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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

20 November - Recycled History

Alan Turing memorial statue in Sackville Park,...Image via Wikipedia

Alan Turing: Gay Man who Saved the World yet Died in Disgrace

What do you do to a homosexual mathematician whose code-breaking genius saved the world during World War II? Not figuratively, but actually saved the world from Nazi domination? You put him on trial, of course! You convict him of gross indecency. You force him to choose prison or chemical castration. You strip him of all dignity and hound him until in shame and despair he swallows a cyanide pill and dies.

The story of Alan Turing is one of the most disgraceful episodes of modern civilization. A man who should have been a hero of the free world and idolized next to Einstein and Newton in the history books was instead hounded to death because of religion-inspired homophobia.

Aid money to build solar panels and wind turbines in Africa- UK

The British tax payer is to invest millions of pounds into solar panels and wind turbines in Africa and Asia as part of a new drive to help poor countries by developing green business. Aid agencies and charities argue it is dangerous to involve big business in aid because they will only help people while there is the potential for profit.

Al Hamilton
2 years ago
Note that some areas in Northern California now accept plastic bags in their one single stream recycle system. Why cannot UK manage this, all recycle in one wheely bin, no sorting, ALL, glass, metal, plastic, all in one bin, picked up weekly at about third to half of UK price. When they switched to single streaming recycle doubled i volume overnight! Now operating at 65% recycle and increasing. Look at the calendar UK it is the 21st century. 


We collect all plastic waste material where the resources consumed in collecting and re-cycling are less than the resources freed by the re-use. Plastic waste is then pelletised and re-extruded in-house to produce re-cycled film that customers are encouraged to purchase.

waste minimisation
We also look to minimise waste in the production process by improving our operational procedures and quality control. In addition, we support the trend to down-gauging wherever possible, especially through the use of linear and other materials to improve the properties of the film.

Recent environmental initiatives

  • New fully degradable polyfilm grade launched March 2006
  • New external Polymer Silos operational December 2005 to store and transfer different polymer grades more economically and without need for pallets or baling sacks
  • New downgauging films launched Autumn 2005 [‘HT’ and ‘HighMelt’ grades] to enable identical film strength but at thinner gauges saving customers both material and cost
  • We moved away from Company Car Scheme Incentives in Summer 2004
  • £45,000 upgrade of Recycling Capabilities in spring 2004 to enable production of 200kg/hr of reprocessed polymer
  • Major electrical upgrade in 2003 and installation of flow regulator to smooth electrical usage 
  • megan
    2 years ago
    Why do we have plactic bags because and what can we use?PAPER BAGS Paper bags are 100 % recyclable and do no harm to the world we live on. Plastic bags take years to break down. And some people grew up with paper bags they were handy and 100% disposable without having to worry about what would happen in 10 years and Plastic bags harm birds and other things too im ownly 11 and my name is megan louie my moms name is gail louie and we have to STOP this i live in DEASE LAKE and there is lots of plastic bags flying around and stiff like that so my class is going to make bags that are recyclable so help we are all TAHTLAN AND WE NEED ARE LAND. 

    Free Clarence Aaron

    In 1993, Aaron was sentenced to life without parole for a first-time nonviolent federal drug offense. Now, he deserved to go to prison — but his life-until-death sentence demonstrates that a system designed to be tough on drug kingpins has been subverted so that big-time dealers can do short time for testifying against their underlings.

     Aaron is in prison for the rest of his life, while all but one of the career dealers have served their time and been set free. Kingpin Marion Teano Watts testified that he had made more than $1 million selling crack in Mobile, Ala. He faced a sentence of life without parole. Watts testified against Aaron, was sentenced to 14 years and served less than eight.

    UK Asks McDonald's, Pepsi, KFC To Help Write Health Policy

    Family of Secrets

    911,Fema official Refuses To Be Part Of Cover-up !

    Two Wonks with One Plan About Too Much Debt

    The draft deficit-reduction proposal released last week by former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles and retired GOP Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming — the co-chairmen of President Obama's bipartisan commission on reducing the national debt — has the feel of what two wonks might draw up on cocktail napkins in a bar. It's a bit too easy for two unelected guys to hash out a plan that tells other people what they have to give up — just to be fair.
    The thing is, sometimes two smart guys in a bar make more sense than the entire Washington political establishment. There are a number of intriguing ideas in their plan to cut nearly $4 trillion from the federal deficit through 2020. It's worth more than a look.
    ( No note of the related elephants in the room - 'defense' spending and institutional graft in the weapons empire. Nor of necessary domestic infrastructure  at risk from neglect. It's been years since I posted incredible stories about the condition of U.S. domestic military barracks being completely unusable - but being occupied regardless of dysfunctional plumbing, for instance.  )

    Fort Bragg Barracks: Shades of Walter Reed?

    by: Brandon Friedman

    Fri Apr 25, 2008 at 17:26:00 PM EDT

    A Fort Bragg soldier's father uploaded a YouTube video of photos he took of his son's barracks earlier this month.  The video shows the deplorable living conditions to which his son and the other soldiers of his unit in the 82nd Airborne Division returned after a 15-month-long deployment to Afghanistan.   The most shocking photo, in my opinion, is the one of the soldier standing in the latrine sink, trying to unstop a drain, while human excrement and urine fills the floor below him.
    These guys just spent 15 months fighting Taliban in the mountains of Afghanistan and this is what they come home to.  America has three-quarters of a billion dollars to spend on the embassy in Baghdad, but our troops have to live like this.

     ( I worked in maintenance at some Canadian buildings - since demolished - that were WW II vintage. They had toilet/shower facilties all together in adjoining rooms with floor drains  - not shared rooms with European-style showers and toilets for a number of rooms. Thing was - some objected to leaving for a place where the central heating system was suffocating and fresh air absent. If you hosed down everything - and you could do that - in the rooms for sinks and showers, it was very clean...simply from lack of dirt and debris...and didn't smell. No way you accomplished the same level of cleanliness and freshness in the 'modern' designs. 

    What Blue Girl had to say about Walter Reed over at Blue Girl Red State was suitably caustic too, as I recall.  )

    Afghanistan and Pakistan: Obama's First 100 Days

    To be clear, once again: The military plays a vital role, but it's not going to win anything in Afghanistan or Pakistan. All the military can do is provide population security and track down terrorists to a limited extent. But it can't fix either place. Even Defense Secretary Robert Gates has acknowledged this in his call for more State Department funding.
    What this shows is that the Obama administration is attempting to delegate the most important aspect of the plan to a severely underfunded, undermanned department at Foggy Bottom. So while the administration, as McDonough elucidated, is trying to do the right thing, it's apparently putting the cart before the horse here. To say that there's no solely military solution, to then rely on the State Department to tackle the civilian side of the problem, and only then to realize that State isn't equipped to handle it, is, to say the least, not good.

    New Afghan war plans could cost US taxpayers an extra $125 billion

    US war planners have been signaling that troop withdrawals set to begin in 2011 will be mostly symbolic and that the handover to Afghan forces in 2014 is “aspirational.” 

    Such could cost American taxpayers handsomely at a time when deficit cutting has gripped Washington. According to one estimate, softening those deadlines could add at least $125 billion in war spending – not including long-term costs like debt servicing and health care for veterans.
    “I don’t think anyone is seriously talking about cutting war funding as a way of handling the deficit,” says Todd Harrison, a defense funding expert at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. But higher war costs “could hurt the base defense budget [and] the rest of the discretionary budget.”

    U.S. wants to widen area in Pakistan where it can operate drones

    ISLAMABAD - The United States has renewed pressure on Pakistan to expand the areas where CIA drones can operate inside the country, reflecting concern that the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan is being undermined by insurgents' continued ability to take sanctuary across the border, U.S. and Pakistani officials said. 

    (  Something that is causing outrage in Afghanistan needs to have a wider application. )

    UN Troops in Haiti - Timetable for Withdrawal?

    Why do UN troops remain in Haiti? What are their plans for leaving? Is there a timetable for the withdrawal of UN forces from Haiti? If not, why not?
    If the demands by Haitian protesters for UN forces to leave are not just, shouldn't someone have to explain why? No explanation is being given for why UN troops should remain in Haiti indefinitely.
    On the contrary, press reports are lending credence to the view that there is no justification for UN troops to remain in Haiti indefinitely.
    Professor Peter Hallward, an expert in Haitian politics at Kingston University in the United Kingdom, told Al Jazeera that the UN mission was seen by many Haitians as an "occupying force".
    "The UN has been there since 2004, to police the consequences of a coup, a coup that overthrew Jean Betrande Aristide, who was elected with a huge mandate several years before that." he said.
    "It is seen as the force that came in to pacify the people and persuade them to accept this coup that was a violation of their sovereignty."

    Africa's uranium producers stand to benefit as world reins in carbon emissions

    ( 'Benefit'. That's one word for polluting the aquifer with radioactives. There's more than enough material in the Topical Index on how this kind of activity is a long term killer. The Navajo today are threatened by the final consequences of mining decades ago. ) 

    The Billionaires Want More, More, More

    The Wall Street executives with their obscene compensation packages now earn more than they did before we bailed them out. Not enough! With the middle class collapsing and the rich getting much richer, the United States now has, by far, the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country on earth. Not enough!

    How Corporate America Is Pushing Us All Off a Cliff

    I'm asking everyone interested to write something up that meets Wikipedia's guidelines@mmflint. I'll award a signed copy of "Sicko" by noon Sunday to the best entry...and then deputize you to post it on Wikipedia for real and make sure APCO's minions don't take it down. Just be sure afterward not to walk near any cliffs! and help bring the APCO Worldwide entry up to date. Post it somewhere online and send a tweet about it to

    P.P.S. The late, great comedian Bill Hicks had some thoughts about marketing and the people who do it.

    Glenn Beck Promotes Socialism to West Point Cadets

    There is no question that, more than anything else, what Glenn Beck's show consistently promotes would be classified as an "ideological movement," fitting the dictionary definition of "ideology" to a tee: "a system of ideas and ideals, esp. one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy." Whatever the specific topic of any given Beck episode -- whether it's history, religion, politics, or just picking someone to bash for weeks on end -- all are clearly tied into the promotion of this ideology in one way or another. How can a studio audience full of uniformed West Point cadets and military officer faculty members clapping for Beck's overtly partisan rant against Congress not be seen as engaging in an activity that gives the appearance of military support for Beck's "ideological movement?"

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