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CENSORED NEWS - 30 minutes ago
Zapatistas Subcomandante Marcos reveals his face, and he looks alot like you and me. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
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CENSORED NEWS - 57 minutes ago
Please note, that the Duncan's First Nation and Horse Lake First Nation have made application to the Supreme Court of Canada to intervene in a case that bears directly on the rights of Treaty 8 First Natio...
Today's selection at Censored News, from the World Peoples' Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth at work online, comes from the Work Group on Rights of Mother Earth. The proposal is ...
Our tech writer Eric Bland pointed me to this story today in The Register: a Navy-operated pilotless helicopter, called Fire Scout, was engaged in a routine test flight when its mothership, the USS McInern...
World leaders and top officials from 47 countries will descend on Washington, D.C., this week for a conference on how to halt the production of nuclear weapons and keep them out of the wrong hands. (For a ...
In the depths of the Caribbean Sea, explorers have found the deepest hydrothermal vents on the planet.
A bejeweled mummy dressed in Roman robes is found in Egypt's Bahariya Oasis.
A new study finds that lifestyle changes can cut women's cancer risk by a third. So why are some doctors reluctant to tell their patients?
Part of an ankylosaurid skull has likely just been found by a persistent high school science teacher whose hobby is dinosaurs, according to a report in Grand Junction, Colorado's The Daily Sentinel. If ver...
Twenty major U.S. streams and rivers have warmed significantly over the last few decades, according to research.
Monday marked the 49th anniversary of the first human spaceflight and the 29th anniversary of the first shuttle launch.
The remnants of a bacterial-decayed brain are found in the skull of a 1.9-million-year-old ancestor.
These elusive animals may be camera shy, but their unique singing voices are drawing scientists' attention.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy It may be too late for America to avoid falling into a trap like the one that embroiled several U.S. administrations in Southeast Asia for decades. The parallels ar...
With the help of Wikileaks, Iceland is aiming to become an international safe haven for investigative journalism and whistleblowers, in the same way that other small countries provide offshore financial...
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CENSORED NEWS - 19 hours ago
** *Corporate vampire nations running scared of Rights of Mother Earth* By Brenda Norrell Censored News As Bolivia prepares for the World Peoples' Conference on Climate Ch...
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CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
*US Denies Climate Aid to Countries Opposing Copenhagen Accord *Bolivia and Ecuador will be denied aid after both opposed the accord by Suzanne Goldenberg Published on Friday, April 9, 2010 by The Guardian/...
'Thirty Nights of StarPeace' is an international event organized by Astronomers Without Borders and it's coming to your region during April, the Global Astronomy Month 2010.
Thanks to Frank for sending this clipping in to Censored News. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
Two critical puzzle pieces for life on Mars, separated by 32 years of conjecture and thousands of miles of terrain, are coming together to yield new clues for a “Genesis 2.0” on the Red Planet.
** *Bolivia launches World Peoples’ Climate Summit at UNFCCC talks in Bonn *Media advisory Pablo Solon, Bolivia’s ambassador to the UN, at a press conference during UNFCCC negotiations in Bonn on 10 April...
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
Viable materials for making solar power work can easily sound like Avatar's unobtanium. With cheaper alternatives to silicon on par with platinum for rarity, research into winning solar tech materials is h...
Minnie Two Shoes 1950--2010 By Rob Capriccioso True Slant Another sad passing for Indian country. Minnie Two Shoes, a leader with the Native American Journalists Association, passed away yesterday after...
April 13 -- 15, 2010 For more information 605-487-7769 e-mail: Join the Yankton Sioux, and the sounds of Elk Soldier, for the Decolonization Gathering, with special guest speakers...
"After 2011, the military mission will end," said Defence Minister Peter MacKay, repeating the Conservative government's well-worn line. "What we will do beyond that point in the area of training, will pre...
*Tea Baggers in Wonderland; Do you see any Jackboots?* geezerpower April 10, 2010 Note the difference in the way these demonstrations are handled? We're talking about total control here. The corporate...
[image: Imágenes de flores para el Día de las Madres (33 elementos)]*Nota:* *Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías.* Con mi sincero agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes po...
*Cats Leaving the Cradle * Mohawk Nation News * *MNN. Apr. 9, 2010. When the English defeated the French to steal Great Turtle Island, the Catholic Church started the “rev...
Censored News Photo: The World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth is underway online. Today's selection comes from the ...
Pluto has been suffering an identity crisis of late, but astronomers have identified dozens of small dwarf planet candidates that could make Pluto feel a little better about itself.
Censored News *US universities are now hunting grounds for vulnerables, as the CIA and Homeland Security set up shop on campuses, with global cyber spies and special agent...
*Media Matters sends Murdoch more than a dozen examples of Fox News promoting the Tea Party movement * Media Matters April 8, 2010 Washington, DC - Today, Media Matters for America's Ari Rabin-Havt sen...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 3 days ago
*Les Fradkin is a fascinating personality* and an excellent musician, composer, producer, guitarist and Ztarist. In my recent article on electronics for music I referred to him and his *Ztar* as part of m...
Even the Dalai Lama isn't safe from hackers. Unknown cyber spies, most them operating from computer servers located in the People's Republic of China, used cloud computing systems, social networking platfo...
A new thermal engine produces more energy than it consumes by tapping water temperature differences.
Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner wants to attempt a record-breaking free fall from 120,000 feet above the Earth. It's not the kind of jump a person can do with a conventional sky-diving suit and helmet....
From: Adam GrovesEmail: Phone: +44-20-7922-7844 *OneClimate Channel enables everyone to attend World Climate Conference in Bolivia* *Media release * * *ople’s Climate Summit, whic...
How much does Tiger Woods dominate golf? A mathematician provides an exact answer.
A mystery surrounding drawings of dinosaurs spotted in a B-roll still for the Pixar movie "Up" has just been solved.
Nine recently discovered stone monuments in England predate Stonehenge but share similar construction and alignment with the famous megaliths.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Richard Nixon sought the Presidency an underdog. To win he had to reshape American politics. He had to force a realignment which his strategist, Kevin Phillips, cal...
Who needs aspirin when cold, hard cash could ease your aches and pains?
New research into the sharks' behavior suggests they might hunt giant squid in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Although it was designed to nuke cities, a Dnepr rocket launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome today carrying a critical mission into space intended to keep a close eye on the condition of Earth's "cryosphere."
CANADA/ENVIRONMENT - 184 new solar, wind and water "clean energy" projects will be up and running by 2012. They received the green light today. The renewable energy projects will supply almost 2,500 megawa...
After every national tragedy, from the Columbine school shooting to terrorist attacks to mine disasters, there is call for reform. Blame and outrage mix with sadness, spurring politicians and regulators to...
An early forecast for the 2010 hurricane season predicts an above average season. But it may be too soon to tell.
Trillions of friendly bacteria live in our guts in a mutually beneficial relationship with their hosts.
Precariously balanced rocks reveal that earthquake hazard maps often overestimate the risk of shaking.
The University of Tokyo's JSK Robotics Laboratory recently unveiled Kojiro, a new humanoid robot designed to operate in a household environment. Built from lightweight, flexible material on a skeletal stru...
*Listen music and words from Comunidad Aylluñan amayumpi: **Contribution to the Harmony Work Group, at the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Bolivia* Working gr...
At least 200 people were buried and feared dead under the latest landslide to hit a slum in Rio de Janeiro's metropolitan area.
Why bother cleaning clogged arteries when you can simply grow new ones?
A new species of human found in a South African cave lived around 1.95 million years ago, had smallish teeth and walked upright.
Why does warm water sometimes freezes faster than cold? A physicist says he has the answer.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The U.S. Supreme Court has decreed: corporations are now people. They have been given rights that only real people had before. Worse --corporations remain 'privilege...
Physicists have created something akin to a black hole in their labs. It's on the atomic scale, that is, very, very small. But it's the first time anything like this has ever been done and the experiment c...
Physicists have created something akin to a black hole in their labs. It's on the atomic scale, that is, very, very small. But it's the first time anything like this has ever been done and the experiment c...
Military Police Complaints Commission told that military police had no idea what happened to Afghan prisoners after they were handed over to Afghan authorities, follow-up not part of job description. Swed...
The latest news about sea turtles makes me want to cry. Too many endangered turtles are still getting caught accidentally in fishing gear. Can environmental activists, engineers, the government, and fisher...
The Wildlife Conservation Society has just released a list of critically endangered species dubbed the “Rarest of the Rare” – a group of animals most in danger of extinction, from primates to horses. (Imag...
Not much is known about flocking behavior in birds. Why does a group of birds moving in one direction suddenly veer, dive and swoop all together without missing a wing beat? To find out, scientists from Br...
Astronomers have discovered the coolest brown dwarf to date with some peculiar characteristics. Has a new class of brown dwarf been discovered right on our interstellar doorstep?