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By now I hope everyone has heard about the new regulations on airport screening from the US's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Full-body scanning equi...
Nor Cal Truth: Another High Rise in China Burns Completely Without Collapse On Nov. 15th in China a 28 story building burned on almost every floor, and stood the next day to be inspected. This was the fire...
9/11 Families Ask: What Happened to the Third Building That Collapsed in the WTC Attacks? By Stephen C. Webster Published: November 15, 2010 A
new television ad campaign featuring the family ...
War-resister blogger Dave Ward says he is neither coward nor hero. Obviously I don't think war resisters are cowards. And frankly, I think the people who call them cowards are idiots. I won't address that ...
You may recall that I had a minor incident with a Toronto police officer in late September. Along with many other people, I was prevented from crossing the street by a photo shoot, and was in danger of mis...
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the world's fastest moving hunters, suggests a new study of this dinosaur's muscular tail.
Bolivia’s Initiative Leads UN to Organize “World Conference on Indigenous Peoples”COMMIUNIQUE (New York, 11/17/10) Plurinational State of Bolivia Photo: Michelle Cook, Navajo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 Fol...
E-books like the Kindle are flying off virtual shelves and toppling sales of hardcover books for the first time.
Stem cell injections boosted the leg muscles of mice and warded off the typical loss of muscle mass.
The antimatter equivalent of the hydrogen atom has been trapped for the first time in a milestone that could reveal more about our universe.
Medieval texts suggest the Vikings arrived in the New World more than 1,000 years ago.
wordgeezer Nov. 17, 2010 This is a big story on Youtube and on the innernet in general, but is almost lacking any coverage by the main stream media. Tony Szamboti, of shows over 5000 hits...
[image:] The management of United States President Barack Obama should follow a policy of "strategic engagement" with Iran that would offer Tehran better-looking incenti...
[image:] Nigeria has report the discovery of an illegal arms consignment from Iran to the UN Security Council, a overseas office spokesman said Wednesday, with the occur...
Happy Wednesday and thanks for joining me for today's segment of Feed Me month(ish). I say *ish *because, based on feedback, I'm extending Feed Me month to answer your questions and befuddlements. So, we'l...
Up for some bar hopping? From east to west, Toronto is fundraising for Iraq War resisters. On *Thursday, December 2*, join us for one - or both! - of these events. Bring your friends, hear some music, have...
[image:] Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said on Wednesday he will not sign an implementation order for Tareq Aziz, the former deputy of Dictator Saddam Hussein sentence ...
[image:] Iran said Wednesday that nameless foreign planes violated its airspace six times as the nation kicked off its biggest ever air protection drill but that the int...

As the feds weigh a ban on alcoholic drinks containing caffeine, a new study sheds light of the dangers of mixing these substances.Google FriendConnect.
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You can also become a member of this site using FriendConnect. Visit to join.
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By now I hope everyone has heard about the new regulations on airport screening from the US's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Full-body scanning equi...
Nor Cal Truth: Another High Rise in China Burns Completely Without Collapse On Nov. 15th in China a 28 story building burned on almost every floor, and stood the next day to be inspected. This was the fire...
9/11 Families Ask: What Happened to the Third Building That Collapsed in the WTC Attacks? By Stephen C. Webster Published: November 15, 2010 A new television ad campaign featuring the family ...
War-resister blogger Dave Ward says he is neither coward nor hero. Obviously I don't think war resisters are cowards. And frankly, I think the people who call them cowards are idiots. I won't address that ...
You may recall that I had a minor incident with a Toronto police officer in late September. Along with many other people, I was prevented from crossing the street by a photo shoot, and was in danger of mis...
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the world's fastest moving hunters, suggests a new study of this dinosaur's muscular tail.
Bolivia’s Initiative Leads UN to Organize “World Conference on Indigenous Peoples”COMMIUNIQUE (New York, 11/17/10) Plurinational State of Bolivia Photo: Michelle Cook, Navajo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 Fol...
E-books like the Kindle are flying off virtual shelves and toppling sales of hardcover books for the first time.
Stem cell injections boosted the leg muscles of mice and warded off the typical loss of muscle mass.
The antimatter equivalent of the hydrogen atom has been trapped for the first time in a milestone that could reveal more about our universe.
Medieval texts suggest the Vikings arrived in the New World more than 1,000 years ago.
wordgeezer Nov. 17, 2010 This is a big story on Youtube and on the innernet in general, but is almost lacking any coverage by the main stream media. Tony Szamboti, of shows over 5000 hits...
[image:] The management of United States President Barack Obama should follow a policy of "strategic engagement" with Iran that would offer Tehran better-looking incenti...
[image:] Nigeria has report the discovery of an illegal arms consignment from Iran to the UN Security Council, a overseas office spokesman said Wednesday, with the occur...
Happy Wednesday and thanks for joining me for today's segment of Feed Me month(ish). I say *ish *because, based on feedback, I'm extending Feed Me month to answer your questions and befuddlements. So, we'l...
Up for some bar hopping? From east to west, Toronto is fundraising for Iraq War resisters. On *Thursday, December 2*, join us for one - or both! - of these events. Bring your friends, hear some music, have...
[image:] Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said on Wednesday he will not sign an implementation order for Tareq Aziz, the former deputy of Dictator Saddam Hussein sentence ...
[image:] Iran said Wednesday that nameless foreign planes violated its airspace six times as the nation kicked off its biggest ever air protection drill but that the int...
As the feds weigh a ban on alcoholic drinks containing caffeine, a new study sheds light of the dangers of mixing these substances.
The controversial art project is raising some privacy concerns.
The genes behind the extroversion and openness to experience may boost your chances of becoming an entrepreneur.
POLITICS - In case you haven't guessed already America's new slave class is the Poor. And to some extent the lower middle class too. Heck, even the mid middle class is looking a bit surly if they have a mo...
Measuring how fast the Greenland ice sheet is losing mass is logistically and financially challenging.
Even trace amounts of items from your medicine cabinet can affect how fish behave.
Using "mosquito nets" made of mucus, these fish may have developed the world's most ecologically sound parasite deterrent.
ENTERTAINMENT - A charging bull ran across the arena and jumped into the Mexican crowd today. Now watch it over again... look at the Mexican guy in the white shirt and the black hat. Wow, he can really ...
CANADA - National Post writer Matt Gurney says Remembrance Day should not be a National Holiday in Canada because... well, you read it: *"Ontario Progressive Conservative MPP Lisa MacLeod has put forward a...
TECHNOLOGY - Facebook has announced plans to introduce an email service for all of their 500 million Facebook users. ie. But in reality what this really is is an attempt by Facebook ...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy I cannot name an instance in which an innocent person has tried to cover up a crime. And, if he/she did so, why? What's the point? Conversely, I can think of few if ...
The citizen science project Galaxy Zoo has found galaxies with bars shut off star formation sooner than their bar-less cousins.
posted by David Vance at
Biased BBC - 14 hours ago
Interesting to see how the BBC treats the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. In the prime time slot just after the 8am news on Today, the BBC invited Lady Antonio Fraser and *Stephen Hasele...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 15 hours ago
I have just spent two days at a conference about "ethical" investment. The reason is that I am trying to raise money for a charity that is aiming to improve services for deprived children. Thus the aim of ...
There is a growing public resistance campaign across U.S. airports against the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for routinely performing creepy pat-downs on passengers of all ages and all backg...
One of the best documentaries about the so called chemtrails I've ever seen. Absolutely worth to watch. I for myself feel sick about the perpetrators, I must hold my breath, I must press my lips together ...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
Watch live streaming video from indianborder at Welcome to the Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Border Roundtable Symposium to be broadcast live Thursday, Nov. 18, 10 am to 2 pm, Arizona ...
Read John Tyner's account about his bump in with the TSA at the San Diego International Airport here.
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Police State lol @ *"my 'conspiracy insider', Alex Jones"*. Look at the crook pollytician bringing up Martians when asked about FEMA camps, what a snake.
Scanner operators are not supposed to be able to store, print, transmit or save body scan images. And yet...
Most people think of climate change as a slow, distant process. For scientists, the planet's climate is changing faster and sooner than expected.
*INDIGENOUS BORDER RIGHTS LIVE THURSDAY* Censored News Join us live online Thursday, Nov. 18, or in Tucson, 10 am to 2 pm, for the Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Roundt...
Joe Lieberman is human scum, and clearly a criminal.
On November 18, people all across Canada will call their MPs and the Party Leaders and demand: *Don't Extend It. End It.* The Conservative-Liberal coalition government is about to extend Canada's war in A...
Attorney James Gourley: International Center for 9/11 Studies - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 2/2
[image:] MIR ALI, Pakistan – supposed American missiles slam into a home and a speeding vehicle near the Afghan boundary Tuesday, killing 20 alleged militants as the U.S...
A newly-elected official in Tanzania fears that he may be targeted for death because he is an albino.
[image:] Iran kicks off five-days of air defense war games Tuesday to display the country's capability in defensive its nuclear facilities from probable attack, state te...
Paul's popularity has led to a spate of copycat "prophetic" animals, albeit with far less success.
Have I ever mentioned that I am Norwegian? My grandma came to America from Norway after WWII and she brought with her all of the family recipes. I grew up on many of these recipes and didn't realize that...
The vacuum cleaner spits out bark or another material to absorb oil, and then sucks the oil-laden material up.
Interesting piece of research by the Chronicle Watch... Characteristics of the Anti-Christ part 1 of 2 Characteristics of the Anti-Christ part 2 of 2 All I know is, an admitted Nazi collaborator trained a...
A new phone from Google could replace credit credits at the register.
[image:] President Barack Obama on Tuesday is awarding the Medal of admiration to an Army staff sergeant who placed himself in the line of fire in Afghanistan to save tw...
[Click images to enlarge] Do you suffer from a sense of cringing left-liberal guilt that is almost beyond parody? Are left-wing columnists and newspapers your essential reading? [Read More...] Do you ...
[image:] Rep. Charles Rangel, on one occasion one of the most powerful House members, was convict Tuesday on 11 counts of breaking ethics rules and now faces sentence. ...
Online communication isn't just about photos of cats; it also reveals how information and ideas are passed on.
Laughter is a critical part of human communication and people learn to appreciate some forms more than others.
A Digital Archaeology exhibit makes the case for exploring old websites.
Recent reports on unhealthy foods and marketing to children overlook or downplay the role of parents in what children eat.
Recently uncovered sound effects include a clapping echo that sounds like a jungle bird.
Does anyone know who took this photo? I posted it here but I don't know how I obtained it. If you know you took this photograph, could you please contact me? The photographer can remain anonymous as she...
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 1 day ago
George Galloway's "Free Palestine Free Afghanistan Free Speech" cross-Canadian tour kicks off today in Toronto. Galloway will be appearing in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, then back to Toronto for a second...
Last summer, I was dismayed - horrified, really - to discover that all the clear plastic packaging I've been throwing into the recycling bin for years is not, in fact, recyclable (details). I emailed with ...
Solar cells could be pitted against cancer cells to create a faster, less painful and more effective form of treatment.
Four centuries after his death, the body of Danish alchemist Tycho Brahe has been exhumed for investigation.
So, what has the Ministry of Truth been saying that you would like to take issue with? Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
I've already discussed this over on A Tangled Web but I wanted to focus on the BBC coverage with you. One could have anticipated the GLEE with which the BBC would exhibit on the news that the UK Government...
[image: Professor Mona Siddiqui] You can always rely on the BBC's *"Thought for the Day"* slot to be made available for Mona Siddiqui, that most erudite and enlightened Professor of Islamic Studies and Pub...
Overcoming all the odds, it's been confirmed that the Japanese asteroid mission successfully returned samples of asteroid Itokawa to Earth.
Quite a few instances of deranged BBC bias today. Consider this dross from BBC correspondent Wyre Davies. You see it seems that the Israeli government has moved so far to the right that it is incapable of ...
*Amexica: War Along the Borderline* By Brenda Norrell Censored News TUCSON -- There’s a new book out on the border. But this isn’t your regular stale book review, because...
Here is the entire talk, filmed at the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills, California, on November 8, 2010, 50 years to the day after John F. Kennedy was elected President. I have to say, each and every one of t...
A lot of people have made the connection between the ludicrous dehumanising rituals being carried out in airports today, and the agenda to restrict freedom of travel. So when I was watching this today, be...
Following on from the previous post. "Evidence That Cousin Marriage Causes Low IQ, Retardation and Birth Defects" Are white people inbred albinos? Er, no. Se...
• In Decision Points, Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai, which he did not attend: "As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai said:...
The world's largest lungfish tooth from a carnivorous dinosaur-era "monster" of a fish was recently unveiled.
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 1 day ago
The BBC, along with the rest of the Left-leaning media, has from almost the very start tried to portray the Tea Party movement as a far-right, extremist movement. At first, their main Narrative was that ra...
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be." - Thomas Jefferson "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without bein...
Did life on Earth come from extraterrestrial microbes hopping from one star system to the next? If so, they might have arrived dead, only to be resurrected.
A diagnosis by mobile could slow the rising rate of sexually transmitted infections among young people.
For the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps 20 times the mass of our sun.
Our slower development and longer lives could have given humans an evolutionary edge over Neanderthals.
The strategy game, "Fate of the World" allows players to make decisions that could save the world or destroy it.
Archaeologists have unearthed twelve sphinxes so far along the ancient sandstone road that runs toward the Nile.
The Economy Will Not Recover Until the Economic Criminals are Prosecuted, and There Are Real Investigations Into 9/11 and Other Government Failures Washington's Blog Published: November 13, 2010 This essa...
Watch it. Stand up for this Canadian and for all the troops. Stand up for democracy! Tell Stephen Harper and his coalition partner, Michael Ignatieff: *Don't extend it! End it!*
Crash JPMorgan, Buy Silver Now – A Report The Intel Hub By Avalon Published: November 14, 2010 *“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government wil...
I wish I could say there was some fancy tutorial for this page but it is very, VERY simple. You will need: A full sheet of brown or green, depending on what you want your background to look like A full sh...
[image:] Somalia has reinstated Iraq as the state the majority at risk from terrorist attack, according to a ranking by global analyst Maplecroft, which sees threats als...
In a surprise finding, undersea hot lava is baking ocean sediments and releasing greenhouse gases.
Looking older doesn't necessarily mean you'll die young, but youthfulness is no guarantee of longevity.
[image:] Fire engulf a high-rise apartment building beneath renovation in China'sbusiness center of Shanghai on Monday, killing 42 people and sending inhabitants scrambli...
[image:] The media in the Middle East commented at length on the US proposal to offer Israel defense and security guarantee in return for renewing a partial freeze on th...
[image:] Starved of his plea for a holdup, Rep. Charles Rangel walked out of his ethics trial Monday, leaving the ethics committee's top lawyer to cite Rangel's past sta...
Researchers identify a tasty lizard previously unknown to science. Locals loved the virgin Vietnamese lady-lizards for lunch.
*UN Human Rights Council Recommends the United States Address Indigenous Rights **Photo: Western Shoshone protest in Nevada, demanding Barrick Gold halt mining on sacred lands, including Mount Tenabo. Lar...
Contacts: Larson Bill, Western Shoshone Defense Project, 775-744-2565/775-397-6726; Seánna Howard, University of Arizona Rogers College of Law, 520-626-8223; UN Human Rights Council Recommends the United ...
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 2 days ago
Congratulations to Navajo filmmaker Bennie Klain, now at the French International Amiens Film Festival, showing 'The Return of Navajo Boy' and 'Weaving Worlds.' The Return of Navajo Boy tells of a child ...
Smaller people expend more energy when walking because they have shorter strides than taller people.
Fossil pollen records show rainforests of northern Colombia and Venezuela diversified 56.3 million years ago during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.
By focusing a giant cosmic lens on the distant galaxy cluster known as Abell 1689, astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to create the most detailed maps of dark matter ever constructed.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 2 days ago
For a truly chilling account of the dissembling, back somersaulting, contortionism and duplicity the broadcasting establishment is prepared to engage in to defend its alarmist approach to climate change, I...
Photo courtesy: Rodale The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the price of food staples, including grains, beef, coffee, cocoa, and sugar, have risen sharply in recent months. And retailers like S...
Last week, the new House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City to privately discuss U.S. sanctions against Iran, U.S.-Palestinian rela...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden
Well isn't this something. He missed a little bit from his intro, he should have said, "Up until now only those considered nutjobs questioned the official conclusion - THANKS TO COMPLICIT LAUGHING MEDIA H...
Well, Well, Well ... What Do We Have Here? Truth-tellers on television? Am I dreaming? Yesterday, November 13, 2010, Geraldo Rivera invited Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti onto his Fox News program calle...
VIDEO: Aaron Huey's effort to photograph poverty in America led him to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where the struggle of the native Lakota people -- appalling, and largely ignored -- compelled hi...
This wonderful book by Marguerite De Angeli, is a childhood memory that I will never forget. *The Lion in the Box: A Christmas Stor*y, was a part of almost every single Christmas of my childhood. My mom w...
*Climate Change, Migration and Forced Relocation * By Brenda Norrell Censored News Climate change, migration and forced relocation can not be separated from human rights,...
Last week APTN News reported that not only does the Cons new missing persons initiative entirely bypass *Sisters In Spirit*, the very group which initiated research into the nearly 600 missing and murdere...
In my recent update, I mentioned I did some pro-choice pamphletting. The anti-choice group that targets universities was planning a demonstration outside of Robarts, the main library at the University of T...
*Sunday, November 14, Noon - 2 PM Ft Huachuca, Main Gate, Sierra Vista, Arizona Vigil of Peace and Demonstration Against Torture * Photo: Josh being carried away at protest 2009/Photo Brenda Norrell Extendi...
*International Indian Treaty Council and American Indian Contemporary Arts present: Indigenous Peoples Thanksgiving Annual Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island November 25th 2010 *“Giving Thanks to the Crea...
How about the BBC leading coverage of the Labour Party conference with the headline "Labour not Communists"? No? How about the BBC leading their coverage of Sinn Fein's annual conference with the headline ...
So, I'm back from the BBC. I was invited on to the William Crawley hosted"Sunday Sequence" show to discuss the issue of water-boarding. My opponent was the local Shamnesty International Supremo. Patrick Co...
First of four Pak-Chinese ZDK-03 Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C)) for the Pakistan Air Force was displayed in a rollout ceremony was held at Hanzhong in China. Pakistan Air Force’s chief ...
Israel Aerospace Industries is offering a modified version of its Gulfstream G550-based conformal airborne early warning (CAEW) aircraft that has the capability to detect targets at sea and near shores.Cur...
The third F-22P Frigate PNS Saif constructed at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, China was inducted in the fleet of Pakistan Navy in a ceremony held at the PN Dockyard here .Commander Pakistan Fleet V...
The relationship between the United States and Israel is, shall we say, complicated? Wait, why are we fooling ourselves? That word doesn't even begin to explain this strange relationship. What is required ...
When the "Water's Edge" Standard Disappears By Steven Benen Washington Monthly November 13, 2010 If our political system made more sense, this would be an astounding scandalthat would dominate the discour...
This is courage in action. Young Jews Disrupt Netanyahu at Jewish General Assembly from stefanie fox on Vimeo.
Here is a guest post by *Clameur de Haro.* "With all the protestations coming from Our Beloved Bastion of Collectivism about how impartiality is in their genes, I thought I’d occasionally delve a little...
Nick Clegg seemed television-friendly and attractive before the general election, but after gaining all that popularity during the first election debate he threw most of it away, almost snatching defeat fr...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
Matt Frei mused during the violent student riots on Wednesday about what he saw as a relevant problem with higher education costs in the US. Could UK students' rage find echo in US? Frei realizes there's ...
The Giant Cover Up By Michael Krieger Zero Hedge Published: November 11, 2010 From Mike Krieger of Kam LP An end to "banking as we know it" is fine with us. The "banking" in today's Western economies is ...
[image:] Japan – Leaders of the world's three main economies — the U.S., China and Japan — all pledged Saturday to push for free trade, it seems that putting aside acrim...
[image:] The Department of Homeland Security said on Friday it is maddening to address concerns of pilots about stepped-up show at U.S. airports and doubts in the travel...
[image:] A group of would-be suicide bombers tried to tempest a main NATO base in eastern Afghanistan early Saturday but were repel previous to they could enter, officia...
[image:] President Barack Obama, cap a far-flung trip of varied results, said Saturday the United States is "here to stay" as a power in Asia and pivot to Russian intern...
On Thursday November 11, 2010, financial analyst Max Keiser offered an idea on the Alex Jones show about how to bring down JP Morgan, one of the banking giants on Wall Street that stole billions of dollars...
The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an ‘illusion’ and a ‘lie’, the EU president believes. In one of the most open proclamations of the goal of a European supe...
Tokyo will send around 100 soldiers to a remote Japanese island in the East China Sea, a report said Thursday, amid growing anxiety over China's naval activities.The ground troops will be deployed on Yonag...
China's aircraft-making giant, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), said Friday it would showcase two types of China-made aircraft -- Seagull 300 and Little Eagle-500 -- at the upcoming Airshow C...
Russia has completed deliveries of small arms and ammunition to Afghanistan under a military assistance program.Russia has delivered a total of 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles and over 2.5 million rounds...
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to overhaul its four Project 1144 nuclear-powered cruisers. Notably, the Admiral Nakhimov heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser will reenter service in 2012, after length...
Sukhoi to the end of 2010 will deliver the Russian Air Force the second batch of the Su-34, reports RIA Novosti. It is about six such aircraft. Currently bombers undergoing flight tests at the flight-test ...
Indonesian Military chief Adm. Agus Suhartono said he has been studying an offer of two squadrons of F-16 A/B Fighting Falcon fighter jets from the US.He said although it was a grant, he had to calculate t...
POLITICS - The words "Currency War" is on the lips of both politicians and the mass media today. The Lilith News used the words 6 days ago on November 6th. See "Currency War on the Horizon". But we're hard...
CANADA - Toronto's Transit Commission is losing about $2 million CDN per year due to fake TTC tokens and its due to an unlikely source: Organized crime from China. The TTC estimates that about 2,000 fake ...
An American Coup D’état – First World Nation Style By Cognitive Dissonance Zero Hedge Published: November 9, 2010 Some say all this insanity is just greed and corruption run amuck. Others claim the polit...
Here's How to Stop Market Manipulation and Show Too Big To Fail Banks Like JP Morgan Who Is Boss Washington's Blog November 12, 2010 Leading economists and financial experts say that our economy cannot re...
Guest contributor Matthew Hibbard investigates a novel approach to Martian exploration.
**Congratulations to my longtime friend, Navajo filmmaker Arlene Bowman, and the success of her new film, "Graffiti" showing at the French film festival, *Festival International Du Film D'Amiens.* In this ...
At the G20 in Korea. There are many many pictures of (to be honest, more obvious than the one above) alleged Masonic symbolism including handshakes ...
George is ready for the weekend and wants *you* to fire away! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
Forgotten People P.O. Box 1661, Tuba City (Navajo Nation), AZ 86045 (928) 401-1777 *Letter to the Editor, The Troubling AZ Water Settleme...
A reproduction of Michelangelo’s David has been placed where the original sculpture was meant to be displayed.
Some jargon that rises up out of the realm of science and technology becomes lexicon. How and why does it happen?
Rep. Eric Cantor Tells Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu: New GOP Majority Will 'Serve As A Check On The Administration' Amanda Terkel The Huffington Post November 12, 2010 NEW YORK -- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.)...
More info on the Missile Mystery (Background - LaRouche in 2008) Government Covering Up Evidence On 7/7 Flight Attendants Speak Out As TSA Revolt Explodes A Scathing Report of Judges and Rulings in The Fo...
At last count, planet hunters had dead eyed 495 distant planets. Granted, not of them are Earth-like, but what will we do if such a world finally pops up?
*Won't Get Fooled Again We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals when they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgement of all wrong They decide...
Watch Damon Vrabel's amazing video series called "Debunking Money." It is a great teaching tool for people who are unfamiliar with the fraud-based/debt-based private global banking system. Vrabel's present...
Financial Warfare and the Failure of US Military Leadership By Damon Vrabel Published: October 4, 2010 The "War on Terror" has become the most successful military diversion in history, hav...
Life might have a tough time surviving on a super-Earth, this would reinforce the Rare Earth hypothesis that proposes that only Earth-sized planets are ideal for life.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 5 days ago
What can I say? Mr Harrabin is definitely back with a vengeance. His scare today - after the energy alarmism earlier in the week - is water shortages. Climate change, he faithfully recycles from a residen...
On the Edge with Max Keiser - Damon Vrabel Interview (Nov 5, 2010) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The back to back debacles of Bush-Perry have turned the state prison system into a domestic Abu Ghraib in which 'prisoners' are tortured, attacked by dogs, shocked a...
The goldfish serve as figurative canaries to test the purity of the water supply.
What causes particles to blast off a comet's body? Ice, ice, baby.
POLITICS - News flash... Canada is opening free trade talks with India. And while we are at it, the USA is in a growing trade war with China. The former, the negotiation of free trade with India, seems lik...
HEALTH - People with severe acne are more likely to attempt suicide, says a new study from Swedish researchers at the Karolinska Institute. But the researchers make it clear whether they're not certain whe...
IRELAND: Top Current Affairs Radio Presenter, Keith Finnegan, Questions Official 9/11 Story! Declan O’Shea Infowars Ireland November 12, 2010 *Keith Finnegan*, current affairs talk-show host and CEO of *G...
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas will soon decide their next move in managing bluefin populations.
In an interview with Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart shares his thoughts on the pundit media, the rally to restore sanity, and his show.
Fraud and Complicity Are Now the Lifeblood of the Status Quo (Banality of Financial Evil, Part 2) Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds November 12, 2010 *The status quo would collapse were systemic fraud and c...
[image:] President Obama on Friday praise Iraq’s steps to form a new government as “one more landmark in the the past of modern Iraq,” even as a long-overdue power-shari...
[image:] Israel's exhausted former Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, was moved home to his ranch Friday, almost five years after being debilitated by a series of strokes whi...
[image:] The Philippine president lashed out at the United States and five other Western allies on Friday for subject what he said were unproven warnings of a possible t...
[image:] President Barack Obama claimed a stronger hand on the world stage Friday despite electoral defeats at home, breakdown to get a free-trade accord with South Kore...
Get three cents for trash, including pens and spent glue tubes, that would otherwise head to a landfill.
We've all been sprayed by a shaking soaked pooch. Now their technique could be applied to washing machines.
Updates, we have updates. I am better! I feel like myself again. Myself before I fell off the cliff last week - the almost-50, fibromyalgia version of myself. My brain functioning has returned to its usual...
Like the Sound of Music's Von Trapp family, plants may be able to hide away from a warming climate in the mountains.
*CBS, Nov 10, 2010*, : "The U.S. military has destroyed hundreds of Afghan civilian homes, farm houses, walls, trees and plowed through fields and buildings using explosives and bulldozers in war-torn Zha...
Maggots, leeches and intestinal worms may be effective treatments in the fight against everything from irritable bowel disease to allergies.
During a rare occultation event, Eris was measured by telescopes in Chile and it turns out the dwarf planet behind Pluto's demotion may not be that big after all.
Iran will soon test-fire its new domestically manufactured long-range anti-aircraft missiles, including a system similar to the Russian S-300 missile system, Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian sa...
Two pilots died after their surveillance plane crashed into a mountain in the southwest of the country during a routine training mission, the Air Force said Friday.The RF-4C reconnaissance plane went down ...
A report by U.N. experts saying North Korea is exporting banned nuclear and missile technology to Iran, Syria and Myanmar has been sent to the Security Council after China dropped its objections, U.N. dipl...
A consortium based in Italy, from where Turkey already receives attack helicopters and military surveillance, wants to further boost its role in the Turkish defense market. Italy and Turkey should carry th...
The Defense Ministry will not specify which type of next-generation FX fighter jet it plans to purchase for the Air Self-Defense Force in a new midterm national defense program to be compiled next month, a...
Russia started the first day at an arms show in Jakarta with a contract on the delivery of munitions for Sukhoi-family fighters to Indonesia, worth $54 million, a senior defense official said on Wednesday....
In an interview on radio service Kol Israel IAF Chief of Staff described the sequence of events of last night flights and talked about the jet’s experienced crew “The crew flying the Soufa jet which crashe...
The Chinese military’s non-nuclear missiles have “the capability to attack” and close down five of six major U.S. Air Force bases in South Korea and Japan, an unpublished government report says.China’s imp...
Six types of precious relics became mew members of the Chinese Aviation Museum on the morning of Nov. 11, including the AN-26 transport plane, the F-7M fighter, the J-6 Supersonic fighter, the Shenyang JJ-...
A MiG-27 fighter plane of the IAF on Wednesday crashed near Jodhpur in Rajasthan shortly after take off for a routine sortie, but the pilot bailed out safely.The crash occurred at 1320 hrs, 15 minutes afte...
A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) contingent comprising JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft and the ‘Sherdils’ formation aerobatics team, along with pilots and technicians, departed for China to participate in the for...
Russia has started in-flight tests of an Indian domestically-designed gas turbine engine for an indigenous light fighter, state-run arms exporter Rosoboronexport said.The engine, dubbed Kaveri, has been de...
By Greg Waldron Indonesia should make a decision on a mid-life upgrade for its Lockheed Martin F-16A/Bs in 2011 or 2012, but could also buy an additional batch of six Block 50/52 fighters.If the upgrade ta...
By Greg Waldron Jakarta has earmarked $65 million for new medium utility helicopters, but the Indonesian defence ministry has yet to receive the funds.Previous reports have suggested that Indonesia's total...
Brazilian aviation giant Embraer announced Wednesday that it has won an international competition to supply eight Super Tucano light attack turboprops to the Indonesian Air Force.Embraer did not say how mu...
Pilot, navigator missing after Air Force's most advanced plane crashes during routine training flight. No problems were reported before tragedy occurred. IDF, police rescue units search area An Israel Air ...
Hawker Beechcraft Corporation’s (HBC) T-6 military trainer will come to India later this month to take part in field evaluation trials with the Indian Air Force officials as part of its competition for a n...
India is the largest buyer of combat aircraft in the world , with the US topping the list of sellers, a leading international think tank has said. According to a report released Wednesday by Stockholm Inte...
In his testimony to the Public Safety Committee on Nov 3 about G20 police abuses, Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair claimed that detained members of the public complained of sexual assault and being threaten...
"I am making this statement as an act of wilful defiance of military authority, because I believe that the War is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it." - Siegfried Sassoon
The Belize Zoo sustained major damage from Hurricane Richard and is just the latest small zoo to suffer after natural or manmade events.
Tides acting on the Moon might explain the odd difference in crust thickness on the lunar near and far sides.
People often think about things other than what they're doing and it generally makes them unhappy.
A combination of YouTube videos and high-speed digital footage reveals how cats lap liquids so gracefully.
Discovered at a major pre-Columbian site, the 15th-century dogs may have been religious offerings.
I wanted to take a small moment and say thank you to veterans everywhere. Thank you for protecting my family. Thank you for being there. Thank you for everything. I have been blessed in my life to know s...
posted by All Seeing Eye at
Biased BBC - 6 days ago
Armistice Day Question Time tonight comes from London. On the panel tonight we have Theresa May MP, Caroline Flint MP, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles (the Special Ambassador to Afghanistan and Pakistan), Clive ...
When some 'experts' say it's a contrail... *"Said John Pike, a defense and aerospace expert who runs "This thing is so obviously an airplane contrail, and yet apparently all the king's...
First, you will need to open Picasa. Don't have Picasa? It is a free program from Google, go here to download it. *(**Note: Picasa catalogs all of your pictures so they are easily searchable on your comput...
*The United States' attempt to posture before the world failed in Geneva, as countries exposed the truth about the United States government, its corporations and military *By Brenda Norrell Narcosphere ...
Jon Donnison has a scoop. “Stop Press! No Change!” He’s bursting to tell us that the UN says there has been ‘no material change for people in Gaza since Israel was “easing” its economic blockade of the Pal...
[image:] Iraq's peevish politicians have decided to return Shi'ite Nuri al-Maliki as prime minister, finish an eight-month impasse that raised fears of rehabilitated sec...
America’s Devolution Into Dictatorship Paul Craig Roberts November 11, 2010 The United States Department of Justice (sic) routinely charges and convicts innocents with bogus and concocted cr...
[image:] The Federal Reserve's diagram to buy more Treasury bonds has encouraged critics at home to complain of predictable high price rises and financial turmoil. It t...
[image:] A top Kurdish head welcome on Thursday a hesitant deal on a new government keeping Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in his post and contravention an 8-mont...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 6 days ago
*On November 8, 2010, Flight 808*, a Boeing 757-200, took off from Honolulu for Phoenix. A flight of about 6 hours. Nothing went wrong at all with that flight, yet it caused a sensation of sorts that linge...
[image:] A physically powerful sense of cynicism shrouded the start of a financial top of rich and emerging economy Thursday, with President Barack Obama and man world l...
The price of cocoa has been skyrocketing and unfair trade and environmental problems threaten future supplies.
CANADA - If you thought Canada didn't have any mobsters you'd be wrong. Nicolo Rizzuto, 86, a great-grandfather and a "mafia godfather" of one of the biggest crime syndicates in Canada was gunned down in h...
The government has announced that a "mystery missile" was in fact a jet contrail. But what does the evidence show?
I could not resist this memelike thing from a Facebook friend. It's a great insight into your friends' influences and loves. "Fifteen authors": Which authors have influenced you and will always stick wit...
Close to one in five employees have missed work due to stress, and almost all have lied to their bosses about it.
This neat bit of cellular alchemy could herald a major breakthrough in the treatment of diseases like leukemia and lymphoma.
Honour the dead by working for peace.
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 6 days ago
*Look who owns Britain: A third of the country STILL belongs to the aristocracy* More than a third of Britain’s land is still in the hands of a tiny group of aristocrats, according to the most extensive o...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 6 days ago
Archaeology is not high on the list of ideological battlegrounds, but I read the subject at university, and believe you me, it is. Thus the Soviets had their own, utterly distinctive, elaborate version of...
I had such a wonderful time sharing the stage with these remarkable people. I wish you all could have been there.Thank you, those of you who came up to me afterwards and introduced yourselves. You ROCK for c...
Why Conspiracy Theorists Think Al-Qaeda Did 9/11 Saman Mohammadi The Excavator November 10, 2010 Al-Qaeda is a CIA creation. That sounds like a crazy assertion because for nine years we've heard from the ...
Paleontologists have just identified the world's oldest known dinosaur embryos, which are also the oldest known embryos for any land-dwelling vertebrate.
Guest contributor Mark Thompson shares his top recommendations for you to get started as an astronomer.
A software program takes into account the different obligations a robot must face -- such as doing good, not causing harm -- when deciding how to act.
Stephanie Flanders is pretty excited by the decision by the US 'Fed' decided to pump $600 bn into the US economy.Whilst the rest of the media reported that just about every industrial country in the world ...
Orwell calling, Orwell calling! New Open thread, go for it! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
A trove of small figurines and jewelry that was illegally taken will be returned to Egypt.
Here are a few great examples of BBC professional neutrality. First, here's BBC employee Mary Walker... When I joined the team of "Living Islam" (the BBC series) two years ago, my perception of Islam was ...
Well well, "students" storm Conservative headquarters, violence comes to our streets - how do you feel the BBC has covered it? I'm just waiting on Ben Elton to revive Saturday Live and we're all back to th...
More than halfway through its 10-year, 3-billion-mile journey to Pluto, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is being roused from hibernation this week to relay tracking information back to Earth.
*Yeah like they chose her at random...* "The TSA chose Meg McLain for special screening. They wanted her to go through the new porno-scanners. When she opted out, TSA agents raised an enormous ruckus. Whe...
It's only halfway into the article where they explain that this is a legal trick to legitimise herterosexual 'civil partnerships', and therefore also homosexual 'marriages'. Why on earth would homosexuals ...
Scanned signed copy of a Lis Pendens Forgotten People filed in Apache County Clerk and Recorders Office, a Notice to the President and a news release. *NAVAJO PROPERTY HOLDERS PUT WATER RIGHTS CLAIMANTS, T...
*I'm not saying a word.* *Holocaust survivor scam nets $42.5 million, 17 charged in swindle: prosecutors* Seventeen people were accused yesterday of stealing $42.5 million from Holocaust survivor funds b...
ENVIRONMENT/RELIGION - According to U.S. House of Representatives' John Shimkus, who is currently being touted as the future chairman of the Congressional committee that deals with energy and environmental...
CANADA - A new study shows that almost 70% of adults in Quebec gambled money in 2009. The study surveyed 12,000 Quebecers and a sample that size is considered to be accurate within 2%, 19 times out of 20. ...
CARS - Strong sales have boosted profits for General Motors which has earned $2 billion USD in the third quarter, enhancing the company's appeal before next week's initial public stock offering. The third...
*UN SUMMARY: US Periodic Review of Human Rights just keeps on ignoring the vast majority of US human rights violations * By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo: Western Sh...
The Constitution and National Security: The First Amendment Under Attack, is a conference that was held on November 5th, 2010, at the Center on Law and Security, New York University School of Law. The pan...
*German people in unprecedented rebellion against government: 1000 injured in nuclear protests: police at breaking point* Like the Roman legions vanquished in the Teutoburger Wald in Lower Saxony in 9 AD,...
It's official: The Tuberous bushcricket has the world's largest testicles in relation to body weight.
Now hold up a minute, as this is a shock value piece of state propaganda. I emphasise state, the government. What is the implication of that? I feel sorry for Sweden after seeing this (explicit content war...
[image:] Senate endorsement of President Barack Obama's nuclear arms agreement with Russia, which once looked close up to a sure thing, is now in danger. The management ...
[image:] Previous President George W. Bush said on Wednesday he has a "clear sense of right and wrong" about recognizing the problems that led to the monetary disaster a...
[image:] Tens of thousands of students demonstration noisily through London on Wednesday beside plans to triple university tuition fees, and a number of tried to occupy ...
[image:] President Barack Obama said a physically powerful, job-creating country in the United States would be the country's most significant payment to a global recover...
*It's Feed Me month here on Wednesdays on the Web! You can read last week's introduction to RSS and Feedburner here. Today we continue talking about web feeds with a modern web fairy tale... * *Goldilu a...
Having sex for love and commitment is linked to higher sexual satisfaction for both men and women.
Wind turbines may have less fuel in a warmer world, because as the polar regions warm up, there will be less wind.
A recent news story claimed that a Russian woman tried to sell her two-year-old daughter for her organs. Don't believe it.
For get the plug; this technology charges electric vehicles on the go. Range anxiety could be replaced with range infinity.
An ancient eruption of a supermassive black hole may have inflated the mysteriously huge bubbles that span 50,000 light-years.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 week ago
Roger Harrabin has been conspicuous by his absence lately, but he's back with a bang this morning, reporting a call by international ecofascists (and the BBC best chums Friends of the Earth) to condemn mil...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 week ago
If you have a long post, put some of it above the foldand split it with a "Read More..." under here Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 1 week ago
TECHNOLOGY - The HP Slate 500 will begin being shipped from warehouses on November 11th, 2 days from now, but unless a miracle happens it won't be in stores until January or February 2011. At $799 USD it ...
Very sad video. Hey and this is just horses, what about PEOPLE? What Advanced Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Looks Like
*Areas with Fluoride added to Drinking and Tap Water* Scotland and Wales are not fluoridated (yet) but approximately five million people in England live in areas that have drinking water that is polluted ...
Israeli False Flag Attack on U.S. Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations - Newly Declassified Files Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy PR Newswire November 9, 2010 WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2010 /PRNew...
Bush "Deception Points" -- Factual Rebuttal By Russ Baker The Huffington Post November 9, 2010 In George W. Bush's book Decision Points, the former President tells a story of his presidency based on his o...
Bush and the neocons will spin and lie until the end. George Bush's Deception Points By Joseph C. Wilson The Huffington Post November 9, 2010 Having read that people began lining up in front of bookstores...
Whales are continuously exposed to the sun and are now suffering from sunburns and skin cancer as ultraviolet radiation increases.
Bottles of water on a roof in the city’s Kibera slum. The new technology of treating drinking water has also found its way into schools and other public facilities. It relies entirely on the sun’s energy. ...
Once written off as being too loud or too dirty, diesel may get a new lease on life as a more environmentally friendly source of energy.
This is an excellent article by Charles Hugh Smith. You have to read it. The Banality Of (Financial) Evil By Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds November 9, 2010 *The financialized American economy and Cent...
Dallas Fed Admits "For The Next Eight Months, The Nation’s Central Bank Will Be Monetizing The Federal Debt", Opens Door To Bernanke Impeachment By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge November 8, 2010 Time to begin ...
The sensational and bizarre Smart case is, ironically, in many ways a very typical case of child abduction and abuse.
Volcanic eruptions have some unexpected impacts on monsoon rainfall in the most populous regions of Asia, researchers report.
Wall Street, Congress, the Senate, and the White House destroyed the American economy. It's not a conspiracy. It is the truth. It is provable. The mainstream media is not just slow to pick this up, they ar...
When I posted some videos from It Gets Better, there was a brief discussion in comments about some criticisms of the whole It Gets Better project. I didn't have time or patience to respond to those complai...
This photo tells a story of US torture and the imprisonment of Leonard Peltier, two of the issues that the US State Department attempted to ignore during the first-ever US Periodic Review on Human Rights a...
That and a Dime will Not Buy a Cup Of Coffee
My life of hell began Auguest 31,1966. It was then i entered the Marine Corps.It seemed the thing to do after dropping out of school at 16.So,by 17 i wanted adventure.Watching the action in Vietnam on th...
That and a Dime Won't Buy a Cup Of Coffee
Obama: Tug-of-war Between Those Who See Globalization as Threat and Those Who Accept It George W Bush: 'waterboarding' saved British lives The Rise of the Kleptocrats We're going after all your bank deta...
Monday evening, something launched approximately 35 miles off the Californian coast. What was it? We have no idea.
We're asking readers to share their favorite, quirky, odd and just plain ol' traditional Thanksgiving traditions. Here's what YOU had to say.
Another episode in the everyday story of the Balen Report. Last time they decided that “the information sought was held by the corporation for the purposes of journalism, it was effectively exempt from pro...
Contact: Antonio Gonzales 415-577-1492 P.O. Box 410534m San Francisco, CA 94141 *AIM-WEST hosts 42nd Anniversary of American Indian Movement (AIM) By AIM WEST * *Photo: AIM-West 2009 San F...
The Doors front man and American rock legend was charged with indecent exposure 41 years ago.
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag... we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here o...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 1 week ago
Back then, in 2007, under the wonderful nuLab , local councils switching off street lights in Devon and elsewhere was hailed by the BBC as a social experiment to be lauded, an essential part of the green c...
To prevent more laptops from becoming electronic waste in landfills, some Stanford graduate students designed a computer that can be disassembled in thirty seconds for recycling.
Outlawed as "degenerate art" by the Nazi, a treasure trove of sculptures was found buried in rubble.
Scientists from several European universities are developing a way to "grow" coral-like walls that trap CO2.
Belief in a controlling God increases when government is viewed as unstable, according to new analysis.
Did you know that you can make Jello that fizzes? Jello used to make special boxes of Jello it called "Sparkling Jello," then everyone figured out that they didn't need a $2 package of Jello because they c...
The reproductive life of the exquisitely rare black truffle is highly unusual for fungi.
Peter Smollett, writing in the *Toronto Star*: The last veterans of World War I have left us and their place in the ranks has been taken by survivors of more recent wars. As the last notes of The Last Pos...
[image:] Israel today periled infuriating fresh US anger when a plan to build 800 homes in the West Bank resolution of Ariel was disclosed hours after theObamamanagem...
[image:] The United States is release to the idea of keeping troops in Iraq history a deadline to depart next year if Iraq asks for it, U.S. Defense Escritoire Rober...
[image:] A higher-ranking U.S. senator called on Turkey and Israel to conquer recent tensions and renovate close ties to help with calm efforts in the Middle East. J...
[image:] President Barack Obama, visit the world's most crowded Muslim nation, spoken deep concern Tuesday that Israelis and Palestinians aren't making the "extra ef...
This groundhog hole-like quarters has been traced to an amphibian that lived 350 million years ago.
Guest contributor Matthew Hibbard investigates why the stars over Utah's Bryce Canyon National Park are dimming.
Deepwater coral in the Gulf of Mexico faces a deadly threat from a gang of potential killers.
From the US Anti-Defamation League, the "world's leading organization fighting anti-Semitism": .
Defense Ministry, Nov 6 : Afghan soldier mistakenly kills two US troops McClatchy, Nov 6 : Afghan soldier turns weapon on American troops, kills 2 "And just last week, a squad of Afghanistan's national pol...
When the US Navy and Indian forces held their annual bilateral amphibious training exercise in late September, it got little attention from the international media. It was, after all, a relatively small, j...
India's first indigenously-developed Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) system is ready and is being sent to Brazil shortly to be integrated with an Embraer 145 jet .First Embraer is due to roll ou...
How are gamma ray bursts generated? Is the exotic "magnetar" behind them? Or could the most powerful explosions in the Universe be caused by newborn black holes?
The Defense Ministry has set its sights on procuring the F-35 fighter as Japan’s main next-generation fighter aircraft for the Air Self-Defense Force, giving up on an earlier plan to buy more F-2 fighters,...
The biggest Indo-US defence deal in the pipeline, the $4.1-billion for 10 C-17 Globemaster-III giant strategic airlift aircraft, could get even bigger. India may well order another six C-17s after the firs...
US President Barack Obama, on his visit to India, is aiming to seal deals worth billions of dollars. A day after announcing new business deals, now his focus is on the defence sector. NDTV has learnt that ...
India's military ties with Russia are not likely to be affected by recent spurt in the purchase of equipment from the US. For, the wide range of military equipment being sourced from Russia, or being co-de...
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress November 3 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the United Arab Emirates of 30 AH-64D Block II lot 10 APACHE helicopters, remanufactured to AH-64...
Bush Boasts About Waterboarding By Ray McGovern November 8, 2010 Former President George W. Bush continues to be beyond shame. Those favored with an advance copy of his memoir, Decision Point...
Live-blogging from the Ottawa Conference on Combating Antisemitism today, the intrepid Kady does her level best to find out what The Plot - a secret exhibit from the US Anti-Defamation League that is off...
by Barbara Loe Fisher Thousands of Americans living in all 50 states took action and registered for the new NVIC Advocacy Portal at during Vaccine Awareness Week (Nov. 1-6, 2010) co-...
The first year of life sparked dramatic differences in development that may have given humans an edge.
By Brenda Norrell Censored News When the US State Dept. announced "Listening Conferences" for the first-ever UN Periodic Review on Human Rights, Russell Means called ...
Andrew Sheng, the Chief Adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and author of the book 'From Asian to Global Financial Crisis' boils down the global financial crisis that was created by Wall St...
Is Islamic Finance the new challenge to Wall Street? By Andrew Sheng for The China Post An Excerpt: The distinctive elements of Islamic finance are its ethical element (the prohibition of usury and explo...
*Perspectives of Native Struggles, Strengths and Survival* *Ofelia Rivas and Ward Churchill *Nov. 12, 2010, 7 pm GCC Campus, Corner of Olive and 59th Ave., Glendale, Arizona (Phoenix Valley) Sponsored by t...
Understanding which brain regions fail to function normally when confronted with fear could one day help treat people with phobias.
Hey look, there's a shout-out to the Biased BBC massive from BBC Washington correspondent Iain Mackenzie : Not so much "Reds", Iain, as partisan hacks. Remember Obama's inauguration? Or your views on S...
*United Native Americas* *Watch Parts II and III at Quanah Parker Brightman's Channel: * Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell
Bernie Madoff's future cellmate: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. This video is by Karl Denninger:
*Navajo Nation Council Special Session Regarding Legislation Number 0422-10 **“Approving the Proposed North Eastern Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlements* Censored News
Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupation By Stephen Lendman November 8, 2010 Wall Street does it. Other Western banks do it. They all exploit markets, often ripping off customers illegally. Why not Isra...
Make the toxic plastic stuff we love to feed to those disgusting Western peasants... *The China powder keg: JOHN HUMPHRYS on a nation that's either on the edge of becoming THE superpower - or exploding i...
Even Greenspan Admits that Moral Hazard and Fraud are the Main Problems Washington's Blog November 6, 2010 Even Alan Greenspan is confirming what William Black, James Galbraith, Joseph Stiglitz, George Ak...
Many Italian monuments could meet the fate of the 2,000-year-old House of Gladiators, which collapsed in Pompeii on Saturday.
* * *Washington, D.C*. – In a joint effort to raise public awareness about the importance of defending the legal right to voluntary, informed consent to vaccination, the *National Vaccine Information Cen...
The following list of 14 Canadian soldiers who died in Afghanistan in 2010 (up to November 8, 2010) is taken from Wikipedia, including their age, hometown, date of death, and cause of death: Sgt. John Way...
Farmers, conservationists and scientists want to know how soil changed under cultivation.
Wherever there are lots of eyes looking at screens, spammers will be there; so why not with politics?
They may be pests in a house, but in a war zone, these rats can be lifesavers.
Source *"It's a tragedy that you have 118 followers.* [note: it's now 117, "Nocturnal Hermit" aka "The Propagandist" abandoned his blog suddenly (link) after reporting he had received death threats.] *Tha...
[image:] Israel has exposed plans to build nearly 1,300 housing units for Jewish settlers in busy East Jerusalem. A construction settlement is illegal under internation...
[image:] World News: Deadly clash exploded on Monday between Myanmar management troops and ethnic minority rebels, prompting a migration across the border in the wake of...
[image:] US Airways thought Monday it will add 500 flight entourage and pilots next year more often than not to wrap planned retirements and abrasion. It will present th...
Name Rank Hometown Age Spouse Children Unit Date Circumstance 139. John Wayne Faught Sergeant Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario 44 - - 1 PPCLI 16 January 2010 Killed after stepping on an improvised explosive dev...
Tea Party-hating BBC Brazil correspondent Lucas Mendes opens his latest column with a word of thanks: The Republican tsunami could have been worse for the Democrats. Thank you very much, Latino brothers. ...
[image:] President Barack Obama on Monday overturned India for a enduring seat on the U.N. Security Council, a dramatic political sign to his hosts at the end of his fir...
A Twitter account automatically sends replies with accurate information about global warming to Twitter users who use key phrases that may signal that user is a global warming skeptic.
I made this page to give my little girl a place to race her cars. It is so super easy that I didn't even make a pattern. You will need: a sheet of felt to serve as a background- I used green so that it wo...
Here's a new Open thread for you, apologies for the delay, am busy! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
The tech can detect vibrations from a tank, a truck, even a person's footfalls, and pinpoint the source.
Chronically resting a hot laptop in your lap could be behind a rare affliction that turns skin brown.
Crude oil is edible for bacteria, but it's not exactly something you'd want to see on the dinner menu.
The chemical has been linked to all sorts of health concerns, including heart disease, cancers, and developmental problems.
The second batch of four Z9EC Anti Submarine helicopters, and the first Information and Electronic Warfare Jet aircraft were formally inducted in Pakistan Navy Aviation fleet on Thursday.The induction cere...
Boeing has completed work bringing the United Arab Emirates’ fleet of 30 Apache attack helicopters up to AH-64D Block II configuration, it has been announced. Speaking at the Dubai Helishow, Boeing directo...
Taiwan celebrated Friday the 30th anniversary of the maiden flight of its self-designed, self-manufactured jet trainer.In attendance at the Taichung complex of Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC)...
By Jung Sung-ki One of the three F-15K aircraft delivered by U.S. aerospace company Boeing to the South Korean Air Force (ROKAF) in September had severe defects allegedly due to the poor quality of work at...
The multi-role combat aircraft, manufactured by a joint venture between Britain's BAE Systems, Italy's Alenia Aeronautica and the German-Spanish giant EADS, has come top in the Indian Air Force's technical...
The Boeing Company and the Indian Air Force have reached preliminary agreement on the purchase of 10 C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft, and are now in the process of finalizing the details o...
Italian defense group Finmeccanica has sold helicopters, including the AgustaWestland AW101 and the AW139, to the government of Turkmenistan, the firm said Nov. 4.The sale was announced during a conference...
Britain has hit an early obstacle in its bid to sell its fleet of Harrier jump jets after India, the most promising potential buyer, described the aircraft as “iffy” and obsolete.Air Chief Marshall PV Naik...
Russia has completed its part of a contract on the delivery of A-50 Mainstay AWACS aircraft to India, a Russian aircraft industry official said.India ordered three A-50EI variants, developed on the basis o...
John Scalzi, of Whatever: Today I don’t have to think about those who hear “terrorist” when I speak my faith. Today I don’t have to think about men who don’t believe no means no. Today I don’t have to thin...
When Will U.S. Leaders Confess To The American People That America Carries Out False-Flag Attacks As Part of Its Foreign Policy? Saman Mohammadi The Excavator November 7, 2010 In September of this year,...
*"A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers." - JFK* Forget spoilt brat sport stars or singers, royals and knights, Monarchs or Monarch pr...
New software allows employers to spy on Twitter, Facebook, social networks (see Panopticon) Independent News Site Fraudulently Blacklisted by Internet Explorer After Negative Bill Gates Article Russian ac...
*Lakotas join Amnesty International and Cultural Survival in New York* Censored News *Download or print poster at: * Ow...
Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold in Court Action Against NIST, Unearths Striking Video/Photo WTC Evidence By Eli Rika November 6, 2010 Over the last century, the most astou...
Just as another (very late on parade) epilogue to David P.'s superb coverage of the American midterm elections, *BBC* *Online*'s post-U.S. midterm election coverage featured some 'analysis' by *Finlo Rohre...
Alex Jones on Coast to Coast with George Noory - November 3, 2010. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Are you stupid? Not bothered about being around X-ray emitting scanners all day with no protection? Like touching little girls' genitals? Then boy do we have the career for you! They call it an "enhance...
I first read about this a few days ago, but honestly did not know what to make of it. Is he mad, fooled, or telling the truth? Did Somebody Just Try to Buy the British Government? The story has now also b...
This is one of the most powerful - and well informed - calls for peace you will ever see. Please circulate it. Canada Out Now.
I was very encouraged and impressed to see Canadian veterans demanding better treatment from the country they served. Those red circles on MPs lapels mean as much as a "support our troops" car magnet - not...
I listened to William Hague interviewed on the Marr programme and, to be honest I cringed at his evasions and ameliorations. This man is not a Conservative as I recognise it. To think that the Conservative...
And not just their nuclear site, but pre-emptive bombing of their navy, their air force, their army. Political leaders and security and defence officials and generals are in Halifax from November 5 to 7 f...
End The Truth Blackout: Email Alternative/Progressive/Anti-War Sites, Demand That They Support A New Criminal Investigation of The 9/11 Attacks Saman Mohammadi The Excavator November 6, 2010 While news o...
While news organizations like Democracy Now! and provide excellent daily coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and deserve credit for enlightening their audience about critical issues, ...
I am so busy that sometimes I don't get the time to read all that you folks write here on the topic of BBC bias but I came across this and wanted to share more broadly. It's by Biased BBC reader* Dave S* a...
Here are three knowledgeable patriots talking together on television about the continual betrayal of the American people by the democrats and republicans, and what must be done to change course.
POLITICS - What the heck is a currency war you are probably asking? Well, essentially its when countries like China deliberately deflate their currency in an effort to boost their exports. In China's case ...
*Navajo Nation Council votes to waive Colorado River rights 'Forever' * By Dine' Water Rights More info at Navajo Protest Photo by Eric Hardy WINDOW ROCK, NAVAJO NATION — On...
This is my musical appreciation to the NUJ and all those BBC strikers...I'm loving it. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
Market forces govern a baby's value among vervet monkeys and sooty mangabeys.
It was only last week that Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose praised Sisters in Spirit when she announced details of a $10 million national strategy to address "the disturbing issue of missing and mu...
We’ve been despairing over the BBC’s Middle East reporting for donkey’s years, but it’s still pretty shocking to read what Israel’s outgoing press officer Danny Seaman has to say about the difficulties of ...
ENTERTAINMENT - There is a rumour circulating on the internet that the next Indiana Jones film (the fifth will come out in Summer 2012) will take place in the Bermuda Triangle... and *may* have an element ...
ENTERTAINMENT - The biggest film of November is sure to be part one of *Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows* which is coming out November 19th with part two coming out in July 2011. But while you eagerly...
Noam Chomsky: No Evidence that Al-Qaeda Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks By Washington's Blog November 5, 2010 Leading liberal intellectual Noam Chomsky just told Press TV: "The explicit and declared motive o...
November 17, 2010
November 16, 2010
November 15, 2010
November 12, 2010
November 11, 2010
November 10, 2010
November 9, 2010
November 8, 2010
November 5, 2010
November 4, 2010