Dr. John's Hiding Place
Linux noobies and Ubuntu, troubles are many...
Either you use an older computer, laptop or netbook with Linux, or buy and use a new 64-bit computer or gadgets to properly run Windows-7 if you don't want to be swamped by viruses again, and badware or similar efficiency degrading junk from the Internet. Alternatively you might try to combine and use both worlds on your newer computer in a dual boot configuration to enjoy the best of both worlds. Nevertheless problems are many
Iran 'allows Clotilde Reiss to leave for France'
How Iran's opposition inverts old slogansHow Iran is ruledWho's who in Iran
Military officials said that when Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top commander in the region, signed off on the operation in January 2009, there were prohibitions against intelligence gathering, including hiring agents to provide information about enemy positions in Pakistan. The contractors were supposed to provide only broad information about the political and tribal dynamics in the region, and information that could be used for “force protection,” they said. Some Pentagon officials said that over time the operation appeared to morph into traditional spying activities. And they pointed out that the supervisor who set up the contractor network, Michael D. Furlong, was now under investigation. What happened when one conservative Web site ventured outside the movement bubble. Health reform threatens to cram already overwhelmed emergency roomsUS faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMFTHE LOOMING OBAMA DEBT DISASTER