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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

20 May - Political Notes

The Human Environment - New Challenge for the ...Image by United Nations Photo via Flickr

Support New Mexico Indigenous Leaders in Protesting the Expansion of Uranium Mining and the Nuclear Cycle of Destruction!

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the National Mining Association will host a “Uranium Recovery” conference designed to make it easier for mining companies to move forward with a new era of uranium mining.
When the uranium boom ended over thirty years ago, mining companies skipped town and left New Mexico with a devastating legacy of sick communities

 ( From the Sidebar : Pages : Topical Index :

The Military-Industrial-Media-Government Complex
In a 2007 article entitled "The Conference of Defence Associations gets $100,000 a year from the Department of Defence", CDA executive director Alain Pellerin told Maclean's John Geddes :

    "We also have to write a number of op-eds to the press."
    Asked if there is any aspect of Tory defence policy the CDA opposes, he couldn't think of one.

Watchdog groups file FOIA requests to learn true extent of oil spill

Treat Welfare System Like Criminal Justice System
Better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.

http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/std/largest.gif" /> Font Resize

White House nominates San Jose judge Edward Davila to federal bench


US media demands Greek-style austerity for American workers

Conspiracy Theory Stalks China-US Financial Relations - Jan 25  2008
According to a Chinese American scholar Song Hongbin in his book Currency Wars starting in the age of Napoleon, a small group of European bankers began to grow strong, and they gradually gained control of the central banking systems of the UK and the continental countries, later moving across the ocean to America. They played a leading role in setting up a global financial system based on a privately-owned Federal Reserve and international mega-banks. By secretly establishing a wide web of politicians, financiers and media moguls, they grabbed onto huge wealth and are ever working to found a unified global government and currency, which they will, of course, control.
Theory : it's always a hoot to realize the use of a term which can require rigor and proofs has been downgraded to an epithet of derision by implying minimal  plausibility. In other words, when you don't have an argument...fake it.
George Bush Sr., past Director of the C.I.A., actually referred to the 'New World Order' in his speeches !)

Iraq's children
http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(00)02279-0/fulltext   May 2000
A wide range of factors conspires to bring about the current medical situation in Iraq. We cannot single out food shortages, reduced incomes, poor electricity and water supplies, shortages of drugs and medical equipment, the intellectual isolation, or the emigration of Iraqi professionals.
The UN Secretary-General recognises that in terms of the United Nations objective to relieve suffering, the Iraq dilemma is almost unresolvable. “…here we are”, he says “accused of causing suffering to an entire population”. The UN risks “losing the argument, or the propaganda war—if we haven't already lost it—about who is responsible for this situation
( That's a good trick when you consider Saddam's lack of resources to publish accounts of Iraq's plight.
This is what nations face worldwide during the breakdown of international economies. )

CIA spy infiltrates Cannes red carpet
'Fair game' tells how the glamorous spy Valerie Plame, played by Watts, was stitched up by a vengeful White House after her diplomat husband publicly denounced its claims that Iraq leader Saddam Hussein was working on weapons of mass destruction.

US president George W. Bush used those claims as the main reason for invading Iraq in 2003 and ousting Saddam.
Joseph Wilson visited Niger in 2002 to investigate claims that Iraq tried to buy uranium for nuclear bombs and in 2003 wrote an article in the New York Times titled "What I didn't find in Africa."

That article was the start of a campaign to show that the Bush administration had twisted intelligence reports to exaggerate the threat posed by Saddam.

( Cheney, not finding actual intelligence reports to his liking, had them fabricated to conform with media narrative. Brewster-Jennings' covert operations in the Middle East were destroyed - along with evaluations from Valerie Plame/Wilson on the Nuclear Threat desk.  The ongoing scam - 'Axis of Evil' - that runs to punish nations practicing nuclear weapons transparency adds to systematic deception. The Arms Control Wonk ran an article totally debunking weapons utility of the fertilizer base 'yellowcake' - which was plentiful in Iraq. )

US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair resigns
This week, Obama dispatched CIA director Leon Panetta and his national security advisor James Jones to Pakistan, to discuss anti-terror cooperation and intelligence following the failed Times Square attack this month.

Blair, nominally the top US intelligence officer, did not make the trip.

My "Relationship" With Tom Campbell
A Wrench in the Israeli Gears

An outside observer might be forgiven for being confused about which nation these California Republican candidates are seeking to serve. Rather than competing over who is the most loyal Californian and patriotic American, these would-be Senators seem often to be competing over who is the most supportive of a foreign regime.

Odder still, the regime being fervently endorsed has a record of taking actions that are deeply contrary to principles most Americans hold dear, and on top of that, has a track record of undertaking activities that are extremely damaging to the US.

Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction Currently Underway - Public Unaware Of Severity
( Lovely. Biological resources vanishing together with the resource base.) 

The Genocide In Democratic South Africa - Jan 2007
The Boers—or farmers—of South Africa have tilled the land for generations, on small holdings or on large commercial farms. But orgiastic killing sprees by The People, in combination with a Stalinesque land grab by their representatives, is threatening this minority’s survival.
Canada toughens Chevron drill rules after BP spill
Chevron will have to provide test results for the blowout preventer and its activation systems at the Lona O-55 exploratory well off the eastern Canadian province,

Afghanistani horticulturists learn advance cultivation techniques in Kashmir

Is China's Electric Car a Pipe Dream? 

Among the recently launched new energy vehicles, how many are really low-carbon oriented cars? The answer is: None. 


Old Trees in The Netherlands and Western Europe

Clever thieves

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