Blacklisted News
- Afghan Police Unit Defects en Masse to Taliban Sid ...For months, American and Afghan officials have been promoting a plan to persuade masses of rank-and-file Taliban fighters to change sides and join the government. The tactic, known as “reintegration,” is one of the big hopes for turning the tide in the war.
- U.S. “Quantitative Easing” is Fracturing the Globa ...Great structural changes in world trade and finance occur quickly – by quantum leaps, not by slow marginal accretions.
- Your children will live to see man merge with mach ...When we imagine what life will be like over the next century, many people worry how the rise of the East will affect our lives in the West. They need not bother: the reality is that by the year 2100 our planet will have changed out of all recognition and even the concept of East and West may be ...
- NASA Planning for Mars Colony -- Looking at Billio ...Reuters video commenting on NASA's planning for Mars Colonies. They are looking for private funding for this mission. Billionaires can now take a one-way vacation to Club Red.
- Leaked trade agreements and hidden dangers of S 51 ...Canada’s National Farmers Union wants the Canada-EU trade deal scrapped. US farmers face the same assault by agribusiness and the biotech industry under S 510.
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter: November 1, 2010Video: The peak oil debate is over Pat Down or Full Body Scan? Security Gets More Personal at...
- Finding the ‘Cure’ for the ‘Cyber Epidemic’Excerpt:Â …. the total spent by America’s shadow warriors exceeds Russia’s entire...
- Pentagon Forges NATO Proxy Armies In Eastern Europ ...By Rick Rozoff On November 19 and 20 the leaders of 28 North American and European nations, all the...
- Can corporations govern?By Kurt Cobb In the 1948 Frank Capra film State of the Union aircraft tycoon Grant Matthews is...
- Viciously Attacking Israeli ArabsBy Stephen Lendman Reminiscent of Kristallnacht violence, Israeli Arabs in Haifa District’s...
My AntiWar
- Brazil Elects Dilma Rousseff, First Female Preside ...Brazil has reached a new milestone with the election of its first-ever female president. On Sunday, Dilma Rousseff defeated rival Jos Serra with 55 percent in a runoff vote. Rousseff was outgoing Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva’s chosen successor after serving the last five years as his ...
- Legalizing Pot, Tax Reform, Healthcare and Climate ...On Tuesday, voters in thirty-seven states will confront 160 ballot initiatives on issues ranging from healthcare reform to reproductive rights, to rights to unionize, to climate change legislation. For a summary of these initiatives, we talk with Justine Sarver, the executive director of the Ballot ...
- Rep. Keith Ellison on Tea Party Anti-Muslim Bigotr ...A prominent leader of the Tea Party movement recently said he was working to unseat Minnesota Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison in part because he is a Muslim. Judson Phillips, the founder of the Tea Party Nation, urged Minnesota voters to elect Ellison’s independent challenger, Lynn Torgerson, on Tuesday ...
- Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Lead Massive Rally ...As many as 250,000 people flooded the National Mall in Washington, DC, Saturday for a rally that billed itself as the “Million Moderate March.” The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was organized by the hosts of Comedy Central programs The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. We air parts of Jon Ste ...
- Headlines for November 1, 2010US Considers Sending Hunter-Killer Teams to Yemen, Dilma Rousseff Becomes First Female Brazilian President, Right-Wing Indian Protesters Storm Home of Arundhati Roy, Obama Campaigns in Ohio, Reid and Angle Battle in Close Nevada Race, Rand Paul Volunteer Charged with Assault, McDonald’s Owner Warns ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- The Nuclear Program and Iran-US Mutual Strategic N ...Summary: Kayhan Barzegar Kayhan Barzegar is a faculty member at the Science and Research Campus of the Islamic Azad University and director of international affairs at the Center for Middle East Strategic Studies. He maintains that the nature of Iran's nuclear program is such that it directs Ira ...
- How Iraq and Afghanistan wars are crippling the US ...Summary: Baghdad Nobel Prize recipient Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard budget guru Linda J. Bilmes are revising their original $3 trillion war cost estimate. As Bilmes reports, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are at least 25 percent costlier than previous projections. source: Daily Beast read more
- A RESPONSE TO KARIM SADJADPOUR’S “THE SOURCES OF S ...Summary: Karim Sadjapour recently published a piece in Foreign Policy that clearly aspired to be the “Mr. X” article for America’s current policy debate on how to deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. We are pleased to publish this rejoinder to Sadjadpour’s piece, by Reza Esfandiari, an inde ...
- Stop the War Coalition Adopts CASMII's ResolutionSummary: The Stop the War Coalition (STWC), the premier anti-war activist organization based in the UK, passed CASMII's resolution in its annual conference in London on 30th October. source: CASMII read more
- The Iran Nuclear DisputeSummary: In early 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency referred Iran's nuclear file to the UN Security Council, which has since ordered Iran to comply with numerous IAEA requests. Though nearly all commentators overlook this, the Security Council has no authority to enforce Iran's Safegu ...
The Daily Galaxy
- From the 'X File' Dept: NASA Footage of Mystery Ob ...NASA mystery footage. If this is space debris, why is it leaving the planet instead of circling it? What do you think?
- Did 'Snowball Earth' Epoch Trigger Rise of Animals ...Before 50 million years ago the planet had no cyclical ice ages. What it did have was a pair of glacial whoppers: one about two billion years ago, followed by a billion years of warmth and another mega ice age...
- Image of the Day: Grand Canyon of Mars -Stretches ...Imagine a canyon that stretches from San Francisco to Washington DC, and you'll have an idea of the immensity of Mars' Valles Marineris, an enormous gorge first spotted by the NASA spacecraft Mariner 9 in 1972, and named in the...
- The Daily Debate: "The idea of multiple universes ..."The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention—it appears naturally within several scientific theories, and deserves to be taken seriously," stated Aurelien Barrau, a French particle physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). What do...
- NASA to Launch Search for Parallel Universes When NASA launches "AMS-02" on Feb 27, 2011 at 4:04 PM Eastern. Sam Ting Principal Investigator for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 experiment hopes that it will provide data that proves the existence of parallel universes that are composed of anti-matter...
Natural News
- Morgan Spurlock from Supersize Me featured in excl ...(NaturalNews) Remember Morgan Spurlock who created the documentary "Supersize Me?" It was a film that showed what happens if you eat nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days (and the results were pretty sick in more ways than one...) Today, my friends over at the Simply Raw video production studio ha ...
- Why daylight saving time is bad for health(NaturalNews) Every fall, much of the world rolls back its clocks as part of the bi-annual daylight saving time (DST) ritual. In early spring, time gets moved forward to extend daylight hours, which makes for long summer days. But in the fall, the clock is moved back and everyone loses and hour. And ...
- Olive oil provides amazing liver protection(NaturalNews) You may want to drizzle a little extra olive oil on your next salad, according to findings from a new study out of the University of Monastir in Tunisia and King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. Researchers there found that extra virgin olive oil provides powerful antioxidant protectio ...
- Diabetes rises 1% among U.S. children and teens fo ...(NaturalNews) Diabetes rose 1% among U.S. children and teens yesterday as tens of millions of households handed out literally thousands of tons of candies made with refined white sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The event, of course, is called "Halloween," and each year it subjects tens of ...
- More people skipping flu shot this year(NaturalNews) Americans seem to be wising up about the flu shot scam, according to a new study in Consumer Reports indicating that fewer people than last year are planning to, or have already gotten, the flu shot this year. Thirty-one percent of respondents indicated they are unsure if they will get ...
Threat Level
- Voter Hotline — 866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)Just a reminder that voters who experience problems in the election on Tuesday can call a national hotline that is staffed with legal experts to answer questions. The hotline number is 866-OUR-VOTE. The hotline is run by Election Protection, a coalition of lawyers’ groups, such as the Committee for ...
- EFF Defends Former Prosecutor From Righthaven Copy ...Copyright troll Righthaven is facing its second lawsuit from digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing a former federal prosecutor who tracks mysterious murder cases on his website. Thomas DiBiase runs, a site exclusively dedicated to tracking so-c ...
- Sealed Courtroom Sought in High-Speed–Trading Code ...Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have asked a judge to seal the courtroom in an upcoming corporate-espionage trial to protect the secret of Goldman Sachs’ controversial high-speed trading software. Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York asked the judge last week to close the courtroom (.p ...
- Obama Ordered to Release Names of Clemency SeekersRuling in a privacy flap, a federal appeals court says the Obama administration must divulge the names of convicts seeking pardons or commutations of sentences. The Obama administration urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to rule otherwise. The government said public ...
- Scholars Say International Property Accord Needs S ...More than 70 academics, mostly legal scholars, are urging President Barack Obama to open a proposed international intellectual-property agreement to public review before signing it. The likely route for that is bringing the ACTA agreement to the Senate for ratification. The deal, known as the Anti-C ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- GOP Promises Two More Years of No CompromiseThe more things change, the more they stay the same. On the eve of midterms elections that could make him House Speaker, John Boehner announced, "This is not a time for compromise." His lieutenant Mike Pence (R-IN) echoed that line, declaring that with a new Republican majority "there will be no c ...
- The Triumph of DelusionOver this pre-election weekend, CNN will air a special called, " Boiling Point: Inside the Tea Party ." Whether or not its right-wing fury brings a conservative wave to Washington, the network insists, "the Tea Party has earned a place in history." But even more than its decibel level , none-too-t ...
- Save American Charities. Restore the Estate Tax.Last week, Americans learned that the nation's biggest charities suffered a staggering 11% drop in donations last year. That decline in contributions to the 400 largest charitable organizations was the worst in two decades. More than anything else, American charities hoping to refill their coffers ...
- China 1, New Jersey 0On Tuesday, the residents of New Jersey saw the future - in China. On the same day that Governor Chris Christie killed funding for the badly needed second Hudson River rail tunnel, Beijing rolled out its fastest bullet train yet . As it turns out, Christie's budget ax is just the latest symptom o ...
- For Conservatives, Sarah Palin is Pretty in PinkBy now, Americans have grown accustomed to Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio saying (and doing) what most hard-line conservatives are only thinking. So when Sheriff Joe tweeted that he gave Sarah Palin a pair of pink underwear , right-wing eyebrows weren't the only things being raised. Of course, this ep ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Tea Party's Misinformation Superhighway Runs T ...I met Delaware Tea Party dynamo Christine O'Donnell in the "green room" set up for right-wing bloggers attending Americans for Prosperity's "Right Online" conference at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in late July. The free-market-loving, climate-change-denying group launched by Kansas oil billionai ...
- Speaking in Tongues: Bilingual Education and Immig ..." America has evolved for the better. She will pretty much meet you on your terms. In fact, I think she has finally come to the conclusion that Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. are here to stay. And the only way to perceive them is to accept them and their existence as valid. Acceptance, that's real ...
- Bicentennial Nothing to Celebrate, Say Indigenous ...Mexico City, Sep 24, 2010 - "I don't understand why we should celebrate [Independence]. There will be no freedom in Mexico until repression against indigenous peoples is eliminated," says Sadhana, whose name means "moon" in the indigenous Mazahua language. read more
- UntitledClick through to a video interview with the other Warren Ellis and Nick Cave. Scrub through to 6.10, to discover what Nick Cave thinks should happen to me. (Also, a nice plug for the French edition of my novel.)
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of edu ...In the eyes of some education observers, "Waiting for 'Superman'" oversimplifies the problems facing US students and implies an education reform silver bullet for struggling public schools. read more
Consortium News
- WPost's Blinders on Afghan WarAs boosters for the Afghan War, Washington Post editors ignore the bad news that their own reporters find, notes Robert Parry. October 28, 2010
- Explaining US Military's Cultural DivideThe US military's retreat from officer training at elite colleges added to a harmful cultural gap, says ex-CIA officer Paul R. Pillar. October 28, 2010
- How Wall Street Plans to Party OnThe scandal that took down N.Y. Gov. Eliot Spitzer was a lucky break for Wall Street's own party boys, writes Michael Winship. October 27, 2010
- Ray McGovern on WikiLeaks AssaultIn a video report, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says the US news media attacks WikiLeaks founder rather than Iraq war crimes. October 27, 2010
- WPost Downplays Iraq War CrimesThe Washington Post's editors try to wash blood from their hands by minimizing the WikiLeaks records, notes Robert Parry. October 26, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Israel bans Palestinian PM from East Jerusalem eve ...Israel is banning Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad from attending a Palestinian Authority-sponsored event in East Jerusalem, Haaretz learned on Monday. Fayyad was scheduled to make ...
- Civil Resistance to Bring Down the Walls (Ayed Mo ...Budrus, a documentary film now debuting across the US, tells the story of a successful protest campaign by unarmed Palestinian civilians against Israel's military occupation in my small W ...
- The people speak (Eva Bartlett, Inter Press Servi ...The focus on people's movements in Palestine continues to gain momentum with growing non-violent demonstrations in Gaza, the occupied West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, and with a Pal ...
- Daily shootings in Gaza's border zone (Ma'an News ...A string of shootings of Palestinian workers, many of them only teenagers, in the northern Gaza Strip has brought renewed attention to a live-fire exclusion zone imposed by Israel on the ...
- Israel is proud to present: The aggressor-victim ...Once upon a time the staple piece of clothing was the blue shirt of the Labor Movement, and songwriter Mordechai Zeira sang about it: "And it's much better than all jewels." A new generat ...
Water - AlterNet
- The Human Right to Water, at LastThis is a first step, not a last step. Will finally acknowledging a human right to water and sanitation solve the world's water and sanitation problems?
- Fracking Shown to Mobilize Uranium in Marcellus Sh ...Scientists have found that a chemical everyone recognizes -- uranium -- can be released by fracking in Marcellus shale and that it too may pollute groundwater.
- 3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and the Truth ...Most of the meat Americans consume is from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which are horrific for animals and terrible for our health and our communities.
- The Dirty Business of Coal: How Our Addiction to a ...A new documentary asks why we are still relying on this antiquated energy source and challenges us to move to cleaner, healthier alternatives.
- Chile to Begin Measuring its Water FootprintsIt will obligate companies to "go beyond the legal spheres" and consider the effects of their consumption on the sustainability of local watersheds and of their own businesses.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Tar Sands Operator Fined for Tailing Pond Duck Dea ...From the New York Times: Syncrude, the largest operator of oil sands projects in Canada, was ordered to pay $2.92 million on Friday for causing the deaths of 1,603 ducks. The company was convicted in June by an Alberta court for failing to deploy scarecrows and loud cannons in April 2008 to prevent ...
- The Rally to Restore Sanity . . . What was it all ...Jon Stewart explains what the Rally to Restore Sanity is about in his speech at the rally in DC. I can’t control what people think this was. I can only tell you my intentions. This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith. Or people of activism or to look down our noses at [...]
- Delay’s trials and tribulations move forwardA jury for Tom DeLay‘s money laundering trial was selected quickly last week, but only after the prosecution challenged whether the defense was striking African American jurors without good cause. The defense cut five African Americans from the jury because, in several instances, he said the would-b ...
- Public Citizen joins League of Women Voters, denou ...Howdy folks. We’re doing a press conference at 2pm with the League of Women Voters in Houston at the Moody Park Community Center (3725 Fulton, Houston, TX), one of the early voting locations with the most complaints of voter intimidation. These activities must stop, and this highlights how Houst ...
- P2080110 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
Unexplained Mysteries
- Unicorn video exposed as a hoaxA video showing what appears to be a unicorn running through the woods has been confirmed to be a hoax. The Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, Canada ...
- Will man merge with machines in the future ?As technology gets more and more sophisticated will we one day become one with machines ? From augmented vision to improved artificial limbs, as our t...
- Best way to solve a problem is to sleep on itResearchers have found that sleeping on a problem may be the best way to come up with a solution. An experiment was carried out in which two groups of...
- Chupacabra explained by evolution ?Scientists may have solved the mystery of the goat-sucking chupacabra through evolution. Most recent chupacabra sightings have turned out to be coyote...
- Super-massive neutron star discoveredAstronomers have discovered a super-massive neutron star with an incredibly high density. The neutron star is twice the mass of the Sun but is smaller...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and C ...mexico200605-012.jpg � � - - - - -� � Over a thousand women and men, farmers, indigenous people, urban and rural people affected by social and environmental destruction are planning to march in 5 caravans towards Cancun, Mexico, in protest aga ...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and E ...mexico200605-012.jpg The Via Campesina, along with their member organization the National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations (UNORCA) – both Grassroots International partners – are organizing a march in Mexico for life and en ...
- Outrage in a Time of Cholerahaiti201005-142.jpg Many of us involved in the post-earthquake reality of Haiti have both feared and expected the kind of health crisis that recently surfaced in the news. In many ways, the seeming inevitability makes it all the more tragic – ...
- US Food Sovereignty Alliance Launches in New Orlea ...1._sign_-_food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Grassroots International’s global partners like the Via Campesina have frequently told us: “You have to work hard to change things in the U.S. for our hard work to bear real fruit.” In other words, for anothe ...
- Insights - Fall 2010An important victory is unfolding: the US Food Sovereignty Alliance is officially being launched on World Food Day, October 16. More than three years in the making, this event represents not only a first for the US, but a much awaited step forward for the food sovereignty movement worldwide. Read mo ...
- Swiss Solar Plane Broke Multiple RecordsSource:� AFP Aeronautical authorities on Friday confirmed world records for a Swiss solar-powered aircraft that flew around the clock in July, including those for the longest and highest flight by such an aircraft.
- The 2010 Election and the War on CoalSource:� Coal Tatoo As Tuesday�s election approaches, candidates in West Virginia on both sides of the aisle are defending their state from a perceived war on coal.
- Voters Likely to Hand GOP Big GovernorshipsSource:� AP Republicans are anticipating major gains in governorships across the nation's industrial heartland and in several vital presidential swing states.
- Reid Loss Could Reopen Nuke DebateSource:� Politico The majority leader has used his clout to help stop the Yucca Mountain project that would store nuclear waste in his home state. �
- Rare Earth Fund Off to Flying StartSource:� BusinessGreen A new exchange-traded fund (ETF) covering rare earth metals, many of which are crucial for the development of clean technologies such as solar panels, attracted widespread investor interest. �
- Brown, Dickinson Earn Straight A's on Green Colleg ...Brown, Dickinson and the University of Minnesota earned straight A's in the latest College Sustainability Report Card, a review of more than 300 colleges universities in the U.S. and Canada.
- New Research Suggests BPA Linked to Weak SemenAn examination of male Chinese factory workers found those with high BPA levels in their urine were up to four times more likely to have poor sperm quality, although urine BPA was not linked to volume or abnormal sperm.
- 10 Ways to Improve Your Company's Energy Managemen ...Although improving energy efficiency can be as simple as gathering low-hanging fruit, smart companies will take efficiency projects far beyond the usual suspects.
- GSK Starts Work on Largest Rooftop Solar Array in ...GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare installs the first of 11,000 panels today for a 3-megawatt solar energy system that will become the largest roof-mounted array thus far in North America.
- How Starbucks Took the Lead on LEEDWhen the coffee giant announced its goal to get all of its new stores LEED-certified starting this year, it was the culmination of an effort to address its biggest environmental impacts.
Reuters Global
- Liu who? UN’s Ban silent on rights during Ch ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is gearing up for a campaign to retain his seat as the United Nations' top official for another five years, U.N. diplomats say. This, rights advocates suggest, may be the reason he sidestepped the issue of human rights during his latest visit to China, his fourth in as ...
- U.S. mid-terms and the Afghan warIt's one of the biggest weeks in U.S. politics, with the mid-term elections to the Senate and the House of Representatives, and it may well eventually impact the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan, even though it's not been a campaign issue.
- Will Obama refer to Kashmir in public in India?Will Obama say the word "Kashmir" in public in India?
- Green energy aspirations for Obama’s India v ...When Barack Obama heads for India next month, he'll be carrying a heavy policy agenda. Rajendra Pachauri, the Nobel Peace laureate who heads the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, hopes the U.S. president has time to focus on clean energy too.
- Clinton sees diplomats of the future in cargo pant ...Hillary Clinton has urged Congress to finance a major new U.S. push on overseas development aid, arguing that only by building up a global middle class will the United States increase its own national security.
Booman Tribune
- Casual Observation Well, I was kind of hoping that we'd see some closing of the gap in the polls as election day drew near and people started paying closer attention to the candidates. It hasn't happened. In most cases, things have gotten significantly worse . I don't really have anything smart to say about that. ...
- Time to call GOP the TP PartyThere is no Republican Party anymore. There is only the Tea People Party (Call it the TP party if you like). Oh there may be a few holdouts in Maine who call themselves Republicans out of pure snobbery I suppose, but for all intents and purposes this year the Republican Party died. Because any s ...
- We Already Lost the Senate NRSC Chairman John Cornyn says that the Republicans will not be able to take over the Senate tomorrow, and that is hopefully true. But it doesn't mean what you might think. Unlike every other democratic body known to man, the U.S. Senate doesn't operate by majority rule. On every issue not direct ...
- Crazy TrainOh good, thanks to Politico , we can move on past the midterms and start discussing the next presidential elections : The establishment-vs.-activists narrative is hardly novel in presidential primaries. What's different this time is that the anti-establishment candidate Palin would enter with u ...
- Happy Halloween, Everybody!It's been a day of yardwork, grocery shopping, cleaning gutters, and celebrating Finn's first teeth. Happy Halloween, everybody. I hope you have a fun evening. Who is your favorite scary goblin, ghost, or ghoul? Discuss
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europe on this date in history:1917 - the Balfour...
- Monday Open ThreadFor those of you who like to have a good old natter on a Monday....
- A bundle of laughsThis, from the Irish Examiner could be a lot of fun: The second and more...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 1 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europe on this date in history:1814 - opening of...
- Sunday Open ThreadHalloween communications may begin...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- For Rosalynn Carter, Mental Illness Advocacy Remai ...Rosalynn Carter has been passionate about mental illness for more than four decades, since meeting the hard-working mother of a woman with mental illness while her husband was campaigning for Governor of Georgia. Addressing an international conference for women’s mental health in Pennsylvania last w ...
- Get Rich with Random Acts of KindnessBy Yvonne Sinclair M.A., MFCC Click here to contact Yvonne and/or see her Profile Lately, I have become aware of a movement that suggests our life is the way it is because we have attracted what is there. The “secret” says we are what we think. “Law of attraction” tells us we have to ...
- Creating Your Soul Mate. Get Your Instructions Her ...By Yvonne Sinclair, MA, MFCC, Relationship Enhancement Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Yvonne and/or see her Profile Would it not be wonderful to feel your partner is your “soul mate?” Have you ever experienced a soul mate connection? Do you know anyone who has ...
- Part V: Building a Great MarriageBy Susan Heitler, Ph.D., Conflict Resolution Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Susan and/or see her Profile What little words turn out to be provocative, with huge potential for undermining goodwill in a relationship? The more couples use the words you and not, e ...
- Treating Depression at the Doctor: What Works?A News Headline Realistically, a number of people who suffer depression do not find a therapist or counselor to deal with their struggles. If they see a health professional at all, it’s their primary care doctor, who has a short window of time to address physical and mental health ne ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Finding our Fossil Fuel Fix: Hydrofracking, Deepwa ...Finding our Fossil Fuel Fix: Hydrofracking, Deepwater Drilling and Mountain ... Huffington Post (blog) Deep water drilling for oil, mountaintop removal for coal and hydrofacking for gas are high tech methods of extracting fossil fuels from the earth. ... and more��
- The 2010 election and the 'war on coal' - Charlest ...Charleston Gazette (blog) The 2010 election and the 'war on coal' Charleston Gazette (blog) John McCain, citing McCain's �anti-coal� record in favor of climate change legislation and against mountaintop removal . Scarbro's release quoted state ... and more��
- EPA: Coal industry shows 'utter lack of irreparabl ...Charleston Gazette (blog) EPA: Coal industry shows 'utter lack of irreparable harm' from tougher ... Charleston Gazette (blog) ... Mining Association's request for a preliminary injunction in the industry's lawsuit challenging EPA's crackdown on mountaintop removal coal mining. ... The Pine Creek M ...
- Coal industry contributions favor Haslam - Chattan ...Coal industry contributions favor Haslam Chattanooga Times Free Press Tennessee's next governor likely will have to grapple with ongoing legislative battles over mountaintop removal mining and with a mining-related petition ... and more��
- Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate s ...Mountain Party candidate campaigns for US Senate seat MU The Parthenon ... include solidifying the state's economy and education and working to solve environmental issues, such as mountaintop removal and clean energy. ... and more��
- The Cook Report Issues Final Forecast: GOP Gains 5 ...The Cook / : The Cook Report Issues Final Forecast: GOP Gains 50 to 60 Seats in the House — In its final forecast for the election cycle, The Cook Political Report expects a gain for Republicans of 50 to 60 seats in the House, with six to eight seats in the Senate. Below ar ...
- Palin pounds 'puppy-kicking' Politico for heavy us ...Jonathan Strong / The Daily Caller : Palin pounds ‘puppy-kicking’ Politico for heavy use of anonymous sources — On Monday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin mocked her media detractors - Politico, specifically — as “puppy-kicking, chain-smoking porn producers” for their heavy use of anonymous sourc ...
- TRENDING: Palin: Politico report is 'crap' (Alexan ...Alexander Mooney / CNN : TRENDING: Palin: Politico report is ‘crap’ — (CNN) - Sarah Palin is making clear she's no fan of Politico - the news organization that published a story Sunday night quoting anonymous Republican sources saying GOP leaders will try to forestall a Palin White House bid.
- President Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest ...The Huffington Post : President Obama To Do Interview With Ryan Seacrest — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? … WASHINGTON — The administration's last-minute push to turn out the vote is spurring some unconventional media outreach efforts. But none of them have been quite as unlikely as that announced on Mo ...
- O'Donnell has trouble airing 30-minute TV ad in De ...Philip Rucker / Washington Post : O'Donnell has trouble airing 30-minute TV ad in Delaware — Christine O'Donnell is taking a page from the playbook of Barack Obama. The Republican Senate candidate has produced a 30-minute television advertisement in the form of a documentary chronicling her con ...
Energy & Environment News
- Green: Judge Suspends Navajo Mining PermitA ruling states that federal officials did not adequately research the environmental and cultural impact before granting a permit.
- Green: On Our Radar: Tropical Storm Threatens Hait ...Although downgraded from a Category 1 hurricane, forecasters say the storm may regain strength as it passes south of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, where more than one million earthquake survivors are living in sprawling tent camps.
- Dot Earth: Your Dot: What's Really Boring?A challenge to the assertion that global warming doesn't compete with other news because it's boring.
- Green: Clinton Facing Heat on Oil Sands PipelineA group of Democratic senators and both of Nebraska's senators express deep worry about its environmental impact; four labor unions urge quick approval.
- Green: Gulf Seafood Is Safe, Officials SayOf 1,735 tissue samples analyzed, only 13 showed trace amounts of oil dispersant residue, in concentrations well below safety thresholds established by federal agencies, officials say.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.3, Chiapas, MexicoMonday, November 1, 2010 23:16:48 UTC Monday, November 1, 2010 05:16:48 PM at epicenter Depth : 190.20 km (118.18 mi)
- M 5.7, New Britain region, Papua New GuineaSunday, October 31, 2010 16:38:49 UTC Monday, November 1, 2010 02:38:49 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.1, south of the Fiji IslandsSunday, October 31, 2010 09:58:07 UTC Sunday, October 31, 2010 09:58:07 PM at epicenter Depth : 524.80 km (326.10 mi)
- M 5.4, offshore Valparaiso, ChileSunday, October 31, 2010 07:10:40 UTC Sunday, October 31, 2010 04:10:40 AM at epicenter Depth : 25.60 km (15.91 mi)
- M 5.2, south of the Fiji IslandsSaturday, October 30, 2010 10:39:24 UTC Saturday, October 30, 2010 10:39:24 PM at epicenter Depth : 501.90 km (311.87 mi)
China Dialogue
- Cap and gambleAs prospects for a comprehensive climate-change plan fade in the United States, the world’s oldest voluntary carbon market is struggling to prove its relevance. Xie Yanmei reports. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), once hailed as a model of the market-driven approach to solving climate change, ...
- “It’s not colonialism” (2)In the conclusion of Ning Er’s interview with Li Anshan, the international-relations professor argues that opposition to China’s role in Africa is a hangover from western imperialism – and should be ignored. Ning Er: Dambisa Moyo takes the view that western aid has massively increased the incidences ...
- “It’s not colonialism” (1)Peking University academic Li Anshan is an expert in Sino-African relations. Here, he hits back at criticism of Chinese investors abroad, telling Ning Er his country is succeeding where western aid has failed. Chinese investment in Africa has been the subject of heavy criticism: Chinese aid increase ...
- The clamour for African coalTete, in Mozambique, sits above one of the world’s largest reserves of high-quality coal. Money is pouring in and the mood is upbeat, writes Richard Lapper, but getting the product to market won’t be easy. Since the workers from Vale , Brazil’s giant mining company, started to drink at his bar, fort ...
- Keeping within our earthly limitsThe Living Planet Report , produced by WWF and its partners, shows that humanity’s demands still outstrip the world’s natural resources – a trend likely to worsen. chinadialogue looks inside the 2010 edition. Populations of tropical species are plummeting and humanity’s demands on natural resources ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Seven Right-Wing Ballot Initiatives That Could Rui ...Anti-tax initiatives are dangerous -- it’s easy to get people who are hurting economically to vote for lower taxes, but hard to get them to think about long-term effects.
- The Easiest Way to Get Your Community to Vote Prog ...Voter guides are perfect for starting conversations about voting without making anyone feel judged or put on the spot. Help your fellow citizens make informed choices now.
- The Human Right to Water, at LastThis is a first step, not a last step. Will finally acknowledging a human right to water and sanitation solve the world's water and sanitation problems?
- Why Limit Ourselves to Handicapping US Elections? ...Predicting the fortunes of Osama bin Laden, China, Pakistan and Israel.
- Flying Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for t ...Flying is the single most ecologically costly act of individual consumption. Can we kick the habit, or at least cut back?
Threat Level
- Voter Hotline — 866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683)Just a reminder that voters who experience problems in the election on Tuesday can call a national hotline that is staffed with legal experts to answer questions. The hotline number is 866-OUR-VOTE. The hotline is run by Election Protection, a coalition of lawyers’ groups, such as the Committee for ...
- EFF Defends Former Prosecutor From Righthaven Copy ...Copyright troll Righthaven is facing its second lawsuit from digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing a former federal prosecutor who tracks mysterious murder cases on his website. Thomas DiBiase runs, a site exclusively dedicated to tracking so-c ...
- Sealed Courtroom Sought in High-Speed–Trading Code ...Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have asked a judge to seal the courtroom in an upcoming corporate-espionage trial to protect the secret of Goldman Sachs’ controversial high-speed trading software. Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York asked the judge last week to close the courtroom (.p ...
- Obama Ordered to Release Names of Clemency SeekersRuling in a privacy flap, a federal appeals court says the Obama administration must divulge the names of convicts seeking pardons or commutations of sentences. The Obama administration urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to rule otherwise. The government said public ...
- Scholars Say International Property Accord Needs S ...More than 70 academics, mostly legal scholars, are urging President Barack Obama to open a proposed international intellectual-property agreement to public review before signing it. The likely route for that is bringing the ACTA agreement to the Senate for ratification. The deal, known as the Anti-C ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Republicans set to win House, gain in Senate: Reut ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Americans unhappy with the economy are poised to hand control of the House of Representatives to Republicans in Tuesday elections that are shaping up as a rebuke of President Barack Obama, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found on Monday.
- Airline passengers welcome new "no fly" rulesNEW YORK (Reuters) - Airline passengers in New York welcomed stricter safety rules that went into effect on Monday, especially in light of last week's interception of U.S.-bound parcel bombs sent from Yemen.
- Senate leader Reid faces possible historic lossWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Harry Reid, a key ally to President Barack Obama, is in danger in Tuesday's election of becoming the first U.S. Senate majority leader in 58 years to be booted out of office by home-state voters.
- Ambac says may go bankrupt this year; shares sinkNEW YORK (Reuters) - Ambac Financial Group Inc , which was the second-largest U.S. bond insurer before suffering huge losses on risky mortgages, said it may file for bankruptcy protection as soon as this year after skipping a bond interest payment.
- Fifty-two killed in Iraq church raidBAGHDAD (Reuters) - An al Qaeda attack that killed 52 hostages and police in a Catholic church in Baghdad was aimed at driving the embattled Christian minority out of the country, Iraq's human rights minister said on Monday.
- US considering CIA targeted killings in YemenThe White House is considering an unprecedented expansion of operations by the Central Intelligence Agency in Yemen, following last weekâs foiled toner cartridge bomb plot. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #447UK MI6 chief speaks publicly for the first time. WikiLeaks to release secret Russia, China logs. Renegade CIA agent's papers acquired by NYU. Continue reading →
- WikiLeaks documents reveal CIA’s role in IraqAlong with unprecedented inside information on American military operations in Iraq, the 400,000 US military reports recently released by whistleblower site WikiLeaks provide several interesting snippets of the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in that ongoing conflict. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #446American pleads guilty to spying for China. Obama widens CIA operations in Pakistan. US spy balloons blew towards Iran. Continue reading →
- Proposed US-Chinese telecom deal worries US legisl ...Three US Congress members have raised security concerns about a proposed deal between American and Chinese telecommunications companies, claiming that it could facilitate Chinese espionage in the United States. Continue reading →
After Downing
- Election Eve: The Search for Human Brains By Greg McKenzie Santa Cruz, CA -- “Are you planning to vote on Tuesday?” I asked. The food checker at our local natural food store was cheerful and friendly. But she was a little befuddled by the question. “I don’t know where to vote,” she confessed. “Have you gotten your sample ballot yet?” I ...
- Ex-Lax for Bankers? The Banks Trump KeynesBy Betsy Ross Oh, what to do about unemployment? Try as it might to pump money into the economy and spur hiring, the Fed’s policy ain’t working. Don’t blame Keynes. For the stim to be effective, the cash needs to get to small businesses: the primary source of jobs in our country. Trouble is, th ...
- Video: George Galloway and David Swanson on US Ele ...Video .
- GRAY PANTHERS TO GLENN BECK: "BACK OFF!"Glenn Beck recently attacked the National Gray Panthers in his Fox TV broadcast Sept. 28, implying they, along with other organizations supporting the One Nation Working Together March in Washington DC on Oct. 2, were "dangerous revolutionaries, communists, and socialists." The evidence he offered ...
- David Broder: Symbol of Major Media DepravityDavid Broder: Symbol of Major Media Depravity - by Stephen Lendman Currently writing a twice-weekly Washington Post column, Broder is called America's "dean" of political journalists, having covered every presidential campaign since Kennedy-Nixon. At age 81 (ironically born September 11, 1929), his ...
Grist - News
- ‘20 is Plenty’ campaign takes crazy st Jonathan Hiskes. Hoboken, N.J., launched a "Twenty is Plenty" campaign to ask drivers to voluntarily slow down to 20 mph where the limit is 25. (New York is also trying this out in certain places.) It's a safety thing. Crashes between autos and pedestrians have a 40 percent risk of fatality i ...
- Evangelical climate hawk learns hard knocks in Hou Jonathan Hiskes. Ben Lowe is a 25-year-old first-time candidate getting whomped in a suburban Chicago congressional race. He's being outspent 16-to-one by Republican incumbent Peter Roskam. The biggest publicity the campaign drew came when Lowe, who is half-Chinese, claimed racial profiling ...
- Biodiversity is an urban concernby Jonathan Hiskes. Biodiversity doesn't get as much attention as it should now that climate change has become preeminent among environmental quandaries. But it's important! Species extinction isn't some boutique issue that's distinct from the needs of humans. And building successful human dwe ...
- Strickland finally talks up energy and transit in Jonathan Hiskes. Up until a month ago, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D) was pursuing a curious strategy of not campaigning on his record of promoting economic growth through clean energy and efficiency. In 2008, he signed a renewable energy standard that ensures a market for wind and solar pr ...
- The Biggest Loser (of energy waste): UNC dormitoryby Jonathan Hiskes. Back in April the EPA launched a quirky little competition inspired by The Biggest Loser in which 14 buildings competed to see which could trim the most waste from their energy usage. The competitors were a 23-story Manhattan office building, a San Diego Marriott hotel, a C ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Peace with Taliban: Are Afghan Women’s Rights at S ...Will Afghan women be free?
- Dear Patriots, Don't Pick Up Moss AgainRandy Moss is reportedly being tossed from the Vikings
- Randy Moss Cut From Vikings OrganizationFirst Favre, now Moss - Vikings bad boys.
- Twitter In-Stream Ads Won't Be EffectiveTwitter launches promoted tweets via Hootsuite
- Lee Westwoods Knocks Tiger from Top Golfer in the ...Lee Westwoods new top golfer in the world.
Time - Top Stories
- What's at Stake for Environmentalists in the Midte ...The sad truth for environmentalists -- or "climate hawks," or whatever the term is today -- is that for the most part, the only role green issues will be playing in Tuesday's midterms will be negative
- WikiLeaks: Is Russia the Next Target?Wikileaks says one of its upcoming document dumps will reveal the truths behind Russia's leadership. But with Moscow issuing threats of censorship -- or worse -- can the whistle-blowing website afford to take on the Russian Bear?
- Can an iPhone App Save Your Marriage?Smartphones are very useful if you're dating. They're almost essential if you're having an affair. But can they help out on the real heavy lifting? Can they save a marriage?
- Box Office: 'Saw 3D' Slashes to No. 1When teens go to Halloween movies, they're looking for tricks, not treats, and the Saw series has delivered
- The Parcel Bomb Case: Investigators Again Playing ...Investigators are focusing on a suspected mastermind who seems to be able to target weak spots in the global freight and air system
Washington Independent
- Court Rules Against Tea Party Garb, Buttons at the ...First the scuffle over WWE outfits, now this: A court in Minnesota has ruled against a collection of conservative groups, including Minnesota Majority, in their request for a temporary restraining order against the elections managers in several local counties who have sought to prevent them from we ...
- On Federal Preemption, the Supreme Court and Clima ...A new post on the on the Constitutional Accountability Center’s climate change blog lays out what’s at stake for state climate change laws in two upcoming Supreme Court cases on federal preemption. Intrigued, I called up Doug Kendall, president of CAC, a progressive think tank and law firm, to get a ...
- More Claims of Voter Fraud by Illegal ImmigrantsWith midterms a day away and early voting already underway in a number of states, conservatives and anti-illegal immigration groups are claiming that large numbers of undocumented immigrants are attempting to vote in an effort to sway election results toward Democrats. Groups like the pro-enforcemen ...
- Fact Checking the RNC’s New Al Franken Websi ...In the RNC’s latest fundraising appeal, a website called, the group makes a number of claims about the contested 2008 Minnesota Senate race between Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) and former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.). Now, someone who was there for nearly every minute of it — Jay Wein ...
- Clinton Says China Won’t Block Rare Earth Sh ...I missed this over the weekend, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said China will not block shipments of rare earth elements to the United States. According to The Hill, Clinton said: On the rare-earth minerals matter, the foreign minister, Minister Yang, clarified that China has no intention o ...
Digg Green
- Lung cancer: A deadly disease with little res ...Federal funding for other common cancers still dwarfs that for lung cancer. Yet, globally, lung cancer claims more lives each year than colon, prostate, ovarian, lymph and breast cancers combined.
- Micromouse robot runs maze in record-breaking ...The "Egg Torte" micromouse bot won first prize in the regional competition by learning to solve the maze, remembering the layout, and then making the fastest sprint through the maze. The half-size mouse was developed by Kato, who last year came second in the competition with his earlier robot, ...
- Cheetah. Gorgeous...(pic)
- Whales Help Scientists Measure Global Warming ...Narwhals are toothed Arctic whales capable of deep dives. Scientists were able to attach sensors to the whales to record ocean depths and temperatures. The whales are able to swim and feed even during winter conditions in Baffin Bay near West Greenland, but scientists have more difficulty condu ...
- Carbon Nanotubes Will Make Buildings that Mov ...Decker Yeadon is a Brooklyn, New York-based architectural research firm that is as comfortable entering competitions as it is with nanotechnology. Trained as architects but fascinated by chemistry, co-founders Martina Decker and Peter Yeadon are using carbon nanotubes to experiment with new bui ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Halloween is a Many Fractured ThingBy Les Visible It’s Halloween but is it hallowing. Do we have hallowed halls? Is it hallowed or hollow and filled with hungry ghosts? Present day religions have been grafted upon the ones which preceded them and because we are in an age of darkness it is possible we have left our enlightenment behin ...
- Video – End of Liberty‘End of Liberty’ is now out. This is the most important film you will ever see. Please spread the word about ‘End of Liberty’ to everybody you know on this Halloween day. This movie was made possible by all of the thousands of warning signs that were submitted to us by thousands of NIA members. [... ...
- Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 ti ...Full body scanners at airports could increase your risk of skin cancer, experts warn. The X-ray machines have been brought in at Manchester, Gatwick and Heathrow. But scientists say radiation from the scanners has been underestimated and could be particularly risky for children. They say that the lo ...
- Jon Stewart’s Executive Producer Arrested fo ...By Matt Meyer We Are Change NY October 28, 2010 It has been remarked that “all the world loves a clown”. Thinking back to Stephen King’s Pennywise or John Wayne Gacy’s Pogo that might be debatable, but it is probably at least true that most people enjoy some form of well crafted humor or good [...]
- Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into dete ...By Mike Adams New research published in the journal Nature reveals that pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow to the point where it is diagnosed by conventional medical doctors. This was determined by sequencing the DNA of cancer tumor cells from deceased patients. Because cancer mutations occur ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Pot Prohibition Is the Cornerstone of a Police Sta ...Any law that allows the easy incarceration of any citizen any time those in power want to do it is the ultimate enemy of democracy.
- As California Votes to Legalize, Pot Is Quickly Tu ...California is not just deciding whether pot should be legal. It’s determining the shape of a major new American industry.
- As California Votes to Legalize, Pot Is Quickly Tu ...California is not just deciding whether pot should be legal. It’s determining the shape of a major new American industry.
- Dianne Feinstein Is Out of Step on the Drug WarSenator Feinstein is out of step with Californians, particularly younger voters, while in lock-step with the regressive drug war lobby.
- Why California’s Latinos Should ...Legalizing marijuana will protect the safety and civil rights of the latino community.
Twilight Earth
- Tea Party Actually Started by Two British Comedian ...Jokes on us. Those blokes from across the pond sure do give their all for a joke! View all of Joeâs political/environmental cartoonery at Updates on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Republican Energy Plan (cartoon) Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partier ...
- Republican Energy Plan (cartoon)Same old same old from the right side of the aisle. As Treehugger columnist, Brian Merchant recently shared, “they are the only major political party of any democracy in the world that gets away with denying climate science.” Scary. More on the ever-tan Mr. Boehner: John Boehner on the Issues (sc ...
- Here Comes Trouble (cartoon)Recent news of the habitable planet that circles a star called Gliese 581, and the ensuing article in the Huffington Post, by James Napoli inspired this little cartoon. The news is also reminiscent of one of my favorite children’s books Wump World, by Bill Peet. Look out Wumps! Here we come! New ...
- Republican Clouds (cartoon)Obama announced recently that he plans to add solar panels to the White House. I can’t see anyone or anything standing in the way. White House gets into 10/10/10 spirit with solar-panel plan Obama: âNo industry with more potential to create jobs now than clean energyâ Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery ...
- Big Oil and Big Coal’s Favorite Toy (cartoon)Find me a liberal in the Big Coal and/or Oil biz and I’ll never draw another cartoon again! Republican governor candidates deny climate change On climate change, it’s the Republicans versus reality Follow Joe Mohrâs cartoonery at and on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related pos ...
- DIY: Beautiful Woven Rug Made From Recycled JeansOur Recycled Denim Challenge has given way to some beautiful designs. Handmade by Terry Dewal, this incredible woven rug gives new meaning to the term “from rags to riches.” Taking his old, beat-up blue jeans and cutting them into narrow strips, Terry managed to craft an attractive and versatile rug ...
- Retro Wall Clocks Made From Recycled Vinyl RecordsDesigned by Pavel Sidorenko, RE_VINYL is a series of retro wall clocks fashioned from old vinyl records. Carefully cut into an illustrative silhouettes, his collection depicts everything from a monkey in a top hat, to a classic victorian teapot, to even a cheeky cutout of a cassette. And to pay homa ...
- Biodegradable Coffins Made From Recycled Paper Pul ...Even though Halloween is over, here is one super sustainable design solution that is bound to keep the green spirits happy for the rest of the year. Direct from Denmark, Bendt Stov recently launched DanCof, an innovative range of eco-coffins and urns that have been molded from biodegradable, long fi ...
- Toyota Announces Recycling Facilities For Hybrid N ...Toyota is one of the world’s leading ‘green’ car brands, and now they are doing everything they can to ensure their vehicles don’t cause unnecessary waste. The company recently announced plans to recycle old NiMH batteries that were used in their hybrid cars, such as the Prius, which was introduced ...
- Nissan Unveils New Ultra-Compact Electric Vehicle ...Forget the upcoming Leaf EV — Nissan has other snazzy electric vehicles waiting in the concept phase. The latest is the New Mobility Concept, a golf cart-like EV that is, according to Nissan, easy, innovative, safe, and clean. Read the rest of Nissan Unveils New Ultra-Compact Electric Vehicle Conce ...
Pogue's Posts
- A Love Letter to a CameraDavid Pogue describes his affection for what he says is the best pocket camera on the market, the Canon Powershot S95.
- Office for Mac Isn't an ImprovementOffice 2011 for Mac is a big step backward. The new Outlook is the biggest disappointment.
- Farewell, GOOG-411On Nov. 12, Google will turn off its free, voice-activated directory-assistance service forever. There are several options for those intending to soldier on in the post-GOOG-411 world.
- Shifting Time Zones on Online CalendarsMaking an appointment in one time zone does not mean your calendar will remind you at the right time if you travel to another time zone-unless you adjust a setting.
- How Do You Test a Battery?Help David Pogue design a protocol for testing the battery life of a smartphone running Flash videos.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Hot Spot for Life Found on Ancient Mars VolcanoIf life ever existed on Mars, then newly discovered mineral deposits on the flanks of a long-dead volcano would be a good place to dig for its remains. Spotted by a high-powered orbital imager, they’re not the first deposits found on Mars of silica, a mineral used by some simple forms of life, incl ...
- Giant Waves Solve Saturn Ring MysteryrunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience656414855001', 'anId'); brightcove.createExperiences(); Saturn’s largest ring appears to behave like a mini spiral galaxy. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft caught enormous waves sloshing back and forth across Saturn’s B ring, ...
- Video: Climate Model Suggests Where the Aliens ArerunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience652189697001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); The jury is still out on whether nearby red dwarf star Gliese 581 hosts a planet in its habitable zone, as astronomers announced last month. But the controversy hasn’t st ...
- What the Frak? Battlestar Galactica’s Science Expl ...When the science fiction drama Battlestar Galactica ended in 2009, it left some geeks wanting answers. How can a humanoid robot plug directly into a spaceship? How does Galactica’s faster-than-light travel work? And what the frak was up with the mitochondrial Eve thing? Read a exclusive ...
- Exclusive Excerpt: The Science of Battlestar Galac ...Spoiler alert: This excerpt contains details of the final scene of the final episode. If you don’t know why Hera Agathon is important, you may want to finish watching the series before reading. Mitochondrial Eve In the last scene of the last episode of Battlestar Galactica, Angel Six and Angel Bal ...
The Progressive Realist
- No, It's Not Really COINPaula Broadwell uses Tom Rick's "Best Defense" blog to note the enthusiasm of US Army units in Afghanistan as they continue combat operations against Taliban forces in and around Kandahar. Does this mean that the COINdanestas (those supporting the counterinsurgency operations strategy) are going to ...
- Managing the West's DeclineIs the world balance of power shifting away from the West and moving to India and China? That's what a number of geopolitical sages are discussing in think tanks from Moscow to Beijing to London to Washington. In a joint SOS piece in the November-December issue of Foreign Affairs, former U.S. Deputy ...
- Israel-Greece RelationsIsrael is increasingly turning to Greece to compensate for the decline in its relationship with Turkey. Israel recently held air force exercises in Greek air space , and the two countries have signed a civilian aviation agreement . In an e-mail interview, Efraim Inbar , professor of political studie ...
- Broder’s ‘Iran War = Votes’ Column Originated with ...David Broder’s column yesterday, in which the once-respected journalist suggested that, “ as tensions rise and we accelerate preparations for war [with Iran], the economy will improve,” has already come under a hail of criticism, on a number of counts. In regard to Broder’s economic claims, Rudy De ...
- Election 2010: the Foreign Policy Elephant in the ...CBS Nevada reporter Nathan Baca tried to approach [Sharron] Angle during a stroll through the airport and the airport parking lot with questions about her foreign policy views. After going through several evasive answers, an irritated Angle replied: "I will answer those questions when I'm the senato ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Politics is About People Disagree ..."I am not suggesting, of course, that the president incite a war to get reelected," writes David Broder . Well, that would be mighty irresposible, wouldn't it? Next sentence : "But the nation will rally around Obama because Iran is the greatest threat to the world in the young century." Greatest th ...
- People Are Frustrated.The Wall Street Journal notes that this is the third consecutive "change" election in a row: Voters this week look set to do something not seen since the early 1950s: Oust a substantial number of sitting House lawmakers for the third election in a row. The apparent Republican resurgence suggests t ...
- California Voting.Kevin Drum explains today how he intends to vote on the many propositions on the California ballot tomorrow, including his "no" vote on Proposition 21, which would put an $18 surcharge on the annual vehicle registration fee to fund state parks: It's a hard one to vote against since it's fully self- ...
- Heightened Rhetoric and Hypocrisy.Over at ThinkProgress , George Zornick has a nice roundup of the hypocrisy in John Boehner 's umbrage at Obama calling on Latino voters to "punish our enemies" at the polls. This comes, of course, from a leader of the party whose members have called Obama un-American and compared him to Hitler. But ...
- Democrats Care About the Deficit, Republicans Don' ...Americans see the GOP as better able to reduce the deficit, but is that trust warranted? After getting push-back from readers for suggesting that neither party is "particularly credible" on the deficit, Megan McArdle tries to offer a conclusive answer to the question: Looking at our small group of ...
- Is Glenn Beck Just Trying to Increase His Body Cou ...BUZZFLASH EDITOR'S BLOG BY MARK KARLIN According to CBS News , the Jon Stewart "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" drew an estimated crowd of 215,000 on Saturday, while Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" event in August had 87,000 in attendance. But don't count on Beck to dampen down his incendi ...
- Michael Savage: Another Lunatic in the Asylum Broa ...BUZZFLASH EDITOR'S BLOG BY MARK KARLIN There's a political cliche that Pennsylvania is a state with Pittsburgh on the west, Philadelphia on the east - and Alabama in between. Last night, I was driving through central PA headed toward New York, getting exposed to the full monty of right-wing radi ...
- Ex-Girlfriend Of Clarence Thomas: He Was A Mean Dr ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH He’s unfit to be on the Supreme Court But each & every allegation Proves that he’s ready for the GOP’s 2012 presidential nomination. In addition to Verse-Case Sc ...
- A Question Heard Quite A Lot Lately --- Is Sarah P ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH The White House at this current point in time Is an exclusively man'a club; She even lacks credentials to be the president Of a Sarah Palin fan club. read more
- Then They Came for MeBOB KOEHLER FOR BUZZFLASH Speaking out a year ago against the idea of holding civilian trials for terrorism suspects, Liz Cheney captured the paranoid arrogance of the past decade with stunning efficiency: "This demonstrates conclusively that we are going back to a pre-9/11 mentality," she said. ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Government accusations: no evidence neededAmerican officials immediately blamed Anwar Awlaki for the Yemen bomb plot, even though there's no evidence
- NYT public editor only perpetuates bad practicesHis predecessors slammed the use of anonymity -- but the current one replicates it
- The wretched mind of the American authoritarianIn multiple newspapers, Jonah Goldberg asks: "Why isn't Julian Assange dead"?
- Job hunting in WashingtonA leaked letter from Harvard Professor Larry Tribe to the President, gushing with praise, results in a job
- College events and other mattersUpcoming speeches, a 1967 MLK interview on war, and midterm election lessons
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Olive oil, breast cancer, gigapixel scansOlive oil biophenols – Raman reveals all – The first report of Raman spectroscopy being used to look at chemical structures in olive oil has been published. The study establishes Raman as a rapid, non-destructive and reliable analytical technique for identifying bioactive components, such as biophen ...
- Boiling sun, alchemist, freewillThe boiling Sun – In case you woke up today feeling important…there's a rather humbling picture that shows the scale of a plume of gas erupting from the surface of the Sun that would literally engulf the whole planet. More to the point, you could fit the Earth into the sun a million times over…and [ ...
- When is yawning contagious?When is yawning contagious? – Apparently, yawns are most contagious at 7:30 pm. But, why? No one knows for sure even why we yawn, let alone why we yawn after seeing someone else yawn or even simply after seeing someone pretend to yawn. (If it were a change in air pressure or CO2 levels in [...] When ...
- Six sexy science booksSix sexy science books at least one or two of which would make perfect holiday gifts for the science geek, nerd, dweeb, or dork in your life. Remember Science is Vital and so are books. Science: The Definitive Guide by Piers Bizony – As a kid, I devoured books like this, you probably did too, [...] ...
- Progress or PRProgress or PR? – recently published a “guide” for journalists on separating real progress from PR hype surrounding clinical trials. It’s a well-written and quite timely piece given the backlash against medical reporting in recent years. Unfortunately, this kind of advice is only ever tak ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Three Mussels and Snails, 160 Miles of River Prote ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 1, 2010 Center for Biological Diversity In response to litigation brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today protected the Georgia pigtoe mussel, interrupted rocksnail and rough hornsnail as endangered under the Endangered ...
- New School Beverage Study Shows Need for Child Nut ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 1, 2010 Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) A new study shows that unhealthy beverages were still in almost half of elementary schools in the 2008-2009 school year. While the volume of sugar drinks sold in elementary schools is much lower than in high sch ...
- Groundbreaking Everglades Project Creates Unpreced ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 29, 2010 NPCA “Americans can today celebrate another monumental groundbreaking for Everglades restoration. Authorized through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, construction of the Site One Impoundment/Fran Reich Preserve Project marks the fifth project ...
- Florida Woman Buying Elections in the NortheastFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 29, 2010 CREW New York and New Hampshire residents probably think they’ve never heard of Parker Collier, but in reality, they see her almost every time they turn on the TV. An investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has revealed ...
- Judicial Elections 2010: TV Spending SurgesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 29, 2010 Justice at Stake Spending on state Supreme Court TV ads has exploded nationally as Election Day nears, with $3.3 million being spent in the week between Oct. 21 and Oct. 27. The TV binge has raised total ad spending to nearly $13 million for the 2009-10 ele ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Proposition 19 Is a Vote Heard 'Round the Worldby Coletta Youngers The world will be watching as Californians go to the polls on Tuesday and vote on Proposition 19, which would legalize and regulate marijuana in that state. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, however, it has already sparked an intense international debate, particularly in ...
- US Midterm Elections: Machine v Momentumby Gary Younge To listen to some pundits , the election is pretty much over already. The Democrats, if you missed it, lost big time. The Republicans are back; Obama is effectively neutered . All we're waiting for now is someone to cast and count those damn votes .read more
- The Business of American Politics and Politics as Danny Schechter We live in a country in economic distress. Millions are out of work and cutbacks in public services are pervasive at the city and state levels. The ‘great recession’ is deep and could go deeper. Most families are tightening their belts and in some cases at the breaking point b ...
- Elect Or Genuflect? The Choices Going Forwardby Lucinda Marshall There is a whole lot to dislike about the electoral process in the United States. The low point for me is usually the few days before the election when the pundits start telling us who will win. Last night on read more
- 'Without Peace, Life is Impossible': What an Afgha David Smith-Ferri In a small storage shed at the edge of town, we watched as fourteen-year-old Sayed Qarim signed a simple contract agreeing to borrow and repay a no-interest, 25,000 afghani loan (roughly $555). Daniel from the Zenda Company, the loan originator, counted out the crisp bills and h ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- USS Make Shit Up goes to AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish Thats the way we do things lad, we're making shit up as we wish The Klingons and the Romulans pose no threat to us 'Cause if we find we're in a bind we're totally screwed but nevermind We'll pull something out of our behinds, ...
- When We Wonder About Afghan CorruptionBy Steve Hynd Let's try to remember that creating a situation where pots of cash are washing about with no accountability, no oversight and no record-keeping is always going to create a culture of corruption. The US government has spent about $55bn on rebuilding in Afghanistan since 2001 but cannot ...
- Gorby on Afghanistan: Victory is ImpossibleBy Steve Hynd The man who withdrew his nation's troops from Afghanistan, Mikhail Gorbachev, is pessimistic about America's adventure there, telling the BBC that a US victory "is impossible there". He added that the mess is, to a great extent, America's own fault. "We had hoped America would abide by ...
- Taliban Talks: After The Hype, The PullbackBy Steve Hynd Last week, the media was full of stenography of the official narrative that the awesomely Saintly General Petareus and his surge(tm) were forcing the Taliban to the negotiating table and the insurgency was in its last throes, with success just around the corner etc. etc. That was until ...
- A One Trick PonyBy Steve Hynd Andrew Exum, known as Abu Muqawama, is a fellow at the neoliberal, interventionist mothership - the Center for a new American Security. As such, he's a fairly influential voice within the D.C. "serious people" foreign policy set. So you'd think he could do better than his summary of th ...
Water Wars
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
- Water Wars: Oregon Vs. NestleBottled water is a huge industry, and a profitable one. Last year it netted $10 billion in the US, but there are signs that the industry is slowing. Restaurants have turned away from pricey bottled water, and consumers have returned to tap water to save money. Nestlé is a huge player in the sector: ...
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
WordPress | Economics
- After the election, be careful what you wish for.Nouriel Roubini makes some interesting points about the fiscal train wreck that is about to occur ov
- Halloween: A Case Study in Unintended ConsequencesArt Carden’s post-Halloween commentary deserves repeating: âWhatâs with all the teenagers with
- Is the Chamber of Commerce a Subversive Organizati ...The more that Corporate America can reach across the border for cheap labor, unprotected resources,
- If I say that Obama is a Keynesian, does that make ...Just a little fun with this post. Tea Party people are often portrayed as ignorant (among other char
- Oxcars and Free Culture Forum 2010 highlights (1)These past few days I was able to attend some of the free culture events that have taken place in Ba
Electronic Intifada
- Video: "No justice, no chickpeas!" activists tell ...Shoppers and employees at the Fresh Grocer's flagship store at 40th and Walnut Street in Philadelphia were surprised last month by a choreographed flash dance performed in ...
- Progressive Canadians must challenge JNF's charita ...Last month, Greg Selinger, the New Democratic Party (NDP) Premier of the Province of Manitoba, and two of his ministers visited Israel. Among other things, the official del ...
- Book review: understanding the economics of occupa ...In his debut book The Political Economy of the Occupation , economist Shir Hever synthesizes a slew of sources to come to a solid analysis of the economic factors behind th ...
- "No chance for two states": Interview with Knesset ...There is now "no chance" for a two-state solution. So said Haneen Zoabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli parliament in an exclusive interview with The Electronic Intifada, two days after she was injured by Israeli police.
- US activists urge State Dept to call for release o ...Representatives from four US human rights groups met with State Department officials on Friday, 22 October and delivered a letter addressed to Secretary of State Clinton si ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Pakistan-Afghanistan trade deal to be challenged i ...The government of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa province will challenge in court a deal on the transit of goods between Afghanistan and Pakistan, saying it will only benefit India and Afghanistan.
- Afghanistan's Karzai secretly met with 3 Tali ...-- Three Taliban figures met secretly with Afghanistan's president two weeks ago in an effort by the Afghan government to weaken the U.S.-led coalition's most vicious enemy, a powerful al Qaeda-linke...
- Afghan Police Unit Defects en Masse to Taliban Sid ...Taliban fighters to change sides and join the government. The tactic, known as “reintegration,” is one of the big hopes for turning the tide in the war.
- Dean Del Mastro, MP, Invites Residents to Visit Ex ...Dean Del Mastro, MP (Peterborough), has invited the public to view Afghanistan360, a multimedia exhibit on Canada's civilian and military engagement in Afghanistan, currently on display at Peterboroug...
- DRS Technical Services Awarded $24 Million Contrac ...DRS Technical Services Inc., a DRS Defense Solutions business unit, has received a contract to perform information technology support services and provide network service personnel for U.S. forces loc...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- On Delegitimizing the Classification SystemA reader writes: Did POGO see Jack Goldsmith's Op-Ed in The Washington Post about classification? "Yet even if the giant disclosures of classified information have no legal consequences, they still harm national security by delegitimizing the presidential classification system." No!...
- Morning Smoke: A New Approach at the House Oversig ...House Oversight committee set for major re-emergence by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] Letter to the editor: Congress's crucial oversight role by Sharon Bradford Franklin [The Washington Post] Big firms seek shield against whistleblowers by Kaja Whitehouse [New York Post] SEC...
- Declining DCAA Role in Oversight of Tens of Billio ...POGO has obtained a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) memo showing that the Pentagon has radically reduced oversight of tens of billions of contract dollars. From our press release today: According to the memo, contracting guidance “now limits contracting officer...
- Whistleblower Film Series Wrap-UpMany thanks to all who joined us for the Whistleblower Film Series earlier this month. We were thrilled with all of the support, interest, and thoughtful discussion surrounding this incredibly important issue. You can view some photos from the Series...
- Flightglobal Poll: Did British Move Sound "the Dea ...While certainly not scientific, Lockheed Martin can’t be too happy with the results of a recent Flightglobal poll on whether the British shift from buying the F-35B STOVL (short take-off and vertical landing) version to the F-35C carrier variant “sounded...
Digital Journal
- Inside Canada's political parties: The Online Part ...The Online Party of Canada is the latest political party to join the field of opposition to the current system and attempt to bring their general ideas to the forefront of the Canadian political establishment.
- Poll: Pearson International Airport named worst ai ...A new poll has named Toronto's Pearson International Airport as the worst airport in Canada. The survey was conceived to allow travelers to voice their opinions on the hectic tales of traveling.
- Homeless shelter opens after long wait in TorontoLast week the homeless shelter at 129 Peter Street in Toronto downtown opened. The shelter had been slated to open in March and then at various other dates afterward.
- Britons late for work due to iPhone daylight savin ...After the iPhone failed to switch to standard time, thousands of European users were late for work. Since Australia and New Zealand users experienced the same thing last month, will North America be next?
- Two teens facing 37 charges in TorontoTwo teens are facing a slew of drug and gun related charges after talking about drugs to an undercover officer Friday Toronto Police report.
End Homelessness |
- Tent City Tries to Prove Its No Haunted HouseAlthough the city of Seattle has mapped out seven potential permanent sites for the self-sustaining tent city of Nickelsville , residents, or "Nickelodeons," are very well aware of the discrimination that local homeless people face every day. Fear tends to be the emotion expressed the loudest, as n ...
- A Plywood Cabin Is Not a Home, But It's a StartRather than do nothing about the rising homeless population in Kitsap County, Washington, Bremerton Rescue Mission is moving ahead with plans to construct a series of temporary heated plywood cabins on 2.5 acres of land in the city of Bremerton. Initially the group intends to construct six 12' x 12 ...
- Getting a Positive I.D. at the Shelter ... or the ...Well, Washington, D.C. will soon join the ranks of cities who like to make the homeless someone else's problem. Local government, trying to mitigate a $175 million budget shortfall , has determined that about 10 percent of those who apply for shelter and other homeless services in the city are from ...
- Social Networking for the Homeless, Eh?As discussed in my last post (and its comments), to the surprise of many there is no absence of technology in the homeless community. In fact, cell phones and computers have proven to be lifelines to critical services and resources for many homeless individuals and families. But technology's impact ...
- Guerrilla Artists Take Over Billboards to Defeat S ...On Tuesday, residents of San Francisco will go to the polls to vote on the Sit-Lie Ordinance (Proposition L) . If passed, it will be illegal to sit or lie on a city sidewalk between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. We argue that, if passed, this ordinance could potentially criminalize a person just ...
- Happy talk watch: More momentum momentsMore official word on who’s got the Big Mo in Afghanistan: âWe now have the initiative. We have created momentum.â Major-General Nick Carter, commander of NATO coalition forces in southern Afghanistan (Carlotta Gall, “NATO coalition pushes Taliban into retreat in southern Afghanistan,” Globe and Mai ...
- F-35 protest outside Aerospace Industries Associat ...Last week saw the first Canadian street protest over the planned purchase of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The protest took place on Tuesday, October 26th outside of the Westin Ottawa hotel, where the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada was meeting. Shown above, the Raging Grannies, supporte ...
- Schwarzenegger calls for New START ratificationCalifornia governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has called in his inimitable style for the quick ratification of the New START treaty to reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons (Governor Delivers Remarks at USRBC Annual Meeting, 21 October 2010): Well, let me just tell you that the most excited I’m about ...
- Auditor-General: F-35 purchase poses “risks”Auditor-General Sheila Fraser’s latest report describes the acquisition of Cyclone and Chinook helicopters as “troubling”, and details how government agencies presented the purchases as simple and low risk while continuously lowballing estimated costs in order have them approved. This resulted in ...
- New poll shows Canadians committed to peacekeepingA new Nanos research poll conducted for the Globe and Mail indicates that Canadians think peacekeeping is more important than combat missions (Campbell Clark, ”Canadians pick peacekeeping over combat,” Globe and Mail, 25 October 2010). According to the poll, Canadians are strongly opposed to sending ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- This New Antidepressant Maker Has Lots of Folks Ex ...October 25th, 2010 Daily Finance By: Gene Marical Fighting depression, a highly prevalent and serious mood disorder that affects about 18.1 million adults in the U.S. is one of the largest markets in the pharmaceutical industry — and it’s still growing. More than 212 million antidepressant prescript ...
- Baldness Drug Grows Hair But May Cause Sexual Prob ...October 21st, 2010 AOL By Deborah Huso The popular hair growth drug finasteride, commercially known as Propecia, is indeed effective at re-growing hair, but it may lead to sexual dysfunction in some users. Many men suffering from baldness who have taken the drug satisfactorily report it increases th ...
- Dad’s High Fat Diet May Cause Diabetes in Da ...October 21st, 2010 AOL By: Deborah Huso While everyone knows a pregnant mother’s poor health habits can have negative effects on the development and long-term health of her offspring, very little attention has been given to the health of fathers. But a preliminary study suggests that fathers who eat ...
- Nestle Annouces New Health-Oriented Strategy as Sa ...October 22nd, 2010 Daily Finance By: Matthew Scott Nestle (NSRGY), the world’s largest food company, announced a 4.1% sales increase over the past nine months, topping analysts estimates. The company celebrated the good news by unveiling a new strategy to become the world’s largest nutrition, health ...
- Google Admits That It Took Emails and Passwords Fr ...October 25th, 2010 Daily Mail By: Vanessa Allen Google was accused of spying on households yesterday after it admitted secretly copying passwords and private emails from home computers. The internet search giant was forced to confess it had downloaded personal data during its controversial Street Vi ...
Pambazuka News
- Break the Silence Congo weekThe purpose of the Break the Silence Congo Week is to raise consciousness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo. Break the Silence Congo Week will take place from Sunday 17 October to S...
- Global: Afro-Colombian women fight prejudice by em ...On an improvised stage “Bombón de chocolate” (Chocolate Candy) is being performed. The play, which narrates the story of an African-Colombian girl who feels rejected because of the colour of her skin, is one of the events at a special day on drug add...
- Global: May for the Cuban 5The month of May started with a great number of activities in support of the Cuban 5. On May 1st hundreds of thousands of Cubans marched on International Workers Day in Havana and other cities. They were joined by hundreds of internationalists in de...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
War in Context
- Broder and Israel’s Goldilocks war against IranWhat kind of institutional entity do the hacks in Washington constitute such that they can have a “dean”? When David Broder is referred to as the dean of the Washington press corps, I guess it’s just a complimentary way of saying the old guy. But Broder’s nine years younger than Helen Thomas. How c ...
- William Astore: the face of war (don’t look!)Reprinted with permission of You’d think that people always seeking “lessons” from war would draw one from our latest wonder weapon, which fights our wars for us without an American in sight. I’m talking, of course, about the drone aircraft that have, in recent years, become a sign ...
- The conflict that could tear the Jewish people apa ...“Affirmation of Israelâs Jewishness… is the very foundation of peace, its DNA,” claims Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States. Well, if that’s really true then one can only conclude that Israel will never exist in peace — not because it will fail in getting the affirmation it demand ...
- Sunshine in America – a tea party with sconesRally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
- The wisdom of insecurityIf Barack Obama came into office with a secret ambition, it was quite likely a desire to succeed where George Bush failed: to kill Osama bin Laden — preferably in the run-up to the 2012 election. Obama’s drone war in Pakistan now appears to make that prospect less unlikely. According to Noman Benot ...
Watts Up With That?
- Spencer on Global Warming Elitism, Tomorrow’s Elec Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. The NASA A-Train satellite constellation symposium I attended last week in New Orleans was in some sense a celebration of the wide variety of global satellite observations we are now collecting from Earth orbit. … Continue reading →
- Josh on MoshWhen is science art, and art, science? It is metaphysical or metadata? Josh moshes the meta without harshing the mellow: A Stephen Mosher post at Watts Up From Josh at
- Arctic Temperatures and Ice – Why it is Natural Va ...By Joe D’Aleo, CCM On October 21st the Associated Press hit the wires with a story entitled âSea Ice Melting as Arctic Temperatures Rise.â The temperatures in the arctic have indeed risen in recent years and ice has declined, bottoming … Continue reading →
- NGO pleads for $15 billion “ocean acidificat ...Via Eurekalert, from the NGO Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO), a press release that says, “panic! please send money”. Here’s the punch line: The Foundation says the average level of pH at the ocean surface has dropped … Continue reading →
- No more double standardsGovernment officials and grant recipients must also be held accountable for fraud Guest post by Paul Driessen False, misleading or fraudulent claims have long brought the wrath of juries, judges and government agencies down on perpetrators. So have substandard manufacturing … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Queen of Cuba? by Jim Ryersonby Jim Ryerson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad (jim [at] travelingman [dot] net) Cuba Connections November 1, 2010 The Miami Herald has a piece about the election which shows what the future for Cuba policy would be if Republicans take over the House. Miami Republican ...
- Paul Jay: How Dems Allowed the Tea Party to Rebran ... TheRealNews | November 01, 2010 Nov. 1 – TRNN Tomorrow on election day, American voters get to choose which brand of American elites they want to govern them, said Senior Editor of The Real News Network Paul Jay. He said despite the systemi ...
- Road to Corporate Serfdom by Ralph Nader by Ralph Nader The Nader Page Oct. 29, 2010 It was Bill Clinton’s campaign strategist, James Carville, who in 1992 created the election slogan: “It’s the Economy, Stupid.” For the 2010 Congressional campaigns, the slogan should have been: “It’s Corporate Crime an ...
- Need computer help by Lo (Updated-Solved)Update Thanks so much to John Pack for walking me through on how to fix this. It worked. So, it’s back to work posting again. Guess I’ll have to wait on starting that book I wanted to read, oh, well. *** OK, AVG virus program found 3 trojan horses earlier today and I put them [...]
- Time for a New Theory of Money by Ellen Brownby Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad October 29, 2010 The reason our financial system has routinely gotten into trouble, with periodic waves of depression like the one we’re battling now, may be due to a flawed perception not just of the roles of banking and credit but of the ...
Your New Reality
- No titleRepublicans Finally Outdo Nazis For War Propaganda The 'Ground Zero Mosque' is actually one floor of an office tower, blocks away from the still empty World Trade Centre site, and the Republicans know it. But this is a religious war, after all. Note that the ad clearly states that the entire Mus ...
- No titleLife under occupation :
- No titleIf you've found your way here after listening to my 'Weird & Unusual News' spot on ABC Newcastle today, here are links to the two main stories that were discussed : 'Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's Spiritual Day Of Reckoning On August 15' 'Five Human Senses? Actually, We Have More Than 2 ...
- No titleCreating new realities? It's the CIA's main mission, isn't it?
- No titleThis is as close to a video of an actual nightmare as I've ever seen. Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny : What Chris Cunningham has been working on lately : "I've been living next to the railway line for 12 years and I've become obsessed with the harmonics of the trains on the lines. "For yea ...
Wired - Science
- Hot Spot for Life Found on Ancient Mars VolcanoIf life ever existed on Mars, then newly discovered mineral deposits on the flanks of a long-dead volcano would be a good place to dig for its remains. Spotted by a high-powered orbital imager, they’re not the first deposits found on Mars of silica, a mineral used by some simple forms of life, incl ...
- Giant Waves Solve Saturn Ring MysteryrunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience656414855001', 'anId'); brightcove.createExperiences(); Saturn’s largest ring appears to behave like a mini spiral galaxy. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft caught enormous waves sloshing back and forth across Saturn’s B ring, ...
- Video: Climate Model Suggests Where the Aliens ArerunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience652189697001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); The jury is still out on whether nearby red dwarf star Gliese 581 hosts a planet in its habitable zone, as astronomers announced last month. But the controversy hasn’t st ...
- What the Frak? Battlestar Galactica’s Science Expl ...When the science fiction drama Battlestar Galactica ended in 2009, it left some geeks wanting answers. How can a humanoid robot plug directly into a spaceship? How does Galactica’s faster-than-light travel work? And what the frak was up with the mitochondrial Eve thing? Read a exclusive ...
- Exclusive Excerpt: The Science of Battlestar Galac ...Spoiler alert: This excerpt contains details of the final scene of the final episode. If you don’t know why Hera Agathon is important, you may want to finish watching the series before reading. Mitochondrial Eve In the last scene of the last episode of Battlestar Galactica, Angel Six and Angel Bal ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israel’s Deputy PM Meridor cancels London visit fo ...Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister reportedly faced charges linked to his role in the IDF raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more... ...
- Haneen Zoabi: “Israeli society doesn’t feel the ne ...Haneen Zoabi: "We are struggling for a normal state, which is a state for all of its citizens, [in] which the Palestinians and the Israeli Jews can have full equality. I recognize religious, cultural... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Zvi Bar’el: South Africa is already hereIsrael's apartheid movement is coming out of the woodwork and is taking on a formal, legal shape. It is moving from voluntary apartheid, which hides its ugliness through justifications of "cultural... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Shas spiritual leader may back ban on renting to A ...Former chief rabbi Ovadia Yosef cites centuries-old interpretation of halakhic ruling barring the sale of land to non-Jews. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more...
- Haaretz: Formulas for siegeThe use of mathematical euqations to calculate basic humanitarian needs cannot help but raise parallels with the most monstrous uses of science. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russian, French shipbuilders form consortiumRussia's United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and France's shipbuilder DCNS on Monday signed an agreement to form a consortium, in a move that may bring a pending helicopter carrier deal closer to completion, the USC president said.
- Russia's defense ministry confirms plans to buy 2 ...
- Russia to reform its armed forces by 2020 - defens ...Russia's Armed Forces will undergo three stages of transformation before their reform is over by 2020, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Sunday.
- Russia floats out first of new class of frigateRussia's first Project 22350 frigate was floated out at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg on Friday.
- Russian govt. to decide on Bulava missile's fateThe decision to put Russia's Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile into service will be made by the country's leadership and only after the test program is complete, a government source said on Friday.
- PNNL's Richard Smith Named 2010 Scientist of the Y ...Parkinson's disease, cancer and biofuels production are just a few problems that biochemist Dick Smith has helped untangle in his long career of technological innovation and scientific insight. Now, R&D Magazine has honored Smith as 2010 Scientist of the Year for his many significant contributions t ...
- NSU Education Provost Joins Ranks of Past U.S. Pre ...Fort Lauderdale, Fla. based Nova Southeastern University's (NSU) H. Wells Singleton, Ph.D., recently joined the ranks of past United States Presidents George Bush, Sr. and Bill Clinton when he was awarded the National Association of Elementary School Principals' (NAESP) top honor.
- Researcher Uses Gene Defect Discovery to Help Card ...Personalized medicine: Cardiovascular disease patients who have a genetic defect that makes them less responsive to blood thinners may be helped with an increased dosage, according to a pilot study led by a cardiologist at UTHealth.
- Drug Linked to Quantum Dots Increases Drug UptakeResearchers at the University at Buffalo have developed a novel technology using quantum dots that is expected to have major implications for research and treatment of tuberculosis, as well as other inflammatory lung diseases.
- Protecting a Child's Sleep Leads to Better Quality ...Loyola University Health System Pediatrician talks about the importance of sleep and gives tips on helping kids sleep.
Natural Health News
- Kids Benefit From Strength TrainingThere were once doubts that strength training held any benefits for children.� But a new research review confirms that children and teenagers can increase their muscle strength with regular workouts.� The findings support recent recommendations from the National Strength and Conditioning Association ...
- Can Your Dog do These Useful Tricks?Whoever said dog tricks can't be useful?� Jesse here just loves helping around the house.
- Kitten Riding a TortoiseKitty takes a ride on the back of a friend.
- FDA Rejects Another Diet PillThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration has rejected Qnexa, yet another proposed new diet pill.� Qnexa was the third weight loss medicine in a month to hit such a roadblock. Not long before, the FDA declined the drug lorcaserin because it was found to cause tumors in rats. And just a few weeks befo ...
- Fewer People Intend to Get Flu Shots This YearLast year, the swine flu scare had Americans lining up for flu shots.� This year, many people are rejecting the vaccines, according to two studies. � A Consumer Reports survey found that just 37 percent of people in the U.S. plan to definitely get vaccinated.� Around 30 percent say they definitely ...
- Obama Administration Defending US Military's Iraq ...Earlier this week Amy Goodman of Democracy Now conducted an extensive interview with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks about his October 22, 2010 release of the nearly 400,000 documents of Iraq War Logs . While the Obama administration is defending the US military’s record in Iraq, the allegations in the ...
- Which Section of the Elites Will Govern After Tues ...Real News' CEO Paul Jay's commentary on the top six ways Obama and the Democratic Party allowed a resurgence of the Republicans: Real News Network - November 01, 2010 How Dems Allowed the Tea Party to Rebrand the GOP ..transcript follows.. Transcript PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR: Welcome to the The Re ...
- The Living Dead Liberal ClassChris Hedges began a recent column, in these days just prior to congressional elections by announcing: "The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party, which looks set to make sweeping gains in the midterm elections, is the direct result of a collapse of liberalism. It is the product of bankrupt liberal ...
- Bush War Crimes Evidence Mandates Obama ActionRecent Wikileaks disclosures underscore what so many have been saying that there is an obligation of the Obama Administration to investigate and, if warranted by the evidence, take action. Many political officeholders and strategists have long contended that it would be absurd and impractical to i ...
- Election Choice: Slow or Speed Downward Spin Into ...(From The Paragraph .) With House minority leader John Boehner (R-OH) already picking committee assignments, it seems the Republicans are eager to take control of the House — and resume America’s rapid downward spin into plutocracy . ++ 1 The downward spin sped up in 2001, when the Bush II Republi ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres.
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Khadr Admitted to Being a Murderer — But Did He Me Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Omar Khadr accepted a plea deal yesterday that called for him to plead guilty to all of the charges against him in exchange for serving one more year at Gitmo and then being repatriated to Canada to serve another seven years in prison. Predictably, the gov ...
- It’s Over: Khadr Gets “Eight Years”by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller This according to AP: The sentence was handed down Sunday under a plea bargain in which the young Canadian admitted to five war crimes charges, including killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan. Under the deal, the judge was limited to the eight-year sente ...
- More Thoughts on Targeted Killing (A Friendly Repl Kevin Jon Heller Human Rights Watch's Tom Malinowski and Ben Wittes -- whom, for the record, I consider a friend -- have been having an interesting and useful dialogue about targeted killing. Here is how Malinowski lays out HRW's position : Our position on targeted killing is that its use c ...
- The Mary Ellen O’Connell and Benjamin Wittes Debat Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Interest in targeted killing and drone warfare is not letting up in intensity to judge by the pace of events on the topic. Right on top of my debate with Mary Ellen O’Connell on this at Washington University two weeks ago, Mary Ellen and Ben Wittes undertoo ...
- Holding the UP Law Faculty in Contempt Would Be a Evan Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent by Evan Criddle and Evan Fox-Decent [Opinio Juris is delighted to post these remarks by Professors Evan Fox-Decent (McGill) and Evan Criddle (Syracuse) on the fallout from the allegations that their article was plagiarized by a member of the Philippines Supreme ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Investigate returns favour to Police, releases cen ...Investigate magazine has released part of its file on Heidi Paakkonen in response to a request via the news media from Police Superintendent Win van der Velde. However, Investigate editor Ian Wishart has blanked out portions of the documents, including...
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
- A response to NZ Herald’s errors on Crewe bookA week might be a long time in politics, but a month is an eternity in publishing. Since last month's editorial the new book Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story has finally hit the streets to a storm of controversy....
- Something every driver should be forced to readThis is the victim impact statement that New Zealand father Duncan Woods read out to a Christchurch court this week as a judge weighed up sentencing for Ashley David Austin, whose vehicle lost control and slammed into a mother and...
- New lead in Swedish tourists cold caseLatest Investigate magazine, on sale this morning...Missing Swedish tourist Heidi Paakkonen was last seen alive on Kawau Island in Auckland's Hauraki gulf, in the company of a man who was not David Wayne Tamihere...
My Care2 Picks
- The Truth About WikiLeaksThrow some light on some of the problems and questions some people have regarding WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. The essential question is not so much whether WikiLeaks as it exists today is genuine, but whether the man Julian Assange is genuine. Submitted by John Farnham to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! � ...
- No terror arrests in 100,000 UK police counter-ter ...More than 100,000 people were stopped and searched by police under counter-terrorism powers last year but none of them were arrested for terrorism-related offences. ( There's a waste of manpower. Spy Elint from NSA to FBI does about as well ) Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
- Recession Recipes: 100 Cheap Eats That Are Still R ...The next time you�re looking to save while eating well, try out a few of these amazingly cheap and delicious recipes. Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Firms Knew of Cement Flaws Before SpillHalliburton knew weeks before the fatal explosion of the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico that the cement mixture they planned to use to seal the bottom of the well was unstable but still went ahead with the job Submitted by John Farnham to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 15 Forgotten Facts About William ShakespeareThe Historians have managed to dredge up some absolutely fascinating minutiae that do not often crop up outside of literature and drama classes. Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Pompeo Supporter Urges Voters To ‘Vote American’ A ...ThinkProgress � Pompeo Supporter Urges Voters To ‘Vote American’ Against Indian-American Opponent Raj Goyle: "This past August, the Republican nominee for Kansas’ Fourth Congressional District Mike... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Athens, Greece - hunger strikers Kostas Gournas an ...angry news from around the world: Athens, Greece - hunger strikers Kostas Gournas and Nikos Maziotis refuse to be examined by doctors: "October 29 2010 - Solidarity gathering today at hospital... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Ugandan paper ordered to stop printing list of gay ...Ugandan paper ordered to stop printing list of gay people | World news | "A Ugandan judge has ordered a Kampala newspaper to stop publishing photographs, names and addresses of gay... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Jimmy Carter: Fox News is ‘totally biased,’ implan ...Jimmy Carter: Fox News is ‘totally biased,’ implants ‘completely false images’ | Raw StoryFormer President Jimmy Carter slammed Fox News Channel for their coverage of President Barack Obama and said... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Obama may let CIA run more ‘hunter-killer’ teams r ...Obama may let CIA run more ‘hunter-killer’ teams roam abroad | Raw Story: "WASHINGTON — Support is growing in the US military and administration of President Barack Obama for shifting to the CIA... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Don’t Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement ...Don't Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement comes to Republic Defiance Radio. This week's guest: Former Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn.
- Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Paul Griep ...This Sunday Paul Griepentrog will be joining us as we discuss how NAIS and Premises ID are being implemented on a statewide basis.
- Structural Adjustment—a Major Cause of PovertyThe IMF and World Bank have demanded that poor nations lower the standard of living of their people. Are we next?
- Africa, Chocolate, Bill Gates, Monsanto, and the G ...The bait and switch routine, GM style. Give poor farmers some free technology in return for softening up the biotech patent laws in that country, then slam them with a food and land grab the likes of which we have never seen.
- Watch What in the World are They Spraying!Watch the entire What in the World are They Spraying movie by Michael J. Murphy, Paul Whittenberger, and G. Edward Griffin.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Security Crackdown In Wake of Jet Bomb PlotShareThis Security Crackdown In Wake of Jet Bomb Plot 01 Nov 2010 Britain is cracking down on security in the wake of the cargo plane terror plot by banning printer cartridges in hand luggage and clamping down on freight from Yemen and Somalia. Speaking in the House of Commons, Home Secretary Teresa ...
- U.S. May Put Elite Hunter-Killer Teams in CIA Hand ...ShareThis U.S. May Put Elite Hunter-Killer Teams in CIA Hands --Yemen Covert Role Pushed 01 Nov 2010 The foiled mail bombing plot by suspected 'al Qaeda' militants in Yemen has added urgency to an Obama administration review of expanded military options that include putting elite U.S. hunter-killer ...
- Unemployment Offices to Add Armed GuardsShareThis Unemployment Offices to Add Armed Guards --36 Offices Beefing Up Security Before Benefits Set to End 27 Oct 2010 Armed security guards will be on hand at 36 unemployment offices around Indiana in what state officials said is a step to improve safety and make branch security more consistent ...
- Obama administration thinking of bolstering CIA in ...ShareThis Obama administration thinking of bolstering CIA in Yemen 01 Nov 2010 There is growing support in the US for a shift to CIA operational control over the elite special forces teams which have been secreted in Yemen. In response to recent revelations of bombs on board passenger planes from Ye ...
- The ink bomb was virtually undetectableShareThis The ink bomb was virtually undetectable 31 Oct 2010 The ink cartridge bomb was so well-hidden that British police failed to find it when they first examined a consignment sent from Yemen Langley. Sources say the difficulty in finding the bomb reflects its sophistication, hidden in a desk t ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Investigate returns favour to Police, releases cen ...Investigate magazine has released part of its file on Heidi Paakkonen in response to a request via the news media from Police Superintendent Win van der Velde. However, Investigate editor Ian Wishart has blanked out portions of the documents, including...
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
- A response to NZ Herald’s errors on Crewe bookA week might be a long time in politics, but a month is an eternity in publishing. Since last month's editorial the new book Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story has finally hit the streets to a storm of controversy....
- Something every driver should be forced to readThis is the victim impact statement that New Zealand father Duncan Woods read out to a Christchurch court this week as a judge weighed up sentencing for Ashley David Austin, whose vehicle lost control and slammed into a mother and...
- New lead in Swedish tourists cold caseLatest Investigate magazine, on sale this morning...Missing Swedish tourist Heidi Paakkonen was last seen alive on Kawau Island in Auckland's Hauraki gulf, in the company of a man who was not David Wayne Tamihere...
- Haneen Zoabi: Palestinians citizens of Israel are ...Ali Abunimah has an interesting and wide ranging interview with Israeli MK Haneen Zoabi up on Electronic Intifada. Zoabi has been public enemy number one in Israel since taking part in the Freedom Flotilla last Spring. Most recently, she was targeted last week by police during the protests in Umm a ...
- Joy to the world, David Broder says Obama can reju ..."The war recovery?" by David Broder in the Washington Post. Is this a Zionist trojan horse?Here is where Obama is likely to prevail. With strong Republican support in Congress for challenging Iran's ambition to become a nuclear power, he can spend much of 2011 and 2012 orchestrating a showdown wit ...
- Israel arrests Palestinian children at 3 in the mo ...and other news from Today in Palestine: �Settlers / Land, property, resource and heritage theft and destruction / Ethnic cleansingChild labour in Jordan Valley settlements At 5am each day, Nabeel wakes and goes to work. He leaves his house on foot, joining friends and colleagues as young as 10, on t ...
- ‘Haaretz’s desperate cry for help̵ ...When I first moved outside the city, I had a neighbor who was a drunk. I liked the guy a lot. He was funny and smart. He helped me with home improvement stuff, and I watched him die before my eyes. Another neighbor told me that Jim couldn't leave a party so long as there [...]
- ‘NPR’ gives Avigdor Lieberman a pass, ...Yesterday my wife and I contributed to the New York public radio pledge drive. I do it because I listen to NPR a lot, and because I often trash NPR on this site. You got to pay the piper. Then last night I was working on the new bathroom and I put the radio on a [...]
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Syne ...Toxicity is defined in the Medical lexicon as “a condition that results from exposure to a toxin or to toxic amounts of a substance that does not cause adverse effects in smaller amounts.” Vaccine-induced toxicity, while similar in some respects to this model, requires a deeper understanding in term ...
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
- VRM: Former Pharmaceutical Representative Gwen Ols ...“The Pharmaceutical Industry is in the business of disease maintenance & symptom management. They are not in the business to cure Cancer, to cure Alzheimer’s, to cure heart disease, because if they were they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business; and that in fact doesn’t mak ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- Wikileaks: Statement from Office of U.S. Secretary ...This just came in my email from Geoff Morrell: "We deplore Wikileaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies. We know terrorist organizations have been mining the leaked Afghan docume ...
- Surobi Sentinel - Oct 2010Published: 17 Oct 2010 Click here to view entire document. {loadposition user8}
- Soldiers' Angels and Inside the InfernoI am very proud that with my publisher we have been able to send a check for almost $5000.00 to Soldiers' Angels because you have helped by buying my new book Iraq: Inside the Inferno 2005 - 2008 . You may pre-order order copies of my book here .But we want to raise more for Soldiers' Angels because ...
- The Linda Norgrove Rescue TragedyPublished: 11 October 2010 Ms. Linda Norgrove was kidnapped on 26 September during an ambush in eastern Afghanistan.� A trusted and knowledgeable source told me he expected there was a high likelihood she would be killed by these particularly brutal people.� Several days ago, during a rescue attemp ...
- To Follow these StepsI first met Steve Shaulis about 27 years ago during Special Forces training.� We�ve been friends ever since and have traveled many places together. Back in 2001, six months before the 9/11 attacks, we were at his U.S. home in Vero Beach, Florida.� We were preparing to swim out into the night in ...
The Killing Train
- Azkintuwe and the Mapuche StruggleAn interview with Pedro Cayuqueo Justin Podur and Manuel Rozental October 20, 2010 read more
- Isabel McDonald and Lou Dobbs! My friend Isabel did a fantastic story for the Nation about the anti-immigration pundit Lou Dobbs who had undocumented workers caring for his horses and grounds , and she had the chance to talk to Lou Dobbs about it on MSNBC. Check it out. read more
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- The Afghan War Diary Data - an initial lookAn initial look at the first 76,000 records in the "Afghan War Diary" leaked by Wikileaks yields some important information, much of which has been known or suspected by analysts for years. Given the sheer size of the database, there is a great deal more to be learned, but here are some initial find ...
- Vending Machine Grows 20,000 Heads of Lettuce a Ye ...Photos: Dentu This is how we shall grow produce in the post-apocalyptic future Finally -- a device that will guarantee we can still grow vegetables in the dark, after a nuclear holocaust has blocked out the sun or rampaging zombies have taken over our farmland. This Japanese lettuce-growing ve ...
- The Going Green Exhibition Gives an Earthy Educati ...Photo credit: FIT Fair Trade. Local. Vegan. Organic. We've all heard these buzz words when it comes to the food in our grocery stores and on our plates. But when it comes to the blossoming sustainable fashion movement , there are so many catch phrases that shopping with a conscience can be down ...
- Spread the Word on Prop 23 With These Compelling V ...This guest post was written by Peter Glatzer, film producer and founder of When Adrian Grenier and I founded SHFT.COM we made a deliberate choice to be apolitical. Our mission was to position sustainable ideas and designs and ... Read the full story on TreeHugger
- GOP Plans Attacks on EPA, Climate ScientistsPhoto: eli.pousson , Flickr, Creative Commons The LA Times just ran a good -- if frightening and totally unsurprising -- piece about the GOP's post-election plans in the environmental arena . Mostly, it plans to try to burn that entire arena to the ground. Republican party leaders say that they ...
- Halloween Was Not Scary Enough. Let's See If Tomo ...Castle in a pumpkin. Image credit: photo by John Laumer With Halloween 2010 only a day behind us and the mid-term elections tomorrow morning, likely-voter polls indicate Americans are up for a good ' hate it when that happens ' kick in the pants. Let's think about some of the key outcomes of th ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Internet service slowed across BurmaAnalysts believe hampering of internet connection is a ploy by the Burmese junta to block the flow of information as elections approach
- Kachin dam set to spark exodusMyitsone dam will drown dozens of villages as analysts claim the development is symtomatic of junta's treatment of ethnic minorities
- No delay on vote in cyclone-hit regionRequest made by Arakan party to hold off voting in devastated areas is ignored by junta as figures reveal some 170,000 affected
- Post-cyclone dysentery kills 4Around 200 people in the cyclone-hit Arakan state have fallen ill as reports claim that aid to the worst-hit areas is slow to arrive
- Suu Kyi risks further sentencingState media says that anyone calling for a boycott of the 7 November elections could face a year in prison and hefty fine
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Climate change game launchedAn educational computer game in which users have to save the world from climate change offers an interesting solution - decide the problem is overpopulation and design a virus to kill millions.
- IPCC will 'probably' make more mistakes, vice chai ...There will "probably" be mistakes in future reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the organisation's vice-chair has admitted.
- Fear for Britain's birds this winterFeeding the birds this winter will be more important than ever, conservationists have warned, after the cold snap last year.
- Barack Obama to review polar bears A federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to review whether polar bears are endangered under US law.
- Ice Man Eric Guth explores caves in glaciers aroun ...Ice Man Eric Guth explores caves in glaciers around the world.
National Geographic | Environment
- Photos: Merapi Volcano Ash Smothers Indonesian Vil ...NonePompeii-like scenes are proliferating on the Indonesian island of Java, where the Mount Merapi volcano's eruptions have killed dozens.
- New Video Filmed by Whale SharksNone
- Tsunami, Volcano Eruption in Indonesia Linked?The two nearly simultaneous events might have been triggered by the same earthquake, which may have been a rare "slow" temblor, experts say.
- New Snub-Nosed Monkey Discovered, EatenPictured moments before humans ate it, a snub-nosed monkey represents a new species that sneezes when it rains.
- Presented By:
Jurist - Legal Research
- Indonesia president: soldiers to face trial over t ...[JURIST] Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono [official website; BBC profile] announced [press release, in Indonesian] Monday that Indonesian soldiers caught on video [CNN report; WARNING: readers may find the video disturbing] last month torturing Papuan detainees will stand trial before a ...
- Supreme Court hears arguments on summary judgment ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] heard oral arguments [day call, PDF; merit briefs] Monday in Ortiz v. Jordan [oral arguments transcript, PDF; JURIST report], on whether a party may appeal an order denying summary judgment after a full trial on the merits if the ...
- Supreme Court to rule on juvenile Miranda rights[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] on Monday granted certiorari [order list, PDF] in five cases and called for views by the Acting Solicitor General [official website] on two pending petitions. In JDB v. North Carolina [docket], the court will determine whether a j ...
- Yemen court sentences Somali pirates to 5 years in ...[JURIST] A penal court in the Aden province of Yemen on Sunday sentenced [SABA report] a group of 10 Somali pirates to five years in prison. The men were convicted on charges of committing acts of piracy against Yemeni fishing boats. Three other individuals were also tried but were acquitted [AFP re ...
- ICTR convicts former Rwanda businessman on genocid ...[JURIST] The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) [official website] on Monday convicted former Rwanda businessman Gaspard Kanyarukiga on charges of genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity. Kanyarukiga was indicted [text, PDF] in 2001 for his alleged involvement with the ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Obama Concedes a Poor Choice of Words on 'Enemies'In an interview with talk show host Michael Baisden this afternoon, President Obama pulls back a word, replaces it, and makes the same point: And you know, it's interesting right now, there was a -- I had a conversation with a Hispanic radio outlet, Univision, and during the course of that conv ...
- Not So Fast, Michael SteeleRight now, there is only one announced candidate for RNC chairman: former North Dakota GOP head Gary Emineth. (Your Emineth!) Michael Steele, the current chair, seems keen on building his re-election campaign off of tomorrow's anticipated successes, but that worries quite a few RNC members, and Emin ...
- Selling Sarah Palin's Alaska (and America)The 2012 branding of Sarah Palin continues. Amid reports that Republican strategists are scrambling to counter her possible candidacy, Palin, the former governor of Alaska, plans a novel nationwide publicity tour for her TLC reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska. It includes a ton of content promotion ...
- Republican To Steele: Don't Take So Much CreditRight now, there is only one announced candidate for RNC chairman: former North Dakota GOP head Gary Emineth. (Your Emineth!) Michael Steele, the current chair, seems keen on building his re-election campaign off of tomorrow's anticipated successes, but that worries quite a few RNC members, and Emin ...
- Boehner Strikes a PosePer Mike Allen, Minority Leader John Boehner plans to lacerate President Obama for referring to Republican candidates as "enemies," a phrase that presidents are only supposed to use in times of war to refer to actual enemies of the state. A far cry from the man who promised to bridge divisions and h ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Israeli Deputy PM, Dan Meridor, Cancels London Tri ...Israel’s deputy prime minister, Dan Meridor, cancelled a planned trip to London today when he discovered an arrest warrant had been filed against him for his role during Operation Cast Lead. Â He had been scheduled as tonight’s keynote speaker at the annual Bicom, pro-Israel advocacy conference in t ...
- Links for 2010-05-04 [Digg]Dershowitz Incites Hate Against Michael Lerner It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post column...
- Links for 2010-03-21 [Digg]Happy Passover: Settlers, Immigrants, and Jewish Values "You shall not oppress the stranger because you know the soul of the stranger for you yourselves were immigrants in the land of Egypt (Exodus 23:9)"
- What’s NGO Monitor Got Against Bubbes and Zaydehs? ...Hey, Gerald Steinberg, what’ve you got against bubbes and zaydehs? Â That’s what I want to know. Â It seems that Jessica Montell, executive director of B’Tselem tweeted on October 25th: Just received a donation from Bubbes and Zaydes for Peace in the Middle East. I don’t know the group but it brough ...
- Prison for IDF Soldiers Who Gave Blindfolded Pales ...Yediot Achronot reports that IDF soldiers who took photos in which they gleefully gave a blindfolded Palestinian detainee the finger (two extended middle fingers, precisely) and brandished a loaded weapons in his face will get a five month prison sentence. I find it strange that the military prosec ...
Ode Magazine
- Change starts smallBy: povertycurtain I came across something in the blogosphere today that seems really inspiring. It's a book called Small acts of resistance: How courage, tenacity and ingenuity can change the world . The book has its own website where you can also submit your own ...
- How "She's Next" helps women flourishBy: Miranda Mager Motivational words from one woman to another have a big impact, especially when we're feeling unsure about our goals or place in the world. What if any woman anywhere could receive that knowledge and encouragement from influential women who have a ...
- Peace is a process, a sum of many actsBy: PeaceCorso In 1963, president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, gave the commencement address at American University. Part of that address appears below: "I am not referring to the absolute, infinite concept of universal peace and good will of ...
- California dreaming becomes a realityHow Alvarado Street Bakery went from hippie collective to commercially successful co-op. Alvarado Street Bakery makes quality products with co-operative values. Photo: MJ Wickham Alvarado Street Bakery traces its roots to the Red Clover Worker’s Brigade, a 1970s Northern Calif ...
- A planet is a terrible thing to wasteWhy caring about the ecosystem means caring for the ecosystem. A recent conversation with a friend got me thinking. This friend had just returned from a conference on species survival and habitat preservation. While there, he learned, to his great surprise, that among a small subset of s ...
OpEd News
- Voting News: Is internet voting secret & safe? Vot ..."If we can bank by ATM, why not vote by the Internet?"~ CTVoter explains... Fox news: Internet Voting Arrives -But Is It Secret and Safe?...Chuck Tyson, Craven County NCGOP Chair on NC's touchscreen problems: "I think every vote cast should get to the right party no matter what party they put the v ...
- My Support for Ralph Nader, Ten Years Later: Lesso ...Criminal sabotage on the part of the Supreme Court, coached by now Chief Justice Roberts, not Nader put Bush in office.In the face of the predictable damage Republicans always do to the country, it makes sense to vote Democratic.
- I'll Take Republican Game Show Hosts for 20, AlexWhy are almost TV game show hosts Republicans.....?
- Taking a Stand for SanityBeyond ducking the competing crowd numbers and making no effort to understand the significance of hundreds of thousands of Americans rallying "to restore sanity," the news media also trivialized the substance of the event. Rather than a source of illumination and transparency, the news media for the ...
- Last CallUnemployment benefits will never be extended again, job-creation programs will be defunded, homeowner-protection programs will be closed. Expect a tidal wave of middle-class homeless to set up tent-villages and take up residence in their cars.
- Federal Government Schedules Public Hearings for P ...The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Fisheries Service will hold four public hearings over the course of the next two weeks to hear from the public about the recent proposal to list the Atlantic sturgeon as endangered. The hearings will be held at the following loca ...
- Examiner columnist perpetuates oil and gas industr ...A recent column in the Washington Examiner argues against stronger regulation for hydraulic fracturing (aka “fracking”), a risky process used to blast open underground formations to produce oil and gas. The column makes the case that concerns about endangerment to health and drinking ...
- "Cities" may not matter as much as we think - regi ...I’m going to start by being deliberatively provocative: “cities” don’t matter nearly as much as we sometimes suggest. I surround the word with quotation marks, because I am talking about cities as municipalities with legal boundaries – which is not, by the way, how most people use th ...
- Solar panels in the spotlight; E-waste; Saving ene ...Allen Hershkowitz explained to Businessweek that new solar projects in U.S. professional sports venues show how the public is embracing clean energy… Allen also authored an article on the dumping of electronic waste into developing countries, which appeared in The Environmental Forum , ...
- From 'Flipper' to 'The Cove:' Grassroots Activism ...For Ric O’Barry, it’s all about showing up. This vibrant septuagenarian – star of the Academy Award Winning documentary, the Cove -- appeared at the Brower Center in Berkeley, on his way from Egypt to Indonesia, to share inspiring vignettes from his remarkable life and the unflagging ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- This is a Man Who Knows His Nuclear Annihilation&# ...I kinda wish a Democratic elected official would say something like this: Well, let me just tell you that the most excited I’m about is — and I’m asking Congress to pass –is the agreement to reduce our nuclear weapons. This, I think, is the most important thing, because we can talk from here to eter ...
- The Massacre of 2010In the interests of compliance with the Pundit-Blogger Accountability Act of 2010, here are my revised election predictions. Â For the Senate I’m going to go wildly optimistic: Dems -6, winning both Colorado and Illinois, but losing Nevada. Â Â For the House, I dunno: Maybe -56? Â And let’s remember ...
- One Good ThingNo matter what happens on Tuesday, at least Evan Bayh will no longer be a United States Senator. Speaking of which, this seems like a good time to revisit the standings for the Evan Bayh Award For Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Perceived Relevance to Actual Relevance ratio.   It’s becom ...
- People Who Cannot Be ParodiedShorter Verbatim Blogprof: “How refreshing that we had a President that knows how to throw a baseball. Bush didn’t ‘wrist’ it like sissy girls do.” How dreamy!  Sadly, this is followed by links to several other wingers making similar observations, perhaps while scrawling hearts all over thei ...
- Sexist Wanker of the DayCarl Paladino. Related posts:There’s No Pleasing Some People I Can’t Decide Whether This Is Wrong Until I Know His Party Affiliation Sexist Nonsense About Trivia Related posts: There’s No Pleasing Some People I Can’t Decide Whether This Is Wrong Until I Know His Party Affiliation Sexist Nons ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
Earth Techling
- Toyota UK Pimps Out 10th Birthday Prius
- AT&T, Samsung Showcase Green Cell Phone
- Big Boom In Solar Predicted, If Aided
- EU, IBM Want To Slay Vampire Power
- Completed Wind Farm Powers 44,000 Homes
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Demand for legal services declined during third qu ...Demand for legal services and law firm productivity fell slightly during the third quarter of 2010, according to the latest Hildebrandt Baker Robbins Peer Monitor Index.
- ASSOCIATE MOVERSJennifer Abramowitz joins Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton?s labor and employment practice in the Century City, Calif., office. Plus more law firm movers in this week's column.
- OPINION: Judicial activismThe conservative bloc on the current Supreme Court is flying all five red flags signaling its presence.
- OPINION: Violent video gamesBecause the California law restricting their sale to minors is unnecessary, unprecedented and unintelligible, the Supreme Court should find it unconstitutional.
- THE PRACTICE: SEC bounties imperil corporate integ ...Dodd-Frank provision threatens internal investigations by removing employees as a source of information.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Failing to Pass a Severance Tax…Below some comments from the press and PennFuture about the state of the State’s budget sans a tax on drilling. Inaction on drill tax has a bad odor to it Sunday, October 24, 2010 By Brian O’Neill, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette …. Its [PA's Legislature] latest gaffe is passing on collecting tens of milli ...
- Stephanie Hallowich in National GeographicStephanie Hallowich has had one of the worst experiences with natural gas drilling in PA and she has also been one of the loudest voices, speaking out for her family and others in the same situations. Her story was picked up by National Geographic and can be found at the below link. She had this [.. ...
- The Right to Know!Do you know how to file a “Right to Know” request? Do you know why you might want to know how to do this? Since the gas drilling in Pennsylvania has taken off at full speed many people are finding the “Open Records Law” , also known as the “Right to Know Law”, a necessary [...]
- Ya’ll Get Together Now, Ya Hear?Today I attended the Conservation PA event in Camp Hill, PA. I was sitting in the conference room among the other 100 or so attendees and trying to remember when I had first heard of the Marcellus Shale, or the term fracking. When I couldn’t dig up a memory of the beginning of my relationship [...]
- Do ‘Environmental Extremists’ Pose Criminal Threat Abrahm Lustgarten Sept 8th, 2010 As debate over natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale reaches a fever pitch, state and federal authorities are warning Pennsylvania law enforcement that “environmental extremists” pose an increasing threat to security and to the energy sector. A confide ...
News Blaze
- Green Power Partnership's Top Purchasers Use More ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing its list of the top 50 organizations using the most renewable electricity.
- Horrible Execution of Two Girls Shows Mental State ...Aayan Mohamed Jama, 18, and Huriyo Ibrahim, 15, from Somalia's Hiiran region were summarily executed in the Central-Somali town of Beledweyne for allegedly spying for the Ethiopian and Somali governments.
- US Congratulates People of Bahrain on Success of I ...The United States congratulates the people and government of Bahrain on the success of its parliamentary and municipal elections. Voter turn-out was robust at approximately 67% and we understand that the voting procedures were peaceful.
- Treasury Update on AIG Investment ValuationThe completion of the restructuring is subject to a number of conditions. Nevertheless, the AIA IPO and sale of ALICO reflect the substantial progress that AIG and the USG have made to date in restructuring the company.
- Without Endorsing Any Party, Zed Asks Hindu-Americ ...Without endorsing any particular political party, Hindu statesman Rajan Zed has asked the roughly three-million American Hindus to come out and vote on November 2nd, US midterm election.
environment 360
- China Makes Green Cars a Priority; UK Firm Eyes Wi ...The Chinese auto industry will make development and production of electric and hybrid vehicles its top priority over the next five years, according to its latest Five-year Plan. By 2015, China aims to sell 1 million “new-energy” automobiles, according to a report in People’s Daily . China’s Ministry ...
- Hydrofracturing for Gas Also Releases Uranium from ...Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial practice used to drill for natural gas, also causes uranium trapped inside shale formations to be released , according to a new study. After mapping Marcellus shale concentrations in Western New York and Pennsylvania, researchers from the Universi ...
- China Takes First Steps In the Fight Against Acid ...Amid China’s seemingly boundless emissions of industrial pollutants, there are signs of hope. Discharges of sulfur dioxide, which causes acid rain, have actually decreased, offering some evidence that China is starting to establish a culture of pollution monitoring and control. BY CHRISTINA LARSON
- Interview: In the California Desert, Solar-Thermal ...Federal and state officials gathered in California’s Mojave Desert last week to officially break ground on BrightSource Energy’s Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, which will become the world’s largest solar thermal power plant and the first sizeable BrightSource John Woolard one to be built ...
- In California’s Mojave Desert, Solar-Thermal Proje ...By year’s end, regulators are expected to approve a host of solar energy projects in California that could eventually produce as much electricity as several nuclear plants. In an interview with Yale Environment 360 , John Woolard, the CEO of the company that has begun construction on the world’s lar ...
Red Ice Creations
- Who's the Conspiracy Theorist Now? Gov't Scaring t ...Pandemics, Aliens, and Asteroids -- Oh My! It appears that the corporate-government-media has recently become the number one propagator of conspiracy theories. That is, of course, as long as the fear campaign pushes the right buttons for the agenda. The dumbed-down public will always be led by fear ...
- Earth Passing Into the Cosmic "Energy Cloud"On Christmas Eve, 2009, the startling hypothesis that our Solar System, the Sun and all its planets, are moving into a potentially dangerous and destabilizing interstellar energy cloud, was resoundingly sustained. In their research paper, "A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the ...
- Communication With 50 Nuke Missiles Dropped in ICB ...The Air Force swears there was no panic. But for three-quarters of an hour Saturday morning, launch control officers at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming couldn’t reliably communicate or monitor the status of 50 Minuteman III nuclear missiles. Gulp. Backup security and communications systems, lo ...
- Massive Solar Flare Storm Warnings for the Next Fe ...According to a new report, the United States is in danger of a massive space storm that could knock out power to much of the nation. It may sound like the premise for the next Michael Bay, big-budget action extravaganza -- but scientists say a storm from space could change life on Earth as we know i ...
- No warning because tsunami alert system had been v ...Planes and helicopters packed with rescue workers and supplies landed yesterday on remote Indonesian islands that were pounded by a 3m tsunami, as a news report said Indonesia's tsunami warning system had been vandalised and so failed to warn the islanders. Two buoys off the Mentawai islands were va ...
Russia Today
- “Aiding EU farmers is wasting money”The European Commission has found that fraudulent payments doubled last year, with most irregularities in funds going to the poorest regions.
- Brazilian commune fights capitalism with socialist ...The imported food you eat comes with a greater price than what you pay at the grocery store; the livelihood of farmers who were pushed off their land when agriculture became a high tech business.
- Jon Stewart rallied Americans for sanityThe trust of politicians and the media among Americans has dwindled. Ratings of major television news networks have been dropping, but the words of one man have resonated with the masses.
- CSKA continue VTB United League dominationCSKA have recovered some form after defeat in the basketball Euroleague, bouncing back with a comprehensive win in the domestic VTB United League in Russia.
- Three churches torched overnight in southern Russi ...Two Russian Orthodox churches and one Baptist church were targeted by arsonists on Monday night. One of them was almost burnt to the ground.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- “Phantastic” Halloween Solar PhotosYeah, I know the spelling catcher and these pictures have been viral on the ‘Net all this past weekend, but I can’t resist posting these from a relative “neighbor” of mine who lives in Buffalo, NY and photographed from the same. Enjoy! … … [...] “On Oct. 20, Friedman hooked his telescope to a hydrog ...
- Terror Threats and Human Time MachinesLately I’ve been haunting the STARpod site picking up on odd bits of psychic stuff that Gary Bekkum says filters through the aether. Today was no different and I scanned this little article that caught my interest since it mentions quantum theory and multiple universes: Multiple sources and declassi ...
- Zecharia Sitchin PassesFrom We regret to inform you that Zecharia Sitchin passed away on the morning of October 9th. A small, private family funeral was held the next day. The family asks that you respect its privacy during this difficult time and refrain from contacting family members directly. Instead, to o ...
- FermiLab to prove Third Dimension an IllusionIt has been postulated in the past few years that our reality, i.e., the “Third Dimension” is an illusion and thusly could be manipulated and it would be proven once and for all that we live in a multi-dimensional multi-verse. Now scientists at the FermiLab high energy research facility are building ...
- The Electric Universe and StrawmenThe Electric Universe Theory is very intriguing to me for the simple fact that it’s elegant, easy to grasp and can explain many anomalies that occur in Nature. In fact, I consider it an equal to Einstein’s Gravitic theories that is the mainstream thought today. Do I think it’s THE theory? No, but I ...
Tippers News
- Targeted Dog Expected to Recover; Another Feared D ...On Saturday morning, "Shiloh" and "Weenie" went out in the fields across from their home on Ninepin Branch Road in Berlin as they normally do. But only "Shiloh" returned to the doorstep, and her owner discovered disturbing wounds. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment ...
- Dog Beating Charge Sends Key Largo Man To JailA witness said Bubba upset Mitchell when he tried to run away. Mitchell caught the dog by the collar, the witness said, and dragged him so violently inside he damaged the dog's neck and esophagus. Then Bubba grabbed a steak from the kitchen counter. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! ...
- Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist - ...Edward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Doing Daily Internet Activism for Supporting Causes of Change. Talking about: Armchair Activism for Oil-Spill Animals. Submitted by Edward Janus to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Access: Disability Rights Activists in ActionEdward Janus | Disability Advocate and Activist (Disabled myself). Campaign and Mission is Fighting for Persons with Disabilities. Making Our Voices Heard. Access: Disability Rights Activists in Action posted by: Kristina Chew Submitted by Edward Janus to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Evidence Refutes Bp's and Fed's DeceptionIn August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. [extremely high] Submitted by Ellyn S. to Environment �|� �N ...
The Freeman
- The Broken-Window Fallacy Writ Large and DangerousVeteran Washington Post political columnist David Broder yesterday: What else might affect the economy? The answer is obvious, but its implications are frightening. War and peace influence the economy. Look back at FDR and the Great Depression. What finally resolved that economic crisis? World War I ...
- Apple Accuses Motorola of Violating Smartphone Pat ...“From Apple Inc. sued Motorola Inc., alleging that the companyâs smartphone lineup and the operating software it uses infringe on the iPhone-makerâs intellectual property. The two lawsuits came after Motorola sued Apple in October for patent infringement and were the latest skirmish in a long-runnin ...
- Obamacare May Include “Free” Contraception“Fifty years after the pill, another birth control revolution may be on the horizon: free contraception for women in the U.S., thanks to the new health care law.” (Washington Post) There ainât no such thing as a free birth-control pill. FEE Timely Classic “Legal Plunder: Origin and Consequences” by ...
- The Kid and the Benevolent BullyAfter expenses, he was making 3-cents a serving and, at 30 cups a day, had netted more than $25 the first month.
- Bernanke Concerned about Economy“The Federal Reserve is all but certain next week to begin a multibillion-dollar effort to coax the recovery along, but privately, Ben S. Bernanke, the chairman, worries that more is needed to turn the sluggish economy around and revive employment.” (New York Times) Here comes the fiat money. FEE Ti ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Best advice for SoundslidesI was asking around recently, among my friends at other j-schools who teach photojournalism. Yes, they are still teaching Soundslides. The No. 1 reason is almost unanimous: It’s a great transition from making stills to making video. I think it also helps — a lot — with teaching storytelling. Right ...
- Storytelling 101 with ‘The Annoying Orange’Let’s look at storytelling again. I always use this diagram to show students how to structure a very short video story or audio slideshow (120 seconds): Recently a student showed me this video, and I noticed that at about 1 min. 30 sec., it illustrates the story arc perfectly! ...
- Journalism education: Irrelevant, or lacking conte ...Journalism students around the world seem to be very similar. Many of them say this: Personally, I enrolled in a journalism course because I wanted to get into magazines or newspaper column writing — less hard news, more conversational. That comes from a June 2010 column at MediaShift, written b ...
- Boring old news media: Still boring, still oldI was just rereading a post by Steve Yelvington — whom I used to call the smartest man in online journalism (and he may still be — it’s just that there are so many more people in it now, it’s hard to name just one). Steve’s post ( A tablet revolution: It’s like it’s the ’70s all over again ) has se ...
- Contents of a journalist’s backpackNeerav Bhatt describes himself as a professional blogger, photographer, geek and qualified librarian. Okay, so he never says “journalist,” but if you read his post that accompanied the photo below, I think you’ll forgive my headline. He’s got some interesting choices (which he explains in his pos ...
Facing South
- Alabama election chief steps up rhetoric against ' ...With Tea Party and Republican claims of widespread "voter fraud" at a fever pitch, Alabama's secretary of state Beth Chapman (R) is taking it to another level: She's promised a $5,000 reward for "information reported to her office that leads to a felony conviction of voter fraud" in the state. Cha ...
- 5 closest House races in the SouthNate Silver at 538/New York Times continues to dump the seemingly endless supply of polling data into his 2010 election predictions . It's a moving target, but as of early afternoon Monday here are the five Congressional House races that are closest in the South. SEAT - % CHANCE OF WINNING N ...
- VOICES: The great predicament facing ObamaBy Jan Frel and Larry Goodwyn, AlterNet What happened to the dream of Barack Obama's transformational politics? There's been very little deviation from the disastrous Bush years on the key issues of war, empire and the distribution of wealth in the country. I turned to Lawrence Goodwyn, his ...
- VOICES: The corporate crime PACBy Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Election day is upon us, but more than five million American citizens will not be able to go to the polls because they have been convicted of a felony and thus stripped of their voting rights. Yet there is another group of felons and other malefactors whose p ...
- Federal inspectors clueless about cementing, oil s ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Yesterday the government's oil spill panel released a letter alleging that Halliburton knew of potential flaws in its cement prior to the Deepwater Horizon blowout. That same spill commission, in a little-noticed report by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, had earlier this ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
- World Cup Crime in South AfricaWhile South Africa boasts understandable pride and excitement to be hosting the World Cup, its citizens are fearful. An already disordered country will see crime escalate substantially when the crowds arrive.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyZimbabwean diamonds mined with complete disregard for basic human rights are currently being sold in jewelry stores with
- Women's Modern PlightWith all the progress that has been made to advance women's position in the world, their standing still ranges from disadvantaged in developed countries to brutalized in developing ones.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Rebellions of 1837The Rebellions of 1837 took place in both Upper and Lower Canada. In LOWER CANADA the rebellion was in large part an expression of a resurgent FRENCH CANADIAN NATIONALISM . The French Canadian majority constituted the
- ProhibitionProhibition was an attempt to forbid by law the selling and drinking of intoxicating beverages. It was enacted in Prince Edward Island in 1901 and in the remaining provinces, the Yukon, and Newfoundland during the First World
- Seven Years' WarThe Seven Years' War, 1756-63, was the first global war. The protagonists were Britain, Prussia and Hanover against France, Austria, Sweden, Saxony, Russia and eventually Spain. Britain declined to commit its main forces on
- Laurier, Sir WilfridSir Wilfrid Laurier, lawyer, journalist, politician, prime minister of Canada (b at St-Lin, Canada E 20 Nov 1841; d at Ottawa 17 Feb 1919). As leader of the LIBERAL PARTY 1887-1919 and prime minister 1896-1911, Laurier was the
- Cartier, JacquesJacques Cartier, navigator (b at St-Malo, France, between 7 June and 23 Dec 1491; d there 1 Sept 1557). Cartier led 3 voyages of exploration to the St Lawrence region in 1534, 1535-36 and 1541-42. He is usually credited with
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle plastic Nesquik tubs?Recycle This regular Lizzie has asked: Any suggestions for Nesquik tubs? I think Nesquik is probably the greenest solution to my chocolate milkshake addiction , but what, oh what can I do with the bright-yellow rectangular-ish tubs? Google informs me that there are several types of Nesquik tub but t ...
- How can I reuse or recycle baby stair gates and pl ...We’ve had an email from Karen: How can I recycle a baby cot, stair gate and play pen?? Cant bear to throw them away but seems difficult to give away!! It doesn’t have to be difficult to give them away – join your local Freecycle/Freegle group, post an “offer” message and chances are someone will [.. ...
- Green Halloween: How can I reuse or recycle Hallow ...Continuing in our Green Halloween series… Along with masks and costumes, the shops are full of Halloween decorations at the moment too. Plastic skulls & skeletons, plastic pumpkins, plastic spiders & bats, plastic ghosts & ghouls … lots of plastic. As with the masks, it’s far greener (and more fun!) ...
- How can I reuse or recycle spark plugs?We’ve had an email from Scott, asking: Is there any use for old sparkplugs? As someone who barely knows what a sparkplug looks like let alone does, I’m not really in a position to answer this question. Google tells me that they can be cleaned up again but it’s not recommended (although disclaimer: a ...
- Green Halloween: what can I reuse or recycle to ma ...Continuing in our Green Halloween series… So yesterday, we looked at reuse or recycling ideas for Halloween masks – and I suppressed my desire to rant about shop-bought costumes. In my ever-so humble opinion, homemade costumes are way more fun – and they often reuse and recycle stuff, rather than us ...
- Haneen Zoabi: Palestinians citizens of Israel are ...Ali Abunimah has an interesting and wide ranging interview with Israeli MK Haneen Zoabi up on Electronic Intifada. Zoabi has been public enemy number one in Israel since taking part in the Freedom Flotilla last Spring. Most recently, she was targeted last week by police during the protests in Umm a ...
- Joy to the world, David Broder says Obama can reju ..."The war recovery?" by David Broder in the Washington Post. Is this a Zionist trojan horse?Here is where Obama is likely to prevail. With strong Republican support in Congress for challenging Iran's ambition to become a nuclear power, he can spend much of 2011 and 2012 orchestrating a showdown wit ...
- Israel arrests Palestinian children at 3 in the mo ...and other news from Today in Palestine: �Settlers / Land, property, resource and heritage theft and destruction / Ethnic cleansingChild labour in Jordan Valley settlements At 5am each day, Nabeel wakes and goes to work. He leaves his house on foot, joining friends and colleagues as young as 10, on t ...
- ‘Haaretz’s desperate cry for help̵ ...When I first moved outside the city, I had a neighbor who was a drunk. I liked the guy a lot. He was funny and smart. He helped me with home improvement stuff, and I watched him die before my eyes. Another neighbor told me that Jim couldn't leave a party so long as there [...]
- ‘NPR’ gives Avigdor Lieberman a pass, ...Yesterday my wife and I contributed to the New York public radio pledge drive. I do it because I listen to NPR a lot, and because I often trash NPR on this site. You got to pay the piper. Then last night I was working on the new bathroom and I put the radio on a [...]
Media Consortium
- The Newsonomics of membership " Nieman Journalism ...New journalism is hungry for new business models. Beyond millions in foundation start-up support, what will sustain these enterprises? One answer: membership. The notion is borrowed from NPR (née National Public Radio), which we must remind ourselves is no “experiment.” While the daily press is te ...
- Chart: How Newspaper E-Editions Are Faring | paidC ...One circulation metric that wasn’t down year-over-year for U.S. newspapers during the first half of 2010: the total number of subscribers to their e-editions, a broad category that includes digital replicas, online-only subscriptions, Kindle subscriptions, and products like Times Reader. Leading th ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...t the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. According to a release issued by the company, the new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, w ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...At the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. The new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, without ever having to leave a publisher’s gam ...
- When people are willing to pay for “almost nothing ...I want to point out a couple tweets of Marco’s that might tell us a little something about the paywalls we’ll see news organizations start erecting in greater quantities soon. Arment recently decided to start offering a paid model for Instapaper’s web service. He calls it an Instapaper Subscription, ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Election eve details of green energy hiring scanda ...New details are emerging from the recruitment scandal at a flagship office for the Obama administration’s vision of a green economy. They paint a cosy picture of the relationship between the US Department of Energy and at least one recipient of US stimulus money. On the eve of the mid-term el ...
- Court sets date for oral arguments in stem cell ap ...An appeals court in Washington, D.C. has set December 6th as the date it will hear oral arguments on whether US government funding of human embryonic stem cell research should remain legal. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday issued this order, summ ...
- Has the US government abandoned gene patents? In an unexpected move certain to make queasy biotechnology executives reach for their Pepto Bismol, the United States government issued a brief last Friday that strongly argues against gene patents. The position was explained in an amicus brief filed in a high-profile lawsuit over the validity of ...
- Fatal helicopter crash at French Antarctic researc ...Australian and US air force planes have spotted three bodies and debris strewn 150m around the site of the crash of helicopter in Antarctica carrying four people, including the pilot, a mechanic and two researchers from l'Institut polaire Paul-Emile Victor , in Brest, Brittany, France. The helic ...
- House committee weighs in on 'climate engineering'The US House Science and Technology Committee released a report on Friday looking into the nascent science of geoengineering and how federal programs could be aligned to study technologies - from the ordinary to the controversial - that could be used to alter the earth's climate in order to counter ...
new geography
- New Index Estimates New House Cost Impact of Land ...In recent decades, an unprecedented variation has developed in the price of new tract housing on the fringe of US metropolitan markets. Nearly all of this difference is in costs other than site preparation and construction, which indicates rising land and regulation costs. Our first annual Demograp ...
- The Real OC: Diverse, Dynamic and — Dare I Say — P ...I recently returned to Orange County after a decade’s absence, fully aware that a stereotype of all-white, card-carrying-John Birchers still exists among many who remain unfamiliar with facts on the ground here. I never bought that old saw in the first place. And now, on a second venture into OC, ...
- Help Mexico: Legalize PotMexico is disintegrating. Bombings, kidnappings, assassinations, and shootings are now common. Recently, the mayor of Tancitaro Mexico was stoned to death. Mexican corruption is so rampant that United States law enforcement officials are reluctant to work with their Mexican counterparts out, fear ...
- The Privatization-Industrial Complex“I think this is just the latest way for people to make money off state and local governments. This is the new way the investment banks, their lawyers, and consultants squeeze the taxpayers....They’re going around making these deals, and it’s very lucrative. It’s like a circus coming to town.” - Cli ...
- Suburban Nation, but Urban Political StrategyIdeologues may set the tone for the national debate, but geography and demography determine elections. In America, the dominant geography continues to be suburbia – home to at least 60 percent of the population and probably more than that portion of the electorate. Roughly 220 congressional distric ...
GM Watch
- New criticism of EFSA
- New pro-GM documentary on UK TV
- Farmers marching across India to save agriculture
- U.S. says genes should not be eligible for patents
- How green is your revolution?
- A fireworks-free society?First they came for Guy Fawkes Night, then for Halloween. The sanitisation police risk turning autumn festivals into pretty damp squibs.
- Time to kick back against the kickbacksWe football fans shouldn’t just cynically shrug our shoulders in response to allegations of FIFA corruption.
- There’s still life in the hospital dramaBy putting nurses and sordid bodies at its centre, Getting On offers a dark and funny twist on an often-clichéd TV genre.
- A very unpopular movement for democratic reformThe current campaign to overhaul the electoral system is motored more by the needs of a disconnected elite than by popular demand.
- An indictment of the anti-war movementDemands for the prosecution of Tony Blair only legitimise the use of international courts against weak states.
- AE911Truth: Mark Basile Chemical EngineerVia: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth YouTube Channel:
- Indiana: With Benefits About to Expire, Unemployme ...Via: 6 News: Armed security guards will be on hand at 36 unemployment offices around Indiana in what state officials said is a step to improve safety and make branch security more consistent. No specific incidents prompted the action, Department of Workforce Development spokesman Marc Lotter told 6N ...
- George Hickenlooper, Director of ‘Casino Jac ...Natural causes… Via: New York Times: George Hickenlooper, a director whose credits include an Emmy-winning documentary about the making of âApocalypse Nowâ and a film starring Kevin Spacey as the disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff that is scheduled to open in December, died on Saturday in Denver. He w ...
- The BBC’s Nuclear BunkerVia: Independent: It all makes sense, once you know what you’re looking at. The 200 acres of thickly wooded hillside, inaccessible by public footpath; the radio mast strategically poking out on top; the hidden entrance, just off the A44 near Evesham, in Worcestershire, surrounded by CCTV cameras and ...
- 3D Building ProjectionThis will definitely be old news to many of you, but I just randomly stumbled across this tonight. 3D animated scenes are projected onto building exteriors. The computer generated imagery incorporates the building’s architecture. The effect can be pretty astonishing. Here are several clips of work d ...
The Economic Collapse
- Living Beyond Our Means: 3 Charts That Prove That ...Do you want to see something truly frightening? Just check out the 3 charts posted further down in this article. These charts prove that we are now in the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world. As Americans have enjoyed an incredibly wonderful standard of living over th ...
- The Biggest Bank Robbery In History? More Quantita ...The U.S. Federal Reserve is getting ready to conduct another gigantic bailout of the big banks, but this time virtually nobody in the mainstream media will use the term "bailout" and the American people are going to get a lot less upset about it. You see, one lesson that was learne ...
- The Calm Before The StormAn eerie calm has descended upon world financial markets as they await perhaps the two most important financial events of the year this week. On Tuesday, investors will be eagerly awaiting the results of one of the most anticipated midterm elections in U.S. history. On Wednesday, ...
- The Number One U.S. Export To China: Waste Paper A ...Historians tell us that by the very end of the Roman Empire, goods were pouring into Rome from all over the known world, but about the only thing being sent out of Rome was human waste and garbage. America has not yet reached that point, but we are certainly well on our way. In 20 ...
- The Bernanke SpeechWhen Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gives a speech about the U.S. economy, it gets a whole lot more attention than when Barack Obama gives a speech about the U.S. economy. Why is this true? Well, it is because Bernanke has a whole lot more control over the U.S. economy than ...
- Malnutrition is the main underlying cause of death ...Read at : IRIN YEMEN: Child malnutrition alarming in conflict zone SANAA, 1 November 2010 (IRIN) – Health workers are finding worrying levels of child malnutrition in Yemen’s conflict-hit northern governorate of Saada, particularly in districts that have seen the … Continue reading →
- Deterrent: The US-backed ’1,000 Days campaig ...Read at : NUTRITION: US food aid falls short of its own campaign NEW YORK, 1 November 2010 (IRIN) – A US-backed campaign highlighting the importance of quality nutrition in a childâs first 1,000 days contradicts its own food … Continue reading →
- Eat locally: renewed interest in local food in Sen ...Read at : Senegal: Re-igniting an interest in local food After journalism school in Senegal, Seck Madieng worked for the government. But he says, I wanted to do âsomething real. I didnât want to be a bureaucra ...
- Land-grab poses a direct threat to the right to fo ...Read at : Farmers hurt as pressure on arable land grows: U.N. Land purchases by foreign investors in poor countries and the growing use of biofuels are boosting pressures on agricultural farmland and helping m ...
- More R&D is needed before farmers can come close t ...Read at : Reality check for `miracle` biofuel crop Jatropha by Miyuki Iiyama and James Onchieku* It sounds too good to be true: a biofuel crop that grows on semi-arid lands and degraded soils, replaces fossil f ...
The Paper Trail
- Lawyer Tries Again to Get U.S. Supreme Court to He ...A lawyer is asking the U.S. Supreme Court for a second time to hear a case related to a federal block on Holocaust victims’ families suing European insurance companies for unpaid claims on policies bought before World War II.
- Rating Agencies Fight (and Lobby) for SurvivalIn recent months, the credit rating agencies have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to delay new restrictions under the Dodd-Frank Act, part of an unabated outflow of cash that the rating agencies have funneled to lobbyists since the debate over financial reform began. They have some surprising ...
- Text Messages, Google Ads Target Virginia Democrat ...Not all independent expenditures come in the form of a slick television ad. Two small independent groups are using relatively inexpensive cell phone text messages and a Google ad to attack Virginia Democratic incumbents.
- Reform Reading: House Democrats Brace for Election ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- New GOP Chiefs of Appropriations, Energy Panels Ma ...With Republicans expected to have an excellent shot at winning back the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, talk is rampant about which members are poised to take over key committees. In most cases, the new chairmen of such powerful fiefdoms as the Ways and Means Committee and Budget Committee ...
- Blekko meBy Mark Evans After a lot of hype and venture capital, Blekko launched today. For those of you not familiar with Blekko, it’s a new search engine that, like most of the search start-ups in recent years, has been billed as a new threat to Google. While I haven’t had much of ...
- It’s called protest, Mr. RathgeberBy Alison@Creekside Finished with the G20? Not even close. And partly because of the wanker to the left. At Wednesday's Public Safety and Security Committee meeting into the G20 fiasco, we heard testimony from two very well-spoken students from Montreal who were arrested in their pajamas at ...
- Homeland insecurityBy Alison@Creekside The same party that thought the Canadian government collecting info about Canadians via the mandatory census was an egregious violation of privacy and civil liberties is apparently just fine with having info about Canadians collected by the U.S. Homeland Security. Funny old Co ...
- “Lay Off Officer Bubbles”: the videoBy Frank Moher Last week we reported on the ongoing saga of Officer Bubbles, the Toronto cop who became infamous during the G20 for threatening to bust a bubble-blowing protestor. Constable Bubbles, you will recall (or maybe not), has launched a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit against YouTube for host ...
- Where’s my shower?By Jodi A. Shaw The last baby shower I went to was when I was a preteen. I went with my mom, and the shower was for a woman who went to our church. We played the clothespin game and some bizarre game with toilet paper and for the ...
- Hillary arrives for 36-hour visit KUALA LUMPUR: United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew into Malaysia last night for her whirlwind 36-hour visit, but the tricky question is whether she will meet Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The US embassy here gave a terse reply...
- Lampard to return at Anfield this weekend Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti is confident that Frank Lampard will be available for Sunday's visit to Liverpool. Lampard has missed the last two months after hernia surgery and while tomorrow's Champions League tie with Spartak Moscow will probably be beyond him Ancelotti expects the midfield ...
- Court extends gay military ban pending appeal ...A federal appeals court has ordered the US military's ban on openly gay troops to remain in place...
- Facebook On A Mission to Make Sure You Vote ...Facebook On A Mission to Make Sure You Vote BY E.B. BoydToday Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 If you've had enough of Campaign 2010, we suggest you not log in to Facebook on Tuesday. In addition to the slew of political ads we already told you to expect on Election Day, Fa ...
- Batista set to succeed Maradona as Argentina ...Posted �|�Comment �|�Recommend | | | BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) Sergio Batista has met with a selection committee and is poised to succeed Diego Maradona as Argentina's national team coach. The Argentina Football Association said...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Still counting calories?Why nutritionists say it is time to change 'inaccurate' food labelling
- Immune system's bare essentials used to speedily d ...Scientists have taken a less-is-more approach to designing effective drug treatments that are precisely tailored to disease-causing pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, and cancer cells, any of which can trigger the body's immune system defenses.
- Sleep loss 'worse for extroverts'Outgoing people appear to suffer worse from the effects of lack of sleep, US Army researchers suggest.
- Exercise 'eases depression risk'People who are not active in their spare time are twice as likely to have symptoms of depression than active individuals, a study shows.
- Diabetes profile: Nancy Kaneshiro tried weight los ...Nancy Kaneshiro tried practically every popular weight-loss program in the 1990s, including Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. But the fortysomething book publicist remained 100 pounds overweight.
Common Dreams
- Torture Orders Were Part of US Sectarian War Strat Gareth Porter WASHINGTON - The revelation by Wikileaks of a U.S. military order directing U.S. forces not to investigate cases of torture of detainees by Iraqis has been treated in news reports as yet another case of lack of concern by the U.S. military about detainee abuse. But the deeper signif ...
- Iran Expresses Concern Over Human Rights Situation ...TEHRAN - Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast has said Iran is seriously concerned about violations of human rights in Western countries, particularly in the United States. "We are seriously concerned about the human rights situation in Western countries and will bring up our points during ...
- Broad Coalition Rallies for BP Accountabilityby Dahr Jamail BATON ROUGE, Louisiana - Gulf coast fishers, conservationists, seafood distributors and oil workers rallied here at Louisiana's capital over the weekend to demand that oil giant BP be held accountable for the "ongoing" use of toxic dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico. read more
- US Considers Sending Hunter-Killer Teams to YemenThe Wall Street Journal reports the Obama administration is considering sending elite hunter-killer teams into Yemen to assassinate militants believed to be connected to al-Qaeda. read more
- Democrats in Desperate Bid to Rally Voters by Simon Mann, Washington DEMOCRATS, facing a drubbing in tomorrow's mid-term elections, have urged supporters to get out and vote in a last-ditch effort to save critical seats and avert an electoral nightmare. But there were conflicting signals about the strength of voter enthusiasm. While greater ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: One week after binge, Charlie She ...ExamineReligion: One week after binge, Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller file for divorce: Charlie Sheen and his wife, Brooke Muelle...
- ExamineReligion: Christian Perspective on Social J ...ExamineReligion: Christian Perspective on Social Justice Part 5: Addiction Recovery: For those individuals and families living with...
- ExamineReligion: A dose of introspection for Jacks ...ExamineReligion: A dose of introspection for Jackson Presbyterian Examiner: It’s been said that, whereas it’s impossible to have fa...
- ExamineReligion: Haunted history keeps surfacing: ...ExamineReligion: Haunted history keeps surfacing: First off, the Pittsburgh Paranormal Examiner would like to thank her ever faithf...
- ExamineReligion: Spiritually "Letting go": Sometim ...ExamineReligion: Spiritually "Letting go": Sometimes a little saying we've heard before becomes instrumental in changing the course...
Energy Collective
- Early Renewable Energy Adopters Angry at Governmen ...Early micro-renewable energy generators are angry at the government for doing a U turn on promises relating to feed in tariffs (FITs). The Tories and LibDems both promised equal FIT rates to early adopters of renewable energy in the run up to the general election. Now the coalition government has go ...
- Nature Conservancy Gets $130,000 Donation to Go So ...
- A Lesson from the Rare Earth Metals EmbargoIn the aftermath of China�s rare earth metals embargo to Japan, Europe and America, it is time to re-think how we get these crucial materials, reports the NY Times in a piece titled, �After China�s Rare Earth Embargo, a New Calculus.�� Currently, 95% of the world�s rare earth metal mining occurs in ...
- The Future of Philanthropy in a Post-Cap and Trade ...In an effort to develop a truly effective post-cap and trade climate strategy, policy is not the only aspect that requires deep reflection - philanthropists, too, must reconsider the best way to channel grants in order to successfully fund solutions to climate and energy challenges.
- What Won't Change After the Election?Tomorrow's US mid-term election dominates today's headlines, with most analysts expecting a dramatic shift in control, at least in the House of Representatives. However, from an energy perspective, many aspects of the situation in which we will find ourselves after the ballots are counted will remai ...
Green House - USA Today
- Second poll shows Californians back climate change ...A second poll in a week shows Californians remain steadfast in their support for the state's pioneering climate change law and don't want it suspended, as a controversial measure on Tuesday's ballot would do.
- Upcycle Halloween candy wrappers into kites, purse ...Before those Halloween candy wrappers are tossed in the trash, you may want to know there's now a free way to give them a second life as purses, backpacks and other items.
- Green weekend home built partly in Chicago warehou ...Chicago-based architect Walt Eckenhoff built much of his family's rural weekend retreat, on 20 acres with water views, off site in a city warehouse.
- High levels of BPA linked to sperm problems, study ...A controversial, estrogen-like chemical in plastic may be related to conditions that reduce men's fertility, suggests a new study.
- U.N. reaches historic accord to protect world's sp ...A United Nations biodiversity conference, after two weeks of intense talks, has reached a historic accord to protect the world's forests, coral reefs and other threatened ecosystems from destruction.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- The party of thugsMary Shaw On October 25, a defenseless female volunteer was assaulted outside the site of a Kentucky Senatorial debate. While engaged in street theater trying to get Rand Paul's attention, Lauren Valle was pushed to the ground by some of Paul's supporters, and then one of them stomped on ...
- Why aren't you happy?Mickey Z. True happiness is out there. Pop songs, sit-coms, Julia Roberts movies, even commercials make it crystal clear that others have it all figured out. Love, sex, money, looks, health, and more—tied up neatly in anywhere from 30 seconds to 90 minutes. Others have it all. So, why has happin ...
- Israeli Settlers’ TerrorBy Dr. Elias Akleh Palestinians in the Israeli occupied West Bank face waves after waves of Israeli terror campaigns throughout the year. These terror waves are committed by Israeli extremist settlers (colonizers) as well as the Israeli army. The most common attacks include violent trespassing on P ...
- Wall Street Philosopher King Bashes Fed PolicyStephen Lendman Jeremy Grantham Besides less prominent investment/economic advisors, no one does it better than Jeremy Grantham, based in Boston, not Wall Street. In 1977, he co-founded Grantham, Mayo and Van Otterloo, now known as GMO. Quarterly in letters to clients, he assesses current econo ...
- Viciously Attacking Israeli Arabsby Stephen Lendman Reminiscent of Kristallnacht violence, Israeli Arabs in Haifa District's Umm al-Fahm community were attacked, Haaretz writers Fadi Eyadat, Jack Khoury, and Chaim Levinson headlining, "Police clash with Arab protesters as rightists rally in Umm al-Fahm," saying: In Arab Umm al-Fa ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- A Canada-EU trade deal could cost thousands of Can ...Canada already has a large bilateral trade deficit with the EU—$15 billion in goods and close to $4 billion in services, and loses some 70,000 jobs as a result. A new CCPA study by Jim Stanford finds a free trade agreement would make that imbalance worse. Out of Equilibrium: The Impact of EU-C ...
- Post-recession report: Looking at the past tells u ...A new report by CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan warns that if past recessions are any guide, between 750,000 and 1.8 million more Canadians will be counted as poor before recovery is complete. "Some will argue that this recession was brutal but short, and that Canada has been recovering fast ...
- Housing Crisis in Saskatchewan: PATHS ReportIn Saskatchewan, homelessness has become a grave concern and a serious reality for�many women and children. Saskatchewan now has the highest rates of homelessness in the country�with one in five people saying that they are homeless or at risk of being homeless. �In the past 3 years in Saskatchewan ...
- New videos on the facts & myths of medicare sustai ...Canadians are being told that public health care financing is not sustainable, and that the solution is a shift to more private health insurance and private delivery of services. On June 17, 2010 the CCPA and the Canadian Health Coalition hosted a breakfast lecture on the sustainability of medicar ...
- Medicare Sustainability: Facts & Myths - with poll ...Canadians are being told that public health care financing is not sustainable, and that the solution is a shift to more private health insurance and private delivery of services. Renowned pollster Nik Nanos reviews the numbers, and Canada's pre-eminent health economist, Dr. Robert G. Evans, ...
World Wide Hippies
- The Republicans Haven’t Learned Their LessonPre-Election Screed: Four Reasons to Vote Democrat Tomorrow | Apostasyone Tomorrow is the mid-term election, and the Democrats are projected to have major losses. The controlling interest in the body that makes our nation’s laws will be in the hands of people like John Boehner (pronounced BAY-ner, n ...
- Olbermann on ElectionIf You Are Undecided but Considering Voting for a Republican Tomorrow, You Need to Watch This | Pensito Review Now as promised a Special Comment on the madness of the Tea Party and the elections of next Tuesday. It is as if a group of moderately talented performers has walked on stage at a comedy cl ...
- Let’s All Shine Up Our Voting Shoes… T ...Countdown to Election Day: Senate Races to Watch | Politics Daily The battle for Congress is likely to hinge on the Senate. Republicans are widely favored to win back the House but face a narrower path to victory across Capitol Hill. The GOP needs to pick up 10 seats to wrest the upper chamber from ...
- A Last Ditch Effort?Federal Reserve’s, Bernanke’s credibility on line with new move to boost economy | The Washington Post “Phase one was to avoid a complete market meltdown and something akin to the Great Depression,” said Mark Gertler, a New York University economist who has collaborated with Bernanke on academic res ...
- Catholic Church Attacked in IraqIraq official: 52 dead after Catholic church siege | MSNBC Fifty-two hostages and police were killed on Sunday when security forces raided a Baghdad church to free more than 100 Iraqi Catholics held by al-Qaida-linked gunmen, a deputy interior minister said. Lieutenant General Hussein Kamal said on ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- 'I Remember'
- 9/11 Families Call for Immediate Acknowledgement o ...NEW YORK – October 23 – The following statement may be attributed to Colleen Kelly, a founding member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows The information made public by Wikileaks (NY Times, A Grim Report…10/22/10) emphasizes that 9/11 families have much in common with Iraqi civ ...
- 'A Crime Beyond Denunciation'This appears in a new article in the New York Observer : "The first thing that needs to happen, I think, is to get these people out of their homes," a man wearing a bespoke blue-striped shirt, a Hermés tie patterned with elephants and Ferragamo loafers said recently. "Correct! I'll explain," the ...
- The “I” Word Cindy SheehanOnce, when my children were young, one of them rushed into me and said: “Mama, so-and-so, said the ‘K’ word.” I don’t remember which one of my children was the tattler, or which one was the tattlee, but I remember the “k” word. I could never figure out what the “k” word was, because neither of the ...
- Impeachment Marcher Reaches Washington – “Hello Ma ...John Nirenberg, who has spent the last forty days and nights walking south on Route 1 from Boston to Washington D.C., has reached the outskirts of his goal, Nancy Pelosi’s office. And rather than the last stumbling steps of exhaustion, or steps glad to be finishing up and moving on, the final ...
- One more midterm myth: The 2012 factorAnother midterm election has arrived, which means it's time for political analysts to wildly overstate and exaggerate the significance of the gubernatorial contests set to be decided.� New York magazine's John Heilemann showed us how it's done on "Hardball" yesterday:
- Jon Stewart's media critique annoys the mediaWas Jon Stewart's media critique at this weekend's "Rally to Restore Sanity" a searing indictment of a broken institution? Did his desire to be "fair" make his sermon into an inaccurate "pox on both houses" attack on both shameless propagandists and passionate liberals? Does the media actually no ...
- Bill Maher to Muslims: Go awayHBO's Bill Maher had a message for Muslims on his show Friday night: Get out of "the Western world."
- Government accusations: no evidence needed(updated below - Update II)
- NYT public editor only perpetuates bad practicesControversy erupted last week over the New York Times 's editorial decision to cover the WikiLeaks release of the Iraq War documents by prominently featuring a gossip article about Julian Assange's personality traits and alleged mental health conditions, and by downplaying (or, as Columbia Journa ...
SMB News
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
- Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in ShikarpurFor SMB News Nato’s 27 fuel tankers torched in Shikarpur SHIKARPUR: More than 27 oil tankers, meant for Nato’s fuel supply and three other vehicles, have been torched after some unidentified attackers fired rockets, which resulted in eruption of raging ablaze, meanwhile two men suffered injuries in ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- For servers, not ownersPeople leave tips in restaurants as a thank you for good service and in recognition that the servers, who are usually paid a low hourly wage, rely on tips to supplement their incomes. Tips generally aren’t intended for the owner or manager. But, un ...
- Drug regime: Failing AIDS victimsThere’s been progress. But the war on AIDS in poor countries is faltering, the World Health Organization warns. Some 15 million people still need lifesaving drugs; just 5 million get them. So much for Canada’s vow in 2005 to help ensure “universal ...
- G20 summit: Public inquiry still requiredThe security excesses of the G20 summit in Toronto last summer are still an ongoing concern for the 1,000 peaceful protesters and bystanders who were arrested, handcuffed and held in steel cages. For many other Canadians, though, the summit’s prote ...
- Reforming council: Cut it in half or elect it at l ...A panel should thoroughly study proposed reforms for Toronto City Council.
- Flu vaccine: It’s time for a shotThere's no pandemic this year but get your flu shot anyway.
Energy Collective
- Early Renewable Energy Adopters Angry at Governmen ...Early micro-renewable energy generators are angry at the government for doing a U turn on promises relating to feed in tariffs (FITs). The Tories and LibDems both promised equal FIT rates to early adopters of renewable energy in the run up to the general election. Now the coalition government has go ...
- Nature Conservancy Gets $130,000 Donation to Go So ...
- A Lesson from the Rare Earth Metals EmbargoIn the aftermath of China�s rare earth metals embargo to Japan, Europe and America, it is time to re-think how we get these crucial materials, reports the NY Times in a piece titled, �After China�s Rare Earth Embargo, a New Calculus.�� Currently, 95% of the world�s rare earth metal mining occurs in ...
- The Future of Philanthropy in a Post-Cap and Trade ...In an effort to develop a truly effective post-cap and trade climate strategy, policy is not the only aspect that requires deep reflection - philanthropists, too, must reconsider the best way to channel grants in order to successfully fund solutions to climate and energy challenges.
- What Won't Change After the Election?Tomorrow's US mid-term election dominates today's headlines, with most analysts expecting a dramatic shift in control, at least in the House of Representatives. However, from an energy perspective, many aspects of the situation in which we will find ourselves after the ballots are counted will remai ...
EU Times
- Tea Party comes to AustraliaAn anti-tax, anti-government Tea Party has set up shop in Australia, inspired by the US-based movement that has turned the Republican Party upside down. The Australian T.E.A. Party (an acronym for Taxed Enough Already) will be targeting pre-selections across the country and heavily promotes its link ...
- Pelosi sees no justification for high-end tax cutsHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday there is “no justification” for extending tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, firing the latest salvo in a brewing battle over taxes. The leading Democrat and Republican in the House dug in their heels on Thursday, but it will likely be the Senate that ...
- Le Pen’s daughter looks likely to lead from ...Marine Le Pen was late back from lunch. This is a common condition among French politicians but unusual for Le Pen. She is known for being on time and being polite, charming and, unlike her father, difficult to dislike. She arrived “only” 20 minutes late. The National Front, she says, is not a racis ...
- Ohio Town Won’t Allow Tea Party to Celebrate U.S. ...Local officials in Ohio’s Andover Township have denied the use of their public square for a celebration of Constitution Day because of the “political affiliation” of its organizers. Several residents of the small central Ohio town formed The Andover Tea Party in May 2010, and in that same month, the ...
- Absconded parolee named prime suspect in slaying o ...Parolee is linked by DNA and other unspecified evidence found at the scene where a bride-to-be was stabbed to death and her house was then set on fire. Had it gone according to plan, Adam Culvey and his fiancee, Chere Osmanhodzic, would be spending the next week and a half counting down the days to ...
Stonecipher News
- Access Fire Protection ServicesContact Shannongail Chernoff for all your fire protection needs which includes FM200 installations for computer rooms and paint booth fire suppression installations services. Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems UL 300 upgrades, Installation Service & Confidence Testing, Repiping, Nozzles Ins ...
- What is Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?According to Wright & Wright (2006): The definition of “least restrictive environment” did not change in IDEA 2004. Schools are required to educated children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Judicial decisions about “mainstreaming” and “least restrictive environment” (LRE) var ...
- Rx - Nutritious Food and Some Important Tips for H ...I was surfing the net for alternative health articles when I came across my friend Ron Siojo's Factoidz page . "For centuries, bitter melon has been used therapeutically in China, India, Africa and the southeastern part of the US. It is useful in medicine as an anti-tumor, antiviral and anti-diabeti ...
- PlayStation®MoveThis is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PlayStation MOVE . All opinions are 100% mine. Recently a little genie appeared to me one night while sleeping and gave my family the PlayStation®Move. Move Since I started using PlayStation®Move, my family and I have lost weight and spent more q ...
- Washington State Fathers Network Annual ConferenceThe Fathers Network is a group of men who have children that have a disability. According to Roseberg & Wilcox (2006), “The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) has served over 1,000 families in the past 20 years. Founded on the belief that men are crucial in the lives of children, WSFN is a pow ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- The Walking Dead rates like a winnerProof that a little pre-screening build up sometimes works wonders. The Walking Dead romped it in in the ratings, bringing home 5.3 million viewers and a 3.3 million adults in the 18-49 demographic. For those wondering that makes The Walking Dead AMC’s best rating premiere in history...
- Diocese investigating whether Maltese priest alleg ...The Gozo Diocese is investigating whether a Malta-born priest, who allegedly sexually abused an altar boy while living in Australia between March 1979 and November 1982, is in fact living in Gozo, Gozo Curia spokesman Fr Anthony Refalo said yesterday, when contacted. Once the facts... Tags: altar bo ...
- Preview: Rarities Editions From Eric Clapton, Joe ...Artist: Various (see below) Title: Mad Dogs & Englishmen: Rarities Edition - Joe Cocke 461 Ocean Boulevard: Rarities Edition - Eric Clapton Let's Get It On: Rarities Edition - Marvin Gaye Release Date: November 2, 2010 Label: A&M (Cocker) Polydor (Clapton) Motown... Tags: rarities 461 ocean bouleva ...
- Medb Ruane: Why turning to abortion care on the in ...Google the words 'abortion pills' and you'll find more than 475,000 results in 0.18 seconds. You can order the medication privately and hope to avoid an expensive, lonely journey to a British or Dutch clinic. The whole transaction can cost less than €75, which is much cheaper than... Tags: legal a ...
- How To Live In A 566 Square Foot House: Sleep On A ...We've lost count of all the life lessons we've learned from yoga. But one lesson yoga has really driven home is to keep it simple. Hey, we only need two things to practice: our body and our yoga mat. By stripping away the extraneous, we're better able to focus on the essential... Tags: yoga
- Into the sunset After four years working with the MySQL team, under three different companies, it's time for me to pursue a new career. Tomorrow is my last working day at Oracle. (Working? But it's Sunday! So, ehm, kind of, anyway, you got the point.) You may look at my personal blog in the coming days to know wh ...
- PJ: Breadcrumbs lead to Florian Mueller?There is an anti- !Linux blog (disguised as pro-Linux) at active around same time as - Rui Seabra,
- Radio Berkman 166: An Innocent Infringer?Whitney could be considered an "Innocent Infringer"-because she did not understand she was illegal filesharing. But whether this distinction matters depends on the outcome of her trial, which may soon be headed to the US Supreme Court. Charles Nesson spoke with both Whitney and her legal counsel, K ...
- Ray Beckerman Talks to CopygroundsCopygrounds: In both the Tenenbaum and Thomas-Rasset cases the statutory damages have been lowered-though for different reasons. Why did the judges employ different legal reasoning to arrive at similar results? What are the differences in the cases? And does this prevent the cases from being joined ...
- Erie, Pa. debt collection co. accused of using fa ..."This is an unconscionable attempt to use fake court proceedings to deceive, mislead or frighten consumers into making payments or surrendering valuables to Unicredit without following lawful procedures for debt collection," Corbett said. "Consumers also allegedly received dubious 'hearing notices' ...
- Cut All You Want; We’re Bankrupt!No amount of cuts will ever get Britain out of Bankruptcy; we need to print our own money.
- No To TV License: WideShut Webcast On Resistance R ...On this week's show Keelan Balderson discusses the deluded green movement, and how you can easily stop paying the TV License.
- Cyber-Security and Internet CensorshipDavid Bolwell further exposes the cyber-terrorism myth and the push for internet censorship.
- Star Trek, Protocols of Zion and The New World Ord ...A look at Jewish and New World Order themes in Gene Roddenberry's legendary Star Trek series.
- Oct-21-2010 9/11 In Context On Resistance RadioTod Fletcher debuts his new show 9/11 In Context on the Resistance Radio Network.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- How Toxic are Oil Dispersants? Groups Press EPA to ...Shrimpers, community groups petition agency for info, clear rules before OK'ing future use.
- Clean Water Advocates Bring Legal Action Against K ...Falsified monitoring data in violation of federal law among the groups' claims.
- St. Lucie discusses ban on lawn fertilizers in sum ...St. Lucie discusses ban on lawn fertilizers in summer near waterways
- Judge says environmental groups can join Maryland ...Judge says environmental groups can join Maryland suit against landfill operator
- Flint River Fest educates visitors to benefits of ...Flint River Fest educates visitors to benefits of and dangers to Flint River
Politics in the Zeros
- The lunatics are taking over the asylum at KPFAFrom Doug Henwood. His excellent show, Behind The News, on Pacifica affiliate WBAI is probably in peril too. No doubt many of you are sick of the whole Pacifica mess, but this is really important: if these layoffs go down, it’s gonna be 9/11 and chemtrails. From the excellent historian of Pacifica, ...
- Switching from Firefox to Chrome. Chrome is faster ...I’ve switched to Chrome because Firefox has crippling problems. Chrome is faster, way more stable, and doesnât hog the CPU. Videos that were slow and jerky using Firefox are fine with Chrome. I thought a flaky net feed was the problem but it was Firefox. Here’s what happened. When Norton Internet Se ...
- Obama’s rise was funded and helped by investment b ...Maureen Dowd ponders the sinking Obama presidency, wondering what happened, not really understanding that Obama became president with huge help from investment banks. My view, Obama just isn’t that concerned with the rest of us. After two years of taking his base for granted, the former Pied Piper o ...
- Even the pond scum got up and moved awayThe Pennsylvania Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against a debt collection agency that held bogus hearings held in a room decorated to look like a court. “This is an unconscionable attempt to use fake court proceedings to deceive, mislead or frighten consumers into making payments or surrenderi ...
- The scariest of all Halloween creaturesZero Hedge has many more!
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Cuts, consolidation for Defence ForceThe Defence Force is in store for cuts and consolidation under a major shake-up announced by the government today
- Picnic crash victim's family describe her as carin ...Shelagh Cotter, the 69-year-old grandmother killed by an alleged drunk driver while picnicking on roadside near Otaki at the weekend, was a caring woman with lots of friends, her family says
- Greymouth police re-arrest escaped mental patientPolice have apprehended a man who escaped from a mental health unit in the West Coast town of Greymouth only a week after he was arrested for brandishing a crossbow
- NIWA: Records broken in sunny OctoberOctober was the sunniest on record for a number of regions, figures released by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa) today show
- Korean tourist dies after being hit by bus in Roto ...A Korean tourist who was hit by a bus has died in Rotorua Hospital
Just World News
- Yesterday's Taksim Square bombThanks to everyone who's expressed concern for my wellbeing after yesterday's bomb in Taksim Square. In the incident, a suicide bomber detonated himself at the entrance to a police bus. He killed himself and injured 15 police officers and 17 members of the public. Te indications seem to be it was ...
- D. Broder and the war fever in WashingtonJust how serious the current, rising epidemic of war fever is in Washington DC is indicated by a column in today's WaPo in which veteran pundit David Broder argues quite clearly that for Pres. Obama, "orchestrating a showdown" with the regime in Iran in 2011 and 2012 will be a successful policy at b ...
- More impressions, IstanbulSo many conversations, so many amazing meals, so much history. One major thing that has emerged from the conversations, for me, is a much more robust sense that what we are seeing in Turkey today is not a function just of the actions and policies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), b ...
- Istanbul, for all that ails youToday, I feel like maybe I died and went to heaven. I am sitting in an apartment that is perched on the heights of Istanbul's Cehangir neighborhood right across the Golden Horn from the Topkapi Palace. I stare out of the picture windows at the confluence of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. Ferry- ...
- How can I not blog when (#2)--... Britain's $1.6 billion-worth of brand-new nuclear submarine runs aground off the coast of Scotland while testing its sonar! Just put this $1.6 billion figure together together with the sad facts of what I just blogged about Haiti , and you'll see how totally askew the priorities of the so-calle ...
First Truths
- The State Never SleepsOliver Stone's new film,� Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps , his interpretation of the collapse of the financial system, functions as a digest of the libertarian anarchist critique of state capitalism's banking element. In a piece issued by the Center for a Stateless Society , I argue that the suprem ...
- Obamacare Feeds Insurance OligarchsIn a commentary piece, I argue that Obamacare, the result of Big Insurance lobbying efforts to insulate their bottom lines from competition, squeezes consumers and raises costs.
- WikiLeaks Removes the CloakMy latest commentary lauds WikiLeaks for exposing the full scope of the Iraq war's horrors.
- What It Means to be Anti-WarLibertarianism is described variously as the philosophy of liberty, as individualism, and as anti-collectivism, and while all of those designations are accurate I want to suggest that libertarianism is at first anti-war. Even after explaining that mine is a social philosophy that makes the complet ...
- Time to Rescind the Social ContractCoverage of the pension crisis in France has made a habit of implicating the hallowed "social contract" that citizens supposedly enjoy the benefits of in that country. With the French strikes as a reference point, I argue that social contract theory, the idea of implicit consent, cannot justify the ...
Media Co-Op
- Help reveal Rob Ford's backers... Crowd sourcing the data cleaning In the week before the election, Rob Ford released�an�83 page document that listed�2721 of the donors to his campaign. The file was in the form of a PDF, yet unlike many PDF files the data was not easily extrac ...
- Sinixt Nation Establishes Slhu7kin Protection CampOn October 26th 2010, the Sinixt Nation asserted their sovereignty by initiating the Sinixt Slhu7kin (Perry Ridge) Protection Camp on their ancestral lands. The Sinixt, by declaration, have established the “Sinixt Slhu7kin – Perry Ridge Wilderness Preserve to protect the rich bio-diversity on Perry ...
- Noise Demo Road TripNo One Is Illegal and allies put together a solidarity caravan on Hallow's eve in solidarity with Tamil refugees being held in prisons after having arrived in BC. The group has been holding weekly noise demos at Burnaby Youth Detention Centre, and today visited Alouette Correctional Centre for Women ...
- Skytrain to Ghost TownVANCOUVER - Streams of Justice members took the scary housing crisis to SkyTrain riders on Saturday. As well as ghosts handing out housing info between Broadway and Olympic Village stations, a tableau showed a single parent waiting years for social�housing while a developer tried to give away the ke ...
- G20 Exposed: My Heart Bleeds'Officer Bubbles' sues YouTube MP3 Download the full Word of Mouth Wednesday October 27th 2010 episode here Featuring Interview with Melina Laboucan-Massimo about the Tar Sands dangers and MUSIC 'Do What U Luv' illogik (Raised Fist Collective) ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Tea Party, the "dream vacuum" and the souring of A ...Real disaster: the Potato Famine Memorial in Dublin, Ireland Disaster as masochistic fantasy: my favorite doomster, Dimitri Orlov From 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. - Wikipedia When I got to America on a college scholarship, I realized that the real American ...
- Wikileaks: has anybody given a thought about Iraq ...David Seaton's News Links In all the comments on Wikileak's Iraq revelations I've read, I haven't seen much of anything about their effect on Iraq and the Iraqis.� This seems strange to me, because from beginning to end the real victims of everything we've done are the Iraqis themselves and it isn't ...
- Julian Assange and Wikileaks, a warning: How to hi ...The reports make it clear that the lethal contest between Iranian-backed militias and American forces continued after President Obama sought to open a diplomatic dialogue with Iran�s leaders� New York Times It seems to me that the most significant revelations from the massive WikiLeaks document du ...
- China’s next president: Xi JinpingChina�s next president: Xi Jinping Xi is China's heir-apparent, in line to succeed Hu Jintao in 2012 as China's top leader. This 56-year-old "princeling"�his father was former Vice-Premier Xi Zhongxun�earned a doctorate in Marxist theory from Tsinghua University but now has a reputation as a support ...
- The "Big Lie"... How it works and what it is forThe big lie kicks in: before and after Americans for Prosperity, the rightwing campaign funded in part by the energy billionaires the Koch brothers, is working with the Tea Party movement to increase its impact through the use of new media and social networking. The Guardian Rupert Murdoch has decla ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Throwing Good Money at Bad LandContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. Oakland, Calif. -- A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis has found that a federal Bureau of Reclamation proposal to continue farming on a vast swath of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
- EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulation ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs – 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- 50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pestic ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials’ award of a $180,000... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
- Few Sunscreens Shield From UVA RaysContact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. Washington, D.C. â With fall here, millions of Americans are outside at football and soccer games, cross-country meets, school fairs, picking apples and raking leaves. As temperatures lower and bathing suits go into ...
- Three Top Scientists Honored with Prestigious Hein ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. -- Among this year’s recipients of the prestigious Heinz Family Philanthropies Global Change Awards are three preeminent scientists working to advance our understanding of the impacts that chemical exposures hav ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- New Proof that This Common Medical Treatment is Un ...By Dr. Mercola The 2010-2011 flu season is here. With it comes a mixture of good news and bad, but if you and I together spread facts instead of fear, we can once again tip the balance toward health in the US�and worldwide. Last year, the swine flu "pandemic "�warned to be catastrophic�was actua ...
- The Law Of Attraction - An Inspirational VideoIf you know someone who is going through a difficult time, let them know about this video. It is sure to brighten their day.
- How Eating Meat Can Save the PlanetMeat production is said to create a staggering 18 percent of the world's carbon emissions.� But in a new book being released in February 2011, Meat: A Benign Extravagance , Simon Fairlie claims that eating moderate amounts of meat could be greener than going vegan. Fairlie argues that every agri ...
- New Warning About Olive OilDr. Rudi Moerck is a drug industry insider and an expert on fats and oils. In this interview, Dr. Moerck discusses the ins-and-outs of cooking oils; the good, the bad and the ones to avoid like the plague.
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About SoundCNN lists 10 things about sound and health that you probably didn't know: You are a chord. Matter is vibrating energy, which means that you're a collection of vibrations, also known as a chord. You are healthy when that chord is in complete harmony. Socrates said that: "Rhythm and harmo ...
- Egg Inspections Slated [Health Agencies Update](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Pharmacogenetics Resources [Health Agencies Update ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Regulation for e-Cigarettes [Health Agencies Updat ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Estimates of Deaths Associated With Seasonal Influ ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Proportion of Workers Who Were Work-Injured and Pa ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Survival invokes Nehru in call for India tribal we ...Tribes like the Jarawa need to choose their own future. © Salomé/Survival Survival has invoked the words of India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, in a call for India to put land rights and choice at the heart of tribal welfare. Survival’s director Stephen Corry has written to Prime M ...
- Boy wounded in ‘attack by uncontacted Indians’Shelters built by members of an uncontacted tribe along the Curanja River, south-east Peru. © C Fagan/Round River Conservation Studies A fourteen-year-old Indian boy has been seriously wounded in an apparent attack by uncontacted Indians near his home in Monte Salvado, an indigenous settlement ...
- Cyberterrorism knocks out tribal rights organizati ...Visitors to Survival's website see a temporary message. © Survival Human rights organization Survival International has been targeted by a massive cyberattack, knocking its website offline. Survival believes the attack is likely to originate with the Botswana or Indonesian authorities, or thei ...
- Indians demand answers as Amazon is soldOil exploration in Peru's Amazon has generated wide-scale indigenous protests. © David Dudenhoefer Peru’s latest Amazon auction has been challenged by indigenous groups after it emerged that they may not have been consulted before their land was sold off to foreign oil companies last week. An ...
- Survival’s new petition for Botswana Bushmen goes ...Survival's petition has gathered signatures from more than 80 countries. © Survival A new petition calling on controversial holiday company Wilderness Safaris to move its luxury lodge off Bushman land in Botswana is gathering support from all over the world. While the Central Kalahari Bushmen ...
Montreal Gazette
- Damaged youth need better resourcesQuebec's child-protection workers have always known that many of the troubled youngsters they care for are damaged. But just how badly damaged became clearer to all of us in a study published last week. Several hundred Quebec youngsters -average age 15 -talked to researchers from the Institu ...
- Construction industry still reeksOne year ago this week the Quebec government announced Operation Marteau, a $28.6-million, 40-member squad of police from several forces, prosecutors, and investigators from other agencies, assembled to identify and hammer away at corruption in the construction industry.
- Construction industry still reeksSo far Operation Marteau has netted only some small fish, while reports and rumours of shady behaviour continue to swirl. Six weeks ago, for example, Francoise David and Amir Khadir, of Quebec solidaire, gave Operation Marteau documents about an alleged $400,000 in contributions to the Liber ...
- One insurance policy that's not worth the priceThank you, Bernard Drainville, for your candour. The threat of separation from Canada is, the Parti Quebecois MNA has been saying, an "insurance policy," which gives Quebec the "balance of power" in its relations with the rest of the country.
- An interesting idea, but lousy timingThe Senate has proposed a new way to encourage Canadians to save for retirement. It would allow an additional lifetime investment of $100,000 in each person's Tax Free Savings Account. It's an interesting idea, but the timing is awful.
Food World Order
- 10/7 binge & purge: sick, soda, studiesstudy: 63% of restaurant workers handle food while sick * politics of food in the pacific northwest * coffee prices rise as futures hit 13yr high * 3-course meal in stick of chewing gum now a possibility * new york seeks food-stamp ban on soda * study shows drop in retail food prices ...
- food scandals prompt organic growth in chinafrom food safety news : Food safety scandals have helped propel rapid growth in the the organic food sector of China's economy , according to the Telegraph. " Interest has been promoted by a series of scares including toxic beans, contaminated milk and pork, pesticide-laced dumplings, chemicall ...
- gates foundation ties with monsanto under firefrom seattle times : For two years, local activists on a shoestring budget have been trying to document connections between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto , the company vilified by some for its heavy involvement in genetic engineering of crops. Try as they might, their work got lit ...
- portland dines a la cart; 'street food' movement e ...from suntimes : With more than 500 colorful food carts adorning Portland neighborhoods, the “City of Roses” continues to blossom as Food Cart capital of the world . Earlier this summer, Budget Travel magazine ranked Portland first on its list of the world’s best street food . You’ll see tricked-out ...
- study: pollination down with bee declinefrom upi : A decline in the world's bee population has been accompanied by a drop in pollination critical to the world's food supplies , a Canadian researcher says. A University of Toronto scientist has found the first evidence of a downward trend in pollination and a possible link to climate c ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ri ...
- What science say about religious conversionsource:, October 20, 2010 For many, religious experiences lead to religious conversion. While conversion need not stem from such an experience, per se, many convertees have cited religious awakenings as leading to a new spiritual perspective. But while science accepts a religious ...
- Beltangady: Three Booked for Inducing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, October 18, 2010 Beltangady, Oct 18: The personnel of Venur police station have registered cases against three persons, based on a complaint received against them. The three reportedly visited a family, derided Hindu gods, and induced the family members to convert.
- Vatican Bank Investigated For Alleged Money Launde ...source:, September 21, 2010 Angelo Carconi /Associated Press Italian financial Police officers talk to each other in front of St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2010. (AP Photo/Angelo Carconi)
Whole Truth Coalition
- Robert Green Speaking at Truthjuice Llangollen ( P ...
- No titleWe Need Your Help Urgently Please so That Robert Green Can Stand for Parliament on the Hollie Greig Establishment Abuse Case Do you live in the constituency of Aberdeen South? The wards are: Queens Cross, Gilcomston, Langstane, Hazelhead, Peterculter, Murtle, Cults, Mannofield, Ashley, Holburn, Gar ...
- Please join the Hollie Campaign during the UK Gene ...What is the point of knowing what is going on if we then do nothing about it! ‘Paedophilia within the British establishment is rife. Up and down the country, innocent children are being sexually abused by people holding positions of trust in ways that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary dece ...
- With Regard to Maureen Spalek’s Arrest in Li ...In case you would like to phone Cheshire police’s, main switchboard to ask about Maureen Spalek’s welfare, the number you need to call is 0845 458 0000. And in case you would like to also give Merseyside police a call, their number is 0151-709-6010 - Maureen is a resident of Liverpool even though sh ...
- Why isn’t this being used on the Gulf Coast ...The Texas Land Office and Texas Water Commission successfully used ‘oil eating’ microbes to clean up large oil spills in just weeks. Microbes hunt down and eat the toxic oil and leave only a biodegradable waste that is non-toxic to humans and marine life. Marshland and beaches were pristine again in ...
The Economic Collapse
- Living Beyond Our Means: 3 Charts That Prove That ...Do you want to see something truly frightening? Just check out the 3 charts posted further down in this article. These charts prove that we are now in the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world. As Americans have enjoyed an incredibly wonderful standard of living over th ...
- The Biggest Bank Robbery In History? More Quantita ...The U.S. Federal Reserve is getting ready to conduct another gigantic bailout of the big banks, but this time virtually nobody in the mainstream media will use the term "bailout" and the American people are going to get a lot less upset about it. You see, one lesson that was learne ...
- The Calm Before The StormAn eerie calm has descended upon world financial markets as they await perhaps the two most important financial events of the year this week. On Tuesday, investors will be eagerly awaiting the results of one of the most anticipated midterm elections in U.S. history. On Wednesday, ...
- The Number One U.S. Export To China: Waste Paper A ...Historians tell us that by the very end of the Roman Empire, goods were pouring into Rome from all over the known world, but about the only thing being sent out of Rome was human waste and garbage. America has not yet reached that point, but we are certainly well on our way. In 20 ...
- The Bernanke SpeechWhen Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gives a speech about the U.S. economy, it gets a whole lot more attention than when Barack Obama gives a speech about the U.S. economy. Why is this true? Well, it is because Bernanke has a whole lot more control over the U.S. economy than ...
- The Economics of Lawns and LandscapingRethinking how we manage lackluster lawns and landscapes can create a cascade of economic and environmental advantages.
- The “Good New Days” in a Non-Growing EconomyHave you had enough dismal news about the economy and the environment? Try imagining the good life in a steady state economy!
- Recession — An Opportunity We Should Not Pass UpGuest writer Peter Seidel regards the recession as a reasonable resource for rearranging our economic enterprise.
- An Economic Irony for the AgesApplause or apprehension -- what's the right reaction for peaking population and soaring stocks?
- The Big Population QuestionHerman Daly doesn't dodge tough topics or prickly problems. In this post he provides perceptive perspectives on population and a hopeful future for humanity.
The Talking Clock
- Roll up! Roll up! Come and get your daily revelati ...Another week begins as a new day dawns... ...but it's not even 7am and I'm reading of open treachery from 'Cast Iron' David Cameron. Apparently, our entire military personnel - army, navy and airforce - are now going to be signed up into some bizarre timeshare deal with the French. The man ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 24th October 2010Unsurprisingly, the Independent on Sunday is not alone in trawling through the latest Wikileaks revelations about U.S. conduct in Iraq. With 391,832 documents to examine, it could take time for news sources to dig out detail as yet unheard, but everything that we know from the latest batch of revela ...
- The false flag demonic printer cartridge: Even 'Th ...Now, we realise that we might have been a bit controversial - to some - in what we've said about the demonic print cartridge affair. If you're one of the (many) people who've agreed with us, do not fear. You are definitely not alone. This from Melanie Phillips in The Spectator: "There’s som ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 31st October 2010Did you put your clocks back? Our blog's name is great for getting traffic twice a year, it seems... Anyway, it's Hallowe'en. But don't worry. Nothing more scary here than the usual horror movie served up by the corporate media to make you all worry yourselves into serfdom. The Sunday Telegrap ...
- If we, the people do not hear the truth... who can ...No doubt, if you were not at home last night, you will by now have caught up with the bizarre story of how a print cartridge brought the world to a standstill. I mean, I know the price of ink cartridges is criminal, but the response to someone having bought one was a bit over the top. But seri ...
Facing South
- Alabama election chief steps up rhetoric against ' ...With Tea Party and Republican claims of widespread "voter fraud" at a fever pitch, Alabama's secretary of state Beth Chapman (R) is taking it to another level: She's promised a $5,000 reward for "information reported to her office that leads to a felony conviction of voter fraud" in the state. Cha ...
- 5 closest House races in the SouthNate Silver at 538/New York Times continues to dump the seemingly endless supply of polling data into his 2010 election predictions . It's a moving target, but as of early afternoon Monday here are the five Congressional House races that are closest in the South. SEAT - % CHANCE OF WINNING N ...
- VOICES: The great predicament facing ObamaBy Jan Frel and Larry Goodwyn, AlterNet What happened to the dream of Barack Obama's transformational politics? There's been very little deviation from the disastrous Bush years on the key issues of war, empire and the distribution of wealth in the country. I turned to Lawrence Goodwyn, his ...
- VOICES: The corporate crime PACBy Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Election day is upon us, but more than five million American citizens will not be able to go to the polls because they have been convicted of a felony and thus stripped of their voting rights. Yet there is another group of felons and other malefactors whose p ...
- Federal inspectors clueless about cementing, oil s ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Yesterday the government's oil spill panel released a letter alleging that Halliburton knew of potential flaws in its cement prior to the Deepwater Horizon blowout. That same spill commission, in a little-noticed report by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, had earlier this ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsPackage Bombs Were Designed to Detonate ‘In Flight’, Says Brennan; Al-Asiri Emerges as Suspect The discovery of two package bombs intercepted in Britain and Dubai on U.S.-bound cargo planes set off a global panic Friday, and al Qaeda in the … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsSoldier’s Widow Testifies at Khadr Hearing; Khadr Tells Her He’s ‘Sorry’ Tabitha Speer, the widow of U.S. Special Forces medic Chris Speer, who was killed in 2002 by a grenade thrown by Omar Khadr in Afghanistan, provided emotional testimony Thursday … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsMan Charged with Plot to Bomb DC-Area Metro Stations A Pakistani-American man living in Northern Virginia was arrested Wednesday and accused of plotting to bomb DC-area Metro stations. Farooque Ahmed, 34, reportedly âcame to officials’ attention when he was seeking … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsKhadr Is ‘Highly Dangerous,’ ‘Rock Star’ of Gitmo, Psychiatrist Testifies Testifying before a military jury at Guantanamo at the sentencing hearing of detainee Omar Khadr Tuesday, a forensic psychiatrist hired by the government said that Khadr is a young man … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsKhadr Pleads Guilty; Deal Reportedly Caps Sentence at 8 Years Omar Khadr, the youngest detainee at Guantanamo and reportedly the last Western citizen held there, pleaded guilty to five charges Monday, including the murder of a U.S. Special Forces medic … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Today on New Scientist: 1 November 2010All today's stories on, including: the ultimate brain test, what makes bones strong and why western science conquered the world
- Agreement reached at UN biodiversity conventionDelegates from nearly 200 countries pledged to protect 17 per cent of the Earth's land and 10 per cent of its oceans by 2020
- Agreement reached at UN biodiversity conventionDelegates from nearly 200 countries pledged to protect 17 per cent of the Earth's land and 10 per cent of its oceans by 2020
- Sun flares up againNASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has seen one of the most intense flares of the past few months, with a 500,000-kilometre magnetised filament
- Today on New Scientist: 29 October 2010Today on New Scientist: Hints of dark matter found in space, Sharp Stone Age spears and a tongue in your lung
Tech Drive In
- 9 Things I Did After Installing Brand New Ubuntu 1 ...The final release of Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat is here with a ton of improvements . I think, it's time to stop talking about the great strides Ubuntu 10.10 has made on the usability fronts and lets just concentrate on the things you need to do and you could do with the new Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick ...
- The Perfect 10 is Here and It's a Job Well DoneUbuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" is finally released and it's clearly is a job well done. We have been covering different aspects of this Ubuntu release for the past few months and we are more than happy to inform that, Ubuntu 10.10 has surpassed our expectations. Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerk ...
- Nokia to Focus on Qt for Its MeeGo and Symbian Mob ...Nokia in a recent blog post have announced that, they are planning for a major shift in strategy by focusing on Qt framework for its MeeGo and Symbian mobile phone operating systems instead of the already old symbian development platform. Nokia's Focus on Qt Development Framework Qt is a c ...
- Google Music Search Engine for India is Now Live!Google India today announced the release of a new music search engine specifically for India. Google adds that the new music search is still very much in the testing phases and will contain only Bollywood songs. Google Music Search Engine for India Visit Google Music Search and browse thro ...
- Top 12 Most Popular Posts For September 2010Seabird - Community Driven Mobile Phone Concept From Mozilla Labs We have featured a number of mobile phone concepts before, Nokia Morph Concept Phone for example. But Seabird concept phone from Mozilla is in a league of its own. Seabird is a community driven mobile phone concept that debuted at M ...
Case About Bird Flu
- Irish Government faces nightmare scenario of third ...Government faces nightmare scenario of third Lisbon vote By Fionnan Sheahan and Sarah Collins in Brussels Irish Independent Friday October 29 2010 THE nightmare prospect of another Lisbon Treaty vote loomed last night as EU leaders met in Brussels. Germany is continuing to press hard to reopen the L ...
- Deutsche Bank to be sued over “rampant” ...Assured Guaranty Sues Deutsche Bank Over Mortgages By Shannon D. Harrington and Karen Freifeld – Oct 26, 2010 12:55 AM GMT+0200 A unit of Assured Guaranty Ltd. sued affiliates of Deutsche Bank AG over $312 million of mortgage- backed securities that the bond insurer guaranteed and says were âplagued ...
- Obama Issues Fake Terror Alert On Eve Of ElectionsEstablishment media fearmongers about “mail bomb plot” despite no bombs being found, Obama contradicts his own federal security apparatus Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, October 29, 2010 UPDATE: As this contri ...
- Placebo fraud rocks the very foundation of modern ...Thursday, October 28, 2010 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) You know all those thousands of clinical trials conducted over the last few decades comparing pharmaceuticals to placebo pills? Well, it turns out all those studies must now be completely thrown ou ...
- Heirs of Nazi Flick dynasty face police scrutiny o ...Ingrid Flick, the billionaire widow of Friederich Flick of the German industrial family that played a key role in the rise of Adolf Hitler, is being investigated by state prosecutors in Carinthia as part of the probe into the Hypo Alpe Adria bank fraud that cost tax payers in Austria and Bavaria bil ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Halloween is a Many Fractured ThingBy Les Visible It’s Halloween but is it hallowing. Do we have hallowed halls? Is it hallowed or hollow and filled with hungry ghosts? Present day religions have been grafted upon the ones which preceded them and because we are in an age of darkness it is possible we have left our enlightenment behin ...
- Video – End of Liberty‘End of Liberty’ is now out. This is the most important film you will ever see. Please spread the word about ‘End of Liberty’ to everybody you know on this Halloween day. This movie was made possible by all of the thousands of warning signs that were submitted to us by thousands of NIA members. [... ...
- Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 ti ...Full body scanners at airports could increase your risk of skin cancer, experts warn. The X-ray machines have been brought in at Manchester, Gatwick and Heathrow. But scientists say radiation from the scanners has been underestimated and could be particularly risky for children. They say that the lo ...
- Jon Stewart’s Executive Producer Arrested fo ...By Matt Meyer We Are Change NY October 28, 2010 It has been remarked that “all the world loves a clown”. Thinking back to Stephen King’s Pennywise or John Wayne Gacy’s Pogo that might be debatable, but it is probably at least true that most people enjoy some form of well crafted humor or good [...]
- Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into dete ...By Mike Adams New research published in the journal Nature reveals that pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow to the point where it is diagnosed by conventional medical doctors. This was determined by sequencing the DNA of cancer tumor cells from deceased patients. Because cancer mutations occur ...
Veterans Today
- U.S. Groups Ask Veterans to Demand Obama Stop Deli ...As veterans, you know war is all too real. It's' NOT a video game. Thus veterans have more empathy than most and know what destruction can do to real peoples. So read and endorse the Organizational Sign-On Letter to the Obama Administration to Stop Delivery of CAT Bulldozers to Israel. Sign the ...
- U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contra ...No. 1004-10 November 01, 2010 Â ———————————————————- CONTRACTS U.S. TRANSPORTATION COMMAND Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â American Auto Logistics, LP, Park Ridge, N.J., is being awarded a $201,536,522 firm-fixed-price delivery order to fund an earned award term year to a previously awarded contract ...
- Marine Marvin J. Ruffert Passes- A good and decent man dies proud of his family and country - From the Ruffert family: Ruffert, Marvin J. Our dad and best friend quietly passed away on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at the age of 79 years. Beloved husband of the late Maureen (nee Kriz). Loving dad of Brian (Gail) and Gregg [...]
- Tomgram: William Astore, The Face of War (Don̵ ...[Note for TomDispatch readers: For the last year or so, Timothy MacBain -- with one of the great soothing voices around -- has been producing top-notch audio interviews with TomDispatch authors at a rate of one or two per week. Today, TD is posting his latest interview, with retired Lt. Col. Willia ...
- Military Religious Freedom Group Victorious at Air ...- Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s Demand Finally Met by Air Force Academy; Freedom of Information Act requests force Air Force Academy to release “Climate Survey” on religious bigotry - In a win over rightwing dominionist Christians, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s (MRFF) forced ...
electric politics
- The Anger IndexYou don't have to be a genius, or even highly educated, to realize that Washington is not working. As in, not working, period. We seem to be on a roller coaster to hell, or at least to the third world. And there's no exit. Public exasperation is at record levels — it should be no surprise that the ...
- Óχi EuroUntil fairly recently the Greek debt crisis wasn't so much in the news. Now, it's roiling markets and a lot of commentators are wringing their hands over the possibility that it could precipitate another world-wide financial crash. That's probably a baseless fear. Greece is mainly a Eurozone proble ...
- Folk HistoryTo talk culture I turned to the award winning writer Luc Sante . Because Luc is Belgian, and therefore doubly an expert, I seized this opportunity to also talk about Tin-Tin comics, which I grew up on as a kid in the Belgian Congo and in Brussels. Among other topics we cover Luc's latest book, Folk ...
- The F-35 BoondoggleA trillion dollar gold-plated warplane that can't do anything very well. But it looks slick. Brilliant! I'll have a dozen, please. If Mr. Obama and Mr. Gates were serious about containing Pentagon costs they'd cancel the F-35. If Congress were serious about budget deficits they'd stop funding it. I ...
- A Political MarathonerIf he'd won the presidency in 1988, today the U.S. would be a very different place. But Governor Michael S. Dukakis was too nice, too decent a guy, to grind George H. W. Bush into the dirt. And instead of cashing in after leaving politics, like most of them do, he's become an academic. More power t ..