I note we've gone back to 'standard' time this morning.
RSS Feed Results from Opit's LinkFest! at My Opera
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IPS - Inter Press Services
- MEXICO: Tens of Thousands of Missing Central Ameri ...The last time Estela Domínguez of Mexico saw her daughter Estela Paz was in April 2006, when the young woman left home with the goal of reaching Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Trade, Clean Energy Top Obama's Asia AgendaJust days after his party suffered defeat in the U.S. congressional elections, President Barack Obama is finally taking a twice-postponed trip to Asia.
- No Rest for the Weary – Women Declare War on ...Women from a dozen countries convened in New York this week to share their struggles to implement state legislation and empower women at the grassroots level to put an end to gender- based violence (GBV) worldwide.
- Nicaragua on Obstacle Course to Women's EqualityNicaragua has made some progress promoting gender equity and the empowerment of women, but it will have to step up efforts and overcome a number of hurdles if it is to eliminate inequalities between the sexes at all levels by 2015.
- BRAZIL: Battle Between Jungle and Livestock in the ..."Put yourself in God's hands," his mother told him just before she died. Only later did he understand that as she was dying of kidney failure, she was urging him to continue her work as a Catholic evangelist.
Scoop - NZ
- Hobbit folk grovel to feudal movie lordsThe Hobbit is about a bunch of peasants living simple feudal lives. The way we're behaving, where else but New Zealand could it be filmed? Rather than being a First-World country, New Zealand was "teetering" on Third-World status, prepared to "basically lie back and prostitute oursel ...
- Best. Batman Costume. Ever.No idea where this came from; attribution welcome. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Private Prison Helps Draft Imprisonment LawNPR on how the prison companies help draft the Arizona immigration bill. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- US airport security 'useless'European air officials accused the United States of imposing useless and overly intrusive travel security measures, calling for the Obama administration to reexamine policies ranging from online security checks to X-raying shoes. ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- When Drones Come Home to RoostThe eventual equalization of technological capability will mean the use of drones and robots to strike at targets in the United States. There will be no need to hijack planes or plant car bombs. Drones, some as small as a suitcase, will be launchable from offshore or just outside U.S. borders. These ...
Independent - London
- Irish to get free 'Christmas cheese'Free cheese is to be offered to people on the breadline in Ireland as part of scheme to help the needy funded by the European Union.
- Burmese junta pushes people to the pollsTwenty-seven million Burmese were yesterday being exhorted to go to the polls in an election that is viewed by many as the national junta's means of securing a new lease of life with a veneer of constitutional propriety.
- 'Independent' owner's hotel is raided in row over ...A hotel complex in Ukraine, belonging to Alexander and Evgeny Lebedev, the owners of The Independent and the London Evening Standard, has been raided by police in an apparent row over the preservation of playwright Anton Chekhov's nearby house.
- Gas avalanche incinerates villagers after volcano ...Searing heavy gas avalanched down an Indonesian volcano with a thunderous roar, torching houses and trees and incinerating villagers as they fled Mount Merapi's worst eruption in a century. Scores of bodies found yesterday raised the known death toll to 122.
- The People's Republic of San FranciscoLike its hilly streets full of rattling trams, this week was full of ups and downs for your average San Franciscan.
Rogue Government.com
- Forbes: Pope 5th Most Powerful Person In The WorldPope Benedict XVI won the No. 5 spot in a list of the world's most powerful people, one of only two religious leaders in Forbes magazine's list of 68 influential men and women.
- Fed has starring role in 'Return to Jekyll Island'They are gathering this weekend at the very resort on the Georgia coast where 100 years ago a group of bankers and finance experts met to craft what would eventually become the Federal Reserve System.
- Privacy advocates fear massive fed health database ...Several privacy groups have raised alarms over plans by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to build a database that would contain information about the healthcare claims of millions of Americans.
- In U.S., 14% Rely on Food StampsA huge number of American households are still relying on government assistance to buy food as the recession continues to batter families.
- September 11th Footage: Reporter Confirms The Fire ...
Innovation Canada
- Talking FishWhen the Atlantic cod fishery was closed in 1992, politicians and fishermen assumed the stock would recover and the bounty of fish would return to Newfoundland within a decade. But almost 20 years later, cod stocks remain low, and scientists are still trying to determine exactly why.The cod saga is ...
- Bridge BuildingYou’ve seen them, driven over them, walked through them, but you’ve probably never given them a second thought. Yet culverts — those corrugated steel arches buried under roads that allow rivers and streams, vehicles, people and animals to pass through — are a critical piece of infrastructure that we ...
- Better infrastructure, better resultsIn 2001, when the Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI) opened on the campus of the University of New Brunswick (UNB), CRI researchers knew where many of its students would have to go to conduct experiments and analyze their findings — elsewhere.While the CRI was theoretically a 21st-century effort to mea ...
- Crime and rehabilitationWhen Hugh Brody embarked on an experiment to interview aboriginal youth in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley in 2005, spending three years in prison was the last thing he expected to do. But that all changed when he met Angela George, a member of the Chehalis First Nation near Chilliwack, who was wor ...
- Sheer treasureKatherine Soucie gives hope to misfits. Like other eccentric adolescents, she discovered that being different can be an asset in adulthood, especially for an artist. Today, the Vancouver-based textile and garment designer collaborates with world-renowned designers, showcases her diaphanous garments ...
Signs of the times
- Cuban plane crash cause unknown kills 68A state airliner filled with Cubans and travellers from Europe and Latin America crashed and burst into flames in a mountainous area after declaring an emergency and losing contact with air traffic controllers, the island's worst air disaster in more than 20 years. All 40 Cubans and 28 foreigners ...
- DNA Sequence May Be Lost in TranslationWashington DC - A mysterious phenomenon called 'RNA editing' could be unexpectedly widespread, according to a genome-wide examination of the effect in humans. The study, which has yet to be published, was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in Washington DC t ...
- AWOL Soldier Refusing Deployment Because of Severe ..."I am just trying to get help," insisted Jeff Hanks, active duty US Army infantryman, who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan. "My goal in this situation is to simply heal. And they wonder why there are so many suicides." Jeff spoke rapidly over the phone from Virginia, where he, his wife and his two ...
- MSNBC suspends Olbermann after donation to Dems di ...MSNBC's own reporting shows other employees donated to campaigns
- US Federal Reserve stokes global currency warThe Federal Reserve Board's announcement Wednesday of a second round of "quantitative easing" - the printing of hundreds of billions of US dollars - is an aggressive and unilateralist move, widely - and legitimately - perceived by America's economic rivals as a hostile act. The US central bank is p ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Pride - and a loud mouth - goeth before a fallLike many posts, this started as a comment and metastasized. For the post to which I was reacting, go here. �� It's a shortish post by Jeff "BCer in Toronto" Jedras about how the Rob Ford campaign brain trust are now openly bragging about the various dirty tricks they pulled during the election, som ...
- Sony!I didn't buy any your shit for years because it would always break after a scant few months of use. I should have kept that up because, shame on me, the premium headphones I bought a few months ago are falling apart. Odd that the ancient and worn Panasonic ones they replaced are still chugging along ...
- New Veterans OmbudsmanWell, well. It looks like the Harperites have made a decision and they may have grabbed a tiger by the tail. A retired chief warrant officer has been named Canada's new veterans ombudsman. Guy Parent replaces the outspoken Pat Stogran, a retired colonel who led a high-profile — and controversial ...
- Edmonton Police tortureIf you're a member of the Edmonton police, you can place nine Aboriginal people in a metal box for two hours in 30 C heat and have the presiding officer at your internal disciplinary hearing claim that you "had a genuine concern for the well-being of the people [you] transported that day." Placing ...
- The state of things Remembrance DayRemembrance Day. My great-grandfather served in the Boer War and then in Europe during the Great War. Another died from poison gas. As a little girl, my grandmother watched Zepplins bomb London from the back garden. My grandfather organised convoys from Newfoundland in the Second. His brother was w ...
Media Matters for America
- GOP investigation plans are built on Fox News fals ...Before the midterm elections, Republicans indicated that if they gained control of the House, they would launch investigations into numerous "scandals" that have been pushed by Fox News over the past two years. Since the elections, Fox News figures have also called for these investigations. But the ...
- Right-wing media launch bogus attacks on Obama's ...Right-wing media have been hyping reports from an Indian news agency that President Obama's upcoming trip to India will cost $200 million a day and will require 34 warships to be stationed off the Indian coast. In fact, the White House, the Secret Service and the Pentagon have called the claims ...
- Rasmussen: A pollster made for Fox NewsPoll results from Rasmussen Reports consistently overstated Republican performance in the midterm elections, according to The New York Times' Nate Silver. Rasmussen polls and analysis have been criticized by polling experts who note that they often harmonize with narratives favored by conservat ...
- Beck isn't sure about phony cost of Obam ...On his radio and Fox News shows, Glenn Beck promoted the false claim that the Obama administration plans to spend $2 billion on a ten-day presidential trip to Asia, before eventually acknowledging that he doesn't know if that figure is accurate. The White House says the reported figure is "wildly i ...
- Fox 2012 Primary: Palin vs. RoveAn October 31 Politico article reported that Fox News contributor Karl Rove seems to be among GOP leaders who are on a "mission" to "halt" Fox News contributor Sarah Palin's "momentum and credibility," viewing her potential 2012 presidential nomination as a "disaster in waiting." Indeed, Rove a ...
Global Research.ca
- How the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are crippling th ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- US 'knew' of al-Qaeda parcel plot For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- War Is Sold Just Like Soda or Toothpaste For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The New American Credo: Might Is RightFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Hellfire from the Sky: Targeting of Innocent Civi ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- America's Two Economies, And Why One Is Recovering ...Next time you hear an economist or denizen of Wall Street talk about how the "American economy" is doing these days, watch your wallet. There are two American economies. One is on the mend. The other is still coming apart. The one that's mending is America's Big Money economy. It's comprised o ...
- The Republican Recipe For An Anemic Economy Throug ...The real message from voters was "Fix this stinking economy." But Republicans have no intention of doing so. With Republicans in control of the House, forget spending increases or tax cuts to stimulate the economy. Republicans don't believe in stimulating economies. They think markets eventual ...
- Extend The Bush Tax Cut To The Bottom 99 Percent, ...Expect the President to be under more pressure to give in to Republican demands that the Bush tax cut be extended to everyone -- not just the bottom 98 percent but also the the top 2 percent, earning over $250K. He should respond by offering this olive branch: Extend the Bush tax cuts to the bott ...
- Why Obama Should Learn The Lesson Of 1936, Not 199 ...Which lesson will the President learn -- that of Clinton in 1996, or FDR in 1936? The choice will determine his strategy over the next two years. Hopefully, he'll find 1936 more relevant. Obama shouldn't be fooled into thinking Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996 because he moved to the center. I ...
- On Israel/Palestine, What Does "Unwavering" Mean?On Wednesday evening, Obama confidente and White House Senior Advisor for Public Outreach Valerie Jarrett held a conference call with progressives around the country who may have been disheartened by Tuesday's election results. It was a brave thing for her to do as many in the progressive community ...
- ForeclosureGate Could Force Bank NationalizationFor two years, politicians have danced around the nationalization issue, but ForeclosureGate may be the last straw. The megabanks are too big to fail, but they aren't too big to reorganize as federal institutions serving the public interest. In January 2009, only a week into Obama's presidency, Dav ...
- Mumbai and Obama's MissionUnited States President Barack Hussein Obama will begin his three-day tour of India on November 6, 2010, with a visit to the famed Taj Mahal Hotel of Mumbai (formerly Bombay). The five-star hotel of the South Asian nation's financial capitol has seen 107 years of the city's turbulent history - and, ...
- E.J. Dionne, Jr. | Pelosi: Why She Wants to Stay Washington - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calmly assessing the political cyclone that routed her Democratic majority and will, at least temporarily, force her to vacate one of the best offices in the city, with its inspirational view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. read more
- Wallowing in Bloody Destructionread more
- Another Hard NovemberI am beginning to loathe November. Every second year, we as a nation endure the paroxysm of election, and every second year seems to be more demented than the last. Do not get me wrong: I am a devotee of the church of democracy, and I get a deep visceral thrill every time I get to cast a vote. Bu ...
- Obermann Out? MSNBC Suspends Top Host for Dem Dona ...Kieth Olbermann, MSNBC’s top-rated talking head, has been suspended indefinitely. Politico broke the story today that Olbermann had donated to three Democratic Congressional candidates. Olbermann has been a rare friend of progressive and environmental causes in a cable news climate dominated by con ...
- Jeff Siegel wins Election Day Caption Contest!Sadly, Jeff Siegel from GreenChipStocks.com came up with this funny yet negative, caption (albeit, for a negative image). However, I’m sure Jeff would be the first to tell us (and I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree) that if we all invested our action and money in clean energy our choices would be less depressi ...
- Inspirational Stories and Videos on How to Go Gree ...I was recently tipped off to an awesome website that documents real-world projects focused on both protecting the environment and saving money. Each story comes with a video, and website founder Susan Neisloss also provides resources on how to save/make money through such sustainable efforts in the ...
- Awesome DIY Project? Submit to the 1st Annual Read ...I was just emailed the following announcement the other day. Looks like a great opportunity for creative DIYers to show off, share great DIY projects and maybe even win some money, fun in New York City, and great publicity. Homemade solar panels, a DIY bike, some other great idea or invention… submi ...
- Climate Camp Gathering in UK This WeekendThis is a little bit of a last-minute announcement, but if you don’t know what to do this weekend and are in the UK, or if you are just a super-enthusiastic climate change activist, there is a big climate camp gathering in the UK this weekend, November 6th and 7th. It will be in the... Read More...
Water Quality - WordPress
- We Must Act Now for Granite Shoals Sewer SystemLast week, the Granite Shoals city council voted 7-0 to move forward with borrowing funds to build t
- New York City Issues Water Warning For LeadNew York City Issues Water Warning For Lead New York City has warned residents about lead found in t
- IBM Launches iPhone App For Crowdsourcing Water Qu ...IBM Launches iPhone App For Crowdsourcing Water Quality – Kerry A. Dolan – GreenTechPlus
- USGS study documents widespread river damageA new USGS study documents widespread impacts to streams and rivers. New study shows how many stream
- Chum, Coho, and Cutthroat on Stoney CreekRead below the salmon spawner count from Roger Dyer SCEC October 31, 2010 Hi everyone: Gail, Caitlan
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- ForeclosureGate Could Force Bank Nationalization b ...by Ellen Brown Featured Writer Dandelion Salad webofdebt.com November 5, 2010 For two years, politic
- Cuban Airline Crashes Killing All Aboard by Jim Ry ...by Jim Ryerson Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.youtube.com/user/tmanjdrjr (jim [at] travelingman
- "Not For Nothing...!" Understanding PTSD by Eileen ...by Eileen Coles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad November 5, 2010 A newly published World War I diary
- U.S. Supports Japan, Confronts China And Russia Ov ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism N
- Israel to UK: Behind what is happening in Lebanon ...Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 4 November 2010 1) Israeli Pr
Axis of Logic
- Cuba passenger plane crash kills all 68 people on ...The BBC's Michael Voss in Havana: "There are no reports of any survivors" A Cuban passenger plane has crashed in the centre of the country, killing all 68 people on board, officials say. Rescuers found no survivors when they reached the site of the crash, Cuba's Civil Aviation Authority said.. ...
- Hurricane Tomas floods Haiti. Seaside town of Leog ...Hurricane Tomas flooded the earthquake-shattered remains of a Haitian town on Friday, forcing families who had already lost their homes in one disaster to flee another. In the country's capital, quake refugees resisted calls to abandon flimsy tarp and tent camps. Driving winds and storm surge ba ...
- United States placed in human rights hot seat - Wo ...Editor's Note: In the comment section below, Axis of Logic would like to hear what you think about the significance of this investigation by the Geneva-based UN HRC. Thank you! - Editors. The United States has been defending its human rights record before the Geneva-based Uni ...
- U.S., Washington State. Radioactive rabbit trapped ...A radioactive rabbit caught at Hanford just north of Richland had Washington State Department of Health workers looking for contaminated droppings Thursday. Contaminated animals occasionally are found at the nuclear reservation, but more often they are in the center of Hanford, far from town. ...
- “Reality television” Top Chef: Is real drama so ha ...5 November 2010 “Winning and elimination decisions were made by the judges in consultation with producers. Some elimination decisions were discussed with Bravo.” – Disclaimer at the end of each episode of Top Chef Top Chef D.C. is the seventh installment of the Top Chef realit ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapAn Onion headline in real life: "Nicaragua Accidentally Invades Costa Rica, Blames Google Maps" "You would think that military professionals would rely on something other than Google Maps in determining where countries have their borders. However, down in Central America, there's apparently been som ...
- Remember, Remember the Fifth of November...Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November Gunpowder, Treason and Plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot A brief history lesson for the Islamophobes...Terrorism in the pursuit of furthering a religious goal is not unique to any one faith. The English had a close call wi ...
- How to Fight the Health Care RepealersFollowing our themes of Now We Fight and Taking It To The Enemy, karoli has a great idea: Here's what I think Democrats should do. Democrats in the Senate should introduce a provision for optional buy-in to Medicare as an alternative to the individual mandate. This won't work either, but it will ser ...
- Would someone shoot the remaining Blue Dogs with a ...As I am sure you know by now, Nancy Pelosi has decided that the right wing nutjobs are going to have to do a lot worse to her than they did on Tuesday if they are going to run her off. She will be staying on and continuing the fight by running for Minority Leader in the 112th Congress, thank you ver ...
- Welcome to post racial America, part 3Previously: Wecome to post-racial America (August 10, 2010) Wecome to post-racial America, part 2 (August 21, 2010) The 2008 election will never be over. Today, found stuck to the front door of the now closed Johnson County Democratic headquarters in downtown Warrensburg, Missouri: This is across ...
Care 2
- European Parliament, please save Romania's strays ...Every single day, more horrifying news surface in the world about massacres against animals, not only condoned , but ORDERED by authorities ( mayors, police, Sanitary-veterinary agencies, hunting agencies) . Submitted by Cher C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Justice for dog who's back legs were chopped off f ...A defenseless dog was subjected to merciless mutilation when her supposed "best friend" chopped off her back legs and cruelly left her in that critically injured state for more than a week Submitted by Cher C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 33 Utterly Strange Sea Animals- slide showFrom alien-like isopods and vampire squid, to "fatheads" and the Dumbo octopus with flying ears, the Census of Marine Life exposed the strange creatures of the deep during its 10-year mission of discovery. Here are some of our favorites. Submitted by Daf Jind to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
- Austin TX--Heartbreaking Cruelty To Mom Dog, Now O ...They pulled up with her 5 puppies in the back of their truck, all stuck in a wire kennel... huddled together for warmth. They had the mom choke tied by a red rope to her babies wire kennel... pulled so tight she couldn't breathe. Submitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- Rivers run dry as drought hits AmazonDroughts are growing more severe. Has the world's largest rain forest reached its tipping point Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- Thank You, Dick Cheney, for Giving Me the Proper W ...
- How Pot Friendly Yuppie Parents Help Sink Legaliza ...
- Gerson and Colson Urge Religious Right Activists t ...
- A Collegial Question for Peter Orszag (and Alan Si ...
- McConnell: 'Election Is Mandate for Me to Be Gigan ...
Paul Krugman
- Thoughts On PelosiTo cringe, or not to cringe.
- QE MadnessClimbing a wall of stupidity.
- Wages And The Slide Toward DeflationDeclining to the core.
- Age Of Diminished ExpectationsWhat now passes for good news.
- Generating Inflation ExpectationsCommitments are hard, especially for the future.
No Quarter
- Olbermann’s Hubris * Open ThreadKeith Olbermann’s massive ego has finally done him in, temporarily, but this is a twisted tale … our friends at The New Agenda celebrate the WOMEN who won Tuesday … The New York Times’s review of “Fair Game” is a great read … and, as I worry for our nation’s lagging interest in the environment, [... ...
- The Media Tries Desperately to Excuse Obama’s Shri ...Tom Junod of Esquire, who recently shocked himself by doing a rather complimentary piece on Secretary Clinton acknowledging her “unforgivable competence” and tireless work ethic, has also shocked himself by falling to earth regarding his assessment of President Obama. In his piece, Why President Ob ...
- Sarah Palin PhobiaIt may not be an officially declared medical condition, but it certainly exists–FEAR OF SARAH. This exchange on The View yesterday highlights the phenomena: Sarah versus Obama, this is a no brainer. Sarah is far more qualified to be President by virtue of her experience than was Barack. Why? S ...
- TGIF Morning Open Thread [VERY Hot Update]HOT UPDATE: “Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay (at end of this post) MORE BELOW: The NYT posts a great interactive map of Tuesday’s GOP wins (this map ROCKS!) … YouTube finally bans the rantings of Anwar al-Awlaki (or should it?) … The president of Wesleyan University off ...
- The Day Before Friday Open ThreadJoe Scarborough goes off on Sarah Palin, and it’s great (imho) … Wow! A hot new movie reveals the truth about the downfall of Eliot Spitzer … Oh lordy. CAIR is challenging Oklahoma’s new no-sharia law … Christine O’Donnell calls the GOP cannibals, and gains more respect from me … Jon Stewart makes g ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Intricately Crafted 3D Paper Sculptures3-D looks for 2-D sculptures demonstrate just how awesomely talented long-time paper sculptor Jeff Nishinaka actually is. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Nature's Prank: The Amazing Brazilian Grape TreeA tree that looks as though somebody is playing 'April Fool's' - the Brazilian Grape Tree is strange yet beautiful and wonderful tribute to natural diversity. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- Studies Prove: Housing is Cheaper Than Homelessnes ...Homelessness is a plague year round but it worsens and is more costly to taxpayers during the winter months. Here's how we can save money and lower homelessness. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- 5 Everyday Steps to a Greener LifeWhile recycling is probably one of the most common ways that people can be environmentally friendly, it is by no means the only way we can be kind to the planet, here are read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- Eggcubism: Two-and-a-Half Dimensional Paintings Cr ...Enno de Kroon uses egg-crates as canvas to make spectacular ‘two-and-a-half’dimensional paintings.He has named it as 'Eggcubism'. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Americans Still Turn Blind Eye to the Savagery We ...We seem to believe that Iraqis brought the violence that has consumed them on themselves.
- Operation Flintlock in NigerIn this interview, Peace Corps volunteer Nathan Dieck provides a rare firsthand account of a U.S. counter-terrorism operation in Africa.
- 60 Second Expert: Japan v. ChinaA minor collision between a Chinese fishing boat and Japanese Coast Guard vessel last August continues to resonate in the region.
- Away from Universal AccessThe international community agreed to the goal of achieving universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment, but the Obama administration is scaling back its commitment
- Method to the Madness of Iraqi Insurgents' Mindles ...Hard to believe, but Sunni insurgents who kill Sunnis may actually be advancing their agenda.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Indonesia ramps up volcano reliefEfforts focus on the thousands of people who have fled to makeshift camps following latest eruptions.
- Mexican drug cartel suspect killedSecurity forces shoot dead suspected trafficking kingpin Tony the Storm.
- Al-Qaeda claims parcel bomb plotGroup's Yemen wing says it was behind plan to hit US targets, and caused earlier Dubai air crash.
- UN body accuses US of rights abusesAmerican officials face barrage of criticism from Human Rights Council over Guantanamo and torture allegations.
- Beirut probes tribunal staff attackLebanon says it is investigating incident that appeared to target officials from UN inquiry into prime minister's death.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Dead Coral Found Near Gulf Oil WellScientists took samples and will test for the presence of hydrocarbons, although it is unclear whether such residue would remain.
- Should Democrats Blame Waxman and Markey?The bottom line of a new analysis suggests that votes on the Waxman-Markey House climate billl mattered not at all in most congressional races and only a little in a few.
- An Uncertain Nuclear CountdownIf its owner does not find a buyer, the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant may not even operate until its license expires in March 2012.
- Mapping Ecosystems, the Better to Conserve ThemThe state of Massachusetts has just unveiled the latest and most elaborate version of its online BioMap.
- Louisiana Rethinks Its Sand BermsSome $100 million intended for the construction of sand berms to block oil along the gulf coast will be repurposed for coastal restoration.
Dot Earth News
- Cities as Hubs of Energy and Climate ActionNew York City's mayor takes the helm of a group aiming to make cities lead the way on climate and energy.
- Growth on a Finite Planet – So Far, So GoodIs recent human progress won on at the cost of sustained well-being? We'll find out.
- A Comet CloseupNASA captures stunning closeup imagery of a comet tumbling through the Solar System.
- Are Polar Bears More than 'Threatened'?A judge says the Obama administration must review a Bush decision on polar bear protection from warming.
- Krakatau Joins Indonesia's Volcanic AwakeningVolcanic eruptions intensify in Indonesia, and so do concerns about risks of poor populations in harm's way.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- British Lord James of Blackheath sez "Foundation X ...For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the ...
- Randy Quaid gangstalked by "Star Whackers" - he na ...It's no surprise California is in tough straits – Hollywood ain't a great place, and they can even trap corruption whistleblowing attorneys like Richard Fine in jail easily over there (Fine got tangled in LA's enormous immunized bribery system). But Randy Quaid , of all people, has suddenly turned ...
- FBI investigated American Trucking Association lin ...Wellstone plane crash was super sketchy. There was no icy condition that it was spun as. Fortunately MPR got the Wellstone FBI files, a lot of redacted materials. There is an interesting logical flow - including "justice center" ... Service Transportation Act - expose board members of ATA - DOT t ...
- Rap News vs the News World Order - gotta see this ...Any friend of this site pretty much is required to watch the latest rapnews: Marvelous work! As posted: Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400,000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war — the biggest leak of classified military documents in history — sending shockw ...
- Facebook Twitter HTTP security shown as hosed by t ...Sound advice (to the extent anything on the internet is really secure ha): Change your passwords , and logout of everything Do not use open WiFi to login to Facebook, Twitter or anything else Use only a hard-wired connection until this subsides Do not check the “remember my password” ...
Daily Censored
- A pre-election conversationWalking into a San Francisco bar, I saw Chico, a guy I knew in the 1960s. We had run into each other at anti-war marches, sit-ins for equal hiring practices and other popular political activities of the times. Over beer, we overheard a nearby couple discussing the November 2 elections. “Man,” I told ...
- US ElectionsTuesday’s election results should be seen in their historical context. The general political set-up in the US is as follows: The most powerful sector of the US capitalist class is finance capital (“Wall Street”). Other powerful sectors include the military/industrial complex with manufacturing a dis ...
- Econ 101What it will take to improve the economy is something that would have been difficult before and impossible now. It will take a stimulus bill of such massive proportions that it would never get through the house. Giving tax breaks to businesses or rich people won’t do it. The rich people will s ...
- An open letter to Reverend Eric Lee in response to ...These gentlemen wrote me, I believe in response to a recent article I penned called Discussing School Privatization, Propositions 25 and 24 with Inglewood residents From: elee@sclclosangeles.org Subject: Re: Meeting request Date: November 03, 2010 19:02:11 PDT To: kwtulloss@aol.com Cc: rdsathene@sbc ...
- Our Debate Culture—Someone Wins, but Never the Tru ...Recently, a colleague asked a few other professors and me to participate in a student debate as part of his first year seminar. Our role in the debate was to evaluate the debate, and of course, choose a winning side. During the debate, I came to recognize something about the debate itself, the colle ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Obama calls Argentina's Kirchner after husband's d ...
- US denounces Pakistan mosque attacks as 'brutal'
- No China warning to avoid Nobel ceremony: US
- Bernanke says consumers will dodge high commodity ...
- Democrat Pat Quinn wins Illinois governor race
Institute for Policy Studies
- Experts Available: UN Advisory Group on Climate Fi ...Recommendations downplay role of public finance and rely too much on private finance.
- What Do the Elections Mean for the Environment?Republicans are claiming they are the voice of the people after the elections. But on climate change, they are turning deaf ears.
- The Adventures of Unemployed ManListen to this montage of audio clips from an "Adventures of Unemployed Man" event.
- Unpopular Sarkozy Gets it Right on Financial Trans ...The French President is standing tough in his push to increase taxes on the financial sector.
- Yes, there are alternativesThere is an upsurge of efforts around the world to create a new global economy rooted in local community needs.
Equality Trust
- Why we need a Fairness Test of the cutsA group of charities, including the Equality Trust, Child Poverty Action Group, Barnardo's and the TUC are asking the coalition government to commit to a Fairness Test on any tax rises or spending cuts they introduce. Full details ...
- Sign up to our email newsletterDon't forget to sign up to our email newsletter to receive quarterly updates about our work and next week's response from Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett to questions about the Spirit Level analysis.
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Video: Real News: Election Repudiated Corporate ...From the Real News Network Bio Jeff Cohen is the director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College, and he was the founder of the media watchdog FAIR. He joins us from Ithaca, New ...
- LA’s Sheriff Baca Stirs Fear Against Marijuana Day ...by Linda Milazzo ll through the George W. Bush administration, Americans were fed a steady diet of fear, strategically orchestrated by Bush and Cheney to promote their political agenda. Americans were scared into supporting war. They ...
- Never surrenderStem the tide! There is still time. If we give a little more money, if we make a few more phone calls, if we knock on another set of doors, there is still time to protect our ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 10/15/10 – 10/29/10GOTV: Tim Carpenter, Mimi Kennedy and I just came off the road from a successful GOTV trip to Arizona and California. Some of the highlights from AZ included: 1) Building a chapter in Tucson. Big thank you to ...
- Work to defeat every single republican. Every. Sin ...By PDA Blog Contributor | Mike Hersh Sadly, some of my friends are saying they’ll sit out this election or else vote for a non-viable spoiler in a close contest. They say there’s no difference between ...
Marler Blog
- E. coli and Listeria in Raw Milk and Cheese - Grow ...I am having a hard time keeping up on the outbreaks and recalls related to raw milk products. Estrella in the last week and Bravo Farms this week. I certainly need to update our table of outbreaks and recalls related to both raw and pasteurized milk products, but I am about to board a plane to Chi ...
- Costco, say it isn't so - The E. coli - tainted Br ...According to the FDA and CDC, as of Thursday, November 4, 2010, 25 persons infected with the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 have been reported from five states since mid-October. The number of ill persons identified in each state with this strain is as follows: AZ (11), CA (1), CO (8), NM (3) an ...
- Baugher's Unpasteurized Apple Cider Linked to E. c ...Maryland public health officials said a Westminster company has voluntarily recalled call of its apple cider because of its potential to contain the E. coli bacteria . The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said Thursday that it was investigating a cluster of seven E. coli infections; ...
- Costco Recalls Bravo Farms Dutch Style Gouda Chees ...FDA, CDC, and Costco warn consumers to avoid Bravo Farms Dutch Style Gouda cheese * Bravo Farms Dutch Style Gouda cheese, (Costco item 40654) offered for sale and in cheese sampling events at Costco Wholesale Corporation (Costco) locations is preliminarily linked with an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 ...
- Costco "Cheese Road Show" Linked to Dozens of E. c ...FDA, CDC, and Costco is warning consumers to avoid Bravo Farms Dutch Style Gouda cheese due to possible E. coli contamination. According to breaking press reports, Arizona has confirmed 11 E. coli cases likely tied to cheese sold or tasted at Costco stores in October. Overall, more than two dozen c ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.05.10Honda CEO: Looks "like there will be a market for electric vehicles" after all No kidding? David Vespremi: Will the Nissan Leaf's familiarity breed contempt? Why the Leaf is a lot like a TV ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.04.10SEMA 2010: Chevrolet shows off Z-Spec treatment for Volt, Cruze, Spark All official, all theoretical. Stratasys prints out Urbee plug-in hybrid concept with cool 3D tech Unusual doesn't begi ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.03.10Study: Chevy Volt's "addressable market" for 2011 is 7%, Nissan Leaf's hits 11% Not who will buy, but who could.. Nissan Leaf vies for Europe's coveted 2011 Car of the Year award Can it beat ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.02.10What is EVSE? It's Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, and here's what it's all about. Nissan dishes out specs* for the 2011 Leaf It goes 0-60 in slooow. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.01.10Report: GE to order "tens of thousands" of electric vehicles in about a week Talk about a jump start to the whole EV thing. Report: Chevrolet Volt dealer demos not coming until February Cust ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: Getting deep with TiVoThis week we're covering TiVo in particular, and the set-top box market in general. I have but one guest today, but you're going to want to pay attention, since it's Jim Denney, the TiVo's VP of product strategy. Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe: iTunes (MP3) iTunes ...
- Backup service MiMedia leverages U.S. mailWho wants to pay for online backup? Nobody. But MiMedia is trying to make you feel good about it.
- Peel me an e-bookTaiwanese lab invents tech for displays that can be built onto glass, then peeled off. Imagine what it would allow gadget designers to think up. ...
- Bizzy has custom restaurant recommendationsA three-star restaurant is not a three-star restaurant for everyone.
- New JooJoo pitch: 'We're still alive'Next year's new JooJoo tablets will be smaller and save the user's workspace to the cloud.
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Rich Media, Poor DemocracyAs the 2010 elections come to a close, the biggest winner of all remains undeclared: the broadcasters. The biggest loser: democracy. These were the most expensive midterm elections in U.S. history, costing close to $4 billion, $3 billion of which went to advertising. What if ad time were free? We h ...
- TONIGHT: Amy Goodman on CNN's John King USA at 7pm ...Democracy Now!’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King USA on Friday, October 29 at 7pm EST.
- War Should Be an Election IssueJust days away from crucial midterm elections, WikiLeaks, the whistle-blower website, unveiled the largest classified military leak in history. Almost 400,000 secret Pentagon documents relating to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq were made available online. The documents, in excruciating de ...
- TONIGHT: Amy Goodman on CNN's John King USADemocracy Now!’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will appear on CNN’s John King USA on Tuesday, October 26 at 7pm ET.
- When Banks Are the RobbersThe big banks that caused the collapse of the global finance market, and received tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded bailouts, have likely been engaging in wholesale fraud against homeowners and the courts. But in a promising development this week, attorneys general from all 50 states a ...
Farming Pathogens
- We Can Think Ourselves into a PlagueThe power of the mind is a New Age staple. But, really, can I concentrate enough to levitate myself (much less get my laundry done today)? The materialist answers, funny you mention it, but, yeah, you can. A few minds thought through the ideas that produced the airplane and perhaps soon enough the p ...
- How Mayor Bloomberg Causes ObesityYeah the doctors don’t know, but New York was killing me / Bunch of doctors coming round, they don’t know / That New York is killing me / Yeah I need to go home and take it slow in Jackson, Tennessee -Gil Scott-Heron On October 6 Mayor Michael Bloomberg asked the United States Department of [...]
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on TwitterYou can now follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Twitter here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Farming Pa ...
- The Axis of ViralThe enemy of my enemy is my friend. We might accept that viruses and bacteria at best instantiate the coincidental nature of such an alliance. The success of one bug might pave the way for another. But we’d be hard pressed to imagine that theyâd whittle the syllogism to a sharper point and actively ...
- Follow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on FacebookFollow ‘Farming Pathogens’ on Facebook here. Includes the latest in media reports and journal articles on agriculture, disease, evolution, dialectical biology, and the practice of science, as well as any appearances or new work by FP contributors. Filed under: Uncategorized
- What Role Did Comcast Play In Keith Olbermann̵ ...What Role Did Comcast Play in Keith Olbermann’s Suspension?–UPDATED Crooks and Liars- By karoli November 05, 2010 12:14 PM There is a double standard at work with regard to Keith Olbermann’s suspension, not only between other personalities appearing on MSNBC as commentators, but also at the very top ...
- Angry Voters Choose Government Gridlock, Investiga ...There are a variety of explanations for the frustratingly backwards outcome of yesterday’s election. Clearly Americans were dissatisfied with the objective reality that the Obama administration and the congressional Democrats actually made things better by cutting the deficit by an historic $122 bil ...
- It’s a normal dayBusiness as usual election results, it’s a normal day, world war three blues, Wall Street, Rupert Murdoch
- Rand Paul Supporter Tim Profitt Wants Stomping Vic ...Rand Paul Supporter Tim Profitt Wants Stomping Victim To Apologize To HIM The Huffington Post |Â Â Nick Wing First Posted: 10-27-10 10:30 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 10-27-10 11:24 AM Tim Profitt, the Rand Paul supporter behind the white sneaker that notoriously stomped on a MoveOn activist’s head in Ke ...
- Wikileaks: Top Brass warns of putting troops & civ ...Wikileaks recieved excellent coverage on CNN last night, including inteviews with Daniel Elsberg, Pentagon Papers, John Sloboda, the Iraq Body Count’s co-founder, and Phil Shiner of the U.K.-based Public Interest Lawyers. John Sloboda, the Iraq Body Count’s co-founder, told reporters that the names ...
- Alice Dancing Under the GallowsYouTube
- Market For Sale in Picturesque Hickory Valley!I am selling the commercial market in Hickory Valley, TN. Our office will remain in Hickory Valley. However, I will be moving near Hohenwald in middle Tennessee, so best to have someone take the market over who will make it into the wonderful farmers market and restaurant that it can be. You can lea ...
- U.S. Government DebtBy Neil Reynolds Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 per cent of current gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of current GDP. “ ...
- Debt is Not Equity or Infrastructure InvestmentFar from being a panacea for fighting rural poverty, microcredit can impose additional burdens on the rural poor, without markedly improving their socio-economic condition, write Patrick Bond and Khorshed Alam. Pambazuka News — For years, the example of microcredit in Bangladesh has been touted as ...
- The Business of Innovation - Interview With Cather ...One of the key factors in getting the US economy going again is innovation. Innovation has been the hallmark of America’s contribution to science and technology. Everything from the space program to the Internet have been led by the US, yet today we are falling behind. This week on Business Matters, ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- No One Cares About Child Soldiers if They're in Gu ...In many ways, Guantanamo is not the exception, but far closer to the rule of our criminal justice system.
- Major Terror Trial Ruling -- Judge Says Evidence A ...A New York judge has ruled that coercively-procured evidence is inadmissible in the trial of Ahmed Ghailani, the first former Guantanamo detainee to be tried in the U.S.
- Creating a Lawless Executive BranchAttorney General John Ashcroft allowed Muslims to be detained under fabricated claims. Will the Obama administration and the right-wing high court protect him?
- The Fight to End Slave Labor in Our Fields Is Bear ...In Florida alone, the DoJ has prosecuted seven farm slavery operations with over 1,000 captive workers. More than a dozen farm labor supervisors have served time in federal prison.
- Will the Tea Party Take the Senate? 8 Races to Wat ...The Republicans may not win the Senate, but the Tea Party could take it hostage, thanks to millions of unaccountable dollars, post-Citizens United.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign , challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project .
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become obsol ...
Fabius Maximus
- A look at US employment (the big picture)Summary: a look at the US labor force. The numbers tossed around in the news media give little perspective on the scale of the problem. This downturn acts as a massive engine concentrating America’s income and wealth in even fewer hands. The extension of the Bush tax cuts, which benefit mostl ...
- Bernanke leads us down the hole to wonderland! (m ...Summary: Historians will laugh at our response to QE, for the reasons discussed here. We’re enjoying our days in Wonderland. We may find the hangover less entertaining. This is a follow-up to Important things to know about QE2 (forewarned is forearmed). Our response to the Federal Reserve’ ...
- Bin Laden wins by using the “Tactics of Mist ...Summary: In Gordon Dickson’s book “The Tactics of Mistake” he describes how Bin Laden has manipulated America so that we drive the jihadist movement from an irrelevant sideshow to a major and vital aspect of modern Islam. History contains a few eery examples of fiction predating fact. Not just ...
- The winners and losers from this election, hidden ...Summary: The Reagan Revolution moved the US from a center-left to a center-neutral political balance. The Clinton years were a time-out in the drift toward conservationism. This election completes the Bush Jr years’ transformation of the US to a center-right nation. This post considers some ...
- The problem with America lies in our choice of her ...Summary: We choose our heroes unconsciously, choices which shape our daytime actions. Our modern heroes serve us poorly, pointing to our weaknesses and away from our historic strengths. This is the fourth in a series about our struggle to adjust to the new century; links to the other chapters app ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Bat disease threatens ecological catastropheThe Independent-As a biologist with more than four decades of experience in the field, Thomas Kunz is not prone to over exaggeration. He likes the data to do the talking. But when it comes to describing the recent deaths of more than a million bats across the eastern United States he is unequivocal. ...
- European Central Bank Keeps Rates at Record LowsNY Times — With the economic recovery showing some resilience in Europe, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank left their main interest rates at record lows on Thursday. The Bank of England decided against any new stimulus measures for Britain, a day after the Federal Reserve moved to b ...
- Doctors discourage repeat calcium heart scansReuters – Adding to recent controversy about CT heart scans, a new report says doctors shouldn’t be doing so-called repeat calcium scans on a routine basis. Such scans reveal buildup of calcium in the heart’s arteries, which has been tied to heart disease, and they are becoming increasingly popular ...
- US military looking for higher-tech drones that ca ...CP — The U.S. military aims to develop more sophisticated, high-tech drones and surveillance aircraft that can collect intelligence in increasingly dangerous combat airspace, a senior Air Force leader said Thursday. Under pressure from Pentagon leaders, the Air Force has already dramatically increas ...
- In book, Bush strongly defends use of waterboardin ...Reuters – When then-President George W. Bush was asked to approve a tough interrogation technique known as waterboarding on September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he wasted little time in deciding. “Damn right,” he said. Bush’s approval of waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning condemn ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- MSH is moving********Monkey Smashes Heaven is moving to here: http://llco.org/monkey-smashes-heaven So far, we have the English section up and running. For now, we will continue to post articles in other languages to the English section. In the future, we will set up full operational Leading Light pages is many other la ...
- Ashamed to be an Amerikkkan?
- MSH movingMSH moving (Leading Light Communist Organization llco.org) Over the next month, MSH will be moving over to the website of the Leading Light Communist Organization (llco.org), which is currently under construction. Eventually, this blog will be shut down. Thank you, MSH Editors
- Trzy twierdzeTrzy twierdze -Michał Rakulski (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) „W przeszłości przejęliśmy władzę polityczną i zmieniliśmy strukturę środków produkcji. To są dwa wielkie zwycięstwa. Jednakże jeśli ograniczymy się do tych dwóch zwycięstw, a nie dokonamy rewolucji w ideologii oraz nie doprowadzimy rewolucj ...
- Drodzy trzecioświatowi maoiści – jesteście nacjona ...Drodzy trzecioświatowi maoiści – jesteście nacjonalistami (Leading Light Communist Organization llco.org) “Drodzy trzecioświatowi maoiści, Wasza pozycja jest bardzo interesująca. Wasz blog jest nacjonalistyczny, co ukrywacie pod socjalistyczną retoryką. Linia mas nie jest substytutem rewolucyjnego p ...
- 4 Reasons Why a Conspiracy Theorist Might Believe ...Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos? Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about to occur.
- Is November 2010 Going to Be False Flag Month in A ...I received a message on October 20 from Andrew G who wanted to draw my attention to an article that pointed to a possible "terrorist attack" false flag operation (based on a computer analysis by Cliff High of speech patterns in telegraphing destructive future events) to be executed on American soil ...
- New World Order: Underground Bases and Tunnels – V ...Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is probably the world's foremost public authority, as well as the first person, to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground and underwater bases and tunnels. He is the author of several books and major reports. During the first hour of this program we disc ...
- Video: World Bank & IMF – New Rulers Of The WorldA clip from the documentary "The New Rulers of The World" by film maker John Pilger. The WB and the IMF control most of the world's cash flow.
- Obama’s FallWhatever goes up must come down, but this general law is of no comfort to the man who broke new ground not too long ago and became the first Black man to occupy the White House. Swept by a wave of Islamphobia, and capitalizing on rhetoric that has not been heard before in the United States of Americ ...
Andy Worthington
- Gareth Peirce Discusses Her New Book, “Dispatches ...I was in the United States, campaigning against torture as part of “Berkeley Says No to Torture” Week, when a new book of essays by human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce, Dispatches from the Dark Side: On Torture and the Death of Justice, was published in the UK. In these essays, originally published in ...
- Video: “Berkeley Says No to Torture” Week – Forum ...Last month, as I reported extensively at the time, I traveled to Berkeley to take part in “Berkeley Says No to Torture” Week, an exciting series of events focused in and around Boalt Hall, the home of UC Berkeley School of Law, where torture lawyer John Yoo teaches, when he is not hiding out from [. ...
- US Mid-Term Elections: The Death of Hope and Chang ...To be brutally honest, those of us concerned with “national security” issues (indefinite detention without charge or trial at Guantánamo and elsewhere, trials by Military Commission and accountability for the Bush administration’s torturers) and foreign policy (the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) coul ...
- UK Government Faces Major Rebellion on Control Ord ...Since the General Election in May, when the Liberal Democrats formed an unlikely alliance with the Tories, cracks in the coalition have been kept to a minimum, although this, hopefully, is about to change. The battleground is not, sadly, the all-out and ill-conceived assault on the poor unleashed in ...
- Omar Khadr Jury Hammers the Final Nail into the Co ...On Sunday, a military jury at Guantánamo handed down a 40-year sentence to Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen who was just 15 years old when he was seized after a firefight in Afghanistan. The decision brought to an end a week of hearings that began when Khadr, now 24, accepted a plea deal giving him ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Citizen "Scientists" Track Birds in BP-Spill ZoneVolunteers are counting birds in Gulf of Mexico coastal areas to help determine the 2010 oil spill's effects on migratory populations as well as on resident birds. Video.
- Pompeiians Flash-Heated to Death—"No Time to Suffo ...Ash may not have killed most of Vesuvius's victims after all. "There was no time to suffocate," says the lead scientist of a recent study.
- "Mind-Boggling" Pictures: Goats Scale Dam in ItalyNoneYes, these viral pictures of goats clinging to an impossibly steep rock face are real. Get the facts behind the Internet rumors.
- Photos: Merapi Volcano Ash Smothers Indonesian Vil ...NonePompeii-like scenes are proliferating on the Indonesian island of Java, where the Mount Merapi volcano's eruptions have killed dozens.
- New Video Filmed by Whale SharksNone
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems . You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez . You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. You ...
- The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is – Sq ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked up se ...
- Veni, Vidi, VotingHey all! Gimlet Eyes just got back from the Rally To Restore Sanity in Washington, DC (did you see me? I was right in the middle! With a sign!) and now I’m fired up and ready to go. First things first. The rally was incredible. No, it wasn’t partisan. In fact, it really wasn’t political: Stewart ...
- Warren FTWI have been geeking out over yesterday’s big primaries, and the ensuing act of Republican cannibalism that really, really belongs in one of Linda McMahon’s WWE Smackdowns. (I mean seriously: who doesn’t want to see Sarah Palin kick Karl Rove in the crotch, followed up by Rush Limbaugh taking a bite ...
- Village Idiot DaysTomorrow is the annual town get-together, Village Fair Days (Friday and Saturday, July 30 & 31). Local and regional politicos will be there, so make sure to ask them some "real" questions, as the local media doesn't seem to know what those are. Come back and post your findings here - I'd love to hea ...
SPL Center
- Anti-Immigrant Groups Continue Greenwashing Campai ...Progressives For Immigration Reform (PFIR) held its inaugural conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The small, invitation-only, one-day conference was entitled, “The First National Conference on Immigration, Conservation, and the Environment.” The conclave is just another ...
- Fox News Host Embraces Conspiracist With Race War ...Gravelly voiced conspiracy theorist Alex Jones touts himself as one of the few daring souls willing to tell the “truth” about 9/11 being an inside job , the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s plans to intern dissidents in “death camps,” and the “New World Order” plot to exterminate 80% of the wor ...
- Suicides and Gay-bashings: More Violence for LGBT ...The violence never seems to end. This past month has been downright horrifying, with at least five teenagers nationwide committing suicide as a result of anti-gay bullying. There were also two attacks against gay victims in New York City communities normally considered LGBT-friendly. A patron was g ...
- Extra! Extra! Sharia takeover of U.S. averted by O ...The Council on American-Islamic Relations announced yesterday that it is suing Oklahoma over a newly adopted law banning the use of international or Islamic law in state courts. Islam-fearing websites went wild. Hereâs a sampling of headlines and excerpts from some of the more colorful postings Thu ...
- Antigovernment Dad, Son Blame Each Other in Bank-B ...The trial of Bruce and Joshua Turnidge begins its sixth day of testimony in a Salem, Ore., courtroom today, where the father and son face nearly 20 counts ranging from aggravated murder to assault stemming from a December 2008 bank bombing that killed two police officers and seriously injured two ot ...
change: org.
- Kids' Nutrition Classes Brought to You by...McDona ...A group of sixth graders from a Stratford, CT public school recently attended a nutrition workshop. This field trip was intended to teach children good eating habits and how to seek out healthy foods. Kids even got the chance to step into the kitchen and make their own sandwiches. So far so good, un ...
- White Supremacist Funding Keeps Schools Lily-White ...Ever heard of the Council of Conservative Citizens? They're a White Supremacist group that believes "the American people and government should remain European in the composition and character," and that in order to ensure this, even "legal" immigration "must be severely restricted or halted." Not co ...
- Women Tweet #ihadanabortion After Anti-Choice Midt ...Silence works to the advantage of opponent of women's rights. In the struggle to protect a woman's right to control her own body, the opposing side regularly resorts to shaming tactics to keep the one-third of American women who have abortions from publicly supporting their choice. It's an effective ...
- Indonesia's Volcano Relief Efforts, Courtesy of Ph ...With lax regulation and sky-high smoking rates, Indonesia has been called the "Wild West" and a "Disney World" for the tobacco industry. And the industry's rescue efforts at a deadly volcano are case-in-point for just how far the industry will go to promote their goods. It's true you can't smoke in ...
- Stop The BullyingThe problem of bullying in our nation’s schools has been in the headlines again, in large part because of a heartbreaking series of recent tragedies: children and youths who took their lives after they were bullied or harassed because their peers believed they were gay. We need to immediately send a ...
Common Dreams -News
- US to Spend $511 Million to Expand Kabul Embassyby Rahim Faiez KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. government will spend $511 million to expand its embassy in Kabul, the U.S. ambassador said Wednesday, describing the work as a demonstration of America's long-term commitment to Afghanistan. "We make this commitment by commemorating the recent award of a ...
- Extended Unemployment Could Outlast Extended Unemp ...by Arthur Delaney WASHINGTON -- The government announced Friday morning that the unemployment situation barely changed in October. The unemployment rate has been stuck above nine percent for a year and a half as nearly 15 million people are out of work. They will remain so for the foreseeable future ...
- US to Step Up Military Presence Across Asia, into ...by Hamish McDonald THE United States military will store equipment and supplies in Australia as part of a new regional posture to respond faster to natural disasters and other contingencies, and conduct more intensive training with Australian forces. The two militaries will also build a new space-mo ...
- Barack Obama's Green Agenda Crushed at the Ballot ...by Suzanne Goldenberg Californians decisively rejected a measure to roll back the state's landmark climate change law yesterday, the sole win for environmentalists on a night that crushed Barack Obama 's green agenda. With that lone victory in California, environmentalists managed to keep alive a mo ...
- AIPAC Lauds Re-Election of Pro-Israel StalwartsAmerica's largest pro-Israel lobby group on Wednesday hailed the results of midterm elections in the U.S. which saw staunch supporters re-elected to Congress on both sides of the party political divide. "Many of the strongest friends and supporters of the U.S.-Israel relationship were reelected on T ...
- From the Tips Box: Mac Autocorrect, iPhone Bluetoo ...Readers offer their best tips for getting the holidays back on the iOS calendar, loading sites on slow connections, and getting Yahoo Plus features for free. More��
- This Week's Most Popular Posts [Highlights]This past week we ditched Big Brother, voided our warranties in the pursuit of good, organized our Dropbox folder, and much more. More��
- Command-Click OS X Dock Items to Show Them in Find ...File this under shortcuts-that-might-be-ancient-but-we-never-knew: with just a quick modifier key, you can show any dock item in the Finder, whether it's an application or a file in a stack. More��
- App Referrer Sends App Links to Your Friends via Q ...Sharing apps with friends is great, but can be annoying when they have to search for apps you recommend to them. With free app App Referrer, you can generate a quick QR code and send them to the Market instantly. More�� ...
- Make an Old iPhone Dock Fit With Newer Generation ...We've featured more DIY iPhone and iPod docks than you can shake a stick at , but if you prefer the stability and functionality of the official Apple dock, it will work with any model in a slightly disassembled-and-modded state. More�� ...
Water Privatization
- Voters’ message: No taxes, no bail, no privatizati ...Washington voters are an independent lot. There’s no way to put a party label on the way they voted on Tuesday’s ballot measures.
- Sierra Leone to Sell State-Owned National Power Au ...Sierra Leone plans to sell the National Power Authority and has transferred control of the state energy company to the National Commission for Privatization, Energy and Water Resource Minister Ogunade Davidson told reporters in the capital, Freetown, today.
- AFED Conference Opens under Hariri's Patronage Ara ...Beirut, 4 November 2010, The Arab world is facing the prospect of severe water and food shortages as early as 2015, as the annual per capita share will be less than 500 cubic meters.
- Voters reject liquor privatization measures, incom ...Early results in Tuesday's general election showed state and local voters turning down measures to privatize liquor sales and add an income tax for the wealthy.
- White Oak citizens seek well testing ahead of land ...While Haywood County’s bid for privatizing the White Oak Landfill is still being considered, the site has now drawn the eye and ire of residents on its borders who fear contamination of their wells by its contents.
- Iraqi prisoners 'abused at UK's Abu Ghraib'Detainees were starved, deprived of sleep and threatened with execution at JFIT facilities near Basra, high court told Evidence of the alleged systematic and brutal mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners at a secret British military interrogation centre that is being described as "the UK's Abu Ghraib" emer ...
- BBC journalists set for more strikesWalkout takes a string of programmes off air and insiders say BBC has no intention of sweetening pension deal A day of acrimonious industrial action at the BBC left the public broadcaster bracing for a wave of strikes by its journalists that could run on until Christmas. A walkout by news journalist ...
- Lebedev resort in Ukraine raidedExclusive: Tax officers and security service officials enter More resort in Alushta on Ukraine's Black Sea coast Alexander Lebedev, the Russian owner of Britain's Independent and London Evening Standard newspapers, suffered another bruising blow to his business empire today after police carried out ...
- Obama begins 10-day Asia tourIn speeches in India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan, US president aims to focus relentlessly on job creation Barack Obama is hoping to breathe new life into his presidency with a 10-day tour of Asia beginning in India today, but the visit is likely to be overshadowed by political turmoil at home. ...
- But will there be a happy ending for Take That?Gary thought it would be awkward, Howard had his doubts, and even Jason's doctor said, 'Don't do it' � but Take That have finally welcomed back Robbie Williams. They tell Alexis�Petridis why it's better the second time around It is a Tuesday morning and an air of eager anticipation fills the ballroo ...
- Election results in Missouri, Kansas point to loss ...WASHINGTON - If political clout was a stock, then Missouris took a tumble in Tuesdays election, and in Kansas it appears to have taken a nose dive.
- Rogers will need to slash earmarks to lead appropr ...WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers — whose penchant for steering federal money toward pet projects earned the Somerset Republican the nickname the "prince of pork" — knows he has to change his ways if becomes the next chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee.
- Obama's Asia trip expensive, but not as pricey as ...WASHINGTON — The conservative blogosphere and media megaphones are trumpeting "news" that President Barack Obama's trip to India will cost U.S. taxpayers $200 million a day, but there's no basis in fact for the reports, and history suggests that they're false.
- Former gang enforcer changes tone of Levy trialWASHINGTON — Prosecutors started slow but ended strong during a paradoxical week in the trial of the man accused of killing former Modesto resident Chandra Levy.
- March hearing set on Phillip Garrido's mental comp ...SACRAMENTO — Phillip Garrido's competence to stand trial in the Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapping will not be decided until a hearing in early March, an El Dorado Superior Court judge decided Thursday, and more mental health experts may be appointed to examine him before then.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Nature protection - the new road starts hereFrom the UN Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in Nagoya: Was it an end, or a beginning? As delegates streamed away from the convention centre here in Nagoya - and stream they did, many of them having delayed flights to make sure no stone they could turn was left unturned - the talk was of a ...
- Banking on innovation for green shootsFrom the UN Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in Nagoya, Japan: � Maybe you thought it was all about the science of losing species and ecosystems, and the ethics of doing something about it. But as the final phase of this meeting is making clear, it's largely about money. Everyone here ag ...
- Raiders of the lost barkFrom the UN Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in Nagoya: The second Tuesday of this meeting was the day glamour came to town - in good and ugly guises. On the good side, I had the chance to sit down with Harrison Ford - an actor whose oeuvre looms large for anyone of my generation, from Wit ...
- Obstacles to nature protection emerge as stakes ri ...� From the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Nagoya: It's fair to say there's a deal of concern here that what emerges at the end of this fornight's meeting could amount to less than it was supposed to. � Mind you, it was supposed to amount to quite a bit - a pretty comprehens ...
- Bushmeat - ending the monkey businessFrom the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Nagoya: Many westerners would view the idea of eating monkeys with deep distaste. But for people raised on bushmeat, in Africa and elsewhere, the equation is different. "Forbidding hunting [bushmeat] is not a solution for the Baka," Mes ...
The Wonk Room
- Sponsor Of SB-1070 Russell Pearce Tells Undocument ...Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce (R), the sponsor of SB-1070 who was recently elected state Senate president, has pushed and authored a series of other lesser-known immigration laws in his state. One of those was Proposition 300 — a referendum approved by Arizona voters in November 2006 which force ...
- Stimulus Bashing Governors Issue Hundreds Of Milli ...Last month, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a frequent critic of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (i.e. the stimulus), announced that he was going to take advantage of a stimulus program to get suspended infrastructure projects in his state back on line. That program — the Build America Bonds ...
- Former Obama Health Policy Advisor: Republicans Wi ...A former senior health care advisor to President Barack Obama and a prominent advocate of the Affordable Care Act predicted that Republicans will shut down the federal government in their efforts to de-fund the health care law. Speaking at a Harvard School of Public Health forum, David Cutler — a Pr ...
- Did Election Day Bring The Robo-Signing Banks A Re ...Last month, a few of the nation’s biggest banks froze (and then restarted) foreclosure filings, following revelations that they had relied on “robo-signers” — employees who were okaying documents without verifying basic information — to approve foreclosures. All 50 state Attorneys General subsequent ...
- ‘If You Tried To Enact A Law Like DADT In Is ...Yoav Sivan, an Israeli journalist, offers a refreshing perspective of how the IDF came to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in its forces. In its early days, Israel had “no specific prohibition against serving,” but soldiers discovered to be gay were usually discharged.” Beginning in 1983, “th ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Toronto and Hamilton City Election ResultsWell, I live in Toronto now, so I'm forced to live under Mayor Rob Ford. Two things: 1. As a city of 2.5 million people, Toronto passed the critical mass necessary for poverty and administrative incompetence to become major sources of major destabilization and social breakdown. I'm genuinely worri ...
- Suppression of the LeftFrom CommonDreams, Lydia Howell's "Is Progressive Dissent Public Enemy #1? " The pretext for the raids was investigating “material aide to terrorists”, resulting in grand jury subpoenas and confiscation of computers, books, music CDs and from one home, a Martin Luther King poster. The targeted Mi ...
- US Election ReflectionI'm typing about the recent mid-term USA elections because I think that what happened there is relevant for what's happening to leftists everywhere, including here in Toronto where right-wing populist Rob Ford defeated cynical liberal opportunist George Smitherman. Here's Cathie From Canada before ...
- Would You Kill Hitler to Save the Planet?Just thinking about stuff after reading this : If the Arctic becomes six degrees warmer, then half of the world's permafrost will likely thaw, probably to a depth of a few metres, releasing most of the carbon and methane accumulated there over thousands of years, said Vladimir Romanovsky of the ...
- That Lion is CrazyI've actually got a big post to respond to the important reality of the bankruptcy of corporate liberalism and how we have to work hard to ensure that right-wing populism isn't going to always be the default option, ... but all of real life's obligations get in the way. So, here's a post to prove t ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Supreme Court hears argument on employer liability ...Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Staub v. Proctor Hospital .� I don't know why I could not find an article about it in this morning's newspaper. U.S. Army Reserve First Sergeant Vincent Staub worked as an angiography technician for the Proctor Hospital in Peoria, Illinois, f ...
- NWC Opposes Corporate Lobby Attempt to Weaken Whis ...Yesterday, the National Whistleblowers Center issued a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) opposing recommendations by the “Corporate Lobby,” which threaten the integrity of the whistleblower provisions found in the Dodd-Frank Act. The proposals by the Corporate Lobby are not "use ...
- NWC comments to OSHA on regs for NTSSA, FRSA, STAA ...Yesterday, the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) submitted comments to the Department of Labor (DOL) on three sets of regulations for whistleblower cases. DOL had issued the interim regulations on August 31, 2010. One set of regulations, 29 CFR Part 1982 , covers whistleblower cases from both the ...
- Boeing's brief claims SOX can never protect disclo ...Lawyers for Matt Neumann and Nick Tides are currently finishing their last brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in an appeal that will decide if corporate fraud whistleblowers can ever be protected from retaliation when they make disclosures to the media. For the National Whistle ...
- NWC speaks with ATU Local 689Today Lindsey Williams and I spoke with the Executive Board of Local 689, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) .Local 689 represents employees of Washington DC's Metro system. Lindsey is the Advocacy Director of the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) . We spoke about the National Transit System Securit ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Major League Baseball Claims Dodgers Still Own Tra ...A few folks sent in the story from the NY Daily News saying that the Los Angeles Dodgers had filed a lawsuit against the owners of Brooklyn Burger , for using a version of the old stylized "Brooklyn" logo as part of its own logo: Of course, (not surprisingly) it appears that the NY Daily News ...
- UK Plans To Review Copyright Laws (Yet Again), Wit ...A few years back, the UK government commissioned a thorough review of copyright law, from top to bottom, resulting in the famed Gowers Report at the end of 2006. As I noted at the time, Gowers appeared to try too hard to "balance" everything. However, at the very least, it didn't just push for str ...
- Shockingly Unshocking: More Wikileaks Competitors ...Just recently, we noted that the attempts by Wikileaks critics to try to "shut down" the site (or physically harm its leaders) were misguided, because it wouldn't take long for other sites to step up and offer the same functionality. In fact, there already are a few similar sites (with a somewhat l ...
- Lessig Asks WIPO To Overhaul Copyright; Not Design ...It's become pretty clear that most country governments (with very few exceptions) are not interested in looking to fix the problems of copyright, often because of regulatory capture by those who benefit from stronger copyright. So is there anyone who can actually push back? Well, Larry Lessig is h ...
- Sorry, Net Neutrality Simply Was Not An Important ...This one is just amusing. Scott Cleland, who works for the big broadband companies as a professional propagandist, and has a long history of making absolutely ridiculous claims in order to support their positions, apparently got a bit of traction from the non-thinking press, after he started pushin ...
- Colorado State University Plans to Mass Vaccinate ...Colorado State University is holding a vaccine clinic with the intent of vaccinating a student body, possibly over 10,000 students due to another death from meningococcal septicaemia. The irony is the student was a recipient of the vaccine and was supposed to be protected.
- Glaxo Smith Kline Brainwashed Doctors About HPV Va ...In June 2008 a promotional DVD was sent to every General Practitioner (G.P.) in the UK just hours before the launch of the Cervarix vaccine in the UK. The DVD was posted with the G.P. magazine and was a clever marketing strategy aimed at busy G.P.'s to 'brainwash' them into believing that the Cervar ...
- Letter Alerts Obama to Dangers of HPV VaccinesIn an extraordinary move to prevent further HPV vaccine casualties, Marian Greene the Chairwomen and Co-Founder of the campaign and action group Truth about Gardasil (http://truthaboutgardasil.org/), has written an open letter to President Obama. Her letter urges the President to take time to resea ...
- Multiple Deaths Linked to Childhood VaccinesNew evidence suggesting that forty children have died over the past seven years following a routine childhood vaccination. A Freedom of Information (FOI) data request to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA). The FOI data revealed that childhood vaccinations are suspected ...
- Mind Virus Injected into New Mothers by Pharma and ...Through repetition, the "reassuring" voice that many parents crave will soon be injected into the minds of pregnant and new mothers everywhere, thanks to companies with deep financial pockets. The latest trend in building a support system for new parents who may find themselves tired, overwhelmed, ...
- The Power of PrincipleSo I got into a little twitter spat a few weeks ago.  One of the people I follow made the following statement: Some bloggers feel it’s better to be principled than in power. Naturally, I objected. The conversation turned into one of those us v. them tropes. Us, in the case of this twitterer, bein ...
- Things You Might Have MissedAnother busy weekend. Saw Budrus on Friday. It was excellent. It’s playing in theaters all over the place. You should see it, not just if you are interested in Israel/Palestine. It has some interesting things to ponder for anyone who wants to use direct action for radical change. Went to t ...
- Food, Water, Air and CareRemember Maslow’s hiearchy of needs? Sure you do. It is usually presented something like this. You start at the bottom with the most basic needs. As basic needs are met, you go up the pyramid. I’ve seen a few of these pyramids. They usually list the same stuff for basic needs – air, water, ...
- Things You Might Have MissedLet me kick things off with this excellent piece by Tony Karon. You do not speak for me Netanyahu. Israel is not my homeland. If you have been following this blog for any length of time, you probably know that my university studies focused primarily on human rights violations related to the drug w ...
- Solidarity?I am really beginning to despise the word solidarity. I’m constantly hearing calls for solidarity – with women just because they’re women, with anarchists just because they’re anarchists, with workers just because they’re workers. Do you know what I think of when someone asks for solidarity? I t ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The Wonderfully Immortal Ghosts We Must Be: Einste ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. To appear in Executive Intelligence Review, November 12, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 44
- U.S.-Russia War on Drugs: Has Ivanopv's Pressure o ...By Mary Burdman Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, November 5, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 43
- LPAC Talks with Infrastructure Experts: NAWAPA—Tow ...Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, November 5, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 43
- LaRouche's Plan Will Do It Today! FDR's Measures W ...By Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, November 5, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 43
- The Election Decided Nothing: the U.S. Needs Leade ...By Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, November 5, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 43
Armies of Liberation
- The blockade of South Yemen follows tactics of Saa ...As Yemen’s blockade on southern Yemen enters its third week, stocks of food, medicine and oil have dwindled to dangerous levels. Prices have skyrocketed and already malnourished children bear the brunt of the military action. The blockade began 17 days ago when the Western Armored Division establish ...
- بقلم الكاتبة الامريكية جين نوفاك : ثلاثة أسابيع من ...مع دخول الحصار اليمني على اليمن الجنوبي أسبوعه الثالث ، إنخفضت المخزونات من المواد الغذائية والدواء و المشتقات النفطية الى مستويات تنذر بالخطر. و ارتفعت الأسعار و أصبح الأطفال يعانون بالفعل من سوء التغذية تحت وطأة العمليات العسكرية. وبدأ الحصار قبل 17 يوما عندما قامت وحدات المنطقة الغربية المدرعة بإ ...
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة اÙستة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙ Ùسخة Ù…Ùررة م٠ا ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- By: Nestlé and the other reasons I support the boy ...[...] those jobs typically going to people from outside the community, [...]
- By: Help Getting Organized | Get Organized with Or ...[...] Sadly, no drinking water seems to be 100% safe these days, but in the absence of certainty, I plan on sticking with free, public water. In the end, it’s in our interest to insist on clean drinking water, avoid polluting our environment with more plastic and petroleum waste, and support public ...
- By: « Tendance gourde « Jeune Coalition Française ...[...] www.foodandwaterwatch.org/water, [...]
- By: Are Greedy Water Bottlers Siphoning Your City& ...[...] trying to “bluewash” its image and make itself seem more environmentally friendly. A new report from Food and Water Watchreveals that bottled water companies are using awareness-raising [...]
- By: Happy World Water Day! « Alliance for Democra ...[...] its image and make itself seem more environmentally friendly. A new report from Food and Water Watch reveals that bottled water companies are using awareness-raising initiatives like World Water Day [...]
- Massively Volcano-Stimulated Rebound Of 2010 Salmo ...Panoramic view of Frazer River, BC Canada. Image credit: Wikipedia (excerpted) It's probably true, as Sami observed in today's post, that some, perhaps many, of self-identified 'greens' simply "don't want to believe" that technological solutions can be a net benefit for people and the environ ...
- Bear Chases Bison Down Road in Yellowstone (Video)Image: Screenshot via CNN It's been a long week, what with the seemingly never-ending 2010 elections bearing seriously bad news for green . But it's Friday, which means I get a brief reprieve from thinking about all that unpleasant stuff. Instead, I shall devote my attention to the finer things ...
- Today on Planet 100: Voting Green Out of the House ...
- Sublime Sofas With Soul: Recycled Textile Seating ...Images: Casamento How can we get away from the soullessness of most mass-produced sofas? For some, it may be marrying two unexpected partners (like the surprising Fridgecouch ), or for others it could be making it multifunctional, transformer-style . But for the designers of South African fur ...
- How Climate Denial Becomes Fact in Right-Wing Medi ...Image: Worsted Witch Do you ever wonder why roughly half the citizens of United States believe that climate change isn't being caused by humans, or that it isn't real at all? Despite the fact that carbon dioxide has long been established to be the dominant heat-trapping gas in the earth's atmos ...
- Seeing a Bionic Eye on Medicine’s HorizonTelevision’s Six Million Dollar Man foresaw a future when man and machine would become one. New research at Tel Aviv University is making this futuristic “vision” of bionics a reality. Prof. Yael Hanein of Tel Aviv University’s School of Electrical Engineering has foundational research that may give ...
- Addicted to Fat: Overeating May Alter the Brain as ...Like many people, rats are happy to gorge themselves on tasty, high-fat treats. Bacon, sausage, chocolate and even cheesecake quickly became favorites of laboratory rats that recently were given access to these human indulgences—so much so that the animals came to depend on high quantities to feel g ...
- RNA-Loaded Nanoparticles Fight Cancerspecialized nanoparticle filled with an RNA-based cancer therapy can successfully target human cancer cells and silence the target gene, according to results from an early clinical trial. The research, published today in the journal Nature, is the first to demonstrate this type of tissue targeting a ...
- Gene flaw found in induced stem cellsStem-cell researchers have puzzled over why reprogrammed cells taken from adult tissues are often slower to divide and much less robust than their embryo-derived counterparts. Now, a team has discovered the key genetic difference between embryonic and adult-derived stem cells in mice. If confirmed i ...
- Study: Chocolate may reduce heart riskThe Easter Bunny might lower your chances of having a heart problem. According to a new study, small doses of chocolate every day could decrease your risk of having a heart attack or stroke by nearly 40%. German researchers followed nearly 20,000 people over eight years, sending them several questio ...
- Stockholm temperatures freeze global warming claim ...Lessons learned from the Swedish temperature record. In science, observations must be taken much more seriously than theories or computer models.
- How to eliminate salmonella egg recallsElectronic pasteurization - hitting eggs and other fresh food with an electron beam - is cheap, quick, and kills virtually all of the food-borne bacteria on your food. It even kills the bacteria that promote rotting, keeping fresh produce fresher for longer.
- An energy solution pulled from thin air?
- Natural resources fuel North Dakota's economic boo ...While the rest of the country suffers through unemployment, foreclosures, bank failures, and budget deficits, North Dakota is on a roll - thanks in large part to its abundant resources of oil and natural gas, almost all of which are on private land.
- Environmental injustice en Espa̱olLiberal Latino pressure groups̢۪ campaign will drive up energy prices, kill jobs and hurt families. Driving up the cost of energy would impair job creation and retention, and virtually ensure brownouts and blackouts in the midst of heat waves and cold snaps.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Al-Qaeda's Yemen branch claims responsibility for ...Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has claimed responsibility for an international mail bomb plot uncovered last week and the crash of a UPS cargo plane in Dubai in September.
- Main news of November 5A roundup of what has happened in the past 24 hours
- Ukraine regains market trust - IMF mission chiefKiev is rapidly regaining the trust of the markets and the international finance agencies, Thanos Arvanitis, IMF Mission Chief for Ukraine told on Friday Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov.
- South Stream gas pipeline
- Bulgaria, Gazprom seek for company to prepare Sout ...Bulgaria and Russia's gas giant Gazprom have proceeded to the selection of a feasibility study contractor for the Bulgarian segment of the South Stream pipeline, Gazprom's press service said on Friday.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- China launches weather satelliteChina has launched a new meteorological satellite.
- Weather delays final launch of shuttle DiscoveryThe final launch of the space shuttle Discovery was delayed on Thursday for at least 24 hours due to weather conditions, NASA said on its website.
- Russia's first nuclear institute to join Skolkovo ...Russia's Kurchatov Research Institute has announced plans to open two research centers at the Skolkovo high-tech hub near Moscow.
- NASA again delays last launch of Discovery shuttleThe latest launch of the Discovery shuttle to the International Space Station (ISS), initially scheduled to take place on Wednesday, was again delayed for at least 24 hours.
- Russia to build its first solar power stationRussia's high-tech companies Rusnano and Renova have announced plans to build the country's first industrial solar power station near the Black Sea.
Pruning Shears
- The Lilies - Cry when you sleep (the Shoes remix)Last year Tahiti Boy And The Palmtree Family topped my music of the year list, so obviously I’m a big fan. Amazingly enough, they teamed up with another artist from that list, Os Mutantes, to form The Lilies. “We Are The Lilies” is available on iTunes in France ; not sure if it can be bought outsi ...
- The fetishization of efficiencyIn the wake of the Republican victories Tuesday there will probably be a renewed emphasis on neoliberal economics - at least as imagined by conservatives. Of course, “pure” neoliberal economics is one of those wonderful belief systems, like communism, that postulates an ideal end state. The world it ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims .More from the WikiLeaks dump: Unvarnished details: American forces decapitated an Iraqi last year on the order of their higher-up, show recen ...
- State-run Iranian media beats the NY Times on Wiki ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The latest document dump from WikiLeaks would seem to be one of those massive, stop the presses, drop everything and throw all available resources at it stories that dominates news cycles for weeks on end. One of the first revelatio ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims .The latest WikiLeaks document dump is remarkable: A man who was detained by Iraqi soldiers in an underground bunker reported that he had been ...
Organic Consumers.org
- USDA Issues Draft Environmental Assessment of GM S ...The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has prepared a draft environmental assessment (EA) of genetically modified sugar beets, including an option to permit planting of the beets under certain conditions. Click here to read this article
- How Lead Gets Into Urban Vegetable GardensIf you're a vegetable gardener in a lot of older cities, there's a fair chance you have a significant amount of lead in your soil. One common mitigation approach is to build a raised bed and fill it with freshly composted, low-lead soil from elsewhere, right? Maybe not, according to researchers stud ...
- Reducing Urban Water Use Around the World with Com ...Theodore Roosevelt once noted that "civilized people ought to know how to dispose of the sewage in some other way than putting it into the drinking water." But that's what we're still doing every day. Click here to read this article
- What the Midterms Mean for Federal Ag-Policy Refor ...The House and Senate ag committees, that two-headed monster that dominates federal ag policy, both have a new look after the midterms. Click here to read this article
- Putting the Midterm Elections in the Context of th ...If human civilization as we know it is dependent on the maintenance of the stable climate in which it evolved over the past 10,000 years, then we are well and truly @#$%ed. Click here to read this article
- Aviones supersónicos IV (10 imágenes de vértigo)Si lo desea, puede revisar nuestras entregas anteriores. [1] [2] [3] [4] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imág ...
- Iglesias, templos, palacios y edificios V (7 fotos ...Si lo desea, puede revisar nuestro archivo. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si deseas AMPLIAR SU TAMAÑO OTRAS OPCIONES PARA USTED, (elija por favor) 1.- Conozca el origen de estas imágenes y vea m ...
- Playas paradisiacas parte XI (9 postales del mar)Si usted lo desea, puede escoger un número para ver nuestras entregas anteriores sobre la serie 'Playas Paradisiacas'. ¡Cada día, tenemos más! [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX] [X] [XI] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada ima ...
- Hoy les presento; 'El mundo de la fantasía' en Blo ...Hoy recibí un correo de un blogger que me solicita recomendar su blog ante ustedes y al ver la calidad del sitio, he decidido invitarlos a que se den una vueltecita por su página y descubran una enorme cantidad de imágenes sobre; hadas, ninfas, elfos, duendes, seres mitológicos, ángeles, guerreros, ...
- Selecciones especiales del Banco de Imágenes XXIIISi lo desea, escoja un número para revisar nuestro archivo de fotos. [1] -[2] -[3] -[4] -[5] -[6] -[7] -[8] -[9] -[10] -[11] -[12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. HAZ CLICK sobre cada imagen si de ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Too Much or Too Little: The Hazards of Mixing Anti ...How food animals are given medication can be very different from how you take medication. While humans are prescribed antibiotics at specific dosages in pills or injections, food animals are often given antibiotics mixed in their feed and freely choose how much to consume. These free-choice medica ...
- Childhood obesity may have leveled off, but dispar ...A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health, looked at obesity rates in adolescents comparing income groups and gender in the years, 2001-2007. What they found was potentially alarming. This study reveals that when comparing adolescents under the poverty line (<100% of poverty) ...
- What We’re Reading–Meat Lover’s Meatless CookbookAuthor Kim O’Donnel recently released The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes Carnivores Will Devour, for people that love to eat meat but might also want to eat less of it. In the book’s foreword the Center’s director, Dr. Robert Lawrence, reintroduces the idea to readers that people ...
- Meatless Monday Launches at Johns Hopkins Universi ...Today marked the launch of Meatless Monday on Johns Hopkins University’s Homewood campus. Elaborate banners of cartoon cows, chickens and pigs that read, “Monday is my day off!” greeted students as they entered JHU Dining Service’s three main dining areas: Levering Food Court, Fresh Food Court and ...
- No titleOn Tuesday, the US Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) released a draft report that, given their usual alignment with agricultural interests, is surprisingly straightforward in its assessment of the inadequacy of conservation practices in place on farms in t ...
- All I really knowis that this time it was right out in front of us. Electronic voting didn’t kick our ass. The Supreme Court didn’t steal this one, but they did write permission slips for overt graft. The truth is that if you have your own network, unlimited funding and a desire to win by any means necessary, [...]
- Unsub FridayA commenter asked how to manage RSS feeds. Just go to Google and select Google Reader and it will walk you through the process. Here are some more fine blogs I won’t be reading anymore that you might want to subscribe to: TalkLeft (I thought I was going to keep this one but I was [...]
- Unsubbing, cont.Home again from Rochester. They took Dad at 8:30, put him under at 9:30, and sometime between then and 4:30 they moved some veins around, put in a new aortic valve, sewed him back up and we finally got to see him about 6:30. He should be “waking up” about now but isn’t likely to [...]
- UnsubbingThis took a while, but I no longer have RSS subscriptions to: Crooks and Liars OurFuture.org Talking Points Memo TPM Muckraker 44 Congress Matters The Plum Line Paul Krugman Glenn Greenwald Floyd Norris Mother Jones Think Progress The Immoral Minority The Mudflats And no, I didn’t read any of them a ...
- EnoughIt’s either 1928 or 1934. I don’t really care which. I’m done with politics, and not just because I owe Swiftee $10 on an election bet. This isn’t my country anymore, just the place I’m living in. They killed ACORN and with it, democracy. In less than fifteen years Fox News has taken us from [...]
Public News Service
- Gaping Holes Appearing in AZ Abuse Victim Safety N ...Gaping Holes Appearing in AZ Abuse Victim Safety Net Tucson, AZ – The impact of state budget cuts on programs targeting abuse victims is now becoming apparent at emergency shelters. These havens of last resort for women and children are increasingly operating at or above capacity. Comments from Susi ...
- Consumer Alert: Halloween Costumes Can be ToxicConsumer Alert: Halloween Costumes Can be Toxic Phoenix, AZ - Arizona parents may be exposing their children to harmful chemicals from Halloween costumes. Some plastic masks contain PVC, which can cause harm to kids, and a lot of face paints contain lead, according to the Environmental Working Group ...
- Bee Gees' 'Stayin' Alive' Approach to CPR Comes to ...Bee Gees' 'Stayin' Alive' Approach to CPR Comes to AZ Phoenix, AZ – The age-old method of doing CPR is changing. The American Heart Association is out with a new recommendation - one that focuses on steady, regular chest compressions first, instead of mouth-to-mouth first. Comments from Shirley Hage ...
- Call for C-O-L-A Changes for Social Security Call for C-O-L-A Changes for Social Security Phoenix, AZ – Last year there was not enough inflation for a Social Security cost of living adjustment, or "COLA," to kick in. Once again this year, no inflation, so there will be no increase for those on Social Security. Regional AARP director Janis Ch ...
- Voting or Job-Hunting, AZ Seniors say, 'I'm Not Do ...Voting or Job-Hunting, AZ Seniors say, 'I'm Not Done Yet' Phoenix, AZ – If the future looks anything like being put out to pasture, Arizona's over-50 generation wants nothing to do with it. AARP president-elect Rob Romasco (rah-MOSS-koe)says older workers will be key to the upcoming elections as wel ...
Center for Food Safety
- Newly Disclosed Government Documents Conclude GE S ...EXPERT FISHERIES AGENCIES PROHIBIT GROWING ENGINEERED SALMON IN OPEN-WATER NET PENS UNDER THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT FDA Declined to Disclose Evidence During September Hearings on Aquabounty Salmon Adding a new twist to the controversy over genetically engineered (GE) salmon, the Center for Food Saf ...
- Federal Court Strikes Down Ohio Ban On rBGH-Free L ...Relying on evidence of compositional differences between milk from cows treated with rbST/rbGH and milk from untreated cows, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals today struck down an Ohio state ban on labels pertaining to the use of artificial hormones in dairy products (IDFA et al v. Boggs, U.S. Cour ...
- Center for Food Safety Testifies at Congressional ...Congress Sharply Critical of USDA’s Biotech Crop Oversight Failures, Calls for New Regulations Live webcast: “Are ‘Superweeds’ an Outgrowth of USDA Biotech Policy? (Part II),” at: http://domesticpolicy.oversight.house.gov, 2pm EDT. Today the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight and G ...
- Thirty Eight Representatives And Senators Call On ...Over Fifty Organizations and Businesses Endorse Congressional Letters; CFS Calls upon FDA to Reject Approval of GE Salmon The Center for Food Safety applauds the 38 Representatives and Senators for requesting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halt the approval of the long-shelved AquaBoun ...
- Federal Court Finds USDA Broke The Law In Allowing ...Court To Consider Appropriate Remedy For Industry’s Rush To Plant Monsanto’s Herbicide Resistant Crop Late yesterday, Judge Jeffrey White, federal district judge for the Northern District of California, ruled that Plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, High Mowing Organic Seeds, a ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Have Some in Germany Forgotten the Holocaust?Have Some in Germany Forgotten the Holocaust? [politicsdaily.com] LONDON -- "I'm Hitler-ed out," my 6-year-old daughter declared. We were standing in the German Historical Museum in Berlin during a recent family holiday, strolling through an exhibit titled "Hitler and the Germans: Nation and Crime." ...
- Obama: India Ain’t Just About Gandhi and Outsourci ...Obama: India Ain’t Just About Gandhi and Outsourcing | Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog : "As an Indian-American, anytime the US President visits India, I get excited about the possibilities of a stronger relationship between the two gigantic countries. And, tomorrow, US President ...
- Article: Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI StingOpEdNews - Article: Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting The story is disturbingly familiar. FBI agents arrest a suspect on terrorism related charges, nearly always a Muslim, photographed full bearded to look menacing. Media reports highlight it, headlining government charges to incite fear. An ...
- Report: Modern day debtors' prisons devastating th ...Report: Modern day debtors' prisons devastating the poor : (FinalCall.com) - Poor men and women exit America's prisons and jails, believing that they have paid their debts to society, but a new prison study by the ACLU revealed that many are being locked up or threatened because they cannot affor ...
- Peltier case a stain on US human rights recordFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 05 November 2010 Contact: Delaney Bruce, Legal Team Liaison, Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee, PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106, USA; Telephone: 701/235-2206; contact@whoisleonardpeltier.info Peltier case a stain on US human rights record Today, the United States submit ...
- Flying Dancers of PapantlaThis week, Monterrey is celebrating Mexico’s 200 years of independence from Spain, and 100 years since the Mexican revolution. The city’s largest park, built in the grounds of the steel factory that was once her strongest company, is hosting a fair. I shot this video while I was there last Sunday. A ...
- Terror Averted Before Key Election…Coincidence?Photo by Gord McKenna Since Obama’s inauguration, left-leaning intellectuals have been frustrated in his reluctance or inability to implement the more radical elements of their agenda. At fist they saw him as a savior to the left. Now they are mourning the “Death of the Liberal Class”, as they stand ...
- Honduras: Among the 3 Most Corrupt Nations in the ...Transparency international has published its results on its annual survey of perception of government corruption. The format is a zoomable world map with a ranked list below it. Honduras, at 134th place with a score of 2.4 is tied with Nigeria and Bangladesh and 7 others; not a good place to be. In ...
- CNN DoctoringIs it me or did CNN want to soften news of Hugo Chavez expropriating two US-owned businesses in Venezuela? Related posts:Is this our future? CNN drops the C-bomb The Zelayistas Got There First? Related posts: Is this our future? CNN drops the C-bomb The Zelayistas Got There First?
- CNN drops the C-bombPhoto by BY-YOUR-â It’s not the four letter word. Iâm a bit tired of this topic, but this article seems to need a few comments. After announcing a nuclear cooperation with Russian President Medvedev to build a nuclear plant in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez continues his tour of Asia by visiting Iranian Pre ...
Green Times
- Food, Water and Environment - for BreakfastThe most essential resource in Australia’s food bowl – our Murray-Darling Basin – is water but there’s a problem…
- Environmental News 04/11/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Environmental News 03/11/2010Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- CFL1. DEFINITION: "CFL" CFL stands for Compact fluorescent light, which is also nicknamed “energy saving light” for its low consumption of electricity. Most importantly CFLs (Compact fluorescent lights) use about 20 to 33 percent of the energy that a typical incandescent lamp uses, which is kinder to ...
- The MeatrixNovember is World Vegan Month (whats-on-this-week/whats-on-1-november-2010.html)! A great time to replace your steak dinner with a vegan meal. These days, there’s so much wrong with the way meat is produced, and this funny but poignant Meatrix video shows you why. While some real- ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Olbermann Suspended From MSNBC for Campaign Donati ...ShareThis Olbermann Suspended From MSNBC for Campaign Donations 05 Nov 2010 Keith Olbermann, the pre-eminent liberal voice on American television, was suspended Friday after his employer, MSNBC, discovered that he made campaign contributions to three Democrats last month. The MSNBC president, Phil G ...
- Pelosi will seek to stay as House Dem leaderShareThis Pelosi will seek to stay as House Dem leader 05 Nov 2010 Nancy Pelosi, the nation's first female House speaker, said Friday she will try to keep her spot as leader of the House Democrats despite huge election losses that cost her party the majority. Pelosi, a California liberal, rejected p ...
- US to spend 500 million dollars on embassy in Afgh ...ShareThis Another day, another unreported budget-busting bl*wjob for US corporaterrorists: US to spend 500 million dollars on embassy in Afghanistan --Embassy expansion contract worth 511 million dollars awarded to US company, Caddell Construction Inc. 03 Nov 2010 The United States is bolstering its ...
- Airport evacuated but suspicious package turns out ...ShareThis Airport evacuated but suspicious package turns out to be false alarm 04 Nov 2010 Part of Glasgow airport was evacuated last night after a suspicious package, which eventually turned out to be a false alarm, was found in the search area of one of the terminals. Bomb disposal experts from th ...
- Al-Qaeda terrorists linked to plane bomb plot oper ...ShareThis Al-Qaeda terrorists linked to plane bomb plot operating in Britain, says Home Secretary 03 Nov 2010 The al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] terrorist group behind the failed plane parcel bomb attacks is already operating in Britain, the Home Secretary Theresa May has disclosed. The Home Secretary said an ...
Daily Loaf
- Movie Review: Todd Phillips’ Due Date, starring Ro ...CL Contributor Kevin Hopp sees a few similarities between Due Date and last year's breakout hit The Hangover. Can the Robert Downey Jr.-Zach Galifianakis comedy possibly measure up? Keep reading and find out …
- Participate in America Recycles Day on November 15 ...America Recycles Day involves communities hosting educational activities as well as actual efforts at recycling.
- Top Chef Podcast – Just Desserts Ep. 8: Dastardly ...Hear the hilariously irreverent new episode of the Top Chef Podcast where we kvetch about the newest season of Top Chef: Just Desserts .
- The Rabid Film Review: Paul Haggis’ The Next Three ...Creative Loafing Tampa's Rabid Nick Refer fills you in on Paul Haggis' The Next Three Days starring Russell Crowe. It's like a maze within a maze. Or something …
- An artist breaks his Promise? A review of Bruce Sp ...On the eve of the release of The Promise: The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story , Rabid Nick Refer looks into the over-the-top criticism that comes from Bruce Springsteen's most hardcore fans.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Budrus hero calls for Abdallah Abu Rahmah’s ...By Jesse Bacon I recently had the good fortune to attend a packed Monday night NYC screening sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace and the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. One issue raised by the extremely well-informed director was how similar protests in other villages have had difficult ...
- Terry Fletcher responds to Audrey Farber’s p ...In her recent post A true Democracy; if Israel would only let it, Audrey Farber paints a very rosy picture of Palestinian democracy, both present and future. Other commentators and human rights organizations paint a quite different picture, at least of the present. In this New York Review of Books ...
- Hebrew Lessons at the Learning and Creativity Cent ...Guest Post – Yael Arbel âYou must come to see Susiya.â In all truth, I am fascinated by the stories I hear about Susya. I have not been there since the cold, muddy winter of 2002, when we trekked with Taâayush activists to bring blankets for those living there, only to be detained by the army. I don ...
- Historic BDS debate in ZeekBy Jesse Bacon Zeek, the artsy hipstery Jewish journal, published two long pieces on BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) for what I assume is the first time. This bold move plants the movement squarely within the more creative portion of the Jewish establishment, at least as a topic of conversat ...
- New resource in the fight for Israeli DemocracyBy Jesse Bacon Amidst the dispiriting news coming from both American and Israeli democracy, one of the signs of hope has been the people who have continued to resist the downward trend. Association for Civil Rights in Israel is one of those hope-inducing groups, and they recently launched a new engl ...
Politics in the Zeros
- MSNBC’s Olbermann suspended for political donation ...Um, if Olbermanne gave donations in violation of MSNBC policies then that was, well, dumb. What he thinking? This applies to anyone who might be a partisan target. Don’t go painting a bulls-eye on yourself.
- Mehserle gets two yearsIf you or I shot someone in the back, would we not get more than two years?
- November 5. V for Vendetta
- Ho hum. business as usualShell bribes part of `culture of corruption‘ in Nigeria. US court fines seven companies, closes investigation Corruption will not end until there are criminal prosecutions. Fines are meaningless in preventing it as those responsible suffer no consequences for their behavior. The company pays a fine, ...
- US financial policy ‘clueless’: German Finance Min ...“With all due respect, U.S. policy is clueless,” Schaeuble said. (The problem) is not a shortage of liquidity. It’s not that the Americans haven’t pumped enough liquidity into the market.” Bernanke has said the Fed’s new plan to buy $600 billion of bonds is specifically designed to pump up the stock ...
- Yediot: NIS 9 million for settlement “touris ...The fact that these grants will fund highly politicized and inflammatory projects is best exemplified by the NIS 2 million slated for the “City of David” project in Silwan. This East Jerusalem settlement in the guise of an “archeological park” is at the cutting edge of efforts to insert Israelis i ...
- Yediot: Despite Berlusconi’s promises, Italy ...Paper sanctions Menahem Ganz, Yediot, September 14 2010 [page 19, Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Rome — Half a year after returning from a visit to Israel, in the course of which Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi promised to act to reduce the volume of trade between Italy and Ira ...
- Yediot to Abe Foxman: Are we anti-Semitic too?Not exactly, but close. For those of you who have missed the latest chapter of what Matt Duss calls “the continuing attempt to redefine ‘blood libel’ as ‘saying things about Israel I don’t particularly like’”, here’s a brief: This week’s TIME Magazine cover story was a feature by Karl Vick, entitle ...
- The new frontiers of Israeli diplomacy: Lieberman ...This morning’s Israel Hayom reports: (full translated text at bottom): a decision was made that, for the first time, the Foreign Minister will address the UN General Assembly in New York at the end of the month You don’t need to be an expert to understand that this is not a very wise matching of [.. ...
- Maariv: French and American envoys working to re-s ...Maariv summarizes a news item from the Lebanese A-Safir. It’s unclear, however, whether the section on Mitchell visit is also from that source. The byline is unusual. Bardenstein is the junior diplomatic affairs correspondent and probably does not speak Arabic. Items based on direct monitoring of ...
Deadline Live
- Countries around the world agree now – END T ...
- Remember Remember The 5th of NovemberED NOTE: Both George Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush (of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith) are descended from the same Pierce family of England as President Franklin Pierce. Originally known as the enormously powerful Percy family of England, a name change to Pierce was required along with a qu ...
- Accountability Comes for Keith Olbermann – & ...MSNBC president Phil Griffin made the decision after learning Olbermann donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle. Keith Olbermann has been suspended without pay from MSNBC after it was learned he donated to three Democrats this election. Chris Hayes will fill in for him Friday nigh ...
- Post Election Leftist battle Royal – MSNBC/G ...ED NOTE: I make no bones about the fact that the Goon Squad of Media Assassins at MSNBC – GE – Comcast make me wanna puke! Their snarky, disgusting display posing as election night coverage was universally shunned by nearly every news service. Look out Rachel Maddow because your role as queen asshol ...
- The Fed’s worst nightmare… Ron Paul to ...For years, the Federal Reserve had a good friend in their pockets when Congressmen Barney Frank was chairman of the Monetary Policy subcommittee. Â That is about to change, and taking Barney’s place is the one man who would see the Federal Reserve dissolved. That man is Congressman Ron Paul. Dr. Pau ...
The Air Vent
- Tax the richTax the rich, is the common phrase heard from Democrats today. They describe how much extending the Bush tax cuts will ‘cost’ the government. The balance between letting them all expire and keeping the majority of the hapless voters cajoled is to increase tax on a minority of the population whic ...
- Second orderJudith Curry has a new blog post which has inspired me to write on Libertarians and climate. She has written a couple of times with negative commentary toward libertarians and environmental causes. While she never actually attacks the Libertarian philosophy herself, her points are widely believed. ...
- NewthinkAndrew Montford linked to another self exoneration article by Michael Mann published in ‘New Scientist’, a magazine which may need to consider a less progressive title. As we have learned when Mann writes, his language is full of half truths and intentionally misleading statements which do no good ...
- Remember When…Again I find myself without time for blogging. We are in an election though and Roy Spencer had a nice post on freedom from oversized, over controlling government yesterday. He lays out exactly what many people are misunderstanding so badly when they vote. I know that most have read the US Declarat ...
- WowThere are far more interesting things going on in the thread below, but this is just way too insane not to publish. It’s by Steve Goddard, on the algae based biofuel scam. As Air Vent readers know, algae biofuel is a complete scam.  If you have money in it, plan to get out early. [...]
Focal Point
- Chris Hayes Will Not Sub for Keith Olbermann After ...Nation editor Chris Hayes was will not be subbing for Keith Olbermann after all. I posted earlier that he was disinvited but, that was incorrect. Hayes tweeted : "OK: I'm not filling in on Countdown tonight because I didn't feel comfortable doing it given the circumstances."� MSNBC announced that H ...
- Keith Olbermann Suspended for Political Contributi ...MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has been suspended indefinitely without pay after Politico reported that he made campaign contributions to progressive Democrats: Olbermann made campaign contributions to two Arizona members of Congress and failed Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway ahead of Tuesday ...
- [Duplicate Plz Delete] Keith Olbermann Suspended f ...MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has been suspended indefinitely without pay after Politico reported that he made campaign contributions to progressive Democrats: Olbermann made campaign contributions to two Arizona members of Congress and failed Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway ahead of Tuesday ...
- Stupid is Fearless: Corporate America Supplies a V ...The GOP takes the House, brace for a Tsunami of Stupid. [Photo credit: Lindsay Beyerstein ]
- Get Off Your Ass And Vote!Turnout in U.S. midterm elections averages a dismal 40% . The lamest excuse not to vote is that there's no one good to vote for. That's chipper talk. As a hardcore voter, I can tell you that some of the deepest democratic pleasures come with voting against people. Let me tell you, 2010 is a great ye ...
Inside Facebook
- Thanks to Our SponsorsInside Facebook extends a big thank you to our sponsors for supporting the continued growth of Inside Facebook. Check them out below! SocialAdsTool from 77Agency is a platform for agencies and large Facebook advertisers. Zong is a provider of mobile payments serving the digital content, social media ...
- Facebook Roundup: Voting Data, eBay, Drop.io, Narc ...Facebook Election Data – Having already promoted an app that directed U.S. users to the polls for the election on Tuesday, the company provided a followup post analyzing the data it had gathered. In an intriguing correlation, candidates in Congressional races with more fans on their Pages also won t ...
- Social-Focused Group Deal Provider Dealpair Offers ...DealPair is a Facebook application and web site that allows users to browse personalized group deals and invite friends to buy them through Facebook. Businesses can set up their own offers at a relatively cheap rate through a self-serve merchant dashboard. With Facebook launching its new Deals featu ...
- Web Measurement Firms: Facebook Had Mixed Growth i ...Facebook brought in some more users late this past summer, at least according to some third-party web measurement firms. ComScore showed the company posting a gain of slightly more than 20 million new unique visitors worldwide between August and September to reach 620 million. The only other company ...
- Puma, Sonephone and More on This Week’s List of Em ...This week’s AppData list of emerging Facebook apps, defined as the fastest growers still under a million monthly active users, contains a motley mixture of copies, holiday apps, communication and more: Top Gainers This Week Name MAU Gain Gain,% 1. iHeart 925,545 +870,502 +1,581% 2. à¹Û©Û۩๠HAPPY H ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: E.J. Dionne, Jr. | Pelosi: Why She Wants ...truthout: E.J. Dionne, Jr. | Pelosi: Why She Wants to Stay http://bit.ly/dCkUes #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Mumbai and Obama's Mission http://bit.ly ...truthout: Mumbai and Obama's Mission http://bit.ly/deNNR4 #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: ForeclosureGate Could Force Bank Nationa ...truthout: ForeclosureGate Could Force Bank Nationalization http://bit.ly/d5ge4m #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Sen. Mitch McConnell and Reps. John Boeh ...truthout: Sen. Mitch McConnell and Reps. John Boehner and Eric Cantor http://bit.ly/cirPLe #Truthout #p2 #p2b
- truthout: Beyond the WikiLeaks Files: Dismantling ...truthout: Beyond the WikiLeaks Files: Dismantling the Iraqi State http://bit.ly/bRkLht #Truthout #p2 #p2b
ReDress News
- Fall of former UK minister exposes Labour's fascis ...Yvonne Ridley views the demise of former British Minister of State for Borders and Immigration Phil Woolas against the background of the Labour Party's racist and fascist election strategy under suspected war criminal Tony Blair and his successor, the now defeated ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
- Thought crimes in IsraelNeve Gordon looks at a raft of draft laws making their way through the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, which if passed will seal Israel's transformation into a fully fascist state that persecutes and marginalizes everyone who does not subscribe to the official racially-oriented ideology
- Murdoch drums up "war" where propaganda collides w ...Stuart Littlewood analyses Rupert Murdoch’s speech to the US Zionist hate peddling "Anti-Defamation League", in which the media magnate regurgitated Israel’s propaganda lines. He argues that Murdoch’s imaginary "war against the Jews" is "merely the flashpoint where propaganda lies finally collide wi ...
- Murdoch: a warmonger and a fear mongerPaul J. Balles views the deception and fear mongering employed by News Corporation chief Rupert Murdoch at a gathering of the venomous US "Anti-Defamation League" to rally support for Israel.
- Julie "Sabbath Goy" Burchill: Zionist serpent in o ...Gilad Atzmon views the hypocrisy and state of mind behind a recent venomous attack by Zionist pro-war columnist Julie Burchill on peace and human rights activist Lauren Booth for converting to Islam.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Chris Floyd’s ‘The Good Corporal’‘To the Exposers of Power & the Troublers of Dreams’ Yesterday one of our readers e-mailed me a link to a recent work by Chris Floyd dedicated to truth tellers who are commonly labeled as whistleblowers, but aptly referred by him as the Exposers of Power and the Troublers of Dreams. About three year ...
- Boiling Frogs Beltway Buzz: Obama’s 2012 Platform‘They Made Me Do It!’ The Obama Campaign team has finalized its core message and marketing platform for the 2012 presidential elections. After several months of intense debate and ‘market research,’ the Obama Presidency ‘marketing executives’ have put together yet another simple and short ‘market ca ...
- Going on Record on Labeling & LabelersCensorship Fanatics Come from All Walks of Life It is funny and sad at the same time. In the course of one week I have gone from Anti-Semite to Anti-Muslim. Within a week I have been labeled Filthy Jew-Basher and Fear-Mongering Islamophobic. I find it funny since the logic-free arguments of these fa ...
- Podcast Show #34The Boiling Frogs Presents Tony Hall Tony Hall provides us with an overview of his recently released book Earth into Property, and discusses the relationship between the dispossession of Indigenous peoples and the making of global capitalism, beginning with Christopher Columbus’s inception of a Ne ...
- Did You Know: The King of Madrasas Now Operates Ov ...Fethullah Gulen Takes the Great Game a Step Further The Controversial Muslim preacher has now extended his tentacles into schools in the United States, where he controls and operates more than 100 charter schools within a calculatively set up maze of dubious NGOs. Fethullah Gulen, whose organization ...
Afro Spear
- KKK costume wins first prize at Halloween Party: Y ...From CBC news: The Royal Canadian Legion ordered its Campbellford, Ontario chapter to close while police are investigating a complaint that a person in Ku Klux Klan robes led a man in blackface with a rope around his neck and won first prize at its Halloween party. Edward Pigeau, president of the le ...
- Election Day 2010In anticipation of the significant midterm election loses expected to be suffered by Democrats, I found these comments by David Brooks, a columnist with The New York Times, right on point: Democrats and their media enablers have paid lavish attention to Christine O’Donnell and Carl Paladino, even th ...
- sat’day riddymz
- “Is Black Support for Obama Racist?” b ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 With poverty at an all-time high, daunting black unemployment levels and Obamacare threatening black babies, black support for Barack Obama remains surprisingly strong. Why? Blacks are not uniformly as radical as Obama. So why do 91 percent of blacks still support him ...
- Kiva: A Story of the PoorAfroSpear supports microfinancing towards development (read here). October 2010 AfroSpear Initiatives: 1. Kelvin Rutherford 2. Keyembe 3. Vasi Business Center Group 4. God Bless You Group
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a nation ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep his po ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well. Griffi ...
- No to Monsanto and GMO: Action Central"SEN is greatly concerned that Monsanto and GMO give rise to a threat that if unchecked could eventually prove as catastrophic to mankind and the sustainability of all life on earth as global warming. We must scream bloody murder, and do so with facts." -- Gregory Hilbert, Co-Founder Sustainability ...
- Bill Gates On Climate Change & Energy: We Must and ...Whether you know a little or a lot about Climate Change (aka Global Warming), SEN urges you to watch this one-hour video, because you will learn a great deal either way. Gates lays out a sweeping set of ideas for reducing CO2 emmissions to zero. Gates is no fool when it comes to matters of [...]
- Week 2 – Worldwide Campaign to Save the Gran ...The Grand Canyon is one of the world's most pristine and majestic treasures. Mother Nature needs our help to save it. We all need to act to protect the Grand Canyon. Pledge to do your part. Help us by adding your signature to the petitions and ask everyone you know and who cares for earth to do the ...
- Seize BP Demonstrations NationwideSEN believes these demonstrations will help awaken politicians to outrage over inadequate regulation and control of international corporations, even if they do not succeed in gaining temporary seizure of BP on the basis of national emergency and evidence of criminal neglect and fraud by BP.
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
If Americans Knew
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed at ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage at h ...
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
David J. Gregory
- Conservative ConundrumJoe gets up at 6 a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because s ...
- Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren’t Possible Unles ...This is a very good article from Michael Moore, what he delineates are the reasons we are still in such a mess as a Nation and a people. These reasons are blatant and should never be allowed to happen again. Even though Obama seems to be tied to the Bush Doctrine of appeasing the military-industrial ...
- Truth for Tea Baggers!War Machine, all the money for killing, nothing for helping to save lives, war is much more profitable, especially when you supply both sides! Sheeple time to wake up….
- Rand Paul the road to disasterDo you remember Rand Paul? He’s the Republican candidate for Senate in Kentucky that went on Rachel Maddow to oppose provisions in the Civil Rights Actafter his surprise victory in the primary. He’s taken max-out checks from Citizens United – the group whose lawsuit led to the new avalanche of corpo ...
Unsuitable Blog
- George Monbiot on the Fake Biodiversity AgreementThere is something stirring, and I don’t think it’s just in the air – I think George Monbiot is turning his back on industrial civilization, and about time too. We could do with someone like him in the ranks of the “heretic unbelievers”. Here is his take on the Agreement That Never Was: Everyone agr ...
- Chevron Spoof Posters: Just The StartOn the coattails of their Chevron spoof (see here for the full story) the Yes Men have opened up the original graphics from their web sites for public subvertising. Angry and frustrated that oil companies like Chevron think they can ignore their environmental and human rights abuses while cleaning u ...
- BBC Radio Uses Industry Funded “Expert” ...I like the BBC. It manages to do a very difficult job being the national, public-funded broadcaster of the UK, while at the same time generally refusing to kow-tow to the demands of the state and it’s corporate owners. On the other hand there is a lot to criticise the BBC for, in particular its [... ...
- After The Yes Men’s Chevron Spoof, What Next ...Strike while the iron is hot, or take a breather and think about your next move. The feelings of an Underminer during a hot spoof are often confused, but in some cases a retrospective look is necessary in order to understand what effective action really means. Case in point, the action by the Yes Me ...
- BHP Billiton: New Chair, Same Old StoryFrom the wonderful London Mining Network comes this report of the BHP Billiton. I have emphasised key phrases that demonstrate the hypocrisy of one of the most destructive companies ever to grace planet Earth. At today’s London AGM of the world’s biggest mining company, BHP Billiton, new company cha ...
Subalternate Reality
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constructi ...
- Wealthy Far More Likely To Default On Mortgagescrossposted at Political Correction For much of the past two years, Congressional Republicans have wasted few opportunities to blame poor and working class Americans for the financial meltdown and the subsequent recession. They’ve argued that through well-intentioned government initiatives, includ ...
- GOP House Candidate: Mosque Near Ground Zero Is A ...Conservative activists and the Muslim-baiters among them are furious about a proposed Islamic community center to be built near Ground Zero. The debate has become entirely unhinged and some of the more hateful folks are using the controversy as a rallying cry to oppose the construction of all futur ...
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- A Six-Step Process for Managing Web ProjectsAfter years of intensive work in the IT industry, I've put together a practical guide to project development that my company uses for 99 percent of our projects. So far we've done amazingly well with this approach. Once you know it, it feels so simple and natural that you don't even know you know it ...
- A Six-Step Process for Managing and Developing Web ...After years of intensive work in the IT industry, I've put together a practical guide to project development that my company uses for 99 percent of our projects. So far we've done amazingly well with this approach. Once you know it, it feels so simple and natural that you don't even know you know it ...
- Citytracking Presents Data on Cities for Maps, Vis ...Citytracking, one of this year's Knight News Challenge winners, will present digital data about cities that journalists and the public can easily grasp and use, and provide tools to let them distribute their own conclusions. We will build a series of tools to map and visualize data that is truly Int ...
- Blimee Brings Local News, Engagement and Instant O ...New ideas, new ventures, new visions: They never turn out quite the way the entrepreneur expects, and often the path to success comes from walking backwards into a great idea. That's what happened with an innovative digital media journalism venture that emerged from the Knight Center for Digital Med ...
- Retro-Radical JournalismNew ideas, new ventures, new visions: They never turn out quite the way the entrepreneur expects, and often the path to success comes from walking backwards into a great idea. That's what happened with an innovative digital media journalism venture that emerged from the Knight Center for Digital Med ...
Cutting Edge News
- Pollard Clemency Editorial Spot OnYour editorial (see Obama Should Grant Pollard Clemency , November 1, 2010) suggesting Pollard be granted clemency after more than 25 years of imprisonment is a good one but fails to ask the principle question. What are the forces that have come together to keep him in prison for five and six times ...
- Destination Edge - Palm Desert and Indian Wells--O ...To most people, deserts are forbidding places hardly suitable for pleasant holidays. That, however, does not describe the kind of desert you will find in the Coachella Valley located some two hours by car east of Los Angeles. There, you will find a golfer’s paradise with nearly two dozen world-class ...
- Obama Should Grant Pollard ClemencyThe case of Jonathan Pollard is a tragic one both for US-Israeli relations and the American justice system. Pollard was unfairly sentenced to life imprisonment, unfairly prevented from appeal, and his subsequent lawyers have been unfairly prevented from proper access to the secret 46-page memorandum ...
- The Electoral Edge - Americans for Job Security: H ...Long-time GOP operative David Carney is hardly a household name like Karl Rove. But among Republican strategists and fundraisers in Washington D.C., Texas, and other states, Carney is well-known as an aggressive and controversial figure who periodically operates under the radar. Those qualities are ...
- Ghana on Edge - Sentenced to Witch CampThe Halloween season abounds with witches and goblins and ghosts. While many children and adults put on costumes and pretend to be witches, a new book reminds readers that there are still people living in a world haunted by witchcraft. In Spellbound: Inside West Africa’s Witch Camps , Karen Palmer e ...
High Country News
- Hoover Dam: marvel and follyHoover Dam is an amazing piece of engineering, but it has outlived its usefulness.
- Big rigs and rural roads don't mixA plan to let gigantic rigs travel Montana's winding rural roads for the sake of a tar sands project in Alberta, Canada, is insane.
- Voting at the dumpIn rural Idaho, determined voters head out to a muddy dump to cast their ballots.
- When voting, listen to the grassAt the Land Institute's Prairie Festival in Kansas, the glory of the short-grass prairie is remembered and celebrated.
- Solar spreeNew solar energy projects are coming to California and Nevada.
- After The Campaign Cash, The BacklashBy Brooke Jarvis The 2010 midterm elections, the first since Citizens United opened the floodgates to corporate campaign cash, were the most expensive in history. So what happens next?
- Zombie-Marxism Part II: What Marx Got RightBy Alex Knight This is part of an essay critiquing the philosophy of Karl Marx for its relevance to 21st century anti-capitalism. The main thrust of the essay is to encourage living common-sense radicalism, as opposed to the automatic reproduction of zombie ideas which have lost connection to curre ...
- Expect Next Phase Of Market Crash And A Large One ...By Alexander Ac Interview With Nicole Stoneleigh Foss
- The Peak Oil Crisis: The Leading EdgeBy Tom Whipple Last week an organization in California, The Post Carbon Institute, released a new book, The Post Carbon Reader, which draws a much broader picture of the serious issues facing mankind. The basic proposition of the book is that the world has reached the limits of growth in terms of ...
- Becoming An Empathic Civilization A Video
Contagious Love Experiment
- Dangerous Activity Thwarted in Afghanistan!
- Tenth Year of War, March to Stop Deployment of Tra ...Thursday marked the beginning of the 10th year of war in Afghanistan. There is much to protest about U.S. action there–some performed a die-in to highlight the use of drones (http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/200657/us-drone-kills-7-militants-in-nw-pakistan)–and a group of veterans of The Global ...
- WAR IS OVER… If You Claim It?In the midst of pleasant nods about “the end of the Iraq War,” Mr. Stephen Colbert celebrates in style… (Click The Word-What if they threw a peace and nobody came) The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – What If You Threw a Peace and Nobody Came? www.colbertnation.com Colbert Repo ...
- Vigiling in AfghanistanMore amazing work from Our Journey to Smile
- 92219 Pieces of my Broken Afghan HeartThe following letter was sent to me from the young people in Afghanistan who tried to come to the U.S. this summer for our speaking tour. The U.S. embassy flatly denied them, but their voices continue to cry out. The official narrative of the Afghan War is that it has greatly served the people of A ...
Yid With Lid
- When Chris Matthews Had a "Man Crush" on Glenn Bec ...Back in 2005 Glenn Beck was on a tour promoting his book " The Real America: Messages from the Heart and Heartland" One of his stops was on Hardball, the MSNBC show hosted by Chris Matthews.� Yesterday on the Web Video News Show The BCast , One of the show's hosts, Scott Baker (Managing Editor of t ...
- New White House Scape Goat For Election Disaster: ...The folks in the White House have a brand new scapegoat, at least somebody to blame for the Democratic Party's election day disaster earlier this week, former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Some White House advisers are complaining that Emanuel ruined the mid-term elections by cutting and ...
- Enthusiasm Gap Largest in Swing States Signaling 2 ...The months leading leading up to election we kept hearing about "the enthusiasm" gap, a vague figure that was used to predict who was going to vote and who was staying home.� Just like almost every other polling number and every pollster had their own way of determining who was excited about the mid ...
- Why Do Christians Remain Silent About the Persecut ...By Barry Rubin Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Mus ...
- Did Bush Personally Approve Water Boarding? DAMN R ...As more leaks come out about former President George Bush's soon to be released book "Decision Points" the stark difference between our former President and today's commander-in-chief becomes even more apparent. One is a true leader that grabs responsibility, the other is someone who looks for a way ...
The Real Agenda
- Creation of Debt As The Basis For GrowthBy Bob Chapman The UK, Europe, the US and Canada are different degrees of welfare states. By way of regulation, government controls via taxation. The states and their inhabitants send taxes to Washington, which takes its cut and sends funds back to the states with strings attached. You either do wha ...
- End the FED: Take Two… The Strength of Two ...The globalist elite will have to deal with two Pauls; one in the House of Representatives and one in the Senate. Reuters Republican Representative Ron Paul on Thursday said he will push to examine the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions if he takes control of the congressional subcommittee t ...
- World Bank Is Quietly Funding a Massive Corporate ...By Scott Thill Billions have been spent allowing corporations to profit from public water sources even though water privatization has been an epic failure in Latin America, Southeast Asia, North America, Africa and everywhere else it’s been tried. But don’t tell that to controversial loan-sharks at ...
- Big Brother Cameras check your Insurance, taxes ...The new “money-making” machine also checks if you are wearing a seatbelt, face gestures and so on. By Luke Salkeld Even the most law-abiding driver might feel a shiver down the spine when spotting this speed camera at the roadside. For as well as detecting speeding, it is packed with gizmos that che ...
- Bisfenol A causa Infertilidad MasculinaBPA se utiliza extensamente para fabricar plástico más duro y latas herméticas. Se encuentra en la mayorÃa de las latas de alimentos y bebidas – incluyendo latas de leche para lactantes – envases plásticos de alimentos, los teléfonos móviles y otros aparatos electrónicos. Por Luis R. Miranda ...
Wind Watch
- County sets tight standards on large windGoodhue County commissioners agreed to impose rigid new standards on commercial wind developers Tuesday, in a narrow vote aimed at influencing the stateâs upcoming permitting decision on the proposed Goodhue Wind project. The County Board voted 3-2 in favor of an updated county wind ordinance, which ...
- For those near, the miserable hum of clean energyVINALHAVEN, Me. � Like nearly all of the residents on this island in Penobscot Bay, Art Lindgren and his wife, Cheryl, celebrated the arrival of three giant wind turbines late last year. That was before they were turned on. �In the first 10 minutes, our jaws dropped to the ground,� Mr. Lindgren said ...
- Wind farm developer cancels meetingsThe developer of a proposed wind farm in St. Cyprien de Napierville cancelled two public meetings scheduled for yesterday, citing the possibility of violence. “We would have preferred to meet the residents and present our project in a fully transparent way, but we have heard that certain people, who ...
- Road closed after blaze at North Wales windfarmA wind turbine burst into flames, shutting a rural road for hours. The blaze at the 25-turbine Tir Mostyn and Foel Goch windfarm in Nantglyn, Denbighshire, lasted for about two hours. Debris left behind by the fire forced North Wales Police to close Drws-y-Buddel, between the site and Pentrellyncyme ...
- Camden wind prospects blow awayOpponents to the development of wind turbines atop Ragged Mountain were successful in turning back an attempt to create a three-town committee to explore that prospect when, on Oct. 26, the Camden Select Board decided not to appoint members to the Ragged Mountain Wind Workgroup. The nine-member work ...
Not My Tribe
- Could it be, Olbermann fired by FOX?Since the following chain of logic is true, very possible and knowing the “ethical” standards of the American CorporaFascist Empire therefore very probable. Quote:November 05, 2010 12:14 PM What Role Did Comcast Play in Keith Olbermann’s Suspension?–UPDATED By karoli There is a double standard at wo ...
- American sheep vote for being fleecedCall it a setback, Obama calls it “humbling,” but the election obviously provided a sweeping mandate, and the president is running with it. The spectacle of Americans unquestioningly casting their vote for worse or worser, is the usual reinvestment of political take-me-for-a-ride capital, to jaw dro ...
- Another challenge…Bob Balink, and any other City/County/State official who made the idiot decision OR WAS IT? to move the West Side polling place from the center of population, 20th and Pikes Peak, into a warehouse district on the far side of the highway from where most people live and as far away from a bus route [. ...
- Here’s an interesting challenge.Since the Republican’t Party is taking their senate still-minority, and running it up as a National Mandate to repeal Health Care, why not have a two-part challenge. For the Democrats, have a lame duck vote and put the public option in to Health Care right where it belonged all along. You’d get back ...
- Marin Co Sheriffs Tase Elderly Man in Own HomeIn July of last year. The man, Peter McFarland was treated by paramedics at his home after a fall, then, a pair of Sheriff’s Deputies entered the house and insisted that McFarland come to the hospital with them. Since the Sheriff’s Department, as always Defending Their Own Pigs, doesn’t want to disc ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- Amplifying the Sounds of Loud and Clear911 EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY - Chemical Engineer Mark Basile Related Info: The Sounds of Loud and Clear
- What's Up With "Building What?"?Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog recently asked some questions about the status of the " BuildingWhat? " campaign, he states: Building Wut is still at $88,009. Hasn't budged in about 10 days, and they haven't begged again on Flogger. Wut's up with that ? Who's going on vacation with the B ...
- There Are No 9/11 Whistleblowers If You Claim They ...First a little background from the film Loose Change Final Cut : This story has received new life recently after the Pentagon bought and destroyed 10,000 copies of a book, "Operation Dark Heart," written by Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, prompting an editorial published at Investors Business Daily to ask: " ...
- A Response from Ryan OwensSorry I've been away for a while everyone. My computer's been broken for about three weeks. But it's fixed now and I'm back to doing what I do best: Debunk the debunkers . A few months back I sent my open letter to debunker Ryan Owens. Within a few weeks he responded back. Here's his full response ...
- TIME Magazine FailI Know the Truth, So Don't Bother Me With Facts "Global warming is a hoax! Climate change, like autism, is actually caused by vaccines, typically administered by Apollo astronauts who didn't really land on the moon. Oh, and President Obama was born in Kenya. These, at least, are some of the core be ...
- test post
- How to Buy Bread – Calories, Serving Size, and Nut ...We’re on a roll here, trying to help you buy better bread. In previous posts we provided general guidelines, discussed whole grains, and explained a bit about bread ingredients. Now we’ll talk about bread serving size. What you need to know: According to the FDA, the reference size for a serving of ...
- Five Bread Ingredients to Avoid [miniseries part 4 ...In previous posts we provided general guidelines, discussed whole grains, and showed you a list of the top 20 ingredients used in bread. Here is a list of the ingredients you want to avoid in bread: Partially hydrogenated oils – yes, the evil trans-fat lurk in the bread aisle too. Make sure they don ...
- The Top 20 Ingredients Used in Bread [miniseries p ...In the previous posts we provided general guidelines for choosing bread and discussed whole grains. Today we’ll take a look at the other ingredients in bread. To do this, we analyzed the ingredient lists of over 2,000 breads. The average list had 20-25 ingredients! That’s 5 times more ingredien ...
- How to Buy Bread – Whole Grains [miniseries part 2 ...In the previous post we kicked off with some general guidelines for choosing bread: The first ingredient should be whole grain. The bread should be 100% whole wheat. The fiber count should be 2 or more grams per ounce. sometimes that’s one slice, but not always. It should have a short ingredient l ...
- Blogging Event Ideas to Spice Up Your BlogIf you've ever gone to an industry conference, film festival, grand opening, or author signing, then you can appreciate the energy such events can create. Industry conferences gather together the best and brightest minds in order to share ideas and plan for the future. Film festivals celebrate great ...
- Increasing Your Blog’s Interactivity: 10 Tips for ...Guest post by Alexis Bonari Success in attracting and retaining readers is often influenced by a blog’s level of interactivity. Many readers are more active than passive and want to feel like they have a role in affecting a blog’s content, design, structure, and overall ongoing conversation. Posts ...
- 5 Facebook Apps That Really Make MoneyGuest post by Alexis Bonari If you aren't on Facebook by now, you are probably the only one who isn't. My grandmother has a Facebook page and anyone who can type, is able to start their own page with no problem. Most everyone uses Facebook as a social meeting place, but did you know that you coul ...
- Online Profits Re-Opens (and now it’s free)!Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips started a membership site, Online Profits , last year to help people learn about making money online. Daniel has just re-launched and re-vamped Online Profits, and this time there is no charge to get all of the valuable content. The only requirement is that you open ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
Survival International
- Obama: Stop funding Indonesian torture of PapuansIndonesia has admitted that the torturers in a recent video were its soldiers. © Survival Survival is asking President Obama, who is due to visit Indonesia next week, to suspend US military assistance to Jakarta until its forces stop killing and torturing the people of West Papua . Obama’s vis ...
- Botswana diamonds boycott launched with protest at ...Survival is calling for a boycott of Botswana diamonds until the Bushmen are allowed water. © Survival Survival launched its call for a boycott of Botswana diamonds today, over the government�s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen. The tribal peoples� rights organization held a protest outside D ...
- Yanomami report dozens dead in epidemicYanomami mother and child. © Steve Cox/Survival Yanomami Indians in the Venezuelan Amazon say that dozens of their people have died in an epidemic of disease, which may be malaria. âThere are still many, many sick people,â Yanomami health worker Andres Blanco told the Associated Press (AP) ...
- Celebrities back call to boycott Botswana diamondsSurvival is calling for a boycott of Botswana diamonds until the Bushmen are allowed water. © Survival Survival will tomorrow call for a boycott of Botswana diamonds over the government’s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen. The tribal peoples’ rights organization is also urging the public to boy ...
- Survival invokes Nehru in call for India tribal we ...Tribes like the Jarawa need to choose their own future. © Salomé/Survival Survival has invoked the words of India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, in a call for India to put land rights and choice at the heart of tribal welfare. Survival’s director Stephen Corry has written to Prime M ...
Greg Palast
- Rove's Vote Trickster: Caging ExplainedOn Tuesday, Tim Griffin, former chief of research of the Republican National Committee, is on the ballot for Congress to represent Little Rock, Arkansas. He's favored to win. But Griffin is just as happy to win by stealing votes. Here's a clip from the Elections Files, the Palast team's investiga ...
- The Petroleum Broadcast SystemOwes Us an Apologyby Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash Tonight, my dog Pluto and I watched the PBS 'Frontline' investigation of BP, "The Spill." PBS has uncovered a real shocker: BP neglected safety! Well, no shit, Sherlock! Pluto rolled over on the rug and looked at me as if to say, Don't we already know t ...
- Was Tim Griffin merely a "Rove-bot"?Did Karl Rove ...Special to the Arkansas Times by Greg Palast (New York, London) Illustration from Steal Back Your Vote Comic book voterguide.To learn more click on the image. Greg Palast, the journalist who blew the whistle on Republican vote suppression activities in Florida ("caging"), has communicated with ...
- SarahPAC Candidate "Should Be in Jail"NBC TV airs ...by Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash "What he [Griffin] did was absolutely illegal and he should be in jail." Illustration from Steal Back Your Vote comic That's hardly the kind of endorsement a candidate for Congress expects. But that is the conclusion of voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy ...
- Decision 2010:Tim Griffin and Voter CagingReported by: Melissa Simas, KARK 4 NBC News After two years, and several resignations among Department of Justice staffers, in July, a special prosecutor wrapped up her investigation of the nine U.S. Attorneys fired in 2006. Bud Cummins, a Republican from Arkansas, was one of the U.S. Attorneys f ...
Telegraph UK - oil
- Brazil's Libra oil field may be biggest in America ...The Libra oil field in Brazil may be the biggest discovered in the Americas for more than 30 years, according to the country's industry regulator.
- Vladimir Putin calls for calm in battle for Arctic ...Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, called for calm in the battle for the Arctic's vast untapped energy resources, accusing unnamed forces of trying to stir up trouble.
- Deepwater lessons Telegraph View: It is crucial that we learn from the oil-spill catastrophe.
- Greenpeace claims to have shut down Greenland oil ...Greenpeace claims its activists have shut down a ''dangerous'' oil drilling operation by a British energy company in the Arctic.
- BP handout 'saved the summer' in Florida Visitor numbers in Florida have risen despite the BP oil spill, thanks to a £20m promotion, reports Richard Luscombe.
Ian Welsh
- Jobs make break even point151,000 jobs were gained last month. 150K is the break-even point given population gain to maintain employment. This is neither a good nor a bad figure.
- Obama did NOT save the US From a DepressionStop saying Obama saved the economy, he did no such thing. The US is in a depression (not a great depression, but a depression). All Obama, Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson and Bush did was push the day of reckoning back a bit in order to save the rich, at the cost of trillions of dollars which [...]
- Democratic margins in a base precinct (2006 v. 201 ...I live and vote in a Democratic base precinct. And my precinct is the story of the election. Here is the data from 2006 and last night. 2006 2010 2010-2006 Total RV 709 705 -4 Total Voters 360 314 -46 % Voting 50.8 44.6 -6.2 Straight Dem 120 92 -28 Straight GOP 28 36 8 [...]
- The Primary Obama Movement Begins TodayThe 2010 electoral massacre is over and Democrats are licking their wounds. Let me put it simply, what went wrong went wrong from the very top of the party. In both political and policy terms, the President of the United States, the head of the Democratic party, created this disaster. Nothing track ...
- The Primary Obama Movement Begins TodayThe 2010 electoral massacre is over and Democrats are licking their wounds. Let me put it simply, what went wrong went wrong from the very top of the party. In both political and policy terms, the President of the United States, the head of the Democratic party, created this disaster. Nothing track ...
Age of Autism
- SafeMinds Video on the Autism Vaccines DrumbeatIt's Election Day and we want a fresh start with our legislators. We at SafeMinds are also making a fresh start with our approach to the story of autism and vaccines. Welcome to the Inauguration of our Whole Story campaign!...
- How Vaccine Damage Deniers Threaten Us AllBy Jake Crosby In “PBS Frontline: The Vaccine Wars,” one particular scene that caught my attention was when NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher argued that the right to question vaccine safety and right to choose to be vaccinated should be no...
- Order the SafeMinds Free Flu Vaccine Brochure Toda ...Order SafeMindsflu vaccine brochures and distribute it to your doctors, pharmacists, nurses, hospitals, family and friends. The first 25 are free. This is particularly critical for pediatricians and obstetricians/ gynecologists. To order click HERE.
- The Raw Reality of the Autism Omnibus Program: Reb ...By Rebecca Estepp The Court of Federal Claims Bar Association held its annual Judicial Conference last week in Washington DC. On Tuesday, the Special Masters of the Vaccine Program were made available to the petitioners’ bar to discuss the decisions...
- CafeMom's The Stir Tackles Vaccines & Autism with ...Yesterday marked "launch day" for my book. If you haven't ordered a copy (or have and would like a gift copy) please pop over to Amazon HERE today so we can have some fun with the ranking, please? :) Email...
Global BDS Movement
- OECD hires services from extremist Jewish settler ...read more
- Legal opinion by Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill on ...� Legal Brief entitled: Certain Legal Issues Arising from theApplication of Israel to become a Member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development � Prepared by: Guy S. Goodwin-Gill read more
- Legal Memorandum by Professor Karma Nabulsi on Isr ...� Memorandum presented by Dr Karma Nabulsi , University of Oxford, to OECD member-states about their legal obligations during Israel's accession process (May 2010) � Dr Karma Nabulsi is Fellow of St Edmund Hall and lecturer at Oxford University � read more
- Eight countries absent from OECD Tourism Conferenc ...EIGHT COUNTRIES ABSENT FROM OECD TOURISM CONFERENCE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 21 October 2010 - Norway, Canada, Ireland, UK, Sweden, Iceland, Turkey and South Africa not present at OECD tourism conference - Czech Republic only EU country to send political representation to „High-level roundtab ...
- BNC releases Memo and Recommendations for OECD cou ...Israel’s accession to OECD: encouraging impunity, rewarding war crimes read more
Farm Wars
- Gulf seafood is safe to eat and BP was not respons ...Reality check! These people do not care if we are poisoned. In fact, it is to their advantage if we are. Big Pharma has to make money too, and there are far too many people on the planet to worry about an insignificant and quite convenient “accident” such as the BP oil “spill” that will boost med sa ...
- Geo-Engineering In the Crosshairs!The tenth CONFERENCE OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY held in Japan on October 18-29, 2010, was a roaring success for Global Warming enthusiasts as well as NWO globalists in general.
- Don’t Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement ...Don't Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement comes to Republic Defiance Radio. This week's guest: Former Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn.
- Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Paul Griep ...This Sunday Paul Griepentrog will be joining us as we discuss how NAIS and Premises ID are being implemented on a statewide basis.
- Structural Adjustment—a Major Cause of PovertyThe IMF and World Bank have demanded that poor nations lower the standard of living of their people. Are we next?
Open Your Eyes News
- US military looking for higher-tech drones that ca ...CP — The U.S. military aims to develop more sophisticated, high-tech drones and surveillance aircraft that can collect intelligence in increasingly dangerous combat airspace, a senior Air Force leader said Thursday. Under pressure from Pentagon leaders, the Air Force has already dramatically increas ...
- In book, Bush strongly defends use of waterboardin ...Reuters – When then-President George W. Bush was asked to approve a tough interrogation technique known as waterboarding on September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he wasted little time in deciding. “Damn right,” he said. Bush’s approval of waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning condemn ...
- Electric brain stimulation can improve math skillsReuters – Stimulating the brain with a very low electric current can enhance a person’s maths ability for up to six months, British neuroscientists said on Thursday. Researchers at Britain’s Oxford University studied 15 volunteers and demonstrated for the first time that electrical stimulation of th ...
- Employers add 151K jobs; unemployment holds at 9.6 ...Washington Post – Job growth accelerated in October, but the unemployment rate held steady, the government said Friday, the latest data pointing to an economy that is finally strengthening as the year nears its end. Read article
- Irish Republic announces record budget cutsBBC – The Irish government has outlined when it will make 15bn euros (£13.1bn; $21.3bn) of budget cuts designed to reduce the country’s deficit.In what it called “a significant frontloading”, the government said it would cut 6bn euros in 2011 to try and reduce the deficit to 9.25%-9.5% GDP.By 2014, ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Southern California freeway pollution: Is monitori ...A federal appeals court was asked Thursday to decide what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should do about noxious air pollution along some of Southern California's busiest highways. The case brought against the EPA by the Natural Resources Defense Council...
- Obama faces tricky decision on polar bear, climate ...Just as President Obama faces a Congress that promises to be more skeptical of climate-related environmental regulation, a federal court has tossed a controversial case back in his lap: the polar bear. The bear was the first species to be...
- Gulf oil spill: Dead deep-sea corals found near BP ...Scientists on a research cruise have found dead and dying deep-sea corals near the site of the massive BP oil leak. Federal officials reported the discovery Thursday, saying that until laboratory tests were conducted on coral and sediment samples, they...
- Genesis solar project in Riverside County gets fed ...Call it the season of solar: Yet another sprawling desert project has been approved. On Thursday, it was the Genesis Solar Energy Project’s turn. With the go-ahead from both the federal Bureau of Land Management and the California Energy Commission,...
- LA DWP will reduce residential solar incentives be ...L.A. residents who are considering installing solar panels have an incentive to act before the end of the year: On Tuesday, the city's Board of Water and Power Commissioners approved changes to the Solar Incentive Program that will reduce rebates...
- Water.org and The MasterCard Foundation (MFF)Water.org and The MasterCard Foundation Accelerate Microfinance for Clean Water (Microfinance Focus) – Water.org and The MasterCard Foundation have launched a $3.6 million partnership to bring clean drinking water and sanitation services to people in Sub-Saharan Africa over the next four years. This ...
- An introduction to WaterCredit in India (IndiaMF)An Introduction to Water Credit in India (India MicroFinance) – The Water Credit Initiative has been funded by social entrepreneur Gary White and Hollywood Actor Matt Damon through their organisation Water.org which has invested US$ 2.2 million in Water Credit programs. Water credit applies the prin ...
- Rec.fm – Fundraising by recommendations (Phi ...A New Source of Funds for Nonprofits: Product Recommendations! (Philanthropy411 Blog) – Rec.fm, a 2010 SXSW Web Award finalist, is an online service where you can recommend products you love for the causes you care about. It works like this: You love a product (a book, iPad, watch, Coach purse) and ...
- iReport challenge: #BeAHero for clean water (CNN)iReport challenge: #BeAHero for clean water (CNN) – An outbreak of cholera in Haiti has killed more than 250 people and sickened thousands. The culprit: Contaminated drinking water. Worldwide, the water crisis is huge. Nearly a billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Thatâs one in eight o ...
- Credit for water, toilets – the ripple effec ...Credit for water and toilets – the ripple effect (Women Economic Empowerment Review) – Over the past couple of years, WaterCredit has enabled Water.org to reach more than twice the number of people with safe access to water and sanitation than a traditional, subsidy-driven approach. By providing sma ...
Before It's News
- World_8217;s_Worst_Political_Consultants:_Grayson- ...
- Chris_Matthews:_Republicans_Racist_Against_India;_ ...
- Heavy_security_presence_and_random_searches_in_LA_ ...
- Watch_Wisconsin_vs_Purdue_Live_streaming_NCAA_Foot ...
- Quote_of_the_Day_November_5,_2010
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley break ...
Margaret's News
- Ron Paul To Run For Speaker Of The House?Michelle Bachmann stated she would not vote for John Boehner if another acceptable candidate comes along. Dr. Paul would prove, once and for all, he is serious about this movement succeeding, and would be in an even better position to run for president Submitted by Hans Mueller to US Politics & Gov ...
- Ron Paul May Oversee FedRep. Ron Paul (R., Texas), who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, could end up overseeing it as part of the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives. Paul is the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Submitted by Hans Mueller to US Politics & G ...
- WEST BANK: Bethlehem man indicted for buying from ...Palestinian merchant charged with �carrying out commercial transactions with residents of a hostile state�; being held in PA prison.n the first case of its kind, a Palestinian merchant from Bethlehem has been indicted for violating a Palestinian Authority Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �N ...
- Telling Swiss secrets: A banker's betrayalUBS insider blows the whistle on Swiss banking. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- NEWS YOU CAN USE: 10 Classic Job Interview Blunde ...There are certain common job interview mistakes that you want to do your best to avoid. Making any one of these can hurt your chances of getting the job or have the employer hire another candidate who didn't make these common job interview mistakes. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business �|� ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Los Angeles Moves Forward WIth Plans to Build City ...The City of Los Angeles has advanced its plans to build the municipality's largest solar array. The 5-megawatt photovoltaic array would be placed on top of a covered reservoir in Granada Hills.� The US$15.3 million project will see sol ...
- Logitech Releases Solar Powered KeyboardLogitech ( NASDAQ:LOGI ) has announced it will release of the company's first solar powered wireless keyboard this month. read more
- EBOOM CAPITAL: Lower VC Investment, Day4 Energy Ac ...Day4 Energy solar modules installed at Fischbach, Germany U.S. venture capital investment in cleantech companies in Q3 fell 55 percent in capital invested and 22 percent i ...
- The Renewable Energy Leader's Forum: Joshua Weinst ...Featured in this week's edition of the Renewable Energy Leader's Forum is Joshua Weinstein, the Managing Partner of solar developer AMSOLAR.� read more
- Brightsource Energy Breaks Ground On Worlds Larges ...Joined by guests California Governor Schwarzenegger and U.S. read more
News Blaze
- Secretary Clinton Joins Venture with New Zealand ...Half a century ago, as a result of the friendship between Admiral George Dufek and Ed Hillary, our countries decided to build our two bases in Antarctica, virtually (inaudible) on the shores of Ross Island. And wisely, we felt the United States chos
- EPA Denies Petition that Sought a Ban on Lead in F ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has denied a petition calling for a ban on the manufacture, use and processing of lead in fishing gear.
- Special Representative Rosenthal Discusses Anti-S ...Special Representative for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism Hannah Rosenthal will address the second annual conference of the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism (ICCA) on November 8th and 9th in Ottawa, Canada.
- Swami Kriyananda Wins Book Award for 'The New Path ...Swami Kriyananda's The New Path: My Life with Paramhansa Yogananda Wins USA Book News Award in Spiritual Category, reports The Hollywood Sentinel.
- Obama Heads to AsiaStill reeling from a bruising setback in the midterm elections, President Barack Obama leaves today on a 10-day trip to Asia aimed at promoting economic ties and security cooperation.
- Notes from an FBU picket linefire.JPG Joe Thorne reports back from the front lines of the London firefighters strike against mass sackings and shift pattern changes. The FBU has held two eight hour strikes in ...
- Striking firefighter hospitalised by station manag ...One firefighter has been airlifted to hospital and three others injured after a station manager drove his car through a picket line. Tam Ozdemir of Red Watch, Croydon was rushed to hospital with suspected neck and pelvic injuries.
- Three new traslations in English of leaflets from ...Here are three documents we translated in English and that seem to us to be important. We would like to apologize for the mistakes in translations, which sometimes sound as “Frenglish”, but it’s the concern for internationalism that prevails. ...
- Private Prison Industry Behind Arizona’s New Immig ...prison.jpg We now know that Arizona's controversial immigration bill 1070 was written almost word for word with the help of the Corrections Corporation of America- the largest private prison company in ...
- Obama administration takes strong stance against p ...smokin.jpg For the full, original article, feel free to visit the Trial by Fire. Once again, President Obama’s administration is standing in the way of pro-working class, civil rights legislation. In res ...
Free Range International
- On The BorderThe military campaign in Afghanistan is going well apparently. I read that last Monday here in the Washington Post so it must be true. But two days ago it took a turn for the worst. I know that to be a fact too because I read it here in the Washington Post. The truth is [...]
- InchonInchon is the call sign for the 1st Marine Regiment which is currently deployed in southern Helmand Province.  They are  operating out of a large FOB in the middle of nowhere, about 50 kilometers from the Provincial capitol of Lashka Gah, named Camp Dwyer.  Unlike other FOB’s I have visited this ...
- The Going Is Getting ToughThe ongoing saga about banning security contractors continues with the need for them is so obvious even CNN has gotten a clue.  Many of the reconstruction projects in the country are grinding to a halt and let me tell you something – the local people are sick and tired of this. We have been at [. ...
- What A MessI’m not referring to the controversy surrounding the attempted rescue of Linda Norgrove which is currently consuming the news cycle. My experience is that Special Operations folks do not attempt rescue operations unless the odds are stacked in their favor. Â I don’t know anything about what happened ...
- Meet a Couple of Hero’sHero is one of those terms which comes up often in reporting about the military. Â Not every service member is a hero nor is every hero we encounter in our lives associated with the military. Â I point this out because the label “hero” is at risk of becoming a meaningless cliche as we approach the [ ...
The Story Behind the Story
- COLD FUSION IS HERE!!!Understanding Lightning âNeltronsâ is Key to Cold Fusion One manâs study of lightning and itâs effects led to his discovery of the Neltron – tiny negative particles of matter smaller than electrons. The Van Allen Magnetic belts discharges tiny negative particles into the part of the air where helium ...
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
- Obama Begins Cashing in On Carbon Credits in KENYAThe new world currency apparently will be tied to “carbon credits” as the standard of value.  Never mind that global warming (aka CLIMATE-GATE) is a massive hoax and fraud. Rather than issue worthless fiat paper money, why not issue ‘carbon credits’ on a global scale. Keep in mind that any an ...
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny hou ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plans fo ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being pro ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re in ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human effect ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain temper ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here’s ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing to do ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM says t ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Malalai Joya, Afghan activist (October 30, 2010)She is a hard core activist in Afghanistan and has paid the price for it. Her life constantly threatened, banished from her seat in the Afghan parliament, Malalai Joya never stops. She wants foreign troops, including Canada's, out of her country and warlords out of government. This week she's our ...
- Naheed Nenshi, Calgary Mayor (October 23, 2010)He's made the news in countries around the world - the main reason? He's Canada's first major city Muslim mayor. Does that matter? We'll ask Calgary's new mayor himself.
- Lyndsay Greene, Author -- encore (Oct 19, 2010)Peter talks about planning and preparation for the retirement years with the author of "You Could Live a Long Time: Are You Ready?"
- Governor General David Johnston (Oct 9, 2010)Peter talks about the role of the GG -- plus technology and hockey -- in Johnston's first interview as the Queen's representative in Canada
- Margaret Bloodworth, Retired Senior Bureaucrat and ...She was at the front lines of Canada's response to 9-11, just part of a distinguished three decade long public service career. Margaret Bloodworth has now retired, but her thoughts on the country's safety, and the role of a senior public servant make her this week's guest.
Scotts Contracting
- Nov 2 Election was bought off by Special Interest ...If you are like me and feel the Nov 2 Election was bought off by Special Interest Groups and their Lobbying Activities I’d like to point out some new info I recieved today in my email box. . After Dem … Continue reading →
- Think that ordinary, hard-working folks have gone ...Green Tide: The More Money You Make, the More Likely You Voted Republican Thursday, 11/4/2010 – 4:04 pm by Lynn Parramore | 8 Comments Memo to David Brooks, whose sentimental, fact-free musings on working class Americans and how they rejected … Continue reading →
- Housing Pulse–Green Is GoldOn Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: TODAY’S HOME BUYERS ARE MAKIN THE SHIFT TOWARD Greener homes that provide energy savings. This point is most evident at Meritage Homes , which is outselling its competitors … Continue reading → - Vapor Retarders and Vapor BarriersOn Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Answers to persistent questions about vapor diffusion Vapor Retarders and Vapor Barriers Posted on Mar 12 by Martin Holladay, GBA Advisor Walls with foam sheathing need to dry … Continue reading → - Will Clean Energy Manufacturing Create US Jobs?On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Scott’s Contracting
wrote: Will Clean Energy Manufacturing Create US Jobs? By Jennifer Runyon, Managing Editor | November 1, 2010 | In this series of articles on the state of clean energy … Continue reading →
The View From Abroad
- Grand Rapids Woman Harassed by Fair Housing Do-Goo ...if America is so free why can't you advertise for a "Christian" roommate?
- Statist Policies Cause More Harm Than GoodA sure fire way to make a situation worse is to involve the government.
- Republican Proposals Reaffirm the Party’s Commitme ...The House Republican's "A Pledge to America" is a pathetic policy proposal.
- Deregulation Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
- Deregulation did not Cause the Financial Crisis, W ...Statists criticize "libertarian" deregulation for the financial crisis. It's all a smokescreen to hide the real cause: the welfare state.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Operation Flintlock in NigerIn this interview, Peace Corps volunteer Nathan Dieck provides a rare firsthand account of a U.S. counter-terrorism operation in Africa.
- 60 Second Expert: Japan v. ChinaA minor collision between a Chinese fishing boat and Japanese Coast Guard vessel last August continues to resonate in the region.
- India: Militarizing Space with U.S. HelpIndia says that its space program is for peaceful purposes. The United States agrees. They're both wrong.
- Midterm MiscarriageThe Obama agenda, instead of coming to term after four years, is suffering a miscarriage halfway through.
- START: Arms Affirmation TreatyThe New START treaty is best called an arms affirmation treaty, since ratification will affirm the continued commitment to maintain and fund our nuclear and non-nuclear weapons programs.
- Smaller Firms May Soon See More Laterals, Fewer Yo ...The flight of big firm laterals to smaller firms has not reached the heights many first predicted. But some in the legal community believe the apex of large-to-small lateral market activity is still on the horizon, along with a shift back to big firms for many young lawyers.
- Will U.K. Management Trends Influence U.S. Law Fir ...As law firms look to retool their business models, some may find themselves adopting trends at U.K. firms such as managing the work of other law firms or outsourcing companies for their clients, or creating a class of professional support lawyers who focus on research and drafting documents.
- Halliwells Ex-Partners Receive 'Letter of Death' o ...Last week, Halliwells' former partners received what they have dubbed the "letter of death" from the U.K. law firm's joint administrators at BDO, which warns that the ex-partners face proceedings on a number of potential claims, including breach of duty and repayment of overdrawings.
- Former Clifford Chance Associate Sues Firm for Dis ...A former Clifford Chance associate has sued the firm for discrimination, claiming the London-based firm targeted women and minorities when it laid off six associates in November 2007. In a complaint filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Karen Ramdhanie said that on the eve of the layoffs, two white male ...
- Lawyers Can Sue Clients Pro Se and Recover Fees, N ...Lawyers can sue deadbeat clients pro se and still recover legal fees under the offer-of-judgment rule, a New Jersey appeals court has held. Solo attorney Philip Vinick Jr.'s clients had tried to rely on a decision last year that denied frivolous-litigation fees to a law firm that sued its ex-client.
- Life of Jailed Human Rights Lawyer at Great Risk(4 November 2010) The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, should immediately intervene with Iranian authorities to ensure the physical well being of detained human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. On Sunday, 31 ...
- انتقاد وزارت امور خارجه ایران از وضعیت حقوق بشر در ...وزارت امور خارجه ایران گزارشی را در اختیار رسانه های این کشور قرار داده است که در آن از وضعیت حقوق بشر در آمریکا و نقض حقوق بشر توسط دولت این کشور انتقاد شده است. در این گزارش آمده است که آمریکا علیرغم درخواست جامعه جهانی و سازمان ملل متحد هنوز بازداشتگاه های گوانتانامو و ابوغریب را نبسته است. re ...
- احمدی نژاد: بزودی برای عذرخواهی صف می کشند رييسجمهور گفت: اگر ميخواهيم زندگي كنيم بايد بزرگ شويم و اين حق ملت ماست كه بزرگ شود.
- Abbas: Iran is sabotaging peace efforts Palestinian leadership is also considering asking the US to draft a framework agreement for a permanent resolution in the Middle East. Washington - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Iran of using Islamist elements to sabotage the prospect of attaining peace in the region, Haaretz report ...
- Britain denies Iran's claims of assassinations lin ...Iran today accused Britain of links to assassinations by a banned Kurdish group – a charge vehemently denied as a "baseless" allegation. It also publicly welcomed a US decision to label another anti-Iranian organisation as terrorist — a rare positive development in the troubled relationship betwe ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- The 5/11 Truthers“Terrorist or Fall Guy” by Chris Trotter (in New Zealand we write the day before the month – today is 5/11/10 – Guy Fawkes Day) An excellent account of one of the earliest recorded (1605) “false flag” operations. http://bowalleyroad.blogspot.com/2010/11/terrorist-or-fall-guy.html Share and Enjoy ...
- The Prison Industrial ComplexI first became concerned about America’s growing prison industrial complex as a private practice psychiatrist in California and Washington between 1978 and 2002. What I witnessed, in essence was closure of most US mental hospitals in the late seventies and early eighties, with the ultimate transfer ...
- Support in High PlacesOn November 2nd, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales releases his latest book Harmony , which he co-wrote with former Friends of the Earth director Tony Juniper: We hear a lot about the royal family here in New Zealand. Most environmental activists here are aware that Prince Charles has been ...
- How Resource Scarcity Threatens Democracy – ...In my last (Oct 27) blog, I discussed a YouTube presentation by Richard Heinberg, based on his book Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post Carbon World , about the way the ruling elite is likely to manage the inevitable social upheaval stemming from severe resource scarcity. Option I, which I dis ...
- How Resource Scarcity Threatens DemocracyIf I should suddenly develop a fatal cancer, Richard Heinberg, author of Peak Everything , is definitely the person I would want to break the news. Heinberg is a soft spoken, gentle, Mahatma Gandhi kind of guy who blows you away by telling you the party is over and there is no soft landing. But in s ...
Doug's Darkworld
- Gloria Ramirez and the Riverside Miasma, a Medical ...At 8:15pm on February 19, 1994, one Gloria Ramirez arrived at the emergency room of Riverside General Hospital suffering from the effects of advanced cervical cancer. She was extremely confused, and suffering from problems with her breathing and heartbeat. All pretty normal ER fare so far. The ER st ...
- Where are we, and what are we doing in this handba ...I’ve lately been tripping on just how much the world has changed in the past ten years, or more specifically, how the USA has changed. The “War on Terror” has been going on for nearly ten years now, and it’s reached new heights of transcendental absurdity. Absurd on many levels. Absurd in that the t ...
- Mars or Bust, Scientists Call for Suicide Mission ...Has NASA really put out a call for people who want to volunteer for a one way mission to Mars? Well, not yet, but two scientists did float the idea to test the waters so to speak. And it turns out, which shouldn’t be too surprising, that there are indeed people who would volunteer for [...]
- Scientists prove that humans can see into the futu ...OK, maybe that’s not quite literally what has been discovered, but close enough. A set of careful experiments has shown that the human brain can be influenced by events that haven’t happened yet! Let me repeat that just so it sinks in, scientists have discovered scientific proof that the human brain ...
- Through Thick and Thin, from UFOs to PC Gay Bashin ...Poot, the UFOs didn’t show up as promised. Well, except for some escaped mylar balloons in NYC apparently. Yes, the aliens cleverly disguised their spacecraft to look like balloons, then brainwashed some hapless human into thinking they had lost some balloons. All part of the alien’s diabolical, and ...
- Happy dolphins update on Hutchison-Lazaryan freque ...
- Lab Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's Deceptions - T ...Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's Deceptions In August, Truthout conducted soil and water sampling in Pass Christian Harbor, Mississippi; on Grand Isle, Louisiana; and around barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana, in order to test for the presence of oil from BP's Macondo Well. Laboratory test re ...
- University Group Raises Concerns About BP Oil Spil ...Over the Labor Day weekend, the Perdido Bay Mullet Festival in Lillian, Alabama had to do something it's never had to do before -- substitute catfish for mullet. Why? Because, according to event organizer Bill Cornell, the company that supplies the mullet for the annual festival "didn’t feel good ab ...
- WATCH: Feds Says It's Illegal to Dig in the SandVIEW VIDEO http://www.thefoxnation.com/justice/2010/09 /20/watch-feds-says-its-illegal-dig-sand � Sept. 21, 2010
- Reign of Eco-Terror, False Flags, or Strange Accid ...
Crisis Maven
- Economic Musings VI: Modern Economies – Dyin ...There is a great debate in the history of economics whether there can be under-consumption in any real historic moment of the state of an economy and if so, whether it has detrimental effects and if so, what is to be done about it. And modern economists seem to have found a magic wand with [...]
- Blogs and Web Sites you may want to followThe following is a list of blogs and websites that CrisisMaven has followed and observed over the last few months and that readers may want to check out from time to time. Note: neither the sequence of how the blogs are listed here nor any comments by CrisisMaven are an endorsement nor criticism of ...
- Economic Musings VII: Marketing doesn’t adve ...Have you ever wondered if marketing and advertising are the same, if not, what’s the difference and which is the more important of the two? And why should you care? The most successful economic model is without doubt the market economy. It is the consequence of the wealth effects of the division of ...
- CrisisMaven’s Blog News 2010-03-07: Over 25,000 We ...Yesterday around 16:37 GMT we passed the 25,000 threshold … - next report will probably be posted when we’re past the 50,000 mark. Thanks to all avid readers: on 2010-03-18 at around 19:25 GMT we went past our first 20,000 views on our blog in about eight weeks since we began publishing! After that, ...
- Economic Musings VIII: Is there a limit to economi ...Something which puzzles many thinkers and frightens many young people concerned about waste or the pillaging of our natural resources is the question: can “an economy” (whatever that is – we’ll come to that in a minute) grow indefinitely? How can there be unlimited economic growth if we’ve never hea ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further evid ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The following ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagflatio ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest bus ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trade de ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy porte ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This articl ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings were ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- The Stroke of a PenBob Dinneen wants Congress to extend ethanol tax credits with "a stroke of the pen, a little bit of Whiteout, just change the date."
- The Palm Oil ConundrumJoin the forum discussion on this post People sometimes ask which biofuels are competitive head to head with crude oil. By competitive, I mean those that can actually compete favorably with oil prices on a level playing field (i.e., they don’t require big subsidies or mandates in order to compete). ...
- The U.S. Navy and Biofuels – Part IIIJoin the forum discussion on this post This is the concluding installment of my recent interview with Tom Hicks, Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Navy (Energy). Part I discussed the overall goals of the Navy’s biofuel efforts, and in Part II we covered why coal-to-liquids (CTL) is presently off-l ...
- The U.S. Navy and Biofuels – Part IIJoin the forum discussion on this post In Part I of my recent interview with Tom Hicks, Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Navy (Energy), we covered the nature of what the Navy is trying to achieve (and why) with respect to incorporating renewable energy into their operations. Part II begins with a ...
- The U.S. Navy and Biofuels – Part IRobert Rapier and Sam Avro conducted an interview with the Deputy Assistant Secretary to the Navy (Energy) in which the Navy’s investments in biofuels were discussed.
Discovery Educator Network
- Free Educational Software And GamesComments: Welcome to educational-freeware.com! We find and review high-quality free educational software and websites - mostly for kids, but also for grown-ups. We have a large selection of web-based software (check the Online tab), as well as Windows educational software to download (under the Down ...
- How To Make Digital Flashcards With Google Docs Sp ...Tags: flashcards , digital , googledocs , google , spreadsheets , education , learning by: Fred Delventhal
- Educators as Collaborators: 25+ Resources | Teache ...Tags: collaboration , resources , collaborators , students , educators , tools , ShellyTerrell , onlinelearning by: Dean Mantz
- The Inspired ClassroomTags: education , blog , classroom , edtech , technology , learning , tools , KellyTenkely , productivity by: Dean Mantz
- Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy StepsHighlights and Sticky Notes: Step 1: Decide on the Story You Want to Tell Step 2: Gather Your Materials Step 3: Begin Writing Your Script Step 4: Prep Your Equipment The Interview Route Step 5: Create a Storyboard Step 6: Digitize Your Media Step 7: Record a Voice-Over Step 8: Add Music Consider Cop ...
Rodale News
- Join Rodale.com on November 11 for our first Twitt ...Topic: How Clean is My Shower? Thursday, November 11, 4-5 PM EST (1-2 PM PST) read more
- Air Pollution Raises Breast Cancer RiskRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Just 30 percent of breast cancer cases are caused by known risk factors, such as genetic predisposition or family history or lifestyle choices over which women have direct control, like how much they drink or whether they have children late in life, writes medical sociologis ...
- Do This to Keep Lyme Disease out of Your YardRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The fragrant blossoms of honeysuckle herald the coming of spring and warmer temperatures. But these pretty flowers herald the coming of deer, as well, which are highly attracted to honeysuckle. And deer are notorious for hosting the ticks that carry Lyme disease and other il ...
- Tainted Turkey? Toxic Chemical Found in Familiar F ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—A chemical recently dubbed "toxic" by the Canadian government may infiltrate your Thanksgiving dinner—or tonight's dinner, according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology . Researchers from the University of Texas found detectable levels ...
- Stop Crime! Save Money! Sell Your House! Plant a T ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The benefits of trees are as numerous as the acorns falling from a grand oak tree—they help keep our climate in check, reduce flooding, cut energy bills by providing shade, and act as the most eye-appealing air filters on earth. A recent study found trees clean up pollution ...
big think
- On George W.; By George W.Jill Lepore, in her New Yorker piece on Ron Chernow’s Washington: A Life (and on, more broadly, biography), put it beautifully: “There is no humility in monumental biography. But there is humility in nature, in time, and in history. The same sun that shines on the Bunker Hill monument, M ...
- Our Marijuana FearsCalifornia’s Proposition 19 never had a chance. I realized the ballot measure, which would have legalized marijuana under California state law, was doomed a few nights before the election. Over dinner a group of liberal friends—exactly the type of straight-ticket Democrats whose support the measure ...
- Chris Hayes Will Not Sub for Keith Olbermann After ...Nation editor Chris Hayes will not be subbing for Keith Olbermann after all. I posted earlier that he was disinvited but, that was incorrect. Hayes tweeted : "OK: I'm not filling in on Countdown tonight because I didn't feel comfortable doing it given the circumstances."� MSNBC announced that Haye ...
- Neuromarketers Know You Better Than You Know Yours ...What do you think of the advertisement below? Does it warm your heart? Does it bore you? Perhaps the answer depends on whether you’re a parent, or even more specifically, a mother. It turns out that on average, regardless of age, gender, marital status and income level, this P&G advertisement ... Re ...
- Why Genes Aren't Enough to Create a PersonalityPsychiatrists see a lot of people who are, to use the technical term, screwed up. Psychiatrists' talk, then, often turns around curing, or ameliorating, or at least preventing "bad" behaviors and feelings—drug addiction, violence, learning disabilities, crippling anxieties and the like. And a ... ...
Information Liberation
- Hayek vs. Keynes Sequel Sneak Peak at The Economis ...On October 25th, an audience of financial managers and CEOs, politicians, central bankers and nobel prize winning economists at The Economist Magazine's Buttonwood Gathering were treated to an unusual experience: a live rap battle between John Mayn...
- The Federal Reserve Is Holding A Conference On Jek ...The Federal Reserve is going back to Jekyll Island to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the infamous 1910 Jekyll Island meeting that*spawned the draft legislation*that would ultimately create*the U.S. Federal Reserve.* The title of this conferenc...
- 'Are Any Parts of Your Body Sore?' Asks the Man Fr ...Reagan National, 6:40 a.m. today. I opt-out of the humiliating back-scatter machine and ask for a pat-down. Once again, the TSA officers eye me suspiciously. "Wait here," one says. I wait, and wait some more. One obvious technique the TSA is using to...
- Who Has The Crystal Ball? My conservative and Republican acquaintances believe that the *liberal media* is destroying America. When I ask them to identify the liberal media, the usual reply is, *all of it!* I ask them about Fox *News,* CNN, and point out that the TV networ...
- Tennessee: Top Cop Luxury Vacation Paid By Speed C ...The police chief in Oak Ridge, Tennessee received an all-expense paid vacation in Arizona, while collecting his on-duty salary, in return for his providing testimony that helped save Redflex Traffic Systems from paying millions in possible damages. T...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- The Dragon’s Dissent Part III: Naked Nationa ...The emergence of China as the world’s new superpower has raised many questions in the international community and across the blogosphere regarding the longer-range agenda of the Middle Kingdom. In a recent discussion on this forum, the question of Chinese … Continue reading →
- U.S. Elections: Will Liberty Win?Well today’s the day. As just about every other blog in the sphere is covering the elections today, I thought I’d throw the forum open, and we can discuss the results as they come in, in real time. If as … Continue reading →
- Libertarianism And Drug LiberalizationG’day everyone, Just arrived back home safe and sound. Sorry there hasn’t been a new post in several days, but just at the moment my family needs me more than the Bar and Grill does. Dr. Dave has graciously stepped … Continue reading →
- Stealing Democracy?G’day everyone, Ozboy here. The United States mid-term elections are just one week away, and the mounting resentment many Americans feel about the way their country is being governed appears certain to be made clear at the polls. One of … Continue reading →
- MWP – The Warmists’ Retreat Gains Spee ...I’m on the road at the moment, so just a brief post today. I was most amused to read the latest article in Watt’s Up With That? concerning a climate conference that occurred a month ago in Portugal, and attended … Continue reading →
FAS - Secrecy News
- A New Policy on Controlled Unclassified InfoThe White House today issued an executive order to establish a uniform policy for handling “controlled unclassified information” (CUI), which is information that is restricted from disclosure because it involves personal privacy, proprietary data, law enforcement investigations, or for certain other ...
- Army Weapon Systems Handbook 2011The U.S. Army has published its 2011 Weapon Systems handbook, a catalog of current weapon programs that are in various phases of the acquisition process. A copy was obtained by Secrecy News. Many of the programs are mature and familiar; others are less so. In each case, the program’s purpose and ...
- CRS on India-U.S. RelationsIn advance of President Obama’s visit to India this weekend, the Congressional Research Service has prepared an updated assessment of “India-U.S. Relations” (pdf), dated October 27, 2010.
- A Step Towards Intelligence Budget ReformNow that regular publication of the intelligence budget total has been accepted as the new norm, it is becoming possible to dismantle the related structures of budget secrecy that no longer serve any purpose. In particular, the prospect of establishing a stand-alone intelligence budget that is inde ...
- Surveillance Court Issues New Rules of ProcedureThe Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which reviews government applications for domestic intelligence surveillance, issued new rules (pdf) on Monday to govern its proceedings. The new rules differ only slightly from the draft rules (pdf) that were issued for public comment in late August (“ ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Airbus A380 engine failureA380 engine failure – Qantas flight 32 en route to Sydney, Australia, forced to make an emergency landing after an engine failure. Qantas has grounded all of its Airbus A380 “superjumobo” fleet as a result. There are 20 other A380s around the globe that have the same Rolls Royce engines as Qantas fl ...
- It’s a bug’s lifeI briefly review Daniel Marlos’ latest book, Curious World of Bugs, in Six Sexy Science Books. But, I wanted to know more about the book and so offered Marlos a few questions on which he might wax lyrical. What makes bugs such a fascinating subject? Bugs make such a fascinating subject because they ...
- Shrinking synchrotrons, stink bugs, odour vieShrinking synchrotrons – Details of a tabletop synchrotron device has been revealed by an international team of scientists in the journal Nature Physics. The new device could revolutionise X-ray work and preclude the need for large-scale synchrotrons in many structural studies without compromising r ...
- Latest science snippetsShampoo in your eyes – Botanical extracts added to shampoos almost never do anything at all and are usually there purely and simply to make the product look more natural. They are used at very low levels indeed. Expensive shampoo is a waste of money as is the cheap stuff you buy by the gallon. [. ...
- Olive oil, breast cancer, gigapixel scansOlive oil biophenols – Raman reveals all – The first report of Raman spectroscopy being used to look at chemical structures in olive oil has been published. The study establishes Raman as a rapid, non-destructive and reliable analytical technique for identifying bioactive components, such as biophen ...
RFF Library
- Managing Allowances in a Cap-and-Trade ProgramCongressional Budget Office http://tinyurl.com/37hqtmd [From Summary] The accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere–particularly carbon dioxide released as a result of deforestation and the use of fossil fuels–could create costly changes in regional climates throughout the world. Concern ab ...
- Climate Change Adaptation: What Federal Agencies A ...Pew Center on Global Climate Change http://tinyurl.com/25wn8ey [From Report Page] In March 2010, the Pew Center released the report, Adapting to Climate Change: A Call for Federal Leadership. The Pew Center’s report was developed with the understanding that while many efforts to adapt to climate cha ...
- Fighting Oil Addiction: Ranking States’ Gaso ...NRDC / David Gardiner & Associates, LLC, and Deron Lovaas http://tinyurl.com/35v752w [From Press Release] The events of 2010 have made clear the perils of our dependence on oil. The continued recession has stretched the resources of many Americans and underscored the need for affordable transportati ...
- Facilitating Climate Change Responses: A Report of ...National Academies Press / Paul C. Stern and Roger E. Kasperson (eds.) http://tinyurl.com/2bppm9n (free PDF with registration) [Description] The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, understanding the need for policy makers at the national level to entrain the behavioral and social sciences in addre ...
- Investing in Clean Energy: How to Maximize Clean E ...Center for American Progress , Global Climate Network http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2010/11/investing_clean_energy.html In this new report, the Global Climate Network (GCN) explores how much clean energy can be deployed in four developing countries using international funding. In order to m ...
Scientific American - News
- The Heat Was On: Atmospheric CO 2 Triggered a Glo ...Atmospheric CO 2 was the primary driver of a 400,000-year global warming event, known as the middle Eocene climatic optimum (MECO), according to a new study. The finding, which could help climatologists better understand the precise relationship between CO 2 concentration and climate change today, ...
- U.S. Jaguar Habitat Designation DelayedJaguars , which once roamed much of the southern U.S. but are now endangered--if not extinct--here, were slated to get a new so-called critical habitat to encourage their repatriation. [More]
- Architects Vie to Design the City of the Future--O ...BOSTON--The moon has long loomed large as the next logical site for human expansion, a frontier land still lightly explored but visible to all throughout human history. With the recent discovery of a significant volume of water on the lunar surface, the idea of the moon as a livable habitat has beco ...
- California Cuts Carbon in Bid to Spur Clean Techno ...SAN FRANCISCO--Voters have turned back an effort to suspend California's efforts to tackle climate change, a wide-reaching program ranging from a cap-and-trade market for greenhouse gas emissions to energy efficiency standards for televisions. [More]
- Exposing the Weakest Link: As Airline Passenger Se ...The latest terrorism scare, involving a pair of explosive packages bound for Chicago from Yemen, has shed light on a new target for bombers--aircraft traveling to the U.S. whose cargo holds either have not been inspected, or if they have, by x-rays and bomb-sniffing dogs� that are not sensitive enou ...
- AFGHANISTAN: More war victims, fewer landmine casu ...IRIN: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has opened its seventh prosthetic and orthotic centre in Afghanistan to help rehabilitate permanently disabled people, but the man leading the programme says more centres are needed. Alberto Cairo, who has led ICRC’s orthopaedic programme in ...
- Iraq, Afghanistan among “most corrupt” ...AFP: Iraq and Afghanistan on Tuesday came near the top of a closely watched global list of countries perceived to be the most corrupt, despite efforts to stamp out graft in the war-torn nations. Nearly three-quarters of the 178 countries in Transparency International's annual survey scored on the sl ...
- Australia’s helping hand to warlord condemne ...The Sydney Morning Herald: AUSTRALIA’S decision to train militiamen loyal to an Afghan warlord is senseless and harmful to the long term future of Afghanistan, experts say. The Herald revealed last week that six men loyal to Matiullah Khan, a tribal strongman who dominates parts of Oruzgan province, ...
- Afghan civilian deaths caused by allied forces ris ...The Los Angeles Times: U.S. and allied forces have failed to reduce the number of civilian fatalities caused by them in Afghanistan despite a two-year effort by American commanders, internal U.S. military statistics show. Civilian deaths have risen 11% from 144 at this time last year to 160 in 2010.
- Taliban schools to brainwash us: suicide bomberSamaylive: The Taliban have established schools on the outskirts of Pakistan's Karachi city where sermons are delivered to woo youths, said a teenaged would-be suicide bomber arrested Monday.In urban centers, the Taliban recruit from ow-income neighborhoods.
- Way less than 10% Pure New Zealand marine environm ...Kiwis love our ocean. Oceans cover 70% of our planet and represent over 95% of the biosphere and in New Zealand our waters are particularly special. You may not have noticed (I didn’t see anything in the papers about it) that last week a big conservation meeting wrapped up in Nagoya ...
- Neo-Muldoonism with a smileI’ve posted before about the way this government is turning increasingly Muldoonist. The ECAN Act, the billion dollar infrastructure projects without any cost benefit analysis (Holiday Highway), the unlawful failure to answer OIA requests in time, the extensive use of urgency and ...
- Removing ‘claim of right’ dangerousThe government is a poor loser. It didn’t bother to appeal after it lost the ‘intentional damage’ case against the three men who pricked a dome at the Waihopai spybase. But it hasn’t let the matter rest. Last month it laid a $1 million damages claim against the men. To add insult to ...
- It’s business time at the Green Economics Co ...I’m looking forward to the conference on sustainable economics that we’re hosting in Wellington next week. The conference will include speakers from across the political spectrum, as well as business people, academics, and keynote speaker, Dr David Suzuki. My small part of the day w ...
- Urgency – Nats go crazyThere’s been a lot of discussion lately about the Govt’s use of urgency. So I asked the library to do the stats. Which show that the Nats really are using urgency a lot more. Another example of their neo-Muldoonism. Urgency 48th and 49th Parliament (to 2 November 2010)Â Â Â Â ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- As Western Civilization Lies DyingThe Western commercial system exists to extract more from consumers than it supplies in products and services. Its goal is profit and has never been the improvement of the human condition but to exploit it. When governments institutionalize this system, they place their nations on suicidal paths, be ...
- Is Perfect Research PossibleSome claim that there is no hope of doing perfect research. So, is there hope of doing perfect research? Of course there issometimes! It all depends on the whetherwhether the subject is limited and whether the researcher can write and is intelligent enough to adequately evaluate the evidence. Un ...
- The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of ...No civilization in history that collapsed after a period of greatness has ever regained its dominance. Egypt lasted for three millennia; today it is little more than a field for archeological study. The Persian Empire, which lasted for more than three hundred years, became the largest and most p ...
- Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practic ...Wars are fought for business, but business and the economy are synonymous. Wars will continue to be fought for the economy as long as this economy is not abandoned. War is a logical consequence of it, not a means utilized by it. No attempt to eliminate war and preserve the economy can succeed. A ...
- Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits th ...Americans have a problem with the truth. They seem to be unable to accept it. Beliefs somehow always overwhelm it, even when they are so contradictory that any effective action becomes impossible. By calling people with opinions experts and relying on adversarial debate between them, not only is ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- No Policy, No NarrativeSo last night Marian suggested that Obama is doomed. The economy is going to improve, Republicans will take all the credit for it, and they'll win in 2012. I don't actually believe that — partly because I'm not sure the economy is going to improve substantially, and partly because if it does I thin ...
- Beware the SpinOver at the mothership, Stephanie Mencimer says that former Christian Coalition wunderkind Ralph Reed is "still one of the shrewder observers of American politics." Maybe so, but this sure doesn't convince me: To support his assessment that the election was a direct reflection of the voters' feel ...
- Prop 19 PostmortemI've been busy and only just now got around to looking at the final results for Prop 19, the California initiative to legalize marijuana. Here it is: I know this won't be much solace to everyone who worked on Prop 19, but.....this isn't so bad, really. Given the automatic headwind of getting peop ...
- QE2 Sails Into PortQuantitative easing is officially here: The Fed said it would buy an additional $600 billion in long-term Treasury securities by the end of June 2011, somewhat more than the $300 billion to $500 billion that many in the markets had expected. The central bank said it would also continue its progr ...
- Politicizing Climate ScienceCan climate scientists confine themselves solely to analytical judgments about global warming and steer clear of politics entirely? This is what Judith Curry advocates, but Dave Roberts thinks it just isn't possible in the real world: I'm not talking about climate sensitivities or hurricane frequ ...
Insanity Report
- How The Fuck Does Bill Maher Get Away With This Sh ...I’ll be honest. When the whole Juan Williams/NPR Fiasco went down, I didn’t call Juan a bigot. I didn’t cry for him being fired because, well, he had no business being on NPR to begin with. But I wasn’t going to call the man a bigot solely because he had the backbone to admit a [...]
- IC 208: Kanye West Doesn’t Care About Bush PeopleTopics for the show: Woman in West Virginia utters words you never thought would be in a Police Report The NFL and bad coaching Mike Shanahan makes a good excuse for why parents should beat their kids Weezy’s free The McRib is back San Fran bans the Happy Meal The Midterm Elections Kanye West vs [.. ...
- FacePalm of the Week: San Francisco Bans Happy Me ...I know, it’s the day after the election and you’re probably expecting me to have a “FacePalm of the Week” for all the idiots (yes idiots), proud they didn’t vote. Well, I’m here to surprise you. No those people don’t get a facepalm. No those people get something else from me: A Kriss ‘Fuck You’. ...
- In Terms of Noise…MSNBC = Fox NewsSo at the Rally yesterday, during one of the segments Jon Stewart played a montage of ridiculous over the top rhetoric from both sides (Left & Right) of the mainstream media. No one around me in the rally at the time seemed to have any problem. Most actuallylaughed. But apparently some Liberals d ...
- The Insanity Reports on The The Rally To Restore S ...The irony of me, the owner of this site called The Insanity Report, going to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” is not lost on me. I created the Insanity Report in order to report on all the crazy things going in the world. I wasn’t meaning to be political [...] ...
Simple Climate
- Extracting urine in the name of climate research50,000-year old animal toilets are in fact sensitive measures of prehistoric climate, says Brian Chase, from the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences in Montpellier, France.
- Arctic warming full aheadWith both the Northeast and Northwest Passages opening to shipping this year, as the Arctic climate continues to change rapidly, ships actually using them could make matters worse.
- “Cherry picking” is a rotten accusationChoosing which data to include and which to leave out is central to science, argues Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology's George Wang, even though critics of climate scientists might object to leaving out certain weather stations from their temperature measurements.
- Climate-driven species creep hangs in the balanceCompeting influences are allowing the equatorial end of some organisms' range to stay in place, while warming allows them to move further polewards, but when the competition breaks down, population decline can be expected, scientists have suggested this week.
- Rapid climate change poses ecological questionsCold-blooded tropical creatures, like lizards, are more affected by global warming than their relatives in colder areas, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology's George Wang has found. Now, he says that this unexpected result shows just how much ecologists don't know about what the current s ...
e!Science News
- Johns Hopkins researchers reshape basic understand ...By tracking the flow of information in a cell preparing to split, Johns Hopkins scientists have identified a protein mechanism that coordinates and regulates the dynamics of shape change necessary for division of a single cell into two daughter cells. read more
- National study shows CT screening of former, curre ...A large national study finds that screening current or former heavy smokers with a CT scan can reduce deaths from lung cancers by 20 percent. One potential reason for the reduction is that the scan can pick up tumors at an early stage. The study was conducted by the National Cancer Institute at 33 ...
- Looking older than your age may not be a sign of p ...Even though most adults want to avoid looking older than their actual age, research led by St. Michael's Hospital shows that looking older does not necessarily point to poor health. The study found that a person needed to look at least 10 years older than their actual age before assumptions about th ...
- 'Prima donna' protein doesn't work well in pairsA new study by Rice University bioengineers finds that the workhorse proteins that move cargo inside living cells behave like prima donnas. The protein, called kinesin, is a two-legged molecular machine. Rice's scientists invented tools that could measure the pulling power of kinesin both singly and ...
- New statistical model moves human evolution back 3 ...Evolutionary divergence of humans from chimpanzees likely occurred some 8 million years ago rather than the 5 million year estimate widely accepted by scientists, a new statistical model suggests. read more
- Friday Finds: BP Blows Its Alaska TestOwls are being targeted by Harry Potter fans in India. Photo courtesy of stock.xchng BP's negligence could prove to be explosive, again Maintenance of BP's Alaska operations is woefully neglected, according to an internal m ...
- Coral Is Dying Near BP's Gulf Oil Spill SiteScientists have discovered damage to deep-sea coral that may be caused by BP's huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The findings, in connection with a university study on dispersants, are the first potential evidence of harm being caused to deepwater organisms. Dead and dying coral formations � we ...
- Election Stalls Progress Towards A Healthier Plane ...There is no reason to beat around the bush: Tuesday's election results are a setback in our progress towards a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable planet. At a time when the world desperately needs leadership from the United States, voters have installed in the House of Representatives those who h ...
- What Pairs Well With a Glass of 190g CO2 Sauvignon ...It’s not uncommon in our technology-obsessed society for common sense to be tossed aside in favor of robotic gadgetry and whiz-bang statistics that look impressive but don’t really convey relevant information. Case in point: win ...
- Election: It's About The Economy, Stupid (Not Cli ...There's been so much talk about the dirty words of "cap 'n trade" the last few weeks that one could really start to believe the spin. That is, the argument put forward by a few candidates and pundits, and some misguided reporter ...
Brave New Climate
- Two nuclear-solar dialogues in Melbourne next weekBack in September, I visited UNSW in Sydney and debated Mark Diesendorf on nuclear and solar power. It was a useful night, with quite a few Sydney-based BNC readers attending. I was pleased with the outcome — I just hope the audio becomes available at some point. Now this “Brain Food” event comes to ...
- Of brains, biceps and baloneyGuest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published book is CSIRO Perfidy. NASA climate scientist James Hansen’s recent book Storms of my Grandchildren makes accessible the evidence behind the judgement of m ...
- Open Thread 7Open Thread 6 is getting overly bloated in its old age, at 650 comments, and is taking too much time to load. So it’s time for new one. The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like â there is nothing âoff topicâ here â within reason. So [...]
- SNE 2060 – can we build nuclear power plants fast ...The nuclear scenario I describe here requires around 10,000 GWe of nuclear capacity by 2060, to replace most of our current fossil fuel use. (For further justification of this 10 TW target, read this TCASE post.) My next step is to look critically as some of the critical underpinning assumptions — u ...
- Pebble Bed Advanced High Temperature Reactor at UC ...When I visited California earlier this month, Tom Blees and I paid a visit to Prof Per Peterson and Prof Jasmina Vujic at the Nuclear Engineering Department of UC Berkeley. After chatting over lunch, Per took us on a personal tour of his lab, which was quite an experience. Per’s research focuses on ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Have Some in Germany Forgotten the Holocaust?Have Some in Germany Forgotten the Holocaust? [politicsdaily.com] LONDON -- "I'm Hitler-ed out," my 6-year-old daughter declared. We were standing in the German Historical Museum in Berlin during a recent family holiday, strolling through an exhibit titled "Hitler and the Germans: Nation and Crime." ...
- Obama: India Ain’t Just About Gandhi and Outsourci ...Obama: India Ain’t Just About Gandhi and Outsourcing | Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog : "As an Indian-American, anytime the US President visits India, I get excited about the possibilities of a stronger relationship between the two gigantic countries. And, tomorrow, US President ...
- Article: Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI StingOpEdNews - Article: Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting The story is disturbingly familiar. FBI agents arrest a suspect on terrorism related charges, nearly always a Muslim, photographed full bearded to look menacing. Media reports highlight it, headlining government charges to incite fear. An ...
- Report: Modern day debtors' prisons devastating th ...Report: Modern day debtors' prisons devastating the poor : (FinalCall.com) - Poor men and women exit America's prisons and jails, believing that they have paid their debts to society, but a new prison study by the ACLU revealed that many are being locked up or threatened because they cannot affor ...
- Peltier case a stain on US human rights recordFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 05 November 2010 Contact: Delaney Bruce, Legal Team Liaison, Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee, PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106, USA; Telephone: 701/235-2206; contact@whoisleonardpeltier.info Peltier case a stain on US human rights record Today, the United States submit ...
Republicans are a Disease
- The Teabaggers Will Be Let Down In 3, 2, 1…Imagine. People so stupid that they thought the corporate controlled frauds they voted for would do anything but hand out more corporate welfare goodies….. Amazing.
- Republicans Hate The TroopsAccording to this story, 92% of politicians receiving a D, or an F grade are Republicans. Go figure. Raw Story Article
- Fascism Is Finally HereWait until all the corporate mobsters drop by the offices of the Republican tools they paid to have elected, and want more handouts, tax breaks, and subsidies. Do you think billionaires, and corporations spent all those anonymous millions on Republicans so said Republicans can serve the “people” ...
- Think Republicans Are On Your Side?If you think Republicans are on your side, you are either a billionaire, in which case it is true, or you are mentally retarded, and you should be in an institution.
- No Income Tax = 83 Of America’s 100 Largest ...83 of the nations largest 100 companies paid zero income tax last year. When the teabaggers to to Washington to try to take their country back, who is it that truly controls their country? I haven’t seen any anti corporate control, anti lobbyist signs at their rallies. Do they even know who their re ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a found ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-2688 o ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conference H ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachian ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind coalfi ...
Amped Status
- Midterm Election Further Demonstrates Need for Rev ...Yes, I sound extreme, but these are extreme times. Most Americans have only a vague understanding of the collapse that we have been set up for. I’m not going to sit quietly as our future is ripped out from under us. I see the path we are on and I intend to change it!
- ‘Road Through 2012′ Book Release Moved ...I've had two very powerful interests threaten to sue me over the release of my new book. To make matters even worse, a third interest is going to lengths to make my life as difficult as possible...
- The Road to Revolution: 99% Uprising (Video)Republicans and Democrats have failed us. Both parties have been bought off by a well-organized Economic Elite who are tactically destroying our way of life. The harsh truth is that 99% of the US population no longer has political representation. The US economy, government and tax system are now bla ...
- The Covert Origins of the Af-Pak War - The Road to ...The bottom line is that we have entered a period of major wars over declining resources. The Af-Pak operations are only initial moves in an attempt to control the earth's remaining oil supply. -- Here's the latest excerpt from David DeGraw's new book, "The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War ...
- Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BC ...Here is Part II of David DeGraw’s new book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.” The BCCI scandal gave citizens of the world a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the covert global banking intelligence power structure, revealing power politics in its purest form.
- Women-trafficking in everyday life: Secular Jewish ...By Eyal Clyne | Translation from Hebrew: Hava Oz Women often fantasize about their wedding day, even though this event is a public celebration of their inferiority. Modern weddings among secular and progressive Jews are supposedly characterized by more individualistic and egalitarian traits. We have ...
- Tablet calling Israel “A Liberal’s Paradise& ...This is one of the most bizarre pieces I’ve seen this year. It comes from Tablet’s blog editor, Marc Tracy: Israel, A Liberalâs Paradise Are you a liberal upset over Tuesdayâs results? Then have we got a country for you! Starting next week, non-Jewish or -affiliated same-sex couples will be able to ...
- Nov 4: Labor Strongmen going after Ehud Barak972 magazine’s daily media roundup: an insiders’ attack on defense minister Ehud Barak; Pro-Netanyahu tabloid celebrating the Democratic defeat in the midterms Ahabal (××××): Slang (org. Arabic) for a fool, an idiot. It’s time to learn a new word: Ahabal. That’s the term union leader and Labor str ...
- Danny Ayalon and UNESCO: Lies or Incompetence?Twitter and Facebook messages announcing Israel’s suspension of its contacts with UNESCO were released by the Deputy Foreign Minister hours after issuing a formal denial that blamed his spokeswoman for the original announcement Last night (Wed.) the Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, announced ...
- Nov 3: Intelligence chief expects regional conflic ...The Headlines: Bad for Israel > Israel’s outgoing chief of Military Intelligence (and future head of Mossad?), Maj Gen Amos Yadlin, warns Israelis not be fooled by the “unprecedented” security they have enjoyed recently. The IDF’s own Jeremiah predicts that the “next military conflict” will happen o ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Irrigation infrastructure efficiency grants progr ...South Australian River Murray irrigation operators are invited to apply for Australian Government funding to improve water efficiency and return water to rivers and wetlands.
- Television recycling free of charge People in regional South Australia and Broken Hill will be able to drop off their broken and obsolete TVs free of charge under an initiative sponsored by the Australian, South Australian and New South Wales Governments.
- 1800 new affordable homes for Victorian communiti ...Eight new affordable housing projects in Docklands, Cheltenham, Dandenong, Footscray, Frankston and Ringwood are underway thanks to the partnership between the Gillard and Brumby Labor Governments.
- Boost to Snowy River flows Environmental flows in the iconic Snowy River will start ramping up next week after the finalisation of a deal between the NSW, Victorian and Australian Governments to provide an additional 24 billion litres of water this year.
- Australia’s biodiversity conservation strategy se ...Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, today released Australia’s new strategy for biodiversity conservation on behalf of the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council.
Matt Weidner Blog
- Service of Process Fraud- The Next Boot To Drop in ...The press is starting to pick up on what will be an unavoidable and unresolvable conflict in foreclosure cases….fraud in service of process. Forget about Jeffrey Stephan and the other “technical” problems with foreclosure files, because when you don’t have good service of process, you don’t have jur ...
- FANNIE MAE/FREDDIE MAC DIASTER WILL COST BAJILLION ...The Wall Street Journal today estimated that it will cost $685 billion to overhaul Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The reality is no one has any idea how much it will cost to try and bring some stability to the US mortgage and housing markets because all the talking heads and “leaders” refuse to ackno ...
- The New Yorker on FraudclosureGateThe New Yorker is a weighty intellectual magazine…and this substantive publication has published an interesting commentary on FraudclosureGate. In my opinion, the article misses several key facts that argue against the ultimate conclusion…that things will not end as badly as I am predicting, but God ...
- Who Owns Property? Who Cares? What Does It Matter ...The banks and their law firms are playing fast and loose, and sometimes they’re committing outright fraud with the title and ownership of tens of thousands of properties all across the country. The title to real property in this country will be soiled for decades. One of the key pleading defects t ...
- New Attorneys General- The Investigations Will Con ...A real question after the nationwide elections was how the 50 state attorney general investigations into Fraudclosuregate will continue–Read the New York Times For More. Tweet this! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
abelard - news
- marxist obama castrated - stock market rises 2% in ...And no, it's not because more money has been pumped in. It's business welcoming back the Republicans.
- on pensions | politics/economics news at abelard.o ...Why pensions are not something to over-worry about. There are better ways than burying gold (or hard-earned cash) in a hole (or a pension fund).
- birbalsingh on the socialist religion's corruption ...Honesty and acuity of analysis on the abuse of power over the young by (UK) socialists.
- interesting that redwood doesn't get to the heart ...Primer on how banks make money, as so how to regulate them.
- robonaut to go to space | science and technology n ...R2 is to be the new Sace Station crew member. When he has legs, or wheels, will he (it) be R2D2?
The Parallel Parliament
- Hitting A WallTrue economic conservatives have been all tied up in knots over the decision to deny BHP’s bid for Potash Corp. Free markets are a staple of conservative policy and it was believed that the federal government would refuse to stand in the way of the purchase. The fact it didn’t happen has prompted a ...
- On Politics As EntertainmentLike many of you, I take a tour though media stories before heading off to work in the morning. One of my favourite reads has always been the Globe and Mail’s entertainment writer John Doyle. I don’t watch TV much, but his comments are frequently cheeky, insightful and just a plain good read. But in ...
- I’m GratefulTo all of you, Happy Thanksgiving. Filed under: Faith, Personal, Politics, The New Internationalism
- Peace On The CheapIn Ottawa these days we are increasingly hearing of the “peace dividend” – the resources that will be freed up once our commitment to Afghanistan is terminated early next year. But it’s something of a misnomer, since we’ll be departing a country and region seemingly in a state of constant conflict. ...
- A Super Hornet’s NestI recently encountered a high-ranking Canadian military officer in the Toronto airport. We sat by the departure gate and he noticed I was reading Getting Back in the Game � a foreign policy manual by Paul Heinbecker, past Canadian ambassador to the United Nations. � � It was only after the discussi ...
Vaccine Awakening
- Vaccine Science: A Search for Truthby Barbara Loe Fisher February 2009 turned out to be a month when vaccine science was put on trial in the U.S. Court of Claims in Washington, D.C., in mainstream media and on the internet, in the British Medical Journal and in vaccine safety research initiatives by the U.S. Department of Health and ...
- Talking Vaccine Science with Government: Why Do It ...by Barbara Loe Fisher After the historic election in November that saw Barack Obama elected President, I wondered what he and his Administration would do about addressing the question that is on the minds of many parents: Why are so many vaccinated children today chronically ill, suffering with lea ...
- Vaccine Bullies & Fighting BackBy Barbara Loe Fisher During the past decade, families in the United Kingdom, Canada and America have witnessed the demonization of brave doctors and parents of vaccine injured children. It has been both sickening and frightening to watch physicians and some journalists engage in a relentless perse ...
- Doctor-Heroes Standing For Better Vaccine Scienceby Barbara Loe Fisher The cry that was heard around the world in the early 1980's, when mothers and fathers realized an old, crude pertussis vaccine was killing and damaging the brains of their children, is being echoed today by new generations of parents struggling to raise vaccine injured childre ...
- Politics, Profits & Pandemic Fear Mongeringby Barbara Loe Fisher Are you grabbing your face mask, stocking up on food and Tamiflu, locking your doors and keeping your TV tuned to the news to find out just how bad the "swine flu pandemic" really is going to get? While Americans are being scared to death, few are noticing how much of their ta ...
2020 Science
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia Note to self: Try not to fall asleep before important interviews with smart journalists. It’s been a tough week. My gift from last week’s meeting in San Francisco was a lovely ripe cold – something of an occupational hazard these days being cooped up in airp ...
- International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechnolog ...Back in the mists of time, I was approached with a crazy proposition – would I help co-edit a book on nanotechnologies regulation! In a moment of weakness I said yes, and a little more than two and a half years later, the book is finally about to hit the shelves. I actually think the [...] ...
- Spiders, silk and a transgenic goat – the complex ...Last week while at the NISE Net network-wide meeting, I was fortunate enough to see a preview of part of NOVA’s forthcoming series Making Stuff. The series focuses on the wonders of modern materials science. But rather than coming away enthralled by the ingenuity of scientists, I found myself breaki ...
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia Most of this last week was spent in San Francisco, at the NISE Net (Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network) network-wide meeting – possibly my favorite meeting of the year (I might have mentioned that before). This year I had the additional pleasure of ...
- Lost in the Maize – Poster Day at the UM School of ...A weekly reflection on life in academia Today was my first Poster Day at the School of Public Health. For those readers not intimately attuned to the School’s calendar (i.e. most of you), it’s a chance for second year Masters students to present and talk about their Summer field experiences (somet ...
Reader Supported News
- Pelosi Wants to Remain as Democratic House LeaderThe report begins: "Despite widespread complaints about massive losses that will put Democrats in the minority, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she will try to stay on as leader of her party in the House." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and New York Senator Cha ...
- Patty Murray of Washington State Wins 4th Term"Democrats gained more breathing room in the Senate with the victory of Washington US Senator Patty Murray, whose fourth term was secured after a three-day vote count." Senator Patty Murray waves to supporters during her acceptance speech at Tuta Bella pizzeria in Seattle on Thursday, 11/04/10. ( ...
- WikiLeaks Urges US to Fully Examine Abuses"Julian Assange said WikiLeaks would release thousands of documents this year concerning not only the United States, but other countries including Russia and Lebanon." Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, holds a news conference at the Geneva Press Club in Geneva, 11/04/10. (photo: Reuters) ...
- Patty Murray of Washington State Wins 4th Term"Democrats gained more breathing room in the Senate with the victory of Washington US Senator Patty Murray, whose fourth term was secured after a three-day vote count." Senator Patty Murray waves to supporters during her acceptance speech at Tuta Bella pizzeria in Seattle on Thursday, 11/04/10. ( ...
- WikiLeaks Urges US to Fully Examine Abuses"Julian Assange said WikiLeaks would release thousands of documents this year concerning not only the United States, but other countries including Russia and Lebanon." Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, holds a news conference at the Geneva Press Club in Geneva, 11/04/10. (photo: Reuters) ...
War Resisters League
- IVAW Women’s Retreat this weekend!Dear Supporters, My name is Joyce Wagner. I am a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, and I am a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. This Labor Day, IVAW women will hold our first ever retreat in support of women veterans. Your donation today will help us make [...]
- Protest nuclear warhead test launch tomorrow!Protest September 14, 11:55 pm (midnight) missile launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base: NOTE 09/14/10: THIS LAUNCH AND PROTEST HAVE BEEN CANCELED– More info to come! Join the protest of the test launch of a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) thermo-nuclear warhead delivery system ...
- International Days of Action in Solidarity with Br ...Support Bradley Manning! Oakland, California, USA Thursday, September 16th, 7-9pm Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street, Oakland CA (Between Telegraph and Broadway) Speakers: DANIEL ELLSBERG, Pentagon Papers whistle-blower COL. ANN WRIGHT (ret.), former US diplomat RAY MCGOVERN, former CIA analyst AIMEE AL ...
- March for Justice on October 2!What: One Nation Working Together Who: A broad-based national coalition of labor, racial and economic justice groups, community organizations, and antiwar organizations. Where: Washington D.C. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial When: Saturday, October 2 Dear fellow War Resisters, As the U.S. expen ...
- Latino Youth Defines DREAM Act as a DeFacto Milita ...By VAMOS Unidos Youth We write this statement to raise our voices as Latino youth working and living in the Bronx, New York in opposition to the DREAM ACT as it stands. We demand that we return to our original DREAM ACT that had a community service option instead of a military one. The military ... ...
Water Power
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