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Blacklisted News
- Stocks, Euro Slide on Debt Concern; MSCI World Era ...The MSCI World Index of stocks erased its 2010 gain, the euro slid to a 14-month low and Treasuries rose as concern European nations will need to restructure debt outweighed growth in U.S. jobs and service industries.
- BP Oil Spill Highlights Poor Safety Record, the Wo ...
- New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?
- Times Square bomb used non-explosive fertilizerWell well!
- Americans Are Ratting Out Their Neighbors to the I ...Americans seeking reward money are turning in neighbors, clients and employers they suspect of cheating on taxes to the IRS at a rate of nearly eight per day, the director of the agency’s whistleblower program said.
The Intelligence Daily
- New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa Into Milit ...By Rick Rozoff (The Intelligence Daily) — Last year the commander of U.S. Africa Command...
- Our societies have become even more unmanageable: ...The Principle of Subsidiary Function By John Michael Greer (The Intelligence Daily) — I trust...
- US Army Human Terrain System Smoke & Mirrors: Whis ... By John Stanton (The Intelligence Daily) — The Human Terrain Team Leader of AF-1 who was...
- New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?By Stephen Lendman (The Intelligence Daily) — On May 1, New York Times writers Al Baker and...
- Headaches for HIV-positive travellers(PlusNews) – China recently became the latest country to lift travel restrictions on people...
My AntiWar
- Pakistan FM: Times Square Attack Retaliation for D ...
- Ahmadinejad Accuses Hillary of Trying to Provoke C ...
- Japan PM Under Fire Over US Base U-Turn
- Washington Post May Put Newsweek on Block
- IAEA Seeks to Persuade Israel to Join NPT
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Ron Paul warns U.S. is following Iraq script in ma ...Summary: Independent-minded Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul, is warning that America is following the same path to war with Iran as it did with Iraq. source: Independent Voter Network (IVN), Canada read more
- IAEA presses Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation ...Summary: Amano International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano has urged member states to persuade Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection. source: Press TV read more
- Ahmadinejad interviewed on 'Charlie Rose Show'Summary: "According to the regulations of the IAEA they have to provide that fuel to us and get paid by us. The IAEA instead of sending out requests to purchase the fuel to all countries decided to only send the request to two member states, the United States and Russia." source: Lexis Nexis ...
- Iran welcomes Brazil mediation over nuclear issueSummary: TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has agreed "in principle" to a Brazilian role in breaking the deadlock over a U.N.-backed nuclear fuel swap with the West. source: AP read more
- Obama's war machine, Part 2Summary: The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is of great importance because it concerns the most deadly weapons in the world. The report is overflowing with ambiguity. First it notes that President Barack Obama seeks "a world without nuclear weapons," but that he recognizes it may not be possible " ...
The Daily Galaxy
- NASA: 4-Billion-Year-Old Antarctica Meteorite Poin ...Emboldened by the recent discovery of an ancient ocean and warm-water lakes on early Mars as well as the discovery of biologically-produced methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet, NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old controversy on...
- DNA Time Travel - Species Discovered that Sleep fo ...Nature has found a way send genetic information forward through time, and no, it doesn't involve Doctor Who finally getting with Rose. Tiny crustaceans can bury their young in the Earth for centuries, and scientists in the new and awesomely-named...
- Vast Cloud of Antimatter Discovered Near Center of ...Several years of observations from the European Space Agency’s Integral (INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) satellite have solved one of the most vexing mysteries in our Milky Way: the origin of a giant cloud of antimatter surrounding the galactic center. The...
- Antimatter Surges Observed in the UniverseScientists have seen surges in antimatter particles sweeping through space, and some believe the cause could be collapsing cosmic strings. As opposed to Ming the Merciless. Note that cosmic strings are entirely different strings from string theory - blame any...
- Our Android Future? Biomaterials Mimic BiologyLike a pair of droids out of Blade Runner, DARPA is creating a soft robot and Virginia Tech has engineered artificial proteins can now mimic the elastic properties of muscles in living organisms. "Our goal is to use these biomaterials...
Natural News
- Recalled children's Tylenol products were knowingl ...(NaturalNews) The other day I wrote a story about the massive recall by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, of its infants' and children's line of Tylenol products. An FDA inspection report found these drugs to be contaminated with dangerous bacteria (they did not disclo ...
- New research shows grapes reduce risk for heart di ...(NaturalNews) The millions of Americans with heart disease and type 2 diabetes didn't develop these diseases out of the blue. Their disorders are the result of a cascade of problems including high blood pressure, insulin resistance, abdominal fat and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Now Univers ...
- Drug side effects "neglected, restricted, distorte ...(NaturalNews) New research shows that information on potentially lethal side effects of the blockbuster painkiller Vioxx was "neglected, restricted, distorted and silenced" by pharmaceutical giant Merck, writes London-based physician and author John Briffa in The Epoch Times .Vioxx was first approve ...
- Why Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt is so much better ...(NaturalNews) If you've been reading NaturalNews for long, you've heard me talk about the importance of switching from processed table salt to a "full spectrum" salt. Table salt -- or "white salt" -- is to real salt as table sugar is to dehydrated cane juice. Both white table salt and white sugar ar ...
- Vitamin and calcium supplements slash breast cance ...(NaturalNews) It's common for mainstream medical doctors to declare there's no reason to take nutritional supplements. After all, this line of reasoning goes, you are supposedly getting all the nutrition you need from a typical American diet. However, evidence continues to mount disproving this idea ...
Threat Level
- Wired Urges Judge to Unseal Gizmodo SearchWired.com and other news outlets are asking a California judge to unseal the search warrant affidavit that led to a police raid on the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, who paid $5,000 for a prototype 4G iPhone. Under California law, the public has a right to see the documents that led San Mateo Co ...
- Bombing Arrest Followed Law Enforcement Slip-Ups a ...“I was expecting you,” suspected bomber Faisal Shahzad reportedly told the border agents who seized him from his Dubai-bound flight Monday evening. And clearly the suspect should have been expecting agents, given the trail of clues he allegedly left behind and the steps investigators were taking t ...
- Judge Rules Post on Cop-Rating Site is Protected S ...A federal judge has struck down a Florida law prohibiting the publication of a police officer’s name, phone number or address, calling the statute an unconstitutional restraint on speech. The decision leaves Arizona, Colorado and Washington state with similar laws on the books. Florida authoritie ...
- Craigslist Adult Ads Under Scrutiny — AgainConnecticut’s top law enforcement officer is subpoenaing Craigslist records to determine whether the site is complying with a year-old deal with attorneys general to censor the online bulletin board’s erotic ads. Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general, is seeking evidence to determine ...
- Groups Call ‘Privacy’ Legislation OrwellianPrivacy groups gave an overwhelming thumbs down Tuesday to proposed legislation by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Virginia) that for the first time would mandate the length of time online consumer information could be kept. The proposal would require websites to discard data collected from their users after 1 ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- History Shows Democrats the Party to Trust on Wall ...In just a matter of days, the Republican effort to protect predatory Wall Street bankers has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. Last week, Mitch McConnell endlessly parroted Frank Luntz' " permanent bailout " talking point - the day after meeting with financial executives in New York. Then o ...
- Judge Cornyn's War on the Rule of LawThat Texas Senator John Cornyn joined John McCain in the Republican chorus denouncing the Obama administration for reading Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad his Miranda rights is unsurprising. Unsurprising and sadly ironic. After all, from detainee torture and illicit domestic surveillance ...
- Shahzad or Rudolph, U.S Citizens Have Miranda Righ ...It's official: John McCain is now more addled than Glenn Beck . While the Fox News host insisted to the dismay of his colleagues that Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad "has all the rights under the Constitution," McCain declared that reading Miranda rights to an American citizen is a "seriou ...
- Believing, Not Knowing: The Sarah Palin StoryBelieving, not knowing. For her fiercest critics and most fervent supporters alike, that is the hallmark of Sarah Palin . And on no issue does Palin's belief trump her knowledge more than energy. After all, the woman John McCain declared "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the U ...
- The Tax Cheating Crisis in Greece - and the U.S.Even as the European Union and the IMF unveiled a $160 billion bailout package to avert a fiscal disaster in Greece , the New York Times documented one culprit behind that nation's fiscal woes: tax cheating . But while the $30 billion Athens loses annually to tax fraud and evasion proportionately f ...
Blackspot News Feed
- McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About ...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been blasting the Senate’s financial regulatory reform bill in recent days, falsely arguing that it “institutionalizes” bailouts for Wall Street. read more
- Arizona Legislature Makes Being Undocumented a Cri ...Arizona is on track to become the first state in the nation to make it a misdemeanor for a person to be there without legal immigration documents.
- Welcome to “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month”We are halfway through April, which you may not have realized has been dubbed “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” for the second year in a row by Texas Governor, Rick Perry and Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Just for the record: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not designed to offer comfort t ...
- Tax Grousing Tells Half The StoryIt’s tax time again, the time of year when Americans grouse about forking over part of their hard-earned cash to the dear old government. These days, there’s a whole movement dedicated to grumbling about taxes full time — I’m talking, of course, about the Right’s latest incarnation — tea partiers, w ...
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
Consortium News
- Did Kent State Have to Happen?In 1968, Richard Nixon's campaign sabotaged LBJ's peace talks, leading to more Vietnam carnage and Kent State, writes Robert Parry. May 4, 2010
- Fraud: America's New WatchwordEarly Christianity was a diverse, dynamic religion, but then evolved into rigid authoritarianism, writes Rev. Howard Bess. April 25, 2010
- Explaining the Plunder and the CrimeWall Street's financial meltdown inflicted terrible pain on Main Street, but few victims understand the crime, writes Danny Schecter. May 3, 2010
- The Death of a Cynical WPost EditorEulogies for ex-Washington Post editorialist Stephen Rosenfeld ignore his readiness to defend pro-U.S. slaughters, says Robert Parry. May 3, 2010
- Does Obama Know the War He's In?President Obama calls again for political civility in Washington, but there's no reason to think his appeal will work, says Robert Parry. May 2, 2010
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- My mandate on Gaza was even-handed, my loyalty is ...I have spent much of my professional life in the cause of international criminal justice. It would have been hypocritical for me to continue to speak out against violations of international law and impunity for war crimes around the world but remain silent when it came to Israel simply because I am ...
- Both hindrance and blight (The Jordan Times)The Palestinian boycott of Israeli goods that originate in settlements is picking up speed. This is a very laudable initiative and a form of resistance that might, combined with other tactics, gain some result. For a start, it hits Israel where it hurts, namely in the pocket. While the exact market ...
- Bleak climate for Mid-East talks (BBC)Even US diplomats who are trying to get new talks started between Israel and the Palestinians don't believe they will get very far. I haven't found any Israelis or Palestinians who feel they have a chance, assuming they begin. You can't blame anyone for thinking that. It is a long time ago now, but ...
- Israel, Palestinians move closer to indirect peace ...
- Regular Israelis are the ones perpetuating occupat ...Behind the assembly lines are representatives of the entire people of Zion, hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers. Each of them has a personal interest in the continuation of the apparatus, even if that interest is wrapped in national or security cellophane. Netanyahu is not the only one r ...
Water - AlterNet
- BP's Oil Disaster: The Numbers Will Shock YouAt best 20% of the oil spill may be recoverable. Though we don't yet know the full extent of the disaster, one thing is for sure: regulatory failures paved the way.
- Why the Oil Spill May Be the Greatest Test of Obam ...Can the president seize this moment to move boldly on the biggest question facing the world: our endless addiction to fossil fuel.
- What BP's Oil Mess and Goldman Sachs' Rip-off Sche ...After 30 years of deregulation, it's no wonder everything from oil production to banking is screwed up.
- Jordan River Expected to Run Dry by 2011Over 90 percent of the river's water has been diverted by Israel, Syria and Jordan, and what's left is an unappealing mix of sewage, saline water, and run-off from cropland.
- Gulf Spill: America's Chernobyl?Prevention, not rapid response, is the key. It's time to start phasing out offshore oil production now, as a first step to making America genuinely independent of oil.
- TruthHugger is on indefinite vacation.Zzzzzzzz Time is not on my side. Although I continue to observe and analyze current events and political shenanigans with critical eyes. I am setting aside the venting of opinion and observation to attend to personal priorities. TruthHugger may be resurrected during the next political disaster, but ...
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Here Come Those Chickens Again by Cindy Sheehantweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/06/here-come-those-chickens-again-by-ci
- “The 15% Solution,” Serialization, 4th Installment ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/%e2%80%9cthe-15-solution%e2%80%9d-se
- Greg Palast: How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Gree ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/06/greg-palast-how-the-imf-set-up-icela
- Parliamentary 'democracy' - a triumph of Victorian ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/parliamentary-democracy-a-triumph-of
- Atlantic Council: Securing The 21st Century For NA ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/atlantic-council-securing-the-21st-c
Axis of Logic
- When the regime puts the security apparatus in the ...Editor's Comment: There appears to be something afoot in Egypt that is unprecedented - something the world should be watching. In the first place, opinion articles like that of Hassan Nafaa (below) in a major Egyptian newspaper like Al Masry Al Youm has never been permitted by the Mubarak regime. ...
- Chilean Author Isabel Allende on Her New Novel “Is ...// // Renowned Chilean novelist Isabel Allende joins us in our studio to talk about her new book, “Island Beneath the Sea”–her first novel in four years. The story takes readers back 200 years in time to the slave uprising that led to the creation of the world’s f ...
- We believe US media are controlled by single unit ...On his trip to New York to attend the UN nuclear summit Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to RT about nuclear non-proliferation, the Obama Administration, Iran’s representation in the US and other hot issues. [Q] Mr. President, thank you very much for taking the time for sitting with ...
- Corn Syrup Linked to Bee Colony Catastrophe - Worl ...High-fructose corn syrup is a hot topic in the national debate on diet, with opponents attacking it, as Daniel Engber has suggested, as unhealthy, unnatural and unappetizing, while corn refiners have volleyed back that it’s safe, natural and tasty. Now the food additive has been impli ...
- Paraguay: Controversy Over Troop Deployment - Wor ...Military troops and extra police are being deployed in northern Paraguay after a state of emergency was declared to crack down on an armed rebel group that calls itself the Paraguayan People’s Army (EPP). As part of Operation Py’a Guapy -- "tranquility" in the Guaraní indigenous language -- 3 ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl Newswrap"Help with his baggage?" So that's what the kids are calling it these days, eh? George Rekers, the evangelical leader and co-founder of the Family Research Council who was caught on camera in the Miami airport traveling with a real, honest-to-Pete male escort is saying that is all it was, he needed ...
- Expose the Trillion-Dollar Secret Giveaway to Bank ...If Congress does pass a financial reform bill, the surrenders to big-money interests required to get it through are likely to be as vomit-inducing as the ones that distort the health reform bill, if not more so. But not just because the desperately-needed consumer financial protection act is likely ...
- Teabaggers in America: tell us something about the ...The Washington Post and ABC News conducted a poll April 22nd through the 25th of 1001 adults nationwide on the subject of teabagger sheeple. The margin of error was 3%. Among the results - 2% (yes, that's two percent) of all adults consider themselves "active participants" as teabaggers. And that t ...
- Genuine Liberal Activist Taking On Biggest Freakaz ...Remember Tom Riner? OK, I admit that the herd of repug freakazoids in the Kentucky General Assembly are hard to tell apart. �But the Baptist Minister from Louisville is a special case. Two years ago he was the one who inserted language into Kentucky's Homeland Security legislation requiring - requir ...
- Is it wrong to feel schadenfreude over this?Defense contractors have long been thought recessionproof. The economy may suck everywhere else, but there are certain people in the mid-Atlantic who never go wanting. Defense contractors go to the mid-Atlantic for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks - that's where the money is. That is how i ...
Care 2
- One Vision. One Day. One Million Tweets. On May 11 ...Come Back on May 11 at 12:01 am and Start Tweeting Your Support for Organics by Clicking on The Pre-Formatted Links that We Will Provide (or make your own!) Submitted by Keith L. to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- High noon in Nepal eyewitness to revolutionOn May 1 in Kathmandu, between 500,000-1 million people took over the streets in a dramatic show of force by Nepals Maoists to demand a return to civilian rule and a democratic process of creating a new, pro-people constitution Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Waiver of building Evenki GES - Environmental vict ...WWF welcomes the decision to exclude hydropower from the Evenki genshemy power RF and hopes that such a step would not be the last on the road to modernization and diversification of the economic development of Russia. Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- NO MORE! ABRIL IS A FLAG FOR LIFE DISRESPECT - The ...April is a mini chiguagua…The abrasion of the face reminded burns acid that we sometimes see on TV, half an ear missing, in his left hind leg shows signs of having been seized as a trap. It also presenhis body, and also has old wounds and scars Submitted by Cristina S. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Forget the birdies, golfers find FIVE baby bunnies .... Submitted by mick cave to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new r ...
- Global Water Scarcity: Risks and Challenges for Bu ...This new Lloyd's 360 Risk Insight report says businesses must act now in the face of diminishing water supplies. The report, produced in conjunction with the WWF, looks at the issue of water scarcity and its impact on business.
- EPA Contest Seeks the Biggest (Kilowatt) LoserLooking to tap into the popularity of contest-based reality shows, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is staging its version of "The Biggest Loser" -- a competition to see which commercial building can shed the most energy waste and be declared the most efficient in the country.
- Why PepsiCo is Building Dams in IndiaNot so long ago, environmental activists in India targeted PepsiCo and other beverage companies for consuming excessive groundwater in local communities. PepsiCo is striving to make a difference by reducing its water use and helping communities secure clean water.
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new re ...
Reuters Global
- Yar’Adua death leaves succession wide openThe death of Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua intensifies what was already shaping up to be the fiercest succession race since the end of military rule. What do you think should happen now? Who do you think would make the best candidate for president? Could this mean the next election will be a r ...
- Times Square bombing; was the inspiration from the ...The failed bombing of Times Square will rekindle debate about a "jihadi highway" where citizens of western countries, often radicalised at home, seek inspiration or training from mlitants based in Pakistan.
- U.S. troop numbers in Afghanistan set to overtake ...At some point this month or early June, the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan will outnumber those in Iraq. It's an artificial milestone but it is worth noting because it tells you a good deal about the two wars and where the United States stands in each.
- Is Baluchistan more strategically significant than ...Given China's reputation for long-term planning, it's well time to pay attention to its focus on Baluchistan and ask the question: Is Pakistan's Baluchistan province strategically more important than Afghanistan?
- Expo diplomacy and the Greek rescueGreece's Deputy Prime Minister Theodoros Pangalos chides his European neighbours as they mull a bailout plan, while cosying up to China during his trip to open the Greek pavilion at Shanghai's World Expo.
Paul Krugman
- Greek End GameI hope that somewhere, deep in the bowels of the ECB and the Greek Ministry of Finance, people are thinking about the unthinkable.
- The Way We WereThe raw profiteering we now take for granted as an inevitable part of capitalism is actually quite evitable.
- GrownupsFor the past decade at least, the "grownups" have again and again proved utterly clueless
- Katrina RevisionismForgetting what a nation saw.
- Why Endorse The Tories?In the current crisis, Brown's policies have been sensible, whereas the Tories wanted to slash spending in the face of recession, which would have been disastrous.
No Quarter
- The Terror Hysteria ContinuesListening to some of the breathless news coverage today on the arrest of Faisal Shahzad you might have thought we had caught Osama Bin Laden and that Shahzad and killed thousands. Only Shepherd Smith of Fox News had the integrity to blow the bullshit whistle: Watch the latest video at FOXNews.com> ...
- Bet Obama And The DNC Didn’t See THIS ComingI know, that could be any number of different things when it comes to Obama and Co. But in this case, I am referring to this NY Times article, Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races. Holy canoli, I didn’t see it coming, either, though there were some signs. Take for [...]
- More Oil, The Gulf Stream, Liability Caps and Envi ...Have we created a perfect storm? Don’t get me wrong, I’m an optimist by nature and a firm believer that ingenuity and determination can overcome almost any thing. And as someone geeky enough to enjoy watching the Robot Wars (though I’m not nearly geeky enough to build one), it is hard not to get cau ...
- Bill Maher Thinks the President “Should Get More S ...One year ago, I wrote an open letter to Bill Maher taking him to task for his horrid insults to the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. He self-righteously, and wrongly, claimed that what was at the root of this movement was racism. He also claimed that this was strictly a Republican [...]
- Women, Education, And BaseballThere is much going on in the US right now, from the oil spill in Louisiana (horrible, devastating, especially to such a sensitive area that has been fighting to come back), the floods in Tennessee, which damaged the Grand Ole Opry, and more importantly, took lives, as well as floods in Kentucky, to ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Origins of ZeusThe myth behind the birth of Zeus, and the mysterious caverns and ancient creatures sworn to protect the divine child against the evil Kronos who devoured his children. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the artic ...
- The World's Creepiest Taxidermy Art Welcome to the world of creative taxidermy, where wild creatures are turned into the weirdest forms of art you could ever imagine. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Sikhism: The World's Youngest Major ReligionA short excerpt on the youngest religion in the world! read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Three Basic Human RightsHave you ever considered how different cultures around the world are? What one culture considers a Universal Human right can be very different from another. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- The Mockingbird: Nature's JokerThe Mockingbird is quite an interesting character... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Sanctions Debate Heats UpThe recent and highly unusual public launch of a "conference committee" of both houses of Congress to hash out differences in long-pending legislation to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran marks a new stage in the escalating debate over what to do about Tehran's nuclear programme.
- Needed: A Coherent U.S. Strategy for IndiaUS policy towards India can no longer be reduced to narrowly defined regional issues, especially after a decade of sustained growth and the changes wrought by the Bush administration.
- Going Beyond Immigration PolicyImmigration reform must address not only who is coming over the border to work but why they are doing it.
- Muslim Blowback?Muslims in the United States are relatively well integrated into society. So, why the recent spate of attacks carried out by U.S. Muslims?
- The Israeli ExceptionPeople are starting to wonder: Why should Israel get special treatment?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Nigeria swears in new presidentGoodluck Jonathan assumes power as the country prepares for the funeral of Umaru Yar'Adua.
- UK voters head to the pollsOpinion polls indicate the general election will be close race between three major parties.
- Mumbai attacker sentenced to deathKasab faces execution after being convicted over his role in the 2008 rampage.
- Russian navy retakes oil tankerMilitary operation rescues crew of Russian-owned vessel and captures 10 pirates.
- Greece awaits spending cuts votePresident warns against further chaos as labour unions plan fresh protests in Athens.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Shrimpers, Not Oil? A Dead Turtle InquiryAround 35 endangered sea turtles have washed up dead on Gulf Coast beaches since Sunday. Investigators are looking into whether shrimpers fishing in the gulf were responsible.
- On Our Radar: Shunning "Drill, Baby, Drill'Republican leaders distance themselves from the "Drill, baby, drill" catch phrase.
- A New Blog: Scientist at WorkA new blog called Scientist at Work follows Christopher J. Raxworthy as he looks for new species of amphibians and reptiles in Madagascar.
- Q. and A.: For Oceans, 'Another Big Headache'The oceanographer Sylvia Earle says the spill has damaged an already-stressed ecosystem.
- Google's Energy Foray: What's Up?Google seems interested in how we use energy and is laying out plans to become a leader in capturing, owning, tracking and trading energy.
Dot Earth News
- America's Energy CrossroadsA call to move from fossil energy policies built on hope to a clean-energy future based on science.
- Chronicling Science as JourneyScientists describe their field work, mishaps and all, in a new blog.
- Kerry, Edison and the Energy QuestWith oil troubles dominating, John Kerry pushes to keep a strong climate component in energy legislation.
- As Oil Slick Spreads, Views on Next StepsShould a slice of oil profits go to a huge fund for swift cleanups?
- While Gulf Soils, Energy Quest StallsStudents call for lawmakers to invest in energy education as one way to move beyond oil.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- The biggest scandal in world history; WANTAGATE, L ...Draft conspiracy post note - this rough draft story lacks links but I want to get it up anyways... Have fun everyone! UPDATE: Hi to everyone from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Leo_Wanta/ - keep it up :) This guy, Leo Wanta / Lee Wanta / Ambassador Leo Wanta, could be the key to the big ...
- 2010 Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Notes for Ap ...Jesse Trentadue : …who’s testifying about Howe had reported that the plan to bomb the Murrah building four months in advance, had gone with Strassmeir and others to scout the target – the first thing the U.S. Attorney does when Graham stops testifying is ask the judge to seal the transcript, and the ...
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
- Oh noes: Epic FBI white supremacist troll Hal Turn ...Alright here's a bizarre story about a strange man from New Jersey, Hal Turner, who rose to fame as a racist, anti-semitic blogger and radio talk show host whose violent rhetoric upset many people. Alex Jones to his credit accurately flagged Turner years ago as an FBI informant/operative. No mainstr ...
Daily Censored
- Leonard J. Martin for State Superintendent of Publ ...There is an alternative to the corporate candidates in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the upcoming California primary elections. Not just a candidate who isn’t entirely beholden to corporate interests, including the lucrative charter-voucher industry, but a candidate with ...
- Newsweek Axed — The Fruits of NepotismClaim: Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald E. Graham tells Newsweek Staff he’s putting the company up for sale. Donald Graham is the son of former Chairman, the late Katherine Graham. Likely: Graham is shutting it down in 4-5 months unless they find a buyer. (How often do companies just announce ...
- Nativo Lopez: Legalization or No ReelectionNativo Lopez is the National Director or Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana and the National President Mexican American Political Association (MAPA). He prepared the following English and Spanish versions of this speech for the massive May Day march and rally in Los Angeles. Sadly, the conservatism ...
- US, UK, France, Italy walk out of UN nuclear confe ...videos live at source. The “emperor has no clothes” fact is that the new face of unlawful global imperialism is the old face of 20th Century imperialists. As critical mass of public recognition builds, this time, the public will reject their loveless and mass-murderous empire-building. The two pap ...
- How many more times do we need to shoot down REAL- ...At least one more time. Provisions for a national ID card are included in the new Democratic Immigration bill. Not satisfied that we fought against REAL-ID as the answer to terrorism, it’s now being pushed as an answer to illegal immigration. The proposal is called the Real Enforcement with Pract ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Report: Homes lost to mistaken foreclosures
- Obama Endorses "Los Suns"
- Al Franken Takes On “Too Big to ...
- Seriously, Democrats, Can You Get Any Creepier Tha ...
- All Roads Lead to White Privilege
Institute for Policy Studies
- Terrorists' Right to Bear ArmsTwo GOP senators say they wouldn't support a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying weapons.
- Water Awareness: 2 Million Bostonians Discover Our ...The water emergency was a curious gift in water mindfulness for an entire metropolitan area.
- The Israeli ExceptionPeople are starting to wonder: Why should Israel get special treatment?
- Starting Where North Korea IsA new approach needs to be taken if we're going to achieve progress in Northeast Asia.
- Hunger Strike in Defense of Work Begins in Mexico The struggle of Mexican electricians, now converted into a hunger strike, is against the historic injustice that is worsening daily in the country, particularly under the present government.
Pine River World News
- F. William Engdahl: The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Jo ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of U.S. Foreign Policy � �F. William Engdahl Source: � Global Research May 5, 2010 An organization calling itself Reporters Without Borders (RWB; French: Reporters san ...
- Gordon Duff: Times Square Bomb Hoax, Israeli Intel ...Blogmaster note : At first I wasn't going to republish the following commentary but in light of all the media hoopla about the "Pakistani Taliban" supposedly behind the car bomb found in New York City's Times Square it is necessary for my readers to start thinking along the lines of a "set up" - wit ...
- YEMEN TIMES: British ambassador's attacker trained ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Yemen Times, Sana'a. British ambassador's attacker trained in Marib for three years � � Yemen Times By Nadia Al-Sakkaf Published: �April 29, 2010 The 22 year-old from Taiz governorate responsible for the attack on the British ambassador's env ...
- Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video mad ...The following article is from Azeri Press Agency (APA), Baku, Azerbaijan. Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video made several minutes after the crash of Polish president's plane in Russia is true � � APA April 28, 2010 �14:14 Baku - APA. The video made several minutes after the crash of Po ...
- Jeff Gates: When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Aga ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Veterans Today . When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Again? � �Jeff Gates Source: �Veterans Today April 26, 2010 Israel has long been waging war on the U.S. by way of deception. To date, its operatives have worked from the shadows hoping no ...
- Recording of candid speech by Blackwater CEO leake ...A recording of a relatively recent candid speech given by Erik Prince, the media-shy owner of Xe Services (formerly known as Blackwater), has been obtained by The Nation magazine.
- UK barring replacement of London’s Mossad re ...The British government is officially preventing the replacement of Israeli intelligence service Mossad’s London representative, after it expelled his predecessor six weeks ago.
- News you may have missed #343Taliban leader Mehsud reportedly not dead. Analysis: Operation MINCEMEAT and the ethics of spying. US DoJ announces FISA court appointment.
- US asked for Egypt’s spy help on Algerian nuclear ...A US consular document, acquired by a leading Algerian newspaper, reveals that Washington asked Egypt’s help in collecting intelligence on the Algerian nuclear energy program.
- News you may have missed #342Kuwaitis want Iranian envoy expelled over spy ring. Mystery behind ex-ISI officer's killing in Pakistan. Honey trap caused Indian diplomat to spy for Pakistan.
After Downing Street.org
- "I'm Proud of Torture. It's the American Way!"By Leslie Harris Despite the wind, rain, and cold in Dallas, dedicated peace and justice activists rallied to hold Karl Rove accountable on Monday for his part in crimes committed by the Bush administration. Without accountability, what will prevent the same things from happening over and over ag ...
- Our Journey to Smile! Join In!Afghan & international youth peace volunteers say that “Love is How We'll Ask for Peace.” With love, we ask the 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama to answer the Afghan youth peace message ‘Reconciliation of Civil Hearts’ We are a group of Afghan youth and college students who, together with ...
- Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink AmericaLoose Lips on Iran Can Sink America By Ray McGovern The omnipresent World War II-era posters with the words “Loose Lips Sink Ships” served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. I believe w ...
- No One CaresNo One Cares By Chris Hedges | Truthdig There are 18 U.S. intelligence agencies on the military and civilian side and 70 percent of their combined budget is outsourced to for-profit corporations who simultaneously work the United States government as well as multinational corporations and foreign g ...
- To the Tea Party: War and Liberty Aren’t Fellow Tr ...To the Tea Party: War and Liberty Aren’t Fellow Travelers By Ivan Eland | Independent Institute And of course, we have George W. Bush, a big-government conservative, who curiously wins, as Bovard notes, a 57 percent approval rating from the “small government” Tea Partiers. Yet in parallel with hi ...
Grist - News
- Betting site sets odds on BP containment domeby Jonathan Hiskes From our sports department a press release, we learn that at least one online gambling site is taking bets on whether BP's underwater mega-dome will be successful. BP is attempting an unprecedented engineering feat to deal with the Gulf oil spill: a 100-ton, 40-foot-tall, ...
- Palin bashes ‘foreign’ oil companies w ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - Right-wing darling Sarah Palin, who championed offshore oil drilling in Alaska and then around the county, bashed "foreign" companies Wednesday as the culprits behind the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In a message sent via Twitter on Wednesday ...
- Has coal’s strongest defender had a change o ...by Jonathan Hiskes The elders of the U.S. Senate usually aren't good people to look to for signs of hope and change. But Robert Byrd, the 92-year-old senator from West Virginia, is making some surprising statements lately. After a career as a loyal coal-industry d ...
- BP’s donations to Congress are more worrying ...by Jonathan Hiskes The Sunlight Foundation reports on the slick of BP money that's already spread far and wide through the American political system. The oil and gas giant is a major campaign contributor, giving more than $6 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years. President O ...
- Gulf oil slick poses danger to springtime animal b ...by Agence France-Presse NEW ORLEANS, La. -- As spring in the southern United States heralds the arrival of fledgling animal life, conservationists are anxiously watching the spread of a giant oil slick off the coast. More than 600 animal species are threatened by the slick, officials say. "The ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Foursquare Now "Liked"Foursquare integrates the Facebook "Like" button into venues
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- Vitamin D FactsVitamin D is credited as a treatment and preventive measure for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer's.
- The Pet Trade and the Paradox of Loving Animals to ...Loving animals to death: killing ourselves and the environment.
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Time - Top Stories
- Beyond Times Square: The Growing Threat from Pakis ...No longer satisfied with targeting India, Pakistan's extremist groups are taking direct aim at the U.S. and its allies
- Battling the Oil Spill on Two Precarious FrontsOne of the factors that makes the Deepwater Horizon accident different -- and worse -- than the average oil spill is that it really isn't a spill at all
- Management 101: What the Democrats Need to LearnDemocrats care more about making laws than making them work. That needs to change
- Should Investors Be Able to Bet on Box Office Rece ...Two Wall Street firms are moving toward full regulatory approval to begin trading futures contracts based on box-office receipts. But deep in the Senate financial reform bill is a silver bullet to kill the plan
- What to Watch for in the U.K. General ElectionIt's set to be the closest U.K. general election in decades. TIME looks ahead to polling day on May 6, as tactical voting and the prospect of a hung parliament loom large
Washington Independent
- Financial Damage Beginning to Seep from Gulf Disas ...The region's fishing catch is expected to fall by hundreds of millions of pounds, costing hundreds of millions of dollars.
- Freddie Mac Reports Q1 Loss of $6.7 BillionToday, Freddie Mac — the government-sponsored enterprise that buys mortgages on the secondary market, and is currently under a Federal Housing Finance Agency conservatorship — reported losses of $6.7 billion in the first quarter. It isn’t quite as bad as it sounds, but it is bad, and a sign of a hou ...
- Jim DeMint Wants to Finish Mexican Border Fence &# ...The South Carolina Republican announced today that he’s hoping to amend the finance reform bill working its way (slowly) across the Senate floor with a provision requiring the Department of Homeland Security to erect 700 miles of border fence within a year. A similar amendment, also offered by DeMin ...
- Republicans Flesh Out Plan to Dissolve Fannie, Fre ...For months, Republicans have insisted that Congress should deal with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — the government-sponsored enterprises backstopping 90 percent of mortgages, which have received around $125 billion in taxpayer aid — in financial regulatory reform. But their financial regulatory reform ...
- ‘Interrogator #1′ to Testify for Khadr ...GUANTANAMO BAY — Now that former Army interrogator Damien “The Monster” Corsetti has testified on Omar Khadr’s behalf, he’ll be followed tomorrow morning by the long-awaited testimony of “Interrogator #1,” who apparently will testify to threatening the then-15-year-old detainee with sending him to a ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture ...
- Teacher breaks 4th graders arm for forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglias Climatic R Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- We're expanding, while economy shrinksAmericans now have another excuse for hitting the fast food establishments and getting farther out of shape by adding unwanted weight, and it's allegedly not their fault. The latest health discovery is called "recession pounds," and some researchers Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to So ...
- Reports call for radical rethink on food policy to ...The food and farming sector is not pulling its weight when it comes to tacking climate change and food shortages could be the consequence if we fail to make fundamental changes to the way we farm, process, distribute and eat our food over the next 20 year Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- Republicans and Teabaggers Finally Embrace Big Gov ...For more than a year now, we’ve been hearing from Republicans, tea party people and Glenn Beck’s chalkboard about how big government is destroying American liberty and freedom. Much of the shrieking is literally accompanied by the yellow Revolutionary War “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. Every tea party la ...
- Pakistani FM: Attempted NY bombing is reaction to ...The Nation, May 6, 2010 Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi believes the attempted New York’s Times Square bombing is a reaction to US drones targeting Taliban followers along the Pak-Afghan border. “This is a blow back. This is a reaction. This is retaliation. And you could expect that. Let’s not ...
- High-Tech Death from Above: U.S. Drone Wars Fuel W ...by Tom Burghardt, Dissident Voice, May 3rd, 2010 As America continues its uncontrolled flight towards disaster, Israeli-style “targeted killings” (assassinations) of alleged militants and unarmed civilians in the “Afpak theatre” are on the rise. With indiscriminate attacks by armed drones soaring si ...
- Hedges: No One CaresChris Hedges, TruthDig.com, May 3, 2010 We are approaching a decade of war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq is in its eighth year. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands more Afghans and Pakistani civilians have been killed. Millions have been driven into squalid displacement and refugee c ...
- Was Times Square Car Bomber A Fan Of Beck?It Would Be Irresponsible Not To Speculate. Was Bomber A Fan Of The Beckster? Crooks and Liars– By Susie Madrak Monday May 03, 2010 7:00am You know, I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, because that would make me too much like Matt Drudge. But if the car bomber was indeed a white guy [...]
- Thumbing Down on BlankfeinThe Wall Street Journal speculated today on the possibility that Blankfein will not make it as Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. See “What-Ifs for Goldman Sachs: Behind Stiff Upper Lip, Some Executives, Alumni Consider Life After Blankfein.” The article runs several trial ballons, one being that L ...
- Swiss Meeting to Debate Global ReformSwitzerland will host a forum of bankers and policymakers next month to discuss strengthening the global monetary system after the financial crisis, the Swiss central bank said on Tuesday. The Swiss National Bank announced in a statement that it would “jointly host a High-Level Conference on the In ...
- Building a New Investment Strategy Model, Comment ...During recent Congressional testimony, the CEO of Goldman Sachs was asked about how this current charges against Goldman had altered their internal risk management. In essence, how could the situation inform the firm’s “best practices.” Indeed, this is important question for investors who bought the ...
- Building a New Investment Strategy, Comment #2In 2008, I posted on the blog a description I wrote in 2002 of the Solari model that I developed in 1997, after years and billions of dollars of prototyping described in the story, “Dillon Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits.” Here it is: “The Solari Model - Total Economic Return”
- Quote du Jour“Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior.” ~ Dee Hock Special thanks to Larry Hoffenberg Editor & Publisher of www.bearmarketcentral.com for putting us on to this gem.
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- The Taserification of AmericaThe whole justification for police to get tasers in the first place was to subdue potentially violent suspects -- but it's gone way, way, past that.
- Phoenix Basketball Team Becomes 'Los Suns' In Prot ...Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, a harsh critic of a new Arizona immigration law, will have his team wear the Latino-supporting version of its jersey in the NBA playoffs.
- Swift Response to Times Square Plot Shows We Can H ...Fifty-three "is a pretty good number," Police commissioner Raymond Kelly said Tuesday, referring to the number of hours it took for investigators to apprehend the suspect.
- An Evangelical Powerhouse Is Coming to a Prison Ne ...As prisons officials struggle to reduce recidivism among ex-offenders, Chuck Colson's program steps into the breach, hoping to bring down the wall separating church and state.
- What Henry Louis Gates Got Wrong in His NYTimes Sl ...The celebrity academic's New York Times editorial is not only a disservice to history, it comes at exactly the wrong time in our discourse on race.
Sideways News
- Wildlife conservation network 'a must'More space needs to be set aside for wildlife to prosper across the whole countryside and not just in isolated nature reserves, according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The charity said protecting endangered wildlife in fragmented "islands" of habitat is not enough to reverse loss ...
- Falconer to do 45-mile charity rideGMTV presenter Jenni Falconer and her fiance James Midgley will take part in a 45-mile charity bike ride in London in September, it has been revealed. The pair will be taking part in the Palace to Palace fundraise for the Prince's Trust on September 26 along with a number of other celebrities includ ...
- You didn't think the health care crisis was over, ...Change is in the air, but Americans are still flocking to free health clinics and flying overseas to avail themselves of needed health care. When President Obama signed the Patient’s Affordable Health Care Act into law last march, it ushered in a new era in the U.S. health care system. Critics on th ...
- Plan unveiled for space sector expansionIndustry chiefs have laid out plans to help the next government boost Britain's economy through an expansion of the space sector. A number of policies were laid out in the "space manifesto", published by the ADS, the trade organisation for the aerospace, defence and security sectors. And key industr ...
- Channel 4 reveals film budget boostChannel 4 is set to increase its film budget as new films involving Danny Boyle, Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan edge nearer to completion. Film4, the broadcaster's film financing arm, will enjoy a 20% budget boost from this year, as the amount spent rises to £10 million. Oscar-winning Slumdog Mi ...
Fabius Maximus
- Looking in the mirror tells our future. How has Am ...Civilization results from the creation of an economic surplus beyond that needed to survive. A society grows stronger by its ability to generate larger surpluses (save rather than consume) and wisely invest that surplus. America handsomely demonstrated that after WII. For example, Eisenhower sta ...
- FM newswire for May 5, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “The Euro Trap“, Paul Krugman, op-ed in the New York Times, 29 April 2010 — Until they understand the problem, there can be no cure. A look in the mirror:Â “Cases in Plutarchy? The U. ...
- An expert speaks to us about tortureExcerpt from an Interview with Malcolm Nance (an Arabic-speaking counterterrorism expert and a combat veteran with 28 years of operational experience in the Middle East), by Scott Horton, blog of Harper’s, 30 April 2010: Question #5: You previously served as a master instructor in the SERE program, ...
- We know what happened at the Deepwater Horizon rig ...A follow-up to Sources of reliable information about the Gulf Oil Spill, going from what happened to why it happened. Slowly pieces of the puzzle come to light, as the following excerpts show. (A)  An update on the situation. “On defensive, BP readies dome to contain spill“, New York Times, 3 ...
- Rare earths – a hidden but strategic battleground ...While the trillion-dollar US military and intelligence apparatus dissipates our wealth fighting lightly armed men in the Middle East, China makes wise and large moves to become a great power. Here we see the modern form of interstate conflict — and insights about the characters America and China. ...
Open Your Eyes News
- U.S. has 71 million unused flu vaccine dosesReuters – The United States still has 71 million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine that have not been used, but it is not yet time to throw them out, the federal government said on Monday. States and other providers should hang on to the vaccine and continue to offer them to people until [...]
- Afghan militants attack government buildingsBBC – Nine suicide bombers have been killed along with four bystanders in an attack on government buildings in the Afghan city of Zaranj, officials say. They say the bombers blew themselves up outside the governor’s compound and a gun battle between insurgents and security forces lasted much of the ...
- Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own CashNew York Times – As we inch closer to a clearer understanding of the products and practices that unleashed the credit crisis of 2008, itâs becoming apparent that those seeking the whole truth are still outnumbered by those aiming to obscure it. This is the case not only on Wall Street [...]
- Study suggests decline in UK fish stocks more seve ...The Guardian-The UK’s modern fishing fleet must work 17 times harder for the same catch as their sail-powered Victorian counterparts, a study has claimed, suggesting the decline in fish stocks is more profound than previously thought. Records of fish landings dating back to the 1880s showed UK trawl ...
- Barofsky Says Criminal Charges Possible in Alleged ...Bloomberg – Neil Barofsky was unpacking boxes in December 2008 when the stench of sewage wafted through the hallways at the 168-year-old Main Treasury Building. The space assigned to him as head of the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or SIGTARP, was sho ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Ma ...Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Mao (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Tagalog) (English) Si Mao Zedong ang pinakadakilang rebolusyonaryo ng nakaraang siglo. Pinangunahan ni Mao ang sangkapat ng daigdig sa pagtatapon ng mga kadena ng imperyalismo, pyudalismo at kapitalismo. “Ang Ts ...
- Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World), Polish j ...Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World)! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Monkey Smashes Heaven salutes Trzeci Świat (Third World) is a Maoist-Third Worldist journal of the Polish Maoist-Third Worldist Group. Their journal can be read at http://trzeciswiat.wordpress.co ...
- RAIMD: Code Pink: Pigs For More PieCode Pink: Pigs For More Pie (raimd.wordpress.com) Times have been tough for the remnants of the antiwar movement in the United Snakes. Liberals crossed over to Obama, a recession has driven down donations, and healthcare reform and Tea Party opposition became the focus in Amerika. Code Pink, led ...
- Mao: Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka?Mao: Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka? (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) “Tekst Towarzysza Mao Tse-Tunga ‘Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka?’ to jeden z jego słynnych ‘Czterech esejów o filozofii’. Przewodniczący Mao wyjaśnia w niej istotę marksowskiej tezy ‘Byt określa świadomość’. Znajomość tego ...
- Celebrate May Day: Death to the First World; death ...Celebrate May Day: Death to the First World; Death to Amerikkka! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) May Day, May First, or International Workers’ Day, originally was a day to commemorate the victims of the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886. Chicago workers had called a general strike for the ei ...
- A Wedding To Start A WarHow the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan. A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. Read how the celebrity wedding was loaded with the kind of symbolism that rattled India and sent the wrong ...
- Alert: Pakistan, Iran set to face hot July—JULY 2010 appears to be a crucial month in American plan —After July 2010, the components would be in place to start a proper war against Iran and do an amputation surgery on Pakistan —A network of Patriot Defence System (PAC-3) has been established in UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia ...
- India’s ‘Kyrgyz plan’ for PakistanRAW was created in the late sixties with one purpose, to destabilize Pakistan. Its first target was East Pakistan. Its second target was Bangladesh. In 1971 RAW was successful in creating the Mukti Bahni, recruiting 80,000 Hindus and then sending them into Muslim Bengal disguised as Pakistani soldie ...
- Who REALLY Owns The Media In 2010?“NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control,” states the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. “Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to th ...
- Transhumanism, PsyWar and B.E.P.’s “Imma Be”The Black Eyed Peas “Imma Be / Rock that Body” video is a masterpiece of high tech computer-generated imagery and state of the art digital music production. It is also one of the most blatant examples of Psychological Warfare and deception that I have ever seen in modern mass media. This article wil ...
- NASA's Robot Diver is Fueled by Ocean TempsNASA's newest robot can dive and swim for indefinite periods of time because it's powered by an unlimited resource: the ocean's temperatures. The robotic buoy utilizes thermal energy each time it moves from cold deep waters to warm surface waters. The SOLO-TREC diver has been taking 500-meter di ...
- Solar Aero's Bladeless Wind TurbineA research company in New Hampshire recently announced the patent of their bladeless wind turbine, which is based on a patent issued to Nikola Tesla in 1913. The Fuller Wind Turbine developed by Solar Aero has only one rotating part, the turbine-driveshaft. The entire assembly is contained insid ...
- U.S. Could Stop Coal Emissions in 20 YearsA new study claims that the U.S. could be free of emissions from coal-fired power plants in 20 years using only technologies that currently exist or could be ready in the next decade. The one thing holding us back, according to the authors, is political will. The study, published in the latest is ...
- Germany Wants 1 Million Electric Vehicles by 2020While Volkswagen hasn't been a name we've discussed much when talking about electric vehicles, the company today unveiled its Golf Blue-e-motion concept vehicle in conjunction with an announcement from the German government focusing on electric vehicles. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has launch ...
- Tent-Like Solar Fabric Could Charge Cars, Help wit ...Imagine being able to pitch solar tents in situations where you need both some protective cover and access to clean energy -- perhaps as a car port for a plug-in EV or a disaster relief shelter. A new tensile solar fabric from FTL Solar could be used in variety of ways and, as a bonus, it isn't ...
- New Probe Looks into Whether Massey Energy Paid Of ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH If they did this , that’s a terrible shame and a crime And a totally wrong prescription. Didn’t those inspectors know looking the other way Is part of their job description? read more
- Retiring Senator Dodd Aims To Preserve Legacy With ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH At this point, Chris is willing to do Anything that's apropos To make people forget that he was A “Friend of Angelo.” read more
- You Can Get a Break in the White Man’s World: Accu ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH It appears what’s going on here Is a fairly basic and simple rule: Caucasian terrorists get breaks Unavailable to guys named Abdul. read more
- Man Held In Attempted Car Bomb Attack In Times Squ ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Pakistan-born U.S. citizen Faisal Shahzad Was caught trying to say buh-bye By boarding a plane at Kennedy Airport That was soon departing for Dubai. � It's pretty clear that an act of terrorism Is what Shahzad was trying to foment. For Pakistan and Dubai, this surely is An ...
- 'Going to Church No More Makes You a Christian Tha ...SHEILA SAMPLES FOR BUZZFLASH "Going to church no more makes you a Christian than sleeping in your garage makes you a car."~~Garrison Keiler Do you ever wonder what Jesus would say about the sadistic cesspool that is swirling throughout the Catholic disfunctional structure at tsunami speed? Unfortuna ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Blog newsI'm taking the next week off and will return here on Monday, May 10.� Sadly, I'm not taking a traveling/disappearing vacation, but mostly a working one:��to finish a long magazine article I've been working on for too long and also, hopefully, to finish my slightly overdue book.� As a result, if some ...
- Obama's criticisms of the Warren and Burger courts(updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV) Yesterday I wrote about what seemed to be President Obama's fairly stunning disparagement of the Warren and Burger Courts (expressed on the eve of naming Justice Stevens' replacement), as he echoed the classic, decades-old, right-wing ...
- More Obama DOJ attacks on whistle-blowers(updated below - Update II) In February, 2008, the Bush DOJ issued a subpoena to The New York Times ' James Risen, demanding the identity of his source(s) for one chapter in Risen's best-selling book, State of War .� The chapter in question described a painfully inept and counter-produc ...
- Obama speaks about the Supreme CourtPresident Obama gave an interview last night aboard Air Force One in which he was asked about his views of the Supreme Court, and this is what he said: It used to be that the notion of an activist judge was somebody who ignored the will of Congress, ignored democratic processes, and tried t ...
- White House reporters afraid to criticize the Whit ...(updated below) Politico 's�Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin have a long article describing the growing anger of the White�House press corps towards the Obama White�House.� Many of the grievances are petty, though some are serious and substantive�(involving lack of transparency and media ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Bookmarks for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23These are my links for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23: Interview with Michael Mueller aka @eurogene aka @nutrigenomics – The pros and cons of being a scientist WolframTones ringtones with a scientific twist – Create your own mobile phone ringtones using Wolfram's audio perspective on the computationa ...
- April Alchemist ArrivesThe Alchemist travels back billions of years to the dawn of life this week to learn how aspartic acid may be the crystal Eve, the mother of all chirality while heading back to the future also discovers how biology and nanotechnology might be fused to produce new metamaterials for a range of medical ...
- Nuclear reactors and soft X-raysScience links for this week, including my latest news in Materials Today Self-powered sensors: Biomaterials – Piezoelectric arrays could provide the power for a lab-on-a-chip device Pushing droplets around: Surface science – Pushing droplets around a surface A safe reaction: Nuclear – Self-healing ...
- Lifelong learning online is about connecting peopl ...Individuals now have the autonomy to make their own learning choices and in recent years there has been an emphasis on the “self made learner”, especially in adult education and ongoing professional development. As such, online communities and other so-called web 2.0 tools have come to the fore as p ...
- Hubble enhanced, open science, and bogus researchThese are a few of the science stories that caught my eye this past week: Hubble’s 20th anniversary treat – A stupendous image of a distant region of space, colour enhanced (of course) but amazing nevertheless. Draft White Paper – Researcher identifiers – How about a "SciID", like OpenID or a DOI b ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Hearings Begin in Historic Trial to Erode DOMAFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Freedom to Marry Today in Boston, eight married same-sex couples and three widowers, represented by the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), will appear in Federal District Court to challenge Section 3 of the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" that imposes ...
- EFF Seeks to Protect Innovation for Social Network ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Electronic Frontier Foundation The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is urging a federal judge to dismiss Facebook's claims that criminal law is violated when its users opt for an add-on service that helps them aggregate their information from a variety of soc ...
- San Diego Butterfly Closer to Endangered Species P ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Center for Biological Diversity As a result of a legal settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that one of Southern California’s rarest butterflies, the Hermes copper , warrants consideration as a ...
- EPA Proposes National Regulations on Coal AshFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Earthjustice The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced plans today to regulate coal ash dumps across the country. The announcement comes after months of delay and misleading statements by the power and coal industries and nearly 17 months after a billion ...
- MMS Understated Scale and Impact of Oil Spills in ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Project On Government Oversight More evidence casting doubt on whether the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has been overseeing offshore drilling with the best interest of taxpayers in mind. In a 2009 response to MMS' proposed five-year plan for oil and gas ...
Common Dreams-Views
- The Price of Courage: On Goldstone’s Bar Mitzvah a ...by Ramzy Baroud In his report on Gaza issued late last year, prominent South African jurist Richard Goldstone accused Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes. His language also showed awareness of the fact that the former is an occupying power with most sophisticated weapon arsenal (as reflecting ...
- Loose Lips on Iran Could Sink Americaby Ray McGovern The omnipresent World War II-era posters with the words "Loose Lips Sink Ships" served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. I believe we need a new poster, because loos ...
- Sweet Athens, Georgiaby Robert C. Koehler “Sing it out, y’all!” read more
- We Need a Road Map to a Coal Free Futureby Stephanie Pistello, Ben Evans, and Jeff Biggers In the wake of the worst coal mining disaster in 40 years, compromise and political machinations this spring have resulted in a regulatory crisis of failure; workplace safety in the mines, including the black lung scandal, has emerged as a national ...
- Fearing Fear Itselfby Robert Dreyfuss Faisal Shahzad, it should be noted, is not a member of the Tea Party. Nor, it appears, is he a "white man in his 40s," as early reports described a possible suspect. What he is, it seems, is a manifestation of the reality that the threat of terrorism has fallen far below the magni ...
Karl Burkart
- Crowd-sourced news comes to the rescue in the GulfThe Ushahidi mobile reporting platform has comes to the rescue in Haiti, India and Congo. Now it comes to the Louisiana Gulf to aid in the oil spill cleanup.
- Google's crisis response in the GulfGoogle Crisis Response launches a Gulf oil spill crisis page equipped with satellite imagery and breaking video.
- Mckibben raps about life on a new planet called 'E ...According to America's leading climate scientist, 'connectedness' may be the one resource that gets us through a planetary crisis of biblical proportions.
- The betacup challenge - eliminate paper cups58 billion cups are landfilled each year and Betacup wants to stop it through design.
- Touch-screen floors simulate frozen lake crackingThe 2010 Haptics Symposium unveiled new virtual reality touch screens that can simulate the look, sound and even sensation of natural elements -- sand, cracking ice, water.
Water Privatization
- Protests intensify versus Angat plant privatizatio ...Advocacy group Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) has mounted protests versus the recent privatization of the 246-megawatt Angat hydropower facility, citing in particular potential circumstantial impact on Metro Manilas drinking water. The group has directed its tirades against multilateral instituti ...
- Judge: Voters can decide fate of Mt. Olive volunte ...Mount Olive voters will get to decide the fate of emergency medical service in the township, a judge ruled Wednesday.
- Lady 'Cat netters claim district crown, earn trip ...At the edge of darkness, Deming girls found a way to win.Tied at 4-4 in heads-up matches, Deming and Santa Teresa came down to one singles match between Brittney Okelberry and Lady 'Cat senior Taylor Keeler.
- Gilroy Council approves lawsuit against Santa Clar ...South County leaders claim cynical gerrymandering in new maps setting election districts for water board members.
- Letters to the Editor | Gulf oil spill ... May 6, ...Here are letters to the editor about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill from Daily News editions of May 6, 2010.
- Ukip candidate's plane crashes on polling dayFollow all the latest developments with Hélène Mulholland as voters across the countrty head to the polls to vote 10.01am: Three individuals who definitely didn't apply for a postal vote were Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg since tradition dictates that the leaders of the three main polit ...
- Turmoil over Greek debt – LIVE• Shares fall again as the turmoil in Greece alarms the world's financial markets • Greek bank workers strike over yesterday's deaths • Investors wait to hear from the European Central Bank • You can relive yesterday's action here 10.00am: Athens is in clean-up mode this morning after yesterday's ri ...
- Airports reopen as ash cloud movesChange in weather conditions could bring further disruption in coming days as Iceland volcano continues to erupt at full force No-fly zones were lifted today after the volcanic ash cloud moved west of UK air space, bringing relief to stranded passengers some of whom faced the prospect of missing the ...
- Mumbai gunman sentenced to deathMohammad Ajmal Kasab faces death by hanging as sole surviving terrorist from three-day-attack which killed 166 in Mumbai An Indian court today sentenced a Pakistani man to death over the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people and raised tensions between the rival neighbouring countries. The death pen ...
- Spurs clinch Champions League spot• Tottenham manager hails Champions League qualification • 'We picked an attacking team and took a big gamble' Harry Redknapp acclaimed his Tottenham Hotspur players after they had qualified for the Champions League at Manchester City's expense and described it as a greater achievement than winning ...
- Dome arrives at spewing oil well site as weather w ...BILOXI, Miss. — Weather forecasters warned Wednesday that shifting winds could drive a massive oil spill across islands off the Louisiana coast on Friday even as BP officials announced that they'd succeeded in shutting off one of three leaks spewing crude into the Gulf of Mexico.
- Senate scores big bipartisan votes for bank bill's ...WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday voted 93-5 to revamp how regulators can dissolve large financial firms that are dubbed "too big to fail," a rare bipartisan agreement that replaced a controversial proposed $50 billion bank-financed fund to help break up ailing companies.
- Iraq's Shiites close to forming religious-based co ...BAGHDAD — Iraq's two main Shiite parties brought the country a step toward a new religious-based government by forming an alliance just four seats short of a parliamentary majority. The agreement between the two parties raised fears that Sunnis could once again be cut out of power, sparking a return ...
- Police accuse Texas man of sending bomb to his ex- ...FORT WORTH — Authorities have arrested the ex-husband of a Colleyville woman who opened an explosive device delivered to her home Sunday.
- California ex-speaker's son pleads guilty to mansl ...The 21-year-old son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez pleaded guilty Wednesday in connection with the stabbing death of a college student on the San Diego State University campus and faces up to 16 years in prison.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Deep reflections on the ozone storyThere'll be a party in the chemistry labs at Cambridge University this Friday. But no-one will turn up with hugely coiffured hair, the champagne will be served warm, and if a fire should break out, there'll be nothing to use on it but old-fashioned water, CO2 and sand. Well... that's how life migh ...
- The bare facts of biodiversityWe've known for a couple of years or so that one of the impressive-sounding environmental promises that governments are signed up to - the pledge to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss significantly by 2010 - isn't going to be met. Now, an analysis just published in the journal Science is giving u ...
- Climate party risks losing its guestsWhen you're deciding whether to get dolled up and head off to the party, do you stop to ask who else might be going? Few want to risk being seen somewhere where the action is not; most will do what they can to avoid arriving so early as to give the impression that they need the party more than the ...
- Oil stirs troubled watersAs anyone who's ever dressed a salad in vinaigrette will testify, oil and water just don't mix. That's especially true of crude oil and sea water that supports sea lifeforms from fish to birds to plankton to mammals. So when we discover that 42,000 gallons of oil are leaking daily from a stricken ...
- Ozone's joined-up climateRemember the unseemly rush to biofuels ? The sudden impetus from all kinds of bodies including UN institutions, the EU, and governments such as the UK that began about four years ago to ramp up the growing of fuel crops and to adopt liquids made from them as the low-carbon transport panacea? While ...
The Wonk Room
- Small Problem For States Challenging Health Reform ...File this one under two more reasons why the constitutional challenges to health care reform are frivolous. Over at Slate, Simon Lazarus and Alan Marrison argue that Virginia, Florida, and the 20 other states that have joined the lawsuits lack standing and can’t get around the Tax Injunction Act, wh ...
- Burr ‘Couldn’t Imagine’ Supporti ...One of the many devastating results of the Great Recession has been the damage wrought on state budgets, which have led to dramatic cuts in education, including plenty of teacher layoffs. Part of this pain was alleviated by the economic stimulus package passed last year, but the depth and length of ...
- Military Establishes Quasi Anonymous Website To So ...When the co-chairs of the Pentagon’s DADT âWorking Groupâ testified before Congress, they promised to develop a system of consulting with gay members without inadvertently outing them. âWe envision outreach through social media so that a wide variety of individuals both within the Department o ...
- Sen. Leahy Proposes Amendment To Repeal Anti-Trust ...en. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), a long time supporter of ending the anti-trust exemption enjoyed by insurers, has filed an open amendment “to the pending Wall Street reform legislation” that would bar health insurance issuers or issuers of medical malpractice insurance from engaging in “any form of price ...
- Lee Smith: ‘Linkage’ Is False Because ...Recent statements from Vice-President Joe Biden, General David Petraeus, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates on how how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the perception of U.S. favoritism toward Israel, negatively affect U.S. interests in the Middle East have generated a number of frantic and str ...
thwap's schoolyard
- ConsequencesSupposedly this big oil-rig explosion thing in the Gulf is a big deal. A major environmental catastrophe . The sane people are currently pointing the blame for it to the relaxation of safety regulations for the US oil industry as negotiated privately between oil-industry sleaze-ball, Vice-President ...
- MY Faith in Humanity RestoredI've been thinking that the un-fixable stupidity of people like the Blogging Tories makes the idea that people can be reasoned with an utter falsehood. We're doomed by the electoral strength of this solid bloc of morons who can always be counted upon to vote against their own (and our) self-interest ...
- Murray Dobbin on the "National Security" LieFrom rabble.ca : almost no one has commented on the totally absurd nature of the Harper government's basis for stonewalling. Indeed everyone seems to casually accept the framing of the issue that the government has relied on for months. That framing suggests that documents relating to the detai ...
- With Apologies To Any CF Friends Of Mine ...And I've got a few friends and acquaintances. But this Afghanistan nightmare is evidence that the Canadian military is one bent institution. I guess the real story here is that scum rises. That explains the rise and rise of complete imbeciles like Rick Hillier. A childish, stupid man, who believ ...
- Vatican Sex ScandalsThere's a lot happening today. From the rise of Christian-fascism in the USA , to the Obama Administration's simultaneous condemnation of Canada at the Arctic Conference and its request for further Canadian blood to be spilled in Afghanistan . However, I'd like to post a little something regarding ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Feed has movedThis feed has moved to .
- Market Observation: The Long and Short of Itby Brian Pretti. "It has been a very long while since I’ve taken up a big chunk of a discussion to write about crude oil. The time is now for a multiplicity of reasons. You know the old market truism that after bear markets in equities, old leadership rarely emerges as new leadership. And of course ...
- Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3 by Elliott Wave Int. "With the market’s downtrend recently in abeyance, these transgressions failed to capture the imagination of the public or the scrutiny of law enforcement. But the extreme recriminatory power of the next leg down in social mood suggests that Goldman’s dealings will become a ligh ...
- A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist. "The founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung, proposed the existence of something he called the collective unconscious. He said it was the most misunderstood of his empirical concepts. Its reality could be inferred from the presence of archetypes, most readily discoverable in dr ...
- Market Observation: Fear Strikes Outby Martin Goldberg, CMT. "The markets are heading straight up without even taking a breather. As of Thursday after completing the January correction, there have been 34 days up and only 13 days down. Over that timeframe the S&P has gained about 16%. None of the down days were particularly scary and ...
on Government Oversight
- Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: IG Report on Criminal ...On Monday Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) sent a letter to the Department of the Interior Inspector General (DOI IG) asking for a review to prevent blowout preventers and well controls. Perusing the archives of the DOI IG's reports on the...
- Treasury Still Clinging to Information About Proce ...As agencies inch further down the path of transparency, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) offers another stark reminder of just how resistant agencies can be to giving up information (full disclosure: TRAC Co-Director David Burnham is a member of POGO's...
- Morning Smoke: Congressional Oversight Has Never B ...Institutional anemia cripples congressional oversight by Dan Froomkin [Nietman Watchdog] U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study by Juliet Eilperin [Washington Post] Too Big to Jail? by David Heath [The Huffington Post Investigative Fund] Dodd and...
- POGO's Guide to the FinReg DebateThe Senate is casting its first votes today on amendments to the sweeping financial regulatory reform bill introduced by Senate Banking Committee Chair Christopher Dodd (D-CT). Here are some of the key amendments we’ll be following in the days and...
- MMS Understated Scale and Impact of Oil Spills in ...And now, more evidence casting doubt on whether the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has been overseeing offshore drilling with the best interest of taxpayers in mind. In a 2009 response to MMS' proposed five-year plan for oil and gas...
Digital Journal
- Minor 3.0 magnitude earthquake strikes QuebecA minor earthquake has rocked the province of Quebec in Canada. There have been no reports of injuries, deaths or significant damages from the quake.
- Poverty in Canada has increased as a result of the ...A report released Wednesday highlights the deepening levels of poverty in Canada, made worse by the recession. The report urges the federal government to end poverty in the nation.
- Durham Regional Police release picture of stabbing ...Investigators are looking for a man connected to a stabbing that took place in Bowmanville, Ontario two weeks ago. Police are asking the suspect to turn himself in.
- Toronto teen arrested on sexual assault chargesA Toronto teen has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and robbery after an attack that took place last month in the downtown core.
- 'The Walrus' tops Canadian magazine award nominati ...The Walrus, a Canadian culture and current affairs periodical, is the top nominee in the National Magazine Awards in 33 categories.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Do Homelessness Simulations Do Any Good?I imagine that people who are or have been homeless are somewhat baffled by the idea of a homelessness simulation, in which middle class individuals spend a night on the streets. I've never been homeless, and I still don't get it. The only purpose I can see is reassuring your ego that it's empatheti ...
- Well, Is Homeless Camping Illegal or Not?Maybe it's the spring thaw, but there have been an awful lot of tent stories lately, both good and bad. First, after an ordinance banning tents in public parks was instituted in Honolulu, homeless campers outsmarted authorities by simply moving their setups to local sidewalks, which is perfectly le ...
- "Injustice Anywhere": The Parallels Between Homele ...I live in Arizona, which these days is like saying one is from Germany circa 1939 or Mississippi in the 1960s. You're probably familiar with our draconian immigration laws , including the implications for racial profiling, expanded police powers and a general attitude of exclusion and intolerance. W ...
- The Homeless, In Their Own Poetic WordsHow many of us who work on the issue of homeless, or who work with homeless people directly, truly know them as well as we would like? If our understanding of their situation is only cursory, how can we be as effective as we need to be? And how can our efforts at getting better acquainted not feel o ...
- The Way to End Homelessness Is So ObviousAccording to Arthritis Care & Research, most women who wear high heels suffer from foot pain. Really? I had no idea. As obvious as this finding seems, I find that whenever I hear solutions from homeless advocates about how to prevent and end homelessness, they seem equally obvious. The advocates are ...
- TVO’s The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeeper ...TVO's The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeepers or War makers? Recorded Thursday, April 29 2010. Canada's military role After Afghanistan. Live from the Munk School of Global Affairs.
- Where have all the Blue Berets gone?A recent discussion on the future role of Canada’s military forces demonstrated once again that some of Canada’s most well known defence and foreign policy experts don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to UN peacekeeping. Four years ago, David Bercuson, Director of the DND-funded Cent ...
- Cannon fires a dud at NPT RevCon“Canada has managed the extraordinary feat of presenting its opening statement to the NPT Review Conference without any substantive reference to ‘disarmament’ â one of the three foundational pillars of the Treaty,” reports arms control expert Ernie Regehr (”Canadaâs opening statement at NPT: pro ...
- Five thousand one hundred and thirteenFor the first time, the United States has formally disclosed the current size of its nuclear stockpile–5113 weapons as of 30 September 2009 (Anne Gearan, “U.S. comes clean on size of nuclear stockpile: 5,113,” Associated Press, 3 May 2010). U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed the numbe ...
- Cons, Libs talking about new Afghanistan role?The federal Liberals and Conservatives are informally discussing Canada’s role in Afghanistan following the scheduled end of the combat mission in Kandahar, the Canadian Press reports (Steev Rennie, “Tories, Grits talking post-2011 role in Afghanistan; combat off the table,” Canadian Press, 2 May 20 ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Blake Sawyer – Royal VelvetClick the picture or link below to hear Kevin’s interview with Blake Sawyer of Royal Velvet and click here to find out why professional athletes are buying his product in bulk! Blake Sawyer on The Kevin Trudeau Show 05/05/10
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-5-10Today, Kevin explains why the government is STILL after him and why discrimination laws only apply to certain groups of people. Plus, Blake Sawyer of Royal Velvet stops by to explain exactly how Deer Antler Velvet can act as the fountain of youth and turn back the hands of time! Click here to find o ...
- Ahmadinejad Says Osama Bin Laden is Living in Wash ...May 5, 2010 Telegraph.co.uk “Rest assured that he’s in Washington. I think there’s a high chance he’s there,” the Iranian leader told ABC television in an interview. Without backing up the claim, the Iranian leader said he had “heard” that bin Laden was in the US capital. “Yes, I did. He’s there. ...
- Big Brother Is Watching You, New YorkMay 5, 2010 Google.com by Sebastian Smith New York officials say they could stop attacks like the attempted Times Square car bomb by expanding a controversial surveillance system so sensitive that it will pick up even suspicious behavior. New York is already a heavily policed city, with 35,000 offic ...
- Stocks Slide WorldwideMay 5, 2010 Bloomberg.com by Lynn Thomasson and David Merritt The MSCI World Index of stocks erased its 2010 gain, the euro weakened to a 14-month low and Treasuries rallied on concern Europe’s debt crisis is worsening. U.S. equities pared losses on signs of an improving economy. The MSCI gauge of e ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of true an ...
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
- Global: Conference will establish African Socialis ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
- Global: Guadeloupe paralyzed by widespread strikesRiot police from mainland France have arrived on the French Caribbean islands as protests threaten to paralyse tourism and spread further afield. Strikes on Guadeloupe and Martinique have closed shops and schools and the reinforcements will help loca...
War in Context
- The Israeli exceptionAt Foreign Policy in Focus, John Feffer draws attention to the contradiction between Israel’s behavior as a rogue state and the fact that it is about to be granted the privileged status of membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — unless that is, a country such as Tur ...
- Afghanistan: is it time to talk to the Taliban?In The Guardian, Jonathan Steele writes: Eight years after they were overthrown by US air power, a drumbeat is starting to sound across Afghanistan in favour of talking to the Taliban, the country’s once-hated former rulers. An idea that used to seem absurd, if not defeatist, is coming to be seen a ...
- The myth of TalibanistanPepe Escobar’s analysis is interesting as always — though one note of warning: In writing about Baitullah Mehsud I think Escobar is actually referring to Hakimullah Mehsud. Reports that Baitullah was killed last August, have, as far as I’m aware, not been disputed. It was Hakimullah who reemerged th ...
- Drone strikes like “canon fire”CNN reports: Drone-launched missiles are now hitting lower-level al Qaeda and Taliban personnel, camps, training areas, bomb makers, buildings and other targets in the remote region. “You’ve had an expanded target set for time now, and given the danger these groups pose and their relative inaccess ...
- Drone attacks provoke calls for revengeIn a report on the CIA’s campaign of drone warfare in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times recounts the stories of some of the civilian victims of the attacks. Many of the boys that Zaman Khan grew up with in the South Waziristan town of Shakai eventually joined the Taliban. He knew they had become mili ...
Watts Up With That?
- Gavin’s sensitive sideSensitive side (from the NASA Global Climate Change Website) By Rosemary Sullivant, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory A little extra carbon dioxide in the air may, unfortunately, go further towards warming Earth than previously thought. A team of British and U.S. … Continue reading →
- UAH global temperature anomaly, a bit cooler in Ap ...APRIL 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.50 deg. C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global-average lower tropospheric temperature continues warm: +0.50 deg. C for April, 2010, although it is 0.15 deg. C cooler than last month. The linear trend since … Continue reading →
- New paper: Tropical cyclone response to solar UVDaily tropical cyclone intensity response to solar ultraviolet radiation J. B. Elsner, T. H. Jagger, and R. E. Hodges GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 37, L09701, doi:10.1029/2010GL043091, 2010 Abstract: An inverse relationship between hurricane activity over the Caribbean and the number … Continu ...
- Sun’s magnetics coming alive againWhen I last looked at the Ap geomagnetic index back in January, it looked pretty grim. Solar geomagnetic index reaches unprecedented low â only âzeroâ could be lower â in a month when sunspots became more active Now with the release … Continue reading →
- AGW to reach…”The Edge of Wetness̶ ...Johnny Carson of the Tonight Show used to do a schtick called “The Edge of Wetness” which was a parody of a soap opera called “The Edge of Night“ It was he first thing that went through my mind after … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Here Come Those Chickens Again by Cindy Sheehanby Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox May 6, 2010 “Chickens Coming Home to Roost:” Proverb: When one has to face the consequences of mistakes or bad deeds. As soon as I heard that Pakistani-American, Faisal Shahzad, was arrested for the ...
- Greg Palast: How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece + ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1093202 with Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com 6 May, 2010 TheAlexJonesChannel May 04, 2010 — Alex talks with New York Times-bestselling author and a journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation as well as the British newspape ...
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Speech at the United N ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Updated: added full transcript below the videos by President Ahmadinejad United Nations May 3, 2010 President Ahmadinejad’s speech at the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons conference [...] Wars, aggressions and above all the shadow of threat and stockpiling of ...
- The Lady Doth Protest Too Much By Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer May 3, 2010 This week, the UN is meeting in New York City to review the progress of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. A Telegraph/UK article titled “US to Unveil Size of Nuclear Stockpile” and posted today on CommonDreams.org states: Arms-control gr ...
- The Drone Bomber by Cindy Sheehanby Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox May 3, 2010 Jeez—hasn’t the world suffered enough at the “antics” of the Robber Class at the annual White House Correspondent’s dinner? I mean, crap, we have been “treated” to George Bush looking fo ...
Your New Reality
- No title
- No titleWhaddaYaMean We're The Bad Guys? This stunning, but true, summary of 65 years of American War from Australian journalist John Pilger appears on Reddit : Since 1945, the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported ...
- No titleI don't think he likes communists much :
- No titleWow.
- No titleHow To Turn A Boy Into A Killer Bill Willers : I n 1983, the National Film Board of Canada produced a 57-minute film, "Anybody's Son Will Do". Arguably the best anti-war film ever made, and tailored for public television, it scared the hell out of the U.S. military machine, which has done its b ...
Wired - Science
- Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better A ...British Petroleum and government disaster-relief agencies are using a toxic chemical to disperse oil in the Gulf of Mexico, even though a better alternative appears to be available. As the Deepwater Horizon oil spill spreads, BP and the U.S. Coast Guard have conducted tests with Corexit 9500, a ch ...
- Brain Scan Evidence Rejected by Brooklyn CourtA judge in Brooklyn ruled to exclude fMRI evidence in an employer-retaliation case, delivering another blow to proponents of lie detection by brain scan. The scans didn’t even make it to the hearing that normally is used to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence in New York state court. ...
- Linux vs. Genome in Network ChallengeA comparison of the networks formed by genetic code and the Linux operating system has given insight into the fundamental differences between biological and computational programming. The shapes are very dissimilar, reflecting the evolutionary parameters of each process. Biology is driven by random ...
- Gulf Coast May Be Permanently Changed by Oil SpillIf a desperate, last-ditch attempt to cap the Deepwater Horizon wellhead succeeds in coming days, environmental damage to the Gulf of Mexico will still be severe but probably not long-lasting. But if the cap fails, and months pass before a diversionary well can be drilled, the Gulf may be profoundl ...
- Designers Want to Improve Your Health With These S ...> SAN FRANCISCO — Most people see health as the output of a few different inputs like food, exercise and medicine. But how good your body and mind feel is mediated by the objects that surround you, too. In a new design studio at the California College of the Arts, inst ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Huge International BBC Poll has Israel 19% Favorab ...Survey conducted in 28 countries on 29,000 respondents reveals that only Iran, Pakistan, North Korea have more negative perception than Israel. Most ‘loved’ country is Germany. ‘Obama effect’ has... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Gideon Levy: The friendThere are not many Jews like Wiesel, to whom the White House door is open and the president lends an ear. And what does Wiesel do with this golden opportunity? He talks to Obama about postponing... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- IOA Exclusive Interview – Rashid Khalidi: “Inform ...The IOA sat with Professor Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, to discuss US-Israel relations, The Obama Administration's Middle East policies, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Amira Hass: Like a plane without a pilotEven if not one more Jewish home is built in the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem), the enormous apparatus of domination continues to operate there with an inner logic of many years’... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- [Israeli] Islamic Movement: Boycott settler goodsThe northern branch of the Islamic Movement [in Israel-Palestine] on Wednesday joined Arab states and the Palestinian Authority and called for a boycott of settlement goods. The call was directed at... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russian warships hold nuclear defense drills in In ...Two Russian warships conducted an exercise against a simulated nuclear attack with elements of chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) warfare in the Indian Ocean on Wednesday, a Navy officer said.
- SAM missiles intercept simulated air strikes in NW ...It took the Kola Peninsula air-defense unit’s surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems only a few minutes to shoot down “enemy” ballistic and cruise missiles at the Ashuluk missile test range in Russia’s Astrakhan Region during military drills.
- Russian cruiser passes Suez Canal on mission in In ...The Moskva missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal and entered the Indian Ocean to join other Russian warships for large-scale naval exercises, a Defense Ministry spokesman said.
- Russian warship escorts another convoy in Gulf of ...The Russian Udaloy class missile destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov is escorting four civilian vessels off the coast of Somalia, a Russian Navy spokesman said.
- Russian nuclear cruiser makes port call in SyriaRussia's nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky has arrived in Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus ahead of Russian Navy drills in the Indian Ocean.
- Milk and Risk of Renal Cell Cancer: Genetic Resear ...While previous research had suggested that drinking milk was related to factors that may increase the risk of renal cell cancer, results of a recent study exploiting the genetic contribution to variation in milk consumption suggest that this may not be the case.
- Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy Could Lead to Ac ...1) Despite public health warnings, drinking is still high among pregnant women; 2) AML risk increased 56 percent among children of those who drank alcohol.
- iPhone Goes Nuclear: Fission? There's an App for ...A fission reaction in a nuclear reactor? There's an "app" for that! An iPhone "application" or software developed at the University of Utah can display simulations of a nuclear reactor's core on an iPod, iPhone or iPad.
- China Faces Public Health Crisis with Projected In ...Annual heart disease and stroke rates in China will rise by up to 73 percent by 2030, given an aging population and other increased risk factors, without policies and prevention efforts aimed at controlling blood pressure and smoking, according to research from Columbia University Medical Center pub ...
- Iowa State Researcher Uses Wii Remotes(tm) to Teac ...Tom Daniels, an Iowa State University assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has figured out how to use Wii Remotes as a teaching tool in introductory computer engineering courses. He said the game controllers are a great way to teach students to collect and process data.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- New Report: Cargill's Problems With Palm OilU.S. agribusiness giant Cargill plays a leading role in the global palm oil market. The largest importer of palm oil into the U.S., Cargill has a two-part business model in the palm oil industry: it both owns and operates palm oil plantations in Indonesia and it purchases and trades palm oil and its ...
- U.S. Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labe ...The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not. Click here to read this article
- States Prepare to Rise to CO2 Challenge as Senate ...The collapse of an energy reform proposal in Congress last week could return power to north America's historic actors on climate change: the regions. Click here to read this article
- Massachusetts Raw Milk Hearing May 10The May 10 hearing on proposed regulatory changes that would outlaw raw milk buying clubs is just one week away. Response to an earlier alert has been strong. Many people have emailed, called and written to the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and their legislators to expres ...
- Women are Quietly Leading the Food and Farming Rev ...Temra Costa talks about how women are quietly leading the food and farming revolution in America. Click here to read this article
- Nuestra fauna (19 fotos de animales muy lindos)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. En este paquete que pretende rendir un pequeño tributo a nuestra fauna, usted encontrará los siguientes elementos; Osos, Perros, Gatos, Búhos, Zorros, Águilas, Ardillas, Leones, Tigres, Ocelotes, Venados y algo más. Ha ...
- La foto de tu mamita y la tuya en estas imágenes P ...Estamos a sólo 5 días de celebrar en México, Guatemala, El Salvador y en otros países el Día de las Madres. Por eso mismo, hoy tengo para todos ustedes una carpeta que contiene 6 versiones diferentes de una imagen PNG decorada con hermosos tulipanes, donde usted podrá colocar la foto de su mamita y. ...
- 15 fotografías de motocicletas (varias marcas y mo ...Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Este paquete, contiene 15 fotografías de motocicletas en alta resolución. Usted podrá ver motos Yamaha, Honda, BMW, Victory, Kawasaki, Ducati, Honda, Etc. Son motocicletas en varios colores y modelos. Deportivas,... ...
- Nuevas imágenes fantásticas (37 elementos increíbl ...Me congratulo al poder ofrecerle a usted una excelente colección con 37 nuevas imágenes fantásticas. Sea testigo de la alta creatividad y descubra esta serie de paisajes increíbles. Un acercamiento directo a la fusión entre la realidad y la ficción.Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar. ...
- Los insectos de mi jardín (40 fotos tipo macro)Si a usted como yo, le gustan las fotografías macro de insectos, le tengo una excelente noticia. El día de hoy, deseo ofrecerle sin ningún costo, un paquete que incluye 40 fotografías de pequeños insectos. Mariposas, Arañas, Libélulas, Catarinas, Caballitos de mar, Hormigas, Escarabajos, Etc. Es... ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- Can the ICC Prosecutor Investigate Gaza? ICC Pros ...by Julian Ku Last year, the Palestinian National Authority filed a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. This declaration is controversial, to say the least, because it could potentially give the ICC jurisdiction over Israeli military forces operating in Gaza ...
- DeGirolami on Banning the Burqaby Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen My colleague Marc DeGirolami has a guest post over at PrawfsBlawg reacting to an op-ed in today’s New York Times by Jean-François Copé, the the majority leader of the French National Assembly, in which Copé defends banning the burqa and the niqab. While Marc se ...
- Trivia Question of the Dayby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller What’s the only modern international or internationalized criminal tribunal that either has or had universal jurisdiction?
- Looking for New and Innovative Ways to Implement U ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku I hadn’t been aware of this group, Human Rights at Home, which is seeking to “create a national political culture that supports and advocates for human rights.”  In fact, they have some interesting ideas of how to reform U.S. legal infrastructure to implement U.S. inte ...
- Does the Arizona Immigration Law Violate the Inter ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Yes, says Human Rights Watch in this press release. According to HRW, the new (and hotly controversial Arizona law) is in conflict with ICERD. I am troubled by the AZ law and think it is likely preempted by other federal law, but I am baffled as to how the AZ law [.. ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
Public News Service
- A “Special Delivery” for AZ Hunger Rel ...A “Special Delivery” for AZ Hunger Relief Phoenix, AZ – Arizona is in the top half of states for food hardship — the lack of money to buy food that families need — according to the Food Research and Action Center. Thousands of Arizona letter carriers will try to fix that with their annual one-day fo ...
- Immigrant Supporters Ask Feds to Void New AZ LawImmigrant Supporters Ask Feds to Void New AZ Law Phoenix, AZ – A delegation of Arizona political, faith, human rights, business and labor leaders travels to the nation’s capital today (Tuesday) for a meeting with Justice Department officials, urging them to invalidate Arizona’s tough new immigration ...
- Legal Challenge Announced to AZ Immigration LawLegal Challenge Announced to AZ Immigration Law Phoenix, AZ – Arizona's new immigration law is headed for a federal court challenge. The suit being planned will allege that the state law violates the U.S. Constitution. Comments from Thomas Saenz (SIGNS), president of the Mexican-American Legal Defen ...
- Founder Remembered as AZ Celebrates Earth Day's 40 ...Founder Remembered as AZ Celebrates Earth Day's 40th Phoenix, AZ – Arizona joins the nation today (Thursday) in marking the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Former Wisconsin U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded the event as a national teach-in. Comments from Tia (TEE-ah) Nelson, the late senator's daug ...
- Lawmakers Slow to Deal With Threatened Loss of Fed ...Lawmakers Slow to Deal With Threatened Loss of Federal Health Dollars Phoenix, AZ – Arizona lawmakers have yet to restore funding for KidsCare health insurance. The new federal health care law requires the state to maintain its children’s health insurance program, or lose up to 7-billion dollars for ...
My Care2 Picks
- Conspiracy TheoryHere's the conspiracy, and it's no theory: years of conscious attempts to break the machine of government in order to ensure a more impediment-free profit process has precipitated this, along with many of the other newsworthy woes which now face this admi Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- Climate Change in The Gulf of Mexico from the oil ...Look, at the recent NASA photos. There is a hole in the cloud cover above the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. No clouds mean no evaporation has occurred, which equals no future rain, which means a coming drought. Submitted by Just Carole to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Remember or You Might Choke On It - Global Defores ...We must remember about global deforestation as an environmental disaster. Find out some of the latest information about the state of our world's forests. Submitted by Emerald Monde to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- U.S. and Other Countries Walk Out on AhmadinejadFirst day of a month-long conference on nuclear proliferation at the UN. as the President began his rant attacking the nuclear powers, the U.S. and other allies got up and walked out. They lasted longer than the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ('rant') Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- Get Smart goes to GTMOAt least one of the videotapes showing Omar's conversations with CSIS agents at GTMO in 2003 was played for the court. Evidence derived from the direct participation of representatives of Canada : Harper government formally requested the U.S. not do so. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov ...
Angry Indian News
- John John reads John Pilger - Warmongers of the wo ...New Statesman - Warmongers of the world, unite:Staring at the vast military history section of the airport shop, I had a choice: the derring-do of psychopaths or scholarly tomes with their illicit... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Craig Murray - New Labour's Complicity in Torture ...Craig Murray - New Labour's Complicity in Torture - Truly Evil: I have now obtained under the Freedom of Information Act a heavily censored copy of one of my telegrams from Tashkent protesting at... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- UPDATED: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Ar ...UPDATED: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Arrest of Faisal Shahzad? | The Nation: Reports are emerging suggesting that secret US military intelligence aircraft were used to find and locate... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- One baby with syphilis born every hour in China: s ...BBC News - Syphilis cases rise sharply in ChinaChina has seen a dramatic rise in cases of syphilis, as a result of rapid social change, US researchers say.A report in the New England Journal of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- UK Foreign Office Secret Opinion: It’s OK to Gathe ...UK Foreign Office Secret Opinion: It’s OK to Gather Evidence Through Torture | The Seminal: "Craig Murray, the UK’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan, has posted at his blog copies he received of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- More than 80 Groups Urge FDA and USDA to Change U. ...For Immediate release Naomi Starkman Consumers Union nstarkman@gmail.com 917.539.3924-c Position Will Create Problems for American Producers to Label Products GM/GE-Free Upcoming International Codex Meeting to Discuss Food Labeling, May 3 Yonkers, NY—Consumers Union, the nonprofit publishe ...
- S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act: ...The PPJ Gazette Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved ________________________ “I guess, Henry Waxman was the only person to discover this close tie between financial reform and dietary supplements. Who would have imagined such a thing? Guess that’s why he’s a Senator; he can divin ...
- A news flash for the District of Criminals: It is ...We can send troops all over the world to defend other people (only if they have assets we want), to bring democracy to people who don’t want it (after all, look at the example we have set) and appear out of no where when an earthquake occurs on an island. But we can’t defend America from an illegal ...
- What the MSM won’t tell you about about the ranche ...As you know, one of our local ranchers, Bob Krentz, an R-CALF member, was murdered in Douglas, AZ, two weeks ago. His funeral is tomorrow. I received three messages from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement. Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend ...
- GM Alfalfa vs World Health – Update and Judicial P ...As we approach what will be a landmark decision for those of us in an agricultural belt whose main crop is alfalfa, I offer this one plea on behalf of reason, before the final verdict is in.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Neuro-Imaging Redefines Mental Illness, Complicate ...Noted by Susan Toepfer on May 6, 2010 8:05 AM
- New App Helps Keep Facebook's Hands Off Your Data ...Noted by Todd Essig on May 6, 2010 7:05 AM
- Musicians lose millions in gear in Nashville flood ...Noted by Michele Catalano on May 6, 2010 7:05 AM
- The Associated Press: Billionaire Saban to spend $ ...Noted by Devon Pendleton on May 6, 2010 6:05 AM
- Air France crash 'black boxes located in Atlantic' ...Noted by Rachel King on May 6, 2010 3:05 AM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanis ...ShareThis The Taliban�stimulus, funded by US taxpayers: Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan --Karzai to discuss proposal that also offers reinsertion and jobs to former militants with Obama on US visit 05 May 2010 Top Taliban leaders could be offered exile outside Afghan ...
- Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of ...ShareThis 'There were clues in Connecticut -- but only to the paranoid.' Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of air force chief 06 May 2010 There were clues in Pakistan but only to the tight handful of [ CIA ] minders who knew what Faisal Shahzad was planning.�What is beyond doubt is tha ...
- CIA to expand drone raids in PakistanShareThis Times Square false flag conveniently provides cover for Obusha's war expansion: CIA to expand drone raids in Pakistan 06 May 2010 The CIA has received authorization to target a wider range of targets in Pakistan with its drone-guided missiles, despite national discontent on growing civilia ...
- Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's D ...ShareThis Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's Dubai Flight 06 May 2010 Emirates denied negligence over its failure to update a U.S. no-fly list, allowing the suspect in the attempted May 1 car bombing in New York’s Times Square to board a flight to Dubai... Faisal Shahzad was put on the ...
- Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security ex ...ShareThis Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security expert tells first world summit --Governments that fail to protect computer networks could face devastating attack, says former Pentagon director 05 May 2010 The spectre of crashing power grids, stalled air control towers... and defences left ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... � "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase the cost of power and petrol ...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
- Olympia mural uses Corrie tragedy to strengthen bo ...The Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural This Saturday there will be a celebration in Rachel Corrie's hometown of Olympia, WA marking the completion of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural. The project has been a collective effort of Olympia locals, as well as over 150 artists, activists and organization ...
- A ‘historic opportunity at hand’ tonig ...Anfal Awwad, Benjamin Balthaser, Oliver Burchill, Amal Dalmar and Aaron Dimsdale write in the UCSD newspaper The Guardian about the UCSD divestment resolution that will be voted on tonight: We have a historic opportunity to stop our university from contributing to the violation of human rights. T ...
- Look into the terrifying face of the enemyScary, huh? This is Izzet Sahin, founder of a human rights office in the West Bank, arrested by Israel last week as he was passing through the Bethlehem checkpoint--and then taken into Israel. Oh, and he's a Hebrew student. Who's reporting on this in the U.S., beside JVP and Sahin's group IHH, w ...
- Pot calls kettle apartheidI understand the latest attacks on Richard Goldstone will involve his service as a judge in apartheid days. The Jerusalem Post has picked up an investigation by Yedioth, an assertion that Goldstone condemned blacks to their deaths in Apartheid South Africa. They're desperate. Hasbara folks are on th ...
- Maker of ‘Budrus’ set his sights on ...I keep saying that the Israel lobby, whose power the lobby itself poo-poos, is a giant tower of Jewish history whose chronicles will fill library shelves one day when it's no longer controversial. Dershowitz, Philip Roth and John Mearsheimer have all written about it. The day approaches. The Jewish ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Pregnancy TipsI was recently alerted by a newly pregnant mother of a child with Autism for tips on minerals & vitamins to help strengthen her immune system during the coming months. She believes vaccines were the cause of her child’s Autism and has begun a shift away from her GP. Based on all my research thus far ...
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
- VRM: Autism – Steps To Take Toward Prevention & Re ...1) Vitamin D is highly recommended – According to Dr. John Cannell, âAutism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in ...
- VRM: Media Spin & Swine Flu Hysteria“Canada’s vaccine uses an adjuvant, which consists of squalene (shark liver oil), DL-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier also used in ice cream). An adjuvant is a chemical product that boosts the immune response. There were claims that squalene, used in the anthrax vac ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
- Simple Living: CDs and DVDsIf like me, you were a teen in the 90's, you probably have a huge stack of CDs like I do. I would also bet that, like me, you rarely listen to any of those CDs. Over the last few years I've also noticed the same thing with my DVDs. I had a whole shelf of CDs and DVD but never touched 99% of ...
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
Michael Yon
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
- Battle for KandaharBattle for Kandahar Baghtu Valley 25 April 2010 Afghanistan The counteroffensive has begun. More accurately, it might be called a counter-counteroffensive. Close to a decade ago, we beat the Taliban and al Qaeda here. The Taliban regrew and waged an increasingly successful counteroffensive. ...
- War above McChrystal's HeadPublished: 17 April 2010 Originally posted on Facebook {loadposition user8}
- Supportfooter{loadposition user8}
- A WhisperPublished: 16 April 2010 By: MAJ JF Sucher, MD A singular sentence in reply to a common, simple question. A whisper from Afghanistan has returned a loud echo from Laconia, New Hampshire, a small town of 12,000 (40,000 in the summer) nestled amongst the glacial lakes in the center of the state. D ...
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Sparkling Chair Made of PET and Air, Just Like a W ...The most eco-friendly material to make furniture is probably the one we don't use (no material, no ecological footprint so to say)... so what about air? We have featured a series of inflatable items, such as inflatable solar panels , an inflatable house or glowing inflatable furniture , because ...
- All Bets are Off on the UK Election But Fun and Ga ...Image from Policy Diffusion Today is Election Day in the U.K. and the race is on. Betting on the election is legal here and the bookies are giving the best odds on the Conservatives winning. No one else is sure what is happening; it will be a dash to the finish, with the great undecided voter ...
- Aqua: Terrific Looking Sustainable + Low-Cost Home ...Photos: Casa Aqua via TuVerde. Even if green architecture is usually 'good architecture' that can be applied to any construction, it seems the household projects that carry some sort of certification are usually aimed at the high income segment. Perhaps because people with lower income have oth ...
- BP Says 1 of 3 Oil Leaks Is Plugged, 100-Ton Metal ...Image: Unified command releases new overflight map updated 5 p.m. May 3, 2010. CC. Not Out of the Woods Yet... Late Tuesday night, BP succeeded in plugging one of the three leaks that are spewing vast quantities of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. This was done with the help of underwater remotely o ...
- Lovelock Tells BBC That Mankind Cannot Save GaiaImage: BBC Lovelock Interview James Lovelock, the scientist who put forth the Gaia Theory, has told the BBC it is too late for us to save the planet. According to Gaia Theory, the entire earth is a single organism, connected and interactive. Only just over a month ago, Lovelock called for autho ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Political parties slam ‘rule-breaking’ PMElection laws stipulating that government workers cannot set up their own political parties may have been broken by Burma's current prime minister
- NLD member ‘attacked by junta thugs’Chit Tun remains in hospital one month after the attack took place, allegedly by Swan Arr Shin thugs ordered by Union Solidarity and Development Association members
- US wary of Burma reshuffleWashington expresses doubts about political change in Burma following the resignation from the military of the Burmese prime minister and 22 senior officials
- Thailand detains 100 Mon migrantsSixty-three women among the Burmese migrants arrested on Monday by police after entering Thailand on foot from Karen state
- Landslide kills 13 close to China borderAll victims were Chinese workers operating a mine in Burma's northern Kachin state, close to the border with Yunnan provice
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Gulf oil slick is a disaster for world climate dea ...Offshore oil drilling could become unacceptable, eliminating Barack Obama's bargaining tool with the Republicans, writes Geoffrey Lean.
- General Election 2010: Political parties are green ...There is one party that fully endorses the rejectionist case on global warming, says Geoffrey Lean.
- World fails to stop extinctionWorld leaders have failed to prevent the extinction of species despite pumping millions of pounds into nature conservation, according to a new study.
- Volcano crisis: Sense vanishes in a puff of ash The closure of our airspace casts a highly disturbing light on the way we are governed, says Christopher Booker.
- David Cameron defends his green credentials in lea ...Climate change finally made it into the election debate with David Cameron forced to defend his green policies.
National Geographic | Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?As the world watches for oil-covered birds, experts warn that the Gulf of Mexico spill could pose greater risks to life deep in the ocean. Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment
- Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Say ...Eagles on California's Channel Islands are finding fewer of their traditional prey, which may force them to scavenge DDT-laced blubber. California - Channel Island - Bald Eagle - California's Channel Islands - Channel Islands National Park
- Huge Asphalt Volcanoes Discovered Off CaliforniaSeven ancient underwater giants lurk off the Santa Barbara coast, and the biggest is as tall as a six-story building, scientists say.
- New Deadly Fungus Found in U.S., Has Already Kille ...The new, hypervirulent fungus strain has already killed six and is spreading in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, a new study says.
Jurist - Legal Research
- France court refuses to extradite Iranian engineer ...[JURIST] A French appeals court on Monday refused a US extradition request for Iranian engineer Majid Kakavand, accused of illegally exporting electronic equipment to Iran for military use. Kakavand was detained in France in March 2009 after the US government issued a warrant for his arrest. Kakavan ...
- Bosnia war crimes court acquits genocide suspect [JURIST] The appellate division of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina [official website] on Wednesday acquitted [press release; case materials] Serb wartime commander Milos Stupar of genocide [BiH Criminal Code Article 171, PDF] charges in connection with his alleged involvement in killings committ ...
- Argentina lower house passes same-sex marriage bil ...[JURIST] The Argentine Chamber of Deputies [official website, in Spanish] voted 126-109 Wednesday in favor of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage [JURIST news archive] in the country. The bill would also give gay couples the right to adopt children [Pagina 12 report, in Spanish], one of the bill's ...
- Sri Lanka parliament eases state of emergency rest ...[JURIST] The Sri Lankan Parliament [official website] on Wednesday eased certain restrictions under the country's state of emergency laws, which have been in place for most of the last 27 years. Lawmakers voted to extend the state of emergency [Colombo Page report] for another month but reduced some ...
- Dutch prosecutor to appeal Holocaust cartoon rulin ...[JURIST] The Dutch Public Prosecution Service [official website, in Dutch] announced Tuesday that the public prosecutor for the Utrecht District Court filed an appeal [press release, in Dutch] against the April 22 ruling [JURIST report] acquitting the Arab European League (AEL) of hate speech charge ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- The Night Beat: Democratic Terror Talking Points, ...Sen. Joe Lieberman's citizenship stripping bill for terrorists will be dropped tomorrow. His Republican co-sponsor: Scott Brown .� To clarify, that's citizenship-hyphen-stripping. The State Department would decide who gets thrown out of the circle. Breath on this : according to the agency that mon ...
- The Night Beat: And Then There Were 4 in FloridaWhat matters tomorrow ... tonight. Read it and sleep. Read it here first: Then there were FOUR. Billionaire Jeff Greene � will enter FL SEN race tomorrow as a Democrat ... expect a paper statement. Life story: he came from nothing. Self-made man. Created jobs. Made a difference. (He also shorted � ...
- The Night Beat: Tick TockWhat matters tomorrow ... tonight. Read it and sleep. Republican Dan Coats , nominated, U.S. Senate from Indiana. (3 of every 5 voters in his primary chose another candidate, though.) Democrat Brad Ellsworth , nominated, U.S. Senate from Indiana. Democrat Lee Fisher , nominated, U.S. Senate from Oh ...
- How Rockefeller's Selling His Cyber BillThere are six cyber security bills in Congress now, but the one with the biggest chance of making it to the floor first is the Senate Commerce Committee's, authored by Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe. The two want to trademark the developing arena of cyber law in the name of �commerce and industry ...
- Historical Document: The Case Against ShahzadHere's the criminal complaint, unsealed moments ago. crimcomplaint.pdf
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Help Oppose Canada's Top Weapons Bazaar! - ...
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
- [COAT] Making a Killing on War! Cancel CANSEC, Can ...
- [COAT] Canada's Arms Exports to Israel: Aiding & A ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Shin Bet Nabs Spanish Clown Intent on Damaging Nat ...Boy, am I glad there’s a Shin Bet around to protect Israel. First, they nab that bitch traitor Anat Kamm who sold the nation’s secrets to Hamas. Then, they send that other spy Uri Blau packing off the London where he belongs. Maybe if they’re lucky they’ll close down that nest of vipers at the ...
- Israeli Secrets Behind Gaza SiegeSeveral years ago, when Ariel Sharon was prime minister, his main advisor, Dov Weisglass “jokingly” said that Israel’s siege was intended to put Gazans on a diet: âItâs like a meeting with a dietitian. We need to make the Palestinians lose weight, but not to starve to death.â Yes, it was maca ...
- Links for 2010-05-04 [Digg]Dershowitz Incites Hate Against Michael Lerner It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post column...
- Dershowitz’ Lies: There He Goes AgainI bet you didn’t know I accused Alan Dershowitz of trying to kill Michael Lerner. Neither did I. But hell, that’s what the Dersh would have you believe in his latest ripping lie-filled yarn at HuffPo. He’s back there for the second time in six days, this time claiming Michael Lerner is trying ...
- ‘Yonatan Shapira, Make Me Babies’Enough doom and gloom.� Forget about useless proximity talks, hooligan uber-Zionists, rabid settlers, the Israel lobby foaming at the mouth over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.� Instead enjoy some good old-fashioned foot-stomping Israeli pop music.� Oh, damn.� Here I thought I was going to give you some unal ...
Ode Magazine
- Working proof that art can bring aidBy: VictoriaKlein The world of art has often dabbled in the realm of charitable fundraising. A fresh round-up of modern, visually-creative minds have embraced the power of the internet to make a conscious difference. Seeking to promote “art and social responsi ...
- Where science and religion meetBy: Marco Visscher “Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.” This is a quote by the 20th-Century anthropologist Ashley Montague, which I saw at the bottom of an email from a friend who’s a scientist. I’ve always ...
- Hope therapy will get us through tough timesHow hope therapy can help banish mild mood disorders and boost happiness. Photo: Dusanzidar/ Dreamstime.com Things were going pretty well for Melanie. After struggling with being overweight, she had recently dropped a significant number of pounds. She felt great and looked ...
- Add more good to lifeBy: humanebeings To many, making choices that do the most good and least harm for all - what we at the Institute for Humane Education call MOGO - “most good” - might seem like “giving up” a lot of things: certain foods and clothes, transportation options, stuff, pe ...
- Changing the story of wealthBy: Selma Normally I wouldn’t be interested in what economists say, but ecomist David Korten has a great story to tell. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World , recently visited the Netherlands and I found myself inspired by the points he made. Korten s ...
OpEd News
- Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Pers ...International laws protect them. Israel does not in violation of laws itapos;s sworn to uphold.
- BP Flouted US Safety RulesThe oil conglomerate is also facing serious charges from the Labor Departmentapos;s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that it "willfully" failed to implement safety measures at its Texas City refinery, the third largest in the country, following an explosion that killed 15 employe ...
- Call it the "Gulf BP Congress Catastrophe" and Fix ...The catastrophe level disaster in the gulf is a symptom. Plugging a well or some leaking pipe holes will not fix the problem. This historic catastrophe should be given a name that describes the guilty parties-- BP and congress.
- For Many, Itapos;s "Report an Illegal Day" Every D ...Many Americans think that immigrants are "illegal." This article takes a look at what is fueling anger and fear toward "illegals." It includes a video from Chicago at the end which showcases the need to embrace diversity and come together to work for the common good instead of excluding a group to i ...
- A Lack of Diplomatic FinesseUAE is citing provocative territorial claims against Iran. It seems that UK, White House and Tel Aviv are behind the baseless claims which are entirely refuted by the historical documents and evidences.
- Oil Found, Anger Fueled, Action For SureToday as I sat in a boat in the Gulf, surrounded on all sides by oil-tainted seas, its hard to say what hit me the hardest. Was it the graceful and enigmatic dolphins surfacing through the slick? Or Captain O’Neill pointing out the spots where he fishes for speckled trout, redfish, flounde ...
- Climate change endangers whitebark pine in western ...Yesterday the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) announced that it has determined whitebark pine – a high elevation pine found throughout much of the western US and Canada – is endangered throughout its Canadian range due to a combination of factors including ...
- The Oil Spill Demonstrates National Security Imper ...As the oil spreads in the Gulf threatening livelihoods , wildlife and coastal ecosystems , political leaders are recognizing that this event will have major implications for America’s energy future. The stark difference between the Cape Wind project and the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico ar ...
- Q&A PART 2: Gulf Coast Oil Spill and Your Health – ...I continue today with Part 2 of my Q&A about oil spill health concerns with a look at different groups of people who are at a particular risk to health impacts associated with the oil spill. In my next post, I’ll address health tips for people working on the clean-up. And you can find answe ...
- Arguing the Case: Climate, Energy Independence and ...Yesterday I spoke on two panels at the annual ITS America conference in Houston. This big event brings together industry and government experts interested in technology and its applications in transportation, meaning everything from toll booths to electronic signage along roads and rails sto ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Welcome To My Life, TabooAlthough Brian Leiter beat me to it, this David Bernstein post is such a remarkable piece of work that I can’t resist piling on. Â Â Angry about the possibility that someone might be criticized (with, properly in my view, no other consequences as far as I can tell) for expressing racist views, he p ...
- Authoritarian Who Despises American Constitutional ...Holy Joe Lieberman, America’s last honest man and second most important arbiter of National Integritude after Bill Bennett. Â (See also here and here and here.) Related posts:Worst American Birthdays, vol. 23 Worst American Birthdays, vol. III The Objectively Great Mitt Romney’s Objectively Great ...
- He’s No Lewis Sorley, But…Congratulations to George Herring! Vietnam War historian George C. Herring, Alumni Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Kentucky, is the 2010 recipient of the Medallion for Intellectual Achievement. The UK Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement recognizes high intellectual a ...
- Robert Gates Gave a Speech…I have some thoughts on Gates’ Navy speech over at ID. Related posts:Is Robert Gates the War Nerd? Gates Smacks Down Air Force, Again Gates Foundation Related posts: Is Robert Gates the War Nerd? Gates Smacks Down Air Force, Again Gates Foundation
- The Would-Be Facebook Refugee’s DilemmaDan Yoder is leaving Facebook, and implores us to “join him.” He has almost a dozen reasons why. Some of them are even good reasons. He’s not alone. And more and more of us, disenchanted, disenfranchised Facebookers know it. But here’s the rub, Dan. A lot of us can’t just decide to “leave” without ...
Desert Research Institute
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
- Cloud Seeding Program Receives Support from SNWA a ...Cloud seeding will continue this year in the Tahoe/Truckee River Basin, the Ruby Mountains and with one generator near Tuscarora, Nevada.
Earth Techling
- Samsung Debuts Side-By-Side Energy Efficient Refri ...Samsung is showcasing a new energy efficient side-by-side refrigerator which, among other features, sports a special twin cooling system for separate and more efficient refrigerator and freezer cooling.
- California High Schoolers Gear Up For Solar Boat R ...The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is getting set to hold its annual Solar Cup on Lake Skinner, where 36 teams of high school students will race in solar-powered boats they've built.
- Floating Renewable Energy Plant Prototype Unveiled ...A Danish company has announced plans for a prototype floating power plant known as the Poseidon 37 that borrows technology developed for oil rigs to generate energy from wind and water.
- Life in the Green Lane: Things To Know About Hybri ...Daunted by the abundance of green vehicles available? EarthTechling breaks down hybrids and EVs, examines the good and bad of both, and poses considerations to keep in mind before buying.
- SoCal Whiz Kids To Debut Hydrogen Powered CarStudents at the Los Altos Academy of Engineering in Hacienda Heights, east of Los Angeles, are set to show off the car featuring their hydrogen internal combustion engine at an open house on May 8th.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- LAW FIRM ADMINISTRATION: Rethinking the law firm w ...Today's attorneys are looking to create a workplace environment that looks less like the "Old Esquire's" law firm and more like the offices of their profitable corporate clients.
- LAW FIRM ADMINISTRATION: IT departments can be pro ...Information Technology departments can help law firms generate significant profitability. But the reality is that most firms still view IT as a cost center and a "keep the lights on" type of function.
- LAW FIRM RECRUITING: Lateral game is on, but the r ...Law firms demand bigger books while potential hires want proof that firms are on solid ground.
- Civil litigation is focus of Duke conferenceCorporate counsel almost unanimously agree that civil litigation is too expensive, while 90% say that it takes too long, according to a new survey conducted for a major judicial conference on civil justice that convenes next week.
- Advocate for the blind targets law school online a ...A national advocacy group for the blind on Wednesday accused law schools across the country of violating the rights of blind would-be law students by using the Law School Admission Council's online application process.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- House Bill 2235 LetterHere’s is a sample letter to my local representative. Please feel free to copy and paste it if you are not sure how to write your own. Make sure you send it to your correct representative. Representative Matthew Baker Ryan Office Building, Room 115 451 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17120-2068 De ...
- A Letter to the Editor…The following letter to the editor in today’s Williamsport Sun-Gazette has some interesting ideas. Whether or not you agree with any or all of these, it surely will get you considering ways to think out of the box in addressing gas drilling issues. A Gas Drilling Protection Plan-Posted April 29th-le ...
- Delay Equals Opportunity…make your voice hea ...Last week’s expected House floor action on the Save the Forests bill (HB 2235) – to protect the best parts of our state forest land from gas drilling – was pushed back to next week. HB 2235 would impose a five-year freeze on new leasing of state land for gas drilling until the state can [...]
- Lisa Addresses Lincoln Place homeowners about Marc ...The below links are from the Lincoln Place Action Group in the Pittsburgh area. I met some of the folks who put this event together while traveling in Washington County. Lisa Graves (the speaker) is a resident of the Pittsburgh area where they are currently signing leases for drilling and she is a m ...
News Blaze
- John Rabe - The Gentle German Who Saved 200,000 Ch ...John Rabe kept diaries during the 27 years he spent in China as an employee of Siemens. His scribblings detail the minutiae of his life and relationships with the city and the people with whom he became deeply entrenched.
- Fulham 0-1 Stoke City. Poor Show From Europa Leagu ...Europa League practice doesn't run too smoothly for Fulham who are defeated at home to Stoke City.
- Lost Season Six Episode 14 : 'The Candidate' Play ...The groups attempts to leave the Island end in disaster as the series hurtles towards its conclusion.
- Greg Mortenson to Be Honored At Gala for Literatur ...Evening will feature debut of a verbatim performance of 'Three Cups of Tea,' which will enter the Literature to Life repertoire.
- Red Wine As Perfect For Gourmet Dining As It Is Fo ...So what exactly have all of these 'world renowned' Medical Research Institutions and Media Giants been teaching us all about red wine? Basically precisely what so many of us have known all along.
environment 360
- Under Threat in the Gulf, A Refuge Created by Roos ...Among the natural treasures at risk from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, created by Theodore Roosevelt to halt a grave threat to birds in his era — the lucrative trade in plumage. Now, oil from the BP spill is starting to wash up on beaches where Roosevelt ...
- Dozens of Critical Bird Sites in Path of Massive G ...The American Bird Conservancy says the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill will affect bird populations from Canada to South America, with important nesting and migratory stopover sites along the Gulf Coast directly in the path of the spill. The Gulf Coast is a critical region for hundreds of species o ...
- Laser Used to Create Clouds in European LaboratorySwiss researchers have successfully used laser pulses to create small clouds in the laboratory , a technology they say could possibly be used to create rain on demand. After firing short pulses of infrared laser light into a chamber filled with water-saturated air at -24 degrees C, scientists observ ...
- EU Electric Car Strategy Calls for Charging Statio ...The European Union has unveiled a strategy to become a world leader in the green vehicle market, including a framework for common standards for electric cars across Europe by 2011 and the development of a network of charging stations continent-wide. Calling this a defining stage for the automotive i ...
- Soil Production of C02 May Decline As World Warms, ...Contradicting earlier studies showing that soil microbes will emit more carbon dioxide as global warming intensifies, new research suggests that these microbes become less efficient over time in a warmer environment and would actually emit less CO2. The research, published in the journal Nature Geos ...
Red Ice Creations
- Was Shakespeare´s ghost writer ... Shakespeare?
- After torture claims, Iraqi PM says prisoners ‘bur ...
- The Year The Army Stopped Niagara Falls
- Study suggests humans mated with Neanderthals
- Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19th
Russia Today
- Russian national anthem to prelude Premier League ...Russia’s anthem will be played before every match of the Russian Premier League when the tournament restarts following the break for the World Cup 2010 on July 8.
- Clashes in Georgia against police marchSerious clashes between police and demonstrators have taken place in Tbilisi where thousands took to the streets against a Police Day parade.
- Greece paralyzed by major protests Greek bank workers are holding a 24-hour strike on Thursday, in memory of their three colleagues who were killed during the riots the previous day.
- No blast or fire in Polish presidential flight dis ...A Russian investigation has found no evidence of a blast or fire on board the Polish aircraft which crashed near Smolensk last month.
- Shakhatr claim Ukrainian football crown Shakhtar Donetsk have become Ukrainian football champs after beating archrivals Dinamo Kiev in the second-to-last match day of the season.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- CGI Tour of Mars: Proof of Life?Below is a YouTube presentation of a “Google Mars” type tour of the planet Mars depicting vegetation and ancient city blocks. I couldn’t tell anything, but the overhead effects were pretty good. Who ever set this up knew what they were doing, but I’m no expert in CGI or Photoshop. Enjoy. … Intellige ...
- NASA Mars Life Disclaimer / But there’s proo ...On April 28th last Wednesday, The Sun of the UK, published an article about a NASA source claiming there was evidence for life on Mars (they have since taken it out). However, it didn’t take NASA long to print a disclaimer: A Wednesday article in the U.K.’s “The Sun” newspaper entitled, “NASA: Evide ...
- And now, from the Fortean perspective…All week long we’ve looked at different articles with conflicting viewpoints on Hawking’s statements that we should take care in broadcasting our presence to the Universe, because we might attract a powerful interstellar nomadic species that could very well steal our planet and kill us all. Of cours ...
- Post Obama Speech Meeting At KSCOn April 15th just this past week, the Obamanator stopped by Kennedy Spaceflight Center to back up his FY2011 vision of changes for NASA. His plan includes an increase to NASA’s budget of $6 billion $omolian$ over a period of 5 years, but it cancels the beleaguered Constellation Program that is long ...
- Proof of Kardashev-Type 3 Civilization?Possible proof of another ‘intelligent’ civilization in the Universe? A refutation of the Fermi Paradox? Maybe. There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen an ...
Tippers News
- Cannibal Goths sentencedTwo 20-year-old men, who killed and partially ate a girl, have received long jail sentences. Submitted by Anu S. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Care 2 Member Has Passed Away Lynne (Charlotte) Ka ...Lynne (Charlotte) Kaiser, 58, of 107 Twin Lakes Drive, North Fond du Lac, died Monday, May 3, 2010, at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital. Submitted by Kristi K. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Blind dog gets a guide dog!A labrador collie cross called Paris was born without any eyes and handed into a rescue centre as a baby. She was given a home with new owner Lesley, who has another rescue dog called Madison. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Put a Stop to Bear Bile Farming - TAKE ACTION!Bear bile farming is an alarming practice taking place in China, whereby Asiatic black bears are captured and used to provide bile from their gall bladders. The bile is an found in popular ancient Chinese medicine. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Pitbull attacks reignite debate on Turkish ban aga ...Two recent cases in which abandoned Pitbulls attacked children have reignited debate about the reason people raise such dogs in Turkey. While some say the law banning the sale of the dog should be stricter, others suggest such dangerous animals should Submitted by Cher C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! � ...
The Freeman
- The Three Hats of the EconomistObserving a local store going bankrupt has made me aware of the three different “hats” an economist wears.
- Interventionism, Immigration, and NationalismI was born and raised in Arizona, so I’ve been following with particular interest that state’s recently passed immigration legislation as well as the ensuing public uproar.
- FDA Vetoes Treatment for Fatal Disease“The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday declined to approve a drug from InterMune that would have been the first treatment for a fatal lung disease that afflicts about 100,000 Americans…. The data on the drugâs effectiveness posed a dilemma for both the advisory committee and the F.D.A. itsel ...
- Government to Pay Employers to Cover Early Retiree ...“Trying to entice employers to keep early retirees on their medical plans, the Obama administration announced Tuesday that it will make $5 billion available until the safety net of the new health-care law is in place.” (Washington Post, Wednesday) He sure is free with other people’s money. FEE Timel ...
- Treasury Chief Defends Bank Tax“Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, urged Congress on Tuesday to impose a 10-year, $90 billion tax on the largest financial institutions to recoup the costs of the 2008 bailouts. But he faced skeptical questions from lawmakers on the structure and purpose of the fee.” (New York Times, Wedn ...
IPS - Inter Press Services
- UGANDA: New Version of Anti-Counterfeiting Bill St ...KAMPALA, May 6 (IPS) - The Ugandan government’s controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Bill has been amended after civil society organisations campaigned against provisions in the bill that may restrict access to generic medicines, which form the bulk of medicines used in the East African countr ...
- POLITICS: East Timor-Australia Urged to Dialogue O ...DILI, May 6 (IPS) - The prickly issue of where to pipe and process gas from the Timor Sea between Australia and East Timor must be resolved through open dialogue, say members of civil society in East Timor.
- MIDEAST: West Bankers Made Refugees in Their Own C ...RAMALLAH, May 6 (IPS) - Several Palestinians have set up a protest tent in no-man’s land in the northern Gaza Strip, near the Erez border crossing into Israel, as they protest their deportation from the Israeli occupied West Bank into Gaza where Hamas authorities have refused them entry.
- AUSTRALIA: For Some Refugees, Not Yet the Land of ...MELBOURNE, Australia, May 6 (IPS) - After nearly 10 years of living in Australia, Sri Lanka-born Ramesh Fernandez is convinced nothing much has changed for refugees in the land of the ‘fair go’.
- MALAYSIA: Demand Rises for Independent Body to Che ...KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 (IPS) - Aminulrasyid Amzah was just a normal 15-year-old schoolboy who hung out with friends, watched football and occasionally took his sister’s car for a spin.
Scoop - NZ
- Aussies go for mining Supertaxis this a possibility here? ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Silk Green Purse from Smith's Sows Ear"You'd be a mug to think theres not going to be a price on carbon "-says the business community.But could it just be that there are huge opportunities lurking there ? ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- ETS multi-billion boon . Why such long faces ?Where are the excited yelps?Why such long faces when we are seeing such opportunities for low carbon businesses right before our eyes? Can we only be happy when the rest of the world joins in? ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- US fears well could become unchecked gusherSecretary Janet Napolitano uses a map of the Gulf of Mexico during the daily press briefing at the White House in Washington, Thursday, April 29, 2010. A leaked memorandum obtained by the Press-Register on the unfolding spill disaster in the Gulf makes clear the Coast Guard now fears the Deepwater H ...
- The peak of oil production is passedDr Michael Lardelli from the University of Adelaide looks at how the bulk of the world's oil production comes from a relatively small number of very large fields discovered decades ago. The rate of world oil production has been maintained at current levels only by finding and bringing on line an inc ...
Independent ( London )
- Death sentence for Mumbai massacre gunmanThe only surviving gunman from the Mumbai massacre was sentenced to death today by a court in India.
- Russian special forces arrest Somali piratesThe force commander for the EU Naval Force said that Russian special forces stormed a disabled oil tanker and arrested the Somali pirates aboard.
- Special forces arrest pirates after freeing hostag ...The force commander for the EU Naval Force said that Russian special forces stormed a disabled oil tanker and arrested the Somali pirates aboard.
- US woman killed by crocodileA US State Department spokesman confirmed that a 25-year-old American woman was killed by a crocodile while snorkelling in India's Andaman Islands last month.
- Church sex abuse victims seek accountabilityVictims of a Florence priest who was defrocked for sexually and psychologically abusing his young parishioners are now demanding that his bishops be held responsible for keeping his crimes quiet.
Rogue Government.com
- Secretive ACTA Copyright Treaty and How it Threat ...
- Americans Are Ratting Out Their Neighbors to the ...Americans seeking reward money are turning in neighbors, clients and employers they suspect of cheating on taxes to the IRS at a rate of nearly eight per day, the director of the agency’s whistleblower program said.
- Ahmadinejad: Osama Bin Laden Not in Iran, More Li ...
- NASA official outlines plan for next-generation s ...Whatever work the next generation of NASA-developed space robots does, it will be done in conjunction with their human counterparts.
- Portugal May Have Its Credit Rating Cut By Moody' ...Portugal may have its credit rating cut by Moody’s Investors Service for the first time as the country struggles to reduce its budget deficit and revive economic growth a sign that contagion from the Greek crisis is spreading.
Innovation Canada
- A symphony of scienceWords such as “laboratory” and “experiment” conjure up white-coated scientists mixing chemicals to better understand diseases like cancer or environmental challenges like energy consumption. We don’t usually picture a pianist, a playwright, a dancer or an acoustical engineer. When artists experiment ...
- The amazing ‘sensorium suite’ of Dr. Houston“All the world’s a stage,” William Shakespeare famously wrote. And while Shakespeare’s plays are still performed in premier concert halls and on festival stages, Andrew Houston, an associate professor of drama at the University of Waterloo, is taking his theatre of sound out into the world. “Often, ...
- Butterflies in the borealWhen biologist Jeremy Kerr needs a sentinel to demonstrate the effects of climate change, he looks no further than the eastern tailed blue butterfly (Cupido comyntas). That’s because the eastern tailed blue, like other butterfly species Kerr and his students at the University of Ottawa track, has be ...
- Hip-hop storytellers
- Trapping an invader(Courtesy of the University of Windsor) The first time she saw a group of male round gobies in their nests, pumping out billows of pheromones to attract females to lay their eggs, Lynda Corkum couldn’t help but think of an old boy’s club. “It reminded me of a bunch of men, sitting in a crowded room ...
Signs of the times
- Facebook Glitch Brings New Privacy WorriesFor many users of Facebook, the world's largest social network, it was just the latest in a string of frustrations. On Wednesday, users discovered a glitch that gave them access to supposedly private information in the accounts of their Facebook friends, like chat conversations. Not long before, F ...
- The Surveillance State will not be beaten at the b ...Polling day has finally arrived in the UK and like the 2008 US elections the favoured buzz word is "change". But when it comes to the surveillance state is anything really likely to change? The media would have us believe that the three main political parties offer us a choice but upon closer inspec ...
- Sickening: Teenage pitch invader is Tasered in fro ...A teenage prank ended in terror as a police officer pulled a Taser gun and fired 12,000 volts into a pitch invader at a baseball match. Steve Consalvi, 17, had leaped over a fence and ran around the outfield at Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia, towards the end of the Phillies' game against St Louis ...
- US data-collection bill gets chilly receptionA proposed US congressional bill to regulate the collection of personal data is being almost universally panned, with privacy advocates arguing it's inadequate and pro-business groups saying it goes too far. The draft legislation (PDF) would for the first time impose national standards on how comp ...
- FLASHBACK: "Mind That Hole" - London Bombing Victi ..."The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said. Cambridge dancer Bruce Lait has spoken o ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Sea of oilNOAA sums of the efforts to contain the Deepwater Horizon oil carnage: Oil continues to flow into the Gulf of Mexico at an estimated to 5000 barrels (210,000 gallons) per day from three leaks in damaged piping on the sea floor. This afternoon NOAA tested a new technique to apply dispersants to o ...
- Maple Syrup Revolution podcast 2
- Tell it like it is . . .APRIL WINCHELL is a bright young woman. Her site has a wonderful piece, "Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit" . No shit, so to speak — and that's the heart of the matter. April explains: If you’ve ever read President Obama’s Dreams From My Father, good for you. I couldn’t get past the f ...
- Omar Khadr's show trialSkdadl reminds us that Harper sent a wee tepid request to the US government asking that the Khadr kangaroo show trial : "not use as evidence in legal proceedings there any evidence collected at GTMO by Canadian agents and representatives, which the Supreme Court of Canada has said (2008) was collect ...
- Imagine...... if you will : Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some of these protesters —the black protesters — spoke of t ...
Media Matters for America
- O'Reilly falsely claims Cavuto "stuck up" for Oba ...Bill O'Reilly falsely claimed that "[Neil] Cavuto actually stuck up for the president during the interview" with former FEMA Director Michael Brown and concluded that the White House's objections to the interview were therefore "phony." In fact, Cavuto made no effort to challenge Brown's conspi ...
- Beck distorts Rogers' comments to suggest he want ...Glenn Beck distorted remarks by Apollo Alliance co-founder Joel Rogers to suggest that Rogers' "definition of the green economy" is to bring "the economy to a complete halt" by eliminating "every power plant" and stopping "every car in America." In fact, nowhere in the remarks that Beck played ...
- "Los Suns = LOSERS": Conservative media attack Ph ...Since the NBA's Phoenix Suns announced that they would wear their "Los Suns" jerseys during a May 5 game as a way to honor the Latino community and take a stand against Arizona's newly passed immigration law, conservative media have suggested they are "protesting the American dream" and are "re ...
- Drudge, Fox Nation dubiously suggest DHS is to bla ...Conservative media have suggested that the Department of Homeland Security is to blame for alleged Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad boarding a plane. However, administration officials have stated the airline failed to review the updated no-fly list after Shahzad's addition, and that sending t ...
- EXCLUSIVE: Claim that alleged bomber is a registe ...Right-wing media have falsely claimed -- citing no evidence -- that alleged Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad is a registered Democrat. Media Matters for America has contacted the offices of the registrar in Shahzad's hometowns and confirmed that he is in fact not a registered voter in those t ...
Global Research.ca
- The Price of Courage: Goldstone’s Investigation o ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- IAEA: Pressure on Israel to disclose its unacknow ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Colombia: State Terror in the Name of PeaceFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Greece: Poverty and Social Implosion in the Wake o ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- GM Biofuels: Another Planned DisasterFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Judge Goldstone: The Man Who Has Unhinged The Isra ...Someone needs to do a psychological study of the Israeli and Jewish right. They are terrified by one man, the great human rights advocate, Justice Richard Goldstone, because he wrote a report revealing what everyone knew anyway -- that the Israelis committed war crimes in Gaza. The report came ...
- Third Force In PalestineA few days ago, I joined the J Street delegation on a visit to Ramallah, to meet the Palestine Authority prime minister, Salam Fayyad. The meeting was cordial and unexceptional. Fayyad is among the most popular people on the planet these days, and his handling of us proved why. People say he is a te ...
- Presented By:
- Apple Isn't the Problem. Wall Street's Big Banks a ...Why is the Federal Trade Commission threatening Apple with a possible lawsuit for abusing its economic power, but not even raising an eyebrow about the huge and growing economic (and political) muscle of JP Morgan Chase or any of the other four remaining giant banks on Wall Street? Our future wel ...
- Top Jewish Journalist: The Jewish "Leadership" Is ...JJ Goldberg is one of the leading figures in American Jewish journalism. Long-time editor of the Jewish Forward and author of a major (albeit outdated book on the pro-Israel lobby) Goldberg knows the Jewish organizational world backwards and forward. And he has concluded that it is a joke. ...
- Rep. Obey to Retire After 41 YearsWashington - Rep. David Obey, the chairman of the powerful House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, said Wednesday that he wouldn't seek re-election this year because he was "bone tired" after a 41-year congressional career. "There is a time to stay and a time to go," the sometimes-gruff ...
- Senate Unanimously Approves Legislation Aimed at C ...The Senate unanimously passed a bill Wednesday aimed at cutting through the bureaucratic red tape that has lead to long delays and backlogs associated with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The bipartisan legislation, "The Faster FOIA�Act,"� was sponsored by Senate Judiciary Charman Patri ...
- The Rules of the Nuclear Game TodayThe Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed in 1968 and came into force in 1970. In May 2010, both diplomats and nongovernmental leaders are gathering at the United Nations in New York for the 40-Year NPT Review Conference - as mandated by the treaty itself - to assess how the various parti ...
- Red State Road Trip 2: Jump Off The World (Video - ...Mullinville Kansas, a mere speck on the map, is home to the great M.T. Liggett - Kansas' most celebrated outcast. His metal sculptures stretch for miles into the prairie. Free thinking and foul mouthed, M.T. provokes the local inhabitants. "If you can't think for yourself, then jump off the world!". ...
- Primary Season Begins With First Returns Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina announced the results of their primaries Wednesday, heralding the start of a long and difficult road to Congressional seats in November. read more
- Fishing 17 Times Harder Than 1880sThe UK fishing fleet has to work 17 times harder today than it did in the 1880s to catch the same amount of fish. Researchers from the University of York and the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) looked back through UK Government data to analyse the change in fish stocks since 1889. What they found ...
- Countries Ranked on Environmental Impact in New St ...Many of Earth’s countries have been ranked for their environmental impact in a new study. Led by the University of Adelaide’s Environmental Institute, the study ranks over 170 countries in terms of their environmental impact measured against their total available resources as well as in terms of t ...
- Future Temperatures Could Exceed Human LivabilityAll the focus on reducing climate change is based on what will happen this century, but what happens the century after if we fail? According to new research findings, reasonable worse-cast scenarios for global warming if rising greenhouse gas emissions are not stamped out immediately could see Eart ...
- Curbing Greenhouse Emissions Will Be A ChallengeSince the monumental failure of the Copenhagen summit in December, one must wonder how we’ll ever avert catastrophe. Instead of coming out of the climate change conference in Copenhagen with a new international climate treaty we found that countries are more divisive than ever, with industrialized ...
- Pierce Brosnan Pleads US to Help End the killing o ...âThe Obama Administration is backing a deadly deal that would make it legal once again to kill whales for profit. Please call on the President to reverse course.â Explains Pierce Brosnan. Help OO7! To the rescue James Bond! Brosnan is saving the whales and needs our collective help. Assist Pier ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Where Earth Day is everyday This year’s Earth Day has come and gone. The celebrations, the speeches, the tree plantings and the
- Natural Gases in Ground Water near Tioga Junction, ...The following is the opening statements from journeyoftheforsaken.com Note: The following is excerpt
- How polluted is U.S. drinking water?U.S. tap water is some of the cleanest on Earth, generally safe from the microbes and chemicals that
- The Fish Won!The State Water Board voted to curtail once through cooling. Going into Tuesday’s State Water Board
- ENDING OUR HEALTH DISASTERBack in the 1970’s the Nixon administration stopped controlling the price of corn by controlling pro
Public Citizen in Texas
- Green Fund Campaign Goes 5-0Green Fund 5-0 Posted by Trevor Lovell From a ReEnergize Texas press release issued April 26th Earth Week in Texas brought a major victory for student environmentalists. Student bodies at 5 state universities voted in favor of campus “green funds.” The institutions are among some of the state’s ...
- Is the Sky Falling? Fossil Fuel Disaster Strikes S ...What is happening? Black blood continues to ooze, pump, and explode into the Gulf. B.P., the Coast Guard, and the U.S. military are powerless to stop its wave of utter, incomprehensible destruction. Bigger than the Exxon Valdez spill. 100,000 or 200,000 or 500,000 gallons a day for going-on three we ...
- Texans Don’t Want Texas to Become a Dumping Ground ...A new poll shows 80% of Texans oppose importing radioactive waste to Texas for storage in Andrews County. Yet a crucial vote on a new rule by non-elected members of a commission could make Texas into the radioactive waste dump for the nation, and perhaps the world. Originally only Texas and two othe ...
- Old Settler’s Music FestivalIf you love and appreciate one or more of the following items, I’ve got a great idea for how to spend your weekend: Bluegrass Americana Camping Barbeque the Texas Hill Country Public Citizen One out of six? Four, five, six? Excellent! Join us this weekend, April 15-18, at the Old Settler’s Music Fes ...
- Week in ReviewThis week’s string of fossil fuel disasters–a Chinese coal carrier striking the Great Barrier Reef and dumping tons of oil into the Pacific Ocean, an oil pipeline spilling into the Louisiana Delta National Wildlife Refuge at the same time an Exxon Mobil barge was dredging off coast for oil explorati ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Tesla predicted text messages in 1909Pioneering physicist Nikola Tesla predicted the concept of SMS text messages as far back as 1909. He was correct albeit the better part of century too...
- Pope Benedict views Turin shroudThe Pope visited Turin this week to view the famous shroud which has gone on display for the first time in ten years. He spent a few minutes praying b...
- Massive black holes could kill whole galaxiesSuper massive black holes contain enough energy to cause untold galactic devastation scientists have found. There is a super massive black hole at the...
- NASA plays down "life on Mars" tabloid claimsNASA has stated that recent tabloid headlines claiming life has been found on Mars are "positively false". NASA had previously announced that the Mars...
- Postman marries his catA postman from Germany has hit the headlines this week after holding a ceremony in which he married his pet cat. 39-year-old Uwe Mitzscherlich married...
- Biotechnology: A False Sense of Food SecurityOutside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Timi Gerson is Director of Advocacy for American Jewish World Service. Gerson started her career organizing legislative campaigns for fair U.S. trade policy as field director for Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. ...
- Institutional Giving and Communications Coordinato ...Grassroots International is a human rights and international development organization striving to create a just and sustainable world through grantmaking, advocacy and alliance-building movements with a focus on land, water and food as human rights.� Since 1983 we have worked in the Middle East, Asi ...
- Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy - 1/2 ...Overview: � Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy works with the Executive Director and the Director of Development and Communications (DDC) to recruit, develop, solicit and coordinate major individual contributors. The ADSP has specific responsibilities as detailed below. The ADSP may also ...
- Indigenous Women take on a big fight in GuatemalaGuate-women.jpg � read more
- Grassroots International Signs on to STOP LAND GRA ...Grassroots International, along with scores of organizations and global activists, endorses the call of the Via Campesina to "Stop�Land Grabbing Now!" and say no to the principles of “responsible” agro-enterprise investment promoted by the World Bank. read more
- May 6, 2010Senate Cap-And-Trade Bill Coming Out Next Week: Boxer (Greenwire) Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) are planning to release their climate and energy bill as soon as next week even if they cannot win back their longtime GOP partner, according to a top Senate Democrat. ...
- May 5, 2010Lieberman: Pushing Climate Bill without Sen. Graham is 'an Open Question' (The Hill) Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said he is "open" to advancing the legislation without co-sponsor Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has suspended his support. Execs: 60,000 Barrels is Worst-Case Gulf Scenario ...
- March 4, 2010Schwarzenegger Ends Support for Offshore Drilling (AP) Gov. Schwarzenegger says he will find another way to help close the state's $20 billion budget deficit after the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused him to withdraw his support for a plan to expand oil drilling off the Califor ...
- May 3, 2010Obama Seeks to Reassure as Oil Slick Nears Coast (AP) Pres. Obama is trying to reassure fishermen and others on the Gulf Coast that the government is doing all it can as masses of oil from a pipeline rupture endanger fisheries, oyster beds and beaches. U.S. Presses BP to Stop Gushing ...
- May 1-2, 2010Obama to Visit Gulf Coast, Oil Slick Approaches (Reuters) Pres. Obama will visit the U.S. Gulf Coast on Sunday as his administration aims to deflect criticism that it could have responded more quickly to a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Climate Bill Could Be Harmed by Gulf Sp ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About G ...There was a strange moment last week during President Obama's speech at Cooper Union. There he was, groveling before a cast of Wall Street villains including Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein, begging them to "Look into your heart!" like John Turturro's character in Miller's Crossing...when out of ...
- Death Squads: Capital punishment should not be lef ...More often than not, politicians get to decide who lives and who dies. You see their scythes and black hoods in the current "debate" over whether to abolish the death penalty in Connecticut, a hot issue in this year's governor's race (see "A Time to Kill," April 14). But, of course, you see them in ...
- Unfree Markets: The Last Gasp of a (Literally) Ban ...What we've been witnessing in Washington isn't just political positioning by one party looking to deny the other a victory, although it's certainly that. We're also seeing the death struggle of a dying ideology. This ideology provided intellectual cover to business and political elites for decades, ...
- It's the Derivatives, StupidFree market fundamentalists say the real problem with our financial sector is that they are over-regulated. If we just let the banks regulate themselves that we wouldn't have any problems. Rush Limbaugh says Goldman Sachs is the victim . The government caused the problems with all of their rules and ...
- VIDEO: In 2001, McInnis Publicly Endorsed Racial P ...As a follow up to the news this morning that GOP gubernatorial frontrunner Scott McInnis wants to implement an Arizona-style racial profiling law in Colorado, I want to point out that McInnis in 2001 already went on record explicitly supporting overt racial profiling. Though this has (somehow) not ...
Ten Percent
- Vote To Deny A Working Tory MajorityIt’s rearguard action time and at best all we get is the lesser of neoliberal evil but as Greece is showing corporate capital plans to attack and refusing to go quietly might mitigate their ambitions. Tory target seats, Grauniad Tactical voting guide, if you are in one, vote for the appropriate part ...
- People Worth Voting For: Caroline LucasWe need reform of the electoral system and a clean-up of Parliament. But we need to elect MPs who will change Parliament for good now. We need voices of dissent in Parliament – not âYes- men’ (and women) who are âon-message’ the whole time and controlled by party whips. We need voices that are p ...
- Save Bita Ghaedi From DeportationNB. This is not an endorsement of the PMOI/MEK/MKO who I find reprehensible, but there is no doubt Bita Ghaedi if returned to Iran would be at severe risk of human rights abuse (which makes this attempted deportation against the stated policy of the government, try and act surprised). URGENT: THE UK ...
- People Worth Voting For: John McDonnellA consensus checklist of what constitutes real change is emerging from many sources. Securing jobs by intervening in manufacturing and restoring trade union rights; securing homes by a mass local authority house-building programme; stopping the squandering of public resources by ending the privatisa ...
- Shaker Aamer’s 3000th Day in GuantánamoAndy Worthington reports that Shaker Aamer (who I think remains detained largely because he is a witness to the murder of three detainees, we already know the Whitehouse knows the vast majority are innocent and keeps them shut up to cover its ass) is today spending his 3000th day in Gitmo. An articl ...
Booman Tribune
- Casual Observation Some guy named Carlos snapped out of a horrible slump and absolutely crushed a game-winning home run to defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks. I think, perhaps, he had a little extra motivation and focus.
- When Did We Become Iraq?In Iraq what you see on the following video was (and I imagine still is) a common occurrence. But this is not a video from Iraq. Its from the good old heartland of America: This was the work of a Columbia, Missouri SWAT team. They did this all this (pointed automatic weapons at children an ...
- Paid for Pro-Drilling PiecesI wonder who bankrolls the Washington Examiner? Oh wait, I can answer that. Philip Frederick Anschutz (pronounced ANN-shoots, born 28 December 1939 in Russell, Kansas) is an American entrepreneur. Anschutz bought out his father's drilling company in 1961, and earned large returns in Wyoming. H ...
- Casual Observation Maybe it's a good thing that no one expects anything from the Israeli-Palestinian proximity talks. When has optimism ever worked out there? Could it be that the breakthrough comes at a totally unsuspected time?
- On Terrorists and U.S. CitizensI take it personally when people try to kill New Yorkers because I grew up in the Big Apple metro area. It's my city. So, it's a very emotional matter for me when someone tries to light off a car bomb in Times Square. After 9/11, I was really fearful that the follow-up would be a series of very ha ...
European Tribune
- UK election predictions and open threadSo, this is the day.What's your prognosis (votes, MPs, sterling, PM)?...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 6 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1856 Sigmund Freud,...
- Wednesday Open ThreadBrought to you from Canada...
- Meanwhile... C growsChina Ignites Global Coal Market For decades, China was a net exporter of coal, selling...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 5 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1943 Birth of...
- Zombiesat!The undead really are everywhere at the moment – even up in orbit. Zombiesat is the delightful (and, one assumes, largely unofficial) term for the state of defunct communications satellite Galaxy 15, which has recently stopped responding to control commands, and is now shambling toward the orbits of ...
- An Old Enemy: Fighting CancerSo how did I go from last month’s topic about geoengineering to cancer treatment? Well, for one, keeping the Earth healthy is a bit like doing the same for humans: harder than you’d think. Systems engineering on a fairly complex level that we don’t entirely understand. This is also a personal [. ...
- The transhuman victory is assured!Well, possibly not – but Michael Anissimov has a post provocatively titled “Transhumanism Has Already Won”, which argues that most of the central tenets of the movement (if such a fractious meme can fairly be called a movement at all) are already accepted – and in some cases actively desired – by a ...
- Zombiesat!The undead really are everywhere at the moment – even up in orbit. Zombiesat is the delightful (and, one assumes, largely unofficial) term for the state of defunct communications satellite Galaxy 15, which has recently stopped responding to control commands, and is now shambling toward the orbits of ...
- An Old Enemy: Fighting CancerSo how did I go from last month’s topic about geoengineering to cancer treatment? Well, for one, keeping the Earth healthy is a bit like doing the same for humans: harder than you’d think. Systems engineering on a fairly complex level that we don’t entirely understand. This is also a personal [. ...
Therapy News
- Psychiatrist Speaks Out on Clinical RiftsA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Professionals in any field are bound to have a host of issues in mind if asked to speak about the ways in which their profession could improve. In some instances, however, such improvements may be especially pressing, and a prominent psychiatrist has proposed that the ...
- EDMR Discussed as Joint Therapy Treatment for PTSD ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, along with obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, are psychological concerns that affect a large number of people around the world, and long-term therapy is often used to address these issues. Emerging as a ...
- Sexual StarvationBy Jill Denton, LMFT, CSAT, CSE, CCS, Sexuality / Sex Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jill and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile When is not enough sex too little by far? When we talk about sex addiction, most of us think of someone who is unable to stop being sexual. And mos ...
- Geneen Roth at Spirit Rock on Her Latest BookBy Ondina Nandine Hatvany, MFT, Eating & Food Issues Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Ondina and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile The title of Geneen’s latest book, Women, Food, and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything, is big and bold. I had to finally meet this woman whose ...
- If You Cope With Emotional Abuse Silently, Irritab ...By Jeanette Raymond, Ph.D., Body-Mind Psychotherapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jeanette and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Irritable Bowel Disease makes Penny want to stay home. Penny woke up often through the night with abdominal pain and cramping. During the day she often ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Declaration of Clean Energy Independence: We Need ...Declaration of Clean Energy Independence: We Need a Road Map to a Coal Free Future Huffington Post (blog) Nothing has motivated our commitment for clean energy more than the tragedy of mountaintop-removal and nationwide strip mining in 24 states. ...
- EPA sets May 18 W.Va. hearing on mountaintop remov ...EPA sets May 18 W.Va. hearing on mountaintop removal permit for planned Spruce ... FOX2now.com EPA has said it plans to veto a previously granted permit for the mountaintop removal operation because valley fills would bury 7 miles of intermittent ... Spruce Mine Veto Hearing Scheduled West Virginia ...
- Time to Step up the Comparisons: Solar and Wind vs ...RenewableEnergyWorld.com (blog) Time to Step up the Comparisons: Solar and Wind vs. Coal and Oil RenewableEnergyWorld.com (blog) The raw materials involved with creating solar PV panels do not require mountain top removal or drilling into the ocean. Most solar companies responsibly ... and more�� ...
- The swagger behind a mining tragedy - Atlanta Jour ...WTRF The swagger behind a mining tragedy Atlanta Journal Constitution Mountaintop removal was destroying much of the last wild landscape in the eastern US “ Mountaintop removal ,” by the way, is a terrible misnomer, ... Byrd Rips Into Mining Industry for Putting Coal Above People The Washington Ind ...
- Faith leaders talk climate change - Knoxville News ...Faith leaders talk climate change Knoxville News Sentinel They talked about issues such as coal, carbon emissions, energy efficiency, mountaintop-removal mining and the possibilities for renewable energy, ... and more��
- Arizona governor: Boycott is misguided (Gov. Jan B ...Gov. Jan Brewer / ESPN : Arizona governor: Boycott is misguided — Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona, responds to calls for sports boycotts of her state — In my 28 years of public service, I have made a lot of tough calls. But with a federal government unwilling to secure our border for year ...
- Suspect's Links to Taliban Probed (Wall Street Jou ...Wall Street Journal : Suspect's Links to Taliban Probed — Islamabad Official Claims Shahzad Received Instructions From Suicide-Bomber Trainer; Group Has Been Targeted by CIA Drones — By ZAHID HUSSAIN and TOM WRIGHT in Islamabad and KEITH JOHNSON in Washington — A boy peers through the main ...
- Freddie Mac seeks $10.6B in aid after 1Q loss (Ala ...Alan Zibel / Associated Press : Freddie Mac seeks $10.6B in aid after 1Q loss — WASHINGTON - Freddie Mac is asking for $10.6 billion in additional federal aid after posting a big loss in the first three months of the year. It's another sign that the taxpayer bill for stabilizing the housing mar ...
- Evidence Mounts for Taliban Role in Car Bomb Plot ...New York Times : Evidence Mounts for Taliban Role in Car Bomb Plot — WASHINGTON — American officials said Wednesday that it was very likely that a radical group once thought unable to attack the United States had played a role in the bombing attempt in Times Square, elevating concerns about whe ...
- Faisal Shahzad on Homeland Security List Since 199 ...CBS News : Faisal Shahzad on Homeland Security List Since 1999 — Posted by CBS News Investigates 4 comments - Share - - - Share - E-mail - Print - Font Sources tell CBS News that would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad appeared on a Department of Homeland Security travel lookout list … ...
Energy & Environment News
- Texas Candidates Spar Over the SpillThe candidates in Texas's hotly contested gubernatorial race have had very different things to say about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
- Green Inc. Column: Challenges in Reducing Pollutio ...With shipping volumes up about 50 percent in the past 20 years and now accounting for about 90 percent of global trade, there is a lot of carbon dioxide being emitted.
- On 40th Anniversary, Earth Day Is Big BusinessMany groups now accept money from corporations or are working with them to change social behavior.
- Delay Is Sought in Raising Ethanol Blend in Gasoli ...Citing new data, the auto industry said that the federal government’s plan to raise the amount of ethanol mixed into gasoline will damage cars and increase pollution.
- Weather Hampers Efforts to Burn Some of Oil SpillWhile a controlled burn of petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico was judged successful last week, strong winds and rain have hampered efforts to conduct additional ones to contain the spill.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.5, Pacific-Antarctic RidgeThursday, May 6, 2010 11:35:31 UTC Thursday, May 6, 2010 02:35:31 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, VanuatuThursday, May 6, 2010 11:24:29 UTC Thursday, May 6, 2010 10:24:29 PM at epicenter Depth : 66.60 km (41.38 mi)
- M 5.4, Kepulauan Mentawai region, IndonesiaThursday, May 6, 2010 09:13:09 UTC Thursday, May 6, 2010 04:13:09 PM at epicenter Depth : 31.50 km (19.57 mi)
- M 6.2, offshore Tarapaca, ChileThursday, May 6, 2010 02:42:47 UTC Wednesday, May 5, 2010 10:42:47 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.3, near the east coast of the Kamchatka Penins ...Sunday, May 2, 2010 06:23:23 UTC Sunday, May 2, 2010 07:23:23 PM at epicenter Depth : 33.10 km (20.57 mi)
China Dialogue
- A deadly white dust (2)As western countries have outlawed asbestos, the industry has turned its focus to the developing world. Melody Kemp looks at the challenges facing campaigners for change. In a grainy black and white Chinese-government film, shown to me by a labour activist in Hong Kong, a man walks unsteadily toward ...
- A deadly white dust (1)Asbestos causes 100,000 deaths each year but its trade in Asia – overseen by a powerful lobby – is still flourishing. Melody Kemp reports. In parts of Asia, carrying 500 grams of one lethal white powder – heroin – can draw a death sentence. But importing 1,000 tonnes of another is both legal and pro ...
- “Land-grabbing” in Africa (2)Even Sudan, emerging from civil war, is not off-limits to investors seeking land and profits, John Vidal writes. Ethiopia, too, is a land-rush centre where many deals are condemned as “new colonialism”. Nowhere is now out of bounds. Sudan , emerging from civil war and mostly bereft of development fo ...
- “Land-grabbing” in Africa (1)In what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era, rich countries are farming land on the continent for their own citizens while Africans go hungry, John Vidal reports. We turned off the main road to Awassa , talked our way past security guards and drove nearly two kilometres ac ...
- A big fight for small farmsBattles over forcible acquisition of India’s agricultural land for industry are raging – particularly in the country’s tribal belt, where indigenous groups have upset corporate plans to tap mineral riches. Amy Kazmin reports. First, the land surveyors came. Then the rumours spread through the villag ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Revealed: U.S. Military Allies in Iraq Asked Red C ...Britain was so concerned about reports of an alarming increase in the number of babies being born with deformities that ministers asked the Red Cross to investigate.
- Don't Fix Wall Street, Create a New EconomyCongress shouldn't tweak the greed-driven Wall Street machine, it should create a new financial system that answers to communities.
- How Glenn Beck Re-Invented Himself as a Crying Con ...Glenn Beck's strange TV: Mormon masterpiece theater.
- How the Pentagon Is Cheating Wounded Vets -- Soldi ...The military's sad legacy of denying the care troops need after combat.
- Will the FCC Now Protect Net Neutrality?I’ve been following the fight to persuade the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate internet service providers and thereby ensure net neutrality (the principle that all Internet content must be treated equally by internet service providers, where no content is given preferential t ...
Threat Level
- Wired Urges Judge to Unseal Gizmodo SearchWired.com and other news outlets are asking a California judge to unseal the search warrant affidavit that led to a police raid on the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, who paid $5,000 for a prototype 4G iPhone. Under California law, the public has a right to see the documents that led San Mateo Co ...
- Bombing Arrest Followed Law Enforcement Slip-Ups a ...“I was expecting you,” suspected bomber Faisal Shahzad reportedly told the border agents who seized him from his Dubai-bound flight Monday evening. And clearly the suspect should have been expecting agents, given the trail of clues he allegedly left behind and the steps investigators were taking t ...
- Judge Rules Post on Cop-Rating Site is Protected S ...A federal judge has struck down a Florida law prohibiting the publication of a police officer’s name, phone number or address, calling the statute an unconstitutional restraint on speech. The decision leaves Arizona, Colorado and Washington state with similar laws on the books. Florida authoritie ...
- Craigslist Adult Ads Under Scrutiny — AgainConnecticut’s top law enforcement officer is subpoenaing Craigslist records to determine whether the site is complying with a year-old deal with attorneys general to censor the online bulletin board’s erotic ads. Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general, is seeking evidence to determine ...
- Groups Call ‘Privacy’ Legislation OrwellianPrivacy groups gave an overwhelming thumbs down Tuesday to proposed legislation by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Virginia) that for the first time would mandate the length of time online consumer information could be kept. The proposal would require websites to discard data collected from their users after 1 ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- UPDATE 1- Sinatra week ends Aaron Kelly's run on " ...NEW YORK, May 5 (Reuters) - Teenager Aaron Kelly was voted off "American Idol" on Wednesday as as the audience ended its love affair with the shy 17-year-old with the big voice.
- Crime riles Arizonans bent on immigration crackdow ...MESA, Arizona (Reuters) - Following a tip, a police SWAT team closed off the street, put a school on lock-down and then burst through the door of a shabby house where dozens of illegal immigrants were sheltering.
- EZ debt crisis pushes euro to 14-month low vs. dol ...LONDON (Reuters) - The euro tumbled to a 14-month low against the dollar on Thursday, reeling from escalating concerns that Greece's debt crisis may spread to other euro zone states.
- Google sues indie label over copyright claimsLOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Google has taken the rare step of asking a California judge to declare that by linking to copyright-infringing works on Rapidshare, the search giant is not facilitating the illegal distribution of copyrighted songs.
- Euro mauled, stocks sag as debt woes mountSINGAPORE (Reuters) - The euro sank to its lowest level in over a year and stocks tumbled on Thursday as Greece's economic woes cast a pall over global markets and fueled fears of a sweeping sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone.
Equality Trust
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inequality: a threat to social cohesionAs Edmund Conway comments in today's Daily Telegraph : "It is not merely, as Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point out in their book The Spirit Level, that this damages health and encourages crime; in times of austerity, inequality can tear apart the social fabric."
- Labour is running up a down escalator to tackle in ...Tackling society's inequalities is what Labour governments are supposed to be about, and this one has quietly redistributed billions worth of tax since 1997, much of it paid by those fatcat bankers, to alleviate the plight of the poorest. How much has it got to show for it? Read Michael White's ...
- The five-star lifestyle: "horrible, soulless and w ...Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy. Read more here...
- Lynda Gratton: The business case for greater incom ...Read Lynda Gratton in the Financial Times [Wilkinson and Pickett's] argument is that societies which are very unequal have all sorts of problems, and I have a feeling that the same is true for companies,” she says. “I think one has to be very careful about what you pay people ... We’ve put far t ...
- Progressive populism and youI spent a weekend with my PDA buddies in California, as we organized around the State Democratic Party Convention in Los Angeles. It was a great weekend, full of close friends, good beer, great ...
- IOT: End War and Occupations, Redirect Funding Ma ...Mary Nichols-Rhodes, PDA-OH state coordinator, started the discussion by describing the planning for both the US Social Forum in June and the National Peace Conference in July. PDA participation in both will be strong, because ...
- Video: Vote No on Funding EscalationVideo: Vote No on Funding Escalation http://vimeo.com/11346739 On Thursday, April 29, 2010, a "Teach-In on Capitol Hill," was held in Room 2168 of the Rayburn House Building, in Washington, D.C., dealing with the question of what the ...
- Slideshow: Rally against SB1070 with Congressman ...
- Rep. Kucinich town hall meeting on warsFilmed in Milwaukee, WI 4/2010 | by On the Earth Productions
Marler Blog
- So, what is it about raw milk that makes some peop ...I received this email bright and early this morning: Hey you scum bag lier and thief (lawyer). Obviously you are funded by the commercial milk industry. You are clueless about raw milk! How many cases of contaminated commercially prepared milk vs raw milk are there? All your "wins" are from com ...
- Listeria Lawsuit Filed in Milk Post Pasteurization ...A. News of the Outbreak On November 27, 2007, a health department officer in central Massachusetts contacted the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) to report a Listeria infection in an 87-year-old man, later identified as John Powers. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) performed ...
- I am standing on the shoulders of giants in the fi ...It is not surprising that something I am doing today is something that was done before, but honestly, when it come to public safety, this is a bit ridiculous. “We cannot let ourselves be complacent in thinking that E. coli O157:H7 is the only Shiga toxin-producing microorganism that can cause probl ...
- How did the Oregonian know it was my birthday toda ...I doubt they did when Lynne Terry wrote - “Failure to test for six strains of E. coli leaves gaps in nation's food safety network” - this morning. Here is the full story: Two years ago, Bill Marler was contacted by the family of a 13-year-old girl killed by E. coli. They wanted to sue, and the S ...
- John Strike, grandfather of Abby Fenstermaker E. c ...I never get used to the phone calls about the death of a client. Last night’s was especially hard because it came from the mother of Abby Fenstermaker who died of E. coli O157:H7 complications nearly one year ago. Now, her father John Strike lost his battle - perhaps not completely due to the E. c ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.06.10Report: Nissan Leaf battery pack costs only �6,000 ($9,000) or $375/kWh! So that's the secret. Japan: still the future - Daihatsu unveiled Chevy Volt-like concept 17 years ago Back to the now ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.05.10Environmental group says supporting electric vehicles purchases is a waste of government money Money should go into research, not rebates. Video: Automotive X Prize "moose" tests show Aptera hitting cones ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.04.10Discussion fodder: Could there be an environmental disaster like the Gulf spill if we got off oil? What might be on the horizon. Tesla IPO could go decently, or worse, depending on CEO's divorce trial ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.03.10Nissan reports 8,000 plus orders for Leaf, easily expects 25,000 by year end It pays to be first. Aptera 2e needed 40 attempts to clear Automotive X-Prize's accident avoidance test It's call ...
- Is it better to recharge your gadgets while drivin ...Filed under: Technology Once a standard internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle gets up to operating speeds, it produces more energy than can go to the wheels thanks to losses from heat and friction. And, since it's the engine that sends energy to the power outlet in the car (via the battery), d ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: Facebook and privacy (podca ...Our topic this week: Facebook and privacy. At the F8 conference on April 21, Facebook rolled out privacy changes and new data sharing features. As usually happens when Facebook makes a privacy change, there was a swift and mighty backlash against them. But this time, even the federal government ...
- Do not pay for security softwarePC makers should be offering free antivirus apps. They're not, and here's why. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Likebutton.me shows Facebook's new 'like' button i ...Check out this little news aggregator that's aware of your social network. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Reporters' Roundtable: Twitter's business model (p ...Today: Twitter's business model. Yes, there is one. Finally. To talk about what Twitter is going to do--and if they really need to do it--we have two great guests with us here in the studio. First, from CNET, author of our social-networking blog The Social , Caroline McCarthy ( @caro on Twitter). ...
- How to save money with refurb laptopsYou can get a nearly new, nicely restored laptop at a bargain, if you shop carefully. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- BP: Billionaire PolluterLess than a week after British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and unleashing what could be the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history, the company announced more than $6 billion in profits for the first quarter of ...
- Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Producers File Laws ...Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman along with producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar are filing a federal lawsuit today that challenges the police crackdown on journalists at the Republican National Convention in 2008. The suit is filed against the Minneapolis and ...
- "The Curse of Abundance": Alberto Acosta on the Fa ...The government of Ecuador is pioneering a new strategy to promote development in poor countries while also minimizing environmental damage caused by extraction of natural resources. Under Ecuador’s proposal known as “ITT Yasuni,” Ecuador will refrain from exploiting an oil field under the Amazon r ...
- Boycotting Arizona’s RacismArizona was the only territory west of Texas to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy during the Civil War. A century later, it fought recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday. This week, an anti-immigrant bill was signed into law by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer. Arizona Sen ...
- Cochabamba, the Water Wars and Climate ChangeHere in this small Andean nation of 10 million people, the glaciers are melting, threatening the water supply of the largest urban area in the country, El Alto and La Paz, with 3.5 million people living at altitudes over 10,000 feet. I flew from El Alto International, the world’s highest commercial ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
Digg Green
- Gulf of Mexico, Victim of Oil Spills for DecadesThe latest BP oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico is not the first. It is actually plagued by disastrous oil spills for the past 31 years. But is the 2010 oil spill the worst?
- Many Television Weather Forecasters Doubt Global W ...In the climate change debate, climatologists and television meteorologists are divided on global warming and man's role. One out of three weather forecasters believe climate change is caused mostly by human activities, according to a recent study from George Mason U and the Univ. of Texas,1 out of ...
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?Other than a few orange tubes encircling a sandbar southwest of Louisiana's Chandeleur Islands, there's no sign anything's amiss.
- The effects of 118 yrs of trawl fishing on UK fish ...Extraordinary decline in fish stocks over the past century in UK fishing grounds. Fish were exploited on an industrial scale, with the total catch gradually going downhill from a peak in 1938. FTA "Under the Common Fisheries Policy, politicians have, since 1984, routinely set quotas 25–35% HIGHER ...
- Sea Shepherds Aim for Mediterranean Bluefin Tuna P ...The Sea Shepherds have set sail for the Mediterranean to protect another giant of the sea being hunted to extinction — and this one isn’t making the sushi industry very happy.
Invisible Opportunity
- Full Video: Ahmadinejad speech at UN nuclear confe ...Here is Ahmadinejad’s speech to the UN this week. You can judge for yourself what you think…
- US, with 5,113 Nuclear Warheads, Claims Iran Peace ...By HANAN AWAREKEH - US nuclear arsenal: A TOTAL OF 5,113 WARHEADS - Israel: SOLE NUCLEAR POWER IN THE MIDDLE EAST WITH OVER 200 NUCLEAR HEADS The United States disclosed for the first time on Monday the overall size of its nuclear arsenal, saying it had a total of 5,113 warheads operationally deploy ...
- Al-Qaeda Terror Tape Proven Fraudulent Once AgainPaul Joseph Watson Monday, May 3, 2010 The announcement by New York authorities that there is no evidence to support an apparent claim of responsibility for Saturday’s attempted car bombing by a Pakistani based Taliban group underscores once again how Pentagon front groups are releasing fake and mis ...
- GMO alert: U.S. attempting global censorship of GM ...By Mike Adams Please understand that the U.S. is attempting to outlaw non-GMO labeling of foods, thereby making it illegal for a non-GMO food product to even claim “non-GMO” on the label. If the U.S. succeeds in this global GMO cover-up, the FDA could seize any products in the USA that make “non-GMO ...
- Goldman Sachs Reveals it Shorted Gulf of MexicoWarning: this is a spoof, but it is perfectly believable given how blatantly the Wall Street bankers have been behaving… NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – In what is looming as another public relations predicament for Goldman Sachs, the banking giant admitted today that it made “a substantial financi ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Why Was an Ad Criticizing Mayor Bloomberg for NYC' ...New York City has the dubious distinction as the marijuana arrest capital of the world. The mayor's office doesn't seem to want to allow attention drawn to it.
- Re:FORM: Artists Against the Drug WarUsing art as a vehicle for social change.
- Taking a Stand for Political Prisoners in the U.S.A former Black Panther’s new book explores American politics and the fight for justice.
- Moms Unite to End the War on DrugsAn appeal to mothers who have seen first hand the devastation of the drug war.
- Can Psychedelic Drugs Treat PTSD?Kept on hold for close to half a century, especially in the U.S., psychedelic science is now coming back to life.
Twilight Earth
- Dances with the Moon: Another Spill (cartoon)More: Hope > Restore the moratorium Exxon Valdez â vs- Deepwater Horizon Why do peak oilers and climate changers not get along better? Follow Mean Joe Green (Joe Mohr) at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is Coming! Tea Partiers ...
- Documentary: The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Wa ...Canadian explorer and environmental filmmaker Mark Terry will present his award-winning documentary The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning during the International Polar Year Science Conference and the PolarCINEMA Film Festival June 8 to 12. Related posts: Warning: This Soup is Inedible a ...
- Social Media Marketing Panel at GMU on 13 MayI'm excited to announce that I will be a panelist at the Social Media Marketing: How to Make It Work for You, event on May 13th, 2010. Related posts: Simple Earth Media Website and Social Media Information 10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media 10 Ways to Change the World Through Soc ...
- Monsanto: They Made good WMD’s–I bet They Make Hea ...Add soil depletion to RoundUp’s (and Monsanto’s) ever-growing list of negative effects. More (much more) in and below the cartoon. Apologies for the excess text–it’s taken over this cartoon like RoundUp resistant superweeds are taking over farms across the nation… Related info: USDA downplays ow ...
- Earth Day Climate Rally Concert 2010 – Exclusive V ...Earth Day Climate Rally 2010 Exclusive Videos and Photos by Adam Shake Related posts: Verizon Apologizes for Sponsoring Big Coal Rally and Concert Twilight Earth Exclusive: The Bigger Picture – Documenting Cop15 White House Farmers Market a Success. Photos and Story by Twilight Earth.
- US Embassy in Beijing Showcases Energy Efficient D ...The US Embassy in Beijing, China, designed by Craig Hartman of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, is the State Department’s second largest project in its history. Like the newly unveiled embassy in London, it is intended to respect the host country, American democratic ideals, security, and environmental ...
- Holyoke Cabin is a Beautiful Shipping Container Ho ...Holyoke Cabin is an excellent example of an elegant, efficient use of shipping containers to create a cozy cabin off the grid. Two used shipping containers, obtained for $800 apiece, serve as the starting point for this quaint prefab residence located outside of Duluth, Minnesota. Read the rest of ...
- Chainless Bike is One Sweet Green RideLook Ma – no chain! Christian Vollmer, an industrial designer from Germany, has created an urban electric bike utilizing a pedelec system, meaning it has no need for a chain. Instead, it has a toothed belt which transfers clean power from the engine to the rear wheel. And it looks pretty darn snazzy ...
- Tiny Proba-V Satellite Will Track Global Vegetatio ...Ever wonder what the shift to a global agricultural system has done to vegetation levels? The European Space Agency plans to find out with Proba-V, a laboratory table-sized microsatellite that can provide an overview of the planet’s vegetation growth on a daily basis. Read the rest of Tiny Proba-V ...
- Sweeping Eco Bridge Provides Access to World-Class ...Trestles is a famous surf break and beach in Southern California that been threatened by development in recent years. Luckily, the beach has been saved, but it’s still difficult to access — the trail crosses active train tracks and has caused some damage to the local ecosystem. Seeking to provide a ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Making of the Distracted Driving VideoThe behind the scenes look at the making of the most recent David Pogue video.
- Text-Blocking Apps Only Work if You Use ThemSkeptics of apps intended to keep you from texting while driving have some good points to make.
- A Mysterious Service From Cable, Part IIAnswers about why New York's cable companies are suddenly offering free access to each other's WiFi hot spots.
- A Convenient, Mysterious Service From Cable Compan ...Big cable companies have been installing free Wi-Fi networks for their own customers. It's a fantastic development. But it's not clear why they're doing it.
- Android Tries HarderGoogle is trying very hard to get developers to build apps for Android app phones.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better A ...British Petroleum and government disaster-relief agencies are using a toxic chemical to disperse oil in the Gulf of Mexico, even though a better alternative appears to be available. As the Deepwater Horizon oil spill spreads, BP and the U.S. Coast Guard have conducted tests with Corexit 9500, a ch ...
- Brain Scan Evidence Rejected by Brooklyn CourtA judge in Brooklyn ruled to exclude fMRI evidence in an employer-retaliation case, delivering another blow to proponents of lie detection by brain scan. The scans didn’t even make it to the hearing that normally is used to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence in New York state court. ...
- Linux vs. Genome in Network ChallengeA comparison of the networks formed by genetic code and the Linux operating system has given insight into the fundamental differences between biological and computational programming. The shapes are very dissimilar, reflecting the evolutionary parameters of each process. Biology is driven by random ...
- Gulf Coast May Be Permanently Changed by Oil SpillIf a desperate, last-ditch attempt to cap the Deepwater Horizon wellhead succeeds in coming days, environmental damage to the Gulf of Mexico will still be severe but probably not long-lasting. But if the cap fails, and months pass before a diversionary well can be drilled, the Gulf may be profoundl ...
- Designers Want to Improve Your Health With These S ...> SAN FRANCISCO — Most people see health as the output of a few different inputs like food, exercise and medicine. But how good your body and mind feel is mediated by the objects that surround you, too. In a new design studio at the California College of the Arts, inst ...
The Progressive Realist
- Smith: "Linkage" Is False Because Arabs Can’t Be T ...Recent statements from Vice-President Joe Biden, General David Petraeus , and Defense Secretary Robert Gates on how how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the perception of U.S. favoritism toward Israel, negatively affect U.S. interests in the Middle East have generated a number of frantic and st ...
- Obama Renews Syria Sanctions: Policy on Autopilot?It didn't come as much of a surprise yesterday when the White House announced it was renewing economic sanctions against Syria. Syria's "continuing support for terrorist organisations and pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and missile programmes, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinar ...
- Eric Cantor and the Death of "Conservative" Republ ...The vital signs have been ominous for a long while. Hard-line, Cold War-era realist hawks, who once dominated the conservative Republican foreign policy establishment, have been seeing their influence over conservative political leadersrapidly fade in recent years. After Congressman Eric Cantorâs ...
- Off-the-Radar News Roundup- Taiwan's vice defense minister emphasized that Taiwan will maintain defense capabilities against a potential Chinese attack, after controversial remarks by Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou raised questions about a fundamental shift in Taiwan's defense posture. In an interview with CNN, Ma said," W ...
- Thinking About Terrorism After the Times Square At ...The most recent terrorist attempt to attack New York on Saturday has got me thinking in the last few days, especially if it turns out to be true that the would-be-car bomber may have been acting in reaction to American drone strikes in Pakistan. This just reinforces for me how serious our lack of st ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Tax Cuts, So Help Me God.I don't think the conservative movement is quite ready to accept Kevin Williamson 's article in National Review that challenges the wisdom of supply-side economics. The only response to the piece at The Corner was from Veronique de Rugy , who offers the libertarian endorsement ; otherwise, silence ...
- Washington Stands Up to Wall Street.Tim Fernholz on how financial reform seems to be proceeding apace without undue influence from the banks. Last year, in a landmark essay, economist Simon Johnson observed that the dynamics of the financial crisis made the United States look more like an emerging market economy, with all the rampant ...
- The Magical Miranda Warning.Following up on Adam's discussion of Joe Lieberman 's proposal to strip American terrorism suspects of their citizenship so as to avoid having to Mirandize them, there's something odd about this -- and I'm not talking about how profoundly un-American it is (sadly, we've gotten used to that). Conserv ...
- Why Corker Is Different.Ezra Klein caught this amazing Kinsley gaffe from South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune , who is talking about his fellow Republican Sen. Bob Corker : "I think he’s a guy who’s willing to get down into the weeds," said South Dakota Sen. John Thune, who is No. 4 in GOP leadership. "Because he imme ...
- The Little Picture: Tennessee Flood.The streets of Nashville, Tennessee, are flooded with water following a huge storm over the weekend that flooded parts of Mississippi and Kentucky as well. At least 29 have been reported dead. (Flickr/ presidentraygun )
Andy Worthington
- UK Election: The MPs Who Care About Human RightsFor anyone wondering how to vote in the General Election today, who may have noticed the resounding silence on the election trail regarding Britain’s commitment to human rights since the 9/11 attacks, I’ve compiled the following list of 149 MPs (out of 650 in total), who have signed up to two import ...
- UK Appeals Court Rules Out Government’s Use of Sec ...In the Court of Appeal yesterday morning, six former Guantánamo prisoners — Bisher al-Rawi, Jamil El-Banna, Richard Belmar, Omar Deghayes, Binyam Mohamed and Martin Mubanga — won a resounding victory against the government, when three senior judges, including Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls ...
- How Binyam Mohammed’s Torture Was Revealed in a US ...Note: This article is one of the last two articles published as part of “Guantánamo Habeas Week” (introduced here, and also see the articles here, here, here and here), which I extended to become “Guantánamo Habeas Fortnight.” This project also includes an interactive list of all 47 rulings to date ...
- Prosecuting a Tortured Child: Obama’s Guantánamo L ...Since coming to power 15 months ago, promising to close Guantánamo within a year, and suspending the much-criticized Military Commission trial system for terror suspects, President Obama’s zeal for repudiating the Bush administration’s “War on Terror” detention policies has ground to a halt. The rot ...
- David Frakt’s Damning Verdict on the New Military ...Lt. Col. David Frakt, Associate Professor of Law at Western State University College of Law and a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force Reserve JAG Corps, served as lead defense counsel with the Office of Military Commissions, and has long distinguished himself as a particularly intelligent and kno ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?As the world watches for oil-covered birds, experts warn that the Gulf of Mexico spill could pose greater risks to life deep in the ocean. Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment
- Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Say ...Eagles on California's Channel Islands are finding fewer of their traditional prey, which may force them to scavenge DDT-laced blubber. California - Channel Island - Bald Eagle - California's Channel Islands - Channel Islands National Park
- Huge Asphalt Volcanoes Discovered Off CaliforniaSeven ancient underwater giants lurk off the Santa Barbara coast, and the biggest is as tall as a six-story building, scientists say.
- New Deadly Fungus Found in U.S., Has Already Kille ...The new, hypervirulent fungus strain has already killed six and is spreading in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, a new study says.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Connecticut State Capitol Police Dumps Cold Water ...The Connecticut State Capitol Police reverses their previous decision and revokes the Tea Party's flag raising ceremony when they figured out it was nothing more than a political pity party stunt from a bunch of fringe wingnuts: Tea Party activists won't be permitted to fly the Gadsden Flag over th ...
- Dudchik: News Aggregator or the Big CON?Most "news aggregators" are meant to misinform. This is even truer when they are run by ideologues and propagandists more interested in hyper-partisan talking points than reality. In order to be shocked by this I would need to be licking the inside of a light-bulb socket. If anyone else is shocked ...
- "Fashion Show"A little something from Lauren Greenfield, whose documentary looks at an ad and money driven culture and its effects on adults, kids and especially women and girls, have been noted by myself at ePluribus Media before: Greenfield's video "Fashion Show" mixes filmed footage with still photography fro ...
- Image of a word bombIf a picture is worth a thousand words than this one speaks volumes about where a pretty darn liberal America is right now: Though I embrace many of the progressive ideas that those who have embraced the name "progressive" espouse, I have always preferred to stick to the name liberal. For the mos ...
- Medicare spending rose an OUTRAGEOUS 5% !eleventy! ...That is according to the CBO : Adjusted for timing shifts, Medicare spending rose by $7 billion (or 5 percent). Of course this is reason to be outraged at all that government spending coming out of our pockets, right? Right? Thankfully those fiscally responsible Republicans have come up with the gre ...
SPL Center
- Border Watch Group to Form ‘Private Military ...Bill Davis, the founder of an Arizona border vigilante group called the Cochise County Militia [motto: “Doing the job our Government refuses to do!”] has taken pride in recent years over what he says is the group’s responsible and safe surveillance of Mexicans coming illegally into the United States ...
- A Discussion of Today’s Washington RalliesI hosted an online chat this afternoon for the Washington Post about the gun rallies around Washington, D.C., and the growing radical right. I thought there were some excellent questions and urge readers to take a look .
- Arizona Debate Unleashes New ‘Reconquista’ Accusat ...As the debate intensifies over Arizona’s harsh new law aimed at undocumented immigrants, nativist groups are claiming that opponents of the measure support nothing less than the reconquest of the Southwest by Mexicans. Though the myth of “la reconquista” — a purported secret Mexican conspiracy to ta ...
- Soldiers Among Skinheads Charged in Brutal Beating ...Three soldiers are among a group of skinheads accused of severely beating a homeless man with baseball bats and pipes in Cincinnati. Police have charged two Iraq war veterans, Pvt. Riley Feller, 24, and Spc. Travis Condor, 25, with the felony assault of 52-year-old John Johnson at a homeless encampm ...
- Nine Members of the Hutaree Militia Indicted in Pl ...Nine members of the Hutaree Militia were indicted today in what federal authorities are describing as a plot to murder a law enforcement officer in Michigan and then attack other officials who gathered for the funeral. The five-count indictment followed a series of raids in Michigan, Ohio and Indian ...
change: org.
- Do Homelessness Simulations Do Any Good?I imagine that people who are or have been homeless are somewhat baffled by the idea of a homelessness simulation, in which middle class individuals spend a night on the streets. I've never been homeless, and I still don't get it. The only purpose I can see is reassuring your ego that it's empatheti ...
- Story of an Illegal AbortionAround the world, in countries where abortion is illegal, women get them anyway. They get them despite the law, despite the expense, despite the severe health risks of a back-alley procedure. They get them, nonetheless, because if a woman decides now is not the right time to have a child, she makes ...
- Public Housing: Easy to Get In, Hard to Get OutPublic housing was built to make up for what the market didn't provide: decent housing for working class people. It was designed with the idea that if you give working families a safe place to live where the rent isn't their whole paycheck, they'll use that housing like a stepping stone into the mid ...
- Iraq's Prime Minister Thinks He's the Victim of Hi ...The Los Angeles Times reported last month that approximately 430 Sunni Iraqi men were detained for months and tortured in an off-the-grid prison facility at the al-Muthanna Baghdad airport on the mere suspicion of being involved in the Sunni insurgency. The torture-fueled interrogations were reporte ...
- Bita Ghaedi Deportation CancelledAfter nature intervened to stop the deportation of Bita Ghaedi to certain death in Iran, she was re-scheduled to be deported today. However, earlier this morning, the British High Court granted Ghaedi interim relief pending a renewed application to apply for judicial review, while the European Court ...
Common Dreams -News
- Greece Urged to Step Back From BrinkGreek president Carolos Papoulias today urged his country to step back from "the brink of an abyss" following the deaths of three bank workers yesterday during protests against the government's new harsh austerity measures. Yesterday's deaths - the first such fatalities in protests in nearly 20 yea ...
- General Election 2010: Polling Stations Report Hig ...by Matthew Weaver and agencies David Cameron was the first of the main party leaders to cast his vote today amid early signs that turnout in one of the most closely contested elections for decades will be high. As the final polls showed the Conservatives on the brink of regaining power, the Tory lea ...
- Feds Let BP Avoid Filing Blowout Plan for Gulf Rigby Michael Kunzelman and Richard T. Pienciak NEW ORLEANS - Petrochemical giant BP didn't file a plan to specifically handle a major oil spill from an uncontrolled blowout at its Deepwater Horizon project because the federal agency that regulates offshore rigs changed its rules two years ago to exemp ...
- Arrests in Pakistan over NY Attempt Five men are reported to have been arrested by security officials in Pakistan, in connection with Saturday's attempted car bombing in New York City's Times Square. "Intelligence officials arrested two in the city of Karachi in the southern city of Punjab and three more in Faisalabad," Kamal Hyder ...
- States Prepare to Rise to CO2 Challenge as Senate ...by Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent The collapse of an energy reform proposal in Congress last week could return power to north America's historic actors on climate change : the regions. In Washington, even Barack Obama's fellow Democrats are reluctant to take up
- VegetarianRecipe.us Finds No-Meat Recipes From Doz ...The search engine at Recipe Puppy indexes more than a million recipes, but limits itself to ingredient lists. By stripping out recipes calling for meat, the search filter now offers vegetarian and vegan recipes, from sites that aren't necessar ...
- Disable Google Reader's Social Features [Google Re ...If you're not a fan of the social elements in Google Reader—like seeing the people following you and the content they're sharing—this simple hack will strip the social features out. More » GoogleReader - Google - Search ...
- Mini Google Calendar Strips GCal Down For iCal-Sty ...All browsers: Want your Google Calendar to look a bit more like a desk calendar—all appointments, no filler? The Mini Google Calendar user script cuts out everything except your data view, relying on keyboard shortcuts for everything else. ...
- Consider Serious Lack of Sleep Like Being Drunk on ...Pulling late nights, or an all-nighter, feels like a badge of honor you can wear at some jobs. But given the impact of sleeplessness on work, at least one researcher considers it like showing up at work loaded. More�� S ...
- Link Shell Extension Creates Windows Symlinks With ...Windows only: Explorer plug-in Link Shell Extension creates symbolic links easily through the context menu—very useful for those without command-line geek skills. More »
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The Black Prince TapeBy Steve Hynd The ever-excellent Jeremy Scahill has yet another Blackwater exclusive, having procured a tape of an Erik Prince speech "delivered January 14 at the University of Michigan in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, ROTC commanders and cadets, businesspeople and military veterans". Princ ...
- Friday Night AFPAKCommentary By Ron Beasley The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cAfghanistan Stability Chartwww.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party The fact that the most intelligent pundit is on The Comedy Channel........
- Drone Pilots Are War Criminals: Law ProfsBy Steve Hynd I've thought for some time now that there was a good case to be made that drone attacks on the sovereign territory of nations which the U.S. hadn't declared war against were probably war crimes by virtue of the Nuremberg decision about aggressive warfare - just like Iraq. I also believ ...
- Taliban Stronger Than Ever, Pentagon SaysBy Steve Hynd Some of us warned that an escalation, or "surge" in COINspeak, would lead to more violence in Afghanistan and actually strengthen the Taliban there. A new Pentagon report suggests we were right. A Pentagon report presented a sobering new assessment Wednesday of the Taliban-led insurgen ...
- 800 troops in excess of McChrystal's "surge" to he ...By Steve Hynd NPR today has a story notable for two reasons. The Pentagon is sending 800 more American soldiers to Afghanistan in the coming weeks to work as trainers for the Afghan security forces. The contingent is needed because other NATO countries still haven't fulfilled their pledges to send t ...
Water Wars
- Finnish researchers consider causes of water warsCompeting interests spark conflicts and as water shortages begin to bite around the world hostilities are likely to flare up.
- I-Team: Public Trust: Water Authority SalariesThe economic crunch has moved the issue of public employee salaries to the front burner.�The eye-popping take-home pay of Clark County firefighters inspired a week-long I-Team series about big public salaries -- first fire, then police, and now water.
- Fest draws crowd to townThe sound of music, laughter, screams and cheers will fill Nashville this weekend. More than 15,000 people are expected downtown Friday and Saturday for the 14th annual Nashville Blooming Festival, said Jo Anne Cooper, event co-chairwoman. The festival is held every Mothers Day weekend.
- Plentiful snowpack boosts delivery forecasts for f ...Nature blessed the Golden State with an abundant snowpack this year, and the rivers are rushing with cold, clear melt water. But the blessings won't include an end to California's water wars.
- Wastewater to empty into LanierLAWRENCEVILLE Lake Lanier could be a little fuller today.
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Electronic Intifada
- Bereaved Gaza astronomer opens up the heavensAs the sun set on a clear evening in Gaza City, Suleiman Baraka was setting up his telescope on the rooftop of the French Cultural Center as two dozen visitors waited anxiously to ...
- Israel's secret police surveilling Islamic leaders ...Job interviews for the position of imam at mosques in Israel are conducted not by senior clerics but by the Shin Bet, Israel's secret police, a labor tribunal has revealed. Sheikh ...
- I refuse to be complicitThree weeks after saying goodbye to Palestine, with the pictures and faces of all those I met at Aida still fresh in my mind, I received a much-needed wake-up call that profoundly ...
- At Berkeley, moral victory despite divestment vote ...On 28 April, University of California, Berkeley's Student Senate narrowly missed an historic opportunity to divest its funds from United Technologies and General Electric w ...
- Under siege, Gaza organizes its own World CupGAZA CITY, occupied Gaza Strip (IPS) - Football is the world's most popular sport, boasting more than an estimated 2 billion fans. And despite its isolation from the world ...
Afghanistan Sun
- British Army sniper shot dead five Taliban mil ...A British Army sniper on duty in Afghanistan shot dead five Taliban militants, who were more than a mile away, in 28 seconds to save his comrades from attack.
- Captured Baradar providing clues on TalibanCaptured Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is providing important information to American officials on the inner workings of the Taliban.
- Barabaric Taliban chops of hands of three allege ...Pakistan Taliban's barbaric characteristics were once again witnessed after it chopped off the hands of three alleged thieves in the Orakzai Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
- Monkey as butlers' help maimed US soldiers in ...American soldiers and officers who were physically disabled while fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, are being given monkeys as butlers to perform their daily tasks.
- South Africa thrash Afghanistan by 59 runs to seal ...After having being comprehensively thrashed by India in their first game, the Proteas came back strongly against Afghanistan, beating the newcomers by 59 runs in the last group match of the ICC World T20 Championship at the Kensington Oval here.
- Zombiesat!The undead really are everywhere at the moment – even up in orbit. Zombiesat is the delightful (and, one assumes, largely unofficial) term for the state of defunct communications satellite Galaxy 15, which has recently stopped responding to control commands, and is now shambling toward the orbits of ...
- An Old Enemy: Fighting CancerSo how did I go from last month’s topic about geoengineering to cancer treatment? Well, for one, keeping the Earth healthy is a bit like doing the same for humans: harder than you’d think. Systems engineering on a fairly complex level that we don’t entirely understand. This is also a personal [. ...
- The transhuman victory is assured!Well, possibly not – but Michael Anissimov has a post provocatively titled “Transhumanism Has Already Won”, which argues that most of the central tenets of the movement (if such a fractious meme can fairly be called a movement at all) are already accepted – and in some cases actively desired – by a ...
- Zombiesat!The undead really are everywhere at the moment – even up in orbit. Zombiesat is the delightful (and, one assumes, largely unofficial) term for the state of defunct communications satellite Galaxy 15, which has recently stopped responding to control commands, and is now shambling toward the orbits of ...
- An Old Enemy: Fighting CancerSo how did I go from last month’s topic about geoengineering to cancer treatment? Well, for one, keeping the Earth healthy is a bit like doing the same for humans: harder than you’d think. Systems engineering on a fairly complex level that we don’t entirely understand. This is also a personal [. ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Free Seminar on OSHA Whistleblower ProgramProfessionals for the Public Interest will host the event “Whistleblowers and OSHA: Strengthening Professional Integrity” on May 11th from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS). The event is free and open to the public with advance registration. ...
- Financial reform bill could increase detection of ...Business Ethics magazine is reporting on the anticipation of corporate lawyers for more work in defending corruption cases.� In an article yesterday, Michael Connor writes about a whistleblower reward provision in the current draft of the financial reform bill. The bill would guarantee a reward of u ...
- Sixth Circuit finds waivers in employment contract ...The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has issued a remarkable non-published decision reinstating retaliation claims by Alan and Kimberly Alonso against Huron Valley Ambulance (HVA) of Ann Arbor, Michigan. The decision is remarkable no so much for what it holds as for its break from the p ...
- House Holds Hearing on Protecting America's Worker ...On Workers Memorial Day and the 40 th anniversary of the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Workforce Protections Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor held a hearing on pending legislation, the Protecting America’s Workers Act (PAWA), H.R. 2067. ...
- House Holds Hearing on Protecting America's Worker ...On Workers Memorial Day and the 40 th anniversary of the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Workforce Protections Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and Labor held a hearing on pending legislation, the Protecting America’s Workers Act (PAWA), H.R. 2067. ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Should Doctors Google Patients?We recently had a story about an article in the Journal of Medical Ethics that recommended doctors avoid using social networks entirely , because of potential ethical issues related to patient information. That seems a bit extreme. It seems like there would be ways to use social networks without c ...
- If A Site Uses Third-Party Moderators Who Do Somet ...Last year, we wrote about a rather straightforward case where a nutritional supplement company had sued the operators of the forum bodybuilding.com, because of some unflattering comments posted in the forum. The court quickly tossed out the case on Section 230 grounds, noting that a site is not lia ...
- US Agency Pushing For Open Government... Almost La ...The White House tasked the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with spreading "open government" efforts throughout the US government -- but a recent analysis of what agencies in the government are most open shows that OMB is near the back of the pack . The rankings put the different agencies into ...
- Sirius XM Not Happy With The FCC, AgainSatellite-radio company Sirius XM has never been the best of friends with the FCC, thanks largely to the molasses-like speed with which the Commission moved to approve the Sirius-XM merger and the silly restrictions it attached to its approval -- measures which helped push the company into bankruptc ...
- Does Storing Your Documents In 'The Cloud' Mean Th ...This post is part of the IT Innovation series, sponsored by Oracle & Intel. Read more at ITInnovation.com . Visit the Resource Center for the latest in whitepapers, tools and webcasts. Of course, the content of this post consists entirely of the thoughts and opinions of the author. One of the mo ...
- Parents criticize government for not acting soonerChristina England American Chronicle 05/04/2010 Parents have heavily criticized the Western Australian government for not acting sooner, after the flu vaccine caused hundreds of children to suffer convulsions and vomiting. One angry parent told the Australian that all three of her children were tak ...
- Backing for enquiry into adverse flu reactionsABC News 05/04/2010 There is widespread support for the State Government’s decision to launch an enquiry into the Health Department’s handling of the flu vaccination program. The program was suspended last month after hundreds of West Australian children under the age of five experienced severe adv ...
- Parents with more education less likely to let the ...Helen Branswell The Canadian Press 4/05/2010 It might seem counterintuitive but it also appears to be true: Parents with more education were less likely to get their daughters vaccinated against HPV during the first year of British Columbia’s free school-based program, a new study shows. The findin ...
- Feds: Don’t Get Rid of Unused H1N1 Vaccines ...Michael King 11Alive.com 05/04/2010 WASHINGTON — Despite a surplus of 71 million doses of unused swine flu vaccine, the federal said Monday that it is not time to discard them. Federal Health and Human Services Department officials said providers should continue to make the vaccine available to peo ...
- Vaccine may trigger early start of infant epilepsyTan Ee Lyn Reuters 05/04/2010 HONG KONG (Reuters) – Childhood vaccines may trigger early onset of a severe form of infant epilepsy, but researchers say the disorder is ultimately caused by defective genes and lifesaving vaccines should not be withheld from these children. The researchers said they ...
- Responding to Anarchy in the NewsI keep an eye out for mentions of anarchy or anarchists in the news. More often than not, when we are mentioned, it relates to some act of destruction that is being condemned. Anarchist responses to these reports, if there are any responses at all, are usually confined to internal discussions on a ...
- Does Culture Disappear?I often hear people express fear of losing their culture. Sometimes, I sympathize with them. I sympathize with indigenous people who are fighting for their dying languages. I sympathize with the French farmer who led a revolt against McDonalds. And I sympathize with Jews who – after survivin ...
- 4/20 Quick HitNot my regular posting day, but I can’t let 4/20 go by without posting something on the drug war. Here’s a little debate with Ethan Nadelmann followed by links to some orgs that you should know about. Drug Policy Alliance Norml Marijuana Policy Project Stop the Drug War
- What I’m Up ToJust got back from the anarchist book fair in New York. I attended a couple sessions – one on women in prison, one on anarchism and intersectionality. I’ll give you the lowdown on those soon. Best part was definitely having a chance to meet people I only knew in cyberspace. Before I went up to ...
- Things You Might Have MissedJust got back from seeing Alice Walker at Busboys and Poets. She spoke a lot about Israel, about finding your voice in the face of unspeakable horror, about starting where you are at and not always seeing change in terms of the big thing (policy…). Can’t wait to read her new book. She also answere ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The LaRouche Show, May 1, 2010The Politics and Science of Going for a New Periodic Table
- The Issue Is Glass-SteagallEIR Editorial Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- Will Netanyahu Trigger London's World War III?By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- Goldman Sachs Debacle Raises Overdue Questions Abo ...By Rachel Douglas and Dennis Small Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- The Case of Arkadi V. Dvorkovich: Free Russia from ...Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
Armies of Liberation
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
- Alwaki Tribe Denies StatementThe Sheik of the Awlaki tribe in Yemen denied that tribal leaders held a meeting or threatened Yemeni citizens as is being widely reported in the Western media. Reuters reported receiving a faxed statement last week from the Awalki tribe that said, “We warn against cooperating with America to kill S ...
- Yemen National Dialog Coalition Seeks Reform, Broa ...Yemen’s National Dialog Committee published an English language summary of its National Salvation Plan yesterday. The document is available at http://yemenvision.wordpress.com/ The National Dialog Committee (NDC) is an important Yemeni civil society coalition dedicated to creating a forum and consen ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Sparkling Chair Made of PET and Air, Just Like a W ...The most eco-friendly material to make furniture is probably the one we don't use (no material, no ecological footprint so to say)... so what about air? We have featured a series of inflatable items, such as inflatable solar panels , an inflatable house or glowing inflatable furniture , because ...
- All Bets are Off on the UK Election But Fun and Ga ...Image from Policy Diffusion Today is Election Day in the U.K. and the race is on. Betting on the election is legal here and the bookies are giving the best odds on the Conservatives winning. No one else is sure what is happening; it will be a dash to the finish, with the great undecided voter ...
- Aqua: Terrific Looking Sustainable + Low-Cost Home ...Photos: Casa Aqua via TuVerde. Even if green architecture is usually 'good architecture' that can be applied to any construction, it seems the household projects that carry some sort of certification are usually aimed at the high income segment. Perhaps because people with lower income have oth ...
- BP Says 1 of 3 Oil Leaks Is Plugged, 100-Ton Metal ...Image: Unified command releases new overflight map updated 5 p.m. May 3, 2010. CC. Not Out of the Woods Yet... Late Tuesday night, BP succeeded in plugging one of the three leaks that are spewing vast quantities of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. This was done with the help of underwater remotely o ...
- Lovelock Tells BBC That Mankind Cannot Save GaiaImage: BBC Lovelock Interview James Lovelock, the scientist who put forth the Gaia Theory, has told the BBC it is too late for us to save the planet. According to Gaia Theory, the entire earth is a single organism, connected and interactive. Only just over a month ago, Lovelock called for autho ...
- Low Vitamin D Level Tied to Cognitive DeclineTwo new studies add to evidence that older people with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment. The hope is that vitamin D supplements may be able to slow mental decline — an intervention that one research team plans to put to the test this summer. Vitamin D [. ...
- Essentials of Genetics | Learn Science at ScitableWhy does a commercial dairy cow produce four times as much milk as most other mammals? Why do we look like our cousins? Why do roses come in so many different colors? The answers to these and other questions about the diversity of living things involve processes that occur at the level of genes. Ess ...
- Seeing a Bionic Eye on Medicine’s HorizonTelevision’s Six Million Dollar Man foresaw a future when man and machine would become one. New research at Tel Aviv University is making this futuristic “vision” of bionics a reality. Prof. Yael Hanein of Tel Aviv University’s School of Electrical Engineering has foundational research that may give ...
- To starve a tumorSince the 1920s, scientists have known that cancer cells generate energy differently than normal cells, a phenomenon dubbed the “Warburg effect” after its discoverer, German biochemist Otto Warburg. However, the field of cancer-cell metabolism has been largely ignored since the 1970s, when researche ...
- Smart Pill Reports BackThe medicine cabinet of the future could help make sure patients take their medications on time via a myriad of smart technologies. There are already pill bottles that wirelessly report to a computer when a cap has been opened, and devices for automatically dispensing medicine at the right time, and ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Why are US trees growing faster?Trees in the U.S. are growing 2–4 times as fast as their long-term norm. The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center at Edgewood MD says it is because of global warming. Don’t bet on that.
- Nature Conservancy cashes in on questionable New Y ...Financially struggling New York state purchased a 20,000-acre tract of land from the nation̢۪s wealthiest environmental group at a price far above the rural property̢۪s assessed value.
- Environmentalists seek to block BLM land sale for ...Under the plan, BLM would sell at fair market value 1,142 acres of its vast holdings to J.R. Simplot Co. to use in its mining operations.
- Carbon "sins" forgiven in BonnCFACT's Mother Earth sells carbon indulgences to UN climate delegates
- Global warming's weak links
Ria Novosti Online News
- Medvedev orders awards for servicemen who freed Ru ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday praised the Defense Ministry for freeing the Russian tanker Moscow University from pirates and requested that all servicemen who took part in the operation be put forward for awards.
- Russian 'healer' Grabovoi paroledA Russian regional court has paroled self-proclaimed healer Grigory Grabovoi 18 months into an eight-year sentence, a Perm Province prisons administration officer said on Thursday
- Azerbaijan ready to supply 50% of gas output for N ...Energy-rich Azerbaijan is ready to supply half its natural gas extracts to the Western-backed Nabucco pipeline intended to pump gas to Europe, a presidential administration official said on Thursday.
- China reticent over Kim Jong-il's alleged visit to ...The Chinese authorities rejected allegations on Thursday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has visited China just over a month after a South Korean warship sunk in unexplained circumstances in the Yellow Sea
- Britain dons conservative attireAfter 13 years of complete Labor dominance in the Parliament and at Downing Street, the British are preparing to put on conservative attire.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Space Shuttle may continue through next year - Ros ...The U.S. Space Shuttle program may not come to an end this year, Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said in a statement, citing International Space Station (ISS) manager
- Russia launches military satelliteRussia on Friday launched a military satellite, the Defense Ministry said.
- FACTBOX: Volcanic eruption threatsThe eruption of the volcano on the Eyjafjallajokull Glacier in Iceland, which began on Wednesday, has already paralyzed air traffic in Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and the majority of Nordic countries.
- India to return to Russian boosters after failed r ...India will temporarily go back to using Russian-produced space equipment after its indigenous GSLV rocket failed, a spokesman for Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) said on Friday.
- Use of Chemicals in U.S. oil spill endangering wil ...The use of huge quantities of chemical dispersant to break up an oil spill from a BP drilling site in the Gulf of Mexico could seriously endanger local wildlife, WWF Russia's Oil and Gas Environmental Policy Officer said
Pruning Shears
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Spencer Ackerman is at Guatánamo reporting on Obama’s first Military Commissions trial. What happens with Omar Khadr in the course of this proceeding could have enormous implications for detainee policy. Think about it: If the in ...
- Peter G. Peterson Foundation: What About Military ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Wednesday the Peter G. Peterson Foundation held a conference to “bring together hundreds of stakeholders from across the political spectrum with diverse ideas on how to address critical fiscal issues while continuing to meet the p ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing Muslims .There may have been a second set of torture recordings. It’s hard to imagine them seeing the light of day if they still exist, or any consequences s ...
- Off the GridLargely offline this week; work-related, nothing serious.� Regular posting resumes this weekend (I think).
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Dear Attorney General Holder, Since Washington is wired for Republican control, liberals’ proposals and goals are usually treated with disdai ...
Natural Health News
- Antidepressant Tied to Risk of Newborn Heart Defec ...A new study shows that women who use the antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) may increased their risk of having a baby with a type of heart defect. Previous studies have already linked other antidepressants to risks of certain birth defects. A 2009 study found that the risk of heart defects was e ...
- School Lunches Aren't Getting HealthierMany parents are saying school lunch food is still sub par. In fact, 55 percent of Americans say the nutritional quality of the food served at their local schools is "only fair" or "poor." According to USA Today: 54 percent say childhood obesity is a problem; 32 percent call it a crisi ...
- Vitamin D Deficiency and Chronic FatigueNew evidence shows that vitamin D deficiency is associated with the chronic fatigue that typically follows post traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Researchers looked at vitamin D and hormone levels in 90 fatigued and non-fatigued subjects. Sixty-fi ...
- Lies, Damn Lies and Medical ResearchIs modern medicine actually "scientific"? The gold standard for modern medicine is the double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. But there are serious problems with these studies, unknown to most but widely acknowledged by researchers. Scientist can easily set up a study that shows a drug is effec ...
- More TV for Toddlers Means School Trouble LaterToddlers who watch too much have measurably lower scores in math later in life and get bullied more often than other children. They also weighed more by the time they were 10 and consumed more snacks and soft drinks. Children who spend all their time watching TV may lose valuable chances to learn s ...
- Republican Right Poisons Well of PatriotismIn the manner of lacing well water with poison, the Republican right has sought to use patriotism as a deadly sword against progressive Democrats. The propaganda maneuver is based on a simple principle. Only the Republican right can define patriotism. As a result, the most reactionary Republicans ...
- Animation: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Growth and Mov ...By Dan Swenson, New Orleans Times-Picayune This animation of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was created using actual overflight information and forecast models from the NOAA and Unified Command. The red dot is the location of the Deepwater Horizon oil well, which exploded on April 20, releas ...
- Interview: Deepwater Horizon Explosion Survivor Ex ..."James", which is not the oil rig survivor's real name, gives a first-hand witness account from his perspective as to what caused the accident and what happened to the missing 11 men. Find more videos like this on Drilling Ahead All Antemedius stories about BP's Deepwater Horizon Gulf of Mexico s ...
- BP Had Other Problems in Years Leading to Gulf Spi ...from Abrahm Lustgarten , ProPublica April 29, 2010 ( view source ) BP, the global oil giant responsible for the fast-spreading spill in the Gulf of Mexico that will soon make landfall, is no stranger to major accidents. In fact, the company has found itself at the center of several of the nation's ...
- 1,000 Words About TanzaniaCross posted from Border Jumpers , Danielle Nierenberg and Bernard Pollack. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Kigoma, Tanzania We arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania excited to catch a flight to Kigoma, a region in the northwestern part of the country to visit a Jane Goodall Institute Tanzania pr ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Locally grown, Locally shared: A new model for giv ...Over a hundred Baltimore residents gathered on Saturday night for the 4th edition of an innovative fundraising event called STEW. STEW is a joint project of Baltimore Development Cooperative and Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, where attendees pay $10/person for the opportunity to share a multi-cou ...
- Food Access Solutions: Panel Discussion in Anacos ...On Friday, April 12th, Food Access Solutions: Urban Agriculture, Local Food, & Community Development, a panel discussion between leaders in the food movement on a regional level and leaders on the local level took place in southeast Washington D.C. in Anacostia. My interest in Urban Agriculture com ...
- Meatless Monday: A Campaign Rooted in Public Healt ...The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health embraced the Meatless Monday campaign back in 2003, and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future has proudly served as the national campaign’s scientific advisor ever since. Today I welcome and laud The Johns Hopkins Hospital for launching its ...
- Response to Professor MitloehnerDear Professor Mitloehner, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. What you wrote was informative, but your response also raised additional questions for me.  I will lay them out here and you are welcome to respond again. From your response: “I did not write the press releases ...
- A leader for a livable Future – Happy Cesar Chavez ...It wasn’t until I moved to San Francisco after college that I found out who Cesar Chavez was. Being from Pennsylvania, where his birthday is not celebrated as a state holiday, perhaps I knew his name, but certainly not his legacy as a leader and organizer for farm workers rights. But in California ...
- Twaddle, race races, & Goldman SucksNice start to the morning reading more racist twaddle from Charles “Bell Curve” Murray in the NYTimes. Well disguised racism, for a change. Now he’s trashing charter schools to gain more leverage in his fight for vouchers so as to provide a subsidy to private schools. If we cannot fix our public sch ...
- Comcast profits up, subscribers downMedia Matters Jamison Foser shows how Newsbusters totally distorted a news story on Al Gore to smear America’s most smeared lefty. [more] We can’t move forward when half the debate is coming from known liars who are rooting for America to fail and who hate everyone who isn’t them. - No sooner do I t ...
- Whole lotta linksWorse than 1789: your latest update from Clusterfuck Nation. But I kinda like his take on the Hamptons. - Pass this one along to wingnuts of your acquaintance: James Fallows on If the TSA were running New York. I will never forget my TSA client who, despite excellent management experience, couldn’t ...
- Universally available, intensely graphic Katherine ...I wasn’t all that fired up to do a post this morning, so I jump-started myself by checking to see if Katherine Kersten had written anything while I was gone. That always works. [T]oday, America faces an epidemic of pornography that differs radically from everything that’s gone before. And that is ab ...
- Catch and releaseI didn’t know we were going fishing on this trip. Please note that I’m holding this one next to me, unlike certain governors I could mention who rely on perspective to make their fish look bigger. After my brother took this picture we tossed this one back into the lake.
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation âRah-e-Rastâ. Before the operation âRah-e-Rastâ, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be âlegitimate politicsâ. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
Center for Food Safety
- Special Messages from Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiv ...Filed under: Factory Farming, Food Safety, GE Crops, GE Food, Organics, Politics and Policy, Take Action
- CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY PRESENTS ARGUMENTS BEFORE S ...High Court Hears Arguments In First-ever Case on Genetically Engineered Crops States, Scientists, Organic and Conventional Farmers, Food Companies, Exporters, and Legal Scholars File Briefs in Support, Oppose Monsanto Today the Center for Food Safety (CFS) faces off against Monsanto in the U.S. Supr ...
- Happy Earth Day!This Earth Day, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support! We are honored by how many of you have joined and supported us in our efforts towards a just and sustainable food supply that supports both healthy people and a healthy planet. One of the primary reasons CFS challeng ...
- Diverse Interests Back Center for Food Safety, Opp ...STATES, SCIENTISTS, ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL FARMERS, FOOD COMPANIES, EXPORTERS, FORMER GOVT. OFFICIALS, AND LEGAL SCHOLARS FILE BRIEFS IN SUPPORT. SEVEN AMICUS BRIEFS FILED IN ALL. A myriad of interests – ranging from food companies to farmers unions to scientific experts and legal scholars – have ...
- “Food, Inc.” Broadcast Premier on POV, ...The Academy Award nominated documentary, Food, Inc. premiers on PBS’s POV April 21st! Watch the trailer and tell you friends. Check your local listings for the broadcast schedule, and visit the POV website to download materials and posters to host a viewing party and potluck. You can also check out ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Reporter's Notebook: Brenda Norrell-Collapse of ne ...By Brenda Norrell for Photo by James Fortier There is no better place to document the collapse of the news industry than with the coverage of what happened when military helicopters attempted to land on sacred burial ground at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge in South Dakota on Saturday. The worst cov ...
- Dept. of Corrections and Other Matters Concerning ...The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service has received a flurry of angry responses to our coverage of the ‘Wounded Knee Crisis - 05.01.2001’ (mostly by one individual) and now that more information has come forward, we are submitting a ‘Dept. of Corrections’ report as well as our thoughts about this p ...
- Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010 Sane Reading Material for Smart Aboriginals This Issue : Aboriginal News Group: Brief Thoughts About a "Random American Bombardment" J. B.Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulakqi & others Frantz Fanon: Reciprocal Bases of National Culture and the Fight ...
- Omahkohkiaaiipooyii: Republic of Lakotah • View tT ...Republic of Lakotah • View topic - 7th Cavalry defile Lakota Burial Ground @ Wounded Knee, S.Da The U.S. 7th Cavalry, the unit of George Custer, a vain and brutal genocidal maniac responsible for the slaughter of many innocents among Indians, had a prized (by them) reputation for brutal violence. t ...
- KEN KNABB: A Little College Scores a Big VictorySent to us via the good folks at: The BUREAU OF PUBLIC SECRETS - A Little College Scores a Big Victory : Shimer College , the “Great Books College of Chicago,” has just thwarted a hostile takeover attempt and fired its president. The small liberal arts school has weathered numerous crises ...
- Academy Award Winning Movie TrailerA post pointing to the the obvious lack of innovation in Hollywood through the use of a You-Tube video. Related posts:Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sexual Harassment? YouTube Taking Forever Related posts: Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sex ...
- Footage of Meteor in WisconsinAn impressive video capture of last night’s massive meteor fireball reported in Wisconsin. Related posts:Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics Related posts: Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics
- Guanajuato’s TunnelsAs we were wandering Guanajuato looking for a the San Gabriel de Barrera museum and gardens, I stuck my hand out the window of our van and shot these three videos of Guanajuato’s tunnels. Guanajuato is unique in the network of bewildering tunnels that crisscross it. The narrow streets of Guanajuato ...
- Guanajuato and San Miguel de AllendeI spent a wonderful weekend in Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. I took over 1,300 pictures, and several videos. All that has taken much of the energy for blogging about it, but I’ll let these few pictures speak for themselves. Related posts:So much to blog about!!! Miguel Torres: Doña Esper ...
- Inside Costa Rica Features my ArticleAfter being disappointed by two articles in a row that presented Honduras in the unfavorable light the news wires shine on Honduras, I complained to the editor of Inside Costa Rica with a accusation of severe bias. He responded, and graciously invited me to write an article for them. I thank him, an ...
Green Times
- Japan: An Emerging Market for Australian InvestorsThe Renewable Energy sector in Japan is an emerging market for Australian investors and businesses…
- Environmental News -05/05/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) The Oil Slick You Can't See (http://www.aolnews.com/opinion/article/opinion-the-oil-slick-you-cant-see/19460901)-If you think that slick of oil spreading across the Gulf of Mexico is a nasty sight ...
- Environmental News -04/05/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Germany wants 1 million electric cars by 2020 (http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9FFGH0O1.htm)-German Chancellor Angela Merkel and executives from the country's automakers and energy c ...
- Green Fashion DesignersWant to look trendy and modern but not at the expense of the planet? We check out some of the worlds leading eco-fashion designers…
- Environmental News -27/04/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Eden feels the heat over wood-fired power plant (http://www.smh.com.au/environment/eden-feels-the-heat-over-woodfired-power-plant-20100425-tlny.html)-EDEN, on the state's south coast, is set to be ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanis ...ShareThis The Taliban�stimulus, funded by US taxpayers: Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan --Karzai to discuss proposal that also offers reinsertion and jobs to former militants with Obama on US visit 05 May 2010 Top Taliban leaders could be offered exile outside Afghan ...
- Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of ...ShareThis 'There were clues in Connecticut -- but only to the paranoid.' Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of air force chief 06 May 2010 There were clues in Pakistan but only to the tight handful of [ CIA ] minders who knew what Faisal Shahzad was planning.�What is beyond doubt is tha ...
- CIA to expand drone raids in PakistanShareThis Times Square false flag conveniently provides cover for Obusha's war expansion: CIA to expand drone raids in Pakistan 06 May 2010 The CIA has received authorization to target a wider range of targets in Pakistan with its drone-guided missiles, despite national discontent on growing civilia ...
- Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's D ...ShareThis Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's Dubai Flight 06 May 2010 Emirates denied negligence over its failure to update a U.S. no-fly list, allowing the suspect in the attempted May 1 car bombing in New York’s Times Square to board a flight to Dubai... Faisal Shahzad was put on the ...
- Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security ex ...ShareThis Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security expert tells first world summit --Governments that fail to protect computer networks could face devastating attack, says former Pentagon director 05 May 2010 The spectre of crashing power grids, stalled air control towers... and defences left ...
Daily Loaf
- Music, wine, and Guitar Hero: A fun few minutes wi ...Bryan Bassett “We play for free and get paid to travel. But we’ve all got more than 20 years out on tour buses, so we don’t actually do that anymore. We fly everywhere and we don’t go out for weeks on end now. We go out for a couple of days or a week at most. We mostly play the shows we want. ”
- Movie Review: Jon Favreau’s Iron Man 2, starring R ...The summer movie season kicks off this weekend with the release of Iron Man 2 . Does the Robert Downey Jr. superhero sequel live up to the original? Joe Bardi has the CL review …
- On the Radar: Helen Hill’s Animated Wonderland and ...Welcome to On the Radar, where we preview upcoming arts events to mark your calendars for. You may not have heard of DIY filmmaker Helen Hill, but you can get to know her a little better this Sunday when The Studio@620 screens Animated Wonderland, a retrospective of 10 shorts, in honor of [...]
- CL’s Lost Podcast: Season 6, Ep. 13 “The Candidate ...Welcome back fans of the CL's Lost podcast! After a week off, ABC's island mystery returned last night and laid waste to the emotions of the audience. For this week's podcast, Host Joe returns to weep openly into the mic, as fellow mourners London, Ham Gravy, Fat Jesus and Leilani sit shiva on the ...
- Tampa salon accepting donations of hair and nylons ...Locally, one Tampa hair stylist has taken the initiative to help out the oil spill cleanup efforts by starting a campaign to gather donations of hair and used laundered nylons to be made into hair booms and mats to absorb the oil.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Another Day, Another Arrest of Human Rights WorkerFrom The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief. Israeli authorities have taken Izzet Sahin, the representative and founder of IHH (The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief)’s Office in West Bank, into custody on the 27th of April. Izzet Sah ...
- Villages Group: First Biodigester Unit at Work in ...(crossposted from the Villages Group Blog) Following the success of the Villages Group’s first environmental initiative – the renewable energy project, which has been now running independently for about a year under the banner Comet-ME – the Villages Group is now launching a second environmental in ...
- Rethink This Veto! Ibrahim Shikaki at Berkeley Di ...Please note: corrections and amendments to this post are in italics below. Our apologies for the errors! By Ibrahim Shikaki Speech of Ibrahim Shikaki, the last speaker at the hearing on the Berkeley divestment bill on March 28th. Ibrahim is a resident of Ramallah and an visiting scholar at Berkel ...
- Another Palestinian Protest Leader Jailed But Not ...From Friends of Freedom and Justice – Bil’in. Sunday, May 2nd, 2010 Iyad Burnat, a leader in the popular struggle against the Israeli wall, was banned by Israelâs military from crossing the West Bank borders into Jordan on Saturday. Burnat is head of the local committee against the wall and settle ...
- Rethink This Veto! Ibrahim Shakiki at Berkeley Di ...By Ibrahim Shikaki Speech of Ibrahim Shikaki, the last speaker at the hearing on the Berkeley divestment bill on March 28th. Ibrahim is a resident of Gaza and an exchange student at Berkeley. Dear Senators, my name is Ibrahim Shikaki. I’m a visiting student from Palestine. I want to talk to you ...
Politics in the Zeros
- The top recipient of money from BP, Goldman, defen ...… Barack Obama. Why am I not surprised? Goldman should be happy. They had hundreds of billions shoveled towards them via bailouts, bogus accounting rule changes, being able to borrow at .25% and then buy Treasuries risk-free that yield 3%, and so on. All compliments of DC and the ever-compliant Obam ...
- FCC to support net neutralityThe Federal Communications Commission plans to announce tomorrow that it will seek to reclassify broadband as a transport service, opening up a way for the agency to enforce network neutrality recommendations and implement some aspects of the National Broadband Plan. This is a huge move in the righ ...
- Superweeds now resistant to Monsanto RoundupThis makes Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready crops virtually useless. Monsanto has, in effect, created monsters. And dented their own business badly as well. Why should farmers spend money on expensive GMO seeds that allow the crops to be sprayed with Roundup when weeds are now resistant. Obviously weeds ...
- Enviro links. 05/05Dirty adult diapers into clean energy. In 24 hours Five charities that accept old electronics Those fighting Democrats wimp out on climate change bill Reagan’s Shultz protecting California’s clean energy law from Texas oil companies Zero landfill Subaru plant
- Just so you realize that Obama still hearts the ba ...Rahm is working extra hard to defeat the Audit the Fed measure. Makes you wonder what they’re hiding, doesn’t it?
- Sheizaf: A tale of two chartersCross posted from Promised Land as the first installment of the series “Deconstructing right-wing arguments.” Every now and than you get to hear Israelis argue that we cannot have peace with the Palestinians or even withdraw from the West Bank because Hamas still opposes the idea of a Jewish state a ...
- Yediot: Dershowitz rejected Bibi’s offer to ...Note that a Israel Hayom report from April 22 2010 favored Dore Gold for the position. UN Ambassador? No, thank you Netanyahu offered Dershowitz the UN ambassador position; he and Lieberman tried to convince, but the famous Jewish-American lawyer decided to decline Itamar Eichner, Yediot, May 4 201 ...
- Weissglas in Yediot: By fighting with US over sett ...Bitter or sour Op-ed, Dov Weissglas, Yediot, May 4 2010 A lot has been said and written that the growing sourness in Israel-US relations—the main cause of which is the dispute on the matter of settlement in Judea and Samaria and in East Jerusalem—is liable to erode vital areas of Israel’s security.T ...
- Maariv: Italian support for Israel waveringNo longer friends Eli Bardenstein, Maariv, May 4 2010 [page 7] Is Israel about to lose its best friend — maybe its only friend — in western Europe, Italy? Political officials in Jerusalem say that Rome recently relayed a message that it would not be able to continue to defend sweepingly Israelâs c ...
- Camped out in Erez CrossingCross-posted from Gaza Gateway, an analytical blog recently launched by the Israeli human rights group Gisha â The legal Center for Freedom of Movement. Gaza Gateway provides up to date data and analysis on access to the Gaza Strip and is an essential tool for for fact-checking and contextualizi ...
Deadline Live
- This Day In History – May 61527 â Spanish and German troops sack Rome; some consider this the end of the Renaissance. 147 Swiss Guards, including their commander, die fighting the forces of Charles V in order to allow Pope Clement VII to escape into Castel Sant’Angelo. 1536 â King Henry VIII orders English language Bible ...
- Freddie Mac seeks $US10.6b in govt aidFreddie Mac is asking for $US10.6 billion ($A11.6 billion) in additional US federal aid after posting a big loss in the first three months of the year. It’s another sign that the taxpayer bill for stabilising the housing market will keep mounting. The McLean, Virginia-based mortgage finance compa ...
- DMV stops issuing Real ID licensesCARSON CITY — High security driver’s licenses won’t be issued by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles for now or anytime in the near future. A proposed DMV regulation to give citizens the option of securing the Real ID-compliant driver’s licenses was not placed on the agenda of Friday’s Legis ...
- NYC Mayor Takes Aim at ‘Terror Gap’ in ...WASHINGTON (May 5) — New York’s mayor and police commissioner both urged Congress today to close a “terror gap” in federal gun laws that they said permitted the suspect in the failed Times Square bombing to purchase a handgun in March. Testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmen ...
- Could the BP Oil “Spill” be an attempt ...By Jack Blood May 5th, 2010 www.deadlinelive.info Is it possible that in order to save all these rigs, one had to be destroyed? Sorry, I don’t buy incompetence theories, coincidence theories, or that convenient timing of world events is not somehow pointing to a hidden agenda. So I have been workin ...
The Air Vent
- Uncertainty be damned. When in doubt – GO B ...I’m glad that climate science doesn’t let things like physics, common sense or reason get in the way of their models. They have taken the ridiculous uncertainty of modeling climate in the future and expanded the range all the way to 25F. Imagine Canada with Florida temperatures, ice hockey gone ...
- CUCCINELLI THREAD PART TWOGuest post Ryan O —- The first thread was fun. Assuming Jeff is willing to entertain me, I think a second part is in order. My position is best explained with a little story. The problem with climate science is not the individual scientists or even the work being performed. The problem with clim ...
- Draconian and dumb climate law to face referendum.Business groups seek to suspend Calif. climate law By SAMANTHA YOUNG (AP) â 13 hours ago SACRAMENTO, Calif. â A coalition of business groups turned in signature petitions Monday for a ballot initiative that would unravel Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s top environmental priority. If the California ...
- CUCCINELLI v. MANNI first read about this at Tom Fullers blog and later at Climate Audit. Regulars here already know my opinion of Mannian hockeystickizatoin, and that won’t change. Ryan left this response in my email with a request to post here. Despite my dislike of the Mannian work and the shock at seeing it ...
- Poll on Real Climate Blog EffectivenessThis post is a bit long winded, but sometimes the passion to write comes in waves. Words have immense power in our human world. It’s really not opposed thumbs (or fear of vacuums) which set us apart from animals, it’s actually words, language, communication of complex ideas. Imagine writing to b ...
Focal Point
- "Think Tanked" Rolls Out� The D.C. think tank archipelago constitutes a kind of shadow government. These organizations house policy shops, lobbying and advocacy campaigns, media production, education and training programs, and much more. They even provide a sort of social safety net for the political operatives, a warm ...
- If You Oppose Equal Marriage, You Are a BigotWhen you cover a beat, you get to know the good guys and the bad guys. If you don't have strong opinions about who's who, you're probably not doing your job. Dave Weigel covers birthers, Birchers, teabaggers, and other movement conservatives for the Washington Post . Nobody knows this beat bette ...
- FBI Probes Owners of Upper Big Branch MineThe FBI has opened a criminal probe of Massey Energy in connection with the explosion at the Upper Big Branch coal mine that killed 29 miners in West Virginia last month. Federal agents are looking into potential bribery of federal mine safety officials, unnamed sources told NPR. The Upper Big Br ...
- Study: Canadians Live Longer, Healthier Lives Than ...Canadians live not only longer, but healthier lives than their American counterparts, according to a study in the latest issue of the peer-reviewed journal Population Health Metrics . Canadians and Americans share a common border, our standards of living are very similar, and our health care provi ...
- Boycott Arizona Over Racial Profiling LawRachel Maddow discusses the snowballing campaign to boycott the State of Arizona over its radical new racial profiling law. The law, which takes effect this summer, would allow a police officers to pull people over and demand proof that they are in the county legally. In order to legally do such a t ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook Asks Some Users to Set Its Site as Their ...Facebook has begun to ask some users if they’d like to make the site their browser home page, via a note that is appearing above their news feeds. When a user logs into the site, a dialog box appears asking you to make Facebook your home page. “Come here often? We’ve noticed you use Facebook regular ...
- Facebook Makes Small Developer Roadmap Updates — W ...Now that Facebook’s big launches at f8 are done, the company is starting to move forward with its broader development plans — or at least the timeline for them is getting a little clearer The company  updated its developer roadmap on Monday to indicate that the removal of profile boxes will be happ ...
- Facebook Plans Seattle Expansion, Looks to Hire En ...Facebook is expanding in the Pacific Northwest beyond its new data center in central Oregon. It’s opening up an engineering office in Seattle, Wash. with the intention of doing some local hiring. All big technology companies have offices around the US and the world. Facebook, more than many companie ...
- Some Early Data Shows Facebook Plugins Increasing ...More data is starting to come out about how Facebook’s new social plugins are impacting other sites around the web. The buttons, as intended, appear to be sending more Facebook users to other parts of the web, especially media sites. IGN.com, a News Corp.-owned web site that covers media, digital di ...
- Mobile Rises Further on This Week’s List of Fast-G ...The iPhone has been on a tear of late, at least on Facebook. This week’s list of the most quickly growing Facebook apps by daily active users is led off by Facebook for iPhone, which now has 17.5 million users that log onto Facebook every day. Conveniently, the rest of the list [...]
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Rep. Obey to Retire After 41 Years: Wash ...truthout: Rep. Obey to Retire After 41 Years: Washington - Rep. David Obey, the chairman of the powerful House ... http://bit.ly/akbdgB #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Senate Unanimously Approves Legislation ...truthout: Senate Unanimously Approves Legislation Aimed at Cutting Down FOIA Delays: The Senate unanimously pas... http://bit.ly/cUtFTt #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Red State Road Trip 2: Jump Off The Worl ...truthout: Red State Road Trip 2: Jump Off The World (Video - Part VI): Mullinville Kansas, a mere speck on the ... http://bit.ly/9261yy #Truthout #p2
- truthout: The Rules of the Nuclear Game Today: The ...truthout: The Rules of the Nuclear Game Today: The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed in 1968 and... http://bit.ly/9ASwii #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Please Read and #Digg -- Greg Palast | S ...truthout: Please Read and #Digg -- Greg Palast | Slick Operator: The BP I've Known Too Well: http://digg.com/d31QJmX?t #p2 #topprogs #Truthout
ReDress News
- Not much time remains for Israel – film reviewGilad Atzmon reviews Elia Suleiman’s film, “The time that remains”, which depicts the struggle in Palestine between the Jewish colonial settler population and the indigenous Palestinians, contrasting the alienness of the colonists with the harmony between the indigenous population and the land.
- UK general election: Shhh... don’t mention the Isr ...Stuart Littlewood views the conspicuous absence of any mention of the Israeli occupation in the British general election campaign, against the background of the paralysing influence of the Israel lobby on the three main political parties and the silent complicity of the mainstream media, including t ...
- Israel’s Stasi watch over imams: Islamic posts fil ...Jonathan Cook reports on a case which revealed that job interviews for the position of imam at mosques in Israel are conducted not by senior clerics but by Israel’s secret police, and that the Israeli government uses spies to report on the political opinions of Muslim clerics and relay gossip about ...
- In Israel's pockets: the shame of Britain's politi ...As British voters head for the ballot box to elect the government that will run them for the next five years, one key question is conspicuous by its absence from the election campaign and the party leaders' televised debates: to what extent are the two main parties, the Conservative Party and the in ...
- Archbishop of Canterbury’s deafening silence over ...Stuart Littlewood considers Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’s feeble acceptance of, and silence over, Israel’s humiliation of him – and the Anglican Church which he leads – during his visit to Gaza.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Jamiol Presents
- Crossing ZeroThe Vanishing Point for the American Empire The region today delineated as both Afghanistan and Pakistan has known many borders over the millennia, yet none have been more artificial or contentious than the one today separating Pakistan from Afghanistan known as the Durand line but referred to by th ...
- Podcast Show #28The Boiling Frogs Presents Professor Francis Boyle Professor Francis Boyle discusses the October 2001 anthrax attack, the technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle, and assesses the case based on his years of expertise with America’s bio-weapons programs, and as an expert who was responsibl ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Boiling Frogs Video Presents Colonel Larry Wilkers ...Exclusive Interview: Tyranny & Politics of Fear, Loyalty to Israel vs. US Boiling Frogs Post presents an exclusive interview with Colonel Larry Wilkerson on the tyrannical presidency and politics of fear, Israel’s interests versus US interests and the question of loyalties, and more: As a card carry ...
Afro Spear
- Jonah’s Gourd VineI love the Book of Jonah in the Bible. I love how Jonah was so self indulgent, yet God was so patient with him. As we know, Jonah did not want to prophesy to the people Nineveh as God had commanded him, so he rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the [...]
- At The Museum: Carrie Mae WeemsLast weekend (4/24/10), I visited New York’s Museum of Modern Art & fell in love in the photography gallery. I always fall in love in their portrait gallery so this is really no new news! What made me fall during my most recent visit was Carrie Mae Weems’ “From Here I Saw What Happened and [...]
- sat’day riddymzRemember when Ice Cube was hard!?
- Black men in the hands of white women: the mytholo ...A powerful article by Terence Blackett at Barbados Underground In George Lamming’s debut novel – In the Castle of My Skin (1953), this famous Bajan son of the soil describe the psychic scars of racism in direct and powerful terms. In The Castle of My Skin he wrote, “No Black boy wanted to be white, ...
- Black MagicBlack Magic: Her Hands Black Magic: Her Smile Black Magic: Her Skin Black Magic: Her Being Black Magic: Her Promise Black Magic: Her Love Art Credits: 2010 Tafari Stevenson-Howard Muse: Tamara Rasberry Tagged: black women, Women of the African Diaspora
Expose the BNP
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Journalists expose ‘murky world’ of far rightLeading anti-fascist journalists last week gave a fascinating insight into the “murky and disturbing world of far right politics”. Nick Griffin’s biographer Dominic Carman and photojournalist Marc Vallée shed light on the violent and antidemocratic core of the BNP and the English Defence League. A s ...
- Exposing the Irish National PartyIn February, the Irish Sunday Tribune ran a piece on the emergent Irish National Party, giving undue attention to a group that was little more than one Dublin based paediatric nurse and a couple of impressionable hangers on. The group identified as a moderate party in favour of immigration reform an ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
- Earth Day 2010Take Initiative! earth day SEN encourages you to take the Clinton Foundation’s climate change quiz and tell your friends to do it too! For every person who takes the quiz by April 22 – Earth Day, $2 will automatically be donated to purchase solar flashlights for victims of the Haiti earthquake. When ...
- A Prayer Chain for Mother EarthClick Here for “Hug Spiritual Trees” on SEN You’ll find a Prayer for Mother Earth, a Prayer for All Life, and a Prayer Chain for Earth that’s just getting underway. Help it spread around the world!Â
If Americans Knew
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
- Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first week to ...
- Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... i ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandh ...
David J. Gregory
- Oil Rig in Gulf pictures, Last momentsEveryone now knows of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig which caught fire, burned for two days, and then sank in 5,000 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are still 11 men missing, and they are not expected to be found. Here are some details that you may not have seen or heard [...]
- Gulf Catastrophe or Drill, Baby, DrillThe depth of this catastrophe will have worldwide ramifications and note who it is that covers this story with in-depth analysis; it is not the American media, but rather the BBC. The tentacles of Corporate America will soon discover even their manipulation of the news will not hide these facts. (DR ...
- The Odd World of Right Wing Rage
- Very BusyWe have been busy working on a new site, EYEONCITRUS.COM, which will be a news site with an emphasis on Citrus County and the surrounding areas. In addition to the local news we will offer National and International news along with sporting news. Along with this we are continually working on our DVD ...
- REMINDER: The Vast Majority Of The Government Defi ...Many people right now are making a scare story out of the U.S. government’s future deficit projections. Many of these same people are also blaming our government’s horrific projected deficits on the current administration. Problem is, as shown in the chart below (via The Economist), America’s defic ...
Unsuitable Blog
- Sustainable Brands 2010 (from The Good Human)David at The Good Human got in touch to let me know about his brilliant article on yet another “Hey guys, aren’t we green!” PR back-slapping shindig. Of course I had to repost it, and couldn’t resist a little subvertising (see above)… What do you get when a bunch of unsustainable companies pay a lo ...
- We Are The Hollow MenThe difference is stark and intense – from a vision of the sub-American suburban Utopia ringed with shopping malls and trunk roads, to a house on the edge of a Scottish village within earshot of the River Tweed, surrounded by the kind of garden that would tempt the most driven individual to pack up ...
- Taking A Break, So Here’s Someone Else’ ...We’ve been enjoying the sunshine (yes, wonderful sunshine) of North Wales for the past week and now we’re moving house, so The Unsuitablog has had to take a back seat for the time being. Don’t worry, we will be back soon, but to tide you over is the latest from the RANVideo YouTube channel, which [ ...
- Jan Lundberg Attacks Sierra Club’s Support f ...Our good friends The Sierra Club are at it again – this time with regards to motor transport. The Sierra Club believe you can have “clean cars” as demonstrated by this press release, emanating from the new radical Executive Director, Michael Brune (didn’t take long for him to become a member of the ...
- Greenwash of the Week: Chevron’s Solar Proje ...Yes, I’m being lazy: we’re packing to move house so The Unsuitablog will be a bit sporadic for a while. Thank goodness there’s so much greenwash to choose from out there. (That was a joke)
Subalternate Reality
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
- Exploring The Idea Of The “Intolerant Muslim”In his column today, the New York Times Ross Douthat takes Comedy Central and others to task for censoring depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. Douthat sees a double standard afoot, pointing out that while our sensibilities are routinely satirized, “Islam is just about the only place where we draw a ...
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
- Galbraith: 2nd Stimulus NeededUniversity of Texas economics professor James Galbraith appeared on Al Jazeera today to discuss his vision for economic recovery. The first priority, said Galbraith, is to fill state budget gaps. While the concern over of the growing deficit and the national debt is important, ultimately, “unless ...
- Evo Morales Scores AgainEvo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has secured reelection by a landslide. In fact, the victory gives him an even greater mandate than the one he previously enjoyed. Unofficial results show that Morales received 63 percent of the vote, an increase of almost 10 percentage points from ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Freedom Fone Answers Questions on Zimbabwe Constit ...Two weeks ago the latest version of Freedom Fone , affectionately known to his handlers as "Fred," was set loose. Inspired by the cockney rhyming slang "dog and bone" (meaning phone), the Freedom Fone dog logo and quirky character of Fred was born a few years ago. Fred is still young, but after a ...
- Programming Language for Kids Banned from Apple Ap ...The MIT News Office recently interviewed one of our colleagues at the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, Mitch Resnick. Resnick is a long-time Media Lab professor best known for helping develop and deploy Scratch, a programming language for kids. But this month Apple rejected an app that would al ...
- In Need of a DocumentCloud for Video, DataBrainstorming the next brilliant News Challenge project? I've got two for you, and you've got until fall to noodle over them. As the program director for DocumentCloud I spend a lot of time talking to journalists, writers and researchers about what DocumentCloud is and, often, what it isn't. Do ...
- Programmer-Journalist? Hacker-Journalist? Our Iden ...Jacqui Maher is the most recent addition to my Interactive News team at the New York Times, and although she started almost six months ago, I have yet to get her business cards -- an embarrassing fact she (rightly) points out at regular intervals. I'm not raising this to highlight my shortcomings as ...
- A Real Watershed Moment for Citizen Journalism in ...Ever heard of load shedding? It's one of the cleverest bits of Orwellian double speak the south African government (or in this case the government-owned electricity company ESKOM ) has ever cooked up. It means, in plain English, power cuts -- as in cutting off electricity to whole areas. Not beca ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Edge of Justice - Gamut of Legal Experts Quest ...Several former U.S. attorneys general, a former deputy attorney general, more than half-a-dozen former U.S. attorneys and a former federal judge have authored and signed letters to the judge in the Sholom Rubashkin case , criticizing the prosecutors’ recommendation that Rubashkin receive life in pri ...
- Wikipedia Promotes Mob Rule in InformationI quite agree with your author that Wikipedia is a vast threat to mankind's reservoir of knowledge (see “Wikipedia—The Dumbing Down of World Knowledge” , Page One, April 12, 2010). This threat increases each day as more and more students consult Wikipedia, even though teachers and scholars continue ...
- Wikipedia on the Edge - Wikipedia Struggles with H ...Wikipedia posters continued to struggle with the campaign to delete information about IBM’s involvement in the Holocaust as contributors posted and reposted conflicting theories of what should and should not be allowed to appear in the Internet encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the massive online project a ...
- Edge of Recovery - Goldman Sachs E-mails Suggest F ...A Senate panel has released e-mails from Goldman Sachs executives that suggest the investment bank profited from the mortgage crisis. The e-mails released Saturday by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations show Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein saying the bank initially los ...
- The Obama Edge - A Wrong Turn in Obama’s Mideast P ...Nothing illustrates more how off-track the Obama Administration policy has gone as its expressions that a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is critical to winning over Arab support for America’s policy to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. This is a lazy and ultimately futile way ...
High Country News
- One Way to Save the Wolf? Hunt It.Montana wildlife managers say the state's first wolf hunt has been a success -- for both the hunters and their prey.
- Audio: High Country Views, episode 5Hal Herring and Cally Carswell talk hunting, conservation and wolves.
- Urban habitatThe ups and downs of an Audubon nature center in the middle of low-income urban L.A.
- Grand Canyon River GuidesAn illustrated timeline follows the development of professional Grand Canyon river rafting.
- Culture of the CanyonWhen the author ventures down the Colorado on a raft, he discovers a world of wonders -- and a little bit of himself.
- A Letter To The American People From The Heart Of ...By Nahida I am writing this letter to you because of the devastation that is caused by your government in our lands, and because of the immanent threat to world peace that I see your government pushing for, again
- New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?By Stephen Lendman Good luck or something else? We have seen this too often not to be suspicious. This one, like others, has all the earmarks of a false flag, more likely given its coverage and location in Times Square on Saturday night, followed by a May 2 video saying the Pakistani Taliban claime ...
- Saffron Brigade Disturbs Chhattisgarh Peace MarchBy Nachiketa Desai A mob of about 100 slogan shouting supporters of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party barged into the public meeting of eminent citizens, including space scientist Yash Pal, veteran Gandhian Narayan Desai and former UGC chairman Ramji Singh, a day before they embarked upon a peace ...
- We Are Not Anti-US, We Are Anti-ImperialistHugo Chavez Interviewed by Cindy Sheehan The Empire is afraid. The Empire is afraid that the people of the US will find out the truth and something could erupt in their own territory -- a Bolivarian movement, a Lincoln-esque movement. A movement of citizens, conscious citizens that seek to transfo ...
- All-Volunteer WarsBy Tom Engelhardt The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, already the size of the state of Delaware, may end up larger than the disastrous Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, and could prove more devastating than Hurricane Katrina. Anyway, take my word for it, returning to our world from a few days offline ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- The Next Step: Responsibility and ReconciliationLast week was filled with interviews where myself and, at times, another member of the company I deployed with, talked to as many people as we could about the Collateral Murder video, focusing on three points. 1. The video, in context, is not a case of soldiers breaking from the system 2. With the t ...
- OPPORTUNITY TO HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFGHANISTANAn amazing opportunity is available for communities across the country: The videos from Our Journey to Smile which I’ve been posting on here have been compiled into one long film. On 3/27 at 9pm (est), we will be showing the film along with others groups across the US. Additionally, we will be live ...
- The Ink PeopleLast week, my friend from Eureka, CA, Dave Berman informed me that the community organization where Conor and I spoke on Halloween night was hit by a 6.5 earthquake. The Ink People are, as Dave said, ” limping along”: They are “only able to find temporary space for some admin work and a few of its ...
- You might just find that you get what you needThroughout these intense past few years, there have been times when I have nearly lost any kind of faith. Sometimes what I was seeing on a day to day basis looked far to ugly for there to be a God. Though questions still abound, I understand that sometimes it takes the worst kind of suffering to [.. ...
- Dangerous gatherings in Afghanistan!
Yid With Lid
- Our UN Ambassador Thinks She Has a No-Show JobDespite the horrible treatment of women in the thugocracy of Iran, last week the United Nations chose that country to have a leadership role�on the U.N.'s Commission on the Status of Women.�This was just another example of a U.N. body following an Orwellian strategy of stating their purpose as one t ...
- Who Stole the People's Money? The "People" Did, So ...By Barry Rubin During violent demonstrations that killed three people in Athens, rioters shouted, “Thieves! Thieves!” as they protested new taxes and government spending cuts. Greece is near bankruptcy and other European countries, before bailing out the country with the ...
- OMG ! Black Republican Candidates? The Dems Must B ...This must be the Democratic Party's worst nightmare. The Democratic party likes to claim that the GOP is a racist party, and while the party has been void of African-Americans, it has been �a matter of �issues not racism. �With President Obama's disregard for a budget and his move toward a governmen ...
- No One Understands The Real Miranda ArgumentThe arrest of Faisal Shahzad in the failed car bombing attempt in Times Square has reignited the debate over reading Miranda rights to terrorism suspects, only this time the issue is much different because Faisal Shahzad is a American citizen. The debate on how to treat him has been passionate and i ...
- Never Let The Terrorists See You SweatThey say that predatory animals can smell fear, and that is what helps them select their victims. Terrorists are the same way. As the very definition of terrorism is to inspire fear. Except for maybe the period from 2001-2006, the United States has had a policy of appeasing Islamist terrorism. From ...
The Real Agenda
- Care to Know How to End Government Tyranny? Ask R ...If you know there is a New World Order out there formed by corrupt government officials and their handlers, but do not know where or how to start the fight against them, here are 11 minutes of great ideas. This is not limited to a country or a state within a country. It can be [...]
- A Brain scanner that tells if you are lying. Now, ...No evidence needed anymore. No innocence until proven guilty. Pseudo-science now decides if a person is guilty or not. WIRED A Brooklyn attorney hopes to break new ground this week when he offers a brain scan as evidence that a key witness in a civil trial is telling the truth, Wired.com has learn ...
- Why is Rahm Emanuel Defending the Federal Reserve?RT President Barack Obama’s campaign pledge was to defend the little guy. So why is Rahm Emanuel, the White House Chief of Staff,against auditing the Federal Reserve Bank? Long before the financial crisis of 2007 crashed across the planet, a soft-spoken Congressman from Texas was leading a one-man c ...
- The Navy’s, Air Force’s and Darpa̵ ...Through the Use of Electromagnetic Waves, a Town, a City or a Whole Country Can Be Controlled to Be Pacified or Exacerbated Just like a few years ago computer and information technology companies started working on microchip technology, just like DARPA created the Intranet and later the Internet, no ...
- North American Union 101Call it What You Want. If Everything Goes Business as Usual, Mexico, Canada and the United States Will Become One Rome was not built in one day. In order to become the Empire it was, Rome went through years and years of progress until it became the structure we know today. Democracy did not appear [ ...
Wind Watch
- Lecture addresses wind turbine dangerSteve Slater watches the future of U.S. energy like a hawk, and he doesn’t like what he sees. Slater is the conservation director of HawkWatch, an international organization that monitors scientific research on the raptor class of birds—or birds of prey—and the larger ecosystem they inhabit. Keeping ...
- Proposed turbine projects put damper on residentia ...Sales records show that Cape Vincent has had a steeper decline in residential property sales than its neighbors and real estate professionals are starting to blame proposed wind power developments. “People do not want to buy near windmills,” said Amanda J. Miller, owner of Lake Ontario Realty, Dexte ...
- Wind project generates heat; Opposition mountsA federal agency and Audubon Pennsylvania are among about 40 conservation groups from around the world critical of a wind turbine project that’s been approved for Turkey Hill along the Susquehanna River. All the concerns except one revolve around perceived threats 120-foot-long blades on twin turbin ...
- Neighbors raise warning flagsKeuka Park, N.Y. — Speakers from Cohocton, Italy and Prattsburgh came to neighboring Jerusalem March 30 to share their experiences from encounters with wind turbine companies in the area. About 70 people, including people from Geneva, Wayne County, Barrington, Benton and Jerusalem, attended the sess ...
- Couple sue for £380k after being driven out of hom ...The 150-acre farm was the answer to Julian and Jane Davis’s dreams of a quiet life in the country. He would grow crops while she planned to build a wooden chalet to run reflexology, therapy and counselling sessions. Their rural peace was shattered, however, when eight giant wind turbines were erecte ...
Not My Tribe
- UCSD divestment hearing tweetedThe University of California San Diego student council decided to postpone its resolution to address the suffering of Palestine, but let public comments play out. UCSD Divest For Peace chronicled the proceeding in Tweets which we retweet below so future student discussions don’t have to rehash the b ...
- 2-word punchline for President Obama: Predator Dro ...A protective father warns off potential first suitors with the specter of Predator Drones. Nothing outré about gallows humor, but people are put off when it comes from the mouth of the hangman. Of course, what have the Jonas Brothers really to fear — US drone strikes hit very few of their intended ...
- Apartheid haunts Israel Innovation WkBDS activists take heart. Anti-Apartheid Bostonites targeted their Museum of Science for hosting Israeli Innovation Weekend, a propaganda event to solicit investment in Zionist high tech industry. Protesters disrupted the speakers, provoking venomous outcry from the audience, all lovingly captured o ...
- Gaza Freedom Flotilla building steamThe Free Gaza Movement’s FREEDOM FLOTILLA III is assembling itself ship by ship at European ports. Departure is set for later this month. You can already track the passenger ship MS Mavi Marmara and cargo ships Gazze and MV Rachel Corrie on Google Earth. Will this humanitarian relief convoy succumb ...
- Amateurish Bomb fails to go off, DHS to the rescue ...So, let’s see, A “Major Break” in terrorist infiltrators involving somebody with Pakistan ties “confessing” to buying large amounts of a solvent used as PVC cement that you can buy in 55 gallon drums without raising any suspicion, Methyl Ether Ketone, in a weaker formulation used for nail polish rem ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- WTC Free Fall Rebuttal to dprjonesStooBradley YouTube.com May 04, 2010 In a recent video dprjones challenged "Truthers" to address his 5 points about the collapse of the WTC towers on 9/11. Contrary to his advice to avoid facts and evidence, here is my rebuttal that offers a more accurate way to measure collapse speeds and a closer ...
- More Discrediting by AssociationPat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog asks the question " How Indeed Could We Think of the Truthers As Kooks and Weirdos ;" pointing to these articles posted on 911blogger.com yesterday. An anonymous commenter on Pat's blog first made note that above the 911blogger post in question it is clea ...
- Bin Laden "Living Comfortably in Iran"Is there a country you want to invade? Can't get those pesky free-thinking citizens to agree? No problem, we've got just the thing to you! It's called Feathered Cocaine - The Bogeyman Reviver! Guaranteed to resurrect your favourite long-dead, face-changing, ex-CIA asset ... or your money back!
- 9/11 Un-debunked Version 2.0A new version of my "9/11 Un -debunked" series. I will be uploading new videos to the playlist from time to time. To view the videos separately , please go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/citizenfor911truth1
- My New Blog [Renamed]As people may have noticed, I haven't exactly been staying on topic in recent months in my blog posts. So to avoid discrediting this blog any further, I've created my own personal blog to talk about general stuff that's beyond the scope of this blog. It's called "Scootle The Anti-Skeptic" (I need to ...
Blacklisted News
- Stocks, Euro Slide on Debt Concern; MSCI World Era ...The MSCI World Index of stocks erased its 2010 gain, the euro slid to a 14-month low and Treasuries rose as concern European nations will need to restructure debt outweighed growth in U.S. jobs and service industries.
- BP Oil Spill Highlights Poor Safety Record, the Wo ...
- New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?
- Times Square bomb used non-explosive fertilizerWell well!
- Americans Are Ratting Out Their Neighbors to the I ...Americans seeking reward money are turning in neighbors, clients and employers they suspect of cheating on taxes to the IRS at a rate of nearly eight per day, the director of the agency’s whistleblower program said.
The Intelligence Daily
- New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa Into Milit ...By Rick Rozoff (The Intelligence Daily) — Last year the commander of U.S. Africa Command...
- Our societies have become even more unmanageable: ...The Principle of Subsidiary Function By John Michael Greer (The Intelligence Daily) — I trust...
- US Army Human Terrain System Smoke & Mirrors: Whis ... By John Stanton (The Intelligence Daily) — The Human Terrain Team Leader of AF-1 who was...
- New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?By Stephen Lendman (The Intelligence Daily) — On May 1, New York Times writers Al Baker and...
- Headaches for HIV-positive travellers(PlusNews) – China recently became the latest country to lift travel restrictions on people...
My AntiWar
- Pakistan FM: Times Square Attack Retaliation for D ...
- Ahmadinejad Accuses Hillary of Trying to Provoke C ...
- Japan PM Under Fire Over US Base U-Turn
- Washington Post May Put Newsweek on Block
- IAEA Seeks to Persuade Israel to Join NPT
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Ron Paul warns U.S. is following Iraq script in ma ...Summary: Independent-minded Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul, is warning that America is following the same path to war with Iran as it did with Iraq. source: Independent Voter Network (IVN), Canada read more
- IAEA presses Israel to sign the Non-Proliferation ...Summary: Amano International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano has urged member states to persuade Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and open up its nuclear facilities for inspection. source: Press TV read more
- Ahmadinejad interviewed on 'Charlie Rose Show'Summary: "According to the regulations of the IAEA they have to provide that fuel to us and get paid by us. The IAEA instead of sending out requests to purchase the fuel to all countries decided to only send the request to two member states, the United States and Russia." source: Lexis Nexis ...
- Iran welcomes Brazil mediation over nuclear issueSummary: TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has agreed "in principle" to a Brazilian role in breaking the deadlock over a U.N.-backed nuclear fuel swap with the West. source: AP read more
- Obama's war machine, Part 2Summary: The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) is of great importance because it concerns the most deadly weapons in the world. The report is overflowing with ambiguity. First it notes that President Barack Obama seeks "a world without nuclear weapons," but that he recognizes it may not be possible " ...
The Daily Galaxy
- NASA: 4-Billion-Year-Old Antarctica Meteorite Poin ...Emboldened by the recent discovery of an ancient ocean and warm-water lakes on early Mars as well as the discovery of biologically-produced methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet, NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old controversy on...
- DNA Time Travel - Species Discovered that Sleep fo ...Nature has found a way send genetic information forward through time, and no, it doesn't involve Doctor Who finally getting with Rose. Tiny crustaceans can bury their young in the Earth for centuries, and scientists in the new and awesomely-named...
- Vast Cloud of Antimatter Discovered Near Center of ...Several years of observations from the European Space Agency’s Integral (INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) satellite have solved one of the most vexing mysteries in our Milky Way: the origin of a giant cloud of antimatter surrounding the galactic center. The...
- Antimatter Surges Observed in the UniverseScientists have seen surges in antimatter particles sweeping through space, and some believe the cause could be collapsing cosmic strings. As opposed to Ming the Merciless. Note that cosmic strings are entirely different strings from string theory - blame any...
- Our Android Future? Biomaterials Mimic BiologyLike a pair of droids out of Blade Runner, DARPA is creating a soft robot and Virginia Tech has engineered artificial proteins can now mimic the elastic properties of muscles in living organisms. "Our goal is to use these biomaterials...
Natural News
- Recalled children's Tylenol products were knowingl ...(NaturalNews) The other day I wrote a story about the massive recall by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, of its infants' and children's line of Tylenol products. An FDA inspection report found these drugs to be contaminated with dangerous bacteria (they did not disclo ...
- New research shows grapes reduce risk for heart di ...(NaturalNews) The millions of Americans with heart disease and type 2 diabetes didn't develop these diseases out of the blue. Their disorders are the result of a cascade of problems including high blood pressure, insulin resistance, abdominal fat and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Now Univers ...
- Drug side effects "neglected, restricted, distorte ...(NaturalNews) New research shows that information on potentially lethal side effects of the blockbuster painkiller Vioxx was "neglected, restricted, distorted and silenced" by pharmaceutical giant Merck, writes London-based physician and author John Briffa in The Epoch Times .Vioxx was first approve ...
- Why Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt is so much better ...(NaturalNews) If you've been reading NaturalNews for long, you've heard me talk about the importance of switching from processed table salt to a "full spectrum" salt. Table salt -- or "white salt" -- is to real salt as table sugar is to dehydrated cane juice. Both white table salt and white sugar ar ...
- Vitamin and calcium supplements slash breast cance ...(NaturalNews) It's common for mainstream medical doctors to declare there's no reason to take nutritional supplements. After all, this line of reasoning goes, you are supposedly getting all the nutrition you need from a typical American diet. However, evidence continues to mount disproving this idea ...
Threat Level
- Wired Urges Judge to Unseal Gizmodo SearchWired.com and other news outlets are asking a California judge to unseal the search warrant affidavit that led to a police raid on the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, who paid $5,000 for a prototype 4G iPhone. Under California law, the public has a right to see the documents that led San Mateo Co ...
- Bombing Arrest Followed Law Enforcement Slip-Ups a ...“I was expecting you,” suspected bomber Faisal Shahzad reportedly told the border agents who seized him from his Dubai-bound flight Monday evening. And clearly the suspect should have been expecting agents, given the trail of clues he allegedly left behind and the steps investigators were taking t ...
- Judge Rules Post on Cop-Rating Site is Protected S ...A federal judge has struck down a Florida law prohibiting the publication of a police officer’s name, phone number or address, calling the statute an unconstitutional restraint on speech. The decision leaves Arizona, Colorado and Washington state with similar laws on the books. Florida authoritie ...
- Craigslist Adult Ads Under Scrutiny — AgainConnecticut’s top law enforcement officer is subpoenaing Craigslist records to determine whether the site is complying with a year-old deal with attorneys general to censor the online bulletin board’s erotic ads. Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut attorney general, is seeking evidence to determine ...
- Groups Call ‘Privacy’ Legislation OrwellianPrivacy groups gave an overwhelming thumbs down Tuesday to proposed legislation by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Virginia) that for the first time would mandate the length of time online consumer information could be kept. The proposal would require websites to discard data collected from their users after 1 ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- History Shows Democrats the Party to Trust on Wall ...In just a matter of days, the Republican effort to protect predatory Wall Street bankers has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. Last week, Mitch McConnell endlessly parroted Frank Luntz' " permanent bailout " talking point - the day after meeting with financial executives in New York. Then o ...
- Judge Cornyn's War on the Rule of LawThat Texas Senator John Cornyn joined John McCain in the Republican chorus denouncing the Obama administration for reading Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad his Miranda rights is unsurprising. Unsurprising and sadly ironic. After all, from detainee torture and illicit domestic surveillance ...
- Shahzad or Rudolph, U.S Citizens Have Miranda Righ ...It's official: John McCain is now more addled than Glenn Beck . While the Fox News host insisted to the dismay of his colleagues that Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad "has all the rights under the Constitution," McCain declared that reading Miranda rights to an American citizen is a "seriou ...
- Believing, Not Knowing: The Sarah Palin StoryBelieving, not knowing. For her fiercest critics and most fervent supporters alike, that is the hallmark of Sarah Palin . And on no issue does Palin's belief trump her knowledge more than energy. After all, the woman John McCain declared "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the U ...
- The Tax Cheating Crisis in Greece - and the U.S.Even as the European Union and the IMF unveiled a $160 billion bailout package to avert a fiscal disaster in Greece , the New York Times documented one culprit behind that nation's fiscal woes: tax cheating . But while the $30 billion Athens loses annually to tax fraud and evasion proportionately f ...
Blackspot News Feed
- McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About ...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been blasting the Senate’s financial regulatory reform bill in recent days, falsely arguing that it “institutionalizes” bailouts for Wall Street. read more
- Arizona Legislature Makes Being Undocumented a Cri ...Arizona is on track to become the first state in the nation to make it a misdemeanor for a person to be there without legal immigration documents.
- Welcome to “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month”We are halfway through April, which you may not have realized has been dubbed “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” for the second year in a row by Texas Governor, Rick Perry and Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Just for the record: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not designed to offer comfort t ...
- Tax Grousing Tells Half The StoryIt’s tax time again, the time of year when Americans grouse about forking over part of their hard-earned cash to the dear old government. These days, there’s a whole movement dedicated to grumbling about taxes full time — I’m talking, of course, about the Right’s latest incarnation — tea partiers, w ...
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
Consortium News
- Did Kent State Have to Happen?In 1968, Richard Nixon's campaign sabotaged LBJ's peace talks, leading to more Vietnam carnage and Kent State, writes Robert Parry. May 4, 2010
- Fraud: America's New WatchwordEarly Christianity was a diverse, dynamic religion, but then evolved into rigid authoritarianism, writes Rev. Howard Bess. April 25, 2010
- Explaining the Plunder and the CrimeWall Street's financial meltdown inflicted terrible pain on Main Street, but few victims understand the crime, writes Danny Schecter. May 3, 2010
- The Death of a Cynical WPost EditorEulogies for ex-Washington Post editorialist Stephen Rosenfeld ignore his readiness to defend pro-U.S. slaughters, says Robert Parry. May 3, 2010
- Does Obama Know the War He's In?President Obama calls again for political civility in Washington, but there's no reason to think his appeal will work, says Robert Parry. May 2, 2010
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- My mandate on Gaza was even-handed, my loyalty is ...I have spent much of my professional life in the cause of international criminal justice. It would have been hypocritical for me to continue to speak out against violations of international law and impunity for war crimes around the world but remain silent when it came to Israel simply because I am ...
- Both hindrance and blight (The Jordan Times)The Palestinian boycott of Israeli goods that originate in settlements is picking up speed. This is a very laudable initiative and a form of resistance that might, combined with other tactics, gain some result. For a start, it hits Israel where it hurts, namely in the pocket. While the exact market ...
- Bleak climate for Mid-East talks (BBC)Even US diplomats who are trying to get new talks started between Israel and the Palestinians don't believe they will get very far. I haven't found any Israelis or Palestinians who feel they have a chance, assuming they begin. You can't blame anyone for thinking that. It is a long time ago now, but ...
- Israel, Palestinians move closer to indirect peace ...
- Regular Israelis are the ones perpetuating occupat ...Behind the assembly lines are representatives of the entire people of Zion, hundreds of thousands of civilians and soldiers. Each of them has a personal interest in the continuation of the apparatus, even if that interest is wrapped in national or security cellophane. Netanyahu is not the only one r ...
Water - AlterNet
- BP's Oil Disaster: The Numbers Will Shock YouAt best 20% of the oil spill may be recoverable. Though we don't yet know the full extent of the disaster, one thing is for sure: regulatory failures paved the way.
- Why the Oil Spill May Be the Greatest Test of Obam ...Can the president seize this moment to move boldly on the biggest question facing the world: our endless addiction to fossil fuel.
- What BP's Oil Mess and Goldman Sachs' Rip-off Sche ...After 30 years of deregulation, it's no wonder everything from oil production to banking is screwed up.
- Jordan River Expected to Run Dry by 2011Over 90 percent of the river's water has been diverted by Israel, Syria and Jordan, and what's left is an unappealing mix of sewage, saline water, and run-off from cropland.
- Gulf Spill: America's Chernobyl?Prevention, not rapid response, is the key. It's time to start phasing out offshore oil production now, as a first step to making America genuinely independent of oil.
- TruthHugger is on indefinite vacation.Zzzzzzzz Time is not on my side. Although I continue to observe and analyze current events and political shenanigans with critical eyes. I am setting aside the venting of opinion and observation to attend to personal priorities. TruthHugger may be resurrected during the next political disaster, but ...
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Here Come Those Chickens Again by Cindy Sheehantweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/06/here-come-those-chickens-again-by-ci
- “The 15% Solution,” Serialization, 4th Installment ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/%e2%80%9cthe-15-solution%e2%80%9d-se
- Greg Palast: How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Gree ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/06/greg-palast-how-the-imf-set-up-icela
- Parliamentary 'democracy' - a triumph of Victorian ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/parliamentary-democracy-a-triumph-of
- Atlantic Council: Securing The 21st Century For NA ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/atlantic-council-securing-the-21st-c
Axis of Logic
- When the regime puts the security apparatus in the ...Editor's Comment: There appears to be something afoot in Egypt that is unprecedented - something the world should be watching. In the first place, opinion articles like that of Hassan Nafaa (below) in a major Egyptian newspaper like Al Masry Al Youm has never been permitted by the Mubarak regime. ...
- Chilean Author Isabel Allende on Her New Novel “Is ...// // Renowned Chilean novelist Isabel Allende joins us in our studio to talk about her new book, “Island Beneath the Sea”–her first novel in four years. The story takes readers back 200 years in time to the slave uprising that led to the creation of the world’s f ...
- We believe US media are controlled by single unit ...On his trip to New York to attend the UN nuclear summit Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke to RT about nuclear non-proliferation, the Obama Administration, Iran’s representation in the US and other hot issues. [Q] Mr. President, thank you very much for taking the time for sitting with ...
- Corn Syrup Linked to Bee Colony Catastrophe - Worl ...High-fructose corn syrup is a hot topic in the national debate on diet, with opponents attacking it, as Daniel Engber has suggested, as unhealthy, unnatural and unappetizing, while corn refiners have volleyed back that it’s safe, natural and tasty. Now the food additive has been impli ...
- Paraguay: Controversy Over Troop Deployment - Wor ...Military troops and extra police are being deployed in northern Paraguay after a state of emergency was declared to crack down on an armed rebel group that calls itself the Paraguayan People’s Army (EPP). As part of Operation Py’a Guapy -- "tranquility" in the Guaraní indigenous language -- 3 ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl Newswrap"Help with his baggage?" So that's what the kids are calling it these days, eh? George Rekers, the evangelical leader and co-founder of the Family Research Council who was caught on camera in the Miami airport traveling with a real, honest-to-Pete male escort is saying that is all it was, he needed ...
- Expose the Trillion-Dollar Secret Giveaway to Bank ...If Congress does pass a financial reform bill, the surrenders to big-money interests required to get it through are likely to be as vomit-inducing as the ones that distort the health reform bill, if not more so. But not just because the desperately-needed consumer financial protection act is likely ...
- Teabaggers in America: tell us something about the ...The Washington Post and ABC News conducted a poll April 22nd through the 25th of 1001 adults nationwide on the subject of teabagger sheeple. The margin of error was 3%. Among the results - 2% (yes, that's two percent) of all adults consider themselves "active participants" as teabaggers. And that t ...
- Genuine Liberal Activist Taking On Biggest Freakaz ...Remember Tom Riner? OK, I admit that the herd of repug freakazoids in the Kentucky General Assembly are hard to tell apart. �But the Baptist Minister from Louisville is a special case. Two years ago he was the one who inserted language into Kentucky's Homeland Security legislation requiring - requir ...
- Is it wrong to feel schadenfreude over this?Defense contractors have long been thought recessionproof. The economy may suck everywhere else, but there are certain people in the mid-Atlantic who never go wanting. Defense contractors go to the mid-Atlantic for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks - that's where the money is. That is how i ...
Care 2
- One Vision. One Day. One Million Tweets. On May 11 ...Come Back on May 11 at 12:01 am and Start Tweeting Your Support for Organics by Clicking on The Pre-Formatted Links that We Will Provide (or make your own!) Submitted by Keith L. to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- High noon in Nepal eyewitness to revolutionOn May 1 in Kathmandu, between 500,000-1 million people took over the streets in a dramatic show of force by Nepals Maoists to demand a return to civilian rule and a democratic process of creating a new, pro-people constitution Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Waiver of building Evenki GES - Environmental vict ...WWF welcomes the decision to exclude hydropower from the Evenki genshemy power RF and hopes that such a step would not be the last on the road to modernization and diversification of the economic development of Russia. Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- NO MORE! ABRIL IS A FLAG FOR LIFE DISRESPECT - The ...April is a mini chiguagua…The abrasion of the face reminded burns acid that we sometimes see on TV, half an ear missing, in his left hind leg shows signs of having been seized as a trap. It also presenhis body, and also has old wounds and scars Submitted by Cristina S. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Forget the birdies, golfers find FIVE baby bunnies .... Submitted by mick cave to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new r ...
- Global Water Scarcity: Risks and Challenges for Bu ...This new Lloyd's 360 Risk Insight report says businesses must act now in the face of diminishing water supplies. The report, produced in conjunction with the WWF, looks at the issue of water scarcity and its impact on business.
- EPA Contest Seeks the Biggest (Kilowatt) LoserLooking to tap into the popularity of contest-based reality shows, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is staging its version of "The Biggest Loser" -- a competition to see which commercial building can shed the most energy waste and be declared the most efficient in the country.
- Why PepsiCo is Building Dams in IndiaNot so long ago, environmental activists in India targeted PepsiCo and other beverage companies for consuming excessive groundwater in local communities. PepsiCo is striving to make a difference by reducing its water use and helping communities secure clean water.
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new re ...
Reuters Global
- Yar’Adua death leaves succession wide openThe death of Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua intensifies what was already shaping up to be the fiercest succession race since the end of military rule. What do you think should happen now? Who do you think would make the best candidate for president? Could this mean the next election will be a r ...
- Times Square bombing; was the inspiration from the ...The failed bombing of Times Square will rekindle debate about a "jihadi highway" where citizens of western countries, often radicalised at home, seek inspiration or training from mlitants based in Pakistan.
- U.S. troop numbers in Afghanistan set to overtake ...At some point this month or early June, the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan will outnumber those in Iraq. It's an artificial milestone but it is worth noting because it tells you a good deal about the two wars and where the United States stands in each.
- Is Baluchistan more strategically significant than ...Given China's reputation for long-term planning, it's well time to pay attention to its focus on Baluchistan and ask the question: Is Pakistan's Baluchistan province strategically more important than Afghanistan?
- Expo diplomacy and the Greek rescueGreece's Deputy Prime Minister Theodoros Pangalos chides his European neighbours as they mull a bailout plan, while cosying up to China during his trip to open the Greek pavilion at Shanghai's World Expo.
Paul Krugman
- Greek End GameI hope that somewhere, deep in the bowels of the ECB and the Greek Ministry of Finance, people are thinking about the unthinkable.
- The Way We WereThe raw profiteering we now take for granted as an inevitable part of capitalism is actually quite evitable.
- GrownupsFor the past decade at least, the "grownups" have again and again proved utterly clueless
- Katrina RevisionismForgetting what a nation saw.
- Why Endorse The Tories?In the current crisis, Brown's policies have been sensible, whereas the Tories wanted to slash spending in the face of recession, which would have been disastrous.
No Quarter
- The Terror Hysteria ContinuesListening to some of the breathless news coverage today on the arrest of Faisal Shahzad you might have thought we had caught Osama Bin Laden and that Shahzad and killed thousands. Only Shepherd Smith of Fox News had the integrity to blow the bullshit whistle: Watch the latest video at FOXNews.com> ...
- Bet Obama And The DNC Didn’t See THIS ComingI know, that could be any number of different things when it comes to Obama and Co. But in this case, I am referring to this NY Times article, Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races. Holy canoli, I didn’t see it coming, either, though there were some signs. Take for [...]
- More Oil, The Gulf Stream, Liability Caps and Envi ...Have we created a perfect storm? Don’t get me wrong, I’m an optimist by nature and a firm believer that ingenuity and determination can overcome almost any thing. And as someone geeky enough to enjoy watching the Robot Wars (though I’m not nearly geeky enough to build one), it is hard not to get cau ...
- Bill Maher Thinks the President “Should Get More S ...One year ago, I wrote an open letter to Bill Maher taking him to task for his horrid insults to the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. He self-righteously, and wrongly, claimed that what was at the root of this movement was racism. He also claimed that this was strictly a Republican [...]
- Women, Education, And BaseballThere is much going on in the US right now, from the oil spill in Louisiana (horrible, devastating, especially to such a sensitive area that has been fighting to come back), the floods in Tennessee, which damaged the Grand Ole Opry, and more importantly, took lives, as well as floods in Kentucky, to ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Origins of ZeusThe myth behind the birth of Zeus, and the mysterious caverns and ancient creatures sworn to protect the divine child against the evil Kronos who devoured his children. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the artic ...
- The World's Creepiest Taxidermy Art Welcome to the world of creative taxidermy, where wild creatures are turned into the weirdest forms of art you could ever imagine. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Sikhism: The World's Youngest Major ReligionA short excerpt on the youngest religion in the world! read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Three Basic Human RightsHave you ever considered how different cultures around the world are? What one culture considers a Universal Human right can be very different from another. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- The Mockingbird: Nature's JokerThe Mockingbird is quite an interesting character... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Sanctions Debate Heats UpThe recent and highly unusual public launch of a "conference committee" of both houses of Congress to hash out differences in long-pending legislation to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran marks a new stage in the escalating debate over what to do about Tehran's nuclear programme.
- Needed: A Coherent U.S. Strategy for IndiaUS policy towards India can no longer be reduced to narrowly defined regional issues, especially after a decade of sustained growth and the changes wrought by the Bush administration.
- Going Beyond Immigration PolicyImmigration reform must address not only who is coming over the border to work but why they are doing it.
- Muslim Blowback?Muslims in the United States are relatively well integrated into society. So, why the recent spate of attacks carried out by U.S. Muslims?
- The Israeli ExceptionPeople are starting to wonder: Why should Israel get special treatment?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Nigeria swears in new presidentGoodluck Jonathan assumes power as the country prepares for the funeral of Umaru Yar'Adua.
- UK voters head to the pollsOpinion polls indicate the general election will be close race between three major parties.
- Mumbai attacker sentenced to deathKasab faces execution after being convicted over his role in the 2008 rampage.
- Russian navy retakes oil tankerMilitary operation rescues crew of Russian-owned vessel and captures 10 pirates.
- Greece awaits spending cuts votePresident warns against further chaos as labour unions plan fresh protests in Athens.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Shrimpers, Not Oil? A Dead Turtle InquiryAround 35 endangered sea turtles have washed up dead on Gulf Coast beaches since Sunday. Investigators are looking into whether shrimpers fishing in the gulf were responsible.
- On Our Radar: Shunning "Drill, Baby, Drill'Republican leaders distance themselves from the "Drill, baby, drill" catch phrase.
- A New Blog: Scientist at WorkA new blog called Scientist at Work follows Christopher J. Raxworthy as he looks for new species of amphibians and reptiles in Madagascar.
- Q. and A.: For Oceans, 'Another Big Headache'The oceanographer Sylvia Earle says the spill has damaged an already-stressed ecosystem.
- Google's Energy Foray: What's Up?Google seems interested in how we use energy and is laying out plans to become a leader in capturing, owning, tracking and trading energy.
Dot Earth News
- America's Energy CrossroadsA call to move from fossil energy policies built on hope to a clean-energy future based on science.
- Chronicling Science as JourneyScientists describe their field work, mishaps and all, in a new blog.
- Kerry, Edison and the Energy QuestWith oil troubles dominating, John Kerry pushes to keep a strong climate component in energy legislation.
- As Oil Slick Spreads, Views on Next StepsShould a slice of oil profits go to a huge fund for swift cleanups?
- While Gulf Soils, Energy Quest StallsStudents call for lawmakers to invest in energy education as one way to move beyond oil.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- The biggest scandal in world history; WANTAGATE, L ...Draft conspiracy post note - this rough draft story lacks links but I want to get it up anyways... Have fun everyone! UPDATE: Hi to everyone from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Leo_Wanta/ - keep it up :) This guy, Leo Wanta / Lee Wanta / Ambassador Leo Wanta, could be the key to the big ...
- 2010 Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Notes for Ap ...Jesse Trentadue : …who’s testifying about Howe had reported that the plan to bomb the Murrah building four months in advance, had gone with Strassmeir and others to scout the target – the first thing the U.S. Attorney does when Graham stops testifying is ask the judge to seal the transcript, and the ...
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
- Oh noes: Epic FBI white supremacist troll Hal Turn ...Alright here's a bizarre story about a strange man from New Jersey, Hal Turner, who rose to fame as a racist, anti-semitic blogger and radio talk show host whose violent rhetoric upset many people. Alex Jones to his credit accurately flagged Turner years ago as an FBI informant/operative. No mainstr ...
Daily Censored
- Leonard J. Martin for State Superintendent of Publ ...There is an alternative to the corporate candidates in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the upcoming California primary elections. Not just a candidate who isn’t entirely beholden to corporate interests, including the lucrative charter-voucher industry, but a candidate with ...
- Newsweek Axed — The Fruits of NepotismClaim: Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald E. Graham tells Newsweek Staff he’s putting the company up for sale. Donald Graham is the son of former Chairman, the late Katherine Graham. Likely: Graham is shutting it down in 4-5 months unless they find a buyer. (How often do companies just announce ...
- Nativo Lopez: Legalization or No ReelectionNativo Lopez is the National Director or Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana and the National President Mexican American Political Association (MAPA). He prepared the following English and Spanish versions of this speech for the massive May Day march and rally in Los Angeles. Sadly, the conservatism ...
- US, UK, France, Italy walk out of UN nuclear confe ...videos live at source. The “emperor has no clothes” fact is that the new face of unlawful global imperialism is the old face of 20th Century imperialists. As critical mass of public recognition builds, this time, the public will reject their loveless and mass-murderous empire-building. The two pap ...
- How many more times do we need to shoot down REAL- ...At least one more time. Provisions for a national ID card are included in the new Democratic Immigration bill. Not satisfied that we fought against REAL-ID as the answer to terrorism, it’s now being pushed as an answer to illegal immigration. The proposal is called the Real Enforcement with Pract ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Report: Homes lost to mistaken foreclosures
- Obama Endorses "Los Suns"
- Al Franken Takes On “Too Big to ...
- Seriously, Democrats, Can You Get Any Creepier Tha ...
- All Roads Lead to White Privilege
Institute for Policy Studies
- Terrorists' Right to Bear ArmsTwo GOP senators say they wouldn't support a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying weapons.
- Water Awareness: 2 Million Bostonians Discover Our ...The water emergency was a curious gift in water mindfulness for an entire metropolitan area.
- The Israeli ExceptionPeople are starting to wonder: Why should Israel get special treatment?
- Starting Where North Korea IsA new approach needs to be taken if we're going to achieve progress in Northeast Asia.
- Hunger Strike in Defense of Work Begins in Mexico The struggle of Mexican electricians, now converted into a hunger strike, is against the historic injustice that is worsening daily in the country, particularly under the present government.
Pine River World News
- F. William Engdahl: The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Jo ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of U.S. Foreign Policy � �F. William Engdahl Source: � Global Research May 5, 2010 An organization calling itself Reporters Without Borders (RWB; French: Reporters san ...
- Gordon Duff: Times Square Bomb Hoax, Israeli Intel ...Blogmaster note : At first I wasn't going to republish the following commentary but in light of all the media hoopla about the "Pakistani Taliban" supposedly behind the car bomb found in New York City's Times Square it is necessary for my readers to start thinking along the lines of a "set up" - wit ...
- YEMEN TIMES: British ambassador's attacker trained ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Yemen Times, Sana'a. British ambassador's attacker trained in Marib for three years � � Yemen Times By Nadia Al-Sakkaf Published: �April 29, 2010 The 22 year-old from Taiz governorate responsible for the attack on the British ambassador's env ...
- Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video mad ...The following article is from Azeri Press Agency (APA), Baku, Azerbaijan. Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video made several minutes after the crash of Polish president's plane in Russia is true � � APA April 28, 2010 �14:14 Baku - APA. The video made several minutes after the crash of Po ...
- Jeff Gates: When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Aga ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Veterans Today . When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Again? � �Jeff Gates Source: �Veterans Today April 26, 2010 Israel has long been waging war on the U.S. by way of deception. To date, its operatives have worked from the shadows hoping no ...
- Recording of candid speech by Blackwater CEO leake ...A recording of a relatively recent candid speech given by Erik Prince, the media-shy owner of Xe Services (formerly known as Blackwater), has been obtained by The Nation magazine.
- UK barring replacement of London’s Mossad re ...The British government is officially preventing the replacement of Israeli intelligence service Mossad’s London representative, after it expelled his predecessor six weeks ago.
- News you may have missed #343Taliban leader Mehsud reportedly not dead. Analysis: Operation MINCEMEAT and the ethics of spying. US DoJ announces FISA court appointment.
- US asked for Egypt’s spy help on Algerian nuclear ...A US consular document, acquired by a leading Algerian newspaper, reveals that Washington asked Egypt’s help in collecting intelligence on the Algerian nuclear energy program.
- News you may have missed #342Kuwaitis want Iranian envoy expelled over spy ring. Mystery behind ex-ISI officer's killing in Pakistan. Honey trap caused Indian diplomat to spy for Pakistan.
After Downing Street.org
- "I'm Proud of Torture. It's the American Way!"By Leslie Harris Despite the wind, rain, and cold in Dallas, dedicated peace and justice activists rallied to hold Karl Rove accountable on Monday for his part in crimes committed by the Bush administration. Without accountability, what will prevent the same things from happening over and over ag ...
- Our Journey to Smile! Join In!Afghan & international youth peace volunteers say that “Love is How We'll Ask for Peace.” With love, we ask the 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate President Obama to answer the Afghan youth peace message ‘Reconciliation of Civil Hearts’ We are a group of Afghan youth and college students who, together with ...
- Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink AmericaLoose Lips on Iran Can Sink America By Ray McGovern The omnipresent World War II-era posters with the words “Loose Lips Sink Ships” served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. I believe w ...
- No One CaresNo One Cares By Chris Hedges | Truthdig There are 18 U.S. intelligence agencies on the military and civilian side and 70 percent of their combined budget is outsourced to for-profit corporations who simultaneously work the United States government as well as multinational corporations and foreign g ...
- To the Tea Party: War and Liberty Aren’t Fellow Tr ...To the Tea Party: War and Liberty Aren’t Fellow Travelers By Ivan Eland | Independent Institute And of course, we have George W. Bush, a big-government conservative, who curiously wins, as Bovard notes, a 57 percent approval rating from the “small government” Tea Partiers. Yet in parallel with hi ...
Grist - News
- Betting site sets odds on BP containment domeby Jonathan Hiskes From our sports department a press release, we learn that at least one online gambling site is taking bets on whether BP's underwater mega-dome will be successful. BP is attempting an unprecedented engineering feat to deal with the Gulf oil spill: a 100-ton, 40-foot-tall, ...
- Palin bashes ‘foreign’ oil companies w ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - Right-wing darling Sarah Palin, who championed offshore oil drilling in Alaska and then around the county, bashed "foreign" companies Wednesday as the culprits behind the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In a message sent via Twitter on Wednesday ...
- Has coal’s strongest defender had a change o ...by Jonathan Hiskes The elders of the U.S. Senate usually aren't good people to look to for signs of hope and change. But Robert Byrd, the 92-year-old senator from West Virginia, is making some surprising statements lately. After a career as a loyal coal-industry d ...
- BP’s donations to Congress are more worrying ...by Jonathan Hiskes The Sunlight Foundation reports on the slick of BP money that's already spread far and wide through the American political system. The oil and gas giant is a major campaign contributor, giving more than $6 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years. President O ...
- Gulf oil slick poses danger to springtime animal b ...by Agence France-Presse NEW ORLEANS, La. -- As spring in the southern United States heralds the arrival of fledgling animal life, conservationists are anxiously watching the spread of a giant oil slick off the coast. More than 600 animal species are threatened by the slick, officials say. "The ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Foursquare Now "Liked"Foursquare integrates the Facebook "Like" button into venues
- Corey Feldman Speaks Out On Death Of Friend Corey ...Corey Feldman speaks out about his best friend Corey Haim as autopsy results reveal Haim died of natural causes.
- Vitamin D FactsVitamin D is credited as a treatment and preventive measure for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer's.
- The Pet Trade and the Paradox of Loving Animals to ...Loving animals to death: killing ourselves and the environment.
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Time - Top Stories
- Beyond Times Square: The Growing Threat from Pakis ...No longer satisfied with targeting India, Pakistan's extremist groups are taking direct aim at the U.S. and its allies
- Battling the Oil Spill on Two Precarious FrontsOne of the factors that makes the Deepwater Horizon accident different -- and worse -- than the average oil spill is that it really isn't a spill at all
- Management 101: What the Democrats Need to LearnDemocrats care more about making laws than making them work. That needs to change
- Should Investors Be Able to Bet on Box Office Rece ...Two Wall Street firms are moving toward full regulatory approval to begin trading futures contracts based on box-office receipts. But deep in the Senate financial reform bill is a silver bullet to kill the plan
- What to Watch for in the U.K. General ElectionIt's set to be the closest U.K. general election in decades. TIME looks ahead to polling day on May 6, as tactical voting and the prospect of a hung parliament loom large
Washington Independent
- Financial Damage Beginning to Seep from Gulf Disas ...The region's fishing catch is expected to fall by hundreds of millions of pounds, costing hundreds of millions of dollars.
- Freddie Mac Reports Q1 Loss of $6.7 BillionToday, Freddie Mac — the government-sponsored enterprise that buys mortgages on the secondary market, and is currently under a Federal Housing Finance Agency conservatorship — reported losses of $6.7 billion in the first quarter. It isn’t quite as bad as it sounds, but it is bad, and a sign of a hou ...
- Jim DeMint Wants to Finish Mexican Border Fence &# ...The South Carolina Republican announced today that he’s hoping to amend the finance reform bill working its way (slowly) across the Senate floor with a provision requiring the Department of Homeland Security to erect 700 miles of border fence within a year. A similar amendment, also offered by DeMin ...
- Republicans Flesh Out Plan to Dissolve Fannie, Fre ...For months, Republicans have insisted that Congress should deal with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — the government-sponsored enterprises backstopping 90 percent of mortgages, which have received around $125 billion in taxpayer aid — in financial regulatory reform. But their financial regulatory reform ...
- ‘Interrogator #1′ to Testify for Khadr ...GUANTANAMO BAY — Now that former Army interrogator Damien “The Monster” Corsetti has testified on Omar Khadr’s behalf, he’ll be followed tomorrow morning by the long-awaited testimony of “Interrogator #1,” who apparently will testify to threatening the then-15-year-old detainee with sending him to a ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture ...
- Teacher breaks 4th graders arm for forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglias Climatic R Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- We're expanding, while economy shrinksAmericans now have another excuse for hitting the fast food establishments and getting farther out of shape by adding unwanted weight, and it's allegedly not their fault. The latest health discovery is called "recession pounds," and some researchers Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to So ...
- Reports call for radical rethink on food policy to ...The food and farming sector is not pulling its weight when it comes to tacking climate change and food shortages could be the consequence if we fail to make fundamental changes to the way we farm, process, distribute and eat our food over the next 20 year Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- Republicans and Teabaggers Finally Embrace Big Gov ...For more than a year now, we’ve been hearing from Republicans, tea party people and Glenn Beck’s chalkboard about how big government is destroying American liberty and freedom. Much of the shrieking is literally accompanied by the yellow Revolutionary War “Don’t Tread on Me” flag. Every tea party la ...
- Pakistani FM: Attempted NY bombing is reaction to ...The Nation, May 6, 2010 Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi believes the attempted New York’s Times Square bombing is a reaction to US drones targeting Taliban followers along the Pak-Afghan border. “This is a blow back. This is a reaction. This is retaliation. And you could expect that. Let’s not ...
- High-Tech Death from Above: U.S. Drone Wars Fuel W ...by Tom Burghardt, Dissident Voice, May 3rd, 2010 As America continues its uncontrolled flight towards disaster, Israeli-style “targeted killings” (assassinations) of alleged militants and unarmed civilians in the “Afpak theatre” are on the rise. With indiscriminate attacks by armed drones soaring si ...
- Hedges: No One CaresChris Hedges, TruthDig.com, May 3, 2010 We are approaching a decade of war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq is in its eighth year. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and thousands more Afghans and Pakistani civilians have been killed. Millions have been driven into squalid displacement and refugee c ...
- Was Times Square Car Bomber A Fan Of Beck?It Would Be Irresponsible Not To Speculate. Was Bomber A Fan Of The Beckster? Crooks and Liars– By Susie Madrak Monday May 03, 2010 7:00am You know, I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, because that would make me too much like Matt Drudge. But if the car bomber was indeed a white guy [...]
- Thumbing Down on BlankfeinThe Wall Street Journal speculated today on the possibility that Blankfein will not make it as Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. See “What-Ifs for Goldman Sachs: Behind Stiff Upper Lip, Some Executives, Alumni Consider Life After Blankfein.” The article runs several trial ballons, one being that L ...
- Swiss Meeting to Debate Global ReformSwitzerland will host a forum of bankers and policymakers next month to discuss strengthening the global monetary system after the financial crisis, the Swiss central bank said on Tuesday. The Swiss National Bank announced in a statement that it would “jointly host a High-Level Conference on the In ...
- Building a New Investment Strategy Model, Comment ...During recent Congressional testimony, the CEO of Goldman Sachs was asked about how this current charges against Goldman had altered their internal risk management. In essence, how could the situation inform the firm’s “best practices.” Indeed, this is important question for investors who bought the ...
- Building a New Investment Strategy, Comment #2In 2008, I posted on the blog a description I wrote in 2002 of the Solari model that I developed in 1997, after years and billions of dollars of prototyping described in the story, “Dillon Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits.” Here it is: “The Solari Model - Total Economic Return”
- Quote du Jour“Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex and intelligent behavior. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple and stupid behavior.” ~ Dee Hock Special thanks to Larry Hoffenberg Editor & Publisher of www.bearmarketcentral.com for putting us on to this gem.
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- The Taserification of AmericaThe whole justification for police to get tasers in the first place was to subdue potentially violent suspects -- but it's gone way, way, past that.
- Phoenix Basketball Team Becomes 'Los Suns' In Prot ...Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, a harsh critic of a new Arizona immigration law, will have his team wear the Latino-supporting version of its jersey in the NBA playoffs.
- Swift Response to Times Square Plot Shows We Can H ...Fifty-three "is a pretty good number," Police commissioner Raymond Kelly said Tuesday, referring to the number of hours it took for investigators to apprehend the suspect.
- An Evangelical Powerhouse Is Coming to a Prison Ne ...As prisons officials struggle to reduce recidivism among ex-offenders, Chuck Colson's program steps into the breach, hoping to bring down the wall separating church and state.
- What Henry Louis Gates Got Wrong in His NYTimes Sl ...The celebrity academic's New York Times editorial is not only a disservice to history, it comes at exactly the wrong time in our discourse on race.
Sideways News
- Wildlife conservation network 'a must'More space needs to be set aside for wildlife to prosper across the whole countryside and not just in isolated nature reserves, according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The charity said protecting endangered wildlife in fragmented "islands" of habitat is not enough to reverse loss ...
- Falconer to do 45-mile charity rideGMTV presenter Jenni Falconer and her fiance James Midgley will take part in a 45-mile charity bike ride in London in September, it has been revealed. The pair will be taking part in the Palace to Palace fundraise for the Prince's Trust on September 26 along with a number of other celebrities includ ...
- You didn't think the health care crisis was over, ...Change is in the air, but Americans are still flocking to free health clinics and flying overseas to avail themselves of needed health care. When President Obama signed the Patient’s Affordable Health Care Act into law last march, it ushered in a new era in the U.S. health care system. Critics on th ...
- Plan unveiled for space sector expansionIndustry chiefs have laid out plans to help the next government boost Britain's economy through an expansion of the space sector. A number of policies were laid out in the "space manifesto", published by the ADS, the trade organisation for the aerospace, defence and security sectors. And key industr ...
- Channel 4 reveals film budget boostChannel 4 is set to increase its film budget as new films involving Danny Boyle, Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan edge nearer to completion. Film4, the broadcaster's film financing arm, will enjoy a 20% budget boost from this year, as the amount spent rises to £10 million. Oscar-winning Slumdog Mi ...
Fabius Maximus
- Looking in the mirror tells our future. How has Am ...Civilization results from the creation of an economic surplus beyond that needed to survive. A society grows stronger by its ability to generate larger surpluses (save rather than consume) and wisely invest that surplus. America handsomely demonstrated that after WII. For example, Eisenhower sta ...
- FM newswire for May 5, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “The Euro Trap“, Paul Krugman, op-ed in the New York Times, 29 April 2010 — Until they understand the problem, there can be no cure. A look in the mirror:Â “Cases in Plutarchy? The U. ...
- An expert speaks to us about tortureExcerpt from an Interview with Malcolm Nance (an Arabic-speaking counterterrorism expert and a combat veteran with 28 years of operational experience in the Middle East), by Scott Horton, blog of Harper’s, 30 April 2010: Question #5: You previously served as a master instructor in the SERE program, ...
- We know what happened at the Deepwater Horizon rig ...A follow-up to Sources of reliable information about the Gulf Oil Spill, going from what happened to why it happened. Slowly pieces of the puzzle come to light, as the following excerpts show. (A)  An update on the situation. “On defensive, BP readies dome to contain spill“, New York Times, 3 ...
- Rare earths – a hidden but strategic battleground ...While the trillion-dollar US military and intelligence apparatus dissipates our wealth fighting lightly armed men in the Middle East, China makes wise and large moves to become a great power. Here we see the modern form of interstate conflict — and insights about the characters America and China. ...
Open Your Eyes News
- U.S. has 71 million unused flu vaccine dosesReuters – The United States still has 71 million doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine that have not been used, but it is not yet time to throw them out, the federal government said on Monday. States and other providers should hang on to the vaccine and continue to offer them to people until [...]
- Afghan militants attack government buildingsBBC – Nine suicide bombers have been killed along with four bystanders in an attack on government buildings in the Afghan city of Zaranj, officials say. They say the bombers blew themselves up outside the governor’s compound and a gun battle between insurgents and security forces lasted much of the ...
- Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own CashNew York Times – As we inch closer to a clearer understanding of the products and practices that unleashed the credit crisis of 2008, itâs becoming apparent that those seeking the whole truth are still outnumbered by those aiming to obscure it. This is the case not only on Wall Street [...]
- Study suggests decline in UK fish stocks more seve ...The Guardian-The UK’s modern fishing fleet must work 17 times harder for the same catch as their sail-powered Victorian counterparts, a study has claimed, suggesting the decline in fish stocks is more profound than previously thought. Records of fish landings dating back to the 1880s showed UK trawl ...
- Barofsky Says Criminal Charges Possible in Alleged ...Bloomberg – Neil Barofsky was unpacking boxes in December 2008 when the stench of sewage wafted through the hallways at the 168-year-old Main Treasury Building. The space assigned to him as head of the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or SIGTARP, was sho ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Ma ...Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Mao (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Tagalog) (English) Si Mao Zedong ang pinakadakilang rebolusyonaryo ng nakaraang siglo. Pinangunahan ni Mao ang sangkapat ng daigdig sa pagtatapon ng mga kadena ng imperyalismo, pyudalismo at kapitalismo. “Ang Ts ...
- Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World), Polish j ...Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World)! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Monkey Smashes Heaven salutes Trzeci Świat (Third World) is a Maoist-Third Worldist journal of the Polish Maoist-Third Worldist Group. Their journal can be read at http://trzeciswiat.wordpress.co ...
- RAIMD: Code Pink: Pigs For More PieCode Pink: Pigs For More Pie (raimd.wordpress.com) Times have been tough for the remnants of the antiwar movement in the United Snakes. Liberals crossed over to Obama, a recession has driven down donations, and healthcare reform and Tea Party opposition became the focus in Amerika. Code Pink, led ...
- Mao: Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka?Mao: Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka? (trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) “Tekst Towarzysza Mao Tse-Tunga ‘Skąd pochodzą słuszne idee człowieka?’ to jeden z jego słynnych ‘Czterech esejów o filozofii’. Przewodniczący Mao wyjaśnia w niej istotę marksowskiej tezy ‘Byt określa świadomość’. Znajomość tego ...
- Celebrate May Day: Death to the First World; death ...Celebrate May Day: Death to the First World; Death to Amerikkka! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) May Day, May First, or International Workers’ Day, originally was a day to commemorate the victims of the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago in 1886. Chicago workers had called a general strike for the ei ...
- A Wedding To Start A WarHow the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan. A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. Read how the celebrity wedding was loaded with the kind of symbolism that rattled India and sent the wrong ...
- Alert: Pakistan, Iran set to face hot July—JULY 2010 appears to be a crucial month in American plan —After July 2010, the components would be in place to start a proper war against Iran and do an amputation surgery on Pakistan —A network of Patriot Defence System (PAC-3) has been established in UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia ...
- India’s ‘Kyrgyz plan’ for PakistanRAW was created in the late sixties with one purpose, to destabilize Pakistan. Its first target was East Pakistan. Its second target was Bangladesh. In 1971 RAW was successful in creating the Mukti Bahni, recruiting 80,000 Hindus and then sending them into Muslim Bengal disguised as Pakistani soldie ...
- Who REALLY Owns The Media In 2010?“NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control,” states the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. “Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to th ...
- Transhumanism, PsyWar and B.E.P.’s “Imma Be”The Black Eyed Peas “Imma Be / Rock that Body” video is a masterpiece of high tech computer-generated imagery and state of the art digital music production. It is also one of the most blatant examples of Psychological Warfare and deception that I have ever seen in modern mass media. This article wil ...
- NASA's Robot Diver is Fueled by Ocean TempsNASA's newest robot can dive and swim for indefinite periods of time because it's powered by an unlimited resource: the ocean's temperatures. The robotic buoy utilizes thermal energy each time it moves from cold deep waters to warm surface waters. The SOLO-TREC diver has been taking 500-meter di ...
- Solar Aero's Bladeless Wind TurbineA research company in New Hampshire recently announced the patent of their bladeless wind turbine, which is based on a patent issued to Nikola Tesla in 1913. The Fuller Wind Turbine developed by Solar Aero has only one rotating part, the turbine-driveshaft. The entire assembly is contained insid ...
- U.S. Could Stop Coal Emissions in 20 YearsA new study claims that the U.S. could be free of emissions from coal-fired power plants in 20 years using only technologies that currently exist or could be ready in the next decade. The one thing holding us back, according to the authors, is political will. The study, published in the latest is ...
- Germany Wants 1 Million Electric Vehicles by 2020While Volkswagen hasn't been a name we've discussed much when talking about electric vehicles, the company today unveiled its Golf Blue-e-motion concept vehicle in conjunction with an announcement from the German government focusing on electric vehicles. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has launch ...
- Tent-Like Solar Fabric Could Charge Cars, Help wit ...Imagine being able to pitch solar tents in situations where you need both some protective cover and access to clean energy -- perhaps as a car port for a plug-in EV or a disaster relief shelter. A new tensile solar fabric from FTL Solar could be used in variety of ways and, as a bonus, it isn't ...
- New Probe Looks into Whether Massey Energy Paid Of ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH If they did this , that’s a terrible shame and a crime And a totally wrong prescription. Didn’t those inspectors know looking the other way Is part of their job description? read more
- Retiring Senator Dodd Aims To Preserve Legacy With ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH At this point, Chris is willing to do Anything that's apropos To make people forget that he was A “Friend of Angelo.” read more
- You Can Get a Break in the White Man’s World: Accu ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH It appears what’s going on here Is a fairly basic and simple rule: Caucasian terrorists get breaks Unavailable to guys named Abdul. read more
- Man Held In Attempted Car Bomb Attack In Times Squ ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Pakistan-born U.S. citizen Faisal Shahzad Was caught trying to say buh-bye By boarding a plane at Kennedy Airport That was soon departing for Dubai. � It's pretty clear that an act of terrorism Is what Shahzad was trying to foment. For Pakistan and Dubai, this surely is An ...
- 'Going to Church No More Makes You a Christian Tha ...SHEILA SAMPLES FOR BUZZFLASH "Going to church no more makes you a Christian than sleeping in your garage makes you a car."~~Garrison Keiler Do you ever wonder what Jesus would say about the sadistic cesspool that is swirling throughout the Catholic disfunctional structure at tsunami speed? Unfortuna ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Blog newsI'm taking the next week off and will return here on Monday, May 10.� Sadly, I'm not taking a traveling/disappearing vacation, but mostly a working one:��to finish a long magazine article I've been working on for too long and also, hopefully, to finish my slightly overdue book.� As a result, if some ...
- Obama's criticisms of the Warren and Burger courts(updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV) Yesterday I wrote about what seemed to be President Obama's fairly stunning disparagement of the Warren and Burger Courts (expressed on the eve of naming Justice Stevens' replacement), as he echoed the classic, decades-old, right-wing ...
- More Obama DOJ attacks on whistle-blowers(updated below - Update II) In February, 2008, the Bush DOJ issued a subpoena to The New York Times ' James Risen, demanding the identity of his source(s) for one chapter in Risen's best-selling book, State of War .� The chapter in question described a painfully inept and counter-produc ...
- Obama speaks about the Supreme CourtPresident Obama gave an interview last night aboard Air Force One in which he was asked about his views of the Supreme Court, and this is what he said: It used to be that the notion of an activist judge was somebody who ignored the will of Congress, ignored democratic processes, and tried t ...
- White House reporters afraid to criticize the Whit ...(updated below) Politico 's�Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin have a long article describing the growing anger of the White�House press corps towards the Obama White�House.� Many of the grievances are petty, though some are serious and substantive�(involving lack of transparency and media ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Bookmarks for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23These are my links for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23: Interview with Michael Mueller aka @eurogene aka @nutrigenomics – The pros and cons of being a scientist WolframTones ringtones with a scientific twist – Create your own mobile phone ringtones using Wolfram's audio perspective on the computationa ...
- April Alchemist ArrivesThe Alchemist travels back billions of years to the dawn of life this week to learn how aspartic acid may be the crystal Eve, the mother of all chirality while heading back to the future also discovers how biology and nanotechnology might be fused to produce new metamaterials for a range of medical ...
- Nuclear reactors and soft X-raysScience links for this week, including my latest news in Materials Today Self-powered sensors: Biomaterials – Piezoelectric arrays could provide the power for a lab-on-a-chip device Pushing droplets around: Surface science – Pushing droplets around a surface A safe reaction: Nuclear – Self-healing ...
- Lifelong learning online is about connecting peopl ...Individuals now have the autonomy to make their own learning choices and in recent years there has been an emphasis on the “self made learner”, especially in adult education and ongoing professional development. As such, online communities and other so-called web 2.0 tools have come to the fore as p ...
- Hubble enhanced, open science, and bogus researchThese are a few of the science stories that caught my eye this past week: Hubble’s 20th anniversary treat – A stupendous image of a distant region of space, colour enhanced (of course) but amazing nevertheless. Draft White Paper – Researcher identifiers – How about a "SciID", like OpenID or a DOI b ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Hearings Begin in Historic Trial to Erode DOMAFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Freedom to Marry Today in Boston, eight married same-sex couples and three widowers, represented by the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), will appear in Federal District Court to challenge Section 3 of the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" that imposes ...
- EFF Seeks to Protect Innovation for Social Network ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Electronic Frontier Foundation The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is urging a federal judge to dismiss Facebook's claims that criminal law is violated when its users opt for an add-on service that helps them aggregate their information from a variety of soc ...
- San Diego Butterfly Closer to Endangered Species P ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Center for Biological Diversity As a result of a legal settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that one of Southern California’s rarest butterflies, the Hermes copper , warrants consideration as a ...
- EPA Proposes National Regulations on Coal AshFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Earthjustice The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced plans today to regulate coal ash dumps across the country. The announcement comes after months of delay and misleading statements by the power and coal industries and nearly 17 months after a billion ...
- MMS Understated Scale and Impact of Oil Spills in ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4, 2010 Project On Government Oversight More evidence casting doubt on whether the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has been overseeing offshore drilling with the best interest of taxpayers in mind. In a 2009 response to MMS' proposed five-year plan for oil and gas ...
Common Dreams-Views
- The Price of Courage: On Goldstone’s Bar Mitzvah a ...by Ramzy Baroud In his report on Gaza issued late last year, prominent South African jurist Richard Goldstone accused Israel and Hamas of committing war crimes. His language also showed awareness of the fact that the former is an occupying power with most sophisticated weapon arsenal (as reflecting ...
- Loose Lips on Iran Could Sink Americaby Ray McGovern The omnipresent World War II-era posters with the words "Loose Lips Sink Ships" served as a warning to members of the U.S. military to take heed lest they divulge information that could tip off the enemy and result in defeat in battle. I believe we need a new poster, because loos ...
- Sweet Athens, Georgiaby Robert C. Koehler “Sing it out, y’all!” read more
- We Need a Road Map to a Coal Free Futureby Stephanie Pistello, Ben Evans, and Jeff Biggers In the wake of the worst coal mining disaster in 40 years, compromise and political machinations this spring have resulted in a regulatory crisis of failure; workplace safety in the mines, including the black lung scandal, has emerged as a national ...
- Fearing Fear Itselfby Robert Dreyfuss Faisal Shahzad, it should be noted, is not a member of the Tea Party. Nor, it appears, is he a "white man in his 40s," as early reports described a possible suspect. What he is, it seems, is a manifestation of the reality that the threat of terrorism has fallen far below the magni ...
Karl Burkart
- Crowd-sourced news comes to the rescue in the GulfThe Ushahidi mobile reporting platform has comes to the rescue in Haiti, India and Congo. Now it comes to the Louisiana Gulf to aid in the oil spill cleanup.
- Google's crisis response in the GulfGoogle Crisis Response launches a Gulf oil spill crisis page equipped with satellite imagery and breaking video.
- Mckibben raps about life on a new planet called 'E ...According to America's leading climate scientist, 'connectedness' may be the one resource that gets us through a planetary crisis of biblical proportions.
- The betacup challenge - eliminate paper cups58 billion cups are landfilled each year and Betacup wants to stop it through design.
- Touch-screen floors simulate frozen lake crackingThe 2010 Haptics Symposium unveiled new virtual reality touch screens that can simulate the look, sound and even sensation of natural elements -- sand, cracking ice, water.
Water Privatization
- Protests intensify versus Angat plant privatizatio ...Advocacy group Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) has mounted protests versus the recent privatization of the 246-megawatt Angat hydropower facility, citing in particular potential circumstantial impact on Metro Manilas drinking water. The group has directed its tirades against multilateral instituti ...
- Judge: Voters can decide fate of Mt. Olive volunte ...Mount Olive voters will get to decide the fate of emergency medical service in the township, a judge ruled Wednesday.
- Lady 'Cat netters claim district crown, earn trip ...At the edge of darkness, Deming girls found a way to win.Tied at 4-4 in heads-up matches, Deming and Santa Teresa came down to one singles match between Brittney Okelberry and Lady 'Cat senior Taylor Keeler.
- Gilroy Council approves lawsuit against Santa Clar ...South County leaders claim cynical gerrymandering in new maps setting election districts for water board members.
- Letters to the Editor | Gulf oil spill ... May 6, ...Here are letters to the editor about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill from Daily News editions of May 6, 2010.
- Ukip candidate's plane crashes on polling dayFollow all the latest developments with Hélène Mulholland as voters across the countrty head to the polls to vote 10.01am: Three individuals who definitely didn't apply for a postal vote were Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg since tradition dictates that the leaders of the three main polit ...
- Turmoil over Greek debt – LIVE• Shares fall again as the turmoil in Greece alarms the world's financial markets • Greek bank workers strike over yesterday's deaths • Investors wait to hear from the European Central Bank • You can relive yesterday's action here 10.00am: Athens is in clean-up mode this morning after yesterday's ri ...
- Airports reopen as ash cloud movesChange in weather conditions could bring further disruption in coming days as Iceland volcano continues to erupt at full force No-fly zones were lifted today after the volcanic ash cloud moved west of UK air space, bringing relief to stranded passengers some of whom faced the prospect of missing the ...
- Mumbai gunman sentenced to deathMohammad Ajmal Kasab faces death by hanging as sole surviving terrorist from three-day-attack which killed 166 in Mumbai An Indian court today sentenced a Pakistani man to death over the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people and raised tensions between the rival neighbouring countries. The death pen ...
- Spurs clinch Champions League spot• Tottenham manager hails Champions League qualification • 'We picked an attacking team and took a big gamble' Harry Redknapp acclaimed his Tottenham Hotspur players after they had qualified for the Champions League at Manchester City's expense and described it as a greater achievement than winning ...
- Dome arrives at spewing oil well site as weather w ...BILOXI, Miss. — Weather forecasters warned Wednesday that shifting winds could drive a massive oil spill across islands off the Louisiana coast on Friday even as BP officials announced that they'd succeeded in shutting off one of three leaks spewing crude into the Gulf of Mexico.
- Senate scores big bipartisan votes for bank bill's ...WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday voted 93-5 to revamp how regulators can dissolve large financial firms that are dubbed "too big to fail," a rare bipartisan agreement that replaced a controversial proposed $50 billion bank-financed fund to help break up ailing companies.
- Iraq's Shiites close to forming religious-based co ...BAGHDAD — Iraq's two main Shiite parties brought the country a step toward a new religious-based government by forming an alliance just four seats short of a parliamentary majority. The agreement between the two parties raised fears that Sunnis could once again be cut out of power, sparking a return ...
- Police accuse Texas man of sending bomb to his ex- ...FORT WORTH — Authorities have arrested the ex-husband of a Colleyville woman who opened an explosive device delivered to her home Sunday.
- California ex-speaker's son pleads guilty to mansl ...The 21-year-old son of former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez pleaded guilty Wednesday in connection with the stabbing death of a college student on the San Diego State University campus and faces up to 16 years in prison.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Deep reflections on the ozone storyThere'll be a party in the chemistry labs at Cambridge University this Friday. But no-one will turn up with hugely coiffured hair, the champagne will be served warm, and if a fire should break out, there'll be nothing to use on it but old-fashioned water, CO2 and sand. Well... that's how life migh ...
- The bare facts of biodiversityWe've known for a couple of years or so that one of the impressive-sounding environmental promises that governments are signed up to - the pledge to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss significantly by 2010 - isn't going to be met. Now, an analysis just published in the journal Science is giving u ...
- Climate party risks losing its guestsWhen you're deciding whether to get dolled up and head off to the party, do you stop to ask who else might be going? Few want to risk being seen somewhere where the action is not; most will do what they can to avoid arriving so early as to give the impression that they need the party more than the ...
- Oil stirs troubled watersAs anyone who's ever dressed a salad in vinaigrette will testify, oil and water just don't mix. That's especially true of crude oil and sea water that supports sea lifeforms from fish to birds to plankton to mammals. So when we discover that 42,000 gallons of oil are leaking daily from a stricken ...
- Ozone's joined-up climateRemember the unseemly rush to biofuels ? The sudden impetus from all kinds of bodies including UN institutions, the EU, and governments such as the UK that began about four years ago to ramp up the growing of fuel crops and to adopt liquids made from them as the low-carbon transport panacea? While ...
The Wonk Room
- Small Problem For States Challenging Health Reform ...File this one under two more reasons why the constitutional challenges to health care reform are frivolous. Over at Slate, Simon Lazarus and Alan Marrison argue that Virginia, Florida, and the 20 other states that have joined the lawsuits lack standing and can’t get around the Tax Injunction Act, wh ...
- Burr ‘Couldn’t Imagine’ Supporti ...One of the many devastating results of the Great Recession has been the damage wrought on state budgets, which have led to dramatic cuts in education, including plenty of teacher layoffs. Part of this pain was alleviated by the economic stimulus package passed last year, but the depth and length of ...
- Military Establishes Quasi Anonymous Website To So ...When the co-chairs of the Pentagon’s DADT âWorking Groupâ testified before Congress, they promised to develop a system of consulting with gay members without inadvertently outing them. âWe envision outreach through social media so that a wide variety of individuals both within the Department o ...
- Sen. Leahy Proposes Amendment To Repeal Anti-Trust ...en. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), a long time supporter of ending the anti-trust exemption enjoyed by insurers, has filed an open amendment “to the pending Wall Street reform legislation” that would bar health insurance issuers or issuers of medical malpractice insurance from engaging in “any form of price ...
- Lee Smith: ‘Linkage’ Is False Because ...Recent statements from Vice-President Joe Biden, General David Petraeus, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates on how how the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the perception of U.S. favoritism toward Israel, negatively affect U.S. interests in the Middle East have generated a number of frantic and str ...
thwap's schoolyard
- ConsequencesSupposedly this big oil-rig explosion thing in the Gulf is a big deal. A major environmental catastrophe . The sane people are currently pointing the blame for it to the relaxation of safety regulations for the US oil industry as negotiated privately between oil-industry sleaze-ball, Vice-President ...
- MY Faith in Humanity RestoredI've been thinking that the un-fixable stupidity of people like the Blogging Tories makes the idea that people can be reasoned with an utter falsehood. We're doomed by the electoral strength of this solid bloc of morons who can always be counted upon to vote against their own (and our) self-interest ...
- Murray Dobbin on the "National Security" LieFrom rabble.ca : almost no one has commented on the totally absurd nature of the Harper government's basis for stonewalling. Indeed everyone seems to casually accept the framing of the issue that the government has relied on for months. That framing suggests that documents relating to the detai ...
- With Apologies To Any CF Friends Of Mine ...And I've got a few friends and acquaintances. But this Afghanistan nightmare is evidence that the Canadian military is one bent institution. I guess the real story here is that scum rises. That explains the rise and rise of complete imbeciles like Rick Hillier. A childish, stupid man, who believ ...
- Vatican Sex ScandalsThere's a lot happening today. From the rise of Christian-fascism in the USA , to the Obama Administration's simultaneous condemnation of Canada at the Arctic Conference and its request for further Canadian blood to be spilled in Afghanistan . However, I'd like to post a little something regarding ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Feed has movedThis feed has moved to .
- Market Observation: The Long and Short of Itby Brian Pretti. "It has been a very long while since I’ve taken up a big chunk of a discussion to write about crude oil. The time is now for a multiplicity of reasons. You know the old market truism that after bear markets in equities, old leadership rarely emerges as new leadership. And of course ...
- Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3 by Elliott Wave Int. "With the market’s downtrend recently in abeyance, these transgressions failed to capture the imagination of the public or the scrutiny of law enforcement. But the extreme recriminatory power of the next leg down in social mood suggests that Goldman’s dealings will become a ligh ...
- A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist. "The founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung, proposed the existence of something he called the collective unconscious. He said it was the most misunderstood of his empirical concepts. Its reality could be inferred from the presence of archetypes, most readily discoverable in dr ...
- Market Observation: Fear Strikes Outby Martin Goldberg, CMT. "The markets are heading straight up without even taking a breather. As of Thursday after completing the January correction, there have been 34 days up and only 13 days down. Over that timeframe the S&P has gained about 16%. None of the down days were particularly scary and ...
on Government Oversight
- Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: IG Report on Criminal ...On Monday Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) sent a letter to the Department of the Interior Inspector General (DOI IG) asking for a review to prevent blowout preventers and well controls. Perusing the archives of the DOI IG's reports on the...
- Treasury Still Clinging to Information About Proce ...As agencies inch further down the path of transparency, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) offers another stark reminder of just how resistant agencies can be to giving up information (full disclosure: TRAC Co-Director David Burnham is a member of POGO's...
- Morning Smoke: Congressional Oversight Has Never B ...Institutional anemia cripples congressional oversight by Dan Froomkin [Nietman Watchdog] U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study by Juliet Eilperin [Washington Post] Too Big to Jail? by David Heath [The Huffington Post Investigative Fund] Dodd and...
- POGO's Guide to the FinReg DebateThe Senate is casting its first votes today on amendments to the sweeping financial regulatory reform bill introduced by Senate Banking Committee Chair Christopher Dodd (D-CT). Here are some of the key amendments we’ll be following in the days and...
- MMS Understated Scale and Impact of Oil Spills in ...And now, more evidence casting doubt on whether the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) has been overseeing offshore drilling with the best interest of taxpayers in mind. In a 2009 response to MMS' proposed five-year plan for oil and gas...
Digital Journal
- Minor 3.0 magnitude earthquake strikes QuebecA minor earthquake has rocked the province of Quebec in Canada. There have been no reports of injuries, deaths or significant damages from the quake.
- Poverty in Canada has increased as a result of the ...A report released Wednesday highlights the deepening levels of poverty in Canada, made worse by the recession. The report urges the federal government to end poverty in the nation.
- Durham Regional Police release picture of stabbing ...Investigators are looking for a man connected to a stabbing that took place in Bowmanville, Ontario two weeks ago. Police are asking the suspect to turn himself in.
- Toronto teen arrested on sexual assault chargesA Toronto teen has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and robbery after an attack that took place last month in the downtown core.
- 'The Walrus' tops Canadian magazine award nominati ...The Walrus, a Canadian culture and current affairs periodical, is the top nominee in the National Magazine Awards in 33 categories.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Do Homelessness Simulations Do Any Good?I imagine that people who are or have been homeless are somewhat baffled by the idea of a homelessness simulation, in which middle class individuals spend a night on the streets. I've never been homeless, and I still don't get it. The only purpose I can see is reassuring your ego that it's empatheti ...
- Well, Is Homeless Camping Illegal or Not?Maybe it's the spring thaw, but there have been an awful lot of tent stories lately, both good and bad. First, after an ordinance banning tents in public parks was instituted in Honolulu, homeless campers outsmarted authorities by simply moving their setups to local sidewalks, which is perfectly le ...
- "Injustice Anywhere": The Parallels Between Homele ...I live in Arizona, which these days is like saying one is from Germany circa 1939 or Mississippi in the 1960s. You're probably familiar with our draconian immigration laws , including the implications for racial profiling, expanded police powers and a general attitude of exclusion and intolerance. W ...
- The Homeless, In Their Own Poetic WordsHow many of us who work on the issue of homeless, or who work with homeless people directly, truly know them as well as we would like? If our understanding of their situation is only cursory, how can we be as effective as we need to be? And how can our efforts at getting better acquainted not feel o ...
- The Way to End Homelessness Is So ObviousAccording to Arthritis Care & Research, most women who wear high heels suffer from foot pain. Really? I had no idea. As obvious as this finding seems, I find that whenever I hear solutions from homeless advocates about how to prevent and end homelessness, they seem equally obvious. The advocates are ...
- TVO’s The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeeper ...TVO's The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeepers or War makers? Recorded Thursday, April 29 2010. Canada's military role After Afghanistan. Live from the Munk School of Global Affairs.
- Where have all the Blue Berets gone?A recent discussion on the future role of Canada’s military forces demonstrated once again that some of Canada’s most well known defence and foreign policy experts don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to UN peacekeeping. Four years ago, David Bercuson, Director of the DND-funded Cent ...
- Cannon fires a dud at NPT RevCon“Canada has managed the extraordinary feat of presenting its opening statement to the NPT Review Conference without any substantive reference to ‘disarmament’ â one of the three foundational pillars of the Treaty,” reports arms control expert Ernie Regehr (”Canadaâs opening statement at NPT: pro ...
- Five thousand one hundred and thirteenFor the first time, the United States has formally disclosed the current size of its nuclear stockpile–5113 weapons as of 30 September 2009 (Anne Gearan, “U.S. comes clean on size of nuclear stockpile: 5,113,” Associated Press, 3 May 2010). U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed the numbe ...
- Cons, Libs talking about new Afghanistan role?The federal Liberals and Conservatives are informally discussing Canada’s role in Afghanistan following the scheduled end of the combat mission in Kandahar, the Canadian Press reports (Steev Rennie, “Tories, Grits talking post-2011 role in Afghanistan; combat off the table,” Canadian Press, 2 May 20 ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Blake Sawyer – Royal VelvetClick the picture or link below to hear Kevin’s interview with Blake Sawyer of Royal Velvet and click here to find out why professional athletes are buying his product in bulk! Blake Sawyer on The Kevin Trudeau Show 05/05/10
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-5-10Today, Kevin explains why the government is STILL after him and why discrimination laws only apply to certain groups of people. Plus, Blake Sawyer of Royal Velvet stops by to explain exactly how Deer Antler Velvet can act as the fountain of youth and turn back the hands of time! Click here to find o ...
- Ahmadinejad Says Osama Bin Laden is Living in Wash ...May 5, 2010 Telegraph.co.uk “Rest assured that he’s in Washington. I think there’s a high chance he’s there,” the Iranian leader told ABC television in an interview. Without backing up the claim, the Iranian leader said he had “heard” that bin Laden was in the US capital. “Yes, I did. He’s there. ...
- Big Brother Is Watching You, New YorkMay 5, 2010 Google.com by Sebastian Smith New York officials say they could stop attacks like the attempted Times Square car bomb by expanding a controversial surveillance system so sensitive that it will pick up even suspicious behavior. New York is already a heavily policed city, with 35,000 offic ...
- Stocks Slide WorldwideMay 5, 2010 Bloomberg.com by Lynn Thomasson and David Merritt The MSCI World Index of stocks erased its 2010 gain, the euro weakened to a 14-month low and Treasuries rallied on concern Europe’s debt crisis is worsening. U.S. equities pared losses on signs of an improving economy. The MSCI gauge of e ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of true an ...
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
- Global: Conference will establish African Socialis ...On the weekend of May 22-24, African organizers from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Washington, D.C. for a conference recognizing African Liberation Day (ALD) with the theme, “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunit...
- Global: Guadeloupe paralyzed by widespread strikesRiot police from mainland France have arrived on the French Caribbean islands as protests threaten to paralyse tourism and spread further afield. Strikes on Guadeloupe and Martinique have closed shops and schools and the reinforcements will help loca...
War in Context
- The Israeli exceptionAt Foreign Policy in Focus, John Feffer draws attention to the contradiction between Israel’s behavior as a rogue state and the fact that it is about to be granted the privileged status of membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — unless that is, a country such as Tur ...
- Afghanistan: is it time to talk to the Taliban?In The Guardian, Jonathan Steele writes: Eight years after they were overthrown by US air power, a drumbeat is starting to sound across Afghanistan in favour of talking to the Taliban, the country’s once-hated former rulers. An idea that used to seem absurd, if not defeatist, is coming to be seen a ...
- The myth of TalibanistanPepe Escobar’s analysis is interesting as always — though one note of warning: In writing about Baitullah Mehsud I think Escobar is actually referring to Hakimullah Mehsud. Reports that Baitullah was killed last August, have, as far as I’m aware, not been disputed. It was Hakimullah who reemerged th ...
- Drone strikes like “canon fire”CNN reports: Drone-launched missiles are now hitting lower-level al Qaeda and Taliban personnel, camps, training areas, bomb makers, buildings and other targets in the remote region. “You’ve had an expanded target set for time now, and given the danger these groups pose and their relative inaccess ...
- Drone attacks provoke calls for revengeIn a report on the CIA’s campaign of drone warfare in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times recounts the stories of some of the civilian victims of the attacks. Many of the boys that Zaman Khan grew up with in the South Waziristan town of Shakai eventually joined the Taliban. He knew they had become mili ...
Watts Up With That?
- Gavin’s sensitive sideSensitive side (from the NASA Global Climate Change Website) By Rosemary Sullivant, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory A little extra carbon dioxide in the air may, unfortunately, go further towards warming Earth than previously thought. A team of British and U.S. … Continue reading →
- UAH global temperature anomaly, a bit cooler in Ap ...APRIL 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.50 deg. C By Dr. Roy Spencer The global-average lower tropospheric temperature continues warm: +0.50 deg. C for April, 2010, although it is 0.15 deg. C cooler than last month. The linear trend since … Continue reading →
- New paper: Tropical cyclone response to solar UVDaily tropical cyclone intensity response to solar ultraviolet radiation J. B. Elsner, T. H. Jagger, and R. E. Hodges GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 37, L09701, doi:10.1029/2010GL043091, 2010 Abstract: An inverse relationship between hurricane activity over the Caribbean and the number … Continu ...
- Sun’s magnetics coming alive againWhen I last looked at the Ap geomagnetic index back in January, it looked pretty grim. Solar geomagnetic index reaches unprecedented low â only âzeroâ could be lower â in a month when sunspots became more active Now with the release … Continue reading →
- AGW to reach…”The Edge of Wetness̶ ...Johnny Carson of the Tonight Show used to do a schtick called “The Edge of Wetness” which was a parody of a soap opera called “The Edge of Night“ It was he first thing that went through my mind after … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Here Come Those Chickens Again by Cindy Sheehanby Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox May 6, 2010 “Chickens Coming Home to Roost:” Proverb: When one has to face the consequences of mistakes or bad deeds. As soon as I heard that Pakistani-American, Faisal Shahzad, was arrested for the ...
- Greg Palast: How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece + ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1093202 with Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com 6 May, 2010 TheAlexJonesChannel May 04, 2010 — Alex talks with New York Times-bestselling author and a journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation as well as the British newspape ...
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Speech at the United N ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Updated: added full transcript below the videos by President Ahmadinejad United Nations May 3, 2010 President Ahmadinejad’s speech at the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons conference [...] Wars, aggressions and above all the shadow of threat and stockpiling of ...
- The Lady Doth Protest Too Much By Ed Ciaccioby Ed Ciaccio Dandelion Salad Featured Writer May 3, 2010 This week, the UN is meeting in New York City to review the progress of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. A Telegraph/UK article titled “US to Unveil Size of Nuclear Stockpile” and posted today on CommonDreams.org states: Arms-control gr ...
- The Drone Bomber by Cindy Sheehanby Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox May 3, 2010 Jeez—hasn’t the world suffered enough at the “antics” of the Robber Class at the annual White House Correspondent’s dinner? I mean, crap, we have been “treated” to George Bush looking fo ...
Your New Reality
- No title
- No titleWhaddaYaMean We're The Bad Guys? This stunning, but true, summary of 65 years of American War from Australian journalist John Pilger appears on Reddit : Since 1945, the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported ...
- No titleI don't think he likes communists much :
- No titleWow.
- No titleHow To Turn A Boy Into A Killer Bill Willers : I n 1983, the National Film Board of Canada produced a 57-minute film, "Anybody's Son Will Do". Arguably the best anti-war film ever made, and tailored for public television, it scared the hell out of the U.S. military machine, which has done its b ...
Wired - Science
- Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better A ...British Petroleum and government disaster-relief agencies are using a toxic chemical to disperse oil in the Gulf of Mexico, even though a better alternative appears to be available. As the Deepwater Horizon oil spill spreads, BP and the U.S. Coast Guard have conducted tests with Corexit 9500, a ch ...
- Brain Scan Evidence Rejected by Brooklyn CourtA judge in Brooklyn ruled to exclude fMRI evidence in an employer-retaliation case, delivering another blow to proponents of lie detection by brain scan. The scans didn’t even make it to the hearing that normally is used to determine the admissibility of scientific evidence in New York state court. ...
- Linux vs. Genome in Network ChallengeA comparison of the networks formed by genetic code and the Linux operating system has given insight into the fundamental differences between biological and computational programming. The shapes are very dissimilar, reflecting the evolutionary parameters of each process. Biology is driven by random ...
- Gulf Coast May Be Permanently Changed by Oil SpillIf a desperate, last-ditch attempt to cap the Deepwater Horizon wellhead succeeds in coming days, environmental damage to the Gulf of Mexico will still be severe but probably not long-lasting. But if the cap fails, and months pass before a diversionary well can be drilled, the Gulf may be profoundl ...
- Designers Want to Improve Your Health With These S ...> SAN FRANCISCO — Most people see health as the output of a few different inputs like food, exercise and medicine. But how good your body and mind feel is mediated by the objects that surround you, too. In a new design studio at the California College of the Arts, inst ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Huge International BBC Poll has Israel 19% Favorab ...Survey conducted in 28 countries on 29,000 respondents reveals that only Iran, Pakistan, North Korea have more negative perception than Israel. Most ‘loved’ country is Germany. ‘Obama effect’ has... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Gideon Levy: The friendThere are not many Jews like Wiesel, to whom the White House door is open and the president lends an ear. And what does Wiesel do with this golden opportunity? He talks to Obama about postponing... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, no ...
- IOA Exclusive Interview – Rashid Khalidi: “Inform ...The IOA sat with Professor Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, to discuss US-Israel relations, The Obama Administration's Middle East policies, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Amira Hass: Like a plane without a pilotEven if not one more Jewish home is built in the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem), the enormous apparatus of domination continues to operate there with an inner logic of many years’... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- [Israeli] Islamic Movement: Boycott settler goodsThe northern branch of the Islamic Movement [in Israel-Palestine] on Wednesday joined Arab states and the Palestinian Authority and called for a boycott of settlement goods. The call was directed at... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russian warships hold nuclear defense drills in In ...Two Russian warships conducted an exercise against a simulated nuclear attack with elements of chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) warfare in the Indian Ocean on Wednesday, a Navy officer said.
- SAM missiles intercept simulated air strikes in NW ...It took the Kola Peninsula air-defense unit’s surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems only a few minutes to shoot down “enemy” ballistic and cruise missiles at the Ashuluk missile test range in Russia’s Astrakhan Region during military drills.
- Russian cruiser passes Suez Canal on mission in In ...The Moskva missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal and entered the Indian Ocean to join other Russian warships for large-scale naval exercises, a Defense Ministry spokesman said.
- Russian warship escorts another convoy in Gulf of ...The Russian Udaloy class missile destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov is escorting four civilian vessels off the coast of Somalia, a Russian Navy spokesman said.
- Russian nuclear cruiser makes port call in SyriaRussia's nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky has arrived in Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus ahead of Russian Navy drills in the Indian Ocean.
- Milk and Risk of Renal Cell Cancer: Genetic Resear ...While previous research had suggested that drinking milk was related to factors that may increase the risk of renal cell cancer, results of a recent study exploiting the genetic contribution to variation in milk consumption suggest that this may not be the case.
- Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy Could Lead to Ac ...1) Despite public health warnings, drinking is still high among pregnant women; 2) AML risk increased 56 percent among children of those who drank alcohol.
- iPhone Goes Nuclear: Fission? There's an App for ...A fission reaction in a nuclear reactor? There's an "app" for that! An iPhone "application" or software developed at the University of Utah can display simulations of a nuclear reactor's core on an iPod, iPhone or iPad.
- China Faces Public Health Crisis with Projected In ...Annual heart disease and stroke rates in China will rise by up to 73 percent by 2030, given an aging population and other increased risk factors, without policies and prevention efforts aimed at controlling blood pressure and smoking, according to research from Columbia University Medical Center pub ...
- Iowa State Researcher Uses Wii Remotes(tm) to Teac ...Tom Daniels, an Iowa State University assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has figured out how to use Wii Remotes as a teaching tool in introductory computer engineering courses. He said the game controllers are a great way to teach students to collect and process data.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- New Report: Cargill's Problems With Palm OilU.S. agribusiness giant Cargill plays a leading role in the global palm oil market. The largest importer of palm oil into the U.S., Cargill has a two-part business model in the palm oil industry: it both owns and operates palm oil plantations in Indonesia and it purchases and trades palm oil and its ...
- U.S. Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labe ...The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not. Click here to read this article
- States Prepare to Rise to CO2 Challenge as Senate ...The collapse of an energy reform proposal in Congress last week could return power to north America's historic actors on climate change: the regions. Click here to read this article
- Massachusetts Raw Milk Hearing May 10The May 10 hearing on proposed regulatory changes that would outlaw raw milk buying clubs is just one week away. Response to an earlier alert has been strong. Many people have emailed, called and written to the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and their legislators to expres ...
- Women are Quietly Leading the Food and Farming Rev ...Temra Costa talks about how women are quietly leading the food and farming revolution in America. Click here to read this article
- Nuestra fauna (19 fotos de animales muy lindos)Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. En este paquete que pretende rendir un pequeño tributo a nuestra fauna, usted encontrará los siguientes elementos; Osos, Perros, Gatos, Búhos, Zorros, Águilas, Ardillas, Leones, Tigres, Ocelotes, Venados y algo más. Ha ...
- La foto de tu mamita y la tuya en estas imágenes P ...Estamos a sólo 5 días de celebrar en México, Guatemala, El Salvador y en otros países el Día de las Madres. Por eso mismo, hoy tengo para todos ustedes una carpeta que contiene 6 versiones diferentes de una imagen PNG decorada con hermosos tulipanes, donde usted podrá colocar la foto de su mamita y. ...
- 15 fotografías de motocicletas (varias marcas y mo ...Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Este paquete, contiene 15 fotografías de motocicletas en alta resolución. Usted podrá ver motos Yamaha, Honda, BMW, Victory, Kawasaki, Ducati, Honda, Etc. Son motocicletas en varios colores y modelos. Deportivas,... ...
- Nuevas imágenes fantásticas (37 elementos increíbl ...Me congratulo al poder ofrecerle a usted una excelente colección con 37 nuevas imágenes fantásticas. Sea testigo de la alta creatividad y descubra esta serie de paisajes increíbles. Un acercamiento directo a la fusión entre la realidad y la ficción.Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar. ...
- Los insectos de mi jardín (40 fotos tipo macro)Si a usted como yo, le gustan las fotografías macro de insectos, le tengo una excelente noticia. El día de hoy, deseo ofrecerle sin ningún costo, un paquete que incluye 40 fotografías de pequeños insectos. Mariposas, Arañas, Libélulas, Catarinas, Caballitos de mar, Hormigas, Escarabajos, Etc. Es... ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- Can the ICC Prosecutor Investigate Gaza? ICC Pros ...by Julian Ku Last year, the Palestinian National Authority filed a declaration accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. This declaration is controversial, to say the least, because it could potentially give the ICC jurisdiction over Israeli military forces operating in Gaza ...
- DeGirolami on Banning the Burqaby Chris Borgen by Chris Borgen My colleague Marc DeGirolami has a guest post over at PrawfsBlawg reacting to an op-ed in today’s New York Times by Jean-François Copé, the the majority leader of the French National Assembly, in which Copé defends banning the burqa and the niqab. While Marc se ...
- Trivia Question of the Dayby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller What’s the only modern international or internationalized criminal tribunal that either has or had universal jurisdiction?
- Looking for New and Innovative Ways to Implement U ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku I hadn’t been aware of this group, Human Rights at Home, which is seeking to “create a national political culture that supports and advocates for human rights.”  In fact, they have some interesting ideas of how to reform U.S. legal infrastructure to implement U.S. inte ...
- Does the Arizona Immigration Law Violate the Inter ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Yes, says Human Rights Watch in this press release. According to HRW, the new (and hotly controversial Arizona law) is in conflict with ICERD. I am troubled by the AZ law and think it is likely preempted by other federal law, but I am baffled as to how the AZ law [.. ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
Public News Service
- A “Special Delivery” for AZ Hunger Rel ...A “Special Delivery” for AZ Hunger Relief Phoenix, AZ – Arizona is in the top half of states for food hardship — the lack of money to buy food that families need — according to the Food Research and Action Center. Thousands of Arizona letter carriers will try to fix that with their annual one-day fo ...
- Immigrant Supporters Ask Feds to Void New AZ LawImmigrant Supporters Ask Feds to Void New AZ Law Phoenix, AZ – A delegation of Arizona political, faith, human rights, business and labor leaders travels to the nation’s capital today (Tuesday) for a meeting with Justice Department officials, urging them to invalidate Arizona’s tough new immigration ...
- Legal Challenge Announced to AZ Immigration LawLegal Challenge Announced to AZ Immigration Law Phoenix, AZ – Arizona's new immigration law is headed for a federal court challenge. The suit being planned will allege that the state law violates the U.S. Constitution. Comments from Thomas Saenz (SIGNS), president of the Mexican-American Legal Defen ...
- Founder Remembered as AZ Celebrates Earth Day's 40 ...Founder Remembered as AZ Celebrates Earth Day's 40th Phoenix, AZ – Arizona joins the nation today (Thursday) in marking the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Former Wisconsin U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded the event as a national teach-in. Comments from Tia (TEE-ah) Nelson, the late senator's daug ...
- Lawmakers Slow to Deal With Threatened Loss of Fed ...Lawmakers Slow to Deal With Threatened Loss of Federal Health Dollars Phoenix, AZ – Arizona lawmakers have yet to restore funding for KidsCare health insurance. The new federal health care law requires the state to maintain its children’s health insurance program, or lose up to 7-billion dollars for ...
My Care2 Picks
- Conspiracy TheoryHere's the conspiracy, and it's no theory: years of conscious attempts to break the machine of government in order to ensure a more impediment-free profit process has precipitated this, along with many of the other newsworthy woes which now face this admi Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- Climate Change in The Gulf of Mexico from the oil ...Look, at the recent NASA photos. There is a hole in the cloud cover above the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. No clouds mean no evaporation has occurred, which equals no future rain, which means a coming drought. Submitted by Just Carole to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Remember or You Might Choke On It - Global Defores ...We must remember about global deforestation as an environmental disaster. Find out some of the latest information about the state of our world's forests. Submitted by Emerald Monde to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- U.S. and Other Countries Walk Out on AhmadinejadFirst day of a month-long conference on nuclear proliferation at the UN. as the President began his rant attacking the nuclear powers, the U.S. and other allies got up and walked out. They lasted longer than the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ('rant') Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & G ...
- Get Smart goes to GTMOAt least one of the videotapes showing Omar's conversations with CSIS agents at GTMO in 2003 was played for the court. Evidence derived from the direct participation of representatives of Canada : Harper government formally requested the U.S. not do so. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov ...
Angry Indian News
- John John reads John Pilger - Warmongers of the wo ...New Statesman - Warmongers of the world, unite:Staring at the vast military history section of the airport shop, I had a choice: the derring-do of psychopaths or scholarly tomes with their illicit... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Craig Murray - New Labour's Complicity in Torture ...Craig Murray - New Labour's Complicity in Torture - Truly Evil: I have now obtained under the Freedom of Information Act a heavily censored copy of one of my telegrams from Tashkent protesting at... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- UPDATED: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Ar ...UPDATED: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Arrest of Faisal Shahzad? | The Nation: Reports are emerging suggesting that secret US military intelligence aircraft were used to find and locate... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- One baby with syphilis born every hour in China: s ...BBC News - Syphilis cases rise sharply in ChinaChina has seen a dramatic rise in cases of syphilis, as a result of rapid social change, US researchers say.A report in the New England Journal of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- UK Foreign Office Secret Opinion: It’s OK to Gathe ...UK Foreign Office Secret Opinion: It’s OK to Gather Evidence Through Torture | The Seminal: "Craig Murray, the UK’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan, has posted at his blog copies he received of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- More than 80 Groups Urge FDA and USDA to Change U. ...For Immediate release Naomi Starkman Consumers Union nstarkman@gmail.com 917.539.3924-c Position Will Create Problems for American Producers to Label Products GM/GE-Free Upcoming International Codex Meeting to Discuss Food Labeling, May 3 Yonkers, NY—Consumers Union, the nonprofit publishe ...
- S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act: ...The PPJ Gazette Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved ________________________ “I guess, Henry Waxman was the only person to discover this close tie between financial reform and dietary supplements. Who would have imagined such a thing? Guess that’s why he’s a Senator; he can divin ...
- A news flash for the District of Criminals: It is ...We can send troops all over the world to defend other people (only if they have assets we want), to bring democracy to people who don’t want it (after all, look at the example we have set) and appear out of no where when an earthquake occurs on an island. But we can’t defend America from an illegal ...
- What the MSM won’t tell you about about the ranche ...As you know, one of our local ranchers, Bob Krentz, an R-CALF member, was murdered in Douglas, AZ, two weeks ago. His funeral is tomorrow. I received three messages from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement. Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend ...
- GM Alfalfa vs World Health – Update and Judicial P ...As we approach what will be a landmark decision for those of us in an agricultural belt whose main crop is alfalfa, I offer this one plea on behalf of reason, before the final verdict is in.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Neuro-Imaging Redefines Mental Illness, Complicate ...Noted by Susan Toepfer on May 6, 2010 8:05 AM
- New App Helps Keep Facebook's Hands Off Your Data ...Noted by Todd Essig on May 6, 2010 7:05 AM
- Musicians lose millions in gear in Nashville flood ...Noted by Michele Catalano on May 6, 2010 7:05 AM
- The Associated Press: Billionaire Saban to spend $ ...Noted by Devon Pendleton on May 6, 2010 6:05 AM
- Air France crash 'black boxes located in Atlantic' ...Noted by Rachel King on May 6, 2010 3:05 AM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanis ...ShareThis The Taliban�stimulus, funded by US taxpayers: Taliban leaders to be offered exile under Afghanistan peace plan --Karzai to discuss proposal that also offers reinsertion and jobs to former militants with Obama on US visit 05 May 2010 Top Taliban leaders could be offered exile outside Afghan ...
- Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of ...ShareThis 'There were clues in Connecticut -- but only to the paranoid.' Car bomb suspect who slipped under radar is son of air force chief 06 May 2010 There were clues in Pakistan but only to the tight handful of [ CIA ] minders who knew what Faisal Shahzad was planning.�What is beyond doubt is tha ...
- CIA to expand drone raids in PakistanShareThis Times Square false flag conveniently provides cover for Obusha's war expansion: CIA to expand drone raids in Pakistan 06 May 2010 The CIA has received authorization to target a wider range of targets in Pakistan with its drone-guided missiles, despite national discontent on growing civilia ...
- Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's D ...ShareThis Emirates Denies Negligence Over Terror Suspect's Dubai Flight 06 May 2010 Emirates denied negligence over its failure to update a U.S. no-fly list, allowing the suspect in the attempted May 1 car bombing in New York’s Times Square to board a flight to Dubai... Faisal Shahzad was put on the ...
- Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security ex ...ShareThis Countries are risking cyber terrorism, security expert tells first world summit --Governments that fail to protect computer networks could face devastating attack, says former Pentagon director 05 May 2010 The spectre of crashing power grids, stalled air control towers... and defences left ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... � "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase the cost of power and petrol ...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
- Olympia mural uses Corrie tragedy to strengthen bo ...The Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural This Saturday there will be a celebration in Rachel Corrie's hometown of Olympia, WA marking the completion of the Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural. The project has been a collective effort of Olympia locals, as well as over 150 artists, activists and organization ...
- A ‘historic opportunity at hand’ tonig ...Anfal Awwad, Benjamin Balthaser, Oliver Burchill, Amal Dalmar and Aaron Dimsdale write in the UCSD newspaper The Guardian about the UCSD divestment resolution that will be voted on tonight: We have a historic opportunity to stop our university from contributing to the violation of human rights. T ...
- Look into the terrifying face of the enemyScary, huh? This is Izzet Sahin, founder of a human rights office in the West Bank, arrested by Israel last week as he was passing through the Bethlehem checkpoint--and then taken into Israel. Oh, and he's a Hebrew student. Who's reporting on this in the U.S., beside JVP and Sahin's group IHH, w ...
- Pot calls kettle apartheidI understand the latest attacks on Richard Goldstone will involve his service as a judge in apartheid days. The Jerusalem Post has picked up an investigation by Yedioth, an assertion that Goldstone condemned blacks to their deaths in Apartheid South Africa. They're desperate. Hasbara folks are on th ...
- Maker of ‘Budrus’ set his sights on ...I keep saying that the Israel lobby, whose power the lobby itself poo-poos, is a giant tower of Jewish history whose chronicles will fill library shelves one day when it's no longer controversial. Dershowitz, Philip Roth and John Mearsheimer have all written about it. The day approaches. The Jewish ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Pregnancy TipsI was recently alerted by a newly pregnant mother of a child with Autism for tips on minerals & vitamins to help strengthen her immune system during the coming months. She believes vaccines were the cause of her child’s Autism and has begun a shift away from her GP. Based on all my research thus far ...
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
- VRM: Autism – Steps To Take Toward Prevention & Re ...1) Vitamin D is highly recommended – According to Dr. John Cannell, âAutism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in ...
- VRM: Media Spin & Swine Flu Hysteria“Canada’s vaccine uses an adjuvant, which consists of squalene (shark liver oil), DL-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier also used in ice cream). An adjuvant is a chemical product that boosts the immune response. There were claims that squalene, used in the anthrax vac ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
- Simple Living: CDs and DVDsIf like me, you were a teen in the 90's, you probably have a huge stack of CDs like I do. I would also bet that, like me, you rarely listen to any of those CDs. Over the last few years I've also noticed the same thing with my DVDs. I had a whole shelf of CDs and DVD but never touched 99% of ...
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
Michael Yon
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
- Battle for KandaharBattle for Kandahar Baghtu Valley 25 April 2010 Afghanistan The counteroffensive has begun. More accurately, it might be called a counter-counteroffensive. Close to a decade ago, we beat the Taliban and al Qaeda here. The Taliban regrew and waged an increasingly successful counteroffensive. ...
- War above McChrystal's HeadPublished: 17 April 2010 Originally posted on Facebook {loadposition user8}
- Supportfooter{loadposition user8}
- A WhisperPublished: 16 April 2010 By: MAJ JF Sucher, MD A singular sentence in reply to a common, simple question. A whisper from Afghanistan has returned a loud echo from Laconia, New Hampshire, a small town of 12,000 (40,000 in the summer) nestled amongst the glacial lakes in the center of the state. D ...
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Sparkling Chair Made of PET and Air, Just Like a W ...The most eco-friendly material to make furniture is probably the one we don't use (no material, no ecological footprint so to say)... so what about air? We have featured a series of inflatable items, such as inflatable solar panels , an inflatable house or glowing inflatable furniture , because ...
- All Bets are Off on the UK Election But Fun and Ga ...Image from Policy Diffusion Today is Election Day in the U.K. and the race is on. Betting on the election is legal here and the bookies are giving the best odds on the Conservatives winning. No one else is sure what is happening; it will be a dash to the finish, with the great undecided voter ...
- Aqua: Terrific Looking Sustainable + Low-Cost Home ...Photos: Casa Aqua via TuVerde. Even if green architecture is usually 'good architecture' that can be applied to any construction, it seems the household projects that carry some sort of certification are usually aimed at the high income segment. Perhaps because people with lower income have oth ...
- BP Says 1 of 3 Oil Leaks Is Plugged, 100-Ton Metal ...Image: Unified command releases new overflight map updated 5 p.m. May 3, 2010. CC. Not Out of the Woods Yet... Late Tuesday night, BP succeeded in plugging one of the three leaks that are spewing vast quantities of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. This was done with the help of underwater remotely o ...
- Lovelock Tells BBC That Mankind Cannot Save GaiaImage: BBC Lovelock Interview James Lovelock, the scientist who put forth the Gaia Theory, has told the BBC it is too late for us to save the planet. According to Gaia Theory, the entire earth is a single organism, connected and interactive. Only just over a month ago, Lovelock called for autho ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Political parties slam ‘rule-breaking’ PMElection laws stipulating that government workers cannot set up their own political parties may have been broken by Burma's current prime minister
- NLD member ‘attacked by junta thugs’Chit Tun remains in hospital one month after the attack took place, allegedly by Swan Arr Shin thugs ordered by Union Solidarity and Development Association members
- US wary of Burma reshuffleWashington expresses doubts about political change in Burma following the resignation from the military of the Burmese prime minister and 22 senior officials
- Thailand detains 100 Mon migrantsSixty-three women among the Burmese migrants arrested on Monday by police after entering Thailand on foot from Karen state
- Landslide kills 13 close to China borderAll victims were Chinese workers operating a mine in Burma's northern Kachin state, close to the border with Yunnan provice
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Gulf oil slick is a disaster for world climate dea ...Offshore oil drilling could become unacceptable, eliminating Barack Obama's bargaining tool with the Republicans, writes Geoffrey Lean.
- General Election 2010: Political parties are green ...There is one party that fully endorses the rejectionist case on global warming, says Geoffrey Lean.
- World fails to stop extinctionWorld leaders have failed to prevent the extinction of species despite pumping millions of pounds into nature conservation, according to a new study.
- Volcano crisis: Sense vanishes in a puff of ash The closure of our airspace casts a highly disturbing light on the way we are governed, says Christopher Booker.
- David Cameron defends his green credentials in lea ...Climate change finally made it into the election debate with David Cameron forced to defend his green policies.
National Geographic | Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?As the world watches for oil-covered birds, experts warn that the Gulf of Mexico spill could pose greater risks to life deep in the ocean. Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment
- Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Say ...Eagles on California's Channel Islands are finding fewer of their traditional prey, which may force them to scavenge DDT-laced blubber. California - Channel Island - Bald Eagle - California's Channel Islands - Channel Islands National Park
- Huge Asphalt Volcanoes Discovered Off CaliforniaSeven ancient underwater giants lurk off the Santa Barbara coast, and the biggest is as tall as a six-story building, scientists say.
- New Deadly Fungus Found in U.S., Has Already Kille ...The new, hypervirulent fungus strain has already killed six and is spreading in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, a new study says.
Jurist - Legal Research
- France court refuses to extradite Iranian engineer ...[JURIST] A French appeals court on Monday refused a US extradition request for Iranian engineer Majid Kakavand, accused of illegally exporting electronic equipment to Iran for military use. Kakavand was detained in France in March 2009 after the US government issued a warrant for his arrest. Kakavan ...
- Bosnia war crimes court acquits genocide suspect [JURIST] The appellate division of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina [official website] on Wednesday acquitted [press release; case materials] Serb wartime commander Milos Stupar of genocide [BiH Criminal Code Article 171, PDF] charges in connection with his alleged involvement in killings committ ...
- Argentina lower house passes same-sex marriage bil ...[JURIST] The Argentine Chamber of Deputies [official website, in Spanish] voted 126-109 Wednesday in favor of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage [JURIST news archive] in the country. The bill would also give gay couples the right to adopt children [Pagina 12 report, in Spanish], one of the bill's ...
- Sri Lanka parliament eases state of emergency rest ...[JURIST] The Sri Lankan Parliament [official website] on Wednesday eased certain restrictions under the country's state of emergency laws, which have been in place for most of the last 27 years. Lawmakers voted to extend the state of emergency [Colombo Page report] for another month but reduced some ...
- Dutch prosecutor to appeal Holocaust cartoon rulin ...[JURIST] The Dutch Public Prosecution Service [official website, in Dutch] announced Tuesday that the public prosecutor for the Utrecht District Court filed an appeal [press release, in Dutch] against the April 22 ruling [JURIST report] acquitting the Arab European League (AEL) of hate speech charge ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- The Night Beat: Democratic Terror Talking Points, ...Sen. Joe Lieberman's citizenship stripping bill for terrorists will be dropped tomorrow. His Republican co-sponsor: Scott Brown .� To clarify, that's citizenship-hyphen-stripping. The State Department would decide who gets thrown out of the circle. Breath on this : according to the agency that mon ...
- The Night Beat: And Then There Were 4 in FloridaWhat matters tomorrow ... tonight. Read it and sleep. Read it here first: Then there were FOUR. Billionaire Jeff Greene � will enter FL SEN race tomorrow as a Democrat ... expect a paper statement. Life story: he came from nothing. Self-made man. Created jobs. Made a difference. (He also shorted � ...
- The Night Beat: Tick TockWhat matters tomorrow ... tonight. Read it and sleep. Republican Dan Coats , nominated, U.S. Senate from Indiana. (3 of every 5 voters in his primary chose another candidate, though.) Democrat Brad Ellsworth , nominated, U.S. Senate from Indiana. Democrat Lee Fisher , nominated, U.S. Senate from Oh ...
- How Rockefeller's Selling His Cyber BillThere are six cyber security bills in Congress now, but the one with the biggest chance of making it to the floor first is the Senate Commerce Committee's, authored by Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe. The two want to trademark the developing arena of cyber law in the name of �commerce and industry ...
- Historical Document: The Case Against ShahzadHere's the criminal complaint, unsealed moments ago. crimcomplaint.pdf
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Help Oppose Canada's Top Weapons Bazaar! - ...
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
- [COAT] Making a Killing on War! Cancel CANSEC, Can ...
- [COAT] Canada's Arms Exports to Israel: Aiding & A ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Shin Bet Nabs Spanish Clown Intent on Damaging Nat ...Boy, am I glad there’s a Shin Bet around to protect Israel. First, they nab that bitch traitor Anat Kamm who sold the nation’s secrets to Hamas. Then, they send that other spy Uri Blau packing off the London where he belongs. Maybe if they’re lucky they’ll close down that nest of vipers at the ...
- Israeli Secrets Behind Gaza SiegeSeveral years ago, when Ariel Sharon was prime minister, his main advisor, Dov Weisglass “jokingly” said that Israel’s siege was intended to put Gazans on a diet: âItâs like a meeting with a dietitian. We need to make the Palestinians lose weight, but not to starve to death.â Yes, it was maca ...
- Links for 2010-05-04 [Digg]Dershowitz Incites Hate Against Michael Lerner It is absolutely no accident that Alan Dershowitz singled Rabbi Michael Lerner out for special opprobrium in his most recent Jerusalem Post and Huffington Post column...
- Dershowitz’ Lies: There He Goes AgainI bet you didn’t know I accused Alan Dershowitz of trying to kill Michael Lerner. Neither did I. But hell, that’s what the Dersh would have you believe in his latest ripping lie-filled yarn at HuffPo. He’s back there for the second time in six days, this time claiming Michael Lerner is trying ...
- ‘Yonatan Shapira, Make Me Babies’Enough doom and gloom.� Forget about useless proximity talks, hooligan uber-Zionists, rabid settlers, the Israel lobby foaming at the mouth over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.� Instead enjoy some good old-fashioned foot-stomping Israeli pop music.� Oh, damn.� Here I thought I was going to give you some unal ...
Ode Magazine
- Working proof that art can bring aidBy: VictoriaKlein The world of art has often dabbled in the realm of charitable fundraising. A fresh round-up of modern, visually-creative minds have embraced the power of the internet to make a conscious difference. Seeking to promote “art and social responsi ...
- Where science and religion meetBy: Marco Visscher “Science has proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.” This is a quote by the 20th-Century anthropologist Ashley Montague, which I saw at the bottom of an email from a friend who’s a scientist. I’ve always ...
- Hope therapy will get us through tough timesHow hope therapy can help banish mild mood disorders and boost happiness. Photo: Dusanzidar/ Dreamstime.com Things were going pretty well for Melanie. After struggling with being overweight, she had recently dropped a significant number of pounds. She felt great and looked ...
- Add more good to lifeBy: humanebeings To many, making choices that do the most good and least harm for all - what we at the Institute for Humane Education call MOGO - “most good” - might seem like “giving up” a lot of things: certain foods and clothes, transportation options, stuff, pe ...
- Changing the story of wealthBy: Selma Normally I wouldn’t be interested in what economists say, but ecomist David Korten has a great story to tell. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World , recently visited the Netherlands and I found myself inspired by the points he made. Korten s ...
OpEd News
- Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Pers ...International laws protect them. Israel does not in violation of laws itapos;s sworn to uphold.
- BP Flouted US Safety RulesThe oil conglomerate is also facing serious charges from the Labor Departmentapos;s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that it "willfully" failed to implement safety measures at its Texas City refinery, the third largest in the country, following an explosion that killed 15 employe ...
- Call it the "Gulf BP Congress Catastrophe" and Fix ...The catastrophe level disaster in the gulf is a symptom. Plugging a well or some leaking pipe holes will not fix the problem. This historic catastrophe should be given a name that describes the guilty parties-- BP and congress.
- For Many, Itapos;s "Report an Illegal Day" Every D ...Many Americans think that immigrants are "illegal." This article takes a look at what is fueling anger and fear toward "illegals." It includes a video from Chicago at the end which showcases the need to embrace diversity and come together to work for the common good instead of excluding a group to i ...
- A Lack of Diplomatic FinesseUAE is citing provocative territorial claims against Iran. It seems that UK, White House and Tel Aviv are behind the baseless claims which are entirely refuted by the historical documents and evidences.
- Oil Found, Anger Fueled, Action For SureToday as I sat in a boat in the Gulf, surrounded on all sides by oil-tainted seas, its hard to say what hit me the hardest. Was it the graceful and enigmatic dolphins surfacing through the slick? Or Captain O’Neill pointing out the spots where he fishes for speckled trout, redfish, flounde ...
- Climate change endangers whitebark pine in western ...Yesterday the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) announced that it has determined whitebark pine – a high elevation pine found throughout much of the western US and Canada – is endangered throughout its Canadian range due to a combination of factors including ...
- The Oil Spill Demonstrates National Security Imper ...As the oil spreads in the Gulf threatening livelihoods , wildlife and coastal ecosystems , political leaders are recognizing that this event will have major implications for America’s energy future. The stark difference between the Cape Wind project and the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico ar ...
- Q&A PART 2: Gulf Coast Oil Spill and Your Health – ...I continue today with Part 2 of my Q&A about oil spill health concerns with a look at different groups of people who are at a particular risk to health impacts associated with the oil spill. In my next post, I’ll address health tips for people working on the clean-up. And you can find answe ...
- Arguing the Case: Climate, Energy Independence and ...Yesterday I spoke on two panels at the annual ITS America conference in Houston. This big event brings together industry and government experts interested in technology and its applications in transportation, meaning everything from toll booths to electronic signage along roads and rails sto ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Welcome To My Life, TabooAlthough Brian Leiter beat me to it, this David Bernstein post is such a remarkable piece of work that I can’t resist piling on. Â Â Angry about the possibility that someone might be criticized (with, properly in my view, no other consequences as far as I can tell) for expressing racist views, he p ...
- Authoritarian Who Despises American Constitutional ...Holy Joe Lieberman, America’s last honest man and second most important arbiter of National Integritude after Bill Bennett. Â (See also here and here and here.) Related posts:Worst American Birthdays, vol. 23 Worst American Birthdays, vol. III The Objectively Great Mitt Romney’s Objectively Great ...
- He’s No Lewis Sorley, But…Congratulations to George Herring! Vietnam War historian George C. Herring, Alumni Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Kentucky, is the 2010 recipient of the Medallion for Intellectual Achievement. The UK Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement recognizes high intellectual a ...
- Robert Gates Gave a Speech…I have some thoughts on Gates’ Navy speech over at ID. Related posts:Is Robert Gates the War Nerd? Gates Smacks Down Air Force, Again Gates Foundation Related posts: Is Robert Gates the War Nerd? Gates Smacks Down Air Force, Again Gates Foundation
- The Would-Be Facebook Refugee’s DilemmaDan Yoder is leaving Facebook, and implores us to “join him.” He has almost a dozen reasons why. Some of them are even good reasons. He’s not alone. And more and more of us, disenchanted, disenfranchised Facebookers know it. But here’s the rub, Dan. A lot of us can’t just decide to “leave” without ...
Desert Research Institute
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
- Cloud Seeding Program Receives Support from SNWA a ...Cloud seeding will continue this year in the Tahoe/Truckee River Basin, the Ruby Mountains and with one generator near Tuscarora, Nevada.
Earth Techling
- Samsung Debuts Side-By-Side Energy Efficient Refri ...Samsung is showcasing a new energy efficient side-by-side refrigerator which, among other features, sports a special twin cooling system for separate and more efficient refrigerator and freezer cooling.
- California High Schoolers Gear Up For Solar Boat R ...The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is getting set to hold its annual Solar Cup on Lake Skinner, where 36 teams of high school students will race in solar-powered boats they've built.
- Floating Renewable Energy Plant Prototype Unveiled ...A Danish company has announced plans for a prototype floating power plant known as the Poseidon 37 that borrows technology developed for oil rigs to generate energy from wind and water.
- Life in the Green Lane: Things To Know About Hybri ...Daunted by the abundance of green vehicles available? EarthTechling breaks down hybrids and EVs, examines the good and bad of both, and poses considerations to keep in mind before buying.
- SoCal Whiz Kids To Debut Hydrogen Powered CarStudents at the Los Altos Academy of Engineering in Hacienda Heights, east of Los Angeles, are set to show off the car featuring their hydrogen internal combustion engine at an open house on May 8th.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- LAW FIRM ADMINISTRATION: Rethinking the law firm w ...Today's attorneys are looking to create a workplace environment that looks less like the "Old Esquire's" law firm and more like the offices of their profitable corporate clients.
- LAW FIRM ADMINISTRATION: IT departments can be pro ...Information Technology departments can help law firms generate significant profitability. But the reality is that most firms still view IT as a cost center and a "keep the lights on" type of function.
- LAW FIRM RECRUITING: Lateral game is on, but the r ...Law firms demand bigger books while potential hires want proof that firms are on solid ground.
- Civil litigation is focus of Duke conferenceCorporate counsel almost unanimously agree that civil litigation is too expensive, while 90% say that it takes too long, according to a new survey conducted for a major judicial conference on civil justice that convenes next week.
- Advocate for the blind targets law school online a ...A national advocacy group for the blind on Wednesday accused law schools across the country of violating the rights of blind would-be law students by using the Law School Admission Council's online application process.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- House Bill 2235 LetterHere’s is a sample letter to my local representative. Please feel free to copy and paste it if you are not sure how to write your own. Make sure you send it to your correct representative. Representative Matthew Baker Ryan Office Building, Room 115 451 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17120-2068 De ...
- A Letter to the Editor…The following letter to the editor in today’s Williamsport Sun-Gazette has some interesting ideas. Whether or not you agree with any or all of these, it surely will get you considering ways to think out of the box in addressing gas drilling issues. A Gas Drilling Protection Plan-Posted April 29th-le ...
- Delay Equals Opportunity…make your voice hea ...Last week’s expected House floor action on the Save the Forests bill (HB 2235) – to protect the best parts of our state forest land from gas drilling – was pushed back to next week. HB 2235 would impose a five-year freeze on new leasing of state land for gas drilling until the state can [...]
- Lisa Addresses Lincoln Place homeowners about Marc ...The below links are from the Lincoln Place Action Group in the Pittsburgh area. I met some of the folks who put this event together while traveling in Washington County. Lisa Graves (the speaker) is a resident of the Pittsburgh area where they are currently signing leases for drilling and she is a m ...
News Blaze
- John Rabe - The Gentle German Who Saved 200,000 Ch ...John Rabe kept diaries during the 27 years he spent in China as an employee of Siemens. His scribblings detail the minutiae of his life and relationships with the city and the people with whom he became deeply entrenched.
- Fulham 0-1 Stoke City. Poor Show From Europa Leagu ...Europa League practice doesn't run too smoothly for Fulham who are defeated at home to Stoke City.
- Lost Season Six Episode 14 : 'The Candidate' Play ...The groups attempts to leave the Island end in disaster as the series hurtles towards its conclusion.
- Greg Mortenson to Be Honored At Gala for Literatur ...Evening will feature debut of a verbatim performance of 'Three Cups of Tea,' which will enter the Literature to Life repertoire.
- Red Wine As Perfect For Gourmet Dining As It Is Fo ...So what exactly have all of these 'world renowned' Medical Research Institutions and Media Giants been teaching us all about red wine? Basically precisely what so many of us have known all along.
environment 360
- Under Threat in the Gulf, A Refuge Created by Roos ...Among the natural treasures at risk from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, created by Theodore Roosevelt to halt a grave threat to birds in his era — the lucrative trade in plumage. Now, oil from the BP spill is starting to wash up on beaches where Roosevelt ...
- Dozens of Critical Bird Sites in Path of Massive G ...The American Bird Conservancy says the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill will affect bird populations from Canada to South America, with important nesting and migratory stopover sites along the Gulf Coast directly in the path of the spill. The Gulf Coast is a critical region for hundreds of species o ...
- Laser Used to Create Clouds in European LaboratorySwiss researchers have successfully used laser pulses to create small clouds in the laboratory , a technology they say could possibly be used to create rain on demand. After firing short pulses of infrared laser light into a chamber filled with water-saturated air at -24 degrees C, scientists observ ...
- EU Electric Car Strategy Calls for Charging Statio ...The European Union has unveiled a strategy to become a world leader in the green vehicle market, including a framework for common standards for electric cars across Europe by 2011 and the development of a network of charging stations continent-wide. Calling this a defining stage for the automotive i ...
- Soil Production of C02 May Decline As World Warms, ...Contradicting earlier studies showing that soil microbes will emit more carbon dioxide as global warming intensifies, new research suggests that these microbes become less efficient over time in a warmer environment and would actually emit less CO2. The research, published in the journal Nature Geos ...
Red Ice Creations
- Was Shakespeare´s ghost writer ... Shakespeare?
- After torture claims, Iraqi PM says prisoners ‘bur ...
- The Year The Army Stopped Niagara Falls
- Study suggests humans mated with Neanderthals
- Fire, Blood and Tears on April 19th
Russia Today
- Russian national anthem to prelude Premier League ...Russia’s anthem will be played before every match of the Russian Premier League when the tournament restarts following the break for the World Cup 2010 on July 8.
- Clashes in Georgia against police marchSerious clashes between police and demonstrators have taken place in Tbilisi where thousands took to the streets against a Police Day parade.
- Greece paralyzed by major protests Greek bank workers are holding a 24-hour strike on Thursday, in memory of their three colleagues who were killed during the riots the previous day.
- No blast or fire in Polish presidential flight dis ...A Russian investigation has found no evidence of a blast or fire on board the Polish aircraft which crashed near Smolensk last month.
- Shakhatr claim Ukrainian football crown Shakhtar Donetsk have become Ukrainian football champs after beating archrivals Dinamo Kiev in the second-to-last match day of the season.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- CGI Tour of Mars: Proof of Life?Below is a YouTube presentation of a “Google Mars” type tour of the planet Mars depicting vegetation and ancient city blocks. I couldn’t tell anything, but the overhead effects were pretty good. Who ever set this up knew what they were doing, but I’m no expert in CGI or Photoshop. Enjoy. … Intellige ...
- NASA Mars Life Disclaimer / But there’s proo ...On April 28th last Wednesday, The Sun of the UK, published an article about a NASA source claiming there was evidence for life on Mars (they have since taken it out). However, it didn’t take NASA long to print a disclaimer: A Wednesday article in the U.K.’s “The Sun” newspaper entitled, “NASA: Evide ...
- And now, from the Fortean perspective…All week long we’ve looked at different articles with conflicting viewpoints on Hawking’s statements that we should take care in broadcasting our presence to the Universe, because we might attract a powerful interstellar nomadic species that could very well steal our planet and kill us all. Of cours ...
- Post Obama Speech Meeting At KSCOn April 15th just this past week, the Obamanator stopped by Kennedy Spaceflight Center to back up his FY2011 vision of changes for NASA. His plan includes an increase to NASA’s budget of $6 billion $omolian$ over a period of 5 years, but it cancels the beleaguered Constellation Program that is long ...
- Proof of Kardashev-Type 3 Civilization?Possible proof of another ‘intelligent’ civilization in the Universe? A refutation of the Fermi Paradox? Maybe. There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen an ...
Tippers News
- Cannibal Goths sentencedTwo 20-year-old men, who killed and partially ate a girl, have received long jail sentences. Submitted by Anu S. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Care 2 Member Has Passed Away Lynne (Charlotte) Ka ...Lynne (Charlotte) Kaiser, 58, of 107 Twin Lakes Drive, North Fond du Lac, died Monday, May 3, 2010, at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital. Submitted by Kristi K. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Blind dog gets a guide dog!A labrador collie cross called Paris was born without any eyes and handed into a rescue centre as a baby. She was given a home with new owner Lesley, who has another rescue dog called Madison. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Put a Stop to Bear Bile Farming - TAKE ACTION!Bear bile farming is an alarming practice taking place in China, whereby Asiatic black bears are captured and used to provide bile from their gall bladders. The bile is an found in popular ancient Chinese medicine. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Pitbull attacks reignite debate on Turkish ban aga ...Two recent cases in which abandoned Pitbulls attacked children have reignited debate about the reason people raise such dogs in Turkey. While some say the law banning the sale of the dog should be stricter, others suggest such dangerous animals should Submitted by Cher C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! � ...
The Freeman
- The Three Hats of the EconomistObserving a local store going bankrupt has made me aware of the three different “hats” an economist wears.
- Interventionism, Immigration, and NationalismI was born and raised in Arizona, so I’ve been following with particular interest that state’s recently passed immigration legislation as well as the ensuing public uproar.
- FDA Vetoes Treatment for Fatal Disease“The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday declined to approve a drug from InterMune that would have been the first treatment for a fatal lung disease that afflicts about 100,000 Americans…. The data on the drugâs effectiveness posed a dilemma for both the advisory committee and the F.D.A. itsel ...
- Government to Pay Employers to Cover Early Retiree ...“Trying to entice employers to keep early retirees on their medical plans, the Obama administration announced Tuesday that it will make $5 billion available until the safety net of the new health-care law is in place.” (Washington Post, Wednesday) He sure is free with other people’s money. FEE Timel ...
- Treasury Chief Defends Bank Tax“Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, urged Congress on Tuesday to impose a 10-year, $90 billion tax on the largest financial institutions to recoup the costs of the 2008 bailouts. But he faced skeptical questions from lawmakers on the structure and purpose of the fee.” (New York Times, Wedn ...
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