Later she posted
Oil slick hits Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana
But the story is hardly over or the revelations done. I was looking at the Zemanta feed and noticed an old acquaintance was both blogging and being topical.
Executive Entitlement Vs We The People Democracy
This post originally appeared at Campaign for America's Future
BP CEO Tony Hayward on who will be responsible for paying oil spill damages,
Mr Hayward reiterated a promise that BP “will honour all legitimate claims for business interruption”. Asked for examples of illegitimate claims, he said: “I could give you lots of examples. This is America — come on. We’re going to have lots of illegitimate claims. We all know that.”
BP got caught making fishermen sign waivers agreeing not to ask for more than $5,000 in damages from the company if they wanted work in the company's cleanup effort.
executives demand deregulation
call for "tort reform," which means citizens can't sue for compensation
prevent Consumer Financial Protection Agency
keep the government from taxing the wealthy or businesses
Yep. Robber Barons R Us. It's really makes you long for a dose of Law Enforcement. Say what ? When the crooks make the laws ?
Funny thing about that. Remember Len Hart's story ? You know...the one where corporations lost the PROTECTION of NOT being persons ?
The Death Penalty for Murderous ‘Corporate Persons’
( I chime in in comments )
Well, Bluebloggin isn't really Len's main site. When you check The Existentialist Cowboy - and a regular update is posted on Google FriendFeed posts - the fun really starts.
Michael Linnerd, responding to my comments, put it:
Shifting blame onto someone who doesn't exist is close to the edge of insanity... mind you in Texas this what passes for intelligent, rational, thoughtful and technical evaluation of human and mechanical failure.
Death to Corporate Comrade Halliburton
If Halliburton is a 'person', then Halliburton must be charged with multitudinous crimes, tried, found guilty and 'put to death' but not before it is literally 'fined' out of existence for the monetary damages it has inflicted upon the world environment.
The 'privileged' position presently enjoyed by corporations violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees 'Equal protection' under the law!
The 'corporate person' --Halliburton --resides in Texas where 'persons' convicted of murder are given the 'lethal needle'. For the many deaths resulting from Halliburton --now a person residing physically in Texas --I demand that the corporate person Halliburton be arrested, charged, tried and when found guilty of mass murder and war crimes in Iraq be given the 'lethal needle'
About conspiracies. Don't even think about telling me that they do not exist. Secondly, if you don't think they exist, I suggest you visit Findlaw or the Cornell University Law Library online. You will find hundreds if not thousands of cases of 'conspiracy' case law. In fact, almost all crimes of any significance are conspiratorial. One person alone has difficulty robbing a convenience store. Who will drive the get-away car if not a co-conspirator? Conspiracies exist!
Dare we hope that the idiots on the high court outsmarted themselves? Dare we suppose that the right wing criminals in charge are fallen into their own trap? Dare we suspect that the gang of fascists, liars and criminals who have seized power in the United States have outsmarted themselves?
Late note :
On the note from Blogger advising me that this post was confirmed was an ad from Google. That sometimes happens : placement can be a pain when it goes wrong. But I started to laugh...having just read Len Hart's thoughts at The Existentalist Cowboy...and thought environmentalists worldwide might realize the shallowness of corporate concern and resolve to attend to that matter !
Offshore Hazard and Risk Assessment Services
BP's 'close calls' in Alaska
In the most dangerous of the incidents last year in Alaska, safety backstops also failed.BP has a recent history of disasters stemming from incomplete maintenance and faulty equipment, including the 2005 blast at a refinery in Texas City, Texas, where 15 workers died after a fuel tower was powered up without following protocol. Then there was the 2006 Alaskan pipeline spill, which occurred four years after BP had been warned about corroded pipelines. The company pleaded guilty to felony counts in the first incident and a misdemeanor charge in the second, tallying fines in excess of $62 million.