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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

18 November - U-topia After the Fall

The neo-medieval pile of the Royal Courts of J...Image via Wikipedia Paper Chase

Florida Supreme Court requiring all foreclosure proceedings to be public
Georgia lawmaker introduces bill banning illegal immigrants from public universities
California high court rules illegal immigrants eligible for in-state tuition
UN rights chief says Bolivia indigenous people facing continued discrimination
New Jersey high court rules efforts to recall US senator unconstitutional

ACLU suing Michigan over life sentences for juveniles
France court orders review of same-sex marriage ban
The order comes after a gay French couple challenged the ban in a Reims court, saying it limited their personal freedoms [AFP report]

UK prosecutor not charging intelligence officer over torture allegations
The England and Wales Court of Appeal [official website] ruled [judgment text] in May that state intelligence agencies cannot use secret evidence [JURIST report] in their defense against abuse accusations by Mohamed and several other UK residents who were held at Guantanamo Bay

Madagascar faces coup attempt during constitutional referendum

Egypt blogger convicted of insulting Islam released

ICC prosecutor says court will not use testimony of allegedly bribed Kenya witnesses

Suu Kyi seeks reinstatement of opposition party

Iraq president refuses to approve execution of ex-foreign minister
( ? It's only foreign invaders who are allowed to kill without 'consequences' ) 
Rights group urges Egypt to investigate death of man allegedly tortured in police custody
 Amnesty International

UK government settles with 16 Guantanamo detainees over torture allegations
. Justice Secretary Kenneth Clark [official profile] made a statement to the House of Commons Tuesday afternoon, clarifying that the settlement was not an admission of guilt.
( Can charges be filed ? Ex PMs and on down would surely like to know. I seem to recall a little policy that governments are not liable for the actions of their agents - or constrained by their representations. Corporate personell seem to be rather more unrestrained. )

Kyrgyzstan court begins trial of ousted president

Hungary Parliament restricts Constitutional Court's powers
Thailand extradites accused Russia arms dealer to US
The Russian Foreign Ministry [official website, in Russian] opposes the extradition [press release], claiming political motivation fueled the Thai government's decision:
( Maybe he can get a seat with his kind if qualified : in Congress )

Kentucky Cancels Coal Plant, New Power Movement Electrifies Grassroot AllianceMinistry of Foreign Affairs building in Moscow...Image via Wikipedia

Outside the Law Screening Report

Man arrested after punching TSA screener Anti-ACLUImage via Wikipedia
Not Everyone Agrees Deficit Is Major Problem | CommonDreams.org
 Ever since concerns over the deficit took center-stage in Washington earlier this year, several prominent economists -- all progressives --- have been pushing back, claiming not simply that proposed spending cuts are too deep, or that the rich should be asked to sacrifice more. Rather, they've challenged the entire premise of the debate: that a budget shortfall caused by over-spending and under-taxation stands to put an undue burden on future generations, and that cuts to government programs, including Social Security, can help fix the problem. That view, they say, is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what's driving the deficit and how government spending works. In fact, they argue, as one recently put it, that "the current deficit is a positive."

Events | Friends of Blair Mountain | Working to preserve Blair Mountain
The Friends of Blair Mountain are sad to report that armed guards have been retained by the Mingo-Logan Coal Company to patrol sections of the Blair Mountain battlefield. This is in anticipation of surface mining operations moving into the battlefield within the next few months

 Qwerly API. Come check out our new developer site at http://dev.qwerly.com/: get a key, browse the documentation and build some stuff with Qwerly!

British Lord - 'I Laundered Money for Terrorists for the Bank of England, Foundation X Can Save UK Economy'

The Secret History of the World
United States deficit or surplus percentage 19...Image via WikipediaDownload the .PDF sample

The Hypocrisy of Knowledge
Xenophobia continues to rise, as societies and nations still struggle to define themselves, amidst changing demographics and continuous conflicts over natural resources. Our definition of the self is still confined to narrow religious interpretation and emotional nationalism, rather than the unique opportunity of self discovery that life provides.

Political Ponerology
Ponerology reveals itself to be a new branch of science born out of historical need and the most recent accomplishments of medicine and psychology. In light of objective naturalistic language, it studies the causal components and processes of the genesis of evil, regardless of the latter’s social scope. 
discussions in moral philosophy - the study of right conduct - have failed to systematically investigate the origin, nature, and course of evil in a manner free from supernatural imaginings. Evil was often considered something to be endured rather than something that could be understood and eliminated by rational measures. And - as Lobaczewski demonstrates - the origin of evil actually lies outside the boundaries of the conventional worldview within which the earlier moral inquiries and literary explorations were conducted. Evil requires a truly modern and scientific approach to lay bare its secrets. This approach is called “ponerology”, the study of evil, from the Greek “poneros” = evil. The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski. Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication.
After half a century of suppression, this book is finally available.

Cassiopaea.org and Cassiopaea.com and Quantum Future.net are the websites founded by Theoretical Physicist Arkadiusz Jadczyk and his wife, amateur historian and writer, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

Quantum Future Physics is the website devoted to the work of Professor Jadczyk.  There you will find information relating to Event Enhanced Quantum Theory, Quantum Jumps, EEQT and the Five Platonic Fractals., Transdimensional Transfer Techniques, Jacques Vallee, Quantum Fractals , Critical notes on Richard Hoagland and Tom Bearden, Critical notes on Val Valerian's "Matrix III", ideas about Knowledge and Freedom, technical papers on  "Quaternions and Monopoles", and most exciting of all, the views of a theoretical physicist on Physics of the Mysterious

 The Dot Connector #11

Boycott Israel, Boycott the Banks!

The British Empire: A Lesson in State Terrorism - Pathocracy

Climate Change, Food Shortages and Economic Crisis

The Effects of the BP Oil Spill on the Environment and Health 

Survival in Times of Uncertainty – Growing Up in Russia in the 1990s

America the Ugly: How the U.S. Became a Militarist Police State 

Ghost in the Machine: Solar Flares, the Electrical Grid, and What It All Means to You 

The Trouble with Physicists 

The corruption of physicists falls off the radar screen of interest for the majority of the public. Perhaps this could be a reason why not much has been printed in the news media. The recent Climategate scandal is just one of the many stories reflecting such corruption. Many politicians do not care about the scientific truth, but instead about gaining more power and wealth. Many physicists do not care much about the blacklisting by the arXiv.org at Cornell University as long as it does not affect them... 

Witches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms (download free PDF!) 

Scape-goating was utilized to get rid of a lot of individuals who threatened the status quo – the control over the masses – and that included a great many strong, independent women.And so, today, we associate witches with Halloween, the end of October, and the anniversary of the destruction of nearly all life on Earth. It is just a variation on the 'Eve ate the apple and brought about the fall in Eden' story, created by psychopaths who hate women and all they stand for: Creation, Nurturing and Service to Others.

 Control of Uppity Women Behind Witchcraft Accusations?
Burying the Vegetarian Hypothesis

Gulf Coast Toxicity Syndrome: Alternative Medical Treatments
The average life span of a person who did cleanup on the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill is 51 years, meaning almost all of them are already dead, and many of those still alive complain of debilitating chronic disease. Today, almost forty thousand people are working in or around the Gulf of Mexico and a few million on shore are in harm's way, yet British Petroleum is not informing doctors nor making communications that help the public. The BP Gulf spill is at least an order of magnitude greater (possibly much more). As in the case with the Valdez spill, massive amounts of Corexit dispersant have been sprayed throughout the Gulf region...

The Evils of Gluten
First, Do No Harm
Winter is fast approaching in the northern hemisphere, and with it one of the scariest times of the year – flu vaccines are about to be aggressively pushed on the public by the pharmaceutical industry and medical authorities, supported by the usual hype and fear mongering by the media and complicit government authorities whose ties to the industry are becoming – shall we say – tricky, to say the least...
Magnesium: The Spark of Life
Search Google Like a Pro 

Current velocities of the Gulf Stream

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