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CANADA - Spending irregularities in MPs expense accounts caused Auditor General Sheila Fraser a year ago to request to see their receipts for $533 million and exactly what they're spending their money on. ...
21 Canadian MP's await their turn to address the crowd at this year's annual Fetus Festivus yesterday on Parliament Hill : Rod Bruinooge, Chairman of the Pro-Life Parliamentary Caucus, Harold Albrecht, D...
For the first time, scientists have recorded sounds emanating from inside living insects, such as flies, mosquitoes and ladybugs. Listen.
Compliments to Madsennullo on Youtube ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
By analyzing the genes of a 17-year-old girl who is the size of an infant, scientists hope to find ways to achieve eternal youth.
It's a bacterium. And Escherichia coli is either completely benign or extremely toxic, depending on the strain. The harmless strains are part of the normal collection of gut-dwelling microbes that break do...
A 9.6 billion-year-old cluster of about 60 galaxies is seen by separate teams of astronomers.
Because I cover tech for a radio program that does international news for an American audience, I end up doing a lot of stories on well meaning folks from the developed world (or the First World, as it was...
After a bizarre chain of events, the zombie satellite currently drifting through geostationary orbit could interrupt US cable TV programming, possibly even one of the most anticipated finales of the year.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill continues to be absurdly bad. Even in the time it's taking me to write this post, thousands of gallons of oil have bled into the Gulf. The enormous leak is so challenging th...
The virtual environment created the illusion of being in someone else's skin.
Poor flight ability suggests that early birds lived in trees and would launch themselves off branches in order to glide.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 21 hours ago
*An airplane crash is a serious accident*. Flight is safe as long is aviation is secure. That implies much more than just the airplane involved. What about ground services and air traffic control? What ab...
The Humane Society of the United States testified before Congress today in support of legislation that would help to prevent deception in the fur-trimmed fashion industry.
Over one hundred brightly colored terracotta warriors have emerged from the Chinese site of the Terracotta Army in Xi'an.
Just because your buddy dares you to eat something, doesn't mean you should. ESPECIALLY SLUGS. I look back to my early 20s and my own history of Proving-I-Will-Eat-That-For-A-Dollar and feel like there may...
posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at
CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
** Photos copyright Ben Powless, Mohawk. World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Photo 1: Bolivian President Evo Morales with Venezuelan President ...
Lizard species worldwide may already have declined past the point of no return. The reason? Rising temperatures. By 2080, researchers estimate, as much as 40 percent of lizard species worldwide could be ex...
The oldest known bat fossil yields important clues to bats' unique senses.
*When I was a kid, in the 1940's, we lived in the San Joaquin valley in California. My folks operated a little convenience store and service station, for a while, that sold beer wine and convenience food...
Photo: Gov. Jan Brewer after signing SB 1070. *With UN Statement, Backlash to Arizona Goes International * The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement Monday in G...
The first man to walk on the moon criticizes the administration for abandoning plans to return to the moon.
What's five times hotter than the surface of the sun and capable of sending a DeLorean back to the future? Yep, the answer is a bolt of lightning.
Negative political ads have taken a turn for the worse, and bizarre, given the current trend of using animals to make fun of your opponent.
Could this nanobot soon be making its way to a microscopic assembly line?
A technology primarily used by ecologists and biologists to analyze vegetation cuts through jungle growth and produces detailed, three-dimensional views of landscapes in a matter of hours.
*Speech by Evo Morales Ayma, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, before the G77 + China at the United Nations *May 7, 2010 By President Evo Morales I have come here to share the conclusions of ...
A woman's touch can make you more likely to take risks, researchers say.
With U.N. statement, backlash against Arizona goes international Tucson/KGUN 9/Reporter: Sheryl Kornman and Forrest Carr http://www.kgun9.com/Global/story.asp?S=12466216 TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - The United Natio...
Big black holes aren't known for budging, which is why the new finding is so unusual.
Last July in Embassy Mag, Foreign Affairs officials accused political staffers within the ministry of quietly adjusting Canadian policy by eliminating phrases like "gender equality" from foreign policy mi...
In some regions of the world, organic farms may be a losing proposition for both wildlife and food production.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 1 day ago
*Jupiter is not only a giant planet* but also a gigantic mystery for astronomers and physicists. Short ago amateur-astronomers noted a conspicuous anomaly when watching it through their telescopes. One of...
A BBC natural history unit film crew captures rare footage of a walrus attacking a floating flock of sea ducks.
China is playing matchmaker with survivors of a quake that claimed tens of thousands of lives in 2008.
The toxic chemicals found in smoked cigarette butts make steel far more resistant to corrosion.
It's hard to keep up with the Universe these days. What with all these bullied stars, rampant black holes and wobbly physics, it's little wonder astronomers always look surprised.
*Alaska Inter-tribal Council: * *Send letters to halt oil drilling, scroll down for sample letter * In Fairbanks, on Thursday May 13, 2010, at the Morris Thompson Cultural & Visitors Center, comments will b...
Modern cows milk themselves, so why tweet, too?
By Suzanne MacNevin - May 12th 2010. ENTERTAINMENT - I apologize for using the F word and I am very sorry for it. Russell Crowe is an out of shape action hero. A has been. His time has come and gone and t...
Shakespeare wrote in The Merchant of Venice that “love is blind and lovers cannot see.” More than 400 years later, brain imaging has offered some scientific support to that iambic verse. Looking at a brain...
Turns out we have 2-billion year old algae to thank for our beautiful blue atmosphere.
CANADA/RELIGION - Is the Conservative Party of Canada getting too cozy with a right wing Christian cult? According to a new book out called "The Armagedden Factor" there are scary new elements in Canadian ...
*Chief Arvol Looking Horse: A Great Urgency To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders * My Relatives, Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom...
A young girl was raped and murdered by a local mother; the case is shocking, but how rare is it?
The last time one of these fish was spotted in Sweden was in 1879.
For the first time, a DNA test that detects the risks of developing certain diseases will be commercially available.
For the first time, scientists have captured an earthquake on video at Devils Hole, where rare tiny pupfish were "shaken, not stirred."
As yet another version of the Robin Hood story hits movie theaters, Olly Steads considers the legend's former incarnations.
HEALTH - A total of seven kindergarten children, the school's manager and their teacher were hacked to death in the city of Hanzhong in central Chinatoday in the latest in a series of bizarre attacks. It wa...
HEALTH - 96 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage of a plane crash at an airport outside the Libyan capital of Tripoli. The only survivor of the crash is an 8-year-old Dutch boy. The majority of the...
By Brenda Norrell Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com/ In the early 1990s, I worked on staff at Farmington Daily Times in northwest New Mexico. Farmington is a city where hate crimes by whites ...
A Canadian animal shelter has announced that hundreds of animals will be euthanized due to a virulent strain of ringworm that has infected six staff members.
Building islands may seem like a simple way to protect Louisiana's shores, but critics say it's too simple -- and won't work.
Old computer parts serve as a reservoir to cultivate algae, which can be harvested and used to produce biodiesel.
Scientists have discovered extremely rare fossil trails left by a suckerfish feeding along a lake bottom.
Energy companies used to avoid methane hydrates no matter what. Now the industry may be drilling right into danger.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*This morning* over our Andalucian village a peculiar reddish sunrise. Right half normalized lights. Ash particles from the Iceland volcano appear to cause a reddish darkening as can well be seen. Picture ...
Taking care of your teeth and gums was never more important -- it could affect the health of your unborn baby.
Find out how you can help with the Gulf oil spill wildlife recovery effort. Here's a hint: soap isn't needed.
Copepods may be small, but their tiny leg muscles generate the most forceful leaps in the world.
Sometimes even the biggest stars can be bullied. Hubble has spotted a large star ejected from its place of birth, probably catapulted by the gravity of a couple of stellar siblings.
The 14th-century aqueduct runs along a route that dates back to the time of Jesus.
Forecasting techniques are building toward the long-awaited goal of being able to predict tornadoes an hour before they form.
posted by address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Is it a miracle we are witnessing?* It's daily news, that oil rig accident in the Gulf of Mexico, not far from the Louisiana coast. Oil in the sea! An ecological disaster unfolding - for sure. Could it i...
A gemstone noted for its remarkable hardness and brilliance is being tested as a sensor to monitor the conditions necessary to make synthetic gas from coal.
CANADA/TECHNOLOGY - According to a new study by Statistics Canada 80% of Canadians aged 16 and older (21.7 million people) used the Internet in 2009. That is up from 73% in 2007. Internet use increased in...
New research explains the ultimate dinosaur fast food lifestyle. Many gulped down their food whole without chewing.
The structure was among several new discoveries at the so-called Avenue of Sphinxes.
Oil spill animal victim tallies may be misleading, since BP has used a chemical dispersant to break up oil released into the Gulf.
New research says that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder isn't all in your mind -- it's in your genes, too.
E. coli, the infamous bacteria that haunt America’s undercooked meat (and veggies), are making news again—but this time they’re on our side.
A young female great white shark on exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium last year died in a fishing net following her release, according to an announcement made today by the California aquarium. She is on...
A headless granite statue of a Ptolemaic king has emerged from the ruins of an ancient Egyptian limestone temple believed to be the burial site of Queen Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony.
Trial and error through the years has shown that the dish detergent cleans oil off feathers and fur without irritating the skin.
Nearly two years have past, and families throughout China still don't know what happened to their loved ones.
If the walls could talk, they'd say, "I think an airplane just landed on me." This unmanned vehicle from a research team at Stanford University flies straight toward a wall and then at the last second rais...
A man in India made international news when he claimed to have had nothing to eat or drink for 70 years. Is this possible?