Thursday's inconclusive election resulted in the first hung Parliament in the U.K. since 1974.
Oil leak threatens bird sanctuary
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
The Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers. Oil started flowing from the leak two days later, at a rate of about 795,000 litres of crude a day.
As of Sunday, about 13.25 million litres had poured into the sea, or about a third of the 41.64 million litres spilled in the Exxon Valdez disaster.
CBCNews.ca coverage
- IN DEPTH: Oil spills — How they're cleaned up
- IN DEPTH: The environment — What's at stake
- Oil containment dome being lowered at Gulf site
- Dome on way to oil leak site
- BP readies dome to contain oil leak
- Oil spill cleanup eased by calm weather
- BP vows to pay all costs of oil spill cleanup
- Offshore spill won't happen to Canada: PM
- Gulf oil spill fuels West Coast tanker fears
- Obama promises to clean up Gulf oil spill
- Oil spill possibly much worse than thought
- BP downplayed oil-rig disaster risk
- Obama halts new offshore drilling leases
- Oil spill raises Arctic offshore drilling concerns
- Massive oil spill hits U.S. coast
- Gulf oil burn method has Newfoundland roots
- BP to tackle Gulf oil spill with relief well
- Gulf of Mexico oil cleanup continues
- Robot subs trying to stop Gulf oil leak
- Oil rig wreck leaks into Gulf of Mexico
- Coast guard calls off search for oil rig workers
- Crews rush to clean up massive oil spill
- Oil rig sinks off Louisiana coast
- Oil rig explodes off Louisiana coast
- AUDIO: The Current
- Critics say the spill illustrates the dangers of trying to exploit oil reserves in areas that are increasingly difficult to reach.
- AUDIO: Gulf oil spill
- How this latest incident compares to the Exxon Valdez disaster
Your Voice
- Your assignment
- Are you affected by the oil spill? Send us your photos, videos and reports
How to help (external links)
- U.S. National Wildlife Federation
- Accepting donations of time or money for the cleanup effort
- Greater New Orleans Foundation
- New Orleans-area organization has a Gulf Coast oil spill fund
- Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research
- Working to rehabilitate birds, especially after oil spills
Deep drilling starts off Newfoundland
At more than 2.5 kilometres underwater, the Lona O-55 prospect will set a record for Canadian offshore drilling, according to Chevron's website.
UQÀM staff denounce 9/11 Truthers speech
Syrian held for 8 years sues government
( Denying Due Process to Any Facilitates Denying Due Process to All )
Khadr hearing kicks out 3 Canadian reporters
Breached a ban on identifying an interrogator.
That's despite the fact the man's name has been widely available through a previous prosecution and conviction for detainee abuse.
That's despite the fact the man's name has been widely available through a previous prosecution and conviction for detainee abuse.
( Sadism is not interrogation. Convicted of improperly getting his jollies by inflicting pain on the defenceless : control/domination issues. Some impartial witness. )
RCMP unveil new stun gun rules
Officers have also been ordered not to shock someone for more than five seconds and to avoid multiple deployments. But the policy says this rule can be amended if "situational factors dictate otherwise."
The RCMP changes come in response to the B.C. inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, new Alberta guidelines and persistent criticism from human-rights advocates that the Taser was often being used to make people obey police commands, not to defuse the most serious threats.
Funding OK'd for rural broadband internet
The federal government plans to expand broadband internet access to several rural and remote locations across the country, Industry Minister Tony Clement announced Sunday.
Fifty-two projects are "conditionally approved" to receive funding of $76.7 million, Clement told reporters in Mississauga, Ont.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/05/09/rural-canada-broadband-internet.html?ref=rss#ixzz0nXE9lN8u
An Ottawa-based aid organization that supports women's rights in the developing world has had all its federal funding cut.Fifty-two projects are "conditionally approved" to receive funding of $76.7 million, Clement told reporters in Mississauga, Ont.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/05/09/rural-canada-broadband-internet.html?ref=rss#ixzz0nXE9lN8u
Women's aid group loses federal funding
Match International has relied on government funding for 34 years to support programs that help women gain leadership skills and start their own businesses in countries such as Ghana, Mali and Tanzania. The group also works to prevent violence against women and female genital mutilation.
The non-profit organization has been getting about $400,000 a year — about 75 per cent of its budget — from the federal Canadian International Development Agency. The rest comes largely from charitable donations.
Mexico Rejects US Beef as Unsafe
Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control
Two Missouri farmers sued Bayer for contaminating their crop with modified genes from an experimental strain of rice engineered to be resistant to the company's Liberty-brand herbicide.
in addition to contaminating their fields, Bayer further harmed them financially by undermining their export market. When the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the widespread rice contamination, important export markets were closed to U.S. producers. A report from Greenpeace International estimates the financial damage of the contamination at between $741 million and $1.3 billion.
Bayer claimed that there was no possible way it could have prevented the contamination, insisting that it followed not only the law but also the best industry practices.
Sources for this story include: www.organicconsumers.org; www.bloomberg.com.