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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

25 November RSS SnapShot! Pt 1

RSS Feed Results from Opit's LinkFest! at  My Opera

IPS - Inter Press Services

Scoop - NZ

Independent - London

Rogue Government.com

Innovation Canada

Signs of the times

The Galloping Beaver

Media Matters for America

Global Research.ca

TPM Cafe



Water Quality - WordPress

Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts

Axis of Logic

They Gave Us a Republic

Care 2

Smirking Chimp

Paul Krugman

No Quarter

Environmental Graffiti

Foreign Policy in Focus

Global Elite

Al Jazeera

Green Inc. - NYT

Dot Earth News

Doug Feith : Hong Pong

Daily Censored

AlterNet's Breaking News

Institute for Policy Studies

Equality Trust


Marler Blog


Rafe's Radar

Camera Obscura

Democracy Now!

Farming Pathogens



Insurgency Watch - Newswire

AlterNet - Rights and Liberties

Sideways News

Fabius Maximus

Open Your Eyes News

The Progressive Realist

TAPPED - The American Prospect


Glenn Greenwald - Salon

The BiPartisan Report


Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire

Common Dreams-Views

Newshoggers - AfPak

Water Wars

WordPress | Economics

Electronic Intifada

Afghanistan Sun


geopolitics | geoeconomics

on Government Oversight

Digital Journal

End Homelessness | Change.org


Kevin Trudeau Show

Pambazuka News

War in Context

Watts Up With That?

Dandelion Salad

Your New Reality

Wired - Science

Israeli Occupation Archive

Ria Novosti - Military


Natural Health News



Opinio Juris

Investigate - Breaking News

My Care2 Picks

Angry Indian News

Farm Wars

True/Slant Headline Grabs

Citizens for Legitimate Government

The Briefing Room | Investigate


Vaccine Resistance Movement

B.C. Preppers Network

Michael Yon

The Killing Train


Democratic Voice of Burma

Telegraph - Climate Change

National Geographic | Environment

Jurist - Legal Research

Atlantic | Mark Ambinder

COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade

Bulletin of American Scientists - News

Tikun Olam

Ode Magazine

OpEd News


Lawyers,Guns,& Money

Desert Research Institute

Earth Techling

National Law Journal | U.S.

How Shall We Do The Mountain ?

News Blaze

environment 360

Red Ice Creations

Russia Today

Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica

Tippers News

The Freeman

Teaching Online Journalism

Facing South

Worldpress - Africa

Canadian Encyclopedia

How Can I Recycle This ?