- posted by Michael Reilly at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 hour agoA new feature on the USGS lets you relive two months of anticipation as scientists waited for the epic eruption of Mt. St. Helens, which finally came on May 18, 1980.
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 1 hour agoFASHION - Until recently there was a Facebook group called "Boycotting Peter Nygard" which was steadily growing. It had 202 members the last time I checked and it was less than a month old. Unfortunately ...
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 hours agoThis graphene business is getting serious. The fairly new one-atom-thick carbon material--related to the graphite in our pencils--has scientists in a tizzy over its potential. Now it looks like graphene co...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 hours agoA new "facebook" of expressions of mice in pain could speed along the development of pain relievers for humans.
- posted by Jorge Ribas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoAnimal Planet's Jeff Corwin is down in Louisiana reporting for CBS News on the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. On this week's episode, we got a chance to talk to him about the kinds of things he's...
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoIn a reversal of a 20th-century trend, young, educated whites are increasingly moving to cities over suburbs.
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoHorne helped break down the barriers that kept women of color out of show business.
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 4 hours agoA high kick to the right or left of the goalie traveling 56 to 64 miles per hour is most successful.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoThanks to enormous new MRI and tomography machines that can fit large patients, horses and other big animals are receiving improved medical care. Over the past several months, the technology has been integ...
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoYou wouldn't think a sunken ship from 2000 years ago could hold the key to the success of a neutrino detection experiment, except perhaps in a Hollywood movie. But sometimes truth really is stranger than f...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 5 hours agoENTERTAINMENT - Sh*t My Dad Says is a Twitter page wherein Justin Halpern, a 29 year old man in the USA posts quotes from his 74 year old father who lives with him. The quotes are so humourous and popular ...
- posted by Gene Charleton at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoUsing a computer to control a car makes sense, but when something goes wrong, it goes really wrong.
- posted by null at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoEngineers are wrestling with a list of options to cap oil leaking 5,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 6 hours agoManny Pino, Acoma Pueblo, one of the chairs of the working group on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the World Climate Conference in Bolivia, describes the work carried out by the Indigenous Peoples w...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 7 hours agoCells grown in microgravity generate proteins (absent in normal stem cells) that play a role in bone deterioration.
- posted by Larry O'Hanlon at Discovery News - Top Stories - 7 hours agoTaking occasional deep breaths is critical for keeping our respiratory systems nimble.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours agoSunday, May 9, 2010 Good Morning, On this Sunday, Mother's Day 2010, I'd like send this message out to all of the Mother's. From Grandmother Moon to Mother Earth, to the Mother's who carry the Unborn, to...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago*Photo: Wiradjuri Traditional Owners protested Barrick Gold's mine destructive operation in Lake Cowal central western New South Wales and its cyanide poisoning. In Western Shoshone territory in the US, Ba...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 1 day ago*PRO-ISRAEL FASHION STATEMENT: At Time Magazine’s May 4 dinner honoring the ‘100 Most Influential People in the World,’ Gov. Sarah Palin wears a pin featuring Israeli and American flags. ”While others ar...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*UPDATE: Oglala Court halts auction of sacred horses* *Temporary injunction granted to stop the Oglala Sioux Tribe Parks and Recreation Department from auctioning off these horses on Mothers Day* Statem...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Western Shoshone, Navajo and Havasupai women honor the Earth each day in their struggle to defend and protect Mother Earth* *From **http://www.care2.com/**: Editor's Note: This post comes to us from our...
- posted by Nicole Gugliucci at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoAccording to a highly sensitive particle detector, dark matter particles don't appear to exist. However, dark matter detection reports from another, less sensitive instrument suggests otherwise. What is go...
- posted by Emily Laut at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThis “underwater kite” will generate power from tidal currents.
- posted by Teresa Shipley at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoThe oil spill hurts a lot more than the environment: It gets your pocketbook, too.
- posted by Emily Laut at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoUnderwater volcanic deposits may collapse and cause tsunamis in the Caribbean.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA slushy mix of deep-sea water and oil is hindering attempts to slow the Gulf of Mexico leak.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Wounded Knee photographer files copyright claim against Smithsonian* ** The Smithsonian, with a long history of harboring Indian remains and refusing to return those to Indian Nations, is now the subject o...
- posted by Michael Reilly at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoReflecting on our past success in fixing the hole in Earth's ozone layer could help us fight climate change.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 days agoContact: Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director Indigenous Environmental Network Cell: (218)760-0442 *Indigenous Peoples Support the Bolivia Cochabamba Peoples’ Agreement of the recent People’s Global Summit ...
- *Hank Marvin*, born in 1941 as Brian Rankin, still is an example for many young guitarists. Being the face of the British instrumental combo "The Shadows" for well over 50 years (!) now, one can hardly im...
- posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 2 days agoThe Herschel Space Observatory has spotted a young star blasting a cavity out of a nebula. The resulting 'bubble' is sparking the birth of more stars, one of them with the potential to grow into a stellar ...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoMany young women today use "the pill" to treat acne, improve mood and, of course, prevent pregnancy.
- posted by Benjamin Radford at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAn innocent man was recently freed by DNA testing; but what about the people who saw him do it?
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAs the investigation into the failed Times Square bombing revealed, security cameras are everywhere. But studies show they may not be so effective.
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoIn marine environments, there are particular types of microbes that love plastic. They're all over the stuff, happily binding to it and forming coatings. This spring, intrepid scientists are testing sample...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days ago*Michelle Cook, Navajo: 'How blessed we are to have a cause so worthy to fight for."* *Michelle Cook, Navajo Fulbright scholar, arrived in Bolivia for the World Climate Conference from Maori territory i...
- posted by Ray Villard at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoI’m not losing any sleep worrying about awaking one morning to see an alien mothership hovering over Washington D.C.
- posted by Lori Cuthbert at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoI'm finally in vogue! More women in the United States are waiting longer now to have children than ever before, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center. I had my child when I was 41, a full ...
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 3 days agoCANADA - The Canadian economy continued to soar in April with major gains in almost all sectors, creating an extraordinary 108,700 new jobs. It was the biggest gain since August 2002. Economists were only ...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 days ago*Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, said this article is as appropriate now, in regards to the economic situation in Greece, as when it was written nine months ago. **CAPITALIST MORAL REA...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoThe 100-ton dome is designed to funnel leaking oil from the Gulf up to a containment vessel for reprocessing.
- posted by C. Moffat at Lilith News - 3 days agoPOLITICS - Remember the old adage, buy low and sell high? Well yesterday the stock markets went on real rollercoaster when someone accidentally pressed the B for billion button instead of the M for million...
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoDr. Zahi Hawass, the head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, tells Discovery News why the findings at Taposiris Magna (today called Abusir) are important.
- posted by Eric Niiler at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoThe new tool measures blood and body chemistry over time and appears to finally be putting a dent in sports doping.
- posted by Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy - 3 days agoby Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy The state of Texas and NASA hope to take an early lead in interstellar space travel with technologies that sound like dialogue from Star Trek or Star Wars peppered w...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 days agoAn ancient agricultural solution to erosion and runoff gets a 21st Century update.
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