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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

11 May - News Review - CBC

Bangali, a village in Uttaranchal near Nandprayag.Image via Wikipedia

Web App Helps Prevent Soil Erosion
In hilly Missouri, farmers face the problem of soil erosion caused by water runoff. To combat this, they build terraces, an ancient agricultural solution that dates back to at least 4,000 B.C. However, designing terraces is a complicated and time-consuming process, and if done incorrectly can keep farmers from managing their land correctly.But a new web-based application could bring the ancient tradition into the 21st Century, and reduce the amount of time it takes to design an optimal network of terraces. 
Reworked MOTERR is currently in beta testing and only accessible to those designing, testing and updating it, will be available free to farmers in late 2011, will be free for farmers to use. The NRCS and local soil and water districts will train the farmers on how to use the system.

Human Stem Cells Grow Differently in Space

Cells grown in microgravity generate problematic proteins (absent in normal stem cells) that play a role in bone deterioration.The research raises questions about the viability of humans traveling in space without gravity for long periods of time. The findings have implications not only for future space travel but also for helping solve ground-based medical problems.

Brain-injured face long waits for help
( Exactly the sort of injury noted with the proliferation of I.E.D.s involved with Talib resistance to NATO  Occupation. Injured veterans as a class will end up being shortchanged due to lack of this specific assistance.
'Support the Troops' anyone ? )

Slow learning assessments plague P.E.I.
"The waiting list even a year ago would have been two years and a half," said Smith. "A shortage in psychologists is a major factor. And it's not just a shortage within the school district, but a shortage in health in general." The Eastern School District currently has 5.4 psychologist positions. The Western School Board has three. That's enough for each to assess 180 to 200 students a year, well short of the need. The wait in both school districts is more than two years.

Germany wants 1 million electric cars by 2020

Tennessee's Record Flooding a Sign of Things to Come
Better grab an umbrella: Climate change could make the devastating rain and flooding seen last week in Nashville much more common.

NATO troops join Moscow Victory Day parade


Arizona law may violate human rights: UN
Arizona's new law on illegal immigration could violate international standards that are binding in the United States, six UN human rights experts said Tuesday in Geneva.

The basic human rights regulations, signed by the U.S. and many other nations, regard issues such as discrimination and the terms under which a person can be detained, the experts said.

"A disturbing pattern of legislative activity hostile to ethnic minorities and immigrants has been established with the adoption of an immigration law that may allow for police action targeting individuals on the basis of their perceived ethnic origin," the experts said.

 Bill would strip terror suspects of U.S. citizenship
A bill co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Joseph Lieberman and Scott Brown calls for suspected terrorists to be stripped of their U.S. citizenship

( Precisely the disregard for proven facts that supports Sanctions against countries which have made no substantiated aggressive acts against the U.S.  The bias and dysfunction of that are best shown by comparison with actions by countries genuinely seeking to resolve conflict


Avalon Project - Treaty of Westphalia

Westphalian sovereignty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Peace of Westphalia is said to have ended attempts at the imposition of any supranational authority on European states. 

Isn't it interesting that when I looked at the Schiller site I was greeted by a Web of Trust caution about a Think Tank supporting an agenda of LaRouche. Then I get this

Zepp-LaRouche has explained the need for the Schiller Institute as follows:

    We need a movement that can finally free Germany from the control of the Versailles and Yalta treaties, which have tossed us from one catastrophe to another for an entire century." 
The website of the Schiller Institute includes transcripts of conferences that the Institute has sponsored, throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, to promote the idea of what it calls "peace through development".[7] The discussion at these conferences has generally centered around LaRouche's proposals for infrastructure projects such as the "Eurasian Land Bridge", and the "Oasis Plan", a Middle East peace agreement based on Arab-Israeli collaboration on major water projects. The conferences also typically discuss proposals for debt relief and the "New Bretton Woods," a proposal for a sweeping reorganization of the world monetary system (see Political views of Lyndon LaRouche). The Institute strongly opposes the "Clash of Civilizations" thesis of Samuel Huntington, counterposing what it calls a "Dialogue of Cultures". 
Heck. I don't even read LaRouche, just run the RSS monitor : but he has excellent taste in 'enemies.' I may have to fix that oversight.  )

Lieberman pointed out that U.S. President Barack Obama has already gone much further, having recently authorized the CIA to kill Anwar al-Aulaqi, an American Muslim cleric alleged to be tied to several terrorist attacks.

( Judge, Jury and Executioner =Dictator, Tyrant*, Emperor ; *Roman title of Office. Where's the Impeachment parade on this guy ? 
Again, for comparison,  the Roman Tyrant was appointed by the Senate as a temporary expedient when the Republic home territory was directly menaced by foreign armies for the duration of dire emergency : not promulgated by end runs around limitations of powers of office 'enabled' by speculations about mercenary/bandit activities in foreign lands... which is all 'assessments' are. )

U.S. won't abandon Afghanistan: Clinton
Karzai also told Clinton that he is asking the U.S. to support a development strategy to assure Afghanistan's long-term economic viability.
( The costs of 'policing' the country are projected to exceed the G.D.P. Run a Search on 'Starvation in Afghanistan'...and think of the criticisms levied at North Korea's government after economic sanctions are levied against them ! )

Iraq attacks claim 99 lives
( The blessings of Occupation and domination by a Colonial Power. ) 

Afghan documents deal needs more time: MPs
There are national security concerns that need to be addressed.
If the Speaker does not agree to extend the deadline or if the parties cannot come to an eventual agreement, the opposition could put forward a motion of privilege, finding the government in contempt of Parliament.
( The whitewash is not yet complete. It would be interesting to have even a generic justification for ongoing lawbreaking. Even that low bar is not attempted except as a comprehensive 'Talking Point' : 'security concerns'. Whose  and which ?  I don't even ask specific actors be identified publicly...yet. )

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