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A slushy mix of deep-sea water and oil is hindering attempts to slow the Gulf of Mexico leak.
*Wounded Knee photographer files copyright claim against Smithsonian* ** The Smithsonian, with a long history of harboring Indian remains and refusing to return those to Indian Nations, is now the subject o...
Reflecting on our past success in fixing the hole in Earth's ozone layer could help us fight climate change.
Contact: Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director Indigenous Environmental Network Cell: (218)760-0442 *Indigenous Peoples Support the Bolivia Cochabamba Peoples’ Agreement of the recent People’s Global Summit ...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 10 hours ago
*Hank Marvin*, born in 1941 as Brian Rankin, still is an example for many young guitarists. Being the face of the British instrumental combo "The Shadows" for well over 50 years (!) now, one can hardly im...
The Herschel Space Observatory has spotted a young star blasting a cavity out of a nebula. The resulting 'bubble' is sparking the birth of more stars, one of them with the potential to grow into a stellar ...
Many young women today use "the pill" to treat acne, improve mood and, of course, prevent pregnancy.
An innocent man was recently freed by DNA testing; but what about the people who saw him do it?
As the investigation into the failed Times Square bombing revealed, security cameras are everywhere. But studies show they may not be so effective.
In marine environments, there are particular types of microbes that love plastic. They're all over the stuff, happily binding to it and forming coatings. This spring, intrepid scientists are testing sample...
*Michelle Cook, Navajo: 'How blessed we are to have a cause so worthy to fight for."* *Michelle Cook, Navajo Fulbright scholar, arrived in Bolivia for the World Climate Conference from Maori territory i...
I’m not losing any sleep worrying about awaking one morning to see an alien mothership hovering over Washington D.C.
I'm finally in vogue! More women in the United States are waiting longer now to have children than ever before, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center. I had my child when I was 41, a full ...
CANADA - The Canadian economy continued to soar in April with major gains in almost all sectors, creating an extraordinary 108,700 new jobs. It was the biggest gain since August 2002. Economists were only ...
*Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, said this article is as appropriate now, in regards to the economic situation in Greece, as when it was written nine months ago. **CAPITALIST MORAL REA...
The 100-ton dome is designed to funnel leaking oil from the Gulf up to a containment vessel for reprocessing.
POLITICS - Remember the old adage, buy low and sell high? Well yesterday the stock markets went on real rollercoaster when someone accidentally pressed the B for billion button instead of the M for million...
Dr. Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, tells Discovery News why the findings at Taposiris Magna (today called Abusir) are important.
The new tool measures blood and body chemistry over time and appears to finally be putting a dent in sports doping.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The state of Texas and NASA hope to take an early lead in interstellar space travel with technologies that sound like dialogue from Star Trek or Star Wars peppered w...
An ancient agricultural solution to erosion and runoff gets a 21st Century update.
Experts who assessed the Exxon Valdez disaster describe how the Gulf oil spill could affect birds, reptiles, shrimp, fish and other wildlife.
It might be time to take grandma to the tattoo parlor. Medical tattoos could soon monitor key vitals, including glucose levels.
The US Dept of Defense has banned four reporters from Gitmo for divulging the names of two witnesses at Omar Khadr's kangaroo show trial. The reporters are Michelle Shephard of the Toronto Star, Steven Edw...
British cosmologist Stephen Hawking has outlined not one, but three, theoretically realistic ideas for traveling through time, one of which he says is even practical.
Nicotine jolts our brains -- in a good way.
Archaeologists discovered that Mayans had pressurized water -- perhaps a form of modern plumbing -- hundreds of years before European conquerors arrived in the New World.
By firing a laser into the sky over Berlin, scientists have successfully created clouds from thin air. It could be the first step towards a radical new way to modify weather.
A new understanding of how dinosaurs evolved shows that these "terrible lizards" were once underdogs.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*The Greek crisis takes its toll* - 3 people killed by arsonists burning down a small Bank office in Athens, assisted by 'anarchists' who prevented the Fire Brigades to arrive at the scene. At a mass demo...
*Native Sun News: Deputy shoots and kills Lakota man, 22 *Thursday, May 6, 2010 http://www.indianz.com/ This story was written by Randall Howell and is copyright Native Sun News. http://www.nsweekly.com A 22...
Despite scientists' excellent tsunami forecasting ability, there remains a large gap between how they issue their warnings, and what the public understands.
Washing is both literally and figuratively cleansing, suggesting that sensory experiences often reflect abstract feelings.
A newly mapped Neanderthal genome reveals that between one and four percent of DNA of many humans today came from Neanderthals.
A trio of high-performance rocket motors would whisk astronauts to safety in case of an emergency.
A psychologist finds that humans love to scapegoat more than they love to praise.
POLITICS - The piracy off the shores of Somalia today took a deadly turn today as Russian commandos retook a seized oil tanker and freed 23 Russian sailors who were being held ransom. 10 Somali pirates wer...
The dam in northern Canada spans 2,800 feet and has likely been under construction since the 1970s.
Ever been walking down the street in a major city and suddenly get the eerie feeling that something is not quite right above you? Take a glance skyward. Chances are, some of the buildings around you will b...
Young engineers will need to design products and systems suitable for a large elderly population.
Not all industrial compounds are created equal. Some retain much more heat -- for much longer -- than others.
If there's one thing Steve does really well, it's using hot button issues to sew strife and division among his enemies. Within a day of Conservative Senator Nancy Ruth's tactical warning on Monday to NGOs ...
Gas guzzling container ships pose could easily use less fuel if their hulls had less friction. Scientists have long looked to nature for coatings that can help. A group of German researchers has figured ou...
** *Bolivian President Evo Morales to deliver Peoples Climate Conference results to UN Secretary General, with Tom Goldtooth**** of IEN* *Press statement from Bolivian President Evo Morales* *Censored News...
For the first time, a NASA satellite has spotted sulfur deposits in the Arctic ice. The sulfur got there via bacterial activity, so does this mean we now have a method to hunt for extraterrestrial microbia...
When bees approach, elephants flee the scene, occasionally straying onto farmers' fields.
An unusual species of bee makes a "petal sandwich" out of brightly colored flowers and mud to shelter its eggs.
*Support "Wounded Knee Medals of Dishonor" Petition By Ben Carnes* *Censored News* *http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com* * *In June of 2008, Wanbli Tate initiated an online petition entitled "Wounded knee Me...
Flooding is more than just rising, dangerous waters. As this weekend's inundation showed, it unleashes all manner of weird, destructive chaos.
Astronomers are constantly battling the scourge of light pollution, retreating to darker and darker observing sites for more sensitive telescopes. But how to escape the flood of man-made radio interference?
With a history steeped in battles and rebuilding, Mexico has earned every right to be proud. Today marks a Mexican holiday that more and more people every year celebrate in the United States, many not know...
The less you sleep, the more likely you are to develop diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
New research points to women and young people as the groups with buying power when it comes shopping for a cause.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Texas Governor Rick Perry claims that the BP-Halliburton oil spill is an act of God! An act of God? Since when did God buy shares in BP and Halliburton? Is Mr. Hair ...
The innovative program can not only predict a caller's emotional state, but may also diagnose a range of medical conditions.
POLITICS - I recall once listening to a 4 year old boy getting a bath from his mother. The mother was trying to get him to tilt his head back so he wouldn't get shampoo in his eyes. The boy adamantly refus...
Coming to a galaxy near you... Star Wars villains and heroes giving you directions to the grocery store. Dutch navigation systems manufacturer TomTom is releasing one downloadable Star Wars voice per month...
The Bullet 580, a helium-filled tanker, can carry 1,000 pounds of payloads up to 20,000 feet above Earth.
The same technology used to image fetuses in the womb could lower the cost of biofuels.
The Cape Wind Associates have officially received approval from U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, to build a wind farm five miles off the island of Nantucket, Mass. This is federally owned property and ...