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Learn morePeople who navigate without using a GPS may be boosting the memory part of their brains.
The stress of Facebook triggered asthma attacks in one 18-year-old user.
Are you looking for some easy decorations for Thanksgiving? This one is super simple, make this fun little turkey and then stick him in a pumpkin or another squash you have on hand and you have a super ea...
Noodles, moon cakes and other foods dating to 2,500 years ago were recently unearthed in a Chinese cemetery.
I'm sure everyone remembers the BBC's tireless, seemingly non-stop coverageof the Gulf Oil Spill a few months ago. It was declared the greatest natural disaster in the
history of the US, with unfathomably d...
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Photo: Kat Rodriguez, Julian Rivas and Shannon Rivers/Photo Brenda Norrell . TUCSON -- The Indigenous Alliance without Borders hosted a South...
The relationships between Iran,
Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon are complex, but it would seem that the
Lebanese government is in great danger of being toppled by Hezbollah. A UN Special Tribun...
*Navajo Water Rights Groups Respond to President’s Water Settlement Signoff By Dine Water Rights **Photos: Navajo water rights marches by Dine' Water Rights *Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley, Jr., has s...
This is a guest post by Andrew McCann from A Tangled Web.. "There was an interesting discussion on Radio Five Live this morning. It followed an interview with the leader of the English Defence League ...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Distracted by 'junk' and panties, TSA perverts often miss fake bombs but rarely a man's 'junk' or a woman's everything! One day --while they're getting their jollies...
Controversial new research proposes that David is gripping the remains of a staff sling.
Well, I was on the BBC this morning to make some points in support of Lord Young. It was the Nolan Show. Unhappily it was a fact free zone other than those I tried to make but with Stephen interrupting and...
[image: Old friends? BBC newsreader Emily Maitlis and Lord Mandelson share a private joke at the Spectator luncheon yesterday] Say no more. Nudge Nudge. Click through to read and contribute comments on thi...
With a price tag soaring around $100,000, this jetpack is the "Segway of the sky."
The McIntosh apple is named after a man named John McIntosh, who discovered the apple tree in 1811 when he was cutting brush on his land in Dundela, Ontario, Canada. The famed Canadian hockey player, Wa...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 9 hours ago
Everything that the EU does is mired in corruption, illogic and waste. Billions are being spent on recycling and CO2 measures, even thought they have zero beneficial effect and are the bureaucratic symbols...
19.2 lb. newborn next to ordinary baby. Photo courtesy: Baby Lifestyles A baby born in North Sumatra, Indonesia, arrived in the world weighing a whopping 19.2 pounds. That is still 3.92 pounds short of the...
"There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one." - Frances Clark "I am comforted by life's stability, by earth's unchangeableness. What has seemed new and frighteni...
The game of lacrosse originated with Native tribes in North America. Games would involve hundreds of players on each side and could last for several days. Several important items were invented by Canadi...
Photo courtesy: When you add your children to your cell phone plan, you better explain what they can and can't do with the privilege. Ed Estarija, of Hayward, California, found that out ...
Le Trung and Aiko. Photo courtesy: sodahead Most guys wish they had that "special girl" in their lives. Le Trung, of Brampton, Ontario, has Aiko, who is a walking, talking "fembot" - a female robot. The i...
Photo courtesy: lifehacker Do you have people in your family that have trouble with laces - toddlers, seniors, arthritis sufferers? Do you trip over your laces; hate tying them up; or, seem to break more ...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 11 hours ago
The prescience of BBC reporters knows no bounds. Here Michael Fitzpatrick, the latest "science and technology" guru on the web team, tells us in no uncertain terms that the world's aviation industry as we ...
There is a new update to Picasa that I am loving. When you open a photo in Picasa, it now gives you the option of clicking a button that will open your photo up for editing in Picnik. What is Picnik? It is...
500 Dollar Silver: The Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver Manifesto or: How to Get Hedge Funds To Do Your Dirty Work For You And Drive the Price of Silver to $500 By Max Keiser November 18, 2010 1 – JP Morgan h...
The Lightworker wants to touch your junk By Mencius Moldbug Unqualified Reservations Here at UR, we don't take a lot of interest in elections. Washington is what it is. Does Thai whorehouse gonorrhea re...
TSA's Sexual Assault of a young Mother (image) Obama envoy secretly promised to keep troops in Iraq after 2011 NYPD begins biometric iris scans upon arrest Bill Gates says we need a global child database...
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News *Photo: Shannon Rivers speaks with Angie Ramon at the Border Roundtable/Photo Brenda Norrell.* Watch this presentation: http://www.ustream.t...
Rolling Stone feature discusses issues explored in The American Ruling Class facebook July 16, 2009 by Alive Mind The American Ruling Class has never been more relevant to the current news cycle or t...
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag... we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here o...
There were many surprises in store when NASA’s recycled Deep Impact spacecraft soared past its second comet earlier this month, but nothing was more unexpected than the weather: It was snowing.
Ron Paul Unleashes On TSA: “Enough Is Enough” ** *Paul Joseph Watson* November 18, 2010 In perhaps his most impassioned and irate speech to date, Congressman Ron Paul unleashed a tirade of v...
A tiny bug is causing a big ruckus on Capitol Hill.
How can global warming lead to colder winters in the Northern Hemisphere?
posted by at
CENSORED NEWS - 21 hours ago
***Archive of broadcast today, Thursday, Nov. 18, 2010* *Indigenous Alliance without Borders' Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Roundtable, Tucson, broadcast by Earthcycles and Censored News.* Watch at: ht...
The day after the Conservative-controlled Senate squashed the climate change bill, this from the Council of Canadians: Poll suggests Harper Government out of step with Canadians Thursday, November 18, 20...
A Hedge Fund Republic? By Nicholas D. Kristof The New York Times Published: November 17, 2010 Earlier this month, I offended a number of readers with a column suggesting that if you want to see rapacious...
The Jupiter-like planet was among the spoils of war after the Milky Way clashed with another galaxy billions of years ago.
A laser that fires bursts of light at one-quadrillionth of a second is used to capture unseen objects or people.
The Philadelphia Eagles have green jerseys, but soon they’ll also have a green stadium.
posted by All Seeing Eye at
Biased BBC - 23 hours ago
Question Time tonight comes from Swansea. It was granted city status in 1969 to mark Prince Charles's investiture as the Prince of Wales so the odds on a snippy BBC-friendly republican question are high c...
Several infrared telescopes have discovered a very cool "failed star" only 10-to-30 light-years from Earth.
It seems that when all hell breaks loose on Earth major evolutionary changes happen rapidly. Could the same thing be happening on extrasolar planets?
Today's great white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea are from the same Australian families that vacation off the coast of South Africa.
[image:] The mixed decision in the case of the first Guantanamo prisoner to be tried in a civilian court on Wednesday quickly re-ignited a ferocious debate over the Obam...
Simple math may be a better security solution than profiling and random searchers, according to one computer expert.
[image:] A supposed bomb, total with detonator and stopwatch, was exposed during a custom security check on luggage intended for a Germany-bound aeroplane in Namibia on ...
[image:]The Prime Minister has warned against a rigid devotion to handing over blame for security in Afghanistanto its government by 2014, insisting the change must be ta...
*WATCH LIVE AT: * or By Brenda Norrell Narcosphere TUCSON -- The Indigenous Alliance without Borders hosted a Southern Border Indigenous P...
[image:] President Barack Obama sternly proclaimed sanction of the U.S.-Russia nuclear arms treaty "a national security vital" Thursday, saying the Senate must act previ...
When it comes to issues like the spread of tropical and infectious disease, increased collaboration with neighboring Cuba may just be good medicine.
Researchers have come up with some creative, natural and cost-effective solutions to keep deer from eating Christmas trees.
My friend and comrade Peter alerted me (and many others) to this hideous ad. Paul Fromm, a mayoral candidate in the recent Mississauga municipal election, is known for his fascist views. A former teac...
Canadian readers, don't forget - *today* - to contact Stephen Harper, Lawrence Cannon, the party Leaders, and your MP. Tell them: *Don't extend it! END IT!* Phone numbers and details here.
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 1 day ago
Overweight people and those who have just eaten have a stronger sense of smell for food, says a recent study.
Turning the lights out at night could help put you in a better mood during the day.
Prolific blogger Elder of Ziyon provides invaluable information about the Middle East. If you miss a day, you’re lost. His article on Saturday 13th,now several scrolling miles away, linked to this, for me, ...
One of the BBC's main climate change propagandists, James Painter (whose work I reported here,) has prepared a so-called survey (funded by Reuters) on the media's coverage of the Copenhagen climate change ...
For over two years the Ottawa Police have had in their possession police video showing the unlawful arrest, assault, detention and brutalizing of Stacy Bonds by Ottawa police officers - including having he...
In an effort to understand the myriad of health issues that can impact frequent fliers, a team of hamsters have spent a month in a perpetual jet-lagged state.
I saw this on TV actually, and was absolutely amazed by the audacity of these people, telling the world what to do. Ex2, Jx1. This is your 'white establishment'. The worst part is most people will not s...
Ha ha ha ha. Anglo Irish Bank. ha ha ha. One of the funniest lies I have seen spread about the recent EU/PIIGS thing, is the idea that Germany is still Nazi and really it is Germany zat is taking over E...
CARS - Motor Trend magazine has named the Chevrolet Volt electric car its "2011 Car of the Year". As usual Motor Trend is either behind the times or trying desperately to get ahead of the curve. And they ...
CANADA/TECHNOLOGY - A Liberal politician in Ontario wants wireless companies to stop confusing consumers with complex cellphone contracts and high fees. David Orazietti has introduced a private member's bi...
ENTERTAINMENT - The much buzzed about "Green Lantern" film is scheduled to be released on June 17, 2011, but the trailer is here now to whet the interest of fans. The film stars People magazines’s 'Sexi...
ENTERTAINMENT - Seriously, it doesn't count as politics when you announce Prince William of Britain & Kate Middleton are getting married. Maybe in the centuries past it would be politics, but these days it...
CANADA - Ontario's Liberal government has decided Ontarians are paying too much for electricity (or as we call it locally "hydro"). Thus they've decided to slash hydro bills by a whopping 10% starting Janu...
PART I: Tohono O'odham Angie Ramon 'My son was killed by the Border Patrol' Bennett Patricio, Jr., was run over and killed by the US Border Patrol on Tohono O'odham land. Angie and Ervin Ramon tell his st...
Part II: The US Border Patrol and military continue to abuse the rights of the Tohono O'odham in their homeland. US Border Patrol agents also continue to physically and sexually abuse migrants, including...
Salvatore Augustine Giunta Other Medal of Honor recipients in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars: Robert James Miller (14 October 1983 – 25 January 2008) Ross A. McGinnis (June 14, 1987 – December 4, 2006)...
By now I hope everyone has heard about the new regulations on airport screening from the US's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Full-body scanning equi...
Nor Cal Truth: Another High Rise in China Burns Completely Without Collapse On Nov. 15th in China a 28 story building burned on almost every floor, and stood the next day to be inspected. This was the fire...
9/11 Families Ask: What Happened to the Third Building That Collapsed in the WTC Attacks? By Stephen C. Webster Published: November 15, 2010 A new television ad campaign featuring the family ...
War-resister blogger Dave Ward says he is neither coward nor hero. Obviously I don't think war resisters are cowards. And frankly, I think the people who call them cowards are idiots. I won't address that ...
You may recall that I had a minor incident with a Toronto police officer in late September. Along with many other people, I was prevented from crossing the street by a photo shoot, and was in danger of mis...
Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the world's fastest moving hunters, suggests a new study of this dinosaur's muscular tail.
Bolivia’s Initiative Leads UN to Organize “World Conference on Indigenous Peoples”COMMIUNIQUE (New York, 11/17/10) Plurinational State of Bolivia Photo: Michelle Cook, Navajo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 Fol...
E-books like the Kindle are flying off virtual shelves and toppling sales of hardcover books for the first time.
Stem cell injections boosted the leg muscles of mice and warded off the typical loss of muscle mass.
The antimatter equivalent of the hydrogen atom has been trapped for the first time in a milestone that could reveal more about our universe.
Medieval texts suggest the Vikings arrived in the New World more than 1,000 years ago.
wordgeezer Nov. 17, 2010 This is a big story on Youtube and on the innernet in general, but is almost lacking any coverage by the main stream media. Tony Szamboti, of shows over 5000 hits...
[image:] The management of United States President Barack Obama should follow a policy of "strategic engagement" with Iran that would offer Tehran better-looking incenti...
[image:] Nigeria has report the discovery of an illegal arms consignment from Iran to the UN Security Council, a overseas office spokesman said Wednesday, with the occur...
Happy Wednesday and thanks for joining me for today's segment of Feed Me month(ish). I say *ish *because, based on feedback, I'm extending Feed Me month to answer your questions and befuddlements. So, we'l...
Up for some bar hopping? From east to west, Toronto is fundraising for Iraq War resisters. On *Thursday, December 2*, join us for one - or both! - of these events. Bring your friends, hear some music, have...
[image:] Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said on Wednesday he will not sign an implementation order for Tareq Aziz, the former deputy of Dictator Saddam Hussein sentence ...
[image:] Iran said Wednesday that nameless foreign planes violated its airspace six times as the nation kicked off its biggest ever air protection drill but that the int...
As the feds weigh a ban on alcoholic drinks containing caffeine, a new study sheds light of the dangers of mixing these substances.
The controversial art project is raising some privacy concerns.
The genes behind the extroversion and openness to experience may boost your chances of becoming an entrepreneur.
POLITICS - In case you haven't guessed already America's new slave class is the Poor. And to some extent the lower middle class too. Heck, even the mid middle class is looking a bit surly if they have a mo...
Measuring how fast the Greenland ice sheet is losing mass is logistically and financially challenging.
Even trace amounts of items from your medicine cabinet can affect how fish behave.
Using "mosquito nets" made of mucus, these fish may have developed the world's most ecologically sound parasite deterrent.
ENTERTAINMENT - A charging bull ran across the arena and jumped into the Mexican crowd today. Now watch it over again... look at the Mexican guy in the white shirt and the black hat. Wow, he can really ...
CANADA - National Post writer Matt Gurney says Remembrance Day should not be a National Holiday in Canada because... well, you read it: *"Ontario Progressive Conservative MPP Lisa MacLeod has put forward a...
TECHNOLOGY - Facebook has announced plans to introduce an email service for all of their 500 million Facebook users. ie. But in reality what this really is is an attempt by Facebook ...
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy I cannot name an instance in which an innocent person has tried to cover up a crime. And, if he/she did so, why? What's the point? Conversely, I can think of few if ...
The citizen science project Galaxy Zoo has found galaxies with bars shut off star formation sooner than their bar-less cousins.
Interesting to see how the BBC treats the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. In the prime time slot just after the 8am news on Today, the BBC invited Lady Antonio Fraser and *Stephen Hasele...
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 2 days ago
I have just spent two days at a conference about "ethical" investment. The reason is that I am trying to raise money for a charity that is aiming to improve services for deprived children. Thus the aim of ...
There is a growing public resistance campaign across U.S. airports against the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for routinely performing creepy pat-downs on passengers of all ages and all backg...
One of the best documentaries about the so called chemtrails I've ever seen. Absolutely worth to watch. I for myself feel sick about the perpetrators, I must hold my breath, I must press my lips together no...
Watch live streaming video from indianborder at Welcome to the Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Border Roundtable Symposium to be broadcast live Thursday, Nov. 18, 10 am to 2 pm, Arizona ...
Read John Tyner's account about his bump in with the TSA at the San Diego International Airport here.
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura - Police State lol @ *"my 'conspiracy insider', Alex Jones"*. Look at the crook pollytician bringing up Martians when asked about FEMA camps, what a snake.
Scanner operators are not supposed to be able to store, print, transmit or save body scan images. And yet...
Most people think of climate change as a slow, distant process. For scientists, the planet's climate is changing faster and sooner than expected.
*INDIGENOUS BORDER RIGHTS LIVE THURSDAY* Censored News Join us live online Thursday, Nov. 18, or in Tucson, 10 am to 2 pm, for the Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Roundt...
Joe Lieberman is human scum, and clearly a criminal.
On November 18, people all across Canada will call their MPs and the Party Leaders and demand: *Don't Extend It. End It.* The Conservative-Liberal coalition government is about to extend Canada's war in A...
Attorney James Gourley: International Center for 9/11 Studies - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 2/2
[image:] MIR ALI, Pakistan – supposed American missiles slam into a home and a speeding vehicle near the Afghan boundary Tuesday, killing 20 alleged militants as the U.S...
A newly-elected official in Tanzania fears that he may be targeted for death because he is an albino.
[image:] Iran kicks off five-days of air defense war games Tuesday to display the country's capability in defensive its nuclear facilities from probable attack, state te...
Paul's popularity has led to a spate of copycat "prophetic" animals, albeit with far less success.
Have I ever mentioned that I am Norwegian? My grandma came to America from Norway after WWII and she brought with her all of the family recipes. I grew up on many of these recipes and didn't realize that...
The vacuum cleaner spits out bark or another material to absorb oil, and then sucks the oil-laden material up.
Interesting piece of research by the Chronicle Watch... Characteristics of the Anti-Christ part 1 of 2 Characteristics of the Anti-Christ part 2 of 2 All I know is, an admitted Nazi collaborator trained a...
A new phone from Google could replace credit credits at the register.
[image:] President Barack Obama on Tuesday is awarding the Medal of admiration to an Army staff sergeant who placed himself in the line of fire in Afghanistan to save tw...
[Click images to enlarge] Do you suffer from a sense of cringing left-liberal guilt that is almost beyond parody? Are left-wing columnists and newspapers your essential reading? [Read More...] Do you ...
[image:] Rep. Charles Rangel, on one occasion one of the most powerful House members, was convict Tuesday on 11 counts of breaking ethics rules and now faces sentence. ...
Online communication isn't just about photos of cats; it also reveals how information and ideas are passed on.
Laughter is a critical part of human communication and people learn to appreciate some forms more than others.
A Digital Archaeology exhibit makes the case for exploring old websites.
Recent reports on unhealthy foods and marketing to children overlook or downplay the role of parents in what children eat.
Recently uncovered sound effects include a clapping echo that sounds like a jungle bird.
Does anyone know who took this photo? I posted it here but I don't know how I obtained it. If you know you took this photograph, could you please contact me? The photographer can remain anonymous as she...
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 3 days ago
George Galloway's "Free Palestine Free Afghanistan Free Speech" cross-Canadian tour kicks off today in Toronto. Galloway will be appearing in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, then back to Toronto for a second...
Last summer, I was dismayed - horrified, really - to discover that all the clear plastic packaging I've been throwing into the recycling bin for years is not, in fact, recyclable (details). I emailed with ...
Solar cells could be pitted against cancer cells to create a faster, less painful and more effective form of treatment.
Four centuries after his death, the body of Danish alchemist Tycho Brahe has been exhumed for investigation.
So, what has the Ministry of Truth been saying that you would like to take issue with? Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
I've already discussed this over on A Tangled Web but I wanted to focus on the BBC coverage with you. One could have anticipated the GLEE with which the BBC would exhibit on the news that the UK Government...
[image: Professor Mona Siddiqui] You can always rely on the BBC's *"Thought for the Day"* slot to be made available for Mona Siddiqui, that most erudite and enlightened Professor of Islamic Studies and Pub...
Overcoming all the odds, it's been confirmed that the Japanese asteroid mission successfully returned samples of asteroid Itokawa to Earth.
Quite a few instances of deranged BBC bias today. Consider this dross from BBC correspondent Wyre Davies. You see it seems that the Israeli government has moved so far to the right that it is incapable of ...
*Amexica: War Along the Borderline* By Brenda Norrell Censored News *Photo below: Angie Ramon at the site of her son Bennett's death. Photo copyright Brenda Norrell/Censor...
Here is the entire talk, filmed at the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills, California, on November 8, 2010, 50 years to the day after John F. Kennedy was elected President. I have to say, each and every one of t...
A lot of people have made the connection between the ludicrous dehumanising rituals being carried out in airports today, and the agenda to restrict freedom of travel. So when I was watching this today, be...
Following on from the previous post. "Evidence That Cousin Marriage Causes Low IQ, Retardation and Birth Defects" Are white people inbred albinos? Er, no. Se...
• In Decision Points, Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai, which he did not attend: "As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai said:...
The world's largest lungfish tooth from a carnivorous dinosaur-era "monster" of a fish was recently unveiled.
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 3 days ago
The BBC, along with the rest of the Left-leaning media, has from almost the very start tried to portray the Tea Party movement as a far-right, extremist movement. At first, their main Narrative was that ra...
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be." - Thomas Jefferson "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without bein...
Did life on Earth come from extraterrestrial microbes hopping from one star system to the next? If so, they might have arrived dead, only to be resurrected.
A diagnosis by mobile could slow the rising rate of sexually transmitted infections among young people.
For the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps 20 times the mass of our sun.
Our slower development and longer lives could have given humans an evolutionary edge over Neanderthals.
The strategy game, "Fate of the World" allows players to make decisions that could save the world or destroy it.
Archaeologists have unearthed twelve sphinxes so far along the ancient sandstone road that runs toward the Nile.
The Economy Will Not Recover Until the Economic Criminals are Prosecuted, and There Are Real Investigations Into 9/11 and Other Government Failures Washington's Blog Published: November 13, 2010 This essa...
Watch it. Stand up for this Canadian and for all the troops. Stand up for democracy! Tell Stephen Harper and his coalition partner, Michael Ignatieff: *Don't extend it! End it!*
Crash JPMorgan, Buy Silver Now – A Report The Intel Hub By Avalon Published: November 14, 2010 *“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government wil...
I wish I could say there was some fancy tutorial for this page but it is very, VERY simple. You will need: A full sheet of brown or green, depending on what you want your background to look like A full sh...
[image:] Somalia has reinstated Iraq as the state the majority at risk from terrorist attack, according to a ranking by global analyst Maplecroft, which sees threats als...
In a surprise finding, undersea hot lava is baking ocean sediments and releasing greenhouse gases.
Looking older doesn't necessarily mean you'll die young, but youthfulness is no guarantee of longevity.
[image:] Fire engulf a high-rise apartment building beneath renovation in China'sbusiness center of Shanghai on Monday, killing 42 people and sending inhabitants scrambli...
[image:] The media in the Middle East commented at length on the US proposal to offer Israel defense and security guarantee in return for renewing a partial freeze on th...
[image:] Starved of his plea for a holdup, Rep. Charles Rangel walked out of his ethics trial Monday, leaving the ethics committee's top lawyer to cite Rangel's past sta...
Researchers identify a tasty lizard previously unknown to science. Locals loved the virgin Vietnamese lady-lizards for lunch.
*UN Human Rights Council Recommends the United States Address Indigenous Rights **Photo: Western Shoshone protest in Nevada, demanding Barrick Gold halt mining on sacred lands, including Mount Tenabo. Lar...
Contacts: Larson Bill, Western Shoshone Defense Project, 775-744-2565/775-397-6726; Seánna Howard, University of Arizona Rogers College of Law, 520-626-8223; UN Human Rights Council Recommends the United ...
posted by (BenefitScroungingScum) at
Broken of Britain - 4 days ago
Congratulations to Navajo filmmaker Bennie Klain, now at the French International Amiens Film Festival, showing 'The Return of Navajo Boy' and 'Weaving Worlds.' The Return of Navajo Boy tells of a child ...
Smaller people expend more energy when walking because they have shorter strides than taller people.
Fossil pollen records show rainforests of northern Colombia and Venezuela diversified 56.3 million years ago during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.
By focusing a giant cosmic lens on the distant galaxy cluster known as Abell 1689, astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to create the most detailed maps of dark matter ever constructed.
posted by Robin Horbury at
Biased BBC - 4 days ago
For a truly chilling account of the dissembling, back somersaulting, contortionism and duplicity the broadcasting establishment is prepared to engage in to defend its alarmist approach to climate change, I...
Photo courtesy: Rodale The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the price of food staples, including grains, beef, coffee, cocoa, and sugar, have risen sharply in recent months. And retailers like S...
Last week, the new House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York City to privately discuss U.S. sanctions against Iran, U.S.-Palestinian rela...
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden
Well isn't this something. He missed a little bit from his intro, he should have said, "Up until now only those considered nutjobs questioned the official conclusion - THANKS TO COMPLICIT LAUGHING MEDIA H...
Well, Well, Well ... What Do We Have Here? Truth-tellers on television? Am I dreaming? Yesterday, November 13, 2010, Geraldo Rivera invited Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti onto his Fox News program calle...
VIDEO: Aaron Huey's effort to photograph poverty in America led him to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where the struggle of the native Lakota people -- appalling, and largely ignored -- compelled hi...
This wonderful book by Marguerite De Angeli, is a childhood memory that I will never forget. *The Lion in the Box: A Christmas Stor*y, was a part of almost every single Christmas of my childhood. My mom w...
*Climate Change, Migration and Forced Relocation * By Brenda Norrell Censored News Climate change, migration and forced relocation can not be separated from human rights,...
Last week APTN News reported that not only does the Cons new missing persons initiative entirely bypass *Sisters In Spirit*, the very group which initiated research into the nearly 600 missing and murdere...
In my recent update, I mentioned I did some pro-choice pamphletting. The anti-choice group that targets universities was planning a demonstration outside of Robarts, the main library at the University of T...
*Sunday, November 14, Noon - 2 PM Ft Huachuca, Main Gate, Sierra Vista, Arizona Vigil of Peace and Demonstration Against Torture * Photo: Josh being carried away at protest 2009/Photo Brenda Norrell Extendi...
*International Indian Treaty Council and American Indian Contemporary Arts present: Indigenous Peoples Thanksgiving Annual Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island November 25th 2010 *“Giving Thanks to the Crea...
How about the BBC leading coverage of the Labour Party conference with the headline "Labour not Communists"? No? How about the BBC leading their coverage of Sinn Fein's annual conference with the headline ...
So, I'm back from the BBC. I was invited on to the William Crawley hosted"Sunday Sequence" show to discuss the issue of water-boarding. My opponent was the local Shamnesty International Supremo. Patrick Co...
First of four Pak-Chinese ZDK-03 Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&C)) for the Pakistan Air Force was displayed in a rollout ceremony was held at Hanzhong in China. Pakistan Air Force’s chief ...
Israel Aerospace Industries is offering a modified version of its Gulfstream G550-based conformal airborne early warning (CAEW) aircraft that has the capability to detect targets at sea and near shores.Cur...
The third F-22P Frigate PNS Saif constructed at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, China was inducted in the fleet of Pakistan Navy in a ceremony held at the PN Dockyard here .Commander Pakistan Fleet V...
The relationship between the United States and Israel is, shall we say, complicated? Wait, why are we fooling ourselves? That word doesn't even begin to explain this strange relationship. What is required ...
When the "Water's Edge" Standard Disappears By Steven Benen Washington Monthly November 13, 2010 If our political system made more sense, this would be an astounding scandalthat would dominate the discour...
This is courage in action. Young Jews Disrupt Netanyahu at Jewish General Assembly from stefanie fox on Vimeo.
Here is a guest post by *Clameur de Haro.* "With all the protestations coming from Our Beloved Bastion of Collectivism about how impartiality is in their genes, I thought I’d occasionally delve a little...
Nick Clegg seemed television-friendly and attractive before the general election, but after gaining all that popularity during the first election debate he threw most of it away, almost snatching defeat fr...
posted by David Preiser (USA) at
Biased BBC - 5 days ago
Matt Frei mused during the violent student riots on Wednesday about what he saw as a relevant problem with higher education costs in the US. Could UK students' rage find echo in US? Frei realizes there's ...
The Giant Cover Up By Michael Krieger Zero Hedge Published: November 11, 2010 From Mike Krieger of Kam LP An end to "banking as we know it" is fine with us. The "banking" in today's Western economies is ...
[image:] Japan – Leaders of the world's three main economies — the U.S., China and Japan — all pledged Saturday to push for free trade, it seems that putting aside acrim...
[image:] The Department of Homeland Security said on Friday it is maddening to address concerns of pilots about stepped-up show at U.S. airports and doubts in the travel...
[image:] A group of would-be suicide bombers tried to tempest a main NATO base in eastern Afghanistan early Saturday but were repel previous to they could enter, officia...
[image:] President Barack Obama, cap a far-flung trip of varied results, said Saturday the United States is "here to stay" as a power in Asia and pivot to Russian intern...
On Thursday November 11, 2010, financial analyst Max Keiser offered an idea on the Alex Jones show about how to bring down JP Morgan, one of the banking giants on Wall Street that stole billions of dollars...
The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an ‘illusion’ and a ‘lie’, the EU president believes. In one of the most open proclamations of the goal of a European supe...
Tokyo will send around 100 soldiers to a remote Japanese island in the East China Sea, a report said Thursday, amid growing anxiety over China's naval activities.The ground troops will be deployed on Yonag...
China's aircraft-making giant, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), said Friday it would showcase two types of China-made aircraft -- Seagull 300 and Little Eagle-500 -- at the upcoming Airshow C...
Russia has completed deliveries of small arms and ammunition to Afghanistan under a military assistance program.Russia has delivered a total of 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles and over 2.5 million rounds...
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to overhaul its four Project 1144 nuclear-powered cruisers. Notably, the Admiral Nakhimov heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser will reenter service in 2012, after length...
Sukhoi to the end of 2010 will deliver the Russian Air Force the second batch of the Su-34, reports RIA Novosti. It is about six such aircraft. Currently bombers undergoing flight tests at the flight-test ...
Indonesian Military chief Adm. Agus Suhartono said he has been studying an offer of two squadrons of F-16 A/B Fighting Falcon fighter jets from the US.He said although it was a grant, he had to calculate t...
POLITICS - The words "Currency War" is on the lips of both politicians and the mass media today. The Lilith News used the words 6 days ago on November 6th. See "Currency War on the Horizon". But we're hard...
CANADA - Toronto's Transit Commission is losing about $2 million CDN per year due to fake TTC tokens and its due to an unlikely source: Organized crime from China. The TTC estimates that about 2,000 fake ...
November 19, 2010
November 18, 2010
November 17, 2010
November 16, 2010
November 15, 2010
November 12, 2010
November 11, 2010
November 10, 2010
November 9, 2010
November 8, 2010