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Learn morePOLITICS - The piracy off the shores of
Somalia today took a deadly turn today as Russian commandos retook a seized oil tanker and freed 23 Russian sailors who were being held ransom. 10 Somali pirates wer...
The dam in northern Canada spans 2,800 feet and has likely been under construction since the 1970s.
Ever been walking down the street in a major city and suddenly get the eerie feeling that something is not quite right above you? Take a glance skyward. Chances are, some of the buildings around you will b...
Young engineers will need to design products and systems suitable for a large elderly population.
Not all industrial compounds are created equal. Some retain much more heat -- for much longer -- than others.
If there's one thing Steve does really well, it's using hot button issues to sew strife and division among his enemies. Within a day of Conservative Senator Nancy Ruth's tactical warning on Monday to NGOs ...
Gas guzzling container ships pose could easily use less fuel if their hulls had less friction. Scientists have long looked to nature for coatings that can help. A group of German researchers has figured ou...
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
** *Bolivian President Evo Morales to deliver Peoples Climate Conference results to UN Secretary General, with Tom Goldtooth**** of IEN* *Censored News* *http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com** *Photo: Tom Gol...
For the first time, a NASA satellite has spotted sulfur deposits in the Arctic ice. The sulfur got there via bacterial activity, so does this mean we now have a method to hunt for extraterrestrial microbia...
When bees approach, elephants flee the scene, occasionally straying onto farmers' fields.
An unusual species of bee makes a "petal sandwich" out of brightly colored flowers and mud to shelter its eggs.
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
*Support "Wounded Knee Medals of Dishonor" Petition By Ben Carnes* *Censored News* *http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com* * *In June of 2008, Wanbli Tate initiated an online petition entitled "Wounded knee Me...
Flooding is more than just rising, dangerous waters. As this weekend's inundation showed, it unleashes all manner of weird, destructive chaos.
Astronomers are constantly battling the scourge of light pollution, retreating to darker and darker observing sites for more sensitive telescopes. But how to escape the flood of man-made radio interference?
With a history steeped in battles and rebuilding, Mexico has earned every right to be proud. Today marks a Mexican holiday that more and more people every year celebrate in the United States, many not know...
The less you sleep, the more likely you are to develop diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
New research points to women and young people as the groups with buying power when it comes shopping for a cause.
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Texas Governor Rick Perry claims that the BP-Halliburton oil spill is an act of God! An act of God? Since when did God buy shares in BP and Halliburton? Is Mr. Hair ...
The innovative program can not only predict a caller's emotional state, but may also diagnose a range of medical conditions.
POLITICS - I recall once listening to a 4 year old boy getting a bath from his mother. The mother was trying to get him to tilt his head back so he wouldn't get shampoo in his eyes. The boy adamantly refus...
Coming to a galaxy near you... Star Wars villains and heroes giving you directions to the grocery store. Dutch navigation systems manufacturer TomTom is releasing one downloadable Star Wars voice per month...
The Bullet 580, a helium-filled tanker, can carry 1,000 pounds of payloads up to 20,000 feet above Earth.
The same technology used to image fetuses in the womb could lower the cost of biofuels.
The Cape Wind Associates have officially received approval from U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, to build a wind farm five miles off the island of Nantucket, Mass. This is federally owned property and ...
The news media is reporting details of the failed NYC bombing that undermine American safety; how much is too much information?
Engineers are racing to contain what could become the nation's worst environmental crisis.
The record-setting bid for the 1932 painting was made by an unidentified bidder over the telephone.
Contact: Elouise Brown, Dooda (NO) Desert Rock Committee President, (505) 947-6159 *On protecting the Rights of Mother Earth * *DOODA DESERT ROCK IN BOLIVIA **By Elouise Brown* Photo: Elouise Brown, secon...
New analysis of Hubble images suggests the galaxy formed as several chunks merged.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Lucas, our Alaskan Malamute* flew away from us last night, without suffering. He became about 12 years, of which he spent the last 5 years with us, amongst our 'family'. The most gentle, kind, beloved and...
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Mass panic* on May 4th Remembrance Day of the Dutch liberation from the German occupation at the end of WWII. A yearly ceremony in Amsterdam, attended by the Dutch royal family. Impressive images show how...
Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
For years, the Maori tribes have sought the return of artifacts kept in collections abroad.
Plants are a natural air conditioning system for Earth. But as CO2 levels in the atmosphere climb, they lose their ability to help keep the planet cool, which amplifies the warming effects of climate change.
After April's powerful solar storm, a satellite has stopped communicating with Earth. It's now adrift and dubbed a "zombie satellite," potentially interfering with other satellites in the neighborhood.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Ubuntu 10.04 keeps surprising me*. 'Lucid Lynx' is much faster and more agile than I thought, is more versatile and integrated than earlier Ubuntu versions, has a functional desktop and is a joy to work ...
*Collapse of news industry obvious in reports on Wounded Knee helicopters *By Brenda Norrell, Narcosphere http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/brenda-norrell/2010/05/collapse-news-industry-obvious-repor...
Since the advent of our nation's pastime, there has been a longstanding tradition of the fan who thinks it will be just HILARIOUS to jump onto a baseball diamond and get his or her 15 minutes of fame befor...
The statue emerged from the ruins of a temple believed to be the burial site of Queen Cleopatra and Mark Antony.
CANADA/HEALTH - Conservative senator Nancy Ruth is telling Canadians to “shut the f--- up” on the issue of abortion. “If you push it, there will be more backlash,” she said in a thinly veiled threat yester...
As the massive slick approaches fragile wetlands, the beleaguered energy company is intensifying efforts to contain the spill.
As global warming pushes up Earth's temperatures, a large number of people won't be able to handle the heat.
May 1st Tucson RAW video from J.M. Aragón on Vimeo. May 1st March and Rally in Tucson (RAW VIDEO) Mon, 05/03/2010 - 5:58am — J.M. PAN LEFT PRODUCTION, Tucson: Here's raw unedited video of the May 1st marc...
Kama Chinen, a Japanese woman from Okinawa, died one week before her 115th birthday.
The top five United States cities for terrorist attacks have just been identified in a new report.
Diver and underwater photographer Scott Gietler recently encountered a 15-foot purple-striped jellyfish on film and video. Please take a moment to watch the mesmerizing footage.
Aerogel, an incredibly lightweight material originally developed by NASA for space missions, could be used to sponge up oil spills.
The new Nightmare on Elm Street film resurrects both the slasher franchise and the long-discredited myth of repressed memories.
If tests prove successful, this innovative new rocket could one day take astronauts to Mars in a little more than a month.
For years, solar scientists have been confused as to why "coronal rain" falls so slowly through the sun's atmosphere... until now.
The Sun : "The Tories’ house leader Jay Hill told QMI Agency the government has not agreed to allow members of the Bloc to review confidential documents related to the transfer of Afghan detainees." Have...
Using observatories in Chile, astronomers have spotted what appears to be the largest gravitational collapse of gas into a massive cluster ever seen.
As crude oil keeps gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon rig spill is looking like it could easily end up being one of the worst environmental disasters in our nation's history. What's esp...
After President Obama's new plans for NASA, Discovery News talks with Mars Society founder Robert Zubrin and SETI Institute planetary scientist Adrian Brown to find out why Mars exploration should be a pri...
At least 25 sea turtles have washed up dead on Mississippi beaches over the past few days. Tests are ongoing to determine if the recent oil spill is to blame.
In the early days of the space program, when launching was even dicier than it is today, Pad Leader Guenter Wendt sent the early astronauts into space. He died today at the age of 86.
How did this man manage to journey from Tunisia to Ipswich, England, during the 13th century?
*Military Helicopters at Wounded Knee? Traditional Lakota Elders Say No Way! * By Debra White Plume. May 1. 2010 Photos by James Fortier (Photo 1: Calvin Spotted Elk) Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blo...
President Theresa Two Bulls' video statement. Part II: Oglala Sioux press conference. Censored news reporter Brenda Norrell http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com
If this is your first exposure to the Friday News Feedbag...we're glad to have you in the club. Welcome to Feedbag Nation, which stems from our weekly science news podcast that you can subscribe to here on...
ENVIRONMENT - If you're looking to cutback on electricity costs at the office there's a new solution available today for controlling your fluorescent lighting. LumiSmart is a small box which connects to a ...
How long will it take for people to turn to nanotechnology for a possible solution to the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
By 2011, the famed river, now merely a polluted stream, could disappear entirely.
Naturalist Mark Fraser introduces us to the Northern red-bellied snake.
New evidence supports that dwarf dinosaurs once existed on a Transylvania island.
Bacteria reprogrammed with 43,000-year-old mammoth DNA reveal clues to how the extinct mammals survived extreme cold.
ENVIRONMENT - Soon to be out of work fishermen in Louisiana were tricked into signing a contract with British Petroleum, offering them work during the cleanup effort of the BP oil spill, but included sever...
Historic rainfall has led to flooding that has already claimed at least 19 lives.
Oceanographers are keeping their eyes on the Gulf Loop Current, which could spread the oil slick through the Florida Keys and to North Carolina's Cape Hatteras.
It could be summer before oil gushing from the broken oil well in the Gulf is stopped.
Last week, Oscar-winning director James Cameron visited Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., to discuss the science behind his hit movie "Avatar" and Jennifer Ouellette was there to listen into the fascinating dis...
HEALTH - There are several cities in Europe, Asia and also in Latin America which have been experimenting with the concept of gym equipment in public parks to promote healthy living. The equipment is desig...
When oil spills threaten ocean and coastal environments, several techniques are employed to mitigate the damage. One of them is a chemical dispersant, a liquid typically dropped by a plane flying over the ...