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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18 May - News Picks

russian orthodox church outside russiaImage by Xuan Rosemanios via Flickr

 Turkey and Russia assemble an ‘axis of outsiders’
Turmoil erupted when lawmakers were considering whether to endorse an agreement that would, over the next 10 years, decrease the price that Ukraine pays for Russian gas in exchange for a 25-year extension of Moscow’s lease on the Crimean port of Sevastopol, home to Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

On one level, these tensions are just the latest episode in a century-long struggle between Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east and south on the one hand, and the country’s centre and west on the other. The former looks to Moscow; the latter considers itself part of the West. Coming less than three months after a divisive presidential election narrowly won by the pro-Russian candidate Victor Yanukovych, the deal marks the end of Ukraine’s flirtation with Nato and seals its return into Russia’s orbit.

More importantly, it signals a wider realignment in the Middle East and Central Eurasia that heralds the return of former outsiders like Russia, Ukraine and Turkey to the forefront. Disillusioned with the EU’s bureaucratic diktat and fed up with what they view as arbitrary US interference in their Central Asian and Kurdish backyard, leaders such as the Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan are forging close ties. Traditional rivals are becoming partners.

Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds
Vía Campesina, the world's largest confederation of farmers with member organizations in more than 60 countries, has called Monsanto one of the "principal enemies of peasant sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty for all peoples."(11) They claim that as Monsanto and other multinationals control an ever larger share of land and agriculture, they force small farmers out of their land and jobs. They also claim that the agribusiness giants contribute to climate change and other environmental disasters, an outgrowth of industrial agriculture.(12)

Democracy's Downfall
The Wall-Street clique, which has in the name of "too big to fail" taken the rest of the U.S economy (and by extension the European economy as well), hostage and has demanded ransom in the form of a trillion dollar taxpayer funded "bail out." This elite run, extortionist racket has effectively brought down the entire world financial system. 

Greece's current plight. The country is facing default on its debt as did Argentina in 2001. But its fate and well-being is now totally beholden to the directives of the IFI's ( International Financial Institutions) just like East Germany and Poland were back in 1989. Athens' "sovereign debt" is being taken over by globalized bankers and the country's future is being steered by a handful of International Monetary Fund technocrats.

The Greek people will suffer as did the Poles and East Germans. Sky-rocketing prices and unemployment, right- and left-wing extremism are likely to occur, and the entire nation will be at the mercy of their foreign creditors for decades to come, as the Greeks' standards of living falls, as fast as the neo-liberal dictates are applied on them.

Turkey wants "psychological change" in Greece ties
Our goal in bilateral relations with Greece is not merely to minimize tensions. We have to maximize the number of areas in which cooperation may take place so that no notion of tension remains in minds
( Right. War on terror...promote peace. )

Another kind of American Justice
Sami al-Arian wanted to display America’s role and its support to Israel; giving billions of dollars each year and supporting its military. In the late eighties and nineties he organized rallies, conferences, published newsletters and magazines about the conflict.He was imprisoned after 9/11 as one of the scapegoats the government offered the American public to show they were fighting “terrorism”.  
After seven years of injustice and violation of his rights now he is waiting to hear if the plea agreement he signed with the government upholds or not. 

Ten Israeli negotiating strategies
Overall, the Israeli strategy is based on conflict management, not conflict resolution, and it seeks to weaken its opponents bit by bit until they are convinced that the only option for a solution is the one made available by Israel -- hence Israel's prolonged negotiation process.

Dementia Caregivers More Likely to Also Get the Disease

5 Superpowers We All Had as Babies


Dangerous Geoegineering Experiment to Increase Whiteness of the Clouds Funded by Bill Gates

Oil Spill Clean Up is one big Proven Money making Conspiracy 

10 things to know about torture Turkey's FM urges West not to speculate Iran fuel deal

Turkey's FM urges West not to speculate Iran fuel deal

( Search 'the U.S. suspects.' That was the basis for Dec 20 Afghanistan,etc. )
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