War Resisters League Peace Blog
Latino Youth Defines DREAM Act as a DeFacto Military Draft
We have stood next to our parents as they worked as street vendors, as they were ticketed, arrested, and sometimes assaulted by police for trying to make a living. We, as youth, have also been ticketed and arrested alongside our parents. We have come to understand what it is to be humiliated and then stand and fight for what is right, what is principled, what is just. Our parents’ unrelenting strength to fight for us and their rights have taught us to always stand up for what is right and never sell out.
We have asked ourselves “Is the DREAM ACT an advantage or disadvantage for us as immigrant youth?” Many of us were excited about the possibility of getting documents and finally being able to be recognized as human beings, be able to get a job, an education, and help our families. Along with our teachers and mentors we delved into community organizing and becoming politically conscious. We began learning about our history and our people’s resistance. We then expanded to other cultures and histories and began to appreciate them. We marched side by side with youth from all over the world including South Asia and the Middle East. We saw that within our hearts there was no difference, and enjoyed each other’s company and diversity. Our spirits were momentarily paralyzed when we began learning about the effects of war and how their families and communities had been destroyed. We began to ask ourselves “How can we stop these wars, how can we help?” Our political education allowed us to see through the military propaganda and the army recruiters in our blocks and schools. Speaking to our peers we saw how the military was using them to fight wars that didn’t concern us and killed our friends. This forced us to look at the DREAM ACT a lot closer. Voice of the Voiceless
Image by DreamActivist via Flickr
Leaked Newsletters Reveal Spying on Animal Rights Activists
Reign of Eco-Terror, False Flags, or Strange Accidents?
There was the oil spill in the Kalamazoo river near Marshall Michigan that sent 1 million gallons of oil down stream due to a broken pipeline. The pipeline was run by Enbridge, a subsidiary of BP! Reports now suggest that the oil has reached the Great Lakes.Do not forget the spill near Chicago that recently spilled 250,000 gallons of oil with little to no media coverage.
The most important aspect of this situation are the ties of Enbridge and BP. All of the spills outlined above have been suppressed to some extent through media manipulation. The fact that all three of the spills that have taken place in the U.S. are affiliated with BP is captivating to say the least.
Image via WikipediaUrgent Cries for Help from the US/Mexican Gulf Region
Because of the massive media blackout, most people don't know of the DIRE situation in the Gulf of Mexico. The people there are in REAL TROUBLE and are screaming for help. We can all help by forwarding this information far & wide, so as to shed light on the truth. PLEASE HELP--it seems that we ARE 'the media' now.
People as far north as Tennessee are reporting illness, this may be affecting one third of the country or more.
Masses of people are becoming very ill, they need help and are being ignored or even worse, bullied and threatened into silence by BP thugs who are already suspected of killing one whistleblower, Matt Simmons, as well as committing numerous acts of aggression towards those raising their voice in protest, or even worse people asking for help.
Here's a link to a full page of articles on the Gulf, including the two below:
"My brother's recent hospice... is telling me about patients dying of internal bleeding and pneumonia after getting rashes and respiratory illness. And also getting sick and bleeding internally after eating Gulf seafood." - Correspondence to Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors, September 17, 2010
More and more serious health complaints from people along the Gulf Coast, especially from Louisiana and Florida Panhandle, are being made to Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors (GCBD) that have called for stronger community members with compassion throughout the region to become barefoot doctors to help serve growing needs of the sick and the poor. Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors is a grassroots initiative of volunteers and no paid staff.
Too sick and scared of Obama's thugs: Australian SBS reports Gulf truth
A sixty-six year old Louisiana grandmother, an environmental scientist, has threatened the American petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) by collecting approximately 600 testimonies from Southerners stricken ill since the Gulf Operation overtly began April 20th, too afraid to speak out publicly due to hired black operatives intimidating locals, even threatening their lives as detailed in Australia's Special Broadcast Service (SBS) Dateline News report, but not American news reports.
Wilma Subra and now many Australian TV viewers know first-hand why Gulf Coasters are afraid, the same reasons most Targeted Individuals live in fear. Since the Gulf operation onset and Subra's advocacy for the coastal people and environment, she has had repeated office break-ins, intimidating anonymous phone calls and death threats, all part and parcel of secretly hit-listed as indicated in the SBS special report by Sophie McNeill, Toxic Legacy on Youtube as 'Wilma Subra' below in which Subra states:
"One individual who was proposing a nuclear radioactive site threatened to kill me, my family and the local elected official and his family, so I had bullet proof glass put in on all the windows on the front and I had a security consultant come in and he said move everything to the back of the office and that’s why my computer is now in the back so I’m not so visible up front.
"So, here is a stack that I record all of the complaints that come in but I can’t show you information on the complaints because I’m protecting the identity of the people who called in the complaints because they are very scared of repercussions..."
authorized hit-list appears to be squarely aimed at people who dare speak out, suppression through the CIA's hired mercenaries, private contractors such as Blackwater (Xe), it's 20 subsidiaries plus Wackenhut and others defending crimes on the Gulf Coast. It appears as though these thugs are using their dirty tricks to both maintain the controlled U.S. mainstream media black-out of Gulf news that would be in best interest of the public and to enable the petrochemical-military-industrial complex to continue its slow-kill operation of Gulf Coasters where it continues to gas people and all other life struggling to survive.
The FDA has also begun targeting herbal cleansing remedies and clay baths, which the Barefoot Doctors are using to help the suffering people of the Gulf region; this appears to be part of the genocide that is now being perpetrated by BP, the US government and its contractors.
Article continued, including videos here:
www.rense.com - Left-hand column has continuing Gulf news
Image via Wikipedia

IAI Kfir
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Technology Acquisition/ Counter Proliferation.
Image via Wikipedia
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