- posted by Alison at Creekside - 1 hour agoand warns the documents may contain accounts of "compromising conversations" that could "cause serious embarrassment for foreign governments and politicians named in them" and result in "the expulsion of...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 1 hour agoBy Charles Moffat - November 2010. POLITICS - The island of Yeonpyeong is on the South Korean side of the border, but that didn't stop North Korea from attacking it with an artillery barrage that killed t...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 hours ago*Alcatraz Sunrise Ceremony* *KPFA Radio Free Alcatraz will have today's broadcast in their archives* http://www.kpfa.org/ Nov. 25, 2010 *41st Anniversary of the Occupation of Alcatraz* By Brenda Norrell/Cen...
- posted by David Teeghman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 hours agoThe world's most powerful supercomputer processors could shrink to the size of a sugar cube within a decade, and use half the energy.
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 2 hours agoThis morning we read that the US State Department is warning its alliesabout an impending WikiLeaks release that "could damage U.S. relations with allies around the world". Ottawa is among the "warned," b...
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 2 hours agoIf you're following the Stacy Bonds police abuse story and subsequent "investigation" (quotes necessary), don't miss this important follow-up by Dr. Dawg (note new address!). The uniformed criminal that hu...
- posted by redsock at we move to canada - 3 hours ago[*redsock guest post*] Laura recently offered her thoughts on war resister Dave Ward's declaration that he is neither coward nor hero. Laura wrote:"People who call [war resisters] cowards are idiots." Th...
- posted by Jessica Marshall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoBefore you worry too much about putting on those holiday pounds, consider this: We're not the only species with weight issues.
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 3 hours agoThe Guardian's favourite cartoonist. "Steve Bell - At the centre of our culture" (David Yelland. Today radio 4.) Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by Alison at Creekside - 7 hours agoYesterday in the House, Con MP Phil McColeman accused his fellow member on the Public Safety committee, Lib MP Mark Holland, of advocating "on behalf of convicted criminals". Holland immediately protested...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 8 hours agoAs several B-BBC readers have pointed out, the BBC has spent countless amounts of our money developing a "carbon footprint calculator" - launched yesterday with the requisite worthy pronuncements about sav...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 12 hours agoJudge Andrew Napolitano, host of "Freedom Watch" on Fox Business, questioned the official version of the 9/11 attacks in an interview with radio show host Alex Jones on November 23, 2010, saying: "It's ha...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 13 hours agoTSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protests TSA Speedo Protestor Feds Beta Test Courthouse Naked Body Scanners Big Sis Wants Behavior Scanners At Sports Events, Malls Old story but a ...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 13 hours agoSEX - We found this by accident. Just had to share it with the world.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 15 hours ago*Experts from the European Food Safety Authority are collaborating with companies such as Monsanto* Munich/ Parma. 19. November 2010. There is close collaboration between experts on the GMO Panel of the E...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoThe STS-133 mission to the space station delayed due to cracks in the shuttle's external fuel tank.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 17 hours agoBlowback, Second Edition: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic Dismantling ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 18 hours agoI thought Nick Robinson's coverage of the student thuggery in London was a disgrace. At every opportunity he did his best to excuse the thugs and you know why? Because the BBC loves the set to with the Coa...
- posted by Nicole Gugliucci at Discovery News - Top Stories - 18 hours agoAstronomers are looking forward to a coming era of fast surveys and large fields of view, and radio astronomers are no exception.
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 18 hours agoThe bacterial infection is rapidly outpacing efforts to help Haitians who are desperate for answers and solutions.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 19 hours agoSome animals, particularly invasive species, could wreak havoc on the local environment if they escaped.
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 21 hours agoGiven the amount of radiation passengers are exposed to in flight, concerns over the safety of the body scanners may be misguided.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 22 hours agoCosmic GPS would employ pulsing stars, not satellites, as celestial beacons.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago** *AIM Women share strength and power at 42nd AIM Anniversary ***By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ SAN FRANCISCO -- The American Indian Movement's 42nd Anniversary continu...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 23 hours agoHow were pterosaurs able to cruise the skies of the ancient world between 220-65 million years ago?
- posted by Cristen Conger at Discovery News - Top Stories - 23 hours agoThere are many different shades of "green" when it comes to jobs, but for the 9 percent of Americans out of work, the definition matters less than the availability of work.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 23 hours agoSatellite data from 167 lakes around the world reveal the impact climate change is already having.
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 23 hours agoWhen I posted a recent Facebook meme - listing your top 15 most important or influential authors - Allan suggested I start a regular list series. I surprised both of us by going for it. I've never wanted t...
- posted by Lu at Housewife Eclectic - 23 hours agoGood day! Continuing on with Feed Me month, today we'll cover the basics of Google Reader. You can catch up on previous Feed Me segments here: - Introduction to RSS and Feedburner - Goldilu and the ...
- posted by Liz Day at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoChances are, if you have dreamed it, others have too.
- posted by Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy - 1 day agoby Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy When Ronald Reagan became President, his party declared a 'revolution'. He was hailed by American right-wing “reactionaries” as our armed forces –a so-called volunte...
- posted by David Teeghman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA business card-size device monitors available light and makes adjusts as needed.
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA rocket motor "prints" thin layers of fuel to provide a more efficient burn.
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoOnly about 110 birds of a newly described Australian species survive in the wild.
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] Afghanistan – Afghanistan's top prosecutor announced a new inquiry Wednesday into accusations of ballot handling, potentially dealing another setback to a fraud...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] President Barack Obama says he compliments Sarah Palin's political skills but hasn't consideration about the likelihood of facing her in the 2012 presidential e...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] Iran has discarded western media claims that it for the time being halted uranium enhancement due to technical problems and asserted that it had productively fi...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] Nine people have been stimulating in Belgium with belonging to terroristgroups after a sequence of raids in three countries. Seven were under arrest in Antwerp o...
- posted by Eric Bland at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoNanoparticles turn a material that normally absorbs light into stuff that emits light.
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 1 day agoWe tear our hair over the way BBC journalists misrepresent issues we care about, so maybe we should sympathise with poor old Hamza A Tzortzis who complains rather perceptively that decontextualised referen...
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 1 day agoCanadian Press: Political firebrand George Galloway took his message straight into the heart of Alberta's conservative country Tuesday evening and into the city represented in part by the man who earlier ...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoWarmer temperatures will affect just about everything you'll find on the dinner table this Thanksgiving.
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoNot only do people at the extremes of shopping both feel unhappiness, they also frequently end up marrying each other.
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 1 day agoAs we all shiver in the November cold (remember how, according to the BBC, snow in the UK was going to be a thing of the past?), the impact of the government's insane climate change measures could not be c...
- posted by Ray Villard at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThere is a place even higher than Mt. Everest, with a gentle three-degree slope that you could stroll up. The problem is that it's 250,000 miles away.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Photos above: Copyright Ofelia Rivas, O'odham. (Top) The Defense of the Water in Vicam Pueblo, Sonora, with Yaqui authorities, CNI representatives and organizers of the event.* *At the Indigenous Nation...
- posted by Nicole Gugliucci at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe space telescope has left a legacy of gorgeous astronomical images that have inspired a generation of star-gazers. This latest one is no different, showing a rebirth of star formation in an old elliptic...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoFrom the album Beware of The Pale Horse by William Cooper (of Black Market Militia). William Cooper - Free feat. Stoneface and Majesty
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoMan Proves TSA Policies Are Unconstitutional Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com November 23, 2010 Blogger Matt Kernan was able to bypass both the naked body scanner and invasive TSA pat down procedures durin...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoTo the person who still can't accept that 9/11 was an inside job: It is a fact that dark agents within the highest levels of the U.S. government, with assistance from the Israeli government, planned and e...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 1 day agoTo the people who still can't accept that 9/11 was an inside job: It is a fact that dark agents within the highest levels of the U.S. government, with assistance from the Israeli government, planned and e...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 1 day agoPOLITICS - Zahira Sarwar is an Afghan-Canadian working at GTZ in Afghanistan. While there she recently conducted an interview with a girl who disguised herself as a boy and went to school in a village wher...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*** 42nd Anniversary of AIM * *hosted by AIM West* *UPDATED: Listen NOW: AIM Women's Leadership* Yvonne Swan, Morning Star Gali, Anne Begay, Madonna Thunder Hawk and Corine Fairbanks. Anne Begay, Navajo, mo...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA coyote videotaped wandering through the streets of Chicago poses no threat to humans and was even on the "job," according to an animal welfare official.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoOoh Ar. haha ;) Max Keiser: Buy an ounce of silver and put JP Morgan out of business!
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day ago*Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Irish Bailout* "Guess what, Ireland. Brian Lenihan and Brian Cowen just sold you down the IMF river...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 1 day agoThis actually has a very important message 'behind' it (sorry, lol). Blonde hair, brown hair, black hair, red hair; brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes, grey eyes - Europeans are already Diverse and are not ...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day agoI am scrapping Tasty Tuesdays today in favor of this friend. I wanted to share this fun friend with you before Thanksgiving is over. This little guy is made out of the shapes of my daughter's hand and foo...
- posted by Tracy Staedter at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe mother of all Apple motherboards sells for a pretty penny at Christie's auction house.
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoAlthough coal is plentiful, we may see the end of cheap coal within a few decades, a report concludes.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoFig leaf patterns over sensitive areas keep body scanners from revealing too much.
- posted by Jorge Ribas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoIf this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag... we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here o...
- posted by Robert Lamb at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe human brain allows for logic and feeling, which partly why the scientific and religious worlds continue to butt heads.
- posted by David Teeghman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe U.S. government wants to create a virtual map of a city's smells in order to help recognize a chemical terrorist attack.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoHelmets currently leave soldiers' faces unprotected, allowing explosive forces to blast through.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe miners have not been heard from since an explosion tore through the remote work site.
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] A probable 33.3 million people global have the HIV virus that causes AIDS,but the global health community is starting to slow down and still turn the plague arou...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] A politician called on Iraq's government Tuesday to better keep its dwindling Christian the public and lambasted other nations that have accessible asylum to fl...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] The auto industry is provided that President Barack Obama a good intelligence story — automakers are making money, plants are hiring and the taxpayers' stake in...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 1 day ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] South Korea – North and South Korea exchange artillery fire Tuesday after the North shelled an island near their undecided sea boundary, killing at least two So...
- posted by Liz Day at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoStem cells derived from abdominal fat are shown to boost heart health, in a small yet first of its kind study of heart attack patients.
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThere are plenty of ways to cook your Thanksgiving bird, but the key scientific consideration is moisture.
- posted by Eric Bland at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoA new camera in the works uses infrared light to detect even the faintest spattering of blood.
- posted by Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy - 2 days agoby Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Author Michael Shermer wrote a book that Amazon.com now says is out of print. The title is intriguing: Why People Believe Weird Things. Though Shermer deals with UFO...
- posted by Eric Niiler at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoAt least 20 levels of security are in place to thwart both terror attacks and troublemakers in the air.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 2 days agoAlways remember than BIAS is in their genes. Consider the thoughts of Katty Kay, the BBC's Washington correspondent on the Tea Party... "And the Tea Party is saying we don’t care about whether it’s in the...
- posted by DB at Biased BBC - 2 days agoHow bad was it? Check out this review by an anti-war TV critic at Metro: Let’s nail some colours to the mast. I marched against the war in Iraq and I’m no supporter of British military action in Afghanista...
- posted by Alison at Creekside - 2 days agoTony Clement told an amused crowd in Ottawa. I've got one for you, Tony. Well, it's more of a question really. Why do guys promise they will for sure pull out in time this time? And why do we continue to b...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 2 days ago*Bought this at an estate sale for a reasonable price, I guess, becuse it's soiled. torn and rolled up. It's not worth a lot of money, but I like the way it is done. It dates from about 1916, and is a ch...
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 2 days agoWas it a fluke? Has the harassment order been rescinded? Was the border guard at Lewiston just having a bad - or good - day? We don't know. We only know that we crossed the border from Canada to the US wit...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 days ago*Virginia State Police vs. Akwesasne *by Giniti Harcum El Bey Censored News www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Virginia State Police stopped van occupied by Onkwehonwe shooting movie in Virginia. Driver was al...
- posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoSmall stellar-mass black holes are missing from the Milky Way, but researchers suspect they never existed.
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 2 days agoCARS - The first mass-market electric cars go on sale in December 2010, but will the electricity grid be able to take the extra stress? Will cars like the Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Volt be a boon or a burd...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 2 days agoCANADA/SEX - This past September an Ontario Superior Court judge struck down three key prostitution laws, and that decision is set to come into effect in Ontario on Saturday November 27th. The result will ...
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoSnakes don't need planes to take off.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days agoThe Murderous U.S. Government Explained By Arthur Silber November 19, 2010 There is one aspect of this *Washington Post* article that I fear will be appreciated by very few people. Before I get to that, l...
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoJust like mega-corporations, a couple of the countless supermassive black holes scattered across the universe have a merger about once a year -- but they're incredibly secretive about it.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 2 days ago"No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow "To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past." - John F. Kennedy From the m...
- posted by Larry O'Hanlon at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoWhat happens when one black hole takes on another 100 times more massive? The answer will test the limits of Einstein's General Relativity.
- posted by Real History Lisa at Real History Blog - 2 days agoI've only gotten to know President John F. Kennedy posthumously. And after years of wading through books good and bad, filled with information and disinformation, it's clear that Kennedy is still being kille...
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoArchaeologists discover a swimming pool in which a legion of Roman soldiers bathed after sacking Jerusalem.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoDue to under-reporting, the actual figure could be several fold higher.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoDangerous gasses are preventing rescuers from launching a full-out search for survivors from Friday's mine collapse.
- posted by Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 2 days agoMy latest article regarding the double standards of the US' new unilateral sanctions against Iran was reposted on *Indymedia UK*, among other sites. In response, a comment was posted which, though a bit co...
- Peratis and Kulick's Propaganda Paralysis:With Progressive Zionists Like These, Who Needs Likudniks?posted by Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 2 days agoOn November 11, an event entitled "Jewish Perspectives on the Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions Movement" was held at the Church of Gethsemane in Park Slope, Brooklyn. It featured four speakers, all of whom se...
- posted by Kieran Mulvaney at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoEmphasizing the potentially disastrous effects of climate change, without offering positive solutions, can be counter-productive.
- posted by Benjamin Radford at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoWhy the planned holiday boycott of airport security measures is likely to fail.
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 2 days agoMy sister and I both love vinyl. We have both used it in almost every room in our houses. Since my Thanksgiving craft is not quite ready to share, I thought I would show you some of our uses of vinyl. Thes...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoScientists analyze tunes from 3,000-year-old conch-shell instruments for insight into pre-Inca civilization.
- posted by sue at Biased BBC - 2 days agoAnyone who heard BBC radio 4 and BBC World Service news this morning might have been surprised, and perhaps dismayed, to hear the headline, broadcast several times over in ominous tones, that Israel is abo...
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAn innovative irrigation-free plant protector is out of the prototype stage and into the fields, working miracles in arid places.
- posted by David Teeghman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoMicrosoft's Kinect videogame system lets a user control the system with just their movements and sounds, but one Microsoft official says the camera could also be used to target ads effectively.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days ago*WATCH LIVE NOW TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY: *Earthcycles website is down Tuesday morning. Watch live on Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kmecradio *AIM International 42nd Anniversary, San Francisco, Nov. 2...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 3 days ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] Israeli archaeologists investigative the site for new civic rite bath in Jerusalem's Old City found a almost 2,000-year-old Roman swimming pool. The detection s...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 3 days ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] Israel's hard-line assembly was expected to endorse a bill on Monday that could sink future calm deals with the Palestinians and Syria. With Mideast appeasing a...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 3 days ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] The news raise fears that the secretive regime is capable of increasing its atomic programmed despite years of international stress. Siegfried Hecker, an ex- di...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 3 days ago[image: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/] The World News: The goblins at Gringotts bank are set for a busy week: the newest Harry Potter film has shattered the British box office record for an opening w...
- posted by Larry O'Hanlon at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoTwo large earthquake faults could expose the Panama Canal to serious shaking and perhaps damage.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 3 days agoOh how sweet! From the Irish Independent today... "The BBC's Newsnight programme has been accused of "racist" stereotyping over a bulletin about Britain's role in the international bail-out for Ireland. ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 3 days agoHe never knew the half of it! Vent here... Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 3 days agoDon't know if you caught the blatant Euro propagandising the BBC has been up to here. All of a sudden, wee Georgie Osborne is a BBC hero, much loved, because he said that the UK wants to see the Euro saved...
- posted by L-girl at we move to canada - 3 days agoWe're off - all three of us! Tala is joining us this year. I'm not looking forward to finding out how the border goons deal with dogs. But once we're on the other side, it will be great. This trip marks ...
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoGrowing organic vegetables may be better for the environment, but eating them may not necessarily be more healthful.
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 3 days agoWhat turns my stomach completely about BBC reporting of so-called climate change is that reporters systematically ignore the key issues such as that the rise in fuel prices demanded by eco freaks is causin...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoGuest contributor Matthew Hibbard investigates a down-to-Earth application for software intended to analyze space imagery.
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days agoNew TSA Outrage...Strip Searching Children? Jesse Ventura says he will no longer fly due to TSA MI5′s ‘FALSE FLAG’ IRA OPERATIONS Fake bomb aboard German passenger jet 'was made by U.S. firm to test airpo...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 3 days agoThe "National Security" argument is bankrupt, but President Obama is using it here to defend the TSA's invasive pat-downs at airports.
- posted by Alison at Creekside - 3 days agois looking less likely by the day. Unlawfully arrested, forcibly strip-searched in front of male officers while being held down with a riot shield, her shirt and bra cut off with scissors by a male office...
- posted by AdamS at Politically Confused - 3 days ago*"What's the real solution staring everyone in the face that would end almost all of this crime overnight?"* Related info: Governor Perry supports sending troops to Mexico, if invitation is extended Am...
- posted by Christina Reed at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoKeeping seafood safe for consumers requires testing imports for unapproved drugs. Should buyers be given the information about the origins of their seafood and make the call themselves?
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 days agoEven in the Arctic, warmer summers create conditions where fires are more likely to ignite.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 4 days agoInteresting to contrast Andrew Marr's style of interviewing Ed Balls (Soft) and Michael Gove (harsh)on his programme this morning. Good for Gove for describing Marr's mindset as *"North Korean!"* Best mome...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 4 days agoI think it is all too evident that the BBC has an anti-military pro pacifist agenda which informs much of its output. Now read on... The head of the British army has complained to the BBC about a drama sho...
- *My friend Les Fradkin* continues to produce extraordinary music on his Ztar, a likewise extraordinary instrument. There is a lot to tell about him, but you'd better visit his website to get a glimpse of ...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoDavid DeGraw on the radio show Ring of Fire, talking about the need for a new American revolution.
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoConspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 5 (JFK) - PT 1 of 4 2/4 3/4 4/4
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 4 days ago*Watch webcast: Southern Border Indigenous Peoples Roundtable Symposium* Indigenous Alliance without Borders, 3 hours: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/10935828 Jose Matus, Yaqui director of the Alliance; Ka...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 4 days ago*By Lehman Brightman, founder of United Native Americans *Photo: Harold Patty & Oohosis Wearing UNA "Indian Power" Buttons. Yet, Some People Whom Have Published These Picture's In Books Such as "You Are On...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 4 days ago*42nd Anniversary of AIM* *Nov. 22 -- 26: Schedule and info:* http://aimwest.info/ *Broadcast live on Earthcycles:* http://www.earthcycles.net/ ** *By Tony Gonzales, AIM West* People still can’t fathom the f...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days ago"All I have is a voice To undo the folded lie, The romantic lie in the brain Of the sensual man-in-the-street And the lie of Authority Whose buildings grope the sky: There is no such thing as the State And n...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoThis essay is long, but it is well worth reading. Too Big to Allow: Some Unmentioned Ramifications of 911 Truth By Michael Everyman Published: June 3, 2009 Does anyone ever think about a world where the u...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at Fondos para tu computadora - 4 days ago[image: Escenarios naturales (5 wallpapers para tu pc en HR)] EN NUESTRA SEGUNDA ENTREGA, el blog Fotofrontera le ofrece una selección especial con *5 imágenes de escenarios naturales*. En esta colección, u...
- posted by Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas at Fondos para tu computadora - 4 days ago[image: DESCRIPCION] El blog *FOTOFRONTERA*, tiene el orgullo y placer de regresar con más y mejores imágenes para todos ustedes. En esta ocasión, reingresamos a la blogósfera con *5 bellisimos wallpapers ...
- posted by Truth Excavator at The Excavator - 4 days agoHow hackers can help us defeat Wall Street By Paul B. Farrell MarketWatch SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — “American capitalism is broken,” warns economist Peter Morici. Worse, American government...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 4 days agoVideo link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3vYl6ki2I8 Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
- posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Anodyne) at Consciousness and awareness - 4 days agoThat's a good one ! "Project Red Pill"
The latest from Blogger Buzz
Updates and Fixes for November 22nd
November 24, 2010 — permalinkBesides an exciting update
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Upload Image button added to Edit HTML mode
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in this release, and nowtags are closing as they should.
Thanks for letting us know!Welcome, Google Apps Users!
November 23, 2010 — permalinkGoogle Apps users have been asking for Blogger and now, with our recently launched infrastructure improvement, they can use Blogger for free with their Google Apps accounts. We're excited to provide Apps users with this great tool to have their voices heard on the web.
Google Apps is Google's suite of cloud-based messaging and collaboration web apps used by more than 30 million users in small businesses, large enterprises, educational institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations around the world. If your organization hasn't gone Google yet, you can learn more about how to lower IT costs and improve productivity and collaboration at google.com/apps.
For those Blogger users who have a Google Apps account, if your administrator has already transitioned your organization to the new infrastructure, you can now use Blogger by signing in at blogger.com with your existing Apps account.
For more details, read the complete post on the Google Enterprise blog and follow all the updates on other newly available services from Google Apps users.
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Thursday, November 25, 2010
25 November - Blogs I'm Following
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