Blacklisted News
- Former DHS Head Chertoff Received 350 Million Doll ...
- Russia Frees Israeli MercenaryRussia has released Israeli mercenary Yair Klein, who was sought by Colombia for his involvement in the training of paramilitary squads, reports say.
- Bill Gates: Register Every Birth by Cellphone To E ...On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on impro ...
- Biotech company secretly releases millions of GM m ...Scientists at British biotechnology giant Oxitec recently developed a genetically-modified (GM) mosquito that, apart from a specific chemical antibiotic, is unable to successfully repopulate. And the company recently released millions of these GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands to see what woul ...
- Fake bomb aboard German passenger jet ‘was made by ...It was not yet clear who had planted ‘test suitcase’, said German interior minister Thomas de Maziere, but the one fact they had established was that the device had been manufactured by a U.S. company that specialises in alarm systems.
The Intelligence Daily
- Video: The Truth About ViolenceBritish journalist Michael Portillo investigates the psychology of violence-how is it that humans...
- IntelFilter: November 15, 2010Main Headlines: Is âPeak Oilâ Behind Us? (NY Times) Ireland’s young flee abroad as economic...
- Cyber Command Prepares the Ground for High-Tech Wa ...By Tom Burghardt While a bureaucratic turf war rages between the CIA and U.S. Cyber Command...
- Lisbon Summit: NATO To Retain Nuclear Arms, Build ...By Rick Rozoff In little more than a week the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will convene a...
- TSA targets ‘smoking hot’ woman for naked scan; fo ...By Rady Ananda Are transportation security authorities looking for terrorists or a hard on? Why...
My AntiWar
- Scientist: Airport Body Scanners Are ‘Just a ...
- Israel vs Iran: the Washington factorSummary: Paul Rogers The mid-term election results in the United States carry implications for Israel?s military plans towards Iran. source: Open Democracy read more
- GATES? FALSE IRAN PREMISE: SANCTIONS WILL NOT SOW ...Summary: The real alternative to another U.S.-initiated war in the Persian Gulf is not more sanctions, any more than it is militarized containment; the real alternative remains something that President Obama has yet to try?serious, strategically grounded diplomacy with the Islamic Republic. The Uni ...
- Will Suu Kyi Be Allowed to Shine, or Fade Away?
- Chinese Repression Creates the World’s First ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Israel vs Iran: the Washington factorSummary: Paul Rogers The mid-term election results in the United States carry implications for Israel’s military plans towards Iran. source: Open Democracy read more
- GATES’ FALSE IRAN PREMISE: SANCTIONS WILL NOT SOW ...Summary: The real alternative to another U.S.-initiated war in the Persian Gulf is not more sanctions, any more than it is militarized containment; the real alternative remains something that President Obama has yet to try—serious, strategically grounded diplomacy with the Islamic Republic. The ...
- Iran is not the Arabs' enemy, Israel isSummary: Arab states in the Gulf region and beyond have every right to defend their interests, but they have no right to pursue hostile policies against the Iranian republic just to appease Washington and obtain a certificate of good conduct from international Zionism. In the final analysis, Is ...
- What do US comedian Jon Stewart and Hamas Chief Kh ...Summary: NarwaniWhat do US comedian Jon Stewart and Hamas Chief Khaled Meshaal have in common? What does Stewart have in common with Syrian President Bashar al Assad or outgoing Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva or Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for that matter? source ...
- Nuclear standoff could hurt Iran's cancer patientsSummary: Tehran's Shariati Hospital The human impact from the wrangling between Iran and the West over its nuclear program could fall first in nuclear medicine clinics around the country, where hundreds of cancer patients a week get treatment with radioactive isotopes. source: Forbes.comread m ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Get Your Daily Dose of Awe @The Daily Galaxy Faceb ...Link & Share The Daily Galaxy Facebook Page
- Amazon Goes Hollywood: Now, You Can Too!Amazon.com is getting into the movie business by opening Amazon Studios, with the goal of using the Internet to put fresh movies on the big screen. The new Internet movie studio will allow writers to upload screenplays to its website,...
- Weekend Image: The Great Barrier Reef from the ISSWhat might be mistaken for Tyrannus Rex bones being unearthed at a paleontological dig are some of the individual reefs that make up the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest tropical coral reef system. The reef stretches more than 2,000...
- The Weekend Debate: Is It Possible a "Universe-In- ...The existence of a large void of some billion light-years in diameter in the Constellation Eridanus appears to be improbable given current cosmological models. A radical and controversial theory proposes that it is a "universe-in-mass black hole" rather than dark...
- 'Daily Galaxy' Fans: Win a Free $500 Amazon Gift C ...Use it to Purchase a Kindle, Android X Smartphone, Apple iPod Touch, Garmin Portable GPS Navigator, Toshiba HDTV With Net TV or Hundreds of Other Products and Accessories. Users of Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Digg are invited to discover, review and...
Natural News
- TSA now needs false flag security incident to conv ...(NaturalNews) With the grassroots backlash over the TSA's obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it's becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another "terrorist incident" that's stopped by the ...
- Bipartisan healthcare exemption legislation first ...(NaturalNews) In recent months, many states have been scrambling to develop "opt-out" legislation for the Obama Administration's massive health care overhaul. But rather than simply be a partisan issue, many politicians from both sides of the aisle have decided to join forces and work to exempt thei ...
- Doctors warn that using Facebook can cause asthma ...(NaturalNews) The social networking site Facebook is causing a new wave of physical and mental health problems, say researchers from Italy. According to their analysis, scientists say that Facebook has become "a new source of psychological stress" that is capable of inducing asthma attacks, particul ...
- Senate Bill 510 vote delayed until after Thanksgiv ...(NaturalNews) If there's one thing to give thanks for this year, it's the fact that the Senate floor vote on the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" has been delayed until after the Senate's Thanksgiving recess. This gives all of us -- the commonsense opponents of S.510 who don't want the FDA ...
- Senate Bill 510 Food Safety? The FDA has killed fa ...(NaturalNews) Proponents of Senate Bill 510 -- the Food Safety and Modernization Act -- keep trying to claim that we need the FDA to protect us from tainted eggs, lettuce, onions and spinach. On the surface, it seems like a reasonable argument: No one should ever die from unsafe food in America, rig ...
Threat Level
- ‘Berlin’ Is Revealed as Kryptos Clue“Berlin” is the highly anticipated clue from artist Jim Sanborn that’s meant to help crypto sleuths unlock the cipher to his enigmatic Kryptos sculpture. The clue was revealed Saturday in a New York Times article. Sanborn gave the newspaper six letters from the remaining 97 letters that have yet to ...
- Kryptos Artist Launches Website to Receive Solutio ...Start your engines, Kryptos fans. Artist Jim Sanborn, the creator of the CIA’s Kryptos sculpture, has launched his new website which he built in conjunction with a much-anticipated clue he’s scheduled to release in a New York Times story this weekend. The site Kryptos Clue appeared this week. It’s ...
- Wiseguys Plead Guilty in Ticketmaster CAPTCHA CaseThree operators of a ticket scalping agency have pleaded guilty to charges that they illegally used computer scripts to bypass CAPTCHA — the squiggly letters and numbers websites display to prove a visitor is human — and automatically purchase thousands of tickets from Ticketmaster and other vendor ...
- Judge Orders Cops to Stop Harassing SuperheroesYou’d think Wolverine, Batman, Superman, Catwoman and Iron Man would collectively hold enough superpower to keep the cops at bay. But with the Hall of Justice unavailable, a group of street performers nicknamed the Hollywood Characters aired their beef against the Los Angeles Police Department in ...
- Another Hacker’s Laptop, Cell Phones Searched at B ...A well-known and respected computer security researcher was detained for several hours Wednesday night by border agents who searched his laptop and cell phones before returning them to him. The researcher, who goes by the hacker handle Moxie Marlinspike, was met by two U.S. Customs and Border Prote ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Obama Saves U.S. Auto Industry from the Party of H ...As the American auto industry teetered on the brink of collapse in December 2008, Vice President Dick Cheney beseeched his GOP allies in Congress to back an aid package, warning, "If we don't do this, we will be known as the party of Herbert Hoover forever." Which is exactly right. Because while R ...
- Sharron Angle Joins Bush in Praising DictatorsTea Party favorite and failed Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle is no fan of democracy. Angle, after all, declared if her supporters failed to help her "take out" Harry Reid, they should resort to "Second Amendment remedies." Now, two weeks after her defeat at the polls, the Las Vegas Sun reve ...
- The Return of the Free Lunch PartyAs Ronald Reagan's budget chief almost thirty years ago, a frustrated David Stockman famously lamented that when it comes to spending discipline, "there are no real conservatives in Congress." Now, three decades after he concluded "the supply-siders have gone too far," Stockman called the Republica ...
- "We Don't Negotiate with Ourselves"Everything you need to know about the difference between the governing style of Republicans and Democrats is on display in the battles over the passage and expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Despite large Congressional majorities and broad public support for ending as promised the budget-busting Bush ...
- Meet the $700 Billion ClubFor most of the 1990's, the top income earners in the United States paid a 39.6% tax rate during a time which produced a booming economy for them - and pretty much everyone else. Now, after the Bush tax cut windfall for the wealthy produced a decade of falling household incomes, skyrocketing defici ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Great Tax Cut Debate - Myths and FactsIn the lame-duck Congress agenda, perhaps the most substantive debate is over whether to continue tax breaks for the rich. President Obama and most Congressional Democrats want to extend the Bush tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans, everyone making under $250,000. Republicans want to extend the tax ...
- What Landslide?: A Closer Look at the Midterm Elec ...By now, everyone has heard of the conservative "tidal wave" that has overtaken Congress and most gubernatorial seats throughout the U.S. Indeed, anyone who has watched mainstream media coverage probably understands the midterm election results as a "rebuke of Obama's policies," with the "Tea Party m ...
- INS Targets Community Leaders, Not CriminalsWhen people the world over think of Arizona nowadays, they generally think of Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio or state representative Russell Pearce – the poster children of the state's move toward legalized discrimination and racial profiling. If they are closely following the politics of t ...
- Dancing with Dynamite:How Citizens Can be More Tha ...Two years ago, President Obama sailed into the White House on the winds of voters’ desire for widespread social change and their disgust with two wars and a massive recession associated with George W. Bush. Only two years into his presidency and the concurrent Democratic takeover of Congress, howeve ...
- Pope Says Condoms Acceptable 'In Certain Cases'Until now, the Vatican had prohibited the use of any form of contraception -- other than abstinence -- even as a guard against sexually transmitted disease.
Consortium News
- Time to Apologize to Plame/WilsonOfficial Washington's "Fair Game" abuse of CIA officer Valerie Plame and her husband Joe Wilson went beyond the White House. November 14, 2010
- The UN and the Hypocrisy of PowerIsrael and its defenders in Washington have exposed the UN's impotence over the Palestinians' plight, says Lawrence Davidson. November 13, 2010
- Dogmatism in an Age of ComplexityAmid crises fraught with complexity, many politicians thrive by offering a simplistic world view, notes Judy J. Johnson. November 13, 2010
- WikiLeaks Ban or Global Secrecy ActA proposal to criminalize disclosure of CIA or US military contacts aims at WikiLeaks but could hit elsewhere, writes D.H. Kerby. November 11, 2010
- Angry Voters of a Decaying EmpireVoters with no real stake in America's corporatist empire expressed pointless anger about their fate, says Phil Rockstroh. November 11, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Mock Israeli Checkpoint at Columbia University (C ...
- 6 detained at Hebron rally (Ma'an News Agency)Six demonstrators were detained at an anti-settlement protest in Beit Ummar near the West Bank city of Hebron on Saturday. Israeli forces fired tear gas canisters and sound grenades at de ...
- Troops in Gaza assault named on website (Vita Bek ...A new website listing names and photographs of dozens of Israeli soldiers involved in the onslaught launched by Israel in Gaza in late 2008 appears to have embarrassed the Israeli army. T ...
- Obama's Bribe: Palestinians Will Be the Losers - A ...Another setback of similar magnitude may be unfolding as Barack Obama dangles a lavish package of incentives in the face of Benjamin Netanyahu in an attempt to lure the Israeli prime mini ...
- Palestinian olive harvest plows on, despite tensio ...As fall progresses, a heavy patter can be heard amid the terraced hills of the West Bank. It is raining olives again in the Levant, as Palestinian villagers embark on the annual harvest t ...
Water - AlterNet
- Unavoidable Climate Change: We've Passed the Point ...How bad it gets depends on how much longer we fail to act and how much longer Congress and others hide behind ignorance, political ideology and religion to deny reality.
- While U.S. Politicians Play Dumb About Climate Cha ...Many Americans hardly feel the impact of the climate crisis. To see the impact of the climate crisis on a daily basis, head south to Bolivia.
- Pittsburgh Bans Fracking (and Corporate Personhood ...A historic new ordinance bans natural gas drilling while elevating community decision making and the rights of nature over the "rights" associated with corporate personhood.
- In Supporting Natural Gas Drilling, Obama Omits An ...It's important to acknowledge that just because natural gas is cleaner than other fossil fuels -- especially coal -- does not mean we should give the industry a free pass.
- The Delusional People Who Want to Frack This Count ...The lying starts at the very top in this country, exhibit A being the grand idea that we can run our cars on U.S. reserves of natural gas.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Study finds Texas coal plants foul neighboring sta ...Coal-fired power plants in Texas are responsible for dozens of bad air days in neighboring states each year, according to a new analysis released by the Sierra Club. The report attributes as many as 64 days of harmful levels of smog in Oklahoma to Texas’ coal plants. It also ties the plants to a ...
- Public Citizen Staff at PUC after protesting a beh ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Public Citizen Staff at PUC after protesting a behind-closed-door negotiation b/w NRG, CPS Energy, and Chairman Barry Smitherman
- Lubbock Town Hall Meeting on TCEQ SunsetThe list of TCEQ Sunset town halls continues to grow with the addition of town halls in Austin and Lubbock the week before Thanksgiving. The Lubbock town hall will take place Friday, November 19th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Texas Tech School of Law. All are invited to attend these town hal ...
- Meghana Menon: Re Energize Texas Intern at Public ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Meghana Menon majors in Enivronmental Studies at the University of Texas at Austin
- Ali Rawaf: Media and Campaign Finance Intern at Pu ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Ali studies Political Science and Int'l Studies at University of Texas at Austin.
Unexplained Mysteries
- Americans reached Europe 1000 years agoScientists believe Americans reached Europe over 500 years before Columbus reached America. The research is based on studies of the genetic past of a...
- NASA moves X-34s out of storageAfter ten years in storage NASA are considering bringing the X-34s back to operational status. The X-34s are being inspected to determine if they are ...
- Should Pluto be a planet after all ?Pluto may have been demoted but it turns out it is the largest body in the outer solar system after all. Back in 2006 Pluto was demoted to the status ...
- Giant extra-galactic planet discoveredFor the first time scientists have observed a planet that originated outside our own galaxy. Situated 2,000 light years from Earth this new planet was...
- Laser camera takes photos around cornersA new camera has been developed that is able to take pictures around corners by using lasers. A high-intensity burst of laser light illuminates the ar...
- A New Kind of Disaster in Haiti in the Midst of St ...un_haiti_tent.jpg Haitian peasant leader, Chavannes Jean Baptiste, put it best: �Haiti is going from disaster to disaster.��He was talking about debilitating disease among displaced people in squalid living conditions, tropical storms destroyi ...
- How peasant farmers feed the planet2010_brazil_site_visit_053.jpg read more
- Indigenous Youth Find Opportunity at Homepociano-and-willy.jpg They cross borders to survive. Young people, like Ponciano Perez, 19, left, take the long north-bound journey from Mexico, seeking an opportunity in the United States. The trip can take several weeks or months. Without mo ...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and C ...mexico200605-012.jpg � � - - - - -� � Over a thousand women and men, farmers, indigenous people, urban and rural people affected by social and environmental destruction are planning to march in 5 caravans towards Cancun, Mexico, in protest aga ...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and E ...mexico200605-012.jpg The Via Campesina, along with their member organization the National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations (UNORCA) – both Grassroots International partners – are organizing a march in Mexico for life and en ...
- GOP Win Dims Prospects for Climate Bill, But Obama ...Source:� Washington Post The new GOP majority in Congress will have few easy options for undoing the White House's Plan B on climate, a set of new regulations that will cut emissions from power plants and factories.
- China Says Rare Earth Crackdown Will Not Cut Outpu ...Source:� Reuters China's five-month crackdown on illegal mining of rare earth will not cut output of the key material, Chinese officials said on Sunday.
- UK's Last Chance for Carbon-Capture Plant Gets Und ...Source:� Guardian Other bids to trap CO2 have failed. But supporters of the technology say a project in Fife could still transform the use of fossil fuel.
- Kyoto Doubts Prompt Japan to Hedge Carbon-Trading ...Source:� Bloomberg Japan is building a new emissions market as the widest carbon-trading spreads in four months signal that the 1997 Kyoto treaty will be scrapped.
- China Rules Out Linking Climate Aid to Transparenc ...Source:� Reuters China said on Friday it will not agree to any deal tying climate change aid from rich nations to its acceptance of tighter international checks of its emissions, which it said will grow for some time.
- The Greening of Professional SportsFrom coast to coast, and in every professional sport, teams and their owners are making significant progress on reducing their environmental impacts, from solar-powered scoreboards to stadiums located in the heart of neighborhoods, rather than beyond city limits.
- General Mills' Five-Year Goals Aim to Cut Impacts ...The company wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and water and energy each by 20 percent, while also halving its solid waste generation by 2015.
- Why Business is the Best Bet to Fix Russia's Clima ...Russia holds vast potential for business action on climate change and should start to become a higher priority in managers' minds. Doing sustainability work there is difficult, however, because of low awareness, governance obstacles, and slow going in the policy realm, yet these obstacles aren't ...
- Greenbuild 2010: Carrier U. to Train Employees and ...The Carrier University Institute for Sustainability, the firm became the first business to license the USGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design curriculum for employee and client training.
- Inside Unilever's Big, Broad, Bold Sustainability ...Unilever unveiled its 2020 sustainability plan yesterday, and no one can accuse the company of playing small ball. Unilever's Sustainable Living Plan will attempt to do something that will be incredibly hard to achieve: growing a company's sales without growing its environmental footprint.
Reuters Global
- Sentenced to death: On Pakistan’s minoritiesThe sentencing to death for blasphemy of a Christian woman in Pakistan has revived discussion about the treatment of minorities.
- Macedonia and Greece could look to EU for helpA row with Greece over Macedonia's name has blocked Skopje's path to the European Union and NATO. The EU may find the way forward.
- Ahead of Lisbon, soul-searching in PakistanPakistanis are questioning their state's involvement with militant organisations and asking if they would be better-off focusing on rebuilding a shattered economy than chasing strategic goals.
- Croatia must read European Union signals carefullyCroatia hopes to become a European Union member in the next couple of years. Effective anti-corruption reforms are a major test of its readiness.
- APEC’s robots stealing the showMiim is one of the more popular delegates at the APEC meetings in Yokohama Japan. She sings. She dances. She tosses her shoulder length hair. She may not be able to spout an alphabet soup of APEC acronyms like the other Asia-Pacific delegates. But she's still pretty lively. For a robot.
Booman Tribune
- Interesting Prediction Well, at least one expert thinks that President Obama will win reelection easily because of the economy. That might strike you as counterintuitive, since the economy sucks and there's not much that can be done about it now that teabaggers have veto power over any new stimulus. I'm skeptical of ele ...
- We're Not Smart People We're eeediots, babe: Despite the overwhelming evidence and need to address its inevitable impacts, a huge contingent of the newly-empowered GOP members of Congress do not believe in climate change to begin with. A survey by the Wonk Rooms Brad Johnson finds that a member of Congress from nearly ...
- Quote of the DayHe's not a moron: "It makes you feel a little bit like a moron to have lost when everyone else is winning," -Bob Inglis (R-SC) And here's some mood music. Discuss
- My Bro's Article I see that my brother has an article in this month's Foreign Policy magazine. I read this article many months ago, maybe in a draft form. It will make you think differently about issues like sustainability and population growth. I wish he had more of a conclusion, but I think his work is importan ...
- More Power to Chuck Dick Durbin didn't lose his position as Majority Whip of the U.S. Senate, but he did lose some of his power to Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York. We lost some of the American people because we were so hyperfocused on policy we allowed ourselves to get on the defensive, said Senator Claire McCaskill, ...
European Tribune
- Sunday Rainy Open ThreadIt's Sunday and it's raining...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 2 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1905 - Albert Einstein's...
- Garden Saturday Open ThreadBy your leaves...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 20 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1700 - troops led...
- Friday Open ThreadA place to talk...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
Therapy News
- A Picture of Mental Health in AmericaA GoodTherapy.org News Summary Each year, hundreds of thousands of people choose to find a therapist or counselor to address their mental health concerns. But we know that only a portion of people who need help actually get it. The results of a comprehensive national survey have just been published ...
- Owen: Now is the Time to Take Mental Health Seriou ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Professor Mike Owen is calling for a War on Mental Illness. Owen serves as Director of the new Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute within Cardiff University, a leading research university in the UK. Mental health concerns account for the greatest portion ...
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up This week’s psychotherapy news produced some fascinating perspectives on aspects of our everyday lives: finances, work environment, morality, and relationships. Enjoy these articles, let us know what you think, and we wish you the best preparing f ...
- Predicting Psychotherapy’s Effectiveness on Childh ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Therapy is the leading type of treatment for people who experience anxiety, both adults and children. For many of these people, the therapy proves highly successful, but for a small subset it yields weaker results. Scientists have found a way to identify children’s co ...
- Mental Health and Cancer: The Often-Overlooked Con ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Dealing with an illness as serious as cancer is no small thing. A cancer diagnosis of often accompanied with swift and aggressive treatment, and it’s all but expected that a person will be overwhelmed, worried, fearful, and anxious while doctors focus on their medical ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Share Your Story To Help Stop Mountaintop Removal ...Care2.com (blog) Share Your Story To Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Mining Care2.com (blog) ... of mountaintop removal mining. The Mountain Heroes series is a chance for all Americans to hear the stories of people who live near mountain top removal ...
- Mountaintop removal (film) comes to Colo. - The Da ...Mountaintop removal (film) comes to Colo. The Daily Planet When a mountaintop removal coal mine encroaches on their community, the two find themselves on opposite sides of a debate — who controls, consumes, ...
- Mountaintop Removal Roadshow comes to AB Tech Nov. ...Mountaintop Removal Roadshow comes to AB Tech Nov. 17 Mountain Xpress The Mountaintop Removal Road Show features a graphic 20-minute slide show about the impacts of mountaintop removal on neighboring communities and the ... Mountaintop Removal activist wins $50000 prizeExaminer.com Heroic Anti-Moun ...
- Raleigh activist wins $50000 for fight against mou ...Raleigh activist wins $50000 for fight against mountaintop removal Charleston Gazette Raleigh County native Bo Webb is being recognized with a $50000 award for his work fighting to stop mountaintop removal coal mining. ... W.Va. mining activist wins $50000 Purpose PrizeDaily Mail - Charleston all ...
- Sen. Alexander Presses For Protection of Northern ...Nashville Scene Sen. Alexander Presses For Protection of Northern Cumberland Ridgelines From ... Nashville Scene Case in point: Mountaintop removal mining. It's ugly. It's bad for our health. It's bad for the ecosystems that depend on the waterways this kind of mining ... and more��
- TRENDING: Clinton: I'm not running for president ( ...Gschwarzcnn / CNN: TRENDING: Clinton: I'm not running for president — (CNN) - Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton is not running for president - just ask her. — “I am not in any way interested in or pursuing anything in elected office,” Clinton said on “Fox News Sunday.” — Clinton laughed off ...
- TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- agai ...Examiner: TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- again — In what can only be described as TSA handlers gone wild, the San Diego Harbor Police arrested an area resident for refusal to complete the screening/security process yesterday. This is the same airport that created the TSA security ...
- A Forecast That Obama Could Love (Jeff Sommer/New ...Jeff Sommer / New York Times: A Forecast That Obama Could Love — THINGS are looking up for Barack Obama. — You might not think so, given the flow of news lately. His foreign policy has met with limited success, at best. And, back home, unemployment is mired at 9.6 percent. Earlier this mont ...
- AN UNLIKELY VORACIOUS READER.... The New York Time ...Steve Benen / Washington Monthly: AN UNLIKELY VORACIOUS READER.... The New York Times' Sunday magazine has a lengthy piece from Robert Draper today on a certain former half-term governor. The piece covers quite a bit of ground — and should probably dispel any lingering doubts about Sarah Palin's n ...
- North Koreans Unveil Vast New Plant for Nuclear Us ...David E. Sanger / New York Times: North Koreans Unveil Vast New Plant for Nuclear Use — WASHINGTON — North Korea showed a visiting American nuclear scientist earlier this month a vast new facility it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium, confronting the Obama administration with the pros ...
Energy & Environment News
- Dot Earth: DiCaprio Urges Apple to Aid Wild Tigers ...Leonardo DiCaprio presses Steven Jobs to help save the cats he names his software for.
- Green Column: Cash Prize for Environmental Help Go ...A delay in awarding a $25 million prize illustrates how even the most generous incentives for finding ways of capturing gases linked to global warming may prove ineffective.
- E.P.A. Finds Gas Mileage Improved in ’09 Fl ...Whether buyers chose 2009 model cars or light trucks, they picked smaller ones, the agency’s report found.
- Dot Earth: Realclimate on the Climate HackA climate scientist and blogger reflects on a tumultuous year.
- Exxon Mobil Settles State Suit on Newtown Creek Cl ...The oil company’s agreement with New York State calls for a faster and more thorough cleanup of spills along the creek.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Volcano Islands, Japan regionThursday, November 18, 2010 17:53:18 UTCFriday, November 19, 2010 03:53:18 AM at epicenterDepth: 184.30 km (114.52 mi)
- M 5.0, near the coast of southern PeruThursday, November 18, 2010 01:31:51 UTCWednesday, November 17, 2010 08:31:51 PM at epicenterDepth: 23.90 km (14.85 mi)
- M 5.8, Banda SeaTuesday, November 16, 2010 20:06:37 UTCWednesday, November 17, 2010 05:06:37 AM at epicenterDepth: 110.00 km (68.35 mi)
- M 5.0, near the coast of YemenTuesday, November 16, 2010 02:07:04 UTCTuesday, November 16, 2010 05:07:04 AM at epicenterDepth: 11.00 km (6.84 mi)
- M 5.8, near the north coast of Papua, IndonesiaTuesday, November 16, 2010 01:39:41 UTCTuesday, November 16, 2010 10:39:41 AM at epicenterDepth: 5.10 km (3.17 mi)
China Dialogue
- Unpicking China’s grain pricesCereal costs are surging in both Chinese and global markets – but for very different reasons, state researcher Cheng Guoqiang tells Wen Yu.After his sister-in-law moved to Beijing, Zhao Xiaojun of Huangcheng village in Hebei, north China, worked out the economics of borrowing two mu (1,333 square me ...
- Reflections of a climate veteran (2)In the conclusion of Tan Copsey’s interview with James Hansen, the American climatologist discusses the role of science in global-warming activism, and says it is time to take the fight to the law courts.Tan Copsey: You played an interesting role in a case in the United Kingdom, where your testimony ...
- Reflections of a climate veteran (1)James Hansen is one of the world’s leading climate scientists. After 30 years in the field, he tells Tan Copsey why cheap fossil fuels are still obstructing progress – and why taxing carbon is the answer.James Hansen is director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a member of the United ...
- The right course for riversA decade after the World Commission on Dams launched its seminal report on responsible water and energy projects, Peter Bosshard says its recommendations are still spot on.Ten years ago today, Nelson Mandela launched the report of the independent World Commission on Dams (WCD) at a glitzy ceremony i ...
- Fragile adaptation in LadakhDestructive floods have led farmers to question their ability to survive in the arid reaches of the Himalayas. Arthar Parvaiz reports from north-west India.The devastating flood that struck the normally arid desert of Ladakh, north-west India, in August has multiplied the worries of local farmers, a ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Unavoidable Climate Change: We've Passed the Point ...How bad it gets depends on how much longer we fail to act and how much longer Congress and others hide behind ignorance, political ideology and religion to deny reality.
- ICE's Partnership with Local Police Departments Le ...The "secure communities" program is especially troubling in light of recent reports that ICE has asked for the deportation of people eligible to be in the U.S.
- 5 Tips to Stretch Your Holiday DollarsWith a little creativity and effort you might find that you’ve started a new holiday tradition that helps you avoid holiday debt year after year.
- The Conservative Pledge to Freeze the Debt Ceiling ...The resulting cuts would eviscerate basic services and protections offered by our federal government, and would increase unemployment and severely dampen economic growth.
- Dutch Want to Ban Foreigners from Marijuana Coffee ...The newly elected rightist Dutch government said it wants to bar foreigners from the country's famous cannabis coffee shops.
Threat Level
- ‘Berlin’ Is Revealed as Kryptos Clue“Berlin” is the highly anticipated clue from artist Jim Sanborn that’s meant to help crypto sleuths unlock the cipher to his enigmatic Kryptos sculpture. The clue was revealed Saturday in a New York Times article. Sanborn gave the newspaper six letters from the remaining 97 letters that have yet to ...
- Kryptos Artist Launches Website to Receive Solutio ...Start your engines, Kryptos fans. Artist Jim Sanborn, the creator of the CIA’s Kryptos sculpture, has launched his new website which he built in conjunction with a much-anticipated clue he’s scheduled to release in a New York Times story this weekend. The site Kryptos Clue appeared this week. It’s ...
- Wiseguys Plead Guilty in Ticketmaster CAPTCHA CaseThree operators of a ticket scalping agency have pleaded guilty to charges that they illegally used computer scripts to bypass CAPTCHA — the squiggly letters and numbers websites display to prove a visitor is human — and automatically purchase thousands of tickets from Ticketmaster and other vendor ...
- Judge Orders Cops to Stop Harassing SuperheroesYou’d think Wolverine, Batman, Superman, Catwoman and Iron Man would collectively hold enough superpower to keep the cops at bay. But with the Hall of Justice unavailable, a group of street performers nicknamed the Hollywood Characters aired their beef against the Los Angeles Police Department in ...
- Another Hacker’s Laptop, Cell Phones Searched at B ...A well-known and respected computer security researcher was detained for several hours Wednesday night by border agents who searched his laptop and cell phones before returning them to him. The researcher, who goes by the hacker handle Moxie Marlinspike, was met by two U.S. Customs and Border Prote ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Saudi king to seek medical treatment in U.S.JEDDAH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's elderly King Abdullah will leave for the United States on Monday for medical checks for a back ailment, and Crown Prince Sultan is returning from holiday abroad, state media said on Sunday.
- Afghan withdrawal timeline "irrational": TalibanKABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban described NATO's plan to withdraw combat troops by the end of 2014 as "irrational," reiterating on Sunday its demand for all foreign troops to leave immediately or risk more bloodshed.
- Irish ministers to sign off IMF/EU package Sunday: ...DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish ministers will sign off an application for IMF/EU aid later on Sunday, the Irish broadcaster RTE said.
- Factbox: North Korea's nuclear program(Reuters) - North Korean officials have this month taken foreign nuclear experts to what they said was a uranium enrichment facility at the country's main nuclear complex.
- U.S. expert saw hundreds of centrifuges in North K ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. nuclear scientist saw hundreds of centrifuges in North Korea this month, sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday, buttressing the case that Pyongyang has a uranium enrichment program giving it a second way to obtain fissile material for atomic bombs.
- News you may have missed #454Georgia lets Russian envoy visit jailed spy suspect. Danish agency aware of CIA spying since 2004. Iran charges German reporters with espionage. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #453France accuses Iran of violence at Tehran embassy. CIA picks Air Force general to lead military ops office. Aussie spies spooked out by student filmmakers. Continue reading →
- Did FSB leak Russian double spy’s name to the medi ...The revelation that a double agent betrayed the ten Russian deep-cover spies, who were arrested in the United States last summer, may have been leaked to the media as part of a turf war between two rival Russian spy agencies. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #452Britain's GCHQ turns to Google for help. CIA double agent pleads guilty from prison. Georgia offers to negotiate with Russia over spies. Continue reading →
- Israel intelligence source warns of West Bank coll ...A senior source inside Israelâs intelligence community has warned that the continuing building of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories could cause the rapid collapse of the Fatah government in the West Bank. Continue reading →
After Downing Street.org
- Bush Event Disrupted in Texas
- Afghanistan: The Beauty OfAfghanistan, the Beautiful side, as most of the rest of the country a warzone! Afghans see rebirth in striking landscape Nov. 20: While Afghanistan is better known for war, many of its citizens are embracing the idea of preserving their culture and environment. NBC’s Richard Engel reports.
- Thousands Converge at the gates of Fort Benning fo ...26 PEOPLE ARRESTED AND HELD IN THE COUNTY JAIL ON MULTIPLE CHARGES Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Action Followed by Indiscriminate Arrests and Targeting of Journalists. Among those arrested by Columbus Police were three Journalists, including TV News Crew from RT America and Unrelated Bystanders. ...
- SOA Watch: 26 People Arrested26 People Arrested and Held in County Jail on Multiple Charges 21 November 2010 - Thousands Converge at the gates of Fort Benning for 20th Anniversary of November Vigil to Close the SOA Nonviolent civil disobedience action followed by indiscriminate arrests and targeting of journalists. Among those ...
- Haiti's Cholera Epidemic: Mounting Illnesses and D ...Haiti's Cholera Epidemic: Mounting Illnesses and Deaths, Inadequate Aid - by Stephen Lendman Three previous articles on the crisis can be accessed through the following links: http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2010/11/haitis-cholera-outbreak-disease-of... http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/2010/11/cholera-ou ...
Grist - News
- Mother of Green Party candidate killed by SUV beco ...by Jonathan Hiskes. Natasha Pettigrew, a Maryland Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, died on Sept. 20 after a Cadillac Escalade struck her while she was bicycling. The 30-year-old was training for a triathlon about an hour before sunrise. The driver didn't stop and didn't call police until ...
- G20 vows to ‘spare no effort’ for Canc ...by Agence France-Presse. SEOUL -- The world's 20 largest rich and emerging economies including China vowed Friday to "spare no effort" at upcoming climate change talks in Mexico, a year after Beijing stymied a deal in Copenhagen. "We will spare no effort to reach a balanced and successful outcom ...
- Understanding the smart meter backlashby Jonathan Hiskes. David's been writing lately about the intersection of technology and human habits and culture, arguing that energy is a behavioral challenge as much as a technological one. There's a prime of example of how these things collide -- and why climate hawks should pay attention ...
- U.S. wants China to reciprocate green energy subsi ...by Agence France-Presse. SHANGHAI -- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Monday that China should allow foreign companies to qualify for its subsidies aimed at encouraging renewable energy projects. Chu said foreign firms, including Chinese companies, qualify for U.S. clean energy subsidie ...
- EPA issues guidelines for cutting greenhouse-gas e ...by Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The U.S. EPA issued guidelines on Wednesday to help industries comply with greenhouse-gas emission cuts beginning next year, as the nation takes steps to stem global warming. The move follows a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that carbon emissions are pollutants ...
Popular Bookmarks on Del.icio.us
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Study Claims Children Can Recover From AutismStudy claims children recover from autism with behavioral therapy, but there is danger in thinking we have found a cure.
- Utah Teen May Escape Criminal Charges After Fatal ...The victim was thrown off his bike onto the dirt side of the street with one foot resting on the curb.
- Subsidizing Private (Religious) SchoolsUsing public funds to pay for private school.
- Portugal, Spain Worry Contagion from IrelandIreland authorities deny that they need EU aid, but Portugal and Spain urge it to act fast to prevent contagion.
- Cuba Dissident Economists Freed On Humanitarian Gr ...12 political prisoners remain in Cuban prison pending their agreement to go into exile upon release.
Time - Top Stories
- TIME Frames: Covering Generations of Youth CultureTIME Frames: Covering Generations of Youth Culture
- At the Heart of Haiti's Cholera Riots, Anger at th ...Frustration with the seemingly passive role of U.N. peacekeepers seems to have broken out in anger as many Haitians blame the foreign troops for cholera
- Obama's Afterthought: Is the E.U. Getting Short Sh ...With the U.S. focused on improving relations to the east, Europe is feeling taken for granted. Did a quick summit on Saturday succeed in reinforcing their partnership?
- Muslims, Gays and American electionsWhy scare politics work -- and why that's bad
- Now Britain's Men-Only Clubs Have to Let in the La ...A new law, the Equality Act, forces some of Britain's traditional clubs to end gender segregation. But some members still pine for the days when it was no girls allowed
Washington Independent
- The Washington Independent, signing offWe thought our model of online journalism could rise above the industry's financial struggles. For a while, it did. But in the end, we fell prey to the recession just like everyone else.
- Lunchtime LinksHalf of the members of Congress are millionaires. Bristol Palin and The Situation teach kids about safe sex… …and Palin’s fans rig the Dancing With the Stars voting system. Salon ranks the sexiest men of 2010. 50 Cent’s “In Da Club” gets translated into English. Lieberman thinks Palin is qualified t ...
- Study finds high costs, questionable return for Vi ...A new study on the impact of anti-illegal immigration policies in Prince William County, Va., found that the Latino population decreased substantially after the policy was implemented in 2007, with a 7,700-person drop in the non-citizen Latino population between 2006 and 2008. (That number accounts ...
- Democratic donors still divided over the best appr ...Democratic donors and operatives gathered yesterday at the Mandarin Hotel for a conference hosted by the Democracy Alliance to talk about the past midterm elections and what they mean for strategy on various policy and electoral issues going forward. The event was closed to the press, but Politico m ...
- New report lays out failures that led to Deepwater ...An interim report released today by the National Academy of Engineering lays out a series of failures that led to the Deepwater Horizon explosion and resulting oil spill. The report isn’t pretty. It points to “failures and missed indications of hazard,” “insufficient checks and balances” on safety a ...
Digg Green
- New Film "Cool It" Says Al Gore's Full of Hoo ...Lomborg doesn’t deny that global warming is occurring and that it is a serious long-term problem. Instead, he notes that doomsday scenarios (20 ft. sea level rise! Devastating hurricanes once a week!) are overblown, and that the efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gases through legislative ...
- Earthshine The Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover the Space Station with blue light.
- If kissing or sex leaves you tingly, is it lo ...Even brushing your teeth or waiting hours after eating may not prevent some partners of people with food and medicine allergies from triggering an allergic reaction through a kiss, according to allergists. Some patients react after their partner has brushed his or her teeth or several hours aft ...
- All viruses 'can be DNA stowaways' 'Fossil viruses' preserved inside the DNA of mammals and insects suggest that all viruses, including relatives of HIV and Ebola, could potentially be stowaways transmitted from generation to generation for millions of years, according to new research.
- Have we found the universe that existed befor ...The current cosmological census is that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago with the Big Bang. But a legendary physicist says he's found the first evidence of an eternal, cyclic cosmos.
Invisible Opportunity
- A Slumber Party in HellBy Les Visible It’s amazing how they can do what they do and the dim-witted public, bobs their heads up and down like plastic flamingos on a drinking glass. No doubt the public goes in for other water sports as well and it must get them off because they keep standing there or coming back [...]
- Music Video – Don’t Touch My Junk by M ...Song by Mike Adams I went to the airport To catch my flight The TSA put me in the Naked body scanner line I don’t want radiation So I opted out (opt out!) But when they grabbed my man junk I couldn’t help myself I had to shout, I had to shout, I had to [...]
- ARE TERRORISTS SUPPLYING OUR AIRPORT SCANNERS?By Gordon Duff Two very dubious terror attacks, both seriously discredited, have provided the impetus for 70 American airports to install scanners, unproven, untested, humiliating and certainly cancer causing. Air travel has now become, not just a health hazard but legally requires all Americans to ...
- Friendly skies? How much more will travelers endur ...By ANDREW W. GRIFFIN OKLAHOMA CITY – The American public appears to be coming out of its slumber. With federal agencies like the Transportation Security Administration running wild and trampling our constitutional rights at the airport, some changes – for the better – may soon be in store. But we ap ...
- Airport security staff face prosecution if they to ...Airport staff were warned today they face prosecution if they touch passengers ‘inappropriately’ as the national outcry over ‘pat-down’ security checks gathered momentum. The move by the California District Attorney represents the first sign of authorities taking a tough stand against the controvers ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Dutch Want to Ban Foreigners from Marijuana Coffee ...The newly elected rightist Dutch government said it wants to bar foreigners from the country's famous cannabis coffee shops.
- Senate Throws Softball Questions in DEA Chief Conf ...DEA chief nominee Leonhart is opposed by the drug reform, medical marijuana, and hemp movements, but insiders say it is all but a done deal.
- Government Is Going 'Loko' Trying to Banning a Boo ...Four Loko, a 23.5 ounce can of booze with lots of calories and caffeine that’s popular with the young binge-drinking set, is being targeted by the prohibitionist crowd.
- Obama's Pick for Top Drug War Enforcer Needs to An ...There are serious issues regarding Obama's nomination of Michele Leonhart to head the DEA.
- Arizona Joins the Medical Marijuana ClubArizona will now become the 15th medical marijuana state. Another blow to the nation's cruel and irrational prohibition on marijuana.
Twilight Earth
- Frankenfish Worried About the Future of GMOceans ( ...Take action to keep GE salmon (”Frankenfish”) off your plate, because as Food and Water Watch state: Genetically engineered salmon are on a fast track to being the first GE Animal approved for human consumption. The FDA is trying to approve GE salmon as a new animal drug, but the truth is U.S. Food ...
- Koch Brothers–Tilting at Clean Energy (cartoon and ...The idiom “tilting at windmills” (or turbines) derives from the novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. It means to attack imaginary enemies, or fight unwinnable or futile battles. Big Oil and Coal (and others) are in a futile battle against clean energy. Clean energy will inevitably emerge victor ...
- Jeff Siegel wins Election Day Caption Contest!Sadly, Jeff Siegel from GreenChipStocks.com came up with this funny yet negative, caption (albeit, for a negative image). However, I’m sure Jeff would be the first to tell us (and I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree) that if we all invested our action and money in clean energy our choices would be less depressi ...
- Election Day Cartoon Caption ContestPlease add your caption in the comments section below. Winner will be chosen on Friday and the cartoon will be posted again with caption and credit to the winner. Note: The winning caption will be selected from all participating websites: Wend Greenery, Ecopolitology, Twilight Earth, PlanetSave an ...
- Tea Party Actually Started by Two British Comedian ...Jokes on us. Those blokes from across the pond sure do give their all for a joke! View all of Joeâs political/environmental cartoonery at JoeMohrToons.com Updates on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Republican Energy Plan (cartoon) Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partier ...
- How Paying Employees to Volunteer Can Reap Rewards ...Even during times where money is tight, according to a 2006 survey of 1,800 13-to-25-year-olds, 79 percent would rather work for a company that cares about how it affects and contributes to society (Wall Street Journal). So in a world where social responsibility is on the rise, there are a number of ...
- PHOTOS: MEKA Shipping Container Home Pops Up in NY ...The popularity of prefab and shipping container construction is certainly on the rise, but New York City was still the last place we’d ever expected to see one pop up as a residence. Currently sitting in a small, empty lot at the corner of Charles and Washington in the West Village, this spectacular ...
- Organic T-Shirt Dress from Silvr Lining is a Wardr ...If you’ve been looking to give your closet a lift with few more basics, but keep hitting a retail wall clad in leopard print, then you may want to consider some of these easy, breezy pieces from Dugwear’s SilvrLining collection. A line made to wear 365-days out of the year, just like this fine tunic ...
- 14 Multifunctional Garments That Can Do More With ...If you’re a thoughtful, green fashionista, you know that they key to a stylin’ wardrobe isn’t this season’s one-hit-wonder statement piece, but purchasing items that boast longevity and multifunctionality. So stop crowding your closet with all that cheap, unethically made clothing from those monster ...
- GIVEAWAY: Win a Brand New $500 Windows Phone 7!TAKE HOME THIS BRAND NEW WINDOWS 7 PHONE! Whether your a PC or a Mac user looking for the next big thing in smart phones, then thIS sleek new Windows 7 smartphones just may be your next hot ticket item. Making its debut just week with a completely revamped and super user-friendly mobile operating s ...
Pogue's Posts
- 10 Favorite iPhone AppsWhat's on David Pogue's iPhone? He lists his ten favorite apps and more than two dozen runner-ups.
- All Aboard an App for Suburban New York CommutersThe OnTime app asks one question: what are the two stations of your usual commute. An efficient, time-saving and free app.
- Finally, Google Voice for iPhonesThe Google Voice app is exactly what iPhone fans like me have been waiting and waiting and waiting for. (Android users, you already had this.)
- The Volt Recharges My BatteriesA test drive of the Chevy Volt convinces David Pogue that electric cars have a future--and are fun to drive.
- You Supply the Movie, Rifftrax Supplies the LaughsDo you love it when funny guys crack jokes all through a movie? Then for you, there is Rifftrax.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Old, Ignored Records Yield 200 Years of Fish Popul ...By digging up and poring over old books and records of Mediterranean marine life, scientists have filled a 200-year gap in fish population data. The data, generated from from naturalists’ accounts and fish market records published between 1818 and 2000, shows the clear decline of fishes in the A ...
- 3,000-Year-Old Conch Trumpets Play AgainNow you can hear a marine-inspired melody from before the time of the Little Mermaid’s hot crustacean band. Acoustic scientists put their lips to ancient conch shells to figure out how humans used these trumpets 3,000 years ago. The well-preserved, ornately decorated shells found at a pre-Inca ...
- Extragalactic Exoplanet Found Hiding Out in Milky ...Some extrasolar planets are truly out of this world. Astronomers have for the first time discovered a planet in the Milky Way that came from another galaxy. The planet, which has a mass of at least 1.25 Jupiters, orbits an elderly star that was ripped from a small satellite galaxy some 6 [...]
- Spacecraft Flies Through Cosmic SnowstormSee Also: New Super Close-Up Images From Comet Flyby Close Encounter Coming With Ghostly Green Comet Reader Photos: Ghostly Green Comet Approaches Earth Aging Spacecraft Set On New Comet Hunt New Evidence of Ice Age Comet Found in Ice Cores Follow us on Twitter @astrolisa and @wiredscience, and o ...
- Universe’s Quantum Weirdness Limits Its WeirdnessThe more one probes the universe at smaller and smaller scales, the weirder matter and energy seem to behave. But this strangeness may limit its own extent in quantum mechanics, the theory describing the behavior of matter at an infinitesimal level, according to a new study by an ex-hacker and a ph ...
The Progressive Realist
- Sunday Summary: The New START DebateWith the substantive debate over New START concluded some time ago, the only question left to answer is whether or not the Republican party will sacrifice American national security for cheap political points. Mary Beth Sheridan, Washington Post: An unusual split has opened between conservative R ...
- North Korea’s Uranium Enrichment Gambit Signals Tr ...Like his predecessors, President Barack Obama is learning the hard way that the only thing worse than negotiating with North Korea is not negotiating with North Korea. North Korea has violated nearly every nonproliferation rule on the books and then some. ACA’s October 2010 Nuclear Nonprolife ...
- Mullen ‘Confident’ that DADT-Supporting Marine Com ...This morning, during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen responded to Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos’ concerns about repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, saying he was confident Amos would be able to effectively implement repeal once Congress ...
- NATO's Lisbon Summit: All the Right WordsNATO's Lisbon Summit exceeded all reasonable expectations. Yet it leaves critical questions about the Alliance unanswered. Once upon a time, the meeting was supposed to launch a new NATO, building on the experience in Afghanistan and forging a path for the decade to come. But the combination of ...
- "Destroy the Town to Save It"Via my Atlantic colleague James Gibney, a pointer to the astonishing, deadpan final words of Rajiv Chandrasekaran's article in the Washington Post yesterday, about the deployment of M1 Abrams tanks to Afghanistan as a ramping up and "conventionalizing" of the war against the Taliban. "Why do you ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Because She's a Liberal.Ezra Klein, "Why does D.C. care so much more about Pelosi than about Reid?": For all the hubbub over the decision House Democrats made to keep Nancy Pelosi, there's been almost nothing said on the decision Senate Democrats made to keep Harry Reid. But what's the difference? Pelosi might be a bit mo ...
- Lightning Round: It's All in the Game.I didn't intend to blog about political independents all week, but via Matt Yglesias, Third Way reads way too much into the importance of Obama voters who either sat out or switched sides in the midterms. This isn't a sample of the electorate at large; it is a predetermined subgroup. What percentag ...
- Food Safety Will Wait Till After Thanksgiving.The food-safety bill will wait till after Thanksgiving because Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn inserted an amendment that would ban earmarks and also introduce a less-rigorous substitute bill. In the meantime, the Senate seems to have agreed on a modified version of the Tester amendment that w ...
- Ass-Kicking Jesus: A Cultural View.I meant to comment on this the other day, but here is Brian Fischer -- of the American Family Association -- ranting about the "feminization" of the Medal of Honor. Instead of giving it to soldiers who save people, he wants us to reward it to soldiers who have "inflicted casualties on the enemy. ...
- Why Goolsbee's Good.Today brings us another of Austan Goolsbee's white-board presentations, this one about the GM turnaround: This combination of the current (a top White House aide in his shirtsleeves taping a web video) and the low-tech (a white board) is fairly compelling not merely because of the juxtaposition, ...
- Does the George Bush "Memoir" Come With Crayons an ...WILL DURST FOR BUZZFLASH You have to marvel at George W Bush's audacious return to the national stage not to mention his curious timing. After all, there wasn't what you would call an overwhelming popular demand clamoring for his reappearance. Apparently even putative war criminals got to make a liv ...
- Republicans To American Workers: We Can't Afford Y ...RICHARD A. STITT FOR BUZZFLASH The extremist Republicans and their Tea Party spawn will be back at it again in 2012 - but more extreme. But for now, our country will not be embarrassed by the likes of Sharron "Second Amendment solutions" Angle, Christine "I am not a witch" O' ...
- In Alaska, Murkowski Camp Accuses Miller Of Making ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH "OK, so that alleged M is more of an N And the second letter looks like an O. The third appears to actually be a P. The next letter? We really don't know. An O? No way! That's clearly a Q. A W? C'mon? That has to be a V. Alright, alright, the next is an S but After that, ...
- Please Mr. President: Don't Double Down on Your Mi ...DEE EVANS FOR BUZZFLASH I have tried so hard to be a defender of President Obama but I think I have finally come down to my last straw! I am so saddened by the news that the Obama White House is planning to cave in to the Republicans on tax cuts for the rich. I am now convinced that these p ...
- The Chertoff Connection: Body Scanners Are About P ...JACQUELINE MARCUS FOR BUZZFLASH It's amazing what our government has forced us to accept in the name of "security". They've bankrupted our treasury to chase down a hundred or so Islamic extremists hiding in the mountainous caves of Afghanistan. The reasoning for this insanity is that "We must get t ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Various mattersThe ongoing death of the rule of law. The administration's cartoon depiction of Anwar Awlaki. Obama's empty vows.
- The Ghailani verdict and American justiceAccused terrorist Ghailani is convicted of 1 charge, acquitted of 280. Here's why the people crying foul are wrong
- Gates v. Eisenhower and Obama v. JusticeLooking to the past and to other nations sheds light on our notions of war and justice
- Two vignettes"Tweaks" by Obama on laptop seizures and Bush's proud war crimes confessions highlight political realities
- The "pro-Constitution=pro-terrorist" canardThe ACLU and CCR are accused of "crossing the line" for representing the rights of Anwar Awlaki
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Science sightings from sciencebaseMy latest science news updates First stem cell trial in stroke patient, how did the media do – In its regular assessment and critique of reporting on medical happenings, NHS Choices looked at the recent early test of stem cell therapy for a stroke victim and reports (amazingly) that "In general, the ...
- My lucky 13 exam tips for studentsMy son and his friends are today heading into their first set of important high school exams, their “mock GCSEs”. They call them mock, but the results they achieve at this stage will determine where they go after they do their GCSEs proper, i.e. their 16+ options. So as a loving dad who has done [.. ...
- Sizing up the universeAs a child I devoured books on the stars and planets, on dinosaurs, volcanoes. Was fascinated by the prospect of a space shuttle and lament the fact that I was sent to bed before they landed on the Moon (I was only three at the time, and the Apollo 11 landing happened at 2am UK [...]Sizing up the un ...
- Latest science snippetsMy latest science news updates New cancer treatment shows promise – An holistic and alternative approach to cancer treatment that isn't "alternative medicine" Pillbox – prototype pill identification system – Pillbox enables rapid identification of unknown solid-dosage medications (tablets/capsules) ...
- Canned heavy metal and moreMy latest science news updates on SpectroscopyNOW – a sneak preview just for you ahead of their going live on 15th November, covering heavy metals in sardines, enzyme inhibitors for pain relief and sleep problems, the possibility of oral insulin without a Trojan horse carrier, and a spectroscopic te ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- ACLU Renews Call for Ratification of International ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2010ACLUThe American Civil Liberties Union submitted a statement to a Senate hearing today urging ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), an international treaty that affirms principles of fundamental ...
- National Leaders and DREAM Youth Urge Immediate Ac ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2010America's VoiceThe day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced he will bring the DREAM Act to the floor, as a stand-alone measure, during the lame-duck session, DREAM-eligible youth joined national leaders at the National Press Club to call on ...
- Make Black Friday Green by Keeping the Trees in Mi ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2010Rainforest Action Network (RAN) In time for Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, Rainforest Action Network (RAN) wants to help consumers make better choices about the books they buy this holiday season.read more
- Midterm Voters Were Largely in the Dark on the Ide ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2010Public CitizenThe amount of information available to voters about who was behind attack ads during the midterms was dramatically less than in previous years, a new Public Citizen study shows. The study was released at a press conference held today by six good g ...
- Leaked E-mails Show the State Department’s Top Wat ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 18, 2010Project On Government Oversight (POGO)The independence of the de facto State Department Inspector General (IG), Ambassador Harold Geisel, is in question due to information obtained by POGO, including several troubling State Department e-mails. For instance, POG ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Arizona's S.B. 1070: Shutting Out Migrants at the ...by Michelle ChenTo immigrant rights activists, "S.B. 1070" is shorthand for racial profiling and anti-immigrant backlash. For others, the controversial Arizona law, which essentially compels police to arrest anyone of questionable immigration status, is a symbol of defiance against the ...
- Security Policy Leaders OK Pentagon Cutsby Carl ConettaThe following is excerpted from a letter on military spending sent by 46 national security experts to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, 18 November 2010.read more
- British Government’s Guantánamo Guiltby Andy WorthingtonThe official announcement on Tuesday in the House of Commons, by Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke, that the govermment has reached a financial settlement with a number of former Guantánamo prisoners brings to an end a court case that promised to be long, expensive and full of ...
- Health Care Confusion Trips up ‘Confuser’ Turned W ...by Donna SmithSometimes you cannot make up the twists and turns in life that burst forward out of the relatively predictable stuff. Such is the case as for-profit, private health insurance spokesperson turned whistleblower, Wendell Potter, made what might have seemed at the time a minor gaffe. Dur ...
- Malalai Joya Won't Be Silenced by Warlords, Fundam ...by Adele Horin A lot of people have tried to silence Malalai Joya. When she spoke in the Afghan parliament as its youngest elected member, the microphones would be turned off. When that didn't deter her, her fellow parliamentarians expelled her.She has survived four assassination attempts, and still ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Aide: If Petraeus wants "to turn it up to 11, he f ...By Steve Hynd The Washington Post's Rajiv Chandrasekaran has a piece today which is mostly about how wonderfully, swimmingly, well the occupation of Afghanistan is going now that General Petraeus is in charge - sourced almost entirely from Petraeus' own aides speaking anonymously and with no quotes ...
- Is the only way to end the Afghan war a 2012 prima ...By Steve Hynd Here's how well the NATO surge in Kandahar, Afghanistan, is going: The number of people assassinated in the city in the past six weeks has jumped to 13, compared with six in a similar period in May and June before the big US operations began, according to data collated by a security co ...
- It's Not 2014 Either, Says NATO EnvoyBy Steve Hynd Just days after the Obama administration stopped talking about 2011 entirely and started touting 2014 as the end of the combat mission in Afghanistan, the NATO envoy in Kabul says we can forget that date too. Mark Sedwill, the civilian counterpart to US commander General David Petraeus ...
- Today In Afghan Security Theater: Karzai Calls For ...By Steve Hynd There's something not quite right going on when Afghan President Hamid Karzai is heavily quoted by Joshua Partlow of the Washington Post calling for a reduction in NATO's military footprint that everyone paying attention has known was on the cards anyway since at least January. You hav ...
- Afghanistan Strategy: Desperately Seeking Every Wh ...By Steve Hynd Two news stories today show just how much "between a rock and a hard place" the U.S. and its allies are in Afghanistan. The first is from Canadian Press and reports that the "clear and hold" parts of COIN ops in Kandahar are failing. A security cordon set up around Kandahar city has fa ...
Water Wars
- Georgia governors open to water talks; Tennessee n ...One thing is certain after Tuesday's elections: Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida all will have new governors since none of the current governors are running.
- Amnesty International looks to next 50 yearsGrowing up in Cleveland, Larry Cox remembered watching the Browns battle a Steelers team that would "just grind you down until they won." Today, as executive director of Amnesty International USA, Mr. Cox finds himself in a smash-mouth game of his own.
- Water wars: Hearing looms on eminent domain takeov ...According to the California Department of Public Health, drinking water being served to Lake Forest Water Company customers exceeded state arsenic levels in 2007, and the problem has not been corrected, despite water company owner Rick Dewante saying it has.
- Water wars: Hearing looms on eminent domain takeov ...According to the California Department of Public Health, drinking water being served to Lake Forest Water Company customers exceeded state arsenic levels in 2007, and the problem has not been corrected, despite water company owner Rick Dewante saying it has.
- Water wars for the cityStan Miller thinks water rates should be equal. He’s suing because he believes strongly in his position.
WordPress | Economics
- Does the Stigma of "Acting White" Explain the Raci ...In many areas of life, different racial groups in the U.S. achieve unequal results. African-American
- Book Review: End The FedEnd The Fed, by Ron Paul This small, lively, and informative book combines several interrelated them
- REPEAL ObamaCare NOW? AS IF...Newly invigorated repugnicans led by Congressman John Boner (OH) and Senator Mitch McCankle (KY) rap
- Bare Minimum WageWhen adjusted for inflation, a person making minimum wage in 1968 had more spending authority than a
- Christmas in DallasDallas winter glitter* This is the first of a series of guest posts by Irish people on how they feel
Electronic Intifada
- Cinematic therapy for Israeli soldiersDirector Samuel Maoz's reduction of Lebanon to the interior of an Israeli military vehicle alerts us to the film Lebanon's insular vision right away. Bel�n Fern�ndez comments for T ...
- The deadly lie of democracy in IraqAn elections process in Iraq cleverly diverts all attention from the colossal incompetency of the government, and spins the tall tale of a young, fledgling born-again count ...
- A privatized NakbaPalestinians describe the Israel Land Administration Law (ILA) quietly passed by the Israeli Knesset in 2009 as the final stage in the 62-year process of displacement from their ho ...
- Book review: An Israeli academic's struggle agains ...The Israeli historian Ilan Papp�'s new memoir Out of the Frame manages to link Papp�'s personal struggle against Israeli McCarthyism with a broader struggle for human and p ...
- With Netanyahu bribe, Washington going for brokeAnother setback for the Palestinian national movement may be unfolding as Barack Obama dangles a lavish package of incentives in the face of Benjamin Netanyahu in an attempt to lur ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Coalition forces kill 18 suspected Taliban in Afgh ...NATO-led forces killed at least 18 suspected insurgents in firefights and airstrikes in Afghanistan over the weekend, the alliance said Sunday.
- Afghan election body disqualifies 19 poll winnersAfghanistan's election commission has disqualified due to fraud 19 candidates who had been declared preliminary winners in recent parliamentary polls, an official said Sunday.
- Gunmen torch 10 NATO oil tankers in PakistanSuspected Taliban militants in northwestern Pakistan Saturday torched 10 lorries carrying oil supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan, police said.
- Taliban tenacity, ineffective governance negating ...Although the Pakistan army had launched a major offensive in South Waziristan one year ago, bands of fighters continue to assert their presence with gunfire, rockets and roadside bombs, and people who have little faith in the government's promises, have expressed wariness about returning to the regi ...
- NATO summit of the decade opens in LisbonNATO leaders met in Lisbon Friday for a summit to chart the alliance's course over the next decade and take major decisions on missile defence, Afghanistan and relations with Russia.
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Follow F ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Marine Corps Whistleblower Franz Gayl Stripped of ...The Washington Post broke the news this afternoon. Franz Gayl, a Marine Corps science advisor, had his security clearance stripped a few weeks ago. “Gayl's alleged offense - described in official documents - was inserting a USB device into a...
- Morning Smoke: Afghanistan Reconstruction Watchdog ...Afghanistan watchdog fails to sway his critics by Richard Lardner [Associated Press] Intelligence Bodies Faulted on Disclosure by Scott Shane [The New York Times] Watchdog calls for removal of State Department's interim IG by Robert Brodsky [Government Executive] SEC Investigating...
- Human Trafficking Not at a StandstillFor years there have been allegations of contractors engaging in sex and labor trafficking in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia. The Department of Defense (DoD) confirmed (p. 21 of 295) human trafficking problems in 2006. As a result, the government amended...
- Does the Top Watchdog at the State Department Lack ...POGO has obtained information raising questions about the independence of the State Department's top watchdog, de facto Inspector General (IG) Ambassador Harold Geisel. We break down the problem in full in a letter sent earlier today to President Barack Obama,...
- POGO Files Friend of the Court Brief in AT&T v. FC ...POGO, along with other good government advocates, has filed a "friend of the court" brief in the case of AT&T v. FCC. In the brief, we challenge a Court of Appeals' decision that the "personal privacy" exemption protecting information from...
Digital Journal
- Hillary Clinton: Religious freedom is under threatResponding to the U.S. State Department’s Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says "religious freedom is under threat."
- Santa's coming to Toronto todayThe 106th Annual Toronto Santa Claus Parade takes place today at 12:45 p.m. with eager boys and girls of all ages lining the streets of Toronto to see the wonderful floats and get a glimpse of the season's top man, Santa Claus.
- Rewarding students with cash for good grades has l ...A new study commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) shows that offering students cash as a motivator for better marks has little or no effect.
- Canadian military pilot ejects from jet moments be ...A Canadian Forces pilot ejected from his fighter jet just before it crashed in Alberta, a few minutes before midnight on November 17.
- ‘Cocaine Airlines’: old planes fly the South Ameri ...Drug trafficking gangs in Latin America are buying cheap passenger and cargo airplanes to bring their illegal cargo to Africa as a “technical stop” required before transfer into Europe.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unpunis ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a school ...
- The Human Right to Housing RevisitedOn December 10th, 2008 the D.C. Council declared Washington, D.C. to be the first human rights city in the nation. Sadly, the Council still has not taken any steps beyond that to enforce any human rights, least of all the human right to housing. One of my first posts here was about the human right t ...
- Texas Town Delays and Weakens Plans for a Homeless ...When they say everything is bigger in Texas, you would hope that would also mean a larger sense of compassion. But when it comes to dealing with homelessness, that's not always the case. The City Council of Lubbock, Texas, has once again stalled on proposed plans to establish a homeless committee to ...
- Put Housing First in the Second CityThis week, the Chicago City Council's Housing and Finance committees voted 13 to 8 to send an affordable housing bill to lame-duck mayor Richard Daley. Can it make the windy city a bit more hospitable to low-income people? The measure, known as the Sweet Home Chicago bill, would require that 20 perc ...
- A Roving Tent City Continues to Look for a HomeNickelsville, the self-sufficient tent city in Seattle that has been working towards making things better for those who are homeless but not helpless, moved into a new location this week. While residents, who call themselves Nickelodeans, wait to hear about a permanent location, they settled in for ...
- NATO approves “new” Strategic ConceptNATO leaders approved a new Strategic Concept document at their Lisbon summit meeting on Friday. The document lays out NATO’s vision of its role in the world, the Alliance’s goals, and how Alliance members intend to pursue those goals. Among other elements, it also spells out the fundamental tenets ...
- Petition: Don’t Extend Canada’s Military Mission i ...Tell Stephen Harper, other party leaders, and your own MP that you do not support the proposed training mission for the Canadain Forces in Afghanistan. Send your letter.
- Conservatives kill climate change billThe story that the Roman Emperor Caligula wanted to appoint his horse to the Senate is apocryphal, but it is a sad fact that Canada’s own quasi-Emperor has appointed 36 unelected horses (or posterior portions thereof) to the Canadian Senate in just the past four years. And on Tuesday the Prime Minis ...
- Steven Staples on Canada’s extended Afghanistan mi ...Here are some links to media reports that include comments by Steven Staples on the decision to extend Canada’s mission in Afghanistan: Barbara Yaffe, “Harper gambles on grudging support for ‘non-combat’ role,” Vancouver Sun, 17 November 2010 CTVNews, “Cannon says ‘risk factor’ remains for troops,” ...
- Government confirms Afghanistan extensionThe Harper government has confirmed that it is extending Canada’s military mission in Afghanistan until 2014 (Jane Taber, “Conservatives bump Afghan withdrawal date back three years,” Globe and Mail, 16 November 2010). Approximately 950 Canadian soldiers, to be based mostly in the Kabul area, will b ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Teens Carry 30 Percent More BPA Than AdultsNovember 18th, 2010 Natural News By: David Gutierrez Teenagers carry 30 percent more of the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in their bodies than older adults, according to a study conducted by researchers from Statistics Canada. BPA is an industrial chemical used to make hard, clear plastics for wa ...
- Statin Drugs Are Over Prescribed in Healthy PeopleNovember 18th, 2010 Natural News By: S.L. Baker Mainstream medicine has been calling for more and more people to be placed on “miracle” drugs known as statins that lower cholesterol. There have even been suggestions that statins should be sold over the counter or given out free when people buy junk, ...
- What Happens if You Decline a Full Body Scan?November 18th, 2010 AOL Travel By: Fran Golden When you ask a friend to join you for a nice weekend cruise from Miami, you don’t expect the friend to be hauled away by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents into a private room where she says she was practically strip-searched. But that’ ...
- Dr. Bob Marshall – Quantum Nutrition CenterClick the picture or link below to hear Kevin’s interview with the founder of the Quantum Nutrition Center, Dr. Bob Marshall, and find out why magnesium stearate and stearic acid are SO hazardous to your health! Dr. Bob Marshall on The Kevin Trudeau Show 11/17/10
- Debt Collectors Utilize Facebook to Embarrass Thos ...November 18th, 2010 WTSP.com By: Beau Zimmer Debt collectors can be relentless and downright rude on the phone, but now a St. Petersburg woman is filing suit alleging the company that financed her car loan began harassing family members over the social networking website Facebook. Melanie Beacham sa ...
Pambazuka News
- Africa: Angola hosts 3rd African meeting on Cuba s ...The third African meeting on Solidarity with Cuba was held in Luanda, Angola, 11-12 September, to consolidate the friendship between the African and Cuban people and contribute to strengthening African solidarity towards the Caribbean island nation. ...
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Katrina victims face evictionFollowing reports of federal government plans to repossess temporary housing from Katrina victims, the US Human Rights Network - http://www.ushrnetwork.org has called for the Obama administration to reverse this decision and provide those affected with substantive directive support.
- Extradition threat for Black Liberation activistAs the US opens up political channels with Cuba, Black Liberation Army - http://www.thetalkingdrum.com/freedomfighters.html activist Assata Shakur faces extradition from the country where she has lived under political asylum since 1984, writes Paul Scott. While the mainstream media portrays Shakur h ...
- Stop senate renege on black farmer compensationColorOfChange.org - http://www.colorofchange.org/farmers/?id=1842-429864 is campaigning to ensure that a US senate bill to compensate black farmers in the South for discrimination gives them the money they deserve, rather than capping the total amount available at $100 million, which would only cove ...
War in Context
- Cost of Operation Hemorrhage: $4,200. Damage done: ...Al Qaeda no longer needs its bombs to detonate. It merely needs to toy with those who have allowed themselves to be governed by fear. By pursuing a strategy with minimal cost to itself, al Qaeda can be assured that we will inflict the maximum economic damage to ourselves because of our unwilli ...
- Who has the courage to end the war in Afghanistan?British ex-soldier, Joe Glenton, was jailed for refusing to return to Afghanistan in a war he believed to be unjustified. On November 19 he handed back his medal to Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street, as a protest against the war in Afghanistan. Glenton’s story was told ...
- Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Ever ...Newly released by Just World Books: With Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between, El-Haddad takes us into the life and world of a busy Palestinian journalist who is both covering the story of Gaza and living it—very intensely. This book is El-Haddad’s self-curated c ...
- Evolving understanding of StuxnetReporting on the latest findings on the design of the Stuxnet malware which targeted Iran’s nuclear program, the New York Times says that Ralph Langner — a German software engineer who has been one of the leading investigators — has identified two forms of attack directed at different targets. ...
- U.S. and Israel: still no consensus on pressuring ...Tony Karon writes: An open disagreement between Israel and the Pentagon in recent weeks has highlighted the dilemma President Barack Obama faces in making progress on Iran. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Tuesday poured cold water on last week’s suggestion by Israeli Prime Minister that the ...
Watts Up With That?
- 2010 Typhoon Tally May Be Lowest On RecordFrom The Japan Times: The number of typhoons this year could turn out to be the lowest on record, which experts theorize could be a result of the El Nino phenomenon lasting until this spring and the summer’s powerful high-pressure … Continue reading →
- Climate change is the new global terror, says Al G ...Not sure exactly where he said that, as that headline isn’t in the news article as a quote, but if he did say that to the reporter, apparently Mr. Gore hasn’t seen this recent study from the University of California … Continue reading →
- Surreality: CARB contemplating a “skeptical ...My View: The California Air resources Board is quickly becoming the most dangerous bureaucratic organization in California. This latest contempt for a public that questions the validity of their mission is way over the top. As the headline says, CARB … Continue reading →
- A rainy Saturday fun photo puzzleIt is raining here as another winter storm bears down on California, so I thought I’d be lazy. WUWT readers like a puzzle. This is a relatively easy one I think -take your best guess as to what caused the … Continue reading →
- Climategate – still the issueFrom Climategate.tv – see video report below. This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that we now know as Climategate. Sitting here … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Chomsky: “The Business Elites … Are In ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Keane Bhatt t r u t h o u t 19 November 2010 Acclaimed philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He shared his perspectives on international affairs, economics and other t ...
- “Winning” A Nuclear War By Timothy V. ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com Nov. 15, 2010 Nov. 18, 2010 We have a situation in the United States and NATO, along with the belligerent State of Israel, where the ruling elite believe that it is ultimately possible to win a nuclear war. Think about that ...
- ‘Building What?’ lands on Fox TV’s Geraldo At Larg ...By Jerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted at Online Journal www.jerrymazza.com Nov. 16, 2010 Miracle of miracles, memories of an even younger, crusading Rivera talking on his show, Geraldo at Large on Fox News about the “Building What?” TV ad campaign! Geraldo began with the standar ...
- W.’s Double Whammy: Book Blitz Ambushes GOP ...by Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad rbecker@cal.net November 16, 2010 Guess what conspicuous, repulsive fly just landed on the surging GOP ointment minutes after claiming a midterm mandate? No, not weak-kneed B. Obama, vamoosing for Asia. Not Sarah Palin, though rancor and disruption ...
- Bush At Large by Ralph Naderhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ by Ralph Nader The Nader Page Nov. 16, 2010 George W. Bush is on a roll—a money roll with a $7 million advance for his book Decision Points and a rehabilitation roll to paint his war crimes as justifiable mass-slaughter and torture. His carefully chosen interview ...
Your New Reality
- No titleThe "structure" discovered at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy :
- No titleWhere icebergs are 'born' : From the Earth Observatory
- No title
- No titleDavid Foster Wallace : "Human beings are narrative animals: every culture countenances itself as culture via a story, whether mythopoeic or politico-economic; every whole person understands his lifetime as an organized, recountable series of events and changes with at least a beginning and middle ...
- No titleIraqBodyCount on the Chilcot Inquiry : "Throughout the inquiry most of the attention has remained firmly fixed, fixated even, upon the interplay between political and military actors here and in the USA, and the ramifications of the war as felt by them, while the subject that is of greatest conce ...
Wired - Science
- Old, Ignored Records Yield 200 Years of Fish Popul ...By digging up and poring over old books and records of Mediterranean marine life, scientists have filled a 200-year gap in fish population data. The data, generated from from naturalists’ accounts and fish market records published between 1818 and 2000, shows the clear decline of fishes in the A ...
- 3,000-Year-Old Conch Trumpets Play AgainNow you can hear a marine-inspired melody from before the time of the Little Mermaid’s hot crustacean band. Acoustic scientists put their lips to ancient conch shells to figure out how humans used these trumpets 3,000 years ago. The well-preserved, ornately decorated shells found at a pre-Inca ...
- Extragalactic Exoplanet Found Hiding Out in Milky ...Some extrasolar planets are truly out of this world. Astronomers have for the first time discovered a planet in the Milky Way that came from another galaxy. The planet, which has a mass of at least 1.25 Jupiters, orbits an elderly star that was ripped from a small satellite galaxy some 6 [...]
- Spacecraft Flies Through Cosmic SnowstormSee Also: New Super Close-Up Images From Comet Flyby Close Encounter Coming With Ghostly Green Comet Reader Photos: Ghostly Green Comet Approaches Earth Aging Spacecraft Set On New Comet Hunt New Evidence of Ice Age Comet Found in Ice Cores Follow us on Twitter @astrolisa and @wiredscience, and o ...
- Universe’s Quantum Weirdness Limits Its WeirdnessThe more one probes the universe at smaller and smaller scales, the weirder matter and energy seem to behave. But this strangeness may limit its own extent in quantum mechanics, the theory describing the behavior of matter at an infinitesimal level, according to a new study by an ex-hacker and a ph ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Mock Israeli checkpoint at Columbia University (vi ...Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine staged a very impressive mock Israeli checkpoint for Right to Education Week - watch video. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much more... ...
- Stephen R. Shalom: anti-Semitism and the Israel-Pa ...As it becomes increasingly difficult to justify Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people, Israel's apologists -- whether based in Israel or at pseudo-academic centers such as the Yale Initiative... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Stephen R. Shalom: anti-Semitism and the Israel-Pa ...Appendix to Anti-Semitism and the Israel-Palestine conflict - assessing the claim of double standards, by Stephen R. Shalom, Israeli Occupation Archive - IOA (19 Nov 2010). The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go ...
- Don’t say you didn’t know, Tel-Aviv film festival ...Following is a list of the artists who were scheduled to perform in Israel and asked not to cross the picket lines of this struggle, but instead chose to follow the footsteps of Elton John who... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Rashid Khalidi and John Mearsheimer: Why have US e ...Despite lavish incentives offered by the U.S. to bring about a 90-day settlement freeze Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has intensified illegal settlement construction in the occupied... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Iran's nuclear program
- Iran test-fires new air-defense missileIran has successfully test-fired a domestically designed air-defense system that has the same capabilities as the Russian-made S-300, a top Iranian military official said on Saturday.
- Russia, NATO complete talks on new Afghan transit ...Russia and NATO have completed negotiations on drafting an agreement allowing the alliance to carry supplies to and from Afghanistan across the Russian territory, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Saturday.
- Czechs support joint missile-defense system - Klau ...The Czech Republic supports the creation of a missile defense shield in Europe, President Vaclav Klaus said on Saturday.
- NATO states in new conception alliance is no threa ...NATO does not represent any threat for Russia, according to the alliance's new strategic conception accepted in Lisbon on Friday by the 28 NATO members.
- Simple Rubber Device Mimics Complex Bird SongsA team of scientists at Harvard University has reproduced many of the characteristics of real bird song with a simple physical model made of a rubber tube -- work presented today at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting in Long Beach, CA.
- Should Airplanes Look Like Birds?Airplanes do not look much like birds, but should they? This question is exactly what a pair of engineers in California and South Africa inadvertently answered recently in experiments they describe today at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting in Long Beach, CA.
- How Hummingbirds Fight the WindHummingbirds rank among the world's most accomplished hovering animals, but how do they manage it in gusty winds? A team of researchers has built a robotic hummingbird wing to discover the answer, which they describe today at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics meeting in Long B ...
- Air Flows in Mechanical Device Reveal Secrets of S ...A mechanical model of human vocal folds and new observations by researchers at George Washington University may lead to new devices to help people afflicted with vocal fold paralysis -- as described today at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) meeting in Long Beach, CA.
- Efforts Needed to Address Disparities in Kidney Tr ...This press release highlights three topics related to disparities in kidney transplantation: 1) Efforts Needed to Address Disparities in Kidney Transplantation; 2) Certain Steps Get Black Kidney Disease Patients on Early Transplant Waiting Lists; 3) Black Race and Neighborhood Poverty Affect Kidney ...
Natural Health News
- Squirrel Obstacle CourseA tasty snack seems to be worth a whole lot of effort for this squirrel.
- Baby Riley: Conductor of LightSometimes your own shadow can be the best toy of all.
- More Drugs Do Not Mean Better CareA new study now proves that spending more on drugs does not always translate into healthier patients. And in a second study, it was shown that when government insurers crack down on payments for certain drugs, doctors are less likely to prescribe them unnecessarily. There are enormous variations ac ...
- Will Washington State Ban Alcoholic Energy Drinks?The Liquor Control Board of Washington state is contemplating a ban on alcoholic energy drinks.� Not long ago, nine college students in Washington were hospitalized after drinking the beverages at a party. The students were drinking the caffeinated malt liquor beverage Four Loko. ABC News reports: ...
- Exercise Reduces Your Risk of Endometrial CancerWomen who exercise for 150 minutes a week or more could be reducing their risk of endometrial cancer, whether or not they are overweight. Researchers examined data collected from a case-control study that included almost 700 women with endometrial cancer and compared them to a similar number of ag ...
- Was The Iranian Nuclear Program Punked By A Comput ...What do you do if you want to stop a country from getting developing its own nuclear weapon? You could put sanctions on them, but if they have something like oil which they can still sell that is not going to be as big a deal as it might otherwise be. You could take military action, but if the count ...
- Austerity & The Coming Lost DecadeRob Johnson is the Director of the Economic Policy Initiative at the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and is a regular contributor to the Institute’s blog NewDeal2.0. He serves on the UN Commission of Experts on Finance and International Monetary Reform. Previously, Dr. Johnson was a Managin ...
- Just When You Think Bush Can Sink No Lower, He Doe ...Many Bush critics make the mistake of underestimating him. This is one area where he has surprised with his ability to take a presumably bottomed out status and bottom it some more. Bush’s latest return with the same brash cockiness that has been a staple item recalls the words of a professor of hi ...
- Department of Labor Sues To Close A Massey Energy ...29 miners died in the Upper Big Branch mine explosion. The mine had scores of safety violations prior to the accident, but it kept on going anyway. This is the way it is in the modern energy business. They give lip service to the idea of safety while all the while gaming the system, pushing the boun ...
- The United States of Austerity The global economic and financial system was founded in 1945 -- over 60 years ago -- when the United States was made the solvent heart of the global financial system. This meant that there was an absolute necessity that the US economy never suffer a lasting recession. And, as long as the banks were ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Wittes on the Ghailani Verdictby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller I don’t have time to respond to the Ghailani verdict, which Julian notes below. I would simply direct readers to Ben Wittes’ superb post at Lawfare, in which he criticizes those who view the verdict as a vindication of the military commissions. Here’s a ...
- Microfinance Meltdown in Indiaby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson I have done a fair amount of work in microfinance and closely related areas (development finance involving business clients with larger-than-microfinance loans) in the developing world, and am overall a big fan. As many people are. The question that has l ...
- CEDAW is Back! U.S. Senate Holds CEDAW Hearingsby Julian Ku by Julian Ku Here we go again! Â The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations may hold a hearing today on U.S. participation in the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (I say may because I can’t seem to find it on the Senate FRC schedule). Â This is at le ...
- Time to Give Up on Civilian Trials for Gitmo Detai ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Wow! The first civilian trial of a Gitmo detainee, Ahmed Ghailani, results in a near-acquittal. The first former Guantanamo Bay detainee to be tried in federal criminal court was found not guilty on Wednesday on all but one of the 285 counts he faced for his role in the ...
- Microfinance Meltdown in Indiaby Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson I have done a fair amount of work in microfinance and closely related areas (development finance involving business clients with larger-than-microfinance loans) in the developing world, and am overall a big fan. As many people are. The question that has l ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Methane didn't seem to scare US rescuers as muchArmchair OSH apologists in the media and in Sci-blogs have been trying to justify the lack of a rescue in Greymouth because of the dangers from gases. I'm no mining engineer, so I stand to be corrected, but like many...
- Mine Blast: Cowardice in NZ PoliceI am staggered that police have so far failed to enter the mine because of poisonous gas. One man with breathing gear could sort this out. Hopeless.
- MINE BLAST: Australians and Brits among missingTHe news conference on the NZ coal mine explosion has been told a number of foreigners, including Australians and British nationals, are among the missing.
- BREAKING: At least 29 missingInitial reports that up to five people survived yesterday's Pike River coalmine blast were wrong. The mine's CEO has just told a news conference only two people have surfaced, and three men who were expected to come out never did....
- TGIF offers comprehensive mine coverageFollow the link, then right click on the TGIF link in the middle of the page that opens up, and save file to disk http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment_id=1380
My Care2 Picks
- Search Returns | al Qaeda MossadCreative Commons Search Results - just the first page. A suggestion was made that Search be restated for al QaidaSubmitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- A Nation Covered in Coal Ash - The Sierra ClubCoal Ash- It's toxic! It's everywhere! We must act now! Coal ash is a dangerous by-product of burning coal for energy, containing harmful metals and chemicals like arsenic,lead and selenium.Coal ash is not subject to federal regulation.A cause of cancer.Submitted by Aliso S. to Environment �|� �Not ...
- Are Terrorists Supplying Our Airport Scanners?Two very dubious terror attacks, both seriously discredited, have provided the impetus for 70 American airports to buy scanners.Security heads of airlines report the scanners are ineffective and possibly hazardous sources of radiationSubmitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- The Hypocrisy of Knowledge�The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.� ~ Isaac Asimov Submitted by Vikram Chhabra to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Our two-tiered citizenship thats you on the bot ...Corporations are free to lobby against your interests � and to fire you if you fight back.GE, owners of MSNBC donated over $1.5 million politicians on both sides of the aisle. There may be more, but the Supreme Court recently ruled that we no longer have Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Go ...
Angry Indian News
- Federal Lawsuit Reveals Inhumane Conditions at For ...Federal Lawsuit Reveals Inhumane Conditions at For-Profit Youth Prison | Southern Poverty Law Center: "The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Jackson, MS... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Green Change : War is a drugGreen Change : War is a drug: "Right there - in black and white - on page 12 of the student newspaper of the Community College of Baltimore County. 'Over in Iraq and Afghanistan killing becomes a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- ImmigrationProf Blog: Antonio Ocampo Released in N ...ImmigrationProf Blog: Antonio Ocampo Released in New Orleans: From the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice:VICTORY IN NEW ORLEANS!FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE OF IMMIGRANT DETAINEE FROM... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Haitians Barricading Streets with Coffins as Prote ...Haitians Barricading Streets with Coffins as Protests against U.N. Continue over Cholera Outbreak: [democracynow.org] "JUAN GONZALEZ: Protests are continuing in Haiti over the cholera outbreak that... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- UN deletes gay reference from anti-execution measu ...UN deletes gay reference from anti-execution measures - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News: "A United Nations panel has deleted a reference to gays and... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Truth Squad Radio with Chemtrail Guy Michael Murph ...This Sunday we will be talking with Michael about the journey he made while making the film "What in the World are they Spraying?" as well as the Coalition Against Geoengineering and a DVD program in which he will use all donated DVDs or monetary donations to purchase DVDs for the purpose of duplica ...
- Chemtrail Guy Michael Murphy’s having a DVD Drive!I have purchased a dvd burner and would like to use all donated dvds or monetary donations to purchase dvds for the purpose of duplicating and handing out free copies.
- European Food Safety Authority: A Playing Field fo ...Experts from the European Food Safety Authority are collaborating with companies such as Monsanto.
- Cloture on S.510!As expected, the Senate agreed on cloture for S.510.
- GMOs Creep Across Eastern OregonTransgenic bentgrass is spreading across Eastern Oregon years after fields of the GMOs were plowed under.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Germany Seeks Suspects in Terrorist PlotsShareThisGermany Seeks Suspects in Terrorist Plots 21 Nov 2010 German law enforcement officials said on Saturday that they were looking for two suspected terrorists thought to be in or around the capital city in one of several investigations aimed at thwarting what the authorities believe are myriad ...
- FBI Investigates White Powder Mailed to 'DWTS'ShareThisFBI Investigates White Powder Mailed to 'DWTS' 20 Nov 2010 Emergency responders in Los Angeles were called to the offices of 'Dancing with the Stars' late Friday to investigate a white powder that was reportedly contained in a piece of fan mail addressed to Sarah Palin's daughter, the 20-ye ...
- Few Afghans know reason for war, new study showsShareThisFew Afghans know reason for war, new study shows 19 Nov 2010 Afghans in two crucial southern provinces are almost completely unaware of the September 11 attacks on the United States and don't know they precipitated the foreign intervention now in its 10th year, a new report showed on Friday ...
- US-led soldier killed by IED in Afghan warShareThisUS-led soldier killed by IED in Afghan war 19 Nov 2010 A powerful roadside bomb blast has killed another soldier operating under the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. The soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device in the country's volatile south, NATO ...
- AP: Raising retirement age hurts poorShareThisAP: Raising retirement age hurts poor 18 Nov 2010 Government auditors say raising the retirement age for Social Security would hurt low-income workers and minorities, and mean more disability claims by older people who are unable to work. The projected spike in disability claims could end u ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Methane didn't seem to scare US rescuers as muchArmchair OSH apologists in the media and in Sci-blogs have been trying to justify the lack of a rescue in Greymouth because of the dangers from gases. I'm no mining engineer, so I stand to be corrected, but like many...
- Mine Blast: Cowardice in NZ PoliceI am staggered that police have so far failed to enter the mine because of poisonous gas. One man with breathing gear could sort this out. Hopeless.
- MINE BLAST: Australians and Brits among missingTHe news conference on the NZ coal mine explosion has been told a number of foreigners, including Australians and British nationals, are among the missing.
- BREAKING: At least 29 missingInitial reports that up to five people survived yesterday's Pike River coalmine blast were wrong. The mine's CEO has just told a news conference only two people have surfaced, and three men who were expected to come out never did....
- TGIF offers comprehensive mine coverageFollow the link, then right click on the TGIF link in the middle of the page that opens up, and save file to disk http://www.investigatemagazine.co.nz/Investigate/?attachment_id=1380
- Palestinian journalist, 38, is released after 3 ye ...and other news from Today in Palestine, from Saturday Nov. 20:Settlers / Land, property and resource theft and destruction / Ethnic cleansingThe Jewish National Fund (JNF) supported by the evangelicals is foresting the Negev 18 Nov - The residents of El-Araqib and activists of the Negev Coexistence ...
- I am Zionism’s mandatory object. So don̵ ...There’s an excellent discussion of the ‘Zionism is racism’ question over at Jeremiah Haber’s site, The Magnes Zionist. Haber makes some very good points which are especially compelling since he – a multiculturalist who self-identifies as a Zionist – is making them. Indeed, anyone who reads his sit ...
- Israel wants its stealth bomber gift in writing be ...This is good. Three hitters. George Washington bats third. (Who's gonna bat cleanup, you, Barack?) 1. Didi Remez translates Hebrew press, at 972:On the front page of this morning’s Maariv, senior columnist Ben Caspit reports: "At least three top Likud figures who were briefed recently by officials ...
- Amazing that this guy worked in the White HouseWhy is the VOA interviewing this guy?"The U.S. should give Israel what it needs, but it should not be linked to a 90 day extension of the freeze."Elliott Abrams, in the Voice of America, U.S. Pushes to Keep Middle East Peace Talks Alive
- A 91-year-old shepherd, killed alongside 29 of his ...One of the most important stories we've picked up in the last few months is B'Tselem's report that every other day a Palestinian noncombatant is killed in the occupied territories, on average. It is a reminder that just as the Jim Crow South was a very dangerous place for black people, the same is t ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The ...PRIMARY FACTORS WHICH DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF VACCINE RELATED NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE: 1. POINT OF ENTRY Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, a route which literally bypasses one’s natural defences altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses, heavy metals, antibiotics, deterge ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Syne ...Toxicity is defined in the Medical lexicon as “a condition that results from exposure to a toxin or to toxic amounts of a substance that does not cause adverse effects in smaller amounts.” Vaccine-induced toxicity, while similar in some respects to this model, requires a deeper understanding in term ...
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner for ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- Michael Yon invited by Brits and US to embed againPublished in The US Report at theusreport.com Published on June 24, 2010 by Kay B. Day Michael Yon has been invited to embed again by both Great Britain and the US.Michael Yon isn’t a correspondent who sparks a neutral reaction in the reader. You either love him or you don’t. There’s not much of an ...
- Heavenly ShowerPublished: 16 November 2010 The Himalaya near Mount Everest are ruthless and serene, while the stars tracing above are without love or grudge.� Seasonal tides of fair and foul weather wash in thousands of trekkers, and more ambitious climbers who kletter by night and day.� Many reach their aspiratio ...
- To Wish Upon a StarMonday 15 November 2010One night during my recent walk to Mt. Everest there seemed to be a million stars.� And so the camera was pointed at the treacherous mountain known as Ama Dablam, or �mother�s necklace,� and at the stars above her shoulders.� The serious climbers consider this mountain more di ...
- Mt. EverestPublished: 04 November 2010NepalBefore returning for third time to Afghanistan this year, have made another trip to the Himalaya.� I made this image of Mt. Everest about a week ago.� You are welcome to download a copy for personal use. Please also buy a copy of my upcoming photobook, "Inside the In ...
- Wikileaks: Statement from Office of U.S. Secretary ...This just came in my email from Geoff Morrell:"We deplore Wikileaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies. We know terrorist organizations have been mining the leaked Afghan documen
The Killing Train
- Canadian democracy - procedural tricks to kill the ...Canada's weak climate change bill was killed by the Senate today (see the star article for example). The Harper people's vision for the country isn't compatible with trying to stop climate change. This is known, and unsurprising. What is interesting to me is the procedural trick used to make this c ...
- The Haditha Massacre in the Iraq War DiaryI did a query of the Iraq War Diary for all entries on November 19, 2005 (there were 179). Among them was this entry on the Haditha massacre. It has been seriously redacted, possibly more than other entries, as it appears quite incomplete, with no explanation of how the casualties came about: Report ...
- The First Battle of Fallujah 2004 in the Iraq War ...Below I look at incidents in April 2004, during “The First Battle of Fallujah”. In some ways the account of the battle in the war logs confirms what was reported, but some of the details (such as when ceasefires were announced) are different. The war logs probably understate civilian deaths. They do ...
- Citation thoughtsI spent some time looking at Yves Engler's "Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy" and "Canada and Israel" and noticed that he cites work in a non-standard way. Dawn Paley's recent review of the Black Book, posted on the Vancouver Media Co-op, describes it this way, and I agree: read more
- Teaching: Jacques Ranciere and Sugata MitraA few months ago I was blown away by Sugata Mitra's TED talk on child-driven education. Mitra's thesis is that children can teach themselves. What they need is not teachers who know how to do what they are trying to learn, but materials, problems, one another (groups), and perhaps encouragement. Mit ...
- From Dirty Politics to the Dalai Lama: Bob Ney on ...Photo: mrpattersonsir The Jack Abramoff scandal became the symbol of everything our government shouldn't be. It represented the corruption of Washington and the lobbying players that had gotten a handle on those that we had elected to embody our values. Congressman Bob Ney pleaded guilty to con ...
- Would You Travel One-Way to Mars?Image: Jeff Barton and Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts & Sciences This week two scientists, Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Paul Davies, suggested in the Journal of Cosmology that it is time for humans to start colonizing Mars. Humanity needs some intrepid explorers to "boldly go" on a one-way mis ...
- Stewart Brand and Erich Pica Debate Nuclear Powerphoto via flickr With the Republicans in control of the House and cap and trade dead for now, it's likely that over the next few years there will be renewed focus on the revitalization of nuclear power as an answer to our energy and climate problems. The Huffington Post recently held a debate o ...
- The Big Eco-Conscious Holiday Giveaway: Tell Us Wh ...Images courtesy Summer Rayne Oakes. Friend of TreeHugger and eco-model, consultant, and designer Summer Rayne Oakes has sure piled up spiffy list of do-gooding on her resume since we first met her six years ago. From hosting programs on Planet Green to working with woman in Mozambique to improv ...
- Newly Freed from Height Limits, Paris Skyline Read ...Photo: CFuga under a Creative Commons license. One of the striking things about Paris is that, for a major city whose metropolitan area includes nearly 12 million people, there are very few buildings more than five or six stories tall. Since 1977, soon after the construction of the 689 foot tal ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Suu Kyi urges ‘practical’ US approachWashington's moves to engage with Burmese junta welcomed but approach should not be made with 'rose-coloured glasses'
- Transport link whets ASEAN’s appetiteRegional corridor linking lower Southeast Asian countries with China gets the nod as ASEAN looks to prosper from its burgeoning northern neighbour
- Monk rejects USDP liaison roleInfluential abbot approached by top junta ministers with requests to secure support for the USDP from victorious Karen party
- UN slams Burma and other rights abusersChina criticises 'finger-pointing' as Burma, Iran and North Korea are made the focus of a UN draft resolution on rights abuses
- ‘The past is behind us; we’ll fight together’Long-time foes the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army and Karen National Liberation Army pledge to unite against the Burmese junta
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Climategate scientist insists sceptics will accept ...Professor Phil Jones, the scientist at the centre of the Climategate row, has insisted that global warming sceptics will be won over once the negative effects become obvious.
- Skiers enjoy Scotland while daffodils bloom in Dev ...Even by the unpredictable standards of British weather, it is peculiar for different parts of the country to be experiencing different seasons at the same time.
- The climate change scare is dying, but do our MPs ...The collapse of the warmist position on climate change has not impinged on politicians in Britain or Brussels, says Christopher Booker.
- What the Green Movement Got Wrong: Greens come to ...For many years, Channel 4 would not have dared devote an hour to the errors of environmentalism, writes Charles Moore.
- Binding climate change deal is impossible after Ba ...Obama's electoral setback has killed off any hope of securing a legally binding climate change deal, John Prescott has said.
National Geographic | Environment
- New Satellite Pictures: "Magnificent" Views of Ear ...NoneSee Earth's largest sand sea, swirling ice "galaxies," Van Gogh-ready algae, and more in a new collection of artistic satellite images.
- Presented By:
- Brazil Ethanol Looks to Sweeten More Gas TanksBrazil is poised to increase its production of sugarcane ethanol, helped by foreign investment and policy flux in the United States and Europe.
- Cheap Renewable Power Key to BMW’s Electric Megaci ...Lightweight, high-strength carbon fiber has long been seen as the secret—but an expensive one—for more efficient cars; BMW details a strategy for slashing the cost.
- Exotic Plant's Once-a-Century Bloom in PicturesNoneThe rare, 40-foot-tall Queen of the Andes plant flowers just once in its 80- to 100-year lifetime, blooming for a few weeks before it dies.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Afghanistan officials disqualify 21 parliamentary ...[JURIST] The Afghanistan Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) [official website] on Sunday disqualified 21 candidates who had participated in September's parliamentary elections [IEC backgrounder] for electoral fraud. The ECC disqualified the candidates after finding widespread irregularities [Al J ...
- Military court grants stay for US soldier charged ...[JURIST] The US Army Court of Criminal Appeals [official website] on Friday stayed proceedings against a soldier charged in the death of an Afghan civilian in January. The stay was granted in the case of Private First Class Andrew Holmes of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and allows time for the prosecuti ...
- Senate approves ban on animal cruelty videos[JURIST] The US Senate [official website] unanimously approved a bill [text, PDF] Friday banning animal cruelty or "crush" videos. The House of Representatives [official website] approved the same ban [JURIST report] on Monday, and the provision is now being forward to President Barack Obama [offici ...
- ICC orders new review of Congo rebel leader Bemba' ...[JURIST] Appellate judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] ruled [judgment, PDF; press release] Friday that the trial chamber must review the continued detention of former Democratic Republic of Congo [BBC backgrounder] vice-president Jean-Pierre Bemba [ICC materials; JUR ...
- Senate approves minority farmer settlements[JURIST] The US Senate [official website] on Friday authorized by voice vote settlements between the US government and minority farmers for alleged discrimination. The settlements include [AP report] $3.4 billion to resolve claims that the Department of the Interior (DOI) [official website] mismanag ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- I Am a Blogger No LongerThis is my final blog post for The Atlantic. Five years ago, as a way to boost the competitive metabolism of The Hotline, Chuck Todd hired me away from ABC News to create "Hotline On Call." I was to be the first political reporter working for a mainstream news organization whose output would be exc ...
- Billy Joel Explains the ElectionWhat explains the partial collapse of the Democratic Party in the industrial Midwest? Billy Joel, in Allentown, caught the moment decades before it happened...the last time the economy in Pennsylvania transitioned away from coal and steel. Educated, hard-working people. The generational tension. Th ...
- Obama Considers Staff Changes, Ever So CarefullyDespite urgent pleas from Democrats that he shake up his White House staff, President Obama will proceed with a plan he put in place before the election, one that calls for a careful review the structure of his office before making changes. Chief of Staff Peter Rouse is leading the review, and Obam ...
- 2012! It's Never Too Early for Mitt-ChifItem: Someone has set up this website: http://mittromneyflipflops.com/ Item: An advertisement for displaying Romney's congratulations to Michigan's governor elect, Rick Synder, shows up on people's Facebook page. This is odd because Romney never endorsed Snyder; he endorsed Rep. Pete Hoekstra in th ...
- On Election Night, What You Might Have MissedSome elections, President Obama said today, are "exhilarating." Others are "humbling." Last night's was chalk full of news -- so much news that you might have missed some of it. ** The Three Iowa judges who ruled that same-sex marriage was legal were all roundly defeated, thanks to a blizzard of ad ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Mossad Accused of 1987 Assassination of German MPUwe Barschel may be about to join the infamous line of Mossad assassination victims killed outside the immediate conflict zone, including Mahmoud al-Mabouh, Khaled al-Meshal, Gerald Bull, and Imad Mugniyeh among others. Â In 1987, he was a rising star in Germany’s Chrisitian Democratic Union. Â He h ...
- Daniel Gordis and the Transferists Among UsDaniel Gordis has yichus. He comes from the American Jewish élite. He is a scion of the Gordis family which produced the seminal scholars, David and Robert Gordis, both major figures in Conservative Judaism (David was my Talmud teacher at Jewish Theological Seminary and someone I respected a great ...
- Links for 2010-04-03 [Digg]Anat Kam-Uri Blau Top Secret Israeli Leak Case The foreign media continue to open up the gagged Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National.
- Links for 2010-08-17 [Digg]Israel Wakes Up and Discovers Its Soldiers Abuse Palestinian Yesterday, a major scandal erupted in Israel over an IDF soldier, Eden Aberjil, who posted pictures on her Facebook account of her abusing bound Palestinian...
- Stuxnet Targeted Bushehr, Iran’s Civilian Nuclear ...The NY Times has published two stories in the past two days about the latest developments in the attempt by computer security specialists to penetrate the Stuxnet worm and its target. Â They have isolated the precise targets as being the centrifuge arrays and steam turbines at the Natanz and Bushehr ...
Ode Magazine
- The Stitching Studio: more meaning in the makingBy: BrookeApplegarth Women seeking refuge in the U.S. from war torn countries like Sudan, Iraq and Bhutan face many challenges upon their arrival. Lacking English language skills and work experience, it is difficult for these women - many of which are single mother ...
- Folio heralds Ode a 2010 award finalistBy: EmilyAviles Today Folio announced the Eddie and Ozzie award finalists. The Folio awards span all corners of the magazine publishing industry and recognize the very best in editorial and design. Ode Magazine is thrilled to have been nominated not once, but twice ...
- Feeding a passion for peaceBy: PeaceCorso "Ban Ki-moon (born 13 June 1944) is the eighth and current Secretary-General of the United Nations, after succeeding Kofi Annan in 2007. Before becoming Secretary-General, Ban was a career diplomat in South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in ...
- A salute to the potency of optimismBy: Anne Thomas Ode is about (extra)ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Alice Herz-Sommer is one such person. At 107 years old she is the oldest living survivor of a Nazi concentration camp. Despite the many tragedies of her past, Alice’s positive, loving, music-filled atti ...
- Cycling coast to coast for WaterAidBy: BrookeApplegarth Brittany App, photographer from San Luis Obispo, California, and Garrett Russell, videographer of Portland, Oregon, are on a mission to raise awareness to bring fresh drinking water to those who need it most. Biking from San Diego, Califo ...
OpEd News
- I Feel YouIt's no big deal that they strap people onto boards, then pour water onto their faces, drowning them, more or less, in our name, but we don't make a big fuss until they nudge our nuts.
- The wacky little Caesars of Upstate New YorkIn Upstate New York political circles, wacky little Caesars are a dime a dozen. Some are truly extreme...
- Do Human Rights Exist?Do Human Rights exists at all? Sometimes you have to wonder, in a world where they are so often denied or suppressed. But, yes, Virginia (or whatever your name is), they do...
- As the US spirals downward, a growing percentage o ...Why is America such a paradise for high-class thieves? Just look at the way a manufactured movement like the Tea Party corrals and neutralizes public anger that otherwise should be sending pitchforks in the direction of downtown Manhattan. There are two reasons why Tea Party voters will probably n ...
- Response to Religionists who are Badmouthing Nonbe ...This is my response to the distortions and lies used by religionists against nonbelievers.
- India Climate Change and Energy News - November 3 ...Climate Change ‘India and America are Indispensable Partners’ “President Obama told India's legislators in his address to Parliament, ‘We valued India's important role at Copenhagen, where, for the first time, all major economies committed to take action to confront climate change - ...
- Lake Erie Bass-o-Matic Allowed to Keep ChurningI came into work this morning to find that Ohio EPA has issued a Clean Water Act permit to the FirstEnergy Bayshore Power Plant that would allow the company to continue to kill hundreds of millions of fish every year in Maumee Bay in western Lake Erie. We had known this was coming for ...
- Climate, Energy and Environment News from Latin Am ...Chile: Approximately 18 agencies raised concerns over technical aspects of HidroAysén’s latest Environmental Impact Assessment. Although a decision on the EIA isn’t due until the end of the year, officials indicated that another round of review would be necessary. (Radio Santa Maria, ...
- NRDC releases new Fact Sheet on biocharThis week, NRDC released a Fact Sheet entitled Putting U.S. Biochar Policy on the Right Track. The Fact Sheet comes a week ahead of the publication of an NRDC-sponsored scoping study on biochar, and highlights its key findings. Our aim? To give an overview of biochar production technol ...
- Fracking Hits the Big TimeIn the wake of the hugely popular documentary, “Gasland,” the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” made a big splash on national network TV over the past week – appearing in no fewer than three high profile programs: 60 Minutes, NBC Nightly News, and even CSI ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Uranium!This is news: North Korea showed a visiting American nuclear scientist earlier this month a vast new facility it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium, confronting the Obama administration with the prospect that the country is preparing to expand its nuclear arsenal or build a far more powerf ...
- An Epic Fail For All SeasonsSince Charli has noted the ways in which Marc Thiessen is wrong in ways that are grossly immoral and dangerous for national security, I’ll note that like so many modern Republicans he seems to take pride in being wrong about everything, even stuff that there’s no logical reason for conservatives to ...
- Sunday Book Review: How the CIA Has Made America L ...I had the tremendous pleasure of appearing on a forum with Marc Thiessen earlier this week, sponsored by the UMass Republican Club. Thiessen was there to promote his new book, Courting Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama is Inviting the Next Attack, and in his remarks he gav ...
- Friday Nugget BloggingâWe’re kind of trying to make allies with every continent around the world, aren’t we? But then at the same time, we’re like trying to take over those continents too. It’s a tricky strategy, isnât it?â Yes, it is. Related posts:Friday Nugget Blogging Friday Nugget Blogging Friday Nugget Blogging ...
- One day, I hope to stop being surprised.I try not to pay attention to Glenn Beck, but even when I have, I never really paid attention to him. But when an old friend, someone I genuinely respect, forwarded me a link to Beck’s archive and dared me to refute his logic, I decided it might be time to try. Bad decision. [...] Related posts: ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
Earth Techling
- LA Auto Show Sees Honda Plug In Platform
- Ford Announces Focus Electric Markets
- Business Coalition Wants Lots Of EVs
- 200 MW California Solar Plant A Go
- In Rust Belt, Energy-Storage Gets Boost
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Special Report: Asia PracticeLaw firms with a beachhead in the People's Republic of China are profiting from record growth. Plus, the state of the legal markets in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
- 2010: The NLJ 250The National Law Journal's annual ranking of the nation's largest law firms.
- The 17th Amendment under attackThe long-forgotten constitutional amendment mandating direct election of senators has suddenly moved to center stage in the new debate over constitutional first principles fostered by the Tea Party movement.
- Lawyers in Dole case attack each otherLawyers on both sides of the litigation involving former workers on Dole's banana farms in Nicaragua have leveled charges that their opponents engaged in slippery legal tactics.
- Agencies move to ban caffeine-alcohol drinksFDA sends warning letters to four manufacturers, and FTC notes that their marketing practices may be deceptive.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Under the Influence of Fracking?In addition to the environmental and health threats posed by gas drilling, driving on PA roadways is also becoming more dangerous. The Pennsylvania State Police and the Department of Environmental Protection announced that during an October three-day joint safety enforcement operation, three out of ...
- Speaking Out on Water IssuesTiadaghton Audubon Society is pleased and privileged to have Sean Saville, National Field Director of the National Audubon Society speak on the Gulf Oil Spill at our annual meeting on Wednesday November 17 at 7:30PM in Mansfield Pa at the Holy Child Church, 242 South Main St. He has extensive and in ...
- DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More TransparentCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Dept. of Environmental Protection Commonwealth News Bureau Room 308, Main Capitol Building Harrisburg PA., 17120 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11/1/2010 CONTACT: Jamie Legenos, Department of Environmental Protection 717-787-1323 Â DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More Transpare ...
- Failing to Pass a Severance Tax…Below some comments from the press and PennFuture about the state of the State’s budget sans a tax on drilling. Inaction on drill tax has a bad odor to it Sunday, October 24, 2010 By Brian O’Neill, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette …. Its [PA's Legislature] latest gaffe is passing on collecting tens of milli ...
- Stephanie Hallowich in National GeographicStephanie Hallowich has had one of the worst experiences with natural gas drilling in PA and she has also been one of the loudest voices, speaking out for her family and others in the same situations. Her story was picked up by National Geographic and can be found at the below link. She had this [.. ...
News Blaze
- UN Appoints Nigerian Babatunde Osotimehin as New ...Mr. Osotimehin, who is currently professor of medicine at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, will succeed Thoraya Ahmed Obaid as the Fund's Executive Director when her term ends on 31 December.
- Six Helpful Tips to Grieving Hearts This Holiday S ...Ready or not, holiday is here. Whether you are ready to face them or not, the holidays are approaching the same as any other year. For most, they represent a time for families to gather, and for Santa to spoil children, and for reflecting on the ble
- ALIPAC Swings Into Gear Against Lame Duck Nightmar ...'The American public overwhelmingly rejects the Dream Act Amnesty and so has Congress numerous times before,' said William Gheen of ALIPAC.
- Sacred Heart University Searches for New Presiden ...The committee consists of 15 persons. It will be chaired by Mr. Morley and will include representatives from the University Board of Trustees, faculty, and administration. Alumni and members of the student body will participate in the interviewing p
- ACA 'affordable' Means Forcing Somebody to PayWhat about 'affordability' provisions? Since prices are going up, in ACA 'affordable' means forcing someone else to pay. It's a matter of redistributing money from those who earn more than 400% of the federal poverty level (around $88,000) to
environment 360
- Electric Car Charging Stations Coming to Heart of ...A U.S. utility is planning to build a network of electric vehicle charging stations in Houston that would be available to subscribers for a flat fee, the first such network of its kind in the nation. NRG Energy Inc., a New Jersey-based power company, plans to install private and public charging stat ...
- Hatch-22: The Problem with The Pacific Salmon Resu ...The number of salmon in the Pacific Ocean is twice what it was 50 years ago. But there is a downside to this bounty, as growing numbers of hatchery-produced salmon are flooding the Pacific and making it hard for threatened wild salmon species to find enough food to survive. BY BRUCE BARCOTT
- China Makes Green Cars a Priority; UK Firm Eyes Wi ...The Chinese auto industry will make development and production of electric and hybrid vehicles its top priority over the next five years, according to its latest Five-year Plan. By 2015, China aims to sell 1 million “new-energy” automobiles, according to a report in People’s Daily. China’s Ministry ...
- Improved CO2 Capture Methods Are Investigated by C ...Canadian chemists are investigating ways that carbon dioxide can be removed and stored from power plants and factories without using the large amounts of energy and water now required in prototype carbon capture systems. The researchers, reporting in the journal Science, say they used a technique ca ...
- When The Water Ends: Africa’s Climate ConflictsAs temperatures rise and water supplies dry up, semi-nomadic tribes along the Kenyan-Ethiopian border increasingly are coming into conflict with each other. A Yale Environment 360 video report from East Africa focuses on a phenomenon that climate scientists say will be more and more common in the 21 ...
Red Ice Creations
- Biotech company secretly releases millions of GM m ...Scientists at British biotechnology giant Oxitec recently developed a genetically-modified (GM) mosquito that, apart from a specific chemical antibiotic, is unable to successfully repopulate. And the company recently released millions of these GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands to see what would ha ...
- The Mysterious Laptop Documents: "Evidence" of Ira ...Since 2007, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - with the support of the United States, Israel and European allies UK, France and Germany - has been demanding that Iran explain a set of purported internal documents portraying a covert Iranian military program of research and development o ...
- Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO story This video is about a man named Martyn Stubbs, whom recorded 2500+ hours of NASA Mission Video down-linked via satellite straight from the shuttles and space station. In this interview he shares some of his findings and theories about the material.
- TSA Madness, Chertoff making Millions on the Naked ...Dual Citizen and Zionist Michael Chertoff is Making Millions on the Naked Body Scanners Don't forget that Chertoff is an Is an Israeli citizen. Sure, project paperclip brought over Nazi's to the United States as the above video points out but in this case I'm afraid Nazi's aren't the ones to worry a ...
- All die of heartbreakNearly a year ago, Hollywood was shocked when actress Brittany Murphy, just 32, died from pneumonia, which she contracted after taking over-the-counter drugs. Within five months, her doting husband, British screenwriter Simon Monjack, aged 40, was also dead. He’d died from a cardiac arrest – his hea ...
Russia Today
- “Provisions of Nuremberg Tribunal still legally bi ...Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov participated in the opening ceremony of the Nuremberg Tribunal Museum in Germany this Sunday.
- RT team detained at Fort BenningAn RT crew, including correspondent Kaelyn Forde and cameraman Jon Conway, has been detained by US police while filming protests near the Fort Benning military base in Georgia.
- Israeli soldiers who used boy as human shield set ...An Israeli military court has let two of its soldiers walk free, after they were convicted of using a nine-year-old Palestinian boy as a human shield during last year's Gaza War.
- NY discusses Sarah Palin as White House candidateSarah Palin lost out in her campaign to be America's Vice-President, but she is now doing the media rounds in force, suggesting a comeback. People in New York have weighed her chances for a 2012 White House bid with...
- NATO rolls out red carpet for RussiaPresident Medvedev says the hostile period between Russia and NATO is over. Moscow and the Alliance have agreed to boost collaboration on one of their most divisive issues – missile defense.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Rebuttal: What did NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Tele ...On November 15th 2010 this past Monday, NASA released a finding that the Chandra X-Ray Telescope discovered an infant black hole in our “nearby” galactic neighborhood (50 million light-years). Black holes are the theoretical “singularity” in which when a super-massive star explodes (goes nova) the r ...
- Secret Map of BritainI don’t usually use the Above Top Secret site as a reference, but this came through The Debris Field and a site named ‘what’s all this, then?’ and it piqued my curiosity. The title of the article is “The Secret Map of Britain” and it’s not entirely what you think it is: A recent thread [...]
- Inexplicata: Uncanny Mexican UFOsUFOs are a tradition in Mexico and Latin America at large as this uncanny video show. Notice how the UFO splits apart into two “stages”, perhaps indicating the nuts and bolts theory of UFOs. However in a witness interview the person indicates the UFO came down and “healed” him, which appeals to the ...
- The Paracast: Dr. Frank SalisburyThis past Sunday Gene Steinberg and co-host Chris O’Brien interview Dr. Frank Salisbury and discuss nuts n’ bolts UFOs, the paranormal theory of UFOs, Jacques Vallee, the Skinwalker Ranch, the “greys” theology and parallel dimensions. Excellent interview. Dr. Frank Salisbury Interview
- Tetris Game May Alleviate PTSDTetris is a very old video game (1984 in fact) invented in the old USSR no less. But it has many incarnations and has a popular form on Facebook, I should know because my youngest daughter plays it all the time. While trawling the InterWebs this morning, I found an interesting post on my buddy’s [.. ...
Tippers News
- Why Did Aggie Boys Buy Sex at the Chicken Ranch?The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, the Texas A&M football team celebrates a win with a visit to their local brothel, the Chicken Ranch. The Aggie Boys are fSubmitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Two survivors of human trafficking share their sto ...She fiddles with her cell phone. In mid conversation, she holds it out, showing off who�s on the screen. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Trip to India inspires Everson woman to help victi ...EVERSON - Touched by her own memories of being adopted as an orphan, Sue Ann Heutink took her first overseas venture to help victims of human trafficking. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Free Human Trafficking Victim Sara Kruzan From Lif ...Sixteen-year-old human trafficking victim Sara Kruzan was sentenced to life in prison without parole when, in a desperate act to escape captivity, she shot her pimp. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against human ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Lovett C. “Pete” Peters (1913-2010)Pete Peters, former trustee and long-time friend of the Foundation, died earlier this month at age 97. He held the record for the most years served on the FEE board. A great advocate of the freedom philosophy, Pete founded the Pioneer Institute in Boston in 1988 to address state-level policy issues ...
- Bernanke Defends Fed Actions“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is hitting back at the major nations that have assailed the Fed’s latest actions to try to boost growth, offering a blunt argument that the steps were needed to keep the U.S. economy growing — and, by extension, to keep the global recovery on track.” (Washin ...
- Obama Praises GM Recovery“President Obama took a victory lap today, praising the re-launch of General Motors as a public company after a $50 billion bailout from taxpayers.” (USA Today) Itâs a bad precedent, and capital was politically diverted from others to help a badly managed company. FEE Timely Classic “Political Bankr ...
- The Many Impositions of the StateNot that I’m keeping score, but in just the last few weeks the news has overflowed with examples of how we are the mercy of government edict.
- Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks Bring FDA Rebuke“The Food and Drug Administration cracked down Wednesday on four manufacturers of caffeinated alcoholic drinks, giving them 15 days to stop adding caffeine to the products or stop selling them altogether.” (New York Times) Are Irish coffee and rum and coke next? FEE Timely Classic “Big GovernmentâBi ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Advice for journalism educators in AfricaWhile I was attending the annual Online News Association conference a week ago, one of several great panels I sat in on was titled “From Earthquakes to Coups: Tools for Crisis Reporting.” I’ve been interested in crisis mapping and other crowdsourced efforts during disasters ever since I learned how ...
- Best advice for SoundslidesI was asking around recently, among my friends at other j-schools who teach photojournalism. Yes, they are still teaching Soundslides. The No. 1 reason is almost unanimous: It’s a great transition from making stills to making video. I think it also helps — a lot — with teaching storytelling. Right ...
- Storytelling 101 with ‘The Annoying Orange’Let’s look at storytelling again. I always use this diagram to show students how to structure a very short video story or audio slideshow (120 seconds): Recently a student showed me this video, and I noticed that at about 1 min. 30 sec., it illustrates the story arc perfectly! ...
- Journalism education: Irrelevant, or lacking conte ...Journalism students around the world seem to be very similar. Many of them say this: Personally, I enrolled in a journalism course because I wanted to get into magazines or newspaper column writing — less hard news, more conversational. That comes from a June 2010 column at MediaShift, written b ...
- Boring old news media: Still boring, still oldI was just rereading a post by Steve Yelvington — whom I used to call the smartest man in online journalism (and he may still be — it’s just that there are so many more people in it now, it’s hard to name just one). Steve’s post (A tablet revolution: It’s like it’s the ’70s all over again) has seve ...
Facing South
- A huge win for clean energy in KentuckyClean energy activists are elated over a big victory in the heart of coal country, where a Kentucky power cooperative has agreed to cancel plans to build a new coal-fired power plant. The East Kentucky Power Cooperative struck a deal with an alliance of grassroots activists and others to ...
- CIW wrests historic agreement from tomato growers ...By Jenny Brown, Labor Notes Tomato farm workers have cleared their largest obstacle yet on the road to justice in Florida's fields. In a stunning advance, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers arrived at a far-reaching agreement with the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange, the tomato in ...
- Ruling the Roost: Florida's congressional hawks ga ...The economy, jobs, taxes -- these are the issues grabbing post-election headlines about the Republicans' agenda for Congress. But the new GOP leadership could have even more dramatic impact on issues beyond U.S. borders. That's because the Republicans poised to lead key House foreign polic ...
- EPA coal ash rule comment period closes this weekIf you want to weigh in on the Environmental Protection Agency's proposals for regulating coal ash, you have until this Friday, Nov. 19. The EPA is currently weighing two approaches for regulating the toxic stuff left over after burning coal for electricity: as a special hazardous waste w ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Senate rejects women's pay equali ...Amount U.S. women earn for every dollar earned by men: 77 cents Amount African-American women earn for every dollar earned by a white man: 61 cents Amount Latinas earn for every dollar earned by a white man: 52 cents Amount women living in Southern states* earn for every dollar earned by a man: 7 ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Preventing Maternal Deaths in West AfricaDr. Fredanna M'Cormack and her Bele Uman Project are working in Sierra Leone to save the lives of pregnant mothers and their babies.
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Zimbabweans Still SufferingOn a daily basis, the people of Zimbabwe face starvation, poverty, corruption and oppression, and their government is highly unlikely to bail them out anytime soon.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Trudeau, Pierre ElliottPierre Elliott Trudeau, politician, writer, constitutional lawyer, prime minister of Canada 1968-79 and 1980-84 (b at Montr�al 18 Oct 1919; d at Montr�al 28 Sept 2000). Trudeau was born into a wealthy family, the
- World War IIMemories of WWI - the tragic loss of life, the heavy burden of debt and the strain on the country's unity imposed by CONSCRIPTION- made Canadians, including politicians of all parties, loath to contemplate another such
- Group of SevenThe Group of Seven was founded in 1920 as an organization of self-proclaimed modern artists. The original members - Franklin CARMICHAEL , Lawren HARRIS , A.Y. JACKSON , Franz JOHNSTON , Arthur LISMER , J.E.H.
- Winnipeg General StrikeThe Winnipeg General Strike, 15 May-25 June 1919, was Canada's best-known general strike. Massive unemployment and inflation, the success of the Russian Revolution (1917), a wave of strikes across Canada and rising
- War of 1812The war of 1812 was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812 and was invaded a number of times by the Americans. The process of calling
How Can I Recycle This ?
- Great reusing and recycling ideas from OctoberWe’ve had some great comments on Recycle This over the last month. Here are some of my favourites: I’ve seen this idea in a couple of places recently but Paul in Austin, TX was the one to mention it here – use the necks and lids from plastic bottles to make random plastic bags air [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle window envelopes?We’ve talked about envelopes in general and special types of envelopes – liked padded ones and plastic mailing bags – but I wondered if there are any reuses that take advantage of the see-through bit of window envelopes. Different places have different policies on whether or not they can be includin ...
- How can I reuse or recycle an electric kettle?We’ve had an email from Simon: We’ve got two old electric kettles in our garage, one works but is very grimy, the other doesn’t work, not sure why. Can we do anything with them? Electric kettles are covered under the WEEE Directive so in theory, you should be able to send them back to their [...]
- 5 fantastic reuses: the best recipes for using up ...It’s all to easy to cook too much rice but thankfully there are lots of ways to use it up. Food safety warning: bacteria, specifically Bacillus cereus, loves cooked rice – and it can quickly grow to dangerous levels. Minimise it’s growth by cooling it quickly, put it in the fridge as soon as possibl ...
- Perk up your garden with ash from Bonfire Night fi ...Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night in the UK – also known as Bonfire Night. Up and down the country, people will be setting fire to stacks of wood and sending millions of £££s up in smoke in firework form, just getting a short “ooh” and “aah” (and occasionally “arrgh!!”) in return. It’s not all waste-wa ...
- Palestinian journalist, 38, is released after 3 ye ...and other news from Today in Palestine, from Saturday Nov. 20:Settlers / Land, property and resource theft and destruction / Ethnic cleansingThe Jewish National Fund (JNF) supported by the evangelicals is foresting the Negev 18 Nov - The residents of El-Araqib and activists of the Negev Coexistence ...
- I am Zionism’s mandatory object. So don̵ ...There’s an excellent discussion of the ‘Zionism is racism’ question over at Jeremiah Haber’s site, The Magnes Zionist. Haber makes some very good points which are especially compelling since he – a multiculturalist who self-identifies as a Zionist – is making them. Indeed, anyone who reads his sit ...
- Israel wants its stealth bomber gift in writing be ...This is good. Three hitters. George Washington bats third. (Who's gonna bat cleanup, you, Barack?) 1. Didi Remez translates Hebrew press, at 972:On the front page of this morning’s Maariv, senior columnist Ben Caspit reports: "At least three top Likud figures who were briefed recently by officials ...
- Amazing that this guy worked in the White HouseWhy is the VOA interviewing this guy?"The U.S. should give Israel what it needs, but it should not be linked to a 90 day extension of the freeze."Elliott Abrams, in the Voice of America, U.S. Pushes to Keep Middle East Peace Talks Alive
- A 91-year-old shepherd, killed alongside 29 of his ...One of the most important stories we've picked up in the last few months is B'Tselem's report that every other day a Palestinian noncombatant is killed in the occupied territories, on average. It is a reminder that just as the Jim Crow South was a very dangerous place for black people, the same is t ...
Media Consortium
- Jim VandeHei Talks Politico Pro : CJRAn interview w/Jim VandenHei about Politico Pro, which will provide 'high-impact, high-velocity reporting on the politics of energy, technology and health care reform' for political and policy professionals. At what price? $2,495 for the first subscriber to a single vertical such as energy; and afte ...
- Discounted memberships: A short term gain with lon ...
- The Newsonomics of membership " Nieman Journalism ...New journalism is hungry for new business models. Beyond millions in foundation start-up support, what will sustain these enterprises? One answer: membership. The notion is borrowed from NPR (née National Public Radio), which we must remind ourselves is no “experiment.” While the daily press is te ...
- Chart: How Newspaper E-Editions Are Faring | paidC ...One circulation metric that wasn’t down year-over-year for U.S. newspapers during the first half of 2010: the total number of subscribers to their e-editions, a broad category that includes digital replicas, online-only subscriptions, Kindle subscriptions, and products like Times Reader. Leading th ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...t the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. According to a release issued by the company, the new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, w ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Duke geneticist resigns as investigation continuesTroubled Duke geneticist Anil Potti has resigned, according to an email sent by the Director of Duke University’s Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Hunt Willard, and posted online by the Duke Chronicle today. Willard says that investigations into alleged research misconduct in Potti's w ...
- Controversial Antarctic fishery gains ‘sustainable ...A long running fisheries row has come to a close as the Antarctic toothfish is finally certified as a ‘sustainable’ catch, despite furious objections from some scientists. Dissostichus mawsoni caught in the Ross Sea can now be sold with a Marine Stewardship Council sustainability badge, after con ...
- Scientists respond to ocean acidification doubtsRecent reports that ocean acidification is proceeding at worrying pace, particularly in Arctic waters, have led some environmental optimists to question the severity of the problem. Book author and blogger Matt Ridley, for example, argued in a 4 November opinion piece in the Times that ocean aci ...
- Drugs hit teen brains harderSome have argued that adolescent brains, flexible and full of growth potential, are more capable of dealing with the damage inflicted by drugs than adult brains. According to researchers who spoke at a press briefing earlier this week at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San D ...
- NIH director takes first steps towards new addicti ...The dissolution of the freestanding drug and alcohol research institutes at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) -- and the birth of a new addictions research institute in their place --- moved a significant step closer to reality today (18 November). In a statement issued this afternoon, Fran ...
new geography
- Divining The Stock Market's FutureLike the rest of us, I pick over the stock market’s runic inscriptions to find meaning in earnings reports, ratios, analyst reports, and trend lines, hoping to divine the traces of an orderly world—something it clearly is not. In modern nations, especially the United States, the averages of stock e ...
- How Liberalism Self-destructedDemocrats are still looking for explanations for their stunning rejection in the midterms — citing everything from voting rights violations and Middle America’s racist orientation to Americans’ inability to perceive the underlying genius of President Barack Obama’s economic policy. What they have f ...
- The Other Chambers of CommerceThe recent political conflict between the Obama Administration and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has thrown a new spotlight on an old communication problem. Local chambers of commerce, although they predate the U.S. Chamber by nearly a century and a half, often are assumed to be part of the U.S. Cha ...
- Car Wars: Should Autos Rule The Road? Part IIWe have a severe drug problem, we've been told, that mostly affects suburbanites. The dangerous drug is not taken by mouth, nor by injection, yet it is used daily by every family member and must be stopped before we, as a nation, are utterly destroyed. According to many experts, our “dependence” ...
- Car Wars: Should Autos Rule The Road? Part IWe've decided to become a one car family. Denver has proven to be the ideal locale for this experiment, of sorts. The "Mile High City," and particularly our new neighborhood, provide a range of mobility options beyond the four-wheel variety for trekking from place to place. The metropolitan area ...
GM Watch
- Europeans wary of GMO foods
- Brazil launches GM-free soya program
- GM salmon hit by large coalition of critics
- India: Farmers destroy DuPont's GM rice trials
- Biowatch concerned about monopolisation of South A ...
- The Republic of Ireland: colonised by commissioner ...As part of the financial bailout, Ireland has been annexed by the Great Power that is the Brussels bureaucracy. Where are the protests?
- Is Sarah Silverman a true taboo-buster?Her new autobiography reveals that the ballsy comedian is not the fearless taboo-buster fans and critics might have thought she was.
- Snood: the latest poncey football affectationOnce upon a time, football was a man’s game. Now players are wearing scarves and gloves on the pitch. Whatever next?
- Misfits: standing out from the E4 crowdThe comedy drama about council-estate kids with superpowers is superior to the usual youth-channel fare.
- Students are supposed to read books, not burn themA leading US defender of free speech on campus says things are so bad that some students are now destroying words that offend them.
- Into the Abyss: The Diving Suit That Turns Men Int ...I had thought that the liquid breathing system depicted in The Abyss was purely fictional. According to the developer of the system in the piece below, U.S. Navy SEALs were using such a system in the 1980s. Via: Independent: Humans have proven themselves remarkably adept at learning to do what other ...
- TSA Pat-Down Leaves Traveler Covered in UrineVia: MSNBC: A retired special education teacher on his way to a wedding in Orlando, Fla., said he was left humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine after an enhanced pat-down by TSA officers recently at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. “I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said ...
- Could Millionaires Fleeing the U.S. Cause a Wildca ...For years, I’ve received emails from people who want to move to New Zealand. Some young, some old. Some well off, some not so well off. Over the last month or so, three millionaires have emailed me about moving to New Zealand. The three people who emailed me were all going to invest their way [...]
- A Vegan No MoreThis might be useful if you are having to go through watching someone kill themselves and/or their children on a vegan diet. Or not. Via: Voracious Vegan: Many of you know that I have recently been struggling for the first time in my life with health problems. When I discovered that my problems were ...
- Russia Frees Israeli MercenaryVia: BBC: Russia has released Israeli mercenary Yair Klein, who was sought by Colombia for his involvement in the training of paramilitary squads, reports say. Klein, a former Israeli army soldier, is on his way to Israel, Interfax news agency reports. In 2001, a Colombian court convicted him in abs ...
The Economic Collapse
- Tent Cities, Homelessness And Soul-Crushing Despai ...For decades, our politicians have been deeply addicted to government debt, they have stood idly by as millions of our jobs have been shipped overseas and they have passed countless business-crushing regulations and they never thought that it would catch up with us. Well, it has. A ...
- 12 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind – Federal ...Do you remember the days when getting elected to Congress or choosing to work for the government was referred to as "public service"? The idea was that you would be making a sacrifice for the greater good of the country. Well, those days are long gone. Today, getting elected to C ...
- Why Is Indiana Putting Armed Security Guards Into ...Did you ever think that things in America would get so bad that we would need to put armed guards into our unemployment offices? Well, that is exactly what is happening in Indiana. Armed security guards will now be posted at all 36 full-service unemployment offices in the state of ...
- Could The Financial Crisis Erupting In Ireland, Po ...The Irish banking system is melting down right in front of our eyes. Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain are all drowning in debt. It is becoming extremely expensive for all of those nations to issue new debt. Officials all over Europe are begging Ireland to accept a bailout. Po ...
- How In The World Did We Get To The Point Where The ...Ben Bernanke and the rest of the folks over at the Federal Reserve did not just wake up one day and decide that they wanted to start printing hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air. The truth is that the economic forces that have brought us to this point have taken decades ...
- Strange new form of development aid: bringing bran ...Read at : http://www.ngonewsafrica.org/?p=4912 Kenya: Gates pledges 500 million dollars to bring banking to poor The philanthropic organization set up by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Tuesday pledged 500 million dollars to help give the worldâs poorest … Continue reading →
- Indian Bank provides SMS text messages, a free ser ...Read at : http://www.new-ag.info/news/newsitem.php?a=1809 Indian bank using SMS to assist farmers The Indian National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has launched a pilot project to provide farmers with information on weather, prices of inputs and other crop advisory … Continue r ...
- How to use private businesses to solve pressing gl ...Read at : http://www.lavidalocavore.org/diary/4236/putting-classroom-theory-into-practice Putting Classroom Theory into Practice Crossposted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet. “The idea was to bring a lot of expertise from the corporate world to help young social start ups,” says ...
- Sustainable Management of Land and Water to Improv ...Read at : http://ifad-un.blogspot.com/2010/11/yes-east-and-southern-africa-can.html Yes! East and Southern Africa can through sustainable land and water management Posted by David Paqui The East and Southern Africa Division of IFAD started its Regional Implementation Workshop on 15 November 2010 in ...
- Exposed lake beds in China’s Sichuan Provinc ...Read at : http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/46093/ Desertification Endangering Plateau Lakes in Southwestern China Central News Agency The plateau lakes in southwestern Chinaâs Sichuan Province are likely to disappear in 24 years, according to the findings of Chinese forestry experts afte ...
The Paper Trail
- A Public with Lots to Tell EPA About Coal AshDiane Hofner had a banner full of pictures and a six-minute power point presentation to display what she calls “unsupervised” pollution — black, oily coal ash being strewn on the roads in her hometown of Portland, New York.
- Reform Reading: Credit Ratings Hard to Replace, Ov ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- The Republican Governors’ San Diego SchmoozeAfter spending $102 million to help its party pick up six new gubernatorial seats, the Republican Governors Association finds that its annual meeting in San Diego is swarming with eager fundraisers and operatives — several of whom are already hustling to make a current or former GOP governor the par ...
- Reform Reading: Banks Prepare for Stress Tes ...A roundup of news and commentary to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- Another Victory for the Status Quo: Boehner and Pe ...A day after Senate Democrats and Republicans voted to keep their leadership in place for the third straight Congress, House Democrats and Republicans yesterday voted to do the the same.
- Don’t drink and drive, unless it’s bad ...By Bev Schellenberg What does a province do when a law acts as an effective deterrent? They consider changing it, apparently. At least, that’s what the still wet-behind-the-ears Solicitor General Rich Coleman is thinking of doing with BC’s strict new impaired driving laws Since September, B.C. ...
- Ambrose disappears Sisters in SpiritBy Alison@Creekside Last week APTN News reported that not only does the Cons' new missing persons initiative entirely bypass Sisters In Spirit, the very group which initiated research into the nearly 600 missing and murdered FN women and girls in the first place, but SIS can no longer use the SIS ...
- Revolting, but not worth fighting.By Rachel Krueger Book banning is for right-wing fundamentalists and crotchety spinsters and very tense parents of pristine children and also EVERYONE who saw The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure on Amazon last Tuesday and immediately clutched their pearls. Including me. The site has sinc ...
- The sentimental publishers of “The Sentiment ...By Frank Moher Okay, so I was set to go all crazy right-wing on Gaspereau Press and suggest that its federal funding should be pulled because of its refusal to capitalize on its Giller Prize victory. Johanna Skibsrud's The Sentimentalists won the $50,000 award on Tuesday night, and immediately he ...
- Brave Steve defends Israel’s far rightBy Alison@Creekside Live-blogging from the Ottawa Conference on Combating Antisemitism, the intrepid Kady does her level best to find out what The Plot -- a secret exhibit from the US Anti-Defamation League that is off-limits to media -- is all about. I don't know either but I'll lay you odds ...
- Becker denies 'discussions or contact' with M ...London, Nov 21(ANI): Former German tennis star Boris Becker has denied suggestions that he may become coach or advisor to Britain's world No. 3 Andy Murray.ecker regularly practices at the National Tennis Centre...
- Amy Winehouse announces Brazil tour after two ...London, Nov 21 (ANI): Amy Winehouse has announced her plan to return to the stage after a two-year touring hiatus with four January shows in Brazil.� After two years battling legal and...
- Teri Hatcher to quit Desperate Housewives 'Desperate Housewives' star Teri Hatcher will quit the show after the next season. The 45-year-old actress, who has played ditsy mother Susan Mayer for seven years, has told colleagues at ABC that the next season will be her last. And bosses at the U.S. network are now prepared for a double exi ...
- Rachel Weisz's fairytale life Added At: 2010-11-21 2:57 PM Last Updated At: 2010-11-21 2:57 PM The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s) The headlines has been added to your saved article(s) To View your saved article(s)please Close -->...
- Look what's happening to TV prices! Plentiful supplies and low component costs have added up to big price drops on televisions for the holiday season. TV prices typically are lower for the holidays, but this year the tags on flat-screen high-definition sets could drop 20 percent on...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Dear Oprah: Those health guests may not be so heal ...Dr. Christiane Northrup, Rhonda Byrne, Geneen Roth and Tony Robbins may be leading you astray. For better results, and to learn to love exercise, try these people instead. Dear Ms. Winfrey:
- Good Form: A way to balance out your backIf one side of your back feels a little tighter than the other, perform this stretch on a regular basis. It's a simple, excellent way to bring flexibility and balance to both sides of your torso.
- Pope Says Condoms to Stop AIDS May Be AcceptablePope Benedict XVI said condom use, previously banned by the Vatican, could be justified in some cases.
- UAS Laboratories Leads The Way In Innovative, High ...Based on its recent analysis of the probiotics market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes UAS Laboratories, Inc. with the 2010 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for Customer Value Enhancement of the Year...
- FLUOXETINE (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride) Capsule [Reb ...Updated Date: Nov 19, 2010 EST
Common Dreams
- Buffett Tells ABC Rich Americans Should Be Paying ...by Juliann NeherBillionaire Warren Buffett said that rich people should pay more in taxes and that Bush-era tax cuts for top earners should be allowed to expire at the end of December."If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut ...
- Israeli Soldiers 'Walk Free' in Gaza Human Shield ...JERUSALEM - Two Israeli soldiers received suspended sentences and demotions on Sunday for using a Palestinian child as a human shield by making him check for bombs during the 2008-2009 Gaza war, army radio said.The radio's correspondent, who attended the sentencing in a military court, said the two ...
- Welfare Funding Runs Out in Iraqby Lara JakesBAGHDAD -- Iraq has run out of money to pay for widows' benefits, farm crops and other programs for the poor, the parliament leader on Sunday told lawmakers who have collected nearly $180,000 so far this year in one of the world's most oil-rich nations.In only their fourth session sinc ...
- Rocky Road Ahead for DREAM Actby Marcus Stern, ProPublicaAfter failing to win comprehensive immigration reform during a period when Democrats controlled both the White House and Congress, immigration proponents are now hoping to use the lame-duck session to snag an 11th-hour consolation prize: the DREAM Act. read more
- Call for Bank Protest Sparks Online Campaign by Kim WillsherAs students and public sector workers across Europe prepare for a winter of protests, they have been offered advice from the archetypal football rebel Eric Cantona.read more
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Paranormal: Evidence vs. Data htt ...ExamineReligion: Paranormal: Evidence vs. Data http://exm.nr/aNEJGM
- ExamineReligion: Programmed Perceptions? http://ex ...ExamineReligion: Programmed Perceptions? http://exm.nr/9QLVcW
- ExamineReligion: Bibile reading plan November 21st ...ExamineReligion: Bibile reading plan November 21st 1 Chronicles 16; James 3; Obadiah; Luke 5 http://exm.nr/aHfnqj
- ExamineReligion: Puzzling and dangerous trends pos ...ExamineReligion: Puzzling and dangerous trends pose knotty questions to parents http://exm.nr/aGPLCW
- ExamineReligion: Beautiful universe is but a shado ...ExamineReligion: Beautiful universe is but a shadow of original created state http://exm.nr/93jjII
Energy Collective
- Defining Success for Climate Negotiations in Cancu ...International climate negotiations will continue in Cancun, Mexico, during the first two weeks of December, 2010.� These will be the Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP-16) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).� The key challenge is to continue the process of co ...
- Natural Gas. Green? Perhaps NOT. �Using the best available science, we conclude that natural gas is no better than coal and may in fact be worse than coal in terms of its greenhouse gas footprint when evaluated over the time course of the next several decades.� �
- Collaboration, Transparency, and Metrics Foster Su ...In an earlier post I mentioned the soon to be availability of “The Portland Bottom Line: Practices for Your Small Business from America’s Hotbed of Sustainability”.
- UN Climate Negotiations and the Race to the Top (o ...�The ongoing failure of UN climate negotiations � which resume in Cancun later this month � is often characterized as consigning the world to a �race to the bottom� on emissions. It�s a popular characterization of a complex, messy process. Before this rhetoric starts again, however, we wanted to tak ...
- Chinese Firm Enters U.S. Market to Build Solar Pow ...
Green House - USA Today
- How worried are shoppers about lead in reusable ba ...Recent tests show some reusable shopping bags contain lead, but how concerned are shoppers?
- Greenbuild expo showcases new cash-saving productsA $6,500 home wind turbine, glass that helps prevent bird collisions, LED bulbs that could outlive their buyers and non-toxic paint that turns walls into dry-erase boards are among hundreds of eco-friendly products touted at this week's colossal Greenbuild expo in Chicago.
- How green is a Greenbuild expo with 25,000-plus pe ...So what's a green building conference like? Is it Birkenstock-wearing hippies with facial hair and earrings? The annual Greenbuild expo -- held this week in Chicago -- is actually a colossal trade show that reveals the industry's growing clout and market savvy.
- Report: Green building market booms in weak econom ...Despite a deep economic recession, the U.S. green building market has expanded dramatically since 2008 and is projected to double its size by 2015, says a new report by McGraw-Hill Construction.
- EPA announces steady rise in car fuel efficiency For the sixth consecutive year, new U.S. cars and light-duty trucks are using less fuel per gallon and emitting less carbon dioxide per mile, the Environmental Protection reports Wednesday.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- Stone Age Brain, Space Age CultureMickey Z. I was recently asked to do a short reading at Art House Astoria (where I will be leading a writing workshop or two very soon). This is what I chose to read: Huddled around flickering candles and eating food before it could spoil, longtime neighbors introduced themselves, discovering ...
- Official! The Police no longer need a warrant!Roland Michel Tremblay It took me two years to finally send this article, I was afraid, afraid of the police and other authorities. It is now official, the Police no longer need a warrant to enter your home and look through your things, hoping to find something to incriminate you. I am a living pro ...
- Unrecognized Palestinians: Illegally Demolishing T ...by Stephen Lendman In October, the Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, together with nine other human rights organizations, addressed a position paper on "The unconstitutionality of the state's policy of demolishing Arab Bedouin unrecognized villages in the Negev" to three Isra ...
- Buffett Thanks "Uncle Sam" for Big Bailout PaydayMichael Collins The people's oligarch Warren Buffett just wrote a thank you letter to "Uncle Sam" published in the New York Times. It is the height of cynicism. (Image) Buffett has a carefully crafted public image as a brilliant but people-friendly master of investments. We hear about his regu ...
- GERD is Gone but WhatReallyHappenedBy Robert Palmer It’s been 36 hours and I feel a lot better without the GERD that burns but I am still coughing from all that junk in my mouth and throat. [Note: One minor correction to “GERD gone in 60 Seconds”, “I did not leave the pharmacy with a generic. I left with the over-the-counter (OTC) ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Flashback to the 1990s: austerity and health careAlthough at the periphery of federal budget debates, transfers the provinces were put in focus again this week. �The Chretien government with Paul Martin as finance minister put Canada through the most recent cuts to program spending to erase the deficit starting in 1996. �Part of the result was cut ...
- UK students resist Canadian-style austerityAs CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan writes in today's Globe and Mail, the UK government is trying to cram through the biggest public spending cuts in its history. We’ve seen the movie and it does not end well. That’s what our federal government did in 1995, and the books got balanced all right ...
- Rebuilding BC's legal aid system: a rights-based a ...Our new study on legal aid in BC explores the impact of cuts to the system and proposes a new rights-based approach that would cut both economic and social costs. Listen to interviews with the authors on CBC's Early Edition, Jim Harrison's show on CHNL in Kamloops and Adam Stirling's show on CFAX in ...
- Live discussion: Should Canadians be able to pay i ...Today (at 12 p.m. ET) the globeandmail.com will host CCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan (pictured below) and private clinic surgeon Dr. Brian Day for a live discussion on the question: Should Canadians be able to pay in order to jump the healthcare line? Here is the Globe's intro to the discuss ...
- Government: Deficit gone in 5yrs. PBO: DoubtfulThe Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) yesterday released�its assessment�of the federal government's�October economic update. �In its October update, the government projected that the federal deficit would be eliminated in 5 years. �Yesterday's PBO report argues that there is an 85% chance that the d ...
World Wide Hippies
- “Buddy can you spare a dime?”- Congres ...WWH Press Release from OpenSecrets WASHINGTON — Members of Congress are enjoying their own financial stimulus. Despite a stubbornly sour national economy congressional members’ personal wealth collectively increased by more than 16 percent between 2008 and 2009, according to a new study by the Cent ...
- “Mr. President, Your balls feel lovely.̶ ...Obama stands by controversial air security screening methods | CNN President Barack Obama stood by new controversial screening measures Saturday, calling methods such as pat-downs and body scans necessary to assure airline safety. Speaking at a NATO press conference in Lisbon, Portugal, the presiden ...
- Pope Says It’s Okay To Wear A RaincoatPope approves use of condoms in fight against Aids | The Telegraph After decades of fierce opposition to the use of all contraception, the pontiff will end the Catholic Church’s absolute ban on the use of condoms. He will say that it is acceptable to use a prophylactic when the sole intention is to ...
- Samuel Langhorne Clemens Lands On Bestseller ListHe’s my hero. Mark Twainâs Autobiography Flying Off the Shelves | The New York Times When editors at the University of California Press pondered the possible demand for âAutobiography of Mark Twain,â a $35, four-pound, 500,000-word doorstopper of a memoir, they kept their expectations modest with a ...
- LIVING LIFE FROM THE INSIDE OUT RATHER THAN FROM P ...In this reflection on Amit Goswami’s magnificent little book “God is not Dead”, I will focus on his comparison of Jesus’ thinking to that of the thinking in Quantum Physics. Though he makes use of examples from the New Testament about Jesus’ Transformed Life, he quotes mostly from the “Gospel Accor ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Bradley Manning Support Network Condemns Unjust De ...Washington, DC, November 10, 2010 – Last week, David House, a developer working with the Bradley Manning Support Network, was detained and had his computer seized by the FBI when returning from a vacation in Mexico. He committed no crime, nor was he ever alleged to have committed a crime. He was que ...
- The Lies of Islamophobia The Muslims were bloodthirsty and treacherous. They conducted a sneak attack against the French army and slaughtered every single soldier, 20,000 in all. More than 1,000 years ago, in the mountain passes of Spain, the Muslim horde cut down the finest soldiers in Charlemagne�s command, including his ...
- What's Mike Up To?What's Mike Up To?
- 'I Remember'
- 9/11 Families Call for Immediate Acknowledgement o ...NEW YORK – October 23 – The following statement may be attributed to Colleen Kelly, a founding member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows The information made public by Wikileaks (NY Times, A Grim Report…10/22/10) emphasizes that 9/11 families have much in common with Iraqi civ ...
- Obama: Empathetic on airport screeningsPresident Barack Obama says he understands the frustrations of U.S. airline passengers who are subject to intrusive security screenings.
- The 12 most absurdly leading "Ed Show" poll questi ...When Ed Schultz, the exuberant progressive cheerleader who hosts a nightly MSNBC show, exhorts his viewers to "Get your cell phones out," brace yourself -- chances are a comically slanted question is coming.
- Various matters(1)�With roughly 80% of my book now turned in and the final 20% to be turned in on Monday, it will be a few more days before I can return my full attention to writing here.� The book's title was chosen from the reader contest I�held online here a couple months ago -- With Liberty and Justice for ...
- Arizona county employee euthanizes wrong dog, lose ...Officials say an employee for Arizona's Pinal County has been fired after euthanizing a war-hero dog that wasn't scheduled to be put down.
- How the pro-Israel community supports its ownHere's a story that shows just how committed the nationwide network of pro-Israel donors are to their cause:�Court filings suggest�that several super-rich AIPAC�donors stepped in to support a former top AIPAC�official who was locked in a dispute with the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group. The pa ...
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits cam ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metre (9 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Summit legacy: Payoff for loyal Muskoka While Muskoka received $50 million for the inconvenience of the G8, Toronto got a few plants for hosting the G20.
- MLS Cup: Soccer scores in TorontoThe city hosts the Major League Soccer championship game tonight.
- Poverty strategy: Tories display apathy on issue Conservative MPs are concerned about the cost of poverty reduction, but don't realize ignoring poverty costs $72 billion a year.
- Darts & Laurels JON KYL: For fanning nuclear tension. The U.S. senator and Republican point man on arms control is trying to block the speedy ratification of a deal between the United States and Russia to slash their strategic nuclear arsenals. But if the Senate w ...
- Injured vets: Ottawa just tinkeringThis week's changes are an improvement but more must be done.
Energy Collective
- Defining Success for Climate Negotiations in Cancu ...International climate negotiations will continue in Cancun, Mexico, during the first two weeks of December, 2010.� These will be the Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP-16) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).� The key challenge is to continue the process of co ...
- Natural Gas. Green? Perhaps NOT. �Using the best available science, we conclude that natural gas is no better than coal and may in fact be worse than coal in terms of its greenhouse gas footprint when evaluated over the time course of the next several decades.� �
- Collaboration, Transparency, and Metrics Foster Su ...In an earlier post I mentioned the soon to be availability of “The Portland Bottom Line: Practices for Your Small Business from America’s Hotbed of Sustainability”.
- UN Climate Negotiations and the Race to the Top (o ...�The ongoing failure of UN climate negotiations � which resume in Cancun later this month � is often characterized as consigning the world to a �race to the bottom� on emissions. It�s a popular characterization of a complex, messy process. Before this rhetoric starts again, however, we wanted to tak ...
- Chinese Firm Enters U.S. Market to Build Solar Pow ...
EU Times
- Brigitte Bardot wants to run for French presidencyBrigitte Bardot, the Sixties sex symbol has announced she may run for president in France’s next elections as the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, “took me for an imbecile” over animal rights pledges. Miss Bardot, once a screen icon now an animal rights campaigner, said she had been asked by the Ecology ...
- ‘Viva Palestina’ aid flotilla set to d ...Egypt announces it will allow aid convoy to dock at Al-Arish seaport on route to Gaza, will deny George Galloway entry into country. A flotilla of ships titled the “Viva Palestina” convoy, hailed by organizers as the largest convoy to break the Gaza embargo, is set to depart this weekend, organizers ...
- Boer on hunger strike in South African prisonIt has been eighteen days since Willem Ratte, Boer Republican, and ten others were imprisoned by the South African government without substantial evidence for their imprisonment. This questionable imprisonment has together with the continual victimization of Boers by the South African Government led ...
- Bugatti Announces Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, 2011The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport is among the most rare production cars in the world, with perhaps only 40 manufactured. Dan Neil, automotive critic of the Wall Street Journal, is the first journalist to test drive the powerful machine that recently set the speed record for a production car at 26 ...
- Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘ ...Chancellor’s assertion that onus is on new arrivals to do more to integrate into German society stirs anti-immigration debate. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion in Germany by claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have “utterl ...
Stonecipher News
- Don't Quit Your Day JobThis is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine. With approximately 4,000,000 students today, more than 20 percent of all students enrolled in higher education are taking at least one course online. Self paced online courses all ...
- Breast Cancer Gene May Raise Men’s Risk, TooSource: HealthDay News: "A faulty gene that greatly increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer also boosts a man’s risk for the disease, a new study finds. While most people think of breast cancer as a woman’s illness, in rare cases men can develop breast tumors as well. The new study found that me ...
- Diabetics Urged to Confer With Their Doctor About ...According to Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter, "THURSDAY, July 15 (HealthDay News) -- One day after a U.S. advisory panel recommended that the controversial diabetes drug Avandia stay on the market -- albeit with added restrictions -- several medical organizations are urging patients not to change ...
- Top Five Cleaning MistakesThis is a short video about the common mistakes when cleaning. You may still be sleeping with bugs after cleaning.
- Repression and the Ruling ClassFrom my Triond collection: I recently read Louis Althusser’s article on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. He discusses the production for conditions of reproduction by breaking down the Marxist theory into several fundamental aspects. Althusser discussed the differences between the proleta ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- NORK Enrichment FacilityFuel Fabrication Facility. Empty Machine Shop from which lathes have been removed. Exhaust ducts are still in place. Photo credit: W. Keith Luse Well, well, well. It isn’t just a light water reactor that North Korea is constructing on the decaying Yongbyon site
- Ireland going for international bailoutDUBLIN (AP) — After weeks of denying it needed a bailout, Ireland Sunday became the second European country to ask for a multibillion euro emergency loan to help stabilize its debt-ridden banks. Other eurozone countries and the European Central Bank had pushed Dublin to accept help after anxiety ov ...
- No Security Pat-Downs for BoehnerBill Bard says: 2 rules. Them and us. Blatent discrimination. By JEFF ZELENY Representative John A. Boehner , soon to be the Speaker of the House, has pledged to fly commercial airlines back to his home district in Ohio. But that does not mean that he will be subjected to the hassles of ordinary ...
- Vatican spokesman’s statement on condomsVATICAN CITY – Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, issued a statement today regarding Pope Benedict’s comments on condoms in an upcoming book (see below). He called the pope’s remarks couragous and new, but not revolutionary. He said they upheld the church’s teaching on sexuality, but ...
- Block FacebookFacebook is a great way to stay connected to people and has plenty of benefits, but that’s not why we’re here, we’re here to block access to Facebook. Why? Well, there are many reasons to block the site, companies often block the site to prevent employees from accessing it on company time, and pare ...
- Video aims to demystify judges"Video aims to demystify judges, their jobs; 'Conversations with Maine Judges' targets middle and high school students": Today's edition of The Maine Sunday Telegram contains an article that begins, "The video opens with a tight shot of Judge Kermit Lipez, a federal judge who once sat on Maine's Sup ...
- Ubuntu Font Licence Today it is not clear to Canonical what the best licence for a font project like the Ubuntu Font Family is: one that starts life designed by professionals and continues with the full range of community development, from highly commercial work in new directions to curious beginners' experimental cont ...
- Prominent attorney Comisky dies, fought discrimina ...Marvin Comisky, one of the founding partners of Blank Rome who led the law firm for 20 years, died Friday morning. He was 92. Along with Samuel Blank and Edward Rome, Mr. Comisky founded what had been known as Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley in 1959. - Philadelphia Business Journal
- WHAM! Target of False Patent Marking Suit to Arg ...The National Law Journal reported online yesterday that Wham-O, creator of such iconic toys as the Frisbee® and the Hula-Hoop,® has alerted the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit that it will challenge the constitutionality of 35 U.S.C. § 292, the section of the federal patent law which emp ...
- Cal. Appeals affirms dismissal without leave to am ...The defendants asserted that the complaint must be dismissed because it only alleged conversion of an idea, and because the plaintiff did not allege how defendants have substantially interfered with plaintiff's dominion over his own idea. The plaintiff argued that the conversion claim was proper bec ...
- November 16, 2010, WideShut Webcast On Resistance ...Lots of topics on this week's show including the dangerous HPV vaccine, and more TV Licence lessons.
- DEMOS and Jobless Britain: WideShut Webcast On Res ...Keelan discusses the protests, DEMOS think tank, unemployment in Britain and the agenda of forced work and slave labour.
- LIVE: WideShut Webcast On Air NowKeelan discusses the protests, DEMOS think tank, unemployment in Britain and the agenda of forced work and slave labour.
- The Body Scanner ScamIf Body Scanners cannot detect common forms of terrorism, and are dangerous to our health, what the hell are they being used for?
- Shoot The Messenger: 77 Ripple Effect Creator In C ...Freedom of speech on the line as 7/7 Ripple Effect creator John Hill enters court for the second time on November 11th.
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Tell EPA that coal ash is hazardous waste!Coal ash is a dangerous mix of arsenic, lead, mercury and other poisons.
- Commissioners delay decision on coal export facili ...Commissioners delay decision on coal export facility
- After suing, group says city on track to fixing se ...After suing, group says city on track to fixing sewage problem
- Editorial: A Riverkeeper can help clean up Caloosh ...Editorial: A Riverkeeper can help clean up Calooshatchee
- Riverkeeper Puts Focus on Rockland Water IssuesRiverkeeper Puts Focus on Rockland Water Issues
Politics in the Zeros
- Insider trading probe. Methinks he doth protest to ...From the WSJ article on the huge insider trading probe. One of those being investigated emailed his clients saying: “Today two fresh faced eager beavers from the FBI showed up unannounced (obviously) on my doorstep thoroughly convinced that my clients have been trading on copious inside information, ...
- TSA agents call new rules “disgusting”, “morale-br ...Some of it appears to be the verbal abuse they’re getting from travelers, but some of it is just the fact that they have to keep touching people they’d rather not touch in that way. TSA pat-down leaves bladder cancer survivor covered in urine TSA forces cancer survivor to show prosthetic breast Obam ...
- Genetically modified microbes can repair concrete ...The genetically modified microbe has been programmed to swim down fine cracks in concrete and once at the bottom it produces a mixture of calcium carbonate and a bacterial glue. This glue combines with the filamentous bacterial cells, ultimately hardening to the same strength as the surrounding conc ...
- Water treatment plant produces own energy from was ...The San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant currently creates two-thirds of its energy from methane from digesters and landfills. They just signed an agreement with FuelCell Energy for a 1.4 MW fuel cell system powered by biogas from their own treatment process. Fuel cells operate 24/7 wi ...
- Feds to file charges in huge insider trading inves ...WSJ Federal authorities, capping a three-year investigation, are preparing insider-trading charges that could ensnare consultants, investment bankers, hedge-fund and mutual-fund traders and analysts across the nation, according to people familiar with the matter. The criminal and civil probes, which ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Fake wedding sentencing adjournedThe sentencing of the two Christchurch men found guilty of holding a fake wedding ceremony has been adjourned until February next year.
- PM to visit mine, praying for trapped menPrime Minister John Key is due to visit the mine this morning along with the Australian and British high commissioners
- Names of trapped Pike River Coal miners releasedPolice have confirmed the names of the 29 men trapped underground since an explosion rocked the Pike River Coal mine on the West Coast on Friday afternoon
- Miner who walked out of mine to be interviewedThe 50 year-old loader driver who survived Friday's explosion at the Pike River mine will be interviewed by police today
- Arrest made over hit and run of elderly dog-walkerA 24-year-old Whanganui man will appear in court today, charged over a fatal hit and run of an elderly woman in the town
Just World News
- Robinson and Brahimi: Wrong on Hamas and womenMary Robinson and Lakhdar Brahimi have a piece in HuffPo today in which they argue, probably correctly, that it is Gaza's women and children who are paying the highest price for Israel's now years-long siege of Gaza. They write: Women in this conservative society find their domestic responsibiliti ...
- Celebrate Laila's book launch today!Today's the day! Laila El-Haddad will be launching her first book, Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between at 6:30 pm EST in Washington DC's Palestine Center. The event will be livestreamed. So come in person if you can-- but if you can't, make sure to watch the livestrea ...
- Virginians standing up to Cantor!A group of home-state Virginians and I are planning to build a network of in-state activists-- including our friends in the 7th congressional district-- to stand up for our country's interests against the near-treasonous positions on Israel being articulated by Rep. Eric Cantor. Last Wednesday even ...
- The U.S., Congress, and the world in 2010I was at a meeting in Washington on Thursday where we were discussing the effects that the democrats' drubbing in the November 2 mid-terms could be expected to have on the so-called Israeli-Palestinian "peace process". Most of the participants were understandably glum. (This was just after the news ...
- Laila El-Haddad and Josh Foust books: on Amazon!It has been a crazy and wonderful week! We launched Josh Foust's book Afghanistan Journal on Tuesday. Just prior to that, both his book and Laila El-Haddad's Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything In Between went up for sale on Amazon. I've been completing the work on the hardcover ...
First Truths
- Torture: The Great American ExportMy latest denounces the complete impunity with which the United States and its proxies carry out their torture tactics.
- Privacy or State Monopoly on Info?The federal government is preparing itself, under the pretext of protecting our online privacy, for a huge power grab that will likely consolidate unprecedented amounts of our personal information in the hands of government. I commented on the development for the Center for a Stateless Society.
- Liberty is the Mother of Equality (And Vice Versa)In a commentary piece for the Center for a Stateless Society, I argue that liberty is the channel through which to achieve egalitarian goals, that free markets are the best way to attack the system of privilege we're yoked to today.
- The Crime Families Meet in KoreaI address Seoul's G20 summit in a commentary piece for C4SS.
- Israel, At it AgainMy latest commentary for the Center for a Stateless Society confronts Israel's latest endeavors into violent regional domination and government disinformation.
Media Co-Op
- Nova Scotia: Electro-StateRenewable energy expert Neal Livingston says Nova Scotia will export its renewable energy and keep the coal burning Nova Scotia could soon follow in the footsteps of the Alberta tar sands energy boom. But instead of exporting upgraded bitumen, ...
- Interview with George Galloway.George Galloway is a rare and inspiring orator. Ostensibly for his stance on the issue of Palestine, the Canadian government has attempted to connect him with terrorism, and temporarily succeeded in banning him from entry into Canada in 2009 ...
- First Solidarity Halifax Conference HeldAmidst an ongoing debate over public financing of the proposed Halifax Convention Centre, and HRM Council wage ...
- Climate Justice Montreal Releases "Burning Water/Q ...A primer on shale gas extraction in Quebec and what people can do to stop it Montreal - Today, Climate Justice Montreal released Burning Water, a primer on shale gas extraction - or "fracking" - in Quebec. The publication outlines the extent o ...
- Climate Justice Montreal Releases "Burning Water/Q ...A primer on shale gas extraction in Quebec and what people can do to stop it Montreal - Today, Climate Justice Montreal released Burning Water, a primer on shale gas extraction - or "fracking" - in Quebec. The publication outlines the extent o ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Haitian cholera: opening soon in theaters near you ...Haitian VenusA Collier County woman is Florida's first documented case of cholera imported from Haiti. The woman, who lives in southwest Florida, had been visiting family in the region of the earthquake-devastated nation that is at the center of its cholera epidemic.(...)"We really don't anticipate ...
- Beck, rhymes with yecch: Murdoch flirts with antis ...Welcome to the "Glenn Beck Program," where Jews are Nazis and those who exploit ancient anti-Semitic conspiracy narratives are friends of the Jews.� Michael Wolraich - CNN �Soros' people called me to say I am an anti-Semite because I was going to air this," he says in one program. "Probably, I am m ...
- UK Students trash British Conservatives' HQ. ... t ...Students have finally had enough. Fees were introduced in 1998 and we hardly heard a squeak; they were bumped up to over £3,000 in 2006 and no one revolted. But today students smashed their way into the Tory party campaign HQ in a show of anger against a political elite they believe have abandoned t ...
- The must see, must pass along videoDavid Seaton's News LinksSteve Benen at Political Animal has put together this video and it is a powerful and positive piece of work. If you like it pass it on.DS
- Tales of Globalization: USA and India: a marriage ..."I believe that the relationship between the United States and India will, in fact, be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st Century." President Obama - BBC News The most dramatic and remarkable improvement in consumption has been of those who were already the richest people in India � that i ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- Black Farmers Finally See JusticeContact: EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON - Yesterday (Nov 19) it was announced that the $1.15 billion awarded black farmers in the Pigford settlement that arose from decades of discriminatory practices at the U.S. Department of... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- Chemical Lobby Gets Its Way in U.S. SenateContact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 Washington, D.C. – For several years now, Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been warning of the risks associated with bisphenol A (BPA) – especially the BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- Calif. Officials Honored for Efforts to Protect P ...Contact: Renee Sharp, (510) 444-0973 x302 or renee@ewg.org Oakland, Calif. – Six dedicated public servants will be honored tonight in San Francisco for their shared commitment to protecting the health and environment of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my websi ...
- Will the Real Ethanol Beneficiaries Please Stand U ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. alex@ewg.org Washington, D.C. – This month’s election is being called a referendum on taxpayer-funded bailouts and wasteful federal spending, but Congress may not have gotten the... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my webs ...
- In Farm Country, Democrats’ Bitter HarvestContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 – Just two years ago, Democratic political strategists defended passage of a status-quo farm subsidy bill by claiming it was essential to the survival of freshmen members... [[ This is a content summary only ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Basis of Many Medical Studies Found to be Proved F ...A new study analyzed numerous research trials to determine the content of the supposedly "inactive" placebos used for research, but discovered that placebo disclosure is rare. Researchers examined 176 medical journal studies and found that the vast majority didn't mention the contents of the place ...
- 10 Organic Foods That Are Worth the MoneyApples The FDA states that more pesticides are found on apples than are found on any other fruit or vegetable -- a grand total of 36. One test found seven chemicals on a single apple. Sounds like a good reason to switch to pesticide-free organic produce to me. Of course ...
- The Supplement Almost Everyone Should Take When Th ...Dr. Ronald Hunninghake is an internationally recognized expert on vitamin C who has personally supervised more than 60,000 intravenous (IV) vitamin C administrations. In this interview, Dr. Hunninghake shares his experience with this important modality.
- The Best Kept Secret for Avoiding Alzheimer's...People who consume foods rich in vitamin B12 could be at lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Researchers analyzed blood samples from more than 270 individuals who showed no evidence of dementia. They tested for levels of vitamin B12 and for levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that has b ...
- Dog Nurses Kittens
- Multiple Testing, Cumulative Radiation Dose, and C ...Context Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is the single medical test with the highest radiation burden to the US population. Although many patients undergoing MPI receive repeat MPI testing, or additional procedures involving ionizing radiation, no data are available characterizing their total lo ...
- Infection With Transmissible Strains of Pseudomona ...Context Studies from Australia and the United Kingdom have shown that some patients with cystic fibrosis are infected with common transmissible strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Objectives To determine the prevalence and incidence of infection with transmissible strains of P aeruginosa and wheth ...
- Doxorubicin Plus Sorafenib vs Doxorubicin Alone in ...Context� In a randomized phase 3 trial, 400 mg of sorafenib twice daily prolonged overall survival of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and Child-Pugh A disease. In a phase 1 study, sorafenib combined with doxorubicin, 60 mg/m2, was well tolerated by patients with refractory sol ...
- Diagnosis, Microbial Epidemiology, and Antibiotic ...Context� Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most common condition for which antibiotics are prescribed for US children; however, wide variation exists in diagnosis and treatment. Objectives� To perform a systematic review on AOM diagnosis, treatment, and the association of heptavalent pneumococcal con ...
- Discussing Radiation Risks Associated With CT Scan ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Kalahari Bushman appeals to African CommissionMoeti's grandmother Xoroxloo died of thirst © Survival A Bushman from a settlement deep in Botswana’s Central Kalahari Game Reserve has travelled to the Gambia to ask the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for help. Speaking at the African Commission’s international conference e ...
- Canada endorses UN Declaration on indigenous peopl ...Innu children © Serge Jauvin/Survival Canada has endorsed the UN Declaration on indigenous peoples three years after the declaration was approved by the General Assembly. In a statement released last Friday, Canadaâs Indian and Northern Affairs department said, âThe Government of Canada wou ...
- International NGOs unite against oil giantsUncontacted Indians' territory in Peru is being invaded by oil companies. © Anon Survival has sent a letter signed by more than fifty leading NGOs to oil companies Perenco, Repsol-YPF and ConocoPhillips to demand their immediate withdrawal from an area inhabited by uncontacted tribes in Peru. ...
- Survival wins Hollywood award for tribal rights fi ...'Mine' has been viewed by over 650,000 people worldwide. © Survival Survival International’s film ‘Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain’ has won the award for ‘Best Short’ in the category of International Human Rights at the Artivist Film Festival to be held in Hollywood. ‘Mine’, narrated by Briti ...
- Botswana government renews insults to BushmenGovernment minister says Bushmen are 'living in the dark ages'. © Survival Botswanaâs minister of environment, wildlife and tourism is the most recent government official to make disparaging remarks about the Kalahari Bushmen. In an interview with the BBC, Kitso Mokaila said, âI don’t believ ...
Montreal Gazette
- Murder reminds us just how vile the Mob isThe murder of 86-year-old Nicolo Rizzuto in his own kitchen Wednesday evening is a reminder of the way organized crime really works.
- The United Nations disgraces itself -againThe UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women -commonly called UN Women -was created this year as a super-agency to promote women's rights and interests. Four UN bureaucracies were brought together to form a single more powerful agency. It is a promising sign that UN Women w ...
- Make Remembrance Day truly memorable for allMilitary veterans aren't what they used to be. The fresh-faced boys of the First World War are gone now, and the Second World War generation is fading away. Some Korean War, peacekeeping, and peacetime vets endure, but increasingly now, "Canadian veteran" means Afghanistan veteran.
- ADQ shows signs of a promising rebirthThere certainly is a crisis of confidence in Quebec's government and institutions. Construction scandals, the empty but loud fuss over judicial appointments, the debt and deficit, an unpopular premier, an opposition leader scarcely better-liked, immobilisme -all these factors and more have g ...
- Time to bite the bullet, Premier CharestThis newspaper, like almost everybody in Quebec, has been saying for months that an inquiry, with a broad mandate, a big budget, plenty of experienced investigators, and full subpoena powers, is essential and overdue.
Food World Order
- addicted to cheese? here's whyfrom care2: Ever felt like you couldn’t give up cheese? Ever think it might actually be a drug? The surprising news is that as far back as the 1980’s researchers have known that cheese contains trace amounts of morphine. Seriously. In 1981, Eli Hazum and his colleagues at Wellcome Research Laborator ...
- 11/18 binge & purge: radioactive water, cheese fri ...usda, oregon ag refuse to publicize gm bentgrass escape* video: texas covered up dangerously radioactive tap water for years* epa sued for allowing mercury pollution 900x safe level* reminder on arizona restrooms: don't drink from toilets* big cheese vs real cheese: usda's bailout of pro ...
- 'food safety' bill reaching congressional conclusi ...urgent: contact your senator now about s510 - senate debate could extend into the weekend from natural news: Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called "the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America." It would grant the U.S. government new auth ...
- agroterror threataganda: terror fight extends to n ...fbi says surveillance aims to protect nation's food supply from ketv: Federal and local authorities said they're keeping a close eye on the vulnerabilities of the heartland's agricultural industry in efforts to prevent terrorist attacks. The FBI said it's actively watching Nebraska farmland and fa ...
- 10/28 binge & purge: food stamp fortune cookiefood stamp usage soars among working families* why monsanto is paying farmers to spray its rivals' herbicides* fda seizes $700,000 of rice from georgia warehouse* one-third of US adults could have diabetes by 2050: cdc* colgate accused of toothpaste recipe theft in india*
- Sex, lies and money in the churchsource: Indian Express, October 24, 2010 Shevlin Sebastian It was midnight. Fr Jose George could not sleep because there was no fan in his room. Jose knocked on Anna Jacobs door. When she opened it, he told her he could not sleep. She invited him inside, because there was a fan. ...
- Denigration of Buddhism & conversion of the vu ...source: Vijayvaani.com, Oct 25, 2010 Christianisation was the third force of colonialism as best expressed by Jomo Kenyatta, the late Kenyan leader, who said: When the white man came he had the bible we had the land. Then he said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ris ...
- What science say about religious conversionsource: Helium.com, October 20, 2010 For many, religious experiences lead to religious conversion. While conversion need not stem from such an experience, per se, many convertees have cited religious awakenings as leading to a new spiritual perspective. But while science accepts a religious ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- Iceland President Accuses England, Holland of Fina ...
- Berlusconi Pushing for Israeli Membership of the E ...Italian Prime Minister says Israel should join the European Union, in a u-turn from his earlier remarks criticizing Israel’s settlement policy as an impediment to peace. “My greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union,” said Si ...
- .Lies, Damned Lies and Scottish JusticeRobert Green, the man who was brave enough to speak out about the horrific paedophile rapes of Hollie Greig, the most probable murder of her uncle Robert Greig to “shut him up”, and the sickening wall of silence by the Scottish establishment, has been arrested. We believe the charge is Breach of th ...
- Child Rapists Protected By The StateIn the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planni ...
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is s ...
The Economic Collapse
- Tent Cities, Homelessness And Soul-Crushing Despai ...For decades, our politicians have been deeply addicted to government debt, they have stood idly by as millions of our jobs have been shipped overseas and they have passed countless business-crushing regulations and they never thought that it would catch up with us. Well, it has. A ...
- 12 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind – Federal ...Do you remember the days when getting elected to Congress or choosing to work for the government was referred to as "public service"? The idea was that you would be making a sacrifice for the greater good of the country. Well, those days are long gone. Today, getting elected to C ...
- Why Is Indiana Putting Armed Security Guards Into ...Did you ever think that things in America would get so bad that we would need to put armed guards into our unemployment offices? Well, that is exactly what is happening in Indiana. Armed security guards will now be posted at all 36 full-service unemployment offices in the state of ...
- Could The Financial Crisis Erupting In Ireland, Po ...The Irish banking system is melting down right in front of our eyes. Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain are all drowning in debt. It is becoming extremely expensive for all of those nations to issue new debt. Officials all over Europe are begging Ireland to accept a bailout. Po ...
- How In The World Did We Get To The Point Where The ...Ben Bernanke and the rest of the folks over at the Federal Reserve did not just wake up one day and decide that they wanted to start printing hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air. The truth is that the economic forces that have brought us to this point have taken decades ...
- Enough Is EnoughBrian Czech's foreword to the new report, Enough is Enough: Ideas for a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources.
- An Economy of “Enough”On November 17, you'll be able to download the outstanding new report about how a steady state economy would work.
- Thermodynamic Roots of EconomicsWe can no longer afford to ignore the fundamental operating rules for the economy.
- The Economics of Lawns and LandscapingRethinking how we manage lackluster lawns and landscapes can create a cascade of economic and environmental advantages.
- The “Good New Days” in a Non-Growing EconomyHave you had enough dismal news about the economy and the environment? Try imagining the good life in a steady state economy!
The Talking Clock
- Balls, Ed: Labour's tyranny against the British pe ...Ed Balls has been on TV today (he says, picking that detail up from newspapers) talking about Labour's utterly horrendous tyranny against the British people. Of course, he comes nowhere near admitting that they were the most evil and wicked Government seen in this country EVER, but anyway... O ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 21st November 2010The Mail on Sunday carries the findings of an 'investigation' by Mary Ellen Synon into the "shocking powers of prosecution the EU has over all of us". Not shocking to those of us who have already been sufficiently alarmed by the rise of the totalitarian Reich of Brussels that we joined and are votin ...
- Dishonouring the noble British war dead: Another g ...Over the last forty-eight hours, we've seen a vast surge in visitors to the Clock Tower, home of The Talking Clock. Hope you're all enjoying - or at least taking comfort from - finding a fellow patriotic libertarian's thoughts. We know why people were here and so we didn't blog excessively, so th ...
- Quote of the Day: 13th November 2010"I reported to the Thames force that I believe that the death of Dr Kelly may have been murder. I have received an acknowledgement and they have given me an incident number. I have been told that the inquiry is being conducted by a very senior officer." - Clinical pharmacologist Dr Andrew Watt in ...
- Quote of the Day: A spot the suspiciously 'false f ..."A German government minister has today revealed that a fake bomb found on an Air Berlin flight in Namibia was manufactured in the U.S. to test airport security. It was not yet clear who had planted 'test suitcase', said German interior minister Thomas de Maziere, but the one fact they had establ ...
Facing South
- A huge win for clean energy in KentuckyClean energy activists are elated over a big victory in the heart of coal country, where a Kentucky power cooperative has agreed to cancel plans to build a new coal-fired power plant. The East Kentucky Power Cooperative struck a deal with an alliance of grassroots activists and others to ...
- CIW wrests historic agreement from tomato growers ...By Jenny Brown, Labor Notes Tomato farm workers have cleared their largest obstacle yet on the road to justice in Florida's fields. In a stunning advance, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers arrived at a far-reaching agreement with the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange, the tomato in ...
- Ruling the Roost: Florida's congressional hawks ga ...The economy, jobs, taxes -- these are the issues grabbing post-election headlines about the Republicans' agenda for Congress. But the new GOP leadership could have even more dramatic impact on issues beyond U.S. borders. That's because the Republicans poised to lead key House foreign polic ...
- EPA coal ash rule comment period closes this weekIf you want to weigh in on the Environmental Protection Agency's proposals for regulating coal ash, you have until this Friday, Nov. 19. The EPA is currently weighing two approaches for regulating the toxic stuff left over after burning coal for electricity: as a special hazardous waste w ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Senate rejects women's pay equali ...Amount U.S. women earn for every dollar earned by men: 77 cents Amount African-American women earn for every dollar earned by a white man: 61 cents Amount Latinas earn for every dollar earned by a white man: 52 cents Amount women living in Southern states* earn for every dollar earned by a man: 7 ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsAfter Ghailani Verdict, Debate Over Civilian Trials Intensifies Republicans continue to hammer at the Obama administration over this weekâs jury verdict in the trial of Ahmed Ghailani, the first Guantanamo detainee tried in U.S. civilian courts, suggesting that the result … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsGhailani Acquitted On All But One Charge Ahmed Ghailani, the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried by a U.S. civilian court, was acquitted on all but one of more than 280 charges Wednesday by a jury in U.S. federal court … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsBritain to Pay Settlements to Former Guantanamo Detainees Britain has agreed to pay 15 former Guantanamo detainees and one current detainee millions of dollars in order to avoid lawsuits that allege the British government was complicit in their detention and … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsSign of Jury Deadlock in Ghailani Trial A juror in the trial of Ahmed Ghailani, the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried in U.S. civilian court, sent the judge a note Monday, saying that she felt âattackedâ by other jurors … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsReport: KSM Likely to Remain in Detention Without Trial The Washington Post reported this weekend that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is likely to remain in detention without trial due to opposition in Congress to a civilian trial and the lack of … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- South African rhinos pay the price of new cancer m ...How the rhino has suddenly been shunted back to the edge of existence by criminal gangs preying on people's desperate hopes
- Today on New Scientist: 17 November 2010All today's stories on NewScientist.com, including: bacteria that "tweet", a primate with eyes bigger than its brain and why clay is a super material
- Golf and the primal forces of natureSee what happened when a lava flow from mount Merapi, Indonesia, met a golf course
- Hormone spray makes people donate more to charityA dose of the hormone oxytocin makes people give money to charity more readily – and means they give more of it, too
- Stem cell stroke treatment under way at lastAlmost two years after it was first approved, a trial to treat strokes with stem cells is under way
Tech Drive In
- F1 - New Firefox Extension to Share Links Fast and ...Mozilla Labs has always been a really interesting place to explore. They created ripples across the web by showcasing brilliant Seabird Mozilla Concept Phone a month ago. Now here is another quite useful Firefox extension to share links fast and neat by Mozilla Labs. F1 Firefox Extension fro ...
- Firefox Elementary Theme is Quite a RevelationWe have seen other elementary based works before like Nautilus Elementary and the Elementary 2.0 GTK theme itself, but the elementary version of Firefox here quite stand apart. The latest update brings in a name change as well. From now on, it will be called as 'eFirefox'. Download eFirefox ...
- Fix YouTube Video Freeze While in Full Screen Mode ...YouTube video freezes whenever I try it to play the video in full screen in my Ubuntu Maverick. It has been like that for a long time now and we have a solution finally. How to Fix YouTube Video Freeze While in Fullscreen in Ubuntu 10.10?The fix is rather easy. Simply do the following in Ter ...
- Faenza Icon Theme Undergoes Major Upgrade, Tons of ...Beloved Faenza icon theme undergoes a major upgrade. Lots of new icons are included and improved Firefox and Google Chrome icons are absolutely beautiful IMO. Brand New Faenza 0.8 Icon Theme In the latest Faenza 0.8, a ton of new icons are added to the Faenza icon pack which include Adobe ...
- Macbuntu - Mac OSX Look and Feel for Ubuntu!Macbuntu is a nice little script that can completely transform your Ubuntu and make it look like Mac OSX. There were other projects like Mac4Lin with similar goals before, but Macbuntu is way better performer in mimicking Mac OSX look and feel. Macbuntu - Brilliant Transformation of Ubuntu i ...
Case About Bird Flu
- German government imposes police state ahead of au ...As the economic implosion of Germany due to the banking fraud approaches, the government has started to put large numbers of armed police onto the streets under the pretext of having to ensure security against “Isalmic terrorists.” Police wearing bullet-proof vests and carrying machine guns have ...
- Media manipulation in Germany comes under scrutinyThe way the mainstream media in Germany has manipulated coverage of the protests against the transport of nuclear waste to Gorleben in northern Germany to make the overwhelmingly peaceful protestors look violent was the subject of a report by 3 sat television. In a separate interview, former Spiege ...
- Bill Gates: Register Every Birth by Cellphone To E ...PreventDisease November 19, 2010 On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on im ...
- Ron Paul Unleashes On TSA: “Enough Is Enough”Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com November 18, 2010 In perhaps his most impassioned and irate speech to date, Congressman Ron Paul unleashed a tirade of vilification at the TSA and their security procedures that have stoked nationwide outrage, stating “enough is enough” as he introduced new legislatio ...
- Police to be sent to San Francisco airport to stop ...DA Now Sending Deputies to SF Airport to Investigate Felony Groping Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com November 18, 2010 Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, current chief deputy DA and incoming DA of San Mateo County Steve Wagstaffe said his office will prosecute TSA employees who engage in lewd and lasciv ...
Invisible Opportunity
- A Slumber Party in HellBy Les Visible It’s amazing how they can do what they do and the dim-witted public, bobs their heads up and down like plastic flamingos on a drinking glass. No doubt the public goes in for other water sports as well and it must get them off because they keep standing there or coming back [...]
- Music Video – Don’t Touch My Junk by M ...Song by Mike Adams I went to the airport To catch my flight The TSA put me in the Naked body scanner line I don’t want radiation So I opted out (opt out!) But when they grabbed my man junk I couldn’t help myself I had to shout, I had to shout, I had to [...]
- ARE TERRORISTS SUPPLYING OUR AIRPORT SCANNERS?By Gordon Duff Two very dubious terror attacks, both seriously discredited, have provided the impetus for 70 American airports to install scanners, unproven, untested, humiliating and certainly cancer causing. Air travel has now become, not just a health hazard but legally requires all Americans to ...
- Friendly skies? How much more will travelers endur ...By ANDREW W. GRIFFIN OKLAHOMA CITY – The American public appears to be coming out of its slumber. With federal agencies like the Transportation Security Administration running wild and trampling our constitutional rights at the airport, some changes – for the better – may soon be in store. But we ap ...
- Airport security staff face prosecution if they to ...Airport staff were warned today they face prosecution if they touch passengers ‘inappropriately’ as the national outcry over ‘pat-down’ security checks gathered momentum. The move by the California District Attorney represents the first sign of authorities taking a tough stand against the controvers ...
Veterans Today
- GORDON DUFF: HOW ANTISEMITISM CONS THE JEWFROM MENTSCH TO SCHMUCK, THE ROAD TO GOY-DOM By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor What if efforts to stem Antisemitism actually were the primary cause of Antisemitism, a “self fulfilling prophesy” as it were? Or, worse yet, what if selling the idea of threat, the same way the Bush administrat ...
- PAUL BALLES : THE IRON BUTTERFLY IS FREE“She is the one and only national leader who can bring freedom, justice and democracy to our country.” –Aung Din, Director of US Campaign for Burma By Paul Balles / STAFF WRITER “The basis of democratic freedom is freedom of speech,“ said Aung San Suu Kyi to roaring cheers from thousands of supporte ...
- When the Veteran You Love Commits Suicide AnywayRight after 9-11 I contacted Jonathan Shay, well known author and working with veterans for the VA in Boston. He was trying to help me get my book, For the Love of Jack, His War/My Battle by Kathie Costos, published without much luck. I wrote it during a time when my husband still thought he [...]
- ANTHONY LAWSON: FRIENDS OF ISRAEL – ENEMIES ...VETERANS TODAY THANKS TONY LAWSON FOR ANOTHER OUTSTANDING EFFORT …SENIOR EDITOR, GORDON DUFF Ed: The worldwide popularity of Tony Lawson’s videos has done more to help American veterans and military understand the real issues that confront them and the very real moral failures that have brought Amer ...
- Veterans-For-Change News w/e 11/21/10VA Rolls Out Pilot Programs to Speed Claims Processing VA Press Release - VA has launched two pilot programs to test new procedures that will speed the payment of compensation benefits to veterans with disabilities connected to their military service. These programs are part of Secretary of Vetera ...
electric politics
- American Presidential DictatorshipWhen a distinguished constitutional scholar from Yale Law School warns that within the next few decades we have a 20-25% chance of a presidential dictatorship in America unless we adopt important structural reforms, well, we should pay attention. Bruce Ackerman's suggestions for reform in his lates ...
- Our Unsecure BorderThere's big trouble brewing along our southern border. It's not just the millions of illegal aliens pouring into the U.S., and it's not just the tens of millions of their Mexican brothers and sisters who'd like to join them, but a question of how to cope with a neighboring, semi-failed narco-state ...
- A Postcard From ParisIn the U.S., the financiers want to bleed the country dry. In France, it's the President. (Well, the financiers there, too.) But the big difference is, in France people register their objections with significant political action while in the U.S. people go to Jon Stewart's post-modern mutual admira ...
- The Anger IndexYou don't have to be a genius, or even highly educated, to realize that Washington is not working. As in, not working, period. We seem to be on a roller coaster to hell, or at least to the third world. And there's no exit. Public exasperation is at record levels — it should be no surprise that the ...
- Óχi EuroUntil fairly recently the Greek debt crisis wasn't so much in the news. Now, it's roiling markets and a lot of commentators are wringing their hands over the possibility that it could precipitate another world-wide financial crash. That's probably a baseless fear. Greece is mainly a Eurozone proble ...
PR News
- Apple wins in hushed battle over iPhone carrierArticles that Verizon may soon be getting Apple's iPhone, ending AT&T's exclusivity it's enjoyed since the popular phone launched, have created somewhat of PR limbo for both carriers.
- Student interest prompts Tufts nutrition comms cer ...BOSTON: In response to demand from students, Tufts University's Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy is offering a new certificate program for nutrition and science communications.
- Brunswick hires Seifert, HotmireWASHINGTON: Brunswick Group hired Mark Seifert, senior adviser to the deputy secretary at the Department of Commerce, as a partner in its Washington office, effective November 29.
- Arceneaux moves to Cramer-KrasseltNEW YORK: Cramer-Krasselt has named Danielle Arceneaux its VP, director of PR for its New York office.
- Makovsky and Company adds three clientsNEW YORK: Makovsky and Company announced it has added three new financial services clients.
The Story Behind the Story
- COLD FUSION IS HERE!!!Understanding Lightning âNeltronsâ is Key to Cold Fusion One manâs study of lightning and itâs effects led to his discovery of the Neltron – tiny negative particles of matter smaller than electrons. The Van Allen Magnetic belts discharges tiny negative particles into the part of the air where helium ...
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
- Obama Begins Cashing in On Carbon Credits in KENYAThe new world currency apparently will be tied to “carbon credits” as the standard of value.  Never mind that global warming (aka CLIMATE-GATE) is a massive hoax and fraud. Rather than issue worthless fiat paper money, why not issue ‘carbon credits’ on a global scale. Keep in mind that any an ...
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...
k2p blog
- The art of neurogenesishttp://thebeautifulbrain.com/2010/11/gallery-the-art-of-neuroscience-vol-iii/ Neurogenesis– the creation of new neurons in the brain– was conventionally believed to only occur in the growing brains of infants and children. In the 1960s, data started appearing that showed the birth of new neurons in ...
- Time to postpone Haitian elections?: UN cholera &# ...It is time for the elections due to be held on 28th November to be postponed. Haiti is facing an "unusual" cholera epidemic that could be more severe than figures suggest. The cholera has spread to the prison in Port-au-Prince. Of the 2000 prisoners over 30 have shown signs of infection and 13 have ...
- Duke Danfu’s 3000 year old fruit cellar foun ...Chinese archeologists have found an ancient fruit cellar containing well-preserved apricot and melon seeds from more than 3,000 years ago in today's Shaanxi Province.
- Flights resume from Yogyakarta, Mt. Merapi quietMt. Merapi's eruptions have been insignificant for the last few days. Indonesia's Yogyakarta airport, which had been closed for about two weeks by the eruption of the Mount Merapi volcano, reopened for operations on Saturday.
- What did Rolls Royce know and when?Rolls Royce have been conspicuously silent but it is now emerging from the airlines that Rolls Royce knew something was amiss with the older versions of the Trent 900 long before the engine failure on QF32 on November 4th. What did Rolls Royce know and when?
Left Foot Forward
- Barnardo’s: The age of criminal responsibili ...The criminal justice system is not effective at dealing with children and young people. Evidence shows that about half of the 10 and 11 year olds sentenced in court in 2008 will have re-offended within a year – and their experience within the criminal justice system actually increases the likelihood ...
- Vaizey’s net neutrality knock-outSomething has to be done about the country's digital infrastructure. It is the good that the government recognises this, but like the Labour administration before it, the Lib/Con coalition repeatedly fails to grasp what needs to be done and how to do it.
- Look Left – Cameron adviser resigns after “d ...David Cameron's enterprise adviser Lord Young resigned today after saying people were better off after the recession. Young had told the Telegraph: "For the vast majority of people in the country today, they have never had it so good ever since this recession – this so-called recession – started." L ...
- Police terror boss only half right in remarks abou ...Islamist terrorism predates the EDL by many years. Osama bin Laden published his justification for the indiscriminate killing of Americans and Jews everywhere in February 1998 and the ‘secret apparatus’ of the Muslim Brotherhood is believed to have assassinated Mahmoud an-Nukrashi Pasha, then prime ...
- IMF arrive to put right Ireland’s special version ...The IMF has arrived in Dublin. Despite Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern dismissing on Sunday any talk of Ireland getting a bailout from the IMF or the Stability Fund as ‘fiction’, the reality could no longer be denied on Tuesday evening as Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, was forced to admit th ...
Whistleblowers Protection
- Visit the National Whistleblower Center Speakers' ...to book speakers such as Bunny Greenhouse or Coleen Rowley for your next event.
Before It's News
- Canadian democracy - procedural tricks to kill the ...