Outbreak Of Paralysis Points To Polio's Return - Tajikistan
The Conservative government has declared that it will not support foreign-aid projects that include abortion. The announcement puts Canada at odds with the United States and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – who spoke out for financing abortion when she was in Canada last month – as well as several of Canada’s G-8 partners.
NDP leader Jack Layton says that Canada has now put itself on Bush’s side of this divide.
Abbott and Soudas insisted that Monday’s announcement is consistent with the government’s insistence that the abortion debate not be reopened, but Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae said that by making this decision, the government has indeed put the issue back on the political agenda.
Supreme Court to weigh in on restricting violent game sales
Ex-Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega extradited to France
U.S. forces removed the ex-dictator from office during Operation Nifty Package, the 1989 invasion of Panama. Noriega had fled his offices and tried to seek sanctuary in the Vatican Embassy in Panama City.
Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe's Mugabe regime
A senior official at the Iranian embassy in Harare confirmed Tehran had been offered the uranium rights, after negotiations over many years. "After a lot of diplomatic work and understanding, we have received reports of a deal having been made for Iran to mine not only uranium but also other metals,"
( In Iran, they celebrate all their secret deals with a parade. )
“The United Nations Is Beyond Reform…It Has to Be Reinvented”–Fmr. UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto
The failures of the UN, the importance of the Bolivia climate summit, why Latin America doesn’t need the United States
- From Melting Glaciers to Structural Adjustment: Maude Barlow on the Need for Water Justice
- Bolivian Indigenous Activists Call for End to Polluting Extractive Industries Inside Bolivia
- Why Is the US Cutting Off Climate Aid to the Poorest Country in South America?–Bolivian Climate Negotiator Angélica Navarro
- “The World Is Changing in a More Progressive Way, and It’s Taking Place Here”–Boaventura de Sousa Santos on Bolivia Climate Summit
- “The Most Important Event in the Struggle Against Climate Change”–Nigerian Environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey on Bolivia Climate Conference
Why Is UNESCO Supporting Locking Up Information?
If the copyright industry can rush through a satanic copyright bill in the British parliament, and get the governments of the world to consider a law (ACTA) that they actually wrote by themselves and solely for themselves, against the interests of citizens and consumers worldwide, then it should come as no surprise that the RIAA and MPAA can and would subvert the UN.
How to crush dissent? You make it a crime
A major Anti-Defamation League report goes further than ever before in an effort to purge the Internet of all dissent, listing completely non-violent criticism of Obamacare posted on Internet forums as a reason to conduct a “major law enforcement operation” against opponents of big government and health care reform.
Alleged militia members due in court to challenge detention
In this nation, we think we are free, but you need a certificate to be born, a license to drive, a permit to build, a number to get a job and even a paper after you die. These are permission slips from the terrorists organization called the new world order.
A similar hearing earlier this month for David Bryan Stone Sr., 45, the alleged head of the so-called Hutaree militia, and his co-defendants prompted government prosecutors to play a secretly recorded audiotape in which Stone expresses anger over the "new world order" and the "brotherhood" of law enforcement officers.