Discovery News
Payloads are carried inside the balloon. he ships are designed to haul payloads as heavy as 15,000 pounds up to 2,500 feet. Or, they can fly at mid-latitudes of around 20,000 feet to serve as a communications hub-in-the-sky or a surveillance platform to monitor oil spills, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes as well as provide border patrol and other security monitoring services.
An ultrasound generator drives an ultrasound transducer, the machine that makes ultrasonic waves pass through a mixture of methanol and vegetable oil. These waves heat the mixture of oil and alcohol, creating bubbles that eventually burst. The bursts release high pressure and temperature, which break the molecular bonds in the fluids, allowing the two liquids to mix at a much faster pace. After the molecular bonds break, the fatty acids release, producing the by-product glycerin, and the remaining molecules recombine into a biodiesel.
- Computer Software Decodes Emotions Over the Phone
- Robotic Subs Dive Deep to Cap Oil Leak
- Picasso Painting of Mistress Fetches Record $106.6 M
- Milky Way Fell Together in Chunks
- Ultrasound Speeds Up Biodiesel Production
- BP to Deploy Domes to Contain Oil Spill
- Warmer Planet to Stress Humans
- Computer Software Decodes Emotions Over the Phone
- Giant Airship Poised for Liftoff
- Robotic Subs Dive Deep to Cap Oil Leak
- Picasso Painting of Mistress Fetches Record $106.6 M
- Milky Way Fell Together in Chunks
- Ultrasound Speeds Up Biodiesel Production
- BP to Deploy Domes to Contain Oil Spill
- Warmer Planet to Stress Humans
- World's Oldest Person Dies at 114
- NASA-Inspired Aerogel Could Sponge Up Oil Spills
Tiny Hydrophobic Water Ferns Could Help Ships Economize on Fuel
- Iceland has longest-lived men, U.S. scores poorly
- Gene scan shows man's risk for heart attack, cancer
- NASA may stretch out Mars missions to save money
- Doctor fixes heart with remote-controlled robot
- Natural compound speeds bone growth: report
- more science news
In Other News ...
- Thai protesters hold ground on Bangkok's streets
- Weather aids oil slick fight; current feared
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- NY bomb suspect said to admit plot, Pakistan training
- Ahmadinejad says sanctions won't stop Iran
- Iraq Shi'ite blocs to join forces in parliament
- Ash grounds Irish, UK flights; summer chaos feared
BP Funnels Millions into Lobbying to Influence Regulation and Re-Brand Image
“The entire oil industry, will continue to use its vast wealth – unequaled by any global industry – to escape regulation, restriction, oversight and enforcement,” Juhasz writes. “BP, now the source of the last two great deadly US oil industry explosions, has shown us that this simply cannot be permitted.”- BP Oil Spill Highlights Poor Safety Record, the Worst of Any Oil Company in America
- BP Oil Spill Worsens With No Solution in Sight, 210,000 Gallons a Day Spew into Gulf of Mexico
- Spewing 5,000 Barrels of Oil a Day, BP Spill Hits Louisiana Coastline
- Environmental Groups Decry Obama Plan to Lift Moratorium on Offshore Drilling
- “Keep the Oil in the Soil”: Ecuador Seeks Money to Keep Untapped Oil Resources Underground
U.S., BP fight huge oil spill above and below water
An army of workers toiled above and below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday to plug a gushing oil leak and protect the U.S. shoreline in one of the biggest spill containment efforts ever mounted.
Dispersant 'may make Deepwater Horizon oil spill more toxic'
By BP's own account, it has mobilised a third of the world's supply of dispersant, so far pouring about 140,000 gallons (637,000 litres) of the cocktail into the Gulf as of today. Some of the dispersant has been injected directly into the source of the spill on the ocean floor, a technique never deployed before, deepening concerns about further damage to the environment.Attempting to prepare for a catastrophe of this magnitude is daunting to say the least. What you can or will do to prepare for this situation will depend on your age, health, marital status, geographic location, financial situation and other factors too numerous to mention. About the best I can do is point you to some articles and resources you might find to be profitable reading in terms of generating your own options and plans.
here is a super massive black hole at the center of most galaxies including our own, scientists have found that the energy output from those within particularly massive galaxies is so great that they could strip apart every other massive galaxy in the universe 25 times over.
On the forumHawking Says Time-Travel is Possible.
Some Black Holes might Kill Entire Galaxies
In Memoriam
Now, strawberries can be grown in space
Japanese Humanoid on Moon in 2015
Soon, laser 'tractor beams' to clear up space
Why didnt NASA find water on our Moon.
Space Shuttle - Latest News
International Space Station - Latest News
Mars's gypsum deposits might provide evidence
NASA's android astronaut assistant
Twin Black Holes Discovered in Same Galaxy
Mole-Like Heat Drill Envisioned to Explore
Cassini measures tug of Enceladus
a new space based question
Earth’s magnetic field is generated
Now Witness the Firepower of This Fully
James Cameron building 3D cam for Mars rover
The James Webb Space Telescope
Moon fountains could answer astronauts' wish
Japan’s “Solar Yacht” Is Ready to Ride
Asteroid Themis has 'frosted surface'
Giant Blizzard Raging on Saturn
Nasa space balloon crashes into car during
Common Mars rock can preserve microfossils af
Dangerous' asteroid spotted passing earth
Fresh Evidence for Survivor Black holes
Solar Dynamics Observatory
On The Web, New Conceptual Art
Schools control only a small part of what goes into test scores.
Cognitive ability, personality and motivation come mostly from home. What happens in the classroom can have some effect, but smart and motivated children will tend to learn to read and do math even with poor instruction, while not-so-smart or unmotivated children will often have trouble with those subjects despite excellent instruction. If test scores in reading and math are the measure, a good school just doesn’t have that much room to prove it is better than a lesser school.
Children with less know how to play more
The idea of simple physical play is disappearing from kids' repertoire of activities and is being replaced by other types of entertainment. And these activities involve sitting.
'Anti-consumer' copyright bill on way
The bill would mirror the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act by enshrining copyright holders' rights in several ways, to the detriment of consumers.
The bill would prevent the breaking of digital locks put on electronic devices and content and eliminate the notion of fair dealing, where institutions such as schools and the media have copyright exemptions, Geist said.
The result would be a major victory for the U.S.-based entertainment lobby and a major loss to Canadian consumers, thousands of whom participated in a nationwide consultation process held by Heritage Minister James Moore and Industry Minister Tony Clement last year.
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Bridging The Gaps Between Google Reader and InstaPaper
InstaReader Sync is a service to automatically sync your Starred Items inGoogle Reader, with your InstaPaper's read-later list.
Gallery: Protesters, police clash in Athens
Despite a massive U.S. troop buildup in southern Afghanistan, Canada will take the lead in securing the Taliban stronghold in western Panjwaii district, according to the commander of all Canadian troops overseas.
Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds The superweeds could temper American agriculture’s enthusiasm for somegenetically modified crops.
Now, Roundup-resistant weeds like horseweed and giant ragweed are forcing farmers to go back to more expensive techniques that they had long ago abandoned. S
ome critics of genetically engineered crops say that the use of extra herbicides, including some old ones that are less environmentally tolerable than Roundup, belies the claims made by the biotechnology industry that its crops would be better for the environment.“The biotech industry is taking us into a more pesticide-dependent agriculture when they’ve always promised, and we need to be going in, the opposite direction,