RSS Feed Results from Opit's LinkFest! at My Opera
Blacklisted News
- Zoellick seeks gold standard debate Leading economies should consider readopting a modified global gold standard to guide currency movements, argues the president of the World Bank.
- World Bank signals that it and its cohorts control ...Consider Gold in Overhaul of Bretton Woods, World Bank Head Writes in FT
- Secret documents reveal that government-funded exp ...
- The rest of the world goes West when America print ...Last Wednesday was a hinge point in history. The United States decided to drop all pretence of being interested in leading – or even being part of – a coordinated global policy response to the most serious economic crisis in more than 70 years.
- Mom Kills Baby Over Facebook(tm) Farmville GameA Jacksonville mother charged with shaking her baby to death has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Alexandra V. Tobias, 22, was arrested after the January death of 3-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson. She told investigators she became angry because the baby was crying while she was playing a comp ...
The Intelligence Daily
- IntelFilter: November 8, 2010Clip Courtesy of Google Video Uploaded by Nimbus Studios, 4 years ago Related: World Oil Production...
- U.S. Eavesdropping on Whole World Through “Echelon ...By Sherwood Ross The United States and three of its good buddies are operating “a network of...
- Obama, Gates And Clinton In Asia: U.S. Expands Mil ...By Rick Rozoff President Barack Obama arrived in Mumbai, India on November 6 and announced $10...
- CIA Requires Secrecy To Cover Up Crimes That Kille ...By Sherwood Ross If the CIA routinely lies to the American people, maybe that’s because its...
- Will You Be Able To Heat Your Home This Winter? Mi ...By Michael T. Snyder Will you have a warm house to come home to this winter? If so, you should...
My AntiWar
- Another FOR Civilian Diplomacy Delegation from Uni ...Summary: Another FOR Civilian Diplomacy Delegation left the United States for Iran, on November 5th. Today, Monday, November 8th, the delegation of 11 U.S. peacemakers visited the Peace Museum of Tehran. The following reflection shares highlights of their experience at the museum. source: FORread ...
- George Bush’s memoirs reveal how he consider ...Summary: President BushBush, in the 497-page Decision Points, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian in advance of its publication in the US tomorrow, writes: “I directed the Pentagon to study what would be necessary for a strike.” He adds: “This would be to stop the bomb clock, at least temp ...
- Al-Shabaab Threatens to Attack Uganda, Burundi
- Russian Journalist Beaten Up, Second One in 2 Days
- DoD Says Afghan Handover in 2014 Realistic
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Another FOR Civilian Diplomacy Delegation from Uni ...Summary: Another FOR Civilian Diplomacy Delegation left the United States for Iran, on November 5th. Today, Monday, November 8th, the delegation of 11 U.S. peacemakers visited the Peace Museum of Tehran. The following reflection shares highlights of their experience at the museum. source: FOR ...
- George Bush's memoirs reveal how he considered att ...Summary: President Bush Bush, in the 497-page Decision Points, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian in advance of its publication in the US tomorrow, writes: "I directed the Pentagon to study what would be necessary for a strike." He adds: "This would be to stop the bomb clock, at least ...
- What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us about Iran?Summary: And therein lies the call for more caution in reading single-source U.S. government (in this case, military/ intelligence) reports—mistakes have been made before, and they left Iraq in a bloody shambles. Skepticism would be especially well-founded for the New York Times piece on Iran’s ...
- US senator sees 'confrontation' with China, war wi ...Summary: The United States faces a possible war with Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions and a "period of confrontation" with China over its currency, a top US lawmaker warned Saturday. source: AFP read more
- The Iranian quagmire: How to move forwardSummary: Behind Iran’s nuclear program is a national will that supports Tehran’s defense of its nuclear activities—even in the face of sanctions, international pressure, and military threats. Historic confrontations between the West (EU-3, and then the P5 + 1) and Iran have achieved negligible r ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Animal Navigation and Photosyntheisis Powered by Q ...Bird navigation, plant photosynthesis and the human sense of smell are all ways living things appear to exploit the oddities of quantum physics, scientists are finding. "Down at that level, everything is pretty darn weird," Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum...
- Have 'Dark Attractors' Shaped the Universe?The science community doesn't know what invisible matter, dark matter is, but they know that it (whatever "it" is) is there and that without dark matter there would be no galaxies, and hence stars, planets and life as we know...
- ISS-Based Astronauts Show Microgravity a HealthThr ...It appears that astronauts and future space travelers are at increased risks of suffering bone health due to microgravity, which raises serious problems for manned space exploration plans, researchers say, considering that a potential mission to Mars, for example, would...
- 'Super-Earths' May Lack a Magnetic Field -Exist as ...Rocky planets a few times heavier than Earth that were thought might be life-friendly may lack a protective magnetic field that originates from an iron core that is at least partly molten. A simulation of super-Earths between a few times...
- Image of the Day: Stanley Kubrick on Set of 2001 A ..."A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later. "If the film stirs the...
Natural News
- Boku Super Food releases first ever nutrition food ...(NaturalNews) The Boku Super Food company ( has released the world's first nutrition bar designed by health-conscious people. More specifically, this bar was designed by NaturalNews readers! Here's the amazing story... Back in 2008, after realizing there wasn't a really good nu ...
- Pilots Association urges airline pilots to opt out ...(NaturalNews) In yet another significant blow to the TSA's naked body scanners, the president of the Allied Pilots Association (APA) issued a letter urging all pilots to opt out of the naked body scanners, also known as Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT). "Backscatter AIT devices now being deployed p ...
- Happy Meal ban may not do much to actually cure ob ...(NaturalNews) By no means is a McDonald's Happy Meal a healthy food option for children. And marketing the junk food box with toys is a pretty low and unethical way to peddle cheap garbage to children. But San Francisco's recent decision to outlaw the Happy Meal -- unless it meets certain criteria - ...
- David Wolfe speaks out about diabetes, foods and h ...(NaturalNews) Living foods advocate and raw food pioneer David Wolfe speaks out about the root causes of diabetes and disease in an exclusive video just released by the Raw for 30 team. In it, David Wolfe talks about the five most important steps to detoxifying your body and giving it the nutrients ...
- Mobile phones may soon diagnose for STDs(NaturalNews) Young people already use their mobile phones to share their most personal details with those in their social circles, but a new project out of the U.K could take cell phone "intimacy" to a whole new level. According to a recent Guardian report, researchers are in the process of develop ...
Threat Level
- ‘Y2K Pimp’ Gets 12 Years for Recruiting Minor on M ...A self-described pimp who recruited a 16-year-old girl on MySpace then rented her out as a prostitute through escort websites was sentenced Monday to 12½ years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor. Marvin Chavelle Epps, 24, came to law enforcement’s attention in 2008 when a federal vice task for ...
- Corporate Cop’s Covert Video at Issue in Xbox Modd ...A California man facing trial on accusations he made a business of modifying the Xbox to play pirated games is urging a federal judge to exclude covertly videotaped evidence of him allegedly performing the deed. Defense attorneys contend that a private investigator with the Entertainment Software A ...
- Cooks Source Copyright Infringement Becomes an Int ...An internet firestorm is brewing over a small New England magazine accused of publishing recipes and articles lifted from the web without permission. The dust-up began when food blogger Monica Gaudio discovered that Cooks Source had published a 6-year-old online article she wrote about apple pie, ...
- Report: Banking Apps for Android, iPhone Expose Se ...A number of wireless banking applications for iPhone and Android phone users contain privacy and security flaws that cause the phones to store sensitive information in cleartext that could be gleaned by hackers, according to a report. The applications distributed by such top banks and financial ins ...
- White House Orders Standard Practices on Unclassif ...The White House released an executive order Thursday that aims to standardize how agencies handle unclassified information that carries statutory protections against dissemination. Such information — designated “controlled unclassified information,” or CUI — is currently handled in an ad hoc manne ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Republicans Throw Stones at Glass Debt Ceiling"Reagan proved," Vice President Dick Cheney famously said in 2002, "deficits don't matter." Not, that is, when a Republican is sitting in the White House. After all, Republicans were silent as the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan and doubled again under George W. Bush. As it turns out, t ...
- George W. Bush, Unrepentant War CriminalThe only thing worse than a war criminal is an unrepentant one. Sadly, that's the self-portrait George W. Bush will present this week with the release of his new memoir, Decision Points . As his new book apparently makes quite clear, Bush has no regrets about his regime of detainee torture that br ...
- Cowardly Republicans Now Hiding Behind Deficit Com ...This week, Republicans swept to power by promising to cut, in the words of Indiana's Mike Pence, " runaway federal spending ." But when it comes to putting taxpayers' money where their mouths are, Pence, incoming Speaker John Boehner, future Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Michele Bachmann and much of ...
- White House Raising White Flag on Bush Tax Cuts?Emerging from his midterm beat down, President Obama today instructed his cabinet to make a "sincere and consistent" effort to engage with Republican leaders instead promising " no compromise ." But if the President is looking for an issue to dig in his heels, it's ending the budget-busting, Bush t ...
- Turnout Woes Provided Final Nail in Democrats' Cof ...As Election Day approached, it was clear that Democrats were facing the perfect storm of a dismal economy, a media-driven backlash movement and President Obama's quixotic - and counterproductive - quest for bipartisanship. But even with the loss of independent voters, the Democrats mid-term beat do ...
Blackspot News Feed
- The Tea Party's Misinformation Superhighway Runs T ...I met Delaware Tea Party dynamo Christine O'Donnell in the "green room" set up for right-wing bloggers attending Americans for Prosperity's "Right Online" conference at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas in late July. The free-market-loving, climate-change-denying group launched by Kansas oil billionai ...
- Speaking in Tongues: Bilingual Education and Immig ..." America has evolved for the better. She will pretty much meet you on your terms. In fact, I think she has finally come to the conclusion that Blacks, Mexicans, Indians, etc. are here to stay. And the only way to perceive them is to accept them and their existence as valid. Acceptance, that's real ...
- Bicentennial Nothing to Celebrate, Say Indigenous ...Mexico City, Sep 24, 2010 - "I don't understand why we should celebrate [Independence]. There will be no freedom in Mexico until repression against indigenous peoples is eliminated," says Sadhana, whose name means "moon" in the indigenous Mazahua language. read more
- UntitledClick through to a video interview with the other Warren Ellis and Nick Cave. Scrub through to 6.10, to discover what Nick Cave thinks should happen to me. (Also, a nice plug for the French edition of my novel.)
- "Waiting for 'Superman'": A simplistic view of edu ...In the eyes of some education observers, "Waiting for 'Superman'" oversimplifies the problems facing US students and implies an education reform silver bullet for struggling public schools. read more
Consortium News
- Weak Left Led to Democratic DefeatThe American Left's lack of messaging to average Americans set the stage for the Republican comeback, says Lawrence Davidson. November 6, 2010
- Can Dems Reenergize the Youth Vote?The youth vote, which helped elect President Obama, was demoralized by Democratic spinelessness, observes William John Cox. November 6, 2010
- Zenyatta Races for HistoryThe six-year-old mare Zenyatta puts her historic 19-race winning streak on the line in the Breeder's Cup, notes Lisa Pease. November 6, 2010
- Taking America Back to the Gilded AgeRepublicans wax nostalgic about the economics of the early 20th Century, but William Loren Katz recalls that harsh reality. November 5, 2010
- America, Losing Hearts and MindsThe long US war in Afghanistan is devolving into a death-squad campaign against ill-definded Bad Guys, warns Jada Thacker. November 5, 2010
- :
- Alexander Cockburn : Autumn of the Driveler
- Carl Ginsburg : Life in the Low to Mid-Teens
- Alexander Cockburn : Loose-Lip McChrystal Did Obam ...
- Alexander Cockburn : He Should Have Kept His Mouth ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Saffa Valley November 7th arrests (PalestineSolid ...
- Israel permits increased settlement expansion (Al ...Israel has given the go-ahead for the construction of more than one thousand new settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem. The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee on Monday ...
- Night raid in Bil'in (Hamde Abu Rahme, Mondoweiss ...Today, November 9 at about 3:00 in the morning, the Israeli army entered the village of Bil'in. About 50 soldiers entered the village by jeep and foot. When they arrived at the two target ...
- Netanyahu pounds war drums (Jim Lobe, Inter Press ...Less than a week after Republicans made major gains in the U.S. midterm elections, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has called on President Barack Obama to "create a credible thr ...
- Bil'in 5.11.2010 (davidreeb)
Water - AlterNet
- Why Is Obama Cuddling Up to Karl Rove and His Gas ...Rove pronounced the movement for clean energy dead at a natural gas drilling conference. But a massive protest outside reveals just the opposite.
- BP Stock Rebounds, Media Moves on, But Gulf Reside ...Severe headaches, nausea, respiratory problems, burning eyes and throat, earache and chest pains -- and that's just the beginning.
- Midwest Mining Rush Threatens Water, Wildlife and ...The Great Lakes region is stormy, with harsh, blizzard-laden winters. These conditions do not bode well for preventing a dynamic and noxious reaction to metallic sulfide mining.
- Rescuing a River from RuinWater activists from around the world gathered to help Mexican villagers about to be submerged by a dam.
- Watch Out: The World Bank Is Quietly Funding a Mas ...Even though water privatization has been a massive failure around the world, the World Bank just quietly gave $139 million to its latest corporate buddy.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Veronica Valesquez: Solar Intern from Austin Colle ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Veronica majors in Environmental Studies and Cultural Anthropology
- Texas House Speaker Race Decided?Texas House Speaker Joe Straus of San Antonio (District 121) has released the names of 122 lawmakers who he says have pledged him their vote for speaker, giving him enough support for another term (of that number 79 of the 99 elected Republicans are included). Speaker Straus says he believes the ra ...
- Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz welcome party ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo: Tom "Smitty" Smith at Al Armendariz, the new Region 6 EPA Administrator welcome party in El Sol Y La Luna
- Week two of the Delay trial underwayLast week we wrote a little about what was happening in the early days of Tom Delay’s criminal trial. To recap and then sum up last week, in their opening statements, prosecutors said that Tom DeLay took part in a scheme to illegally channel corporate money into Texas legislative races in order to ...
- Rally to Restore Sanity in AustinCome join us tomorrow, Saturday morning, for a satellite rally of John Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” which is happening in Washington D.C. The festivities start at 11am and go till 2pm (a march against the death penalty starts at 3). Thousands will gather on the steps of the Texas Capitol bu ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- LHC generates a 'mini-Big Bang'The Large Hadron Collider has succeeded in creating a "mini-Big Bang" by smashing lead ions together. During the experiment scientists created tempera...
- The Bionic Man: 'we have the technology'From eye implants to prosthetic limbs we are coming ever closer to a real life bionic man. Scientists are devising more and more sophisticated artific...
- Did beer lead to the rise of civilization ?Archaeologists have suggested that beer may have played a vital role in the rise of civilization. It is thought that Stone Age farmers would have gone...
- Awakening spirits after an earthquakeA paranormal investigator has suggested that earthquakes can increase paranormal activity. Anton Heyrick who founded Christchurch Paranormal Investig...
- Are bees man's best friend ?Throughout the ages bees have proven time and again their potential to assist humanity. The ancient Mayans were some of the first people to harnass th...
- Indigenous Youth Find Opportunity at Homepociano-and-willy.jpg They cross borders to survive. Young people, like Ponciano Perez, 19, left, take the long north-bound journey from Mexico, seeking an opportunity in the United States. The trip can take several weeks or months. Without mo ...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and C ...mexico200605-012.jpg � � - - - - -� � Over a thousand women and men, farmers, indigenous people, urban and rural people affected by social and environmental destruction are planning to march in 5 caravans towards Cancun, Mexico, in protest aga ...
- International Caravans for Life, Resistance, and E ...mexico200605-012.jpg The Via Campesina, along with their member organization the National Union of Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations (UNORCA) – both Grassroots International partners – are organizing a march in Mexico for life and en ...
- Outrage in a Time of Cholerahaiti201005-142.jpg Many of us involved in the post-earthquake reality of Haiti have both feared and expected the kind of health crisis that recently surfaced in the news. In many ways, the seeming inevitability makes it all the more tragic – ...
- US Food Sovereignty Alliance Launches in New Orlea ...1._sign_-_food_sovereignty_yes.jpg Grassroots International’s global partners like the Via Campesina have frequently told us: “You have to work hard to change things in the U.S. for our hard work to bear real fruit.” In other words, for anothe ...
- Hillary Clinton: Don't Follow Us on Climate ChangeSource:� Xinhua U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is visiting Australia, urged countries to find ways to tackle climate change, despite the U.S. government's failure.
- Climate Scientists to Oppose Political Attacks fro ...Source:� McClatchy Faced with increasing political attacks, hundreds of climate scientists are joining a broad campaign to push back against congressional conservatives and go toe-to-toe with critics.
- Nuclear Bomb Material Found for Sale in GeorgiaSource:� Guardian Highly enriched uranium that could be used to make a nuclear bomb is on sale on the black market along the fringes of the former Soviet Union, according to evidence from a secret trial in Georgia.
- Swing State Dems Hold Cards on EPA VoteSource:� Politico A handful of Democrats will ultimately make or break efforts to block the Environmental Protection Agency�s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.
- Colorado Law Provides Incentives to Shutter Aging ...Source:� Denver Post The Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act, passed last spring, gives Xcel Energy financial incentives to cut pollution by closing or upgrading old coal plants or switching to natural-gas. Experts are watching.
- Johnson Controls Lands Contract to Cool Great Mosq ...Energy efficiency giant Johnson Controls Inc. has won a contract to provide an integrated building management system including state-of-the-art heating, ventilation and air conditioning at the Holy Mosque in Makkah, Saudia Arabia -- the largest mosque in the world.
- BSR 2010: Business for Scalable Responsibility� Although the theme of this year's BSR conference was "innovate, integrate, and inspire," sessions across all topics focused on the importance of scaling change to make the level of impacts needed around the world. �
- BSR 2010: Water Reporting's Rising TideAs water rises to the top of some companies' agendas, there's a flurry of activity taking place: companies taking stock of their water impacts, the various places it flows through their operations or supply chains, and even taking on efficiency measures. But how do you measure all this -- and repo ...
- Facebook's Latest Green Efforts Focus on Industry, ...In joining two industry energy-efficiency associations and launching a green-centric page on its website, the social network is promoting green behaviors both within the company and throughout its vast membership.
- Levi's New Jeans Design Cuts Water Use by 96 Perce ...By making simple changes to the jeans finishing process, Levi's has been able to dramatically reduce the water needed to produce each pair of jeans.
Reuters Global
- Between the lines: Obama’s comments on Kashm ...The history of relations between Pakistan and India suggests nothing will change soon despite President Barack Obama's encouraging words
- Clinton dispels bikini wrestling myths in Australi ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would like the world to know: the United States is not about wearing bikinis and wrestling all day.
- A review of Christian-Muslim conflict and a modest ...At a Christian-Muslim conference in Geneva this week, participants agreed to build a network for "peace teams" to intervene in crises where religious differences are invoked as the cause of the dispute.
- McCain sees India, U.S. teaming up against “ ...As President Obama begins his visit to India, his erstwhile rival John McCain is voicing hope that Washington and New Delhi will tighten up their military cooperation in the face of China's "troubling" assertiveness.
- “Collateral damage” grows in Mexico ...Rising civilian deaths at the hands of Mexico's military in the country's drug war put pressure on the government to reform corrupt police and prevent more tragedies.
Booman Tribune
- Casual Observation You know, Kayne West didn't say that President Bush was a racist. He said that President Bush didn't care about black people. You don't have to hate someone to not care about them. You don't have to feel superior to someone to not give a crap if they're drowning. If you're a sociopath, it's real ...
- Bush Book Comedy Gold!Hey, we know Bush didn't write his book, but at least he picked a great comedy ghost writer, one particularly good at satire . Want proof? Just read the following: A presidential aide, Andrew Card, tells Bush that a second plane has hit. The president looks as though he has been paralysed by sh ...
- The Fight for Equality Never WaitsOne group I have not criticized for their disappointment, impatience, or stinging criticism is the LGBT community. Some may be confused about their logic, but I think Martin Luther King Jr. put it best: Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was "well timed" in the view o ...
- Understanding What You ReadWhat's good for the nation is bad for The Nation . No weekly magazine tracked by the Media Industry Newsletter has lost more pages of advertising this year than The Nation . As of Nov. 8, ad pages were down 30 percent compared with last years figures, remarkable even though advertising accou ...
- The New CongressThe CQ/Roll Call Guide to the Next Congress (pdf) is out, and it makes for depressing reading. We've really elected a group of ideological misfits. It's a group of rodeo announcers, hog farmers, nursing home owners, car dealers, oilfield equipment CEO's, derivatives traders, lobbyists, congression ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 9 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1953 - death of...
- Monday Open ThreadAll things come......
- Divergent Economic Activity?A press release from the OECD today, based on its composite leading indicators (pdf), (that...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 8 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europe on this date in history:1977 - Manolis Andronikos,...
- Sunday Open ThreadYou can't always get what you want......
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
Therapy News
- Not Always Glowing: Depression and PregnancyA News Headline While postnatal/postpartum depression is well-known, a recent study finds that depression during pregnancy is more common than most think. Among all women, an estimated 10-16% experience depression, but a recent screening of pregnant women found that 23% were depresse ...
- Preventing Adult Mental Health Issues by Addressin ...A News Summary Perceptions of therapy and counseling are not without stereotype, and one of the most common misconceptions is that therapists will always blame an issue on the patients’ parents. While this is certainly an over-reach, it’s well documented that things we experience in ...
- From Chess to Vocabulary to Therapy, Sleep Helps u ...A News Headline Psychotherapy can be an exceptionally effective means of overcoming psychological roadblocks and changing unwanted patterns, both mental and behavioral. A new study on the mind and sleep suggests that getting a good night’s rest may help these lessons ‘stick.’ In the ...
- For Veterans, Some Mental Illnesses Bring Greater ...A News Headline Continual reports on PTSD and suicide within the military have engendered long-delayed awareness of the psychological needs of those who serve. Veterans who have been diagnosed with a mental illness are particularly prone to suicidal thoughts and actions, and statisti ...
- ThankfulnessBy Judith Barr, MS, LPC, Power: Healing to the Root Topic Expert Contributor Thankfulness. The real thing. Not just a practice to follow. Not just a routine. Not just an obligation. Not something that is forced. Not just to get something back by doing it. That’s a misuse of power. Thankfulness. The ...
Mountaintop Removal
- PNC to Stop Financing Mountaintop Mining Projects ...Wilkes Barre Times-Leader PNC to Stop Financing Mountaintop Mining Projects ABC News ... LOVAN AP PNC Bank says it will stop financing projects that extract coal using a controversial form of surface mining known as mountaintop removal . ... PNC will no longer finance mountaintop mining projects WY ...
- EnviroSphere | Oily Sands - Ubyssey OnlineUbyssey Online EnviroSphere | Oily Sands Ubyssey Online With the exception of the equally unethical and land-devastating mountaintop removal mining that's sweeping Eastern USA's Appalachian mountains, ...
- West Virgina Activists Risk Arrest, Plant Trees on West Virgina Activists Risk Arrest, Plant Trees on Mountaintop Removal Mining Site On Sunday afternoon, hundreds of West Virginians and their allies rallied on Kayford Mountain to protest the way that mountain top removal mining locations ... The Movement Against Mount ...
- PNC to stop mountaintop mining financing - Lebanon ...PNC to stop mountaintop mining financing Lebanon Daily News PNC Bank says it will stop financing projects that extract coal using a controversial form of surface mining known as mountaintop removal . ... and more��
- Mining-related film will show free at Lipscomb on ...Mining-related film will show free at Lipscomb on Wednesday The Tennessean “Deep Down,” a documentary about issues surrounding mountain top removal mining, will be shown at 8:30 pm, Nov. 10 at Lipscomb University, followed by a ...
- Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Faces Struggle i ...New York Times : Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Faces Struggle in Congress — WASHINGTON — Prospects for Congress to authorize repeal of the “don't ask, don't tell” policy face new uncertainties as time runs out for the Senate to act and strong objections remain among Republicans and the most ...
- Drive to Repeal 'Don't Ask' Policy All but Lost fo ...Laura Meckler / Wall Street Journal : Drive to Repeal 'Don't Ask' Policy All but Lost for Now — The drive in Congress to repeal the military's “don't ask, don't tell” policy appears all but lost for the foreseeable future, with action unlikely this year and even less likely once Republicans take ...
- Regulators flawed in foreclosure oversight (Zachar ...Zachary A. Goldfarb / Washington Post : Regulators flawed in foreclosure oversight — As foreclosures began to mount across the country three years ago, a group of state bank regulators suspected that some borrowers might be losing their homes unnecessarily. So the state officials asked the bigg ...
- MSNBC to Lift Olbermann Suspension on Tuesday (Bri ...Brian Stelter / New York Times : MSNBC to Lift Olbermann Suspension on Tuesday — Keith Olbermann will be allowed to resume his nightly program on MSNBC on Tuesday, the channel's president said Sunday night, after he was suspended for donating money to three Democratic candidates. — The policy ...
- Israel charges imam with incitement against Pope ( ...Ari Rabinovitch / Reuters : Israel charges imam with incitement against Pope — JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli authorities have charged the imam of a mosque in Nazareth with inciting violence against Pope Benedict and supporting al Qaeda and “global jihad,” the justice ministry said Sunday.
Energy & Environment News
- Talking Business: Unyielding, an Oligarch vs. Puti ...Mikhail Khodorkovsky has become, in the Putin era, a courageous dissident standing up to an authoritarian regime.
- Dead Coral Found Near Site of Oil SpillThe large swaths of darkened coral were almost certainly dying from exposure to toxins, scientists said.
- Obama to Face New Foes in Global Warming FightPresident Obama still hopes to curb air pollutants and eliminate multibillion-dollar tax breaks for the oil and gas industry, but now the administration faces more “nay” votes.
- Reuters Breakingviews: Rejecting Bid Sends Bad Sig ...Canada’s decision to reject a takeover bid for Potash could affect the country’s ability to attract capital.
- I.H.T. Special Report: Business of Green: Upcyclin ...In environmentally minded design, materials are used again and again to keep them out of landfills.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.4, Java, IndonesiaTuesday, November 9, 2010 07:03:31 UTC Tuesday, November 9, 2010 02:03:31 PM at epicenter Depth : 75.60 km (46.98 mi)
- M 5.3, northern AlaskaSunday, November 7, 2010 00:43:23 UTC Saturday, November 6, 2010 04:43:23 PM at epicenter Depth : 9.60 km (5.97 mi)
- M 5.0, VanuatuThursday, November 4, 2010 15:57:03 UTC Friday, November 5, 2010 02:57:03 AM at epicenter Depth : 75.50 km (46.91 mi)
- M 5.2, VanuatuThursday, November 4, 2010 03:48:48 UTC Thursday, November 4, 2010 02:48:48 PM at epicenter Depth : 206.10 km (128.06 mi)
- M 5.1, western TurkeyWednesday, November 3, 2010 02:51:27 UTC Wednesday, November 3, 2010 04:51:27 AM at epicenter Depth : 9.60 km (5.97 mi)
China Dialogue
- Low-carbon logicBeyond international efforts to cut carbon emissions, China has its own reasons for shifting to a green economy. It’s not a question of if, but how fast, writes Pan Jiahua. Low-carbon development in China is not just about reducing greenhouse-gas emissions to combat climate change. It is also an ess ...
- A structural problemLike many global cities, Hong Kong could radically cut its carbon emissions by making its buildings greener – but a regulatory black hole is hampering progress, writes Ina Pozon .In densely stacked Hong Kong, where seven million residents live on top of each other within a space of approximately 1 ...
- A lot to loseHong Kong’s economic success story could be swiftly undone if the government fails to respond to growing flood risks, argue Faith Chan, Adrian MacDonald and Gordon Mitchell. In July, a torrential rainstorm linked to Typhoon Chanthu slammed into Hong Kong. More than 150 millimetres of hammering rain ...
- From sham to realityChina’s existing “low-carbon cities” are mostly fakes, energy researcher Jiang Kejun tells Liu Jianqiang. For the sake of future economic strength, the government must give meaning to this slogan. Jiang Kejun, senior researcher at the National Development and Reform Commission’s Energy Research Inst ...
- Flickering beaconCalifornia’s environmental policies have signalled to China that – despite stalemate in Washington – Americans are interested in green progress. After a turbulent year, that message will fade without support from voters, writes Linden Ellis on US polling day. In 2005, a unique partnership between th ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- The Writing on the Wall: Calendar Portrays America ...Sometimes it takes a picture to drive home the the human suffering and the outright absurdities wrought by our 40-year-old war on drugs.
- What Keith Olbermann's Suspension Says About Our C ...If there is a silver lining in the action of MSNBC against Keith Olbermann, it is that people will now pay more attention to the political role of corporate media in America.
- Lady Gaga, Superstar: Her Valiant Efforts to Help ...The outrageous pop star has emerged as one of the most outspoken critics of DADT.
- Fed Creates Hundreds of Billions Out of Thin Air: ...The object of warfare is to take over a country's land, raw materials and assets. Today you can do it financially simply by creating credit.
- Cable Companies' $46+ Billion Robbery -- Subscribe ...The cable companies are diverting money that is intended to improve infrastructure into a black hole, creating a perpetual cash machine for greedy execs.
Threat Level
- ‘Y2K Pimp’ Gets 12 Years for Recruiting Minor on M ...A self-described pimp who recruited a 16-year-old girl on MySpace then rented her out as a prostitute through escort websites was sentenced Monday to 12½ years in prison for sex trafficking of a minor. Marvin Chavelle Epps, 24, came to law enforcement’s attention in 2008 when a federal vice task for ...
- Corporate Cop’s Covert Video at Issue in Xbox Modd ...A California man facing trial on accusations he made a business of modifying the Xbox to play pirated games is urging a federal judge to exclude covertly videotaped evidence of him allegedly performing the deed. Defense attorneys contend that a private investigator with the Entertainment Software A ...
- Cooks Source Copyright Infringement Becomes an Int ...An internet firestorm is brewing over a small New England magazine accused of publishing recipes and articles lifted from the web without permission. The dust-up began when food blogger Monica Gaudio discovered that Cooks Source had published a 6-year-old online article she wrote about apple pie, ...
- Report: Banking Apps for Android, iPhone Expose Se ...A number of wireless banking applications for iPhone and Android phone users contain privacy and security flaws that cause the phones to store sensitive information in cleartext that could be gleaned by hackers, according to a report. The applications distributed by such top banks and financial ins ...
- White House Orders Standard Practices on Unclassif ...The White House released an executive order Thursday that aims to standardize how agencies handle unclassified information that carries statutory protections against dissemination. Such information — designated “controlled unclassified information,” or CUI — is currently handled in an ad hoc manne ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Conan O'Brien returns to TV in downsized roleLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former "Tonight Show" host Conan O'Brien returned to television on Monday, more than nine months after he lost his coveted network job, and poked fun at his downsized gig on a cable channel.
- China keeps up tough talk as G20 summit nearsSEOUL (Reuters) - China warned on Tuesday that U.S. easy money could destabilize the global economy and inflate asset bubbles, keeping up the pressure on Washington just two days before the start of a G20 leaders summit.
- Obama warms ties with Indonesia; volcano may cut t ...JAKARTA (Reuters) - President Barack Obama arrived in Jakarta on Tuesday for a visit aimed at boosting U.S. security and trade ties with Indonesia, and using the most populous Muslim nation to reach out to the wider Islamic world.
- Incoming small town Mexico mayor kidnapped, killedMEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A mayor-elect from the Mexican state of Veracruz was kidnapped and killed along with two companions on Monday, local media reported.
- BP, firms did not shirk safety for money: panelWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House oil spill commission said on Monday it found no evidence to support accusations that the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history happened because workers for BP Plc and its partners cut corners to save money, mostly blaming the accident on a series of on-sit ...
- Scandinavians launch probes into US spying activit ...Norway, Sweden and Denmark have launched official investigations into media reports that accuse US embassies in Scandinavian countries of operating illegal intelligence gathering networks. Continue reading →
- Bulgarian spy services intercept PM assassination ...A conspiracy to assassinate the Prime Minister of Bulgaria has been intercepted in its planning stage by the countryâs intelligence services, according to information published yesterday in the Bulgarian press. Continue reading →
- News you may have missed #449Damning report on CIA attack on missionary plane. Israeli legislators call on US to release Jewish spy. Analysis: Britain's MI6 operates a bit differently than CIA. Continue reading →
- Taiwan grapples with ‘largest military spy scandal ...Two Taiwanese double agents have been arrested in Taipei, in connection with what one newspaper editorial described as the most serious case of military espionage to hit the country in two decades. Continue reading →
- Israel intel chief hints at role in Syrian nuclear ...Israelâs outgoing senior military intelligence chief has implied that Israel had a role in a mystery 2007 bombing of an undisclosed Syrian government facility, which is widely believed to have been a nuclear reactor. Continue reading →
After Downing
- Israeli and American Rankings on Violence and Corr ...Israeli and American Rankings on Violence and Corruption - by Stephen Lendman Launched in May 2007, the Global Peace Index (GPI) ranks nations according to peacefulness. Its 2010 report includes 149 countries, graded on the basis of "ongoing domestic and international conflict, safety and security i ...
- To Armistice Days, Past and FutureBy David Swanson At 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, make a toast to Armistice Day, the official end of World War I, a war the United States fought in for less time than President Obama and the 111th Congress have kept the fighting going in Afghanistan and Iraq. Armistice Day is a better ...
- OHIO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SPEAK OUT AGAINST WAR CRI ...By Curt Wechsler From Fire John Yoo | Original Article About 15 protesters wearing black bags over their heads sat silently through professor John Yoo's lecture forum yesterday at Baker Center Theater. The lecture, which is part of the Washington Forum, is titled "Crisis and Command" after Yoo's m ...
- David Swanson to Speak, Lead Discussion at Screeni ...Bestselling author David Swanson's new book is not yet published, but he will have 20 copies to sign and sell at this first event of a new book tour. Swanson will speak at this Wednesday's screening of The Tillman Story at the Naro Cinema in Norfolk, Va. (7:30 p.m., Nov. 10, 2010). WAR IS A LIE a ...
- PROTEST WAR CRIMINAL GEORGE W. BUSH'S BOOK PROMOTI ...There is an attempt to rebrand war criminal George W. Bush images as he tours the country touting his new memoir, "Decision Points." Starting Nov.9, Bush will be in Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, California & Tennessee. Join in protesting Bush's appearances. (Note these are appearances excep ...
Grist - News
- Big exciting news about building codes. No, reallyby Jonathan Hiskes. Since nothing much happened this week, I thought I'd write about something really exciting: building codes! Building officials from around the U.S. voted to beef up the energy efficiency standard in the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code by a tidy 30 percent for new ...
- Obama lukewarm on using EPA authority to rein in c Agence France-Presse. WASHINGTON -- The Republicans' victory in Tuesday's elections has all but doomed prospects for a national plan to battle climate change, but President Barack Obama voiced hope Wednesday of finding areas of cooperation. Leaders of the Republican Party, which swept back in ...
- Climate change and consumerism are biggest threats Agence France-Presse. UNITED NATIONS -- The warming Earth and the globalized consumer society are becoming the biggest threats to future wealth and happiness, the United Nations said Thursday. Rich countries "need to blaze the trail" on making economic growth less dependent on fossil fuels ...
- Oregon to help Iraqi universities build green engi Jonathan Hiskes. For all the hand-wringing about America's waning influence around the world, it still wields a lot of influence around the world (profound, huh?). The forms of 21st-century living pioneered here aren't just about fixing the U.S., they're about providing models that other cou ...
- Nissan sells out of electric Leaf before it hits U Agence France-Presse. DETROIT -- U.S. consumers looking to get Nissan's all-electric Leaf will have to wait another year, after dealers sold this year's entire shipment before the zippy sedan even hit showrooms, the Japanese automaker said Monday. Nissan dealers have collected more than 20,0 ...
Popular Bookmarks on
- YouTube - Simpsons
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Jeff Gordon Practices Kung Fu on Jeff BurtonNascar drivers throw a few punches after big crash.
- Chilean Miner, Edison Pena, Finishes NY City Marat ...He ran in the cave to beat destiny.
- Kanye West Performs for Delta Airlines FlightKanye West performs a capella for a captive audience.
- Red Shirt Guy Gets Auto-Tune TributeBlizzcon's Red Shirt Guy gets the Auto-Tune treatment.
- TV Ceremony Shows Why "Black Girls Rock"African American female stars of film, music, and television were on hand for the “Black Girls Rock” ceremony.
Time - Top Stories
- Afghanistan: Is the U.S. Military Succeeding in Ka ...The American military has been spinning the Kandahar campaign as a successful one. But maybe because it's no longer the Taliban's fighting season. What might spring bring?
- Judging Bush: The Ex-President Begins His Media Bl ...The hardest part of covering the White House is portraying the banality of the human being presiding at the heart of the sprawling executive branch of American government.
- Israel Presses the U.S. to Get Confrontational wit ...Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says sanctions are not working and urges a 'credible' threat of force against Tehran. President Obama's domestic political woes could play to Netanyahu's advantage
- Can Sarkozy Rebound from France's Pension Battle?With protests against pension reform flagging, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is looking to mend his relationship with public opinion -- starting with a Cabinet shuffle
- Samsung Galaxy Tab Review: Tablet Takes On Apple's ...Apple's first real competition in the tablet market comes from a contender with its own intriguing, if unpolished, personality
Washington Independent
- Lack of trust may derail DISCLOSE Act in lame duckHouse Republicans have no intention of bringing the DISCLOSE Act to the floor once they take control in January, so the best chance of passage is now. But the hurdles are high.
- Reilly blames ‘culture of complacency’ ...In closing remarks after a marathon meeting of the national oil spill commission, co-chairman William Reilly blamed a “culture of complacency” for the massive Gulf oil spill. He placed blame both on the oil industry for not adequately self-regulating and on Congress for underfunding the Minerals Man ...
- GOP creates new leadership position to satisfy Tea ...Greg Sargent reports that the GOP may yet come up with a way to satisfy the Tea Party’s demands for representation among the Republican leadership. How? By creating a new position called “representative of the incoming freshman class”: A GOP aide tells me that the decision has been made to create th ...
- Markey raises doubts about spill commission’ ...It was only a matter of time before somebody pushed back against assertions by staff for the national oil spill commission today that there is no evidence that BP or any other company involved with the Macondo well blowout sacrificed safety in order to save money. Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), in a ...
- Tea Party largely frozen out of GOP transition tea ...The plot lines in the battle for control of the soul of the Republican Party just got thicker today with the announcement by transition chair Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) of the members of his transition team. Not only did Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) not make the cut while her competitor for GOP co ...
Digg Green
- Scientists study corn to unlock DNA mystery ...Scientists still don't know why cells with the same genome can have different traits. But that's the puzzle that Florida State University and Florida A&M University biologists are looking to solve with a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation.
- Scientists Turn Skin Into Blood It may seem like the stuff of science fiction, but scientists now believe they can transform human skin cells into blood cells. That means getting a blood transfusion as part of surgery or to treat cancer could be as simple as borrowing a patch of skin off your own body.
- 'Super-hero' material stretched into a possib ...It's the Clark Kent of oxide compounds, and -- on its own -- it is pretty boring. But slice europium titanate nanometers thin and physically stretch it, and then it takes on super hero-like properties that could revolutionize electronics, according to new research.
- Meet BigDog the Quadrupedal Packbot: a Soldie ...BigDog is a quadrupedal packbot designed to go anywhere a human or animal can go but where a wheeeled or tracked vehicle can't, all whilst carrying heavy weight without compromising performance.
- Researcher: Fish numbers triple after oil spi ...Ongoing research suggests the federal closure of the richest portion of the Gulf to all fishing through the spring and summer months resulted in dramatic increases in the abundance of numerous marine creatures, from shrimp to sharks.
Invisible Opportunity
- Video Interview – Catherine Austin Fitts: Th ...
- Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold ...By Eli Rika WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives: 1. Rapid onset of “collapse” 2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor – a second before the building’s destruction 3.Symmetrical “structural fa ...
- Morningland Dairy: 50,000 Pounds Of Cheese To Be D ...By Doreen Hannes The issues that brought a tiny Missouri farmstead cheese plant to the forefront in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s war on raw dairy continue to expand, and trouble. As a wise man once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” The intrigue doesn’t dissipate at all with the incr ...
- Al Qaeda Presence NOT CredibleBy Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor The people of Yemen simply don’t believe in Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, and for good reason. When Abdullah al-Faqih, professor of political science at Sana University told the New York Times, “We cannot differentiate between what is propaganda and what is r ...
- TSA agents gone wild: fondling little children, pl ...By Mike Adams TSA agents stand accused today of fondling the genitals of women and little children as part of their “enhanced pat-down” procedures being rolled out at airport security checkpoints. Today, Michelle, an employee working at the Alex Jones’ InfoWars studios, has gone public with accusati ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- The Writing on the Wall: Calendar Portrays America ...Sometimes it takes a picture to drive home the the human suffering and the outright absurdities wrought by our 40-year-old war on drugs.
- Massachusetts Voters Ready To Legalize Marijuana I ...Strong signs that Massachusetts is ready to legalize marijuana in 2012.
- Ram Dass Has a Son!Ram Dass was working on his new book, "I believe you may be the father of my older brother."
- How Pot Friendly Yuppie Parents Help Sink Legaliza ...Why did a large number of adults vote against CA's prop 19? Because of the existing reform legalization.
- Marijuana Legalization: Not If, But WhenCalifornia's Proposition 19 didn't win a majority of votes, but it already represents an extraordinary victory for the broader movement to legalize marijuana.
Twilight Earth
- Jeff Siegel wins Election Day Caption Contest!Sadly, Jeff Siegel from came up with this funny yet negative, caption (albeit, for a negative image). However, I’m sure Jeff would be the first to tell us (and I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY agree) that if we all invested our action and money in clean energy our choices would be less depressi ...
- Election Day Cartoon Caption ContestPlease add your caption in the comments section below. Winner will be chosen on Friday and the cartoon will be posted again with caption and credit to the winner. Note: The winning caption will be selected from all participating websites: Wend Greenery, Ecopolitology, Twilight Earth, PlanetSave an ...
- Tea Party Actually Started by Two British Comedian ...Jokes on us. Those blokes from across the pond sure do give their all for a joke! View all of Joeâs political/environmental cartoonery at Updates on Twitter at @GreenCartoons Related posts:Republican Energy Plan (cartoon) Can’t Spell HATE Without T-E-A (cartoon) Tea Partier ...
- Republican Energy Plan (cartoon)Same old same old from the right side of the aisle. As Treehugger columnist, Brian Merchant recently shared, “they are the only major political party of any democracy in the world that gets away with denying climate science.” Scary. More on the ever-tan Mr. Boehner: John Boehner on the Issues (sc ...
- Here Comes Trouble (cartoon)Recent news of the habitable planet that circles a star called Gliese 581, and the ensuing article in the Huffington Post, by James Napoli inspired this little cartoon. The news is also reminiscent of one of my favorite children’s books Wump World, by Bill Peet. Look out Wumps! Here we come! New ...
- World’s Greenest Whiskey Distillery Unveiled in Sc ...Scotland has a long history of whiskey production and now the industry is brewing up a green future as drinks giant Diageo recently unveiled their £40 million environmentally friendly Roseisle Distillery in Elgin. As the first distillery to be built in Scotland in 30 years, this innovative project d ...
- UK Could Fund First Natural Gas Carbon Capture Pla ...Carbon capture and storage (CCS), a technique to bury CO2 emissions from industrial sources underground, is still an emerging technology. It’s mostly used in coal plants, but the UK announced this week that projects interested in using CCS for natural gas plants will now be able to apply for govern ...
- LED Installation Sheds Light on the Plight of Enda ...Each autumn thousands of Starlings flock to the UK to spend the winter. This natural phenomena creates wonderfully fluctuating shapes known as murmurations, where the Starlings meet together before settling to roost. Designer Claire Potter wanted to highlight the importance of one roosting site – th ...
- iPad and Laptop Bubble Sleeve Made from 100% Wool ...While you wonât get the oh-so-gratifying “pop” with this bubble packaging, the Bubble Dot Sleeve features a smart eco-friendly design that boosts its ability to protect your prized laptop or iPad. Made from 100% wool felt, each sleeve has been fashioned with both a flat and a molded side with protec ...
- Bamboo and Paper Pendant Lamp Tells a “Story of Li ...Victor Vetterlein recently unveiled a new pendant lamp that showcases biodegradable materials and eco-friendly construction techniques. Dubbed “Study of Life”, the lamp consists of two concentric forms made from bamboo and paper. Read the rest of Bamboo and Paper Pendant Lamp Tells a “Story of Life ...
Pogue's Posts
- New Mac Airs: Beautiful and UsableSmall, light and chic commands a price premium. But at least with the new 13-inch Mac Air, you're not also paying a speed penalty. Think of the 11-incher as an iPad with a keyboard.
- Quick Fixes for Windows Phone 7A couple of simple fixes for the things that Microsoft Windows Phone 7 software didn't quite get to.
- A Love Letter to a CameraDavid Pogue describes his affection for what he says is the best pocket camera on the market, the Canon Powershot S95.
- Office for Mac Isn't an ImprovementOffice 2011 for Mac is a big step backward. The new Outlook is the biggest disappointment.
- Farewell, GOOG-411On Nov. 12, Google will turn off its free, voice-activated directory-assistance service forever. There are several options for those intending to soldier on in the post-GOOG-411 world.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Hurricane Forecasts Can Be Made Years in AdvanceThe parade of storms that pummels the western fringe of the North Atlantic every year just got a bit more predictable. Scientists say they have developed a way to forecast how many Atlantic hurricanes there will be — not just for the upcoming year, as some groups already do each spring, but for sev ...
- Video: Hubble Helps Fast-Forward the Motion of Sta ...To human eyes, stars seem like some of the most unmoving objects in the universe. From the perspective of thousands of years, however, they swarm like bees, as shown in this video based on Hubble observations.
- Cassini Camera Stops Shooting SnapsNASA’s Cassini orbiter, the powerhouse producer of mind-blowing Saturn photos, unexpectedly put itself into “safe mode” at 7 pm EDT on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Engineers still don’t know why. The craft automatically triggers its safe mode settings whenever something happens that requires attention from mis ...
- Poll: Should Geoengineering Go Forward?Over the last few years, intentionally manipulating Earth’s climate on a planetary scale has gone from a fringe idea to a possibility debated by mainstream scientists. That’s worried a lot of people, and last week the practice was informally placed off-limits by 193 nations. The moratorium, enacted ...
- Food Bacteria Can Hijack Sexual Behavior of FliesBy John Timmer, Ars Technica People tend to focus on Darwin’s ideas about natural selection, but he also spent a portion of The Origin of Species discussing another powerful evolutionary force: sexual selection. If a species prefers to mate with members that have a specific trait — bright plumag ...
The Progressive Realist
- Progressive National Security PoliciesI've been bantering with Great Satan's Girl Friend about various national security issues for the past year, and interestingly, she's one of the few conservative bloggers out there who's seriously interested in exchanging thoughts and ideas on the issues. In particular, I like to point out the down ...
- India on the Security Council? Not LikelyYou may have heard that President Obama is in India. You may have also heard he explicitly stated his support for India’s ascension to a permanant Security Council seat . A few thoughts: 1) It’s probably important to keep in mind that India will not become a permanent member of the Security C ...
- Stuxnet: First Physical Weapon in Cybered Conflict ...Stuxnet is the first publicly known crossover cyber-to-concrete weapon and, with its success, the era of cybered conflict has officially arrived. This malicious software hit Iran’s nascent contested nuclear reactors in situ this year, disrupting their final completion into full operations. In so d ...
- Gates Says He Supports Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t ...At a press availability en route to Melbourne, Australia, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told reporters that he would like Congress to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in the lame duck session but was “not sure what the prospects for that are “: Q: (Laughs.) Yes, exactly, ours, [inaudible] one in ...
- Meet the New Boss: Little Change in US-India Relat ...As President Obama travels through Asia, one has to ruminate on the unending similarities between this administration's foreign policy and the former administration's foreign policy. Here's a recent observation in the Washington Post : Obama's decision to support India's membership to the 46-natio ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Elections Have Consequences.Most Republican elites, I've assumed for the past two years, saw an opportunity in the "Tea Party movement" to rally conservatives for the big November finish, even if it meant a few unelectable candidates spoiled some races. And then there were candidates who were lumped together with the Tea Part ...
- Mad About Bailouts? Blame Congress, and Yourself. Fresh from inauguration in February 2009, President Barack Obama faced an ongoing financial crisis. Something had to be done, and after the debacle that was obtaining the initial TARP funding, he knew there was little stomach for it Congress. Matt Yglesias walks you through where he went from there ...
- The Little Picture: Backing India.President Barack Obama , on a visit to India, announced that the United States would back India's bid to be a member of the United Nation's security council. Above, the room where the council meets. (Flickr/ digitalexander's photostream)
- The Forgotten Diseases of Poverty.Among the many bills passed by the House and stuck in the Senate is a bill that would require the secretary of Health and Human Services to track America's forgotten diseases, which mostly still affect isolated and poor communities, and recommend funding for eradicating them. The diseases include pa ...
- Fighter, Conciliator, or Scold?Robert Kuttner says that with a conservative Congress, Obama can invoke Truman , Clinton , or Carter . Democrats are suffering voter retribution because during Obama's first two years, they seemed to be in charge, though often only on paper. But over the next two years, the president will be even l ...
- With All The Ginned Up Anti-Obama Fervor, The Repu ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH The Senate was theirs for their taking --- If they did that, they'd really be bragging But they let it slip through their fingers & Can blame it all on too much tea bagging. ...
- Gerson and Colson Urge Religious Right Activists t ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH Michael Gerson, President Bush's former speechwriter, and Chuck Colson, former Watergate felon and currently a respected leader on the Religious Right, are both urging conservative evangelical Christians to stay actively involved in politics. Gerson suggests they do pol ...
- Fallout From The 2010 Mid-Term ElectionsTONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Get set for two more years of partisan shrieking After many Democrats were rudely shown out And then --- after nothing but pure gridlock --- The bums who got tossed in will get thrown out. read more
- Dr. J.'s BF Commentary No. 157: US Fascism Not? W ...One short definition (mine) of fascism is: "Fascism is a politico-economic system in which there is: total executive branch control of both the legislative and administrative powers of government; no independent judiciary; no Constitution that embodies the Rule of Law standing above the people w ...
- Olbermann Responds, Says He 'Knew Nothing' of 'Inc ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT Released on November 8 by Keith Olbermann to Viewers of Countdown: I want to sincerely thank you for the honor of your extraordinary and ground-rattling support. Your efforts have been integral to the remedying of these recent events, and the results should remind us of the po ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The self-absorption of America's ruling classParty elites whine anonymously to Politico about trivial slights by Obama
- Lawrence O'Donnell vehemently denies his own wordsThe notion that Democrats lost because they were "too liberal" is a vapid cable-news platitude
- Greenwald vs. O'Donnell on MSNBC's "Morning Joe"Salon writer Glenn Greenwald argues that voters gave Democrats the boot because they wanted more change, not less
- Progressives, Obama and the Democratic PartyOn MSNBC, discussing the choices facing the Left
- Terrorism and civil liberties speechSpeaking at the University of Wisconsin on the Obama presidency
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Pandemic flu watch resultsRegular Sciencebase readers may recall that my family and I were recruited and took part in the participation in the 2009/2010 Flu Watch Project. During the whole period of the study we had just one cold or flu-like illness in the family, which was rather unusual for us. Personally, I almost reached ...
- Airbus A380 engine failureA380 engine failure – Qantas flight 32 en route to Sydney, Australia, forced to make an emergency landing after an engine failure. Qantas has grounded all of its Airbus A380 “superjumobo” fleet as a result. There are 20 other A380s around the globe that have the same Rolls Royce engines as Qantas fl ...
- It’s a bug’s lifeI briefly review Daniel Marlos’ latest book, Curious World of Bugs, in Six Sexy Science Books. But, I wanted to know more about the book and so offered Marlos a few questions on which he might wax lyrical. What makes bugs such a fascinating subject? Bugs make such a fascinating subject because they ...
- Shrinking synchrotrons, stink bugs, odour vieShrinking synchrotrons – Details of a tabletop synchrotron device has been revealed by an international team of scientists in the journal Nature Physics. The new device could revolutionise X-ray work and preclude the need for large-scale synchrotrons in many structural studies without compromising r ...
- Latest science snippetsShampoo in your eyes – Botanical extracts added to shampoos almost never do anything at all and are usually there purely and simply to make the product look more natural. They are used at very low levels indeed. Expensive shampoo is a waste of money as is the cheap stuff you buy by the gallon. [. ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Cecile Richards and Bill McKibben Announced as Rec ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 9, 2010 Nation Institute The Nation Institute announced today that Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards, and author, educator, and environmentalist Bill McKibben have both been chosen to receive the annual $100,000 Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship. ...
- Sanders Statement on Olbermann Suspension FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2010 Senator Bernie Sanders “It is outrageous that General Electric/MSNBC would suspend Keith Olbermann for exercising his constitutional rights to contribute to a candidate of his choice. This is a real threat to political discourse in America and will have ...
- Federal Court Refuses To Throw Out Challenge To Gu ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2010 ACLU A federal appellate court today sent a lawsuit challenging the unlawful detention of Guantánamo prisoner Mohamedou Ould Salahi back to district court for further review. In March, the district court had ordered Salahi released from Guantánamo because t ...
- ACLU and CCR in Court Monday in Washington, D.C. f ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2010 ACLU and Center for Constitutional Rights The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the American Civil Liberties Union will be in federal court in Washington, D.C. on Monday, November 8 at 2 p.m. EST for arguments in their case challenging the governmen ...
- Statement: Chad Stone, Chief Economist, on the Oct ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2010 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Today’s employment report contains much better news on job creation than expected, but it does not change the underlying fact that the economic recovery remains weak and the economy needs a boost. For the tenth straight ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Morning Again in America – for Islamophobesby Tom Engelhardt Almost two years and one disastrous election later, we're still waiting for the other Barack Obama to make an appearance, and from the gab coming out of Washington right now, it looks like we'll be twiddling our thumbs a bit longer (if not forever). Once again, the sweet talk of c ...
- Of Irony and Implosionby David Michael Green I guess if you're gonna go down, you might as well do it with style. And I guess if you can't do it with style, you might as well do it with irony. Even if it is of the comedic sort. And even if the joke's on you. read more
- Obama Was Used, And Is Now Used Upby Robert Freeman Barack Obama was used. Of course, he knew he was being used when he made the deal. But what he didn't know was how quickly he would be used up. Now he has to face two years of humiliation knowing that he betrayed the people and the country he claimed to champion - and knowing th ...
- Obama’s Pathetic Post-Mortem Responseby Matthew Rothschild The President's post-mortem press conference underscores why he lost, and why progressives should no longer invest hope in him. While he accepted responsibility for the defeat, and while he acknowledged that people were "frustrated" and wanted "their jobs to come back faster," ...
- No Appetite for Prosecution: In Memoir, Bush Admit Andy Worthington With just days to go before George W. read more
Newshoggers - AfPak
- USS Make Shit Up goes to AfghanistanBy Steve Hynd Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish Thats the way we do things lad, we're making shit up as we wish The Klingons and the Romulans pose no threat to us 'Cause if we find we're in a bind we're totally screwed but nevermind We'll pull something out of our behinds, ...
- When We Wonder About Afghan CorruptionBy Steve Hynd Let's try to remember that creating a situation where pots of cash are washing about with no accountability, no oversight and no record-keeping is always going to create a culture of corruption. The US government has spent about $55bn on rebuilding in Afghanistan since 2001 but cannot ...
- Gorby on Afghanistan: Victory is ImpossibleBy Steve Hynd The man who withdrew his nation's troops from Afghanistan, Mikhail Gorbachev, is pessimistic about America's adventure there, telling the BBC that a US victory "is impossible there". He added that the mess is, to a great extent, America's own fault. "We had hoped America would abide by ...
- Taliban Talks: After The Hype, The PullbackBy Steve Hynd Last week, the media was full of stenography of the official narrative that the awesomely Saintly General Petareus and his surge(tm) were forcing the Taliban to the negotiating table and the insurgency was in its last throes, with success just around the corner etc. etc. That was until ...
- A One Trick PonyBy Steve Hynd Andrew Exum, known as Abu Muqawama, is a fellow at the neoliberal, interventionist mothership - the Center for a new American Security. As such, he's a fairly influential voice within the D.C. "serious people" foreign policy set. So you'd think he could do better than his summary of th ...
Water Wars
- What's happenin'• The Montana Tech Peace Seekers Club will show “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Butte Public Library. The film won the best environmental film award at the Vancouver Int
- Water supply woesDuring the Tampa Bay water wars of the 1990s, one Pinellas County commissioner famously announced, "Keep the Suwannee River cold, because we're coming for it."
- Southwest Montana SnapshotsDocumentary on water wars shown Tuesday at library
- First Friday Films presents 'Blue Gold'Today, Nov. 5, "First Friday Films" at the American Memorial Park will present Blue Gold: World Water Wars, a film about the conflicts arising from the world's dwindling freshwater supply. Screening will be held at the Visitors Center at 6:30pm.
- First Friday Films presents 'Blue Gold'Today, Nov. 5, "First Friday Films" at the American Memorial Park will present Blue Gold: World Water Wars, a film about the conflicts arising from the world's dwindling freshwater supply. Screening will be held at the Visitors Center at 6:30pm.
WordPress | Economics
- Bank Chiefs Say Growth in Economies Is Still Uneve ...BASEL, Switzerland — Central bank chiefs warned Monday that economic growth remained uneven, e
- QE2 - Một số vấn đề về Chính sách tiền tệQE2 – Má»t sá» vấn Äá» vá» ChÃnh sách tiá»n tá» Thế giá»i hiá»n nay Äang nóng ran vá»i viá»c Fed tung gó
- The Global Crisis: Rethinking Economy and SocietyGlobal Crisis THE GLOBAL CRISIS: RETHINKING ECONOMY AND SOCIETY December 3–5 2010 Part of 3CT’s Econ
- Download MyoutofcontrolteenResponsible for Placing the house Loyal – love of children's! We Want to Give Parents The
- Is It Fair That So Much of Wealth is Accumulated i ...Also, on This Week with Christiane Amanpour, Amanpour asked one of her conservative elected guests (
Electronic Intifada
- Audio: Highlights from Montreal BDS conferenceMore than 600 activists from Quebec, Canada, and the United States gathered in Montreal from 22-24 October for a weekend-long conference on growing the boycott, divestment ...
- Sebastia's living community sidelined for ancient ...One can find very different leaflets about the same place: Sebastia, an outrageously pretty little West Bank village which you'd never guess was once a major city, the capi ...
- The loyalty oath and Israel's Zionist "left"The Zionist "Left" is distancing itself from a loyalty oath bill on the Israeli government's table, but the proposed oath is entirely consistent with Israel's racist founda ...
- Plea deal "only option" for political prisoner Ame ...After spending nearly six months in jail, Palestinian political prisoner Ameer Makhoul signed a plea agreement with Israeli state prosecutors on 27 October. The deal involv ...
- UN will be judged on whether it upholds Palestinia ..."It is time, after 43 years, to acknowledge the intolerable burdens of prolonged occupation on a civilian population." In his last report to the United Nations General Asse ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Afghan war could spill over into Pakistan, India, ...Islamabad and New Delhi need to give peace a chance as 'a civil war in Afghanistan post-US withdrawal...will spill over into both Pakistan and India, leading to a widening of the war', a Pakistani daily said.
- NATO soldier, 15 insurgents killed in Afghan clash ...A roadside bomb killed a NATO soldier in eastern Afghanistan, while 15 suspected Taliban militants and two civilians died elsewhere in the country, officials said Monday.
- Taliban call on US to send fact-finding team to un ...The Taliban has called on the US Congress to send a "fact-finding mission" to Afghanistan for investigating what they called the lies and propaganda spread by American military chiefs to prolong the war in the country.
- U.S. concerns grow as militants move bases along P ...A militant network that is a major Western adversary in Afghanistan is expanding its reach into tribal badlands outside its longtime sanctuary in Pakistan, a move that could complicate U.S. efforts to eradicate the group.
- Majority of Afghans back talks with Taliban, poll ...An overwhelming majority of Afghans support the government's efforts to negotiate peace with Taliban insurgents, according to a poll released Tuesday that ranks insecurity as the top concern among cit...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy: Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate tow ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor that h ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of years ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...] Follow ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
on Government Oversight
- Don’t Be Afraid of the Congressional Oversight Bog ...While many in DC are crying into their beers or measuring the windows of their new offices, POGO has a different take on the election. We have been hearing a lot of talk from both Democrats and Republicans characterizing "oversight"...
- FAPIIS: The Motion PictureThere is still no word on when the government’s new contractor responsibility database, the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS), will be posted on a public web site as required by the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2010 enacted...
- Morning Smoke: Air Force Mulling No Competition in ...Maneuver Over Copters is Opposed by Christopher Drew [The New York Times] How the new Congress will get tough on feds by Sean Reilly [Federal Times] Democrat maps out aggressive agenda for contracting oversight panel by Robert Brodsky [GovExec] War...
- Team Rogue's Latest Comic: Great Moments in Acquis ...One of my favorite things about the well-written, edited and produced Defense AT&L magazine (AT&L stands for acquisition, technology and logistics) are articles and comics produced by a group of Air Force officers who dub themselves "Team Rogue." Here's their...
- Morning Smoke: White House Issues New Executive Or ...A Simpler Label For Not-So-Secret Information by Charlie Savage [The New York Times] [See POGO's press release on the White House's new executive order.] A New Policy on Controlled Unclassified Info by Steven Aftergood [Secrecy News] New House Judiciary Chairman...
Digital Journal
- Netanyahu suggests 'credible threat of military ac ...In a meeting with US Vice President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested that the only panacea against the threat of a nuclear armed Iran was "military action against it."
- Electric stimulation in brain can boost math skill ...A recently published study suggests that an electric jolt in the brain can increase mathematical skills for up to six months, which could one day treat the millions of people who have numeric disabilities.
- US human rights record under review by United Nati ...An American contingent headed by Michael Posner met with the UN Human Rights Commission on November 5 for the first ever review of the human rights record of the United States.
- Disabled Ontario boy robbed of iPhonePolice in Pickering, Ontario are looking for a suspect accused of robbing a physically disabled 10-year-old boy this week.
- Was story of disguised man who flew to Canada a ho ...Reports that a young Chinese man who allegedly gained access to Canada vai an Air Canada flight to Vancouver by disguising himself as an older man using a realistic mask have ripped around the world within a short time after CNN broke the story.
End Homelessness |
- You Have the Right to an Attorney, Except When You ...Apparently San Francisco Chronicle columnist C.W. Nevius is unfamiliar with the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees the right to an attorney. With an estimated 10,000 "quality of life" violations a year in San Francisco for crimes such as camping, blocking sidewalks, and drinking in public — a number ...
- Haiti's Homeless Told to Move Before Tropical Stor ...As Tropical Storm Tomas nears Haiti, more than a million people in Port-au-Prince who are still homeless from January's earthquake are being told to seek shelter . Well, if they could, they would. Some have nothing except a tarp to protect them. Civil protection official Nadia Lochard told the AP, " ...
- Make Sure Ending Veteran Homelessness Is on the Ag ...The nation's Department of Veterans Affairs serves about 92,000 homeless veterans. Veteran homelessness is a difficult task to tackle, and the VA is no doubt making a commendable effort, no matter how short the scope of its assistance may fall of the ideal. Unfortunately, there are still another 15, ...
- Sitting Is Now Illegal in San Francisco. Next up: ...Don't just sit there! Why? Because it's now illegal in San Francisco. On the ballot yesterday was the controversial Proposition L, better known as the sit-lie ordinance , designed to ban sitting on city sidewalks between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Supporters, especially businesspeople in the Ha ...
- From $125,000 a Year to HomelessI met Terry on a rainy day in Nashville. He told me he once owned a landscaping business and made over $125,000 a year. But then he went through a horrible divorce. You can tell by the character of his face that Terry has been on the streets for some time. After getting out of the Marines after thre ...
- Harper floats Afghanistan trial balloonPossibly hoping to extend its record of foreign policy blunders, the Harper government is considering continuing Canada’s military mission in Afghanistan past the scheduled mid-2011 end of the mission. According to the Toronto Star (Bruce Campion-Smith, “Troops may stay in Afghanistan as ‘trainers’, ...
- The case of Omar Khadr: Divided opinionsAfter being detained for eight years, Omar Khadr was sentenced last week to a symbolic forty years in prison after pleading guilty to murder, attempted murder, supporting terrorism, spying, and conspiracy. The sentence was symbolic, however, as a pre-trial deal had already capped Khadr’s sentence a ...
- Britain and France sign military cooperation treat ...Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy have signed two new military cooperation treaties. One of the treaties focuses on nuclear weapons cooperation. Under the agreement, a British-French centre at the British nuclear weapon research and development establish ...
- Ignatieff on Canada’s lost Security Council seat: ...Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff has laid out his vision for “rebuilding Canada’s leadership on the world stage” in the wake of the Harper government’s failed bid for a seat on the U.N. Security Council. Speaking to Le Conseil des Relations Internationales de Montréal on November 2nd, Ignatieff con ...
- Happy talk watch: More momentum momentsMore official word on who’s got the Big Mo in Afghanistan: âWe now have the initiative. We have created momentum.â Major-General Nick Carter, commander of NATO coalition forces in southern Afghanistan (Carlotta Gall, “NATO coalition pushes Taliban into retreat in southern Afghanistan,” Globe and Mai ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Turn Off Lights To Lose WeightNovember 3rd, 2010 The Telegraph By: Richard Alleyne Persistent exposure to light during the hours of darkness changes your metabolism and makes you pile on the pounds even without any change in the amount you eat, researchers have found. They discovered that staying up later often led to a change i ...
- Sleep Away FatNovember 3rd, 2010 Medical News Today According to a new study being published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the flagship journal of the American College of Physicians, lack of sleep may hinder a dieter’s ability to shed excess body fat. Ten overweight but otherwise healthy adults on a moderate ca ...
- How the 2010 Election Results Will Affect Health C ...November 3rd, 2010 Natural News By: Mike Adams In what appears to be a broad backlash against Obama-era policies, U.S. voters swept Republicans into office in record numbers in last night’s election. As of this writing, Republicans had clearly taken the House but failed to win a majority in the Sena ...
- School System To Get Muslim HolidayNovember 3rd, 2010 By: Brock Parker As a Muslim and a high school senior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 17-year-old Dunia Kassay faces a tough choice every year on Islamic holy days: go to school or stay home to be with family and friends. If she stays home, Kassay says, she will b ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-2-10Today, Kevin explains the importance of voting for a third party candidate and why the media is suddenly reporting on the dangers of vitamin D! Plus, Glenn Walp, Ph.D, author of Implosion At Los Alamos, blows the whistle on the government’s failure to keep America’s nuclear weapons secrets safe. Sel ...
Pambazuka News
- Ethiopia: Ethiopians to remember martyrs of the 20 ...Ethiopians from various cities in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia held a conference on Saturday to discuss and coordinate plans for the upcoming 5th anniversary of the Ethiopian election massacre. The participants discussed and updated each othe...
- March on Washington scheduled for NovemberThe Black is Back Coalition has announced a march and rally on the White House to take place November 13, 2010 beginning in Washington, DC’s historic Malcolm X Park. This will mark the second year in a row that this black coalition will be protestin...
- USA: Black community activist faces possible 10 ye ...Diop Olugbala (aka Wali Rahman) will be sentenced on Wednesday, 13 October to a possible 10 years in prison for speaking out on behalf of the rights of the black community. A press conference and demonstration will be held prior to Olugbala’s sentenc...
- Morocco: Expats returning home in greater numbersFaced with the woes of the global economic crisis, an increasing number of Moroccan expatriates are coming back home. Meanwhile, the government is intensifying effort to aid the community abroad as well as help them maintain ties with their home coun...
- Black Congress to convene in D.C. to set black age ...As criticisms of President Obama’s war and economic policies mount, the group that first questioned his intentions regarding the concerns of the black community is holding a national Congress to define a black agenda to serve the interests of black p...
War in Context
- US and British human rights abuses
- Arundhati Roy on Obama’s wars, poverty and India’s ...
- John Feffer: Crusade 2.0Reprinted with permission of Almost two years and one disastrous election later, we’re still waiting for the other Barack Obama to make an appearance, and from the gab coming out of Washington right now, it looks like we’ll be twiddling our thumbs a bit longer (if not forever). Onc ...
- America’s ever-expanding knowledge deficitAt Salon, Justin Elliot reports: An August Pew poll found that a growing number of Americans — 18 percent — falsely believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Why does that figure keep rising? It’s a difficult question, but it may partly be explained by the remarkable success of videos like this one ...
- Anwar al Awlaki: wanted dead, not alivePatrick Cockburn writes: Anwar al-Awlaki, the militant Islamic cleric in hiding in Yemen, was being denounced in the US and Britain last week as an arch-conspirator against the West, leading to hundreds of videos of his speeches and interviews being hurriedly removed from YouTube. Awlaki, an eloqu ...
Watts Up With That?
- Study says SST convection threshold risingFrom the University of Hawaii at Manoa, more of the “more heat = more hurricanes” meme. Threshold sea surface temperature for hurricanes and tropical thunderstorms is rising IMAGE: The average tropical sea surface temperature (black) and an estimate of the … Continue reading →
- Weekly Climate and Energy News RoundupTHIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) The US news this week was dominated by the elections during which the Republicans won convincing control of the House of Representatives. By the Constitution, the … Continue reading →
- 60,000,000Congratulations are in order for hitting the 60-million mark in page-views. As you can see from the Alexa traffic rank, WUWT has remained steadfastly popular since that pesky ClimateGate story a year ago. Way to go Anthony!
- AGU backs away from “climate rapid response ...The inaccurate LA Times story AGU cites was excerpted (via a Chicago Tribune reprint) and linked here yesterday at WUWT. AGU issued this press release today, which is repeated in entirety below. – Anthony Inaccurate news reports misrepresent a climate-science … Continue reading →
- New essay from Dr. David Evans and SPPIThis has just been released today, and it carries on the cover a well known USHCN station photograph. You’ll probably recognize a number of the photos in it. Unfortunately, I was not given the chance to review this essay … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- The Story of Electronics (2010) storyofstuffproject The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, Nov. 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution’s collateral damageâ25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host An ...
- Debacle of America’s Democratic Party, Demis ... by Prof James Petras Global Research, November 6, 2010 Introduction: The November 2, 2010 electoral debacle of the Democratic Party in the US cannot be solely ascribed to the failed policies of President Obama, the Congressional leadership or their senior economi ...
- Rick Rozoff: Global Domination of Resourceswith Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism November 9, 2010 In Context A-Infos Radio Project Report for October 6, 2010 see U.S. And NATO To Wage War 15-Year War In Afghanistan And Pakistan by Rick Rozoff U.S. Risks Military Clash With China ...
- Larry Norman: Feed The Poor OneWayRawk | April 24, 2010 This is from his album Tourniquet which came out in 2001—this was going to be his “return” to the music industry but after a tour through Britain…he had another heart attack…another struggle with his heart but as always Larry pulled th ...
- Stories My Old Man Told Me by Daniel N. Whiteby Daniel N. White Featured Writer Dandelion Salad October 29, 2010 The old man was career military, Air Force, pilot, for 24 or so of the prime years of his life. He went in the Army Air Forces during Deuce with the burning hard-on to be a fighter pilot, and instead spent the war years [...]
Your New Reality
- No titleWhere icebergs are 'born' : From the Earth Observatory
- No title
- No titleDavid Foster Wallace : "Human beings are narrative animals: every culture countenances itself as culture via a story, whether mythopoeic or politico-economic; every whole person understands his lifetime as an organized, recountable series of events and changes with at least a beginning and middle ...
- No titleIraqBodyCount on the Chilcot Inquiry : "Throughout the inquiry most of the attention has remained firmly fixed, fixated even, upon the interplay between political and military actors here and in the USA, and the ramifications of the war as felt by them, while the subject that is of greatest conce ...
- No titleFTW : F..k The War By Darryl Mason It's been a bit quiet around here for the past few weeks or so because I've been finishing off a movie. It's a documentary/hostage thriller set during the Sydney Student Protests against the Iraq War in early 2003. The basic plot : The prime minister is givi ...
Wired - Science
- Hurricane Forecasts Can Be Made Years in AdvanceThe parade of storms that pummels the western fringe of the North Atlantic every year just got a bit more predictable. Scientists say they have developed a way to forecast how many Atlantic hurricanes there will be — not just for the upcoming year, as some groups already do each spring, but for sev ...
- Video: Hubble Helps Fast-Forward the Motion of Sta ...To human eyes, stars seem like some of the most unmoving objects in the universe. From the perspective of thousands of years, however, they swarm like bees, as shown in this video based on Hubble observations.
- Cassini Camera Stops Shooting SnapsNASA’s Cassini orbiter, the powerhouse producer of mind-blowing Saturn photos, unexpectedly put itself into “safe mode” at 7 pm EDT on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Engineers still don’t know why. The craft automatically triggers its safe mode settings whenever something happens that requires attention from mis ...
- Poll: Should Geoengineering Go Forward?Over the last few years, intentionally manipulating Earth’s climate on a planetary scale has gone from a fringe idea to a possibility debated by mainstream scientists. That’s worried a lot of people, and last week the practice was informally placed off-limits by 193 nations. The moratorium, enacted ...
- Food Bacteria Can Hijack Sexual Behavior of FliesBy John Timmer, Ars Technica People tend to focus on Darwin’s ideas about natural selection, but he also spent a portion of The Origin of Species discussing another powerful evolutionary force: sexual selection. If a species prefers to mate with members that have a specific trait — bright plumag ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israeli who disrupted Netanyahu’s speech: We were ...Matan Cohen, Israeli who disrupted PM's speech: We were raised on human rights. Youngster who heckled Netanyahu during GA address in New Orleans says US Jews distancing themselves from community due... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Peace Now: Israel approves 1,300 new settler homes"Technically, it would be very easy to stop these plans, but what they are doing is promoting them," [Peace Now spokeswoman] said, saying it was highly unlikely Netanyahu was unaware the plans were... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Jonathan Cook: Rabbis’ edict bars renting to ArabsSafed’s chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu: “When a non-Jew moves in, residents begin to worry about their children, about their daughters. Many Arab students have been known to date Jewish girls.” ... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now i ...
- Israel’s Supreme Court backs Jews-only housing in ...Court rejects appeal by Jaffa residents, human rights groups challenging leasing land to company specializing in housing for religious Zionist community. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website ...
- Israel denies entry to Sweden MP and ex-Israeli wh ...Kaplan and Feiler had planned to use their trip in Israel to lodge an official complaint with the Israel Police against the Israel Defense Forces. Their complaint accused the IDF of kidnapping, armed... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia, China sign military cooperation protocolRussian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and the head of China's Central Military Commission, Guo Boxiong, on Tuesday signed an agreement on developing military cooperation between the two states.
- Kazakhstan teams up with Sagem Defense to build UA ...Kazakhstan Engineering and Sagem Defense Security have signed a deal to set up a joint venture to manufacture tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, the Kazakh company said on Tuesday.
- Iran's nuclear program
- NATO missile defense shield in Turkey may threat I ...Possible deployment of the elements of NATO missile defense shield in Turkey is targeted against Iran and may pose a threat to Russia's security, Russian experts said on Saturday.
- Russia to rotate naval task force off Somalia coas ...Russian warships will continue patrolling commercial shipping routes in the Gulf of Aden in 2011 to help thwart frequent pirate attacks on merchant ships, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.
- Early Employer-Based Flu Vaccinations Can Protect ...Employer-sponsored influenza vaccination programs held early in the flu season not only protect employee health, but save businesses money.
- Hyper-Texting and Hyper-networking Pose New Health ...Associating communication technology to poor health behaviors among teens.
- Citywide Smoking Ban Contributes to Significant De ...Prevalence of maternal smoking in Pueblo, Colorado.
- Study Links Early Abuse to Diabetes Risk in Women ...A new study of nearly 70,000 women found a clear association between abuse in childhood and adolescence and the risk of type 2 diabetes in adult women.
- Unaffordable Housing Might Lead to Poor HealthPeople who cannot afford their housing are more likely to suffer from poor health, according to a new study, which also found that renters consider themselves less healthy than homeowners.
Natural Health News
- Tiny Tortoise Comes When CalledTaco, the amazing tortoise, comes out of his burrow when called!
- Is Obama A Keynesian?Does a mere question of economic policy justify such outrage?
- TV Watching Increases Waistlines and Blood Pressur ...A new study suggests that time in front of the television may be partially to blame for weight gain, high blood pressure, and heart disease risk. The study looked at close to 4,000 individuals, divided into two groups -- those whose TV-watching increased over five years and those whose TV-watching ...
- New Study Finds BPA in Many FoodsA new study looked at three samples of each of 31 types of canned or plastic-packaged foods, along with an additional four examples of fresh meat and eight different types of pet food. All were analyzed for the presence of bisphenol-A (BPA). Fully 60 percent of the different food products had measu ...
- U.S. Government Sneakily Subsidizes Milk IndustryDomino�s Pizza�s domestic sales were falling last year.� Then an organization called Dairy Management offered to help.� They developed pizzas for Dominos which contained 40 percent more cheese, and then devised and payed for a $12 million marketing campaign. But Dairy Management is not a private bu ...
- Fed Up Judges Invalidating Mortgages Over Fraudule ...Let’s face it, people hate bankers. There are a lot of reasons to hate them these days, given that unbridled greed and a total lack of concern for anything other enriching themselves is in large part why we are in the mess we are right now. This is why you are likely to see more of what we are seein ...
- Austerity Fatigue: "Are we Equipped To Have The De ...Laura Flanders of GRITtv talks with political economist Professsor Richard Wolff about economic collapse, austerity programs, and the recent and growing anger and popular uprisings and street actions in Europe that we may soon be seeing spreading to North America: "It's a bizarre idea to fix a globa ...
- New York Times Poll Reveals Voter SchizophreniaThis is the most troubling of election seasons. A New York Times Poll released this week underscores this tragic fact. At a time when the Republicans are beset by Tea Party candidates whose serious behavior overwhelms the most conscious satire efforts constructed by writers of Saturday Night Live, ...
- Obama's Power to Produce Progressive Legislation M ...It now appears that in all likelihood republicans will win a congressional majority this coming Tuesday. Nate Silver's projections of Friday October 29... ...found Republicans gaining an average of 53 seats, which would bring them to 232 total. Democrats are given a 16 percent chance of holding the ...
- CIA Requires Secrecy To Cover Up Crimes That Kille ...If the CIA routinely lies to the American people, maybe that's because its got so much to lie about, like killing millions of innocent human beings around the world. As far back as December, 1968, the CIA's own Covert Operations Study Group gave a secret report to president-elect Richard Nixon that ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres.
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Google Maps to Blame for Nicaragua’s Invasion of C Roger Alford by Roger Alford “By no means should Google Maps be used as a reference to decide military actions between two countries.” That’s the official response from Google to news reports that Nicaragua invaded Costa Rica based on Google’s improper drawing of the border. Details from the ...
- David Glazier on a New Piracy Decision, U.S. v. Ha Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller The following is a guest post by David Glazier, an Associate Professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. As Opinio Juris readers likely recall, there are two ongoing federal prosecutions in Norfolk, Virginia before different judges of Somali pirates who ...
- One Bright Spot in the Electionby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller At least the war criminal lost: The basic facts are undisputed: on 15 April 2004 Ilario Pantano, then a second lieutenant with the US marines, stopped and detained two Iraqi men in a car near Falluja. The Iraqis were unarmed and the car found to be empty ...
- Obama Endorses India to Join Security Council as P Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson News services are reporting that President Obama, speaking to the Indian Parliament, has endorsed India receiving a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. The AP story adds that this was the biggest applause line in the speech, fully consonant with the ...
- International Law Banned in Oklahoma State Courtsby Roger Alford Yesterday voters in Oklahoma voted overwhelmingly (70% in favor to 30% against) to ban the use of international law and Sharia law in state courts. It appears that the referendum will be headed to the courts for review, for as my colleague Michael Helfand has noted , the ban on Sh ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Cognitive dissonance in media over climate changeYou know the game is over on global warming when even readers of alarmist magazines like Scientific American deliver the editors bad news like this in a readers' survey: **77% believe that current climate change is caused by natural processes...
- TGIF EDITION: More new leads in Swedes caseSIgn up to our Facebook or Twitter feeds for regular TGIF alerts..but the full digital newspaper can be accessed from the link in the middle of the following page:
- BREAKING: More new evidence in the Heidi Paakkonen ...There's more damning evidence tonight that the police case against David Wayne Tamihere over the Swedish tourist murders in 1989 may have been a fabrication, and that in doing so police allowed the real killer to escape, possibly with Heidi...
- Investigate returns favour to Police, releases cen ...Investigate magazine has released part of its file on Heidi Paakkonen in response to a request via the news media from Police Superintendent Win van der Velde. However, Investigate editor Ian Wishart has blanked out portions of the documents, including...
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
My Care2 Picks
- 9 Good Sources of Disease-Fighter Vitamin DThe disease-fighting properties of vitamin D are becoming increasingly clear, but it's not easy to get enough of this crucial nutrient. In an effort to prevent skin cancer, many forego the vitamin D-producing benefits of natural sunlight. Submitted by Rossy Lewis to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! ...
- Sisters in Spirit shut downStatus of Women government webpage announcing new strategy makes no mention of Sisters in Spirit.They must apply to Status of Women for less money under new rules prohibit them from continuing to use the name or maintaining research database 600 missing Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note- ...
- BBC 'News'I was told I didn't advise Friends on Care2 of my thoughts. Selecting stories and showing what I'm looking at is what I do. Just because they don't all get submitted here doesn't mean I don't share. Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Argentina's Roundup Human Tragedy from Genetically ...Argentina has become a giant experiment in farming genetically modified (GM) Roundup Ready (RR) soy. Ten years of GM soy and glyphosate poisoning have escalated the rates of cancer and birth defects. Submitted by Care For All to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Crime of the Century: Contaminating Iraq with Depl ...Hundreds of tons of Depleted Uranium (DU) were used during the invasion of Iraq. The US forces have forbid any kind of (DU) related exploration programs or research. They have also covered up and denied DU�s damaging health effects, and refused to Submitted by Joseph M. to US Politics & Gov't �|� � ...
Angry Indian News
- US soldiers to be tried for murderPressTV - US soldiers to be tried for murder: "Two US soldiers will face hearings for killing Afghan civilians for sports in southern Kandahar province -- a move which could lead to their trial in a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Servicemen at 'UK's Abu Ghraib' may be guilty of w ...Servicemen at 'UK's Abu Ghraib' may be guilty of war crimes, court hears | UK news | The Guardian: "British servicemen who filmed hundreds of interrogation sessions at a secret prison near Basra... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Natural History Museum expedition 'poses genocide ...Natural History Museum expedition 'poses genocide threat' to Paraguay tribes | World news | "Anthropologists and indigenous leaders have warned that a Natural History Museum... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- 152 Arrested in Oakland After Sentencing in Oscar ...Democracy Now! | Headlines for November 08, 2010: In Oakland, California police arrested 152 people Friday night after hundreds took to the streets to protest what they viewed as the lenient ... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Lori Berenson to be Released on Parole in PeruDemocracy Now! | Headlines for November 08, 2010: Lori Berenson to be Released on Parole in Peru In news from Peru, the American activist Lori Berenson is expected to be released on parole today... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday – New 2 Hour Fo ...S510 still waits like a vulture to land on family and independent farmers and ranchers. Not only will we lose our right to clean affordable food, we will be consigned to eating chemically laden food-like products, causing disease and creating a nation of sick people.
- Gulf seafood is safe to eat and BP was not respons ...Reality check! These people do not care if we are poisoned. In fact, it is to their advantage if we are. Big Pharma has to make money too, and there are far too many people on the planet to worry about an insignificant and quite convenient “accident” such as the BP oil “spill” that will boost med sa ...
- Geo-Engineering In the Crosshairs!The tenth CONFERENCE OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY held in Japan on October 18-29, 2010, was a roaring success for Global Warming enthusiasts as well as NWO globalists in general.
- Don’t Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement ...Don't Tread On Me. The State Sovereignty Movement comes to Republic Defiance Radio. This week's guest: Former Tennessee State Representative Susan Lynn.
- Truth Squad Radio Show this Sunday with Paul Griep ...This Sunday Paul Griepentrog will be joining us as we discuss how NAIS and Premises ID are being implemented on a statewide basis.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - Todd ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scott Bo ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and expand ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? - La ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Calgary anti-racism activist says violent S.E. hom ...ShareThis Calgary anti-racism activist says violent S.E. home invasion work of white supremacists --'If it was a robbery, why did they put holes in the walls?' 08 Nov 2010 A Calgary anti-racism activist said he believes white supremacists were trying to kill him when they burst into his home and bea ...
- Look out, your medicine is watching youShareThis Look out, your medicine is watching you 08 Nov 2010 Novartis AG plans to seek regulatory approval within 18 months for a pioneering tablet containing an embedded microchip, bringing the concept of "smart-pill" technology a step closer. The initial program will use one of the Swiss firm's e ...
- IDF presents: Missile alerts on your cell phoneShareThis IDF presents: Missile alerts on your cell phone --Home Front Command to launch new cellular application alerting citizens about missile attacks starting June 2011 . 07 Nov 2010 Israel Defense Forces will announce Monday an NIS 27 million investment in a new cellular system that will alert ...
- Unauthorized US strikes kill 13 PakistanisShareThis Unauthorized US strikes kill 13 Pakistanis 07 Nov 2010 Two non-UN sanctioned U-S drone attacks have killed at least 13 people in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt, Pakistani security officials say. Security officials said an unmanned American plane fired two missiles at a vehicle in the ...
- Scientists Discover Dying Corals and Creatures Nea ...ShareThis Scientists Discover Dying Corals and Creatures Near BP Oil-Spill Site 05 Nov 2010 On a research ship in the Gulf of Mexico on Election Day this week, seven miles south-west of the site of the Deep Water Horizon oil-spill, a team of scientists discovered a community of corals that includes ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Cognitive dissonance in media over climate changeYou know the game is over on global warming when even readers of alarmist magazines like Scientific American deliver the editors bad news like this in a readers' survey: **77% believe that current climate change is caused by natural processes...
- TGIF EDITION: More new leads in Swedes caseSIgn up to our Facebook or Twitter feeds for regular TGIF alerts..but the full digital newspaper can be accessed from the link in the middle of the following page:
- BREAKING: More new evidence in the Heidi Paakkonen ...There's more damning evidence tonight that the police case against David Wayne Tamihere over the Swedish tourist murders in 1989 may have been a fabrication, and that in doing so police allowed the real killer to escape, possibly with Heidi...
- Investigate returns favour to Police, releases cen ...Investigate magazine has released part of its file on Heidi Paakkonen in response to a request via the news media from Police Superintendent Win van der Velde. However, Investigate editor Ian Wishart has blanked out portions of the documents, including...
- Crewe murders book: new reviewFrom the Southland Times, 30 October 2010: ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS: THE INSIDE STORY by Ian Wishart, reviewed by Chris Chilton "Undeniably...when Wishart hits he hits big. Arthur Allan Thomas: The Inside Story is a book two generations of New Zealanders...
- Night raid in Bil’in(Photo: Hamde Abu Rahme) Today, November 9 at about 3:00 in the morning, the Israeli army entered the village of Bil'in. About 50 soldiers entered the village by jeep and foot. When they arrived at the two targeted houses, they ran and took positions outside while a number of soldiers entered the h ...
- My conversation with an Israeli leftistI think the following gchat conversation gives some insight into Israeli leftist thinking. The irony of this conversation that sticks out most is that in visiting various villages in the West Bank, it is notable that Israel does not at all differentiate itself from the dozens of settlements it has b ...
- Canadian lawmakers resurrect McCarthy in hearings ...Canada is the latest front in the battle between critics of Israel and those who would smear them as anti-Semites. The video below is from Independent Jewish Voices. An article by Jillian Kestler-D'Amours follows.The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism (CPCCA) held an intern ...
- Five young Jews disrupt Netanyahu speech with call ...News from the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations in New Orleans, a press release from Jewish Voice for Peace. Note the inspiring statements from the young disrupters: A group of young Jews with the Young Leadership Institute of Jewish Voice for Peace has traveled to the largest gathering o ...
- Israeli Supreme Court approves buildings for ̵ ...And more news from Today in Palestine:Settlers/ Land, Property, Resource Theft & Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing IOA deprives two Palestinian villages of potable water The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has been depriving villages of Brukin and Kufr Al-Deek, west of Salfit district, of potable wat ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Vaccine Clinic – A Concise Compendium To The ...PRIMARY FACTORS WHICH DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF VACCINE RELATED NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE: 1. POINT OF ENTRY Vaccines are injected into deep muscle tissue, a route which literally bypasses one’s natural defences altogether. Thus the body is left vulnerable to live viruses, heavy metals, antibiotics, deterge ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 2 – Syne ...Toxicity is defined in the Medical lexicon as “a condition that results from exposure to a toxin or to toxic amounts of a substance that does not cause adverse effects in smaller amounts.” Vaccine-induced toxicity, while similar in some respects to this model, requires a deeper understanding in term ...
- VRM: The Awakening Has BegunOn the heals of Ukraine’s 2009 Black Lung Infection, a mysterious variation of flu which bypassed trachea, targeting the lungs directly, a “bilateral pneumonia, the result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs.” (1.3 million infected, over 75,000 hospitalized), eye witn ...
- VRM: GlaxosmitheKline Herpes Vaccine Fails Safety ...GlaxoSmythKline recently conducted safety trial studies on their new experimental Genital Herpes vaccine ‘Simplirix’. 8,323 women aged 18-30 years participated in the trial at 50 sites in the US & Canada. Based on the results the product has failed miserably. The question is why were these women inf ...
- VRM: Closed Door CDC Meeting Reveals Industry Cove ...VACCINE INDUSTRY COVER-UP EXPOSED – Selected vaccine authorities from CDC, FDA, and manufacturers discussed, in a closed meeting, the possibility of neurodevelopment disorders resulting from vaccine components. Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act detail the transcript of a meet ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury featur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. � If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner fo ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new low- ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller. T ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal for o ...
Michael Yon
- Mt. EverestPublished: 04 November 2010 Nepal Before returning for third time to Afghanistan this year, have made another trip to the Himalaya.� I made this image of Mt. Everest about a week ago.� You are welcome to download a copy for personal use. Please also buy a copy of my upcoming photobook, "Inside the ...
- Wikileaks: Statement from Office of U.S. Secretary ...This just came in my email from Geoff Morrell: "We deplore Wikileaks for inducing individuals to break the law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that secret information with the world, including our enemies. We know terrorist organizations have been mining the leaked Afghan docume ...
- Surobi Sentinel - Oct 2010Published: 17 Oct 2010 Click here to view entire document. {loadposition user8}
- Soldiers' Angels and Inside the InfernoI am very proud that with my publisher we have been able to send a check for almost $5000.00 to Soldiers' Angels because you have helped by buying my new book Iraq: Inside the Inferno 2005 - 2008 . You may pre-order order copies of my book here .But we want to raise more for Soldiers' Angels because ...
- The Linda Norgrove Rescue TragedyPublished: 11 October 2010 Ms. Linda Norgrove was kidnapped on 26 September during an ambush in eastern Afghanistan.� A trusted and knowledgeable source told me he expected there was a high likelihood she would be killed by these particularly brutal people.� Several days ago, during a rescue attemp ...
The Killing Train
- Teaching: Jacques Ranciere and Sugata MitraA few months ago I was blown away by Sugata Mitra's TED talk on child-driven education . Mitra's thesis is that children can teach themselves. What they need is not teachers who know how to do what they are trying to learn, but materials, problems, one another (groups), and perhaps encouragement. Mi ...
- Azkintuwe and the Mapuche StruggleAn interview with Pedro Cayuqueo Justin Podur and Manuel Rozental October 20, 2010 read more
- Isabel McDonald and Lou Dobbs! My friend Isabel did a fantastic story for the Nation about the anti-immigration pundit Lou Dobbs who had undocumented workers caring for his horses and grounds , and she had the chance to talk to Lou Dobbs about it on MSNBC. Check it out. read more
- Bruce Levine on Surviving America's Depression Epi ...I'm reading Bruce Levine's "Surviving America's Depression Epidemic". The story of how I got the book is interesting. I was reading some psychology books a while back (Alfie Kohn, Alice Miller) and a reader of this blog suggested that no psychology reading list would be complete without Levine's "Co ...
- The Rwandan ElectionPaul Kagame is headed for a landslide victory at the Rwandan polls. Exit polls indicate 93% of the electorate voted for him. If some Western media commentators could vote in Rwandan elections, the number would likely be even higher. Take Stephen Kinzer, who wrote a biography of Kagame subtitled “Rwa ...
- Africa's Agbogbloshie Market is a Computer Graveya ...Photo: Yakubu Al Hasan, Agbogbloshie Market, Accra, Ghana 2009 © Pieter Hugo. Courtesy of Michael Stevenson, Cape Town and Yossi Milo, New York. A good documentary photographer takes us to places that we never could imagine and teaches us something at the same time. The Canadian Ed Burtynsky ...
- Is the New X-1 a Bicycle or a Scooter or a Bit of ...Photo: Sinclair Research It looks like a cross between a bike and a bubble: it's an eco-scooter with a highly evocative name: the Sinclair X-1 . This new little "electric vehicle" as it is being called can be "driven" for 10 miles at a cost of 10p. (16¢) with some pedal power assistance ...
- Experts Warn of a Looming Chocolate CrisisPhoto: Muffet / CC In a world that takes for granted the availability of delicious and affordable chocolate , it's easy to forget that the popular product actually comes from trees -- not magical elves or free-flowing cocoa rivers, sadly. But, some experts are predicting that in a m... Read the ...
- Green Festival November 2010: Why The Green Festiv ...Green Festival Entrance Sign Photo: Bonnie Hulkower This weekend, San Francisco held the biannual Green Festival, the nation's largest green consumer living event. Thousands of people flocked to the Concourse Exhibition Center, spilling out onto the sidewalks, to see over 300 exhibitors and hea ...
- South African City Wants to Pay Folks to PeePhoto: Mahalie / CC One bodily function may soon bring a windfall for residents of Durban, South Africa as their city council mulls over a plan to encourage waterless waste management -- by paying folks for their pee. After the city installed some 90,000 dry toilets in an effort to cut back on . ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- China ends blockade on UN nuclear reportReport detailing suspicions over North Korea's sale of nuclear material to Burma and other pariahs is en route to Security Council
- British PM ‘must urge China rethink’Analysts say Cameron should ensure he warns China about its ongoing diplmoatic support of Burma but warn the message may carry hypocrisy
- Cyclone starves 86,000 of incomeAfter-effects of cyclone Giri continue in western Burma as statistics show that 50 percent of the affected area's rice paddy is not harvestable
- ExodusView Photo Album Up to 17,000 refugees are now thought to have fled violence in several areas along the Thai-Burma border, as a rebel faction of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) on 8 November led an assualt on government property in Myawaddy and Payathonzu. The vast majority of the Karen re ...
- Refugees number 17,000 as more arriveUN says that repatriation of Karen refugees unlikely to happen soon as fighting continues further south in Payathonzu
Telegraph - Climate Change
- What the Green Movement Got Wrong: Greens come to ...For many years, Channel 4 would not have dared devote an hour to the errors of environmentalism, writes Charles Moore.
- Binding climate change deal is impossible after Ba ...Obama's electoral setback has killed off any hope of securing a legally binding climate change deal, John Prescott has said.
- Climate change game launchedAn educational computer game in which users have to save the world from climate change offers an interesting solution - decide the problem is overpopulation and design a virus to kill millions.
- IPCC will 'probably' make more mistakes, vice chai ...There will "probably" be mistakes in future reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the organisation's vice-chair has admitted.
- Fear for Britain's birds this winterFeeding the birds this winter will be more important than ever, conservationists have warned, after the cold snap last year.
National Geographic | Environment
- Polar Bears Turning to Goose Eggs to Survive Warmi ...Forced ashore earlier due to global warming, the bears are finding nutritious treats on land in the form of goose eggs, studies say.
- Gulf Oil Plumes Still a Threat?Are giant plumes of oil droplets in the Gulf of Mexico, detected by scientists in the months following the BP oil spill, still a threat to the Gulf's marine life? Video.
- Presented By:
- Pictures: Volcano's Biggest Blast Yet Scorches Vil ...NoneWarning: graphic images. Thursday night Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano saw its biggest eruption since the mountain's October reawakening.
- Shining Light on the Cost of Solar EnergySolar electricity is pricey, but policy may be as important as technology in hastening its path to parity with other fuel sources.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Africa regional court asks Niger junta to release ...[JURIST] The Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) [AICT backgrounder] ruled Monday that the Nigerien military junta should release ousted president Mamadou Tandja [BBC profile; JURIST news archive] whom they have held since deposing him [JURIST report] in a Febr ...
- South Korea high court rules pro-North Korea music ...[JURIST] The Supreme Court of South Korea [official website] on Monday upheld an appellate court decision that sentenced a defendant to a two-year suspended sentence for possessing instrumental music with titles praising North Korea. Prosecutors charged the defendant, identified only by her last nam ...
- Myanmar elections denounced as unfair, restrictive ...[JURIST] The European Union (EU) [official website] on Monday criticized [press release, PDF] the Myanmar government for failing to take the necessary steps to ensure a free, fair and inclusive electoral process for the country's first elections in over 20 years. The EU noted that many aspects of th ...
- Supreme Court hears arguments on copyright, tax ex ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] heard oral arguments [day call, PDF; merit briefs] Monday in Costco v. Omega [oral arguments transcript, PDF; JURIST report] on whether the first-sale doctrine [17 USC § 109(a)], which provides that the owner of any particular cop ...
- Dutch court rules eviction of squatters violates E ...[JURIST] The Hague Court of Appeals [official website, in Dutch] on Monday prohibited the eviction [press release] of squatters in Amsterdam, The Hauge, and Leeuwarden. In an oral ruling, the court relied on the European Convention on Human Rights [text], asserting that a person cannot be forced fro ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- I Am a Blogger No LongerThis is my final blog post for The Atlantic. Five years ago, as a way to boost the competitive metabolism of The Hotline, Chuck Todd hired me away from ABC News to create "Hotline On Call." I was to be the first political reporter working for a mainstream news organization whose output would be exc ...
- Billy Joel Explains the ElectionWhat explains the partial collapse of the Democratic Party in the industrial Midwest? Billy Joel, in Allentown , caught the moment decades before it happened...the last time the economy in Pennsylvania transitioned away from coal and steel. Educated, hard-working people. The generational tension. T ...
- Obama Considers Staff Changes, Ever So CarefullyDespite urgent pleas from Democrats that he shake up his White House staff, President Obama will proceed with a plan he put in place before the election, one that calls for a careful review the structure of his office before making changes. Chief of Staff Peter Rouse is leading the review, and Obam ...
- 2012! It's Never Too Early for Mitt-ChifItem: Someone has set up this website: Item: An advertisement for displaying Romney's congratulations to Michigan's governor elect, Rick Synder, shows up on people's Facebook page. This is odd because Romney never endorsed Snyder; he endorsed Rep. Pete Hoekstra in t ...
- On Election Night, What You Might Have MissedSome elections, President Obama said today, are "exhilarating." Others are "humbling." Last night's was chalk full of news -- so much news that you might have missed some of it. ** The Three Iowa judges who ruled that same-sex marriage was legal were all roundly defeated, thanks to a blizzard of ad ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Success! AntiCANSEC arms-bazaar campaign - ...
- [COAT] Raging Grans video: CANSEC-NO CANSEX-YES!&q ...
- [COAT] Arms Bazaar in Ottawa Citizen, letters-to-e ...
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Israeli Diplomat Calls Holocaust Survivor ‘Immoral ...There are some practices of the Israeli government which I find merely offensive. Â Then there are some that go far beyond that. Â Like the denunciation by an Israeli diplomat in Germany of Holocaust survivor, Alfred Grosser, who is due to keynote the dedication of a Kristallnacht memorial in Frankf ...
- Taglit-Birthright and Birthright Unplugged to Merg ...One of the more riveting and unexpected announcements of this year’s General Assembly (GA) of Jewish federations is that the Taglit-Birthright program has decided to merge with Birthright Unplugged and welcome Jewish and Palestinian youth together to return to their ethnic roots in the Holy Land. Â ...
- Shabak Charges Imam With Supporting Terror, Inciti ...Not content merely to destroy mosques, the Shabak has done one better, it has imprisoned without bail yet another Israeli Palestinian imam charging him with crimes which, on the face sound grave, but which on closer examination seem less so: Sheikh Nazem Abu Salim has allegedly used…web site and…ser ...
- Israel’s Kristallnacht: Police Demolish Bedouin Mo ...Saturday night was the Bedouin town of Rahat’s version of Kristallnacht. Â And if that historical analogy offends you, let’s just call this an episode out of the Crusades in which the invaders sacked mosques on their way to claim the Holy Land for their own. Â It was the day 5,000 Israeli police inv ...
- Israeli Cultural Figures Appeal to Actors to Boyco ...With only a few days remaining before the first theatrical performance at the new Ariel cultural center, leading Israeli intellectuals, artists and cultural figures have renewed their appeal (and in English)Â to Israeli theater actors to boycott the settlement. Among those leading the campaign are s ...
Ode Magazine
- Making sanitation sexyBy: Group_Gordon Can sanitation be sexy? Acumen Fund , a nonprofit venture fund that invests in entrepreneurs serving the poor, not only thinks so, but thinks it should be obvious to everyone. Acumen Fund is challenging people to use their creative genius to ...
- Peace is more arduousBy: PeaceCorso Mid-term elections were last week in the United States, and they got me thinking about the wars that we insist upon perpetuating. George Bernard Shaw weighs in: "Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more arduous." Former P ...
- Freedom through Kundalini yogaBy: EllenJefferds I just finished editing a book titled Depth Over Time , by my spiritual teacher Swami Khecaranatha ("Nathaji"). He is the head of Sacred Space Yoga Sanctuary (at Rudramandir) in Berkeley, California. When Nathaji asked me to serve as the ed ...
- The miracle of microfinance in KenyaBy: Lisa73 We walked through the slums of Nairobi expecting to find the downtrodden - human beings without hope, children crying and begging. Instead to our surprise we found smiles and laughter and pride. Children were serenading us in their high pitched voices, " ...
- How understanding yields peaceBy: PeaceCorso My friend Masado Nakata told me about The Understanding Campaign . Here’s what their home page says: "The Understanding Campaign wants everyone in the world to read just one word of Arabic: the word Fhm (fuh-hem'), which literally means und ...
OpEd News
- Israeli and American Rankings on Violence and Corr ...Rankings of both countries understate reality
- To Armistice Days, Past and FutureAt 11 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month, make a toast to Armistice Day, the official end of World War I, a war the United States fought in for less time than President Obama and the 111th Congress have kept the fighting going in Afghanistan and Iraq.
- The Money Party Deficit Reduction Scam and Social ...Think of the Social Security Trust Fund (trust fund) as the most lucrative retirement fund in the country, the ultimate pot of gold, and you'll immediately understand why it is that for decades, big business has plundered the trust fund. How does this happen?
- See George WriteSo George Bush wrote a book--if you believe that, you probably also believe he actually won the elections in 2000 and 2004. Yes, I am sure, George, who couldn't string two coherent words together without the help of a team of speech-writers and policy makers, wrote a 512 page book all by his widd ...
- Tomgram: John Feffer, Crusade 2.0Right now, all the news chatter is about domestic policy (health care, tax cuts, etc.), but count on the Republicans -- Rand Paul aside -- to light out after the president sooner or later at least as hawkishly on foreign policy as they have domestically.
- E2's 10th Anniversary Film and E2: Past, Present, ...I became the first full-time Executive Director of E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs) in September, just in time to celebrate E2's 10th anniversary. As I watched the Anniversary Film at the Celebration on October 28th, I realized how fortunate we are for all of you who support us and w ...
- Ventura video illustrates planning for connection, ...This short video very nicely illustrates the why, what and how of a 21st-century planning strategy for the city of Ventura, California. It's all about building connections, taking advantage of vacant properties' redevelopment potential, creating walkable neighborhoods, avoiding conver ...
- Industry Carbon Lawsuits Suffer "Wardrobe Malfunct ...Yesterday I wrote about the Texas’s flimsy legal challenge to EPA’s initial steps to curb carbon pollution. Today let’s look at the lawsuits brought against EPA by Texas’s industry partners. The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is leading a who’s who of American trade ass ...
- The U.S.-India Green Partnership: One Year LaterTomorrow and during Diwali celebrations, President Barack Obama will travel to India to further build cooperation between our two democracies. The President’s visit provides an opportunity to enhance the initial successes made over the past year on the Green Partnership , the clean ene ...
- Proposition 26 will not stop AB 32California voters gave AB 32 and clean energy a strong vote of confidence last Tuesday by resoundingly rejecting Proposition 23 . Close to 4.5 million people voted against Proposition 23 – more than voted for or against any other item on the ballot. No on 23 got more votes than the wi ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Schoolchildren Shed Their Rights at the Schoolhous ...Amazing how for conservatives — including winger heroes like Owen, Garza, and Clement — their much-alleged free speech libertarianism is likely to vanish when corporations spending money isn’t involved. In fairness, it must be noted that even if she thinks that state officials can compel someone to ...
- Actually, I Don’t Know ThatDefending the Obama administration’s decision to appeal the ruling holding DADT unconstitutional, Joe From Lowell asserted: The GOP is going to vote for the Defense Authorization bill. It is a must-pass bill, and DADT is already in it. They can only delay at this point, but they canât not pass the b ...
- How About We Just Agree on “Go Mitch!”Apparently some people somewhere are enthusiastic about Mitch Daniels: I spoke this morning to John McKay, a Chicago-area businessman who runs, which has launched a petition drive to get the Indiana governor into the race for president. “We need him more than any other person,” sai ...
- Strangest. Aesthetic. Stalinism. Ever.Shorter some Pajamas Media hack: I have recently discovered that (Pakula’s) All the President’s Men, Saturday Night Fever, and Roots were works of fiction. Obviously, this was a conspiracy to help liberals, because without these pictures everybody would have realized that Nixon wasn’t a crook an ...
- MarkZism: What’s Not To Love?Me: “Look, here’s ‘me and Rob Farley’.” Stu: “Who’s Rob Farley?” Me: “Dude. My co-blogger; also, he’s coming to dinner next Wednesday after his guest lecture on battleships in my human security class. That’s not the point. Look, look this is ‘our’ Facebook page.” Stu: “You mean the LGM page? I’ve vi ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI Researcher Earns National Science Foundation M ...DRI Research Professor Hans Moosmüller, Ph.D. and colleagues received $649,801 from the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program to develop a Photo-Acoustic Light Absorption and Albedo Spectrometer (PALAAS) for the characterization of aerosol radiative forcing in the ...
- DRI Researcher Develops Bioengineering Company DRI’s Joseph J. Grzymski, Ph.D. partnered with Adam G. Marsh, Ph.D. from the University of Delaware to develop Evozym Biologics, a company created to bridge the gap between research and innovation and commercial value.
- DRI Researcher Authors New Book William Albright, Ph.D., DRI research hydrogeologist, is lead author of Water Balance Covers for Waste Containment Principles and Practice about selection and design of an innovative new method for final closure of solid waste landfills. The new cover designs offer reduced cost, excellent environmen ...
- The American Indian Science and Engineering Societ ...The Most Promising Engineer/Scientist Award will be presented to Dr. Karletta Chief at the 32nd American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Annual National Conference.
- Innovative Equipment Manufacturer Features Work wi ...The latest update from Campbell Scientific features a cover article on DRI’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP), touting the program for providing information gathered by volunteers in near-real time and posting it to the program website.
Earth Techling
- Bloom Laptop Design Very Easy To Recycle
- A Low Visual Impact Tidal Power Solution
- BMW Showcases Sleek Plug In Hybrid Study
- Urbee Vies For Greenest Car Ever Title
- Algae Biofuels 10 Years From Viability
National Law Journal | U.S.
- NLJ 250 firms' overseas offices shared in attorney ...In keeping with the second-straight year of headcount declines among NLJ 250 firms, the international offices of some of the nation's top law firms took their share of the hit.
- DOJ wants 'kill list' suit dismissedA Justice Department lawyer on Monday urged a federal judge in Washington to throw out a suit that challenges the government's alleged secretive effort to assassinate a radical cleric reportedly hiding in Yemen.
- Decline in law firm diversity blamed on a few 'bad ...The ranks of women and minority attorneys at U.S. law firms declined last year, according to a number of recent surveys, but the numbers don't tell the full story.
- Waving a Red FlagFor the past eight years, the Federal Trade Commission has pushed for greater regulation of the legal profession, drawing ire from the American Bar Association and rebukes from federal judges. Now, the agency is back in court trying to salvage rules that would force lawyers to detect, combat and rep ...
- ENERGY: Small nuclear may be the wave of the futur ...They are less capital-intensive and flexible, but it's not yet clear how regulators should weigh their safety.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More TransparentCOMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Dept. of Environmental Protection Commonwealth News Bureau Room 308, Main Capitol Building Harrisburg PA., 17120 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11/1/2010 CONTACT: Jamie Legenos, Department of Environmental Protection 717-787-1323 Â DEP Makes Oil and Gas Operations More Transpare ...
- Failing to Pass a Severance Tax…Below some comments from the press and PennFuture about the state of the State’s budget sans a tax on drilling. Inaction on drill tax has a bad odor to it Sunday, October 24, 2010 By Brian O’Neill, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette …. Its [PA's Legislature] latest gaffe is passing on collecting tens of milli ...
- Stephanie Hallowich in National GeographicStephanie Hallowich has had one of the worst experiences with natural gas drilling in PA and she has also been one of the loudest voices, speaking out for her family and others in the same situations. Her story was picked up by National Geographic and can be found at the below link. She had this [.. ...
- The Right to Know!Do you know how to file a “Right to Know” request? Do you know why you might want to know how to do this? Since the gas drilling in Pennsylvania has taken off at full speed many people are finding the “Open Records Law” , also known as the “Right to Know Law”, a necessary [...]
- Ya’ll Get Together Now, Ya Hear?Today I attended the Conservation PA event in Camp Hill, PA. I was sitting in the conference room among the other 100 or so attendees and trying to remember when I had first heard of the Marcellus Shale, or the term fracking. When I couldn’t dig up a memory of the beginning of my relationship [...]
News Blaze
- Israel Tortures Prisoners With Hot Irons and Elect ...Libelous drawings depicting fictitious 'Israeli torture' are part of the new introduction to a PA TV program for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons and their families.
- KCET Names Zach Behrens Editor-in-Chief'KCET is expanding its online team as part of a strategic effort to direct additional resources to social media initiatives that will better serve our communities,' said Mazur.
- The United States Deeply Disappointed By The Elect ...The United States is deeply disappointed by the elections in Burma. The generals who have ruled the country for the past 22 years missed an opportunity to begin genuine transition toward democratic governance and national reconciliation.
- Secretary Clinton Underscores The Power of Teamwor ...Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited University of Melbourne today to answer issues on the evolving partnership between United States in terms of trade relations, military alliance, and the common generosity to reach out...
- Post-Election Violence in BurmaThe rebels reportedly seized a police station and post office in the border town of Myawaddy. At least 10,000 refugees have fled across the border into Thailand to escape the fighting, according to the Thai military.
environment 360
- Creating ‘Living’ Buildings With Materials That Pu ...A new field, known as “ethical synthetic biology,” aims to combine chemistry, architecture, and climate science to construct buildings out of materials that extract CO2 from the atmosphere and convert the carbon into structural material . For example, scientists at the University of Greenwich are ex ...
- Bluefin Tuna Decline Fueled By $4 Billion Black Ma ...A $4 billion black market trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna has decimated populations of the endangered fish, according to a new report. A seven-month investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists found that fishermen and traders for years violated international quotas on t ...
- Interview: Britain’s Energy Minister Promotes a Ne ...Britain’s new ruling coalition knows it faces a formidable task if it is to fulfill its pledge of being “the greenest government ever.” But Greg Barker, the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Minister, says that even in the face of budget cuts and fiscal austerity, he is optimistic about what the coalit ...
- Britain’s New Green Deal: Transforming Energy Effi ...Britain’s new government is proposing radically new energy policies, with a “Green Deal” that would retrofit the country’s woefully energy-inefficient housing stock. In an interview with Yale Environment 360 , UK Energy and Climate Minister Greg Barker talks about why an overhaul of the approach to ...
- Marine Debris Is Killing Sea Turtles in the Adriat ...An examination of dead loggerhead turtles in the Adriatic Sea found that one-third of the turtles had swallowed marine debris — including plastic bags, rope, foam, and fishing line — an indication of the impact of trash and pollution in a critical feeding ground for the turtles. One of the turtles h ...
Red Ice Creations
- The Doomsday Machine and the Race to Save the Worl ...This emergent set of planetary-scale technologies is attracting millions of dollars in investment; it is high on the research agenda at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the UK’s Royal Society; and it is being promoted by the scientists behind it as "the only practical way to protect biodive ...
- 35,500 year old axe - world’s oldest - discovered ...Archaeologists have found a piece of a stone axe 35,500 years old on sacred Aboriginal land in Australia, the oldest object of its type ever found. The pieces of ground-edge stone axe was found in west Arnhem Land. Credit: Monash University/Bruno David The shard of stone was found in Australia’s lus ...
- Who was Behind the Death of Dr. David Kelly? The C ...We are publishing the letter which the Telegraph refused to publish. This letter was written in response to an article by Andrew Gilligan, journalist who states that "the case is closed" in a final answer to the "conspiracy theorists". Is Andrew Gilligan in a conflict of interest? He is reporting on ...
- To Boldly Go to New Worlds, NASA Announces ’100-Ye ...It might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but a NASA official says that "within a few years" scientists will unveil a prototype for a spaceship capable of taking earthlings to other worlds. Speaking at a Long Now Foundation conference in San Francisco over the weekend, Simon Worden, center d ...
- NASA Deep Impact spacecraft flies by small cometA NASA spacecraft sped past a small comet, beaming pictures back to Earth that gave scientists a rare close-up view of its center. Mission controllers burst into applause upon seeing images from the flyby that revealed a peanut-shaped comet belching jets of poisonous gases.
Russia Today
- Walking the wall: making bucks from Israel’s separ ...Palestinians and human rights campaigners are marking International Day Against the Wall, but while those oppressed by the barrier hold tours to show their plight, some Israeli companies see it as a chance to cash in.
- Vietnam still poisoned by US chemical weaponsThe side-effects of the Vietnam War are destroying thousands of lives, with many Vietnamese saying no amount of US compensation can give them back their health.
- Soviet animation era is overDespite their glorious Soviet past, Russian animators are facing mounting pressure and limitations on their creativity from a lack of funding.
- Obama selling America to IndiaAs US President Barack Obama embarked on his 10 day trip to Asia, he focused on job creation and an economic partnership that he believes will help America.
- ‘Iraqi reconstruction a sham’ – former contractorNovember 9th, 2010 marks the 6th anniversary of the American led Fallujah offensive in Iraq; which included some of the heaviest urban battles US troops faced since the Vietnam War.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Cliff High InterviewCliff High, inventor of the Internet future forecasting ‘bot Web Bot, is on the Veritas site giving his perhaps last interview. In it, he discusses the dollar, world currencies, conspiracies and other esoteric subjects. Including his Web Bot. http://www ...
- NASA’s EPOXI Hartley 2 EncounterYesterday NASA’s recycled spacecraft EPOXI (which was the second part of the spacecraft that released the probe that collided with comet Tempel 1 on July 4, 2005) encountered it’s second comet (Hartley 2) on a close fly-by, thus saving money by reusing expensive space-probes. Even though no collisio ...
- Adam Gorightly on the ParacastEsoteric writer of all things cultural and Fortean Adam Gorightly gives a good interview on this past Sunday’s (10/31) Paracast discussing astral travel, vivid dreaming, alien abductions and psychedelic drugs. Oh yeah! Adam Gorightly Interview on the Paracast
- “Phantastic” Halloween Solar PhotosYeah, I know the spelling catcher and these pictures have been viral on the ‘Net all this past weekend, but I can’t resist posting these from a relative “neighbor” of mine who lives in Buffalo, NY and photographed from the same. Enjoy! … … [...] “On Oct. 20, Friedman hooked his telescope to a hydrog ...
- Terror Threats and Human Time MachinesLately I’ve been haunting the STARpod site picking up on odd bits of psychic stuff that Gary Bekkum says filters through the aether. Today was no different and I scanned this little article that caught my interest since it mentions quantum theory and multiple universes: Multiple sources and declassi ...
Tippers News
- Why Did Aggie Boys Buy Sex at the Chicken Ranch?The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, the Texas A&M football team celebrates a win with a visit to their local brothel, the Chicken Ranch. The Aggie Boys are f Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Two survivors of human trafficking share their sto ...She fiddles with her cell phone. In mid conversation, she holds it out, showing off who�s on the screen. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Trip to India inspires Everson woman to help victi ...EVERSON - Touched by her own memories of being adopted as an orphan, Sue Ann Heutink took her first overseas venture to help victims of human trafficking. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Free Human Trafficking Victim Sara Kruzan From Lif ...Sixteen-year-old human trafficking victim Sara Kruzan was sentenced to life in prison without parole when, in a desperate act to escape captivity, she shot her pimp. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against human ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says. Submitted by Rose Earth to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- The Injustice of Domestic Violence PoliciesDomestic violence is a deeply politicized issue used by “get tough” prosecutors and politicians as a career path.
- Bernanke Defends Strategy in Friedmanite Terms“The central bank will indirectly be financing the governmentâs deficits on a scale not seen since World War II. It will buy the equivalent of most of the new Treasury debt issued through next June. The portfolio of federal bonds it amassed as a result of the 2008 crisis will swell further, just abo ...
- Payment for Costly Treatment Debated by Medicare O ...“Federal officials are conducting an unusual review to determine whether the government should pay for an expensive new vaccine for treating prostate cancer, rekindling debate over whether some therapies are too costly.” (Washington Post) Wasnât Medicare supposed to leave the practice of medicine al ...
- Renewable Energy Loses Clout“Even as many politicians, environmentalists and consumers want renewable energy and reduced dependence on fossil fuels, a growing number of projects are being canceled or delayed because governments are unwilling to add even small amounts to consumersâ electricity billsâ¦. Electricity generated fro ...
- Fed’s Inflation Promise Pushes up Stock Mar ...“The Federal Reserve’s aggressive action this week to boost the economy sent stocks soaring Thursday to their highest level in two years as investors expressed renewed confidence that someone in Washington was finally giving the sluggish recovery a lift.” (Washington Post) They fall for it every tim ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Advice for journalism educators in AfricaWhile I was attending the annual Online News Association conference a week ago, one of several great panels I sat in on was titled “From Earthquakes to Coups: Tools for Crisis Reporting.” I’ve been interested in crisis mapping and other crowdsourced efforts during disasters ever since I learned how ...
- Best advice for SoundslidesI was asking around recently, among my friends at other j-schools who teach photojournalism. Yes, they are still teaching Soundslides. The No. 1 reason is almost unanimous: It’s a great transition from making stills to making video. I think it also helps — a lot — with teaching storytelling. Right ...
- Storytelling 101 with ‘The Annoying Orange’Let’s look at storytelling again. I always use this diagram to show students how to structure a very short video story or audio slideshow (120 seconds): Recently a student showed me this video, and I noticed that at about 1 min. 30 sec., it illustrates the story arc perfectly! ...
- Journalism education: Irrelevant, or lacking conte ...Journalism students around the world seem to be very similar. Many of them say this: Personally, I enrolled in a journalism course because I wanted to get into magazines or newspaper column writing — less hard news, more conversational. That comes from a June 2010 column at MediaShift, written b ...
- Boring old news media: Still boring, still oldI was just rereading a post by Steve Yelvington — whom I used to call the smartest man in online journalism (and he may still be — it’s just that there are so many more people in it now, it’s hard to name just one). Steve’s post ( A tablet revolution: It’s like it’s the ’70s all over again ) has se ...
Facing South
- As Obama pushes nuclear industry's expansion, its ...Two nuclear power plants owned by New Orleans-based Entergy were forced to shut down over the weekend following serious operating problems, including a radioactive leak at one plant in Vermont. Those troubling incidents come on the heels of an electrical explosion at NRG's South Texas nuc ...
- VOICES: Elephants make dinosaurs of the Blue Dogs ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South What's the future of the "Blue Dog" Democrat? It's a legitimate question to ask in the wake of last Tuesday's election. Here in Mississippi, two "Blue Dog" Democrats -- 1st District Congressman Travis Childers and 4th District Congressman Gene Taylor -- lost their re- ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The South's new political landsca ...Number of seats the Republican Party gained in the U.S. Senate in the mid-term elections: 6 Number of those seats that are in the South: 1 Number of seats the Republican Party gained in the U.S. House: at least 60 Number of those seats that are in the South: 16 Percent by which the Blue ...
- Art Pope's Big Day: Millionaire's money key to his ...The Republican takeover of North Carolina's state legislature in 2010 -- the first time since Reconstruction -- caught many by surprise, but perhaps none more than state senator John Snow . A three-term Democrat in the senate's western-most district in the mountains, Snow largely avoided c ...
- Meet the likely House committee chairs who promise ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Earlier this week, we highlighted a few ways that midterm elections could affect some of the issues we've dogged in the past few months -- the foreclosure scandal, financial reform, healthcare reform, among others. Impending Republican control of the House means ther ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Preventing Maternal Deaths in West AfricaDr. Fredanna M'Cormack and her Bele Uman Project are working in Sierra Leone to save the lives of pregnant mothers and their babies.
- Interview with Kumi NaidooThe Greenpeace executive director talks about connections between the environment, poverty, peace, and how the interconnectedness of these issues can drive civil society.
- Zimbabweans Still SufferingOn a daily basis, the people of Zimbabwe face starvation, poverty, corruption and oppression, and their government is highly unlikely to bail them out anytime soon.
- Re: Blood Diamonds: Still BloodyWe are seeing a steadily growing tide of discontent with the Kimberley Process.
- Re: Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsI believe that the senators dont know the real issues on the ground and their well-intended legislation will be useless without knowledge of the actual situation.
Canadian Encyclopedia
- Great DepressionFew countries were affected as severely as Canada by the worldwide Depression of the 1930s. It is estimated that between 1929 and 1933 Gross National Expenditure declined by 42%, by the latter year 30% of the LABOUR FORCE was
- Riel, LouisLouis Riel, M�tis leader, founder of Manitoba, central figure in the NORTH-WEST REBELLION (b at Red River Settlement [Man] 22 Oct 1844; d at Regina 16 Nov 1885). Riel was educated at St Boniface and studied for the
- Macdonald, Sir John AlexanderSir John Alexander Macdonald, lawyer, businessman, politician, first prime minister of Canada (b at Brunswick Place, across the Clyde R from Glasgow, Scot 10 Jan 1815; d at Ottawa 6 June 1891). He was the dominant creative mind
- ConfederationConfederation, the union of the British North American colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Canada (Canada being an earlier 1841 union of Lower Canada and Upper Canada), was achieved 1 July 1867 under the new name,
- Vimy RidgeVimy Ridge, battle fought 9-14 April 1917 during WORLD WAR I . The long, low ridge formed a key position linking the Germans' new HINDENBURG LINE to their main trench lines leading north from HILL 70 near Arras, France.
How Can I Recycle This ?
- Pencil stub insects, apple core cider, snow globe ...They’re been some really great suggestions on Recycle This recently so I thought I’d highlight a few in case you’ve missed them. Scott Bedford popped by our conveniently timed post about how to reuse or recycle pencil stubs to tell us about the little insects he’s been making out of the ends of penc ...
- Green Halloween: how can I reduce the amount of sw ...Continuing in our Green Halloween series… What with food safety issues and all the urban legends about razor blades & whatnot, nearly all trick-or-treat treats these days are shop-bought and individually wrapped – possibly the worst way to eat sweets or chocolate in terms of packaging waste, especia ...
- Interesting reducing, reusing & recycling linksWith Halloween approaching, check out this fab tutorial on making mini skull lanterns out of little plastic bottles – she says “milk bottles” but from a British POV, they look more like little yoghurt drink bottles. Either way though, ace! SueAnn on Lil Bird Told Me has posted a great idea to make o ...
- How can I reuse or recycle acorns?It’s possibly getting a bit late in the year for this one but I kept forgetting to post it earlier in the autumn ;) Our house backs onto woodland that includes a lot of oak trees. There are millions of acorns out there. Whenever we’re out on dog walks, we hear and see them them [...]
- What can I reuse or recycle to make a clothes aire ...A couple of weeks ago on on The Really Good Life, I post my top 5 clothes line drying tips. One of my tips is to use a clothes peg airer thing if possible – one of these things – it stops the little items taking up space on your main line and is easy [...]
- Night raid in Bil’in(Photo: Hamde Abu Rahme) Today, November 9 at about 3:00 in the morning, the Israeli army entered the village of Bil'in. About 50 soldiers entered the village by jeep and foot. When they arrived at the two targeted houses, they ran and took positions outside while a number of soldiers entered the h ...
- My conversation with an Israeli leftistI think the following gchat conversation gives some insight into Israeli leftist thinking. The irony of this conversation that sticks out most is that in visiting various villages in the West Bank, it is notable that Israel does not at all differentiate itself from the dozens of settlements it has b ...
- Canadian lawmakers resurrect McCarthy in hearings ...Canada is the latest front in the battle between critics of Israel and those who would smear them as anti-Semites. The video below is from Independent Jewish Voices. An article by Jillian Kestler-D'Amours follows.The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism (CPCCA) held an intern ...
- Five young Jews disrupt Netanyahu speech with call ...News from the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations in New Orleans, a press release from Jewish Voice for Peace. Note the inspiring statements from the young disrupters: A group of young Jews with the Young Leadership Institute of Jewish Voice for Peace has traveled to the largest gathering o ...
- Israeli Supreme Court approves buildings for ̵ ...And more news from Today in Palestine:Settlers/ Land, Property, Resource Theft & Destruction/Ethnic Cleansing IOA deprives two Palestinian villages of potable water The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has been depriving villages of Brukin and Kufr Al-Deek, west of Salfit district, of potable wat ...
Media Consortium
- Discounted memberships: A short term gain with lon ...
- The Newsonomics of membership " Nieman Journalism ...New journalism is hungry for new business models. Beyond millions in foundation start-up support, what will sustain these enterprises? One answer: membership. The notion is borrowed from NPR (née National Public Radio), which we must remind ourselves is no “experiment.” While the daily press is te ...
- Chart: How Newspaper E-Editions Are Faring | paidC ...One circulation metric that wasn’t down year-over-year for U.S. newspapers during the first half of 2010: the total number of subscribers to their e-editions, a broad category that includes digital replicas, online-only subscriptions, Kindle subscriptions, and products like Times Reader. Leading th ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...t the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. According to a release issued by the company, the new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, w ...
- PayPal Unveils Micropayments For Digital Goods, Fa ...At the company’s annual developer conference today, PayPal debuted its much awaited micropayments product. The new product is an “in-context, frictionless payment solution that lets consumers pay for digital goods and content in as little as two clicks, without ever having to leave a publisher’s gam ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terroriz ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NOT TH ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli children w ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END FEAR ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenomena ( ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. Gen ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many more l ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world politi ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Asilomar geoengineering conference report releasedLast March we reported on a conference in California that featured more than 175 experts from various disciplines trying to come up with some guidance for conducting geoengineering research. It took a while, but the final conference report is now out. Here's a quick summary of the five recommendatio ...
- Cholera ‘has reached Port-au-Prince’Cholera has reportedly reached Port-au-Prince, capital of the devastated country of Haiti. After the earthquake earlier this year and the recent heavy rains accompanying Hurricane Tomas, the disease has been spreading throughout Haiti. Now Kara Gibson, a doctor working in Port-au-Prince, says ...
- Space Shuttle Discovery’s final mission delayedDiscovery’s final mission, already tardy, will be deferred once again, this time because of a hydrogen fuel leak. Postponed twice due to bad weather and electrical difficulties, the shuttle must wait until at least 30 November for lift-off. During final inspections, engineers also noticed a 7-i ...
- Controversial carbon-burial project cancelledShell’s plan to inject 400,000 tonnes of compressed carbon dioxide annually under a shopping mall in Barendrecht, the Netherlands, has been cancelled after years of protest from the town’s residents. The company wanted to use aging natural gas beds a kilometre and a half below the town as a largi ...
- The new biology on the silver screenThe Smithsonian Air and Space Museum was the place to be yesterday evening for conference-goers at the American Society of Human Genetic meeting in Washington DC. The gene sequencing company Pacific Biosciences had taken over the museum for a premier screening of a documentary film the company had m ...
new geography
- Geography of the Election: The Philadelphia Collar ...The Obama coalition of 2008 has begun to fracture with independents, women and college educated voters bolting to Republicans and the youth vote seemingly uninterested in this election. But perhaps the most critical change took place in suburbia. This was particularly evident last week in southeast ...
- Geography of the Election: A New Era of Racial Pol ...Laura Jean Berger worked on the Congressional Campaign of Assemblyman Van Tran. This is her account of the results. Energy and free beer flowed through Assemblyman Van Tran's campaign headquarters, the crowd anxiously building with anticipation each time Fox News reported another House seat for t ...
- Greetings From Recoveryland: Ten Places to Watch C ...Like a massive tornado, the Great Recession up-ended the topography of America. But even as vast parts of the country were laid low, some cities withstood the storm and could emerge even stronger and shinier than before. So, where exactly are these Oz-like destinations along the road to recovery? If ...
- Corn Crop 2010: Food, Fuel, Feed and Folk ArtThe harvest of this year’s U.S. corn crop is about 90 percent complete, and it is going to be a bin-buster. If it surpasses 2009's astonishing 13.1 billion bushels, it could become the largest in U.S. history. American farmers are growing more corn today than at any time in the past, and the trend ...
- Currency Wars: The Yuan and The Dollar Face OffIn the currency wars looming between the United States and China, everyone is focused on the decline of the U.S. dollar and the overvaluation of the Chinese renminbi. In the standoff, China maintains a low valuation for the yuan —the unit in which the renminbi is denominated — against the dollar, in ...
GM Watch
- Channel 4 and the lies over Zambia and DDT1.Matt Ridley and James Delingpole continue the lies over Zambia 2.What the environmentalists got right – view from Zambia 3.What Channel 4 Got Wrong --- --- 1.Matt Ridley and James Delingpole continue the lies over Zambia Matt Ridley on his 'Rational Optimist' blog quotes James Delingpole of the D ...
- Protesters raise Bhopal and Bt cotton
- Biofuels fallacy
- Looking in a gift horse's mouth
- US merchants eyeing Indian agriculture
- Why I’d vote for a dodgy MP over an honest j ...Phil Woolas kicked out of parliament by an electoral court, for lying? That’s a bigger scandal than anything he said about his opponents.
- A Happy Meal ban is nothing to smile aboutThe proposal to ban meals with toys in San Francisco is based on some dubious assumptions about obesity and health.
- In the name of the victim, the jury’s outThe proposal by the ‘victims’ champion’ to cut jury trials is an attack on the essential right to be judged by our peers.
- How NGOs are adopting a missionary position in Asi ...A sex-worker rights activist in Thailand tells Nathalie Rothschild about the reality of the prudish, neo-colonial anti-trafficking industry.
- Disregarding privacyGoogle should be criticised for harvesting personal data, but its blasé attitude to privacy is hardly original.
- And Now… Pills Containing MicrochipsVia: Reuters: Novartis AG plans to seek regulatory approval within 18 months for a pioneering tablet containing an embedded microchip, bringing the concept of “smart-pill” technology a step closer. The initial program will use one of the Swiss firm’s established drugs taken by transplant patients to ...
- Silver Clears $28Via: Bloomberg: Gold advanced to a record in London as concern that some European governments may struggle to raise funds boosted demand for a protection of wealth. Silver reached a 30-year high of more than $28 an ounce. The euro weakened against the dollar on concern debt- stricken nations will st ...
- China Says Fed Easing May Flood World Economy With ...Gold is at $1404 right now, a new record high. Via: Bloomberg: Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to pump $600 billion into the economy might “shock” emerging markets by flooding them with capital. The first round of quantitative easing, as the Fed po ...
- Video Depositions of Employees of Nationwide Title ...Curious about what goes on inside an “alleged” robosigning operation? A Florida law firm has posted several videos on YouTube that might interest you. Via: Forrest Law Firm YouTube Channel: Part 1: Video deposition of alleged robosigner Crystal Moore of Nationwide Title Clearing. Deposition taken by ...
- Cornell Precognition ExperimentFrom the Cryptogon Backchannel. Via: H+ Magazine: According to today’s conventional scientific wisdom, time flows strictly forward — from the past to the future through the present. We can remember the past, and we can predict the future based on the past (albeit imperfectly) — but we can’t perceive ...
The Economic Collapse
- Barack Obama And Ben Bernanke Continue To Defend Q ...Even as Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke publicly defend the Federal Reserve's new $600 billion quantitative easing program, top finance officials around the globe are expressing alarm and outrage. But what did Obama and Bernanke expect? "Quantitative easing" is little more than lega ...
- Millions Of Unemployed Americans Now Live As Paupe ...Most Americans still do not understand just how bad the economic horror we are facing really is. Today, millions of Americans are living as paupers in the land that their foreathers built even as America's infrastructure is literally being sold out from under their feet by corrupt ...
- 100 Dollar Oil Is ComingThe price of oil has been hovering around 80 dollars a barrel for quite some time now, but get ready, because it is going to move significantly higher. Oil prices have already risen about 9 percent over the past month, and many believe that this could very well be the start of a ne ...
- Will You Be Able To Heat Your Home This Winter? Mi ...Will you have a warm house to come home to this winter? If so, you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. With the United States experiencing the highest levels of long-term unemployment that it has seen since the Great Depression, millions of Americans families are simply ...
- California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May ...Back in the 1960s and 1970s, there was a seemingly endless parade of pop songs about how great life was in California, and millions of young Americans dreamed of moving to the land of sandy beaches and golden sunshine. But now all of that has changed. Today, millions of California ...
- Grow Prosopis cineraria in hot arid regions of Wes ...Today, I discovered an interesting and nicely illustrated article on : “Fruits of Shami, the Prosopis cineraria” ……………….. Fruits of Shami are pods containing up to 25 dull brown seeds, 0.3 to 0.8 cm long. Pods are light green-yellow … Continue reading →
- Meet the Owens Foundation and Hammer SIMWINGA in Z ...Thanks to a message sent by an Irish student, Desmond Paul O’Doherty, 4th year at Cork University, I had the pleasure of reading interesting things about the Owens Foundation and the nice work of Hammer Simwinga and his Foundation for … Continue reading →
- Benefits of Organic Farming: different focus (rbai ...Read at : Google Alerts Technorati Search The ORGANIC FARMINGÂ (Ecosensorium) ( blog post, written by William Van Cotthem, specifically relates to my info ...
- The World’s Water Crisis (Writing for the environm ...Read at : Posted on November 8, 2010 by stnorris The Worldâs Water Crisis Steven Norris Engl 213: Writing for the Environment Professor Sulivan November 6, 2010 The adult human body is made up of approximately seve ...
- Opening of orchid flower buds – Phalaenopsis ...Nowadays, I am studying the splendid phenomena of flower buds of the Phalaenopsis orchid. One can find an album of photos at my Flickr account : Enjoy also 3 photos of a rooting paddle of the Opuntia ficus-indica var. inermis, … Co ...
The Paper Trail
- Treesaver E-reader Debuts With ICIJ’s Lootin ...The Center for Public Integrity on Sunday launched a new e-reader designed to make reading long-form investigative projects easier on digital platforms. The Treesaver e-reader debuted with a global investigation by the Center's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists into the plunderin ...
- Reform Watch Calendar: CFTC Tackles Whistleb ...A calendar of events, rulemaking deadlines, and meetings to help consumers monitor the transparency and accountability of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
- White House Sets “CUI” Designation for ...President Barack Obama’s new executive order creating a uniform category for federal documents that are sensitive but not classified is an attempt to bring order to an unwieldy hodge-podge of 107 agency-specific terms now used across government for touchy information.
- Republicans Must Choose Panel Chief Tough Enough T ...Two experienced Republican lawmakers are vying for the chairmanship of the U.S. House Financial Services Committee and the chance to try to derail or weaken the financial regulation reform law.
- Stimulated Hypocrisy? A Mixed Bag for Profiled Can ...Two weeks ago, The Center for Public Integrity released an investigative story looking at Congressional lawmakers who publicly denounced the 2009 economic stimulus bill, then privately wrote letters requesting funds for pet projects. Then last week, we teamed up with our friends at the Huffington P ...
- Why I won’t listen to Canada Reads 2011By Steven W. Beattie Thirty seconds. That’s the approximate amount of time it took after the announcement of the 40 titles in contention to appear on the 2011 edition of the CBC’s "Canada Reads" program for Twitter to explode with tweets from authors, publishers, friends, and fans, all of them ...
- The G20: Bill Blair and “preventive detentio ...By Alison@Creekside At the Public Safety Committee yesterday, Toronto Chief Bill Blair lobbed the following statement about "preventive detention" at the G20 into the proceedings [just before the 4 minute mark]: "I think you are all familiar with images of members of that group who were smashing ...
- Potash and trout bring out the best in the ConsBy Frank Moher Perhaps Alison, the regular blogger in this space, will disagree, but it seems to me the Conservatives have actually done two things right in the last two days. That's two things in a row. Significantly, both are liable to prove unpopular with their business base in the West, ...
- Dear Kanye: Keep your junk in its trunkBy Rachel Krueger Attention, gentlemen of the world: a picture of your dong is not a dozen roses. It is not a fun evening out, or even a quick back rub. It is not, in short, something the object of your admiration is going to be delighted to receive. When rumors of ...
- Blekko meBy Mark Evans After a lot of hype and venture capital, Blekko launched today. For those of you not familiar with Blekko, it’s a new search engine that, like most of the search start-ups in recent years, has been billed as a new threat to Google. While I haven’t had much of ...
- Rafael Van Der Vaart And The Premier League S ...England's top flight and La Liga continue to dominate... Share England's Premier League remains the strongest in Europe according to the latest data released by Castrol today. The EPL boasts eight players in the current top 20 of the rankings, just edging La Liga, which has seven stars. Germany ...
- Marks & Spencer strategic review: what the an ...City experts like the sound of Marc Bolland's new plans for Marks & Spencer, including shaking up its food offering, cleaning up the clothes business and opening more stores around the globe Marks & Spencer: what the analysts say. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian Freddie George, retail an ...
- Population explosion looms in PH, says offici ...MANILA, Philippines With dominantly young citizens, the Philippine population is likely to continue growing in the next 50 years, according to the government coordinating and policy-making body on population. In a presentation before the committee on population in the House of Representatives ...
- Cat killings by dogs in Sunderland spark appe ...Cats have been mauled by dogs in a series of attacks in Sunderland, the RSPCA said. The charity said it is aware of at least three cats which have been killed in the Pennywell and Fulwell areas in recent months. It said the...
- US planned to send spl forces into Pak post 9 ...�George Bush US came on the verge of marching its special forces into Pakistan to smash Taliban and al-Qaeda safe havens twice, post 9/11 and then again in mid-2008, but the country's rulers each time thwarted the attempt, former President George Bush has revealed. The former military dictator ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embedded ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ in I ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any Time ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cops an ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- The Jefferson Department Of Otolaryngology - Head ...The Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH) and Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University recently welcomed three new physicians to its ranks: Joseph M. Curry, M.D. Assistant Professor Dr. Curry received his medical degree fr ...
- Modalities to Decrease Stromal Herpes Simplex Kera ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Modalities to Decrease Stromal Herpes Simplex Kera ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Growth factor makes a comeback in cystic fibrosisWork in pigs points to culprit and potential treatment for growth retardation.
- Detecting depression in caretakers of mentally ill ...A diagnostic test of eight short questions can be used to detect depressive thinking patterns that lead to clinical depression in women who care for an adult family member with a serious mental illness.
Common Dreams
- Justice Dept. Renews Enforcement of Subpoenas for ...We get an update on the fallout from the FBI raids in late September that targeted antiwar activists in Minneapolis and Chicago. Subpoenas to appear before a grand jury were served on 13 people, but later withdrawn when the activists asserted their right to remain silent. But this week, the U.S. Dep ...
- Iraqi Victims of UK Abuse Want Public InquiryLawyers of 142 Iraqi civilians, who claim they suffered abuse by British soldiers, are pushing for the UK's High Court to allow a full public inquiry. The allegations include torture, sensory deprivation, forced nakedness and stress positions. The abuse allegedly took place in British-controlled det ...
- UN Report Warns of Threat to Human Progress from C Larry Elliott and Mark Tran The United Nations warned today that a continued failure to tackle climate change was putting at risk decades of progress in improving the lives of the world's poorest people. read more
- US Weathers Calls for Torture Probes at UN Rights Peter Capella GENEVA - The United States faced a barrage of calls to investigate allegations of torture and shut down Guantanamo Bay detention centre on Friday in its first review by the UN's top human rights assembly. European countries joined appeals for a halt to the death penalty, and there w ...
- Obama Administration Claims Unchecked Authority to ...WASHINGTON - The Obama administration today argued before a federal court that it should have unreviewable authority to kill Americans the executive branch has unilaterally determined to pose a threat. Government lawyers made that claim in response to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Libertie ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Thousands of Anglicans ready to c ...ExamineReligion: Thousands of Anglicans ready to cross the Tiber: The Australian is reporting that a former Australian bishop is ...
- ExamineReligion: Face Time - A Devotion: Psalm 17: ...ExamineReligion: Face Time - A Devotion: Psalm 17:15 (NLT)Because I am righteous, I will see you. When I awake, I will see you fa...
- ExamineReligion: Indonesia: Why the world's most ...ExamineReligion: Indonesia: Why the world's most populous Muslim nation?: According to Al Jazeera, approximately 86 percent of I...
- ExamineReligion: Gordon B. Hinckley and the mainst ...ExamineReligion: Gordon B. Hinckley and the mainstreaming of Mormonism: In a 1997 Time Magazine interview, President Hinckley see...
- ExamineReligion: Peeling back the layers of your l ...ExamineReligion: Peeling back the layers of your life - letting go!: Peeling back the layers of your life – letting go! Recently,...
Energy Collective
- US Climate Policy with a Republican HouseBelow is a blog post from IISS intern, Marie Steinrucke, with a good analysis of how climate policy affected the elections, and what that means for policy going forward.� I�ve presented it mostly unchanged.� �I�m hopeful that there�s space for agreement and compromise on climate policy in the next C ...
- United States, Australia Partner to Make Solar Ene ...By Jesse Jenkins, originally at the Breakthrough Institute
- Japan Claims Canada's FIT Program Violates WTO Rul ...."This article highlights the conflict of a globalized market with the idea and value in community and local solutions for energy generation due to standing global policies governing business. A similar problem surfaced between China and the U.S. this year." A. Atkinson Article courtesy of Ontario S ...
- IBM AsiaPac Smart Grid announcementsPhoto credit pgegreenenergy IBM seems to be making big moves in AsiaPac!
- US and India to Cooperate on Clean Energy
Green House - USA Today
- Biden unveils plan to score homes for energy effic ...U.S. homeowners will be able to get low-cost energy audits that rank a home's efficiency on a scale of one to 10 and get federally insured loans for upgrades, under an Obama administration plan to be announced today.
- NYC's Bloomberg touts electric taxis for world's c ...New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in taking over leadership of a global coalition of major cities, has pledged to promote the use of electric taxis.
- Quaint seaside homes go green with Nantucket lookOn 24 acres overlooking the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound, an enclave of Nantucket-style cottages shows just how charming and traditional a green home can be built.
- Forget batteries with wireless solar-powered keybo ...Batteries gone dead? Not to worry. A wireless solar keyboard debuted this week that can power itself whenever there's light, even indoors.
- Election likely to affect EPA lawsuits, judge nomi ...Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire reports: The repercussions of Republican successes in Tuesday's midterm elections are likely to be felt not just on Capitol Hill but also in courtrooms.
Prior Art
- Recent Patent Litigation Weekly ColumnsMuch of the patent news that was published on this blog has been moved to the IP Insider section of the Corporate Counsel website. Here's a list of the last several Patent Litigation Weekly columns— Oct. 25, 2010: Big Patent-Licensing...
- Paul Allen v. The InternetFormer Microsoft executive and billionaire Paul Allen sued several major Internet companies and three large retailers for patent infringement today, asserting that four patents originating at Interval Research, Allen's dot-com era think tank, cover basic web browsing and e-commerce technologies....
- Citing Possible Bias, ACLU Asks Rader to Recuse Hi ...With the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit set to consider a landmark case over the validity of human gene patents, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit are asking the court's chief judge to recuse himself from the matter—before the panel that will hear it has even been selec ...
- Law360 Calls Lawyer-Owned Shell Company a "Public ...seems to have a pretty flexible definition of that term. Last month, it included . Who is so concerned about such fairness? That would be , the Texas law firm that owns Americans for Fair Patent Use, which is a limited liability company set up to prosecute a false marking lawsuit filed in E ...
- Eben Moglen on Bilski, software patents, and big p ...Moglen's position on the subject of software patents—that they should be banned—is, to say the least, outside the mainstream in legal circles. It has, however, garnered support among software developers and other techies, especially those who work in the world of open-source and free softw ...
Peoples Voice
- The Parcel Bomb Plot—Al-Qaeda’s Gift t ...Maidhc Ó Cathail While Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) may have claimed responsibility for the parcel bomb plot, it’s worth considering how this latest Yemen-linked terror scare has been a gift to their avowed enemies. A mere two weeks before the discovery of mail bombs addressed to “two ...
- A good science fiction book expands the mind: Tobi ...Interview by Kourosh Ziabari Born in Grenada in the Caribbean, Tobias Buckell is a New York Times Best-Seller science fiction and speculative fiction author. Having lived in Ohio since 1995, Buckell started submitting his writings to magazines and newspapers since he was in high school. He sold his ...
- Jack DeCoster's Salmonella Touch: Another massive ...By Rady Ananda Food Freedom Another massive egg recall, another tie to scofflaw Jack DeCoster. Nearly 300,000 eggs have been recalled, affecting eight states, after Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. got word on Friday from the FDA that eggs from one of its suppliers, Ohio Fresh Eggs, tested positive for Salm ...
- Israeli Banks Profiteering from Occupationby Stephen Lendman Wall Street does it. Other Western banks do it. They all exploit markets, often ripping off customers illegally. Why not Israeli banks also in their own back yard, easily in expanding settlements. The Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) includes 10 feminist organizations and ...
- The child soldier and Gitmo's kangaroo courtMary Shaw In October, a U.S. military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay sentenced Omar Khadr to 40 years in prison. A plea deal reduced his sentence to eight years. Under the deal, Khadr pled guilty to five charges, including murder and conspiracy to engage in terrorism. What sets this apart from other t ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- New York Times article: Income Inequality too big ...New York Times writer Robert Frank says it's time to tackle the problems of income inequality in this article .
- Let's Do Something About Poverty!The Saskatchewan office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a proud partner of Poverty Free Saskatchewan (PFS), a coalition of groups attempting to develop a comprehensive anti-poverty program for the province. Today we released Let's Do Something About Poverty! , in order to encourage ...
- The growing gap and the problem of recessionBruce Livesey writes a blog in the Progressive Economics Forum showing the link between worsening income inequality and the threat of a Great Recession that could 'go on indefinitely'. Read the blog here.
- Does Canada really have a debt and deficit problem ...A new CCPA study examines Canada's debt and deficit and finds that debt in Canada—even after two years of stimulus—is still at very low levels compared to other countries, and compared to the mid-1990s. Big Train Coming: Does Canada Really Have a Deficit and Debt Problem? says a sharp turn to spe ...
- Why the F-35 stealth fighter is wrong for CanadaA new report by the CCPA and the Rideau Instittute says the planned purchase of 65 F-35 stealth fighter jets is the result of a ‘pilot error’ by the Canadian government. Pilot Error: Why the F-35 stealth fighter is wrong for Canada carefully examines all of Canada’s current and future security requ ...
World Wide Hippies
- Well, This Is Interesting…The Control Fraud Theory | Bizcovering Control fraud theory was developed in the savings and loan debacle. It explained that the person controlling the S&L (typically the CEO) posed a unique risk because he could use it as a weapon. The theory synthesized criminology (Wheeler and Rothman 1982), econ ...
- Twinkie Diet: It WorksProfessor Loses 27 Pounds on Twinkie Diet: Why That Makes Sense | Geek System Mark Haub, professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate a Twinkie every three hours for ten weeks in an attempt to prove that caloric intake, rather than the healthiness of food, was the main factor contrib ...
- Worldwide Hippies News!WWH- Weekly News for the Hippie Community. Hosted by Joe McEvoy and Savannah Richards. This week recorded in Fredonia NY. If you have a news tip or article; contact
- We’re YOU!Now that the hoopla of the midterm election is over, it is time to get down to work on the issues that face our nation. One of the problems that we face is lack of employment for our citizens. Republican or Democrat, neither of these parties or their leaders has given me any [...]
- Wait, What?Why Are More Gay People Voting Republican? | The Atlantic According to a CNN exit poll, more self-identified lesbians, gay men and bisexuals voted for Republicans in the midterm election than ever before. Nearly one third of self-identified gay voters pulled the lever for Republicans on Tuesday, a 4 ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- The Lies of Islamophobia The Muslims were bloodthirsty and treacherous. They conducted a sneak attack against the French army and slaughtered every single soldier, 20,000 in all. More than 1,000 years ago, in the mountain passes of Spain, the Muslim horde cut down the finest soldiers in Charlemagne�s command, including his ...
- What's Mike Up To?What's Mike Up To?
- 'I Remember'
- 9/11 Families Call for Immediate Acknowledgement o ...NEW YORK – October 23 – The following statement may be attributed to Colleen Kelly, a founding member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows The information made public by Wikileaks (NY Times, A Grim Report…10/22/10) emphasizes that 9/11 families have much in common with Iraqi civ ...
- 'A Crime Beyond Denunciation'This appears in a new article in the New York Observer : "The first thing that needs to happen, I think, is to get these people out of their homes," a man wearing a bespoke blue-striped shirt, a Hermés tie patterned with elephants and Ferragamo loafers said recently. "Correct! I'll explain," the ...
- George W. Bush: The man who still won't blink
- I'm not leaving Salon!By now you've probably heard the news : I'm stepping down from editorial management at Salon to write a book. I'll be editor at large, blogging regularly for Salon and still talking politics on television, while I work on "Indivisible: How fear-driven politics hurts America, and pulling together ...
- Michigan official finally fired for harassing gay ...Michigan assistant attorney general and This Week in Crazy winner Andrew Shirvell has finally been fired for relentlessly stalking and harassing a college student.
- Shocker: Rand Paul already disappointing libertari ...Uh-oh! Rand Paul's been a senator-elect for less than a week and he's already a total sellout. (This will, I'm sure, shock everyone who hasn't read most of the public statements he's made since winning the GOP nomination.)
- 12 takeaways from the Bush memoirGeorge W. Bush’s memoir, "Decision Points," is due to be released Tuesday (with the obligatory national TV interview, conducted by Matt Lauer to air tonight), but most of the good stuff is already circulating on the Web. What have we learned so far?
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits cam ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metre (9 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera saw ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the disq ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, believed ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage to t ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Afghan mission: PM needs to address issueIf Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants war-weary Canadians to support a new mission for our troops in Afghanistan after 2011, he’ll need to do a better selling job than he has so far.
- Fair wage policy: Think before scrappingMayor-elect Rob Ford’s promise to scrap Toronto’s 117-year-old fair wage policy is only worth trying on the condition that it would save a substantial amount of money and it won’t cause undue harm. Unfortunately, Ford’s proposal fails on both count ...
- Afghan war: Canada’s hidden heroesThe indefensible policy of releasing numbers on injured soldiers only once a year is a disservice to these brave men and women.
- Bill C-53: Justice needs to be swifterSimplifying and speeding up mega-trials is the focus of the federal government’s latest piece of “tough on crime” legislation.
- Foreign scholarships: Not a zero sum gameCanadian universities are a growth industry and a key driver of the knowledge economy.
Energy Collective
- US Climate Policy with a Republican HouseBelow is a blog post from IISS intern, Marie Steinrucke, with a good analysis of how climate policy affected the elections, and what that means for policy going forward.� I�ve presented it mostly unchanged.� �I�m hopeful that there�s space for agreement and compromise on climate policy in the next C ...
- United States, Australia Partner to Make Solar Ene ...By Jesse Jenkins, originally at the Breakthrough Institute
- Japan Claims Canada's FIT Program Violates WTO Rul ...."This article highlights the conflict of a globalized market with the idea and value in community and local solutions for energy generation due to standing global policies governing business. A similar problem surfaced between China and the U.S. this year." A. Atkinson Article courtesy of Ontario S ...
- IBM AsiaPac Smart Grid announcementsPhoto credit pgegreenenergy IBM seems to be making big moves in AsiaPac!
- US and India to Cooperate on Clean Energy
EU Times
- Our children don’t fail due to racism, says ...Black children fail at school because they do not concentrate, not because they are the victims of ‘institutional racism’, a leading black academic claims today. Tony Sewell, the son of Caribbean migrants, attacks the view that black pupils are held back by teachers who see them as ‘miniature gangst ...
- Talk About the Bill of Rights, Get 90 Days in JailIn Washington, DC, talking about the Bill of Rights can land you in jail for 90 days. Our nation’s capital has a licensing scheme in place that makes it illegal for anyone to “guide or escort” anyone else for hire without first getting the government’s permission. To get the license, which the Washi ...
- Two Russians detained on suspicion of spying for C ...Two Russian scientists are being held in a high-security Moscow prison while being investigated on suspicion of spying for China, a lawyer for one of the scientists said Wednesday. The two men, Svyatoslav Bobyshev and Yevgeny Afanasyev, who are both university academics, are being held in Lefortovo ...
- What should be done about the world’s popula ...Of all the issues that will be aired from the pulpit of the UN’s development summit this week, one is likely to stand out by its absence: What should be done about the world’s population explosion? To many campaigners, demographic growth is the gorilla in the UN’s living room, a blindingly obvious p ...
- Heavily-armed agents raid East Texas ranch with ca ...The FBI raided an East Texas compound early Wednesday morning. Agents said the suspects have ties to drug cartels in Mexico and were trafficking drugs, assault rifles and prostitutes. The FBI used SWAT teams and heavy military equipment in the pre-dawn raid. They were worried about the potential fir ...
Stonecipher News
- Top Five Cleaning MistakesThis is a short video about the common mistakes when cleaning. You may still be sleeping with bugs after cleaning.
- Repression and the Ruling ClassFrom my Triond collection : I recently read Louis Althusser’s article on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. He discusses the production for conditions of reproduction by breaking down the Marxist theory into several fundamental aspects. Althusser discussed the differences between the prolet ...
- The Independent Living Movement: Empowering People ...FROM: Australian Disability Review CREATOR: Irving Kenneth Zola (author) DATE: 1988 PUBLICATION: Australian Disability Review SOURCE: Available at selected libraries In The Beginning There Were Words 1 and there were fifty of them: 2 "No otherwise qualified handicapped individual in ...
- Enlarged Liver – Natural Cure for Enlarged LiverAccording to Corwin Brown , The liver is an extremely important organ as it is the seat of the five digestive fires of the human body and also the converter of plasma into blood. So, from an Ayurvedic point of view, the liver is the master controller of the entire body. However, the liver is suscept ...
- Tight Blood Pressure Control Doesn't Help All Diab ...In those with coronary disease, it would be better to focus on other heart risk factors, researcher advises By Amanda Gardner HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, July 6 (HealthDay News) -- Lower may not be better when it concerns blood pressure levels in type 2 diabetics who also have heart disease. New ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Amazon courts newspapers and magazines to Kindle ...Amazon announced today that qualifying newspaper and magazine publishers will soon be able to earn 70-percent from sales on the Kindle store. The new revenue sharing plan, which will take effect on December 1, is clearly a bid to get more periodicals on Kindle devices. To coincide with the news, th ...
- George Bush’s memoirs reveal how he considered att ...The Guardian : George Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria, the former president reveals in his memoirs. Bush, in the 497-page Decision Points, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian in advance of its publication in t ...
- Durham Torture Tape Case Dies, US Duplicity in Gen ...From the best available information as to the original destruction date of the infamous “Torture Tapes” having been on November 8, 2005, the statute of limitations for charging any general crime by employees and/or agents of the US Government for said destruction will expire at midnight Monday Nove ...
- [video] Microsoft’s Kinect already hacked, robot w ...Well, that was quick. Microsoft’s Kinect device for the Xbox 360 only launched last Thursday, and already the hackers have broken its security. No doubt spurred on by this offer of a $2,000 prize , the first open source Kinect driver hack appeared early Sunday morning, via renowned hacker Alex P. T ...
- George Bush’s memoirs reveal how he considered att ...The Guardian : George Bush ordered the Pentagon to plan an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities and considered a covert attack on Syria, the former president reveals in his memoirs. Bush, in the 497-page Decision Points, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian in advance of its publication in t ...
- Thomas-Rasset Damage Award: The Strange, Unpredict ...In most areas of civil law, we tie damages to actual harm, i.e., what is needed to make the person harmed "whole." Even in the relatively rare case of punitive damages, intended to punish people who have willfully engaged in illegal conduct, we still require a proportional relationship between damag ...
- Getting to Know AliceAlice is a programing environment that allows students to learn Object Oriented Programing in a compelling 3-D environment. With Alice, students add objects to a 3-D world and use each object's built-in methods to create animations, interactive stories, or games. When the student is satisfied with t ...
- Oracles Ellison Testifies that SAPs Infringement ...On Monday, SAP's lawyer grilled Ellison on where he came up with the purported $4 billion loss estimate. Ellison conceded that only 350 customers were lost because of TomorrowNow, and he was asked on cross examination if he had any documents suggesting the numbers were higher, according to a San Jos ...
- Costco argues before Supreme Court for ability to ...Omega sued for copyright infringement. Under U.S. law, Omega has exclusive rights to distribute the copyright watches in the United States, a right it argued was co-opted by Costco. Costco countered by invoking the "first-sale doctrine" in its defense. That doctrine gives owners of "lawfully made" ...
- Letter to the Editor, NYT, Judges Were Independent ...When a judge suffers an electoral defeat because he or she exercised judicial independence, we all suffer. - Samuel W. Seymour, President, New York City Bar Association
- Shoot The Messenger: 77 Ripple Effect Creator In C ...Freedom of speech on the line as 7/7 Ripple Effect creator John Hill enters court for the second time on November 11th.
- One FLU Over the Cuckoo’s NestCatching the real flu virus is rare and having a vaccine that works against the exact strain is even rarer. Welcome to cloud cuckoo land.
- Not The End of Controversial Child DatabasesThe Tories vowed to get rid of child databases, but they could come back under a different name.
- Hilton Hotels Turn Blind Eye To Sex SlaveryHilton Hotels yet to sign up to ECPAT Code of Conduct, turning a blind eye to sex slavery.
- Girls Bribed To Take Dangerous and Pointless HPV V ...Girls given shopping vouchers to take a vaccine that is not only useless in preventing cancer, but in some cases causes cancer!
Waterkeeper Alliance
- Duffyfield cleanup 'resounding success'Duffyfield cleanup 'resounding success'
- Canada's Champions of Change: Top 50: Stephen Rona ...Canada's Champions of Change: Top 50: Stephen Ronan
- Kennedy slams media on public policy failures, lac ...Kennedy slams media on public policy failures, lack of energy reform
- How Toxic are Oil Dispersants? Groups Press EPA to ...Shrimpers, community groups petition agency for info, clear rules before OK'ing future use.
- Clean Water Advocates Bring Legal Action Against K ...Falsified monitoring data in violation of federal law among the groups' claims.
Politics in the Zeros
- How Internet marketers spy on usDoc Searls lists the multitude of superb articles from the WSJ on how businesses spy on consumers on the net, and adds worthwhile comments of his own.
- Tiny Cob house, made from clay, sand, and strawTiny House Blog has the details on building a fully-insulated home cheaply from completely local materials (really local, like within 50 feet or so)
- Pacifica management lays off entire staff of KPKA ...The purges continue. The lunatics have taken over Pacifica Doug Henwood (his superb show on WBAI was killed last week) The idiots and maniacs who are now running Pacifica have decided to lay off the entire staff of the excellent KPFA Morning Show and to take it off the air: The show is the station’s ...
- South Korea to build 2.5 GW offshore wind farmThe wind farm will have 500 turbines and is a government-private enterprise joint project. The rest of the world is whizzing past the US on renewable energy while we argue about it.
- Hayes gets death penalty for horrific home invasio ...Regardless of your opinions on the death penalty, some people should never be let out of prison. Steven Hayes and his accomplice Joshua Komisarjevsky, who will be sentenced soon, are among them. The inevitable and mandatory appeals process means they will spend many more years in prison before being ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- Bourke verdict puts provocation defence back in sp ...The defence of provocation is back in the spotlight following the verdict in the case of the freezing worker who killed his brother.
- Threat made about flight from Auckland to Christch ...Emergency services are at Auckland Airport following a non-specific threat about a flight to Christchurch
- Judith Collins defends former judge's golden hands ...Acting Attorney-General Judith Collins has defended her decision to accept the resignation of former Supreme Court judge Bill Wilson with a golden handshake
- David Bourke found not guilty of murdering his bro ...A man who killed his brother and shot a farmer while on the run in the Hawke's Bay has been found not guilty of murder.
- Govt in talks with iwi leaders to discuss mining M ...After its U-turn on mining in conservation land the government is now working with iwi leaders about the possibilities of mining on Maori-owned land
Just World News
- Revealing interview with Khaled MeshaalThe enterprising, Bucharest-based researcher Manuela Paraipan published an interesting, revealing interview with Khaled Meshaal in Open Democracy last week. I'm sorry I don't have time to analyze it very thoroughly right now-- things are really hopping in the publishing business, with two JWB title ...
- Yesterday's Taksim Square bombThanks to everyone who's expressed concern for my wellbeing after yesterday's bomb in Taksim Square. In the incident, a suicide bomber detonated himself at the entrance to a police bus. He killed himself and injured 15 police officers and 17 members of the public. Te indications seem to be it was ...
- D. Broder and the war fever in WashingtonJust how serious the current, rising epidemic of war fever is in Washington DC is indicated by a column in today's WaPo in which veteran pundit David Broder argues quite clearly that for Pres. Obama, "orchestrating a showdown" with the regime in Iran in 2011 and 2012 will be a successful policy at b ...
- More impressions, IstanbulSo many conversations, so many amazing meals, so much history. One major thing that has emerged from the conversations, for me, is a much more robust sense that what we are seeing in Turkey today is not a function just of the actions and policies of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), b ...
- Istanbul, for all that ails youToday, I feel like maybe I died and went to heaven. I am sitting in an apartment that is perched on the heights of Istanbul's Cehangir neighborhood right across the Golden Horn from the Topkapi Palace. I stare out of the picture windows at the confluence of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. Ferry- ...
First Truths
- The Pretended Populism of PoliticsIn contemporary politics, populism implies, and is drawn on to justify, the boundless proliferation of statism. And, though the irony is seldom acknowledged, there is something thoroughly perverse about the idea that an organization of exclusivity, every action of which plants more deeply the roots ...
- Experts in the Ministry of CrimeA few days ago, I was reminded of a New York Times column, The Establishment Lives! , in which David Brooks, trumpeting the efficacy of the omnipresent, total state, wrote: If you wanted to devise a name for this approach, you might pick the phrase economist Arnold Kling has used: Progressive Corpor ...
- To Fight Terror, Fight the StateThe U.S. terror state, the mechanism through which the state-corporate power elite butchers thousands of innocents under the auspices of spreading freedom, is no more morally legitimate than than those who strap bombs to their bodies or use IEDs against buses. My latest commentary attacks the ultima ...
- QE2: The Fed's Latest ScamLike the Bailouts, the new quantitative easement plan that will see the Federal Reserve�buy $600 billion in Treasury bonds is a gift to the big banks at our expense. My commentary is here .
- Getting to GridlockPolitical gridlock, contrary to the whines of state idolators, would be enormously beneficial to society, but, also contrary to conventional wisdom, the results of yesterday's election will bring no such thing. More on this here .
Media Co-Op
- Calgary Home Invasion & Beating is Suspected Neo-N ...Victims are saying nothing was stolen Justin Devine, an activist with Anti-Racists Canada is reporting that at 1:30 AM this morning, 5 males carried out an armed home invasion on his and his wife’s residences in Calgary. Bonnie Devine recently ...
- Read With Caution Engler's Black Book tantalizes and torments Yves Engler's The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy , which came out in 2009, has generated keen interest across the country, and opened up discussions that are long overdue. "The goal of this bo ...
- Why "Media Democracy" isn't EnoughYesterday I had the chance to go to the annual Media Democracy Day event in Vancouver. As usual, it was a nice chance to see lots of folks I don't get to have face time with all that often, as well as to interact with many new people. That sa ...
- No Room in the Warehouse: Canada's prison system i ...Prisons expand despite drop in crime rate; federal "punishment agenda" the real culprit: activists and academics Overcrowded federal prisons are becoming "warehouses for bodies" that make criminals more likely to re-offend when they are releas ...
- High Spirits & Commitment Help Keep Co-operative ' ...Workers' Co-ops Conference in Vancouver Mulls the Alternatives Attending the events of the Canadian Workers’ Co-operative Federation (CWCF) conference, what most struck me, was how much of a climb there is for co-operative culture. Or as Andre ...
David Seaton's News Links
- The must see, must pass along videoDavid Seaton's News Links Steve Benen at Political Animal has put together this video and it is a powerful and positive piece of work. If you like it pass it on. DS
- Tales of Globalization: USA and India: a marriage ..."I believe that the relationship between the United States and India will, in fact, be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st Century." President Obama - BBC News The most dramatic and remarkable improvement in consumption has been of those who were already the richest people in India � that i ...
- The Kochs: paying to keep America dumbAJ Goode and his wife Mary who live in a shelter in Los Angeles - BBC News David Seaton's News Links Around the world people ask themselves, if Americans are so dumb, why is the country so rich? Americans are not really born that stupid, but making them stupid is a huge industry. The Koch Brothers ...
- The Koch BrothersCharles and David Koch David Seaton's News Links Jane Mayer has written what may be, because of its future repercussions, a history making article in the New Yorker. Her exhaustively researched article shows that the brothers Koch of Koch Industries are supplying a great deal of the money fueling t ...
- Tea Party: Nixon's chickens come home to roostDavid Seaton's News Links The political climate in America is toxic and it has been ever since Richard Nixon launched his Southern Strategy and caused Republicans to pause from their golf and stock coupon clipping long enough to plunge into neofascist populism and charismatic religion. The fiscal co ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- In Farm Country, Democrats’ Bitter HarvestContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 – Just two years ago, Democratic political strategists defended passage of a status-quo farm subsidy bill by claiming it was essential to the survival of freshmen members... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- In Farm Country, Democrats’ Bitter HarvestContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 – Just two years ago, Democratic political strategists defended passage of a status-quo farm subsidy bill by claiming it was essential to the survival of freshmen members... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- Throwing Good Money at Bad LandContact: Contact EWG Public Affairs: 202.667.6982. Oakland, Calif. -- A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis has found that a federal Bureau of Reclamation proposal to continue farming on a vast swath of... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
- EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulation ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs – 202-667-6982 WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, -- Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- 50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pestic ...Contact: EWG Public Affairs, (202) 667-6982 OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials’ award of a $180,000... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Otter Pups' Swim Lesson
- Isn't It Time to Bring Back This Wholesome Traditi ...Three times every week, Jan and Jeff King load 300 gallons of milk in a refrigerated truck, delivering to more than 150 homes around their family's century-old dairy farm. Their grandfather did the same until stopping in 1961. Now Jan and Jeff are taking up the task. After many requests from neighb ...
- Side Benefit of Space Travel Brings Advance in Bon ...Older adults could benefit from vibration, according to a new study. Whole-body vibration treatments could help reduce the bone loss that occurs as people age. Numerous previous studies have examined the benefits of vibration on bone density. A 2008 study also found a significant improvement in bon ...
- The Chicken Which Should be Banned Do you put dimethylpolysiloxane , an anti-foaming agent made of silicone, in your chicken dishes? How about tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), a chemical preservative so deadly that just five grams can kill you? These are just two of the ingredients in a McDonalds Chicken McNugget. Only 50 percen ...
- Cat Slaps Dog Remember, no matter how perfectly you have set the mood, never try to get frisky on the first date.
- Intentional Infection of Vulnerable Populations in ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Gene Silencing and Vasculitis [Lab Reports](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Cardiovascular Risk from Coxibs [Lab Reports](No abstract is available for this citation)
- Vital Signs: Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adult ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
- Vital Signs: Nonsmokers' Exposure to Secondhand Sm ...(No abstract is available for this citation)
Survival - tribal peoples
- Survival protestors target World Travel MarketSurvival's petition has so far gathered more than 15,000 signatures. © Survival Visitors to the World Travel Market will today be greeted by protestors from Survival, calling for a boycott of Botswana tourism. Survival launched its boycott in September over the Botswana government’s continued ...
- Obama: Stop funding Indonesian torture of PapuansIndonesia has admitted that the torturers in a recent video were its soldiers. © Survival Survival is asking President Obama, who is due to visit Indonesia next week, to suspend US military assistance to Jakarta until its forces stop killing and torturing the people of West Papua . Obama’s vis ...
- Botswana diamonds boycott launched with protest at ...Survival is calling for a boycott of Botswana diamonds until the Bushmen are allowed water. © Survival Survival launched its call for a boycott of Botswana diamonds today, over the government�s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen. The tribal peoples� rights organization held a protest outside D ...
- Yanomami report dozens dead in epidemicYanomami mother and child. © Steve Cox/Survival Yanomami Indians in the Venezuelan Amazon say that dozens of their people have died in an epidemic of disease, which may be malaria. âThere are still many, many sick people,â Yanomami health worker Andres Blanco told the Associated Press (AP) ...
- Celebrities back call to boycott Botswana diamondsSurvival is calling for a boycott of Botswana diamonds until the Bushmen are allowed water. © Survival Survival will tomorrow call for a boycott of Botswana diamonds over the government’s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen. The tribal peoples’ rights organization is also urging the public to boy ...
Montreal Gazette
- Pizzeria fires are cause for alarmBaseball players have a saying about knockdown pitches: "Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action." So what can we make of fires in three pizzerias, a cheese importer, and roughly a dozen cafes, all in the Montreal North-St. Leonard area in the last 14 months?
- Staying in Afghanistan is the right thing to doAs we approach another Remembrance Day, however, Canadians should welcome the news that July of 2011, the deadline set by Parliament for an end to combat operations, will apparently not mean complete Canadian abandonment of Afghanistan.
- AND ANOTHER THING ...WASTED ABILITY Jim Prentice was too good a player to be limited to ragging the puck.
- This is no time to forget HaitiWhat shows no sign of passing is the devastation that has crippled Haiti since the earthquake, and the squalor which was daily life for many even before the quake. Aid groups, already working desperately to contain a deadly cholera outbreak, spent this week racing to be ready to cope with th ...
- Construction industry still reeksOne year ago this week the Quebec government announced Operation Marteau, a $28.6-million, 40-member squad of police from several forces, prosecutors, and investigators from other agencies, assembled to identify and hammer away at corruption in the construction industry.
Food World Order
- 'obama go back' protest by farmers in indiafrom gmwatch : Cotton growers in Vidarbha on Friday staged candle-light protests on the eve of US President Barack Obama's visit to the country, seeking to draw his attention to the plight of the agriculture sector in the region caused by American policies . Protests were held under the banner of th ...
- 11/4 binge & purge: frowny fries & waterwarssan fran passes law banning toys in happy meals * democrat monsanto-lobbyist supported gop candidate * how the 2010 election results will affect health care & freedom * election unlikely to change s510 fate in senate * what the green movement got wrong: a 'turncoat' explains * world b ...
- monsanto has no magic cure for its woes as company ...from digital journal : Monsanto is under the gun on a number of different issues, and the company has no magic elixir or engineered fix to halt the corporation's plummet from its recent position as Forbe's Company of the Year . Major cracks have formed in the Monsanto facade this past year. Dropping ...
- alcohol more harmful to your health than heroin & ...from natural news : Scientists from Britain's Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) recently released a study that assessed which drugs cause the most overall harm to both users and society . According to their analysis, alcohol is the most harmful drug, scoring higher on the list than bo ...
- 10/7 binge & purge: sick, soda, studiesstudy: 63% of restaurant workers handle food while sick * politics of food in the pacific northwest * coffee prices rise as futures hit 13yr high * 3-course meal in stick of chewing gum now a possibility * new york seeks food-stamp ban on soda * study shows drop in retail food prices ...
- Sex, lies and money in the churchsource: Indian Express, October 24, 2010 Shevlin Sebastian It was midnight. Fr Jose George could not sleep because there was no fan in his room. Jose knocked on Anna Jacobs door. When she opened it, he told her he could not sleep. She invited him inside, because there was a fan. ...
- Denigration of Buddhism & conversion of the vu ...source:, Oct 25, 2010 Christianisation was the third force of colonialism as best expressed by Jomo Kenyatta, the late Kenyan leader, who said: When the white man came he had the bible we had the land. Then he said let us close our eyes and pray. When we opened our eyes ...
- Christianity's contributions mostly negative, Amer ...source: Christian Century, October 26, 2010 (RNS) When asked about Christianity's recent contributions to society, Americans cited more negatives than benefits, according to a new survey.
- Evangelism as part of foreign political strategysource: The organiser, Oct 3, 2010 By Manju Gupta Evangelical Intrusions, Sandhya Jain, Rupa & Co., Pp 251 (HB), Rs 395.00 THIS book comes at an opportune moment when repeated reports of religio-political violence in the north-eastern states are pouring in, accompanied by the ri ...
- What science say about religious conversionsource:, October 20, 2010 For many, religious experiences lead to religious conversion. While conversion need not stem from such an experience, per se, many convertees have cited religious awakenings as leading to a new spiritual perspective. But while science accepts a religious ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- Iceland President Accuses England, Holland of Fina ...
- Berlusconi Pushing for Israeli Membership of the E ...Italian Prime Minister says Israel should join the European Union, in a u-turn from his earlier remarks criticizing Israel’s settlement policy as an impediment to peace. “My greatest desire, as long as I am a protagonist in politics, is to bring Israel into membership of the European Union,” said Si ...
- .Lies, Damned Lies and Scottish JusticeRobert Green, the man who was brave enough to speak out about the horrific paedophile rapes of Hollie Greig, the most probable murder of her uncle Robert Greig to “shut him up”, and the sickening wall of silence by the Scottish establishment, has been arrested. We believe the charge is Breach of th ...
- Child Rapists Protected By The StateIn the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planni ...
- An Invitation to Meet Hollie and Anne Greig‘Hollie and Anne would like to thank their many supporters for their continuing hard work and support. Towards that end, they have decided to host an informal function near Berwick-upon-Tweed at the Marshall Meadows Hotel on Sunday the 21st of March from 2 until 5pm. The Marshall Meadows Hotel is s ...
The Economic Collapse
- Barack Obama And Ben Bernanke Continue To Defend Q ...Even as Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke publicly defend the Federal Reserve's new $600 billion quantitative easing program, top finance officials around the globe are expressing alarm and outrage. But what did Obama and Bernanke expect? "Quantitative easing" is little more than lega ...
- Millions Of Unemployed Americans Now Live As Paupe ...Most Americans still do not understand just how bad the economic horror we are facing really is. Today, millions of Americans are living as paupers in the land that their foreathers built even as America's infrastructure is literally being sold out from under their feet by corrupt ...
- 100 Dollar Oil Is ComingThe price of oil has been hovering around 80 dollars a barrel for quite some time now, but get ready, because it is going to move significantly higher. Oil prices have already risen about 9 percent over the past month, and many believe that this could very well be the start of a ne ...
- Will You Be Able To Heat Your Home This Winter? Mi ...Will you have a warm house to come home to this winter? If so, you should consider yourself to be very fortunate. With the United States experiencing the highest levels of long-term unemployment that it has seen since the Great Depression, millions of Americans families are simply ...
- California Is Broke – 19 Reasons Why It May ...Back in the 1960s and 1970s, there was a seemingly endless parade of pop songs about how great life was in California, and millions of young Americans dreamed of moving to the land of sandy beaches and golden sunshine. But now all of that has changed. Today, millions of California ...
- Thermodynamic Roots of EconomicsWe can no longer afford to ignore the fundamental operating rules for the economy.
- The Economics of Lawns and LandscapingRethinking how we manage lackluster lawns and landscapes can create a cascade of economic and environmental advantages.
- The “Good New Days” in a Non-Growing EconomyHave you had enough dismal news about the economy and the environment? Try imagining the good life in a steady state economy!
- Recession — An Opportunity We Should Not Pass UpGuest writer Peter Seidel regards the recession as a reasonable resource for rearranging our economic enterprise.
- An Economic Irony for the AgesApplause or apprehension -- what's the right reaction for peaking population and soaring stocks?
The Talking Clock
- Go on... admit it... Jack & Vera's final reunion m ...In a break from political bitching... If, like me, you were one of the many millions watching last night's Coronation Street, then you will have seen the final scenes of one of the soap's most loved characters - Jack Duckworth. As he crossed through the Pearly Gates of that great soap charac ...
- The MSM starts following the blogosphere rather th ...It's not too often I praise the corporate mainstream media. While attracting critics, the Daily Express - bravely - did a fantastic job campaigning for justice for Diana, Princess of Wales. Recently, many of the newspapers have raised questions about the strange death of Dr. David Kelly. Bu ...
- And now they have a useful idiot who proposes scra ...I have just discovered, via the BBC, that we have someone paid for whatever she does under the remit of her job title: "Commissioner for Victims of Crime". We have a one of those do we? That's nice. Except it is not nice. Only, Louise Casey - for it is she (apparently) who is the "Commissio ...
- Quote of the Day: 9th November 2010"Mr Hague still claims to be a Eurosceptic! That goose is cooked. This government, like Conservative Governments from Heath onwards is Europhile and elitist. It talks about sovereignty, whilst its other face promises Brussels any and everything that the EU wants." - UKIP's Nigel Farage with a dif ...
- Quote of the Day: 3rd November 2010James Delingpole has come up with a tour de force today. Okay, it actually went online at the Daily Telegraph at 1pm yesterday, but all the same. 1,544 comments from members of the public and rising. But that is hardly surprising when - contender for article of the year - Delingpole opens with li ...
Facing South
- As Obama pushes nuclear industry's expansion, its ...Two nuclear power plants owned by New Orleans-based Entergy were forced to shut down over the weekend following serious operating problems, including a radioactive leak at one plant in Vermont. Those troubling incidents come on the heels of an electrical explosion at NRG's South Texas nuc ...
- VOICES: Elephants make dinosaurs of the Blue Dogs ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South What's the future of the "Blue Dog" Democrat? It's a legitimate question to ask in the wake of last Tuesday's election. Here in Mississippi, two "Blue Dog" Democrats -- 1st District Congressman Travis Childers and 4th District Congressman Gene Taylor -- lost their re- ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The South's new political landsca ...Number of seats the Republican Party gained in the U.S. Senate in the mid-term elections: 6 Number of those seats that are in the South: 1 Number of seats the Republican Party gained in the U.S. House: at least 60 Number of those seats that are in the South: 16 Percent by which the Blue ...
- Art Pope's Big Day: Millionaire's money key to his ...The Republican takeover of North Carolina's state legislature in 2010 -- the first time since Reconstruction -- caught many by surprise, but perhaps none more than state senator John Snow . A three-term Democrat in the senate's western-most district in the mountains, Snow largely avoided c ...
- Meet the likely House committee chairs who promise ...By Marian Wang, ProPublica Earlier this week, we highlighted a few ways that midterm elections could affect some of the issues we've dogged in the past few months -- the foreclosure scandal, financial reform, healthcare reform, among others. Impending Republican control of the House means ther ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsYemeni Judge Orders al-Awlaki’s Arrest On Saturday, a Yemeni judge ordered the âforcibleâ arrest of U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. The Independent reports that âJudge Mohsen Alwan ordered Awlaki to be âarrested by force, dead or aliveâ after al-Awlaki failed to … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Memoir, Bush Says He Personally Approved Waterboarding KSM In âDecision Points,â Pres. Bushâs memoir due out Tuesday, Bush writes that he personally approved the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, according to the Washington Post. According to the report, âBush … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Ghailani Trial, Prosecution and Defense Rest An earlier than expected end came Wednesday to the trial of Ahmed Ghailani, accused of participating in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, with the prosecution and defense both resting … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsLetter Bombs Target Foreign Embassies in Athens A day after a package bomb addressed to the Mexican Embassy in Athens exploded, injuring a delivery worker, similar bombs exploded at the Swiss and Russian embassies Tuesday, part of a wave of … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsReports: Bomb Plot Tip Came From Former Gitmo Detainee Jabir al-Fayfi, a Saudi national and former Guantanamo detainee who turned himself in to Saudi authorities last month, is reportedly the source of the tip that led to the discovery of … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Boa constrictors born by virgin birth22 boa constrictors have been born without the aid of a male – only the second time that snakes have been known to do this
- Today on New Scientist: 2 November 2010All today's stories on, including: the UK army's stress levels, USB sticks popping out of walls and the ultimate robo-fish
- In New York, even the walls have USBUSB keys are popping out of the walls around Brooklyn and lower Manhattan, just waiting for any passer-by to walk up and plug in
- UK armed forces in Iraq less stressed than policeThe UK armed forces on deployment in Iraq seem to show fewer signs of psychological stress than policemen, disaster workers and doctors
- Rarest snake races back from the brink of extincti ...The Antiguan racer snake has bounced back from a low of 50 individuals, after predatory rats were removed from its home island
Tech Drive In
- Nautilus Flickr Uploader - Incredibly Useful and S ...If you didn't even knew about Nautilus extensions before, you might want to check out our collection of 6 useful Nautilus extensions and scripts first. Nautilus Flickr Uploader is a nice and simple application that will allow you to easily upload pictures directly from Nautilus into Flickr. [Sc ...
- Ubuntu Colored - Beautiful Ubuntu Wallpaper Collec ...A lot of you hate any kind of branding in wallpapers and hence will love the default wallpaper collection for Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. But some of us including me won't mind a bit of branding in wallpapers especially if the branding is all about Ubuntu and Linux. Try this simple, elegant colle ...
- OpenQbo Robotic Distro Based on UbuntuOpenQbo is a Linux distro for robots based on Ubuntu which exclusively includes software and applications directed towards robotics. The goal is to create a Ubuntu based distro which can be used in many current and future robotic platforms. Creators of the distro also hopes to accelerate development ...
- 13 Beautiful Inkscape Tutorials for Creating Stunn ...Inkscape is an open source SVG graphics editor released under GNU General Public License. Inkscape supports many advanced SVG features and great care is taken in designing a streamlined interface. Here are some useful tutorials for creating amazing vector graphics using Inkscape. Also see beautiful ...
- Adoption of Unity is the Most Significant Change E ...It's going to be Unity all the way for Ubuntu's next major release codenamed Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty�Narwhal". During Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) at Florida, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth announced that the Unity shell will become Ubuntu's default interface not just for netbook editions, but also f ...
Case About Bird Flu
- “Wir sind das Volk!”: Why Germany needs its own Te ...The scenes on Sunday in the woods of northern Germany asare reminscent of a Third World police state. Tear gas, truncheons and pepper spray were used to beat people, including school children and elderly, protesting against the transport of nuclear waste to a facility in Gorleben. The German politic ...
- German people in unprecedented rebellion against g ...Like the Roman legions vanquished in the Teutoburger Wald in Lower Saxony in 9 AD, the 17,000 police officers that marched into the woods around the nuclear storage facility in Gorleben in northern Germany on Sunday morning looked invincible. Police personnel from France, Croatia and Poland had join ...
- Fierce battles as nuclear ‘train of death ...A nuclear waste train inching through Germany was unlikely to reach its destination until Monday after massive protests along every foot of railway line. By Allan Hall in Berlin Published: 5:27PM GMT 07 Nov 2010 The Telegraph During running battles with police, demonstrators torched a police armour ...
- French activists measure radioactivity of “C ... TRANSLATION BY CAROLYN DUNNING Friday 05 November 2010 at 21h37 : Arrival in Sotteville-lès-Rouen Members of the Sortir du nucleaire negotiated with the authorities to approach the tra ...
- Flu vaccination rates drop by 30% in GermanyThe number of people in Germany taking the flu jab has dropped by about 30 percent compared to the previous year in some regions it has emerged. Family doctor Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld who has his practice in Bremen said that the drop in the number of people getting their jab was due to the swine flu ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Video Interview – Catherine Austin Fitts: Th ...
- Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold ...By Eli Rika WTC Building #7, a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane, exhibited all the characteristics of classic controlled demolition with explosives: 1. Rapid onset of “collapse” 2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor – a second before the building’s destruction 3.Symmetrical “structural fa ...
- Morningland Dairy: 50,000 Pounds Of Cheese To Be D ...By Doreen Hannes The issues that brought a tiny Missouri farmstead cheese plant to the forefront in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s war on raw dairy continue to expand, and trouble. As a wise man once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” The intrigue doesn’t dissipate at all with the incr ...
- Al Qaeda Presence NOT CredibleBy Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor The people of Yemen simply don’t believe in Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, and for good reason. When Abdullah al-Faqih, professor of political science at Sana University told the New York Times, “We cannot differentiate between what is propaganda and what is r ...
- TSA agents gone wild: fondling little children, pl ...By Mike Adams TSA agents stand accused today of fondling the genitals of women and little children as part of their “enhanced pat-down” procedures being rolled out at airport security checkpoints. Today, Michelle, an employee working at the Alex Jones’ InfoWars studios, has gone public with accusati ...
Veterans Today
- VETERANS DAY: Coming Home, the Final Battle Docum ...Hello Veterans, my name is Max. I am 14 years old and won 3rd place for CSPAN STUDENTCAM for my documentary about the battles veterans and their families face when they return home. For this Veterans Day, I hope that can help others who may need someone to lean on.
- Obama and Jihad and how not to fight terrorismDespite President Obama’s rhetoric (sometimes) to the contrary, his policy of continuing targeted assassinations by drone attacks over Afghanistan is escalating a drift to extremism By Alan Hart — Veterans Today In Mumbai President Obama was asked by an Indian student for his âtake or opinion ...
- GORDON DUFF: MEMORIES OF THE PATTON HOTELLobby Portrait, Patton Hotel AFRC’S “GEM” IN GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY…NOT FORGOTTEN By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor I drive past the old building, a former SS barracks, maybe an R & R center during World War II. American soldiers who served in Europe knew it as the Patton Hotel. ...
- U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contra ...CONTRACTS No. 1023-10 November 08, 2010 ——————————————————————– ARMY Boeing Co., Mesa, Ariz., was awarded on Oct. 29 a $141,701,518 firm-fixed-price contract for the advanced procurement for the manufacture of 31 AH-64D model aircraft and two fixed-site Longbow crew trainers matching the Taiwan AH-6 ...
- GORDON DUFF: WHOLESALE TREASON, WHY ISRAEL BOUGHT ...AIPAC, the Israel lobby used to, well, we don't exactly know what they are "used to" but every politician in America is terrified of it for some reason, claims to have total control over the new congress.
electric politics
- A Postcard From ParisIn the U.S., the financiers want to bleed the country dry. In France, it's the President. (Well, the financiers there, too.) But the big difference is, in France people register their objections with significant political action while in the U.S. people go to Jon Stewart's post-modern mutual admira ...
- The Anger IndexYou don't have to be a genius, or even highly educated, to realize that Washington is not working. As in, not working, period. We seem to be on a roller coaster to hell, or at least to the third world. And there's no exit. Public exasperation is at record levels — it should be no surprise that the ...
- Óχi EuroUntil fairly recently the Greek debt crisis wasn't so much in the news. Now, it's roiling markets and a lot of commentators are wringing their hands over the possibility that it could precipitate another world-wide financial crash. That's probably a baseless fear. Greece is mainly a Eurozone proble ...
- Folk HistoryTo talk culture I turned to the award winning writer Luc Sante . Because Luc is Belgian, and therefore doubly an expert, I seized this opportunity to also talk about Tin-Tin comics, which I grew up on as a kid in the Belgian Congo and in Brussels. Among other topics we cover Luc's latest book, Folk ...
- The F-35 BoondoggleA trillion dollar gold-plated warplane that can't do anything very well. But it looks slick. Brilliant! I'll have a dozen, please. If Mr. Obama and Mr. Gates were serious about containing Pentagon costs they'd cancel the F-35. If Congress were serious about budget deficits they'd stop funding it. I ...
PR News
- Tonic Life opens second Asia locationSINGAPORE: Tonic Life Communications has opened its second office location in Asia.
- Facebook's Barker leaving postPALO ALTO, CA: Facebook director of corporate communications Brandee Barker is leaving the company to start her own consultancy.
- APCO acquires JiWin PRWASHINGTON: APCO Worldwide has acquired JiWin Public Relations, a 35-person PR agency based in Dubai.
- Financial Times launches free tablet appLONDON: The Financial Times has launched a free app optimized for the new Samsung Galaxy Tab.
- DDC Advocacy hires MikosWASHINGTON: DDC Advocacy announced that it has hired Stephanie Mikos as a VP.
The Story Behind the Story
- COLD FUSION IS HERE!!!Understanding Lightning âNeltronsâ is Key to Cold Fusion One manâs study of lightning and itâs effects led to his discovery of the Neltron – tiny negative particles of matter smaller than electrons. The Van Allen Magnetic belts discharges tiny negative particles into the part of the air where helium ...
- INSIDERS REPORT: OBAMA SUFFERING FROM SEVERE DEPR ...So you state that President Obama is depressed? How did you come by this information? From a direct source still working within the White House on a daily basis. As I had stated previously, tensions at the White House have reached a critical stage. The infighting among staff is off the charts. ...
- Obama Begins Cashing in On Carbon Credits in KENYAThe new world currency apparently will be tied to “carbon credits” as the standard of value.  Never mind that global warming (aka CLIMATE-GATE) is a massive hoax and fraud. Rather than issue worthless fiat paper money, why not issue ‘carbon credits’ on a global scale. Keep in mind that any an ...
- America’s Entitlement ElitistsAmerica is Great —– Because America is Good!! By A. True Ott, PhD, June 1, 2010 The famous French statesman and historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) traveled widely through America in the year 1832. Following his tour of America, he wrote extensively about what he saw and experienced here. ...
- SENATORS TO BE ADDED TO UNEMPLOYMENT ROLLSALL the senators on this list need to be OUT OF OFFICE by November 15. It will soon be payback time for these senators – forward this list to everyone you know. Don’t forget. November 2nd is “Take out the trash day” !!!!!! The following senators voted against making English the official langua ...