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IPS - Inter Press Services
- EUROPE: Cutting Emissions, and CostsBRUSSELS, May 28 (IPS) - Deeper cuts to the European Union's greenhouse gas emissions than those approved by its governments would be less expensive than previously thought, according to a new analysis.
- ENVIRONMENT-SRI LANKA: Saving the Island’s R ...POLLHENA, Sri Lanka, May 28 (IPS) - It is Saturday morning and the Pollhena beach, 160 kilometres south of the capital Colombo, is jampacked as usual with local and foreign tourists alike, who are either playing in the sand or bathing in its calm, shallow water, which is gleaming under th ...
- U.N. Biodiversity Plan Demands Voice for WomenNAIROBI, May 27 (IPS) - Women provide up to 90 percent of the rural poor's food and produce up to 80 percent of food in most developing countries, and yet they are almost completely ignored when policy decisions are made about agriculture and biodiversity.
- Obama Security Strategy Stresses Economy, Multilat ...WASHINGTON, May 27 (IPS) - In his first National Security Strategy (NSS), President Barack Obama Thursday pledged to maintain Washington's "military superiority" but stressed that the persistence of the nation's global power will depend more on the health of its domestic economy and intern ...
- COLOMBIA: Army Killings Rear Head in Presidential ...BOGOTA, May 27 (IPS) - Colombian presidential candidate Antanas Mockus said he "shares the horror" over the so-called "false positives" -- young civilians killed by the army and passed off as guerrilla casualties in the military's counterinsurgency campaign.
Scoop - NZ
- Israeli Nukes Out of the ShadowsIsrael faces unprecedented pressure to abandon its official policy of "ambiguity" on its possession of nuclear weapons as the international community meets at the United Nations in New York this week to consider banning such arsenals from the Middle East. Israel's equivocal stance on its atomic ...
- Kaletsky: Lehman the sequel, Merkel as Bush.As the Queen's Speech yesterday was overshadowed by yet another meltdown in global financial markets, I was reminded of Her Majesty's faux-naif remark to the learned professors of the London School of Economics shortly after the failure of Lehman Brothers in the autumn of 2008: why did no one see th ...
- High price for Conservation estate33,000 submissions against and public opinion against .How big a hole will the Government want to dig for itself ? ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- Do we need recession to save the planet ?With emissions set to rise by 43% by 2035 if we continue on the same energy consumption path that we are now on , do we need to seriously rethink growth ? ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- 'US to send secret military teams to Iran, other n ...Top US Commander in Middle East, Gen David H Petraeus, has signed a secret directive ordering that 'Special Operations' troops be sent to countries such as Iran for reconnaissance, a move that may lead to possible strikes against Tehran if tensions over its nuclear ambitions escalate. ��� PLIGG_Visu ...
Independent ( London )
- Gulf leak halted, but 'unclear' if sustainableThe flow of oil and gas from the broken well in the Gulf of Mexico has been stopped by pumping mud into it, however the challenge will be whether that can be sustained, the U.S. incident commander Admiral Thad Allen said today.
- Marine killed in Afghan blast 'a perfectionist'A British Marine who was killed in an explosion in Afghanistan was a "perfectionist" who prided himself on being the best, his widow said today.
- Dozens killed as two mosques attacked in PakistanGunmen armed with grenades attacked two mosques of a minority sect during Friday prayers in eastern Pakistan, seizing control of one mosque and battling with police, officials and witnesses said. About 30 people were reported killed, and worshippers were believed held hostage.
- 20 killed as two mosques attacked in PakistanGunmen armed with grenades attacked two mosques of a minority sect during Friday prayers in eastern Pakistan, seizing control of one mosque and battling with police, officials and witnesses said. At least 20 people were killed, and worshippers were believed held hostage.
- Two mosques attacked in PakistanGunmen armed with grenades attacked two mosques of a minority Islamic sect during Friday prayers in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore, police said. Casualties were expected.
Rogue Government.com
- Geithner upbeat on 'global regulation' plan The US and Europe are in broad agreement on imposing more conservative rules on financial institutions, but such regulation should not be so drastic that it would “create headwinds to the economic recovery”, said Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, in Berlin on Thursday.
- 10 Suicides At iPad and iPhone Plant in China
- Dow Ends Day Under 10,000
- Shuttle Atlantis Completes 32nd and Final Space F ...
- Feds Issue Terror Watch for the Texas/Mexico Bord ...The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico, a security expert who has seen the memo tells FOXNews.com.
Innovation Canada
- Chemical switchAs a “green chemist,” Philip Jessop spends his days trying to help the chemical industry create products in a less expensive and more environmentally friendly way. That’s why the Queen’s University professor of inorganic chemistry has high hopes for an innovative solvent he’s developed that may yiel ...
- Postpartum reliefWhen Nicole Letourneau’s second child was born with cancer in 2001, she was, in theory, well equipped for such devastating news. As a nurse, her graduate studies had looked at aspects of family care, such as the impact of a mother staying overnight in hospital with her sick child. She had also worke ...
- Project waste waterLast fall, they were just four guys with an assignment to complete as part of their final year of chemical engineering studies at Toronto’s Ryerson University. This spring, they are the award-winning designers of a new process for treating waste water that could be used to remove a number of hazardo ...
- A symphony of scienceWords such as “laboratory” and “experiment” conjure up white-coated scientists mixing chemicals to better understand diseases like cancer or environmental challenges like energy consumption. We don’t usually picture a pianist, a playwright, a dancer or an acoustical engineer. When artists experiment ...
- The amazing ‘sensorium suite’ of Dr. Houston“All the world’s a stage,” William Shakespeare famously wrote. And while Shakespeare’s plays are still performed in premier concert halls and on festival stages, Andrew Houston, an associate professor of drama at the University of Waterloo, is taking his theatre of sound out into the world. “Often, ...
Signs of the times
- Chicago Business Activity Index Shows Expansion fo ...Business activity in the U.S. expanded in May for an eighth straight month, a sign manufacturing has yet to be affected by the turmoil in financial markets. The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago Inc. said today its business barometer fell to 59.7 this month from 63.8 in April, which was the ...
- UK: 15-Year-Old Boy Stabbed to Death After Being C ...A teenager stabbed a younger boy to death after catching him in bed with his drunken mother. Matthew Briers, 18, killed John Marsh, 15, because he thought his mother, Karen Bradshaw, had been raped. Horrified by the discovery, Briers flew into a rage and attacked John - but the younger boy managed ...
- Reporter Reveals: Gibbs Privately Scolded Press fo ...
- Was Head Of Minerals Management Service Elizabeth ...When President Obama's Interior Secretary Ken Salazar promised to root out the "bad apples" yesterday at a House hearing, the head of Minerals Management Service was at the same hearing -- about to be plucked from the tree. Elizabeth Birnbaum's departure was first reported as a "firing." Later, a " ...
- Did a Comet strike Neptune 200 years ago?Did a large, icy comet smash into Neptune two centuries ago? That's the picture that is emerging from the latest measurements of gases in the atmosphere of the giant blue planet. At a meeting this week of the American Astronomical Society in Miami, Florida, Paul Hartogh, project scientist for the H ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Boom school epic failNicked from CC , who nicked it from Mind of Dan : My tuppence: that poorly laid boom might be a result the fact that BP and the US government had to mobilise just about every available boat to contain the spill. It's understandable that shrimp boat crews are not trained in boom laying because the ...
- A significant anniversary in Canadian Naval histor ...While this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Navy as a national institution in this country, today, 24 May, marks the 60th 70th anniversary of an event which changed the RCN and gave that service a permanent set of legs. In the spring of 1940 Hitler's Germany began the now famous bl ...
- At the going down of the sun...With condolences and respect to the family and friends of Trooper Larry John Zuidema Rudd, The Royal Canadian Dragoons. Killed due to enemy action. Audax et Celer
- Stevie . . .
- Once againThe Harper Regime has no interest in cooperating with Parliament . On anything. Also, what Chrystal said : To Iggy & Layton, neither of whom "want an election" (the Canadians that I know DO): How are you going to work your next climb-down? Without enabling more damage to our democracy?
Media Matters for America
- Noonan falsely claims EPA chief "went to a New Yo ...In her Wall Street Journal column, Peggy Noonan falsely claimed that EPA administrator Lisa Jackson "went to a New York fund-raiser in the middle of the [Gulf oil spill] disaster." In fact, Jackson canceled her appearance at the fundraiser, which she had reportedly scheduled weeks before the oi ...
- Right-wing media absurdly declare false Sestak "b ...Right-wing media are comparing false allegations that the White House "bribed" Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) with an administration job to the Watergate scandal. In fact, legal experts have rejected the claims that such offers are a bribe or are illegal. Right-wing media dub false allegations about Ses ...
- Earth to Fox: Obama visited the Gulf on May 2On Fox & Friends , guest host Dave Briggs falsely claimed that President Obama "has not been down to the Gulf...[h]e has not had that moment to get down there in the Gulf and tell those people he cares, that he's doing something." In fact, Obama visited the Gulf Coast on May 2. Briggs: "[T]he probl ...
- Hannity again falsely suggested Obama ignored oil ...Sean Hannity again falsely suggested that President Obama ignored the floods in Tennessee and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. In fact, Obama responded quickly to both disasters. From the May 27 edition of Fox News' Hannity : HANNITY: But this president never mentioned the largest flood in Nash ...
- Right-wing media attack Brennan ove ...Right-wing media have claimed Obama administration counterterrorism adviser John Brennan's statement that jihad is a "legitimate tenet of Islam" is "absurd" and frightening" and indicates Brennan is "deranged." But former President George W. Bush similarly stated that extremists "distort the idea o ...
Global Research.ca
- BOOK LAUNCH: The Global Economic Crisis: The Great ...Highlights of this Important Collection with Selected Excerpts
- Kyrgyzstan’s "Rose Revolution": Washington, Mosco ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- VIDEO: Rwanda Arrests Ingabire's American Lawyer P ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Jamaica State of Siege: Scores Dead, Hundreds Deta ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Eurozone Economic Crisis: Call For a European Mobi ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Why Wall Street's Political Poison Is Still Catnip ...Today's quiz: At a time when California's Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman is losing ground to her Republican rival in the primary because of her ties to Wall Street, when Utah's incumbent Senator Robert Bennett was just booted out by Republicans who are furious that he voted to bailou ...
- Tea Party Suicide PactSenator Jim DeMint's dream is that the Tea Party surge will make him the Republican kingmaker and natural Presidential candidate for 2012. George Mason University's Jeremy Mayer thinks DeMint already is dreaming of the White House. "As they say, 'Most senators wake up in the morning, and they see ...
- How and How Not to Engage Liberalism and IslamDissent magazine has just posted a revelatory assessment, by Andrew F. March -- a liberal, non-Muslim scholar of Islam -- of the liberal war hawk Paul Berman's untiring efforts to unmask Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan as an insidious apologist for murderous Islamicism. March also casts a skeptica ...
- Rand Paul Supports Tax Dollars Being Used to Enfor ...Seeing this piece at the Edge of the West , I couldn't help noting the complete absurdity of the distinction Rand Paul makes between opposing "public" segregation while opposing laws that stop "private segregation." Edge of the West suggests someone ask Rand Paul: Should your tax dollars be used ...
- Obama's West Point Speech Shows Signs of Smart "Na ...President Barack Obama's speech at West Point on Saturday may be among the most important he has yet made during his sixteen month old presidency. The speech intimates a number of the key themes likely to appear in the National Security Strategy report to be issued this next week. As one senior ...
- Truth Spill: Gulf Disaster Brings Home the Real Co ...“ An upside-down faucet, just open and running out.” That’s how an oil-spill expert at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute describes the massive release of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico that began April 20th at British Petroleum’s Deep Horizon oil rig off the coast of Louisiana. [See live vid ...
- Eugene Robinson | Case for a Moral ImperativeWashington - In June of 1969, the stretch of the Cuyahoga River that runs through Cleveland was so polluted that it caught fire. Time magazine described the Cuyahoga this way: "Chocolate-brown, oily, bubbling with subsurface gases, it oozes rather than flows." The spectacle of a river in flames hel ...
- Walter Reuther: An Extraordinarily Good ManIt was 40 years ago this month that Walter Reuther died in a plane crash. Forty years. Yet, the auto workers leader remains an important inspirational figure - a man whose life holds crucial lessons for those who are today seeking to revitalize the American labor movement. I came upon him late in h ...
- Welcome to Arizona: "It's a Dry Hate..."First, it was legally-sanctioned racial profiling, with a touch of totalitarian "Show me your papers" thrown in for good measure (SB 1070). Next, we were delivered a new law banning Ethnic Studies programs or any teaching that promotes "ethnic solidarity" (HB 2281). Then, the state's school superint ...
- Alexander Cockburn | Vietnam MIAs: Ghosts Return T ...The ghosts that haunt Sen. John McCain are about 600 in number and right now, they are mustering for a final onslaught. McCain, one of America's foremost Republicans and President Barack Obama's opponent in 2008, is currently locked in a desperate bid for political survival in his home state of Ariz ...
- Parking Lots to Parks: Designing Livable CitiesIn the guest post below, Lester R. Brown of the Earth Policy Institute discusses transforming our cities into more sustainable and more livable places. (Subheadings and pictures added.) by Lester R. Brown As I was being driven through Tel Aviv from my hotel to a conference center in 1998, I could n ...
- Oil Spill Renews American Fervour for EnvironmentThe most recent poll from USA Today and Gallup has shown a dramatic increase in America’s desire to protect the environment. This comes only a few months after the last such poll which saw a desire for energy production to take priority over environmental conservation by 7 percentage points. Now th ...
- ‘Millennium Goal’ to End World Hunger ...Currently, the developing world (what used to be called “The Third World”) is experiencing the effects of higher commodity prices and declining agricultural production. Chronic undernourishment now affects an estimated one billion people, most of whom reside in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. At ...
- Mount Everest is Suffering from Climate ChangeThree days after reaching the summit of Mount Everest for the 20 th time Apa Sherpa has described Mount Everest as more dangerous to climb thanks to climate change. Apa Sherpa, nicknamed the âsuper Sherpaâ for the apparent ease with which he makes the climb, helping him to break his own record ...
- Trees give Insight into Northwest Africa’s Dry Pas ...New research of trees in northwest Africa has revealed droughts in the latter part of the 20 th century are some of the fiercest experienced in that area. The research looked at tree rings in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia and found that there have been frequent and severe droughts during the 13 th a ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Back to my rootsForgive me but I’m going to jump start this blog by blabbering about Science Olympiad. From th
- Finding Data - Watershed MappingPictured above is the U.S. EPA 'Surf your Watershed' site’s display of the six watersheds
- South China BluesThus my journey begins. It’s May 2010 in Hong Kong and I take my first step onto Chinese soil to fin
- Steinberg Steals the ShowState Sen. Pro Tem Steinberg expressed his support of AB 1998 at Heal the Bay gala Thursday night. H
- Water News Roundup – May 24, 2010Deseret News: Invasive quagga mussel found in Utah reservoir – State wildlife officers say divers ha
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Smart Pig: BP's OTHER Spill this Week by Greg Pala ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/smart-pig-bps-other-spill-this-week-
- Mr. President: Any Moneyback Refunds – on Cash or ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/mr-president-any-moneyback-refunds-%
- Israel holds a joint military exercise in Greece t ...Propaganda Alert compiled by Cem Ertür Featured Writer Dandelion Salad 27 May 2010 1) Israel holds a
- U.S. A "Failed State" - Save Us From The Corporate ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/27/u-s-a-failed-state-save-us-from-the-
- Oily Obama: Lousy Response to BP Oil Invasion by J ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/23/oily-obama-lousy-response-to-bp-oil-
Axis of Logic
- Getting Naked to Expose BP - ActivismDiane Wilson, a fourth generation shrimper from the Texas Gulf and a founder of�CODEPINK, has been watching the BP spill and the botched clean-up with a mixture of dread and anger. After all, it's her livelihood and that of her community that's at stake. "I've lived all my life in...
- Tense standoff between two Koreas - Korea28 May 2010 The confrontation between North and South Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March intensified this week after Seoul, backed by Washington, announced a series of retaliatory measures on Monday. In response to a large South Korean naval exercise yesterday, North Kor ...
- Obama press conference. Lies and evasions in defen ...28 May 2010 The White House press conference Thursday, the first held by President Barack Obama in nearly ten months, was devoted to presenting his administration as an active crisis manager in the Gulf oil catastrophe, rather than a handmaiden for BP, the giant oil company whose profit drive is. ...
- Thomas Whisehant in Alabama executed in '76 rape, ...ATMORE, Ala. — Alabama's longest serving death row inmate has been executed by lethal injection for the 1976 kidnapping, rape and murder of a young convenience store clerk. Thomas Whisenhant died Thursday at 6:20 p.m. at Holman prison near Atmore. The 63-year-old inmate filed no stay requests a ...
- Outside Haiti’s National Palace, U.N. Troops’ Clas ...United Nations peacekeeping troops responded to a rock-throwing demonstration by university students Monday evening with a barrage of tear gas and rubber bullets in the area around Haiti's National Palace, sending masses of displaced Haitians running out of tent camps into the streets, according to ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Sectarian violence comes to PakistanI watched in horror in 2005-06 as the sectarian violence I had predicted would erupt if we invaded and deposed Hussein tore Iraq assunder. This morning when I opened up the New York Times site and saw that two mosques that serve the faithful of the Ahmedi minority sect �were attacked by gunmen durin ...
- Oil Spill and Katrina: Both Conservative Policy D ...The Gulf oil gusher catastrophe is both the twin and the opposite of the Katrina disaster, but not in the ways repugs want you to think: Kevin Drum explains: Katrina was an example of the type of disaster that the federal government is specifically tasked with handling. And for most of the 90s, it w ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapRove admits that Bush failed miserably on Katrina What else can you take away from his op-ed in the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal today that shouts the headline �"Yes, the Gulf Spill is Obama's Katrina." That, boys and girls, is what is known as an implicit admission . Veritably defines the oeuv ...
- "Whatever is Necessary"In which President Obama refuses to throw a temper tantrum or get hysterical, thus reminding the press corp transcribers how much they miss Commander Codpiece. Full transcript here.
- "Relentless Efforts"From the White House's Oil Spill Blog: This morning the President met with members of his Cabinet to get another comprehensive update on the ongoing Administration-wide response to the disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf region. The President made clear his frustration with BP and the other parties ...
Care 2
- Conflict Minerals: the New Blood DiamondsCountries rich in minerals such as cobalt, coltan, cassiterite, copper and gold are often marred by corruption, authoritarian repression, militarization and civil war. Rebel groups, governments and mining companies exploit mineral resources, Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �A ...
- 2-year-old in Indonesia addicted to cigarettesAt only two years old, Ardi Rizal has become a cigarette addictsmoking nearly 40 cigarettes a day. His mother, Diana, 26, says it all started when his father gave him a cigarette at 18 months. And now, if he doesnt get a cigarette whenever he demands, Submitted by Carlton B. to Offbeat �|� �Note- ...
- 10 Most Prescribed Medicines in AmericaThe billion dollar pharmaceutical industry results in more prescriptions than you can count. Take a look at the 10 most commonly prescribed medicines in America. Submitted by Katie Miller to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Australia calling - we need urgent help to stop sl ...WA government has ordered the round up of 5000 horses,including mares in foal, to be crammed into trucks and transported over 3000k across central Aust to be slaughered for meat. Follow link and see comments. Schedulled to start as early as next week. Submitted by Linda M. to Animals �|� �Note-it! ...
- 50 Places to Find Your Family History OnlineYou can find out a whole lot just by searching online. Take a look at 50 of the best resources for genealogy research on the Internet. Submitted by Nancy Bridget to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Eco-LCA Adds Ecosystem Services to Life Cycle Asse ...A new life cycle assessment (LCA) tool developed by the Ohio State University Center for Resilience brings a new dimension to LCA by taking into account ecosystem services like soil erosion, pollination, flood prevention and cropland. �
- MIT Taps Local Utility for 'Bold' Energy Efficienc ...With the help of its local utility, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will launch a three-year energy efficiency project that will trim electricity use 15 percent and save the university $50 million.
- How 'Energy Sleuths' Pursue the Ideal Green Buildi ...The practice of commissioning, in which an engineer monitors the efficiency of a structure from its design through its initial operation, may be the most effective strategy for reducing long-term energy usage, costs and greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. So why is it so seldom used?
- Green Report Card on Cruise Ships Sets Off Storm o ...Despite efforts to improve operations, cruise ships that ply North American waters must go a lot further to become environmentally responsible, says Friends of the Earth, whose latest report card on the industry gives 11 major cruise lines green grades ranging from B- to F.
- Green Report Card on Cruise Ships Sets Off Storm o ...Despite efforts to improve operations, cruise ships that ply North American waters must go a lot further to become environmentally responsible, says Friends of the Earth, whose latest report card on the industry gives 11 major cruise lines green grades ranging from B- to F.
Reuters Global
- Spend Save Man Woman"Women hold up half the sky," Mao Tse Tung famously said. Perhaps Tim Geithner should remember that the next time he goes to Beijing.
- Japan prime ministers haunted by ever-present medi ...It's not unusual for a politician whose popularity has slumped to want to avoid the media. But for Japan's premiers it's not just a question of keeping critical newspaper editorials out of sight. Isabel Reynolds has the story.
- Between golf and war, Pakistan’s General Kay ...Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's term expires in November. But speculation is already intense that he will be asked to stay on to provide continuity in the battle against Islamist militants.
- EU squabbles feed market frenzyThe European Union can rarely have been more in need of a show of unity than now, as it tries to tackle the euro zone's debt crisis, but public disagreements among its leaders are hindering efforts to convince financial markets that it is up to the task. What can the EU leaders do now to reassure t ...
- Deal or no deal for Iran?In broad terms Iran seems to have done what world powers urged it to do months ago and accepted a plan to part with some of its nuclear material. So what’s the problem?
Booman Tribune
- Oil Flow Stopped...For NowThey say that they have stopped the flow of oil from the Deepwater Horizon well. But they won't know if it will hold up for 48 hours. They have to keep the upward pressure down to a level where they can successfully put a cement plug in to permanently cap the well. So, we're not out of the woods ...
- What's With Cajun Politics? When it comes to Louisiana politics, extreme cynicism always seems to be the order of the day. No other state can brag about a comparable record of consistently failing to punish unethical behavior in its politicians. I mean, what does it say that David Vitter expects (probably correctly) to be re ...
- DADT Getting Closer to Repeal Via email: Statement by the President on Votes to Repeal Dont Ask, Dont Tell I have long advocated that we repeal Dont Ask Dont Tell, and I am pleased that both the House of Representatives and the Senate Armed Services Committee took important bipartisan steps toward repeal tonight. ...
- Oil Still SpillingThings that make you angry: At a hearing in New Orleans, the highest ranking official on the Deepwater Horizon testified that he had a disagreement with BP officials on the rig before the explosion. Jimmy Harrell, a manager who was in charge of the rig, owned by Transocean, said he had express ...
- BP: Wants Judge With Ties to Big Oil While BP's engineers, and all the other industry experts arrayed to assist them, are praying that the "Top Kill" procedure to end all the oil leaking into the Gulf works (it's still too soon to know), BP's legal team is deeply involved solving a different crisis: how to limit BP's liability for the ...
European Tribune
- Friday Open ThreadFriday Open Thread...
- Germany Gets "British Disease"?Philip Stephens in the FT: FT.com / Columnists / Philip Stephens - Merkel has joined...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 28 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1908 Birth of...
- Thursday Open ThreadHow are you today? :)...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 27 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1913 Wols, a...
- Neural interfaces: the state of the artSome heavy but fascinating reading over at h+ Magazine, in the form of James Kent’s round-up of where we are with technologies for interfacing the human brain with technological hardware, and where we’re going with it. The big take-away point for me is that the more fidelity you want from the interf ...
- The Diamond AgeMove over, old-school semiconductors; COSMOS Magazine reports on the coming ubiquity of diamond in small-scale high-tech. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 The Diamond Age Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, fo ...
- The cost of Apple’s successSo, Apple’s market capitalization has passed that of old guard Microsoft. At the same time, they’re investigating a spate of suicides at one of the Asian megafactories that supplies their hardware, and they’re about to get hit with the same sort of anti-trust lawsuits that dogged Bill Gates and comp ...
- Lost the plot: has the television serial run out o ...This week, I’ve mostly been feeling like the only person in the world who’s never seen an episode of Lost. That said, observing the reactions to the final episode has been an enjoyable people-watching spectacle; as an outsider, I can only conclude that, while Lost’s ending has annoyed quite a few pe ...
- Bacigalupi’s Windup Girl looking alarmingly ...Some of the ideas in Paolo Bacigalupi’s excellent Nebula-winning debut novel The Windup Girl are already alarmingly close to reality. In a future world where all the oil is long gone, all energy has to come from food as processed by animals, human or otherwise; when your food crops start dying, it’s ...
Therapy News
- American Group Psychotherapy Association Holds Wor ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline The psychological trauma endured by people who are faced with the results of natural disasters, wars, and other significant violent concerns is often best addressed with the help of a professional therapist or counselor, though it is often difficult for professionals ...
- Testosterone in Women Leads to Lower Trust LevelsA GoodTherapy.org News Headline While behaviors described as being less open or emotionally available in men are often criticized, the traits may have positive aspects important for functioning within society, and a study recently published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has ...
- Has Psychiatry Lost its Soul? One Expert Argues De ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Many people imagining the profession of psychiatry might consider a practitioner’s ability to talk with a client and uncover the specific issues and concerns that have brought them to the consultation in the first place, perhaps ending with a referral to a psychotherap ...
- Study on Stigma Surrounding Adolescent Psychologic ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Awareness of the ability of depression to affect people regardless of their age has brought increasing attention to the needs of adolescents with depression symptoms, and a recent study performed at Case Western Reserve University has found that youths on medication ...
- Grieving Acquired DisabilityBy Wendy Smith, MA, LMHCA, Disability Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Wendy and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Physical or sensory impairment or the onset of disabling illness often entails multiple concurrent losses which can lead to complicated grief processes, including depress ...
Mountaintop Removal
- New Mountaintop Removal TV Ad – Bring it to a TV N ...New Mountaintop Removal TV Ad – Bring it to a TV Near You! It's Getting Hot In Here (blog) ilovemountains.org has teamed up with Ashley Judd and The Alliance for Appalachia to get mountaintop removal into America's living rooms. ...
- Stop West Virginia's Spruce Mountaintop Removal Co ...Treehugger Stop West Virginia's Spruce Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine Treehugger Scientific consensus has proven that mountaintop removal coal mining harms streams, rivers and drinking water supplies. It is ravaging ecosystems, ...
- Audio Slideshow: Coal Country's Beautiful Nightmar ...Audio Slideshow: Coal Country's Beautiful Nightmare OnEarth Magazine ... 2010 Environmental photographer and OnEarth blogger J. Henry Fair takes beautiful pictures of ugly things, such as mountaintop removal mining and ...
- Sustainability Faceoff: JP Morgan Chase vs. Bank o ...Fast Company Sustainability Faceoff: JP Morgan Chase vs. Bank of America Fast Company The company was recently given a grade of F on the Rainforest Action Network's Mountaintop Removal Report Card for funding mountaintop removal in ...
- Wind power or hot air? - Mountain XpressWind power or hot air? Mountain Xpress As a child of coal country, I share his anger over mountaintop-removal mining. But as a renewable-energy advocate with significant wind experience, ...
- Sestak says his brother, White House met about all ...Paul Kane / Washington Post : Sestak says his brother, White House met about alleged job offer — Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) said Thursday his brother has spoken with White House officials about the congressman's allegation that he was offered an Obama administration job if he would stay out of a D ...
- Kenneth Starr Charged With Running $30 Million Pon ...Daniel Indiviglio / The Atlantic Online : Kenneth Starr Charged With Running $30 Million Ponzi Scheme — [Somewhere, Bill Clinton is smiling. One-time special prosecutor who uncovered the dirty details of the former President's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky has been engaged in some bad beha ...
- 'Top Kill' Effort Seems to Be Working, U.S. Says C ...New York Times : ‘Top Kill’ Effort Seems to Be Working, U.S. Says Cautiously — HOUSTON — The latest effort to plug a gushing underwater oil well in the Gulf of Mexico appeared to be working, officials and engineers said on Thursday morning, though definitive word on its success was still hours ...
- Clinton: 'The rich are not paying their fair share ...Ben Smith / Ben Smith's Blog : Clinton: ‘The rich are not paying their fair share’ — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a rare foray into domestic politics today, offering her view that — given America's high unemployment — wealthy Americans don't pay enough taxes. — “The rich are not pay ...
- Senate Panel Votes To End Don't Ask, Don't Tell (B ...Brian Beutler / TPMDC : Senate Panel Votes To End Don't Ask, Don't Tell — Equal rights activists scored a major victory today, as the Senate Armed Services committee voted 16-12 to give the Pentagon the power to overturn Don't Ask, Don't Tell—a policy that bans openly gay people from serving in ...
Energy & Environment News
- BP Starts ‘Top Kill’ on Leaking Gulf ...It may not be known for several days whether an ambitious attempt to stop the flow of oil by injecting heavy drilling fluids has succeeded, BP said.
- Obama Mandates Rules to Raise Fuel StandardsThe new rules seek to create an aggressive national policy requiring cars and trucks to get better gas mileage.
- Try the Gulf Oil Slick on for SizeMappers provide a way to gauge the scale of the gulf oil spill using familiar terrain.
- Obama Restates Need for More Oil Before U.S. Uses ...Facing spreading slicks, Obama sticks with the case for more oil before the country moves to cleaner fuels.
- Easing That Electromagnetic AnxietyA few weeks ago, Penelope Green of The New York Times invited a "building biology" consultant into her East Village apartment to evaluate the place for toxic elements - lurking in the water, the air, and under the refrigerator - and offer a diagnosis
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Unimak Island region, AlaskaFriday, May 28, 2010 10:09:53 UTC Friday, May 28, 2010 02:09:53 AM at epicenter Depth : 21.70 km (13.48 mi)
- M 5.3, Unimak Island region, AlaskaFriday, May 28, 2010 10:07:46 UTC Friday, May 28, 2010 02:07:46 AM at epicenter Depth : 26.00 km (16.16 mi)
- M 5.5, VanuatuFriday, May 28, 2010 04:25:59 UTC Friday, May 28, 2010 03:25:59 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.1, VanuatuFriday, May 28, 2010 03:14:42 UTC Friday, May 28, 2010 02:14:42 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.0, VanuatuThursday, May 27, 2010 23:38:06 UTC Friday, May 28, 2010 10:38:06 AM at epicenter Depth : 45.30 km (28.15 mi)
China Dialogue
- Boiling pointFriction over shared – and shrinking – water resources is escalating in south Asia, where India and Pakistan are at loggerheads over river rights. Joydeep Gupta reports. If Pakistani householders look carefully at their electricity bills, they will find they have been charged an extra amount for NJP ...
- In defence of damsBuilding river barrages remains environmentally controversial, but Australian expert Graeme Kelleher tells Isabel Hilton what matters is how you do it. Engineer and water-resource expert Graeme Kelleher is the former chairman and chief executive of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and a ...
- A mistrustful neighbourhoodBG Verghese is an Indian water expert, political commentator and professor at New Delhi’s Centre for Policy Research. Here, he talks to Isabel Hilton about the trans-boundary rivers of the Third Pole. Isabel Hilton: How would you assess the state of cooperation in the Himalayan watershed? ...
- Smartening up global infrastructureOn Monday, John Briscoe praised China for its development role in poor countries. Here, Peter Bosshard argues that a more sophisticated approach to energy development is possible – at home and abroad. Investment in agriculture, infrastructure and industrialisation is an essential pillar of economic ...
- Bankrolling changeChina’s investment in developing-world infrastructure is a good thing, since it liberates many poor countries from unreasonable requirements set by western financing agencies, argues John Briscoe, kicking off a week-long series on dam construction. China, India, Brazil and other middle-income countr ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Political Advice From BP’s Handmaiden, Sen. ...Cross-posted from Hullabaloo. Has there ever been a more loathsome hypocrite than Mary Landrieu? I don’t think so: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) says President Barack Obama will pay a political price his lack of visibility in the Gulf region during the catastrophic BP oil spill. âThe president h ...
- Why Do Christians Try to Impose Their Beliefs on O ...Author Ian Buruma Discusses "the political excesses of religion" he's observed over three continents.
- Was the Shocking Murder of a Brave Abortion Provid ...Scott Roeder is now serving a life term for murdering abortion doctor George Tiller. But did he really act alone?
- Obama's Crazy Plan To Cut Social SecurityIs Obama's new "debt commission" about to savage Social Security for no reason? Sure looks like it.
- How an Ingredient Found in Everything from Chocola ...The production of palm oil, the common ingredient in an astounding number of products, is causing deforestation, global warming emissions and a loss of biodiversity.
Threat Level
- Five Alleged Money Mules Indicted in Bank TheftFive alleged money mules have been indicted in a bank heist that netted the thieves almost $450,000 from a local-government bank account in California. John L. Quinn II and Anthony Bobbitt, both of North Carolina, were indicted with three others on criminal charges of wire fraud, bank fraud and cons ...
- Supreme Court Gets RIAA Copyright CaseA case testing the meaning of the so-called “innocent infringer’s” defense to the Copyright Act’s minimum $750-per-music-track fine has landed at the U.S. Supreme Court. The case the justices were asked to review this week concerns a federal appeals court’s February decision ordering a university st ...
- Pentagon: Let Us Secure Your Network or Face the ‘ ...Companies that operate critical infrastructures and do not voluntarily allow the federal government to install monitoring software on their networks to detect possible cyberattacks would face the “wild” internet on their own and place us all at risk, a top Pentagon official seemed to say Wednesday. ...
- Time Warner Cable Resists Mass BitTorrent LawsuitA consortium of independent film producers is hitting a stumbling block in its plan to simultaneously sue thousands of BitTorrent users for allegedly downloading pirated movies. Time Warner Cable is refusing to look up and turn over the identities of about a thousand of its customers targeted in the ...
- Lawsuits Pour in Over Google’s Wi-Fi Data Collecti ...At least three lawsuits have been filed against search engine giant Google for collecting Wi-Fi user data through its Street View cameras. The lawsuits have been filed in California, Massachusetts and Oregon. They allege that Google violated federal and state privacy laws in collecting fragments of ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Apple iPad frenzy spreads abroad; supplies limitedLONDON/PARIS (Reuters) - Diehard fans mobbed Apple Inc stores in Europe and Asia as the iPad went on sale outside the United States on Friday, with some shoppers having queued all night to buy one of the coveted tablet computers.
- Obama heads to Gulf as BP reports progressVENICE, Louisiana (Reuters) - BP reported some progress on Friday in its struggle to shut off its gushing Gulf of Mexico oil well, and President Barack Obama headed to the coast to assert control in the fight against the largest oil spill in U.S. history.
- UPDATE 2-Storm over J&J's child drug recall only g ...* J&J apologizes to parents, pledges to fix problems
- Nuclear treaty talks on brink of failure: diplomat ...UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Talks on shoring up the global anti-nuclear arms treaty were on the edge of failure on Friday as the United States and its allies clashed with Egypt over a push to pressure Israel to scrap any atom bombs it has.
- China PM seeks to cool Korean standoffSEOUL (Reuters) - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told South Korea's President Lee Myung-bak on Friday he condemned any acts threatening stability on the Korean Peninsula and understood South Korean grief over the sinking of a naval ship, which Seoul has blamed on Pyongyang.
Equality Trust
- LATEST* The Equality Trust in the NewsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- VAT rise would hit the poorest Bill Wilson's VAT motion to the Scottish Parliament reads as follows: That the Parliament notes the warning issued by Save the Children in Scotland that raising VAT to 20% could mean a £31 a week bill for the poorest families in Scotland and that the poorest 10% of the population currently spend ...
- Excessive pay and bonuses in public sector under s ...Daily Telegraph reports on bold moves in the public sector . But what about the private sector which originated the "crazy" bonus system and still leads the way on excessive top pay...?
- Splendid: government targets second homesAs reported in today's Daily Telegraph , proposed hike in capital gains tax aims to part-fund increase in tax allowances for those on lower incomes. David Cameron describes second homes as "not .... necessarily splendid" for the economy.
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- West/Mid-West Regional CallOn this call we had state reports from around the western and mid-western states
- Video: Don’t Get Caught in a Bad HotelA flashmob infiltrates the Westin St. Francis hotel in San Francisco and performs an adaptation of Lady Gaga’s song “Bad Romance.” The event was organized to draw attention to a boycott called by the workers ...
- Memorial Day ReflectioncareRemembering. Learning. Changing the Reality. Healthcare NOT Warfare “If other eyes grow ...
- Voices of ArizonaDear PDA and Progressive Allies Not even the massive oil slick growing in the Gulf of Mexico has been able to divert attention from SB 1070, the outrageous new law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer ...
- IOT: Stop Global Warming – Environment Issu ...A discussion of the Kerry-Lieberman climate legislation discussion draft took place as well as the politics of its passage. In addition, Kathy Callan and James Handley reported on their recent visits to the Hill where ...
Marler Blog
- J.H. Caldwell and Sons Inc. Salmonella Newport Spr ...The CDC reports a total of 28 individuals infected with a matching strain of Salmonella Newport have been reported from 10 states since March 1, 2010. The number of ill people identified in each state with this strain is as follows: AZ (2), CA (14), CO (1), ID (3), IL (1), MO (1), NM (1), NV (2), OR ...
- And, You thought I would leave Raw Milk alone for ...I need to add two more bacterial outbreaks to my growing list of seven since January 2010. This just landed in my inbox from the Washington State Department of Agriculture - E. coli update: new illnesses point out potential raw milk hazards - Patients say they drank milk from Whatcom County dairy ...
- Raw Milk E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak Strikes Minnesot ...There have now been at least seven outbreaks of illness, involving three different dangerous pathogens, tied to raw milk since January 2010. There have been outbreaks in Minnesota, Nevada, Utah (2), New York and Pennsylvania, as well as a single outbreak that included illnesses in Michigan, Indiana ...
- organicgirl Produce recalls baby spinach due to Sa ...( From a company press release ) - organicgirl Produce is voluntarily recalling a limited number of cases of 10 oz organicgirl Baby Spinach with an expired Use-by Date of May 22 and Product Code 11A061167 because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. The recall includes only 336 ...
- Fighting for Food Safety: Bill Marler's Personal Q ...What can one lawyer do to change a food safety system that doesn’t do much to keep people safe? If you’re Bill Marler, spend over a half million dollars of your own money funding an independent study to try and make the USDA take action. Bill Marler is a name people in the food industry game know a ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.28.10eBay Find of the Day: Hydrogen-powered 1972 AMC Gremlin by George Barris What else is hiding out there? Royal Academy of Engineering: Coal-powered electric vehicles not enough to cut CO2 Well ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.27.10Study: highly-efficient semi-trucks lead to 120,000 new jobs by 2030 Say what? Report: Toyota and Daimler planning "extensive cooperation" on fuel cell development H2, here they come. ...
- Mahindra, Reva announce partnership leading future ...Filed under: Hirings/Firings/Layoffs , Earnings/Financials , India , Electric Turns out, that so-called " person with direct knowledge " was right. Mahindra and Reva have announced a collaboration to form a new company called Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicle Company that will see Reva's electric po ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.26.10Carlos Ghosn: 2011 Nissan Leaf sold out That didn't take long. Not all bad: Honda CR-Z called "one of the most desirable cars on the planet" Surprised us, too. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.25.10Milburn unveiled $1,000 EV with 100-mile range, swappable batteries back in 1920 [w/video] You've come a long way, maybe. Japan EV Club drives 623 miles on a single charge It's not what we c ...
Rafe's Radar
- Coming June 24: CNET Showcase on tablets, slates, ...Don't miss our hands-on event and discussion on the newest in small and slim computing. Originally posted at CNET Showcase
- CNET to the Rescue: AndroidpaloozaThis week on CNET to the Rescue: it's all Android, all the time. Pretty much, anyway. Tons of questions from listeners on how to make Android work better, and if you should bother at all. Plus, the Mystery of the Silent Pre--solved! Listen now: Download today's podcast Subscribe: � iTu ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Our perilous infrastructure ...This week, a bit of an inconvenient truth in our show: We're talking about our national infrastructure--power, water, transportation, and the like--and how it's kind of a mess from a security perspective thanks in no small part to the growth of the Internet. If you're a fan of reliable electricity ...
- CNET to the Rescue 1: Josh joins the fray (podcast ...Welcome to CNET to the Rescue, formerly known as Real Deal, in our new weekly slot, Wednesday at noon PT, with new host Josh Lowensohn . Everything about this podcast has changed, except our mission: to help dispel the fear, uncertainly, and doubt in tech, and help you get the most out of the t ...
- Video directory Clicker gets a set-top versionClicker, a good site for finding mainstream video content, gets a "10-foot" site for TVs to complement its computer-friendly site.
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Alleged Chicago Torturer’s Overdue Day in CourtBurge rose in the ranks to become a commander in Chicago’s South Side, called Area 2. Electric shocks to the genitals, mock executions, suffocation with bags over the head, beatings and painful stress positions are among the torture techniques that Burge and police officers under his command are ac ...
- Part II: "The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret R ...See Part II of our interview with Sasha Polakow-Suransky, author of the new book "The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa." Click here for Part I
- Full Interview With Activists Resisting U.S. Milit ...Watch the full version of our interview with activists from Japan, Guam and Hawai’i who are resisting the expansion of US military bases in the Pacific.
- Amy Goodman Questions Dalai Lama About Iraq and Af ...The Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, has wrapped up a series public lectures in New York. For the past four days, thousands have gathered at Radio City Music Hall to hear the Dalai Lama’s Buddhist teachings. On Sunday, the 74-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner spoke at the Cathedral ...
- WATCH: Live Feed of the Gulf Oil Spill A live video feed that shows the oil gushing from the damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico is now available online. Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusetts pushed BP to make the video public. If you do not see the video here, try going to the US House of Representatives web site for instructions ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
- Republicans Demand a Government Takeover and Bailo ...The words “government takeover” were originally injected into the discourse by Frank Luntz in the early stages of the health care reform process and have been repeated in the pejorative sense by Republicans across the board. Despite the fact that thousands of Americans die every month from a lack of ...
- How Obama’s Election Drove The American Righ ...How Obama’s Election Drove the American Right Insane For huge numbers of dedicated right-wing Americans, November 5, 2008, was the end of the world. Or at least, the end of America as they knew it. PoliPoint Press / By John Amato and David Neiwert May 26, 2010 | The following is adapted from “Over t ...
- Obama To Send Troops To Arizona Border: McCain Sti ...Obama to Send More National Guardsmen to AZ Border: McCain of Course Still Not Happy Crooks and Liars- By Heather Wednesday May 26, 2010 6:00am How’s that pandering working out for you President Obama? Sen. Get-Off-My-Lawn McCain is never going to be happy even if he sent the 6000 troops he’s demand ...
- Deepwater Oil Benzene BP & Exon ValdezFolks in Florida have been reporting oil smell and a black oily substance in the rain which is probably benzene from evaporation of the crude oil. Bensene, which was encountered in the Exon Valdez oil spill, was responsible for detrimental health effects on clean up workers who were among the 32,000 ...
- FBI Files Show More Threats On Members Of CongressFBI Files Show More Threats On Members Of Congress TPM MUCKRAKER Justin Elliott | May 25, 2010, 8:31AM Politico adds several more names to the growing list of members of Congress who have recently received death threats over political positions. FBI documents from closed cases show members of both p ...
- Rappoport Interviews FittsJon interviews economic expert and insider, Catherine Fitts, on the financial meltdown, its causes, and cure. Continue reading Jon Rappoport’s Blog Related reading Patrons of the Imagination Gift Hub (27 May 10)
- Kyrgyzstan as a Geopolitical Pivot in Great Power ...By F.William Engdahl The remote Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan is what Britain’s Halford Mackinder might call a geopolitical ‘pivot’—a land that, owing to its geographical characteristics, holds a pivotal position in Great Power rivalries. Today the tiny remote country is being shaken by what ...
- Stable Money is The Key to RecoveryBy Judy Shelton Tomorrow’s “Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy” in Washington will have a stellar cast. Leaders of the Group of 20 industrialized and emerging nations will be there, including Chinese President Hu Jintao, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, King Abdullah of ...
- Kenneth Star Charged With FraudOn Thursday the feds in New York announced criminal charges against Starr, who according to Reuters is a money manager for celebrities such as director Martin Scorsese, actress Uma Thurman and photographer Annie Leibovitz. Starr had more than $700 million in assets under management, the feds claime ...
- Rainwater HarvestingBrad Lancaster, rainwater harvesting expert and Permaculture designer talks about how to plant the rain, water harvesting earth works, and his seminal books, - - Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands (Vol. 1) Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (V ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Was the Shocking Murder of a Brave Abortion Provid ...Scott Roeder is now serving a life term for murdering abortion doctor George Tiller. But did he really act alone?
- Is the GOP's Point Man for Recruiting Black Candid ...Dr. Timothy F. Johnson's past doesn't point to him being the GOP's great, black hope.
- How the GOP Became the White Man's PartyIn this excerpt from Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire , Robert Perkinson shows how the Right embraced racial animus as a political strategy.
- The Police Murder of 7-Year-Old Aiyana Jones Is Ev ...Aiyana Jones wasn't the only victim that day. 17-year-old Jerean Blake was also killed in a senseless act of violence.
- Reggae Stars Denied Visas to U.S.The apparent visa revocations are hitting the Jamaican music scene in Southern California and elsewhere in the U.S.
Sideways News
- Man swims 1km across Everest lakeA man dubbed the "human polar bear" has completed a 1km swim across a lake on Mount Everest to draw attention to climate change issues. Lewis Gordon Pugh has become the first person to accomplish a long distance swim on the world's highest mountain, taking on extremely low temperatures in only a pai ...
- Honeybee survival rate 'improving'The number of honeybee colonies surviving the winter increased this year, the British Beekeepers' Association (BBA) has announced. A spokesman said the figures were "encouraging" given harsh conditions, but warned that the insects were "still not healthy enough". BBA president Martin Smith said 17.3 ...
- New aspirations for educationAbout a month ago we put together an “under the skin” report on the various parties’ manifestos, leaving aside the big policy stuff such as finance, crime and defence and looking at other more social issues. One of these concerned the Third Sector and it was one of the few areas in which there was n ...
- Captive pandas to be given wild trainingPandas born into captivity will get a fighting chance at being reintroduced into the wild when a training centre is built in China. News of the planned centre, set to open in five years, was announced by Zhang Zhihe, the head of the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Zoo keepers will tra ...
- Competitive sports 'boost grades'Two-thirds of parents believe playing team sports like cricket can help improve a child's educational performance, a poll has revealed. Research by The Cricket Foundation found that 66% of participants thought competitive games were connected to academic success. Over a third (35%) said sports boost ...
Fabius Maximus
- FM newswire for May 27, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “How Progressive is the U.S. Federal Tax System? A Historical and International Perspective“, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 2007 “Security ...
- It’s a national emergency, so an opportunity ...Disasters are fun, as we watch America go nuts. Even simple disasters bring forth a chorus of columnists shouting “be stupid!” Today’s example: “If âTop Killâ Fails, Obama Must Take Reins“, Andrew C. Revkin, blog of the New York Times, 24 May 2010 — Excerpt: In the last few days thereâs ...
- FM newswire for May 26, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. Delusionally optimistic, but excellent data:Â “Highlights of the International Energy Outlook 2010“, Energy Information Administration, May 2010 “Fiscal Crises and Imperial Collapses: ...
- Slowly more evidence emerges, and more scientists ...Slowly more evidence emerges about the Sun’s influence on Earth’s weather. Slowly more scientists speak out, challenging the faux consensus about climate change. Of course, readers of the FM site already know about this. “Itâs the Sun, stupid“, Lawrence Solomon, National Post, 21 May 2010 — “ ...
- FM newswire for May 25, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “U.S. Is Said to Expand Secret Actions in Mideast“, New York Times, 24 May 2010 — More blurring the border between spies and soldiers. “America’s Muslims: Guilty Until Proven Innocent? ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Obama administration backs Vatican in pedophile ca ...Breitbart – The Obama administration in a brief to the Supreme Court has backed the Vatican’s claim of immunity from lawsuits arising from cases of sexual abuse by priests in the United States. The Supreme Court is considering an appeal by the Vatican of an appellate [having the power to hear court ...
- Debt Level, Spending Pose Risk to U.S.’s Aaa Credi ...Bloomberg – The U.S. governmentâs Aaa bond rating will come under pressure in the future unless additional measures are taken to reduce projected record budget deficits, according to Moodyâs Investors Service Inc. The U.S. retains its top rating for now because of a âhigh degree of economic an ...
- President’s Cancer Panel Warns of Toxic Effects of ...The Huffington Post – Bisphenol-A (BPA) is widely used as a plasticizer in polycarbonate baby bottles, besides adult personal care and cosmetic products, food can linings, microwave oven dishes, dental sealants and also medical devices. Other recently recognized major sources are cash register and c ...
- Toxic glue used in supermarket food packaging ‘pos ...Daily Mail – Supermarket food is at risk of being contaminated by a ‘highly toxic’ chemical found in the glue of packaging labels. The chemical, which is in the same class of toxicity as mercury, asbestos and hydrochloric acid, can seep through and contaminate food, according to a study. It has be ...
- Stalin blocked attempts to kill Hitler: generalReuters – Soviet dictator Josef Stalin blocked two attempts to kill Adolf Hitler during World War Two, fearing that his replacement as Nazi leader would make peace with the Western Allies, a top Russian general said Tuesday. Read article
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Revisiting value and exploitationRevisiting value and exploitation by Prairie Fire (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) When her father died in 1883, Eleanor Marx wrote an article celebrating her father’s achievements. At the heart of these was “his theory of value, by which Marx explains the origin and the continued accumulation of ...
- Priemerný americký „Joe“Priemerný americký „Joe“ (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Greek) (Polish) (English) (Slovak) „Priemerný Joe“ má špeciálne miesto v americkom povedomí. Populárna literárna postava , „hrdina robotníckej triedy“, vystupuje vo filmoch, v televízii, v divadle. Je obľúbeným cieľom politikov. A pre ...
- On the TOPF and Hate Amerikkka part 2 in ChineseGolden Oldies. Shubel Morgan movies in Chinese: 憎恨美国,至死不休: 论唯生产力论:
- Przeciwo LiberalizmowiPrzeciwo Liberalizmowi – Mao Zedong, 7 wrzeÅnia 1937 roku (monkeysmaashesheaven.wordpress.com) Opowiadamy siÄ za aktywna walkÄ… ideologicznÄ…, stanowi ona bowiem narzÄdzie, za pomocÄ… którego osiÄ…ga siÄ wewnÄtrzne zespolenie partii i innych rewolucyjnych organizacji, gwarantujÄ…ce ich zdolnoÅ ...
- British Petroleum disaster, typical capitalismBritish Petroleum disaster, typical capitalism (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) A month after the initial explosion on a British Petroleum oil rig, millions of barrels of oil continue to spill into the Gulf of Mexico. Both the Obama Administration and British Petroleum have dropped the ball on fi ...
- Christians- Zionism’s Useful IdiotsYou know the imagery-- millions of Christians around the world have spontaneously disappeared - where did they go? Some say aliens, others terrorists. Now airplanes are plummeting to destruction, trains derailing, cars crashing, nuclear power plants are melting down and dumbfounded people staggering ...
- Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass ...Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techn ...
- Obama Calls for Global Government: “A New Internat ...On Saturday, President Obama showed his true NWO colors even though he avoided the popular catch phrase “New WORLD Order” by replacing “world” with “International.” Both words are synonymous with each other. Read More at http://pakalert.wordpress.com/
- The Evil Doer and the Times Square FizzlerWere Muslim Evil Doers again at work in New York? Is that the lesson to be learned from a May 1st “car bomb” that fizzled while parked alongside the Marriott Hotel in Manhattan’s busy Times Square? Why now? The clues are there if only investigators will follow the facts. With reports of thi ...
- A Wedding To Start A WarHow the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan. A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. Read how the celebrity wedding was loaded with the kind of symbolism that rattled India and sent the wrong ...
- Tesla and Toyota Join ForcesToyota and Tesla Motors are embarking on a joint electric-car-building project, the companies announced yesterday . The two automakers will form a specialist team that will concentrate on developing electric vehicles, parts, production systems and coordinate engineering support. To really seal t ...
- Gravel Batteries Offer a Solution for Renewable En ...One of the most frequent objections to renewable energy systems is that their production is too variable. But technologies continue to be developed that will allow storage of power generated from wind, solar, and other intermittent renewable sources. The latest development comes from researchers ...
- Oyster Offshore Wave Generator Is 2.5x Better Than ...Power generation from waves continues to develop as Aquamarine Power has unveiled its new, second-generation Oyster 2 wave power generator. According to the company, "The new 800kW device will measure 26 metres by 16 metres and will deliver 250 per cent more power than the original Oyster 1 which ...
- Unexpected Consequence: Increased CO2 Could Affec ...A new study published in the journal Science states that rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere aren't just affecting climate, but could affect the nutrition contained in the world's food crops too. Scientists at the University of California, Davis found that increased CO2 could reduce the protein co ...
- Forget Wave Power, Google and Others May Use Poo P ...Google has been tinkering with the idea of a floating, wave-powered data center for a while, but it looks like a better solution could come from a more basic power source: manure. Hewlett Packard has released a research paper that states that tech companies like themselves, Google and Microsoft c ...
- Obama’s Missing Moral Narrative: George Lakoff for ...GEORGE LAKOFF FOR BUZZFLASH Barack Obama may be one of the best communicators of this generation, but he is not living up to his own talents. In a year of disasters, communication failure doubles the disasters. If, as he says, the monster spill was his highest priority from Day 1, he needed to c ...
- When Words Lose Their MeaningBody It turns out that rather than making sense of core issues, words have become a thorn in the side of clarity. Conservatives dismiss efforts to revitalize a stalled economy and end partisan gridlock by equating the word change with socialism and promoting religious dogma instead of ...
- Of Oil Spills and the Crazy-Uncle SolutionBody In a rather extraordinary press conference that careered from seething self-defensiveness -- many of his critics just "don’t know the facts" -- to the I'm OK, You're OK emotional reassurances of national group-therapy -- "I am angry and frustrated as well" -- President Obama bela ...
- Obama Talks Left to Move Right as Wall Street Crim ...DANNY SCHECTER FOR BUZZFLASH Is the President the Kind of Leader Chairman Mao Warned Us About? We now know that it was the Obama Administration led by the President himself who used techniques well understood and denounced decades earlier by none other than Mao TseTung. Mao had no use for those who ...
- Will an 'Emergency' Military Vote Tomorrow Fund Mo ...HARVEY WASSERMAN FOR BUZZFLASH As oil continues to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, a shocking vote tomorrow (Thursday, May 27) may rush $9 billion worth of taxpayer guarantees into building three new nuclear power plants -- two of them on that already tortured Gulf of Mexico. Environmental groups (NIR ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- A disgrace of historic proportions(updated below) The Miami Herald 's Carol�Rosenberg reports that, this week, yet another federal judge has ordered the Obama administration to release yet another Guantanamo detainee on the ground that there is no persuasive evidence to justify his detention.��The latest detainee to win ...
- The unasked question(updated below) From CNN : The article notes that a new classified Department of Homeland�Security report documents that "the number and pace of attempted attacks against the United States over the past nine months have surpassed the number of attempts dur ...
- Democrats and the McCarthyite attack on detainee l ...(updated below) Over at Balkinization , Law Professor Steve Vladeck has done a superb job highlighting a truly vile provision in the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2011, which directs the Pentagon's Inspector General to "conduct an investigation of the conduct and practices of ...
- U.S. demands civilian trials -- except in the U.S.(updated below) The Washington Post , today (h/t Arkinsaw ): A judge granted parole Tuesday to Lori Berenson, the 40-year-old New York activist who has spent 15 years in Peruvian prisons on a conviction of aiding leftist rebels. . . . Berenson had for many years denied any wro ...
- Those irrational, misled, conspiratorial Muslims(updated below) The New York Times this morning has a particularly lush installment of one of the American media's most favored, reliable, and self-affirming rituals -- it's time to mock and pity Those Crazy, Primitive, Irrational, Propagandized Muslims and their Wild Conspiracy Theorie ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- ChemistryViews, Alchemist, espressoChemistryViews just launched, so here’s my first link to my stuff on there together with the regular Alchemist round-up and a surprising finding about espresso. Small molecules for fighting cancer – My first short feature article in the all-new ChemistryViews magazine from Wiley covers research in ...
- Wheels within wheels – the scientific lifecycleAn oft-repeated message from scientists involved with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), mapping the human genome, the search for extraterrestrial life and other vast scientific projects, such as supercomputing experiments is that the tera-bytes, peta-bytes, perhaps even the yotta-bytes of data gener ...
- Chemical structure drawing pollYesterday’s blog feature quoted my various contacts on Twitter, LinkedIn and elsewhere on what program they use to draw chemical structures. There were some interesting answers, including mentions of sites like ChemSpider and PubChem that are no drawing packages per se but do allow you to retrieve ...
- Draw chemical structuresChemical structure drawing is one of the most consistently popular search terms on Sciencebase and gets a lot of search engine traffic for those pages, so it seems worth revisiting the topic from a different perspective. Of course, with the likes of PubChem and ChemSpider now available one might wo ...
- Getting woodWood is the focus of new research into biofuels, while removing toxins from other crops is important for biofuels and food supply. Forest fires and phosphorus are analysed while the route discovered to taken by aluminium through the aquatic foodchain might quell some pollutant fears. This week’s co ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- PepsiCo Bluewashing Strikes AgainFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 26, 2010 Food & Water Watch “The attention received by the recent inauguration of five WaterHealth Centers in Ghana by PepsiCo and the Safe Water Network is best viewed in the larger context of PepsiCo’s overall environmental and water footprint. This is yet another attempt ...
- More Border Enforcement Distracts from Real Immigr ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 26, 2010 People For the American Way (PFAW) After meeting with Senate Republicans yesterday, President Obama announced that he would send up to 1,200 additional National Guard troops to the Southwest border and would request an extra $500 million in border security spending ...
- ACLU Praises Youth PROMISE Act VideoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 26, 2010 ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union today praised a new public education tool produced as part of an effort to gain attention and increase congressional support for a bipartisan bill to combat youth violence. The video, which Congressman Robert "Bobby" Scott ...
- Senate Committee Approves 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27, 2010 ACLU The Senate Armed Services Committee today voted to repeal the controversial "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, bringing an end to years of LGBT discrimination in the military. The amendment setting the repeal into action was attached to the Senate version of the ...
- ACLU Advocates for Abolition of Mandatory Minimums ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27, 2010 ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union testified today before the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) that mandatory minimums should be abolished or reformed because they generate unnecessarily harsh sentences, tie judges' hands in considering individual circums ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Eurozone Crisis is Self-Inflictedby Mark Weisbrot The current turmoil in financial markets around the world is another illustration of the damage that can be done by a bloated and politically powerful financial sector, combined with finance ministers and central bankers who identify with this sector and have their own rightwing pol ...
- Beeline to Extinctionby Naomi Starkman According to the recently released annual survey by the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), more than a third of U.S. managed honeybee colonies-those set up for intensified pollination of commercial crops-failed to survive this past wi ...
- Pallor and Pain; Sorrow and Stainby Donna Smith Over this past weekend, I watched more coverage on the BP Gulf oil spill and felt this growing sense of deep sadness and rage. The spill threatens so much more than we can yet fathom as we see this most recent fouling of our planet unfolding slowly, steadily and insistently with each ...
- Alleged Chicago Torturer’s Overdue Day in Courtby Amy Goodman Abu Ghraib has nothing over Chicago. Forty years ago, Jon Burge returned from Vietnam, joined the Chicago Police Department and allegedly began torturing people. He rose in the ranks to become a commander in Chicago's South Side, called Area 2. Electric shocks to the genitals, mock ex ...
- Blame Clinton, Not Paulby Robert Scheer What is so great about our bloated federal government that when a libertarian threatens to become a senator, otherwise rational and mostly liberal pundits start frothing at the mouth? What Rand Paul thinks about the Civil Rights Act, passed 46 years ago, hardly seems the most pressi ...
Karl Burkart
- The oil spill gets its own appA new app for iPhone and Android let people report impacts of the Gulf oil spill in real time.
- FUEL: the untold storyThe movie FUEL exposes the oil industry and receives 11 standing ovations at Sundance.
- U.S., China announce climate cooperation planObama and Jintao announce sweeping clean energy 'cooperation plan' that could significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
- Offshore Oil vs. Offshore Wind.. who wins?How many offshore wind turbines could have been bought for the cost of 1 Deepwater Horizon? The answer is enlightening.
- Wind power rekindles Maine economyOne small town in Maine has suddenly become prosperous with $500,000 in tax revenues from wind power generation.
Water Privatization
- Split Enviro Groups Ready to Rumble Over $11B Wate ...California environmental groups are split over whether to support an $11 billion water bond on the November ballot, setting u...
- Asin hydro terms of reference refined by bodyMAYOR Reinaldo Bautista said the technical working group (TWG) of Asin Hydros Ad Hoc Management Committee is now in the process of refining the terms of reference (TOR) for the contract to rehabilitat read more
- Kuwait approves $17.3b development spendingKuwait approves $17.3b development spending
- Angat privatization won't guarantee lower irrigati ...MANILA, Philippines - The privatization of Angat Dam in Bulacan will not automatically result in lower irrigation-service fees for farmers who use water from its reservoirs, according to an official of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA).
- No Hide(ing) from Water PrivatisationThe Alliance is 100 percent opposed to the creeping privatisation of local facilities, especially water, that is being promoted by Local Government Minister Rodney Hide.
- Murder accused says he is 'Crossbow Cannibal'PhD student Stephen Griffiths, accused of murdering three sex workers, identifies himself in court as 'Crossbow Cannibal' A man accused of murdering three sex workers in Bradford identified himself in court today as "Crossbow Cannibal". Stephen Griffiths, 40, is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, ...
- BP resumes 'top kill' missionCompany says operation pumping thick mud into ocean floor to plug oil leak could continue for two more days BP has resumed its high-risk "top kill" operation to stem the oil and gas leak from the ruptured Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, signalling that the operation could continue for two more d ...
- Questions raised over Tory donationsWives of Middle Eastern billionaires embroiled in arms deals gave money to Tory party a week before the general election The wives of two wealthy Middle Eastern businessmen embroiled in controversial arms deals gave generous donations to the Conservatives just before the general election. The donati ...
- No 10 attacks BBC in Campbell rowRow escalates after the new coalition government boycotts Question Time The row between the BBC and the government over Alastair Campbell's Question Time appearance last night shows no signs of ending after No 10 accused the BBC today of behaving improperly by inviting him on to the programme. A Dow ...
- N Korea 'exporting nuclear means'Leaked UN report says Pyongyang is using front companies to export nuclear and missile technology to Iran, Syria and Burma International efforts to avert a full-blown crisis on the Korean peninsula were given greater urgency today after a leaked UN report claimed that North Korea is defying UN sanct ...
- Commentary: Joe Sestak and the phantom — or ...It's no secret that the Obama administration wanted Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., to drop his primary challenge to Republican-turned-Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter. But did President Obama's representatives try to entice Sestak into leaving the race by promising him a job? It's a simple question, and one tha ...
- Commentary: A step toward border securityEven those who are appalled by Arizona's harsh new immigration law — as we are — recognize that the state's misguided decision to take federal matters into its own legislative hands did not come out of the blue. Arizona is the preferred superhighway for drug and human smugglers. Phoenix is the kidna ...
- Militants strike Ahmedi sect mosques in Pakistan, ...ISLAMABAD — At least 20 people were killed after terrorist staged a gun and grenade attack on two mosques belonging in a persecuted religious minority, in the eastern city of Lahore, officials and reports said.
- S.C. won't pass Arizona-style immigration bill in ...A new immigration law will not be passed in South Carolina this year, but lawmakers set the stage Thursday for one to be debated in 2011.
- Gulf oil spill's economic impact will be long termAs oil seeps into Louisiana marshlands, economists say the financial fall-out is only just beginning to spread across the Gulf of Mexico — and possibly beyond.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Europe debates climate 'ambition'Connie Hedegaard , the EU's Climate Commissioner, is seeking to open a debate on whether the bloc should adopt a tougher target than it already has for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Back in the early months of last year, EU leaders signed off a target of 20% cuts from 1990 levels by 2020, risi ...
- Wildlife - a good bet?Definitely the oddest take I've yet seen on the Gulf of Mexico oil leak passed across my desk today, in the form of a notification from bookmakers Paddy Power that they're taking bets on the first species to go extinct as a result of the pollution . Kemp's Ridley turtle garners the shortest odds at ...
- 'Playing God' with the climate?Biotech supremo Craig Venter's latest foray into "synthetic life" is raising all sorts of questions within the domain of medical and scientific ethics. One of the potential uses which he's looking at for synthetic bacteria - sucking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere - potentially also breaks new g ...
- IPCC review: friend or foe?"Now that we're in the kitchen, we have to take the heat," said Rajendra Pachauri. "And we have to recognise that the stakes are very high. So we have to prepare ourselves for criticism, and this is not something we have done in the past." Indeed not. The worlds of climate science and politics wer ...
- Much-drilled bill signals climate endgameAnd then there were two... Republican Senator Lindsey Graham having departed the group , it was left to Democrat John Kerry and Independent (Democrat-attached) Joe Lieberman to unveil the latest version of the US climate bill , which now sports the distinctly Stars-and-Stripes title of the American ...
The Wonk Room
- In Historic Vote, Congress Clears Major Hurdles To ...Last night, the Senate Armed Services Committee and the House successfully attached an amendment repealing the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to this year’s defense authorization bill, clearing major hurdles to ending the 17-year old discriminatory policy. Despite Rep. Mike Pence’s (R-IN) promise ...
- Hatch Placates The Right Wing: ‘Odds AreR ...Yesterday, President Obama’s debt commission held its second public meeting, as it works to come up with a recommendation for Congress to vote on by December. And evidently the right-wing is extremely concerned that the commission will propose some tax increases, because it is pushing Sen. Orrin Hat ...
- Tweeting With Frum About Middle East ‘Pressu ...Responding to Peter Beinart’s recent article on The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment to speak the truth about what’s happening in and to Israel, David Frum writes that “if there’s one thing that defines liberal thinking about the Middle East, it is precisely that it denies that Palestini ...
- Obama: BP’s Interests May Not Be Aligned Wit ...At today’s press conference on the BP oil disaster, President Barack Obama’s first in 300 days, reporters discussed several of the issues raised by the Center for American Progress in “Calling the Shots in the Gulf.” The president was pressed on the relationship between the federal government and BP ...
- Schumer Slams Hypocrisy Of Cornyn’s ‘S ...Today, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took to the Senate floor to slam an amendment to the $58.8 billion emergency supplemental bill proposed by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) that would’ve required $2.2 billion in unspent stimulus funds be poured into securing the border. Though the amendment failed to meet t ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Thoughts on the Bryant/Sheppard DecisionI don't really talk about things like this, but I'd read about the death of cyclist Darcy Allen Sheppard during his encounter with former Ontario attorney general Michael Bryant last August. I read that Sheppard had been drinking, that he had anger-management issues, that he'd gotten in the face of ...
- The Right to Secrecy and Trust Has ExpiredVia HarperBizarro , Don Martin on today's expected announcement about the rights of Parliament to see detainee documents from the Afghanistan conflict: The problem with this government is how it's become secrecy personifi ed -- witness the backlog of information access requests, it's document-star ...
- Scum-bag Mike Harris gets gift from FIRST NATIONS ...The news comes from the blog " Crazy Bitches are Us. "
- On the harpercons' Cancelling of Funding for Toron ...One of my favourite bloggers, Montreal Simon, talks about the lack of support for gays in response to the harpercon government's announcement that they would not be supporting the massive Toronto Gay Pride this year and says maybe it should be a private party: I'd be sorry not to be able to entertai ...
- Screw This BullshitIn the light of this latest example of the harpercons' utter contempt for Canada's system of parliamentary democracy , it seems pertinent to mention this : Although they can send for certain persons, standing committees do not have the power to punish a failure to comply with their orders in this r ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Feed has movedThis feed has moved to .
- Market Observation: The Long and Short of Itby Brian Pretti. "It has been a very long while since I’ve taken up a big chunk of a discussion to write about crude oil. The time is now for a multiplicity of reasons. You know the old market truism that after bear markets in equities, old leadership rarely emerges as new leadership. And of course ...
- Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3 by Elliott Wave Int. "With the market’s downtrend recently in abeyance, these transgressions failed to capture the imagination of the public or the scrutiny of law enforcement. But the extreme recriminatory power of the next leg down in social mood suggests that Goldman’s dealings will become a ligh ...
- A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist. "The founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung, proposed the existence of something he called the collective unconscious. He said it was the most misunderstood of his empirical concepts. Its reality could be inferred from the presence of archetypes, most readily discoverable in dr ...
- Market Observation: Fear Strikes Outby Martin Goldberg, CMT. "The markets are heading straight up without even taking a breather. As of Thursday after completing the January correction, there have been 34 days up and only 13 days down. Over that timeframe the S&P has gained about 16%. None of the down days were particularly scary and ...
on Government Oversight
- A Victory for Oversight: House Passes Eshoo Amendm ...Late yesterday, the House passed an amendment allowing the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to audit the intelligence community. This is a great victory for government oversight. POGO thanks Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA) for her leadership on this issue, and also...
- Morning Smoke: Everything You'd Want to Know about ...Oil Spill Hearing Updates by David Hammer [Times-Picayune] (also nicely summarized at emptywheel) BP Decisions Set Stage for Disaster by Ben Casselman and Russell Gold [Wall Street Journal] BP wants Houston judge with oil ties to hear spill cases by...
- POGO Urges House to Support GAO Audits of Intel Co ...POGO is urging Congress to vote in favor of an amendment that would enhance oversight of the intelligence community. The amendment, sponsored by Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Howard Berman (D-CA), Rush Holt (D-WV), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), and...
- What Sort of Guidance Came from the MMS Solicitor' ...POGO has just submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Minerals Management Service (MMS), seeking information about guidance provided by the MMS Solicitor's Office. From our official request: Please provide, for a period of January 1998 to...
- MMS Director FiredAccording to AP sources, Minerals Management Service (MMS) Director Liz Birnbaum has been fired. As a recent article in the New York Times hinted, this move may not have been entirely unforeseen: When Ms. Birnbaum testified in Congressional hearings last...
Digital Journal
- Police warn Toronto of attempted child abductionA parent's worse nightmare took place this week when a man tried to take off with a child Wednesday afternoon near Williamson Road in Toronto.
- Police: Auto insurance scam hitting OntarioThe Canadian Anti-fraud Centre (formerly Phonebusters) and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are warning Ontarians that an auto insurance scam is hitting the area.
- Toronto's Metro Hall hosts weekly food marketWhen the warm weather arrives in Toronto, so do weekly farmer's markets throughout the city. During the season every Thursday you can find fresh produce at Metro Hall.
- City of Toronto opens cooling stations to beat the ...Toronto is in the midst of a heat wave. With the hot temperatures the city has opened up cooling stations throughout the city to offer residents relief.
- Scotia Plaza offers Bike Clinic to prep for AIDS R ...Friends For Life Bike Rally held a bike check-up Thursday at Toronto's Scotia Plaza building in advance of Toronto Bike Month.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- A Shelter for Alcoholics Is Only Part of the Solut ...Luke is homeless and panhandling in Anchorage, Alaska. In Alaska, he is often referred to as a " chronic public inebriate " an individual who drinks too much, too often. Last night, Luke slept at the "sleep-off," a center in Alaska where alcoholics can sleep in safety and recover from drunkenness. ...
- Tips for Living in Your CarThere's no good way to live in a car, but a commenter on the website Reddit offers some valuable tips on doing just that in response to a fellow user who has found himself with only a vehicle to call home. The user, named xenophone, says that when his relationship and an attempt to flip a house went ...
- The Homeless Commit Suicide Twice as Often as the ...Not many people feel comfortable enough to ask about how I wound up at a mental health clinic for the homeless, or the feelings of suicide that got me there. But last week someone did and I've been thinking about it ever since. I've been thinking about how we as a society feel about suicide. For one ...
- Should Shelters Have Metal Detectors?Ever since a mentally ill homeless man killed a shelter director with an ax last February, the city of Cleveland has responded with increased safety measures at local shelters. But do these well-meaning efforts compromise individual liberties? Cleveland Homeless reports that many shelters, in a misg ...
- Living Paycheck to Paycheck Requires a PaycheckDee is living at the Brother Francis shelter in Anchorage, Alaska. It's an emergency shelter, and after staying for 30 days, residents must find another place to stay. He's been in Alaska for nearly 30 years, and he recently found new employment. He's now searching for low-income housing, but he cau ...
- Two hundred and twenty-fiveThe United Kingdom became the latest nuclear weapon state to join the movement towards greater nuclear transparency on Wednesday when Foreign Secretary William Hague informed the British House of Commons that the U.K.’s âoverall stockpile of nuclear warheads will not exceed 225 warheadsâ (”Brit ...
- U.S. and global military spendingThe U.S. military budget comprises over 44 percent of the entire world’s military spending, reports the Washington-based Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (Laicie Olson, “U.S. vs. Global Defense Spending,” 21 May 2010). The Center calculates that worldwide military spending totalled US$ ...
- Canadians: Humanitarian role or stay homeAccording to a Leger Marketing poll conducted for the QMI Agency, Canadians are divided on where they would like the Canadian Forces to go after Afghanistan, with many choosing humanitarian missions and 32% saying they should stay in Canada (Laura Payton, “One third of Canadians want troops home aft ...
- Steven Staples comments on submarines still in pie ...
- DND: There really is a free lunch!In an unusual move, Canadaâs top soldier and the Defence Department’s Deputy Minister have given DND staff permission to accept free meals from contractors at this year’s CANSEC arms trade show (David Pugliese, “Changes to DND hospitality rules at military trade show raising eyebrows,” Ottawa Cit ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Special Thank YouWe’re constantly trying to negotiate deals for you to better your health. It’s one way of saying Thank You for All Your Support! Since we work with some of the best people in the WORLD, it’s often easier than we expect to get great deals for you. We’ve been talking a lot about longevity. Fish Oil ti ...
- New York Debates Millionaires’ TaxMay 27, 2010 My Fox New York MYFOXNY.COM – New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is reportedly pitching a plan for an increased “millionaire’s tax” aimed at 75-85 thousand New Yorkers making $1 million or more a year. Political columnist Fred Dicker , who appeared on Wednesday’s Good Day New York ...
- Where Is Our Bailout Money?!May 27, 2010 Telegraph By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard The M3 figures – which include broad range of bank accounts and are tracked by British and European monetarists for warning signals about the direction of the US economy a year or so in advance – began shrinking last summer. The pace has since quicke ...
- Economic Recovery Slower Than ReportedMay 27, 2010 My Way By Jeannine Aversa WASHINGTON (AP) – The economic rebound last quarter turned out to be slower than first thought, one of the reasons unemployment is likely to stay high this year. The economy grew at a 3 percent annual rate from January to March, the Commerce Department said Thu ...
- Europe Is Heading Toward A MeltdownMay 27, 2010 Telegraph By Edmund Conway Mervyn King, the Bank of England Governor, summed it up best: “Dealing with a banking crisis was difficult enough,” he said the other week, “but at least there were public-sector balance sheets on to which the problems could be moved. Once you move into sovere ...
Pambazuka News
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
- Global: It takes a VillagerOwino Odhiambo left his tiny Kenyan village less than a decade ago to immerse himself completely in American culture. Equipped with American citizenship, two degrees, and five years experience working as a dedicated graphic designer in New York City,...
War in Context
- Cypriot authorities direct Freedom Flotilla to sta ...The Challenger 1, is a Free Gaza passenger boat among the Freedom Flotilla that has members of the European parliament on board. While holding for the other boats to join, close to Cyprus waters, the boat has been contacted via radio by a Cipriot Police Helicopter. This video is recording the conver ...
- Live cam on the Freedom Flotilla heading for GazaThis is the camera being used by international news television broadcasters on board the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship sailing to Gaza. Accompanying ships can also be seen during periods while news reports are not being broadcast. Most of the reporters appear to be Turkish, though there is als ...
- Obama: inconsistent, unimaginative, unengaged — or ...Every disaster gets a name — Katrina, Exxon Valdez, The Tsunami — and now The Spill? Even after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has officially become the worst oil spill in US history, this is a disaster whose generic and mundane name has contributed to an underestimation of its significance. After al ...
- Masked Israeli commandos ready to capture Gaza-bou ...Israeli foreign ministry spokesmen Yigal Palmor told the Wall Street Journal that in dealing with the Freedom Flotilla, Israel faces the choice of either looking stupid or like brutes — or like pirates! Masked Israeli commandos — with daggers clenched between their teeth? — will soon likely take co ...
- Israel’s botched propaganda on life in GazaAl Jazeera reports on Israel’s propaganda campaign whose aim is to promote the message that the residents of Gaza, even while living under a severe economic blockade, “have everything they need.” As part of that effort, Israel distributed video footage of a guests enjoying fine cuisine in a gourmet ...
Watts Up With That?
- The great 2007 ice crunch – it wasn’t ...By Steve Goddard CIRES photo of an Arctic ice pressure ridge I generated an animation of 2007 sea ice thickness from the US Navy’s PIP database, and noticed something remarkable. Watch the video below, particularly inside the red square – … Continue reading →
- Royal Society to review climate consensus position“I don’t think they were very pleased. I don’t think this sort of thing has been done before in the history of the society.” Society to review climate message By Roger Harrabin Environment analyst, BBC News There is debate over … Continue reading →
- Anthropogenic Decline in Natural GasWell, Nature Geoscience is on a roll. Their latest “scientific study” makes an old claim in a new way. After ascribing the temperature changes in Lake Tanganyika to human actions, in a new paper they are now ascribing the changes … Continue reading →
- CEI files suit on GISS regarding FOIA delaysFrom The American Spectator: CEI Suing NASA Over Climate Stonewall By Chris Horner on 5.27.10 @ 10:57AM This morning in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is filing suit against NASA, calling the erstwhile space … Continue reading →
- NOAA Expects Busy Atlantic Hurricane SeasonContact:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Chris Vaccaro, 202-536-8911Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Susan Buchanan, 301-713-0622Â Â Â Â Â Â Â May 27, 2010 NOAA Expects Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season An âactive to extremely activeâ hurricane season is expected for the Atlantic Basin this year, ac ...
Dandelion Salad
- Noam Chomsky takes on Israeli propaganda in an int ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1099571 http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ h/t: War in Context who wrote: âLeading sectors, including the government, are in a mood of paranoia and irrationality which is harming [Israel] very seriously.â israelnews â May 23, 2010 צפ×: ר×××× ×× ...
- Dennis Kucinich: Without real reform of the FED I ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1099563 http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ http://therealnews.com Dennis Kucinich: Without real reform of the FED I won’t vote for this bill Dennis Kucinich, elected mayor of Cleveland at the age of 31 in 1977, is the youngest person ever elected to head a maj ...
- Commonsense 2010 By Timothy V. GattoBy Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com May 25, 2010 I greatly admire the writing of Thomas Paine. I have always felt that he had covered just about all the bases when one considers what the real “commonsense” truth is in relation to the State and the People. Ther ...
- Who Needs Weapons of Mass Destruction? by Sean Fen ...by Sean Fenley Dandelion Salad The Anything and Everything May 25, 2010 As Emma Goldman put it, “Ignorance is the most violent element in society.” But when you conjoin ignorance with a population willing to go to war at a pin drop, you’ve got violence to the nth degree squared. Combine a massively ...
- On the edge with Max Keiser: Gerald Celente on Fas ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ PressTVGlobalNews May 22, 2010 — Latest on the state of global economy with Max Keiser On the edge with Max Keiser-05-21-2010 (part1) On the edge with Max Keiser-05-21-2010 (part2) On the edge with Max Keiser-05-21-2010 (part3) see Mordechai Vanunu: Shame on you! ...
Your New Reality
- No titleThe New Republic takes note of the changing tone of The Weekly Standard, the NeoCons' propaganda central, towards Obama in the wake of his victory in establishing his health care priorities. With more legislative victories on the horizon. Last August, was a cartoon joke : Not anymore, now The We ...
- No titleThe Battle Of Bangkok Urban warfare 2010, Thailand. Fireworks, slingshots and homemade RPGs : A stunning gallery of weeks of street fighting in Bangkok from Life : A map of Bangkok's CBD. The green and red highlighted blocks are the areas held for six weeks by Red Shirt protesters, locked in ...
- No titleLike something out of an alternate universe, one where Star Wars director George Lucas was not a brilliantly original creator of some of the most influential science fiction movies ever made, but was instead a big budget director of remakes of cheap movies he loved as a child :
- No titleThe Pirate Bay mocks the entire movie, TV and music industries and their lawyers repeated attempts to close the file-sharing torrent site : PLZ LEARN: TPB CANT BE SHUT DOWN LOL! AS U MITE HAS READ OR NOTICD, PEEPS ONCE AGAIN R TRYIN 2 SHUT US DOWN. DIS WILL NOT SUCCED, LOL. OURS RLY NICE WEBHOS ...
- No titleA rare look inside the extraordinary JP Morgan library here . The library holds a 16th century tapestry called 'The Triumph Of Avarice'. A basic Google search brings up no results for this impressive work : Avarice is, of course, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, one of the more destructive for comm ...
Wired - Science
- Congress, Obama Take Sudden Interest in Synthetic ...Congress explicitly took up the subject of synthetic biology for the first time Thursday during a hastily convened hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The Wired crowd has been talking about how to engineer biological machines for years, but Craig Venter’s announcement last week that ...
- Video: Designing Bridges to Be Drivable After Quak ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience88281115001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); RICHMOND, California â Sure, earthquake engineers can now make bridges safe during even the biggest earthquakes, but they’re still rendered unusable in the key ...
- The Science of Horror-Flick ScreamsAs horror-flick titles go, Night of the Living Chaos and Rosemaryâs Nonlinearity arenât the catchiest. But filmmakers know that chaos — the mathematical kind — is scary. Now scientists know it too. Filmmakers use chaotic, unpredictable sounds to evoke particular emotions, say researchers who ha ...
- Origin of Milky Way Clouds RevealedMysterious clouds of gas hovering above the plane of the Milky Way may be the fractured remnants of superbubbles blown by stellar winds and exploding stars. “There’s a fundamental, interesting connection between gas far away from the Milky Way and the amount of star formation below it in the galact ...
- Video: The Butterfly Effect on the Sun’s SurfacerunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience87995349001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); New data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that on the sun, little changes can have big consequences. High-resolution images of layers of the sun’s surface show ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Jonathan Cook: Israel’s Nukes Out of the ShadowsIsrael faces unprecedented pressure to abandon its official policy of “ambiguity” on its possession of nuclear weapons as the international community meets at the UN in New York this week to consider... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israeli human rights activist – “I ...Mr Makhoul’s arrest had angered many in Israel’s Palestinian minority, nearly a fifth of the population, who suspect he is being persecuted for his leading role in promoting internationally the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Adalah updates on Makhoul and Said, and on torture ...Adalah: “Trumped-up accusations made in indictments have become alarmingly common practice in security cases in Israel. They aim to justify the complete isolation and use of illegal methods of... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israeli human rights activist – “I ...Mr Makhoul’s arrest had angered many in Israel’s Palestinian minority, nearly a fifth of the population, who suspect he is being persecuted for his leading role in promoting internationally the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Jonathan Cook: Israel’s Nukes Out of the ShadowsIsrael faces unprecedented pressure to abandon its official policy of “ambiguity” on its possession of nuclear weapons as the international community meets at the UN in New York this week to consider... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- S. Korea holds naval drills in Yellow Sea as crisi ...The South Korean Navy on Thursday started large-scale anti-submarine drills in the Yellow Sea as part of measures to counter any further attacks by North Korea.
- Bulava missile: test-launch history
- Russian warship to escort 5 merchant vessels in Gu ...Russia's Marshal Shaposhikov destroyer will escort a convoy of five commercial ships through pirate-infested waters off the Somali coast, the Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.
- Russia will not use Sevastopol base to stage war - ...Russia has no plans to use a naval base in Ukraine's Crimea to stage attacks against other countries, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday
- Russia to help Ukraine finish construction of miss ...Russia has agreed to help Ukraine finish construction on a missile cruiser, which has been stalled for almost 15 years, the Ukrainian president said on Monday.
- In The Brain, Early-Stage Intense Passionate Love ...Close relationship researchers have previously found that Easterners (those from collectivistic cultures such as China) seem to regard love differently from Westerners (those from individualist cultures such as the United States).
- Dr. Dean Lorich Awarded the 2010 Roger E. Joseph P ...Dr. Dean Lorich was honored with the 2010 Roger E. Joseph Prize by Hebrew Union College for his humanitarian efforts in treating victims of the recent Haiti earthquake and in Landstuhl, Germany treating soldiers injured in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The award recognizes individuals making lasting cont ...
- 2nd Annual Consumer Genetics Conference to Feature ...Consumer Genetics Conference to convene experts in Boston June 2-4 to discuss best practices, challenges and advancements in the field of DTC genetic testing and personalized medicine.
- Those with Allergic Asthma Face Double Trouble Dur ...New research from UT Southwestern Medical Center suggests that allergic reactions to pet dander, dust mites and mold may prevent people with allergic asthma from generating a healthy immune response to respiratory viruses such as influenza.
- Underage Drinking-Related Hospital Emergency Depar ...Daily hospital emergency department visits involving those under age 21 who used alcohol combined with other drugs are 27 percent higher during this holiday period.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- How Can Cuba’s Sustainable Agriculture Survive the ...For a country that responded to severe energy crisis by switching to organic, localized agriculture, the fruits of the revolution must be protected from the coming peace. Click here to read this article
- Ahead of Pivotal Attempt to Plug Leak, BP Acknowle ...The oil giant BP has admitted it proceeded with work on the underwater oil well in the Gulf of Mexico shortly before last month's explosion despite warning signs of a major problem. Click here to read this article
- Support the Free Speech About Science Act and Rest ...The Alliance for Natural Health, a nonprofit organization committed to protecting access to natural and integrative medicine, has recently come up with a Congressional bill designed to stop government censorship of truthful, scientific health claims about natural foods and herbs, and restore free sp ...
- Sandra Steingraber's Organic ManifestoOne of the things I like most about ecologist Sandra Steingraber’s writing is her ability to express big, substantive ideas with clarity, simplicity, and resolve. I exit her essays filled with hope and resolve; both calmed and inspired. I was reminded of this unusual quality as I devoured her “Organ ...
- EPA to Gather Information about Factory Farms as P ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will gather information about factory farms to determine whether more should be regulated as part of a settlement with environmental groups concerned about water pollution. Click here to read this article
- Festival canadiense de los tulipanes en Ottawa (37 ...Tras haber disfrutado hace unos días de 47 fotografías gratuitas sobre El Parlamento en Ottawa, Canadá, hoy tendrán la dicha y la fortuna de ver con detalles 37 imágenes sobre un maravilloso encuentro con las flores. Me refiero al Festival Canadiense de los Tulipanes que cada año se celebra en esta. ...
- Las cascadas más famosas del mundo (Parte II - 50 ...Hace no mucho, le presenté a usted aquí mismo 50 hermosas fotografías sobre las cascadas más famosas del mundo. Como se lo dije en su momento, la colección consta de 100 elementos y aquí tengo para usted el día de hoy la segunda parte con otras 50 fotografías maravillosas de las caídas de agua que.. ...
- Maestros del Photoshop (Especial de Fotomontajes)Como un tributo especial a todos los grandes creativos, diseñadores gráficos, artistas y aficionados a la manipulación digital, le ofrecemos el día de hoy 36 imágenes preciosas donde la imaginación no conoce límites. Admira de cerca estas maravillas y nutra su mente con nuevas ideas.Nota: Haz click. ...
- Imágenes para tu blog (21 headers en alta resoluci ...Este paquete, incluye 21 imágenes en formato horizontal ideales para usarlas en tu blog como headers o encabezados. Por supuesto que puedes darle cualquier uso, pero en realidad han sido diseñadas de esa forma para adaptarse a cualquier plantilla en Blogger, WordPress, Joomla, Typepad, Etc. No... ...
- Perros, gatitos, aves, ositos, ranas y patos (39 i ...En este paquete, usted podrá disfrutar de una excelente colección de animales. Desde una rana, hasta ositos muy tiernos. Gatos y jaguares comparten un espacio con las aves de colores. Los perros y elefantes juegan por el campo y creo que usted se está tardando para descargar todas las imágenes que.. ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- Drones and the CIA and Charlie Savage’s NYT ...by Kenneth Anderson by Kenneth Anderson Although I was up at six, I think Julian must get up a lot earlier than do, as he is regularly beats me to the punch on what’s in the newspapers on drones. Â I will post something more once Philip Alston’s report is out next Tuesday and I have had a chance ...
- The World’s Best Airlines. (And No, None Ar ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller Skytrax has released its annual list of the world’s 10 best airlines. Here they are, from #1 down: Asiana Airlines Singapore Airlines Qatar Airways Cathay Pacific Air New Zealand Etihad Airways Qantas Emirates Thai Airways Malaysia Airlines Two things s ...
- The STL, In Absentia Trials & Notice “Otherw ...by Chris Jenks by Chris Jenks [The following is a guest-post by Lt. Col. Jenks, the Chief of the International Law Branch in the Army's Office of the Judge Advocate General -- KJH] At a workshop held in Beirut earlier this month, officials from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) attempted to ...
- U.N. Special Rapporteur Offers Limited Pushback Ag ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku From this NYT story, the upcoming report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on U.S. drone strikes seems fairly restrained. The main pushback is to end CIA involvement in drone strikes, on the theory that CIA operatives are not privileged belligerents. This is indeed, the ...
- Labor Standards: There’s an App For Thatby Roger Alford The news coming out of China of ten suicide deaths at Foxconn industrial park is terribly distressing. All of the workers who committed suicide were recent high school or vocational training school graduates aged between 18 to 24. One of the fatalities, Sun Danyong, jumped to his ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- NEWS RELEASE: PM's statement conflicts with Review ...Prime Minister John Key has been warned he could take a serious credibility hit if he continues to endorse the Latta Review on smacking before he's seen the Investigate magazine article published today. Responding to the PM's comments to NZPA...
- BREAKING NEWS: Investigate magazine news releaseNEWS RELEASE FROM INVESTIGATE MAGAZINE Government’s smacking review misunderstood its Terms of Reference, got crucial facts wrong Investigate magazine has blown open the smacking debate by publishing documents that show the review headed by Nigel Latta was effectively a farce,...
- Air Con: Climategate 2010 Edition goes on saleThe book that went to #1 on the climate bestseller list for Amazon US and UK last year has been updated with the latest science, plus full coverage of the Climategate and IPCC scandal fallout. The book is now 20%...
- John Key says kneecapping economy over ETS not val ...You may find this comment from John Key, Sept 2, 2007, interesting: "At the moment there are certain rules around Kyoto which just don’t seem to be in the best interests of the New Zealand economy. Because I think when...
- Questions for IPCC Vice Chair David Wratt as new I ...NIWA's David Wratt was the Vice Chair of the UN IPCC's Working Group 1 (WG-1), the prestigious "science" report on climate change. Wratt and others have previously talked of how impeccable the WG-1 process was, so I'd be interested in...
Public News Service
- AZ Reps Push for Green Energy From BrownfieldsAZ Reps Push for Green Energy From Brownfields Phoenix, AZ – Arizona’s disturbed public lands should be priority sites for generating wind and solar power. That’s the position of the state’s Democratic members of Congress, who are urging federal land managers to steer green energy projects to places ...
- AZ Public Health Advocates Back Drug Treatment Ove ...AZ Public Health Advocates Back Drug Treatment Over Jail Phoenix, AZ - President Obama recently announced a new national policy to treat drug abuse more as a public-health issue, increasing the emphasis on prevention and treatment. Arizona public health advocates have a long record of pushing for su ...
- AZ "Moms 2 B" Get Parenting Tips by Cell PhoneAZ "Moms 2 B" Get Parenting Tips by Cell Phone Phoenix, AZ – A cell phone can be a handy reminder for better maternal and child health. That's the goal of the "Text4Baby" program, a new joint effort between health providers, corporations and local governments. It sends short, health and safety-relat ...
- DC Protest Urges End to LGBT Job Discrimination in ...DC Protest Urges End to LGBT Job Discrimination in AZ and Elsewhere Phoenix, AZ – Arizona’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender (LGBT) community will be closely watching a Capitol Hill demonstration demanding Congress vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The bill would stop employers o ...
- ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants: A Good Thing?ID Cards for Illegal Immigrants: A Good Thing? President Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon (fuh-LEE-pay call-der-OWN) yesterday (Wednesday) criticized Arizona's law that makes failure to carry immigration documents a crime. But in contrast to Arizona, a growing number of cities around the ...
My Care2 Picks
- Five Questions Monsanto Needs to Answer about its ...Some tough questions need to be asked and answered before well know whether or not Monsantos donation will help or hurt long-term efforts to rebuild food sufficiency and sovereignty in Haiti. Here are five of them: Submitted by Elena Pintilie to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- At Least 16 Wounded in Israeli Airstrikes In GazaPalestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported Wednesday morning that at least Gaza sixteen residents, mostly women and children, were wounded in a series of Israeli airstrikes over northern and southern Gaza. Submitted by Zahra Pilavdzic to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Vid ...Note the CIA doesn't have resources to make numbers of fakes - even poor ones - so the military took over. Submitted by John Farnham to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The beauty provided by our maker.Nature shots to die for!! Submitted by John Farnham to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Pope Condemns Gay Marriage But Covers Up Pedophili ...DO AS I SAY BUT DON'T DO AS I DO....BIZARRE, DON'T YOU THINK? Submitted by virginia l. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- France Arrests Rwandan Doctor Accused Of Involveme ...France Arrests Rwandan Doctor Accused Of Involvement In 1994 Genocide: "(RTTNews) -Police in France have arrested a Rwandan doctor accused of involvement in the 1994 genocide in which hundreds of... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Columnist on White Nationalist Website Appears on ...Columnist on White Nationalist Website Appears on Fox News | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law CenterA columnist for the white nationalist website VDARE appeared as a guest on Fox News this week. As... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Racist Skins Renounce Busted IKA LeaderRacist Skins Renounce Busted IKA Leader | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law CenterPoor Ron Edwards. Even racist skinheads don’t want to hang out with the former Klan leader. Edwards — the Imperial... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Arkansas Cop-Killer Apparently Part of ‘Patriot’ M ...Arkansas Cop-Killer Apparently Part of ‘Patriot’ Movement | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law CenterRedemption theory varies across the country but arose in the Patriot movement, which generally sees... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Is Zuma serious about protecting gay rights? | Rad ...Is Zuma serious about protecting gay rights? | Radio Netherlands Worldwide: "South African President Jacob Zuma’s condemnation of Malawi’s decision to jail a gay couple has been welcomed as a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Gulf Oil – Same Problem, Different YearThink that the current Gulf oil gusher is a unique problem? Think again. The same thing happened 1979. All of the same techniques to stop it that BP is using now were used back then, and guess what? They didn’t work then either. And another thing – the same malfunction happened then too, and the [.. ...
- “What in the World are They Spraying?” – Official ...Important film regarding Chemtrails and the Geo-Engineering project that is being deployed against us. Monsanto's aluminum resistant gene is discussed also.
- The Codex Poisoning Begins: Latest Codex Meeting T ...“It is truly bizarre that Codex delegates will trip all over themselves in their rush to establish low maximum acceptable levels for healthy vitamins and minerals, but when it comes to a true industrial contaminant [melamine], extremely harmful to health, they look the other way.”
- Geese Recover from GMO FeedBy Barbara H. Peterson For those who remember, I spoke some time ago about how I fed my geese GMO corn for a winter, and the following breeding season, they were aggressive, fighting all the time, and wouldn’t sit a nest for long. One female had 2 babies, but lost both. One was physically deformed. ...
- Flash Bulletin: Corexit is Killing the GulfThe very obvious point Mr. Obama, is you should have saved our Gulf of Mexico, by making sure Transocean, Halliburton, and British Petroleum had absolutely nothing to do with the clean-up efforts, rather than making them pay to turn the Gulf into a dead zone.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Gunmen attack mosques in Lahore (BBC News)Noted by Jeff Koyen on May 28, 2010 8:05 AM
- Dubai's rep continues to slide as woman claims tax ...Noted by Jeff Koyen on May 28, 2010 8:05 AM
- 65 dead in West Bengal train attack; Maoists belie ...Noted by Jeff Koyen on May 28, 2010 8:05 AM
- Man admits in court to being the 'crossbow canniba ...Noted by Jeff Koyen on May 28, 2010 8:05 AM
- NBA Sees an Opening in Shadow of World Cup (The Ne ...Noted by Jon Pessah on May 28, 2010 8:05 AM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- "Hope-and-Change," A HoaxShareThis "Hope-and-Change," A Hoax By Michael Rectenwald and Lori Price, www.legitgov.org �27 May 2010 In our encounters on various social networking sites and political blogs, we consistently encounter the faithful remnants of the "hope-and-change" believers. To combat the onslaught of evidence an ...
- AP: New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf ShareThis AP: New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf 27 May 2010 Marine scientists have discovered a massive new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico, stretching 22 miles from the leaking wellhead northeast toward Mobile Bay, Alabama. The discovery by researchers on th ...
- New Flu Vaccines Could Protect Against All StrainsShareThis New Flu Vaccines Could Protect Against All Strains [that they create] 26 May 2010 A new�vaccine may be able to provide some protection against all strains of influenza. Current immunizations create antibodies that target a specific piece of a molecule on the surface of the virus that resea ...
- Obama bans new drilling in deep coastal watersShareThis Obama bans new drilling in deep coastal waters 28 May 2010 Describing the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a "wake-up call," President Barack Obama on Thursday banned new drilling in deep coastal waters and ordered floating rigs to quickly stop work on 33 exploratory wells. He al ...
- House Votes to Allow Repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don't T ...ShareThis House Votes to Allow Repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don't Tell' Law 27 May 2010 The House voted Thursday to let the Defense Department repeal the ban on gay and bisexual people from serving openly in the military, a major step toward dismantling the 1993 law widely known as "don’t ask, don’t tell." ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- NEWS RELEASE: PM's statement conflicts with Review ...Prime Minister John Key has been warned he could take a serious credibility hit if he continues to endorse the Latta Review on smacking before he's seen the Investigate magazine article published today. Responding to the PM's comments to NZPA...
- BREAKING NEWS: Investigate magazine news releaseNEWS RELEASE FROM INVESTIGATE MAGAZINE Government’s smacking review misunderstood its Terms of Reference, got crucial facts wrong � Investigate magazine has blown open the smacking debate by publishing documents that show the review headed by Nigel Latta was effectively a farce, and that paren ...
- Air Con: Climategate 2010 Edition goes on saleThe book that went to #1 on the climate bestseller list for Amazon US and UK last year has been updated with the latest science, plus full coverage of the Climategate and IPCC scandal fallout. The book is now 20%...
- John Key says kneecapping economy over ETS not val ...You may find this comment from John Key, Sept 2, 2007, interesting: � "At the moment there are certain rules around Kyoto which just don’t seem to be in the best interests of the New Zealand economy. Because I think when you look at climate change you have to put it in perspective . Yes it’s a gl ...
- Questions for IPCC Vice Chair David Wratt as new I ...NIWA's David Wratt was the Vice Chair of the UN IPCC's Working Group 1 (WG-1), the prestigious "science" report on climate change. Wratt and others have previously talked of how impeccable the WG-1 process was, so I'd be interested in...
- With sea confrontation looming, New Yorkers say &# ...The following excerpt is of a report in the Indypendent, where you can read the full article and view photos of the New York action in support of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Days before a probable showdown at sea between Palestine solidarity activists traveling with a nine-ship fleet and the Israeli ...
- Beinart rues absence of Palestinian voices– ...The Forward publishes some pithy comments by Peter Beinart that suggest that he has fully occupied the ground he surveyed in his groundbreaking piece, and the devil take Leon Wieseltier. (The interview, with Larry Cohler-Esses, is available in a podcast here). Notice in the second excerpt that Beina ...
- ‘Washington Post’ readers aren’t ...Janine Zacharia covers the Ameer Makhoul case in the Washington Post. Pretty good piece, except:When Israel was created in 1948, the Palestinian Arab community was split between those who remained inside Israel's borders -- and became Israeli citizens -- and those who relocated to the West Bank, Gaz ...
- Democrats afraid of Jewish donor ‘revenge ...The niceties of America’s often straightlaced political discourse generally preclude the use of a phrase as provocative as this: Jewish revenge. One of the virtues of the Israeli press, however, is that it can be refreshingly blunt. “Officials in the Democratic Party are afraid that the Jews will t ...
- ‘WSJ’ runs Israeli flotsam and jetsam ...Charles Levinson in the Wall Street Journal:Some Israeli officials see a lose-lose public-relations situation. "We can't win on this one in terms of PR," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor says. "If we let them throw egg at us, we appear stupid with egg on our face. If we try to prevent th ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Cancer Cures That The FDA Cannot Deny YouA hundred years ago less then 1 in 1000 people died of cancer. In 2007, cancer claimed the lives of about 7.6 million people in the world. In 2008 nearly 1,500,000 died of some form of cancer in the United States, in Canada upwards of 75,000 deaths. In the UK on average 1 in [...]
- VRM: Massive Recall Of Children’s Tylenol Pr ...MASSIVE RECALL OF CHILDREN’S TYLENOL, MOTRIN, ZYRTEC & BENADRYL PRODUCTS UNDERWAY Raw materials used to make over-the-counter infant’s and children’s medications, which are subject to a massive recall, tested positive for bacterial contamination, according to a Food and Drug Administration inspe ...
- VRM: Pregnancy TipsI was recently alerted by a newly pregnant mother of a child with Autism for tips on minerals & vitamins to help strengthen her immune system during the coming months. She believes vaccines were the cause of her child’s Autism and has begun a shift away from her GP. Based on all my research thus far ...
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
- Simple Living: CDs and DVDsIf like me, you were a teen in the 90's, you probably have a huge stack of CDs like I do. I would also bet that, like me, you rarely listen to any of those CDs. Over the last few years I've also noticed the same thing with my DVDs. I had a whole shelf of CDs and DVD but never touched 99% of ...
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
Michael Yon
- Court Decisions on Bagram Detainees25 May 2010 We all are aware that war leads to difficult situations. In regard to detainees, we've seen terrorists released only to strike again. Yet in the interest of justice we are concerned about detaining potentially innocent people. Difficult times, difficult answers. In summary, some deta ...
- Court Martial Of Brigadier General Daniel MenardHeavy fighting erupted in Thailand and I was slightly set back from Afghanistan dispatches. Am back to work on a series of major Afghanistan dispatches. Meanwhile, 33,000 people have signed up for my Facebook feed and about 10,000 at Twitter . Please see the interesting string on Facebook re BG Men ...
- Penguins of AfghanistanPenguins of Afghanistan and A few Words on Charlie Company Published: 13 May 2010 There are no birth certificates in these villages. No death certificates. No driver’s licenses or addresses or phonebooks, and if there were, few people would be able to read them. In this mostly illiterate c ...
- An Afghan StoryPublished: 9 May 2010 If normal life were a river, most days would likely be a slow-moving, meandering passage. But when a life squeezes into the gorge of war, there can be a deafening whitewater, falls and yet bigger falls, slams against stones, falls again and underwater no air and over the fa ...
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- One Family Homes To Solve New York's Congestion (N ...The website Sunday Magazine has an interesting idea: it looks at the New York Times Sunday Magazine of exactly 100 years ago for the most interesting article. A century ago this Sunday they covered the hottest planning idea: Single family houses in suburbs. ... Read the full story on TreeHu ...
- Today on Planet 100: Top 5 Eco TEDsters (Video)
- Underwater Robot Scans for Submerged Oil in Gulf o ...Photo credit iRobot Scientists are already rushing to determine the environmental impact of the Gulf oil spill, and iRobot is helping with the Seaglider, an unmanned underwater vehicle that has been sent to the ocean floor to prowl for submerged oil. iRobot is known for the Roomba and consumer ...
- Australia Makes Good on Threat to Take Japan to Co ...Whale meat on sale at the Tsukiji fish market in Japan, photo: Stefan Powell . Threatened for some time now , Australia has begun legal action against Japan to stop whaling in the Southern Ocean . Formal proceedings will begin in The Hague next week and would lead to a provisional order for Jap ...
- Outdoor Bacteria Can Make You Smarter, and HappierGetting some outdoor time is not only good for the soul, it's probably good for the mind. Research from The Sage Colleges in Troy, New York, suggests that exposure to a natural soil bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae can increase learning behavior. Another reason to enjoy, and protect, the gr ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Suu Kyi ‘would snub US senator’Opposition leader would likely refuse to meet with US senator Jim Webb this week on account of his 'soft' stance towards the Burmese junta, Win Tin says
- 20 years after the landslideView Photo Album The last elections to be held in Burma were in 1990; the year that the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) party won a landslide victory, which the junta ignored. Shortly after, Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest and the ruling regime ushered in a new era of d ...
- N Korea ‘masking’ Burma weapons tradeUN accuses Pyongyang of using 'front companies and middlemen' to dodge sanctions and export nuclear and missile technology to Burma, Syria and Iran
- ‘In an age of intolerance, solidarity inspires’I urge every Christian and every Buddhist to speak out for all the people of Burma, including the Rohingya, who desperately need a voice
- Suu Kyi supporters mark ’stolen’ pollsSenior members of the now-defunct National League for Democracy mark the 1990 election landslide victory ignored by the ruling junta
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Royal Society 'to re-examine climate message'Britain's national academy of science is to review its messages on climate change after complaints from its Fellows that the publicised views were oversimplified, according to reports.
- Global warming is 'making Mount Everest more dange ...Mount Everest is becoming increasingly dangerous to climb because global warming is melting glacier ice along its slopes, according to a Nepalese Sherpa who has conquered the world's highest summit 20 times.
- Middle classes in suburbs 'bearing brunt of libera ...Middle class people living in the suburbs are bearing the brunt of an obsession with tackling climate change forced on them by a liberal elite, according to a new report.
- Mammoths contributed to global warming with methan ...Mammoths helped to fill the atmosphere with methane and keep the Earth warm more than 13,000 years ago, scientists believe.
- Springwatch finds the BBC in cloud cuckoo land Sadly the flowers have refused to follow the BBC's climate change rules, says Christopher Booker.
National Geographic | Environment
- Mount St. Helens Still Highly Dangerous, 30 Years ...Thirty years after Mount St. Helens blew its top, the peak is still the second most dangerous volcano in the United States, according to government estimates. United States - Mount St. Helens - Volcano - Washington - England
- Mass Lizard Extinctions Looming; Global Warming Bl ...One in five lizard species are headed for extinction due to global warming, a new study says. But they won't bake; they'll starve.
- Presented By:
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
Jurist - Legal Research
- Obama announces new regulations stemming from Gulf ...[JURIST] US President Barack Obama [official website] held a press conference [transcript] Thursday to announce new regulations to mitigate future oil spill disasters and the current plan of action for resolving the crisis created by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill [BBC backgrounder] in the Gulf ...
- US Congress advances 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' repeal ...[JURIST] The US House of Representatives and the Senate Armed Services Committee [official websites] on Thursday advanced compromise legislation to repeal the military's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy [10 USC s. 654; JURIST news archive], sending it to a vote of the full Congress. The compromise woul ...
- Amnesty annual report decries 'global justice gap'[JURIST] Amnesty International (AI) [advocacy website] on Thursday released its 2010 Annual Report [materials; press release], highlighting a "global justice gap" caused by influential governments avoiding accountability for human rights abuses. AI was critical of the actions of the Group of 20 (G20 ...
- Japan court begins trial of anti-whaling activist[JURIST] The Tokyo District Court [official website] on Wednesday began [Sea Shepherd press release] the trial of New Zealand anti-whaling activist Peter Bethune on five criminal charges in connection with boarding a Japanese whaling vessel as part of a protest in the Antarctic. The Japanese court s ...
- California judge combines state court claims again ...[JURIST] A California judge on Wednesday consolidated more than 40 pending state court claims against Toyota [corporate website; JURIST news archive] relating to an alleged safety defect that caused cars to accelerate out of control. The claims include consumer-fraud class action and personal injury ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- The Night Beat: Mike Vickers's DNI?The Night Beat will return sometime next week. Sestak Statement Expected General Officer Appointment Of The Day Missed Story Of The Day "With a vote of 234 ayes and 194 nays, this amendment passes." Don't Ask, Don't Tell ; 17 years of nothing, then tonight. If you're happy with the House vote, th ...
- Administration Fights Back on GitmoRepublicans are ramping up efforts to keep Guantanamo Bay's detainee facility open forever, using a series of amendments to the Pentagon appropriations and Intelligence authorization bills.� The amendments range from demands for reports and certification -- which the administration is nominally OK ...
- Kill the 17th Amendment!One of the pleasures that comes from following the triumph of candidates who weren't selected by members of their party's establishment is the slow mainstreaming of wacky ideas. Call it the victory of the heckler's vetoers or attribute it to the dynamics of the way groups are formed, but more and mo ...
- Where Are All Those Captured Terrorists, Mr. Brenn ...After his well-received speech yesterday in Washington, White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan was asked about whether the administration's policy -- when it came to terrorists that came into the crosshairs of the military -- was simply to kill them, rather than risk the political complex ...
- Obama's Pre-Emptive DoctrineThe formal paper will be released later today, but if the Obama Administration's actions to date are any guide, the President's National Security Strategy essentially comes down to these elements: Kill the bad guys, as many of them as possible, adhering to international norms unless otherwise (se ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Oppose the CANSEC War Machine! - coat
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
- [COAT] Help Protest Canada's top WAR-industry Baza ...
- [COAT] Help Oppose Canada's Top Weapons Bazaar! - ...
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Makhoul Indicted for Grave Espionage Offenses, Sai ...Yesterday night, the Israeli secret police and their judicial subordinates announced the indictments of Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said. And I’m sorry to say both for the victims and the State of Israel that the bill of particulars is a laughingstock. Nevertheless, the Shin Bet, with these lurid, ba ...
- Im Tirtzu Launches $600,000 Libel Suit Against Isr ...Ronen Shoval, the rightist leader of the uber-Zionist Im Tirtzu (“If You Want It”), has had enough of leftists making fun of him. A Facebook group called Im Tirtzu–Fascist Movement arose to skewer I.T. Then, horrors, a full-blown spoof website was created to lampoon the entire Im Tirtzu enterpri ...
- Knesset Debates Bill to Limit Gag Orders, Cites Da ...A Knesset member introduced a bill today to limit the length and uses of gag orders and to provide for the right of appeal: A bill being put forward by Nahman Shai, a Knesset member for the opposition Kadima party, would limit gag orders to a week. “Gagging injunctions harm freedom of information ...
- Knesset Debates Bill to Limit Gag Orders, Cites Da ...A Knesset member introduced a bill today to limit the length and uses of gag orders and to provide for the right of appeal: A bill being put forward by Nahman Shai, a Knesset member for the opposition Kadima party, would limit gag orders to a week. “Gagging injunctions harm freedom of information ...
- Shin Bet Torture of Makhoul Confirmed, Indictment ...“Ameer Makhoul [is]…a prisoner of conscience… [We] call for his immediate and unconditional release.” –Philip Luther, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program As the Israeli “justice” system prepares to indict Ameer Makhoul for imaginary grave crimes against th ...
Ode Magazine
- Bigger, better, faster ... blah!By: Chintana How do we become bigger, better and faster to future-proof our company and clients? This is a central theme for the company I used to work for. And while it seems like quite a natural question for a “growth company” to ask, it also seemed to produ ...
- Hope therapy will get us through tough timesHow hope therapy can help banish mild mood disorders and boost happiness. Photo: Dusanzidar/ Dreamstime.com Things were going pretty well for Melanie. After struggling with being overweight, she had recently dropped a significant number of pounds. She felt great and looked ...
- Spiritual crisisBy: Anne Thomas Recently a friend sent a generic e-mail to her many acquaintances. She was wondering if any of us might read a book that a friend of hers had written. She wanted to see what we thought, of course, and also if we might introduce it to a wider audienc ...
- At MSU, graduation means beds for saleBy: Laura_Silver Ahh, graduation season. Departing seniors leave the relative security of the college campus, juniors, sophomores and freshmen move up a grade and the dorm furniture? Well, it often stays put. That's not the case at Michigan State University wh ...
- TOMS shoes and charity: water join forces for Ethi ...By: VictoriaKlein Four years ago, TOMS Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie began his business with an exceptionally simple concept: one for one. For every pair of shoes that he sold, a pair would be given away to a child in need. In this short time, 600,000 pairs of shoes ...
OpEd News
- Murphyapos;s Law Passes House; End to Donapos;t As ...Patrick Murphy, my congressman, representing PAapos;s 8th district, comprising Bucks county and small sections of Philadelphia and Montgomery counties, saw his bill to end "Donapos;t ask, donapos;t tell" pass the house last night.
- The EpiphanyThe corruption in the DOE and ATF are but a tip of the iceberg. Women and children are being hurt and murdered because of corruption in the courts and law enforcement agencies of America. Our government has turned a deaf ear to their pleas.
- It is "Perfectly Safe: It just Kills Plants"The Fifth Agent Orange Justice Tour ended recently. It focused national attention on grass roots and legislative efforts to achieve comprehensive assistance to victims in Vietnam, to the children and grandchildren of U.S. veterans, and to Vietnamese-Americans.
- The Hidden, Cosmic Message in Avatar and District ...What Avatar and District 9 share, other than a general hatred of humanity, and a general love of Technicolor aliens. A secret message for mankind, courtesy the Naapos;vi and Prawns.
- More Scary Art by Tom DurhamTom Durham is a multi-talented artist who lives and works in Rhode Island. His art has appeared in exhibitions and museums in Europe, New York City, Washington, DC, and several eastern seaboard states.
- Gulf Coast Disaster: Morning News Round-Up, May 28Highlights in this issue >Top kill appears to be working; next 12-16 hours critical > Gulf oil spill becomes the largest oil spill in U.S. History > Horror stories continue about the Deepwater Horizon explosion >Many believe the President still doesn’t look in charge > Hurricane seaso ...
- Redford to Obama: Lead America to a Clean Energy F ...NRDC cheered President Obama’s announcement yesterday that he is extending the moratorium on offshore drilling and blocking lease sales off the coasts of Virgina, Florida and Alaska. NRDC's president Frances Beinecke called these "forceful steps" that will help protect America’s marin ...
- Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Part of the Solution to ...Yesterday, several members of Congress introduced legislation designed to spur the adoption of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. Getting these clean vehicles on the road is an important part of a more comprehensive strategy to cut our oil dependence and curb globa ...
- Loophole foreshadowing: Florida PSC approves Gaine ...I know nothing about this plant, but in the context of my two most recent blogs on the biomass loophole and its relationship with the definition of renewable biomass, I note with alarm two parts of this helpful blog on the approval of a biopower plant in FL. First there's this: But ...
- Chuck's advice: lead with the financial case for s ...Chuck Marohn, who writes most on the entries on the Strong Towns Blog and who has become a professional friend, spoke to the Atlanta meeting of the Congress for the New Urbanism last week and made the case that economic arguments for smart growth and urbanism will resonate more str ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Michael Bay DiseaseWhile I’m not perverse enough to actually pay to watch the thing or anything, like Paul’s friend I’m happy to see the release of Sex and the City II — I am, after all, a connoisseur of the well-turned and well-earned hatchet job. One reason I can’t imagine watching it even for [...] Related pos ...
- Lima Time!It was easy to make fun of his hot-dog bravado in the face of historic incompetence, but ultimately you had to admire the irrepressible joy he took in the game. He made plenty of money but was still willing to go to Edmonton to pitch in the low minors, getting one more year in [...] Related posts ...
- The Worst Movie of All Time?My friend JJ is an aficionado of bad films, or rather bad films of a certain type. He’s not interested in uber-low-budget absurdities of the Plan 9 From Outer Space sort — for him, a bad film can only be amusing when (1) It’s a major studio product with a production budget in at least the [...] Re ...
- Kausmentum!!!!I’ll confess, this is actually pretty amusing. Pathetic, yes, but amusing. Also, it appears that Kaus has found his constituency: Mickey Kaus has taken out papers to run against California Senator Barbara Boxer. What is so interesting about Kaus is that he takes positions that traditional Democrats ...
- Unconvincing Endorsements of KaganI guess she will be a judge in the same tradition as Louis Brandeis, in the same sense that Vincente Padilla is a “Dodgers Opening Day starter” in the tradition of Sandy Koufax. To elaborate a bit, while they were different men in a number of ways, one thing that united the three previous holders ...
Desert Research Institute
- Jianting Zhu Named Maki Chair in Hydrologic Scienc ...Jianting “Julian” Zhu, Ph.D. was just named the Maki Chair in the Division of Hydrologic Sciences. Zhu has been with DRI since 2004 and is an accomplished researcher with numerous articles published.
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
Earth Techling
- Solar Home Project Sees New Life as Eco-Education ...
- Igglu Concept PC Features Swappable, Recyclable Co ...
- SunEdison Conjures Up $1.5 Billion For Future Sola ...
- Construction Begins On Largest U.S. Zero Energy Pu ...
- Unique Wave Energy Facility Also Desalinates Ocean ...
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Effort to stay oil spill suits fails again, and ag ...The defendants' push to stay Gulf of Mexico oil spill cases hit another snag in Mobile, Ala. A second federal judge in the Southern District of Alabama on Tuesday denied requests by BP and Halliburton to delay two proposed class actions over economic losses.
- Massachusetts high court checks broad police power ...The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts recently issued two rulings overturning a decision it issued in 1991 that gave police more power to conduct pat-down frisks than authorized by the prevailing U.S. Supreme Court case.
- Florida lawyer in hazing case ordered jailed for c ...A Florida attorney who was held in criminal contempt while representing a fraternity member in a high-profile hazing case is headed for jail.
- A veteran legal secretary reflects on changes in t ...Things were different in 1977, when Carol Coon started working as a legal secretary at Kansas City-based Shook, Hardy & Bacon. Pantyhose was a must for female employees, and secretaries were expected to perform housekeeping duties around the office. In her last days before retirement, Coon shared so ...
- LITIGATION BOUTIQUESA certain type of law firm showed remarkable strength during the recession: the boutique. We profile five firms that have thrived by identifying strong niche practices.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- A Couple of Editorials….1. The gas companies that want to drill in the Marcellus Shale all know, just like other businesses, that they must spend money in order to make money. In 2008 they contributed a total of $36 million to candidates in national elections, and spent $133 million on lobbying. In 2009 they spent a whoppi ...
- CHESAPEAKE BAY PROTECTION AND RESTORATIONIf you live in PA and are not aware of it…most of Eastern PA all the way up to New York is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary______________________________________________ For Immediate Release            May 12, 2009 EXECUTIVE ORDER- – - ...
- Frack Country BluesBecause sometime all you can do is laugh……Thanks! http://frackcountryblues.com/2010/04/23/outdoor-recreation/
- What has Matt Baker done to protect Pennsylvania f ...Below is a letter written to the Wellsboro Gazette. Voting day is coming up quickly and here is an opportunity for those of us who are unhappy with the decisions Matt Baker has been making in regards to the gas rush. The fact that Matt Baker has not had, and will not otherwise, have anyone [...]
- Stunned at Shuster’s WordsHere are a few letters to the editor from a paper out of Bedford, PA area. This was sent to me by a farmer who lives in that are whose livestock and water has been polluted. She does not have a lease with any gas company but lives near a large compressor station and gas [...]
News Blaze
- Folsom DUI Checkpoint on May 28th, 2010Reducing the number of alcohol related collisions and providing a safe driving environment is a priority for the Folsom Police Department.
- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo DVD ReviewThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is based on the first of three unpublished novels that form the Millennium Trilogy, by the late Swedish author, Stieg Larsson.
- Secretary Clinton Discusses Obama Administration's ...There are so many old friends and important thinkers and talkers about American foreign policy who are here today along with members of the diplomatic community, and we're very pleased to see all of you.
- Azerbaijan Republic Day: United States Values Its ...On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I extend my warmest wishes to the people of Azerbaijan as you celebrate your Republic Day on May 28.
- Facebook's New Privacy Settings Broke Your PostsFacebook implemented their privacy settings tonight, and by default, noone can see your posts...
environment 360
- Certification of Krill Fishery Draws Protest From ...The decision by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) to certify an Antarctic krill fishery as environmentally sustainable has drawn a sharp protest from the Pew Environmental Group. The MSC, which has certified 67 fisheries worldwide as sustainable , decided this week to put its seal of approval on ...
- Will REDD Preserve Forests Or Merely Provide a Fig ...The tropical forest conservation plan, known as REDD, has the potential to significantly reduce deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. But unless projects are carefully designed and monitored, the program could be undercut by shady dealings at all levels, from the forests to global ca ...
- Wireless Sensor Technology Can Slash Energy Use fr ...A San Francisco company has developed a wireless light-monitoring network that it says can cut the energy use of office buildings by roughly 40 percent. The technology, developed by Adura Technologies, can dim or switch off lights to coincide with changes in the hours of daylight and enables employe ...
- Interview: David Orr on Reining in a Culture of Co ...David W. Orr, professor of environmental studies at Oberlin College, says the easy part of helping the United States live within its ecological limits may be passing laws, such as one that puts a price on carbon. The hard part, he maintains, is reining in a culture of consumption that causes extensi ...
- Eyeing the Difficult Path To a Sustainable Future Environmentalist David Orr says the easy part of helping the United States live within its ecological limits may be passing laws, such as one that puts a price on carbon. The hard part, he maintains in an interview with Yale Environment 360 , is changing a culture of consumption that causes extensiv ...
Red Ice Creations
- Keyhole & Arrow (Pyramid & Eye) Crop Circle Decode ...
- Woman offered ’£200 to be sterilized’
- Soul Catcher: The strange deathbed experiment of D ...
- Bulgarian Scientist Claims Alien Contact, Falls Si ...
- US Gov’t Threatens to Boot BP
Russia Today
- No reason to deploy US missiles in Poland – RussiaRussian Deputy Foreign Minister Aleksandr Grushko has voiced concerns over the recent deployment of Patriot missiles in Poland by the United States.
- Cocaine haul seized in St. PetersburgCustoms officials in St Petersburg have discovered 117 kilograms of cocaine onboard a cargo ship transporting bananas from Ecuador. The drugs were divided into three items of luggage and stuffed into boxes of fruit.
- Scientists defeat Ebola virus – but there’s a catc ...Researchers have found a way to make test monkeys totally resistant to the deadly Ebola virus, which normally has a 90% mortality rate, but there are limits to how it can be used to stop outbreaks.
- Maoist rebels take responsibility for Indian train ...A train collision in eastern India which has killed at least 70 people and injured over 200, has been caused by Maoist rebels, claim leaflets left not far from the site, Interfax news agency reports.
- Final steps to STARTThe Russian government has approved the new nuclear arms reduction treaty with the US. The START agreement now has to be ratified by Russia’s State Duma.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Disclosure and Avatars?*Sigh* Here we go again. More disclosure stuff. But this site has piqued my interest lately in that it’s not the ” in your face ” type of disclosure meme. This seems to have some synchronicity on its side. Well, see for yourselves: After more than 210,000 page views of the April 26, 2010, article “ ...
- Who Does MUFON Represent?MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) is one of the various UFO researching organizations still in operation. It has membership in many states and actually has some funding by a mainstream aerospace company (Bigelow Aerospace). Unfortunately as my previous post indicated, the field of UFO (and paranormal) stud ...
- Is There a Ufology “Hate Meme?”It has recently come to my poor addled mind that David Biedny is no longer on the Paracast. I don’t listen to the show much anymore, for reasons I don’t particularly know why, but I have listened to a couple more recently. And I’ve wondered why Gene Steinberg has had guest hosts on. Now, I [...]
- thunderbolts.info: The Cosmic ThunderboltThe Electric Universe Theory has had many supporters and detractors. The detractors are mainly mainstream cosmologists and astrophysicists and have for many years tried to debunk the theory, but not usually to any satisfaction and ends with the typical name calling. As for myself, I find the theory ...
- Venter’s Artificial LifeformsCraig Venter finally accomplished his goal of creating an artificial lifeform. Yesterday, his company posted a paper on how they did it, and it’s implications: The first microbe to live entirely by genetic code synthesized by humans has started proliferating at a lab in the J. Craig Venter Institut ...
Tippers News
- Help F.R.A.M.E. End Medical Testing On Animals Tak ...FRAME : Fund for Replacement of Animals in Medical Testing FRAME's ultimate aim is the elimination of the need to use laboratory animals in any kind of medical or scientific procedure. Submitted by Borg Drone to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- A Big Win for Americas Threatened Polar BearsA six-month ban on exploratory drilling in the Chukchi Sea is expected to put Shell Oils plans to drill in key polar bear habitat on hold… thanks to Defenders supporters like you who sent more than 118,000 messages! Submitted by Borg Drone to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Extend Punishment For Dairy Farm Worker !TAKE ACT ...Billy Joe Gregg Jr., 25, of Delaware, was charged with 12 counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty, 10TV's Cara Connelly reported. The group, Mercy For Animals, said the video was recorded over the past month at Conklin Dairy Farms, based in Plain City. Submitted by Cynthia W. to Animals �|� �Note-it! ...
- TAKE ACTION: Calling an Immediate Halt to the Prop ...A a proposal to have the BLM gather between 12,000 and 13,000 wild horses in the next calendar year, beginning later this month. This proposed gather schedule threatens the very survival of the remaining wild horse herds in the western United States and Submitted by Brenda H. to Animals �|� �Note-i ...
- TAKE ACTION: "Please Support the Great Ape Protect ...This groundbreaking legislation would end invasive research on over 1,000 chimpanzees still languishing in U.S. laboratories, and prohibit such experiments on all great apes (defined as chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons). Submitted by Brenda H. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
The Freeman
- Top Oil-Drilling Regulation Quits“Elizabeth Birnbaum, head of Minerals Management Service, which issues permits for offshore drilling, resigned.” (Washington Post, Friday) Government sure is good at managing public property. FEE Timely Classic “Regulation” by John A. Pugsley
- Arizona’s Latinos Worried about New Law“When Gov. Jan Brewer signed Arizonaâs new immigration enforcement law, giving police departments broad power to make immigration checks, she sought to allay concerns from Hispanic citizens and legal residents that they would be singled out for scrutiny. Those words ring hollow to many Latinosâ¦. ...
- Libertarianism = Anti-racismRand Paul’s comments regarding the federal ban on racial discrimination in public accommodations has brought the libertarian position on civil rights to public attention.
- Obama Promises to Wean Country from Fossil Fuels“President Barack Obama reaffirmed Wednesday his commitment to containing and cleaning up the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and pledged to wean the country off its dependence on fossil fuels.” (Miami Herald, Thursday) The promise to âweanâ us is either idle political blather or a hint ...
- BP Spill Prompts Look at Regulatory Agency“The Gulf oil spill has given fresh urgency to calls to reform the MMS [Minerals Management Service], which has long been accused of having too cozy a relationship with Big Oil. But as the process of reform starts, new reports are revealing just how intertwined the MMS and Big Oil are â and how di ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Tips for HTML5, part 5: A closer look at selected ...Most journalism students need to know only the bare minimum about HTML and how it works. For years I have been saying they need to know about 10 basic tags and not much more. That’s probably going to change with HTML5. This elegant illustration by Derek Bender (from his presentation The Future o ...
- Feedly puts the magic back into RSS and blogsHave you been neglecting your RSS feeds? Has it been weeks or months since you opened your RSS feed reader? Yeah. Me too. I blame Twitter. I get so many links and news updates via TweetDeck on my desktop, and via Twitterific on my iPhone, I just don’t feel the need to open Google Reader anymore. I ...
- Tips for HTML5, part 4: New tagsContinuing with this series of brief posts about the future of HTML (and what our students will need to know about it), I’m going to list the HTML tags that are new in HTML5. These are subject to change, of course, because the specification isn’t finished yet. For short definitions of all valid tag ...
- Tips for HTML5, part 3: Tags we won’t see anymoreContinuing with this series of brief posts about the future of HTML (and what our students will need to know about it), I’m going to mention a few of the HTML tags that will be going away — no longer supported — with HTML5. For a very attractive and clearly organized “cheat sheet” for HTML5 tags, s ...
- Video for HTML5: The latest updateOn2’s VP8 video codec “is now fully open and completely royalty-free,” thanks to Google (source: DZone ). This is a big deal not only because Apple — in its full-out war against Adobe — has declared Flash video to be a non-starter and crowned H.264 the online-video heir apparent, but also because H ...
Facing South
- WHAT'S NEXT FOR COAL ASH?Disaster has pushed Washington to call for new standards for handling waste from coal-fired power plants. It's invited citizens to weigh in, but will their voices carry above lobbyists fighting tough regulations? A special Facing South investigation by Sue Sturgis NOTE: This is the final installme ...
- VOICES: Obama sends in the border troopsBy Melissa del Bosque, Texas Observer While conservatives have already started blaming President Obama for not allowing the National Guard to construct gun turrets on top of the 18-foot border wall and start blazing away, it's actually those sissies at the Pentagon that want to make sure the ...
- 'DUMPSITES IN DISGUISE'Coal ash isn't just dumped; it's increasingly being recycled into building materials and other uses. But in states like North Carolina, the failure to adequately regulate one so-called "beneficial use" of the toxic-filled waste is putting communities at risk. A special Facing South investigation by ...
- POWER POLITICSAfter years of inaction, federal officials are mulling new regulations to confront the growing problem of coal ash. But energy companies have fought off regulation before, and they're fighting the new rules every step of the way. A special Facing South investigation by Sue Sturgis When the catastr ...
- DISASTER IN EAST TENNESSEEIn December 2008, one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history unfolded at the TVA's Kingston coal plant when a massive coal ash holding pond burst. A year and a half later, communities are still feeling the impact -- and there are fears that without federal action a similar disaster c ...
CowBoss' Inconvenient Truths - Food
- So Baby Jesus says - Don't shop at supermarkets fo ...A distinctly British story, BUT maybe you could "just substitute the name of your BIG box store" in place of "Tesco" and it will "ring true." cowboss� If you like Christmas, you probably fancy a good old-fashioned one (the good old postmodern Christmas is so over). Mince pies, wassail, rosy cheeks ...
- FDA Petitioned to Ban Arsenic from Animal FeedGroups Urge Government Ban of Common Additives Used in Feed for Chicken, Turkeys and Hogs You, my regular readers know this is an important issue to cowboss.� I am�pleased to see that action is being taken in the US, I do hope that the FDA will do the responsible thing and Ban this ridiculous prac ...
- The Mouse In The House ~ Author unknownA compelling story! �I Bet You Never Thought About It That Way Before - But "Hopefully" You Will Now! .... cowboss A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a m ...
- Missouri government plots undercover sting operati ..."To you, it's just a gallon of milk. But to these farmers, it's their livelihood. Think about that for a minute before you go slapping handcuffs on the very same people who put food on your mama's table." Imagine being watched by two undercover cops as you engage in an illicit deal in a deserted p ...
- "Marketing 101 to the Max" or Meaningful Change at ...Yes, Yes and Yes, BUT the Fundamental Question remains -- What have you (Maple Leaf Foods) done about�complying with CFIA's warnings and stopping�the�use of US Feces (Shit) Fed Beef in the manufacturing of your "Processed Meats"? "CANADA - Maple Leaf Foods yesterday announced the establishment of i ...
Worldpress - Africa
- South Africans Remember Mandela's ReleaseTwenty years after his release form prison, Nelson Mandela remains an important and symbolic figure for South Africans. Many still remember his release.
- Guinea Making Steps toward DemocracyIn a country that has seen a succession of brutal military leaders, the sudden prospect of fair elections forthcoming gives the people of Guinea new hope.
- The Real EvilsWhile the world
- Global HungerWhen food is treated as simply a commodity, a huge chunk of the population cannot afford it. People in the South die every day from hunger and related diseases, while an equal number in the North consume in excess.
- Public Schools in Sierra Leone Gasping for Life Su ...Sierra Leone has diverse tribal and cutural practices that works against the education of the nation's children.
Blacklisted News
- Geithner upbeat on 'global regulation' planThe US and Europe are in broad agreement on imposing more conservative rules on financial institutions, but such regulation should not be so drastic that it would “create headwinds to the economic recovery”, said Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, in Berlin on Thursday.
- Canada to spend $1 billion for G20 securityCanada's Conservative government says the nearly $1 billion it plans to spend on security at the G-8 and G-20 summits next month is worth it.
- Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the T ...
- Beijing suspects false flag attack on South Korean ...WMR's intelligence sources in Asia suspect that the March attack on the South Korean Navy anti-submarine warfare (ASW) corvette, the Cheonan , was a false flag attack designed to appear as coming from North Korea
- North Korea warns it will meet war with 'all-out w ...North Korea reacted to a South Korean anti-submarine exercise early Thursday by saying it would meet "confrontation with confrontation" and war with "all-out war," according to North Korean state-run media.
The Intelligence Daily
- Russia Cuts Support For Trafficking VictimsRussia has been accused of blocking support for its many victims of sex trafficking by closing...
- Russia to severely limit public access to court ru ...The presidium of Russia’s panel of judges has sharply restricted the public availability of...
- Did the CIA bug the Paris apartment of the chief o ...A forthcoming book says that French security agents discovered hidden microphones in the Paris...
- Europe exposes new data share deal with USThe European Commission has issued its draft mandate – setting the ground rules to negotiate...
- US Moves To Allow Homosexuality In MilitaryPoliticians in the US have moved a step closer to accepting homosexuality openly within the armed...
My AntiWar
- Iran calls for immediate disarmament of nuclear st ...Summary: KhazaeeIran on Thursday urged all countries to take serious steps to dismantle all nuclear weapons and called for setting a deadline in this regard by the international community. source: The Hinduread more
- US stops clock on nuclear disarmamentSummary: NEW YORK - Frantic efforts to salvage the 2010 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference have been underway in the final days of a New York meeting that covers one of the most important issues facing humanity, namely nuclear weapons. source: Asia Timesread more
- Historian Bruce Cumings: US Stance on Korea Ignore ...Tensions continue to rise on the Korean Peninsula over North Korea?s alleged sinking of a South Korean warship two months ago. North Korea has said it will sever all ties with South Korea and repeal a non-aggression agreement between the two countries. South Korea, meanwhile, has announced a stop to ...
- Renowned Marine Biologist Carl Safina on the BP Oi ...As we continue our discussion on the BP oil spill, we turn to its long-term ecological impact. Carl Safina, the founding president of Blue Ocean Institute, warns the ecological fallout from the spill may be felt across much of the world. [includes rush transcript]
- Coast Guard Grounds Ships Involved in Spill Cleanu ...At least seven fishermen involved in the cleanup of the BP oil spill were hospitalized on Wednesday after reporting nausea, dizziness, headaches and chest pains. The fishermen were likely exposed to both the leaked oil and chemical dispersants. As a precautionary measure, the Coast Guard has ordered ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran calls for immediate disarmament of nuclear st ...Summary: Khazaee Iran on Thursday urged all countries to take serious steps to dismantle all nuclear weapons and called for setting a deadline in this regard by the international community. source: The Hindu read more
- US stops clock on nuclear disarmamentSummary: NEW YORK - Frantic efforts to salvage the 2010 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference have been underway in the final days of a New York meeting that covers one of the most important issues facing humanity, namely nuclear weapons. source: Asia Times read more
- Turkey chides US in Iran row, urges support for sw ...Summary: Tehran Agreement ANKARA — Turkey insisted Thursday that rejecting a nuclear swap deal with Iran would be unreasonable and said that a US push for fresh sanctions on Tehran was creating an "absurd situation." source: AFP read more
- UN rift widens over Brazil-Turkey deal with IranSummary: Lula & Erdogan BRASILIA — A bitter rift between the world's top powers led by the United States and emerging nations Brazil and Turkey widened Thursday as differences over how to tackle Iran's suspect nuclear program erupted into sharp exchanges. source: AFP read more
- Obama’s Letter to Lula Regarding Brazil-Iran-Turke ...Summary: Obama & Lula From Obama's letter to President Lula: "For us, Iran’s agreement to transfer 1,200 kg of Iran’s low enriched uranium (LEU) out of the country would build confidence and reduce regional tensions by substantially reducing Iran’s LEU stockpile. I want to underscore that this ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Image of the Day: Ancient Dwarf Galaxies Orbiting ...Dwarf galaxies are faint, inconspicuous systems with only a few million stars, but they may ultimately play a key role in understanding dark matter. Measurements of the random motions of stars in nearby dwarf galaxies show that these galaxies may...
- Mutating Matter: New Technology Creates “Soft” Rob ...Like something out of Terminator 2, researchers are developing techniques for warfare of the future to create materials that self-assemble or alter their shape, perform a function and then disassemble themselves. These capabilities offer the possibility for morphing aircraft and...
- Could the Clouds of Venus Harbor Life? Experts Say ...Scientists suspect that Venus's atmosphere might hide extraterrestrial lifeforms, and in the most extraordinary safari ever, they want to go there and capture them with a flying balloon. Interplanetary travel, extraterrestrial life, and Venusian airships - anyone doing anything other...
- You Create the Caption
- The Daily "140" Insight"We are on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on Earth." Vernor Vinge
Natural News
- Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnology(NaturalNews) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is gaining a reputation for funding technologies designed to roll out mass sterilization and vaccination programs around the world. One of the programs recently funded by the foundation is a sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultr ...
- Low levels of vitamin D make asthma worse(NaturalNews) Asthmatics with low levels of vitamin D may suffer more severely from the disease than patients with sufficient levels of the vitamin, according to a study conducted by researchers from National Jewish Health in Denver and published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical C ...
- Simple Squares, a delicious raw food bar with a un ...(NaturalNews) Sometimes it is the simple things in life that truly impress, and this is precisely the case with Simple Squares, a unique new raw food bar. Created by Kimberly Crupi Dobbins, a certified Holistic Health Counselor, Simple Squares have been designed as a healthy, raw nut and honey confe ...
- Longevity guru Peter Ragnar joins NaturalNews Talk ...(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Peter Ragnar and "Serious Strength for EVERY Body". Are YOU ready to generate some serious strength? Peter will reveal (scientifically) how to stimulate great inner and outer strength without spending hours living in the gym. Our show begins t ...
- Support the Free Speech About Science Act and rest ...(NaturalNews) The Alliance for Natural Health, a nonprofit organization committed to protecting access to natural and integrative medicine, has recently come up with a Congressional bill designed to stop government censorship of truthful, scientific health claims about natural foods and herbs, and r ...
Threat Level
- Five Alleged Money Mules Indicted in Bank TheftFive alleged money mules have been indicted in a bank heist that netted the thieves almost $450,000 from a local-government bank account in California. John L. Quinn II and Anthony Bobbitt, both of North Carolina, were indicted with three others on criminal charges of wire fraud, bank fraud and cons ...
- Supreme Court Gets RIAA Copyright CaseA case testing the meaning of the so-called “innocent infringer’s” defense to the Copyright Act’s minimum $750-per-music-track fine has landed at the U.S. Supreme Court. The case the justices were asked to review this week concerns a federal appeals court’s February decision ordering a university st ...
- Pentagon: Let Us Secure Your Network or Face the ‘ ...Companies that operate critical infrastructures and do not voluntarily allow the federal government to install monitoring software on their networks to detect possible cyberattacks would face the “wild” internet on their own and place us all at risk, a top Pentagon official seemed to say Wednesday. ...
- Time Warner Cable Resists Mass BitTorrent LawsuitA consortium of independent film producers is hitting a stumbling block in its plan to simultaneously sue thousands of BitTorrent users for allegedly downloading pirated movies. Time Warner Cable is refusing to look up and turn over the identities of about a thousand of its customers targeted in the ...
- Lawsuits Pour in Over Google’s Wi-Fi Data Collecti ...At least three lawsuits have been filed against search engine giant Google for collecting Wi-Fi user data through its Street View cameras. The lawsuits have been filed in California, Massachusetts and Oregon. They allege that Google violated federal and state privacy laws in collecting fragments of ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Sadly for Republicans, the Stimulus Stimulated"You can fool some of the people some of the time, and that's our target market." Judging from the rhetoric of House Minority Leader John Boehner , that's the Republican mantra when it comes to the Obama recovery package. Nine months after Boehner wrongly decried a "stimulus bill that didn't creat ...
- Robin Hood and the Estate TaxIn 2009, only 1 in 500 American estates paid taxes. But thanks to the obstructionism of Senate Republicans led by Arizona's Jon Kyl, the estate tax temporarily lapsed for 2010, a hiatus that could portend massive windfalls this year for the heirs of the largest fortunes in the United States. Now a ...
- Souder Exception Proves Rule of GOP AdulteryNo boy, no problem . For the adulterers of the Republican Party , that has long been the rule. Which makes the resignation of Indiana GOP Congressman and family values merchant Mark Souder over an affair with staffer Tracy Jackson all the more exceptional. While Eliot Spitzer, Gary Hart, Jim McGr ...
- Palin Brings Confused Immigration Stance to Arizon ...As she left office 10 months ago to earn $12 million , half-term Governor Sarah Palin declared, "It's all for Alaska." Now, joining Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in Phoenix t defend that state's draconian immigration law, Palin announced, " We're all Arizonans now ." But while the latest roar from t ...
- GOP Picks Two Family Man Fossella for CongressRepublicans have long touted their candidates' family values . Now, that goes double for the New York GOP. As Huffington Post among others noted this morning, Staten Island Republicans have nominated the disgraced Vito Fossella to run for his old House seat in 2010. Apparently, having a secret se ...
Blackspot News Feed
- A Loser White House, Guilty by Association By Robe ...by Robert S. Becker Featured Writer Dandelion Salad rbecker@cal.net May 20, 2010 Long before Year One ended, progressives understood President Obamas focus was routine wheeling and dealing, not regrowing the New Deal. Between victory and governance, Obama reform switched from promises to make govern ...
- Root Cause of Voters’ Revolt: Congress, Obama, GOP ...The revolt across the political landscape on Tuesday against incumbents wasn’t just an attack against the Washington establishment, but an outpouring of rage against political elites of all stripes who haven’t realized the economic crisis still gripping American workers. As Katrina vanden Heuvel, ed ...
- Capping the devils cauldron By Jerry MazzaBy Jerry Mazza Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted at Online Journal www.jerrymazza.com May 20, 2010 If I were a religious man, I would take the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, the spilling of millions of gallons of oil and gas, their engulfing of the Gulf of Mexico waters and de ...
- Buyer Beware: Over the Counter DNA Tests Can Cause ...There's a huge push to market over-the-counter genetic tests. But the faulty tests can cause more harm than good.
- Six Myths About Immigration That Just Won't DieWe need to straighten out our thinking about some of the basic issues in order to have a useful and serious policy argument.
Consortium News
- Itching to Fight Anoter Muslim EnemyThe anti-Iran propaganda in the U.S. media suggests another Iraq-like confrontation and possible war, writes Robert Parry. May 17, 2010
- Is Obama Making Terror Risk Worse?By escalating conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan, President Obama risks the spread of anti-Americanism, says Ivan Eland. May 18, 2010
- Kagan's Dubious Stand on Civil RightsU.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan appears to have a tepid commitment to civil rights, observes Marjorie Cohn. May 15, 2010
- Chevron's 'Crude' War on Free SpeechChevron has won a court order to pry into a documentary critical of its damage to Ecuador, note Bill Moyers and Michael Winship. May 15, 2010
- The Return of Madcap CapitalismAfter the Right's three-decade war on government regulations, madcap capitalism is again wreaking havoc, writes Robert Parry. May 14, 2010
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Even picnics in Israel are political (Neve Gordon ...Our farewell picnic to Ezra Nawi before his prison term for peaceful protest carried a new message to most Israeli picnics Picnics like almost everything else in Israel are often political. Oz Shelach underscores this point in his collection of short stories Picnic Grounds, where he describes how a ...
- Air, artillery strikes hit northern Gaza (Ma'an N ...***image1***An Israeli Apache helicopter launched two missiles east of Gaza City and artillery fire hit Palestinians near the Zaytoun area of the northern Gaza Strip on Thursday, witnesses said. Medics said six Palestinian farmers were injured. Gaza emergency services spokesman Adham Abu Selmiyeh sa ...
- Israel to stop Gaza aid ships (Al Jazeera)Israel says it will prevent, if necessary by force, a nine-ship flotilla of peace activists and humanitarian aid from reaching the Gaza Strip. The Freedom Flotilla is carrying around 700 ...
- Bibi or Tibi? (Gideon Levy, Haaretz)Bibi or Tibi? Barak or Barakeh? Dov Khenin or Hanin Zuabi? Practically every Jewish Israeli would answer that question with an automatic Pavlovian response, without a moment's hesitation. ...
- Film review: The Time That Remains (Peter Bradsha ...Elia Suleiman's The Time That Remains is the third in a loose trilogy of movies about the Israeli state and the Palestinian people, to go with his Chronicle of a Disappearance (1996) and ...
Water - AlterNet
- Fisheries Are a Disaster -- Does Your Supermarket ...Check out this scorecard from Greenpeace that gives major chain supermarkets a ranking for how well they score in terms of supplying sustainably-sourced seafood.
- 'Revolting' Levels of Bacteria Found in Canadian B ...Scientists at Montreal's C-crest Laboratories found that certain popular brands (which they refused to name) had "surprisingly high" counts of heterotrophic bacteria.
- How California's Oil and Water Policies Are Bankru ...California oil and water policies reap windfall profits for banking institutions, land developers and agribusiness, but are undermining the state's higher education plan.
- 10 Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About ...How the owner of the exploded oil rig has made $270 million off the disaster, and nine other shocking, depressing facts about the oil spill.
- The Corporate Stranglehold: How BP Will Make out L ...The existing $75 million cap on damages for offshore drilling companies is a bailout every bit as disgusting as those recently bestowed upon Wall Street.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Sarah McDonald dancing at Public Citizen Texas' 25 ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Ramming Nuclear Power Subsidies Into War Appropria ...A Deal is Struck to Add $9 Billion in Risky Nuclear Loan Guarantees for Failing South Texas Nuclear Project. In a deal between the Obama administration and House of Representatives leadership, struck last week behind closed doors, taxpayers would be on the hook for lending $9 billion to build two ...
- Ryan Rittenhouse and Nikisha Nathan dance at Publi ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Ken Flippen, Eric Bremer, Melissa Sanchez, and Dav ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Week in ReviewIt’s a bitter sweet day here at Public Citizen. We’ve had another successful week despite the gulf catastrophe. But, we’re all a little sad because Andrew Sauls just finished the last day of his internship. Melissa “Mami” Sanchez is both proud of her fledgling for flying off and also dismayed to see ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Aircraft sets hypersonic record at Mach 6The X-51A Waverider has set a new hypersonic flight time record at six times the speed of sound. The scramjet flew at Mach 6 for over three minutes, c...
- New Lanark 'ghost' captured on CCTVA mysterious ghostly figure has been caught on CCTV in the car park of the New Lanark Mill Hotel in Scotland. In the small hours of the morning on a c...
- Two-year-old smokes 40 cigarettes a dayTwo-year-old Ardi Rizal smokes an astonishing 40 cigarettes a day and already weighs four stone. The toddler from Indonesia likes nothing more than to...
- Video gamers can control dreamsA new study has suggested that playing video games before bed can increase dream awareness and control. The research is thought to provide a new role ...
- Stalin blocked two Hitler assassination attemptsNew testimony from a top Russian general has revealed that Stalin blocked two assassination attempts on Hitler. The Soviet leader had called off the p...
- Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy -part ...Overview: � Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy works with the Executive Director and the Director of Development and Communications (DDC) to recruit, develop, solicit and coordinate major individual contributors. The ADSP has specific responsibilities as detailed below. The ADSP may also ...
- Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid ...Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Beverly Bell is the founder and Coordinating Committee Member and Program Coordinator of Other Worlds, which is a Grassroots International ally. She has worked with Haitian social movements for over 30 years. Grassr ...
- Water Rights for Arab Citizens of Israelahali-water.jpg Among the many challenges facing Arab citizens living in Israel, access to water is perhaps the worst. Grassroots International partner the Ahali Center for Community Development is organizing to secure the human right to water ...
- Tell Congress: Haiti Can't WaitMicheline Fleuron lives with her two boys in the median on the road in Carrefour, Haiti.� Her home, the pile of rubble across the street from where she is now, collapsed during the earthquake and killed her seven-year-old daughter. Before the earthquake Micheline had a small business selling food it ...
- “System Change, Not Climate Change”cocha-morales_edited-1.jpg Last month, I traveled to Cochabamba, Bolivia for a number of reasons. The main one was to attend the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth . Many of Grassroots International’s pa ...
- May 28, 2010U.S. Climate Bill Seen Unlikely in 2010 (Reuters) Senators are unlikely to pass legislation to tackle global warming this year as the time remaining to do so runs out, a panel of experts said on Friday at a carbon conference. China May Start State-Guided Carbon Market by 2014, Feng Sa ...
- May 27, 2010'Top Kill' Halts Flow of Oil and Gas, Admiral Says (Chicago Tribune) Engineers have succeeded in stopping the flow of oil and gas into the Gulf of Mexico from a gushing BP well, the federal government's top oil spill commander, Adm. Thad Allen, said Thursday morning. Rich Countries to G ...
- May 26, 2010China All But Dashes Hope of Climate Deal This Year (Reuters) A senior Chinese climate official said on Tuesday that negotiators aim to seal a binding global warming pact by the end of 2011, a blow to any lingering hopes the world could reach a deal at talks this year in Mexico. De Bo ...
- May 25, 2010U.S. Declares Fishery Disaster in 3 Gulf States (Reuters) The U.S. government has declared a "fishery disaster" in the seafood-producing states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama due to an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, making them eligible for federal funds, Commerce Secretary Gary L ...
- May 24, 2010BP Prepares 'Top Kill' to Halt Oil Leak as Costs Accelerate (Bloomberg) BP will try to plug an underwater oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico by pumping heavy drilling fluids into a damaged well in the next few days, as the cleanup costs of the month-long spill accelerate. BP Capturing Less Oil t ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Forecasting the 2010 Mid-term ElectionsLess than six months out from the November 2nd US midterm elections, pundits continue to predict that Republicans will reduce Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, perhaps take control of the House. Seven factors will determine the final outcome. First, the economy will play an important ro ...
- Moving From Disclosure to Prevention of Corporate ...The US House of Representatives may soon have the opportunity to vote on whether to move forward with a constitutional amendment to ensure that we the people, not we the corporations, control our elections. Yesterday, Congresswoman Donna Edwards introduced a proposed amendment to the DISCLOSE Act (H ...
- Thomas Friedman Rejects Iran Nuke DealWashington’s new “group think” on Iran – that the only possible approach is a heightened confrontation followed by “regime change” – is being shaped by the same opinion leaders who charted the way into the bloody disaster in Iraq and paid no career price. On Wednesday, New York Times’ columnist ...
- Robert Koehler: Stopping Orwell's NightmareThe God of War doesn't dine on raw shank bone or bellow orders quite like he used to. When he talks to Congress, say, it goes more like this: "And, oh, while you're up, I'm going to be needing, uh (cough, cough) . . . $159 billion this go-around, you know, for the troops. Thanks." It works. With the ...
- Cartoon for May 28th, 2010: In Case of Emergency[click image to enlarge] During the election, Obama was compared to the Eastern Island statues and Spock. Now I’m wondering if he’s even in the form of sentient. Whether it’s the spill in the Gulf or the economy, what a useless president. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ...
Paul Krugman
- Martin Wolf Is Not A Serious PersonAnd neither am I.
- Bad Analysis At The Deficit CommissionFacts that, you know, aren't true.
- Conventional MadnessHey, let's choke off recovery -- some people think there might be inflation, so even though there isn't, they must be appeased.
- I, RabatGoing away for a bit.
- Reasons To DespairI worry that policy makers will just sit there, for years and years, all the while congratulating themselves on the soundness of their policies.
No Quarter
- Breaking News: Sestak-GateI eagerly await your impressions of today’s breaking news on how the White House tried to lure Joe Sestak away from the Pennsylvania senate race. Here are a few quick observations of mine: 1) Clinton’s role in the matter certainly muddies the waters, 2) predictably, the White House is waiting unt ...
- Possible New Border Czar?So much going on recently, like: DADT may be coming up for a vote in the House, but its repeal is far from guaranteed, especially with the Chiefs of the Four branches speaking out against repeal; The LA Times reported the hole was finally closed using the Top Kill method of pushing mud and stuff [.. ...
- Tell Barack, “The Music Died”If you wondered whether or not Barack Obama was suffering permanent and irreparable political damage from his failure to respond to the blow out of the BP oil well, wonder no more. The Golden Child is toast: When Mr. Tingle Leg starts trashing the Messiah you know it is bad. Makes me think of Don ...
- A Cork in the HoleAs Obama’s temper wore thin during a meeting concerning the mounting damage done by the BP oil spill, Obama reportedly barked, “Just plug the damn hole.” Well, yes, that would be a very good thing to do, but so far Obama himself has done little but jabber about it. George W’s response to “Katrin ...
- Look Who’s Complaining About The Financial Reform ...Having long ago been chased away from the Huffington Post, disgusted by their ceaseless Hillary bashing during the 2008 primaries, I have ventured back a little bit of late, if for no other reason than to see if their messiah-worship is as strong as ever. Imagine my surprise to discover the blog’s ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Shark Fin Soup: Driving the Ocean's Top Predator t ...Shark fin soup - sound scary? It is. Millions of shark species are hunted across the globe each year for their valuable fins. Their fin-less bodies are tossed back into t read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- 11 Incredible Images of WoodpeckersWoodpeckers are the tunneling superstars of the bird world. Lampooned as cartoon characters and often misrepresented, woodpeckers are hardworking, fascinating birds. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the articl ...
- The Only Dog-Shaped Hotel on EarthBeing in the dog house just got a whole lot cooler with this novel place to stay in Idaho read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Philippine Tarsier: Meet the World's Cutest Mo ...The Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta, is an endemic tarsier species endemic to the Philippines. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Mexican Mole Lizard: The Weirdest Creature on Eart ...Is this strange critter the missing link between worms and snakes? read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Building Africa: Where's The United States?With Asian countries investing heavily in a diverse portfolio of African interests, why is the United States still only focused on the continent's oil?
- The Times, Lula and Lily TomlinNew York Times shows naked bias against Brazilian President da Silva over Iran deal.
- Scott Horton Interviews John FefferAn Antiwar Radio interview on the fallout between the Koreas.
- Readers' Challenge: Was Gaza Flotilla Right to Ref ...Pro-Palestinian humanitarian flotilla refuses offer of Gilad Shalit's father.
- Readers' Challenge: Have IR Deadlines Outlived The ...In the world of international relations, setting deadlines and creating timelines seems increasingly unproductive.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Many dead in Pakistan mosques raidArmed men attack minority religious sect's places of worship in Lahore.
- Scores dead in Indian train crashOfficials suspect Maoist sabotage after passenger train derails in country's east.
- Nepal on brink of political crisisDispute among parties over terms for extending parliament threatens new constitution.
- US base to stay on OkinawaJapan and US reach agreement to retain contentious military base on island.
- Tensions rise over Gaza aid fleetIsraeli army plans to halt humanitarian mission headed for Palestinian territory.
Green Inc. - NYT
- A Hello (and Goodbye?) to Rare HandfishResearchers have discovered nine entirely new species of handfish.
- On Our Radar: Backlash on the Oil MoratoriumA Republican backlash greets President Obama's pullback on new offshore drilling.
- Tougher E.P.A. Action on Factory FarmsOn Tuesday, the E.P.A. reached a settlement over a lawsuit filed by environmental groups last year arguing that the agency needs to pay closer attention to the effects of the livestock industry on waterways.
- Easing That Electromagnetic AnxietyA few weeks ago, Penelope Green of The New York Times invited a "building biology" consultant into her East Village apartment to evaluate the place for toxic elements - lurking in the water, the air, and under the refrigerator - and offer a diagnosis
- Coast Guard Approves Protective Sand BarrierAdm. Thad Allen of the Coast Guard on Thursday approved part of a plan by Louisiana officials to repel oil from the BP spill by building a barrier of dredged sand along islands off the state's southeast coast.
Dot Earth News
- Try the Gulf Oil Slick on for SizeMappers provide a way to gauge the scale of the gulf oil spill using familiar terrain.
- Obama Restates Need for More Oil Before U.S. Uses ...Facing spreading slicks, President Obama sticks with the case for more oil before the country moves to cleaner fuels.
- Gulf Forecast: Oil, Water and WindA potentially "extremely active" hurricane season poses a threat to the gulf oil cleanup.
- Obama's Oil and Energy OpportunityWhat should President Obama say about energy when he visits the soiled gulf on Friday?
- As the Oil FlowsThe oily Gulf presents Obama with a huge challenge, and opportunity, on energy.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- New videos: Mayday Immigrant Rights March, Keith E ...Oh hai, thanks for visiting... A lot of things going on and thus little time (if any) for posts. I got some neat events taped around MayDay weekend in Minneapolis, including the Immigrant Rights March around downtown & Loring Park. Also had my video of US Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL-MN5) describing th ...
- The biggest scandal in world history; WANTAGATE, L ...Draft conspiracy post note - this rough draft story lacks links but I want to get it up anyways... Have fun everyone! UPDATE: Hi to everyone from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Leo_Wanta/ - keep it up :) This guy, Leo Wanta / Lee Wanta / Ambassador Leo Wanta, could be the key to the big ...
- 2010 Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Notes for Ap ...Jesse Trentadue : …who’s testifying about Howe had reported that the plan to bomb the Murrah building four months in advance, had gone with Strassmeir and others to scout the target – the first thing the U.S. Attorney does when Graham stops testifying is ask the judge to seal the transcript, and the ...
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
Daily Censored
- Time for law abiding American citizens to stop pay ...source with live video (and better formatting). David Degraw has written an outstanding comprehensive explanation of whatâs really happening in the US economy. Heâs given me permission to reprint it here. I also recommend his site ”For Our Economy“ for citizen grass-roots activism for economic ...
- Thailand – a Mirror of World DevelopmentsThe developments in Thailand, leading up to and including the recent mass murder carried out by the regime, perfectly embody the major processes under way in world capitalism of recent decades. During the Vietnam War and shortly thereafter, the US maintained an important air force base in Thailand. ...
- Time for law abiding American citizens to stop pay ...Video and correct article formatting live at source. David Degraw has written an outstanding comprehensive explanation of whatâs really happening in the US economy. Heâs given me permission to reprint it here. I also recommend his site ”For Our Economy“ for citizen grass-roots activism for eco ...
- Could It Really Be That Easy?The thing I like about the written word is that after you read it, it is still there. I just heard a story on NPR that is so important and it was gone. It was there for a moment and gone. A woman who has traveled in Afghanistan has written a book. I didn’t get her [...]
- “Georgia on my mind”Georgia: The “pillory and the stocks” as math standards “In smaller cities and in the American colonies, the pillory was less common. Typically a person on public display was placed in the stocks. The stocks usually involved a yoke for the feet that was anchored to the ground. Sometimes a neck and h ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Marine says he got Palin tattoo on left butt cheek ...
- BP CEO now says it will take two days to judge suc ...
- Louisiana congressman breaks down at oil hearing
- Flotilla set for final leg of Gaza blockade-bustin ...
- Ex-Pink Floyd frontman takes The Wall back on road
Institute for Policy Studies
- The DC Labor ChorusAn audio mix of their recent performance.
- Art & Culture Helps DC Get to DetroitA recap and audio mix of the DC Labor Chorus.
- Pollan Digests the Latest Food Politics BooksMichael Pollan's new essay highlights the diverse schools of food activism takes as well as unifying themes.
- Scott Horton Interviews John FefferAn Antiwar Radio interview on the fallout between the Koreas.
- Reining in Wall Street: Round 1A May 17 rally in Washington, DC brought more than a thousand people into the streets, calling for a "financial speculation tax" as part of a broader financial reform agenda.
Pine River World News
- USA Foreign Policy Failure: Development, not Deplo ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. USA Foreign Policy Failure: Development, not Deployment � � Pravda.ru By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey May 24, 2010 The United States of America has done little or nothing to curb drug trafficking in Afghanistan, where opium pro ...
- Gordon Duff: "Flintstone" Weapons And "Custer" Tac ...The following column is reprinted with permission from Gordon Duff, staff writer and Senior Editor at Veterans Today . "Flintstone" Weapons And "Custer" Tactics Rake In Billions For War Profiteers � �Gordon Duff Source: �Veterans Today May 22, 2010 * �How the Dimmest and Dumbest Give us their Wors ...
- Saint Lieberman, Patron Saint of Death CampsThe following column is reprinted with permission from Stanislav Mishin, a frequent contributor to Russian newspaper Pravda. Saint Lieberman, Patron Saint of Death Camps � �Stanislav Mishin Source: � Mat Rodina May 18, 2010 America, wake up. This is it, your oh so righteous man of neither branch b ...
- Ramzy Baroud: Can the agony get worse?The following column is reprinted with permission from Ramzy Baroud. Can the agony get worse? � �Ramzy Baroud May 18, 2010 Clad in his usual attire of a colourful, striped robe, Afghan President Hamid Karzai appeared more like an emperor as he began his fourth day in Washington. Accompanying him ...
- Cell phone usage, cancer and brain tumorsPine River World News By Steve in Wisconsin May 17, 2010 I can't seem to find the article on the internet, but back in the 70s or early 80s several U.S. police officers claimed to have developed brain tumors as a result of the "new 800 megahertz radios" purchased by their departments. At the time, ...
- Did US airstrike in Yemen kill a mediator by mista ...While US media are focusing on a questionable attempt by the US military to expand its clandestine activities in the Muslim world, the Pentagon has quietly intensified its unmanned drone strikes on suspected militants. Although the role of the CIA has dominated the debate about these targeted kil ...
- News you may have missed #360New book hints at covert US-French spy war. Obama rethinking his lead pick for DNI.
- We use false passports too, Australians admitIsraeli intelligence agencies are not alone in using false passports. In fact, intelligence and law enforcement agencies in Australia, the country that is currently involved in a diplomatic spat with Israel due to the latter’s use of forged Australian passports in spy operations, also use forged tra ...
- Documents show Israel offered nukes to apartheid S ...Apartheid-era government documents unearthed by an American academic reveal that the government of Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the racist regime in South Africa, and could possibly provide the first documentary evidence of the existence of Israel’s purported nuclear arsenal.
- News you may have missed #359Another alleged North Korean spy captured in South. New book on GCHQ out in July. Ex-DIA officials skeptical about rumored new DNI.
After Downing Street.org
- REBUTTAL TO ISRAEL'S DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN REGAR ...Israel has threatened to stop the peaceful flotilla from reaching the shores of Gaza in violation of international law. Hedy Epstein, an 85 year old Holocaust survivor is on board along with retired US diplomat Ann Wright, Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire and peace activists from more tha ...
- 28 Senators Vote No as War Escalation Funding Pass ...So, the Senate has passed $33.5 billion to escalate war in Afghanistan, but left out the school money that House Appropriations Chairman David Obey was going to use to shield his eyes from the blood and gore.� Of course, the House always obeys the Senate, and Obey always obeys the Democratic Party.� ...
- What Does the New National Security Strategy Say A ...Apparently the United Nations is going to ask the United States to please stop using a secret agency to murder numerous people with drones. What the United States might say in response is found in the new National Security Strategy which, like all things hopey and changey, is pretty much like the o ...
- Helen Thomas to Obama: When are we going to get ou ...
- Velvet Revolution Launches "Protect Our Elections" ...Today, we are launching a new campaign called Protect Our Elections to push for passage of pending common sense federal legislation to protect the votes of millions of Americans. We need your help to call on Congress to demand passage of these important bills. Please endorse this campaign by lettin ...
Grist - News
- Finally: Obama halts new offshore leases and stump ...by Jonathan Hiskes. Now we're getting somewhere on the offshore drilling problem. Some progress from the top: Mr. Obama ordered a further six-month moratorium on new permits for new deepwater oil and gas wells; suspended the planned exploration in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off the coast o ...
- ‘Top kill’ seems to be halting oil gus ...by Agence France-Presse. NEW ORLEANS -- BP's risky "top kill" of its ruptured Deepwater Horizon well appeared to stop the oil flow Thursday, even as new data showed the Gulf of Mexico leak had already become the worst in U.S. history. Moving to ensure the United States is never hit with such a d ...
- Obama’s finally connecting the Gulf spill an ...by Jonathan Hiskes. My request for President Obama is simple, really: Dust off the secret presidential SCUBA suit, invite the Senate's biggest oil-industry shills on a "fact-finding mission" to the Gulf (promise shrimp cocktails if necessary), and use them to plug up BP's hole. Failing that, Oba ...
- Cousteau dives into ‘nightmare’ U.S. o ...by Agence France-Presse. Watch Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau, dive into the oily Gulf of Mexico on ABC's Good Morning America : Jacques Cousteau would have been "horrified" by the devastation being wrought by a huge Gulf of Mexico oil spill, hi ...
- Oil rig workers missed ‘very large abnormali ...by Randy Rieland. Here's something to fill you with confidence on the eve of BP's risky "Top Kill" gambit: Workers on the Deepwater Horizon rig missed warnings that something was seriously wrong before the rig exploded. BP itself, in a memo to a House committee, reveals that crewmen failed to ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- New Travel Search Engine Adds Big Value to Airfare ...New travel meta search engine, InsideTrip.com adds new values to airfare searches.
- View From the Center: A.L. West RookiesWho are the top rookies in the A.L. West?
- Fox News Anchor Accuses Bret Michaels of Faking Ne ...Fox news anchor accuses Bret Michaels of faking his brain hemorrhage. Dumbass.
- American Idol Says Goodbye To Simon Cowell (and it ...First Paula, now Simon. American Idol can't last much longer.
- Weight Loss Plan Reduces Heart Disease RiskElimination of wheat in the diet leads to rapid weight loss and reduction of heart disease risk factors.
Time - Top Stories
- How Rand (and Ron) Paul Is Scrambling American Pol ...A new political dynasty has shaken up more than just the GOP primaries
- Paramilitary Tactics Backfire for Detroit's Top Co ...Police chief Warren Evans was riding high. But then the death of a 7-year-old girl incited a backlash against his elite squads
- Skinbook: Facebook for 21st Century NudistsSkinbook began as a random encounter on a clothing-optional beach in Wales, and is quickly becoming the bare new face of 21st Century nudism
- The Logic of an Afghan Policy LeakWhy would the White House divulge details of a secret war-strategy session? To force the Pentagon's hand
- 'Sex and the City 2' Review: Gaudy, Forced in Abu ...Sure, you 'Sex and the City' girls can have a blast in Abu Dhabi -- but you're leaving us, your fans, behind
Washington Independent
- Drones: The First Test for Obama’s ‘Ru ...Just as the National Security Strategy places an international order based on binding global norms at the center of President Obama’s foreign policy, a United Nations official tells Charlie Savage of The New York Times that Obama’s drone strikes ought to come to end: Philip Alston, the United Nation ...
- America’s Global Outlook, at an ‘Infle ...Ben Rhodes argues that the U.S. must "channel our strength and influence to reshaping an international order."
- ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Re ...After the provision won a major vote in the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this evening, the House voted tonight to include an amendment overturning the military’s 17-year-old ban on open gay service into the fiscal 2011 defense authorization bill. The vote was 234 in favor to 194 opposed, ...
- ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Re ...Yesterday I was chatting with a House aide about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” legislative repeal. Before I could ask about inflection points for passage in a House vote that could come as early as this evening, the aide waived me off his entire chamber. Don’t even bother with the House, the aide told ...
- FCIC Has to Force Buffett to Testify on Ratings Ag ...Fortune has a great story up: The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission requested that Warren Buffett, the head of investment giant Berkshire Hathaway, come testify. He declined. The panel — charged with investigating the causes of the financial crisis and known for its aggressive and public grilling ...
Digg Green
- As Gulf Spill Drags on, Chemical Use Remains a Big ...BP has relied on massive quantities of two types of an oil dispersant called Corexit to break up the oil into what it calls more easily broken-down portions. The chemicals, Corexit 9527A and Corexit 9500, are known to be hazardous to aquatic life and to humans.
- Green Gone Greedy: When Ads Abuse 'Yo Mama' (PICS)Go Green! At least that's what they think, you think, they're making you think, they think... Confused yet? Corporate greed has always been the bane of the environment. Now greed has gone 'green' again, this time it's a pretty paint job, for the same green they have always chased, money.
- Bleeding Glacier Spews Million-Year-Old Microbes*****
- No joke: you can bet on next species extinction in ...I don't really know what to say about this, but I'm sure that their altruistic stated goal of "highlighting the environmental catastrophe" of the BP oil spill in the Gulf is not 100% complete. 50 bets in the first six hours shows that they'll be making some, shall we say, crude money off of this as ...
- EPA Orders Permits On Projects With High Greenhous ...The Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule that requires power plants, oil refineries and other large stationary sources of greenhouse gases to obtain permits before they are constructed or expanded.
Invisible Opportunity
- Vampire Bankers, Mr. Heinz Ketchup, John Kerry and ...By Les Visible I’m not going to go into all of the intricate details, which are made intricate by those using the confusion to engage in criminal activity. I’m just going to lay it out as a direct statement and you can assume it is true, even if there are other factors at work. When [...]
- Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled ...Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin towers was a controlled demolition. Speaki ...
- Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuitsBy John Byrne Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s latest nominee to the Supreme Court, helped protect the Saudi royal family from lawsuits that sought to hold al Qaeda financiers responsible in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. The suits were filed by thousands of family members and others a ...
- What Time Is It?At best this is an ongoing nightmare and at worst an extinction level event. The Russians have indicated the only way they have stopped runaway oil wells was with a nuclear weapon but that was on ground wells not 100 miles off the coast of Louisiana in one of the earth’s most productive seafood beds ...
- Support the Free Speech About Science Act and rest ...By Mike Adams But apparently the FDA has little concern with truth and science, because the agency wrote in its warning letter to Diamond that, “ecause of these intended uses, your walnut products are drugs… they are not generally recognized as safe and effective for the above referenced conditions. ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- With Majorities Supporting CA's Marijuana Legaliza ...Less than six months from election day, the CA initiative to legalize marijuana has the support of half the voters, according to two polls.
- All of Us Use Drugs, But Only Some of Us Go to Jai ...Despite a $40 billion a year "war on drugs," our country is swimming in them. They aren't going anywhere.
- How LSD Destroyed God's (and Dad's) Rigid Authorit ...One can make a non-ludicrous case that the most important event in the cultural history of America since the 1860s was the introduction of LSD.
- World Hepatitis Day: Will CA Allow Pharmacists to ...California is one of only three states in the U.S. that still prohibits pharmacists from selling a syringe without a prescription from a physician.
- Ex-Cop Goes Rogue on the Drug War, Tells Pot Smoke ...Police admired Barry Cooper when he lied to put drug dealers in prison. Then he flipped the game on them.
Twilight Earth
- Water Website Spotlight – Blue Living IdeasBlue Living Ideas is the ultimate Web resource for information, tips, news, and events related to Earthâs most precious resource â Water. Related posts: Green Living Ideas and Twilight Earth Form New Major Environmental Network, Simple Earth Media Eco Child Website Spotlight – Eco Childs ...
- A Rainforest Chernobyl: The Other Oil DisasterI donât know about you, but my mental health has been teetering on a cliff of depression thanks to BPâs catastrophic Deepwater Horizon oil rig mishap. Related posts: Activist Invites 6,000 Chevron Employees to Watch CRUDE Documentary World’s Largest Oil-Related Environmental Catastrophe: ...
- Photo Sunday – The Moab DesertThe Moab Desert is host to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. It has welcomed countless tourists and nature lovers. Enjoy the photos. Related posts: Photo Sunday – Hiking the Mojave Desert and Red Rock Canyon Outside Las Vegas Photo Sunday – When its Raining on Sunday Morning Photo Sunday ...
- Rush Limbaugh: #1 Source of Greenhouse Gas Emissio ...Limbaugh: ‘When do we ask the Sierra Club to pick up the tab for this leak?’ Why the End Times Might Reek of Methane Follow Joe Mohr (Mean Joe Green) on Twitter @GreenCartoons and at JoeMohrToons.com. Related posts:Dances with the Moon: Earth Has BAD Gas! Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is ...
- About Climate Change, this I BelieveI believe that most people want what's best for their families first, whats best for themselves second and whats best for others, last. Related posts: Technology Transfer and Climate Change (Video) Health Care Practices and Climate Change – Dr Bertollini Explains the Connection White House Fo ...
- Modern Palmyra House Showcases Local Sustainable M ...The Palmyra House is a vacation home in the south of Mumbai that resonates not just for its clean modern look but also for its rich selection of local sustainable materials. Situated on the coast of the Indian Ocean, this handcrafted home was sensitively placed in a coconut grove and much of it stru ...
- VOTE for Your Favorite Inhabitat 2010 Spring Green ...Which is YOUR favorite Spring Green design? We received so many incredible entries into this year’s Spring Greening Design Competition that it was a challenging task to choose between them all. But we were finally able to reach a consensus and narrow it down to 23 fabulous finalists who amazed us w ...
- Obama Visits Solar Panel Factory to Push for Green ...Yesterday President Obama visited a Solyndra solar panel factory in Freemont, California that — with help from the stimulus — was able to expand and create green collar jobs for the bay area community. Using the Gulf oil spill as a center point in his speech, the President took the chance to highlig ...
- Students Turn Vibrations From Wind Energy into Ele ...Think of wind energy and you probably conjure up an image of giant turbines. But students in Cornell’s Vibro-Wind Research Group have a different model of wind power in mind. They’re working on an ultra-efficient, cheap method to transform vibrations from wind into clean energy with a $100,000 grant ...
- Philadelphia Parking Lot Transformed into Urban Cy ...As bike commuting becomes more popular, facilities where you can store your bike, extra clothes and even take a shower will become a necessity. These bike facilities could even possibly replace parking lots, which is exactly what Annie Scheel proposes with her BIKE center for Philadelphia. Scheel to ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Magic Behind Rating AppsMagic in the technology age is a weird beast, as a recent episode on the iPhone app store shows.
- A European Voice Mail InnovationA reader provides another example of how much better cellphones are in Europe.
- Online, How Much Security Is Too Much?Online security measures aren't worth it if they ruin a user's experience or make it impossible to be productive.
- A Plea for Honesty in Photo SpecsWhat if photo magazines told you when the photographer used Auto or Program mode?
- The Making of the Distracted Driving VideoThe behind the scenes look at the making of the most recent David Pogue video.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Congress, Obama Take Sudden Interest in Synthetic ...Congress explicitly took up the subject of synthetic biology for the first time Thursday during a hastily convened hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The Wired crowd has been talking about how to engineer biological machines for years, but Craig Venter’s announcement last week that ...
- Video: Designing Bridges to Be Drivable After Quak ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience88281115001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); RICHMOND, California â Sure, earthquake engineers can now make bridges safe during even the biggest earthquakes, but they’re still rendered unusable in the key ...
- The Science of Horror-Flick ScreamsAs horror-flick titles go, Night of the Living Chaos and Rosemaryâs Nonlinearity arenât the catchiest. But filmmakers know that chaos — the mathematical kind — is scary. Now scientists know it too. Filmmakers use chaotic, unpredictable sounds to evoke particular emotions, say researchers who ha ...
- Origin of Milky Way Clouds RevealedMysterious clouds of gas hovering above the plane of the Milky Way may be the fractured remnants of superbubbles blown by stellar winds and exploding stars. “There’s a fundamental, interesting connection between gas far away from the Milky Way and the amount of star formation below it in the galact ...
- Video: The Butterfly Effect on the Sun’s SurfacerunMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience87995349001', 'anId');brightcove.createExperiences(); New data from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that on the sun, little changes can have big consequences. High-resolution images of layers of the sun’s surface show ...
The Progressive Realist
- National Security Strategy Aims for a Rule-Based G ...Over the course of my book , I argued that progressive foreign policy needed to re-ground itself in a principled effort to try to create a global order based on rules rather than coercion. For example if I may be so bold as to quote myself on page 185: Neither neoconservatives nor liberal hawks have ...
- Turkey, Brazil and the French ParadoxIt looks like Turkey and Brazil might be making the same mistake that France made in 2003, which still serves as the textbook example of an old friend of mine's admonition regarding marital disputes: Being right is overrated. Clearly subsequent events vindicated France's position on the Iraq invasio ...
- The Costs of a US-Iranian Military ConfrontationSince launching www.TheRaceForIran.com , we have very rarely intervened in the comments that many of our readers have written with regard to our pieces. However, in response to the piece we published on May 25, “Obama Steps Up America’s Covert War Against Iran” , one reader seemed to misconstrue p ...
- The Costs of a U.S.-Iranian Military ConfrontationSince launching www.TheRaceForIran.com , we have very rarely intervened in the comments that many of our readers have written with regard to our pieces. However, in response to the piece we published on May 25, “Obama Steps Up America’s Covert War Against Iran” , one reader seemed to misconstrue p ...
- Knowing Our Enemies, and What They WantOne of the starkest differences between the Obama administration’s new National Security Strategy ( pdf ) and the Bush administration’s ( pdf ) is its tighter focus on Al Qaeda and affiliated extremists, and its recognition that responding to Al Qaeda with fear and overreaction is playing right into ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The Looming Republican Freakshow.Conor Friedersdorf 's Newsweek opinion piece on how the press portrays libertarians as extremists while letting "centrist" politicians off the hook is making two cases, one convincing, the other, not so much. On the one hand, yes -- the war on drugs, invading Iraq, and unwavering support for farm s ...
- The Little Picture: Top KillExperts are using a technique known as “top kill” to plug a BP well that has been gushing between 12,000 and 19,000 barrels of oil daily into the Gulf of Mexico, according to government estimates. Late this afternoon, BP had to stall the procedure because the fluid engineers were injecting into the ...
- Orrin Hatch's Attempt To Criminalize Richard Blume ...Whatever you think of Richard Blumenthal 's embarrassing attempts to embellish his military record, this proposal by Orrin Hatch seems like it could backfire. The bill would amend the 2005 Stolen Valor Act, which criminalized false claims of military decoration,� Dave Weigel (whose headline I'm bor ...
- Remembering Dr. Tiller.Monday is the one-year anniversary of the murder of Dr. George Tiller , one of the country's few late-term abortion providers, and Sen. Harry Reid marked the occasion this morning: The tragedy of Dr. Tiller’s death, and of Dr. Slepian ’s death – and of every atrocity like it – is independent of the ...
- Probably Not the GOP's Next Great Black Leader.As you may have heard, the Republican Party is enthusiastic about the fact that 32 African American Republicans, a record number, are running for Congress this year. But they may not be so enthusiastic about one of the people leading the recruiting efforts: Timothy Johnson , the vice chairman of the ...
Andy Worthington
- An interview with Andy Worthington for Labour Brie ...The following interview, conducted by Louise Whittle, is published in the June 2010 issue of Labour Briefing (see here for subscription details, and/or a free copy of the current issue), and was cross-posted yesterday on Louise’s site, Harpymarx. Labour Briefing: What made you (and Polly Nash) make ...
- The Battle of the Beanfield: 25th Anniversary Even ...Tuesday June 1 is the 25th anniversary of a brutal and pivotal event that signalled the start of a serious assault on civil liberties in the UK, leading to the passage of two horrendous pieces of legislation — the Public Order Act of 1986 and the Criminal Justice Act of 1994 — and paving the [...]
- More “Congressional Depravity” on GuantánamoOn Monday, in an article entitled, “House Kills Plan to Close Guantánamo,” I described my despair at the House Armed Services Committee’s unanimous refusal to provide $350 million (out of a war budget of $726 billion) so that President Obama can close Guantánamo by moving prisoners to a facility in ...
- The Black Hole of BagramOn Friday, the Court of Appeals in Washington D.C. delivered a genuinely disturbing ruling (PDF) regarding prisoners in the US prison at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, which has turned the clock back to the darkest days of the Bush administration, before prisoners seized in the “War on Terror” had a ...
- House Kills Plan to Close GuantánamoPlease support my work! President Obama’s hopes of closing Guantánamo, which were already gravely wounded by his inability to meet his self-imposed deadline of a year for the prison’s closure, now appear to have been killed off by lawmakers in Congress. Although the House Armed Services Commi ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Mount St. Helens Still Highly Dangerous, 30 Years ...Thirty years after Mount St. Helens blew its top, the peak is still the second most dangerous volcano in the United States, according to government estimates. United States - Mount St. Helens - Volcano - Washington - England
- Mass Lizard Extinctions Looming; Global Warming Bl ...One in five lizard species are headed for extinction due to global warming, a new study says. But they won't bake; they'll starve.
- Presented By:
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Movin' On!Just to the other side of town. :) I am at the point where I can choose to live in a half empty house with only a computer and a lot of furniture (minus the drawers of "stuff" that are already moved) or live in a house with a TV and no furniture inside (though we do have our patio furniture moved ...
- McMahon Gushes Over Deregulating OilMcMahon Campaign Literature From TheDay.com According to The Day and at the same time that we are witnessing the results of the typical Republican deregulation-run-amok of anything that moves money to these Multinational Oil Corporations wash in ashore as tar balls and dead dolphins on American shor ...
- An Arizona Minutemen Group FoldsApparently, either they were shocked that people answered their calls to violence or they are broke from their profiteering leaderships' greed. The only question in my mind is "how will they reincarnate their particular brand of crazy?" Because as long as there are crazy people around there wil ...
- Support The Troops - Pay Your TaxesConnecticut Man1 It is the tax deadline and this stuff is pretty self explanatory. You pay taxes and they get beans, bullets and valuable training that might just save their lives. When you want tax cut after tax cut? The active duty soldiers serving overseas, in training here or elsewhere and the ...
- The Root Of The Problem: EducationFrom former New Milford raised a glass and brewed Todd Umbarger and without further comment since it says enough on its own (and I could add an essay to this BUT...) : click on this for larger With previous permission from Todd Umbarger . Todd is a New York-based illustrator and draws the politi ...
SPL Center
- The FAIR Files: ‘Criminals, Homosexuals and Defect ...The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is an immigration restriction organization that insists that it does not “discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, or creed.” But many have questioned that claim since revelations that FAIR’s legal arm essentially wrote the hi ...
- News Flash: Obama ‘Convicted’ of Fraud in Birther ...Maybe you didn’t catch the news last week: President Obama was convicted by an American jury of fraud and other charges. It was easy to miss, what with The New York Times, television and cable news networks and major Internet news sites — with the exception of Salon — ignoring what one far-right gro ...
- White Supremacist Richard Barrett Murdered in Miss ...Update: Police announced that they arrested Barrettâs neighbor late Thursday afternoon and charged him with murder in connection with Barrettâs slaying. Rankin County Sheriff Ronnie Pennington told The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion-Ledge r that Vincent McGee, 22, had done yard work for Barrett. Barre ...
- Murdered Racist Leader May Have Propositioned Kill ...White supremacist Richard Barrett enthusiastically denigrated gays and blacks. In 1994, he led an anti-gay rally in Boston after a St. Patrick’s Day parade was cancelled in response to a court order that forbade the exclusion of homosexual marchers. Six years earlier, he signed “The Forsyth County C ...
- Secrets of the Movement: Top Stormfront Advertiser ...At first blush, Tip of the Spear Consulting Services doesn’t seem unique as a security consultant, with its offers to provide bodyguards, surveillance, debugging and polygraph technicians, as well as legal and financial advice on such matters as tax shelters and anonymous banking services. But one w ...
change: org.
- What's Your Favorite Security Council Blunder?Whether you're a United Nations hater or a die-hard fan, my bet is that you haven't agreed with every move the organization has made since its inception in 1945. Especially when it comes to the Security Council. Perhaps you've even thought about making a list of the worst Security Council gaffe ...
- Smoking and Pets Don't MixBy now, we all know smoking is bad for us. So is second-hand smoke and even third-hand smoke. But how many people realize how bad it is to smoke around our animal friends? The June 2010 issue of Cat Watch draws attention to a study by Tufts University that linked second-hand smoke to cancer in cats. ...
- Transgender Candidate Doesn't Support LGBT RightsDonna Milo , a Cuban-American, conservative Republican is running to replace a Democrat, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Milo is not your average Congressional candidate and is an especially surprising candidate for a Republican Congressional seat. Milo is a transgender woman. Why is a transgend ...
- Rep. Loretta Sanchez Honors Tam Tran and Co-Sponso ...It took nine years and the untimely tragic death of an undocumented student activist from her district to compel Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) to finally co-sponsor the DREAM Act , legislation that would give undocumented students in the United States an earned pathway to citizenship. OC writer Gustav ...
- Memorial Day: One Holiday, Two CountriesPaul Rieckhoff is part of Change.org's Changemakers network, comprised of leading voices for social change. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and the author of Chasing Ghosts . For most Americans, Memorial Day weekend marks the triumphant retu ...
Common Dreams -News
- UN 'to Seek' End to CIA Drone Raids A senior United Nations official is planning to call on the US to end aerial drone attacks by the Central Intelligence Agency against alleged al-Qaeda targets in Pakistan, according to the New York Times . The call is expected to come next week, a report in the US newspaper's website said on Fri ...
- Pentagon Seeks Private Contractor to Move Weapons ...by Jeremy Scahill The United States military is in the process of taking bids from private war contractors to secure and ship massive amounts of US military equipment through sensitive areas of Pakistan into Afghanistan where it will then be distributed to various US Forward Operating Bases and ...
- BP Set to Smother Oil Leak With Mud BP is carrying out the final tests on its so-called "top-kill" plan to choke off an oil leak described as the worst in US history. The energy giant's chief executive said the company would not make a final decision until later on Wednesday on whether to go ahead with the manoeuvre, which has bee ...
- Obama's Border Plan Looks Similar to Bush's by Jacques Billeaud PHOENIX -- President Barack Obama's plan to send as many as 1,200 National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border appears to be a scaled-down version of the border security approach championed by his predecessor. The 6,000 troops who were sent by President George W. Bush to the bor ...
- Peru Frees US 'Rebel' Lori Berenson After 15 YearsLori Berenson, an American citizen who has served 15 years in a Peruvian prison for aiding leftist rebels, has been freed on parole. Ms Berenson, 40, was arrested in 1995 for her alleged role in a plot to attack the Peruvian Congress. A military court found her guilty of collaborating with the left- ...
- Ditch Hangups Over Second-Hand Goods to Reap Huge ...Many people have an aversion to buying used goods. Breaking down an aversion to hitting up second-hand stores can yield huge savings and help give new life to perfectly good items. More�� Used good - Home - Business and ...
- FindExif Reads Exif Data From Photos On the Web [D ...We've featured one way to view the Exif data of any photo in your browser, but if you don't have Firefox, free web service FindExif will extract it from any photo URL and put it into an easy to understand format. More�� ...
- NerdWallet Picks Your Best Match from Hundreds of ...The best credit card isn't the one your bank offers—it's the one that pays back the most and costs the least. NerdWallet, a credit card search and filter app, pulls from over 600 cards to find the best candidate. More » ...
- Welcome New Neighbors with These Neighborhood Etiq ...If some newcomers are moving into your neighborhood and you're not sure what to do beyond the classic "Here's a, umm, pie? Welcome aboard?" gesture, this guide will help with some great pointers on welcoming new neighbors. More�� ...
- Train Yourself to Eat Like a Food Snob [Mind Hacks ...What do professional food critics have that you don't? Besides great jobs, they've developed a knowledge base, refined their mouth mechanics, and expanded their vocabulary of food experiences. You can't match them overnight, but you can get st ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Marjah A "Bleeding Ulcer": McChrystalBy Steve Hynd When McChrystal was bulldozing his surge through the White House, some people - notably Karl�Eikenberry - forecast it would be a disaster. Eikenberry is looking increasingly prescient : a tour last week of Marjah and the nearby Nad Ali district, during which McClatchy had rare acc ...
- After Fixing Election, Karzai Tries To Fix Peace J ...By Steve Hynd I'm a bit conflicted about this one. One one hand, it shows that Karzai is as venal and casually corrupt a politician as any who walk The Hill, on the other I'm leary of making Karzai the Judas Goat for a misconceived occupation that the US got itself into and should find its own reaso ...
- Obama Goes To West Point Again With The Same Old C ...By Steve Hynd Last time President Obama spoke to a West Point graduating class, it was to announce his decision to back General McChrystal's hard-pushed surge, despite the - now seen as all too accurate - misgivings of the likes of Karl Eikenberry. The consensus of opinion then was that Obama's spee ...
- Marjah A "Bleeding Ulcer": McChrystalBy Steve Hynd When McChrystal was bulldozing his surge through the White House, some people - notably Karl Eikenberry - forecast it would be a disaster. Eikenberry is looking increasingly prescient: a tour last week of Marjah and the nearby Nad Ali district, during which McClatchy had rare access to ...
- After Fixing Election, Karzai Tries To Fix Peace J ...By Steve Hynd I'm a bit conflicted about this one. One one hand, it shows that Karzai is as venal and casually corrupt a politician as any who walk The Hill, on the other I'm leary of making Karzai the Judas Goat for a misconceived occupation that the US got itself into and should find its own reaso ...
Water Wars
- Finnish researchers consider causes of water warsCompeting interests spark conflicts and as water shortages begin to bite around the world hostilities are likely to flare up.
- Water warsWhen the Webb County Commissioners Court voted Monday to oppose a plan to draw water from the Pecos River watershed upstream of the Rio Grande, they became one more voice in the border region speaking out against the proposal.
- Watershed meeting focuses on three issuesThe sixth annual State of our Watershed Conference focused on the future: future threats future development and future ...
- Water wars in Southeastern OklahomaDURANT, OK-- Water wars are heating up in Southeastern Oklahoma.
- Water Wars, Chicago-StyleIt's your home, you pay your water bill on time. Yet, your neighbor can shut your water off when he gets mad at you. It's happening in Chicago, CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports.
WordPress | Economics
- What's your Story?Ok, this is going to be short, but sweet! I had a conversation with a good friend of mine recently a
- TGIF - Fun, Important and Stupid Things In The New ...VP Joe Biden declares that Brussels is Capitol of the Free World. – What a stupid thing to say
- elizabeth birnbaum steps down at mms as spill baby ...Hey kids! the Telepathic Crickets⢠hope you enjoy today’s ClapSotOOn⢠(NEW AND IMPROVED with 2
- Smelling the Pig through the PerfumeSome of the headlines yesterday were laughable: “Stocks Rocket Higher as European Worries Ease
- The key policy issues in the financial services se ...The rhetoric for financial sector reform has not been this high on the agenda for many a year. Given
Electronic Intifada
- Israel indicts tortured rights activist Ameer Makh ...A leading human rights activist from Israel's Palestinian Arab minority was charged yesterday with the most serious security offenses on Israel's statute book, including es ...
- Gaza home demolitions spark anger, highlight housi ...On 16 May, bulldozers demolished 20 houses in the al-Barahma neighborhood west of Rafah in the southern occupied Gaza Strip. This tragic scene has been repeated all too man ...
- Rights group condemns attacks on Gaza civil societ ...In a joint press conference held with the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organization Network (PNGO) on 24 May 2010, Al-Haq's director, Shawan Jabarin condemned two recent at ...
- Pressure mounts on nuclear IsraelIsrael faces unprecedented pressure to abandon its official policy of "ambiguity" on its possession of nuclear weapons as the international community meets at the United Na ...
- Ameer Makhoul's arrest is an assault on all Palest ...Today is the 21st day since the arrest of Ameer Makhoul at his home in Haifa, Israel, under the cover of darkness, by officers of the International Crimes Investigation Uni ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Taliban assault on Lahore mosques ends, 72 deadTaliban guerrillas wearing suicide vests fired indiscriminately and lobbed grenades as they stormed two mosques of the minority Ahmadi sect Friday, taking worshipers hostage and sparking gun battles with police that left at least 72 people dead before the attackers were neutralised, police and rescu ...
- Lahore terror siege ends, at least 45 killedOver 1500 hostages were freed as the terror siege of the two mosques which were raided by a dozen of heavily armed Taliban suicide attackers ended after nearly three hours of heavy gun battle between the security forces and the militants.
- Taliban attack on Lahore mosques ends, 62 killedFiring indiscriminately and lobbing grenades, Taliban guerrillas wearing suicide vests stormed two mosques of the minority Ahmadi sect Friday, taking worshipers hostage and sparking gun battles with police that left at least 62 people dead before the attackers were neutralised, police and rescue wor ...
- Attack on Lahore mosques ends, 32 killedLobbing grenades and firing indiscriminately, Taliban guerrillas stormed two mosques of the minority Ahmadi sect Friday, leaving at least 32 people dead and many more injured before paramilitary and police commandos regained control of the two buildings after a three-hour operation, police and eyew ...
- US-led surge in Afghanistan is on, says generaThe U.S. military surge in Afghanistan is on.
- Neural interfaces: the state of the artSome heavy but fascinating reading over at h+ Magazine, in the form of James Kent’s round-up of where we are with technologies for interfacing the human brain with technological hardware, and where we’re going with it. The big take-away point for me is that the more fidelity you want from the interf ...
- The Diamond AgeMove over, old-school semiconductors; COSMOS Magazine reports on the coming ubiquity of diamond in small-scale high-tech. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0.00 The Diamond Age Share and Enjoy: Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, fo ...
- The cost of Apple’s successSo, Apple’s market capitalization has passed that of old guard Microsoft. At the same time, they’re investigating a spate of suicides at one of the Asian megafactories that supplies their hardware, and they’re about to get hit with the same sort of anti-trust lawsuits that dogged Bill Gates and comp ...
- Lost the plot: has the television serial run out o ...This week, I’ve mostly been feeling like the only person in the world who’s never seen an episode of Lost. That said, observing the reactions to the final episode has been an enjoyable people-watching spectacle; as an outsider, I can only conclude that, while Lost’s ending has annoyed quite a few pe ...
- Bacigalupi’s Windup Girl looking alarmingly ...Some of the ideas in Paolo Bacigalupi’s excellent Nebula-winning debut novel The Windup Girl are already alarmingly close to reality. In a future world where all the oil is long gone, all energy has to come from food as processed by animals, human or otherwise; when your food crops start dying, it’s ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- 2010 National Whistleblower AssemblyYesterday concluded the 2010 National Whistleblower Assembly. Staff from the National Whistleblowers Center participated in a number of panels on major issues facing the whistleblower community. Richard Renner provided practice tips as part of the know your rights panel, Stephen M. Kohn discussed fi ...
- WikiLeaks provokes DoD threat against whistleblowe ...A front page story in today's Washington Post looks at the growth and effects of the popular anonymous whistleblower website, WikiLeaks . Daniel Schmitt, a WikiLeaks director, told Post writer Joby Warrrick that, "The message of WikiLeaks to the controllers of information is this: You can either be ...
- ARB says Iqbal applies to OSHA complaintsI can hardly believe I am writing this. The Department of Labor's Administrative Review Board (ARB) has just issued a decision applying Aschroft v. Iqbal to whistleblower complaints filed with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). As it happened to one of my clients, Dougla ...
- MSPB Fails to Protect Robert MacLeanAn administrative judge at the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) upheld the illegal termination of former federal air marshal Robert MacLean. Mr. MacLean blew the whistle on the Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) plan to improperly remove U.S. air marshals f ...
- European Parliament votes to protect whistleblower ...The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly has adopted a resolution to protect whistleblowers . Drafted by the Assembly's Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, the resolution expresses appreciation for whistleblowers who "stop wrongdoings that place fellow human beings at risk, ... ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Police Just Guessing When They Can't Clearly Read ...We recently wrote about a guy "caught" by a redlight camera who had to decode the numerical codes on the photos sent to him to prove he didn't actually run the red light. It was disturbing enough to find out that police were sending motorists tickets when they obeyed the law, but reader Brent point ...
- Pentagon: If You Don't Let The US Gov't Spy On You ...The whole "cyberterorrism" fear mongering is being taken to even more extreme levels. At the Strategic Command Cyber Symposium, William Lynn III, the deputy defense secretary apparently told the audience that companies who operate critical infrastructure need to let the US install monitoring equipm ...
- Supreme Court Asked To Explore Whether 'Innocent I ...A few years back, we wrote about a teenager who used "innocent infringement" as a defense to an unauthorized file sharing lawsuit brought against her by the RIAA. Innocent infringement is in the law, as a way to reduce the statutory awards from the $750 minimum to $200. It doesn't absolve the pers ...
- Would A Moron In A Hurry Be Confused Between A Hug ...Jamie alerts us to the news that the giant luxury department store Harrods, in London, is threatening a small roadside cafe , called Hollands (accurately named after the cafe's owners) for having a logo that's too similar. The Daily Mail article above has a number of excellent photographic comparis ...
- Australian Gyms Swapping Out Pop Songs With Cover ...Just recently, we wrote about how a ridiculous ruling by the Australian Copyright Tribunal, boosted the royalty rates that gyms needed to pay if they played any music covered by the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA). In some cases it went from less than $1 per class to $1 per par ...
- Bill Gates funds covert vaccine nanotechnologyMike Adams NaturalNews.com 05/28/2010 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is gaining a reputation for funding technologies designed to roll out mass sterilization and vaccination programs around the world. One of the programs recently funded by the foundation is a sterilization program that wo ...
- Will Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine be its Nex ...Richard Gale Opednews.com 05/26/2010 Do you find something seriously wrong with this scenario? Reports of faulty gas pedals, obstructive floor carpets, and failing breaks in Toyota and Lexus vehicles generated uproar across major media networks. For the 4-year period starting in 2006, the National ...
- Polio vaccine volunteers thrashed by localsThe Times of India 05/26/2010 KANPUR: Three members of Pulse Polio party were severely thrashed in Rawatpur area under the Kalyanpur police station limits during an immunisation drive here on Wednesday. According to reports, the incident took place when one Pappu Siddiqui and Munna Siddiqui, both r ...
- (Video) Dr. Andrew Wakefield Warns of Tainted Vacc ...Part 2/4 Part 3/4 Part 4/4
- Legal expert shares lessons from pandemic vaccine ...Lisa Schnirring CIDRAP News 05/26/2010 Legal issues that came into play during the H1N1 flu pandemic provided a useful look at how laws can help ease the availability of the vaccine, but in some instances can work against immunization efforts, according to a legal expert who has analyzed events tha ...
- Things You Might Have MissedHello all. Sorry I’m in and out of the internet tubes lately. In addition to work being busy, I’m juggling a bunch of projects. One of them is called Anarchy in the News. It’s a new website for news reports about anarchy or anarchists. You can check it out here. You [...]
- Liberalism and DisempowermentBy now you have surely heard about Rand Paul’s interview with Rachel Maddow. Paul slimed around for twenty minutes trying not to admit that he does not support the provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act that made it illegal for a private business to discriminate. On Rachel’s next show, she had a ...
- Things You Might Have MissedThe whole Rand Paul brouhaha has started some great convos on the internets, like at Alas! and Womanist Musings. This New Yorker article is one of the most reasonable things I have read on Cuba in …well…ever. Hilarity of the week goes to the 5,200 Mexicans who registered their cell phones under the ...
- Putting “I” Back Into Your VocabularyConsidering the amount of people who seem to do nothing but talk about themselves on their blog, Facebook or Twitter accounts, you may think I’m crazy for suggesting that we don’t have enough “I” in our lives. But hear me out. How many times have you heard people bitch about the anonymous “they” tha ...
- Things You Might Have MissedThere is a new project being kicked off to try and get anarchist texts to people in places where they are not so easily available. Check out Books for Anarchists. The session I attended at the NY anarchist book fair on women in prison is online. Polycentric Order has an interesting article In Defen ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Treasonous Banking Cartel Ordered Glass-Steagall R ...By John Hoefle Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 28, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 21
- What Your Accountant Never Understood: The Secret ...By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 28, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 21
- LPAC Video: The Case for Impeachment of President ...Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 28, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 21
- Imagine You Wake Up ... and the Global Financial S ...By Helga Zepp-LaRouche Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, May 28, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 21
- Germany Moves Against British Empire, Plans To For ...EIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
- Alwaki Tribe Denies StatementThe Sheik of the Awlaki tribe in Yemen denied that tribal leaders held a meeting or threatened Yemeni citizens as is being widely reported in the Western media. Reuters reported receiving a faxed statement last week from the Awalki tribe that said, “We warn against cooperating with America to kill S ...
- Yemen National Dialog Coalition Seeks Reform, Broa ...Yemen’s National Dialog Committee published an English language summary of its National Salvation Plan yesterday. The document is available at http://yemenvision.wordpress.com/ The National Dialog Committee (NDC) is an important Yemeni civil society coalition dedicated to creating a forum and consen ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- One Family Homes To Solve New York's Congestion (N ...The website Sunday Magazine has an interesting idea: it looks at the New York Times Sunday Magazine of exactly 100 years ago for the most interesting article. A century ago this Sunday they covered the hottest planning idea: Single family houses in suburbs. ... Read the full story on TreeHu ...
- Today on Planet 100: Top 5 Eco TEDsters (Video)
- Underwater Robot Scans for Submerged Oil in Gulf o ...Photo credit iRobot Scientists are already rushing to determine the environmental impact of the Gulf oil spill, and iRobot is helping with the Seaglider, an unmanned underwater vehicle that has been sent to the ocean floor to prowl for submerged oil. iRobot is known for the Roomba and consumer ...
- Australia Makes Good on Threat to Take Japan to Co ...Whale meat on sale at the Tsukiji fish market in Japan, photo: Stefan Powell . Threatened for some time now , Australia has begun legal action against Japan to stop whaling in the Southern Ocean . Formal proceedings will begin in The Hague next week and would lead to a provisional order for Jap ...
- Outdoor Bacteria Can Make You Smarter, and HappierGetting some outdoor time is not only good for the soul, it's probably good for the mind. Research from The Sage Colleges in Troy, New York, suggests that exposure to a natural soil bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae can increase learning behavior. Another reason to enjoy, and protect, the gr ...
- New Drug Cures Hard-to-Treat Hepatitis CPatients who fail current hepatitis C virus HCV treatments have few other options except trying the same drugs again, but an experimental antiviral drug is poised to change that.When the drug telaprevir was added to standard treatment with peginterferon alfa and ribavirin, which are also antivirals, ...
- Cell bio, automation merge to screen every human g ...Every now and then, there’s a bit of science that’s a combination of brute force and tour de force. Examples that spring to mind mostly come from the world of small, manageable experimental animals, like the mapping of every single cell division of the worm C. elegans, a feat that won John Sulston a ...
- A Two-Pronged Attack on CancerLast year marked a first for engineered antibodies–the European Commission approved a new cancer drug called Removab catumaxomab, an antibody specially designed to grab both cancer cells and immune cells in such a way that the immune cell can kill the cancer cell. The drug is undergoing testing for ...
- Lesser-known C-diff a bigger hospital threat than ...Theres good and bad news on the “superbug” front. In community hospitals in the Southeast, an easily spread bacterium appears to have overtaken the widely feared MRSA as the most common hospital-acquired infection. But a pilot project in Ohio found that pushing hard on simple things such as hand was ...
- Light Switches for NeuronsJust five years ago, scientists at Stanford University discovered that neurons injected with a photo-sensitive gene from algae could be turned on or off with the flip of a light switch. This discovery has since turned hundreds of labs onto the young field of optogenetics. Today researchers around th ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Kerry-Lieberman's costly policies to cut greenhous ...As Kerry and Lieberman readily admit, the bill was drafted by representatives of the very companies that would be engaged in trading the allowances. The cost of the system will be borne by consumers who will see their energy bills soar.
- Prepare for a bit of cooling, says geologistSatellite-measured solar activity has also been trending down moderately, says Western Washington University scientist, which essentially predicts global cooling, not warming.
- FAQ: Gulf Oil SpillCFACT is speaking out on the ramifications of this oil spill by educating members of academia, the media, and the public.
- Oil Spill: How to check the status of a beachState resources for how to check and report on oiled beaches and wildlife.
- CFACT continues their mission in CancúnCFACT students deliver laptops and hope to la Ciudad de la Alegria.
Ria Novosti Online News
- Pro-Taliban group claims responsibility for Pakist ...
- Russia's Eurovision contestant performs to Sedov s ...
- China slams actions harming stability on Korean Pe ...
- Russia sees no justification for Poland hosting U. ...Russia can find no reason that would justify the deployment of U.S. Patriot missiles near the Polish-Russian border, a deputy Russian foreign minister said on Friday.
- Announcement: Moscow to hold 17th International Tr ...From June 23 - 27, Moscow will host the 17th International Transpersonal Conference under the heading: Consciousness Revolution: Transpersonal Discoveries that are Changing the World.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Medvedev orders incentives for renewable energy us ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday measures should be taken to compel companies and enterprises to buy electricity from renewable sources.
- Use of Chemicals in U.S. oil spill endangering wil ...The use of huge quantities of chemical dispersant to break up an oil spill from a BP drilling site in the Gulf of Mexico could seriously endanger local wildlife, WWF Russia's Oil and Gas Environmental Policy Officer said
- Shuttle Atlantis completes final space mission, la ...The space shuttle Atlantis with a crew of six landed at Cape Canaveral in Florida on Wednesday, completing its final space mission.
- Russian Progress freighter docks manually with ISSRussia's Progress M-05M space freighter docked with the International Space Station (ISS) manually late on Saturday night.
- ISS orbit lowered prior to Soyuz landing - Russian ...The orbital altitude of the International Space Station (ISS) was lowered on Wednesday by 1.5 kilometers (about a mile) to ensure perfect conditions for the re-entry of the Soyuz landing capsule into the Earth's atmosphere
Pruning Shears
- Some Suggestions For Our Inert PresidentNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post We are in the midst of what is probably the worst environmental catastrophe in our nation’s history, and it looks like the damage will continue to worsen for the next few months . Barack Obama may not know this yet, but his credibil ...
- Today's example of how profoundly fucked up our pr ...Could someone plant some chicken nuggets on Tony Hayward ?
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post I missed this last week, but Marcy looked at the implications of Elena Kagan getting confirmed to the Supreme Court. There are a number of issues on which she would have to recuse herself, and it looks like in most cases doing so wi ...
- The Midterms Are All About the 'Stills'No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post It was probably inevitable that the Tuesday election post mortems would focus on process and conventional wisdom. An outfit like Politico can pump out a feature length article on it almost by rote: There is a great deal of populist ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. More Afghanistan horrors. There’s a second prison at Bagram, there are abuses going on, and detainees are being handled according to Appendi ...
Natural Health News
- Household Detergents and Shampoos Form Harmful Sub ...Certain ingredients in shampoo, detergents and other cleaning agents may help form a suspected cancer-causing contaminant in water. The poorly understood water contaminant, called NDMA, is of ongoing concern to health officials. NDMA and other nitrosamines can form during water disinfection with ch ...
- Are All Fats Really the Same for Stopping Hunger P ...A new study finds that it does not matter what form fat is consumed in -- saturated, mono- or poly-unsaturated; all of them perform poorly when it comes to producing a feeling of fullness. Previous studies have suggested that polyunsaturated fats may be more effective at suppressing appetite, but ...
- Rheumatoid Arthritis on the Rise in WomenRheumatoid arthritis is on the rise among women in the U.S. Cases rose 2.5 percent between 1995 and 2007, even as they fell among men. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your body's immune system attacks its own joints. This causes pain and swelling. According to BBC News: “Previous studies have ...
- Toxic Glue Used in Supermarket Food PackagingThe food you buy at the supermarket may be contaminated by a highly toxic chemical found in the glue of packaging labels. The chemical is in the same class of toxicity as mercury, asbestos and hydrochloric acid. It could cause organ failure and even death in high doses. The Daily Mail reports: “. ...
- Liver Damage Tied to Popular Weight-Loss DrugU.S. health officials announced revised labels for the widely used weight-loss drug orlistat, available by prescription under the trade name Xenical and over-the-counter as Alli. Thirteen cases of severe liver injury have been associated with taking orlistat. Reuters reports: “At this time, FDA o ...
- The End Of The Beginning?In the nineteen sixties and seventies the western world was in the throes of a cultural and psychological revolution of awareness that at times threatened to bring down the governments and destroy the societies of some of the most powerful countries on earth, and terrified many who were unable to st ...
- Autism Fraud Wakefield Banned From Practicing Medi ...The practice of good science requires an open mind. Experiments and studies preformed may confirm what one suspects, or they may completely discredit an hypothesis. Further for any new theory to be valid it has to be reproducible by others in independent laboratories. All of this is by design. The p ...
- BP Blaming Employees For The GusherIt now appears that BP while attempting to plug the gusher with their so called "top kill" operation, has moved to trying to blame the Deepwater Horizon platform explosion and the BP oil gusher in the Gulf on it's employees who were on the platform at the time of the explosion. In this short clip fr ...
- 46 Congressional Candidates Oppose War SpendingForty-six congressional candidates and 17 activist organizations released a statement on Monday opposing any more funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and inviting more candidates, incumbents, and organizations to sign on. The 46 candidates include 16 Libertarians, 15 Democrats, 14 Greens, ...
- BP Big Boss, Blind to Damage, Downplays Gulf Gushe ...( From The Paragraph .) On May 13th, the 22nd day of the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP, gave an interview and downplayed it. 1 “ The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Gaining a Better Understanding of ‘Food Deserts’Lawyer Andy Weisbecker recently posted an opinion piece in Food Safety News in which he discusses the problem of limited access to healthy food and its contribution to the burden of obesity and diet-related disease. The term “food desert” refers to a location-generally, a low-income neighborhood-fr ...
- When Famous Meat Eaters Adopt Meatless Monday, “Yo ...When super-chef and restaurateur Mario Batali, self proclaimed lover of all forms of pork, decided to join the Meatless Monday movement, Washington Post food writer Jane Black took notice. In an article published today, she wrote, “when Mario Batali starts to push people to eat their vegetables, you ...
- Taking the Meat We Eat Out of the Factory and Putt ...On Tuesday, Animal Welfare Approved and the Pew Environment Group presented a public panel discussion about raising pasture-based animals, and reclaiming these sustainable farming systems as the source of our meat and dairy. The star-studded panel included Nicolette Hahn Niman, attorney and author ...
- Locally grown, Locally shared: A new model for giv ...Over a hundred Baltimore residents gathered on Saturday night for the 4th edition of an innovative fundraising event called STEW. STEW is a joint project of Baltimore Development Cooperative and Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, where attendees pay $10/person for the opportunity to share a multi-cou ...
- Food Access Solutions: Panel Discussion in Anacos ...On Friday, April 12th, Food Access Solutions: Urban Agriculture, Local Food, & Community Development, a panel discussion between leaders in the food movement on a regional level and leaders on the local level took place in southeast Washington D.C. in Anacostia. My interest in Urban Agriculture com ...
- If you build a fence….I was just starting to wonder if Los Suns had another big run left in them when the power went out last night. I only spent forty minutes sitting in the dark listening to my iPod before the juice came back but that was just long enough for me to miss Los Suns’ rally and [...]
- Oil’s well now that well’s cappedThe BP oil spill crisis has gone on so long that Sen. Amy Klobuchar has finally weighed in on it . . . just hours before BP finally stopped the leak . . . just in time to re-focus on the clean up. One of their workers, a Gulf fisherman, fainted after working with BP’s [...]
- Following upPretty much everything in the link pile is a follow up to something I’ve written about or linked to in recent days, the America Speaking Out site being a major exception. That turd was one I was quite content to wait on, hoping someone else would polish it for me. Well, ThinkProgress and PZ Myers [. ...
- Skip the rant, click the linksI usually save the copyright stuff for deep in the post, but this is some pretty sick shit. The government is going after Apple for their “tactics in the market for digital music.” OK, I can live with that, but not with the reasoning behind this talk. In March, Billboard magazine reported that Amazo ...
- Oily to riseNYTimes: Federal regulators responsible for oversight of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico allowed industry officials several years ago to fill in their own inspection reports in pencil — and then turned them over to the regulators, who traced over them in pen before submitting the reports to the agenc ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation âRah-e-Rastâ. Before the operation âRah-e-Rastâ, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be âlegitimate politicsâ. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
Center for Food Safety
- Leahy and DeFazio Circulate “Dear Colleague& ...ACTION ALERT: Senator Leahy and Representative DeFazio are circulating a Congressional sign-on letter in the House and Senate “Asking USDA to Maintain the Ban on Genetically Engineered Alfalfa.”  Contact your Senators and Representative today and ask them to sign on! Filed under: GE Crops, GE Fo ...
- Update: CFS Fighting Monsanto in the Supreme Court ...On Tuesday April 27, 2010 the United States Supreme Court heard argument in the Center for Food Safety’s case against Monsanto (Monsanto v Geertson Seed Farms), the first-ever Supreme Court case about genetically engineered crops. Watch a short message from CFS Executive Director Andrew Kimbrell, an ...
- Special Messages from Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiv ...Filed under: Factory Farming, Food Safety, GE Crops, GE Food, Organics, Politics and Policy, Take Action
- CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY PRESENTS ARGUMENTS BEFORE S ...High Court Hears Arguments In First-ever Case on Genetically Engineered Crops States, Scientists, Organic and Conventional Farmers, Food Companies, Exporters, and Legal Scholars File Briefs in Support, Oppose Monsanto Today the Center for Food Safety (CFS) faces off against Monsanto in the U.S. Supr ...
- Happy Earth Day!This Earth Day, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support! We are honored by how many of you have joined and supported us in our efforts towards a just and sustainable food supply that supports both healthy people and a healthy planet. One of the primary reasons CFS challeng ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Zionism Recruits Indian “Jews” as Settlers -MSHZionism Recruits Indian “Jews” as Settlers - (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) The Bnei Menashe claim to be a lost Jewish tribe currently living in a remote corner of India. They identify as Jews and are to be sent to Nepal for fast-track conversion to so-called Orthodoxy (in the “strict” Zion ...
- Polynesian Panthers visit Wellington�Source An event organised by the combined Schools of Pacific Studies, Te Kawa a Maaui, International Relations and Political Science saw a good crowd arrive at the New Kirk 303 lecture theatre around 5.30pm on Friday 14th May. The speakers and audience were welcomed by staff of Pacific Studies, ...
- J. B.Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulak ...Another excellent and thoughfully researched editorial from J.B. Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulakqi & others Do yourself a favour, visit this site: http://www.nightslantern.ca/ -- Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulaqi & others by J. B.Gerald You delight in laying down laws Yet you d ...
- Gil Scott Heron Boycott Israel Campaign (incl stat ...Backlash against Hip Hop trailblazer’s proposed gig in Israel Fans across the globe have expressed outrage at poet, campaigner and musician Gil Scott Heron’s decision to play in Tel Aviv in May of this year. Gil Scott Heron, known as the “godfather of rap”, started his career as a spoken ...
- Viola Wilkins: Song samples for this Camp Eureka w ...THE INTERNATIONALE - Alistair Hulett (found this "lost" verse; thanks to Max Watts in Sydney for reminding me) No more deluded by reaction, On tyrants only we'll make war! The soldiers too will take strike action, They'll break ranks and fight no more! And if those cannibals keep trying, To sacrif ...
- Lobo Will Go But Not Attend EU SummitThe BBC has clarified my confusion around Honduran President Porfirio Lobo’s presence in the EU Summit. He will attend a parallel event, but not the summit itself. This is to appease the Chavez block who seemingly will never forgive Honduras for removing their ally Manuel Zelaya from office. His coa ...
- False Report, Lobo Attending EU SummitTo my relief, the report in the Proceso Digital newspaper that I blogged about earlier was false. Mr. Lobo has confirmed that he will attend the summit, criticizing those who oppose his presence as “arrogant” and “pretentious”. It is unclear to me whether Lobo changed his mind, or that the Proceso ...
- Lobo Defers To Chavez BullyingPorfirio Lobo Sosa has reportedly eliminated much of the advantage he once had over Hugo Chavez after declining an invitation to an EU Summit. A blustering Hugo Chávez had threatened a 10-nation-strong boycott of the event should Lobo attend. I hope this news item proves to be false! Mr. Lobo has sp ...
- Academy Award Winning Movie TrailerA post pointing to the the obvious lack of innovation in Hollywood through the use of a You-Tube video. Related posts:Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sexual Harassment? YouTube Taking Forever Related posts: Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sex ...
- Footage of Meteor in WisconsinAn impressive video capture of last night’s massive meteor fireball reported in Wisconsin. Related posts:Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics Related posts: Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics
Green Times
- Ethanol: The Fuel of the FutureIf you’re concerned about the environment and really serious about slashing your carbon footprint then consider switching to Ethanol for your car…
- Environmental News -26/05/10Environmental News Climate debate 'almost infantile' A SCIENCE adviser to the federal government has described the debate in the media over the basics of climate change science as ''almost infantile'', equating it to an argument about the existence of gravity. Speaking at a Melbourne su ...
- Environmental News -25/05/10Environmental News Green entrepreneurs show business is blooming As consumer demand for eco-friendly gardening products grows, many green-fingered entrepreneurs are finding their inventions are starting to bear fruit. His friends have nicknamed him "the slug man", because he has become ...
- Environmental News -24/05/10plant (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-origin-of-flowering-p) known as Nymphaea thermarum whose pads reach only one centimeter in diameter, disappeared from its only habitat, a few square meters near a hot spring in Mashyuza, Rwanda. Local agriculture had drained the spring of m ...
- Zero Emissions HouseAn affordable low carbon house that produces enough clean, zero emission, renewable energy for a typical household…
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- "Hope-and-Change," A HoaxShareThis "Hope-and-Change," A Hoax By Michael Rectenwald and Lori Price, www.legitgov.org �27 May 2010 In our encounters on various social networking sites and political blogs, we consistently encounter the faithful remnants of the "hope-and-change" believers. To combat the onslaught of evidence an ...
- AP: New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf ShareThis AP: New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf 27 May 2010 Marine scientists have discovered a massive new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico, stretching 22 miles from the leaking wellhead northeast toward Mobile Bay, Alabama. The discovery by researchers on th ...
- New Flu Vaccines Could Protect Against All StrainsShareThis New Flu Vaccines Could Protect Against All Strains [that they create] 26 May 2010 A new�vaccine may be able to provide some protection against all strains of influenza. Current immunizations create antibodies that target a specific piece of a molecule on the surface of the virus that resea ...
- Obama bans new drilling in deep coastal watersShareThis Obama bans new drilling in deep coastal waters 28 May 2010 Describing the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a "wake-up call," President Barack Obama on Thursday banned new drilling in deep coastal waters and ordered floating rigs to quickly stop work on 33 exploratory wells. He al ...
- House Votes to Allow Repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don't T ...ShareThis House Votes to Allow Repeal of 'Don’t Ask, Don't Tell' Law 27 May 2010 The House voted Thursday to let the Defense Department repeal the ban on gay and bisexual people from serving openly in the military, a major step toward dismantling the 1993 law widely known as "don’t ask, don’t tell." ...
Daily Loaf
- Florida leaders react to Obama speech on oil spill ...Pinellas GOP Congressman Bill Young’s ethics case with PMA Consulting is getting a second look, and his Democratic opponent, Charlie Justice, is seizing on the information. We don’t have anything too original to say about Barack Obama’s news conference or the attendant media discussion of it vis a ...
- Congressional Ethics Board sends findings in PMA l ...Young's Democratic opponent in the Congressional District 10 race this fall, state Senator Charlie Justice, reacted swiftly to the news this morning, calling for Young to now resign.
- Forget the plastic surgeon: Herbicide Atrazine cau ...Amphibians that were exposed to the herbicide Atrazine during larval development were completely chemically castrated and transformed into functional females that were able to reproduce.
- A late-night encounter with TBPD: The ballad of th ...I was returning home to Ybor City when my drunk friend in the passenger seat, whom I was designated-driving, decided that she wanted pizza. Being a Saturday at 2 A.M. in Ybor, parking on the street was scarce. I had already looped around the block once, and was on my second go-round. Suddenly, I se ...
- Hipsters rejoice! Pabst Blue Ribbon bought outPabst Brewing Company finds a buyer and sells for a cool $250 million.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Gourmet in GazaBy Jesse Bacon As a food snob, I immediately think what restaurants are nearby when planning any excursion. Even if its to a beseiged war zone that Israel forbids from rebuilding. So it’s good to hear that if the Israeli government were by some chance let me into Gaza there would be a gourmet resta ...
- Harrowing Update from Family of Ameer MakhoulAmeer Makhoul, Director of Ittijah, a coalition of Palestinian Israeli Community Organizations, was arrested three weeks ago from his home in Haifa.  Makhoul was unable to see his lawyer for the first weeks of his arrest  and now his lawyers and his family, having seen him, assert that he has bee ...
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Bigges ...Everyone is at least a little hypocritical — that’s human nature. But fundamental contradictions are hard to let slide, especially when they are ostensibly made in the name of some moral superiority. And this is exactly what Gideon Levy so eloquently pointed out in his opinion piece in Haaretz, “Boy ...
- Gaza Border Opened after 72 daysFrom Gisha’s Gaza Gateway Amid rumors of tension between the Hamas government and Egypt, on Saturday, May 15, 2010, the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt was opened to the passage of people wishing to enter and exit the Gaza Strip. The border had been closed for 72 days prior to this la ...
- Who’s Who of Banned Israeli VisitorsFrom Right To Enter: At this point, you could have quite the dinner party with the folks Israel leaves out! How do I get on that guest list? UPDATE: Eitan Bronner has an article on the dustup inside Israel over whether it was such a great idea to ban Noam Chomsky, after doing likewise to Jewish Ame ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Clarke and Dawe on Euro debt crisisAnd he only lost a million dollars during the interview, a fine accomplishment indeed. So how do countries that went broke lending money to broke countries find more money to lend them? Of course banksters will have siphoned off most of the money and don’t care if they crater countries in the proce ...
- Obama’s curious inability to confront corporate th ...If the US is in charge of the Gulf oil leak remediation as Obama says, did he also ok the BP’s 16 hr delay in reporting the halt in trying to fix the leak? If so, why? If not, then they lied to him. Obama says he’s in charge but knew nothing about the MMS chief [...]
- YouTube and Politics – Part 3This is the third in a series written by D. J. Mitchell and Susan Cain. Susan has over 100 Muslim and Arab friends on Facebook, from whom she is learning about their religion, their culture, and what it is like to be an average citizen in the countries in which they live. One evening on Facebook, ...
- Cancun mayor arrested on corruption chargesFederal authorities on Wednesday said Sanchez provided information and protection to two feared groups â the Zetas and the Beltran Leyva gang â to help them ply their trade in the region. If so, the rot there is very deep indeed. Don’t think it can’t spread here.
- Dueling Pro-, Anti-War Victories in the Senate18 senators voted in support of an exit timetable, but there were still some notable senators who voted No. And we know why.
- Yediot: Shift in US-Israel policy result of Jewish ...This morning’s Yediot expands on the PMO’s description of how ‘Netanyahu defeated Obama.’ The headline is a little misleading because the article itself describes Democratic fears of losing Jewish funding, not votes, ahead of the November mid-terms. Explanation: Obama needs the Jewish Vote Itamar Ei ...
- Maariv: Netanyahu says Obama foldedThis morning’s (May 27 2010) Maariv runs an extravaganza on a purported change in US-Israel policy, which begins with a huge headline on the front-page — “Netanyahu: I won.” Note emphasis in the translated text below: The shift in policy is explained by Democratic fundraising fears ahead of the Nove ...
- The new frontiers of Israeli diplomacy, ctd.: GPO ...Below is an e-mail sent out today by Israel’s official Government Press Office (GPO) to international correspondents. Unfortunately, I received it without the links and attachments. Funny? Dignified? Professional? We report, you decide. From: Andy Lutterman To: gponews@netvision.net.il Subject: Rest ...
- Maariv: IDF Blackhawk ferries Rahm Emanuel and fam ...Rahm Emanuel is in Israel with his family on a private visit. Yesterday they toured the Golan Heights. Maariv (May 26 2010, page 5) runs a (here and at bottom of post) of his family exiting a military Blackhawk helicopter with a shoulder shot of Rahm inset. Caption: The full Emanuel family exit the ...
- Proposed law will criminalize sex under 16For adults only Zvika Brott, Yediot, May 26 2010 [Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] There is no adolescent who doesn’t wonder about the question when his “first time” will be. A new initiative in the Knesset seeks to put an end to this deliberation, and simply decide for Israeli teenagers ...
Deadline Live
- Offshore oil rig operations linked to drug smuggli ...Thomas Maung Shwe mizzima.com Swiss-American firm Transocean, presently embroiled in the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, did exploratory drilling last autumn in Burmese waters owned by a partnership between a Chinese state-run energy company and a firm owned by Stephen Law, a junta crony alleged by the ...
- Israel’s Gaza PR offensiveWhile boats battle to get through the siege of Gaza, Gazans can eat out in fancy restaurants and have no need of aid. That’s what Israel has been telling journalists, at least. Sherine Tadros picks apart the media campaign. Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Te ...
- This Day In History – May 281774 – The first Continental Congress convenes. 1830 – President Andrew Jackson signs The Indian Removal Act which relocates Native Americans. 1859 – Big Ben is drawn on a carriage pulled by 16 horses from Whitechapel Bell Foundry to the Palace of Westminster. 1863 – The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer ...
- Workers on doomed rig: Corners were cutWASHINGTON — Two workers injured when an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico tell Congress that the companies in charge of the doomed drilling operation cut corners and neglected maintenance in a race toward higher profits. Laborer Stephen Stone told the House Judiciary Committee Thursday that th ...
- Deadline Live – May 26 2010Wednesday – Hour One: Brad Blog’s Brad Friedman Joins Jack for some lively debate on political issues. Hour Two: Free Trade author Ian Fletcher talks with Jack about Free Trade vs. Protectionism. Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | Stumbl ...
The Air Vent
- Much AdoSome have written that skeptics don’t cover sea ice in summer, that’s not how it works here.  Lately, we’ve seen a bit of consternation in the news and on blogs over the rate of drop in Arctic sea ice. As usual it’s nothing scary to me, but if it continues, the headlines are going [...]
- Weather or notI’ve spent an entire week away from blogging now, for the first time since tAV began. It’s been rather nice this week, quiet, no outbursts, nobody to tell me how I’m a lunatic equal to Romm for my views (that I’m aware of). Honestly, I’ve been completely uninspired, spent a weekend with the fa ...
- Simple QuestionWe see from the past post us technical guys like reader kdk33, can pick up on the more obvious flaws of paleoclimate pretty quickly. Honestly there are times when I feel sorry for Mann, his role in history will not be a good one in the long term but it was brought about by an [...]
- Proxy MethodsI was lucky enough to get some time to spend at the ICCC today. Realizing I’m president, I simply left work and drove to Chicago, turns out nobody fired me. I had an amazing conversation with Lucia about her PhD work, which surprisingly enough I had some background in, I met Craig Loehle for the ...
- Supply and Demand in JournalismA few days ago I had a little fun with Grist.Keith Kloor took a bit of exception to it. Keith wrote the following article, which includes your humble host in an unflattering grouping with Romm. Why Climate Journalism is a Rotting Carcass Some quotes for entertainment. So, are you ignoramuses still w ...
Focal Point
- West Bank Rabbi Bans Female Candidates From Local ...The chief rabbi of a West Bank settlement decreed that women are ineligible to run for municipal office because women should only be heard through their husbands : The chief rabbi of a West Bank settlement has prohibited women from standing in a local community election. Rabbi Elyakim Levanon o ...
- 2-Tentacled Ancestor of Squid ID'd By CanucksA pair of Canadian paleontologists say that anigmatic fossilized organism called Nectocaris pteryx (literally "swimming crab with wings") was the great-grandmammy of the modern-day squid, octopus, and cuttlefish: In the Canadian Rockies, a horde of 91 squid-like animals have risen from the dep ...
- Autism/Vaccine Doc Andrew Wakefield Gets the Boot A doctor who touched off a worldwide panic over an alleged link between the MMR vaccine and autism has been barred from practicing medicine over unethical research practices. Britain's General Medical Council struck Wakefield from the medical register on Monday, a sanction analogous to disbarring ...
- New Yorker Repeats False Claim that James O ...Rebecca Mead's New Yorker profile of conservative online media mogul Andrew Breitbart repeats the false claim that his protege, provocateur videographer James O'Keefe, impersonated a pimp to infiltrate the offices of the anti-poverty, pro-voter registration group ACORN. Here's how Mead describes th ...
- Book Review: 'The Golden Spruce'The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed By John Valliant Knopf Canada (2005) � I picked up a copy of John Valliant's "The Golden Spruce" in a gift shop on BC ferry last week, the woman next to me said "It's wonderful, you have to get it." I'd never heard of the book, but I ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook: Changes to Tab Dimensions on Pages Likel ...Last October, when Facebook laid out its Platform Roadmap for the next several months, it announced that the dimensions of custom tabs on Facebook Pages would be changing from 760 pixels wide to 520 pixels wide in “late 2009/early 2010.” As we’ve been covering since, this is a pretty important chang ...
- Zuckerberg on Latest Privacy Issues: No Big Traffi ...Yesterday, Facebook announced and started rolling out simpler user privacy controls. Afterward, I sat down with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to get more of his thoughts on Facebook’s approach to this round of privacy changes. Several of Mark’s comments shed interesting light on the ways Facebook ...
- Facebook Updates Developer Data-Retention Policies ...Until a month ago, developers on Facebook’s platform were not allowed to retain user data for more than 24 hours (even though many did, anyway). Then Facebook said at its f8 developer conference in late April that it would let them store user data indefinitely — provided they continued to follow its ...
- Facebook Emails Advertisers to Reassure Them About ...In case any advertisers on Facebook were concerned that yesterday’s privacy changes could impact them, the company sent out an email to all of them explaining that they’d be unaffected. See the email below. Facebook is worried that advertisers have been troubled by the variety of confusing product ...
- Facebook Acquires “Private Conversations” Site Sha ...On Wednesday San Mateo, Calif.-based startup ShareGrove announced on its web site that it had been acquired by Facebook. ShareGrove also noted that staff would be joining Facebookâs engineering team — this looks like a talent acquisition. ShareGrove offered a variety of social network, allowing ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: House Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't ...truthout: House Votes to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Washington - The House of Representatives voted 234 to... http://bit.ly/cymlSS #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Dilip Hiro | The American Century Is So ...truthout: Dilip Hiro | The American Century Is So Over: Irrespective of their politics, flawed leaders share a ... http://bit.ly/div2Vy #Truthout #p2
- truthout: BP: Obama's Do-Nothing "Root Causes" Com ...truthout: BP: Obama's Do-Nothing "Root Causes" Commission: Obama had this frozen, robotic expression on his fac... http://bit.ly/dxBnNE #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Obama to Suspend Arctic Drilling: Washin ...truthout: Obama to Suspend Arctic Drilling: Washington - The Obama administration Thursday will suspend planned... http://bit.ly/ccGFrS #Truthout #p2
- truthout: What Rand Really Believes: Rand Paul, te ...truthout: What Rand Really Believes: Rand Paul, tea party flavor of the month, is said to be avoiding "overexpo... http://bit.ly/b7flSo #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Gaza humanitarian flotilla versus Israel’s evil na ...Gilad Atzmon argues that whatever way the Israelis decide to respond to the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, the humanitarian aid mission “is a clear signal to Israel that the game is over” and that “all that is left for Israel is to come to terms with its true nature: a shameless racist, murderous and terror ...
- Israel’s bomb out of the shadowsIsrael faces unprecedented pressure to abandon its official policy of “ambiguity” on its possession of nuclear weapons as the international community meets at the United Nations to consider banning such arsenals from the Middle East, Jonathan Cook reports.
- Israeli nuclear espionage: the art of keeping Amer ...Gordon Duff views how Israel and its US spies have been stealing, reverse-engineering and peddling American military secrets and technology.
- Framing Pakistan: how the pro-Israel media enables ...Maidhc Ó Cathail views the media component of India's alliance with Israel. He argues that this affords India a powerful weapon to wage surrogate warfare against Pakistan and enables both Tel Aviv and Delhi to pursue their common objective of destabilizing the nuclear-armed Muslim nation.
- Even picnics in Israel are politicalNeve Gordon describes the growing criminalization in Israel of civil disobedience and the restriction of peaceful resistance to extremely passive modes of protest, such as “standing on the side of the road with some kind of placard”.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Thinking the Unthinkable in the Aftermath of Kanda ...The Battle for Kandahar & The “Perceptions” of American Victory The upcoming campaign for the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar will be the crucial test for the United States’ military and the Obama administration’s AfPak strategy. It will clearly be an epic military battle and a test of the intellectu ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Jamiol Presents
- The Ill-Logic of the U.S. Predator Drone CampaignA Bad Omen for America William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of the law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that! Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last [...]
- The Brazen Turkish LobbyLeading Law Firm Hires Accused Criminal to Head Up New Office in Turkey DLA Piper, one of the world’s largest international law firms, is opening for business in Turkey. According to The Lawyer magazine,”DLA Piper has been targeting Turkey after bringing on board (former Under Secretary of State) Ma ...
Afro Spear
- Protecting The Rights Of RacistsI think HBO comedian, political commentator, and talk show host Bill Maher said it best. Mr. Maher said that conservative Libertarian candidate Rand Paul is the equivalent of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin if she could make it through medical school. In an interview on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show ...
- The Culture and Language of the Gullah-Geechee Bla ...It’s very interesting how some black folks in America are bi-lingual and don’t know it. Many, if not most of us speak a second language that’s not classified as such, generally speaking. For certain people, the way blacks in America speak is considered sub-standard english, or just ignorance on d ...
- Musical Medicine From the D P
- Project Prevention: Is this a form of eugenics?I saw an interview with Barbara Harris of Project Prevention on BBC HARDtalk. Her organization offers cash incentives to women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to use long-term or permanent birth control. See part of that interview here. Controversial issue no doubt. Also see her interview ...
- Shirley Chisholm, Unbought and UnbossedDuring Hillary Clinton‘s campaign for president of the United States, many asked the question, Is America ready for a woman president? Well, the question was already asked, and by a bold, confident, beautiful black woman! Back in the day, before the Obama era, Sister Shirley Chisholm dared to run ...
Expose the BNP
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Journalists expose ‘murky world’ of far rightLeading anti-fascist journalists last week gave a fascinating insight into the “murky and disturbing world of far right politics”. Nick Griffin’s biographer Dominic Carman and photojournalist Marc Vallée shed light on the violent and antidemocratic core of the BNP and the English Defence League. A s ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on FoxSEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
- Earth Day 2010Take Initiative! earth day SEN encourages you to take the Clinton Foundation’s climate change quiz and tell your friends to do it too! For every person who takes the quiz by April 22 – Earth Day, $2 will automatically be donated to purchase solar flashlights for victims of the Haiti earthquake. When ...
If Americans Knew
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
David J. Gregory
- Time is short…"It doesn't take DNA to make a dad," she said. He was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, a brittle bone disease.
- I need your help….This a contest that Advance America is running, they are a payday advance business, which unfortunately, I’v been dealing with since the beginning of the year. I had anticipated ending our relationship when my income tax return. Social Security confiscated that money because they said they had overp ...
- Rate the link within this post, thanksPlease consider rating this page to help me out, thanks Dave Please rate the page below and forward it to your friends… There is also a link on this page to enter a daily contest for $100.00 prize. http://www.americadeservesaraise.com/nomination/rebekahs_dad Most people have a future while others on ...
- Regaining our Rights, one step at a time..When good people do nothing, they get something, but it’s not good! The people in government who are out of the pockets of Corporate America are demonstrating their steps to take away our freedoms, so they will have an easier time engaging in WAR. They create an atmosphere of fear in order to have a ...
- Oil Rig in Gulf pictures, Last momentsEveryone now knows of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig which caught fire, burned for two days, and then sank in 5,000 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are still 11 men missing, and they are not expected to be found. Here are some details that you may not have seen or heard [...]
Unsuitable Blog
- Climbing The Dark MountainAt the crack of dawn tomorrow (Friday 28th May) I leave for Wales; taking a bus into Edinburgh, a train to Crewe, another train to Chester, yet another train to Ruabon, and finally a bus to Llangollen. More civilised people might consider this to be a slightly excessive response to not wishing to d ...
- How To Sue An Oil Company (from The Washington Pos ...I have very little faith in any of the instruments of civilised society; but when you are faced with something like the BP Deepwater Oil Tide⢠then a combination of both civilised and uncivilised activities may well be the best course of action – if only to allow one to mask the other… How to sue ...
- Joss Garman Shows The Tragedy of Going MainstreamTake a look at the video above. On the right is a person who has the guts to appear on the BBC and say, without embarrassment or political correctness, that people just need to stop flying so much. The Plane Stupid representative’s comments are brilliantly amplified by Jeremy Paxman’s priceless que ...
- Green Youth Movement: The Frightening Face of Youn ...An impending sense of dispair tends to fall over me when I open my mailbox in the morning. Alongside the genuine spam comes a pile of cut-and-paste guff that spews from the keyboards of public relations firms who have been paid a few bucks to send out sycophantic press releases on behalf of their c ...
- Monthly Undermining Task, May 2010: Mind Your Lang ...Libraries gave us power Then work came and made us free But what price now for a shallow piece of dignity - A Design for Life, Manic Street Preachers Could these be the most ironic lines ever written, or just a dumb piece of worthy lyricism? Take them apart and any scholar of European history will ...
Subalternate Reality
- Ex-Muslim Ergun Caner Is A FraudErgun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive. A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for ...
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
- Exploring The Idea Of The “Intolerant Muslim”In his column today, the New York Times Ross Douthat takes Comedy Central and others to task for censoring depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. Douthat sees a double standard afoot, pointing out that while our sensibilities are routinely satirized, “Islam is just about the only place where we draw a ...
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
- Galbraith: 2nd Stimulus NeededUniversity of Texas economics professor James Galbraith appeared on Al Jazeera today to discuss his vision for economic recovery. The first priority, said Galbraith, is to fill state budget gaps. While the concern over of the growing deficit and the national debt is important, ultimately, “unless ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Contrasting Boston Neighborhoods for Virtual Stree ...Things have started to kick into gear for Virtual Street Corners , my project that will connect the Boston towns of Brookline and Roxbury by live 24-hour video connection. At this point the most time-consuming task is community organizing as we create excitement for the project and identify groups w ...
- Sourcemap Makes Data Visualizations TransparentYesterday colleagues of mine at MIT were brainstorming plenaries for an upcoming media conference. Data visualization came up, but each of us grumbled. "Overdone," one of us said, to nodding heads. We'd done a session on that at every one of our conferences and forums, as had others at theirs. Data ...
- Our Friends Become Curators of Twitter-Based NewsI like to listen before I talk. Which means that during my morning routine I read before I write. But where to turn and what to read? One of the most oft-repeated statements I heard at conferences last year: "our problem isn't information overload, it's crappy filters." In other words, we shouldn ...
- SochiReporter Helps Transform Sochi in Preparation ...I recently spoke with a friend of mine here in Sochi, Russia. She is a specialist in modernizing the technological infrastructure of sanatoriums, which were the places where lucky Soviet working class heroes would be sent to rest and relax. (Think of them as health spas.) It's a challenge to tran ...
- The (Unrealized) Potential of Mobile Phones in Cit ...I had the pleasure of attending� the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Santiago, Chile �earlier this month. The summit brought together bloggers, activists, and thinkers working to advance citizen media all around the world. While the discussions that took place were informative, most presentati ...
Cutting Edge News
- Edge on International Finance - The Fabulous Life ...Since the mid-90s, the so-called vulture funds have been suing poor countries so that they would fully pay back their debts which they had purchased for pennies on the dollar. In this way, the vulture funds frequently manage to exacerbate the economic situation in the poor countries, most of which a ...
- Iran's Nukes - Turkey and Brazil: Iran Supporters ...At the time the “P 5 + 1” members of the United Nations Security Council were about to agree on sanctions against Iran, news of a a deal a 10-point deal reached between Brazil, Turkey, and Iran emerged. As the idea of sanctions against Iran aims precisely at preventing Iran from further enriching ur ...
- Inside the Eurozone - Leaving the Euro: An Exit St ...Rumors of the imminent collapse of the eurozone continue to swirl despite the Europeans’ best efforts to hold the currency union together. Some accounts in the financial world have even suggested that Germany’s frustration with the crisis could cause Berlin to quit the eurozone — as soon as this pas ...
- After the Holocaust - Brown Defends Right to Seek ...California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. filed a brief in the U.S. Supreme Court on May 17 in support of a Connecticut woman who seeks the return of a pair of nearly 500-year-old paintings looted by the Nazis during World War II, kept for a time in the estate of Nazi leader Hermann Göring, an ...
- Inside Islam - How Much Female Genital Mutilation ...Take two of the most combustible issues of our time, feminism and Islam. Mix. Shake. Pour. Duck. This is more or less what happened last week when the bioethics committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics revised its long-standing opposition to female genital mutilation. Up to now, the AAP’s pos ...
High Country News
- We need a new Civilian Conservation CorpsWhy not use the talents of unemployed photographers and other artistic types in a kind of Creative Conservation Corps?
- Here's to a water czar with the unlikely name of C ...The late "Chips" Barry, executive director of Denver Water Board, changed that formidable institution for the best.
- In the belly of the whaleTrash is filling up our oceans, even ending up inside whales.
- What lies beneath?The likable characters in the three novellas in Jim Harrison's The Farmer's Daughter are all confronted by loneliness and brutality.
- Birding, fast and slowIf Pepper Trail's Birdathon team had a theme song, it would be "Bat out of Hell."
- Tribute To The People Of GazaBy Mairead Maguire Where is the hope? Where is the love in the midst of such suffering and injustice? The international community has all but failed in its duty of care and seems unwilling or unable to take a stand against Israeli brutality but thankfully there are those who still refuse to stands ...
- Zionists Cant Stop Freedom FlotillaBy Ismail Patel Friends of Al Aqsa, UK, is determined to participate in an expedition that aims to reach Gaza by sea despite Israeli threats
- Break The Israeli Siege Of Gaza or Attack At sea, ...By Ann Wright Wish us luck as we challenge the Israeli, Egyptian, European Union and United States unlawful siege and collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza! What will you do to help break the siege of Gaza?
- Move To Gaza, Where The Living Is EasyBy Lisa Goldman According to the Israeli government, life in Gaza is pretty luxurious. On the same morning that the air force bombed Gaza, wounding 22 people (who were probably all Hamas voters, which means they totally deserved whatever happened to them), the army, the Government Press Office (GPO ...
- Ameer Makhouls Arrest Is An Assault On All Palesti ...By Janan Abdu & Issam Makhoul The fact is that Ameer Makhoul does not belong to any specific political party. Rather, he reserves for himself an independent position, which is a clear indication that the main target of this attack is the Arab Palestinian public and their leadership, their rights an ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- The Next Step: Responsibility and ReconciliationLast week was filled with interviews where myself and, at times, another member of the company I deployed with, talked to as many people as we could about the Collateral Murder video, focusing on three points. 1. The video, in context, is not a case of soldiers breaking from the system 2. With the t ...
- OPPORTUNITY TO HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFGHANISTANAn amazing opportunity is available for communities across the country: The videos from Our Journey to Smile which I’ve been posting on here have been compiled into one long film. On 3/27 at 9pm (est), we will be showing the film along with others groups across the US. Additionally, we will be live ...
- The Ink PeopleLast week, my friend from Eureka, CA, Dave Berman informed me that the community organization where Conor and I spoke on Halloween night was hit by a 6.5 earthquake. The Ink People are, as Dave said, ” limping along”: They are “only able to find temporary space for some admin work and a few of its ...
- You might just find that you get what you needThroughout these intense past few years, there have been times when I have nearly lost any kind of faith. Sometimes what I was seeing on a day to day basis looked far to ugly for there to be a God. Though questions still abound, I understand that sometimes it takes the worst kind of suffering to [.. ...
- Dangerous gatherings in Afghanistan!
Yid With Lid
- COVER UP? Sestak's Brother/Political Adviser Talke ...At today's presser, President Obama refused to say Thursday whether his White House offered a job to Representative Joe Sestak: “There will be an official response shortly on the Sestak issue, which I hope will answer your questions,” Mr. Obama told reporters at a White House news conference. “I c ...
- Once Again Charlie Christ Leaves His Scruples At t ...Charlie Crist has no scruples. The Florida Governor who pulled an Arlen Specter and left the GOP when it it was apparent that he would lose his party's nomination, once again shows that his politics are based on which way the wind blows. As recently as Monday, Crist told reporters that the cur ...
- Obama's Time For A Learning Curve Has Already Pass ...By Barry Rubin A well-connected and experienced policymaking friend mentioned in passing the question of whether the Obama Administration is still engaged in a "learning curve" that might bring about change. This is precisely what I expected to happen in late 2009. The only question wa ...
- Obama's Counterterror Adviser Brennan Says "Jihad ...If you want to know what is wrong with the United States Counter-Terrorism efforts you need not go any further than this statement made by Obama's Counter-Terrorism adviser John Brennan last night during a speech at Center for Strategic and International Studies,when he said (see video below) that " ...
- UH-OH, Joe Biden, The SCHMOTUS Has Lost All Touch ...UH-OH, it looks like Joe Biden, The Schmo of the United States (SCHMOTUS) is losing all touch with reality. On Wednesday , the SCHMOTUS along with Melody Barnes, White House Domestic Policy Council director hosted a roundtable discussion� to promote legislation that would extend funding the job sub ...
The Real Agenda
- Ten Things Dirtier than BP’s Oil SpillDaniela Perdomo, Alter Net It’s been 37 days since BP’s offshore oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then, crude oil has been hemorrhaging into ocean waters and wreaking unknown havoc on our ecosystem — unknown because there is no accurate estimate of how many barrels o ...
- Funcionario de BP se niega a declarar en audiencia ...Uno de los “hombres de BPâ que se encontraban en la plataforma Deepwater Horizon antes de la explosión decidió no declarar en una de las audiencias que se celebra en el marco de la investigación llevada a cabo después del desastre. Robert Kaluza “se negó a testificar ante un panel federal qu ...
- Link between tanning beds, melanoma grows strongerPeople who have ever used tanning machines were 74% more likely to develop melanoma than others, according to a study of 2,268 patients reported today in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
- Europe Bailout Designed To Destroy Global EconomyInfowars.net A secret exit clause written into the trillion dollar European bailout agreement will ensure the creation of more debt in Europe, worsening the global economy, decimating nation states and allowing power to be consolidated into fewer super-elite hands. As the Financial Times reports tod ...
- BP’s Robert Kaluza pleads fifth amendment to ...Robert Kaluza "declined to testify in front of a federal panel investigating the deadly oil rig blowout," reports the Miami Herald. Kaluza told the U.S Coast Guard he was invoking his constitutional right to avoid self-incrimination.
Wind Watch
- Planners say wind farm is too noisy; Commission gi ...After hours of testimony and months of deliberation and delay, the Morrow County Planning Commission decided the Willow Creek wind farm is in violation of state noise standards at nearby homes. Like every development in the case so far, however, the commission’s vote was not simple. While first del ...
- As wind power booms, so do the challengesCENTERVILLE, Klickitat County â Along the ridge-top flanks of the Columbia River, hundreds upon hundreds of wind turbines rise from wheat fields and sagebrush. On a blustery spring day, these turbines can crank out more than twice the power of the Northwest’s sole nuclear power plant. Then, on hot ...
- Wind turbines not silentKa-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. That’s how it sounds in Ed and Gail Kenney’s home when the wind is blowing on Wolfe Island where they have 86 turbines as neighbours. Completed last summer, the Wolfe Island EcoPower Centre can generate 198 megawatts of electricity, enough to power about 75,000 homes pe ...
- Radar Ridge: PUD balksThe Grays Harbor PUD will not move forward with the proposed Radar Ridge wind energy project in Pacific County and won’t fund additional environmental reviews that could delay or doom the effort, commissioners decided on Monday. Echoing earlier skepticism that the project’s permits will ever be iss ...
- Hood River County says no to wind farmA controversial plan to build a county owned wind farm near Hood River is dead. County officials came up with the idea as way to make up for falling revenues from timber sales. But many people in the area were opposed, saying it would ruin scenic views, lower property values, and cause problems for ...
Not My Tribe
- Get behind our soldiers or get in frontFor Memorial Day we’ve got a Stryker Brigade in Southern Afghanistan answering charges for executing civilians and beating comrades who objected. So much for supporting your fellow soldier, why must we? So long as they aren’t wearing Nazi armbands we’re behind them.
- Does Israel’s STAND WITH US stand against hu ...Here’s an opportunity to get around the usual US media black out of sympathy-for-Palestinian activism. Tell American members of Stand With Us, the Israeli outreach group on American college campuses, not to stand against the relief convoy which is trying defy Israel’s naval blockade to bring humanit ...
- Forget worrying if gulf spill is Obama’s Kat ...President Obama let America know at a press conference today that he OWNS this Katrina. BP’s failure is his failure. BP’s lie is now superseded by a minimalization of his own. More bad news about attempts to halt it, nevermind, the Federal Government’s in charge. What does it mean to say the buck st ...
- Flow of oil into Gulf “more than was reporte ...What a news flash! except the reports have an ugly habit of adding another digit to the estimated flow. That multiplies by TEN. And this is today’s report. Meanwhile, the head of MMS, the “Mineral extraction lease” division of Bureau of Land Management/Department of the Interior was sacked. For what ...
- Alfred Lownstein and Carrion Fowl CapitalWe got our satellite TV today, and on History International there’s “History’s Mysteries”. War Profiteer/Wall Street Weasel (ok, so the European version thereof) financier Lownstein is flying across the English Channel. End of life history is he’s reported to go to the bathroom in his private plane ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- Molten Steel in the Rubble of the World Trade Cent ...The picture here shows superheated Molten Steel being pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Centre buildings weeks after the collapses. We know this is steel because other materials such as copper or aluminium exhibiting a yellow or near white colour would be completely liquid. The melting poi ...
- More Discrediting by AssociationPat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog asks the rhetorical question " How Indeed Could We Think of the Truthers As Kooks and Weirdos ;" pointing to these articles posted on 911blogger.com yesterday. An anonymous commenter on Pat's blog first made note that above the 911blogger post in question ...
- Bin Laden "Living Comfortably in Iran"Is there a country you want to invade? Can't get those pesky free-thinking citizens to agree? No problem, we've got just the thing to you! It's called Feathered Cocaine - The Bogeyman Reviver! Guaranteed to resurrect your favourite long-dead , face-changing , ex-CIA asset ... or your money back!
- NORAD and NORTHCOM proudly display their tokenThis is so sickening ... NORAD, U.S. NORTHCOM dedicate 9/11 memorial http://www.afspc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123206005 The North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command commemorated a new 9/11 memorial during a ceremony at the commands' headquarters May 18. The memorial, f ...
- 9/11 - Ground Zero Molten Metal ConfirmedJeff Hill - shure911 YouTube.com May 27, 2010 Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog says : "Here's a clue for Jeff: Molten metal does not equal molten steel." Here's a clue for Pat: This does equal molten steel. Related Info: The Un-Debunkable Molten Metal
- Snack Bar Smackdown: Clif vs. LaraYesterday we compared Kellogg’s Fiber Pus to Larabar. Despite the high amount of fiber in Kellogg’s bars, the clear nutrition winner was Larabar, with a short, understandable ingredient list and no added sugar. Many readers asked about Clif bars, so here today is a comparison between Clif Banana Nu ...
- Comparing Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Bar to LaraBar [Ins ...The healthy snackbar segment is huge and growing. It seems that manufacturers have figured out a way to dress up candy bars as healthy, and fill our craving for an anytime, anywhere treat. To be fair, there are many decent products out there, but some are not much more than glorified Snickers or Tw ...
- Eating Healthy. But Only Half the TimeDid you know that for every dollar we Americans spend on food, about 50 cents go to grub consumed outside the home? That’s right, half of our eating money is spent in restaurants, fast food chains, coffee shops, airport and mall food courts, etc… So even if you are vigilant at the supermarket about ...
- Study: Organic Not More Nutritious. So What!The organic and conventional food camps have another new study to argue over. This one is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: A “disappointingly small” number of well-designed studies have looked at whether organic foods may have health benefits beyond their conventional coun ...
- How VitaminWater XXX Uses its Ingredient List to M ...Ever enterprising beverage marketers will persuade normally rational people to buy colored sugar water for personal consumption, convincing them that said liquid is gloriously rich in health benefits and in some cases also uber-hip. Vitamin Water XXX is a classic example. Named for its “triple antio ...
- 3 Ways to Ensure Internet Marketing Continues to W ...This is a guest post by Susan White Gone are the days when Internet marketing was perceived as the bold, new and innovative way to market and publicize your products and services. Today, email marketing and other forms of pushing your products on the web are passé. The Internet is growing faster th ...
- Cloud Living Now Available From Glen AllsoppOne of my friends has just launched a new product that I think may be of interest to many Traffikd readers. Glen Allsopp has written an e-book, Cloud Living , based on his experiences from making a five-figure monthly income from his websites. Cloud Living is actually more than an e-book, it i ...
- 5 Reasons New Bloggers Should Use Niche Social Med ...I've been talking to some new bloggers recently and I've been asked questions about how they should work on growing their blog, increasing subscribers, and getting more visitors. Most bloggers know about the potential impact of social media and some even spend considerable amounts of time on sites l ...
- Blog Design ShowcaseThe typical post topics covered here involve topics related to social media marketing or blogging . One way to increase traffic to your site is to use an attractive design that will draw a lot of attention. Web design galleries and showcase blog posts like this one send considerable amounts of visit ...
- 10 Reasons to Be a Freelance BloggerI talk to a lot of people on a regular basis who want to make money with the internet, and blogging is often the preferred method. While it is certainly possible to earn a living with your own blog, it's a lot more work than most people anticipate, and the percentage of bloggers who stick with it lo ...
- A conversationTo E. I have lots of questions about relationships. We all have. One of the questions I have is about how I often feel that I want to give more affection to other people than they want to receive. Do you want something from the other? Yes. So what do you want when you give more affection than ...
- Science - no fictionDuring the past two years or so, I’ve been reading in parallel two kinds of books. One was rather metaphysical (mainly Florian Tathagata’s trilogy, “Being”, “Given” and “Space”) and the other one popular medicine (e.g. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s “My stroke of insight” and Norman Doidge’s “The brain tha ...
- The myth of one and only truthThe more one thinks about it, the more difficult it becomes to believe in the existence of one and only truth. From an early age, however, we learn that there is an all-elusive transcendental truth, to which we have no access. Only, this is a myth. I think that this myth was created by the various ...
- The "green meme"In his version of Spiral Dynamics, Ken Wilber takes up the notion of meme, which was first introduced by Richard Dawkins. Memes, in his context, correspond to levels of consciousness and every level builds on the adoptations of previous ones. Therefore, each level transcends its predecessors, encomp ...
- Mirror wisdom and other kindsLet's pay attention to the internal process that leads to the adoptation of the green meme or the discarding of the myth of one and only truth. We'll do it through a well-known symbol: the mirror. To begin with, one could say: "the mirror is vacant". True, the mirror is vacant, it includes nothing ...
Survival International
- Obama urged to protect uncontacted tribes from oil ...Crossed spears left by uncontacted Indians threatened by an oil pipeline © Marek Wolodzko/AIDESEP President Obama has been urged to help protect Peru’s uncontacted tribes when he meets with Peruvian president Alan Garcia on 1 June. Survival has written to President Obama highlighting the ...
- Vedanta Resources' head abandons talk after Surviv ...Survival has been demonstrating against Vedanta Resources for several years © Survival FTSE 100 mining company Vedanta Resources’ billionaire owner Anil Agarwal has pulled out of a London conference, where he was due to speak, after Survival announced plans to demonstrate outside. According t ...
- Indians warn of war against Amazon mega-damKayapó dance at an anti-dam protest in 2006 © T Turner Kayapó Indian leader Raoni Metuktire arrived in Europe last week and has appealed for support for his tribe, which is campaigning against the Belo Monte dam on the Xingu river in the Brazilian Amazon. Raoni said, ‘I have always prevented ...
- Amazon mega-dams endanger uncontacted Indians The Pirahã tribe will be affected by the Madeira river dams. © Clive W. Dennis/Survival Two mega-dams being constructed in the Brazilian Amazon threaten to devastate several groups of uncontacted Indians. The Santo Antônio and Jirau dams are being built on the Madeira River, next to the territo ...
- Blood samples return to Amazon IndiansYanomami, Demini, Brazil © Fiona Watson/Survival Research centers in the United States are to return thousands of blood samples of Yanomami Indians to the tribe. Five research centers which have possessed the frozen Yanomami blood for decades have agreed to a proposal by the Brazilian governme ...
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To Do
WiredPRNews.com (press release)
- May 28, 2010
- 2 hours ago
Dallas, Texas (WiredPRNews.com) – Former President George W. Bush recently promoted the use of renewable energy at a convention in Dallas. ...
- May 28, 2010
- 29 minutes ago
LCG, May 28, 2010--Tucson Electric Power (TEP) announced yesterday that it submitted power purchase agreements (PPA's) for a collection of renewable energy ...
Charlotte Business Journal (blog)
- May 28, 2010
- 2 hours ago
How much are we willing to pay to encourage local development of solar and other renewable industries? Some advocates are looking at the possibility of a ...
- May 27, 2010
- 13 hours ago
In response, India is aggressively developing renewable power sources such as solar energy and wind power. It's also invested in biomass power generation, ...
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Human Habitat
- May 27, 2010
- 21 hours ago
At a meeting with government officials and ecologists near Moscow, Medvedev, who rarely criticizes the prime minister, said Putin's decision to reopen the ...
- May 28, 2010
- 5 hours ago
The Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission voted 11-0 on Thursday to add the protection for the Lake Maumelle watershed. ...
Comtex Smartrend
- May 28, 2010
- 2 hours ago
By Chip Brian SmarTrend has detected shares of American Ecology (NASDAQ:ECOL) have bearishly opened below the pivot of $14.29 today and have reached the ...
Access Washington
- May 28, 2010
- 17 minutes ago
OLYMPIA – An Olympia-based mushroom farm received an $88000 penalty from the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) for ongoing wastewater discharges ...
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Water Power
Kansas City Star
- May 28, 2010
- 8 hours ago
By JOHN ELLIS For the second time in nine days, a federal judge in Fresno has handed a victory to urban and agricultural water users who are seeking to ...
BBC News
- May 28, 2010
- 4 hours ago
Lower than expected rainfall over the past year boosted the water quality of North East bathing beaches, the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) said. ...
- May 27, 2010
- 12 hours ago
American Water Works Co. Inc. said Thursday that its financing unit closed a $25 million bond offering. The company said its American Water Capital Corp. ...
ABC News
- May 28, 2010
- 40 minutes ago
On Day 35 of the Gulf oil spill, I traveled with the ABC News dive team in the Gulf of Mexico as the doctor on board, reporting on the Deepwater Horizon oil ...