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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 November - Rove Rewards His Backers

Seal of the President of BangladeshImage via Wikipedia


A Whiter Shade of Orange

The worst news of the night for me personally, was in my home state, Iowa. I’m not just a guy with insomnia, I’m actually a practicing attorney. To see all three Supreme Court justices up for retention defeated, because they interpreted the Equal Protection Clause pretty much the only way one can interpret the Equal Protection Clause, is depressing. They were magnanimous in defeat which is more than I’ll be. I intend to impotently moan about it vigorously for a while. 


Prop 19 Loses in California, but Marijuana Legalization Moves On

. Marijuana legalization is being seriously debated and discussed in virtually every major media outlet and venue. And nearly half of Americans now say they support legalizing marijuana.More results at JustSayNow.com.


FDL’s Big Midterm Election Liveblog (Part Five): House Lost, Senate Held

The Democrats have lost the House by a large margin, but thanks in part to a surprisingly strong victory for Harry Reid, Democrats will keep the control of the Senate.

ABC Dumps Breitbart
Liberation War, our independence and thereafter - PAKISTAN
    A look back: The British rule over the Indian sub-continent began in 1757 and continued till 1947 when the sub-continent achieved independence from the British clutch with partition into India and Pakistan. Pakistan had two wings, east and west, separated by a distance of about 1000 miles.
Shortly after the creation of Pakistan, misrule of its leaders made the Bengalees realize and believe that they were being deprived and exploited in every sphere of life. The economic disparity widened, besides a systemic aggression on language and culture.
In 1966 Sheikh Mujib placed before the Pakistani rulers the historic Six Points, which was termed the ‘Charter of Emancipation’ of the people of the erstwhile East Pakistan through achieving autonomy. Sheikh Mujib was arrested by the Pak Junta on charges of conspiring against the state.
We liberated our beloved country Bangladesh from the occupation and clutch of the Pakistani Junta through armed struggle and noble sacrifices of all sections of the people of this country irrespective of cast, creed and religion. On 16 December 1971, the Pakistan Army had to surrender to the joint command and we achieved our national victory.
Now-a-days we very often hear from politicians and the educated and enlightened people alike about the spirit of Liberation War. But we seldom hear what that spirit was. That spirit was to liberate our beloved motherland through armed struggle and to establish a state free from injustices and all sorts of corruption, where all the citizens of the country shall live in peace and harmony and shall be treated equally by the laws of the land and shall get impartial and equal protection of the laws.
We, as common citizens of the country, want nothing more, nothing less; we want just what we have been allowed by our constitution. We do not want to see the VIP and VVIP gates, entrances and differential treatments anywhere, any place in the country any more. Why a poor will be arrested on any ground or on no ground and why a rich will enjoy freedom despite being convicted or having charges against him ?
 ( In the USA, GWB is especially interesting. Before presiding over invasion and murder abroad, he picked up the derisory nickname 'AWoL' for managing to evade part of his enlisted term in the Texas Air Guard...an offense calling for the death penalty. This is the governor of Texas who did not call for clemency on Death Row once...but mocked families of applicants. )
Jail Killing Day
The assassination of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in which not only Bangabandhu but most members of his family and close relatives including women and children were killed, is a singularly dark episode, very distinct from the uprisings and killings which have often marred human history. The bottomless depravity of this crime was also evidenced from the fact that the killers had the temerity to flaunt their murderous record in the media like proud credentials and parade that before the international audience.
The killers and conspirators did not feel secure as long as some of the most trusted associates of Bangabandhu and top national leaders were kept alive.
Seventy-nine days after the assassination of Bangabandhu the four Libera-tion War heroes — Syed Nazrul Islam, acting president of Bangladesh government in exile in 1971, Tajuddin Ahmed, prime minister of the same government, M Mansur Ali, finance minister, and AHM Qamaruzzaman, minister for home affairs, relief and rehabilitation — were killed in captivity by some army officers. A murder case was filed the next day but the trial could not proceed because of a shameful ordinance called the Indemnity Ordinance by which the then government aborted the trial. As if the Indemnity Ordinance had not demeaned the prestige of the nation sufficiently, some of the killers and abettors were awarded prestigious diplomatic postings.
The case is still pending before the Supreme Court following government appeal against the High Court verdict.
( In the 'Law' section - Topical Index - are a number of devices threatening to do  the same in the USA ; and in secret international agreements...which affect all NATO allies. )
Politics of Bangladesh ( formerly East Pakistan )
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Politics_of_BangladeshPolitical repressions in Bangladesh 
Human rights in Bangladesh (5 P)
Military coups in Bangladesh (5 P)
Censorship in Bangladesh (1 P)
Terrorism in Bangladesh (8 P)
Secularism in Bangladesh (5 P)
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Politics of Bangladesh

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