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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

10 Apr - Late Links

Trzy Krzyże u podnóża Świętego Krzyża.Image via Wikipedia
Death of Polish Katyn Delegation
The Poles were quite right to press the Russians hard on Katyn, and you can be sure that the ceremonies would not have been given much prominence in Russian media. The fascinating thing now will be to monitor just how much depth the Russian media give to explaining just what President Kaczynski was on his way to Russia for .

Obama's START Should Not Be Ridiculed
Obama and Medvedev's signature of an new START treaty is a real achievement and should not be ridiculed. It will significantly reduce the number of nuclear warheads and guidance systems in the world.
It does not for example cancel the US project of a forward ballistic defence shield in Europe. It does however make ever more plain that this is an otiose project. I have come to the conclusion that it actually has no purpose at all other than to throw a nice meaty carcass to the US weapons industry lobby.
( U No Hu sounded off in comments )

A Helping Hand, Then a Slap in the Face: U.S. Immigration Enforcement Policies Cause More Suffering
 Some of the people who were evacuated from Haiti by U.S. Marines in the chaotic days after the earthquake had been jailed in immigration detention centers from the first day they arrived here. Some of them were even kept in shackles. None had been deemed criminals or a security threats; they simply had no papers proving they were legal immigrants.

That many of the evacuees lost everything in the disaster and arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs was apparently beside the point to U.S immigration authorities.

Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for their Organs.
Bust the trust to take back control of our food
a handful of corporations control just about everything that happens to our food between the farm and our plate ... how much it costs, how it's grown, where it comes from, what's in it, and who sells it.
 The Times of Trenton reports that the legal battle over the issue began over a year ago when the city decided it wanted to sell portions of Trenton Water Works to New Jersey American Water Co., saying that the sale would stave off tax hikes. An group of residents countered the action, arguing that it was simply designed to close budget gaps, the Times reported, and would sell off the city's last asset.

Food and Water Watch, which has helped communities fight the privatization of public water utilities, hailed the decision. In a statement, the executive director said, "to have denied the referendum would have undermined fundamental principals in state law that guarantee that water resources are managed for the benefit of the public."

A Victory for Public Water in NJ

When reality bites
Recessions hit young people hardest—even long after they’re over
since October 2008, more than 190,000 jobs for young people have disappeared; unemployment among 15- to 24-year-olds rose to 16.3 per cent in August 2009, almost double the overall rate.

Although jobs are slowly coming back—as of February, youth unemployment had dropped to 15.2 per cent—what’s on offer is hardly the stuff from which middle-class careers are made.
Thanks to the disappearance of manufacturing jobs, hiring freezes and the delayed retirement of workers, for many the reality is a spell of unemployment or a low-paying gig—both of which can have lasting consequences, derailing careers for years to come. While it’s impossible to know how much their future will be shaped by the Great Recession, one thing is clear: the generation raised to believe in the limitlessness of their own potential has just been dealt a very unlucky blow.

Whereas the recession in the early ’80s replaced full-time jobs with part-time jobs, and the one in the ’90s replaced traditional employment with self-employment, this downturn “seems to be replacing permanent jobs with temporary jobs,” she says. “Where is the next generation of middle-class jobs going to come from?” she asks. “There’s just nothing coming up on the menu.”

In Turkey, military's power over secular democracy slips

Activists to block 'The Cove'

Research shows synthetic nitrogen undermines long-term soil health
synthetic nitrogen causes a break down in organic matter faster than plant residues can create it.

Giant Waves Wash Over Rio's Coast
The severe weather in Rio has forced some 50,000 people from their homes.

Chinese Drywall Victims Awarded $2.6 Million
. There is no recourse if the defendants refuse to pay. Taishan Gypsum did not contest the lawsuit.
Feds Say Toxic Drywall Should Be Taken Out
The CPSC report called for removal of all possible drywall with issues, all fire safety alarm devices, all electronic components and wiring, and all gas-service piping, as well as the fire-suppression sprinkler systems.

Ten protesters of  uranium mining in the Australia outback falsely imprisoned in a shipping container will share $724,000 that the judge ordered the state to pay them, a win for many Peoples whom the protesters defend against depleted uranium (DU) including Aborigines, Australians residing near U.S. bases, American military personnel and Iraqis suffering genocide.
The Australian Supreme Court has found the protesters and a cameraman were assaulted and all but one falsely imprisoned in the shipping container according to ABC News that reported: "Eight protesters, the Channel 7 cameraman and a girl, 11, sued the Government for assault and false imprisonment over their treatment by police during the protest in May 2000."


Great Barrier Reef at Risk as Coal-Ship Traffic May Jump 67%
he corals, whales and giant clams of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef are in the path of a “coal highway” to China that may see shipments jump 67 percent by 2016, increasing the threat of an ecological disaster after a coal carrier ran aground last week.

Trade at Gladstone port in Queensland may rise to about 140 million tons, mostly coal, in six years from 84 million tons in the year ending in June, Gladstone Ports Corp. Chief Executive Officer Leo Zussino said in an interview. The port was the loading point for the Shen Neng 1, which hit a sand bank on April 3 at full speed carrying 68,000 metric tons of coal and 975 tons of fuel oil. 

Frogs on verge of extinction

Tavis Smiley  PBS
MLK: A Call to Conscience
A Moral Responsibility

Ten Phenomena That the Scientific Community Can't Explain

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