherman Owen's moonshine odyssey started at 19 when he set out to distill "ultra-clean" vodka.
- Families of fallen military men gain peace through ...After her husband was killed by a sniper in Iraq, Hannah Clark found comfort sitting on her bed at night, reading from the Book of Psalms.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- MPs' message of climate trustThe first of the numerous enquiries into the state of climate science has just been published in the UK, and - you might be tempted to conclude - so far, so predictable, in terms of its conclusions and of the reactions to it. It's important to be clear on what the enquiry by the House of Commons Sc ...
- Whaling words: Into the newFew things drive people who would like to see whaling end to distraction quite as much as the lack of engagement with the issue across Japanese society. Their argument goes like this: continuing whaling is clearly not in the best interests of Japan as a nation, raising opprobrium in countries that ...
- CITES: Murky waters for marine conservationSo, the once-every-three-years Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting has come to an end; and rather like the last time, conservationists are coming away with hands empty, apart from a few scrappy morsels of succour. I haven't been at the meeting in Doha, but I have ...
- Does healthcare win leave climate in better shape?The passage of President Obama's healthcare reform package prompts the question: what might it mean for climate change legislation? Will it clear the path for a climate bill this year , as some believe? Or has politicking over the healthcare bill poisoned the well of goodwill in Washington, as oth ...
- Tuna defeat's hypocritical rootsThe frustration of conservation groups at the outcome of Thursday's tuna trade discussions was almost palpable. The proposal to ban international trade in the Atlantic bluefin discussed at the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting - tabled by Monaco and backed b ...
The Wonk Room
- 110 Countries Now Support Copenhagen Accord To Ach ...Our guest bloggers are Senior Fellow Andrew Light and Special Assistant Sean Pool for the Energy Policy Team at the Center for American Progress. The agreement that emerged from December’s U.N. climate summit in Copenhagen continues to attract support from a growing number of nations despite naysaye ...
- Visiting China, Seeing GreenOur guest blogger is Julian Wong, Senior Policy Analyst with the Energy Opportunity team. My colleagues and I from the Center for American Progress are off next week on a fact-finding mission to China. Much has been written over the past year about how other countries, particularly China, are invest ...
- Geithner: States Have A ‘Crucial Role’ ...One of the areas of financial regulatory reform which the financial services industry is focusing a considerable amount of effort on is federal preemption of consumer protection law. As the Obama administration proposed it, financial reform would set a floor for consumer protection regulations, whic ...
- Abandoning Congress Is Not A Winning Strategy For ...Senators drafting comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation are negotiating with polluters, and talking about combining a cap on carbon with public incentives for nuclear plants, “clean coal,” and offshore drilling. Should supporters of strong, progressive action to solve the climate crisis ...
- Uwe Reinhardt Highlights The Absurdity Of The Drug ...I’ve spent a good part of this week arguing in favor of Congress’ decision to prevent companies from deducting their retiree prescription drug subsidy and I think Uwe Reindhardt makes the case in the clearest possible terms. In all the noise about health care reform bankrupting businesses, we’ve so ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Busy Easter PostHere. there.
- Defeat Them and Get It Over WithSo, during his holiday, stephen harper thought up the brilliant idea to turn the issue of the Afghan detainee documents over to retired judge Frank Iacobucci ? What drivel! Do we have responsible government or not? Is this a democracy or isn't it? Do we believe that there should be oversight in ...
- Today I am Sick ...And I was going to hang out with the young kids tonight. Oh well ...
- The monster Goes Back to WorkSo, let's see now, he's demonstrated cynical contempt for his own system of government, OUR system of government (by calling the proposed Liberal-NDP coalition a "coup"). He's demonstrated inarguable hypocrisy because he had intimated forming a coalition/coup himself when he was Leader of the Oppos ...
- Oh Those Fucking Liberals!!This isn't a very topical issue. It's just that a Liberal blogger who I've only recently encountered and had high hopes for appears to have gone completely off the rails. Eugene Forsey: Liberal has been babbling away lately about "TOTs" ... by which he appears to mean NDP "zombies" ... and how we' ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Census Numbers Uncensored by Vedran Vuk. "The Census aims to be every man’s hero. It promises an economic stimulus, a reduction in unemployment, and greater funds for every community. Of course, the reality is much closer to a game of musical chairs with your money. And guess who will be left standing?"
- Fibonacci Techniques for Math Geeks -- and Everyon ...by Elliott Wave Int. "The word Fibonacci (pronounced fib-oh-notch-ee) can draw either blank stares or an enthusiastic response. There's hardly any in-between ground. But for those who ask how an esoteric mathematical relationship can apply to price charts and trading, here's a quick lesson. Everyone ...
- Market Observation: Dollar Free Rideby Ryan J. Puplava, CMT. "The U.S. dollar has enjoyed a free ride since Europe’s economic troubles with Greece. Sovereign debt downgrades had encouraged assets to begin leaving the European region causing the euro to drop. The euro zone’s current account balance fell pretty strongly in January. The ...
- Fibonacci Techniques for Math Geeks -- and Everyon ...by Elliott Wave Int. "The word Fibonacci (pronounced fib-oh-notch-ee) can draw either blank stares or an enthusiastic response. There's hardly any in-between ground. But for those who ask how an esoteric mathematical relationship can apply to price charts and trading, here's a quick lesson. Everyone ...
- Progress is Slowingby Paul Nolte. "From the Washington euphoric high on Monday (As VP Biden said: “this is a big ____ deal!!) to the realization that many companies will be taking write-downs due to the increased costs of the bill by week's end could put a crimp in what many believe to be a good quarterly earnings sea ...
on Government Oversight
- More Misbehavior by KBR Suspected on LOGCAP III Co ...Yesterday, the Department of Justice announced it has filed another False Claims Act lawsuit against KBR. This one alleges false billing for the use of unauthorized private armed security in Iraq under the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) III contract....
- More Encouraging Nuclear Weapons Oversight from th ...Echoing POGO's concerns about the Department of Energy's (DOE) "2010 Safety and Security Reform Plan" giving contractors "the flexibility to tailor and implement safety and security programs without excessive federal oversight or overly prescriptive departmental requirements," Representatives Joe Ba ...
- POGO Presses DHHS to Answer Questions Instead of D ...In its letter today, POGO continued to push the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to release documents related to the pandemic flu vaccine. Over the course of our recent correspondence, the Department has failed to address POGO's direct...
- Morning Smoke: SEC Inspector General Uncovers Glar ...SEC Has Flawed Process for Rewarding Tipsters, Watchdog Says by Jesse Westbrook [Bloomberg] Oxfam urges Chevron shareholders to support transparency [Oxfam America] Marine CH-53K Faces Multiyear Slide by Bettina H. Chavanne [Aviation Week] Watchdog asked to study contractor salaries, benefits...
- Barney Says: Don't Let the Revolving Door Hit You ...Earlier this week, Bloomberg reported that Peter Roberson signed on as a lobbyist for IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. (ICE), which owns one of the world's largest credit default swap clearinghouses. Before joining ICE, however, Roberson was a professional staff member for the...
Digital Journal
- Body found in Toronto's West SideA body was found early this morning by a person in the community in Toronto's West End. Police have classified the death as suspicious.
- USW calls for Vale to restart talks, Sudbury takes ...The United Steelworkers Local 6500 President called for Vale Inco to restart negotiations between the two sides to resolve the strike that has occurred since August of last year.
- Footprints in Arizona lend credence to idea Bigfoo ...There are few locations in North America that have not been touched with sightings of Bigfoot or other reported signs, such as footprints.
- Vermont a Hotspot for Haitians Sneaking into USThe U.S. Border Patrol is reporting a record of number of Haitians have been detained for illegally crossing from Canada into the United States since the January earthquake struck their homeland.
- It is Time Canada Adopts Golden Success at the Gam ...Canada’s definition of success at the Olympics is an outdated measure that needs to be dropped. The vast majority of countries in the world judge Olympics success by the total number of gold won as opposed to the total haul of medals of any colour.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Does This Reflective Vest Make My Panhandling Look ...Lawmakers in Tampa recently found out that they couldn't ban panhandling along the city's streets and highways without also banning church solicitors, newspaper salesmen and others. So they say they decided to make panhandling safer with a new ordinance that requires everyone soliciting on the side ...
- It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's the World's First ..."Street Shield" is quite possibly the world's first homeless superhero. He's the subject of an ongoing comic strip published in The Pavement , a free monthly magazine for the homeless in London and Scotland. And he is awesome. The magazine just published the 12th installment in its April issue. Alre ...
- How "Help" Can Lead Right Back to the StreetsLast night was the first night that a local emergency shelter was closed this season. Limited funds ran out, so even though it was just as cold and rainy as the night before, the doors stayed shut. I ran across a friend who was biding time on the sidewalk under a business' awning until it was late e ...
- Healthcare Reform as Homelessness PreventionSan Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom famously said "we don't have a homeless problem, we have a housing problem." The Mayor's words capture much of the sentiment of those who write for and read this site. A significant number of our discussions are about housing the homeless, as well they should be. The ...
- Kids Think Hate Crimes Are a GameWhen it comes to games, kids have a ton of options, from hopscotch to video games, pin the tail on the donkey to hide and go seek. Kids in Philadelphia, however, have come up with a new one called " catch and wreck ," a twisted version of manhunt where homeless people become both the kids' captives ...
- Tim’s employees eligible for small, regular medalTim Hortons employees at Kandahar Airfield are now eligible to receive the General Service Medal for their service in Afghanistan, Canwest News Service reports (David Pugliese & Katherine Laidlaw, “Tim Hortons staff eligible for Afghan war medals,” Victoria Times-Colonist, 29 March 2010). The chang ...
- Fowler scorches Canadian foreign policyFormer Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler launched a blistering attack on the foreign policy of recent Canadian governments during a speech to the Liberal Party’s “thinkers’ conference” on Sunday (video of speech here). Fowler, now retired, was a senior member of the Canadian foreign policy establishme ...
- U.S. and Russia agree on modest nuclear cutsThe United States and Russia have reached agreement on the terms of a new strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty, the White House reported on Friday (”Key Facts about the New START Treaty,” Whitehouse.gov, 26 March 2010). The new treaty, which will be signed in Prague on April 8th, will replace bot ...
- Petition: Make Canada a UN Peacekeeper againOnce the world's top contributor of troops for UN Peacekeeping, Canada has fallen far down the list as the military has turned away from the UN. Urge Prime Minister Harper, the political party leaders and your Member of Parliament to make Canada a proud UN Peacekeeeper once again.
- U.S. to ask Canada to keep troops in AfghanistanThe Globe and Mail reported on Thursday that the United States will ask Canada to keep as many as 500 to 600 soldiers in Afghanistan following the scheduled end of the mission in July 2011 (John Ibbitson, “U.S. to press for Canada to keep troops in Afghanistan,” Globe and Mail, 25 March 2010). Acc ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Kevin’s Show Takes Over Philly & Pittsburgh!April 2, 2010 Â -Â CHICAGO, IL – The Kevin Trudeau show is proud to announce that starting April 11th, 2010, it will be airing on WWDB 860 AM in Philadelphia and WPYT 660 AM in Pittsburgh. You can find Kevin on WWDB on Sundays from Noon – 3pm and on WPYT on Sundays from 10am – 1pm. Listeners [...]
- Bank Sees New Asset Bubbles EmergingApril 2, 2010 Business Week China’s central bank said asset bubbles are emerging in parts of the world and in certain industries that may burst unless supported by real economic recovery. Rapid asset price increases in major markets since 2009 have been pushed by “ultra-loose” monetary policies by g ...
- United States to Begin Profiling Air PassengersApril 2, 2010 Associated Free Press The United States will announce Friday it plans to begin profiling US-bound passengers in a major shake up of air travel security measures, US media said. Under the new measures to begin this month, which will apply to US citizens as well, the level of screening o ...
- Seventh Advisor Resigns from the UK Advisory Counc ...April 2, 2010 Telegraph By: Richard Edwards The Home Office was accused of presiding over an “utterly shambolic” situation as Mr Carlin became the second member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) to quit this week. He said that the ban on the “miaow-miaow” party drug five days ago ...
- Trudeau is Lead Story on ABC 7 Chicago News
Pambazuka News
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
- Haiti: Private contractors 'like vultures coming t ...Critics are concerned that private military contractors are positioning themselves at the centre of an emerging "shock doctrine" for earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Next month, a prominent umbrella organisation for private military and logistic corporation...
- How NGOs are profiting off a grave situationIt's now more than a month since the earthquake that laid waste to Port-au-Prince, killing more than 200,000 people and thrusting millions of people into the most desperate conditions. But according to the U.S. government, Haitians have a lot to be ...
- Global: New murders and fumigations in ancestral A ...In only two weeks, four Afro-Colombian leaders have been murdered, and several subjected to death threats. Fumigations have caused the internal displacement of more than 100 Afro-Colombians. The violation of Afro-Colombian fundamental rights continue...
War in Context
- The Israel lobby’s curious defense of an alleged S ...Yousuf v. Samantar is the first human rights suit arising from abuses committed in Somalia under the brutal regime of Siad Barre. It is currently pending before the Supreme Court, where an odd coalition of defenders has filed briefs on behalf of the defendant, Mohammed Samantar, a prime minister und ...
- Israel’s censorship scandalJudith Miller reports: You’ve probably never heard of Anat Kamm. Few people have. But for nearly four months, the 23-year-old Israeli journalist has been under house arrest in Tel Aviv for allegedly stealing and leaking secret Israeli defense ministry documents to a journalist from Ha’aretz, one ...
- US funds help arm the TalibanThe New York Times reports: Since their offensive here in February, the Marines have flooded Marja with hundreds of thousands of dollars a week. The tactic aims to win over wary residents by paying them compensation for property damage or putting to work men who would otherwise look to the Taliban ...
- Post-election massacre in IraqThe Washington Post reports: Gunmen pretending to be Iraqi security forces and U.S. soldiers killed at least 24 people here, shooting some and slitting others’ throats as they moved from house to house, officials and residents said Saturday. The victims of the hour-long incident included women and ...
- Palestinian aspirations are clear, but what does I ...Gideon Levy writes: Does anybody know what Benjamin Netanyahu wants? Has anybody ever understood what his predecessors wanted? Where are they headed? And where are they leading us? One after another, Israeli politicians have been asked these questions, only to reply with the standard rejoinders: “Y ...
Watts Up With That?
- The great imaginary ice barrierBack on April 2nd, it looked like Arctic Sea ice extent at NSIDC would cross the “normal” line. See: Arctic Sea Ice Extent Update: still growing The image then looked like this: The line hit an “imaginary barrier” it seems, because like an earthworm trying to tunnel through a sidewalk, sea ice ...
- Measure UHI in your town with this easy to use tem ...Readers may remember a couple of weeks back when I lamented that the downward economy had finally caught up to me and my little weather business. I asked readers if they’d mind if I’d showcase a weather station or two to help drum up some business. Nobody objected and many readers were very helpful ...
- Quote of the week #33: What, no death spiral?I was reminded by Richard North via email today of this grouchy wordplay from NSIDC when Joe Romm wrote up a piece last year on this subject: Exclusive: New NSIDC director Serreze explains the “death spiral†of Arctic ice, brushes off the “breathtaking ignorance†of blogs like WattsUpWith ...
- Climate Craziness of the Week – Greenpeace p ...This is the face on environmentalism today – publicly issued threats from Greenpeace I find this sort of thing slightly troubling, but mostly I see it as just behind the scenes business as usual, only written down instead of part of the usual meeting rhetoric. We need to hit them where it hurts mos ...
- Singer on Climategate Parliamentary InquiryEditorial by S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project ClimateGate Whitewash There is now a desperate effort afoot by assorted climate alarmists to explain away the revelations of the incriminating e-mails leaked last year from the University of East Anglia (UAE). ...
Dandelion Salad
- Helen Caldicott: Nuclear Power is Not the Answer t ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Helen Caldicott’s talks are always a must-see. ~DS talkingsticktv April 02, 2010 — Talk by Helen Caldicott speaking with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility March 25, 2010 in Seattle and videotaped by Todd Boyle. Helen Caldicott: Nucle ...
- Obama Fiddles in Afghanistan by Sean Fenleyby Sean Fenley Dandelion Salad The Anything and Everything April 4, 2010 Obama showed up in Afghanistan recently — Bush esque — in a flight jacket, to reassure the troops that the foreign quagmire that they’re involved in isn’t all for naught. It seems that this country has not only ‘gotten ov ...
- CrossTalk on Gitmo: Morphing injustice – And ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 04 April, 2010 On Tuesday, I was delighted to be invited to a TV studio on a boat on the Thames to take part in “Crosstalk” on Russia Today, hosted by Peter Lavelle. The other guest, who, I believe, was not obliged ...
- Tavis Smiley on Rev. Martin Luther King and His Op ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Democracy Now! March 29, 2010 As Obama Visits Afghanistan, Tavis Smiley on Rev. Martin Luther King and His Opposition to the Vietnam War As the President renews his commitment to expand the American military presence in Afghanistan, we turn to a man he is somet ...
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr: I’ve Been to the ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ jamminondakeys April 07, 2008 This is the Speech Dr. King gave on April 3, 1968 at Mason Temple in Memphis, TN. It was the night before he was assassinated. It seemed as though he knew his life was coming to an end. more about “Rev Martin Luther King Jr I’ve ...
Your New Reality
- No titleDrugs : "A Brief Holiday From Society's Unrelenting Bullshit" Charlton Brooker warns of a dangerous, powerful, legal drug : It's perhaps the biggest threat to the nation's mental wellbeing, yet it's freely available on every street – for pennies. The dealers claim it expands the mind and bolsters t ...
- No titleChristopher Nolan's brilliant reality-redefining movie Memento, in six minutes :
- No titleA wondrous, beautiful ride on a Market Street, San Francisco, tram in the early 1900s. Utterly hypnotic : It's widely claimed the film was made shortly, a matter of days, befor e a massive earthquake struck San Francisco in 1906 , killing some 3000 people. It's easy to assume that some of those w ...
- No titleIf you've taken hallucinogens in the past, you don't need to take them anymore. Your brain remembers tripping, and it it is more than capable of refiring the necessary neural pathways. You just need to see something that will act as a trigger and snap those flashbacks into gear. This works for me. ...
- No titleWhy Israel Should Thank Obama Gideon Levy argues that US President Obama's fading patience with Israel, and his intolerance of ever-expanding settlements and frustration at further dodges of peace-talk commitments, is exactly how a true friend should be acting : Obama is asking Prime Minister Benjam ...
Wired - Science
- Why Volcanic Eruptions Can Spark LightningIt’s the ultimate love-at-first-sight story: In the middle of the desert, hundreds of miles from anything else, lonely sand grains meet up in a crowd and decide to electrify each other. Sparks fly. Physicists have long puzzled over why sand grains and other small particles can build up electrical c ...
- Inca Skeletons Show Evidence of Spanish BrutalityIf bones could scream, a bloodcurdling din would be reverberating through a 500-year-old cemetery in Peru. Human skeletons unearthed there have yielded the first direct evidence of Inca fatalities caused by Spanish conquerors. European newcomers killed some Inca individuals with guns, steel lances ...
- Video: Tortoises Learn From Each OtherAnimal hermits can learn from their peers, researchers say, even though they rarely encounter one another in the wild. Red-footed tortoises in the wild live a typically lonely tortoise life, without even being cared for by their parents. But in the lab, they can pick up hints to solving a proble ...
- Think You’re Good at Driving While on Your Cell Ph ...Cell phone users frequently drive themselves to distraction while operating cars, and all too often end up in traffic accidents. But a select few multitask behind the wheel with extraordinary skill, a new study finds. About one in 40 drivers qualifies as a “supertasker,” able to combine driving and ...
- End of Gene Patents Will Help Patients, Force Comp ...When you went to sleep last Sunday night, 20 percent of your genome belonged to a researcher or company. One day later, following federal district court judge Robert Sweet’s ruling, it belonged to you. Some activists cheered the landmark decision on general principle, but for others, it was a busin ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israel deports three Swedish activists with Palest ...Amira Hass: Israeli authorities on Thursday deported three Swedish citizens who arrived in the country earlier that day in a delegation of seven young people with Jewish and Palestinian... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its ...
- Ramallah is not PalestineMr. Wahdan: “This particular class of the bourgeoisie exploited the people who fought the struggle. We did this for their benefit. They were the ones who got something out of it.” Wahdan’s... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in i ...
- Ahmed Tibi: For Israel’s Arabs, Land Day is our na ...We have rights not just in this land, but also rights over this land. This is a historic axiom. Even if the generation that experienced the events of Land Day in 1976 does not get to see the desired... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Gideon Levy Interview: A rare voice of courageGideon Levy: "Israel has never depended so much on the United States like it does today. Until now Obama has made all the possible mistakes. His first year was wasted... But I'm afraid their main... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Hava Foguel: -2010, JerusalemIsraeli and Palestinian activists old enough to remember the start of the Occupation will remember Hava Foguel who was fighting it from 1967. Hava passed away earlier this week in Jerusalem. She was... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russian-Vietnamese military cooperation
- Russia's Black Sea Fleet may lose all warships by ...The majority of warships in the Russian Black Sea Fleet have been in service for over 30 years and would not be fit for sea missions by 2015.
- Russia to have full gamut of air, outer space defe ...Russia's space defense system will have a comprehensive network of air and outer space defense facilities, a leading missile manufacturer said on Friday.
- Russian conscripts will not serve in volatile Nort ...Russia will not send conscripts to serve in the volatile region of Chechnya, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Friday
- Vietnam hails military cooperation with RussiaThe Vietnamese defense minister said on Tuesday that the current visit of his Russian counterpart to Vietnam would strengthen bilateral military ties, which have seen a significant improvement in the last few years.
- Kevin Hammeran Appointed Senior VP and COO of NewY ...Kevin Hammeran has been appointed senior vice president and chief operating officer of NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital and the Sloane Hospital for Women at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.
- Healthpoint, Ltd. Named to Training Magazine's Top ...Healthpoint, Ltd., a Fort Worth-based company committed to advancing the science and innovation of wound care, was recently named to Training Magazine's Top 125 List for 2010. This is the first year that Healthpoint applied to be named to the Training Top 125, finishing 104 among all companies.
- Einstein and Ferkauf Announce New Master of Public ...Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, both of Yeshiva University, have announced a collaborative new Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree program.
- How Many More Species Will Go the Way of the Dinos ...According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which is the oldest and largest global environmental network, governments have failed to meet targets to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. Their recent message says we are now witnessing the greatest extinction c ...
- Bullying: What Parents, Teachers Can Do to Stop ItQuestions for Susan Swearer, PhD, an associate professor of School Psychology at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln (UNL) in the Department of Educational Psychology.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Responding to OCA's Coming Clean Campaign, Whole F ...The subject of "organic" label claims on personal care and cosmetic products has been a controversial one, and certain manufacturers and groups have accused some products of "cheating" by using the "organic" claim deceptively. This document clarifies the issues, the USDA's role in regulating organic ...
- Seeds of Antitrust DestructionWhen you can't beat 'em, scream monopoly. That's the vintage gambit now playing out in the farm business, with the encouragement of the Department of Justice. Click here to read this article
- Trailer: Dirt! the MovieDirt! The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into the history and current state of the living organic matter that we come from and will later return to. Click here to read this article
- Controversy Grows Over Genetically Engineered RiceGrowers in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas filed lawsuits against Bayer for hurting their sales after genetically altered rice escaped a Louisiana test plot. Bayer faces judgments of $4.5 million so far in the three cases it lost. Click here to read this article
- Toxic Sludge Taints the White HouseWhen First Lady Michelle Obama decided to plant a vegetable garden at the White House, she faced a problem that many new homeowners in America run into. Previous residents of her house had applied sewage sludge to her lawn, but left no warnings to alert the her about the potential toxicity of her so ...
- Día mundial del agua (World Water Day) Marzo 22... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- He aquí la colección de Art Streiber en 2PhotoRu ( ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Animales salvajes (16 fotografías en alta resoluci ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Prueba cómo se ven tus fotos en estos portaretrato ...... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- Imágenes de fantasía con movimiento (60 elementos)... Haz click en el permalink para entrar. (título del post)
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- More on Suing the Pope: Maybe He Should Avoid Brit ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Happy Easter, everyone! I recognize this is a bit of an unpleasant topic to bring up on a holy day, but it is worth noting that the rumblings about litigation against the Vatican and the Pope over the various child-sex-abuse scandals continue. Lawyers in the UK are act ...
- Can We Stop Arguing About Whether a “Genocide” Occ ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Genocide is one of those phrases with both highly potent political ramifications as well as highly complicated legal requirements. These two characteristics, GUÉNAËL METTRAUX argues in the IHT, make the obsessive focus on whether something is or is not a genocide (Armen ...
- Is Karl Rove a War Criminal? Don’t Look to FP for ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller I love Foreign Policy’s blog, Passport. Along with Democracy Arsenal, it’s one of the two best blogs for analysis of (duh) US foreign policy. Which is why I was shocked to read a recent post by Andrew Swift entitled “Is Karl Rove a War Criminal?”, becau ...
- Who Funds NGO Monitor?by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller NGO Monitor loves to criticize progressive NGOs for a lack of transparency concerning their funding. A recent report, for example, predictably attacks Human Rights Watch for not identifying all of its donors, particularly those at last year’s fundraising ...
- Chevron Wins Round One Against Ecuadorby Julian Ku by Julian Ku This is just the first round of a potentially huge investor-state arbitration claim filed by Chevron against Ecuador. $700 million now, but up to $27 billion later. (For some background, see here and here about a federal court’s refusal to stay one of the arbitration pro ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- The Easter ChallengeThe Easter Challenge Given that it's Easter, I'd like to post something for atheists and agnostics to rip apart, sink their teeth into: Chapter 14 of my book The Divinity Code. Go for your lives: CHAPTER 14 Resurrection: Fact or...
- Climategate: global warmers blame TBR.ccDesmogblog has just published what it's calling an "autopsy" of Climategate. Regular readers of TBR.cc may find it interesting: Spreading the Story Far and Wide: Six hours after Wishart confirmed the leak in TGIF, James Delingpole published the story in...
- Does climate change mean more spiders?Got bitten by a fairly sizeable spider overnight, as did Heidi. Photo of my shoulder shows a couple of puncture marks, 8mm apart (outer edge to outer edge). Treatment: antibiotic manuka honey, and band-aid. Itchy, sometimes painful, and I recall...
- Arctic ice continues to improveYes, weather is not climate. But I've posted this because the resident nut-job at Hot Topic is trying to insinuate a more catastrophic perspective.
- James Lovelock: the green gift who keeps on givingExtracts from the Guardian's interview with Gaia theorist James Lovelock (precis courtesy Tom Nelson): I have seen this happen before, of course. We should have been warned by the CFC/ozone affair because the corruption of science in that was so...
Public News Service
- AZ Advocates Celebrate EPA Clean Car StandardsAZ Advocates Celebrate EPA Clean Car Standards Phoenix, AZ – New federal clean car standards will require better gas mileage and reduced car and truck emissions over the next six years. Arizona clean air advocates say the result will be lower overall transportation costs and improved public health. ...
- Survey: AZ Hispanics Hit Harder by RecessionSurvey: AZ Hispanics Hit Harder by Recession Phoenix, AZ - A new survey from AARP finds Hispanics in Arizona, and nationwide, have lost jobs at a rate twice as high as the rest of the country...and most are feeling the pressures of the economy on a day-to-day basis. Comments from Rocky Egusquiza (eh ...
- AZ Indian Country Eyed for Clean Energy Developmen ...AZ Indian Country Eyed for Clean Energy Development Phoenix, AZ – Native American tribes manage 95-million acres of possibilities for clean energy development, as outlined in a new report from the National Tribal Environmental Council and other groups* - but there are obstacles to getting projects ...
- Activist: No Logical Reason to Delay “Don ...Activist: No Logical Reason to Delay “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal Phoenix, AZ –The Pentagon is moving toward eventual repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the policy that allows gay men and lesbians to serve in the military, so long as they hide their sexual orientation. A long-time national activi ...
- Low Profile, High Impact AZ Arts Group CelebratesLow Profile, High Impact AZ Arts Group Celebrates Phoenix, AZ – Actors Theatre of Phoenix begins its 25th season this fall. The company gets little publicity, but enjoys a reputation for staging quality plays that generate thoughtful discussion about the hot issues of the day. Comments from Matthew ...
My Care2 Picks
- Pentagon Gives Gulnara Karimova Huge Contract For ...Home Office refused asylum applications of every one of the few dozen escapees from Uzbekistan to make it to the UK - which still has the Soviet exit visa system and locks its people in. Uzbekistan is a major supply base for the Afghan occupation Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- War Games: Israel gets ready to Strike at Iran's N ...Israeli air force have practiced simulated strikes at Iran's nuclear facilities using airspace of at least two unidentified Arab countries, a newspaper published in east Jerusalem reported. Submitted by Ellyn S. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Bill Clinton Apologizes to HaitiPublicly apologized this month for championing policies that destroyed Haiti's rice production:encouraged the impoverished country to dramatically cut tariffs on imported U.S. rice Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Koch Industries funds climate change deniers, Gree ...Koch Industries, a huge privately owned U.S. company dominated by oil and chemical interests, is plowing millions of dollars into campaigns to discredit climate science and clean energy policies ( proof of ads is not proof of truth : just spin ) Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �N ...
- Court OKs Repeated Tasering of Pregnant WomanA federal appeals court says three Seattle police officers did not employ excessive force when they repeatedly tasered a visibly pregnant woman for refusing to sign a speeding ticket. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Israeli journalist to go on trial for treason over ...Israeli journalist to go on trial for treason over leaked papers :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: "TEL AVIV // Anat Kam, 23, an Israeli... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Settlers Attack a 89-year-old woman, her 50-year-o ...Settlers Attack a 89-year-old woman, her 50-year-old daughter in Jerusalem :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: "Israeli settlers attacked... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Israel Gags News on Extra-Judicial KillingsIsrael Gags News on Extra-Judicial Killings :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: "RAMALLAH, Apr 2, 2010 (IPS) - An Israeli journalist... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- The So Called 'Only Democracy in the Middle East’The So Called 'Only Democracy in the Middle East’ :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: "In Israel, the so called 'only democracy in the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Video: Jerusalem ban angers ChristiansVideo: Jerusalem ban angers Christians :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1]: "Thousands of Palestinian pilgrims are celebrating Easter... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- None Dare Call It Genocide – Dr. Stanley MonteithMust-see video
- Ode to Oggie DogOh that time would stand still And breath with me your lasting soul You were and are a good dog I was and am your faithful friend This is where we part this mortal shell And breath together in it no more I was and am your faithful friend Oggie Dog – my buddy, my protector, my pal Would that ...
- Wanted Dead or Alive!
- Judge strikes fear into biotech industry with null ...The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which has handed corporations intellectual property monopolies over everything ranging from human genes to animals and seeds...Fortunately, things are beginning to shift. Earlier this week, a federal judge struck down patents on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
- McCarthy rises from the dead: The Southern Poverty ...The PJJ Gazette by: Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ___________________________ One of the darkest periods of our recent social and political history were the years Joe McCarthy mounted what became known as the “Second Red Scare”. McCarthyism lasted from the 1940’s well into t ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Washington Post Notices Beam in Eye (littlegreenfo ...Noted by Barrett Brown on April 4, 2010 10:04 PM
- Venus and Mercury Pair Up in Twilight (skyandteles ...Noted by Lorraine Murphy on April 4, 2010 9:04 PM
- Hockey predator James pardoned: [gee, thanks civil ...Noted by Lorraine Murphy on April 4, 2010 9:04 PM
- Snowboarder dies at Whistler (CBC News)Noted by Lorraine Murphy on April 4, 2010 9:04 PM
- Hey, it's the Free Credit Report guy! (publicradio ...Noted by Leor Galil on April 4, 2010 8:04 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Spending questions dog Republican National Committ ...Many in the party were troubled long before the $2,000 nightclub scandal hit the RNC this week . Donors were restless, candidates were wary and critics were piling on Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele -- and that was before this week's revelation that the committee treated a ...
- Acorn Says It Continues Its WorkAfter months of budget problems and criticism from the right, the community organizing group Acorn plans to release a letter next week clarifying its path forward and stating that its local chapters may be closed, but the national organization is alive and well. "You will continue to hear from ...
- Calif. AG: No criminality found on ACORN tapesCalifornia Attorney General Jerry Brown determined Thursday that ACORN broke no criminal laws, after reviewing videotapes that sparked a recent political firestorm. Brown's office said it would not pursue charges against the now-defunct community organizing group. But it said ACORN engaged in i ...
- Pope's preacher compares abuse row to anti-Semitis ...Pope Benedict's personal preacher has compared criticism of the pontiff and Church over child abuse to "collective violence" suffered by the Jews. The Rev Raniero Cantalamessa was speaking at Good Friday prayers in St Peter's Basilica, attended by the Pope. In his sermon, he quoted a Jewish frie ...
- Personal traits will be used to screen U.S.-bound ...Official: U.S. citizens traveling to the United States from abroad would be subject to special screening if they match certain characteristics The Obama administration will announce Friday a new screening system for flights to the United States under which passengers who fit an intelligence pro ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- The Easter ChallengeThe Easter Challenge Given that it's Easter, I'd like to post something for atheists and agnostics to rip apart, sink their teeth into: Chapter 14 of my book The Divinity Code. Go for your lives: CHAP TER 14 Re surrection : Fact o r Fig men t? “That within a few weeks after the crucifixion ...
- Climategate: global warmers blame TBR.ccDesmogblog has just published what it's calling an "autopsy" of Climategate. Regular readers of TBR.cc may find it interesting: Spreading the Story Far and Wide: Six hours after Wishart confirmed the leak in TGIF, James Delingpole published the story in...
- Does climate change mean more spiders?Got bitten by a fairly sizeable spider overnight, as did Heidi. Photo of my shoulder shows a couple of puncture marks, 8mm apart (outer edge to outer edge). Treatment: antibiotic manuka honey, and band-aid. Itchy, sometimes painful, and I recall...
- Arctic ice continues to improveYes, weather is not climate. But I've posted this because the resident nut-job at Hot Topic is trying to insinuate a more catastrophic perspective.
- James Lovelock: the green gift who keeps on givingExtracts from the Guardian's interview with Gaia theorist James Lovelock (precis courtesy Tom Nelson): I have seen this happen before, of course. We should have been warned by the CFC/ozone affair because the corruption of science in that was so...
- Lawrence Wright plays it safe on GazaTwo weeks ago on this site, Michael Ratner reviewed a play about Gaza called The Human Scale, by Lawrence Wright, a writer for the New Yorker. The show ran for four nights in NY. Well, here is another review, which must be anonymous, as the writer fears for his/her employment. We don’t usually jump ...
- MSM covers argument at Seder table over the enslav ...Lame piece in the Montreal Gazette about fights at Seder table over the Palestinian issue, because they’re in bondage. This is presented as an "extreme" position. Even though spring is bustin out all over. Still: it is a good thing that the Jewish family fight is being covered in the mainstream pre ...
- The movement to hold Israel accountable continues ...Remi Kanazi and Phyllis Bennis on Laura Flanders’s GRITtv: More GRITtv
- Levy challenges his leaders to declare their terri ...The great Gideon Levy revises an ur-text of anti-Semitism, Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, to say that Israel’s leaders, the merchants of Jerusalem, have never declared what their territorial goals are and Israelis have gone along with this mystification. A few days ago, journalists broached the ...
- At my seder, I remember a victim of the ‘Spe ...It is almost the one-year anniversary of the killing of Bassem Abu Rahmeh, and this is the latest news in Haaretz: "IDF won’t investigate death of Bil’in activist from tear gas grenade." Here’s a photo of Abu Rahmeh, taken by his cousin Hamde. When I stayed in Bil’in in February, Abu Rahmeh became s ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Media Spin & Swine Flu Hysteria“Canada’s vaccine uses an adjuvant, which consists of squalene (shark liver oil), DL-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier also used in ice cream). An adjuvant is a chemical product that boosts the immune response. There were claims that squalene, used in the anthrax vac ...
- Petition: Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children say ...A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-de ...
- Petition: Doctors & Nurses Say NO To Mandatory Vac ...A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determ ...
- VRM: Photo Gallery‘We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determination. Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed a ...
- VRM: Your Testimonials On Vaccine Carnage – ...Vaccine Damage Updates: An opportunity to contribute your testimonials from around the world: Charting Physiological & Neurological reactions, including all related trauma to the H1N1 shot & other vaccines. Charting miscarriages resulting from vaccines – Pregnant women are at a heightened risk o ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
- Product Review: Hydroclean Water-Saving Toilet Fil ...The other week my wife surprised me with a gift that only a prepper could �get excited over: a dual-flush toilet retrofit! I'm really excited to try out this gadget, however when I read the instructions I found out that it doesn't work with the "ball and lever" floater style fill valves. �I'd ...
- More Tips My Wife HatesPeople seemed to get a kick out of my post about tips that my wife hates so I thought I'd keep it. I should let you know though that she doesn't hate all these things. �She seems to range from strong dislike to tolerance with a dash of "my husband is odd". �I should create a "Spousal Colour ...
- A Reader Asks How to Pay Off Student LoansA� Next Best West reader posted this in the comments which I think deserves a post of it's own as a reply: "I borrowed 12,250 for my college education to become a Registered Nurse. I took out these loans in the early 90s and after three deferments and consolidation I owe 30,000. I want to go ...
- The Ladies Will Be On the Family Preparedness Guid ...Last Saturday American Prepper , WVSanta , Matt and Bob were interviewed on James Stevens' Family Preparedness Guide radio show on Blog Talk Radio. They did a great job explaining the ins and outs of prepping and why we do it. Kudos guys!!! If you missed the show, you can download it here . This Sa ...
Michael Yon
- Village BoysEaster Sunday, 2010 Anywhere, Afghanistan Back in December, C-Co 1-17th Infantry battalion had been in about the worst place in Afghanistan. There is stiff competition for the position of actual worst place, and I am sure there are many contenders that remain unknown, but the Arghandab was one ...
- War reporter Michael Yon wants answers on Seattle ...Published: 02 April 2010 FROM: Americans for Limited Government April 1st, 2010, Fairfax, VA—Michael Yon continues to question why he was arrested upon arrival at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for his refusal to answer a question about how much m ...
- RED HORSERED HORSE in the Desert of Death Some troops in Afghanistan go months without a shower. Major Ryan O’Conner, XO of the 1-17th Infantry, now in Kandahar Province, said that during a previous tour his Soldiers fought half a year without so much as a dip in a creek. Shortages of drinking water aff ...
- The Battle for Kandahar: Part IFOB Frontenac, Afghanistan 28 March 2010 Under an early morning sky, a red glow is cast from the lights on an Air Force water drilling rig. A new MATV, or “MRAP All Terrain Vehicle,” is being deployed to Afghanistan to combat homemade bombs, the favorite weapon of the Taliban. The 1-17th ha ...
- The Scent of WeaknessKandahar Province, Afghanistan 25 March 2010 Dogs have been trained to carry bombs to attack enemies for decades. The Soviets and others have used dogs as low-tech smart bombs. Yet canine platoons likely would rebel if they caught scent they were being duped to die. Today, more sophisticated p ...
The Killing Train
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Haiti Earthquake ContextI recorded this video last night (using my new flip HD and PiTiVi editing suite). Part 1 Part 2 read more
- Norway Raises Hunting Quota to 1,286 WhalesPhoto via cretananimalwelfare The government of Norway announced on April 1st, perhaps hoping the unseemly news would be lost amid the fictitious headlines of the day, that the country's whale hunting quota would be raised to the highest level in 25 years: 1286 whales can be killed this season. ...
- Japanese Designer Grows Chandelier Out Of Crystal We've covered Tokujin Yoshioka's clever furniture before, and now the Japanese designer has unveiled yet another 'slow furniture' piece in anticipation for this year's upcoming Milan Furniture Fair in April. His latest creation is a living chandelier - grown out of crystals.... Read the full sto ...
- NEW: Branch Boutique Online Sustainable Fashion Sh ...Credit: Branch Boutique New online sustainable fashion shop Branch Boutique launched this week and we are delighted to see that it features some of our favorite green fashion collections by Mika Organic , SUST , mr. Larkin ,
- Future Food Comes to the White House Easter Egg Ro ...Image credit: Wikimedia Commons No, the White House Easter Egg Roll is not a presidential-themed late-night snack food . It's an annual race in which several lucky children try to roll Easter eggs across the White House lawn with big spoons.... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Endangered Whale Birth Photographed for First Time ...Photo via NRDC It's a rare thing to see a whale birth in the wild, and even rarer to see that of an endangered species. But just last week, researchers from the University of North Carolina Wilmington witnessed a North Atlantic right whale - one of the rarest whales on earth - give birth to a c ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Elections ‘may hinder’ aid to BurmaSuspicion of foreigners in the country around the elections may extend to aid workers despite murmurings among Western policymakers that aid should be stepped up
- The clash of ideologiesThe clash of ideologies
- Thais to press Burma on ‘discriminatory̵ ...Thai foreign minister will raise the issue of controversial elections in Burma at ASEAN summit next week after slating 'amnesty' that election laws give to junta
- Decision TimeView Photo Album Burma’s main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), on 29 March announced that it would boycott controversial elections this year. The decision means that the party which formed in the wake of the infamous 1988 uprising will be legally abolished and no longer abl ...
- Burma state television goes globalRecently-launched international channel fronted by Singaporeans could be a means to counter foreign 'mistrust' of Burmese television presenters
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Climate change is the new health and safetyAll public bodies should have a legal duty to protect their workers from climate change in the same way as institutions currently carry out health and safety checks, according to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution.
- Arctic ice increased during freezing winterThe amount of sea ice covering the Arctic has dramatically increased during the cold winter, reaching levels not seen at this time of year for almost a decade.
- MPs begin the Climategate whitewash The Commons committee seemed unable even to understand the evidence, says Christopher Booker
- Climate Change Act has the biggest ever bill Ed Miliband's legislation will cost us hundreds of billions over the next 40 years, says Christopher Booker.
- How Amazongate blighted the rainforest harvest for ...Billions of dollars in carbon credits are at stake in an Amazonian scheme, says Christopher Booker.
National Geographic | Environment
- Solar Brings Light to HaitiWith a crucial meeting at the United Nations today on the rebuilding of Haiti, renewable energy advocates and entrepreneurs are urging donors to consider the role that solar power can play in an impoverished nation that has one of the lowest rates of access to electricity in the world. ...
- Gene-Altered "Enviropig" to Reduce Dead Zones?"Enviropig," now approved for limited production, is modified to excrete less phosphorous, a key trigger of algal blooms, scientists say.
- Earth Hour 2010: Record 121 Countries to Go DarkIn the biggest Earth Hour yet, millions of businesses and homes around the world will participate in a voluntary blackout to show support for action against global warming.
- Texas Pioneers Energy Storage in Giant BatteryUniquely prone to electrical outages, Presidio, Texas, deploys a first-of-its-kind solution.
- Global Warming Making People More Aggressive?Forget anger over leaked emails: Murders and assaults could jump by a hundred thousand cases a year in a warmer world, a new study says.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Rwanda high court sends Congo militia leader case ...[JURIST] The Rwandan Supreme Court [official website] ruled on Saturday that the plea for release by Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) rebel leader Laurent Nkunda [BBC profile] can only be heard by a military court. According to Nkunda's counsel, Aime Bokanga, the court held that since the military ...
- Afghanistan parliament backs presidential appointm ...[JURIST] The upper house of the Afghan parliament, the Meshrano Jirga, on Saturday backed a decree allowing the president to appoint all of the members of the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) [official websites]. The decree was issued in February by President Hamid Karzai [official profile; JUR ...
- UN SG urges Kyrgyzstan to protect human rights[JURIST] UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon [official profile] on Saturday called on Kyrgyzstan [JURIST news archive] to protect all forms of human rights [speech text], including "free speech and freedom of the media." In a statement to the to the Jogorku Kenesh [official website, in Russian], the pa ...
- Federal judge dismisses 105 former Guantanamo deta ...[JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia [official website] on Thursday dismissed [opinion, PDF] as moot 105 habeas corpus petitions of non-citizen former Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive] detainees who are no longer in US custody. Judge Thomas Hogan wrote that in ...
- UN labor agency calls for 'rights-based' approach ...[JURIST] The UN International Labour Organization (ILO) [official website] on Wednesday reiterated [study, PDF; executive summary, PDF] its call on the international community to take a "rights based approach" to international migration. The group said that 90 percent of the migration that occurs is ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- The Democrats' Visual Argument How will Democrats talk about jobs and the economy? If current trends hold (solid private sector growth, rebounding�manufacturing�sector, etc), they'll use a visual. Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly has the put together the party's favorite graphical representation of the Bush-Obama era jobs tr ...
- Why the RNC Won't Can Michael SteeleHere's a quick primer for readers wondering why, given the parade of bad news stories about the Republican National Committee, it won't fire Michael Steele. Reason one: It's hard. Being the party of loyalty and hierarchy, the Republicans have made it virtually impossible for members to throw out a ...
- Question Time w/ Marc AmbinderA little experiment. Ask questions in the comments thread, and I'll answer them. It's a more convenient way for me to respond to the detrius from the week. Today, you asked about anonymous sourcing, redistricting, Obama's communication skills (or lack thereof), media bias, Tea Partiers and more. � ...
- The Silver Lining of the Google-China CloudThe vast set of intrusions known collectively as "Google-China" produced a cloud of uncertainty over the whole enterprise of cybersecurity but also a silver lining: it illustrated in stark terms the degree to which collective action (called "cooperative" action by a government sensitive to terms ...
- @PressSec Gets a Little too Cute...@PressSec : Kids 1, insurance 0 as companies agree to comply with new regs so kids with pre-existing conditions can get health ins http://bit.ly/dBkN48 Well, kinda sorta. Sometimes tweeting about this stuff isn't the best idea. In the closing weeks of the health reform debate, vilifying insura ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
- [COAT] Making a Killing on War! Cancel CANSEC, Can ...
- [COAT] Canada's Arms Exports to Israel: Aiding & A ...
- [COAT] Myths for Profit: New Cdn anti-War film: 35 ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Kam Case: Sorry State of MSM, Critical Role of Blo ...In a discussion with Avner Cohen earlier today I learned that Facebook is hugely popular in Israel and that many Israelis are getting their knowledge of the Anat Kam from Facebook because they can’t find it in the Israeli MSM. I confirmed this via my site stats which show that almost half my visit ...
- Links for 2010-04-03 [Digg]Anat Kam-Uri Blau Top Secret Israeli Leak Case The foreign media continue to open up the gagged Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National.
- Reasons for the Kam Gag, Perhaps Not What You Thin ...I was just talking to Avner Cohen, who has been my magnetic north in parsing various aspects of this story. He pointed out a consideration for the gag order which I’d never thought of and it has great validity. If the Israeli authorities realized that throwing the book at a young Israeli woman for ...
- Whatever Lie Suits: April Fool’s Satire from Israe ...Just discovered an Israeli blog, NIMBY, devoted to barbed political satire of the kind I love. Imagine Sadly, No! in Hebrew, but without the shtick. This April Fool’s post is devoted to the IDF’s chief spokesperson, a lad named Avi Bnihu. Apparently, on April 1st (!) of last year he left on ho ...
- Anat Kam-Uri Blau Case Enters Decisive New PhaseThe foreign media continue to open up the Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National. They largely don’t plow new ground, but the Guardian story does carry this strongly supportive statement by Haaretz’s editor, Dov Alfon (a new Twitter follower of mine!): ...
Ode Magazine
- Budadogs gives new leash on lifeBy: MarisaBeahm Answering the cries of abandoned and abused animals in Budapest, a group of committed Norwegian veterinarians launched Budadogs , a nonprofit that rehabilitates and facilitates adoption for some of the capital's neediest canines, many of which are i ...
- Ton's Musical Musings: Matthias Loibner and the hu ...By: Ton Maas Many heads turned in surprise on the 2nd day of the Danube Music Festival , when Mathias Loibner from Vienna in Austria started rotating the handle of his hurdy-gurdy. The sound of this ancient instrument combines the qualities of fiddle, bagpipes and ...
- Ode reader plans to travel to Haiti to help homele ...By: danniedog I'm heading to Haiti this summer on a fact finding mission to learn the ins and outs of working for individual families or communities. I do not wish to be constricted by rules of particular organizations. I'm trying to gather information now pertain ...
- The quest for peace is unique to each of usBy: PeaceCorso I look for subjects for this blog all the time, of course. Most of them find me, but when I find myself, on a rainy quiet morning like this one, I love to go back and look at the things I’ve squirreled away for Ode posts. This one is yummy. It’s c ...
- Getting vaccines where they're needed the mostVillageReach helps to deliver essential vaccines to remote areas in developing countries. Photo: VillageReach It is widely known that vaccines are one of the most cost-effective ways to save lives in poor countries. In some areas, in fact, living conditions are so dire tha ...
OpEd News
- Why the words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 100 yea ...Is Europe only ready to take from the rest, like Latin American Magical Realist literature, while still not giving back any more of its wealth, its education and its sciences of peace (not war) to Latin America and the other continents? Whatever happened to real lovers of Latin America, like the H ...
- US and EU should pressure more on BurmaPeople of Burma are looking forward to the international community to stand with them. They hope not only from European Union but also from governments around the globe to say publicly that they do not take into account the regimeapos;s election and prearranged outcome, and pressure the regime to ma ...
- The Un-risen JesusEvery civilization on Earth, every man and every woman, lives under the sentence of death. We respond to that by developing beliefs in an afterlife. Ah, yes, weapos;re all going to a better world when we leave this mortal coil. Who told you that? An medieval cult called the Perfects believed that th ...
- Worrying a Fragile Social CohesionReligious belief may be the key animating impulse behind a fragmenting social cohesion in the US. If so, a frustrated progressivism must choose its causes wisely.
- Simply Christians or Simply Terrorists: the Violen ...Militarism has always maintained a strong standing in religion. But when it supercedes religion, the results can be very dangerous. Hutaree, the militia cult monitored by the FBI, is only an overt form of religious militarism. nd there are other groups waiting to take over where Hutaree left off ...
- Coverage of Salmon SummitThe summit the salmon fishing community held yesterday in San Francisco was designed to get their story out to the public and decision-makers – that the future of their industry will be determined to a great degree by water management decisions in California’s Central Valley. Judging by the ...
- Save the Seals!Some of my colleagues have blogged about our petition opposing plans for a massive gold and copper mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay watershed. Well, here’s another reason to sign. Seals. But not just any seals. We generally think of seals as ocean-going mammals, but in a few unique and remo ...
- The Fruits of the Clean Cars Peace TreatyThe federal clean car standards to be issued Thursday by President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation are a giant step in our country’s journey towards a cleaner and more secure future. This is an achievement more than 10 years in the making , involving ...
- Living in a fool’s paradiseLast year about this time, I ran a post about a new partnership formed by John McCain and Walmart to fight sprawl, abandoning the retailer’s big-box business model and switching to neighborhood-scale stores in traditional town centers. You know, since they are all about sustainabili ...
- DOE On Target With New Water Heater StandardRemember when I asked you to take action and tell the Department of Energy to set a better standard for residential water heaters ? Well, just shy of 10,000 of you responded and it made a difference. DOE heard all of us and improved their proposal for the water heater standard. These stan ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Good news in the Simon Singh caseThe British journalist Simon Singh received excellent news yesterday when an appeals court ruled that he was not necessarily committing libel by describing chiropractic care as “bogus.” Singh’s should have been a completely uncontroversial observation, given the gaping distance between the (minim ...
- I’m Guessing that Many of His Best Friends a ...Worst invocation of anti-semitism ever: Father Cantalamessa quoted from what he said was a letter from an unnamed Jewish friend. “I am following the violent and concentric attacks against the church, the pope and all the faithful by the whole word,” he said the friend wrote. “The use of stereotypes, ...
- I should—but can’t—resist.Althouse has devoted another post to figuring out my previous one because, according to her, it contained “strange levels of complexity.” Â It didn’t. Â She then completely misreads the update to that post, claiming that I “beg in the most pusillanimous fashion that [Althouse] should pity [me] becau ...
- The Flimsy Case for Drone WarsAmitai Etzioni, a law professor at George Washington University, has followed up the State Department’s justification for drone attacks in Pakistan with an argument of his own, published in the new issue of Joint Force Quarterly. Here is the first paragraph, sentence by sentence with commentary: Th ...
- LGM Baseball Challenge ReminderTomorrow is Opening Day! Please celebrate accordingly; I am also informed that some minor Middle Eastern mystery cult celebrates the encore performance of its demigod tomorrow by eating chocolate bunnies. On Monday, the Queen City Bolsheviks will host the St. Louis Cardinals in the real season ope ...
SideBar Search for Water Related Terms
Water Power
The Associated Press- Apr 04, 2010- 1 hour agoThe first survivor was brought to the surface at 40 minutes past midnight Monday, 179 hours after the Wangjialing mine filled with water and trapped 153 ...The Associated Press- Apr 04, 2010- 10 hours agoPORTLAND, Maine — The grim economy is hitting some consumers in the wallet in yet another way: their water bills. Many water utilities are raising rates ...Reuters- Apr 04, 2010- 8 hours agoN) was denied a request for a water-quality certification for its Indian Point nuclear power plant in New York, setting back efforts for a 20-year renewal ...New York Times- Apr 04, 2010- 3 hours agoAround 24 million people are short of water. Agricultural losses already total $3.5 billion. Many areas have not had rain since at least October. ...