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CENSORED NEWS - 20 minutes ago
*Calling for justice for
Oglala Lakota Christopher Capps shot repeatedly and killed by Pennington Co. Sheriff Deputy David Olson. *Native Sun: Deputy Shoots and Kills Lakota Man, 22
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CENSORED NEWS - 26 minutes ago
Arizona: A Critical Resistance Boycott Special Double-Length Column By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez The first rule of any boycott is to keep your eyes on the prize; translated, this means never lose sight...
Scientists devise an accurate method of determining the body temperatures for extinct animals, including woolly mammoths and eventually even dinosaurs.
Take another breath of that fresh air. It might make you smarter.
In a star system not so far away, two are orbiting their parent star with surprisingly odd inclinations. What kind of gravitational turmoil could have caused this mess?
Just yesterday, my dog Drama and I were lounging around watching "What Not to Wear" on TLC. Drama propped himself under my neck, allowing me to use him as a pillow, providing maximum comfort and tons of sl...
Was the “Ship of the Thousand Ingots” deliberately sunk on the orders of the captain? Or was this shipwreck just an accident?
The last wish of one of America's greatest authors is about to come true: Mark Twain's biography will hit stories 100 years after his death. According to a report by The Independent, the late novelist, who...
Some preschools across the country are swapping classrooms and desks for trees and mud.
The spill could leave behind a toxic stew lethal to the fish and wildlife that inhabit that maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast.
Cow poop can power data centers for tech companies like Google when it's turned into biogas.
The hurricane season is looking to be active this year, though cooler water in the western Atlantic could help keep storms out of the Gulf.
Touch screens made with silver and gold wires could soon be rolling off the presses and into cell phones, computers and more.
by Guest Author, Communications Consultant Doug Drenkow So let me get this straight. Tea Party darling and Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul says that even though the government should not di...
You can't keep a dreamer down. Extraterrestrial hunter Frank Drake returned to Green Bank last week to recreate his famous observations with one of the largest radio telescopes in the world.
Imagine a space faring civilization hurtling between galaxies, propelled by the gravitational energy of a black hole, and having resources for supporting a population of several billion.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 13 hours ago
*Who doesn't like a secret?* Particularly when it is proudly shown on TV? That is the case with the Boeing X37B, a radio-controlled, automated spacecraft from the USAF. Or is it perhaps the US Marines? Any...
In order to save the world's fisheries, we have to acknowledge that some fish may be worth more to us alive than on our plates, economists say.
Obviously Con political staffers couldn't continue to rely a fire alarm going off every time they were summoned to testify before a parliamentary committee, so on Tuesday morning Government House leader Ja...
ENTERTAINMENT - Ever watched a movie about revenge? You know, films like Gran Torino, Pay Back or The Brave One? Well Harry Brown takes it to a whole new level. PLOT: Harry Brown (Michael Caine) is a mode...
ENVIRONMENT - Twelve people are dead and many others are missing as floods flowed through the Polish capitol of Warsaw yesterday, destroying billions of euros of property on the way. To make matters worse...
As massive grazing animals were killed off by early human hunters, methane levels dropped, contributing to a chilling planet.
The oldest tombs date to around 2750 B.C. during Egypt's first and second dynasties.
CARS - Toyota has made a $50 million USD investment in electric sportscar Tesla Motors Inc. The automaker is not alone in the investment in the car. Daimler, the Abu Dhabi government, venture capitalist El...
Questions about how much oil has been spilled in the last month by the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion could be answered if scientists move quickly to measure the plumes of dissolved methane gas drifti...
So what is Joe talking about here? Bensene, which was encountered in the Exon Valdez oil spill, was responsible for detrimental health effects on clean up workers who were among the 32,000 fishermen and ... *Video by O'odham Solidarity* *Read more on Censored News homepage: * Censored news r...
Frustration mounts as BP says their next attempt to stop the leak in the Gulf of Mexico won't happen until Tuesday.
Measuring the distances to objects in space is surprisingly hard, especially when looking at galaxies. Enter the Megamaser Cosmology Project, a technique that's taking the uncertainty out of galactic dista...
*Activists Lockdown & Occupy US Border Patrol Headquarters Demanding End to Border Militarization, Protesters Cited and Released * More at O'odham Solidarity: VI...
By Zehavi Abramsky - May 2010. CANADA - The group Queers Against Israeli Apartheid has been banned from joining in with the Gay Pride celebrations in Toronto. Members of the group can still attend the Gay...
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 2 days ago
*Never heard about Jan Akkerman*, the 'world's best guitarist'? Time to take a look... Url movie: Have a great weekend! John
When Jordan Romero called his mom from the highest summit she told him to "get his butt back home."
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy If Social Security were not working, if Social Security were not solvent, Wall St 'fat cats' would not be scheming to steal it! Social Security is in danger of beco...
The oil spill in the gulf of Mexico is slowly taking its toll on the surrounding wildlife.
Over the last couple of days, I've seen a number of stories about the actor Kevin Costner promoting an oil-separating machine that could be used to help clean up the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. It works by ...
If you didn't get a chance to stop by Discovery News recently, then take a look at these top five must-read stories of the week.
Gosh, was it only 18 months ago US Ambassador to Canada Paul Cellucci was recommending "constructing huge aqueducts to carry Canadian water to the US" ? Ho hum, responded the Cons, as they continued to ob...
The little yellow guy with the gigantic mouth, a bunch of ghostly enemies and an insatiable appetite for small white dots is turning the big 3-0. The arcade game was developed by Japanese video game develo...
One of these things is not like the other. Can you see the difference between these two photos of Jupiter? Jupiter has lost one of its trademark "stripes." Scientists are monitoring the planet, but don’t y...
The latest new human, Homo gautengensis, may be the earliest recognized species in our genus, but remains of even older humans and proto-humans await analysis.
Future moon explorers will have more to reckon with more than dust and frigid temperatures.
The Smithsonian's National Zoo is mourning the loss of a lion cub, which died after breathing in straw bedding that resulted in pneumonia.
posted by (Dr. John v. Kampen) at
- 3 days ago
*Summer came with a bang to my office yesterday*. Suddenly temperatures ran over 30C/86F. A delicious Sun in the skies and time to get rid of pullover and woolen socks. Don't laugh, then until a few days ...
Scientists in England are bringing old caves to life with 3-D imaging.
Computer criminals are now able to hack into a car's computer network through wireless connections like satellite radio.
The 3-foot tall *Homo gautengensis* had large teeth for chomping plants and spent a lot of time in trees, but likely had no language skills.
This heavily armored reptile may have lived among dinos, but it sure wasn't threatened by them.
French astrophotographer Thierry Legault caught a stunning view of shuttle Atlantis and the International Space Station (ISS) passing in front of the sun about 50 minutes before docking.
The common musk turtle's tongue has been discovered to serve an unusual purpose: breathing underwater.
A proposed "deal" to lower catch limits for whaling countries rings hollow upon close inspection.
One reason treehuggers like myself love trees is that the leaves scrub CO2 from the atmosphere, use it for energy and emit life-giving oxygen, the process of photosynthesis. Wouldn't it be great if cars --...
POLITICS - International investigators have finished studying the wreckage of the 1,200-ton frigate named Cheonan that sank on March 26th after an explosion ripped through its hull. Fifty-eight sailors sur...
POLITICS - The price of crude oil has dropped almost 20% in the last 3 weeks, but the price of gasoline has barely budged. This isn't the first time this has happened either. When consumers aren't paying a...
Scientists discover that sharks remember the best spots to find meals.