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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, December 24, 2012

24 December - News Notes

‎"Reality is accelerating towards an unimaginable omega point. The universe ends in a singularity. It has been growing more singular, more complex, more unique, more novel, every passing moment since its burst into existence. And if that is true than we represent the kind of concrescence of Universal intent. We are not mere spectators, or a cosmic accident, or some side show, or the Greek chorus for the main event. The Human Experience IS the main event."
-Terence Mckenna

Roundup Herbicide Linked To Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria. A new study published in the journal Current Microbiology titled, "The Effect of 

Overeating now bigger global problem than lack of food

The largest ever study into the state of the world's health has revealed that, for the first time, the number of years of healthy living lost as a result of people eating too much outweigh the number lost by people eating too little.

"The Global Burden of Disease 2010 is the most comprehensive assessment of human health in the history of medicine," says Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, in which the report will be published. "It provides insights into human health that are comparable in scope and depth to the sequencing of the human genome."

The report assessed the prevalence of diseases and causes of death across the globe in 2010, and compared these to data collected in 1990 to identify any trends.

For the first time on a global scale, being overweight has become more of a health problem than lack of nutrition. In 1990, undernutrition was the leading cause of disease burden, measured as the number of years of healthy life an average person could expect to lose as a result of illness or early death. Back then, a high body-mass index, or BMI, was ranked tenth. Now, undernutrition has dropped to eighth place, while BMI has risen to become the sixth leading cause of disease burden.

"A greater amount of disease burden has occurred because people are fat and have too much to eat, as opposed to having too little to eat," says Alan Lopez at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, who worked on the study.

Being overweight can hike a person's blood pressure and cause stroke and heart disease; together, these two conditions are responsible for a quarter of all deaths. And the problem isn't limited to the west – the Middle East is one region that is seeing significant increases in BMI.

...Looking forward, obesity and the use of tobacco and alcohol are obvious targets for health policy change. But it is also important to focus on healthy ageing.

"The large burden [of disease] related to disability was a surprise," says Christopher Murray at the University of Washington in Seattle. "There's been a focus on mortality, but there's a huge volume [of disease burden] related to things that don't really kill you."
Underground News Network shared a link.

Underground News Network shared a link.

RT shared a link.
Underground News Network shared a link.

Underground News Network shared a link.
Underground News Network shared a link.

Per CDC, the percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 20% in 2008. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to 18% over the same period. http://www.naturalnews.com/childhood_obesity.html
Per CDC, the percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 20% in 2008. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to 18% over the same period. http://www.naturalnews.com/childhood_obesity.html
“We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination.” -David Lynch ► www.social-consciousness.com/2012/02/law-of-attraction-fundamentals.html
“We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination.” -David Lynch ► www.social-consciousness.com/2012/02/law-of-attraction-fundamentals.html
Americans are standing up to corporations trying to limit their rights. People are voting with their wallet against Darden (Red Lobster/Olive Garden) (which has funded ALEC).

No, Kunstler isn't Scrooge... but he doesn't think our happy consumer paradise is remotely sustainable. Ho, ho, ho....
Occupy the FDA's photo.
To mom, and members of my older family.... Breyers sucks.  Love you!  Now what is a really good organic ice cream brand, folks? Ice Cream — Ben and Jerry’s,Haagen-Dazs, and Breyer’s... all GMO. http://naturalfoodmama.com/ice-cream-ben-and-jerryshaagen-dazs-and-breyers/
To mom, and members of my older family.... Breyers sucks. Love you! Now what is a really good organic ice cream brand, folks? Ice Cream — Ben and Jerry’s,Haagen-Dazs, and Breyer’s... all GMO. http://naturalfoodmama.com/ice-cream-ben-and-jerryshaagen-dazs-and-breyers/

Tell Dick to get rid of the Monsanto Immunity Rider, H.R. 5973, Section 733!

$393,000 received from Big Ag in 2012
$196,300 received from energy industries
$416,800 received from undisclosed lobbyists and lawyers.
And he's a ranking member in charge of crafting the farm bill! Shame, Shame!


Tell him to get rid of the Monsanto Immunity Rider, HR 5973, section 733 of the Agriculture Appropriations bill that will automatically de-regulate bio-tech crops, effectively granting immunity to bio-tech corporations.

“I am convinced that improved seed technology is vital. Given the challenges of altered weather patterns, future water scarcity, new pests and diseases, and the need for more nutritious plants, we must use all the technology in our toolbox, including bioengineered seeds,” - Dick Lugar, Ranking member Senate Ag Committee, Indiana Senator http://www.whybiotech.com/?tag=senator-dick-lugar

@Camila Rivera in Colombia writes:

'SEED!! It's amazing that in April this year, the national government passed a law which jeopardizes full sovereignty of our seeds, cataloging those who produce and grow native seeds as "criminals" and allowing only the use of seeds "genetically enhanced" and "certified" (better to say "Monsanto" "Bayer" "Singenta")... and even more outrageous is that almost no-one has heard about it... that they did not make a big fuss in the media... So it goes with corn in Colombia, now everything is just homogeneous, GM. And think of the number of varieties that once existed in these lands. Today we celebrate [11th December 2012] because the Constitutional Court ruled against this law for its lack of consultation with indigenous and black people... The 1518 law was an attack on the source of life: THE SEED.'

En Español:

'LA SEMILLA!! Es increíble que desde abril de este año el gobierno nacional hubiera aprobado una ley que ponía en riesgo por completo la soberanía de nuestras semillas, catalogando a quienes producen y cultivan con semillas criollas de «criminales» y permitiendo solamente la utilización de semillas «fitomejoradas» y «certificadas» (mejordicho que digan por alguna parte «monsanto» «bayer» «singenta»)... y más inaudito aún que casi nadie se hubiera enterado... que no se hubiera hecho un gran escándalo en los medios... Y así pasó con el maíz en Colombia, que ahora todo es igualito, homogéneo, transgénico. Y pensar en la cantidad de variedades que alguna vez hubo en estas tierras. Hoy celebramos porque la Corte Constitucional declaró inexequible esta ley, por falta de consulta con pueblos indígenas y afros... La ley 1518 era un atentado contra la fuente de la vida: LA SEMILLA.'

More information / más información: http://tinyurl.com/d3mmc2p
Underground News Network shared a link.

MailPin It By James Howard Kunstler Do you know why scenes or even just shots of freeways so seldom appear in 

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Dad 2059 and Human Spaceflight shared a link.

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