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IPS - Inter Press Services
- RiGHTS: Villagers Pay Dearly for India’s War ...LALGARH, West Bengal, India, May 14 (IPS) - Almost a year on, Dipali Sahu still recalls with horror the day an operation by the policemen and paramilitary troopers began here in June last year to take back control of the vast swathes of eastern India captured by the Maoist rebels.
- Treaty Aimed at Banning Nukes Remains GroundedUNITED NATIONS, May 13 (IPS) - The world's anti-war activists, including parliamentarians, civil society groups and diplomats, have succeeded in creating international treaties to ban a wide array of deadly weapons: anti-personnel landmines, blinding laser weapons, cluster munitions, dum-dum ...
- Obama, Karzai Still Split on Peace Talks with Tali ...WASHINGTON, May 13 (IPS) - U.S. President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai sought to portray a united front on the issue of a political settlement with the Taliban in their joint press conference Wednesday. But their comments underlined the deep rift that divides Karzai and the ...
- UGANDA: U.S. Congress Clears Anti-LRA BillWASHINGTON, May 13 (IPS) - The U.S. Congress has cleared legislation requiring President Barack Obama to devise a strategy over the next six months to help capture the leadership of the Lord's Revolutionary Army (LRA) and protect the civilian population in four eastern and central African co ...
- SPAIN: Baltasar Garzón's Trial Threatens "Universa ...MADRID, May 13 (IPS) - The trial of Spain's "superjudge" Baltasar Garzón is aimed at squelching the principle of universal justice by suspending its main advocate, Dolores Delgado, a prosecutor at the Audiencia Nacional, Spain's highest criminal court, told IPS.
Scoop - NZ
- JOHN KEY: Joke? Or deliberate insult?John Key's recent 'joke' is insulting and quite distasteful. It appears to be part of a recent continuing pattern by this government. I'd hazard a guess that they're worried about polling numbers amongst their own voters, and getting some interesting blowback from their members at recent regional c ...
- EU: budget primacy over sovereign parliamentsPremier Jose Luis Zapatero told a stunned nation that public sector pay will be reduced by 5pc this year and frozen in 2011. "We must make an extraordinary effort," he said. Pension rises will be shelved. The country's a4¬2,500 baby bonus will be cancelled. Aid to the regions will be slashed and i ...
- PM makes Tuhoe cannibal jokePrime Minister John Key has joked about Tuhoe being cannibals during a speech to a tourism audience in Auckland. Mr Key angered Tuhoe this week when he ruled out the return of the Urewera National Park as part of the iwi's proposed treaty settlement. The row has dogged the Prime Minister all week, ...
- Video: Gulf Oil SlickVideo is from Alabama resident John Wathen as a volunteer pilot flew him over the area where the oil rig sank. Officials have stopped guessing at the amount of oil leaking although some speculate it may be closer to 1 million gallons per day. Don't let BP spin this into something trivial. "It's no ...
- Lufthansa joins the aviation biofuel raceLufthansa joins the race for an emissions friendly biofuel for jets in the lead up to 2012 tax on aviation emissions ��� PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
- Pirates release tanker after ransom paidA UK-flagged tanker seized by Somali pirates has been released after a ransom was paid, it was announced today.
- Afghanistan heads agenda for Hague in USWilliam Hague will hold talks in Washington today on his first overseas visit after being appointed Foreign Secretary in the new coalition government.
- Troops battle Red Shirts protesters as crisis deep ...Thai troops battled anti-government protesters in central Bangkok today attempting to seal off their encampment after an assassination attempt on a renegade general unleashed a new wave of violence.
- Thai troops battle protesters as crisis deepensThai troops battled anti-government protesters in central Bangkok today, attempting to seal off their encampment after an assassination attempt on a renegade general unleashed a new wave of violence.
- Troops advance on Red Shirts protestersThai troops fired tear gas and rubber bullets towards protesters today following overnight fighting that killed one and wounded 11, including a rogue general, as a two-month political crisis deepened.
Rogue Government.com
- Gold ATMs - First In Abu Dhabi, Soon Everywhere: ...Just in case you are worried that all those gold coins you have buried in your back yard will never be accepted as (il)legal tender, here comes Abu Dhabi with a gold ATM machine, making gold-based "currency" transactions one step closer.
- Portugal Issues Crisis Tax
- Bank of England: U.S. Faces Same Problems As Gree ...
- Russian Generals Want Their Space Based Weapons T ...Weeks after the Air Force launched the X-37B reusable space plane on a classified mission and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a hypersonic glider over the Pacific , the Russians are looking at their own inventory of space weaponry — and are worrying of a serious lag behind th ...
- U.S. Probes Morgan Stanley U.S. prosecutors are investigating whether Morgan Stanley misled investors about mortgage-derivatives deals it helped design and sometimes bet against, people familiar with the matter said, in a step that intensifies Washington's scrutiny of Wall Street in the wake of the financial crisis.
Innovation Canada
- Project waste waterLast fall, they were just four guys with an assignment to complete as part of their final year of chemical engineering studies at Toronto’s Ryerson University. This spring, they are the award-winning designers of a new process for treating waste water that could be used to remove a number of hazardo ...
- A symphony of scienceWords such as “laboratory” and “experiment” conjure up white-coated scientists mixing chemicals to better understand diseases like cancer or environmental challenges like energy consumption. We don’t usually picture a pianist, a playwright, a dancer or an acoustical engineer. When artists experiment ...
- The amazing ‘sensorium suite’ of Dr. Houston“All the world’s a stage,” William Shakespeare famously wrote. And while Shakespeare’s plays are still performed in premier concert halls and on festival stages, Andrew Houston, an associate professor of drama at the University of Waterloo, is taking his theatre of sound out into the world. “Often, ...
- Butterflies in the borealWhen biologist Jeremy Kerr needs a sentinel to demonstrate the effects of climate change, he looks no further than the eastern tailed blue butterfly (Cupido comyntas). That’s because the eastern tailed blue, like other butterfly species Kerr and his students at the University of Ottawa track, has be ...
- Hip-hop storytellers
Signs of the times
- In the shadow of the volcano, where day becomes ni ...With thick rubber boots and protective masks covering their mouths and noses, two young girls play amid the carpet of ash that covers everything in the Icelandic region of Eyjafjoll. Their tights and clothes are covered in the fine black powder, but they certainly seem to be enjoying their late-nig ...
- Times Square Bombing Part of CIA False Flag Agains ...By Unattributed Intelligence Sources for Veterans Today Foreword by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today realized some time ago that Pakistan would be the key to US security. Toward that end, we formed a partnership with Opinion-Maker (www.opinion-maker.org), one of the most influential publ ...
- The Financial Oligarchy Reigns: Democracy's Death ...As the Economic Elite continue their plunder, the people in Greece riot and the big banks score yet another big blow against the people of the United States. Democracy throughout the world is under attack. Many people can make the argument that our democracy here in America is only an illusion, but ...
- BEST OF WEB: Are the bombers Al-Qaeda, the CIA or ...Christopher King argues that it is likely that the American CIA - or Israel acting on its behalf - is responsible for recent atrocities in Iraq, in order to extend and consolidate the occupation, just as it is probable that the Times Square bomber was, wittingly or otherwise, acting for the CIA ...
- The next 2,000-page Big Brother BillBig Brother wants to watch you more closely. Especially how you spend your money. His latest snooping plan comes from provisions in the banking bill being debated in the Senate. The bill is being pushed by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee. Among other things, the b ...
The Galloping Beaver
- On deadlines and governmentsThis gives me a nauseous feeling. A deadline for political parties to settle an impasse over what access MPs will have to thousands of pages of documents related to Afghan detainee transfers might need extending, Liberal House leader Ralph Goodale says... At some point you have to draw a clear an ...
- Mediawatch - Bartending the InquisitionThe Ottawa Citizen recently ran an item under "News" entitled " End the Inquisition " in which the author equated the parliamentary committee on the Canadian mission in Afghanistan with Senator Joe McCarthy's anti-communist witch hunt. "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left ...
- Darwin, like it is . . .OLIVIA JUDSON IS A NEW YORK TIMES columnist that I adore: she is so smart . Her bio paragraph states: "Olivia Judson, an evolutionary biologist, writes every Wednesday about the influence of science and biology on modern life. She is the author of “Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation: The Defin ...
- Like I said...This is the Harper Regime . With only 24 hours left to reach a deal among the four federal parties, Bloc Quebecois House leader Pierre Paquette said the Conservative government proposed some new conditions. "The government put other conditi ...
- Dr. Dawg and the vengeful nature of the Harper-con ...This week's guest John Baglow aka Dr. Dawg (left) with returned Canadian exile Abousfian Abdelrazik
Media Matters for America
- Right-wing media falsely claim Holder "refuse[d] ...Right-wing media have falsely claimed that Attorney General Eric Holder "refus[ed] to say 'radical Islam' is a cause of terrorism." In fact, Holder specifically mentioned "a radical version of Islam" as a possible motivation for Faisal Shahzad, a suspect in the attempted Times Square bombing. C ...
- Beck falsely suggests Kagan endorsed government a ...Glenn Beck distorted an article by Elena Kagan to falsely suggest that she endorsed government intervention "if there's too much dangerous Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh." Beck also distorted a statement by Cass Sunstein and falsely suggested that Kagan is somehow radical because she has praised S ...
- Drudge "not sympathetic" to the facts on Kagan's ...Matt Drudge posted a headline stating that Elena Kagan is " 'Not Sympathetic' to Gun Rights Argument," referencing comments Kagan reportedly made in a 1987 memo about an appeal to the Supreme Court. In fact, the view that the Second Amendment does not protect civilian gun rights was generally ac ...
- Byron York forwards GOP's "politically motivated ...Byron York promoted claims made against Elena Kagan in a 1999 report issued by a House Resources Committee task force composed of two discredited Republican members. However, the task force was criticized by Democrats for "failing to meet even minimum standards of objectivity," and even Ed Whela ...
- Scalia agrees with Kagan that Second Amendment rig ...Matt Drudge highlighted a post by the website KaganWatch.com that stated that Elena Kagan wrote "the Second Amendment ... enjoys 'strong, but not unlimited protection' " -- apparently to suggest that Kagan was hostile to gun rights. In fact, in a decision written by Justice Antonin Scalia striking ...
Global Research.ca
- How Big Is the Oil Spill?For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Financial Reform: How We Can Save Our EconomyFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Demise of the Euro as a World Currency?For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- NEW BOOK FROM GLOBAL RESEARCH: The Global Economi ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER": For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Lula Must Not Undermine Brazil's Chance to be the ...Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 's remarkable tenure closes at the end of this year -- and already some are speaking of him as a possible candidate to succeed Robert Zoellick as President of the World Bank or even Ban Ki Moon as Secretary General of the United Nations. Normally, the ...
- Lincoln to the RescueRight now, the biggest battle in bank reform is over a provision introduced by Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas that would force the giant Wall Street banks to give up their lucrative derivative trading businesses if they want the government (i.e. taxpayers) to continue insuring their commercial ...
- Former AIPAC Indictee, Steve Rosen, Sues Mother Sh ...The Washington Post reports today that Steve Rosen, indicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 for passing US secrets to Israel (the charges were ultimately dropped) is suing AIPAC. They fired me after they heard the FBI threatening that their investigation could be broadened at AIPAC," Rosen mai ...
- Michael Oren's Safe BetBrandeis' newspaper, The Justice , has protested the university's invitation to Israel's ambassador, Michael B. Oren, to deliver this year's commencement address. The editorial in The Justice says, among other things, "Mr. Oren is a divisive and inappropriate choice for keynote speaker at commenceme ...
- Gates Takes on The Military Industrial ComplexLast Saturday, Secretary of Defense Bob Gates went out to the Eisenhower library to remind the nation that Ike's warning about the "unwarranted influence of the Military Industrial Complex" was more prescient than ever. Cynics will argue that Gates is just tinkering at the margins, but if you read t ...
- Obama, Karzai Still Split on Peace Talks with Tali ...Washington - U.S. President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai sought to portray a united front on the issue of a political settlement with the Taliban in their joint press conference Wednesday. But their comments underlined the deep rift that divides Karzai and the United States over th ...
- Gulf Rig's Owner Invokes 1851 Law to Limit Liabili ...Transocean, Ltd., the Switzerland-based offshore contractor that owned the Deepwater Horizon floating drilling rig, has asked a federal court in Houston to limit its liability from the oil spill to less than $27 million. read more
- Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Goes to Bat for ...Alfalfa is the fourth largest crop grown in the United States and Monsanto wants to control it. On April 27, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could well write the future of alfalfa production in our country. Fortunately, for those who are concerned about the potential environme ...
- "Soul of a Citizen": From an Eighth Grade Educatio ...Too many of us hold back from community involvement because we think we don't know enough to act on our beliefs, or don't have the standing or confidence to take a public stand. When we see a woman who begins with no money, no power, no education and no status in the community, and then becomes a po ...
- John Nichols: A Democratic MediaWhat will it take to create a democratic healthy media? You know how dire the situation is: daily newspapers are closing, Washington bureaus are shuttering, whole areas of federal, state, and local governments are now operating with zero press coverage, international bureaus are disappearing, the li ...
- Why So Much Opposition Towards Plastic Bag Bans an ...Cities around the world are enforcing the use of reusable shopping bags. Countries worldwide are slowly adopting plastic bag bans, or they’re enforcing plastic bag tax to charge those who are not using the reusable fabric bags that are being sold in many stores. I’m behind the idea, and have been u ...
- Common Herbicide Found to ‘Chemically Castra ...African clawed frog - Xenopus laevis Atrazine, the most commonly used herbicide in the world, has been found to disrupt the reproductive cycles of the African clawed frog and may offer a partial solution to the global decline in amphibian species. Atrazine is the most common herbicide used world-w ...
- 114 Year Temperature Record Rare IndeedOne family has spent several generations maintaining a 114 year daily temperature record of the Mohonk Preserve. In a day and age where acquiring reliable and long weather records are a must for effective weather speculation, the Mohonk Preserve is a rarity. A weather station that has never missed ...
- 255 Leading Scientists, 11 Nobel Laureates Write L ...A stunning letter of support for climate scientists and climate science from hundreds of leading world scientists was published in the journal Science today. You could hardly ask for a stronger letter of support for climate scientists and the conclusions they have made. You could hardly ask for a ...
- National Bike Month is HereNational Bike Month is here and there are a lot of reasons to participate! It’s that time of year again. The sun is shining more and more (in most places in the Northern Hemisphere), the birds are chirping, and you can see more and more people on the streets riding their bikes. If you aren’t alrea ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Legislative Approaches to Defining “Waters of the ...Congressional Research Service http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41225.pdf [From summary] In the 111t
- Chesapeake Bay Executive Order : New Federal Strat ...US EPA http://executiveorder.chesapeakebay.net/ The “Strategy for Protecting and Restoring the Chesa
- President Visits Gulf DisasterHe’s a little early to see the real Gulf disaster, which occurs later in the summer. But if he were
- Friday, May 7th, 2010 - H2O SpiritWhen I said yes to my dreams and to honoring my deepest desires it began a chain of events and chang
- Nerd Alert!Water Effects Ratios in L.A. River are no joke. Warning! Sometimes I’m prone to write in nerd-speak
Public Citizen in Texas
- Tom Smitty Smith, director of Public Citizen's Tex ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- New Report on Carbon Capture and Sequestration Say ...According to a new study published in the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) by Michael Economides of the University of Houston and Christine Ehlig-Economides of Texas A&M University, clean coal is unlikely to prove a real solution to carbon emissi ...
- Sarah McDonald dancing at Public Citizen Texas' 25 ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Week in ReviewAs we round out an especially celebratory Earth Day Week, work at Public Citizen Texas is as fast-paced as ever. Though, today, our staff is pausing to celebrate a huge victory for all Austinites: yesterday, city council approved the Austin Energy Generation Plan. Our staff worked their tails off to ...
- Ryan Rittenhouse and Nikisha Nathan dance at Publi ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
Unexplained Mysteries
- Anti-aging pill available within 2 years ?A leading authority on aging has claimed that within two years a drug could be available to extend lifespans past 100. Professor Nir Barzilai believes...
- Jupiter loses one of its stripesJupiter has lost one of its distinctive red stripes and scientists are perplexed as to what happened to it. The red band was clearly visible on Jupite...
- Bra that grows rice developed in JapanA company in Japan have developed a unique bra made of plastic pots that doubles up as a rice paddy. The peculiar bra is said to be an answer to the g...
- Has someone been tampering with Voyager 2 ?NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft has baffled experts after it started sending back encoded data messages. While NASA continues to work on the problem that ...
- North Korea claim nuclear fusion successIts being met with a great deal of skepticism but North Korea claim to have succeeded in developing nuclear fusion. Despite being one of the world's p...
- Individual Giving and e-Advocacy Coordinator – ful ...� Qualifications:� Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colba ...
- Biotechnology: A False Sense of Food SecurityOutside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Timi Gerson is Director of Advocacy for American Jewish World Service. Gerson started her career organizing legislative campaigns for fair U.S. trade policy as field director for Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. ...
- Institutional Giving and Communications Coordinato ...Grassroots International is a human rights and international development organization striving to create a just and sustainable world through grantmaking, advocacy and alliance-building movements with a focus on land, water and food as human rights.� Since 1983 we have worked in the Middle East, Asi ...
- Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy - 1/2 ...Overview: � Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy works with the Executive Director and the Director of Development and Communications (DDC) to recruit, develop, solicit and coordinate major individual contributors. The ADSP has specific responsibilities as detailed below. The ADSP may also ...
- Indigenous Women take on a big fight in GuatemalaGuate-women.jpg � read more
- May 13, 2010BP to Try New Fix as Oil Spill Threatens Gulf (Reuters) Energy giant BP was preparing on Thursday to once again try and staunch the unchecked flow of oil from a ruptured well that threatens an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Poll: Spill Not Obama's Katrina, Drilling Still ...
- May 12, 2010Senate Climate Bill Unveiled but Fate Uncertain (Reuters) A new Senate bill to be unveiled today would impose new limits on CO2 pollution from factories, utilities and vehicles, while expanding heavy-polluting domestic oil production and nuclear power generation. Bill Would Allow States ...
- May 11, 2010Oil Executives Face Congress on Gulf Spill (Reuters) Big oil will go under the spotlight today when U.S. lawmakers grill top executives on a drilling rig explosion and oil spill that threatens an environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. Nitrogen-Cement Mix Is Focus of Gulf Inqui ...
- May 10, 2010Lieberman on Climate Bill: 'I Think We've Got a Real Shot at This' (The Hill) Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Sunday that the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill helps make the case for passage of the climate and energy bill that he's rolling out May 12 with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.). Wi ...
- May 8-9, 2010BP Oil: Collection Chamber Clogs, Removed From Leaking Gulf Well (Bloomberg) BP's latest effort to prevent oil leaks from damaging wildlife and tourism on the U.S. coast are being stymied as cold and pressure a mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico formed ice that clogged a containmen ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Lost on the Fearless PlainBig Brother's got that ju-ju, Gaia's got the blues - hologram, carry me home Ajijic, Mexico | I've spent most of this week watching American television and movies. I leave the TV on all night long. I toss and turn with my bad back, and bad lungs, catch a rerun episode of Two and a Half Men, or CSI, ...
- Terrorism Scary, Guns NotOne of these days, terrorists are going to figure it out. So it turns out that Faisal Shahzad, the accused terrorist suspect in the failed Times Square bombing case, must have attended Pakistan's Beavis and Butthead School of Bomb-making. This goes to show you that, despite having a baccalaureate in ...
- Usurious Payday Loans: Myths, Flawed Studies, and ...The trade association for payday lenders objected to what they called my "name calling" in their blog yesterday ... then called me a " pig ." Why? Because I quoted Aristotle and told a story about Jesus. Well, to be fair, I did suggest their industry might be " evil ," according to traditional def ...
- The F Word: Winners and Losers in the UK ElectionFor all his faults, I was struck by outgoing British Prime Minster Gordon Brown's resignation speech. It wasn't the pomp of the job he loved, he said, it was the chance to make his country a fairer place. Brown's out, but it may he may not be the only loser here. After the 2008 crash it was Brown wh ...
- Taking Back Homes From the Banks: Exercising the H ...May has seen an upsurge in local organizations exercising their human rights to housing. Most people recognize that international human rights guarantee all humans a right to housing. With the millions of homeless living in our communities and the millions of empty foreclosed houses all across our c ...
Ten Percent
- ConDems Show Vicious Neoliberal Principles In Atta ...Given they both agree cuts which will entail more unemployment they are then further victimising the people they make unemployed, a searingly middle and upper class attitude that is based in the ‘scrounger’ idea that is demonstrably dishonest, they know full well their ideology depends on and create ...
- Mr. David Eton-Murdoch is Prime MinisterHere comes the 32nd year of neoliberalism, this time in toff(ee?) flavour. Surprisingly I have a Tory acquaintance, one Mister Degby Reardon who when he has sobered up I shall invite for his views on the Blue Reich, last I heard from him he was chanting ‘Cameroooooonnnnnnssss Komandos!’ and urinatin ...
- Cowering Before CapitalIf this were debt cancellation and stimulus it would be interesting and the details are not out but I somehow doubt this will be much more than doing what the markets want, the level of debt created by financialisation and neoliberal policies is socially unsustainable unless police states become sta ...
- This Blog Is Moving Next WeekYes dear readers, at last it has come to pass, the new site is getting onto its feet and so it is time to do this moving thing. So this Monday 10th May marks the end of the beginning, a week from now (Monday 17th May) new posts will not appear here, they will appear [...]
- Hague Reacts Badly To Clegg Compliment During Nego ...Situation deteriorates when Aschcroft interrupts and asks for his money back.
Booman Tribune
- Today in Republican Obstruction For the most part the House of Representatives has finished its work for the year. They passed health care, and they've passed their versions of the financial and climate reforms. They don't have anything to do with confirmations. So, other than the budget and appropriations, they're pretty much ...
- It's a One-Sided PurgeAdding to the always insightful Steve Benen, there is almost no ideological range in the Republican Party. Name me a Republican who is willing to filibuster a judge because the judge wants to overturn Roe v. Wade or a Republican who wants to raise marginal income tax rates. You would never see a p ...
- Tiring of the Kabuki DanceOkay, so the Democrats are looking to eliminate Blanche Lincoln's measure "to force financial firms to spin off their derivative-trading desks into separate entities." But they don't want the voters in Arkansas to know that when they go to polls on Tuesday. Do they wait until Wednesday to kill the ...
- WH Opposes Carper AmendmentIt's good to see the administration fighting back against Tom Carper's amendment to the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Tom Carper and few other Corporacrats (Mark Warner, Tim Johnson, and Evan Bayh) want to prevent state attorneys general from having stricter consumer protect ...
- Big Banks to Non-Whites: No Loans for YouWhy would minority communities get fewer mortgages than white communities since the financial crisis? What did you say? That couldn't be true in our post-racial America. Well think again my white friends because that isn't what Reuters is reporting this morning: According to the study, prime ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 14 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1900 Walter Rehberg,...
- Thursday Open ThreadShare your Thursday stories here. But only Thursday, mind....
- Phones and food, not phones or food.From the BBC, on the claims of a survey of 35,000 people and their attitudes...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 13 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1840 Alphonse Daudet,...
- Wednesday Open ThreadEverybody busy?...
- Diaspora: open-source distributed Facebook equival ...I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before (as it’s an idea I predicted in rudimentary form for an article in Focus back in 2007, and I’m hardly at the cutting edge of web software thinking), but the Facebook privacy backlash has prompted a small gang of geeks to build an open-source distributed social ...
- Virtual bodies, mutable gendersHere’s an interesting bit of research from sunny Barcelona: men wearing a virtual reality headset that allowed them to perceive themselves as a female avatar started to identify strongly with their temporarily-assumed gender. … men donned a virtual reality (VR) headset that allowed them to see and h ...
- Cursor: a community-based fiction publishing busin ...No idea how I managed to miss this one before, but Richard Nash – founder and former head honcho of Soft Skull Press – is starting a new publishing venture called Cursor which promises (among other things, like a strong focus on niche community-building) to do away with the exploitative life-of-the- ...
- Over-the-counter genetic testing kits at your loca ...As of this Friday, Walgreens customers in the US will be able to purchase a home-use genetic testing kit for US$30 or less… though access to the results (via the Pathway Genomics website) could cost another $200 or more, depending on what the user wants to know [via MetaFilter]. Though mail-order DN ...
- Writing Differently: Picking Up the Scary ToolsIf all has gone well with your writing so far, by now you may have some favorite practices: maybe you always outline your pieces, or you just start writing with a vague scene in mind to get to, or you scribble a bunch of scenes on index cards and then try to figure out what [...] Project Wonderful ...
Therapy News
- Leader of Civility Institute Pushes for Anti-Bully ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Though bullying in schools is a topic that receives a fair amount of attention from psychotherapy professionals and teachers alike, the director of the Civility Institute in Canada has recently called for the passing of legislation which would allow schools to adopt l ...
- Modification of Thought Shown More Effective than ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Some professionals in psychology and psychotherapy note that there have been recent movements towards incorporating more behavior-based modification in clients being treated for symptoms of depression, a trend that may be countered by recent research showing that the ...
- Building Your Teen’s Self ConfidenceBy Cheryl Eastlund Gowin and Dennis Gowin, LMHC Click here to contact Dennis and/or see his GoodTherapy.org Profile For teens it seems like everyone else is confident and successful… except them. The teen years can be a very difficult time. For teenagers, the changes in their physical body and thei ...
- Keeping a Gratitude JournalBy Aqsa Zareen Farooqui, MS, LPC, Journal Therapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Zareen and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Gratitude is the essence of life. If you keep a journal to express joy for what you already have, life’s abundance will surround you. The most important thin ...
- Huh? – New Patterns of CommunicationBy Beth S. Pumerantz, MA, MS, LMFT, Communication Problems Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Beth and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Have you ever noticed the types of conversations you’re having these days with your spouse, your kids, your friends, and even your co-workers and boss ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Coal Free Future Project Presents 'Across the Ston ...Coal Free Future Project Presents 'Across the Stones of Fire' 6/4-13 Broadway World ... to come to grips with their conflicting fates, when their family's 150-year-old homestead is threatened by a planned mountaintop removal operation. ...
- While mine disaster interviews continue, federal c ...West Virginia Public Broadcasting While mine disaster interviews continue, federal court sits on case to open ... Charleston Gazette (blog) ... when Massey Energy lawyers sought a TRO from Judge Berger to stop the tree-sitters who were protesting mountaintop removal at a Massey site … ... Anti-CEO ...
- Who's Bankrolling Mountaintop Removal Mining? - Th ...Who's Bankrolling Mountaintop Removal Mining? The Washington Independent Bank officials said they “explicitly do not finance the extraction of coal in a mountain top removal setting,” though their public policy doesn't mention ...
- The EPA Has Vetoed a Mountaintop Removal Mining Pe ...The EPA Has Vetoed a Mountaintop Removal Mining Permit for First Time CafeSentido.com ... on key environmental regulatory responsibilities, has for the first time in its history vetoed the approval of a permit for mountaintop removal mining. ... and more��
- Exposing the Financers of Mountaintop Removal Coal ...Exposing the Financers of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining AlterNet (blog) By continuing to finance mountaintop removal coal mining these banks are throwing that responsibility aside. Many of us talk about the harm that coal ... and more��
- Night Beat: Angry Obama Expected Tomorrow (New Yor ...New York Times : Night Beat: Angry Obama Expected Tomorrow — President Obama is angry about the oil spill, its magnitude, BP's stalling and tomorrow, he is going to let his frustrations spill out at a late-morning press availability after he meets with senior officials. — Tonight, Obama raised ...
- Video: Chris Christie destroys reporter for callin ...Allahpundit / Hot Air : Video: Chris Christie destroys reporter for calling him confrontational — Via Ace. Dude, I'm starting to think this might be the guy. A solid first term, then reelection in 2014, and suddenly the wide-open 2016 primaries are right around the corner... Elsewhere today … ...
- Size of Oil Spill in Gulf Underestimated, Scientis ...Justin Gillis / New York Times : Size of Oil Spill in Gulf Underestimated, Scientists Say — Two weeks ago, the government put out a round estimate of the size of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico: 5,000 barrels a day. Repeated endlessly in news reports, it has become conventional wisdom.
- Comedy gold: Kagan pretends to admire Orrin Hatch' ...Allahpundit / Hot Air : Comedy gold: Kagan pretends to admire Orrin Hatch's gun — An all-time classic in the annals of American culture clashes. Entrenched Ivory Tower academics love the firearms, baby! — Like Karl says, noting the double-entendre potential of the pistol, she's killing two st ...
- Holder hasn't read Arizona law he criticized (Step ...Stephen Dinan / Washington Times : Holder hasn't read Arizona law he criticized — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who has been critical of Arizona's new immigration law, said Thursday he hasn't yet read the law and is going by what he's read in newspapers or seen on television. — Mr. Hol ...
Energy & Environment News
- Tax on Oil May Help Pay for Gulf Spill CleanupThe government can turn to a rainy-day fund, paid for by a tax on oil companies, to help with spills like that in the gulf.
- Chevron Profit Doubles, Beating ExpectationsChevron’s quarterly earnings were $4.55 billion on revenue of $46.7 billion, despite lower earnings in its refinery business.
- Eastern Europe, Seeking Energy Security, Turns to ...Countries looking to reduce their dependence on Russian gas are inviting U.S. energy giants to explore.
- From Budding Poets, an Ode to WaterThe Water Resources and Poetry Contest, a competition for fourth, fifth and sixth graders, helps raise awareness about the importance of quality drinking water and what it takes to maintain New York City's water supply and wastewater treatment systems.
- Gulf Coast Towns Brace as Huge Oil Slick Nears Mar ...With oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico unabated and officials offering little hope that the flow could be contained soon, towns prepared for an imminent environmental disaster.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.1, Timor region, IndonesiaFriday, May 7, 2010 11:44:49 UTC Friday, May 7, 2010 07:44:49 PM at epicenter Depth : 35.00 km (21.75 mi)
- M 5.2, Mid-Indian RidgeFriday, May 7, 2010 10:38:13 UTC Friday, May 7, 2010 03:38:13 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.6, north of Halmahera, IndonesiaFriday, May 7, 2010 07:39:27 UTC Friday, May 7, 2010 04:39:27 PM at epicenter Depth : 119.40 km (74.19 mi)
- M 5.1, off the coast of OregonThursday, May 13, 2010 05:35:11 UTC Wednesday, May 12, 2010 09:35:11 PM at epicenter Depth : 9.70 km (6.03 mi)
- M 5.3, Guam regionFriday, May 7, 2010 04:31:42 UTC Friday, May 7, 2010 02:31:42 PM at epicenter Depth : 44.80 km (27.84 mi)
China Dialogue
- Hot wind in the desert Vast wind farms have sprung up in the Gobi Desert, born of China’s latest investment frenzy. But in the bid to hit renewable targets, financial risks have been ignored, says Lu Zhenhua, winner of the “biggest impact” category in the China Environmental Press Awards. China's first Environmental Press ...
- Katrina’s echoesThe great oil-spill off the southern shore of the United States spells disaster for fishing fleets and brings to mind a terrible legacy, writes Jim Gabour in New Orleans. This dispatch from Louisiana, in the southern United States, was written on Sunday May 2, 2010. Today, a stormy Sunday h ...
- Heated debateThere’s no such thing as right and wrong when it comes to tackling climate change, says Mike Hulme. That’s why we need to stop looking for scapegoats and start engaging in honest discussion. One of the enduring characteristics of public debates and political negotiations about climate change is tha ...
- Mountains of rubbishThe Qinghai-Tibet railway has brought an influx of non-biodegradable waste to the Himalayan plateau, posing serious environmental challenges. He Haining and Guo Haiyan report. Modernisation has left Tibet grappling with a sudden growth in rubbish. Since the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet railway , ...
- Europe's green delusionThe European Union likes to think of itself as the unrivalled champion of eco-governance but, argues Derrick Sutter, it is far from living up to its image. In the face of China’s waxing importance on the international stage, the European Union has desperately sought to assert its strategic relevance ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Are Newman's Own and Other Companies Misleading Co ...Just because 'organic' is in the name, don't be fooled by the ingredients.
- Non-Profit Investigative Journalism to the Rescue?Nonprofit investigative journalism outfits are breaking new ground. Can they sustain themselves?
- Israeli Provocation Gives U.S. Leaders a Chance to ...Previously posted on Commondreams.org Advocates of Middle East peace are circulating a letter in the U.S. House of Representatives, urging President Obama to “continue your strong efforts to bring U.S. leadership to bear in moving the parties toward a negotiated two-state solution.” The key word is ...
- Utah Still Pushing Abstinence Education Despite a ...How many times do states need to push abstinence-only education before deciding that telling kids to just say no, just isn’t working? In Utah’s case, it seems like an awful lot. Thanks to Utah Senator, Orrin G. Hatch, the health bill, (which, thankfully, includes $375 million for comprehensive sex ...
- Does Hector Elizondo Look “Illegal?”As shown in our new Cuéntame video, acclaimed actor/producer Hector Elizondo just joined our “Do I Look “Illegal”? campaign to encourage people to boycott Arizona. Brave New’s Cuéntame project is one of the leaders in the fight against Arizona’s racist anti-immigrant law, which allows the targetin ...
Threat Level
- Canadian Faces Prison for U.S. Internet Gambling R ...A Canadian man has pleaded guilty to charges of assisting overseas online gambling sites to process hundreds of millions of dollars in wagers. The conviction of Douglas Rennick, 35, comes as some U.S. lawmakers are looking to tax online gambling revenue rather than criminalizing such wagering. Feder ...
- Confessed Spy Convicted of Exporting U.S. Crypto G ...A Chinese national was convicted this week of smuggling and other charges over his efforts to acquire sensitive military and NSA-encryption gear from eBay and other internet sources. Chi Tong Kuok, of Macau, told Defense Department and Customs investigators that he had been “acting at the direction ...
- Thieves Flood Victim’s Phone With Calls to Loot Ba ...Bank thieves have rolled out a new weapon in their arsenal of tactics — telephony denial-of-service attacks that flood a victim’s phone with diversionary calls while the thieves drain the victim’s account of money. A Florida dentist lost $400,000 from his retirement account last year in this manner ...
- LimeWire Crushed in RIAA Infringement LawsuitLimeWire was found liable of copyright infringement Tuesday in a decision that threatens to financially devastate the New York company behind the file sharing application. In a 4-year-old case brought by The Recording Industry Association of America, U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood ruled that Li ...
- FBI Gets Evidence in Student Webcam ScandalA federal judge has granted the FBI access to evidence linked to a webcam scandal at a Philadelphia suburban school district. Federal prosecutors in Pennsylvania said they were investigating “possible criminal conduct” (.pdf) in the 6,900-student Lower Merion School District. U.S. District Judge Jan ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Genetic ancestry tests imperfect say researchersCHICAGO (Reuters) - Genetic tests sold directly to consumers to help people trace their ancestry are imperfect and may lead some people to draw unfounded conclusions about their heritage, a report on the tests released on Thursday found.
- Euro tumbles on debt woesLONDON (Reuters) - The euro hit an 18-month low versus the dollar and European shares fell sharply on Friday on speculation that fiscal austerity in some euro zone countries may stifle economic growth.
- EU, under threat, shows new urgency in crisisBRUSSELS (Reuters) - After a week in which the EU took drastic measures to wrest the initiative from financial markets, EU leaders are finally using a debt crisis to launch painful reforms that could prevent it becoming a spent force.
- Vehicle scare in New York ends; no bomb foundNEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City police cleared several blocks near downtown Union Square late Thursday and early Friday to investigate a suspicious vehicle but reopened streets a few hours later, saying the car had posed no danger.
- Euro near 14-month lows vs. dollar on economic wor ...TOKYO (Reuters) - The euro steadied near 14-month lows against the dollar on Friday on concerns that rigorous fiscal tightening in Europe would dampen an already-weak recovery.
Equality Trust
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inequality: a threat to social cohesionAs Edmund Conway comments in today's Daily Telegraph : "It is not merely, as Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point out in their book The Spirit Level, that this damages health and encourages crime; in times of austerity, inequality can tear apart the social fabric."
- Labour is running up a down escalator to tackle in ...Tackling society's inequalities is what Labour governments are supposed to be about, and this one has quietly redistributed billions worth of tax since 1997, much of it paid by those fatcat bankers, to alleviate the plight of the poorest. How much has it got to show for it? Read Michael White's ...
- The five-star lifestyle: "horrible, soulless and w ...Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy. Read more here...
- Lynda Gratton: The business case for greater incom ...Read Lynda Gratton in the Financial Times [Wilkinson and Pickett's] argument is that societies which are very unequal have all sorts of problems, and I have a feeling that the same is true for companies,” she says. “I think one has to be very careful about what you pay people ... We’ve put far t ...
- Blue dog Harman out, Progressive Winograd in!Let’s get Marcy Winograd Elected! ...
- Progressive populism and youI spent a weekend with my PDA buddies in California, as we organized around the State Democratic Party Convention in Los Angeles. It was a great weekend, full of close friends, good beer, great ...
- IOT: End War and Occupations, Redirect Funding Ma ...Mary Nichols-Rhodes, PDA-OH state coordinator, started the discussion by describing the planning for both the US Social Forum in June and the National Peace Conference in July. PDA participation in both will be strong, because ...
- Video: Vote No on Funding EscalationVideo: Vote No on Funding Escalation http://vimeo.com/11346739 On Thursday, April 29, 2010, a "Teach-In on Capitol Hill," was held in Room 2168 of the Rayburn House Building, in Washington, D.C., dealing with the question of what the ...
- Slideshow: Rally against SB1070 with Congressman ...
Marler Blog
- Perhaps Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle gets up early ...Rumor has it that Governor Jim Doyle told an online agriculture news site he has not made up his mind one way or another on the raw milk bill the Wisconsin legislature passed. The Governor reportedly told Wisconsin Ag Connection a final decision will be made next week. This statement came just one d ...
- Tennessee, New York, Ohio and Michigan linked to E ...I had a chance tonight after landing in Washington D. C., to chat with Dr. Sanjay Gupta about the status of the “leafy green’s industry.” So far in the recent E. coli O145 outbreak there are 23 confirmed illnesses in four states. However, the Romaine Lettuce has been recalled in 23 states. Here is ...
- Stephanie Smith and Cargill Meat Solutions Settle ...Joint Press Release Stephanie Smith and Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation announce jointly that they have settled the lawsuit filed by Ms. Smith in December 2009. Ms. Smith, a twenty-two year old former dance instructor from Cold Spring, Minnesota, sued for the severe injuries she suffered as a re ...
- First E. coli O145 Lawsuit to be Filed in Romaine ...In a day that Federal and State Officials Confirm Link Between Bagged Romaine Lettuce and E. coli O145 Illness Outbreak , Vaughan Foods Recalls Romaine Lettuce Linked to Contamination , E. coli concerns prompt another romaine recall , Lettuce recall expands as FDA investigates Arizona farm as source ...
- More on the Raw Milk IssueIn what seems like a near daily article on raw milk, I gave Georgina Gustin of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (my dad was a paper boy for them during the depression) a few choice words: Bill Marler, an attorney who specializes in food-borne illness cases, recently represented two Missouri residents wh ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.14.10Climate Bill details unveiled: emissions, clean coal, transportation and much more at stake It's the American Power Act (read it in PDF ). Say what? Plug-in Prius can't charge additional battery packs on ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.13.10AFVI 2010: Technology parade includes propane lawn mowners, CNG hydraulic hybrids, more Now that's an alternative powertrain. FEV shows off RE-EV Fiat 500 with Wankel in Vienna We kind of wa ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.12.10Can the Nissan Leaf really run 0-60 mph in 5 seconds? Not likely We're told CBS got this one wrong. AFVI 2010: T. Boone Pickens believes God gave the U.S. our natural gas supplies God was unav ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.11.10Video: Fox News reportedly refusing to air ad denouncing dependence on foreign oil We're not confused. AFVI 2010: T. Boone Pickens says V-Vehicles will someday add natural gas to high-mpg model ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.10.10Video: Schwarzenegger promises "Hydrogen Highway" efforts will continue Goals have not been met, but the tas. Automotive X-Prize: Zap Alias can stop, swerve at MIS With Al Unser, ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: Ethics in online journalism ...The linchpin of the topic of ethics on online journalism is, of course, " Gizmodogate ," in which tech blog Gizmodo paid to acquire a prototype iPhone that an Apple employee left behind in a bar and picked up by someone else. But the iPhone story isn't the only time that the ethics of tech blo ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Facebook and privacy (podca ...Our topic this week: Facebook and privacy. At the F8 conference on April 21, Facebook rolled out privacy changes and new data sharing features. As usually happens when Facebook makes a privacy change, there was a swift and mighty backlash against them. But this time, even the federal government ...
- Do not pay for security softwarePC makers should be offering free antivirus apps. They're not, and here's why. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Likebutton.me shows Facebook's new 'like' button i ...Check out this little news aggregator that's aware of your social network. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Reporters' Roundtable: Twitter's business model (p ...Today: Twitter's business model. Yes, there is one. Finally. To talk about what Twitter is going to do--and if they really need to do it--we have two great guests with us here in the studio. First, from CNET, author of our social-networking blog The Social , Caroline McCarthy ( @caro on Twitter). ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- Singing Lena Horne’s PraisesLena Horne died this week at the age of 92. More than just a brilliant singer and actress, she was a pioneering civil rights activist, breaking racial barriers for generations of African-Americans who have followed her. She fought segregation and McCarthyism, was blacklisted, yet persisted to gain ...
- Amy Goodman to appear on CNN's _John King, USA_Democracy Now! ’s award-winning host Amy Goodman will debate democratic strategist Paul Begala on CNN’s John King, USA , on Tuesday, May 11th at 7pm Eastern Time.
- Part II: Singer and Civil Rights Activist Lena Hor ...The pioneering African-American actress, singer, and civil rights activist has died at the age of 91. We speak with James Gavin, author of, Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne , about her activism, her friendship with Harry Belafonte, President Obama’s remarks after her passing, and more. Pa ...
- BP: Billionaire PolluterLess than a week after British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and unleashing what could be the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history, the company announced more than $6 billion in profits for the first quarter of ...
- Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Producers File Laws ...Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman along with producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar are filing a federal lawsuit today that challenges the police crackdown on journalists at the Republican National Convention in 2008. The suit is filed against the Minneapolis and ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
Digg Green
- Liquid Hills in Italy - [wow video]WOW WTF Liquid Hills!!!
- New Study Lists the Top 10 Countries Killing the P ...A new study has ranked most of the world’s countries for their environmental impact. Listed here are the top ten worst offending countries for absolute environmental impact, those that are just doing the most damage, regardless of per capita calculations.
- How big is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?The spill covers at least 2500 square miles of ocean surface. You can see the extent of the damage here as of May 6th, just southeast of New Orleans. But how big is the spill, really? It's hard to get a sense of the true size when it's over the ocean floor. Use the links below to see how large the s ...
- Rare Bee Species Lives Alone, Makes Nest From Flow ...When we think of bees, we often think of a cartoon-like swarm that populates a giant hive. But a rare new species discovered in the Middle East is about to change all of that.
- Under Threat in the Gulf, A Refuge Created by Roos ...Among the natural treasures at risk from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, created by Theodore Roosevelt to halt a grave threat to birds in his era — the lucrative trade in plumage. Now, oil from the BP spill is starting to wash up on beaches where Roosevelt ...
Invisible Opportunity
- David Icke – Human Race Get Off Your Knees!Be sure to listen to all 12 parts of this interview…
- 62 OBVIOUS TRAITORSTo be removed from public office The below traitors in the U.S. Senate have now shown how corrupt they are. They voted to prevent a full audit of the Federal Reserve Bank. By this action, they have conspired to continue secretly hiding the theft of taxes taken from the incomes of America’s workers. ...
- The Rothschilds controls the gold market!Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson].
- Oil Spill Nets $270 Million for TransoceanThe firm that owns the leaking oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico has made a $270 million profit from insurance payouts, despite having caused a massive ecological disaster. Transocean, the company contracted by BP to drill the well, brought the story to light in a conference call on Monday. Transocean t ...
- Disturbing Questions Remain about GM Flax Contamin ...* By Ken Roseboro, ed. Last September, the Flax Council of Canada (FCC) announced that an unapproved variety of genetically modified flax was detected in food products in Europe. The GM flax variety was identified as FP967 or “Triffid,” which had been developed in Canada, but was never commercialize ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- America's Ten Most Corrupt CapitalistsWall Street's captains of industry and top policymakers in Washington are often the same people. A lot of them get rich by playing for both teams.
- Why Ending Marijuana Prohibition is a Racial Justi ...The struggle to end America's disastrous war on drugs is a struggle for common sense, human rights and of course for racial justice.
- Is Obama Serious About Ending the War on Drugs?Obama has promised to do away with the war on drugs. So far, policy is lagging.
- America's Gone Nuts on Prescription DrugsIf you're sitting at the blackjack table wearing an adult diaper with a face the size of Elvis's ass and a four-hour erection, maybe it's time to cut down on the pills.
- Draft of Obama's National Drug Strategy Leaked: Th ...Document indicates some positive shifts away from Bush-era drug policy paradigm, yet it seems the drug war juggernaut will still be rolling along.
Twilight Earth
- Plans for Virginias Offshore Drilling Indefinitely ...In the wake of the BP Oil Spill, Virginia has indefinitely postponed offshore Drilling. Related posts: UNEP Plans to Rid the World of 9 Dangerous Chemicals EPA Seeks to Protect Children Through Airborne Lead Detection Standards Dont Stop the Drilling to Save the Polar Bears
- High Altitude Photos of the Lost Horizon BP Oil Sp ...Amazing high altitude and satellite imagery of the Lost Horizon BP Oil Spill Related posts: NOAA Collecting Seafloor and Water Column BP Oil Spill Data Gas Spill in Newburyport Poisons River and Sends EPA Scrambling New High Res Photos From the Refurbished Hubble Telescope
- Spring Creep is a Fast Moving PhenomenonJust how quickly is Spring arriving? Faster than it should be. Related posts: New Birds at Your Feeder? The Top 10 Species Moving North Due to Climate Change. [photos] First Day of Spring – 2010 (Photo Essay) The First Day of Spring, 2009 – Photo Sunday
- Photo Sunday – Photo Journal of Swallow Falls Stat ...Photos of Swallow Falls State Park in Maryland with camping, hiking and waterfalls. Related posts: Photo Sunday – Brandywine Falls – Cuyahoga Valley National Park Photo Sunday – Great Falls National Park Photo Sunday – Shenandoah National Park
- NOAA Collecting Seafloor and Water Column BP Oil S ...In the face of the tragic BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill, NOAA has been redirected to collect seafloor and water column data from areas near the Gulf of Mexico. Related posts: NOAA Sued Over Lack of Ribbon Seal Protection Gas Spill in Newburyport Poisons River and Sends EPA Scrambling Second Coal ...
- Abandoned Industrial Silo Becomes Beautiful Reside ...In a stunning example of adaptive reuse C. F. Møller Architects and Christian Carlsen Arkitektfirma have transformed an abandoned industrial silo in Løgten, Denmark into the core of a multi-story high-rise. Core services including stairs and elevators are located within the silo, and the individual ...
- Recycled Wine Corks Make Stylish Penny Tile Floori ...Penny tiles are a popular look for interior flooring. While ceramic and glass are often used to make tiles, these beautiful penny tiles, which we noticed on 3rings blog, are actually cut from recycled wine corks. Designed by Jelinek Cork, the recycled tiles take advantage of cork’s natural resilien ...
- Grow House Grow: Scientific Story Telling Green Wa ...Last weekend at BKLYN Designs 2010 we discovered a booth full of amazing wall-coverings by designer Katie Deedy from Grow House Grow. Each paper in Deedy’s newest collection, Naturalist, tells a superb story about unique female scientist in history. All of her prints share strong narratives, are ex ...
- Sheet Metal Origami Cuts Down on Energy, MaterialsLast month we were all about the origami lamps and solar panels now we’re focusing our folding obsession around a company we just saw on Core77 called Industrial Origami. They’ve patented a manufacturing process that cuts down on energy use and wasted materials by perforating sheets of metal — and s ...
- Stunning Green Family Home Set in the California R ...Here is a house that we bet you wish you grew up in. Built for a large family and developed to reduce its environmental footprint, this home feels a lot like summer camp. Located on a twenty acre site in a redwood forest, the compound designed by CCS Architecture showcases sustainable building strat ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Making of the Distracted Driving VideoThe behind the scenes look at the making of the most recent David Pogue video.
- Text-Blocking Apps Only Work if You Use ThemSkeptics of apps intended to keep you from texting while driving have some good points to make.
- A Mysterious Service From Cable, Part IIAnswers about why New York's cable companies are suddenly offering free access to each other's WiFi hot spots.
- A Convenient, Mysterious Service From Cable Compan ...Big cable companies have been installing free Wi-Fi networks for their own customers. It's a fantastic development. But it's not clear why they're doing it.
- Android Tries HarderGoogle is trying very hard to get developers to build apps for Android app phones.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Video: Strapping in With the Crew of the Shuttle f ...The STS-132 crew will buckle into the space shuttle Atlantis tomorrow before launching into orbit for a 12 day mission to the International Space Station. It is the last scheduled flight of Atlantis, and the last scheduled flight for each of the six astronauts aboard. Earlier this month I found mys ...
- Stem Cell Solution for Hearing Loss Makes ProgressIf a few too many AC/DC concerts now have you turning up the volume on hearing aids instead of headphones, a new stem cell study in mice is reason for hope. A team led by Stefan Heller of Stanford University set out to elucidate basic principles of how the inner ear detects sound. But they also [.. ...
- Colossal Squid Far from Fearsome PredatorsIn the popular imagination, the colossal squid is fast and terrifying, able to dispatch whales and submarines with ease. But the image of the squid as a nasty predator of the deep is probably more mythology than biology argue Rui Rosa of the Laboratorio Marıtimo da Guia in Lisbon and Brad Seibel of ...
- Weird Clouds Look Even Better From Space> Clouds are fascinating because they take on so many different, beautiful shapes and are constantly changing. Cloud-watching from Earth can be endlessly entertaining, but some of the most amazing cloud patterns can only be properly appreciated from space. Satellite ...
- Life on Earth Arose Just OnceOne isn’t such a lonely number. All life on Earth shares a single common ancestor, a new statistical analysis confirms. The idea that life forms share a common ancestor is “a central pillar of evolutionary theory,” says Douglas Theobald, a biochemist at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts ...
The Progressive Realist
- Ganji: Please Don’t Talk About "Regime Change" in ...Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend a discussion at the Cato Institute with Iranian dissident journalist Akbar Ganji , who tonight will receive Cato’s Milton Friedman Liberty Prize . Ganji shared his views and answered questions on the current state of affairs inside Iran, the prospects for I ...
- What Is "Jihadist Intent" Even Supposed to Mean?Robert Wright is dead-on this week in his column at The Opinionator in which he takes aim at the rather lazy and analytically sloppy tendency of some commentators to dismiss acts of terrorism as being motivated by "jihadist intent." Putting aside what such a term might mean, or be meant to encompass ...
- Phony Counterinsurgency Is Dead, Long Live Real Co ...A source in Afghanistan sent Spencer Ackerman a paper about the operation in Kandahar province titled “A Counterproductive Counterinsurgency” . Its argument, essentially, is that the principles of counterinsurgency are correct and that by those standards the actual approach being undertaken in thei ...
- The Politics of the AntarcticThe Antarctic Treaty Conference in Uruguay wraps up tomorrow, ending two weeks of discussions between more than 350 foreign officials, on pressing issues such as conflicting territorial claims and environmental threats to the region. In an e-mail interview, Danila Bochkarev, Energy Security Associat ...
- Right-Wing Military Blogs Endorse End of DADTAlthough I really don't care to read these right-wing milbogs, I find it very encouraging that they are not just clear-headed about the issue of allowing homosexuals in the military to serve openly, but they're willing to put it in a formal statement . JOINT STATEMENT FROM MILITARY BLOGGERS 1 ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Zombie Theories of Governance.Joshua Green interviews Energy Secretary Steven Chu to discuss, among other things, using gamma rays to clean up oil spills, but Green's introductory point is important: The federal government rarely receives attention for the many things it gets right. Only when it blunders do we hear all about th ...
- The Trouble With Washington.Not the problem. (Flickr/ humbertomoreno ) One of James Fallows ' readers points out that bashing Washington has become something akin to "God bless America" -- the thing a politician throws into his speech just because he's supposed to. "It's great to be here in Whereverville. So nice to be out o ...
- Ordinary Americans.I find the term "ordinary American" very grating because the definition is often extremely ethnocentric. People who wax poetic about "ordinary Americans" are often really referring to Christian heterosexual whites from rural towns, a notion of "Americanness" that doesn't fit statistically speaking, ...
- The Little Picture: The Overseer.Elizabeth Warren , Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, attends the Time 100 gala. The magazine has a particularly good cover this month.
- DC Families Boom.Matthew Yglesias takes note of the marriage boom in DC following the passage of marriage equality: The D.C. Superior Court has already issued more than 2,000 marriage licenses. “To put that in perspective,” Judge William Jackson says. “All of last year was about 3,000.” Despite volumes of conserv ...
Andy Worthington
- 98 MPs Who Supported Human Rights While Countering ...Just before the election, I created a list of 149 MPs (out of 650 in total), who had signed up to two important Early Day Motions over the previous 12 months. The first opposed the use of secret evidence in UK courts, particularly in the cases of terror suspects (both British and foreign nationals), ...
- The Torture of Omar Khadr, a Child in Bagram and G ...Are we so inured to the implementation of torture by the Bush administration that we no longer recognize what torture is? Torture, according to the UN Convention Against Torture, to which the US is a signatory, is “any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentional ...
- Can David Cameron’s Coalition Government Deliver J ...Today, the UK adapts to new political realities — a Tory Prime Minister, for the first time since 1997, a unique coalition between the Tories and the Liberal Democrats, and a Labour party, leaderless and in opposition, having apparently blown its opportunity to forge a fragile coalition with the Lib ...
- After “Guantánamo Habeas Week,” Analysis of Succes ...Please support my work! My thanks to everyone who supported my recent “Guantánamo Habeas Week” project, which, due to the scale of the project and some scheduling difficulties, actually ran for three weeks, with an introduction here, an interactive list of all 47 cases to date, and six detail ...
- Judge Denies Habeas Petition of an Ill and Abused ...On April 20, unnoticed by any media outlet whatsoever, a Libyan prisoner at Guantánamo, Omar Mohammed Khalifh (also identified as Omar Abu Bakr) lost his habeas corpus petition. I learned about the ruling through a “Guantánamo Habeas Scorecard” maintained by the Center for Constitutional Rights, but ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Mass Lizard Extinctions Looming; Global Warming Bl ...One in five lizard species are headed for extinction due to global warming, a new study says. But they won't bake; they'll starve.
- Presented By:
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- An Arizona Minutemen Group FoldsApparently, either they were shocked that people answered their calls to violence or they are broke from their profiteering leaderships' greed. The only question in my mind is "how will they reincarnate their particular brand of crazy?" Because as long as there are crazy people around there wil ...
- Support The Troops - Pay Your TaxesConnecticut Man1 It is the tax deadline and this stuff is pretty self explanatory. You pay taxes and they get beans, bullets and valuable training that might just save their lives. When you want tax cut after tax cut? The active duty soldiers serving overseas, in training here or elsewhere and the ...
- The Root Of The Problem: EducationFrom former New Milford raised a glass and brewed Todd Umbarger and without further comment since it says enough on its own (and I could add an essay to this BUT...) : click on this for larger With previous permission from Todd Umbarger . Todd is a New York-based illustrator and draws the politi ...
- Welcome Back To The New and Improved New Milford B ...This is just a switch over to the new Blogger In Draft Templates ... But I plan on overhauling the place more, installing some better vats, dusting off the mugs and shot glasses. Be careful as you wander around and try not to knock over the cases of empties over on the side bar because recycling bro ...
- Eric Cantor: "Dem Thugs Did This To Me!"From Jed Lewison : It's clear from the Richmond police statement that Cantor's office was not directly targeted. Rather, an office that he has used in the past (but not his main campaign office) was randomly struck by a bullet that had been fired into the sky. I'm not minimizing the dangers of ran ...
SPL Center
- Fifteen Years Later: A Grim Anniversary in Oklahom ...Next Monday, Americans will mark the 15 th anniversary of the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City — the worst single act of domestic terrorism in our nation’s history and a grim reminder of the fruits of right-wing radicalism. Although Timothy McVeigh and confederates Terry Nichols and Mi ...
- Angels and Demons – Catholics in Conspiracy with O ...WASHINGTON, D.C. – Whether it’s suggesting President Obama is a secret Muslim from Kenya or a dictator eager to pull the plug on grandma, it seems there’s no conspiracy theory too outrageous for the antigovernment “Patriot” movement. That is, until Cliff Kincaid apparently crossed the line today. Ki ...
- Pentagon Tightens Ban on Supremacist Activity Afte ...Since the SPLC warned the U.S. military about extremist activity among active-duty personnel in 2006, the Pentagon brass has steadfastly denied that a problem existed and insisted that its “zero-tolerance” policy was sufficient to keep organized racists out of its ranks. That changed this past Novem ...
- Gay-Bashing Church Could Lose Tax ExemptionA Florida church known for its Muslim bashing is now taking aim at a gay mayoral candidate — and possibly endangering its tax exemption. Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville has been attacking City Commissioner Craig Lowe, one of two candidates vying for mayor in an April 13 run-off election. T ...
- Georgia Oath Keeper Charged After Attempting ‘Citi ...When Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes appeared on MSNBC’s “Hardball” last October, he argued that the newly formed, rapidly growing “Patriot” group was no threat to anybody – just a collection of police officers and military types who pledge to defend the Constitution and to disobey unconstitutio ...
change: org.
- The World's Future MegacitiesBy 2050, it's estimated that nearly seven out of 10 people in the world will be living in a New York City, a Tokyo, a Beijing or a New Dehli. Or any one of dozens of as-yet nameless megacities currently sprouting up around the world. The United Nations defines a megacity has having more than 10 mill ...
- The Jobs Aren't Coming BackHow valuable is what you produce between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.? Whether you've been laid off in the last couple years should give you a clue. The recession provided employers the opportunity to (quickly) dump (lots) of employees whose output, even if prolific, was relatively low-value. They would have w ...
- American University Student Outs Rapists Via Faceb ...What would be your reaction if you signed on to Facebook and saw on your friend's status a message naming two rapists and warning women to keep clear? If you were a friend of Chloe Rubenstein, a 20-year-old student at American University, that's the status message you would have seen last month. You ...
- Israel Helps African Farmers Implement Drip Irriga ...If you had to guess which country was working wonders in low-tech agricultural innovation in Africa, would you ever in a million years guess Israel? Well, maybe when you think about how arid Israel's landscape is, it isn't such a surprise to learn that the country has been helping farmers in Africa' ...
- Why Hotels Aren't Suitable HousingThere are as many reasons a hotel makes a bad dwelling for a family as there are hotels. They're crowded. They're expensive. Often, they don't have kitchens for cooking. Constantly rotating neighbors can include criminals and sex offenders. It's not an address someone can put on a job application. T ...
Common Dreams -News
- Senate OKs Fed Audit as Part of Bank Overhaulby Kevin Drawbaugh and Andy Sullivan WASHINGTON - The Senate challenged the Federal Reserve's tradition of secrecy on Tuesday by unanimously approving a measure to expose the details of the central bank's emergency lending during the financial crisis. As it sought to stabilize the banking sector and ...
- David Cameron to Be UK's New Prime MinisterConservative leader David Cameron is at Buckingham Palace to accept an invitation from the Queen to form a new government. He is poised to become Britain's new prime minister after Gordon Brown resigned. Mr Cameron's Conservative Party won the most seats in the UK general election last week, but not ...
- Maryland First State to Bar Schools Releasing Test ...by Kathleen Miller ANNAPOLIS, Md. - A first-of-its-kind law bars public high schools in Maryland from automatically sending student scores on a widely used military aptitude test to recruiters, a practice that critics say was giving the armed forces backdoor access to young people without their pare ...
- Oil Firms Ignored Warning Signs Before Blast, Inqu ...by Suzanne Goldenberg BP was aware of equipment problems aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig hours before the explosion pumped millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, a congressional hearing was told yesterday . In a second day of hearings, the House of Representatives's energy and commerce ...
- Afghan War Costs Now Outpace Iraq's by Richard Wolf WASHINGTON - The monthly cost of the war in Afghanistan, driven by troop increases and fighting on difficult terrain, has topped Iraq costs for the first time since 2003 and shows no sign of letting up. Pentagon spending in February, the most recent month available, was $6.7 billion ...
- Carbonite for BlackBerry Keeps Your Computer's Bac ...BlackBerry: If you're a customer of Carbonite, our readers' favorite Windows backup tool , and you own a BlackBerry, the new Carbonite app gives you access to all your files anywhere you go, so you can browse, view, or email them. More�� ...
- Print the Contents of Any Folder in Windows [Windo ...Need a listing of everything you've got in a Windows folder? You could grab screenshots, but that's a pain when there are lots of files. A quick command line trick gives you an easily printable directory of contents. More�� ...
- Android 2.2 Could Include Built-In Tethering and W ...TechCrunch is reporting that "Froyo," the next version of the Android smartphone operating system expected to be released next week at Google's I/O conference , will pack in more than just big compiling speed improvements and fragmentation fix ...
- Reschedule One-Hour Meetings to a Tighter 45 Minut ...Modern calendar apps make one hour a kind of default appointment, and it seems like a nice, average time slot for meeting planners. The 45 Minute Meeting is a movement to make meetings shorter, both on the calendar and in the room. More�� ...
- Facebook's Huge Maze of Privacy Options Mapped Out ...The New York Times does the heavy lifting of actually plotting out Facebook's headache-inducing privacy options, helping some of us to navigate 50 settings with 170 options, and the rest of us to shake our heads in disbelief. More�� ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Talking to the TalibanBy Dave Anderson: The LA Times reports that the Obama Administration is backing plans to face reality. The Karzai government has been talking with significant senior elements of the Quetta Shura Taliban and other allied anti-government factions for over a year now. The US will now stick its toe into ...
- COIN is like Soviet Communism?By Steve Hynd Spencer Ackerman has received a paper from a source living in Kandahar, Afghanistan, entitled "A Counterproductive Counterinsurgency". Although the anonymous author is supportive of COIN theory (emphasis mine): An effective counterinsurgency can only be waged by an organization that is ...
- America's New PoodleBy Steve Hynd Sigh. Despite it being counter-productive and highly unpopular with the electorate, the Tories have doubled down on Britain's poodle status. New Foreign Secretary William Hague has said that getting a "grip" on Britain's military operations in Afghanistan would be his top priority on h ...
- NYC And The TTP: Spinning The War On TerrorBy Steve Hynd Yesterday, Attorney General Holder "flatly asserted that the defendant in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan," and immediately went on to call for neutering Miranda as if the suspect, Faisal Shahzad, hadn't talked both before and after being read hi ...
- 52% Of Americans Think Afghanistan Not Worth Its C ...By Steve Hynd A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that the Surge hasn't given a long-term boost to the popularity of the Afghan occupation among the American public, with a net 52% saying that the war there has not been worth fighting. A majority says the war in Afghanistan is not worth its co ...
Water Wars
- Water wars kill five in parched MPWater has always been the most precious yet scarce commodity in Madhya Pradesh. But the recent deaths of five people -- in fights and disputes over water -- are a grim reminder of the water crisis plaguing the state.
- Book Review: Doing Dangerously Well by Carole Enah ...The basis for three good books in this one, instead they've been crammed under one cover and the whole suffers accordingly.
- Water War Updated: All Quiet On The Northwestern F ...For the small-town journalist, finding the memorandum of understanding was like stumbling across the Zimmerman Telegram or the Protocols of Zion.
- Former Bush officials find work with leading playe ...A former Bush administration official whose tenure was marked by systematic attempts to weaken endangered species protections has gone to work for a powerful California farm district that has the same aim in the Delta.
- Former Bush officials find work with leading playe ...A former Bush administration official whose tenure was marked by systematic attempts to weaken endangered species protections has gone to work for a powerful California farm district that has the same aim in the Delta.
WordPress | Economics
- We're not Greece...from the NYThttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/opinion/14krugman.html up is down and down is up-
- Any Port in a StormI think it’s always a good idea to keep a catalogue, of sorts, in your head of various interes
- "The danger posed by the deficit 'is zero'"Two eminent economists strongly debunk the current deficit scare tactic in which the financial condi
- Position: Fishery and Aquaculture Officer, FAO, Ab ...Fishery and Aquaculture Officer, FAO, Abu Dhabi (closes May 26, 2010)
- Legacy of GluttonyIt is very predictable how future generations will think of the America we are living in today. Eve
Electronic Intifada
- Israel increasingly resembling a police stateRAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Israeli nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu has been sentenced to another three months imprisonment for allegedly refusing to perform commu ...
- Irish activists urge divestment at CRH annual meet ...Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) activists are pressuring the Ireland-based international building materials group CRH to divest from its Israeli subsidiary Mashav. Las ...
- Israel imposing occupation tactics on its Palestin ...Several examples, including the arrests of Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said, now point to an uncomfortable reality for the self-proclaimed "only democracy in the Middle East": p ...
- A day in JerusalemJerusalem is only an hour and a half drive away from where I live in Gaza City. I grew up contemplating the moment I would see Jerusalem, but that day wouldn't come until I ...
- Israeli settlers attack Palestinian mosquesLUBBAN AL-SHARQIYA, occupied West Bank (IPS) - "There is immense anger as well as a feeling of vulnerability and fear when a place of sanctuary and holiness is subject to indiscrim ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Taliban find safe haven in Pakistan's KarachiKARACHI (Reuters) - Hundreds of Taliban fleeing from Pakistan's restive northwest have taken refuge in the teeming commercial hub of Karachi, where a growing nexus with banned militant organisatio...
- Protesters say NATO attack killed Afghan civiliansHundreds of protesters burned tires and blocked roads Friday in eastern Afghanistan as they accused NATO forces of killing civilians in an overnight raid, but the alliance said eight insurgents were k...
- New British foreign secretary in US for Afghan tal ...London - Britain's new Foreign Secretary, William Hague, was due to arrive in the US later Friday for talks with his opposite number Hillary Rodham Clinton.Hague was appointed to his new job on Wednes...
- Afghanistan heads agenda for Hague in USWilliam Hague will hold talks in Washington today on his first overseas visit after being appointed Foreign Secretary in the new coalition government. The conflict in Afghanistan is likely to ...
- Karzai ends U.S. trip with visit to baseAfghan president Hamid Karzai to visit Kentucky military base Karzai to meet troops set to travel to Afghanistan to fight in war Karzai has met with Secretary of State Clinton, President Obama
- Diaspora: open-source distributed Facebook equival ...I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before (as it’s an idea I predicted in rudimentary form for an article in Focus back in 2007, and I’m hardly at the cutting edge of web software thinking), but the Facebook privacy backlash has prompted a small gang of geeks to build an open-source distributed social ...
- Virtual bodies, mutable gendersHere’s an interesting bit of research from sunny Barcelona: men wearing a virtual reality headset that allowed them to perceive themselves as a female avatar started to identify strongly with their temporarily-assumed gender. … men donned a virtual reality (VR) headset that allowed them to see and h ...
- Cursor: a community-based fiction publishing busin ...No idea how I managed to miss this one before, but Richard Nash – founder and former head honcho of Soft Skull Press – is starting a new publishing venture called Cursor which promises (among other things, like a strong focus on niche community-building) to do away with the exploitative life-of-the- ...
- Over-the-counter genetic testing kits at your loca ...As of this Friday, Walgreens customers in the US will be able to purchase a home-use genetic testing kit for US$30 or less… though access to the results (via the Pathway Genomics website) could cost another $200 or more, depending on what the user wants to know [via MetaFilter]. Though mail-order DN ...
- Writing Differently: Picking Up the Scary ToolsIf all has gone well with your writing so far, by now you may have some favorite practices: maybe you always outline your pieces, or you just start writing with a vague scene in mind to get to, or you scribble a bunch of scenes on index cards and then try to figure out what [...] Project Wonderful ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- New Article Offers In-Depth Coverage of Stroupe Ca ...Richard Renner recently posted discussion of BB&T's refusal to reinstate whistleblower Amy Stroupe. An article, appearing today on Thebigmoney.com gives us a more in-depth look at the case. While working at BB&T bank, Stroupe was an investigator who uncovered a $20 million ponzi scheme. Discovering ...
- OSHA to PATH: no retaliation against injured emplo ...One of the outcomes of the 9/11 Commission was that Congress passed two whistleblower protection laws for railroad and public transit employees in 2008. These are the Federal Rail Safety Act (FRSA), 49 U.S.C. � 20109, and the National Transit System Security Act (NTSSA). Both are part of Public Law ...
- OSHA head plans to improve whistleblower programDr. David Michaels , the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, made his first public remarks today about his plans for OSHA's whistleblower program. The occasion was a meeting of Professionals for the Public Interest . Dr. Michaels opened by stating that ...
- Rhode Island council member blew whistle on briber ...WPRI is reporting on its web page that a recent federal indictment of three members of the North Providence town council arose from another council member blowing the whistle on them. Last Thursday, Town Council President Joseph Burchfield, Councilman Raymond Douglas and Councilman John Zambarano po ...
- OSHA finds pilot suffered retaliation under AIR 21The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced on Friday that it has found that New Jersey based air carrier Worldwide Jet Charter LLC retaliated against one of its pilots. OSHA has issued a reinstatement order, and this order has immediate effect even if Worldwide chooses to app ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- Air Force PS3 Supercomputer Screwed By Sony Killin ...Back in March, we wrote about Sony's bizarre decision to delete a feature on PS3's, that would let you install other operating systems. This was an advertised feature that, while not used by most PS3 buyers, was used pretty widely and creatively. In fact, we noted in that post that the US military ...
- The Blurring Line Between Personal And Professiona ...We've talked for years about the blurring of the "work-life" balance thanks to our always connected world. These days, it's not uncommon for people to do some "life" aspects at work (online shopping, banking, etc.) while also doing plenty of "work" things while at home (checking email, creating pre ...
- Court Won't Move Patent Lawsuit Out Of East Texas, ...As has been discussed plenty of times, a disproportionate number of patent lawsuits are filed in East Texas , under the belief that the venue is the most friendly to patent holders (there is some debate lately about how accurate this is, but either way it remains, by far, the most popular place for ...
- Wired Takes On The Smartphone Patent Thicket And H ...Back in February, we noted the rapid explosion of patent lawsuits in the smartphone realm, with pretty much everyone suing everyone, and began to wonder if it was even possible to build a smartphone without getting sued. As it continued to play out, it became clear that the smartphone market was a ...
- VA Continues Its Annual Tradition Of Losing Laptop ...When we last checked in with the Veterans Administration (VA) it was to suggest that it rename itself the "Ministry of Data Leaks." That's because every year or so they admit that they've lost a computer that happens to contain unencrypted personal data on VA members. And, each report seems to get ...
- Vaccine-derived polioviruses found in immunodefici ...Pediatric Supersite 05/13/2010 Vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 was detected in five of six documented cases of immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived polioviruses in Iran from 1995 to 2008 — indicating a global need to change to an inactivated polio vaccine schedule. Researchers from severa ...
- Something sick in the systemJOHN GARNAUT TheAge.com.au 05/14/2010 ON MARCH 19, Shandong farmer Li Baoxiang consented to his only son being vaccinated for swine flu. That night, eight-year-old Li Zhikang said he felt sick. By the morning his body was trembling all over. Yesterday the father stood with tears streaming down his ...
- Pregnant women trial ear disease vaccineKristy O’Brien ABC News 05/13/2010 A world-first vaccine trial that could prevent Aboriginal children from suffering chronic ear disease is being assessed by Northern Territory researchers. Two out of every three Aboriginal children are currently suffering ear infections that lead to impaired heari ...
- Experts highlight dangers posed by hepatitis B, CKhetam Malkawi Zawya.com 05/09/2010 Hepatitis B and C are the leading causes for cirrhosis of the liver in Jordan and the Middle East, health experts said on Saturday. Doctors affiliated with Jordan’s Friends of Liver Patients Society said alcohol consumption is not the main cause of cirrhosis in t ...
- A spoonful of sugar ‘helps the vaccination g ...Kate Devlin Telegraph 05/13/2010 Doctors found that giving children a small amount of sugar before an injection made them much less likely to cry. They suggest that the sweet substance should be used before children are given vaccinations, many of which they receive while they are still infants. P ...
- Things You Might Have MissedThere is a new project being kicked off to try and get anarchist texts to people in places where they are not so easily available. Check out Books for Anarchists. The session I attended at the NY anarchist book fair on women in prison is online. Polycentric Order has an interesting article In Defen ...
- What if the North Had Seceded?Here in the United States, the idea of secession is inextricably tied to slavery. And there is damn good reason for that. Despite what some putrid politicians may claim, the civil war was very much about slavery. But the Confederacy didn’t invent the idea of secession. They aren’t the only p ...
- Responding to Anarchy in the NewsI keep an eye out for mentions of anarchy or anarchists in the news. More often than not, when we are mentioned, it relates to some act of destruction that is being condemned. Anarchist responses to these reports, if there are any responses at all, are usually confined to internal discussions on a ...
- Does Culture Disappear?I often hear people express fear of losing their culture. Sometimes, I sympathize with them. I sympathize with indigenous people who are fighting for their dying languages. I sympathize with the French farmer who led a revolt against McDonalds. And I sympathize with Jews who – after survivin ...
- 4/20 Quick HitNot my regular posting day, but I can’t let 4/20 go by without posting something on the drug war. Here’s a little debate with Ethan Nadelmann followed by links to some orgs that you should know about. Drug Policy Alliance Norml Marijuana Policy Project Stop the Drug War
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The Brutish Bastards Are At It Again!EIR News Service press release. By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
- LaRouche at Webcast: Fight To Pass the Glass-Steag ...EIR News Service press release.
- LaRouche: Ram Glass-Steagall Amendment Through the ...EIR News Service press release.
- European Blow-Out Makes Glass-Steagall Urgent, Now ...EIR News Service press release.
- With Obama Opposed, Glass-Steagall Heads to the Se ...EIR News Service press release.
Armies of Liberation
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
- Alwaki Tribe Denies StatementThe Sheik of the Awlaki tribe in Yemen denied that tribal leaders held a meeting or threatened Yemeni citizens as is being widely reported in the Western media. Reuters reported receiving a faxed statement last week from the Awalki tribe that said, “We warn against cooperating with America to kill S ...
- Yemen National Dialog Coalition Seeks Reform, Broa ...Yemen’s National Dialog Committee published an English language summary of its National Salvation Plan yesterday. The document is available at http://yemenvision.wordpress.com/ The National Dialog Committee (NDC) is an important Yemeni civil society coalition dedicated to creating a forum and consen ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Woodland Birds Losing Out to Farmland Birds as Aus ...Grey-crowned Babbler, one of the species losing its habitat; photo via lostandcold The Macquarie Marshes , one of Australia's iconic wetlands, is dying a slow death as droughts and water diversion infrastructure take their toll, and feeling the squeeze along with the river are the birds that in ...
- The Week in Pictures: BP Oil Spill Update, Hugo Ch ...From the release of the first underwater images and video monitoring the gushing oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico to the news that Venezualan President Hugo Chavez used Twitter to announce the sinking of a natural gas platform off the coast of Venezuela, a lot happened this week in green. Reside ...
- A Belt Becomes The Most Minimal of Minimalist Chai ...Image via Vitra Talk about trimming down on materials used for chairs and seating. Designer Alejandro Aravena took a piece of old know-how - simply using a strap wrapped around your knees and back and using that to balance weight - and designed a fancier version to use as a simplified chair. An ...
- Cape Wind Project Opponents Offer Legal Challenge ...Excerpt from Nathaniel Currier's "The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor", a lithograph depicting the Boston Tea Party . Image and caption credit: Wikipedia . First project opponents said Cape Wind would have adverse environmental impacts. Those were put to rest with a final Environmental Imp ...
- Is a More Democratic Country Always a Greener One?The Turkish parliament. Photo via Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi The package of constitutional reforms signed by Turkish President Abdullah Gül on Wednesday dominated the news agenda in the country as it progressed through vote after vote in parliament, with politicians and the public debating th ...
- You Are Your BacteriaVariation in our microbial inhabitants could help tailor efforts to treat illness. via Technology Review: You Are Your Bacteria.
- Weird, Ultra-Small Microbes Turn Up in Acidic Mine ...In the depths of a former copper mine in Northern California dwell what may be the smallest, most stripped-down forms of life ever discovered. The microbes — members of the domain of one-celled creatures called Archaea — are smaller than other known microorganisms, rivaled in size only by a microbe ...
- Multiple personal genomes awaitGenomic data will soon become a commodity; the next challenge — linking human genetic variation with physiology and disease — will be as great as the one genomicists faced a decade ago, says J. Craig Venter. via Multiple personal genomes await : Article : Nature.
- Low Vitamin D Level Tied to Cognitive DeclineTwo new studies add to evidence that older people with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment. The hope is that vitamin D supplements may be able to slow mental decline — an intervention that one research team plans to put to the test this summer. Vitamin D [. ...
- Essentials of Genetics | Learn Science at ScitableWhy does a commercial dairy cow produce four times as much milk as most other mammals? Why do we look like our cousins? Why do roses come in so many different colors? The answers to these and other questions about the diversity of living things involve processes that occur at the level of genes. Ess ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- Oil Spill: How to check the status of a beachState resources for how to check and report on oiled beaches and wildlife
- Greenpeace Opts for Millions of Blind KidsWe can't prevent earthquakes, but we can prevent blindness.
- Not exactly Mother TeresaIn fact, unethical Greenpeace actions threaten the livelihoods and lives of millions
- Taxpayer Robbery GateSenator Boxer is compounding the Climategate scandal with cover-up and obstruction
- CFACT drops the banner on Greenpeace shipsIn daring land and sea raids, activists tag Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior with “Propaganda Warriorâ€Â banner; Arctic Sunrise hit with “Ship of Liesâ€Â banner earlier in the day
Ria Novosti Online News
- Hyundai to launch press forging unit at Russian pl ...Hyundai Motor Co. will become the first foreign automaker to launch a full-capacity press forging unit at its St. Petersburg car assembly plant, which starts production in September, a Russian business daily said on Friday
- Russia to launch first carrier rocket from Kourou ...The first launch of a Russian Soyuz-ST carrier rocket from the Kourou space center in French Guiana has been scheduled for December 17, Russia's top space official said on Friday
- Customer tackles armed robberClosed-circuit television (CCTV) images emerged on Thursday showing the moments when a customer and tackled a robber as he tried to raid a betting shop in northern England.
- Ukrainian Naftogaz to consolidate with Russian Gaz ...Kiev will only agree to integrate the main Ukrainian and Russian gas companies on a parity basis, media sources have said
- Russian-Ukrainian gas deal
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russian space freighter undocked from ISSThe crew of the International Space Station (ISS) undocked a Russian space freighter on Monday, a Mission Control spokesperson said
- Iran to orbit 5-6 telecom satellites 'soon'Tehran is planning to launch up to six satellites in the near future, Fars news agency quoted Iranian Telecommunications Minister Reza Taqipour as saying on Friday.
- Russian, Ukrainian scientists win 2010 Global Ener ...The 2010 Global Energy Prize has been awarded to a Russian and a Ukrainian scientist, the vice president of the Russian Academy of Scientists said on Tuesday.
- Icelandic volcano ejects 140 mln cu m of ash - sci ...Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano has thrown out about 140 million cubic meters of ash over the past three days
- Space Shuttle may continue through next year - Ros ...The U.S. Space Shuttle program may not come to an end this year, Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said in a statement, citing International Space Station (ISS) manager
Pruning Shears
- Consumers Get Businesslike; Business Gets NervousNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Tuesday Shahien Nasiripour wrote about the growing problem of strategic defaults, where homeowners who are able to pay their mortgages instead let them go into foreclosure. Generally the homes are worth substantially less than th ...
- The Bonuses Clearly WorkedGoldman Sachs appears to be retaining its talent a little too well.
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. CBS reported that secret military aircraft was used to help track down the would-be Times Square bomber, then almost immediately flushed it d ...
- ACTA and the Overblown Threat of PiracyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has been largely negotiated behind closed doors, and only recently was an official draft made public . The Obama administration even declared an early draft classified in refusing to co ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Spencer Ackerman is at Guatánamo reporting on Obama’s first Military Commissions trial. What happens with Omar Khadr in the course of this proceeding could have enormous implications for detainee policy. Think about it: If the in ...
Natural Health News
- U.S. Urges Doctors to Report Misleading Drug Pitch ...U.S. health officials are asking doctors to report misleading promotions from drug sales representatives. The effort is an attempt to increase regulators' reach into the largest area of prescription drug promotion, which are the private contacts between drug companies and doctors. According to Reu ...
- 94 Percent Of Breastfeeding Mothers Do Not Follow ...A Spanish study found that 94 percent of nursing mothers did not follow a proper diet. They did not consume recommended diary intake of fat, vitamins A, E and iron, and their intake of proteins was too high. Researchers collected 100 milk samples from 34 breastfeeding mothers. The women were given ...
- Meningitis C Vaccine Does Not Last and Wears Off E ...Seventy-five percent of children vaccinated against meningitis C lose their protection against the disease by their early teens. A study looked at 250 children aged six to 12, examining their resistance to the illness seven years after they received the injection. BBC News reports: “Falling immu ...
- Working Overtime May Harm Your HeartPeople who regularly put in overtime can increase their heart disease risk by nearly two-thirds. The findings come from a study of 6,000 people. The researchers found that those who worked three to four hours of overtime a day ran a 60 percent higher risk. According to BBC News: “... there could ...
- Why the AMA Wants to Muzzle Your DoctorThe American Medical Association (AMA) trying to silence doctors who oppose Obama’s health care package. After a Florida urologist placed a sign in his door indicating that patients who voted for President Obama should seek care elsewhere, the AMA issued the following statement: "[P]hysicians might ...
- BP's Three Strikes = Jail Time Now?BP says that it accepts responsibility for this underwater oil volcano. In this case, responsibility needs to mean more than slapping monetary fines and/or probation on a company that now has a record of criminal convictions for environmental crimes for which it remains on probation . Convictions f ...
- How Will the British Hung Parliament be Resolved?Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats got a boost from the candidates’ televised debates, but Thursday on election day his standing was diminished compared to promising figures released after the first debate. Such an occurrence was anything but surprising. Followers of the 1992 U.S. presidential cam ...
- Conservatives Win Diminished Expectations ElectionIt was an election that resulted in diminished numerical voter expectations on the part of all three leading parties, but the David Cameron led Conservatives ultimately finished on top. The Tories anticipated winning a clear majority of parliamentary seats. Instead they fell short by 20 seats, gain ...
- A Conversation with Dave AndrewsCrossposted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet . In this regular series, we profile advisors to the Nourishing the Planet project. This week, we feature Dave Andrews, Senior Representative for Food & Water Watch. Name: Dave Andrews Affiliation: Food & Water Watch Location: Washing ...
- Holding Families and the Country TogetherCross posted from Worldwatch Institute's Nourishing the Planet . Fridah Mugo and her 13 siblings grew up in a farming family in rural Kenya, where the majority of young girls are not expected to finish primary school. But, in 1999, with a scholarship provided by Winrock International ’s African Wo ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Taking the Meat We Eat Out of the Factory and Putt ...On Tuesday, Animal Welfare Approved and the Pew Environment Group presented a public panel discussion about raising pasture-based animals, and reclaiming these sustainable farming systems as the source of our meat and dairy. The star-studded panel included Nicolette Hahn Niman, attorney and author ...
- Locally grown, Locally shared: A new model for giv ...Over a hundred Baltimore residents gathered on Saturday night for the 4th edition of an innovative fundraising event called STEW. STEW is a joint project of Baltimore Development Cooperative and Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, where attendees pay $10/person for the opportunity to share a multi-cou ...
- Food Access Solutions: Panel Discussion in Anacos ...On Friday, April 12th, Food Access Solutions: Urban Agriculture, Local Food, & Community Development, a panel discussion between leaders in the food movement on a regional level and leaders on the local level took place in southeast Washington D.C. in Anacostia. My interest in Urban Agriculture com ...
- Meatless Monday: A Campaign Rooted in Public Healt ...The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health embraced the Meatless Monday campaign back in 2003, and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future has proudly served as the national campaign’s scientific advisor ever since. Today I welcome and laud The Johns Hopkins Hospital for launching its ...
- Response to Professor MitloehnerDear Professor Mitloehner, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. What you wrote was informative, but your response also raised additional questions for me.  I will lay them out here and you are welcome to respond again. From your response: “I did not write the press releases ...
- As AZ slowly circles the bowl . . .Cypress Hill is boycotting Arizona. Top Mexican soccer team cancels Phoenix match. Bill McCollum flip flops on Arizona’s show-us-your-papers law (does he have any clue how much money Disney would spend to avoid a tourism boycott of Orlando?). The City of Phoenix is saying that they’re in a near econ ...
- Banksters, tampons and other news of the dayThis, at long last, is what the right is reduced to: Tampons. Icky, scary, girl thingy tampons. Maybe with wings, maybe not. - Andrew Cuomo is going after eight banks for misleading the already-in-the-bag ratings agencies. I understand it’s hard to get the money back, but if the Republicans have acc ...
- BridgeFail piles on the spiteBusy day, what can I say? - Mpls VA hospital cited by OSHA for 37 violations (the war on OSHA has always been a war against workers and safety, and even the government is tainted by anti-OSHA jerks who ignore citations and put employees at risk). The Director has been Steven P. Kleinglass since 2002 ...
- A puerility of politicians- Because when people die as a direct result of your cheap-assed governance, who wouldn’t double down and veto more necessary funding? Worst governor not from an original Confederacy state ever. But there is a solution. Go to the 400 Bar on the West Bank Wednesday night to see John Doe, Exene Cerven ...
- Our downpressor societyIt’s like a big joke and we’re the butt of it. Each day we learn more about Bush’s crimes (and Obama’s refusal to prosecute them), and Obama’s penchant for hanging on to the power Bush-Cheney usurped for themselves at the expense of our Constitution. Today’s education includes: Revelations that Elen ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation âRah-e-Rastâ. Before the operation âRah-e-Rastâ, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be âlegitimate politicsâ. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
Center for Food Safety
- Update: CFS Fighting Monsanto in the Supreme Court ...On Tuesday April 27, 2010 the United States Supreme Court heard argument in the Center for Food Safety’s case against Monsanto (Monsanto v Geertson Seed Farms), the first-ever Supreme Court case about genetically engineered crops. Watch a short message from CFS Executive Director Andrew Kimbrell, an ...
- Special Messages from Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiv ...Filed under: Factory Farming, Food Safety, GE Crops, GE Food, Organics, Politics and Policy, Take Action
- CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY PRESENTS ARGUMENTS BEFORE S ...High Court Hears Arguments In First-ever Case on Genetically Engineered Crops States, Scientists, Organic and Conventional Farmers, Food Companies, Exporters, and Legal Scholars File Briefs in Support, Oppose Monsanto Today the Center for Food Safety (CFS) faces off against Monsanto in the U.S. Supr ...
- Happy Earth Day!This Earth Day, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support! We are honored by how many of you have joined and supported us in our efforts towards a just and sustainable food supply that supports both healthy people and a healthy planet. One of the primary reasons CFS challeng ...
- Diverse Interests Back Center for Food Safety, Opp ...STATES, SCIENTISTS, ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL FARMERS, FOOD COMPANIES, EXPORTERS, FORMER GOVT. OFFICIALS, AND LEGAL SCHOLARS FILE BRIEFS IN SUPPORT. SEVEN AMICUS BRIEFS FILED IN ALL. A myriad of interests – ranging from food companies to farmers unions to scientific experts and legal scholars – have ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Young Sid: "I did it for my city".�By Omar Hamed Source South Auckland rapper Young Sid has just released his second album What Doesn’t Kill Me. The songs provide a gritty sequel to Smashproof’s The Weekend and provide the listener with new maps of the south Auckland underworld. In this review Omar Hamed argues that Young ...
- This Is Mandela's South AfricaArchbishop Emeritus Desmond says that former President Mandela would be saddened by what is going on in South Africa. Mandela, who is 91, is understandably an absent figure in the current political landscape. Nonetheless, Mandela is not figuratively absent. He is a symbol, a gesture, and a myth ...
- Reporter's Notebook: Brenda Norrell-Collapse of ne ...By Brenda Norrell for Photo by James Fortier There is no better place to document the collapse of the news industry than with the coverage of what happened when military helicopters attempted to land on sacred burial ground at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge in South Dakota on Saturday. The worst cov ...
- Dept. of Corrections and Other Matters Concerning ...The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service has received a flurry of angry responses to our coverage of the ‘Wounded Knee Crisis - 05.01.2001’ (mostly by one individual) and now that more information has come forward, we are submitting a ‘Dept. of Corrections’ report as well as our thoughts about this p ...
- Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010 Sane Reading Material for Smart Aboriginals This Issue : Aboriginal News Group: Brief Thoughts About a "Random American Bombardment" J. B.Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulakqi & others Frantz Fanon: Reciprocal Bases of National Culture and the Fight ...
- Lobo Will Go But Not Attend EU SummitThe BBC has clarified my confusion around Honduran President Porfirio Lobo’s presence in the EU Summit. He will attend a parallel event, but not the summit itself. This is to appease the Chavez block who seemingly will never forgive Honduras for removing their ally Manuel Zelaya from office. His coa ...
- False Report, Lobo Attending EU SummitTo my relief, the report in the Proceso Digital newspaper that I blogged about earlier was false. Mr. Lobo has confirmed that he will attend the summit, criticizing those who oppose his presence as “arrogant” and “pretentious”. It is unclear to me whether Lobo changed his mind, or that the Proceso ...
- Lobo Defers To Chavez BullyingPorfirio Lobo Sosa has reportedly eliminated much of the advantage he once had over Hugo Chavez after declining an invitation to an EU Summit. A blustering Hugo Chávez had threatened a 10-nation-strong boycott of the event should Lobo attend. I hope this news item proves to be false! Mr. Lobo has sp ...
- Academy Award Winning Movie TrailerA post pointing to the the obvious lack of innovation in Hollywood through the use of a You-Tube video. Related posts:Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sexual Harassment? YouTube Taking Forever Related posts: Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sex ...
- Footage of Meteor in WisconsinAn impressive video capture of last night’s massive meteor fireball reported in Wisconsin. Related posts:Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics Related posts: Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics
Green Times
- Environmental News -14/05/10Environmental News Norway should limit Arctic soot to slow warming Norway should limit soot from emerging Arctic industries such as oil or shipping that risk accelerating a thaw of ice around the North Pole caused by global warming, a recent report said. The study also said climate change, ...
- Environmental News -13/05/10Environmental News Australia left behind by US emission trading bill The unveiling of a long-awaited US Senate bill to establish an American emissions trading scheme shows Australia is being left behind in terms of action on climate change, say environmentalists. The bill would establish a ...
- Environmental News -08/05/10Environmental News Hair sausages to the rescue As an orange slick of oil washed onto Louisiana's sandy barrier islands, prized as a historic wildlife refuge, crews worked to lower a containment vessel over a leak 1500 metres below the Gulf of Mexico surface and US officials extended a tempo ...
- Japan: An Emerging Market for Australian InvestorsThe Renewable Energy sector in Japan is an emerging market for Australian investors and businesses…
- Environmental News -05/05/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) The Oil Slick You Can't See (http://www.aolnews.com/opinion/article/opinion-the-oil-slick-you-cant-see/19460901)-If you think that slick of oil spreading across the Gulf of Mexico is a nasty sight ...
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Bomb blast rocks Athens amid heightened tensionsShareThis Bomb blast rocks Athens amid heightened tensions 13 May 2010 A bomb has exploded outside one of Greece's highest security prisons, injuring two people and damaging homes and shops up to four blocks away, Athens police said Thursday. The bomb was placed inside a garbage container alongside ...
- Two NATO soldiers killed in AfghanistanShareThis Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan 14 May 2010 Two NATO soldiers fighting in Afghanistan to quell a Taliban-led insurgency were killed in attacks, the military said Friday. One was killed in an "insurgent attack" in the east of the country on Friday and the other died after a crude Ta ...
- U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of American Citi ...ShareThis U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of American Citizen Causes Unease [ It should cause the second American Revolution. ] 13 May 2010 The Obama administration’s decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Agency of a terrorism suspect who is an American citizen has set off a ...
- Taliban kill 2 alleged US spies in NW PakistanShareThis Taliban kill 2 alleged US spies in NW Pakistan 12 May 2010 Pakistani Taliban shot and killed two men Wednesday whom they accused of spying for the United States, while a bomb ripped through a NATO oil tanker near the Afghan border and killed a passer-by, officials and residents said. The s ...
- Military awards massive KBR Iraq contract without ...ShareThis Military awards massive KBR Iraq contract without competition --KBR 'won' the LOGCAP III contract under competitive bidding in 2001 . 11 May 2010 The U.S. Army is under fire for reversing a decision to have three companies compete for more than $500 million worth of work in Iraq, and inste ...
Daily Loaf
- Previously on Lost: “Across the Sea”Uh … what? Lots to take in this week. Tuesday night's episode of Lost might have been the most controversial (Is that the right word? Maybe 'disappointing' is a better one?) hour of the entire series. CL Contributor Michelle Stark has her review …
- This weekend’s best bets in Tampa Bay area music: ...A quick breakdown of shows this weekend’s worthiest live music offerings from Friday through Sunday
- Sex and love events around Tampa: May 14 – 30May 14-16. Exxxotica Expo Miami: eXXXotica Expo lets fans meet hundreds of adult stars and allows them to browse the latest products. Over 150 exhibitors will be on site, including HotMovies.com, Clips4Sale.com, MyFreeCams.com, men’s magazines Genesis and Club, and the World Erotic Art Museum. Mega ...
- Do It This Weekend: Public Photo Shoot, a T-Shirt ...OK, aspiring fashion plates, Saturday’s your big chance to strike a pose somewhere other than in front of your bathroom mirror. Whether you’re self-absorbed model material or just an average Joe or Jane, The Public Photo Shoot Project wants you. The live art event, which hits Ybor City this wee ...
- On the Radar: Tampa Bay theater companies unite fo ...Welcome to On the Radar, where we preview upcoming events to mark your calendars for. If you’d rather have a double root canal than attempt to cross the Howard Frankland on a weeknight, never fear: both sides of the Bay offer tasty morsels of theatrical goodness. In St. Pete, see Fringe Bound, ...
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Jerusalem Day in Sheikh Jarrah: Not Here, Not NowBy Jeremy Siegman, reprinted from Sheikh Jarrah: A Just Struggle for a Just Jerusalem “We will never let Jerusalem again be a divided, gloomy, and halved city,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today to celebrate Jerusalem Day, a national and religious holiday in Israel marking the day that I ...
- About the Secret Empire that has just decided to C ...(adapted from this Monday post on Daily Kos. Since then, the gag has been partially lifted, most probably due to the combined pressure of bloggers ignoring the gag and the Israeli-Palestinian community openly protesting the arrests.) No, this story does not come from the Occupied Territories, where ...
- What if Tea Partiers were Palestinians?By Jesse Bacon The Congresswoman from my neck of the Big Woods, Michele Bachmann (R-Parallel Earth) made headlines when she compared the census to WWII Japanese internment camps. It seems to be a common belief in the Tea Party movement that the government is planning to round up its supporters; thei ...
- Hebron From All AnglesFor the past three Saturdays I have attended the new wave of weekly Hebron protests in the Casbah (Old City). The protests are intended to disrupt army-accompanied settler tours that pass through the Casbah each week, and demand the re-opening of Shuhada Street and an end to the occupation of the c ...
- Four Beaten and Arrested at Al-Walaje Sit-Inby Mazin Qumsiyeh Our ten hour ordeal with the occupation forces started at 8:30 AM as we gathered in the small village of Al-Walaje. A tiny store with an elderly women who insisted on making me coffee and not charging me. Idyllic setting except for the heavy bulldozers now carving the hills to ...
Politics in the Zeros
- California’s broken proposition systemMy recent article for the California Independent Voter Network uses the misleadingly named and just-approved for ballot California Jobs Initiative as an example of how the proposition system is broken. It was meant to be a way of exercising direct democracy, going right to the voters, but is anythin ...
- Net entrepreneur wants to give free wireless to Af ...FastCompany Paul English, who cofounded travel search engine Kayak.com, wants to blanket Africa with free and low-cost Wi-Fi by partnering with local telcos. JoinAfrica would have a free tier of servive with basic email and browsing but no heavy bandwidith apps. The for-pay tier would include audi ...
- Bread & Circuses: Greece vs US RiotsThe Big Picture notes the raging Greek riots against the budget cuts and says the tepid response seen today from US workers wasn’t always that way. Prior to the current era, Americans did occasionally take to the streets. 600 Iowa farmers abducted a judge who was doing mortgage foreclosures, threate ...
- 10 worst riots in American historyForensic Colleges has the list with some video, including riots I’d never heard about, like the NY draft riots of 1863. 1. New York draft riots (July 13-16, 1863) The backdrop: New York stood with the Union when the Civil War broke out in 1861, but the high body count meant the Northâs soldiers w ...
- YouTube & Politics IIThis is the second in a series of posts written by D. J. Mitchell and Susan Cain. In the video above, a follower of the Rainbow Warrior movement merges the well-known words of Chief Seattle with prophesies from Hopi and other Native American tribes about a coming age of multi-racial, eco-friendly a ...
- Maariv: Lieberman launching diplomatic offensive a ...The new front Ben Caspit, Maariv, May 13 2010 [page 2 with front-page teaser; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Israel is threatening to launch a global campaign against Saudi Arabia, in keeping with a decision that was made by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and which has been kept sec ...
- On the partisan politicization of “Jerusalem ...Shachar-Mario Mordechai is a poet living in Tel Aviv. He is the 2010 recipient of Tel Aviv Municipality’s nationwide “Poetry By the Way” competition. His poems, translations and reviews have been published by various magazines, literary supplements and online site. His book of poems, “History of th ...
- Yediot: After bowing to US pressure on OECD vote, ...Turkish gesture Itamar Eichner, Yediot, May 12 2010 [page 15; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Thirty-one countries voted on Monday unanimously to approve Israel’s inclusion in the OECD. It has now become apparent that this initiative was not thwarted due to a Turkish gesture and heavy A ...
- Sfard: The lesser known settlement freeze dealCross-posted with permission from The Middle East Channel. Recent and related Coteret posts: Nahum Barnea: Under Obama, deceit on settlement expansion is no longer viable | Maariv feature documents âsettlement freezeâ sham | Makor Rishon: US Ambassador and other officials regularly review de ...
- Nahum Barnea: Under Obama, deceit on settlement ex ...The winking duo Op-ed, Nahum Barnea, Yediot, May 10-10 [Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Last Wednesday, MK Danny Danon (Likud) notified me that Netanyahu was going to make a dramatic decision on the matter of the settlement outposts. I thrive on dramas. I called the defense minister’s ...
Deadline Live
- The Federal Fat Police: Bill Would Require Governm ...(CNSNews.com) – A bill introduced this month in Congress would put the federal and state governments in the business of tracking how fat, or skinny, American children are. States receiving federal grants provided for in the bill would be required to annually track the Body Mass Index ...
- “GLENN BECK HAS NAZI TOURETTES!” ̵ ...“GLENN BECK HAS NAZI TOURETTES!” – Lewis Black Steamrolls Glenn Beck! Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo [...]
- This Day In History – May 141264 – Henry III of England is captured and forced to sign the Mise of Lewes, making Simon de Montfort the de facto ruler of England. 1607 – Jamestown, Virginia is settled as an English colony. 1610 – Henry IV of France is assassinated bringing Louis XIII to the throne. 1643 – Four-year-old Louis XI ...
- Oil & Gas Firms’ Debt Skyrockets After Gulf ...John Glover Bloomberg Energy companies’ borrowing costs are rising at the fastest pace in 17 months after an oil rig leased by BP Plc exploded, killing 11 people, spewing crude into the Gulf of Mexico and prompting a moratorium on new drilling. The extra yield investors demand to hold energy company ...
- Shear madness – Alpaca wool sent to mop up g ...dailymail.co.uk - Could the alpacas save us from disaster? Believe it or not, there is a real hope that, at the very least, they could help. The fur from more than 100 central Pennsylvania alpacas is currently on its way to the Gulf of Mexico to help soak up oil gushing by the millions of gallons fr ...
The Air Vent
- Crisis at Grist – Send your moneyGrist a fine bathroom publication, which wastes electrons by the minute trying to instill wondrous solutions to CO2, has sent me an email. In it they requested I send them a check to help save the ‘endangered’ reporter. It’s not easy — especially when said species try to bite us or start growling ...
- WaterwarsI really enjoy Willis Eschenbach’s posts on WUWT. He’s a good writer and makes reading fun. Today he’s put one up on the super cloud maker ships which launch water into the air to increase cloud cover and save us all from global warming doom. Bill Gates invested in the project apparently, but Wi ...
- Worst of all worldsFrom WUWT, national cap and trade rears its ugly head. From greenhellblog, WUWT, and John Pittman, a summary of the next method to steal your money. Don’t bother with the summary, at least read the section by section. Summary Section by section The liberals are proposing one of the most evil bills ...
- The state of climate temperature data.Bart Verheggan left a comment on the recent global land temperature thread which supports Eric Steig’s comment, that one of the reasons scientists don’t have good surface temperature data, is because it’s unglamorous. Eric Steig made some very insightful comments here. I have the same experience as ...
- Robust – Not so muchA reader sent me a link to a new paper by Berger, analyzing the coherence (covariance) of various popular proxy reconstructions (hockeysticks). The paper can be accessed for free here. Similarly to global temperature metrics from the same data, such reconstructions are often declared to support eac ...
Focal Point
- Video: Octopus vs. Subcompact SharkOctopus and hidden cameras go together like chocolate and peanut butter. You never know what those crazy cephalopods will get up to . Today, Boing Boing dug up some neat old National Geographic hidden camera footage that solved a marine murder mystery : Why were so many spiny dogfish t ...
- BP to Deploy "Top Hat" to Staunch Gulf Geyser; Nex ...Oil giant BP announced a new plan to staunch the high-pressure oil geyser befouling the Gulf of Mexico, they call it the Top Hat . The Top Hat is a slightly smaller version of 100-ton steel and concrete box BP tried to lower onto the ruined, gushing wellhead. Unfortunately, buoyant methane crystals ...
- AAP on Female Genital Mutilation: Let's Not and Sa ...The American Academy of Pediatrics is under fire for revising its guidelines on female genital mutilation (FGM). U.S. federal law bans all forms of female genital cutting for minors. However, the bioethics division of the AAP wants the law changed to allow doctors to ceremonially nick the clitoris ...
- U.S. Refuses International Help with Oil Spill Cle ...As of last Wednesday , 13 entities had offered assistance with the Gulf oil spill cleanup including Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations. The list offers came from a State ...
- Book Review: Born For Love Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered By Maia Szalavitz and Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Born for Love would make a great Mother's Day gift. When it comes to the biopsychosocial roots of empathy, moms play a starring role. Co-written by a science journalist and a child psychiatrist, ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook Creates Page Showcasing the U.S. CongressFacebook debuted a Page for the U.S. Congress on Wednesday that intends to show âhow Congress is using Facebook to govern and share with constituents.â This includes how members of Congress are using Facebook, a list of members’ Pages, and related news about Facebook and Congress. The Page has ...
- Facebook Home Page Update Prioritizes Events, Hide ...Facebook rearranged elements of the home page’s right sidebar yesterday, placing events at the top, pending requests near the bottom, and hiding upcoming birthdays behind the “See More” button under events. This update comes in a series of recent changes to the sidebar including the addition of a sp ...
- Facebook’s Internal Privacy Meeting Today Will Be ...From privacy settings changes to new product launches, Facebook’s recent moves have brought on intense criticism from some users, press, privacy groups and politicians. The company’s own employees have not been quiet, either, from what we’ve heard. So it has decided to host a meeting for them at i ...
- Android Leader Becomes Head of Mobile Products at ...Erick Tseng, a senior product manager on Google’s mobile operating system, Android, has left for Facebook. He’ll be its new head of mobile products. Android is managing to gain significant market traction on its own. It’s an alternative OS to the iPhone and other smartphone rivals that any manufactu ...
- Mideast Growth on Facebook Rose Sharply In April 2 ...The Middle East added about a third more monthly active users to Facebook in April than it did in March, or more than 1 million new users, according to our latest Global Monitor report. Egypt led the charge, sending in some 392,080 new users. As we mentioned last month, the atmosphere actually ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Obama, Karzai Still Split on Peace Talks ...truthout: Obama, Karzai Still Split on Peace Talks with Taliban: Washington - U.S. President Barack Obama and A... http://bit.ly/9NVCCB #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with C ...truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with Conservative Justices: http://digg.com/d31R2Pt?t #digg #p2 #topprogs
- truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with C ...truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with Conservative Justices: http://digg.com/d31R2Pt?t YIKES... #digg #p2 #topprogs #truthout
- truthout: Glenn Beck, America's Historian Laureate ...truthout: Glenn Beck, America's Historian Laureate: http://digg.com/d31R2LV?t (This is alarming) #digg #p2 #topprogs #truthout Please RT
- truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with C ...truthout: Elena Kagan Backs Monsanto, Sides with Conservative Justices: http://digg.com/d31R2Pt?t -- #SCOTUS #digg #topprogs #p2
ReDress News
- Are the bombers in Iraq Al-Qaeda, the CIA or Israe ...Christopher King argues that it is likely that the American CIA – or Israel acting on its behalf – is responsible for recent atrocities in Iraq, in order to extend and consolidate the occupation, just as it is probable that the Times Square bomber was, wittingly or otherwise, acting for the CIA or I ...
- Israel lobby’s control of Western mediaPaul J. Balles compares China’s open control of the press with the “lies under pretence of freedom” of the Western media under the control of special interests, especially the Israel lobby.
- US website Salem-News under attack for Israel stor ...Tim King, Executive News Editor of the US website Salem-News.com, vows to continue highlighting the plight of the Palestinian people and the brutality of their Israeli oppressors, following a relentless attack and false accusations of “anti-Semitism” by a pro-Israel bigot.
- Verdict on UK’s hung parliament: a plague on all y ...Stuart Littlewood views the unappealing suitors of Britain’s Liberal Democrats – the kingmakers in the new hung parliament – and the problems of the Liberal Democrats themselves.
- From Shas to Hamas: the group behind the “South Pa ...Maidhc Ó Cathail views the role of supposed Jewish converts to Islam in confirming the Islamophobic propaganda of US neo-conservatives and the Murdoch-owned media who try to scare Americans into fighting Israel’s wars with dire warnings that the Muslims are coming.
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- The Ill-Logic of the U.S. Predator Drone CampaignA Bad Omen for America William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of the law! Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that! Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last [...]
- The Brazen Turkish LobbyLeading Law Firm Hires Accused Criminal to Head Up New Office in Turkey DLA Piper, one of the world’s largest international law firms, is opening for business in Turkey. According to The Lawyer magazine,”DLA Piper has been targeting Turkey after bringing on board (former Under Secretary of State) Ma ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Crossing ZeroThe Vanishing Point for the American Empire The region today delineated as both Afghanistan and Pakistan has known many borders over the millennia, yet none have been more artificial or contentious than the one today separating Pakistan from Afghanistan known as the Durand line but referred to by th ...
- Podcast Show #28The Boiling Frogs Presents Professor Francis Boyle Professor Francis Boyle discusses the October 2001 anthrax attack, the technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle, and assesses the case based on his years of expertise with America’s bio-weapons programs, and as an expert who was responsibl ...
Afro Spear
- Sean Penn in Haiti–NGOs Not Spending Money T ...This is a Repost From The Haitian Blogger Sean Penn in Haiti: NGOs Not Spending Money to Head Off Diphtheria Epidemic I just read this post from the Haitian Blogger. Very shocking that a child has died from a very treatable disease, but not surprising. I’m glad that at least Sean Penn bore witness t ...
- A Legend GoneLena Horne put the class in classy & the fox in foxy!!! This American barrier busting legend will surely be missed! Lena Mary Calhoun Horne (June 30, 1917 – May 9, 2010)
- Happy Mother’s DayTo all our mothers, on this day and everyday, thank you! Let’s make a pledge today in honour of our moms to supports mothers in Africa. Don’t just think and talk about it, be about it! Click on the image below to get involved.Â
- Helen Grant, OBV Alumnui has made political and Co ...Hat tip: Operation Black Vote Helen Grant, OBV Alumnui has made political and Conservative Party history by winning the Southeast seat Maidstone and the Weald becoming the first Black female Conservative in the House of Commons. The seat she takes over was represented by Westminster firebrand Anne W ...
- Bunny Wailer – Liberation!When I was a part of the Uhuru Movement here in Oakland Ca, back in the late 1980s, I was introduced to alot of powerful protest music, and most of it was Roots Reggae. I was already familiar with Bob Marley, since his hit Roots, Rock, Reggae was played “on the R and B” here [...]
Expose the BNP
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Journalists expose ‘murky world’ of far rightLeading anti-fascist journalists last week gave a fascinating insight into the “murky and disturbing world of far right politics”. Nick Griffin’s biographer Dominic Carman and photojournalist Marc Vallée shed light on the violent and antidemocratic core of the BNP and the English Defence League. A s ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
- Earth Day 2010Take Initiative! earth day SEN encourages you to take the Clinton Foundation’s climate change quiz and tell your friends to do it too! For every person who takes the quiz by April 22 – Earth Day, $2 will automatically be donated to purchase solar flashlights for victims of the Haiti earthquake. When ...
- A Prayer Chain for Mother EarthClick Here for “Hug Spiritual Trees” on SEN You’ll find a Prayer for Mother Earth, a Prayer for All Life, and a Prayer Chain for Earth that’s just getting underway. Help it spread around the world!Â
If Americans Knew
- An Open Letter to the Southern Poverty Law Clinic: ...I am disturbed by an article that the Center published in the fall 2007 issue of "Intelligence Report"--the Center's magazine. The item "Navy Extremist Disciplined--But Not for Extremism" is on page 11. The article focuses on Navy officer John Sharpe Jr.
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again on Ga ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner whic ...
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
David J. Gregory
- Time is short…"It doesn't take DNA to make a dad," she said. He was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, a brittle bone disease.
- I need your help….This a contest that Advance America is running, they are a payday advance business, which unfortunately, I’v been dealing with since the beginning of the year. I had anticipated ending our relationship when my income tax return. Social Security confiscated that money because they said they had overp ...
- Rate the link within this post, thanksPlease consider rating this page to help me out, thanks Dave Please rate the page below and forward it to your friends… There is also a link on this page to enter a daily contest for $100.00 prize. http://www.americadeservesaraise.com/nomination/rebekahs_dad Most people have a future while others on ...
- Regaining our Rights, one step at a time..When good people do nothing, they get something, but it’s not good! The people in government who are out of the pockets of Corporate America are demonstrating their steps to take away our freedoms, so they will have an easier time engaging in WAR. They create an atmosphere of fear in order to have a ...
- Oil Rig in Gulf pictures, Last momentsEveryone now knows of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig which caught fire, burned for two days, and then sank in 5,000 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are still 11 men missing, and they are not expected to be found. Here are some details that you may not have seen or heard [...]
Unsuitable Blog
- Green Youth Movement: The Frightening Face of Youn ...An impending sense of dispair tends to fall over me when I open my mailbox in the morning. Alongside the genuine spam comes a pile of cut-and-paste guff that spews from the keyboards of public relations firms who have been paid a few bucks to send out sycophantic press releases on behalf of their c ...
- Monthly Undermining Task, May 2010: Mind Your Lang ...Libraries gave us power Then work came and made us free But what price now for a shallow piece of dignity - A Design for Life, Manic Street Preachers Could these be the most ironic lines ever written, or just a dumb piece of worthy lyricism? Take them apart and any scholar of European history will ...
- Sustainable Brands 2010 (from The Good Human)David at The Good Human got in touch to let me know about his brilliant article on yet another “Hey guys, aren’t we green!” PR back-slapping shindig. Of course I had to repost it, and couldn’t resist a little subvertising (see above)… What do you get when a bunch of unsustainable companies pay a lo ...
- We Are The Hollow MenThe difference is stark and intense – from a vision of the sub-American suburban Utopia ringed with shopping malls and trunk roads, to a house on the edge of a Scottish village within earshot of the River Tweed, surrounded by the kind of garden that would tempt the most driven individual to pack up ...
- Taking A Break, So Here’s Someone Else’ ...We’ve been enjoying the sunshine (yes, wonderful sunshine) of North Wales for the past week and now we’re moving house, so The Unsuitablog has had to take a back seat for the time being. Don’t worry, we will be back soon, but to tide you over is the latest from the RANVideo YouTube channel, which [ ...
Subalternate Reality
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
- Exploring The Idea Of The “Intolerant Muslim”In his column today, the New York Times Ross Douthat takes Comedy Central and others to task for censoring depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. Douthat sees a double standard afoot, pointing out that while our sensibilities are routinely satirized, “Islam is just about the only place where we draw a ...
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
- Galbraith: 2nd Stimulus NeededUniversity of Texas economics professor James Galbraith appeared on Al Jazeera today to discuss his vision for economic recovery. The first priority, said Galbraith, is to fill state budget gaps. While the concern over of the growing deficit and the national debt is important, ultimately, “unless ...
- Evo Morales Scores AgainEvo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has secured reelection by a landslide. In fact, the victory gives him an even greater mandate than the one he previously enjoyed. Unofficial results show that Morales received 63 percent of the vote, an increase of almost 10 percentage points from ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- DIY Mappers Offer Remarkable Images of Gulf Coast ...Last week, as the mainstream press reported on the worsening environmental and economic crisis that is the British Petroleum spill in the Gulf Coast, I and a small group of DIY mappers flew down to New Orleans to coordinate a grassroots, citizen effort to map the spill. Instead of helicopters an ...
- Freedom Fone Answers Questions on Zimbabwe Constit ...Two weeks ago the latest version of Freedom Fone , affectionately known to his handlers as "Fred," was set loose. Inspired by the cockney rhyming slang "dog and bone" (meaning phone), the Freedom Fone dog logo and quirky character of Fred was born a few years ago. Fred is still young, but after a ...
- Programming Language for Kids Banned from Apple Ap ...The MIT News Office recently interviewed one of our colleagues at the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, Mitch Resnick. Resnick is a long-time Media Lab professor best known for helping develop and deploy Scratch, a programming language for kids. But this month Apple rejected an app that would al ...
- In Need of a DocumentCloud for Video, DataBrainstorming the next brilliant News Challenge project? I've got two for you, and you've got until fall to noodle over them. As the program director for DocumentCloud I spend a lot of time talking to journalists, writers and researchers about what DocumentCloud is and, often, what it isn't. Do ...
- Programmer-Journalist? Hacker-Journalist? Our Iden ...Jacqui Maher is the most recent addition to my Interactive News team at the New York Times, and although she started almost six months ago, I have yet to get her business cards -- an embarrassing fact she (rightly) points out at regular intervals. I'm not raising this to highlight my shortcomings as ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Edge of Oil - Democrats Propose Massive Increa ...Congressional Democrats are pushing their first legislative response to the Gulf Coast oil spill, proposing to vastly raise the liability cap on companies that are responsible for offshore disasters. With anger at BP mounting by the day, the legislation has clear populist inspiration and could win e ...
- The Immigration Edge - How Arizona and the US Resp ...The United States has resorted to fairly extreme state action in order to control undocumented immigrants. This is a long history, with ups and downs. The current phase of strong-state action began in the 1990s with Bill Clinton. But the US is not alone. Some of the most powerful states in the world ...
- The Edge of Oil - Caution Required for Gulf Oil Sp ...With millions of gallons crude oil being spewed into the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the focus now is on shutting down the leak. However, in the cleanup efforts to come, “extreme caution” must be exercised so as not to make a bad situation even worse, says a leading bioremed ...
- Inside Latin America - Bribery Scandal Dampens Sou ...During the May 4 summit conference of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR) held in the city of Campana—near Buenos Aires, Argentina—President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela affirmed that accusations laid against him over alleged bribery is part of a “political operation” to harm relations betwee ...
- Pentagon on the Edge - America’s Defense Budget Wa ...General Eisenhower – whose portrait hangs behind my desk at the Pentagon, and whose life has been a source of wisdom and inspiration – is a hero of mine. Eisenhower was a low-maintenance leader of simple tastes, modest demands, and small entourages – in stark contrast to what often happens at the up ...
High Country News
- Springtime is whine-timeSpring is the cruelest month in the Rocky Mountain West.
- Black Sunday won't ever happen againTwenty-eight years ago, the oil shale industry abruptly pulled out of western Colorado, leaving the local economy in shambles and teaching a painful lesson.
- What it took to win one small victoryThe small community of Conway, Wash., successfully fought off a cell-phone tower, but paid a high price for victory.
- Small wonders, big worldA couple of hitherto-unknown bees are discovered in Nevada -- just two of the many new species found every year.
- It takes a district: Utah landowners control groun ...In southern Utah's Escalante Valley, local landowners will form a water district to save their declining aquifer.
- One Person Killed In KalinganagarJoint Statement of Forest Peoples Movements On Offensive And Militarisation Today, the police have killed one person in Kalinganagar and critically injured at least thirty more; at the proposed POSCO plant site in Jagatsinghpur, Orissa. 25 platoons of police have been deployed to crush the people ...
- Pedophiles And Popes: Doing The Vatican ShuffleBy Michael Parenti While church pedophiles may still enjoy a safe haven in Poland and other countries where the clergy are above challenge, things are breaking wide open elsewhere. Today we are awash in a sludge of revelations spanning whole countries and continents, going back decades---or as som ...
- Thailand: What The Red Shirts AchievedBy Giles Ji Ungpakorn The important question is how they will organize and fight in the future. If the Red Shirts are to strengthen themselves, they have to organize among the trade unions in order to win strike action. They have to make serious efforts to build networks among army recruits, and t ...
- Taking Back Homes From The Banks: Exercising The H ...By Bill Quigley May has seen an upsurge in local organizations exercising their human rights to housing. Most people recognize that international human rights guarantee all humans a right to housing. With the millions of homeless living in our communities and the millions of empty foreclosed house ...
- Why Are So Many Americans Scared Of Undocumented I ...By Ira Chernus Since the early 1940s, Americans have feared foreigners invading the nations geographical borders, even in relatively prosperous times. But that fear has often grown when theres also been widespread fear of joblessness and poverty. The big political challenge for the Democrats in thi ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- The Next Step: Responsibility and ReconciliationLast week was filled with interviews where myself and, at times, another member of the company I deployed with, talked to as many people as we could about the Collateral Murder video, focusing on three points. 1. The video, in context, is not a case of soldiers breaking from the system 2. With the t ...
- OPPORTUNITY TO HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFGHANISTANAn amazing opportunity is available for communities across the country: The videos from Our Journey to Smile which I’ve been posting on here have been compiled into one long film. On 3/27 at 9pm (est), we will be showing the film along with others groups across the US. Additionally, we will be live ...
- The Ink PeopleLast week, my friend from Eureka, CA, Dave Berman informed me that the community organization where Conor and I spoke on Halloween night was hit by a 6.5 earthquake. The Ink People are, as Dave said, ” limping along”: They are “only able to find temporary space for some admin work and a few of its ...
- You might just find that you get what you needThroughout these intense past few years, there have been times when I have nearly lost any kind of faith. Sometimes what I was seeing on a day to day basis looked far to ugly for there to be a God. Though questions still abound, I understand that sometimes it takes the worst kind of suffering to [.. ...
- Dangerous gatherings in Afghanistan!
Yid With Lid
- Obama Administration Embraces Russia As "Helpful"; ...By Barry Rubin If America's Middle East position collapses in the forest will anyone hear it? The answer is either: apparantly no, or just barely. As I've predicted Russia is coming back into the region and it is going to play a very bad role. Moscow is linking up with the emerging Islamist all ...
- Must Watch Video -Eric Holder Gets Tied Up in His ...Now this is entertainment!� Today Attorney General Stedman Graham � Eric Holder testified before Congress and Rep. Lamar Smith kept asking the AG whether radical Islam is a factor in the latest terrorist attacks on US soil. Holder practically gets tied up in his underwear trying to avoid answering t ...
- Kerry's New Cap and Trade Bill Screws Non-Union La ...FACILITATING COMPLIANCE.—The Secretary [of Labor] may require Federal contracting agencies, recipients of Federal assistance, and any other entity established in accordance with this Act to require contractors to enter into an agreement in a manner comparable with the standards set forth in sections ...
- Obama's Budget Director Throws The No New Middle C ...Remember the President's promise during the campaign? “ I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” Millions of peopl ...
- Think Progress Steps in Doggie Doo: Refuses to Wip ...The Center for American Progress, a non-profit progressive think tank organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue code. The Center is run by former Clinton chief and Obama transition director John Podesta (and funded in part by George Soros). Although� they claim to be non partis ...
The Real Agenda
- Pentagon Virus Detector Knows You Are Sick Before ...WIRED Imagine knowing you’ll be too sick to go to work, before the faintest hint of a runny nose or a sore throat. Now imagine thatpreemptive diagnosis being transmitted to a national, web-based influenza map — simply by picking up the phone. That’s the impressive potential of an ongoing Pentagon-fu ...
- Portugal Recorta Salarios y Sube Impuestos para pa ...El Gobierno portugués ha aprobado medidas adicionales de austeridad para profundizar en el recorte de déficit presupuestario, que incluyen la reducción del 5% en los salarios de los empleados públicos y un alza del IVA de un punto porcentual. Terra.es El Gobierno de Portugal ha aprobado nuevas medid ...
- Influenza vaccine sends children into convulsionsNatural News Influenza vaccines have sent 57 children into life-threatening convulsions, reports The Age out of Australia. These influenza vaccines were being give to children under five to “protect” them from seasonal flu, but after receiving the shots, these children started going into convulsions ...
- Fundación de Bill y Melinda Gates Financian Vacuna ...Fundación pretende financiar 78 proyectos del programa Global Health Projects Por muchos es sabido lo que la Fundación Gates ha hecho a través de los años. Entre sus actividades más conocidas están el financiamiento de Planned Parenthood, una organización por mucho tiempo guiada por el padre de Bill ...
- Bill & Melinda Gates fund Sweat-activated VaccinesFoundation Funds 78 New Innovative Global Health Projects, Including Cell Phone Blood Tests, Male Sperm Depletion Ultrasound, and Sweat-Triggered Vaccines. Grants from 18 countries poised to help prevent and diagnose infectious disease and promote family health Bill & Melinda Foundation The Bill & ...
Wind Watch
- Moorabool residents unite against wind farmsMoorabool residents turned out in force last night to voice their anger at two proposed wind farms in the shire. About 250 people packed the Ballan Mechanics Institute for a special council meeting, with the majority of speakers raising concerns at the proposed Greendale and Yaloak South wind farms ...
- Lincolnshire wind farm rejected to help autistic b ...A North Lincolnshire wind farm plan has been rejected because of the “serious effect” it would have on eight-year-old autistic twin boys living nearby. Anita and Trevor Glathorne, whose Burton upon Stather home is already overlooked by one wind farm, said the rotating blades affected their sons. The ...
- Caribou threatened by wind farms, expert saysThe wind-farm industry is putting threatened woodland caribou herds at increased risk by seeking to put their projects on the same windswept alpine ridges that represent critical wintering habitat, a provincial caribou expert warns. Dale Seip, a wildlife ecologist with the Ministry of Forests and Ra ...
- Locals keep eye on wind farm petition; Landowners ...A trio of environmental groups are seeking to list the Steens Mountain area with other protected areas in the state, such as the Crater Lake National Park and Columbia River Gorge National Scenic area. Wind projects are not allowed in protected areas, and the listing would shut down two wind proje ...
- Cape May Historic Preservation Commission urges Ci ...CAPE MAY – Modern windmills could detract from the historic character of this Victorian seaside resort that uses its history to attract tourists. Modern windmills also could save huge amounts of money on energy. Those are the two sides of a debate here as Cape May’s Historic Preservation Commission ...
Not My Tribe
- Obamapologists give Sisyphus a runWas it news to you? The Iraq withdrawal is off. The war that launched America’s first black president GOES ON. The Dissembler in Chief rode to office promising to end it. Skeptics were accused of not stepping up hope-wise. What’s next, Obama’s Tink dies if we all don’t clap our hand in obeisance tha ...
- Don Blankenship Massey Energy goonThink these coal goons care about trashing the earth or killing miners? Here’s a mob boss doing his own strong-arming: threatens, assaults cameraman. Don Blankenship, he’s not just the president, he’s a front line goon: “If you’re going to start taking pictures of me you’re liable to get shot.”
- Freedom Flotilla flagship off to GazaThe rechristened MV Rachel Corrie sails today from Dundalk, Ireland, to join the Freedom Flotilla intent on running the blockade of Gaza. Israel is already warning Cyprus against allowing the humanitarian convoy to shelter in its ports, and Turkish supporters are rebuffing Israeli threats to bomb r ...
- Speaking of Outrageous lies, and the lying liars w ...Gordon Brown, who orchestrated the buildup to War in Iraq along with Cheney, his meat-puppet Bush and Bush’s Poodle then-PM of the United Kingdom Tony Blair is resigning as Prime Minister. After not very casually admitting that he and Bush and Cheney and Blair knew beforehand that the “evidence” aga ...
- “Warrior” drops peacekeeping pretenseCOLO. SPRINGS- Just down the street, all week, the Olympic Training Center hosts the Warrior Games, a Special Olympics for wounded vets. And there it is: not injured peace- keepers, not disabled freedom-bringers, not usurpers of foreign lives and liberty taken down a notch, but Wounded fucking Warri ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- The Liberal-Conservative Party!So the UK election resulted in a hung parliament. The Conservatives won the most seats but didn't have enough for a working majority. The UK Independence Party and the British National Party recieved 5% of the total votes between them, but neither party won a single seat due to the screwed up voti ...
- Time To Broadcast The TruthIf you're like me, then you're probably pretty irritated by all the new and pointless features Youtube is adding to their site. They're making it more and more difficult all the time to upload the videos you want to upload. There are so many good videos out there about 9/11 related stuff, and it's a ...
- WTC Free Fall Rebuttal to dprjonesStooBradley YouTube.com May 04, 2010 In a recent video dprjones challenged "Truthers" to address his 5 points about the collapse of the WTC towers on 9/11. Contrary to his advice to avoid facts and evidence, here is my rebuttal that offers a more accurate way to measure collapse speeds and a closer ...
- More Discrediting by AssociationPat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog asks the question " How Indeed Could We Think of the Truthers As Kooks and Weirdos ;" pointing to these articles posted on 911blogger.com yesterday. An anonymous commenter on Pat's blog first made note that above the 911blogger post in question it is clea ...
- Bin Laden "Living Comfortably in Iran"Is there a country you want to invade? Can't get those pesky free-thinking citizens to agree? No problem, we've got just the thing to you! It's called Feathered Cocaine - The Bogeyman Reviver! Guaranteed to resurrect your favourite long-dead, face-changing, ex-CIA asset ... or your money back!
- Why The Junk Food Industry Will Survive The First ...In February, to much fanfare and public applaud, First Lady Michelle Obama launched Let’s Move, a campaign designed to eradicate childhood obesity within one generation. Despite her best efforts, and the wonderful team she has put together, we were skeptical, and remain so today. Not because we don’ ...
- Going Nuts for Lower CholesterolA study published earlier this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, reaffirmed what many previous researchers have found – consumption of nuts helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Though nuts are high calorie foods due to their fat content, they are for the most part beneficial u ...
- Logic FAIL: Sodapop is 90% Water, The Most Importa ...Last week NPR held an interesting debate about the taxing of sugary soft drinks. Representing the Cokes and Pepsis of the world was Maureen Storey of the American Beverage Association. In her words: Soda is comprised mostly of water. A full-calorie soft drink has 90 percent water, and a diet soft ...
- PepsiCo CEO – ‘If all consumers exercised…obesity ...Folks, we didn’t make this up. Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo’s CEO, was recently interviewed by Fortune magazine. Substantial parts of the interview dealt with the mega corporation’s shift to healthier foods. To be more accurate, less-bad foods. Currently, the largest food and beverage company in America rec ...
- Serving Sizes – What a JokeJokes.com Brian Regan – Serving Size comedians.comedycentral.com Futurama New Episodes Funny Demon Zombie TV Show Funny TV Comedy Blog If there is one datum that throws off the entire purpose of the nutrition facts panel, it has got to be the serving size. We take a quick gl ...
Blacklisted News
- NHS spending on ‘chemical cosh’ child-calming drug ...NHS spending on 'chemical cosh' drugs to treat hyperactivity has soared by two-thirds to �31million in just four years, new figures revealed yesterday.
- Military Expands ‘Obama’s Gitmo’ in AfghanistanThe U.S. military is getting set to expand its controversial detention camp at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan — just as new reports of a “black jail” inside the facility are surfacing.
- They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their T ...For the first time, microscopic robots made from DNA molecules can walk, follow instructions and work together to assemble simple products on an atomic-scale assembly line, mimicking the machinery of living cells, two independent research teams announced Wednesday.
- Who's running Europe? Now Obama pressures Spain ov ...
- Bankers jailed, sued as Iceland seeks culprits for ...More than a year and a half after Iceland's major banks failed, all but sinking the country's economy, police have begun rounding up a number of top bankers while other former executives and owners face a two-billion-dollar lawsuit.
The Intelligence Daily
- It ain’t about Greece: We’re all PIGS (Portugal, I ...Comment: China and India will be in a similar situation, perhaps even worse. Excerpt: If the...
- Eastern Europe: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignm ...By Rick Rozoff (The Intelligence Daily) — Eleven years ago today the North Atlantic Treaty...
- 21st Century Political DynastiesBy Donn M. Kurtz II (The Intelligence Daily) — The election of Benigno Aquino III as...
- Clegg Throws the People Under the BusBy Michael Collins (The Intelligence Daily) — “I genuinely believe it is the national...
- Pentagon Doubts Grow on McChrystal War PlanBy Gareth Porter (The Intelligence Daily) — Although Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s plan...
My AntiWar
- Chavez: Ease up on IranSummary: CARACAS (Venezuela) – VENEZUELAN President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday said the international community should ease up on Iran, which he said was ‘not the biggest threat in the world.’ ‘They accuse Iran of making the atomic bomb. Why don’t those who make the accusations set an example? ... Ir ...
- Cool G-15 heads take the heatSummary: Azadi square, TehranTEHRAN - Cavalcades for eight presidents and more than a dozen foreign ministers may raise tensions among Tehran’s drivers, yet their presence in the city for a Group of 15 summit throws cold water on the West’s sizzling criticism of Iran. source: Asia Timesread more
- Iran slams UAE’s claim on PG islandsSummary: MehmanparastMehmanparast fiercely rejected United Arab Emirate’s repeated claim and reiterated that the three islands of Abu Mousa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb were inseparable parts of the Iranian territory based on historical evidence. source: Press TVread more
- Karzai Wanders Through Senate
- Aging Jet Fighters Concern Retiring NORAD Chief
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Chavez: Ease up on IranSummary: CARACAS (Venezuela) - VENEZUELAN President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday said the international community should ease up on Iran, which he said was 'not the biggest threat in the world.' 'They accuse Iran of making the atomic bomb. Why don't those who make the accusations set an example? ... ...
- Cool G-15 heads take the heatSummary: Azadi square, Tehran TEHRAN - Cavalcades for eight presidents and more than a dozen foreign ministers may raise tensions among Tehran's drivers, yet their presence in the city for a Group of 15 summit throws cold water on the West's sizzling criticism of Iran. source: Asia Times read ...
- Iran slams UAE's claim on PG islandsSummary: Mehmanparast Mehmanparast fiercely rejected United Arab Emirate's repeated claim and reiterated that the three islands of Abu Mousa, the Greater Tunb and the Lesser Tunb were inseparable parts of the Iranian territory based on historical evidence. source: Press TV read more
- Incoming British FM Won’t Rule Out Attacking IranSummary: Hague In an interview aimed at cementing his reputation as a “friend of Israel,” incoming British Foreign Secretary William Hague vowed to see British law changed so as to hold Israeli officials immune from war crimes charges, and promised to take a tough line against Iran’s civilian nu ...
- Israeli whistleblower Vanunu sentenced to three mo ...Summary: Dimona nuclear plant Israeli sources reported that Nuclear whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, was sentenced, Tuesday, to three months imprisonment after he refused to perform community service in West Jerusalem, fearing harassment from fundamentalist Jews. source: International Middle ...
The Daily Galaxy
- 8.6 Billion Miles from Earth: The End of Voyager 2 ...Engineers have shifted NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft into a mode that transmits only spacecraft health and status data while they diagnose an unexpected change in the pattern of returning data. Preliminary engineering data received on May 1 show the spacecraft...
- Ash Halo Remnant of a Supernova Discovered Surrou ...Astronomers have discovered that a pulsar, the remnant of a stellar explosion, is surrounded by a disk of its own ashes. The disk, revealed on images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, is the first ever found around a pulsar. The...
- Sherpa DNA: Tibetans Developed Genes to Help Them ...Scientists have long wondered why the sherpas of the Tibetan Highlands can negotiate with ease elevations that cause some humans to become life-threateningly ill. A new study answers that mystery, in part, by showing that through thousands of years of...
- New Tech: DNA RobotsNanomachines made of DNA could one day assemble complex--and tiny--electrical and mechanical devices. DNA's structure and ability to bind with other molecules makes it a perfect scaffolding material for nanotech researchers. Scientists are currently used DNA to construct two-dimensional patterns,... ...
- The Daily "140" InsightThe man who has no imagination has no wings. Muhammad Ali
Natural News
- Do healing foods work better than Big Pharma's dru ...(NaturalNews) The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of its way to censor the truth about the healing pr ...
- Pharmacies vs. Health Food Stores (comic)(NaturalNews) The drug industry is constantly trying to convince you that drugs are good for your health while nutritional supplements and healthy foods are somehow bad for you. This same line of nonsense is also repeated by the FDA, which goes out of its way to censor the truth about the healing pr ...
- Are honey bees being killed off by chemically coat ...(NaturalNews) A class of insecticide that is applied to seeds and taken up into plant tissue may be responsible for much of the widespread decline in honeybee populations, increasing numbers of researchers and environmentalists are suggesting. Starting in 2005, beekeepers in the United States first ...
- Maca is the ancient superfood of the Incas(NaturalNews) Superfood enthusiasts know all about the incredible nutritional powers of maca . This superfood, grown in the high Andes mountains in Peru, is packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, tannins, complex alkaloids and other phytochemicals. It's one of the favorite powders to add to any s ...
- Tips for using the Hurom Slow Juicer - A juicing g ...(NaturalNews) Since introducing the Hurom Slow Juicer at the NaturalNews Store a few months ago, we've received literally hundreds of emails from very happy customers who love the versatility and results of the Hurom Slow Juicer. It makes nut milks, after all, even while being able to juice grasses, ...
Threat Level
- Canadian Faces Prison for U.S. Internet Gambling R ...A Canadian man has pleaded guilty to charges of assisting overseas online gambling sites to process hundreds of millions of dollars in wagers. The conviction of Douglas Rennick, 35, comes as some U.S. lawmakers are looking to tax online gambling revenue rather than criminalizing such wagering. Feder ...
- Confessed Spy Convicted of Exporting U.S. Crypto G ...A Chinese national was convicted this week of smuggling and other charges over his efforts to acquire sensitive military and NSA-encryption gear from eBay and other internet sources. Chi Tong Kuok, of Macau, told Defense Department and Customs investigators that he had been “acting at the direction ...
- Thieves Flood Victim’s Phone With Calls to Loot Ba ...Bank thieves have rolled out a new weapon in their arsenal of tactics — telephony denial-of-service attacks that flood a victim’s phone with diversionary calls while the thieves drain the victim’s account of money. A Florida dentist lost $400,000 from his retirement account last year in this manner ...
- LimeWire Crushed in RIAA Infringement LawsuitLimeWire was found liable of copyright infringement Tuesday in a decision that threatens to financially devastate the New York company behind the file sharing application. In a 4-year-old case brought by The Recording Industry Association of America, U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood ruled that Li ...
- FBI Gets Evidence in Student Webcam ScandalA federal judge has granted the FBI access to evidence linked to a webcam scandal at a Philadelphia suburban school district. Federal prosecutors in Pennsylvania said they were investigating “possible criminal conduct” (.pdf) in the 6,900-student Lower Merion School District. U.S. District Judge Jan ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- YouCut Deficit Sham is Cantor's Latest GimmickJust days after he acknowledged the collapse of his effort to rebrand the GOP , House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) is resorting to yet another gimmick to resuscitate his party. On Wednesday, Cantor debuted " YouCut ," a campaign which promises that House Republicans will call for spending cuts ...
- Tea Parties Rage as Taxes Hit Lowest Level Since 1 ...For almost a year and a half, furious Tea Party protesters have been chanting "Taxed Enough Already." But as it turns out, "taxed enough" actually means " at the lowest levels since 1950 ." That's the word from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which found that Americans paid the smallest overall t ...
- Republicans Defend Slavery to Attack KaganOne month after Republican Governors Bob McDonnell and Haley Barbour celebrated a slavery-free version of the Confederacy , the GOP is defending slavery in order to attack President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan . In an RNC memo released today, Republicans blast the former clerk to Thu ...
- Judge Cornyn's War on the Rule of LawThat Texas Senator John Cornyn joined John McCain in the Republican chorus denouncing the Obama administration for reading Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad his Miranda rights is unsurprising. Unsurprising and sadly ironic. After all, from detainee torture and illicit domestic surveillance ...
- Shahzad or Rudolph, U.S Citizens Have Miranda Righ ...It's official: John McCain is now more addled than Glenn Beck . While the Fox News host insisted to the dismay of his colleagues that Times Square bomb suspect Faisal Shahzad "has all the rights under the Constitution," McCain declared that reading Miranda rights to an American citizen is a "seriou ...
Blackspot News Feed
- McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About ...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been blasting the Senate’s financial regulatory reform bill in recent days, falsely arguing that it “institutionalizes” bailouts for Wall Street. read more
- Arizona Legislature Makes Being Undocumented a Cri ...Arizona is on track to become the first state in the nation to make it a misdemeanor for a person to be there without legal immigration documents.
- Welcome to “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month”We are halfway through April, which you may not have realized has been dubbed “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” for the second year in a row by Texas Governor, Rick Perry and Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Just for the record: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not designed to offer comfort t ...
- Tax Grousing Tells Half The StoryIt’s tax time again, the time of year when Americans grouse about forking over part of their hard-earned cash to the dear old government. These days, there’s a whole movement dedicated to grumbling about taxes full time — I’m talking, of course, about the Right’s latest incarnation — tea partiers, w ...
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
Consortium News
- Key October Surprise Evidence HiddenA Russian report on the 1980 October Surprise case was apparently kept from the chief congressional investigator, says Robert Parry. May 6, 2010
- The Original Anti-War Mother's DayThe first Mother's Day was not just a time to express sentimentality; it was a protest against the evils of war, recalls Gary G. Kohls. May 6, 2010
- Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink AmericaLoose talk on Iraq tricked the U.S into the disastrous war in Iraq; now the same loose lips are flapping about Iran, says Ray McGovern. May 5, 2010
- BP Flouted US Safety RulesBesides the oil spill fouling the Gulf of Mexico, BP has a history of cutting corners on safety regulations, reports Jason Leopold. May 5, 2010
- The Tea Party's Blind Eye on TortureTea Partiers say they want liberty from Big Government, but didn't object to President Bush's "war on terror" abuses, notes Ivan Eland. May 4, 2010
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- 'Neglect and poverty' - life as a Palestinian in J ...Deep inside the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, Adla Jabber shares three rooms with 12 relatives. The 59-year-old widow needs a car, she jokes, to get to her kitchen, a sparse stonewalled room that doubles as a bathroom. It is outside, 20 metres down a narrow alley. The stove, a rusty two-ri ...
- Ameer Makhoul's Political Detention Extended (Alt ...
- New 'HRW' report affirms Goldstone's claim: Israel ...Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a comprehensive, 134-page report today titled, “’I Lost Everything’: Israel’s Unlawful Destruction of Property during Operation Cast Lead.” HRW’s repor ...
- No halt to east Jerusalem construction, says Israe ...The Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hawkish coalition partners vowed today to keep building Jewish homes and demolishing unauthorised Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem - des ...
- Children fight off Israel with music (Eva Bartlet ..."Why are you rushing? Isn't it nicer like this?" Mohammed Omer, oud teacher (an oud is similar to a lute) at the Gaza Music School, asks his student. Omer takes the oud and demonstrates, ...
Water - AlterNet
- Chesapeake Bay Case Settled With Nation's Largest ...This may be the best hope for the Chesapeake seen in years.
- Gulf Oil Spill Proves the Idiocy of Unfettered Der ...Government regulation of multinational corporations needs to be made respectable once again with adequately funded agencies pursuing an uncompromised public interest agenda.
- Fresh Gulf Seafood Gets Added to the Cost of Offsh ...Still working to overcome the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi Delta communities are again bracing for an unthinkable environmental disaster.
- 10 Ways to Change Your LifeWith simple modifications to your daily routine, you can be part of a cleaner, more sustainable world.
- Gulf Coast Braces for Economic Disasater In Wake o ...As if the ecological destruction weren't enough, the Gulf Coast economy faces billions in losses from BP's recklessness.
- TruthHugger is on indefinite vacation.Zzzzzzzz Time is not on my side. Although I continue to observe and analyze current events and political shenanigans with critical eyes. I am setting aside the venting of opinion and observation to attend to personal priorities. TruthHugger may be resurrected during the next political disaster, but ...
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- With 'Hat In Hand': American Serfdom by Philip A. ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/with-hat-in-hand-american-serfdom-by
- NATO In Afghanistan: World War In One Country by R ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/nato-in-afghanistan-world-war-in-one
- The Different Face of the Third World War By Siv O ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/the-different-face-of-the-third-worl
- Israel: The not-so-new Fascism – Palestinians: the ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/13/israel-the-not-so-new-fascism-%e2%80
- On The Edge With Max Keiser: Ellen Brown on Comput ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/08/on-the-edge-with-max-keiser-ellen-br
Axis of Logic
- Art Should Intervene in the Media to Subvert and H ...After completing a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in Massachusetts, Nidal El-Khairy moved to Montreal, Canada where he spent four and a half years. In 2006, he moved back to Amman, where his family eventually settled after being displaced during the 1948 Nakba - the expulsion of 750,000 Palestin ...
- Venezuelan Oil Minister: No Environmental Damage o ...Mérida, May 13th 2010�– A gas rig sank off the northeastern coast of Venezuela on Thursday morning. The 95 workers on the rig were safely evacuated, and emergency procedures were performed to prevent subsequent gas leak, according to Energy and Petroleum Minister Rafael Ramírez. � “We want to ...
- The Brotherhood Between the Bolivarian Republic an ...Reflections by Comrade Fidel THE BROTHERHOOD BETWEEN THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC AND CUBA I had the privilege of having a conversation for three hours last Thursday the 15th with Hugo Chávez, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: he had the courtesy to visit our country once agai ...
- Letter from Greek Political Prisoner Kostas Gourna ...As the Greek government was announcing that the country would now be under the economic management of the IMF in early April, and the passage of new and harsher austerity measures, Greek newspapers and television were suddenly filled with the high-profile arrest of six alleged “domestic terrorist ...
- Bolivian Morales Charges at USA - BoliviaUnited Nations, May 7 (Prensa Latina) "The United States took preference tariffs from Bolivia and we are better off without them," Bolivian President Evo Morales asserted at the UN on Friday. "No more subjection, I do not fear US blackmailing, impositions or conditions," said Morales durin ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Nightowl NewswrapMore searches and arrests made in Times Square non-bomber case "Federal investigators were searching locations in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey related to the continuing investigation into the failed plot to detonate a car bomb in Manhattan's Times Square. ... Justice Department spokesman D ...
- Black on BeckI waited for this all day because I can't figure out how to tweek Comedy Central's embed code so it will work in SoapBlox. Fortunately, as soon as Keith finished his show with it tonight, someone put it up on YouTube. It's Lewis Fucking Black. You god-damned-well know it comes with a liquids warning ...
- Still Torturing, 16 Months InTo the growing list of Smirky/Darth abominations Barack Obama promised to end and claimed are no longer taking place but that are, indeed, still taking place you can add secretly torturing non-terrorists. From Digby: The Red Cross dropped a bombshell (Tuesday): The US airbase at Bagram in Afghanista ...
- Getting Worse By the HourVia Digby, watch, listen, drink heavily: Oil leak with sound: Overview from a few days ago, with narration:
- Conservatives Defined by Right Wing Media; Demand ...The monikers are significant: Fox Nation . Hannity's America . �Even Rush Limbaugh presides over his own Dittohead Nation . �What these virtual media sovereignties seem to suggest is that while liberals might be consumers of their media conservatives are citizens of theirs. � How else to explain, ot ...
Care 2
- Tell Congress: No Woman Should Die During Childbir ...Hundreds of thousands of women die each year from pregnancy-related complications. The vast majority of these deaths are unnecessary and preventable, caused by a lack of access to timely, quality health care. These preventable deaths represent violations Submitted by Cher C. to Society & Culture �| ...
- Recent Mega-Earthquakes......Just a Coincindence?What is happening? If we look at the 12 strongest earthquakes registered in the world since measurements of them began some 300 years ago, fouror a third of the listhave occurred within the last six years. Submitted by Pastor Tim Redfern to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Saving Australia's rare honeyeaterCaptive-bred critically endangered Regent Honeyeaters are being released into Australia's Chiltern - Mount Pilot National Park as part of a recovery programne to curb the species' decline. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Support Oliver ! TAKE ACTION !Once thought to be part human, part chimpanzee, Oliver was known around the world as the Humanzee. Today Primarily Primates, a Texas Sanctuary managed by Friends of Animals wants to build him a new home. Help tell Oliver's story and build him a new Submitted by Cher C. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- Dr. Phil Diagnoses DogfightingToday we're throwing some loveand sending our thanksto another daytime talk-show host, Dr. Phil, who earlier this week turned his viewers' attention from cheating spouses to the seedy world of dogfighting. Submitted by Cher C. to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- P&G Launches the Latest Supplier Sustainability Sc ...Procter & Gamble has launched a scorecard to measure the environmental impacts of hundreds of suppliers, share practices and encourage improvements. �
- Walmart's Sustainability Report Reveals Successes, ...In its 2010 Global Sustainability report released Tuesday, the company described its efforts over the course of a year in which it made a slew of notable headlines. The company has improved fleet efficiency by 60 percent and reduced facility greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent, but faces challen ...
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new r ...
- Global Water Scarcity: Risks and Challenges for Bu ...This new Lloyd's 360 Risk Insight report says businesses must act now in the face of diminishing water supplies. The report, produced in conjunction with the WWF, looks at the issue of water scarcity and its impact on business.
- EPA Contest Seeks the Biggest (Kilowatt) LoserLooking to tap into the popularity of contest-based reality shows, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is staging its version of "The Biggest Loser" -- a competition to see which commercial building can shed the most energy waste and be declared the most efficient in the country.
Reuters Global
- Playing with inflated numbersSetting an inflation target for countries wanting to join the European single currency would seem to be a sound idea. But when an inflation target effectively becomes a deflation target, has something gone wrong?
- The incredible shrinking Kim Jong-ilNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-il emerged from his reclusive life last week for a rare visit to China looking every bit the part of a man nearing 70 recovering from serious illness
- The coming conflict with China2008 was the last presidential election when voters didn't know or care about the candidates views on China, argues political risk analyst Ian Bremmer.
- Managing in a crisis, EU styleThe European Union struck a last-minute deal early on Monday that may have prevented a global debt crisis. But has the EU's tendency to get things done only when they reach a point a crisis gone too far this time?
- Finding your inner NeanderthalYou may wonder what great-great-great grandma would have looked like.
Paul Krugman
- It's Not About YouOther continents, other problems.
- April Isn't The Cruelest MonthThings are looking modestly up.
- Unserious PeopleFaking it on spending cuts.
- Are We Greece?No, not really.
- Second Thoughts?About that eurozone plan ...
No Quarter
- The Incompetence of Eric HolderUp to this point I had been willing to give Attorney General Eric Holder the benefit of the doubt. No more. The man is a fucking moron. Case in point, his conduct in this exchange on the Hill today: We are no longer being attacked by Marxists. We are no longer being [...]
- “Cha Cha Cha Cha Changes”That’s what is going on with our current elected officials. More and more incumbents are at the end of their terms, either through retirement (i.e., reading the writing on the wall), or through primary races going on now. The latest to lose his seat is West Virginia representative Alan Mollohan, ...
- First You Laugh, Then You CryTuesday oil industry executives from BP, Halliburton, and Transocean were on Capital Hill to give Senate testimony on what happened to cause the explosion and spill at Deepwater Horizon. As you might imagine the execs did a lot of finger pointing, but provided almost no information. So Jimmy Kimmel ...
- [Blink!]… [Blink!]Remember how that annoying light showed up on the dash? The incomprehensible graphic didn’t tell you anything and you had to look it up in the Owner’s Manual? And the Owner’s Manual said something like: “The frammistat sensor is out of alignment.” ? You then did one of two things: you ignored it and ...
- Aviation Security NonsenseSome of the news media had its shorts in a knot today as they breathlessly reported that a man was arrested in Egypt, after flying from NYC, with guns, knives and a sword in his checked luggage. I repeat, CHECKED luggage. FOX in particular had a case of the vapors over this. [...]
Environmental Graffiti
- The Art of Understanding Dog BehaviorAlthough dogs are members of your family, they have their own doggy-type behaviors that people may not understand. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Whirling Dervishes of IstanbulThey have been synonomous with fanatacism for centuries, but do the Whirling Dervishes deserve to have been villified in times past? They were simply 20th century victims read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the art ...
- Goblin Shark: The Most Demonic Shark On EarthSo you think Goblins don't exist...think again. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Environmental News on the BBC World ServiceThe legendary BBC World News Service is now available as a web radio station. So turn on, tune in... and educate yourself. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Benefits of Algae BiofuelsAlgae, one of nature's lesser appreciated plants, is in fact an important source of biofuels that could hold the key to a sustainable future... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- A Final Survey of Nuclear Posture PerspectivesOnce and for all, is the Obama administration nuclear posture review slumped or standing up straight? Here's a sample of commentators whose insights -- from fresh to just plain strange -- jumped out at us. (The new START treaty is remarked upon as well.)
- Okinawa and Obama's Base-Based AddictionJapanese PM Hatoyama tries to sell Okinawa on a modified base relocation plan.
- Arizona RisingThe fight against Arizona's new immigration law is heating up.
- An Emerging Trend in East Asia: Military Budget In ...The recent military budget increases in East Asia are motivated by various factors -- flash point-driven, hedging strategy-driven, or governance-driven -- but they do necessarily trigger an arms race in the region.
- Reader Challenge: Is Jerusalem 'crumbling under th ...Let us know what you think.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- Clashes spread in Thai capitalGunbattles occur after troops attempt to clear protesters from checkpoint near main camp.
- Afghans angry at 'civilian deaths'Hundreds of people demonstrate after Nato-led raid in the eastern province of Jalalabad.
- Pipe plan to tackle US oil spillBP to attempt to siphon off crude leaking from ruptured oil well in Gulf of Mexico.
- China PM 'distraught' over attacksWen Jiabao says string of deadly assaults in schools have roots in social tensions.
- Blast rips through China coal mineAt least 21 workers killed in latest mine disaster in country's southwest.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Warming Imperils Lizards, Scientists WarnThe warming of the Earth's climate is driving lizards in Mexico toward extinction, according to a new study published in the journal Science.
- From Budding Poets, an Ode to WaterThe Water Resources and Poetry Contest, a competition for fourth, fifth and sixth graders, helps raise awareness about the importance of quality drinking water and what it takes to maintain New York City's water supply and wastewater treatment systems.
- E.P.A. Issues Emissions RuleThe Environmental Protection Agency (has issued a final rule addressing permits for greenhouse gas emissions by stationary sources like power plants.
- On Our Radar: An Oil Tip From RussiaA Russian newspaper suggests nuking the leaking gulf oil well.
- Q. and A.: The Population GuruPaul Ehrlich, the biologist and professor of population studies at Stanford University, discusses his latest work.
Dot Earth News
- 'I Capped the Well Competition'Win Lady Ga Ga tickets if you figure out how to cap the oil gusher?
- The Gulf Oil (and Gas) Gusher Up CloseReleased video from a mile beneath the Gulf of Mexico shows the power of the seabed oil gusher.
- The American Power ActWill the Senate buy a revised climate and energy bill, and would it matter if passed?
- A Tough Observer of Climate PrescriptionsA BBC blogger dissects a new proposal for global climate progress.
- Questions on Offshore OilDoes BP have a conflict of interest if it remains in charge of plugging the well (and other questions)?
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- New videos: Mayday Immigrant Rights March, Keith E ...Oh hai, thanks for visiting... A lot of things going on and thus little time (if any) for posts. I got some neat events taped around MayDay weekend in Minneapolis, including the Immigrant Rights March around downtown & Loring Park. Also had my video of US Rep. Keith Ellison (DFL-MN5) describing th ...
- The biggest scandal in world history; WANTAGATE, L ...Draft conspiracy post note - this rough draft story lacks links but I want to get it up anyways... Have fun everyone! UPDATE: Hi to everyone from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Leo_Wanta/ - keep it up :) This guy, Leo Wanta / Lee Wanta / Ambassador Leo Wanta, could be the key to the big ...
- 2010 Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Notes for Ap ...Jesse Trentadue : …who’s testifying about Howe had reported that the plan to bomb the Murrah building four months in advance, had gone with Strassmeir and others to scout the target – the first thing the U.S. Attorney does when Graham stops testifying is ask the judge to seal the transcript, and the ...
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
Daily Censored
- The Politics of Heroin in Southeast AfghanistanThe Politics of Heroin in Southeast Afghanistan By Chris McManus In the movie ”American Gangster” the Harlem druglord Frank Lucas is played by Denzel Washington. The movie portrays the smuggling of tons of heroin into the US from Vietnam using the coffins of dead American servicemen. Lucas bragged ...
- GM’S SHELL GAMEJoe, whose business has gone bad, borrows $100 from Mike. The next day he borrows another $100. Some months later, he pays Mike $100 and says: “Business has picked up. I really needed that $100.” On April 21, the Wall Street Journal published an op ed by Ed Whitacre, CEO of General Motors, claiming ...
- Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understandi ...source. Tim Madden is an economist with expertise on credit and banking. Tim and I are colleagues in lobbying government for public banking, with concentration in the US for state-owned banks (and here). The good news is that structural solutions to our economic controlled demolition are obvious and ...
- Attack on Detriot Public Schools Continues!www.blogtalkradio.com/your-world-news Please join us this episode (May 13, 2010 at 7:30 PM EST) for our exclusive interview with Devon, a student activist from Detroit Michigan, as we talk about the continued attacks on his school system by corporations like Walmart and public officials who are doi ...
- Pass it on! Students and activists arrested at Gov ... 14 Arrested at Jennifer Granholmâs office in Lansing Michigan over public education and the wicked plans of Robert Bobb and his paymaster Eli Broad, the billionaire The Detroit News paper out of Lansing Michigan stated that two dozen demonstrators were staging a sit-in at the state Capitol toda ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Obama asks Congress for $205 million to upgrade Is ...
- Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times wors ...
- EPA prepares rule to regulate industrial emissions
- Mysterious disease grips Afghan poppy crops, farme ...
- AP IMPACT: After 40 years, Americaâ€&tr ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Okinawa and Obama's Base-Based AddictionJapanese PM Hatoyama tries to sell Okinawa on a modified base relocation plan.
- Kerry, Lieberman Promote Offshore Oil, Coal, Nukes ...There's not much in the bill that will actually fight climate change.
- From the Frontlines: May 13th, 2010The forgotten people of America,drone maps of Pakistan, and an amendment we can get behind.
- American Power ActNew energy bill mixes support for coal, nuclear, and oil industries with measures meant to reduce pollution and planet-warming emissions.
- Senate Introduces Climate BillUnfortunately, it's far from what we need.
Pine River World News
- Jeff Gates: Is the "Times Square Terrorist" more F ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Veterans Today. Is the "Times Square Terrorist" more Field-based Warfare? � �Jeff Gates Source: � Veterans Today May 12, 2010 In March 2001, Indonesian Intelligence Chief Arie Kumaat asked American James M. ("Mel") Rockefeller to assess the T ...
- Pakistan editorial: Hillary's blusterThe following editorial is from The Frontier Post, Peshawar, Pakistan. Hillary's bluster � � The Frontier Post May 10, 2010 No harm would have come to her health, had Hillary Clinton, U.S. secretary of state, before shooting off her odious bluster of severe consequences to Pakistan done a bit of s ...
- U.S. Diseases Linked To Missing Israeli ScientistThe following article is reprinted with permission from The European Union Times. U.S. Diseases Linked To Missing Israeli Scientist � � E.U. Times May 9, 2010 Media outlets across the Northwest United States began reporting on April 24 that a strange, previously unknown strain of virulent airborne ...
- Financial Manipulation and Inside Information: Did ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Financial Manipulation and Inside Information: �Did the Stock Market Drop Or Was It Pushed? � �Danny Schechter Source: � Global Research May 8, 2010 The Wall Street Journal headline on the day after we almost lost the mark ...
- F. William Engdahl: The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Jo ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of U.S. Foreign Policy � �F. William Engdahl Source: � Global Research May 5, 2010 An organization calling itself Reporters Without Borders (RWB; French: Reporters san ...
- News you may have missed #350Venezuela to release more alleged Colombian spies. NSA head confirmed as chief of US Cyber Command. Gulf authorities still silent on Iranian spy ring.
- Analysis: Europe Offers Different Counterterrorism ...I have in the past posed the intriguing question of whether US intelligence agencies should learn from the French approach to counterterrorism. This issue has now come up again in an interesting Washington Post essay, which examines the different approaches to Islamic militancy by American and Euro ...
- News you may have missed #349New spy agency won't spy...says Fiji government. Ex-CIA analyst lashes out at Ignatius.
- Israel arrests prominent Arabs on Hezbollah spying ...Israeli authorities have arrested two prominent Arab-Israeli political activists, accusing them of spying on behalf of Lebanese Shiite organization Hezbollah.
- News you may have missed #348UAE security sector benefits from al-Mabhouh assassination. US knew Guatemalan Army was behind notorious 1982 massacre. New presiding judge in US FISA court.
After Downing Street.org
- Downside of doing Kandahar assault before funding ...Kandahar 'offensive' scaled back; new goal to improve government By Dion Nissenbaum and Jonathan S. Landay, McClatchy Newspapers KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Although it's just beginning, the U.S.-led effort to pacify the Taliban's spiritual capital in southern Afghanistan already appears to be falterin ...
- Here's What's in the Escalation Funding Bill, Incl ...The Administration has requested $63 billion in FY2010 supplemental appropriations: • $33 billion for the Department of Defense (DOD) primarily for deploying 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan; • $4.5 billion in war-related foreign aid to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan; • $5.1 billion to r ...
- Video: Dr. Margaret Flowers on the Fight for Medic ...Dr. Margaret Flowers on the Fight for Medicare for All from William Hughes on Vimeo . read more
- Withdrawing Withdrawal Comment, and the Unpeaceful ...By David Swanson The peace movement, and the progressive blogosphere, can be very unpeaceful places, and it seems like I've spent the past day or two arguing with more people than I've communicated with pleasantly. This is not totally new, of course, but in this case I deserve a good share of the b ...
- Rep Mike Michaud Commits to Voting No on Afghan Es ...Code Pink in Maine has reportedly been assured by Rep. Mike Michaud that he will vote No on the escalation funding and is urging Rep Pingree to do so too. Follow the ever improving whip list at http://defundwar.org
Grist - News
- Poll results on energy, climate, and offshore dril ...by Randy Rieland More evidence that polls are to be taken with a thousand grains of salt:� A few days ago, former Obama pollster Joel Benenson released the results of a survey showing that 61 percent of those queried support a comprehensive clean energy bill that would charge energy compan ...
- Library offers plug-in home energy monitorsby Jonathan Hiskes Courtesy p3international.comSeattle Public Library now lets patrons check out Kill a Watt home energy monitors ( retail $31 or so). Check it out, plug it into an outlet, and start learning about your home's energy use: Library patrons can borrow ...
- Another reason why Elena Kagan might be a green Su ...by Jonathan Hiskes Conventional thinking is that there's not much exciting about Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, either in her life story or in her legal area of expertise, administrative law. But there's an interesting argument that Kagan's drab-sounding expertise is precisely what envi ...
- Virginia’s AG slammed for ‘witch hunt& ...by Randy Rieland Ken CuccinelliVirginia's attorney general, the climate-change-denying right-wing darling Ken Cuccinelli (R), is waging what many are calling a "witch hunt" against climate scientist Michael Mann . Cuccinelli issued a subpoena that would force the University of Virginia to turn ...
- Transocean petitions to limit liability in Gulf oi ...by Agence France-Presse VENICE, La. - Transocean, which owns the BP-leased offshore rig that exploded and led to a gusher of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, filed a petition in a U.S. court Thursday to limit its liability for the spill to $27 million. While British energy giant BP is responsible fo ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Official Trailer: The Human Centipede, Barf-o-ramaThere's a new horror flick designed to make you barf: The Human Centipede.
- Movie Trailer: The Adjustment BureauGeorge Nolfi's The Adjustment Bureau may or may not be a good movie, but it looks like it's gonna have some killer clothes!
- Ke$ha's Releases New Video For "Your Love Is My Dr ...Ke$ha's video for "Your Love Is My Drug" is out... and it doesn't suck.
- Alabama "True Republican" TV Campaign Mocks Evolut ...Alabama gubernatorial primary is an ugly, ignorant battle.
- Tub Tunes Toy Trumpet TechnoA performance of techno classic "Sandstorm" on toy trumpet.
Time - Top Stories
- Stuck In the Middle: Can Blanche Lincoln Survive a ...Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas has made a career out of being a moderate. But in 2010 that is turning out to be very shaky ground
- E.U. Farm Subsidies: Agriculture Benefits Raise Ey ...As the E.U. releases details of who earned agricultural subsidies last year -- and how much they got -- critics question whether the system is sustainable in this time of debt
- Twitter's Phony Sports Celebrities Score Loyal Fan ...The crude musings of a hard-drinking pitcher from the 1880s, the elbow of LeBron James and other fake sports Twitter handles are attracting a loyal audience. Inside the art of the 140-character jock joke
- Internet Use and Well-Being: U.K. Web Study Shows ...A new report says that people who have regular access to the Web are happier that those who don't -- and that more women than men get an uplift from being online
- Timing is critical for stroke victims, says new re ...Too often patients suffering a stroke wait too long to call for emergency help. That may be of particular concern in light of research finding that clot-busting medication is more effective the earlier it is given.
Washington Independent
- A CIA COINdinista’s Misgivings on Counterins ...The leak I got yesterday from Kandahar expressing skepticism that counterinsurgency can bring the nine-year war in Afghanistan to a successful conclusion has inspired another one. This time, a former CIA counterterrorism operative who has served on the ground in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq agreed ...
- Feinstein Urges Clinton to Add Pakistani Taliban, ...In the wake of the attempted Times Square bombing, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, is urging Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to include what she considers affiliated extremist groups — the Pakistani Taliban and the Haqqani Ne ...
- Byrd Wins Funding to Address Backlog of Mine Safet ...Leaders of the Mine Safety and Health Administration have, for months, been warning Congress that they simply don’t have the resources to address the enormous backlog in safety citations that’s piled up largely because the industry wants to delay fines and avoid the “pattern of violations” status th ...
- Two Credit Rating Agency Reforms Amended Into Dodd ...This afternoon, the Senate passed two amendments enhancing the regulation of credit rating agencies, which assess financial products and assign them ratings based on their likelihood of default. The credit rating business has a conflict of interest at its heart, in that the companies hire the rating ...
- Who’s Bankrolling Mountaintop Removal Mining ...Turns out, it’s a number of the country’s largest banks. In a report out today, several environmental groups rank nine of the biggest players on Wall Street based on their stated policies toward mountaintop removal coal mining, a process in which companies blast away Appalachian peaks to access the ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Tax those carbon gluttonsLEMME TELL YOU about a carbon tax youre gonna love. Two such taxes, actually. I tell you, kid, Stephane Dion had the right idea, but the wrong sales pitch. The fun starts with the government giving you maybe $2,000 as a carbon dividend. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & C ...
- Why do we hate? Academics seek answer in new fieldHate is everywhere, but the fundamental question of why one person can hate another has never been adequately studied, contends Jim Mohr of Gonzaga University, who is developing a new academic field of hate studies. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �A ...
- Will Whole Foods new mobile slaughterhouses squee ...Massachusetts poultry farmer Jennifer Hashley has a problem. From the moment she started raising pastured chickens outside Concord, Mass. in 2002, there was, as she put it nowhere to go to get them processed. While she had the option of slaughtering her Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- Cow beaten to death with plankA farmer has condemned an attack in which a cow died after being repeatedly beaten around the head with a 4ft plank of wood. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- ND food pantries reach halfway goal of 700 deerA North Dakota program that distributes venison to the needy is halfway to its goal of collecting 700 deer carcasses despite a hunting season that barely got off with a bang. "I was a little worried about the hunting season," said Ann Pollert, Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society ...
- Lewis Black: “Glenn Beck Has Nazi Tourette&# ...Lewis Black: “Glenn Beck Has Nazi Tourette’s” (VIDEO) First Posted: 05-13-10 08:40 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 05-13-10 08:46 AM Glenn Beck’s antics have always proved to be great fodder for the “Daily Show.” Lewis Black took it a step further with an entire segment mocking the Fox News host for his ten ...
- Criminal Charges Likely Over Oil Spill?Report: Criminal Charges Likely Over Oil Spill TPM MUCKRAKER Justin Elliott | May 13, 2010, 8:59AM Environmental law experts tell McClatchy it’s likely the Justice Department will ultimately bring criminal charges against the companies involved in the oil spill, potentially under the Clean Water and ...
- Will Someone Please Pinch Me?Once asked what his favourite joke was, David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party and now Prime Minister, replied, “Nick Clegg”. Nick Clegg is the leader of the Liberal-Democrat Party and is now the Deputy Prime Minister. Constructive talks between teams representing their two parties lasting ...
- A Flawed Giant DepartsIt never ceases to amaze and move me the grace with which the losing girls make their exit from Over the Rainbow – a grace which Gordon Brown also displayed as he made his final departure from Number 10 Downing Street. Last Thursday, the British electorate went to the polls to elect a new government ...
- Mearsheimer: Israel’s fated bleak future as an apa ...By John J. Mearsheimer, Chicago Tribune, May 9, 2010 President Barack Obama has finally coaxed Israel and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table. He and most Americans hope that the talks will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. Regrettably, that is not goi ...
- Precious Metals Market ReportThe outlines of our situation are becoming clearer to a much wider audience. For many years, there has been an assumption that sovereign governments could print paper and make promises and somehow find ways of making good on all of them. While that is still theoretically true for powerful nations, ...
- Abu Dhabi Hotel Installs Gold Vending MachineYouTube Continue reading Abu Dhabi Hotel Installs Gold Vending Machine
- Gulf Oil Spill To Reach Shore in Next Few DaysAs the nation’s leading scientific resource for oil spills, NOAA has been on the scene of the Deepwater Horizon spill from the start, providing coordinated scientific weather and biological response services to federal, state and local organizations Continue reading Deepwater Horizon Incident, Gul ...
- Money & Markets Charts ~ 5.13.10View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report this Thursday, May 13, 2010. Click here to view all charts as a pdf file. See previous Money & Markets Charts blog posts here. Currency charts ar ...
- “Terrible Cuts” to Close Deficit Proposed By Calif ...By the beginning of 2010, Schwarzenegger and the lawmakers had closed a 60 billion deficit partly by slashing spending on schools, temporarily raising taxes and borrowing from local governments. The fiscal strains have left California with the lowest credit rating among U.S. states. A taxable Califo ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Arizona Superintendent Uses 'I Have a Dream' Speec ...Hatemongers in Arizona are now taking aim at kids by trying to kill a program that's bolstered academic achievement by Latino students.
- The Great Kagan Supreme Court DebateTwo leading legal experts debate the pros and cons of Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan.
- Why Ending Marijuana Prohibition is a Racial Justi ...The struggle to end America's disastrous war on drugs is a struggle for common sense, human rights and of course for racial justice.
- What If BP Were A Human Being?If BP were a person it would be a career criminal, a pathological liar and an international serial killer with a rap sheet several times the size of the Chicago Yellow Pages.
- My Brother Faces a Lifetime of Solitary Confinemen ...Ahmed Abu Ali is not in a foreign prison or at Guantanamo; he is in a supermax prison in Colorado.
Sideways News
- Britons 'obsessed with weather'Britons spend around six months of their lives talking about the weather, research has suggested. A poll of more than 2,000 people by Lloyds TSB Insurance found the topic beat jobs and sport as the nation's most commonly used ice-breaker, with some respondents even using it in business meetings. Old ...
- Sugar 'may ease baby jab pains'Giving babies a sugary treat before an injection makes them less likely to cry, research has suggested. A study, published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, found that children were 20% more unlikely to be tearful after the procedure if they had been given a 30% glucose solution befor ...
- Churchill given first class statusRoyal Mail has issued a new series of Second World War stamps featuring Sir Winston Churchill and other iconic scenes to mark the 70th anniversary of the Blitz. The wartime Prime Minister appears on a first class stamp in the Britain Alone collection. Another stamp in the collection of 12 shows thre ...
- Brazil leads in donations to Haiti FundThe Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF) received its first international contribution this week after Brazil honoured its pledge and donated $55m to help the country rebuild after it was devastated by and earthquake on January 12th 2010. The fund was established by the World Bank after the international ...
- Stem cell transplants 'help animals'Medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds and veterinary medicine is no exception. In fact, because the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) has less restrictions on animal research studies compared to human studies, some of today's advances are further along for animals. Regenerative medicine use ...
Fabius Maximus
- Another example of the “it’s on the In ...The comments on the FM website are littered with folks — probably smart, well-educated people — parroting nonsense they picked up on the Internet. We need to be more careful — and hold websites responsible for the information they post. Today’s example is Zero Hedge, a fun website posting inte ...
- About the invisible oil spill – and the chem ...Summary:  Chemical dispersants have played a critical role in the Gulf oil spill, minimizing both the oil slick and the resulting public outcry. But these are chemicals, not magic dust. Much of the oil is hidden — dispersed, diluted – throughout the volume of the Gulf instead of spread ...
- FM newswire for May 13, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “The Future of Coal – an interdisciplinary MIT study“, MIT, March 2007 Watch other nations (esp China) race by America:Â “Update of the MIT 2003 Future of Nuclear Power Study“, 2009 — ...
- Today’s example of the inscrutable mystery of Chin ...When the subject turns to China, everybody gets not only their own opinions, but their own facts. Is China booming or crashing? Sinc ethe government data is not trusted, people look to private sources — which often adds to the confusion. BusinessWeek, 11 May: “Chinaâs property prices rose by a ...
- At last we see a Tea Party political platformThe Maine Republican party has adopted a new platform, largely drawn by Tea Party activists. It’s bizarre, even by the standards of American political platforms. But consistent with what we’ve seen so far from the Tea Party movement. As the Maine Politics website describes it: The official pla ...
Open Your Eyes News
- David Cameron to face EU crisis within daysTelegraph – David Cameron will face his first Europe crisis within days when negotiations begin on plans for an EU “economic government” to tackle the financial crisis. Sweeping proposals to give Brussels more “surveillance” powers over national budgets are regarded by most European countries as vit ...
- Obama’s plan to fund £140m Israeli rocket defenceTelegraph – President Barack Obama will ask Congress to provide $205 million (£140 million) to Israel to spur production and deployment of a new short-range rocket defence system. The “Iron Dome” defence system uses small radar-guided missiles to blow up rockets and mortar bombs in mid-air. Read ar ...
- Suit Challenging Shell’s Arctic Drilling Plan Reje ...Associated Press – A federal appeals court Thursday removed a legal challenge standing in the way of Shell Oil’s plans to drill exploratory wells off Alaska’s shore this summer. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a case that challenged federal approval of Shell’s ...
- No-Till Farming Improves Soil Stability, Research ...ScienceDaily — A joint Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-multi-university study across the central Great Plains on the effects of more than 19 years of various tillage practices shows that no-till makes soil much more stable than plowed soil. The study was led by Humberto Blanco-Canqui at Kansas S ...
- UK suffers hedge fund blowFinancial Times – European Union countries led by France and Germany plan to push through controversial new hedge fund regulations next week after turning down British pleas to defer a vote in Brussels. The refusal by Paris and Berlin to delay a decision on the new rules, which are opposed by the UK ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Big Majority of Amerikkkans support racist law in ...Big Majority of Amerikkkans support racist law in Arizona (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) According to a new Pew Research Poll, a big majority of Amerikans support the racist Arizona law. 73% approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status when police demand it. 67% ...
- Isang paalala ng mga matatanda sa usaIsang paalala ng mga matatanda sa usa (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com) Nakakatawang isipin na hanggang sa ngayon ay may ilang peke na tinatawag ang kanilang mga sarili bilang Maoista habang abot langit nilang sinusuportahan ang nadis-armahang repormismong pinangungunahan ng rebisyunistang taksil na si P ...
- On the upcoming elections in the PhilippinesOn the upcoming elections in the Philippines (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com) There are only a few days left before the presidential elections starts. The people are, once again, going to choose who will be their next oppressor. Like in the past, today’s elections bamboozle the people. People are being ...
- Arizona SB1070, the Continuing War Against the Mex ...Arizona SB1070, the Continuing War Against the Mexicano People (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently the Arizona state legislature passed, and Governor Jan Brewer signed into law, SB1070, as of now the most draconian law passed directed at undocumented immigrants. Arizona Senate Bill 1070 mak ...
- Sa napipintong eleksyon sa PilipinasSa napipintong eleksyon sa Pilipinas (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com) Ilang araw na lang ang nabibilang bago magsimula ang eleksyong presidensyal. Ang taumbayan, na naman, ay mamimili kung sino ang kanilang susunod na mang-aapi. Tulad ng dati, panloloko sa mamamayan ang eleksyon ngayon. Binibigyan ng mg ...
- The Evil Doer and the Times Square FizzlerWere Muslim Evil Doers again at work in New York? Is that the lesson to be learned from a May 1st “car bomb” that fizzled while parked alongside the Marriott Hotel in Manhattan’s busy Times Square? Why now? The clues are there if only investigators will follow the facts. With reports of thi ...
- A Wedding To Start A WarHow the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan. A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. Read how the celebrity wedding was loaded with the kind of symbolism that rattled India and sent the wrong ...
- Alert: Pakistan, Iran set to face hot July—JULY 2010 appears to be a crucial month in American plan —After July 2010, the components would be in place to start a proper war against Iran and do an amputation surgery on Pakistan —A network of Patriot Defence System (PAC-3) has been established in UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia ...
- India’s ‘Kyrgyz plan’ for PakistanRAW was created in the late sixties with one purpose, to destabilize Pakistan. Its first target was East Pakistan. Its second target was Bangladesh. In 1971 RAW was successful in creating the Mukti Bahni, recruiting 80,000 Hindus and then sending them into Muslim Bengal disguised as Pakistani soldie ...
- Who REALLY Owns The Media In 2010?“NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control,” states the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. “Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to th ...
- Japanese Town Testing Solar-Powered EVsRight now, electric cars may not emit greenhouse gases themselves, but the coal-fired power plants that provide the electricity that fuels those cars do. That may be the ugly reality now, but ideally in the not too far future, EVs will juice up with clean, renewable energy. One Japanese town is ...
- Throw Out the Spare Tire, Replace It With an Elect ...Volkswagen has debuted its first electric bike that conveniently folds down to a disc that fits in the spare tire compartment of a trunk. Before you start writing your comment about how an electric bike is no replacement for a spare tire if you have a flat or blowout, let me say, that's not really ...
- Sustainable Brick Made from Sand, Bacteria and PeeIt seems like pee, or more specifically urea, is becoming quite the sustainable ingredient. Beyond being tapped as a good source of hydrogen , it's powering batteries and is now being used to make sustainable bricks. Architect Ginger Krieg Dosier has designed a way of "growing" bricks by combinin ...
- Super-Insulator Aerogel Could Also Clean Up Oil Sp ...Aerogel, the amazing material that is 37 times better than fiberglass as insulation , could also be the perfect tool for cleaning up oil spills. The downside is that Aerogel isn't ready for the large-scale production necessary to help with the current oil disaster. The material is incredibly low ...
- GM Looks to Hawaii for Affordable HydrogenGM has announced that is partnering with Hawaii utility The Gas Company to develop hydrogen fueling infrastructure on the island of Oahu. The utility produces hydrogen along with synthetic natural gas. Through this partnership, it will tap into its pipelines, separate the hydrogen from the natura ...
- Talking the Amazon with CameronNIKOLAS KOZLOFF FOR BUZZFLASH Recently, I got an invitation to attend an interesting panel dealing with indigenous issues on Earth Day.� The talk, held at the Paley Center for Media in midtown Manhattan, would host a number of Native Americans but also James Cameron, creator of the blockbuster movie ...
- 92% of Conservatives Believe Obama is a Socialist ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT According to veteran right wing Republican direct mail consultant, Richard Viguerie, a poll he commissioned indicates that 92% of conservatives believe President Obama is a Socialist or Marxist. � Did they have lobotomies or is it the invasion of Roger Ailes? read more
- The End of the Gordon Brown Era in Britain -- Vers ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH He said a widow with a question was bigoted (For this alone, his re-election was toast )Nick Clegg -- the U.K.’s bright new light -- He bitterly compared to a game show host .But his resignation speech had grace & heart And there on that high perch he had to climb He left h ...
- New Plan To Help With That Pesky Ongoing Oil Mess ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Couldn’t BP soon be able to make Its profits begin to stop falling If they tossed in cars to plug the leak That Toyota’s been recalling? I’m quite confident this would be the thing To make that oil finally stanch And down the road, it could be seen as art: An underwater Cad ...
- As We Die for BP, Our Military Rots in the Wrong G ...HARVEY WASSERMAN FOR BUZZFLASH As you read this, the life of our bodies, nation and planet is being blown out a corporate hole in the Gulf of Mexico and into a BP Dead Zone of no return. The apocalyptic gusher of oily poison pouring into the waters that give us life can only be viewed -- FELT -- by ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizensA primary reason Bush and Cheney succeeded in their radical erosion of core liberties is because they focused their assault on non-citizens with foreign-sounding names, casting the appearance that none of what they were doing would ever affect the average American.� There were several exceptions to ...
- Continuing the Kagan debate with Larry LessigI didn't necessarily intend to be so engulfed by the Elena Kagan debate -- speaking and writing about it every day, here and in other venues, to the exclusion of most other matters -- but I�suppose that's inevitable once you become centrally identified with a position.� I�hope and expect to turn to ...
- "Washington Intellectual Dishonesty" definedIn the post I wrote yesterday after the Kagan announcement, I noted one genuinely encouraging aspect of her record: in 1995, she rightly excoriated the Supreme Court confirmation process as a "vapid and hollow charade" because nominees refuse to answer any meaningful questions about what they think ...
- How people spew total falsehoods on TVI appeared on The Rachel Maddow Sho w last night to articulate the case against Elena Kagan, and was then followed by Kagan friend and defender Larry Lessig of Harvard Law School, who spent five minutes (in my absence) trying to discredit me and what I said (video of the two segments is below). Alt ...
- Obama's natural choice of Kagan(updated below) It's anything but surprising that President Obama has chosen Elena Kagan to replace�John Paul Stevens on the� Supreme Court .� Nothing is a better fit for this White House than a blank slate, institution-loyal, seemingly principle-free careerist who spent the last 15 mon ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- My favourite chemistry thingsSkeptical Chymist tells me (via Twitter) that they were enjoying the favourite things about chemistry meme started by ChemJobber and continued by Azmanam (known to Sciencebase readers for his chemical spelling dictionary and the C+EN team. As is the wont of meme creators, you pay it forward and hav ...
- Submarine eruptions, hybrid materials, and quarksThe first three links are to my latest column on Intute is now online: Scrubbing up knowledge of submarine volcanoes – Consider the simple pumice stone next time you're having a bathtime scrub… Metallic liquid crystals – A new class of materials formed by combining liquid crystals and metal cluste ...
- Bookmarks for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23These are my links for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23: Interview with Michael Mueller aka @eurogene aka @nutrigenomics – The pros and cons of being a scientist WolframTones ringtones with a scientific twist – Create your own mobile phone ringtones using Wolfram's audio perspective on the computationa ...
- April Alchemist ArrivesThe Alchemist travels back billions of years to the dawn of life this week to learn how aspartic acid may be the crystal Eve, the mother of all chirality while heading back to the future also discovers how biology and nanotechnology might be fused to produce new metamaterials for a range of medical ...
- Nuclear reactors and soft X-raysScience links for this week, including my latest news in Materials Today Self-powered sensors: Biomaterials – Piezoelectric arrays could provide the power for a lab-on-a-chip device Pushing droplets around: Surface science – Pushing droplets around a surface A safe reaction: Nuclear – Self-healing ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- California: From Foster Children to Homeless Adult ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2010 Human Rights Watch (HRW) California is creating homeless adults by failing to ensure that youth in foster care are given the support to live independently as adults and by ending state support abruptly, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. read mo ...
- Americans Oppose and Feel Unsafe With Open Carry; ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2010 Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence A majority of Americans oppose people carrying loaded guns openly in public. More feel unsafe than feel safer - and a third feel much less safe with that knowledge, according to a poll conducted for the Brady Center to Preven ...
- Four Tulane Students Disciplined for Supporting Lo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2010 Tulane University Students In a university environment that claims to encourage the free exchange of ideas and opinions, four students were charged with Code of Conduct violations, such as abusive or disorderly conduct, after a peaceful worker led and organized ...
- Equality California to Celebrate First-Ever Harvey ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2010 Equality California (EQCA) WHAT: In honor of the first-ever Harvey Milk Day, Equality California and its coalition partners will host a day of action where canvassers will go door to door to build support for the right for same-sex couples to marry. L ...
- Industry Front Group Plans Campaign of Lies FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 12, 2010 Free Press AT&T front group Americans for Prosperity announced a $1.4 million advertising plan to try to convince Americans that the Federal Communications Commission is plotting to "take over the Internet." Free Press Research Director S. Derek Turner made the ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Greeks in the Streets Are Right, EU Economists Hav ...by Mark Weisbrot The agreement by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to provide up to $960 billion of support to the Continent's weaker economies, as well as to financial markets, has appeared to calm investors worldwide, for the moment. But this does not resolve the u ...
- What Accountability, Mr. President?by Jeremy Scahill During his White House press conference Wednesday with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, President Obama addressed the issue of civilian deaths caused by US operations in Afghanistan. "I take no pleasure in hearing a report that a civilian has been killed," said Obama. "That's not ...
- Taking Back Homes from the Banks: Exercising the H ...by Bill Quigley May has seen an upsurge in local organizations exercising their human rights to housing. Most people recognize that international human rights guarantee all humans a right to housing. With the millions of homeless living in our communities and the millions of empty foreclosed ...
- How to Turn Congress Inc. Back to Just Congressby Katrina vanden Heuvel What is the biggest scandal of 2010 so far? Allegations of fraudulent misrepresentation from Goldman Sachs? An oil spill that poses a threat to our environment and economy for generations? Mining operators freely ignoring safety violations and treating workers as disposab ...
- As We Die for BP, Our Military Rots in the Wrong G ...by Harvey Wasserman As you read this, the life of our bodies, nation and planet is being blown out a corporate hole in the Gulf of Mexico and into a Dead Zone of no return. The apocalyptic gusher of oily poison pouring into the waters that give us life can only be viewed-- felt --by each and every o ...
Karl Burkart
- Facebook be forewarned ... the Diaspora is coming4 supergeeks just raised enough money to program a peer-to-peer social networking system that could spell trouble for Facebook. Will they succeed?
- Facebook be forewarned… the Diaspora is coming4 super-geeks just raised enough money to program a peer-to-peer social networking system that could spell trouble for Facebook. Will they succeed?
- John Kerry: 'We need your help'On a group phone call tonight, Senator Kerry implores young organizers to push their senators on the climate bill.
- Corporations, the crowd police are watching youIn my talk last week, I sent out a warning -- big corporations need to be very, very careful about greenwashing. The crowd is watching.
- JoinThePipe connects water lovers around the worldA new social network for tap water drinkers is about to launch, and it hopes to redistribute 'water wealth' to areas most in need.
Water Privatization
- City Workers Protest Proposed Job Cuts� These are the faces of city workers slated to lose their jobs in the 2012 budget proposal. � A large group of employees and their friends and family members march from the water tower to City Hall on Thursday afternoon. � If commercial solid waste pickup is privatized, over 100 jobs will be lost. ...
- Research and Markets: UAE Power & Water Industry O ...Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "UAE Power & Water Industry Overview - 2010" report to their offering. Forming the foundation pillars upon which the economic development of the country is based on, The Power and Water desalination Industry in the UAE is characterized by a limi ...
- Noynoy asked: Stop sale of Angat DamShould he become the next President of the Philippines, Senator Benigno Noynoy Aquino III should halt the ongoing sale of the Angat Dam as a hydro-electric power plant, because if it proceeds it could possibly compromise the domestic water and irrigation supply of Metro Manila and nearby provinces, ...
- Angat firm eyes new plantKorea Water Resources Corp., the state water company of Korea, and a local partner plan to put up a new hydroelectric power plant in northern Luzon, an energy official said Wednesday.
- Opening Comment 05.13Opening Comment 05.13
- Troops fire on redshirts as Thai crisis escalates• One protester shot dead as thousands join Bangkok standoff • Photographer and journalist also shot in night of violence Thai troops fired teargas and rubber bullets at protesters today following a night of violence that left one person dead and 11 wounded, and further deepened the country's two-mo ...
- Sarkozy threatened to quit euroSarkozy demanded 'a compromise from everyone to support Greece ... or France would reconsider its position in the euro', according to Spanish newspaper El País French president Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to pull his country out of the euro if other EU countries, especially Germany, did not agree to ...
- Plane crash boy had 'dream holiday'Ruben van Assouw's father posted travel diary describing dream holiday encountering elephants and zebras in Africa Details of a dream safari holiday enjoyed by the Van Assouw family before the fatal plane crash that killed all 103 passengers except nine-year-old Ruben van Assouw emerged today in his ...
- Bankers' earnings bouncing backPay and bonuses totalled £20.5bn in four months to April, compared with £24bn at height of boom in 2007 Pay and bonuses in the City are surging back to their pre-crash levels despite widespread criticism of the Square Mile and the banking industry, which was rescued by the taxpayer 18 months ago. Th ...
- OFT to stock-take economic assetsOffice of Fair Trading denied that the move is designed to lead to further privatisations, despite the fact that the coalition government needs funds urgently to plug the deficit The Office of Fair Trading is mounting a massive stock-take of the country's economic infrastructure, from energy and wat ...
- Shell outlines safeguards for Arctic oil drillingShell executives in Alaska are under massive pressure to prove to federal regulators by early next week that their plan to drill in Arctic waters this summer will not result in an oil disaster like the one unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Commentary: Obama administration going wrong way o ..."You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" — Typical Miranda warning
- Commentary: Sanford chose tobacco over benefits ci ...Mark Sanford vowed to do something soon that will encapsulate his two terms as South Carolina's governor.
- Congress wants to know why MMS aborted tougher dri ...WASHINGTON — Engineers launched their latest effort to curb the crude oil gushing from a busted underwater well in the Gulf of Mexico Thursday as lawmakers on Capitol Hill wrangled over the liability limits for oil companies and continued to probe the mishaps and regulatory failures that caused the ...
- Off to a halting start, Kandahar 'offensive' is sc ...KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Although it's just beginning, the U.S.-led effort to pacify the Taliban's spiritual capital in southern Afghanistan already appears to be faltering.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Much-drilled bill signals climate endgameAnd then there were two... Republican Senator Lindsey Graham having departed the group , it was left to Democrat John Kerry and Independent (Democrat-attached) Joe Lieberman to unveil the latest version of the US climate bill , which now sports the distinctly Stars-and-Stripes title of the American ...
- Will and equity - does climate alternative offer e ...No-one I know who survived the two-week incarceration in Copenhagen's Bella Center in December believes everything is tight and rosy with the UN climate process. The yawning chasm between the rhetoric of "the most serious problem facing humanity" and the reality that governments are nowhere near ag ...
- A financial trick in the familiar biodiversity tal ...Often when I've written about biodiversity down the years, I've been assailed by a strong sense of deja vu. While "we're screwing up life on Earth" still sounds like big news to me, it isn't always to news editors, whose reaction is often along the lines of "but we know that". And in truth, the de ...
- Deep reflections on the ozone storyThere'll be a party in the chemistry labs at Cambridge University this Friday. But no-one will turn up with hugely coiffured hair, the champagne will be served warm, and if a fire should break out, there'll be nothing to use on it but old-fashioned water, CO2 and sand. Well... that's how life migh ...
- The bare facts of biodiversityWe've known for a couple of years or so that one of the impressive-sounding environmental promises that governments are signed up to - the pledge to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss significantly by 2010 - isn't going to be met. Now, an analysis just published in the journal Science is giving u ...
The Wonk Room
- Inhofe Says U.S. Soldiers Will Be Unwilling To Fig ...In an interview with American Family Association (AFA) radio yesterday, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) argued against repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), arguing that basically, members of the U.S. military are too bigoted to be willing to fight and die for the “guy in the next foxhole” if that guy ha ...
- Secretary Gates: Military Unanimously Backs STARTIn an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, Secretary Gates put further pressure on Senate Republicans looking to oppose START. Gates emphasized that the treaty had the “unanimous support” of the US military and that past arms-control treaties had passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. In ot ...
- 27 Republicans Sign Resolution To Block Use Of Dem ...his week, the National Mediation Board (NMB) announced a rule change making union elections under the Railway Labor Act (RLA) more democratic. Previously, under the RLA, workers who did not cast votes in an election were counted as having voted against unionization. Now, though, they will simply not ...
- Republicans Recycle Their ‘Rationing’ ...Our guest blogger is Sonia Sekhar, a research assistant for Health Policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund. TP intern DJ Carella provided research assistance for this post. Last night, Senate Republicans launched their opening salvo against Don Berwick, President Obama’s nominee to he ...
- Making The Case For The Levin-Merkley Volcker Rule ...he Senate is slowly but surely chugging its way through the huge stack of amendments to Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-CT) financial regulatory reform bill. Yesterday, it voted down Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ (R-GA) weak alternative to the derivatives title, while approving amendments that preserve Federal Reserve ...
thwap's schoolyard
- On the harpercons' Cancelling of Funding for Toron ...One of my favourite bloggers, Montreal Simon, talks about the lack of support for gays in response to the harpercon government's announcement that they would not be supporting the massive Toronto Gay Pride this year and says maybe it should be a private party: I'd be sorry not to be able to entertai ...
- Chumps and ChangeIn his essay " Is America Yearning For Fascism " Chris Hedges says that as long as "leftists" or "progressives" in the USA continue to cling stupidly to the Democratic Party, so long will the left be irrelevant to the genuine anger against what corporate neo-liberalism has created. Even worse, Hedge ...
- Neil Reynolds of the Globe & MailI've mentioned from time to time that my partner, for reasons of her own, has subscribed to the Globe & Mail. I tend to get up before everyone else these days, so I get it and read it with my morning calories and caffeine. I must say that it's surreal to once again submerge myself in the blinkered, ...
- Random CrapOne would think that the dearth of terrorist outrages in Canada (before and after 9-11 in the UNITED STATES) would have calmed down all the precious darlings hiding under their beds sucking their thumbs. But, sadly no. According to Alison at Creekside , the harpercons are still shitting themselves ...
- Busy Easter PostHere. there.
Financial Sense Editorials
- Feed has movedThis feed has moved to .
- Market Observation: The Long and Short of Itby Brian Pretti. "It has been a very long while since I’ve taken up a big chunk of a discussion to write about crude oil. The time is now for a multiplicity of reasons. You know the old market truism that after bear markets in equities, old leadership rarely emerges as new leadership. And of course ...
- Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3 by Elliott Wave Int. "With the market’s downtrend recently in abeyance, these transgressions failed to capture the imagination of the public or the scrutiny of law enforcement. But the extreme recriminatory power of the next leg down in social mood suggests that Goldman’s dealings will become a ligh ...
- A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist. "The founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung, proposed the existence of something he called the collective unconscious. He said it was the most misunderstood of his empirical concepts. Its reality could be inferred from the presence of archetypes, most readily discoverable in dr ...
- Market Observation: Fear Strikes Outby Martin Goldberg, CMT. "The markets are heading straight up without even taking a breather. As of Thursday after completing the January correction, there have been 34 days up and only 13 days down. Over that timeframe the S&P has gained about 16%. None of the down days were particularly scary and ...
on Government Oversight
- MacLean Denied, MSPB Lives Up To Whistleblower-Unf ...Yesterday, the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ruled to deny whistleblower Robert MacLean’s claim that he was fired from his job as a federal air marshal for exercising his right to protected speech. (In 2003, MacLean tried to blow the...
- Grassley Proposes FinReg Amendment That Would Stre ...Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) has introduced an amendment to the financial regulatory reform bill that would strengthen the independence of certain agency-appointed inspectors general (IGs), including those that serve as watchdogs at our nation's financial regulatory agencies. POGO has just...
- Contracts Online -- OMG!Today, the federal contracting councils published an advanced notice asking for public comments on how best to protect proprietary information if/when contracts are posted online. Yes, can you believe that with all the advances in technology that taxpayers and the...
- Morning Smoke: What We Can Expect from the GAO's F ...What Might Be Hidden in the Fed’s Books? by Annie Lowrey [The Washington Independent] Does Inquiry into Morgan Stanley Implicate Citi and UBS? by Marian Wang [ProPublica] A Glimpse Into SEC Enforcement, by Way of Goldman by Bruce Carton [Securities...
- Senate Considers Improvements to FAPIISLast week, Senators Feingold and Coburn proposed S. 3323, the “Federal Contracting Oversight and Reform Act of 2010.” The bill aims to improve the newly launched Federal Awardee Performance Integrity and Information System (FAPIIS)—the government’s database of contractors with criminal,...
Digital Journal
- Toronto hosts sex lounge for 'Sex and the City 2' ...Toronto filled in for New York when Yonge-Dundas Square hosted a sex lounge for the Canadian premiere of "Sex and the City 2" that reunites the four girls.
- Toronto's Sex Crime Unit alerts public of sexual p ...A man is being sought by Toronto Police for a string of sexual assaults on the Yonge Street subway line starting in 2007 and ongoing.
- Ontario First Nation organization stripped of char ...The Canadian Revenue Agency has revoked the charitable status for the Henvey Inlet First Nation Community Support Organization, effective May 8, 2010.
- Lothian and Borders police hunt sex attackerLothian and Borders police are currently hunting a sex attacker who seriously assaulted an 18-year old girl near a hospital in West Lothian, near Edinburgh.
- Toronto man facing 11 charges for sexual assault a ...A search warrant executed on Wednesday by the Child Exploitation Section of the TPS Sex Crimes Unit in downtown Toronto resulted in the arrest of a 75-year-old man.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Why Hotels Aren't Suitable HousingThere are as many reasons a hotel makes a bad dwelling for a family as there are hotels. They're crowded. They're expensive. Often, they don't have kitchens for cooking. Constantly rotating neighbors can include criminals and sex offenders. It's not an address someone can put on a job application. T ...
- Homelessness By Any Other Name ... In the ongoing effort to address social problems primarily by talking about them rather than doing anything concrete, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is proposing a set of new definitions of homelessness in order to determine who will be eligible for HUD-funded homeless assista ...
- What We Talk About When We Talk About HomelessnessI never planned to be homeless, or to launch myself into the world as a writer identified with the homeless. There are thousands of people who resent me for that happening. They are still angry that I considered myself homeless and ended up on a world stage talking about it. Their reasoning is, I w ...
- Is Being Homeless in Hawaii All Fun in the Sun?Here's a paradox for you: Hawaii might be the worst state for renters but the best place to be homeless. Of course, there's no good place to be homeless, but factoring in anti-homeless laws and unforgiving climates, some places are definitely better than others. Despite a recent ban on tents and ten ...
- Victory! NYC Agrees to Provide Beds for All Who Ne ...Homeless advocates in New York City have won a legal victory against the city and its beleaguered Department of Homeless Services , the agency that is responsible for maintaining the public shelter system. This victory will result in the enforcement of a ruling that requires the city to provide she ...
- Russian nuke data falls shortRussia has presented a chart and other data detailing recent reductions in its nuclear forces to the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference currently underway in New York. But the information provided falls far short of the (itself incomplete) level of disclosure recently made by the United Stat ...
- Canadian lawyers, academics call for nuclear disar ...Two recent statements organized by the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons: Legal Experts and Lawyers Call for Abolition We… call on the Government of Canada: 1) to find early and prominent opportunities to publicly reaffirm Canadaâs commitment to a world without nuclear weapons; 2) to ...
- TVO’s The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeeper ...TVO's The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeepers or War makers? Recorded Thursday, April 29 2010. Canada's military role After Afghanistan. Live from the Munk School of Global Affairs.
- Where have all the Blue Berets gone?A recent discussion on the future role of Canada’s military forces demonstrated once again that some of Canada’s most well known defence and foreign policy experts don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to UN peacekeeping. Four years ago, David Bercuson, Director of the DND-funded Cent ...
- Cannon fires a dud at NPT RevCon“Canada has managed the extraordinary feat of presenting its opening statement to the NPT Review Conference without any substantive reference to ‘disarmament’ â one of the three foundational pillars of the Treaty,” reports arms control expert Ernie Regehr (”Canadaâs opening statement at NPT: pro ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Abu Dhabi Hotel Installs Gold Vending MachineMay 13, 2010 Yahoo News There’s no mistaking what’s in this vending machine. The well-heeled in the Gulf can now grab “gold to go” from a hotel lobby in the United Arab Emirates, when the need for a quick ingot strikes. On Thursday, a day after its inauguration, the shiny machine attracted spectator ...
- Russia Obtained Sensitive NATO Secrets From Polish ...May 13, 2010 Inside The Ring By Bill Gertz The recent crash of a Polish military transport that killed most of Warsaw’s senior civilian and military leaders was not only a human catastrophe for a key U.S. ally. NATO sources said that, in addition to the loss of nearly 100 pro-U.S. Polish leaders, th ...
- Senate Bank Bill Adds New Supersnooping AgenciesMay 10, 2010 The Orange County Register Big Brother wants to watch you more closely. Especially how you spend your money. His latest snooping plan comes from provisions in the banking bill being debated in the Senate. The bill is being pushed by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Banki ...
- Obama Using Connecticut Social Security NumberMay 12, 2010 beforeitsnews.com Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state. In addition, the records indicate the number wa ...
- FDA Finally Sued Over The Suppression of Raw MilkMay 13, 2010 Natural News By Ethan A. Huff Recently the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization devoted to protecting family farms and their customers from unconstitutional government intrusion, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration over its unconst ...
Pambazuka News
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
- Global: It takes a VillagerOwino Odhiambo left his tiny Kenyan village less than a decade ago to immerse himself completely in American culture. Equipped with American citizenship, two degrees, and five years experience working as a dedicated graphic designer in New York City,...
War in Context
- Israel’s unlawful destruction of property during O ...In a press release, Human Rights Watch said today: Israel should investigate the unlawful destruction of civilian property during the 2009 Gaza hostilities and lift the blockade that hinders residents from rebuilding their homes, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today. The 116-page ...
- Russia’s Middle East movesWhile Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan are like lead weights that limit the flexibility of the United States in the Middle East, other powers are now taking advantage of Washington’s inability to function as an agent of change. After Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited Turkey this week, commentat ...
- The end of an era?A few hours before Gordon Brown resigned as Britain’s prime minister, Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former communications director said: “I think the reason why I’ve got involved in the election campaign is because I really think it would be terrible for Britain if David Cameron was prime minister ...
- Is Obama moving to escalate the war in Pakistan?The United States is at war in Pakistan. It will be up to historians to decide when this war began. “Drone Strikes Pound West Pakistan” says the headline above a brief report in the New York Times. After the CIA fired 18 missiles resulting in at least 14 deaths on Tuesday, the operation was describ ...
- Israel’s dark past arming apartheid South AfricaA new attack on Judge Richard Goldstone is the latest effort in a campaign to direct attention away his allegations that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza, but in this instance, questions about Goldstone’s record as a judge in apartheid South Africa are overshadowed by the Jewish state’s own role ...
Watts Up With That?
- Now it’s more CO2 that will threaten cropsSometimes I wonder if science hasn’t been infected with some sort of mass delusion about CO2. Watch this amazing video on CO2 and plant growth from CO2Science.org, then read below the claims made in this UC Davis press release. Rising … Continue reading →
- R.I.P. El NiñoEl Niño made it’s last gasp this week. Note that SST’s in the equatorial Pacific went from above normal to below normal during the past few days. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/sst/plots.php Is there a La Niña on the way? Most of the models … Continue reading →
- Now it’s lizards going extinct due to climat ...From a press release from Villanova University, more worry. I don’t know about the researchers experiences, but my property is overrun with the Western Fence Lizard. I can hardly avoid stepping on them there are so many around the house. … Continue reading →
- October Through March Was the Snowiest On Record I ...By Steve Goddard Guardian Photo The experts at East Anglia and CRU told us in 2000 that : (March, 2000) According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East … Continue reading →
- Where the !@#$% is Svalbard’s Weather Statio ...In the previous WUWT entry, Willis posted his data on the Svalbard weather station, noting that it is spliced data and that the station data has been merged in nearby station history: 0 km (*) Svalbard Luft 78.2 N 15.5 … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Will Hezbollah support the right to work for Pales ...by Franklin Lamb Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp Beirut 14 May, 2010 Local political pressures are mounting on the Party of God Part IV of a series on the campaign to enact civil rights for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon The current relationship between Palestinian ...
- Expansion Theory – Our Best Candidate for a Final ...By Roland Michel Tremblay Featured Writer Dandelion Salad The Marginal 14 May, 2010 On 4 March 2010, New Scientist magazine published an article entitled “Knowing the mind of God: Seven theories of everything“, where Michael Marshall reviewed the most promising candidates for the Theory of Everythin ...
- Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout p ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1095011 http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ By Maria Recio, Dave Montgomery and Mark Washburn McClatchy Newspapers May 12, 2010 WASHINGTON — In the days after an oil well spun out of control in the Gulf of Mexico, BP engineers tried to activate a huge piece of ...
- Michael Hudson: This is terrible news. No economy ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1095219 http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ AlJazeeraEnglish May 12, 2010 — Can a unified currency work, or would the taxpayers in the rich EU states end up paying for the blunders of corrupt politicians and bankers? Michael Hudson: This is terrible news. No ec ...
- Anti-communist mania by William Blumhttp://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1095007 by William Blum Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.killinghope.org 12 May, 2010 Terminally-dumb people have always been with us of course. It can’t be that we’ve suddenly gone stupid. If you shake your head and roll your eyes at the nonsense coming out ...
Your New Reality
- No titleLife Magazine promotes the below image of Berlin, after 350 massive aerial bombardments by the Allies from 1940 to 1945, that killed tens of thousands of civilians, as "never before published". Why not? Too shocking for Americans to see that entire city blocks of civilian apartments, theatres, pa ...
- No titleLiquid Hills In early February, torrential rains hit southern Italy . Massive landslides followed : The Aftermath : (via Reddit )
- No titleTwittocracy This is how Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez promotes Twitter throughout the country : Chavez on Twitter : "It's a form of contact with the world." "(Twitter is) a weapon that also needs to be used by the revolution." With an average of about 20,000 people per day signing up to follow ...
- No titleAs a British politician journalist, Adam Boulton has endured more than 15 years of Alistair "Master Of Spin" Campbell's infuriating bullshit. The UK election is over, the Labour Party lost, the era of Tony Blair's New Labour is in ruins. Adam Boulton no longer has to put with Campbell's rejigging ...
- No titleA very young Jon Stewart, in some sort of Fonzie getup, interviews George Carlin on cannabis and creativity :
Wired - Science
- Video: Strapping in With the Crew of the Shuttle f ...The STS-132 crew will buckle into the space shuttle Atlantis tomorrow before launching into orbit for a 12 day mission to the International Space Station. It is the last scheduled flight of Atlantis, and the last scheduled flight for each of the six astronauts aboard. Earlier this month I found mys ...
- Stem Cell Solution for Hearing Loss Makes ProgressIf a few too many AC/DC concerts now have you turning up the volume on hearing aids instead of headphones, a new stem cell study in mice is reason for hope. A team led by Stefan Heller of Stanford University set out to elucidate basic principles of how the inner ear detects sound. But they also [.. ...
- Colossal Squid Far from Fearsome PredatorsIn the popular imagination, the colossal squid is fast and terrifying, able to dispatch whales and submarines with ease. But the image of the squid as a nasty predator of the deep is probably more mythology than biology argue Rui Rosa of the Laboratorio Marıtimo da Guia in Lisbon and Brad Seibel of ...
- Weird Clouds Look Even Better From Space> Clouds are fascinating because they take on so many different, beautiful shapes and are constantly changing. Cloud-watching from Earth can be endlessly entertaining, but some of the most amazing cloud patterns can only be properly appreciated from space. Satellite ...
- Life on Earth Arose Just OnceOne isn’t such a lonely number. All life on Earth shares a single common ancestor, a new statistical analysis confirms. The idea that life forms share a common ancestor is “a central pillar of evolutionary theory,” says Douglas Theobald, a biochemist at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Attorney seeks to bar Goldstone from USA well-known American Jewish attorney who worked to deport former Nazis from the US is urging American officials to bar former judge Richard Goldstone from entering the country over his rulings... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now ...
- Gilbert Achcar interview: The League Against Denia ..."The phenomenon of Holocaust denial in the Arab world is wrong, misleading and causes damage to the Palestinian cause." In his new book, Lebanese-French academic Gilbert Achcar grapples for the first... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks ...Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military operations of 2006 and 2009. The research has been... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Court: Israeli Arabs arrested over alleged spying ...The Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court on Wednesday ruled that two Israeli Arab men arrested last week over allegations of spying and ties to Hezbollah will remain jailed until early next week... and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- Gilbert Achcar: Israel’s Propaganda War – Blame th ...Israel’s sabotage of the peace talks, its rapid colonisation of the occupied Palestinian territories and its deadly incursions into Lebanon and Gaza worsened the deterioration of its image. In an... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- UPDATE: Russia plans to develop 5th-generation 'st ...A Russian helicopter company is planning to develop the world's first fifth-generation combat helicopter, which experts say would be able to attack fighter jets and be invisible for radars, the Gazeta daily said on Thursday.
- Russia's space defenses in shambles - expertsA group of retired Russian generals warned on Thursday that the country's space defenses are obsolete and have a limited capability to counter possible threats from space.
- Russian company unveils plans for 5th-generation ' ...Russian Helicopters is planning to create the world's first fifth-generation combat helicopter which experts say would be able to attack fighter jets and be invisible for radars, Russian daily Gazeta said on Thursday
- Russia to upgrade Admiral Gorshkov for India on ti ...Russia will keep to the time period specified in the contract for the retrofit of the Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy, the head of Russia's united shipbuilding corporation said on Tuesday
- Russia, Turkey could increase trade to $100 bln ov ...Russia and Turkey could increase bilateral trade to $100 billion over the next five years, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday.
- ATS Publishes Joint Statement on Renal Failure in ...Despite the fact that recent medical advances have allowed healthcare professionals to stabilize patients who would have otherwise died, many stabilized patients later develop organ system failure. In fact, acute renal failure is one of the biggest threats to critically ill patients: forty percent o ...
- New Research Describes High Lead in New Orleans Pr ...While studying the environmental impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, recent Texas Tech University-led research has discovered high concentrations of lead in the poorest and oldest parts of New Orleans.
- Cutting-Edge Vaccine Research to be Showcased at A ...Potential therapies for deadly diseases to be presented during San Francisco meeting.
- Symposium Focuses on Patient Safety in CT ScanningA national summit of medical professionals meeting last month in Atlanta called for the creation of consensus scan techniques as a way of addressing the concerns of patients undergoing CT scans -- a common medical imaging procedure that uses X-rays to show cross-sectional images of the body.
- Sexual Dysfunction in Kidney Disease Patients Requ ...Despite the very high rate of problems with sexual function among people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), little is known about the best treatment approaches in this group of patients, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (C ...
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- New Report Indicates FDA Needs to Stop Using "Biom ...Drugs to treat diabetes are often approved simply because they lower blood sugar and heart drugs can win FDA approval because they lower cholesterol. But the report said this does not mean they make patients healthier. Click here to read this article
- Monsanto's Deadly Gift of 475 Tons of Genetically- ...Haiti's earthquake on 12 January this year has been a lucky business break for some. The transnational firm Monsanto is offering the country's farmers a deadly gift of 475 tonnes of genetically-modified (GM) seeds, along with associated fertilizer and pesticides, which will be handed out free by the ...
- President's Cancer Panel: 'Eat Organic, Ward Off C ...The President's Cancer Panel says that the "risk of environmentally induced cancer has been grossly underestimated," that "nearly 80,000 chemicals [are] on the market in the United States, many of which are ... understudied and largely unregulated," and that "the public remains unaware ... that chil ...
- New Study on Milk Quality Runs Away from Its Own F ...Organic milk contains significantly higher concentrations of health-promoting fatty acids, especially during the times of the year when cows are feeding on lush pastures. Click here to read this article
- U.S. Clears a Test of Bioengineered TreesFederal regulators gave clearance Wednesday for a large and controversial field test of genetically engineered trees planned for seven states stretching from Florida to Texas. Click here to read this article
- Derrama de petróleo Golfo de México Costa de Louis ...Desde hace algunos días, la explosión de una plataforma petrolera en el Golfo de México ha estado causando graves problemas al medio ambiente. La situación se considera muy grave y ya se pueden ver los estragos causados hasta en las costas de Louisiana dentro ya, de los Estados Unidos de... Haz ...
- Expo Shanghai 2010 (37 fotografías en alta resoluc ...La ciudad de Shangai, se encuentra lista para celebrar su magna exposición 2010. Bajo el eslogan 'Mejor ciudad, mejor vida', el evento podría atraer a más de 100 millones de visitantes. De ellos, el 95% serán chinos. La administración de esta ciudad, ha gastado 400 billones de yuanes (58.6 billones. ...
- Nuevas fotografías del volcán Eyjafjallajökull Isl ...Hace algunos días, le presenté a usted una colección de fotografías sobre la actividad del volcán Eyjafjallajökull en Islandia (si no la vio, haciendo click aquí podrá verla). El día de hoy, le tengo a usted 7 nuevas imágenes que demuestran con detalles pequeñas explosiones causando la derrama de... ...
- Pasarela por la sabana de Africa (14 fotos de anim ...Este paquete contiene 14 fotografías de animales salvajes en alta definición. Descubra con detalle la belleza de nuestra fauna y admire de cerca a las jirafas, leones, changos, pumas, ciervos, venados y zorros. Una verdadera pasarela o safari hacia un viaje imaginario al África, la sabana y las... ...
- Imágenes de flores para el Día de las Madres (reco ...He aquí nuestro especial de flores para el Día de las Madres. En algunos países como España se celebra el primer domingo de mayo y en México festejamos a nuestras madrecitas el día 10 de mayo. Con la intención de que usted tenga a su alcance las mejores imágenes de flores, he realizado esta... ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- The NYT Belatedly Notices Targeted Killing Debateby Julian Ku by Julian Ku The NYT’s Scott Shane notes that “The Obama administrationâs decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Agency of a terrorism suspect who is an American citizen has set off a debate over the legal and political limits of drone missile strikes….”  U ...
- Pre-Order Polakow-Suransky’s New Book on Israel an ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller I was going to wait until the book — entitled The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa — came out to mention it, but now seems like an opportune time. You can pre-order the book from Amazon here, and here is the desc ...
- Church and State Recommends Rejection of Ugandan A ...by Roger Alford Last week a special committee organized by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has recommended that virtually every clause of the anti-gay bill drafted by Uganda backbencher David Bahati be rejected. As reported here , The recommendations ... come close to dismissing Mr Bahati’s d ...
- A Bit of Context About Goldstoneby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller I will write in more detail when I have a bit more time, but I can’t let Dershowitz’s ridiculously slanted and ahistorical attack on Richard Goldstone pass without comment. Sasha Polakow-Suransky, a Senior Editor at Foreign Affairs who is an expert on Isr ...
- No, Prof. Dershowitz, Tell Us What You Really Thin ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Alan Dershowitz has never been shy to express his views, but I think he may be going a bit far here in reaction to recent stories about Judge Richard Goldstone’s service to the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Goldstone was–quite literally–a hanging judge. He imposed an ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Open letter to Nick SmithNick, I’ve listened with increasing interest to your disingenuous attempts to disown your comments from 2005 when you said this: “The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders will be the only people in the world...
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
Public News Service
- Environmental Health Risks: Not Just CancerEnvironmental Health Risks: Not Just Cancer Washington, DC – A report delivered (May 6) to President Obama says environmentally-caused cancers are “grossly under-estimated.” But it's not just cancer, say health professionals. Comments from from Dr. Kristen Welker-Hood, director, Environment and Heal ...
- SBA and Google Help AZ Small Business Owners Creat ...SBA and Google Help AZ Small Business Owners Create Jobs The U.S. Small Business Administration is teaming up with Google to help Arizonans grow their businesses by increasing their presence on the Web. The free “Tools for Online Success” program offers advice on technology to help small businesses ...
- Not All Recycling is Good for the Environment Not All Recycling is Good for the Environment Arizonans who want to recycle old electronics have a new way to find out if their recycler does its job responsibly. The Basel (BASS-el) Action Networks e-Steward Certification is the world’s first global e-waste recycler certification, and the first su ...
- Report: Drivers Paying the Price for Road and Brid ...Report: Drivers Paying the Price for Road and Bridge Neglect Phoenix, AZ – Many of America’s roads and bridges are falling apart from a lack of proper maintenance. That’s the gist of a new report from the Public Interest Research Group, which says too much highway money is being diverted to new cons ...
- Report on School Safety: Wakeup Call on Possible C ...Report on School Safety: Wakeup Call on Possible Cell Tower Danger Washington, DC – New research examines the practice of siting cell towers and antennas near schools and students’ risk of exposure to potentially dangerous radiation levels. The "BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools" being unveiled today ...
My Care2 Picks
- Businesses demand renewable energy tax reform in O ...100 businesses in Ohio have launched a three-week campaign to reform tax laws for renewable energy projects.Ohio has the nations fifth largest wind energy manufacturing industry, but investment in renewable energy in the state is being crippled Submitted by John Farnham to Environment �|� �Note ...
- Gates to Pentagon Bureaucrats: You're NextGates informed the military establishment that the post-9/11 "gusher of defense spending... has been turned off, and will stay off for a good period of time." Submitted by Judy C. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Territorians to be barcodedTERRITORY victims in large-scale accidents or catastrophes will soon be barcoded at the scene before being sent to hospital. Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- It they run,they're VC.If they don't run,they're w ..."The good guys" are now executing prisoners on the battlefield, or at least that is the story that has been relayed to Hersh by U.S. troops. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Global Economic Crisis. The Great Depression of th ...Each of the authors in this timely collection digs beneath the gilded surface to reveal a complex web of deceit and media distortion which serves to conceal the workings of the global economic system and its devastating impacts on people's lives. Submitted by John Farnham to Business �|� �Note-it! ...
Angry Indian News
- Key’s Double Whammy – Cannibalism Insults Followed ...Key’s Double Whammy – Cannibalism Insults Followed By Passive Aggressive Apology « E2NZThe world’s press is having a field day with John ‘loosest slot machines’ Key’s latest political gaffe.He’s... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Soldiers 'joked about killing women and children'Soldiers 'joked about killing women and children': An Iraq War veteran who served with the company shown in the "Collateral Murder" video released by whistleblower web site Wikileaks says the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Black: Beck uses more swastikas than the History C ...Black: Beck uses more swastikas than the History Channel: Recently, Glenn Beck has claimed to be outraged that a new Arizona immigration law that requires people to carry proof of citizenship is... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times worse’ than previously ...Gulf oil gusher ‘ten times worse’ than previously estimated, experts say | Raw Story: "So this is why BP's release of video showing the Gulf oil gusher was mysteriously delayed.According to a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Does Hector Elizondo Look “Illegal?”Does Hector Elizondo Look “Illegal?” « SpeakEasy: As shown in our new Cuéntame video, acclaimed actor/producer Hector Elizondo just joined our “Do I Look “Illegal”? campaign to encourage people to... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Marti Oakley Talks about Food Safety and Attacks o ...Marti Oakley on the John Wallace show May 14th discussing food safety legislation and government attacks on family farms.
- Wisconsin DATCP begins Agriculture police stateFor Immediate Release: DATCP Trespasses on Local Farmer’s Property, Collects Evidence Without a Warrant, and Violates Basic Bio-security Protocol Endangering the Health of Animals They are Supposedly Protecting On May 5, 2010, Melissa Cochran, Animal Health Inspector for the Wisconsin Department ...
- The Adventures of Aggie the Traveling Agrobacteriu ...Narrated slide show outlining the genetic engineering process and its effects on health and the environment in a simple and fun, easy to understand format for both adults and children. Order now!
- Military Law – No Longer Just for the Military: Ar ...No “Branch” of Military, or anyone who comes under Title 10 and the UCMJ is at any time supposed to be “deciding” or adjudicating civilian affairs. The Coast Guard as this Special Branch of Military is filing “civil complaints” and “charges” against whom it is itself identifying as civilians.
- More than 80 Groups Urge FDA and USDA to Change U. ...For Immediate release Naomi Starkman Consumers Union nstarkman@gmail.com 917.539.3924-c Position Will Create Problems for American Producers to Label Products GM/GE-Free Upcoming International Codex Meeting to Discuss Food Labeling, May 3 Yonkers, NY—Consumers Union, the nonprofit publishe ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Governor out to rebrand Arizona over immigration l ...Noted by Osha Gray Davidson on May 14, 2010 12:05 AM
- Nothing is Private: Employee fired when her sex bl ...Noted by Jon Pessah on May 14, 2010 12:05 AM
- Facebook Calls All Hands Meeting On Privacy (allfa ...Noted by Kashmir Hill on May 13, 2010 10:05 PM
- Calculations of Gulf Spill Volume Are Questioned ( ...Noted by Osha Gray Davidson on May 13, 2010 10:05 PM
- To mark Palin's Chicago visiti, strip club holds l ...Noted by James Finn Garner on May 13, 2010 9:05 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Bomb blast rocks Athens amid heightened tensionsShareThis Bomb blast rocks Athens amid heightened tensions 13 May 2010 A bomb has exploded outside one of Greece's highest security prisons, injuring two people and damaging homes and shops up to four blocks away, Athens police said Thursday. The bomb was placed inside a garbage container alongside ...
- Two NATO soldiers killed in AfghanistanShareThis Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan 14 May 2010 Two NATO soldiers fighting in Afghanistan to quell a Taliban-led insurgency were killed in attacks, the military said Friday. One was killed in an "insurgent attack" in the east of the country on Friday and the other died after a crude Ta ...
- U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of American Citi ...ShareThis U.S. Decision to Approve Killing of American Citizen Causes Unease [ It should cause the second American Revolution. ] 13 May 2010 The Obama administration’s decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Agency of a terrorism suspect who is an American citizen has set off a ...
- Taliban kill 2 alleged US spies in NW PakistanShareThis Taliban kill 2 alleged US spies in NW Pakistan 12 May 2010 Pakistani Taliban shot and killed two men Wednesday whom they accused of spying for the United States, while a bomb ripped through a NATO oil tanker near the Afghan border and killed a passer-by, officials and residents said. The s ...
- Military awards massive KBR Iraq contract without ...ShareThis Military awards massive KBR Iraq contract without competition --KBR 'won' the LOGCAP III contract under competitive bidding in 2001 . 11 May 2010 The U.S. Army is under fire for reversing a decision to have three companies compete for more than $500 million worth of work in Iraq, and inste ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Open letter to Nick SmithNick, I’ve listened with increasing interest to your disingenuous attempts to disown your comments from 2005 when you said this: � “ The madness of the Government’s new carbon tax is that New Zealanders will be the only people in the world paying it. It will drive up the costs of living and under ...
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... � "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase the cost of power and petrol ...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- Hillel to DePaul SJP: The Nakba is a ‘festiv ...Chicago’s very own Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at DePaul University is making local headlines due to its event to raise awareness about the oppression of Palestinians within Israel’s apartheid walls. Today, Thursday, May 13, DePaul’s SJP is organizing and hosting a “Die In” to commemorat ...
- Dershowitz Goes To Tel AvivIn an angry, demagogic speech at Tel Aviv University's graduation ceremony this week, Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz stridently attacked Israeli academics who have dissented from their government's positions and who have sought to rally outside pressure against the occupation of Palest ...
- New ‘HRW’ report affirms GoldstoneR ...In its official responses to the Goldstone Report, Israel has vehemently denied that it purposely and systematically destroyed Gaza’s civilian infrastructure during “Operation Cast Lead,” as the U.N. report alleges. One of the many damning allegations in the report states that as the Israeli milita ...
- Dersh the knifeLast Saturday Alan Dershowitz gave a speech at Tel Aviv University in which he lashed out at professors who criticize Israel and use their Jewishness to do so. And those who aren't Jewish, too. Dershowitz apparently told a story about fellow Harvard Law School prof Duncan Kennedy not by name. (The t ...
- ‘J Street’ calls out Conference of Pre ...I keep waiting for Americans for Peace Now to leave the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations because it's a rightwing organization that doesn't stand for what APN stands for, a two-state solution. The reason APN hangs in there is because of access, solidarity. Here's a goo ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Cancer Cures That The FDA Cannot Deny YouA hundred years ago less then 1 in 1000 people died of cancer. In 2007, cancer claimed the lives of about 7.6 million people in the world. In 2008 nearly 1,500,000 died of some form of cancer in the United States, in Canada upwards of 75,000 deaths. In the UK on average 1 in [...]
- VRM: Massive Recall Of Children’s Tylenol Pr ...MASSIVE RECALL OF CHILDREN’S TYLENOL, MOTRIN, ZYRTEC & BENADRYL PRODUCTS UNDERWAY Raw materials used to make over-the-counter infant’s and children’s medications, which are subject to a massive recall, tested positive for bacterial contamination, according to a Food and Drug Administration inspe ...
- VRM: Pregnancy TipsI was recently alerted by a newly pregnant mother of a child with Autism for tips on minerals & vitamins to help strengthen her immune system during the coming months. She believes vaccines were the cause of her child’s Autism and has begun a shift away from her GP. Based on all my research thus far ...
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
- Simple Living: CDs and DVDsIf like me, you were a teen in the 90's, you probably have a huge stack of CDs like I do. I would also bet that, like me, you rarely listen to any of those CDs. Over the last few years I've also noticed the same thing with my DVDs. I had a whole shelf of CDs and DVD but never touched 99% of ...
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
Michael Yon
- Penguins of AfghanistanPenguins of Afghanistan and A few Words on Charlie Company Published: 13 May 2010 There are no birth certificates in these villages. No death certificates. No driver’s licenses or addresses or phonebooks, and if there were, few people would be able to read them. In this mostly illiterate c ...
- An Afghan StoryPublished: 9 May 2010 If normal life were a river, most days would likely be a slow-moving, meandering passage. But when a life squeezes into the gorge of war, there can be a deafening whitewater, falls and yet bigger falls, slams against stones, falls again and underwater no air and over the fa ...
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
- Battle for KandaharBattle for Kandahar Baghtu Valley 25 April 2010 Afghanistan The counteroffensive has begun. More accurately, it might be called a counter-counteroffensive. Close to a decade ago, we beat the Taliban and al Qaeda here. The Taliban regrew and waged an increasingly successful counteroffensive. ...
- War above McChrystal's HeadPublished: 17 April 2010 Originally posted on Facebook {loadposition user8}
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Woodland Birds Losing Out to Farmland Birds as Aus ...Grey-crowned Babbler, one of the species losing its habitat; photo via lostandcold The Macquarie Marshes , one of Australia's iconic wetlands, is dying a slow death as droughts and water diversion infrastructure take their toll, and feeling the squeeze along with the river are the birds that in ...
- The Week in Pictures: BP Oil Spill Update, Hugo Ch ...From the release of the first underwater images and video monitoring the gushing oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico to the news that Venezualan President Hugo Chavez used Twitter to announce the sinking of a natural gas platform off the coast of Venezuela, a lot happened this week in green. Reside ...
- A Belt Becomes The Most Minimal of Minimalist Chai ...Image via Vitra Talk about trimming down on materials used for chairs and seating. Designer Alejandro Aravena took a piece of old know-how - simply using a strap wrapped around your knees and back and using that to balance weight - and designed a fancier version to use as a simplified chair. An ...
- Cape Wind Project Opponents Offer Legal Challenge ...Excerpt from Nathaniel Currier's "The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor", a lithograph depicting the Boston Tea Party . Image and caption credit: Wikipedia . First project opponents said Cape Wind would have adverse environmental impacts. Those were put to rest with a final Environmental Imp ...
- Is a More Democratic Country Always a Greener One?The Turkish parliament. Photo via Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi The package of constitutional reforms signed by Turkish President Abdullah Gül on Wednesday dominated the news agenda in the country as it progressed through vote after vote in parliament, with politicians and the public debating th ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Water crisis hits RangoonIncreasing electricity cuts mean Rangoon residents hit by heatwave are unable to pump already depleted water supplies to apartments
- UN rues Burma election monitor banForeign election observers would 'inspire confidence' in Burma's polls, says UN in the wake of comments by election chief that monitors would be banned
- Burma rejects child beggar repatriationSix trafficked Burmese children held in a Malaysian immigration camp are set to remain there as the Burmese embassy denies them financial help to return home
- First Rohingya delegate visits US congressSenators and congressmen told of the 'neglected' issue of ethnic and religious rights in Burma as outrage continues at Rohingya treatment
- NLD questions Central Court rejectionNational League for Democracy claim that rejection of appeal over party dissolution did not follow legal protocol and came without reasons
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Climate change threatens lizards with extinction Lizards are in danger of dying out on a large scale as rising global temperatures force them to spend more time staying cool in the shade and less time tending to basic needs like eating and mating.
- Climate change could make half the world uninhabit ...Climate change could make half of the world uninhabitable for humans as a rise in temperature makes it too hot to survive, scientists have warned.
- General election 2010: hung Parliament could stren ...A hung Parliament could mean tougher policies on climate change, with parties agreed on building more wind turbines and insulating homes.
- Gulf oil slick is a disaster for world climate dea ...Offshore oil drilling could become unacceptable, eliminating Barack Obama's bargaining tool with the Republicans, writes Geoffrey Lean.
- General Election 2010: Political parties are green ...There is one party that fully endorses the rejectionist case on global warming, says Geoffrey Lean.
National Geographic | Environment
- Mass Lizard Extinctions Looming; Global Warming Bl ...One in five lizard species are headed for extinction due to global warming, a new study says. But they won't bake; they'll starve.
- Presented By:
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Spain prosecutor requests arrest warrants for CIA ...[JURIST] A lawyer from the Spanish National Court Office of the Prosecutor on Wednesday petitioned judge Ismael Moreno to issue arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents who allegedly kidnapped a German citizen of Lebanese descent in 2003 as part of the Bush administration's extraordinary rendition [JURIST ...
- Zimbabwe government appeals cabinet nominee acquit ...[JURIST] Zimbabwe Attorney General Johannes Tomana on Wednesday appealed the recent Supreme Court [court website] decision to acquit [JURIST report] Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) [party website] party treasurer and deputy agriculture minister-nominee Roy Bennett [BBC profile; JURIST news arch ...
- Israel unlawfully destroyed civilian property duri ...[JURIST] Israeli forces unlawfully destroyed civilian property [press release] during the 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead [GlobalSecurity backgrounder; JURIST news archive] in the Gaza strip, Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy website] said in a report [text] Thursday. According to the report, "'I Los ...
- HTC files patent infringement complaint against Ap ...[JURIST] Mobile phone maker HTC [corporate website] filed a complaint [press release] Wednesday against Apple [corporate website] with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) [official website] to freeze the importation and sale of iPhones, iPads, and iPods. HTC, based in Taiwan, has accused [ET ...
- ICTY prosecutors seek to amend Mladic indictment[JURIST] The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [official website; JURIST news archive] announced Thursday that the Office of the Prosecutor [official website] has filed a motion to amend [press release] the indictment against former Bosnian Serb Commander Ratko Mladic ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- The Night Beat: Angry Obama Expected TomorrowPresident Obama is angry about the oil spill, its magnitude, and BP's stalling -- and tomorrow, he is going to let his frustrations spill out at a late-morning press availability after he meets with senior officials. Tonight, Obama raised $1.3 million for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Commi ...
- New York State Slow To Spend Federal DollarsNew York has drawn down only $4,470 of the $49 million grant from the Department of Homeland Security's port security fund, federal officials said, and has tapped zero dollars from its transit security grant of $147 million. The money, earmarked for New York State, sits in a federal bank account, w ...
- The Fires This Time: Joe Flood On Managing New Yor ...What happens when politicians paint by the numbers? ... when smart people use advanced statistical formulas to cut vital public services based on academic assumptions? It's a great day to ask these questions, President Obama and his staff are trying to contextualize news that less money under two Ho ...
- A Palin 2012 FantasyIt could happen... From the Conservatives For Palin blog.... Twice in the last month we've had the sincere and unbelievable privilege of watching the Palins up close as the Governor delivered two important addresses in our home state of Illinois. In both speeches, Palin cited President Rona ...
- Fact Check: New York's Homeland Security Fund ...Rep. Peter King : "The fact that the Obama Administration would cut New York's homeland security funding just 11 days after the Times Square car bomb attempt is dangerous and unconscionable.� Rep. Anthony Weiner : " Cutting Big Apple homeland security funding to the core is mind bogglingly bad ju ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Letters-to-Editor needed re:CANSEC weapons ...
- [COAT] Help Protest Canada's top WAR-industry Baza ...
- [COAT] Help Oppose Canada's Top Weapons Bazaar! - ...
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Who is Hassan Geagea and Why is He a Shin Bet Forb ...Yesterday, I reported that Haaretz had inadvertently published secret information revealing that Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said met with a Lebanese, Hassan Geagea, who the Shin Bet claimed was a Hezbollah agent. Based on his family name Rechavia Berman and I assumed Hassan was a Maronite Christian and ...
- Links for 2010-04-03 [Digg]Anat Kam-Uri Blau Top Secret Israeli Leak Case The foreign media continue to open up the gagged Anat Kam-Uri Blau case with new stories in The Guardian, The Times, and The National.
- Amnesty Says, ‘Hands Off Ameer Makhoul!’Amnesty International released a statement today threatening to make Ameer Makhoul a prisoner of conscience unless Israel stopped its harassment of him: Amnesty International has called on the Israeli authorities to end their harassment of a human rights activist whose week-long detention by the I ...
- Dershowitz’ Latest Outrage, Compares Goldstone to ...Here’s the latest from Dershowitz Watch: not content to label Goldstone an “evil, evil man,” and to claim his UN report on the Gaza massacre was a “blood libel,” and that the eminent jurist is a moser (betrayer of Jews), Dersh has now likened the him to Josef Mengele. The context for the charge i ...
- Breaking the Makhoul Gag: Alleged Hezbollah Agent ...Rechavia Berman has done it again. He was the first journalist/blogger to break the story of the Ameer Makhoul arrest and his secret detention. Now, he’s broken the gag again by revealing the identity of the alleged Hezbollah agent (per the Shin Bet) with whom Makhoul and Omer Said met. It is [.. ...
Ode Magazine
- Organic agriculture can feed the world By: Marco Visscher The world’s most popular herbicide isn’t so effective anymore. More and more, weeds show resistance to glyphosate, better known under Monsanto’s brand-name, Roundup, which is used by farmers across the globe. This is a serious problem, says ...
- Hyperlocavore: A yard sharing communityBy: hyperlocavore After 25 years in the tech field, I moved to the country and launched hyperlocavore , a free yard sharing community, to help people become more resilient and healthy where they live as the economy started to tank. People really need tools and help ...
- Second-grader raises money for African orphansBy: METschannen In the summer of 2008, I spent a few months teaching in a rural village outside of Arusha, Tanzania. Upon my return to the states, I vowed to assist the children and families I met and worked with in Tanzania. As an elementary special education teac ...
- Hope therapy will get us through tough timesHow hope therapy can help banish mild mood disorders and boost happiness. Photo: Dusanzidar/ Dreamstime.com Things were going pretty well for Melanie. After struggling with being overweight, she had recently dropped a significant number of pounds. She felt great and looked ...
- Help us fight commercial whalingBy: DianaBakowski Did you know that thousands of whales die each year from commercial whaling, ship strikes, and habitat disruption? Or that a new plan is underway to legalize commercial whaling? Whales are facing more threats today than ever before, largely ...
OpEd News
- Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Goes to Bat for ...Surprisingly, it seems that Kagan does not support a thorough study of GE seeds and their potential impact on environmental and human health. In doing so, Kagan has sided with conservative justices on the court who appeared skeptical that the lower courts had made the right decision in banning GE al ...
- If Not Now, When?I know -- weapos;re not supposed to "look back but ahead." Thatapos;s become a virtual bi-partisan mantra. Republicans donapos;t want to look back because, "back there" is all the stuff that got their party run out of power. Democrats donapos;t want to look back because they fear it would on ...
- No irreparable harm came to Bush, but his oil poli ...To those that believe that Bush and Cheney kept this nation safer, just look at what their oil policies did to this country. Wars, then the greatest oil spill in this nationapos;s history. This tragedy will take generations to clean up.
- Dog Takes a Leak, Fatal Shooting EnsuesA dog stopping to relieve himself led to a fatal shooting in Chicago.
- The Different Face of the Third World WarMake no mistake. The third World War is right here. Now. There are two sides to this war, but it is not the East against the West. Itapos;s not even the South against the North. It is not a geographical war. Itapos;s a class war. It is the Poor against the Rich on all five continents. And right now ...
- China Environmental News AlertNRDC has been working in China for over twelve years on such issues as energy efficiency, green buildings, clean energy technologies, environmental governance and public participation, and green supply chain issues. This China Environmental News Alert is a weekly compilation of news from aro ...
- For a Fisherman's Wife, Oil and Water Don't MixAfter countless back-wrenching boat trips into the bayou and Gulf waters beyond, I was bleary-eyed the morning I wandered into the only restaurant along the one strip of gas stations and honky tonk bars that make up the Louisiana fishing village of Venice. “I’m not putting up with this stuf ...
- Human Cost of Oil - Gulf Coast Oil SpillOn Tuesday, a group of NRDC staff, including our President Frances Beinecke , spent the day meeting with local fishermen, oystermen, shrimpers, and environmental justice leaders from Louisiana; Biloxi, Mississippi; and Mobile, Alabama to learn about how the BP Gulf Coast oil spill will impac ...
- EPA Carbon Pollution Rule Clears Up “Murky” Proble ...Today the Environmental Protection Agency issued rules to curb carbon pollution from big power plants and other big polluters under the Clean Air Act, while at the same time assuring millions of small businesses – from mom and pop operations, to farms, to mid-sized manufacturing concerns – t ...
- Offshore Drilling Provisions are Insufficient to P ...The long-awaited release of the American Power Act is an important step forward to transition our economy to a clean energy future, a need brought into stark focus by the oil disaster unfolding in the Gulf. But despite the many strong provisions in the bill, its offshore drilling provisions ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Unilateral DisarmamentI think this data, which I discuss here, needs to be much more widely circulated: And I think this data — because it can’t fully account for shifts in the center of gravity in the Court — actually understates the asymmetry between the current “conservative” and “Rockefeller Republican liberal” wings ...
- Win-WinI think Matt has exactly the right reaction to this Douthat op-ed : what Douthat prevents as a “tradeoff” is just a strong case that providing women access to abortion increases both individual freedom and family stability. Call me crazy, but reducing unwanted births for teenage mothers is…a good ...
- A Brief Essay On How Political Power Functions In ...When I started blogging about the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, I expected the effect to be what most of you did: that Obama would withdraw the nomination, announce that it had been a belated April Fool’s Day joke, and immediately announce the nomination of Zombie Thurgood Marshall ...
- Please stop hitting me, Professor KaganAs Glenn Greenwald points out, skepticism about the Kagan appointment issuing from anyone left of Miguel Estrada (who by the way thinks Kagan is a terrific pick) has been met with the sort of response engendered by essentially tribal loyalties. “Our” team’s captain has made his decision, and now it’ ...
- So This is England…I’m sitting in Plymouth, UK in the Americano Coffee House. The theme appears to be an English interpretation of a upscale American coffee house. There’s a picture of Che Guevara on the wall, for some reason. As you walk out, there’s a big sign saying “Adios Amigos!” On the menu are the [...] Re ...
Desert Research Institute
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
- Cloud Seeding Program Receives Support from SNWA a ...Cloud seeding will continue this year in the Tahoe/Truckee River Basin, the Ruby Mountains and with one generator near Tuscarora, Nevada.
Earth Techling
- Tesla Roadster Loses To Old Electric VW Beetle In ...Ever wonder how a Tesla Roadster would do against a do it yourself electric car in a drag race? A recent Tesla match up against a converted VW Beetle showed, at least in this case, not so well.
- Fancy Solar Tech Is Top Eco Dog At MIT Clean Energ ...A start-up company called C3Nano and founded by two Stanford University students recently won the MIT Clean Energy Prize, garnering $200,000 worth of funding for their transparent electrode technology.
- Transport Backpack Idea Zooms Along Attached To Ci ...A new concept design from Martin Angelov would have us all flying through the streets of our cities via battery-powered backpack harnesses attached to a network of taut steel wires.
- Home Biofuels Concept Project Turns E-Waste to Alg ...A team of undergrads at the University of Illinois have a promising concept design: a home 'algae bioreactor' made from old computer parts that would allow users to grow biofuels at home.
- Government Offers More Cash For Small Green Tech I ...The U.S. Department of Energy has announced funding of $60 million to be distributed among small businesses who are innovating in clean energy technology.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Tea Party groups courted on Kagan nominationActivists and lawmakers are actively courting Tea Party groups to weigh in on Elena Kagan's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Some conservative activists have said they hope the surging political movement will play a role in the Senate's consideration of Kagan. Tea Party coordinators this week s ...
- Transocean tries to cut its future oil-spill losse ...The company that owns the now-sunken drilling rig oozing oil into the Gulf of Mexico is counting on a 150-year-old maritime law to limit its damages. Citing an 1851 law aimed at shipping mishaps, Transocean Ltd. said its damages should be limited to $26.7 million in unpaid drilling fees earned befor ...
- Federal Circuit affirms patent extension ruling fo ...The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit recently upheld a lower court's order that a drug company is entitled to additional patent protection time to compensate for the lengthy U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory review process.
- Plaintiffs argue that Toyota judge is underestimat ...Plaintiffs' lawyers told a federal judge in California on Thursday that he is underestimating the number of attorneys who will be needed to steer the multidistrict litigation against Toyota Motor Corp. over sudden unintended acceleration.
- Federal pilot program curbs e-discovery fightsThe results of the first phase of a closely watched federal court pilot program on electronic discovery show that having a set of fair-play rules at the outset of a case helps quell pretrial brawls between parties.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Frack Country BluesBecause sometime all you can do is laugh……Thanks! http://frackcountryblues.com/2010/04/23/outdoor-recreation/
- What has Matt Baker done to protect Pennsylvania f ...Below is a letter written to the Wellsboro Gazette. Voting day is coming up quickly and here is an opportunity for those of us who are unhappy with the decisions Matt Baker has been making in regards to the gas rush. The fact that Matt Baker has not had, and will not otherwise, have anyone [...]
- Stunned at Shuster’s WordsHere are a few letters to the editor from a paper out of Bedford, PA area. This was sent to me by a farmer who lives in that are whose livestock and water has been polluted. She does not have a lease with any gas company but lives near a large compressor station and gas [...]
- House Bill 2235 LetterHere’s is a sample letter to my local representative. Please feel free to copy and paste it if you are not sure how to write your own. Make sure you send it to your correct representative. Representative Matthew Baker Ryan Office Building, Room 115 451 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17120-2068 De ...
News Blaze
- Quality Management Means Lean ManagementResearch using material spanning twenty-two years has shown that lean management practices, including high employee engagement, lead to higher levels of productivity.
- American Alumni of Pakistan Jihad UniversityFaisal Shahzad case shows that Pakistan is home to a global jihad university that offers courses in bomb making, armed assault, guerrilla warfare and other terrorist activities. Many of its students are from the US and UK.
- Renegade Thai General Vows 'Civil War' Before Bein ...'There is no question of what next. They don't know. The People's Army are programmed to demand the dissolution of Parliament.
- Protesters target war criminal Yoo at Berkeley gra ...This year's UC Berkeley Law (Boalt Hall) commencement ceremony will be the site of anti-torture protest initiated by the national organization World Can't Wait and other anti-torture organizations, lawyers, and activists.
- Defamation (Hashmatsa) DVD ReviewAn incendiary documentary likely to generate quite spirited conversations about whether Jews remain victims of ongoing persecution or if right-wing Zionists are simply circulating rumors in order to leverage sympathy for the nation of Israel.
environment 360
- Market for LED Bulbs to Boom in the Next Decade, S ...The market for light-emitting diodes (LEDs) should grow dramatically over the next decade , passing compact flourescent lightbulbs as the biggest emerging lighting product, according to a new report. LEDs — a light source made from semiconductors — will account for 46 percent of the $4.6 million com ...
- New Approach Needed in Fight Against Warming, Repo ...The world community should abandon efforts to sign a climate change treaty and instead focus on combating global warming by imposing carbon taxes to fund renewable energy breakthroughs and to deliver clean electricity to the world’s poor, according to a report by 14 academics and scientists. The gro ...
- Africa Study Reveals Keys To Preserving Elephants ...A comprehensive review of threatened great apes and elephants in the tropical forests of the Congo Basin shows that the animals can thrive even in regions with logging concessions if effective anti-poaching patrols are established. The study, conducted by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Soc ...
- Environmentally Caused Cancers ‘Grossly Underestim ...Saying “the true burden of environmentally induced cancers gas been grossly underestimated ,” a White House cancer panel has urged President Obama “to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cri ...
- Record Drop in U.S. CO2 Emissions; European Mayors ...Carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. dropped a record 7 percent in 2009 , due in large part to the economic recession. Meanwhile, in Europe more than 500 mayors vowed a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. U.S. greenhouse gas emissions declined by more than 400 million tons last ...
Red Ice Creations
- New research proves that lucky charms DO actually ...
- Toll for devastating Iraq attacks rises to 119
- ’Zombie’ satellite runs amok in Earth’s orbit
- Lasers Could Create Clouds, and Perhaps Rain, on D ...
- Former 9/11 Commissioner admits missile hit the Pe ...
Russia Today
- Strategic partnership measured in roubles and reai ...Friday's talks between Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev and Brazil’s president Luis Lula Da Silva resulted in signing a plan for strategic partnership in regards to bilateral economic co-operation.
- Russian conductor receives Classical BRIT AwardVasily Petrenko, chief conductor of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, has been recognized as Male Artist of the Year for his recordings with his orchestra at the Classical BRIT Awards.
- Crosby declines Canada, Malkin goes to World Champ ...Canada’s biggest hockey talent Sidney Crosby has decided not to help out his country at the World Championships, while his Pittsburgh teammates Evgeny Malkin and Sergey Gonchar have been added to Russia’s lineup.
- Tea party in Tula: samovars and pryanikiEven though it is renowned for its arms history, the Russian city of Tula is also the producer of world-famous water boilers known as samovars, and a local specialty of ginger cake – the pryanik.
- Warsaw Treaty hits 55After NATO was formed in 1949, the Soviet Union built up its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet Union and seven European socialist states joined the treaty on May, 14, 1955.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- Where Art Thou V’ger?Voyager 2, one of the path-finding Outer Solar System exploration probes launched during the 1970s, is at the very edge of the Solar System and is ready to cross into interstellar space. But a few weeks ago it started to spout back to Earth unintelligible signals then it cut out. Did it meet aliens? ...
- Quantum Photosynthesis / Metamaterial MultiverseWhen one thinks of quantum physics or mechanics, a picture of myriad billions of particles go dancing in my head and visions of parallel universes impinge on my consciousness. Or not. Whatever. Anyway, the point is people don’t equate quantum physics with plants and photosynthesis. Huh? The future o ...
- Ares ResurrectionPresident Obama in his FY2011 budget for NASA cancelled the Constellation Program and its Ares 1 and 5 rockets that were to be used for a return to the Moon. The program was under-funded from the start since the previous Bush 2 Administration and subsequent Congresses since 2005, so the timelines fo ...
- More Tesla Tech / Russia’s Illegal Alien Pro ...In this 21st Century, perhaps we not only owe our tech to folks like Einstein, Edison and Hawking, but to the greatest one of all. Nicola Tesla. Tesla, a pioneering Serbian-born physicist, made the prediction about the portable messaging service in the Popular Mechanics magazine in 1909. Tesla, whos ...
- CGI Tour of Mars: Proof of Life?Below is a YouTube presentation of a “Google Mars” type tour of the planet Mars depicting vegetation and ancient city blocks. I couldn’t tell anything, but the overhead effects were pretty good. Who ever set this up knew what they were doing, but I’m no expert in CGI or Photoshop. Enjoy. … Intellige ...
Tippers News
- WORST SPILL EVER! Gulf Spill Could Be Much Worse ...There's at least 10 times as much oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico than official estimates suggest, according to an exclusive NPR analysis. Their findings suggest the BP spill is already far larger than the 1989 Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska, which Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environment � ...
- Save Animals from Harmful Medical Presentations - ...A disturbing practice is taking place in today in America's medical industry: animals are being injured and killed in medical marketing demonstrations. Medical companies present sales proposals to potential clients that demonstrate the use of various trea Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �No ...
- Hartford Soldiers need help bringing puppy homeSgt. Steven DePalma from Cheshire found a puppy tangled in barbed wire and bleeding. DePalma and his unit named him Connie and nursed him back to health. DePalma is hoping to bring Connie home, but the trip back to the states will cost $3,000 Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� � ...
- Ailing puppy gets second chanceWhen the 4-month-old puppy first arrived at the Inver Grove Heights Animal Hospital, her chances of survival were slim. She'd been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition also known as "water on the brain." With hydrocephalus, excess spinal fluid builds Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �No ...
- Kitten fits right into mama dog's litterWorried that the dog might hurt the kitten, Gomez slowly let the dog sniff the feline that had been dropped at the shelter in a cardboard box. "She just kept cleaning it and cleaning it," she said. "So I put the kitten in the (dogs') box Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a ...
The Freeman
- Self-Regulation in the Corporate State: The BP Spi ...When companies are sheltered from the market’s disciplinary competitive forces, incentives turn perverse.
- April Budget Deficit Hits $82.7 Billion“The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the federal deficit for April soared to $82.7 billion, the largest imbalance for that month on record. That was significantly higher than last year’s April deficit of $20 billion and above the $30 billion deficit that private-sector economists had expecte ...
- Banks Probed on Misleading Information“The New York attorney general has started an investigation of eight banks to determine whether they provided misleading information to rating agencies in order to inflate the grades of certain mortgage securities, according to two people with knowledge of the investigation.” (New York Times, Thursd ...
- Administration Steps on Regulatory Throttle“In a burst of rule-making, federal agencies have toughened or proposed new standards to protect Americans from tainted eggs, safeguard construction workers from crane accidents, prevent injuries from baby walkers and even protect polar bears from extinction.” (New York Times, Thursday) Omniscient g ...
- Neither Evil Nor IncompetentClassical liberals should focus on what makes government agencies structurally unable to do the tasks assigned them.
Teaching Online Journalism
- What you should know about HTML5 todayIf you teach online journalism, you’ve probably been hearing questions from students about the validity of what they are learning today. If you’re teaching Web design for current standards and current browsers, they are asking, “What about HTML5 and CSS3?” If you’re teaching Flash, they are aski ...
- HTML5 demystifiedThis slideshow provides a really clear overview of what HTML5 includes, why it’s exciting, and when browser support can be expected. The slideshow was produced by Derek Bender.
- Social media theory and practice: An outlineCarrie Brown-Smith is an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Memphis. Last month she posted a first draft of a syllabus for a college course about social media . I took a look at it today, and I suggest you do the same. Ultimately, this course hopes to foster the meta-skill of a ...
- Understanding the canvas in HTML5Last week I tried to summarize key points about HTML5 , the emerging standard that will affect the way Web pages — and other digital media — are created in the near future. There were two aspects of HTML5 that I mostly left out. One is mobile (the interaction of HTML5 and the Internet on your phone ...
- A look back: Where HTML beganI just finished reading Chapter 1 of Dive into HTML5, by Mark Pilgrim, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Anyone who remembers the day he or she first clicked a little blue link in the Netscape beta will probably be just as happy as I was to read it. It’s a history, a gentle and yet geeky history, that l ...
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