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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4 May - Early Articles

January/February 2007 issueImage via Wikipedia
 Peaceful protest in al-Walaja
Al-Walaja, population 2,000 is located just south of Jerusalem and west of Bethlehem. After the 1967 Six Day War, half the town was annexed to Israel and included the Jerusalem municipal area. The citizens though did not receive Israeli citizenship or residency, thus they are considered illegal within their own homes.

The Wall has come to Al-Walaja and when completed it will completely isolate the residents from everyone, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem and their land. Israel has confiscated half of the land planning to utilize it to build Har Gilo and Gilo settlements. Their fruit orchards have been cut down, their homes demolished and the areas to south and west have been closed off. 

39 Enslaved Workers Found In South Florida Country Clubs

JudeoFascists Attack Home of Progressive Rabbi Michael Lerner
The northern California home of Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of the progressive Tikkun magazine, was vandalized.

Posters attached to his door and the fence around his Berkeley home attack Lerner personally, and liberals and progressives, as being supporters of terrorism and “Islamofascism,”

The truth about Obama's birth certificate.

Time Magazine's Sneaky Way of Muffling the Message of an Afghan Peace Activist
TIME has painted a false picture of me and does not mention anything at all about my struggle against the occupation of Afghanistan by the US and NATO, which is disgusting. In fact every one knows that I stand side-by-side with the glorious anti war movements around the world and have proved time and again that I will never compromise with the US And NATO who have occupied my country, empowered the most bloody enemies of my people and are killing my innocent compatriots in Afghanistan. What TIME did was like giving an award to someone with one hand and getting it back with another hand.

UNC Decides to Move Beyond Coal; Plus Bonus Coal Ash News
Today EPA announced it is “proposing the first-ever national rules to ensure the safe disposal and management of coal ash from coal-fired power plants.”

Remember or You Might Choke On It – Global Deforestation
I wanted to draw your attention to the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, that put out a report in March 2010 regarding deforestation.
It is tag-lined “World Deforestation Decreases, But Remains Alarming in Many Countries“.

ckua Radio Network

The Heathlander
UCB students make history
Students at the University of California, Berkeley made history earlier this year by voting 16-4 to divest from two companies directly implicated in Israel’s occupation. The divestment campaign was supported by, among others, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk and various Jewish and Israeli peace groups. This vote was then vetoed by the president of the student body (ASUC). After a marathon twelve hour debate, the student senate again voted in favour of the bill, but fell just short of the two-thirds majority required to override the veto. The bill was “tabled”, meaning it will come up for discussion again later in the semester.
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