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IPS - Inter Press Services
- MEXICO: Oil Spill Fuels Debate on Environmental Sa ...MEXICO CITY, May 7 (IPS) - The spreading oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has highlighted the urgent need for stricter environmental rules and standards for deep sea oil rigs.
- U.S. Business Groups Fault Rush to Sanctions on Ir ...WASHINGTON, May 7 (IPS) - The U.S. Congress is moving forward with a bill to sanction companies that do business in Iran despite the White House's efforts to build international support for U.N. sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
- EL SALVADOR: Tribute to Late Poet Marred by Sons&# ...SAN SALVADOR, May 7 (IPS) - As the 35th anniversary of Salvadoran poet and revolutionary Roque Dalton’s death approaches, his sons allege that two of his killers are currently working for the governments of El Salvador and Mexico, respectively, and have demanded their dismissal.
- Brazil Exports Technology While Farmers at Home Do ...RIO DE JANEIRO, May 7 (IPS) - Brazil has become an agricultural power in recent decades as a result of know-how that is now an important export item and part of its international cooperation programme. But the technology developed does not reach the vast majority of farmers within the countr ...
- HONDURAS: One Hundred Days Lobbying for Int'l Reco ...TEGUCIGALPA, May 7 (IPS) - In his first one hundred days in office, Honduran President Porfirio Lobo has lobbied hard for international recognition of his government, in order to pull the country out of the isolation it has faced since the Jun. 28, 2009 coup that overthrew Manuel Zelaya.
Scoop - NZ
- Rodney Hides Wet, Hot Colorado DreamUnderstandably, a lot of time and energy has been spent on how the Supercity structure has been imposed on Auckland, without much consideration yet of what it might do, once in place. In mid April however, Business Roundtable CEO Roger Kerr wrote a newspaper column about cutting back the size of go ...
- Can we feed a 'Big Australia' ?The debate on Australia's future population size has taken a welcome leap forward in early 2010. Much attention is focused on the Treasury estimate of 36 million Australian residents by 2050. Most of the reasons given for why this is not a desirable outcome centre around quality-of-life issues and w ...
- Feminism in Crisis: mini-manifestoYesterday I attended a fascinating talk by Nina Power and Lindsey German on 'A Feminist Manifesto For The 21st Century'. Lots and lots of food for thought. As luck would have it, I've also been writing the following 'Feminism In Crisis' declaration/article for Morning Star and Red Pepper this week. ...
- Key under attack from Left & Right50,000 New Zealanders march against the mining plans of this government. For many, the mining agenda is yet another black mark against this government that has done nothing positive about the issues that matter - jobs, wages, health, education, the environment. But the capitalist elite who so despe ...
- BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in GulfA former contractor who worked for British Petroleum (BP) claims the oil conglomerate broke federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deepwater production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, acc ...
Independent ( London )
- British family await rescue after yacht hits icebe ...A couple and their two teenage daughters are awaiting rescue from the south Atlantic today after their yacht hit an iceberg, the coastguard said.
- Pope accepts resignation of German bishop in sex p ...Pope Benedict today accepted the resignation of a German bishop who has been accused of sexually abusing children, the latest in a string of Roman Catholic prelates forced to resign over an abuse scandal.
- German court rejects request to block Greece aidGermany's highest court said on today it had rejected a request from a group of academics to block the immediate release of a German loan to Greece, allowing the financial aid to flow to debt-stricken Athens.
- PLO convenes to discuss peace talks with IsraelThe Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) convened today and was expected to approve indirect peace talks with Israel, clearing the way for the first negotiations in 18 months.
- Top US diplomat to visit BurmaA top US official will make a second visit to Burma on Sunday to pursue Washington's new policy of engagement, a diplomat said, ahead of controversial elections being prepared by the country's military regime.
Rogue Government.com
- Unemployment rate rises to 9.9% The official U.S. unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent in April from 9.7 percent in March, but the economy added many more new jobs last month than had been expected.
- AIG Posts Profit American International Group Inc., the insurer rescued by the U.S., posted profit for the third time in the past four quarters as writedowns narrowed and investment income climbed. The stock advanced in New York trading.
- Abandoned Cooler With Water Bottles And Books Lea ...A suspicious cooler found on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott Marquis Hotel turned out to have water bottles and books inside it, CBS 2 has learned.
- Bank Risk Soars to Record, Default Swaps Overtake ...
- CME Issues Press Release, Confirms No Fat Finger CME Group confirmed that activity by Citigroup Global Markets Inc. in CME Group stock index futures markets does not appear to be irregular or unusual in light of market activity today.
Innovation Canada
- A symphony of scienceWords such as “laboratory” and “experiment” conjure up white-coated scientists mixing chemicals to better understand diseases like cancer or environmental challenges like energy consumption. We don’t usually picture a pianist, a playwright, a dancer or an acoustical engineer. When artists experiment ...
- The amazing ‘sensorium suite’ of Dr. Houston“All the world’s a stage,” William Shakespeare famously wrote. And while Shakespeare’s plays are still performed in premier concert halls and on festival stages, Andrew Houston, an associate professor of drama at the University of Waterloo, is taking his theatre of sound out into the world. “Often, ...
- Butterflies in the borealWhen biologist Jeremy Kerr needs a sentinel to demonstrate the effects of climate change, he looks no further than the eastern tailed blue butterfly (Cupido comyntas). That’s because the eastern tailed blue, like other butterfly species Kerr and his students at the University of Ottawa track, has be ...
- Hip-hop storytellers
- Trapping an invader(Courtesy of the University of Windsor) The first time she saw a group of male round gobies in their nests, pumping out billows of pheromones to attract females to lay their eggs, Lynda Corkum couldn’t help but think of an old boy’s club. “It reminded me of a bunch of men, sitting in a crowded room ...
Signs of the times
- Ireland Earthquake shakes up record booksAn earthquake has shaken the west of Ireland for the first time since records began. Locals felt their houses shaking and heard loud bangs as the mini-quake, measuring 2.6 on the Richter scale, hit north Clare on Thursday night. Liscannor resident Martin Doyle said: "I felt the whole roof shake. ...
- Times Square evacuated twice on Friday as suspicio ...New York - The bomb squad of the New York Police Department says a suspicious cooler in Times Square is not a threat. Police found water bottles and books in the green, soft-sided cooler at the edge of a pedestrian mall in Times Square. They opened streets to traffic about an hour after investiga ...
- Israel's military indoctrination of childrenIsrael is one of the world's most militarised societies, routinely recruiting children as young as 13 to perform military service in defiance of international law, writes Stephen Lendman. The modern roots of Zionism go back to its founding at the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, in 189 ...
- Indian Army officer caught uploading child porn on ...The crime branch of the Mumbai police has arrested a serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian Army for uploading child pornography content on websites. The police are investigating whether the officer, Jagmohan Balbir Singh, 42, was also involved in producing these videos. The arrest followed a tip ...
- Most Australians are unconvinced that climate chan ...Two out of three Australians are not convinced climate change is man-made, and even those who do believe it is aren't prepared to pay much to fix it, a new poll shows. A Galaxy Poll, commissioned by the conservative Institute of Public Affairs, found 35 per cent of respondents blamed humans for glob ...
The Galloping Beaver
- ThresholdsThe other evening I sat in a lecture theatre listening to a stalwart of the old guard Canadian progressive left talk about the issues of today. The audience, as usual at these things, comprised a mixed bag of well-meaning 20-somethings in skinny jeans, with canvas satchels and unkempt hair, and grey ...
- The Geist in the machine . . .MICHAEL GEIST HAS SOME DISTURBING NEWS: "PMO Issues The Order: Canadian DMCA Bill Within Six Weeks" .Months of public debate over the future of Canadian copyright law were quietly decided earlier this week, when sources say the Prime Minister's Office reached a verdict over the direction of the next ...
- Canadian reporters banned from GitmoSkdadl reports that Michelle Shephard of the Toronto Star, Steven Edwards of Canwest, Paul Koring of the Globe & Mail, and Carol Rosenberg of the Miami Herald have been banned by the US Dept. of Defense from covering any future trials at Gitmo because they divulged the names of two interrogator/witn ...
- Truth imitates fiction...or maybe there is no fiction. Where I come from this is a hurricane. To the stock market.... this is a glitch Yeah. I know. Orangutans are not hominids.
- It's already a disaster...It's now on it's way to becoming something a thousand times worse. The weather . At the time of writing this was the surface analysis provided by the Ocean Prediction Center . That stationary cold front is going to cause south east winds to persist into the night and perhaps well into tomorr ...
Media Matters for America
- Huckabee falsely claims national debt is "eight t ...Mike Huckabee falsely claimed that under President Obama, the national debt is "eight times" what it was under President Bush. In fact, the total public federal debt on May 6 was 1.2 times larger than it was when Obama entered office. Huckabee falsely asserts debt has increased "eight times" u ...
- Right-wing media attack Obama over "unambiguously ...Right-wing media have highlighted April's increase in unemployment to attack President Obama's economic policies. But the monthly increase in payrolls was the largest in four years, and the unemployment uptick reportedly occurred "mainly because 805,000 jobseekers -- perhaps feeling better about ...
- Beck co-host rehashes long-debunked claim that HH ...On Glenn Beck's radio show, co-host Pat Gray falsely claimed that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius "sat on" a report on health care reform until after Congress approved the legislation. In fact, the claim -- based on an anonymously sourced American Spectator report -- has be ...
- Limbaugh falsely claims only 66,000 private secto ...Rush Limbaugh falsely claimed that an Associated Press story reported that the "real number" of private sector jobs created in April "is 66,000." In fact, the story noted that private employers added 231,000 positions in April, while the government hired 66,000 temporary census workers. Rush ...
- Klein's Obama attack book hurls kitchen sink of f ...WorldNetDaily reporter Aaron Klein's book The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists uses false claims, discredited conspiracy theories, birther arguments, deceptive editing, and guilt by association to further its stated goal of ...
Global Research.ca
- Understanding Deep Politics Conference: May 14 - 1 ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Become a Global Research Member: Receive a FREE CO ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Times Square Bombing AttemptFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- European Economic Crash: Are France and Germany In ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market RiggingFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Israeli Government Hands Journalists The Line On G ...The Israelis will never tire of their obsession with Judge Richard Goldstone. Because he had the temerity to write a United Nations report calling Israel's actions in Gaza "war crimes," they are utterly unhinged by the man. And so are their media messengers. The obsession is personal because t ...
- Presented By:
- The (Almost) Crash of Wall Street Ninety minutes before the end of the trading day today, the U.S. stock market almost melted down The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped nearly 1,000 points. The market regained ground before the end, like a giant 747 narrowly averting a crash landing, but the questions of the day are: What happene ...
- Weekly News Roundup: Muslims, Gays, Nazis and More ...for more visit katiehalper.com and twitter.com/kthalps 1. After obsessing over Muslim background of suspected Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, media becomes enlightened and religiously tolerant, and overlooks fact that the� ...
- Unwashed Masses 1, Fed 0: Sanders ScoresThe effort to audit the Fed got a big boost last night when Senator Bernie Sanders reached an agreement with Chris Dodd, the chair of the banking committee. Under the deal, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) would undertake a full audit of the special facilities created by the Fed since Dece ...
- US: Temporary Halt to Offshore Drilling Means Arct ...Washington - Saying there are new safety concerns raised by last month's explosion of an oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, the Interior Department has told Shell Oil its exploratory drilling plans in the Arctic Ocean also fall under a temporary halt to all pending U.S. offshore drilling propos ...
- Unemployment Rises to 9.9 Percent, Driven by Jump ...� Nominal wage growth has averaged just 1.1 percent over the last quarter. The Labor Department reported that the unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent in April as 805,000 people entered the labor force. Even with the economy generating 290,000 new jobs read more
- Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under Pressure Fr ...San Francisco, California - Federal immigration authorities have pressured one of San Francisco's major building service companies, ABM, into firing hundreds of its own workers. Some 475 janitors have been told that unless they can show legal immigration status, they will lose their jobs in the near ...
- Just Don't Call It "Defense"The Pentagon "base budget" request for fiscal year 2011 (beginning on October 1) calls for about $549 billion, an increase of $18 billion over the appropriation for the current fiscal year. That's nowhere near the whole story. The administration is also requesting about $160 billion for "Overseas Co ...
- E.J. Dionne Jr. | What Britain Taught UsWashington - Britain produced an electoral earthquake all right, but not the one so many expected. The real lessons have less to do with two-party systems than with how economic change has challenged old strategies on both the right and the left. The Conservatives under David Cameron came in first ...
- 255 Leading Scientists, 11 Nobel Laureates Write L ...A stunning letter of support for climate scientists and climate science from hundreds of leading world scientists was published in the journal Science today. You could hardly ask for a stronger letter of support for climate scientists and the conclusions they have made. You could hardly ask for a ...
- National Bike Month is HereNational Bike Month is here and there are a lot of reasons to participate! It’s that time of year again. The sun is shining more and more (in most places in the Northern Hemisphere), the birds are chirping, and you can see more and more people on the streets riding their bikes. If you aren’t alrea ...
- Fishing 17 Times Harder Than 1880sThe UK fishing fleet has to work 17 times harder today than it did in the 1880s to catch the same amount of fish. Researchers from the University of York and the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) looked back through UK Government data to analyse the change in fish stocks since 1889. What they found ...
- Countries Ranked on Environmental Impact in New St ...Many of Earth’s countries have been ranked for their environmental impact in a new study. Led by the University of Adelaide’s Environmental Institute, the study ranks over 170 countries in terms of their environmental impact measured against their total available resources as well as in terms of t ...
- Future Temperatures Could Exceed Human LivabilityAll the focus on reducing climate change is based on what will happen this century, but what happens the century after if we fail? According to new research findings, reasonable worse-cast scenarios for global warming if rising greenhouse gas emissions are not stamped out immediately could see Eart ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Progress on Chesapeake Bay Enforcement US EPA http://www.epa.gov/compliance/civil/initiatives/progress-chesapeakebay.html [Press release] E
- EPA's New Clean Water Enforcement ResourcesUS EPA Interactive Map for Clean Water Act Annual Noncompliance Report: www.epa-echo.gov/echo/ancr/u
- Dr. Caldwell Talks about LMU's Aquatic Research St ...
- Welcome to Our Research Blog for the Powell River, ...Hello Everyone and welcome to a running commentary on the work that I and five undergraduate student
- At the Cutting Edge of the Aquarian Age (Copyright ...The arrival of the Age of Aquarius is like the incoming tide. Typically this can be measured by wat
Public Citizen in Texas
- Public Citizen Deputy Director David Power, Meliss ...Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Celebrating Earth Day: City Council passes AE Gene ...YeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Today is a great day. Not only is this the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, but Austin City Council just gave every Texan a reason to celebrate: Mayor Lee Leffingwell and City Council passed the Austin Energy Generation Plan! After two years of hard work, enormous inc ...
- Week in ReviewIt’s a bitter sweet day here at Public Citizen. We’ve had another successful week despite the gulf catastrophe. But, we’re all a little sad because Andrew Sauls just finished the last day of his internship. Melissa “Mami” Sanchez is both proud of her fledgling for flying off and also dismayed to see ...
- NEGATIVE COURT RULING IN GEORGIA THROWS DOE’S NUCL ...U.S. Nuclear Reactor Projects In Line for Loan Guarantees Pose Major Risks to U.S. Taxpayers. The only taxpayer-backed loan guarantee bailout to be offered for new nuclear reactors – $8.3 billion for two reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia was dealt a setback in a decision by a Georgia judge that st ...
- Public Citizen congratulates EDF and Tenaska on th ...The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has agreed to do what the state’s environmental agency should be doing by assuring that Tenaska’s commitment to sequester CO2 emissions can be enforced if this plant is built. While this deal may reduce some concerns about CO2, it doesn’t mean that this still i ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Former Area 51 insiders speak outIts one of the most secretive places on the planet but now five insiders have revealed new details about Area 51. Its been a staple of science fictio...
- MP asks Kremlin to look in to alien claimsA Russian MP has now joined the fray by asking the Russian President to investigate Kirsan Ilyumzhinov's alien claims. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov had claimed ...
- Britains first crop circle of 2010 spottedIts been a quiet year so far for crop circles but now the first has turned up in a Wiltshire field near an old fort. Crop circles continue to baffle a...
- NASA conducts experimental undersea missionNASA are conducting a mock space mission by sending astronauts to live and work in an undersea science station. The experiment is designed to emulate ...
- New Zealand man 'attacked by vampires'A man in New Zealand has been attacked in the dark by three "vampires" who bit him and drank his blood. Two of the individuals were released on bail w...
- Biotechnology: A False Sense of Food SecurityOutside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Timi Gerson is Director of Advocacy for American Jewish World Service. Gerson started her career organizing legislative campaigns for fair U.S. trade policy as field director for Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. ...
- Institutional Giving and Communications Coordinato ...Grassroots International is a human rights and international development organization striving to create a just and sustainable world through grantmaking, advocacy and alliance-building movements with a focus on land, water and food as human rights.� Since 1983 we have worked in the Middle East, Asi ...
- Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy - 1/2 ...Overview: � Associate Director of Strategic Philanthropy works with the Executive Director and the Director of Development and Communications (DDC) to recruit, develop, solicit and coordinate major individual contributors. The ADSP has specific responsibilities as detailed below. The ADSP may also ...
- Indigenous Women take on a big fight in GuatemalaGuate-women.jpg � read more
- Grassroots International Signs on to STOP LAND GRA ...Grassroots International, along with scores of organizations and global activists, endorses the call of the Via Campesina to "Stop�Land Grabbing Now!" and say no to the principles of “responsible” agro-enterprise investment promoted by the World Bank. read more
- May 7, 2010250 Scientists Decry "Assaults" on Climate Research (Reuters) More than 250 scientists, all members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, published an open letter in the journal Science on Friday, defending climate change research against "political assaults." U.S. Puts Hold on Dril ...
- May 6, 2010Senate Cap-And-Trade Bill Coming Out Next Week: Boxer (Greenwire) Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) are planning to release their climate and energy bill as soon as next week even if they cannot win back their longtime GOP partner, according to a top Senate Democrat. ...
- May 5, 2010Lieberman: Pushing Climate Bill without Sen. Graham is 'an Open Question' (The Hill) Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said he is "open" to advancing the legislation without co-sponsor Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has suspended his support. Execs: 60,000 Barrels is Worst-Case Gulf Scenario ...
- March 4, 2010Schwarzenegger Ends Support for Offshore Drilling (AP) Gov. Schwarzenegger says he will find another way to help close the state's $20 billion budget deficit after the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused him to withdraw his support for a plan to expand oil drilling off the Califor ...
- May 3, 2010Obama Seeks to Reassure as Oil Slick Nears Coast (AP) Pres. Obama is trying to reassure fishermen and others on the Gulf Coast that the government is doing all it can as masses of oil from a pipeline rupture endanger fisheries, oyster beds and beaches. U.S. Presses BP to Stop Gushing ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About G ...There was a strange moment last week during President Obama's speech at Cooper Union. There he was, groveling before a cast of Wall Street villains including Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein, begging them to "Look into your heart!" like John Turturro's character in Miller's Crossing...when out of ...
- Death Squads: Capital punishment should not be lef ...More often than not, politicians get to decide who lives and who dies. You see their scythes and black hoods in the current "debate" over whether to abolish the death penalty in Connecticut, a hot issue in this year's governor's race (see "A Time to Kill," April 14). But, of course, you see them in ...
- Unfree Markets: The Last Gasp of a (Literally) Ban ...What we've been witnessing in Washington isn't just political positioning by one party looking to deny the other a victory, although it's certainly that. We're also seeing the death struggle of a dying ideology. This ideology provided intellectual cover to business and political elites for decades, ...
- It's the Derivatives, StupidFree market fundamentalists say the real problem with our financial sector is that they are over-regulated. If we just let the banks regulate themselves that we wouldn't have any problems. Rush Limbaugh says Goldman Sachs is the victim . The government caused the problems with all of their rules and ...
- VIDEO: In 2001, McInnis Publicly Endorsed Racial P ...As a follow up to the news this morning that GOP gubernatorial frontrunner Scott McInnis wants to implement an Arizona-style racial profiling law in Colorado, I want to point out that McInnis in 2001 already went on record explicitly supporting overt racial profiling. Though this has (somehow) not ...
Ten Percent
- Friday! The Sundays- Can’t Be Sure
- Tories Are Bigoted Authoritarians, There Is Nothin ...To prove they are not Tory-Lite and as duplicitous as any other party the Lib Dems have to reject any deal with Cameron, instead they and Labour should agree a coalition that works towards an election under a new PR system within two years. Tories supported apartheid, they legalised homophobia, they ...
- Two Pints Of Lager & Some Eco-Socialism With Human ...Ok, not actually my polling station  but the one in the village next along, does this increase turnout? And will booze enhance the Left’s chances, hmmm. Anyways, my 14 year old niece asked ‘is that where poll dances go on?’ Has neoliberal enabled/feminism subverting raunch culture destroyed politic ...
- Vote To Deny A Working Tory MajorityIt’s rearguard action time and at best all we get is the lesser of neoliberal evil but as Greece is showing corporate capital plans to attack and refusing to go quietly might mitigate their ambitions. Tory target seats, Grauniad Tactical voting guide, if you are in one, vote for the appropriate part ...
- People Worth Voting For: Caroline LucasWe need reform of the electoral system and a clean-up of Parliament. But we need to elect MPs who will change Parliament for good now. We need voices of dissent in Parliament – not âYes- men’ (and women) who are âon-message’ the whole time and controlled by party whips. We need voices that are p ...
Booman Tribune
- Casual Observation The most famous question in philosophy asks if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound. I can't answer that question for you, although I believe that here on planet Earth there is always something around to hear. I do know with certainty, however, that acts ...
- Frivolous Friday Open ThreadTonight is time to say goodbye to an old friend who is leaving for the Left Coast. How do you sound like Dylan without being Dylan and without sounding like a second-rate rip-off artist? Here's how. Hat's off the Felice Brothers. Authentic New York.
- They Hate the EstablishmentYou may have heard that the GOP in Utah is having their convention tomorrow and they will be voting on who to put on the ballot to represent them in this November's U.S. Senate race. Normally, that would be the incumbent, Sen. Bob Bennett, who has served in the position since 1993. But it looks in ...
- Tech SupportI just had lunch with and interviewed Manan Trivedi, who is a candidate for Congress from the 6th district of Pennsylvania. I bought a new recorder to bring me into the digital age, and it worked great. However, it saves in WMA, and my MacBook won't read it. I have a PC around here somewhere, so ...
- Banking Industry Pull With DemocratsThe Brown-Kaufman amendment to the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 was a bit of a blunt instrument. It created caps so no individual bank could hold more than 10% of the country's insured deposits nor could they accrue liabilities in excess of two percent of our Gross Domestic Pr ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 8 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1926 Birth of...
- Friday Open ThreadOpen for other business...
- Oh cry me a riverElections shmelections. Remember who the real bosses are: A boot on the throat is no...
- UK elections - what's nextMost recent results suggest a lead by the Tories, but no absolute majority: Tories: 36%,...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 7 ...�A Daily Review Of International Online Media�Europeans on this date in history:1945 Christy Moore,...
- Glitch trading: narrativizing the actions of algor ...Having mentioned the sensitivity of the markets with respect to the UK election results, it makes sense to point out Tim Maly’s recent post about automated trading programs and market movements. The point is that 60% of stock trades are being done by machines, operating according to a set of algorit ...
- UK General Election 2010: live lessons in politica ...I’m a little nusy again today, so in lieu of posting anything more substantial, I’ll suggest that those of you who aren’t already might want to keep half an eye on the post-election wrangling here in the UK, for many reasons. First and foremost, the result was unexpected, and unusual in that it sees ...
- Doom du jour: volcanic eschatologyNo points for knowing why it’s such a hot button topic*, but everybody’s talking about volcanoes these days. And it’s gloomy stuff, too; it’s been known for a while that the massive but (currently) dormant volcano under Yellowstone National park in the US could decide to pop off at any time (althoug ...
- Solar cells printed on paperChalk up another point for MIT, bounteous font of great boffinry – their latest offering to the world is a solar cell you can print out onto paper. However, I wouldn’t get too excited about it: … the new solar cells are created by coating paper with organic semiconductor material using a process sim ...
- Doom du jour: volcanic eschatologyNo points for knowing why it’s such a hot button topic*, but everybody’s talking about volcanoes these days. And it’s gloomy stuff, too; it’s been known for a while that the massive but (currently) dormant volcano under Yellowstone National park in the US could decide to pop off at any time (althoug ...
Therapy News
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up We are pleased to share with you ten of the week’s top news pieces and articles related to mental health, psychology, and therapy. Enjoy! ⢠May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Hopes to Remove Stigma ⢠UK Split over Regulation Proposals â ...
- Cause of Risky Behavior in Teens Found to be Compl ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Though therapists, doctors, and parents themselves may have their own theories about why teenagers are prone to exhibiting risky behaviors, consensus often rests with the idea that the executive cognitive function of the brain simply hasn’t fully developed in adolesce ...
- Confiding in Others May Help Men, but not Women, I ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary Though it may be a difficult topic for some clients to consider and discuss, sexual well-being can play a crucial role in overall happiness and mental health, and experiencing a poor sex life or harboring negative thoughts about one’s ability can be detrimental to dail ...
- Painting the Landscape of Modern Psychopharmacolog ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Criticisms over the prevalence of over-medication among modern therapists, psychiatrists, and psychopharmacologists has been reaching a crescendo for quite some time, with parents upset about the dangers of over-prescribing for their children, and adults concerned abo ...
- Weight Loss Program Addresses Emotional EatingA GoodTherapy.org News Headline For many people attempting to lose weight, the emotional aspects of the challenge can be just as great, if not more difficult, than the physical. In recognition of the lack of knowledge and advice about emotional eating given to those on a weight loss plan, a study at ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Chase: Stop Funding MTR; May 6 Day of Action Again ...Chase: Stop Funding MTR; May 6 Day of Action Against Chase's Mountaintop ... It's Getting Hot In Here (blog) Join Rainforest Action Network and allies all over Appalachia and the country in stopping Chase's investments in mountaintop removal . ... UNC students ask leaders not to renew coal contract ...
- Mollohan's latest flop sweat - Daily Mail - Charle ...Mollohan's latest flop sweat Daily Mail - Charleston (blog) ... to abandon recently announced water quality standards that will sharply curtail mountaintop removal operations in West Virginia and across Appalachia. ... and more��
- A Withdrawal Request - West Virginia MetroNewsWVNS-TV A Withdrawal Request West Virginia MetroNews ... sent a letter to the federal Environmental Protection Agency this week asking that new guidelines for mountaintop removal mining sites be withdrawn. ... Rep. Rahall leads the charge against EPA efforts to control pollution from ... Charleston ...
- KY mountaintop mining OK with Senate front-runners ...KY mountaintop mining OK with Senate front-runners BusinessWeek Paul said mountaintop removal has created "beautiful open space" in the Appalachian region. "If done properly, mountaintop removal can be tremendously ... Mountaintop Mining Safe with Senate front-runners WBKO all 14 news articles�� ...
- Congressmen concerned about EPA impact - Daily Mai ...Congressmen concerned about EPA impact Daily Mail - Charleston Supporters of the rules say mountaintop removal mining is uniquely damaging. The congressmen said the Clean Water Act should be applied "evenly and equally ... and more��
- White House Deputy Counsel Resigns (Charlie Savage ...Charlie Savage / The Caucus : White House Deputy Counsel Resigns — Daniel J. Meltzer, a top White House lawyer who has played a critical behind-the-scenes role in the administration legal team, is resigning next month and will return to his tenured position as a Harvard law school professor, the ...
- Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on ...Dana Blanton / Fox News : Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration — Most American voters think Arizona was right to pass its own immigration law, and think the Obama administration should wait and see how the new law works rather than try to stop it, according to a Fox Ne ...
- Prominent GOP pollster: Times Square bomb scare gi ...Greg Sargent / The Plum Line : Prominent GOP pollster: Times Square bomb scare gives Republicans an “opportunity” — Whit Ayres is a prominent Republican pollster who has co-founded something called “Resurgent Republic,” which bills itself as a message testing outfit for GOP lawmakers — part of a ...
- My Interview With Jo-Vanni Roman (Joe/Joe. My. God ...Joe / Joe. My. God. : My Interview With Jo-Vanni Roman — Around 1am this morning I got tipped by one of the guys at Unzipped that Jo-Vanni Roman was finally ready to speak with me. Five minutes later I had him on the phone from Fort Lauderdale, but not before I alerted Father Tony to be ready ...
- Steele fires RNC finance director (Jeanne Cummings ...Jeanne Cummings / The Politico : Steele fires RNC finance director — Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has fired the RNC's finance director, Rob Bickhart, on whose watch a controversial payment was made to a bondage nightclub in West Hollywood and the committee began having ...
Energy & Environment News
- Federal Regulators’ Warnings on Safety Were ...The federal agency charged with regulating the oil industry has allowed the industry largely to police itself.
- Indian Court Rules in Natural Gas CaseThe interests of two brawling billionaire brothers are involved in a ruling that says the government, not private parties, have the right to set prices for natural resources.
- Weather Hampers Efforts to Burn Some of Oil SpillWhile a controlled burn of petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico was judged successful last week, strong winds and rain have hampered efforts to conduct additional ones to contain the spill.
- California's Solar ScorecardWhy have so few of the state's 7.7 million households gone solar?
- China’s Soaring Energy Use Weakens Pledge o ...China’s consumption of oil and coal-generated electricity each jumped 24 percent in the first quarter.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.4, Antofagasta, ChileTuesday, May 4, 2010 16:12:55 UTC Tuesday, May 4, 2010 12:12:55 PM at epicenter Depth : 92.30 km (57.35 mi)
- M 5.7, Sulawesi, IndonesiaSaturday, May 8, 2010 05:39:33 UTC Saturday, May 8, 2010 01:39:33 PM at epicenter Depth : 59.90 km (37.22 mi)
- M 5.0, Sumbawa region, IndonesiaSaturday, May 8, 2010 04:20:58 UTC Saturday, May 8, 2010 12:20:58 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 6.1, Sumbawa region, IndonesiaSaturday, May 8, 2010 03:22:11 UTC Saturday, May 8, 2010 11:22:11 AM at epicenter Depth : 20.10 km (12.49 mi)
- M 5.2, Guadeloupe region, Leeward IslandsFriday, May 7, 2010 23:12:14 UTC Friday, May 7, 2010 07:12:14 PM at epicenter Depth : 68.00 km (42.25 mi)
China Dialogue
- Europe's green delusionThe European Union likes to think of itself as the unrivalled champion of eco-governance but, argues Derrick Sutter, it is far from living up to its image. In the face of China’s waxing importance on the international stage, the European Union has desperately sought to assert its strategic relevance ...
- Ethiopia’s push for mega-damsProud of its status as Africa’s “water tower”, the country has created controversy along with hydropower as it pursues its strategy to boost energy by 15-fold in a decade. Xan Rice reports. At the foot of a towering gorge slicing through southern Ethiopia , the Omo River suddenly disappears into a t ...
- A deadly white dust (2)As western countries have outlawed asbestos, the industry has turned its focus to the developing world. Melody Kemp looks at the challenges facing campaigners for change. In a grainy black and white Chinese-government film, shown to me by a labour activist in Hong Kong, a man walks unsteadily toward ...
- A deadly white dust (1)Asbestos causes 100,000 deaths each year but its trade in Asia – overseen by a powerful lobby – is still flourishing. Melody Kemp reports. In parts of Asia, carrying 500 grams of one lethal white powder – heroin – can draw a death sentence. But importing 1,000 tonnes of another is both legal and pro ...
- “Land-grabbing” in Africa (2)Even Sudan, emerging from civil war, is not off-limits to investors seeking land and profits, John Vidal writes. Ethiopia, too, is a land-rush centre where many deals are condemned as “new colonialism”. Nowhere is now out of bounds. Sudan , emerging from civil war and mostly bereft of development fo ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Where Do Farm Subsidies Go? Now We KnowCross-posted from Food Politics. Yesterday, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the latest update of its highly entertaining farm subsidy database. The links cover $245 billion in federal farm subsidies distributed from 1995 -2009. The site lets you search for subsidies by state, cou ...
- 8 Steps Democrats Could Take Swing States in 2010Progressives in states across the country are looking at the "Colorado Miracle" to see how they might be able to replicate its successes during this year's mid-term elections.
- Lieberman Preys on Voter Fears, Proposes Law to Pr ...Lieberman's latest assault on constitutional rights: a proposal to circumvent due process for U.S. citizens by conveniently stripping their citizenship.
- Los Angeles Destroys Functioning Businesses in a R ...Los Angeles has lost over 150,000 jobs in the past year, is on the brink of bankruptcy -- so why close over 400 pot dispensaries?
- Meet the Economist Who Says the Government's Econo ...Establishment economists think John Williams' numbers are off. But then, most of them also thought the economy was healthy.
Threat Level
- FCC Lets Hollywood Turn Off Your Output JacksHollywood will soon have the power to remotely disable the analog outputs on your set-top box, under a decision by federal regulators on Friday intended to prevent home recording of new movie releases. The move by the Federal Communications Commission grants cable and satellite providers the power ...
- Coder Journeys From Wall Street to PrisonOver a month has elapsed since the years-long investigation and prosecution of TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez came to a dramatic end, with Gonzalez sentenced to 20 years in prison for the largest identity theft case in U.S. history. Now a little-noted postscript to that high-profile case is unfolding aw ...
- Wired Urges Judge to Unseal Gizmodo SearchWired.com and other news outlets are asking a California judge to unseal the search warrant affidavit that led to a police raid on the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, who paid $5,000 for a prototype 4G iPhone. Under California law, the public has a right to see the documents that led San Mateo Co ...
- Bombing Arrest Followed Law Enforcement Slip-Ups a ...“I was expecting you,” suspected bomber Faisal Shahzad reportedly told the border agents who seized him from his Dubai-bound flight Monday evening. And clearly the suspect should have been expecting agents, given the trail of clues he allegedly left behind and the steps investigators were taking t ...
- Judge Rules Post on Cop-Rating Site is Protected S ...A federal judge has struck down a Florida law prohibiting the publication of a police officer’s name, phone number or address, calling the statute an unconstitutional restraint on speech. The decision leaves Arizona, Colorado and Washington state with similar laws on the books. Florida authoritie ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Iranian missile may be able to hit U.S. by 2015WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran may be able to build a missile capable of striking the United States by 2015, according to an unclassified Defense Department report on Iran's military sent to Congress and released on Monday.
- Obama Court pick imminent, Kagan called favoriteWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will announce his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court very soon, White House officials said Friday, as court watchers said Solicitor General Elena Kagan is most likely to be the pick.
- UK's Lib Dems consider Conservative government off ...LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Liberal Democrat leader will seek backing from senior party members on Saturday for a possible deal with the Conservatives after Thursday's election, in which none of the three major parties won a majority.
- Spill could devastate U.S. Gulf Coast oyster reefsMOBILE, Alabama (Reuters) - The lowly oyster, a tasty delicacy to seafood lovers but a curiosity to more squeamish diners, is also the backbone of marine life along the U.S. Gulf Coast and among the most vulnerable creatures now threatened by a giant oil spill.
- Global markets weekahead: Greek crisis goes viralLONDON (Reuters) - The Greek crisis, to borrow an expression from social media, has now gone viral.
Equality Trust
- The Equality Trust in the newsPlease visit our new Media section for the latest details.
- Inequality: a threat to social cohesionAs Edmund Conway comments in today's Daily Telegraph : "It is not merely, as Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point out in their book The Spirit Level, that this damages health and encourages crime; in times of austerity, inequality can tear apart the social fabric."
- Labour is running up a down escalator to tackle in ...Tackling society's inequalities is what Labour governments are supposed to be about, and this one has quietly redistributed billions worth of tax since 1997, much of it paid by those fatcat bankers, to alleviate the plight of the poorest. How much has it got to show for it? Read Michael White's ...
- The five-star lifestyle: "horrible, soulless and w ...Austrian millionaire Karl Rabeder is giving away every penny of his £3 million fortune after realising his riches were making him unhappy. Read more here...
- Lynda Gratton: The business case for greater incom ...Read Lynda Gratton in the Financial Times [Wilkinson and Pickett's] argument is that societies which are very unequal have all sorts of problems, and I have a feeling that the same is true for companies,” she says. “I think one has to be very careful about what you pay people ... We’ve put far t ...
- Progressive populism and youI spent a weekend with my PDA buddies in California, as we organized around the State Democratic Party Convention in Los Angeles. It was a great weekend, full of close friends, good beer, great ...
- IOT: End War and Occupations, Redirect Funding Ma ...Mary Nichols-Rhodes, PDA-OH state coordinator, started the discussion by describing the planning for both the US Social Forum in June and the National Peace Conference in July. PDA participation in both will be strong, because ...
- Video: Vote No on Funding EscalationVideo: Vote No on Funding Escalation http://vimeo.com/11346739 On Thursday, April 29, 2010, a "Teach-In on Capitol Hill," was held in Room 2168 of the Rayburn House Building, in Washington, D.C., dealing with the question of what the ...
- Slideshow: Rally against SB1070 with Congressman ...
- Rep. Kucinich town hall meeting on warsFilmed in Milwaukee, WI 4/2010 | by On the Earth Productions
Marler Blog
- Foodborne Illness Outbreak Database Comes in HandyI was talking with William Newman from the New York Times as he was writing his story on “Tainted Lettuce Linked to Illness in Three States, ” when he asked about prior E. coli O145 outbreaks. I was able to pull out of my hat: “William Marler, a lawyer specializing in such cases, said that while t ...
- Yuma E. coli O145 Romaine Lettuce Connection - And ...Although Yuma has not been linked to an "leafy green" E. coli outbreak in the past - O157:H7 or otherwise - like O145, it is not like Yuma is risk free - it has more than a few cattle feedlots and is a major flyway for migrating birds.� Although more than a few sources have implicated Andrew Smith ...
- Supplemental Reasons Why Non-O157's - like O145 - ...Our discussion with the FSIS on our Petition for an Interpretive Rule Declaring all enterohemorrhagic Shiga Toxin-producing Serotypes of Escherichia coli (E. coli), Including Non-O157 Serotypes, to be Adulterants Within the Meaning of 21 U.S.C. � 601(m)(1) is ongoing.� Here is the most recent instal ...
- E. coli O145 Lettuce cases linked to Roy C. Ketcha ...Here is a copy of the letter sent to parents: May 6, 2010 Dear Parents/Guardians: I am writing to inform you that over the past few weeks a small number of students reported symptoms of diarrheal illness. The students received immediate treatment at local health care providers. There ha ...
- Hey, our Petition on E. coli Adulterants (includin ...Petition Submitted by Marler Clark LLP, PS Outbreak, Inc. (Oct 5, 2009, PDF Only) Citizens petition submitted to FSIS for an interpretive rule declaring all Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) Shiga Toxin-producing serotypes of Escherichia coli (E. coli), including non-0157 serotypes, to be adulterants within ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.07.10Automotive X-Prize: Spira foam trike wants to save gas, lives This is how Crocs enter the green car world. Daimler CEO says there's not enough oil for China, country has no choice but to ad ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.06.10Report: Nissan Leaf battery pack costs only �6,000 ($9,000) or $375/kWh! So that's the secret. Japan: still the future - Daihatsu unveiled Chevy Volt-like concept 17 years ago Back to the now ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.05.10Environmental group says supporting electric vehicles purchases is a waste of government money Money should go into research, not rebates. Video: Automotive X Prize "moose" tests show Aptera hitting cones ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.04.10Discussion fodder: Could there be an environmental disaster like the Gulf spill if we got off oil? What might be on the horizon. Tesla IPO could go decently, or worse, depending on CEO's divorce trial ...
- AutoblogGreen for 05.03.10Nissan reports 8,000 plus orders for Leaf, easily expects 25,000 by year end It pays to be first. Aptera 2e needed 40 attempts to clear Automotive X-Prize's accident avoidance test It's call ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable: Ethics in online journalism ...The linchpin of the topic of ethics on online journalism is, of course, " Gizmodogate ," in which tech blog Gizmodo paid to acquire a prototype iPhone that an Apple employee left behind in a bar and picked up by someone else. But the iPhone story isn't the only time that the ethics of tech blo ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Facebook and privacy (podca ...Our topic this week: Facebook and privacy. At the F8 conference on April 21, Facebook rolled out privacy changes and new data sharing features. As usually happens when Facebook makes a privacy change, there was a swift and mighty backlash against them. But this time, even the federal government ...
- Do not pay for security softwarePC makers should be offering free antivirus apps. They're not, and here's why. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Likebutton.me shows Facebook's new 'like' button i ...Check out this little news aggregator that's aware of your social network. Originally posted at CNET to the Rescue
- Reporters' Roundtable: Twitter's business model (p ...Today: Twitter's business model. Yes, there is one. Finally. To talk about what Twitter is going to do--and if they really need to do it--we have two great guests with us here in the studio. First, from CNET, author of our social-networking blog The Social , Caroline McCarthy ( @caro on Twitter). ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so fre ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, w ...
Democracy Now!
- BP: Billionaire PolluterLess than a week after British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and unleashing what could be the worst industrial environmental disaster in U.S. history, the company announced more than $6 billion in profits for the first quarter of ...
- Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Producers File Laws ...Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman along with producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar are filing a federal lawsuit today that challenges the police crackdown on journalists at the Republican National Convention in 2008. The suit is filed against the Minneapolis and ...
- "The Curse of Abundance": Alberto Acosta on the Fa ...The government of Ecuador is pioneering a new strategy to promote development in poor countries while also minimizing environmental damage caused by extraction of natural resources. Under Ecuador’s proposal known as “ITT Yasuni,” Ecuador will refrain from exploiting an oil field under the Amazon r ...
- Boycotting Arizona’s RacismArizona was the only territory west of Texas to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy during the Civil War. A century later, it fought recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday. This week, an anti-immigrant bill was signed into law by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer. Arizona Sen ...
- Cochabamba, the Water Wars and Climate ChangeHere in this small Andean nation of 10 million people, the glaciers are melting, threatening the water supply of the largest urban area in the country, El Alto and La Paz, with 3.5 million people living at altitudes over 10,000 feet. I flew from El Alto International, the world’s highest commercial ...
Farming Pathogens
- The Alan Greenspan StrainFirst, a question with which few biogeographers bother. If a goodly chunk of their discipline is dedicated toward obfuscating the impact capitalism imposes on the natural world (discussed here and here), how can researchers interested in paying their bills study the crises that threaten the croupier ...
- King Leopold’s PandemicThe origins of HIV offer a great example of the ways treating human impact as an afterthought—discussed in our previous post—locks the study of pathogens into limited and oftentimes downright drunken trajectories. In 2006 Beatrice Hahn and her colleagues identified the likely source for the SIVcpz p ...
- The ExpulsionIn 1845 a diplomat delivered a letter from Friedrich Wilhelm to Louis Philippe of France protesting the insults leveled at the Prussian king by expatriates living in Paris. King Louis had the radicals’ newspaper closed down and the group, along with one Karl Marx, deported. This was not the first ti ...
- Do Pathogens Time Travel?Evolution arises from a wealth of failure: 1) natural selection requires large and variable populations comprised largely of organisms that fail because their designs do not match their present problems and 2) chance destruction occurs at all spatiotemporal scales. So clearly strict optimization doe ...
- We Are All Astronauts NowFive years ago I gave copies of this essay to a few friends and family as a year-end holiday gift. As a first stab I think it’s aged well, despite its ignorance of the work of Berger, Harvey, Reichenbach, among others. I offer it now to everyone else in a similar spirit–all in good fun, [...]
Digg Green
- Gulf Oil Spill: The Cost of Clumsiness (Graphic)The estimate for the Gulf oil spill clean-up operation is $23 billion, however it appears a acoustic trigger that doesn't fall under mandatory government legislation could have prevented the oil slick. The trigger costs just $500,000 to install.
- Capturing Bio-Diesel From Sweating PlantsWe never really knew that plants sweat. Nor were we aware that when some of them sweat, it's good ole biodiesel pouring out. If that's the case, then let's turn up the heat and get rewarded with all the fuel we will ever need. A little-known American company called Joule Unlimited claims that perspi ...
- JPMorgan Chase Talks Environment, Blows Off Mounta ...A number of big banks are under fire to stop funding mountaintop removal mining, and none more so than JPMorgan Chase, whose green talk doesn't match its stride.
- An interactive infographic about home appliances e ...In the United States, over 20% of our total energy consumption is residential. In fact, in the United States, we are the 7th largest per capita consumer of residential energy. Where is all of that energy going? Are you living with a "gas-guzzler"? Explore the application below to understand more abo ...
- Ariel view of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ...An oil rig explosion that led to a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is major news these days. The oil spill might change the face of drilling forever as the conditions are worsening. Oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of at least 200,000 gallons a day and the ring of spill is incre ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Video Harry Oldfield 6/11 – Energy Fields Re ...Check out this video about energy fields. The full series is available at youtube. By happyduckuk February 22, 2010 â We can’t wait any longer for other people to put this video up, it’s too important.  The conventional medical paradigm isn’t working, we need a re-think – we need a new paradi ...
- Crop Circle at Old Sarum, Near Salisbury, Wiltshir ...Reported 5th May 2010. Herewith the first crop circle of 2010. It is in oil seed rape and measures approx: 180 foot diameter. It is a circle containing six arcs intercepted by a small circle surrounded by a larger circle. A lozenge shape lies alongside the sixth arc with seven circles lying in an a ...
- Laptop Scandal School’s Own Law Firm: Aside ...from the we-find-ourselves-not-guilty dept A law firm employed by the Pennsylvania school district caught using student laptop webcams to spy on students at home has released a 72-page report (pdf) on the incident after a 10-week investigation. Most of the report’s findings aren’t too surprising; it ...
- NIH panel foolishly insists Alzheimer’s can& ...By Mike Adams An independent panel of supposed experts recently met at the National Institutes of Health near Washington, D.C., to discuss whether or not Alzheimer’s Disease can be prevented through dietary and lifestyle changes. After evaluating a handful of studies that deal with the subject, the ...
- Pennsylvania threatens citizens with Big Brother t ...By Mike Adams Just when you thought the truth couldn’t get any stranger than fiction, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue decides to launch a creepy new Big Brother “Tax Amnesty” program aimed at getting delinquent taxpayers to pay up on their back taxes. But the state agency has stooped to using ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Los Angeles Destroys Functioning Businesses in a R ...Los Angeles has lost over 150,000 jobs in the past year, is on the brink of bankruptcy -- so why close over 400 pot dispensaries?
- Will Peak Oil Turn Flying into Something Only Rich ...Expert physicist: 'At $150 dollars a barrel, the air industry is barely viable. At $200 a barrel, it’s going to [be] something that only rich people do.'
- Why Was an Ad Criticizing Mayor Bloomberg for NYC' ...New York City has the dubious distinction as the marijuana arrest capital of the world. The mayor's office doesn't seem to want to allow attention drawn to it.
- Re:FORM: Artists Against the Drug WarUsing art as a vehicle for social change.
- Taking a Stand for Political Prisoners in the U.S.A former Black Panther’s new book explores American politics and the fight for justice.
Twilight Earth
- NOAA Collecting Seafloor and Water Column BP Oil S ...In the face of the tragic BP Gulf Coast Oil Spill, NOAA has been redirected to collect seafloor and water column data from areas near the Gulf of Mexico. Related posts: NOAA Sued Over Lack of Ribbon Seal Protection Gas Spill in Newburyport Poisons River and Sends EPA Scrambling Second Coal ...
- Dances with the Moon: Another Spill (cartoon)More: Hope > Restore the moratorium Exxon Valdez â vs- Deepwater Horizon Why do peak oilers and climate changers not get along better? Follow Mean Joe Green (Joe Mohr) at JoeMohrToons.com and on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:Dances With the Moon: Earth Day is Coming! Tea Partiers ...
- Documentary: The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Wa ...Canadian explorer and environmental filmmaker Mark Terry will present his award-winning documentary The Antarctica Challenge: A Global Warning during the International Polar Year Science Conference and the PolarCINEMA Film Festival June 8 to 12. Related posts: Warning: This Soup is Inedible a ...
- Social Media Marketing Panel at GMU on 13 MayI'm excited to announce that I will be a panelist at the Social Media Marketing: How to Make It Work for You, event on May 13th, 2010. Related posts: Simple Earth Media Website and Social Media Information 10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media 10 Ways to Change the World Through Soc ...
- Monsanto: They Made good WMD’s–I bet They Make Hea ...Add soil depletion to RoundUp’s (and Monsanto’s) ever-growing list of negative effects. More (much more) in and below the cartoon. Apologies for the excess text–it’s taken over this cartoon like RoundUp resistant superweeds are taking over farms across the nation… Related info: USDA downplays ow ...
- Project FROG’s Zero Energy Modular ClassroomsBay area startup Project FROG has been busy schooling teachers and kids in the art of sustainable design via their eco-friendly modular classrooms. Given a two million dollar budget, the company constructed 1,280 square feet of classroom space built from 50 percent recycled material for Watkinson S ...
- 5 Devices That Help You Save EnergyBy now you may have taken a look at our list of 5 energy-saving smartphone apps and wondered, “What if I don’t have a smartphone?” Don’t worry–we still have you covered. Read on for a list of our favorite home energy-saving devices that don’t require a fancy phone. Read the rest of 5 Devices That H ...
- Colorado’s State Capitol is the First and Only LEE ...Read the rest of Colorado’s State Capitol is the First and Only LEED Certified One in U.S.http://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: Colorado ...
- PREFAB FRIDAY: Twelve Cubed Mini Prefab HomeCould you live in 144 square feet of space? That’s what James Stuart of Canada set out to do and in the process created a mini prefab home with all the necessary amenities inside of 12 x 12 foot cube. Built from standard materials, the mini home starts at CDN$25,000 and has a teensy footprint, [...]
- Tiny Hut in Spain Built with Concrete and a CowTrufa (a.k.a the Truffle) is a tiny (25 square meters or about 270 square feet), single room building that has all the cool characteristics of a stone cave. Though comprised of concrete, it resembles natural stone more than the refined surface we typically associate with cement. Located in Costa da ...
Pogue's Posts
- The Making of the Distracted Driving VideoThe behind the scenes look at the making of the most recent David Pogue video.
- Text-Blocking Apps Only Work if You Use ThemSkeptics of apps intended to keep you from texting while driving have some good points to make.
- A Mysterious Service From Cable, Part IIAnswers about why New York's cable companies are suddenly offering free access to each other's WiFi hot spots.
- A Convenient, Mysterious Service From Cable Compan ...Big cable companies have been installing free Wi-Fi networks for their own customers. It's a fantastic development. But it's not clear why they're doing it.
- Android Tries HarderGoogle is trying very hard to get developers to build apps for Android app phones.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Photo: Icelandic Volcano Begins Erupting AgainIceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano began erupting again earlier this week. This image, captured May 6 by the European Space Agency’s Envisat satellite, clearly shows the grayish brown ash of the plume blowing east. The eruption is the latest in a string that began March 20 and that grounded flights ...
- Finding the Right Asteroid for Astronauts to Land ...The Little Prince, who stood tall on his fictional house-sized asteroid B612, may soon have company. Since President Obama announced last month that NASA plans to send people to an asteroid by 2025 (SN: 5/8/10, p. 10), scientists have been scrambling to fill in the details. Before astronauts can em ...
- Better Oil Dispersant Tests Delayed in GulfA promising alternative to the highly toxic oil dispersant being used in the Gulf is finally being tested, but slowly. Dispersit was approved 10 years ago by the Environmental Protection Agency for emergency cleanup use. In lab comparisons, it’s twice as good at breaking down South Louisiana crude ...
- New Global Map of Every Country’s Tallest BuildingYou can now see the tallest building in every country of the world on one big map, thanks to an obsessive documentarian of engineering accomplishments. The anonymous cartographer described the new map on the website,
- Photo: Looking Back at the Space Station From Eart ...The newly installed cupola on the International Space Station provides the astronauts with a window onto the Earth below them. Now, Ralf Vandebergh has captured an image of that space station component from his backyard telescope. The new viewing station was launched in February on space shuttle mi ...
The Progressive Realist
- Krauthammer: Let’s Just Pretend the Shahzad Case H ...In apparent need to live up to his reputation as critic-in-chief and find fault with the Obama administration about something, anything, Charles Krauthammer acknowledges the excellent work done by authorities in tracking, apprehending, and interrogating alleged attempted Times Square bomber Faisal S ...
- Off-the-Radar News Roundup- It's official: Kim Jong-Il was in Beijing from May 3-7 . Besides that and the rich intelligence the photo probably offers, it's all platitudes until the inside dirt gets spilled. - Meanwhile, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak walked back a diplomatic spat with China over the timing of Kim's vis ...
- Pentagon Ejects Gitmo Reporters for Doing Their Jo ...As Spencer Ackerman reported yesterday, the Pentagon has decided to expel several of the most knowledgeable veteran Gitmo reporters, Canadian journalists Steven Edwards of Canwest, Paul Koring of the Globe & Mail , and Michelle Shephard of the Toronto Star , as well as Carol Rosenberg of the Miami ...
- Military Spending: Gates Confronts Ike’s Wisdom Ab ...The United States today finds itself spending more on defense than it has since General Dwight D. Eisenhower left occupied Germany, even after adjusting for inflation. The $693 billion we will spend on the Pentagon this year more than doubles what we spent in 2002. Neither the threat of Korean do ...
- Hooman Majd's Postcards from TehranAuthor and analyst Hooman Majd traveled to Iran last month and has published an initial report from his travels, “Postcard from Tehran”, in ForeignPolicy.com . Hooman makes a number of important points in his article, which largely reinforce our analysis of Iranian politics since the Islamic Repu ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The Gutenberg Constitution.Congressional Republicans had a plan for the 111th Congress: block everything, blame Democrats for the deteriorating economic conditions, and ride anti-incumbent sentiment to a new congressional majority in the 2010 midterms. It was cynical, callous and probably the only good electoral strategy for ...
- Explainer: What the FCC Has Planned for the Tubes.To his great credit, the legal justification that FCC general counsel Austin Schlick put together on the proposed plan the commission announced yesterday to regulate broadband service is eminently readable -- though some of that credit has to go to chair Julius Genachowski , because he's com ...
- One More Shot at Mark Penn.A few days ago, erstwhile Clinton poll guru Mark Penn wrote a hilarious op-ed in the Washington Post , suggesting that "Cleggmania" in Britain showed that America was ready for a third party, hopefully helmed by some kind of Bloomberg -esque billionaire who could hire Mark Penn. You'll notice that C ...
- Outing Rapists on Facebook.After hearing about recent rapes on her campus, American University student Chloe Rubenstein (a sexual assault survivor herself) posted the following message to Facebook: "ATTENTION WOMEN," she wrote, before identifying two American university students by name and calling them rapists. She went on: ...
- On The Death Of Brown-Kaufman. With the failure of the B rown-Kaufman amendment to cap bank size and break up the largest banks, reformers have reason to be discouraged, but they're not back to square one. Take a look at the vote yesterday and you'll see a fascinating coalition -- liberals and conservatives, Democratic leadershi ...
Andy Worthington
- As Hung Parliament Looms, This Was a Bad Election ...With all 650 results declared in the 2010 General Election, it is now confirmed that no party has an outright majority. The Tories won 307 seats (19 short of a majority), Labour won 258, the Liberal Democrats won 57 and other parties won 28. For those who hoped that electoral reform would be signifi ...
- Gareth Peirce’s Statement in Support of Aafia Sidd ...I recently watched (for the first time, I concede), the film “In the Name of the Father,” about the Guildford Four, in which Emma Thompson plays the part of Gareth Peirce, who exposed the abhorrent miscarriage of justice in that dreadful case of torture and false confessions, which was only overturn ...
- “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” – A Pre ...On reflection, two days before the General Election was a weird time to be travelling anywhere to show “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo,” the new documentary film, co-directed by Polly Nash and myself, which former prisoner Omar Deghayes and I have been touring since February. This week it ...
- Funding my Guantánamo work: a supporter will match ...Please support my work! Please forgive this interruption to my normal flow of articles about Guantánamo and the “War on Terror,” but a supporter on Facebook has just pledged to match all donations to support my work over the next 48 hours, which is a wonderful offer, and one that I thought wo ...
- UK Election: The MPs Who Care About Human RightsFor anyone wondering how to vote in the General Election today, who may have noticed the resounding silence on the election trail regarding Britain’s commitment to human rights since the 9/11 attacks, I’ve compiled the following list of 149 MPs (out of 650 in total), who have signed up to two import ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?As the world watches for oil-covered birds, experts warn that the Gulf of Mexico spill could pose greater risks to life deep in the ocean. Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment
- Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Say ...Eagles on California's Channel Islands are finding fewer of their traditional prey, which may force them to scavenge DDT-laced blubber. California - Channel Island - Bald Eagle - California's Channel Islands - Channel Islands National Park
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Welcome Back To The New and Improved New Milford B ...This is just a switch over to the new Blogger In Draft Templates ... But I plan on overhauling the place more, installing some better vats, dusting off the mugs and shot glasses. Be careful as you wander around and try not to knock over the cases of empties over on the side bar because recycling bro ...
- Eric Cantor: "Dem Thugs Did This To Me!"From Jed Lewison : It's clear from the Richmond police statement that Cantor's office was not directly targeted. Rather, an office that he has used in the past (but not his main campaign office) was randomly struck by a bullet that had been fired into the sky. I'm not minimizing the dangers of ran ...
- The view from here...Pretty sure you can guess where I am. Hope you had a nice green beer kind of weekend. :)
- Grayson's Message Embraced By Florida RepublicansThat all mythical squishy middle centristy stuff that The Village preschoolers can not read or write beyond? The one that Obama keeps trying to to pander to and live off of while producing medicocre to pure crap legislation, IF he can get anything to pass at all, which is pissing everybody on all p ...
- RIP Jon SwiftA sad day for the entire Bloggosphere as Al Weisel, AKA Jon Swift, has passed away : The great Jon Swift has died. That's the "blogging" angle to a personal tragedy. In reality, the voice of Jon Swift - the hilarious faux conservative blogger whose talent and passion were evident in every post - bel ...
SPL Center
- Facebook Page Advocating Obama’s Death Draws 1 Mil ...Last year, California far-right pastor Wiley Drake prayed for President Obama to die. Almost 11 months later, the president not only is alive but healthy enough to play tennis over the weekend. But that hasn’t discouraged a spelling-challenged creator of a Facebook page who also is praying for Obama ...
- White Nationalist Website VDARE in Trouble, Loses ...The white nationalist website VDARE.com is in financial trouble — and its founder says that more mainstream anti-immigration groups may be responsible. “If VDARE.com is to survive [the] latest threat, it must have your help now,” writes the website’s founder, Peter Brimelow , in a lengthy letter pub ...
- Dobbs to Nativist Leader: ‘Dump the Hate’Talk radio host Lou Dobbs excoriated nativist leader William Gheen on air today for making comments about Sen. Lindsey Graham’s sexual orientation. “I cannot even imagine why you would do such a thing,” Dobbs told Gheen, who appeared as a guest on Dobbs’ nationally syndicated show. Gheen, who heads ...
- Vicious Kansas Gay-Bashers Finally Find a FriendWestboro Baptist Church , a Kansas-based group notorious for turning tragedies into gay-bashing opportunities, is pretty much universally reviled. Even an Arizona-based Ku Klux Klan group forcefully (if ungrammatically) rejected the group in a “disclaimer” published on its website. “The Ku Klux Klan ...
- April 19: A ScheduleApril 19 is the most significant date on the antigovernment âPatriotâ movementâs calendar. It marks the day that the first shots were fired against the British in 1775 at Lexington and Concord, but itâs also the anniversary of the end of the 1993 FBI siege at Waco, Texas, as well as the 1995 ...
change: org.
- Urge California to Call Attacks on the Homeless Wh ...California is leading the nation in civil rights legislation once again. This week the state Assembly voted to add the homeless to the list of groups under hate crime protections. Already Maryland and Maine, as well as Washington, D.C., have declared violence against the homeless to be hate crimes. ...
- Freedom for the Weekend: Anti-Slavery Internationa ...Well, it's Friday afternoon, and that means the weekend is almost here! W00t! Perhaps you're reading this blog because you're bored at work or school and you're thinking about what you want to do this weekend. How about spending part of your weekend fighting slavery? Each week I'll profile a differe ...
- Iran Wins Membership to the U.N Commission on the ...Women arrested and imprisoned for having suntans? Check. Women stoned to death for adultery? Check. Random persecution, detainment, violent arrest , and imprisonment of women's rights activists and mourning mothers ? Check. Women blamed for causing earthquakes? Check. Use of makeup illegal because i ...
- Llamas and Bees Make Unlikely Bodyguards for Endan ...The newest guard dogs protecting birds at the Marshside nature reserve are ... llamas ? Willy and Jack have been recruited to keep predators away from the eggs and chicks of threatened species, particularly the lapwing and redshank. The pair of llamas are expected to scare off foxes and other animal ...
- Environmentally Caused Cancers 'Grossly Underestim ...In the fight against cancer we may not be paying enough attention to what's right before our eyes. A new report from the President's Cancer Panel reveals that cancer stemming from environmental factors have be "grossly underestimated," Marla Cone reports for Environmental Health News. "The panel adv ...
Common Dreams -News
- BP Vault in Place to Cap US Spill Oil giant BP has successfully lowered a giant concrete-and-steel box over a ruptured well that has been spilling hundreds of thousands of tonnes of crude into the Gulf of Mexico. Underwater robots guided the 100-tonne contraption into place on Friday, in an unprecedented attempt to cap most of the g ...
- US to Expand Pakistan Drone Strikes The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been granted approval by the US government to expand drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal regions in a move to step up military operations against Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, officials have said. Federal lawyers backed the measures on grounds of self-defenc ...
- Greece Urged to Step Back From BrinkGreek president Carolos Papoulias today urged his country to step back from "the brink of an abyss" following the deaths of three bank workers yesterday during protests against the government's new harsh austerity measures. Yesterday's deaths - the first such fatalities in protests in nearly 20 yea ...
- UK General Election 2010: Polling Stations Report ...by Matthew Weaver and agencies David Cameron was the first of the main party leaders to cast his vote today amid early signs that turnout in one of the most closely contested elections for decades will be high. As the final polls showed the Conservatives on the brink of regaining power, the Tory lea ...
- Iraq Mulls Baghdad 'Security Fence' The Iraqi defence ministry plans to build a "security fence" around Baghdad to prevent anti-government fighters from entering the Iraqi capital, according to local television reports. The barrier will be made of concrete, topped by security cameras and other monitor ...
- Try On New Glasses in Warby Parker's Virtual Booth ...Buying glasses online can save you tons of money but the downside is you don't get to try the glasses on and see how they look on your face. Upload a picture to Warby Parker and see different styles on your face. More�� ...
- Instant Image Edit Opens Web Images in Picnik for ...Firefox: Online image editor Picnik is pretty convenient, but you still have to manually upload image files or post their URLs to the site. Not so if you've got a new, Jetpack -powered extension that sends images to Picnik with a right-click. ...
- Visualize Energy Use in Terms of What a Kilowatt A ...Translating the kilowatt usage on your power bill into real world application isn't the easiest thing to do. This interactive residential energy use chart shows how much energy and money common appliances cost. More�� E ...
- Turn a Cheap Pen into a Touchscreen Stylus [DIY]If you'd like some finer control when using a touch screen, especially on devices with a nice expansive one like the iPad, you can convert a pen to do a stylus' job for next to nothing. More��
- ErrMsg Tells You What That Windows Error Code Real ...Windows: When something goes wrong in Windows, you may only receive an unintelligible error code and no explanation. Instead of sifting through Google results, portable utility ErrMsg will look up the code for you. More�� ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Horses Fled, Please Bolt Doors On BarnBy Steve Hynd The AP's headline says it all: US says too few Afghans to take control in Marjah. Not nearly enough trained Afghans are available to take control of key Taliban strongholds like Marjah after the military has pushed out the enemy, U.S. officials told a Senate panel on Thursday. The lack ...
- The Black Prince TapeBy Steve Hynd The ever-excellent Jeremy Scahill has yet another Blackwater exclusive, having procured a tape of an Erik Prince speech "delivered January 14 at the University of Michigan in front of an audience of entrepreneurs, ROTC commanders and cadets, businesspeople and military veterans". Princ ...
- Friday Night AFPAKCommentary By Ron Beasley The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cAfghanistan Stability Chartwww.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party The fact that the most intelligent pundit is on The Comedy Channel........
- Drone Pilots Are War Criminals: Law ProfsBy Steve Hynd I've thought for some time now that there was a good case to be made that drone attacks on the sovereign territory of nations which the U.S. hadn't declared war against were probably war crimes by virtue of the Nuremberg decision about aggressive warfare - just like Iraq. I also believ ...
- Taliban Stronger Than Ever, Pentagon SaysBy Steve Hynd Some of us warned that an escalation, or "surge" in COINspeak, would lead to more violence in Afghanistan and actually strengthen the Taliban there. A new Pentagon report suggests we were right. A Pentagon report presented a sobering new assessment Wednesday of the Taliban-led insurgen ...
Water Wars
- ChicagolandComedy Annoyance Theatre and BAr: 4830 N. Broadway. (773) 561-4665. Kristen Studard, Chicago improviser and comedian will perform her new solo show titled "Small Victories" at 9:30 p.m. Sundays through June 13. Tickets are $10. Chicago Theatre: 175 N. State St. (800) 745-3000. " Martin Lawrence Pres ...
- Water wars in Southeastern OklahomaDURANT, OK-- Water wars are heating up in Southeastern Oklahoma.
- Rugged Country, Rugged History in Californias Owen ...The Owens Valley of eastern California offers rugged nature and glimpses of an eventful history.
- Rugged Country, Rugged History in California's Owe ...Bishop, Calif.
- Rugged Country, Rugged History in Californias Owen ...The Owens Valley of eastern California offers rugged nature and glimpses of an eventful history.
WordPress | Economics
- Good Loving is Hard to FindWhen was the last time you snuggled up to a twenty dollar bill and felt its warmth? The idol of mon
- A+ Tutorial: Tax on MonopolyA+ Tutorial: Tax on Monopoly Price: $4.99 Additional Information: - 242 words Screenshot Preview: Pl
- Oil Oil Everywhere and America's Rigs did ShrinkToday’s title comes from the epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The oil problems in th
- Architecture: New Modesty### architectmagazine.com April 27, 2010 Design: Crit (from ARCHITECT May 2010) New Modesty? Not Rea
- Friedrich von Hayek“It is possible for a dictator to govern in a liberal way. And it is also possible for a democ
Electronic Intifada
- Groups: Amitav Ghosh, don't accept Dan David prizeWe wish to express our deep disappointment in your decision to accept the Dan David prize, administered by Tel Aviv University and to be awarded by the President of Israel. ...
- Artists thank Gil Scott-Heron for heeding boycott ...More than 50 organizations and artists from eight countries have written to legendary political singer and poet Gil Scott-Heron to thank him for his decision to drop Israel ...
- New Israeli order allows for mass expulsion from W ...RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Several Palestinians have set up a protest tent in no-man's land in the northern Gaza Strip, near the Erez border crossing into Israel, as they ...
- Rights orgs condemn arrest of Palestinian civil so ...This morning at 3:10am, Israeli Security Agency agents accompanied by Israeli police raided Ameer Makhoul's family home in Haifa and arrested him. Makhoul is a human rights ...
- The pretext of "security" along Gaza's buffer zone"There was a single shot without any warning, and a young man was carried away," Adie Mormech explained. Mormech, currently in Gaza, is a British activist with the International So ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Eight civilians killed in AfghanistanSeven civilians were killed in two explosions in central and northern Afghanistan, while one other was shot by a private security guard near the capital, officials said Saturday.
- Karzai says civilian deaths hurt Afghan operationsKABUL Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the U.S. and its allies still have "miles to go" in Afghanistan and civilian casualties are hurting the effort. Karzai wrote an opinion piece publ...
- Pakistani Taliban deny link with NYC Square bomber/enpproperty--> ISLAMABAD - Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) denied any link with Faisal Shehzad, the suspected New York Times Square bomber, TTP spokesman Azam Tariq said Thursady, local TV channel r...
- Security, Governance To Top Obama-Karzai Talks(RTTNews) - Overall security, good governance and strengthening of Afghan national security forces will be high on the agenda as US President Barack Obama meets with his Afghanistan's counterpart Ham...
- New York bomb attempt a 'brave' act, say ...NEW YORK -- The Pakistani Taliban denied any role in the botched car bombing in Times Square but praised the suspect for a “brave job,” as New York authorities pressed him on his claims of terrori...
- Glitch trading: narrativizing the actions of algor ...Having mentioned the sensitivity of the markets with respect to the UK election results, it makes sense to point out Tim Maly’s recent post about automated trading programs and market movements. The point is that 60% of stock trades are being done by machines, operating according to a set of algorit ...
- UK General Election 2010: live lessons in politica ...I’m a little nusy again today, so in lieu of posting anything more substantial, I’ll suggest that those of you who aren’t already might want to keep half an eye on the post-election wrangling here in the UK, for many reasons. First and foremost, the result was unexpected, and unusual in that it sees ...
- Doom du jour: volcanic eschatologyNo points for knowing why it’s such a hot button topic*, but everybody’s talking about volcanoes these days. And it’s gloomy stuff, too; it’s been known for a while that the massive but (currently) dormant volcano under Yellowstone National park in the US could decide to pop off at any time (althoug ...
- Solar cells printed on paperChalk up another point for MIT, bounteous font of great boffinry – their latest offering to the world is a solar cell you can print out onto paper. However, I wouldn’t get too excited about it: … the new solar cells are created by coating paper with organic semiconductor material using a process sim ...
- Doom du jour: volcanic eschatologyNo points for knowing why it’s such a hot button topic*, but everybody’s talking about volcanoes these days. And it’s gloomy stuff, too; it’s been known for a while that the massive but (currently) dormant volcano under Yellowstone National park in the US could decide to pop off at any time (althoug ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Geithner's Dirty Little Secret
- Swine Flu
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl�
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- NWC to Host Seminar in Honor of Earth DayIn honor of Earth Day, The National Whistleblowers Center will host a special training seminar: “ Protecting Environmental Whistleblowers. ” The training will take place on April 21, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, and is open to environmental activists and attorneys, who can participate in person at the ...
- Drilling for the Truth in the Gulf with the False ...The first person or group who drills and hits the truth in the Gulf of Mexico can win a huge payoff IF they use the False Claims Act. We want everyone who can to use this law and drill for the truth in the Gulf, not only to find out about the current disaster, but also to prevent future catastr ...
- Upcoming Seminar: Integrating the False Claims Act ...The False Claims Act is the most powerful federal whistleblower law. Unfortunately, attorneys and their clients often miss the opportunity to file a claim, because they lack knowledge of the law's unique requirements and procedures. This seminar will provide an introduction to the law to help an att ...
- Free Seminar on OSHA Whistleblower ProgramProfessionals for the Public Interest will host the event “Whistleblowers and OSHA: Strengthening Professional Integrity” on May 11th from 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS). The event is free and open to the public with advance registration. ...
- Financial reform bill could increase detection of ...Business Ethics magazine is reporting on the anticipation of corporate lawyers for more work in defending corruption cases.� In an article yesterday, Michael Connor writes about a whistleblower reward provision in the current draft of the financial reform bill. The bill would guarantee a reward of u ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant radio ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratospheric ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the glo ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes spend ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20th c ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's footprin ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for example. T ...
- FCC Gives Hollywood The Right To Break Your TV/DVR ...For a couple years now, the MPAA has been asking the FCC to break your TV/DVR, and let them effectively put a type of DRM (by enabling "Selectable Output Control" or SOC) on video content, such that you will not be able to access the content via third party devices, such as your DVR or your Slingbox ...
- Library Group And Others Issue Declaration For Con ...Stuart Hamilton from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) alerted us to the news that his organization, along with "a broad based coalition of European groups, representing consumers, creators, libraries, civil society and technology companies" have put togeth ...
- Why IT Security Guys Now Also Need To Be Legal Exp ...This post is part of the IT Innovation series, sponsored by Oracle & Intel. Read more at ITInnovation.com . Visit the Resource Center for the latest in whitepapers, tools and webcasts. Of course, the content of this post consists entirely of the thoughts and opinions of the author. Every so ofte ...
- New Hampshire Supreme Court Recognizes That New Me ...We've seen a lot of cases lately concerning whether or not certain new media sites or participants were actually covered by various journalism shield laws (which are all at the state level, currently). In some recent cases judges have ruled against the idea, saying "new media should not be confused ...
- Momentary Financial Crisis... And A Lesson In Unin ...As you may have heard, yesterday was a fun day when it came to the stock market, with something causing the Dow to go into freefall for a bit, before it then bounced back up. Initially, some thought that it was a full-on financial crisis, and then there were rumors of a "fat finger" trade, as has b ...
- Roll-out of cervical cancer vaccine to start befor ...EITHNE DONNELLAN Irish Times 05/08/2010 *Editor’s Note: This is why they are rolling out School Based Health Clinics in the United States. They will be giving full rounds of vaccines at school here shortly if the program continues as planned. THE NATIONAL cervical cancer vaccination programme will ...
- Mum says flu vaccine made son seriously illBEN LANGFORD NTNews.com.au 05/07/2010 A DARWIN woman has told of her week of trauma after her young son contracted a blood disease after being vaccinated for swine flu. Karama mum Amanda de Vries said she is convinced the illness came from a complication associated with the vaccine. She came forwar ...
- Doctor suggests breastfeeding may ‘impede ...Parental delays, refusals for vaccines up in survey Posted on Pediatric Supersite 05/05/2010 VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Creative vaccine distribution strategies, improved vaccine technologies and more rapid manufacturing timetables were among ideas speakers at the 2010 Pediatric Academic Societi ...
- Child dies 13 hours after vaccinationDILIP POUDEL Republica Social Affairs 04/20/2010 A five-month old girl died on Tuesday morning 13 hours after being administered DPT vaccine. Sanjita GC, daughter of Jit Bahadur from Ramjadeurali-5, Parbat and posted at District Police Office, Baglung, had been given the vaccine at Baglung hospital ...
- Students suspended over out of date immunizations*Note: Please notice that what is mentioned in the article is to keep the immunization records up to date. This doesn’t necessarily mean the vaccines. The child’s exemption is included in the immunization record as well but this fact is conveniently left out. It’s a sleight of hand. Matthew Strade ...
- Responding to Anarchy in the NewsI keep an eye out for mentions of anarchy or anarchists in the news. More often than not, when we are mentioned, it relates to some act of destruction that is being condemned. Anarchist responses to these reports, if there are any responses at all, are usually confined to internal discussions on a ...
- Does Culture Disappear?I often hear people express fear of losing their culture. Sometimes, I sympathize with them. I sympathize with indigenous people who are fighting for their dying languages. I sympathize with the French farmer who led a revolt against McDonalds. And I sympathize with Jews who – after survivin ...
- 4/20 Quick HitNot my regular posting day, but I can’t let 4/20 go by without posting something on the drug war. Here’s a little debate with Ethan Nadelmann followed by links to some orgs that you should know about. Drug Policy Alliance Norml Marijuana Policy Project Stop the Drug War
- What I’m Up ToJust got back from the anarchist book fair in New York. I attended a couple sessions – one on women in prison, one on anarchism and intersectionality. I’ll give you the lowdown on those soon. Best part was definitely having a chance to meet people I only knew in cyberspace. Before I went up to ...
- Things You Might Have MissedJust got back from seeing Alice Walker at Busboys and Poets. She spoke a lot about Israel, about finding your voice in the face of unspeakable horror, about starting where you are at and not always seeing change in terms of the big thing (policy…). Can’t wait to read her new book. She also answere ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- The LaRouche Show, May 1, 2010The Politics and Science of Going for a New Periodic Table
- The Issue Is Glass-SteagallEIR Editorial Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- Will Netanyahu Trigger London's World War III?By Jeffrey Steinberg Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- Goldman Sachs Debacle Raises Overdue Questions Abo ...By Rachel Douglas and Dennis Small Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
- The Case of Arkadi V. Dvorkovich: Free Russia from ...Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, April 30, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 17
Armies of Liberation
- السلام مع الكرامة في اليمن: هل يمكن ايقاف دوامه ال ...اÙسÙام مع اÙÙرامة Ù٠اÙÙÙ…Ù: ÙÙ ÙÙ…Ù٠اÙÙا٠دÙام٠اÙØØ±Ø¨Ø Ùتبت: جÙÙ ÙÙÙاÙ*- ÙصØÙÙØ© “إجسامÙÙر” ترجمة/ عبداÙÙ٠عبداÙÙÙاب ÙاجÙ- ترجمة خاصة بÙ: اÙمستشار Ùت ÙÙ Øرب Ù…Ù ØرÙب صعدة ...
- Peace with Dignity in Yemen, Can the Cycle of Endl ...Each of the six Sa’ada wars in Yemen was a photo copy of the one before, except the bombs got bigger, the children more frail and the jails more crowded. The Yemeni government systematically denied food, medicine and international aid to civilians in the northern Sa’ada province as a tactic of war s ...
- Would Yemeni law find Anwar Awlaki guilty?Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abu Baker al Qirby urged Anwar Awlaki to turn himself to be tried under Yemeni law, vowing that no Yemeni citizen would be extradited to the US or any other country. The US announced last week that it had authorized Awlaki’s kill or capture, having determined he is an active ...
- Alwaki Tribe Denies StatementThe Sheik of the Awlaki tribe in Yemen denied that tribal leaders held a meeting or threatened Yemeni citizens as is being widely reported in the Western media. Reuters reported receiving a faxed statement last week from the Awalki tribe that said, “We warn against cooperating with America to kill S ...
- Yemen National Dialog Coalition Seeks Reform, Broa ...Yemen’s National Dialog Committee published an English language summary of its National Salvation Plan yesterday. The document is available at http://yemenvision.wordpress.com/ The National Dialog Committee (NDC) is an important Yemeni civil society coalition dedicated to creating a forum and consen ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Ala ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace follow ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Openin ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircraft p ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have cau ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve seen ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll found ...
food and water watch
- USDA Goes Back to the Drawing Board On Better Trac ...In early February, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) pleasantly surprised small farmers and food protection advocacy groups alike by abandoning its National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS was a program put in place after a 2003 occurrence of mad cow disease with intention ...
- Two options for tap water at Vancouver Olympics: O ...Metro Vancouver recently took on the task of promoting the consumption of tap water over bottled water and is now battling it out with Coca-Cola at the Olympic games. As one of the Olympics biggest official sponsors, Coca-Cola, who claims their bottled water “doesn’t compete with tap water,” is of ...
- Farm to School Needs More SupportIt seems the Obama administration is starting to take some steps toward addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. The President recently requested the inclusion of an additional $1 billion in funding for child nutrition programs in the national budget. This commitment preceded the unveiling of Fir ...
- Food & Water Watch Partners With University of New ...Today, Food & Water Watch and the University of New Hampshire’s Office of Sustainability kickoff “Tap In,” a series of films and lectures about water privatization, access, and quality. An initiative of our Take Back the Tap campaign, the series will commence with a showing of, and discussion abou ...
- USDA Admits Lack of Food Safety Follow-ThroughThe USDA finally admitted to a small group of consumer group representatives last week that its official policy is to take very little action when it finds ground beef contaminated with E. coli in commerce. That is, unless several human illnesses have already been identified with the product. I pre ...
- Living Walls go Mainstream, Hit the Homes SectionsMichael Riley's over-the-top walls; Paul Costello for The New York Times Kristina Shevory writes in the New York Times that living walls are becoming increasingly popular in homes. "Avid and aspiring gardeners, frustrated with little outdoor space, are taking another look at their walls and not ...
- UNC to Stop Burning Coal: First Victory for Sierra ...Image credit: IndyWeek As far as college towns go, Chapel Hill in North Carolina has a fair few things going for it. From being the birthplace of crop mob , through free buses, to the admittedly controversial Greenbridge high-end eco-condos , there are plenty of folks in this town who are pushi ...
- The Week in Pictures: BP Gulf Oil Spill, Disturbin ...From the news that a modern Robin Hood used an arrow with 4 razor blades and a crossbow to free an endangered Right Whale to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which is on par to outpace the Exxon Valdez oil spill in terms of size, impact, and devastation, a lot happened this week in green. ...
- The Gulf Coast Oil Spill & Your Health: Who's At R ...Booms set up on Breton Island in preparation for oil landfall. Photo: NRDC via flickr. This is a repost of an article written by Dr Gina Solomon from
- Aww! Turkish Family Finds Abandoned Baby Grizzly B ...Photo via Hürriyet WebTV Most little girls are lucky to get a puppy or kitten to play with; Tuba Haykır's family adopted a baby bear they found abandoned in a nearby forest and the 11-year-old quickly became fast friends with the cub, bottle-feeding it milk every day. It's all just too cute for ...
- You Are Your BacteriaVariation in our microbial inhabitants could help tailor efforts to treat illness. via Technology Review: You Are Your Bacteria.
- Weird, Ultra-Small Microbes Turn Up in Acidic Mine ...In the depths of a former copper mine in Northern California dwell what may be the smallest, most stripped-down forms of life ever discovered. The microbes — members of the domain of one-celled creatures called Archaea — are smaller than other known microorganisms, rivaled in size only by a microbe ...
- Multiple personal genomes awaitGenomic data will soon become a commodity; the next challenge — linking human genetic variation with physiology and disease — will be as great as the one genomicists faced a decade ago, says J. Craig Venter. via Multiple personal genomes await : Article : Nature.
- Low Vitamin D Level Tied to Cognitive DeclineTwo new studies add to evidence that older people with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment. The hope is that vitamin D supplements may be able to slow mental decline — an intervention that one research team plans to put to the test this summer. Vitamin D [. ...
- Essentials of Genetics | Learn Science at ScitableWhy does a commercial dairy cow produce four times as much milk as most other mammals? Why do we look like our cousins? Why do roses come in so many different colors? The answers to these and other questions about the diversity of living things involve processes that occur at the level of genes. Ess ...
CFACT ( Panned by SourceWatch )
- (Desperately) Looking for Arctic warmingAdventurous alarmists return with frostbite from Arctic treks on rescue helicopters. "Global warming can mean colder," explains one Greenpeace activist.
- Species safe even if world warmsBiologists are again predicting massive species losses as the world warms. But there have been few findings of extinctions among continental bird and mammal species over the past 500 years.
- What's the cost if Congress fails?If Congress fails, America wins. CFACT's response to Connie Hedegaard the European Union̢۪s Commissioner for Climate Action.
- Climate summit hangoverNo substantial progress towards a global warming treaty. Obama's strategy leaked. Delegate's minds opening. UN plans new treaty push.
- Energy Secretary admits we don't understand climat ...The Energy Secretary is at a loss to explain the cooling trend of the past decade. How then can he support Obama's proposed energy taxes?
Ria Novosti Online News
- Dagestan bomb explosion equivalent to 1.5 kg of TN ...The bomb that went off on Friday night at a railway station in Derbent in the Republic of Dagestan in the Russian volatile North Caucasus region was equivalent to 1.5 kg of TNT, investigators said on Saturday.
- Russian president unveils WWII memorial in downtow ...Russian President Dmitry Medvedev opened on Saturday a monument to the cities of military glory in Moscow, launching celebrations to mark the 65th anniversary of victory over nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War.
- Russia, Turkey agree terms of nuclear power plant ...Russia and Turkey have agreed all the details and commercial terms for the construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said on Saturday.
- Spain closes 16 airports over new volcanic ash clo ...Spain has closed 16 airports in the country's north over a new volcano ash cloud from Iceland, the Spanish Airports and Air Navigation Service (Aeria) said on Saturday.
- Volcanic eruption in Iceland
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Iran to orbit 5-6 telecom satellites 'soon'Tehran is planning to launch up to six satellites in the near future, Fars news agency quoted Iranian Telecommunications Minister Reza Taqipour as saying on Friday.
- Russian, Ukrainian scientists win 2010 Global Ener ...The 2010 Global Energy Prize has been awarded to a Russian and a Ukrainian scientist, the vice president of the Russian Academy of Scientists said on Tuesday.
- Icelandic volcano ejects 140 mln cu m of ash - sci ...Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano has thrown out about 140 million cubic meters of ash over the past three days
- Space Shuttle may continue through next year - Ros ...The U.S. Space Shuttle program may not come to an end this year, Russian Federal Space Agency Roscosmos said in a statement, citing International Space Station (ISS) manager
- Russia launches military satelliteRussia on Friday launched a military satellite, the Defense Ministry said.
Pruning Shears
- ACTA and the Overblown Threat of PiracyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has been largely negotiated behind closed doors, and only recently was an official draft made public . The Obama administration even declared an early draft classified in refusing to co ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Spencer Ackerman is at Guatánamo reporting on Obama’s first Military Commissions trial. What happens with Omar Khadr in the course of this proceeding could have enormous implications for detainee policy. Think about it: If the in ...
- Peter G. Peterson Foundation: What About Military ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post On Wednesday the Peter G. Peterson Foundation held a conference to “bring together hundreds of stakeholders from across the political spectrum with diverse ideas on how to address critical fiscal issues while continuing to meet the p ...
- This Week In TyrannyNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post Our image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing Muslims .There may have been a second set of torture recordings. It’s hard to imagine them seeing the light of day if they still exist, or any consequences s ...
- Off the GridLargely offline this week; work-related, nothing serious.� Regular posting resumes this weekend (I think).
Natural Health News
- Broccoli Component Limits Breast Cancer Stem CellsSulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli, could help treat breast cancer by targeting cancer stem cells, which fuel the growth of tumors. Sulforaphane was tested in both mice and cell cultures. It targeted and killed the cancer stem cells. and prevented new tumors from growing. Science Daily rep ...
- Gut Bacteria Offer New Hope for People with Celiac ...Probiotics and/or prebiotics may help alleviate the severity of celiac disease. According to a new research study, intestinal bacteria in celiac patients could influence inflammation to varying degrees. This means that altering intestinal microbiota could improve the quality of life for celiac pati ...
- Despicable Conditions Caused FDA to Recall Childre ...The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has released a report detailing quality and security lapses at the factory that produced the children's Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other over-the-counter drugs that were recently recalled. The agency is considering actions that may include criminal penalties ...
- A Natural Swine Flu Breakthrough?In a finding that could offer new hope for the containment of influenza outbreaks, a natural extract from seaweed has been shown to inhibit the H1N1 virus. The extract is derived from the Undaria pinnatifida species of seaweed. In vitro tests have shown that it can inhibit the H1N1 influenza vi ...
- Sleeping for Less Than Six Hours Linked to Early D ...Consistently sleeping for fewer than six hours each night may cause an early death. However, too much sleep can also problems. New research analyzed data from 16 separate studies. People who habitually slept for less than six hours a night were 12 percent more likely to experience premature death. ...
- OSHA: Safety Violations at BP's US Refineries Enda ...British Petroleum's (BP) troubles are not just limited to its Gulf of Mexico operations, where a deadly blast aboard a drilling rig two weeks ago ruptured an oil well 5,000 feet below the sea's surface and triggered a massive oil leak that is now the size of a small country. The oil conglomerate is ...
- A Conversation with Dave AndrewsCrossposted from the Worldwatch Institute’s Nourishing the Planet . In this regular series, we profile advisors to the Nourishing the Planet project. This week, we feature Dave Andrews, Senior Representative for Food & Water Watch. Name: Dave Andrews Affiliation: Food & Water Watch Location: Washing ...
- 1,000 Words About EthiopiaCross posted from BorderJumpers , Danielle Nierenberg and Bernard Pollack. We started this trip in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a place most Americans associate with war and hunger because of the famines of the mid 1980s and 1990s. Even today, more than 6 million people in Ethiopia are at risk for starvat ...
- 33 Billion Dishonest Excuses for WarBy David Swanson If you were to call your congress member's office at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote against spending $33 billion to escalate the war in Afghanistan, they would give you one of several common excuses. If they refuse to tell you what they plan to do, you can let them know that they ...
- Evolution Wars - Roundup Resistant Plants Biological life is amazing stuff. Over the last billion years or so it has tenaciously held through a wide variety of ecological conditions. From multiple glaciations to impacts of huge meteors, life goes on. Some species die; while others change and adapt to the new conditions no matter how bizarre ...
Son of Alex Constantine's Blacklist
- UnderpantsGate: Big Oil, the CIA and the Attempted ...Also see: American Sponsorship of Global Terrorism By Alex Constantine (Supplementary revisions, 12-30-09, 1:29 pm) It’s All, Once Again, About Big Oil and a Pipeline … Abdulmutallab’s exploding unmentionables “Why Was Umar AbdulMutallab in Houston in August 2008? Whom Did He Visit There? What Did H ...
- Celebrities Lead Charge against ScientologyHollywood figures quit ‘rip-off’ church as Australian prime minister threatens parliamentary inquiry into its activities Peter Beaumont in London, Toni O’Loughlin in Sydney, and Paul Harris in New York The Observer | 22 November 2009 The security at the red-brick and glass-walled horseshoe of the Jo ...
- Baltimore: Cultist Withdraws Guilty Plea in Baby&# ...BALTIMORE — A former member of a defunct religious cult has backed out of a plea deal and will face trial on charges he and others starved a toddler to death. Marcus Cobbs had agreed to plead guilty to a lesser charge of accessory after the fact. But his attorney abruptly withdrew the plea Friday mo ...
- What’s Wrong with this RFID Chip?RFID chip brought to you by the Carlyle Group and Matrics, Inc.
- Will Donor Scandals Doom Crist’s Senate bid?” … Three of Crist’s top fund-raisers have been hamstrung by federal investigations in the past nine months, and a fourth, Jupiter sports agent and real estate investor Marc Roberts, is facing a federal lawsuit alleging he defrauded a business partner out of $100 million to support his own ‘lavish p ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Taking the Meat We Eat Out of the Factory and Putt ...On Tuesday, Animal Welfare Approved and the Pew Environment Group presented a public panel discussion about raising pasture-based animals, and reclaiming these sustainable farming systems as the source of our meat and dairy. The star-studded panel included Nicolette Hahn Niman, attorney and author ...
- Locally grown, Locally shared: A new model for giv ...Over a hundred Baltimore residents gathered on Saturday night for the 4th edition of an innovative fundraising event called STEW. STEW is a joint project of Baltimore Development Cooperative and Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, where attendees pay $10/person for the opportunity to share a multi-cou ...
- Food Access Solutions: Panel Discussion in Anacos ...On Friday, April 12th, Food Access Solutions: Urban Agriculture, Local Food, & Community Development, a panel discussion between leaders in the food movement on a regional level and leaders on the local level took place in southeast Washington D.C. in Anacostia. My interest in Urban Agriculture com ...
- Meatless Monday: A Campaign Rooted in Public Healt ...The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health embraced the Meatless Monday campaign back in 2003, and the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future has proudly served as the national campaign’s scientific advisor ever since. Today I welcome and laud The Johns Hopkins Hospital for launching its ...
- Response to Professor MitloehnerDear Professor Mitloehner, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. What you wrote was informative, but your response also raised additional questions for me.  I will lay them out here and you are welcome to respond again. From your response: “I did not write the press releases ...
- Too much news (& our automated blogging systems cr ...I’m late posting and the Thursday automatic trading crash on Wall Street still hasn’t been explained, leaving me to wonder how much money the a$$holes made shorting stock yesterday. Wall Street is a criminal enterprise run by predatory thugs who use computer glitches like gangsters use guns. If the ...
- Fighting terrorism with more gunsI cannot make sense of the uproar over Mirandizing Shahzad. Some of our national leaders are self-paralzyed with bedwetting fears. From an editorial in this morning’s NYTimes: Senators McCain and Lieberman say military trials will show strength. Abandoning democratic institutions in the face of terr ...
- Twaddle, race races, & Goldman SucksNice start to the morning reading more racist twaddle from Charles “Bell Curve” Murray in the NYTimes. Well disguised racism, for a change. Now he’s trashing charter schools to gain more leverage in his fight for vouchers so as to provide a subsidy to private schools. If we cannot fix our public sch ...
- Comcast profits up, subscribers downMedia Matters Jamison Foser shows how Newsbusters totally distorted a news story on Al Gore to smear America’s most smeared lefty. [more] We can’t move forward when half the debate is coming from known liars who are rooting for America to fail and who hate everyone who isn’t them. - No sooner do I t ...
- Whole lotta linksWorse than 1789: your latest update from Clusterfuck Nation. But I kinda like his take on the Hamptons. - Pass this one along to wingnuts of your acquaintance: James Fallows on If the TSA were running New York. I will never forget my TSA client who, despite excellent management experience, couldn’t ...
The Seferm Post
- Links for 2010-02-27 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not to Share with Your Co-Workers There are certain things co-workers need not know about each other, including religious and political views as well as personal issues, but some folks just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. And don't forget -- a casual conversation can eas ...
- Links for 2010-02-24 [del.icio.us]10 Top Things You Need To Know About 'Up In The Air' Movie The film is an adaptation, co-written by Juno director Jason Reitman and screenwriter Sheldon Turner, of a novel by Walter Kirn published in 2001, though Reitman tried to claim sole credit for writing it initially, until the Writer’s Gui ...
- Links for 2010-02-11 [del.icio.us]Here Are 10 Things Not To Include In Your Resume And Why Employers don't have the time or the patience to sift through irrelevant information like your hobbies, interests or how many grandchildren you have. Just stick to the basics and you're good to go. Here are 10 things to leave off your résu ...
- Links for 2010-02-10 [del.icio.us]Get Rid Of Browser Hijackers, Spyware, Malware Once And For All They're intrusive and often difficult to delete. Sometimes, people actually wipe their hard drives clean and start over again just to get rid of them. It's time to act! Winter Driving Safety Tips: How To Take Control Of Your Car ...
- Facebook A Big Threat To Israeli SoldiersThe military's added it is cracking down on soldiers' use of social networking Web sites and has launched a campaign warning of the dangers of sharing military classified information online.
The World We Live In
- At least we are not DubaiWe haven’t got a lot to be thankful for these days in Pakistan. But at least we are not Dubai. Fed up with loadshedding, bombs, and TV cynicism pervading Pakistan, I recently escaped to Dubai for a holiday. Big mistake. Huge. Ten days later I returned, gasping for Karachi’s polluted, but far sweete ...
- 9/11 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests?The claim that no Arab names appeared on the flight manifests for the planes hijacked on the morning of September 11, 2001 arose shortly after the terrorist attacks, and variations on the theme have persisted to this day. The claim initially arose when lists of passengers published by CNN, The Guar ...
- Video of girl’s flogging in Swat was ‘fake’A resident of Swat, who claims to have prepared the fake video of flogging of a girl in Swat, has termed it drama and revealed that he received Rs0.5 million for doing so before the launch of military operation âRah-e-Rastâ. Before the operation âRah-e-Rastâ, an NGO financed preparation of f ...
- Constitutional Game to Undo Pakistan from the Back ...Written By :- Dr Shahid Qureshi Pakistan is unfortunately one of those countries where traitors masquerade as politicians and treachery is deemed to be âlegitimate politicsâ. There is no prize for guessing how did the desire the revoke the 17th Amendment got transformed into a full fledg ...
- Palestinians urge global action against IsraelThe Palestinian Authority has called on international bodies and the Arab League summit in Libya to protect East Jerusalem al-Quds against Israeli settlement activities. Acting PA Chief Mahmoud Abbas, speaking at the opening of a two-day Arab League summit in the Libyan city of Sirte, called on int ...
Center for Food Safety
- Special Messages from Michael Pollan, Vandana Shiv ...Filed under: Factory Farming, Food Safety, GE Crops, GE Food, Organics, Politics and Policy, Take Action
- CENTER FOR FOOD SAFETY PRESENTS ARGUMENTS BEFORE S ...High Court Hears Arguments In First-ever Case on Genetically Engineered Crops States, Scientists, Organic and Conventional Farmers, Food Companies, Exporters, and Legal Scholars File Briefs in Support, Oppose Monsanto Today the Center for Food Safety (CFS) faces off against Monsanto in the U.S. Supr ...
- Happy Earth Day!This Earth Day, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support! We are honored by how many of you have joined and supported us in our efforts towards a just and sustainable food supply that supports both healthy people and a healthy planet. One of the primary reasons CFS challeng ...
- Diverse Interests Back Center for Food Safety, Opp ...STATES, SCIENTISTS, ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL FARMERS, FOOD COMPANIES, EXPORTERS, FORMER GOVT. OFFICIALS, AND LEGAL SCHOLARS FILE BRIEFS IN SUPPORT. SEVEN AMICUS BRIEFS FILED IN ALL. A myriad of interests – ranging from food companies to farmers unions to scientific experts and legal scholars – have ...
- “Food, Inc.” Broadcast Premier on POV, ...The Academy Award nominated documentary, Food, Inc. premiers on PBS’s POV April 21st! Watch the trailer and tell you friends. Check your local listings for the broadcast schedule, and visit the POV website to download materials and posters to host a viewing party and potluck. You can also check out ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- This Is Mandela's South AfricaArchbishop Emeritus Desmond says that former President Mandela would be saddened by what is going on in South Africa. Mandela, who is 91, is understandably an absent figure in the current political landscape. Nonetheless, Mandela is not figuratively absent. He is a symbol, a gesture, and a myth ...
- Reporter's Notebook: Brenda Norrell-Collapse of ne ...By Brenda Norrell for Photo by James Fortier There is no better place to document the collapse of the news industry than with the coverage of what happened when military helicopters attempted to land on sacred burial ground at Wounded Knee on Pine Ridge in South Dakota on Saturday. The worst cov ...
- Dept. of Corrections and Other Matters Concerning ...The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service has received a flurry of angry responses to our coverage of the ‘Wounded Knee Crisis - 05.01.2001’ (mostly by one individual) and now that more information has come forward, we are submitting a ‘Dept. of Corrections’ report as well as our thoughts about this p ...
- Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010Indigenist World Magazine 05.2010 Sane Reading Material for Smart Aboriginals This Issue : Aboriginal News Group: Brief Thoughts About a "Random American Bombardment" J. B.Gerald: Against the killing of Anwar al-Aulakqi & others Frantz Fanon: Reciprocal Bases of National Culture and the Fight ...
- Omahkohkiaaiipooyii: Republic of Lakotah • View tT ...Republic of Lakotah • View topic - 7th Cavalry defile Lakota Burial Ground @ Wounded Knee, S.Da The U.S. 7th Cavalry, the unit of George Custer, a vain and brutal genocidal maniac responsible for the slaughter of many innocents among Indians, had a prized (by them) reputation for brutal violence. t ...
- Lobo Will Go But Not Attend EU SummitThe BBC has clarified my confusion around Honduran President Porfirio Lobo’s presence in the EU Summit. He will attend a parallel event, but not the summit itself. This is to appease the Chavez block who seemingly will never forgive Honduras for removing their ally Manuel Zelaya from office. His coa ...
- False Report, Lobo Attending EU SummitTo my relief, the report in the Proceso Digital newspaper that I blogged about earlier was false. Mr. Lobo has confirmed that he will attend the summit, criticizing those who oppose his presence as “arrogant” and “pretentious”. It is unclear to me whether Lobo changed his mind, or that the Proceso ...
- Lobo Defers To Chavez BullyingPorfirio Lobo Sosa has reportedly eliminated much of the advantage he once had over Hugo Chavez after declining an invitation to an EU Summit. A blustering Hugo Chávez had threatened a 10-nation-strong boycott of the event should Lobo attend. I hope this news item proves to be false! Mr. Lobo has sp ...
- Academy Award Winning Movie TrailerA post pointing to the the obvious lack of innovation in Hollywood through the use of a You-Tube video. Related posts:Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sexual Harassment? YouTube Taking Forever Related posts: Adorable Little Girl Recites Psalm 23 Link: Inter-species Sex ...
- Footage of Meteor in WisconsinAn impressive video capture of last night’s massive meteor fireball reported in Wisconsin. Related posts:Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics Related posts: Stargazing Dove Onslaught Aaron on US Politics
Green Times
- Carbon Offset - To REC or to Retire?There are many ways to offset, not just by simply planting trees. Retiring carbon emissions credits is considered the most pure form of offsetting…
- Environmental News -07/05/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Could CO2 be the green fuel powering tomorrow's cars? (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/06/co2-green-fuel-car) Imagine a green fuel that could power our cars, keep the wheels of ind ...
- Rosemount Australian Fashion Week Is Seeing Green!Eco-friendly fashion designers are being featured at this year’s Rosemount Australian Fashion Week, 3-7 May 2010.
- Environmental News -06/05/10Environmental News (http://www.smh.com.au/business/red-faces-over-green-home-loans-20100205-nikz.html) Minister warns car makers to shift gears on emissions (http://www.theage.com.au/business/minister-warns-car-makers-to-shift-gears-on-emissions-20100505-uasv.html) THE car industry needs to get ...
- Last Call for UNAA Awards NominationsundefinedTime is running out! Only days left until nominations close for the national United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Awards 2010.
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- U.S. interrogators scared Canadian with rape taleShareThis U.S. interrogators scared Canadian with rape tale --Khadr has said he was threatened with rape, beaten, thrown to the ground, chained in painful positions, forced to urinate on himself, terrorized by dogs and subjected to freezing temperatures and sleep deprivation at Bagram and Guantanamo ...
- Pentagon bans 4 journalists from Guantanamo courtShareThis Pentagon bans 4 journalists from Guantanamo court 06 May 2010 The Pentagon on Thursday banned four journalists from future sessions of the Guantanamo war crimes [kangaroo] court for reporting the name of a disgraced former U.S. Army interrogator. His name had been widely published during a ...
- Senate Rejects Consumer Amendment to Overhaul Bill ...ShareThis Senate Rejects Consumer Amendment to Overhaul Bill 07 May 2010 The U.S. Senate yesterday rejected two significant changes to its financial-overhaul bill, voting down restrictions on a proposed consumer-protection bureau and a plan that would have forced the largest banks to shrink in size. ...
- Taleban disown Times Square 'Idiot Bomber' ShareThis Taleban disown Times Square 'Idiot Bomber' 07 May 2010 The alleged would-be Times Square terrorist was disowned by the Pakistani Taleban yesterday as American politicians called for him to be stripped of his US citizenship so he can be tried by a military tribunal. Faisal Shahzad -- nickna ...
- Labor unions, civil-rights groups boycott ArizonaShareThis Labor unions, civil-rights groups boycott Arizona 06 May 2010 Leaders of national labor unions and civil rights groups said Thursday that they will boycott Arizona until the state's toughest-in-the-nation immigration law is repealed, overturned by the courts or superseded by congressional ...
Daily Loaf
- 3 Guys & Glee – The Podcast: Ep. 16, “Bad Reputati ...The 3 Guys are back to rehash another episode of Glee , this one entitled "Bad Reputation." It was so good, we called in backup in the form of Top Chef podcast host Katie Machol to help sort out all the drama — and maybe even provide a shoulder to cry on. (The 3 Guys are quite sensitive, ya know?) ...
- St. Pete legal drinking hours increase, Meek and G ...Florida newspapers are filled with stories about the Mason-Dixon poll on the U.S. Senate race. We write about that, and the pissing match yesterday between Kendrick Meek and Jeff Greene; In St. Petersburg, you can get now get trashed for an extra hour in the bars. CL contributor Arielle Stevenso ...
- Grab your last-minute Mother’s Day gifts from thes ...Support local businesses, buy 'green', and make Mom happy.
- The Governor’s Mistress, Chapter 6: Secluded Parad ...C. finally arrived a little more than fashionably late without an apology for keeping his constituents waiting. C.'s “beard” was in tow. Brenda, a single mom from Ocala, was just C's type – vacant and did not ask questions. To complete his image, C. brought along his personal trainer, Julian Spear ...
- Wine: Shiraz-viognier — a Cote-Rotie by another na ...An Australian study in cofermentation.
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Four Beaten and Arrested at Al-Walaje Sit-Inby Mazin Qumsiyeh Our ten hour ordeal with the occupation forces started at 8:30 AM as we gathered in the small village of Al-Walaje. A tiny store with an elderly women who insisted on making me coffee and not charging me. Idyllic setting except for the heavy bulldozers now carving the hills to ...
- Israel Arrests its Own Citizen, a Human Rights Dir ...Ittijah General Director Ameer Makhoul Arrested by Israeli Authorities Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Condemn Arrest as Arbitrary and Seek Immediate International Intervention [Ramallah, 6 May 2010] This morning at 3:10 a.m., Israeli Security Agency (GSS) agents accompanied by Israeli po ...
- Two More Arrests of Activists, One is a Teenager.From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Two residents of Ni’lin were arrested by the Israeli Army tonight, during a night-time raid on the village. Their arrest follows the two similar arrests last week, and may signal a renewed increase of anti-Wall arrests. A large military force, incl ...
- Another Day, Another Arrest of Human Rights WorkerFrom The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief. Israeli authorities have taken Izzet Sahin, the representative and founder of IHH (The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief)’s Office in West Bank, into custody on the 27th of April. Izzet Sah ...
- Villages Group: First Biodigester Unit at Work in ...(crossposted from the Villages Group Blog) Following the success of the Villages Group’s first environmental initiative – the renewable energy project, which has been now running independently for about a year under the banner Comet-ME – the Villages Group is now launching a second environmental in ...
Politics in the Zeros
- New EV battery charger. 80% charge in fifteen minu ...With special reprogramming and equipment, a Japanese firm claims they can lower that time even more, to 50% in three minutes, which is comparable time to filling up at a gas station. The JFE system uses lithium-ion batteries to store energy during off-peak hours, then directs all of this energy in a ...
- Is your senator a bankster?Dylan Ratigan The one main benefit to the financial reform effort so far is that it helps further do away with the false paradigms of “left” or “right” and “Democrat” or “Republican” â fewer and fewer people are falling for those lies anymore. What we have now is a group of politicians with shifti ...
- General McChrystal has no idea what’s going on in ...McChrystal and Eikenberry's plan for measuring progress is absolutely required if we care at all about the truth in Afghanistan. However, the variable in this plan is not necessarily the ability to produce these assessments, but access to the reliable, accurate information sources which provide the ...
- Caltrain choices: electrification or insolvencyCaltrain, which runs from San Francisco down the peninsula past San Jose to Gilroy, transports thousands of riders each day, many of them commuters. They are facing a severe budget shortfall, and say they need to convert to a modern electric-powered system which would be faster, with more frequent ...
- SEC to probe market plunge for illegalityU.S. regulators plan to examine whether securities professionals triggered yesterday’s stock- market plunge or exploited the turmoil to profit illegally, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said. The Securities and Exchange Commission aims to determine if market participants accidentally ...
- Yediot’s defense analyst: Settlement constru ...Explosive charge at the end of the pipeline Op-ed, Alex Fishman [defense correspondent], Yediot, May 6 2010 The opening was supposed to be a bit more festive. After all, the negotiations with the Palestinians are being renewed after a year and a half of a breakdown of communication. True, these ar ...
- Maariv: Foreign Ministry considering stopping lect ...Foreign Ministry considering stopping lectures Eli Bardenstein, Maariv, May 6 2010 [page 16; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Foreign Ministry officials are considering stopping the lectures by senior figures around the world, particularly in Britain. The reason: The outspoken verbal att ...
- American anger over IDF use of US Army uniforms fo ...American anger over IDF use of US Army uniforms for prisoners in stockade Itamar Eichner, Yediot, May 6 2010 [back-page; Hebrew original here and at bottom of post] Anyone who happened to pass by Military Stockade 6, near Beit Oren junction, might have been puzzled by what he or she saw: is Israel k ...
- Sheizaf: A tale of two chartersCross posted from Promised Land as the first installment of the series “Deconstructing right-wing arguments.” Every now and than you get to hear Israelis argue that we cannot have peace with the Palestinians or even withdraw from the West Bank because Hamas still opposes the idea of a Jewish state a ...
- Yediot: Dershowitz rejected Bibi’s offer to ...Note that a Israel Hayom report from April 22 2010 favored Dore Gold for the position. UN Ambassador? No, thank you Netanyahu offered Dershowitz the UN ambassador position; he and Lieberman tried to convince, but the famous Jewish-American lawyer decided to decline Itamar Eichner, Yediot, May 4 201 ...
Deadline Live
- David Ray Griffin Questioned “Do You Fear Fo ...David Ray Griffin Questioned “Do You Fear For Your Life?” Book Mark it-> del.icio.us | Reddit | Slashdot | Digg | Facebook | Technorati | Google | StumbleUpon | Window Live | Tailrank | Furl | Netscape | Yahoo | [...]
- Bureau of Land Management was doing an surprise in ...Exclusive interview of Zac Zimmerman of Zimmerman Oil reveals little-known fact that the Bureau of Land Management was doing uncharacteristic surprise inspections the day of the oil rig explosion in the gulf, and they were on THAT VERY RIG just 2 HOURS before the disaster started! Book Mark it ...
- Powerful Laser Makes Raindrops Out of Thin AirUltra-fast pulses from a powerful laser can create droplets of water out of thin air, according to a new study. With the right conditions and large enough droplets, the researchers say, the technique could be used to make rain on demand. Rain forms when water condenses around tiny particles in the a ...
- Bill: Help Terrorists, Lose CitizenshipSenate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman Thursday introduced a bipartisan bill that would revoke Americans’ citizenship for helping terrorists. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs indicated the legislation isn’t a front-burner issue with President Barack Obama or anyone else in th ...
- Faisal Shahzad’s Money MysteryAccused New York Times Square bomber Faisel Shahzad, 30, was drowning in debt, raising questions about how he managed to have wads of cash at his disposal to help carry out his alleged plot. Shahzad made at least a dozen return trips back and forth between the United States and Pakistan in the last ...
The Air Vent
- The Null TheoryRecently 250 scientists signed a letter on climate change, I urge readers to read it as it’s being touted as a big story in the news. As we are supposed to be the technical skeptics, there are a few issues which are easy pickings in the letter. The letter is an undisguised attempt to alter [...]
- Another RockThere is a myth about global warming, perpetuated by the media, that AGW does not have a political motive. I’ve had several commenters complain here that the politics are not right vs left they are on both sides. Tom Fuller would be a great example of someone on the left who sees that AGW is [.. ...
- Ugandan Ice Cap Split in Two by Global Warming!I’m not terribly inspired this morning, but in reading the news I found this headline. Global Warming Splits Ugandan Ice Cap and this Ice cap on west Ugandan mountain range splits and this Uganda’s highest ice cap splits on Mt Margherita It sounds pretty serious right, listen to this quote. Margheri ...
- Uncertainty be damned. When in doubt – GO B ...I’m glad that climate science doesn’t let things like physics, common sense or reason get in the way of their models. They have taken the ridiculous uncertainty of modeling climate in the future and expanded the range all the way to 25F. Imagine Canada with Florida temperatures, ice hockey gone ...
- CUCCINELLI THREAD PART TWOGuest post Ryan O —- The first thread was fun. Assuming Jeff is willing to entertain me, I think a second part is in order. My position is best explained with a little story. The problem with climate science is not the individual scientists or even the work being performed. The problem with clim ...
Focal Point
- AAP on Female Genital Mutilation: Let's Not and Sa ...The American Academy of Pediatrics is under fire for revising its guidelines on female genital mutilation (FGM). U.S. federal law bans all forms of female genital cutting for minors. However, the bioethics division of the AAP wants the law changed to allow doctors to ceremonially nick the clitoris ...
- U.S. Refuses International Help with Oil Spill Cle ...As of last Wednesday , 13 entities had offered assistance with the Gulf oil spill cleanup including Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations. The list offers came from a State ...
- Book Review: Born For Love Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered By Maia Szalavitz and Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Born for Love would make a great Mother's Day gift. When it comes to the biopsychosocial roots of empathy, moms play a starring role. Co-written by a science journalist and a child psychiatrist, ...
- "Think Tanked" Rolls Out� The D.C. think tank archipelago constitutes a kind of shadow government. These organizations house policy shops, lobbying and advocacy campaigns, media production, education and training programs, and much more. They even provide a sort of social safety net for the political operatives, a warm ...
- If You Oppose Equal Marriage, You Are a BigotWhen you cover a beat, you get to know the good guys and the bad guys. If you don't have strong opinions about who's who, you're probably not doing your job. Dave Weigel covers birthers, Birchers, teabaggers, and other movement conservatives for the Washington Post . Nobody knows this beat bette ...
Inside Facebook
- Thanks to Our SponsorsInside Facebook extends a big thank you to our sponsors for supporting the continued growth of Inside Facebook. Check them out below! RockYou providers developers with virtual currency and display ad monetization services. Matomy is a provider of alternative payment solutions for social netw ...
- Family Feud: How a 30-Something Brand Built a Succ ...Brands haven’t had much success in the Facebook app market. Although quite a few large companies have a successful Page for themselves or a product, it’s rare to see an app that has had any success at all working with a well-known name. Which is why we’ve been watching Family Feud [...]
- Bing Shopping Allows Publishing Items to FacebookOnline shopping just became a little bit more social, as Bing Shopping has integrated Facebook and Twitter into its interface. Now while using Bing Shopping, Facebook users can post an item to their profile, letting them begin conversations with their friends about the potential merits of owning it. ...
- Facebook’s Graph Search API Has Minor HiccupDevelopers building on top of Facebook’s new Graph Search API just saw delays in real-time content from Facebook, although the service is working now. Third party social search startups including OneRiot and Booshaka, for example, were unable to provide updates from Facebook in their services. The A ...
- Custom Page Tools Hit This Week’s List of Emerging ...This week’s list of the fastest-growing Facebook apps still under a million monthly users is pretty well packed with games, but we’ll try to point out the few non-game apps to be seen, while also picking out some interesting games. As you can see by looking at the top of the list, [...]
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Just Don't Call It "Defense": The Pentag ...truthout: Just Don't Call It "Defense": The Pentagon "base budget" request for fiscal year 2011 (beginning on O... http://bit.ly/9gZIw3 #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under P ...truthout: Hundreds of Union Janitors Fired Under Pressure From Feds: San Francisco, California - Federal immigr... http://bit.ly/9Ggp9K #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Unemployment Rises to 9.9 Percent, Drive ...truthout: Unemployment Rises to 9.9 Percent, Driven by Jump in Labor Force Participation: Nominal wage growth ... http://bit.ly/bipXX0 #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Undocumented Immigrants Pay More in Taxe ...truthout: Undocumented Immigrants Pay More in Taxes Than They Receive in Benefits: During their working life, u... http://bit.ly/aHZdX5 #Truthout #p2
- truthout: Congress Backs Wall Street, Rejects Big ...truthout: Congress Backs Wall Street, Rejects Big Bank Break-Up: Late last night, the U.S. Senate rejected the ... http://bit.ly/9CdzpC #Truthout #p2
ReDress News
- Either way, Zionists win in Britain’s confused ele ...Stuart Littlewood argues that the emergence of the Conservative Party as the largest party in the UK parliament following the 6 May general election, in which Labour came second, will guarantee the continued stranglehold of Israel’s stooges over British politics and put British security at considera ...
- Iran sanctions and worsePaul J. Balles views the campaign by Israel lobbyists in the US administration and Congress to impose sanctions on Iran as a precursor to direct aggression à la Iraq, and on the few lone voices of common sense.
- Not much time remains for Israel – film reviewGilad Atzmon reviews Elia Suleiman’s film, “The time that remains”, which depicts the struggle in Palestine between the Jewish colonial settler population and the indigenous Palestinians, contrasting the alienness of the colonists with the harmony between the indigenous population and the land.
- UK general election: Shhh... don’t mention the Isr ...Stuart Littlewood views the conspicuous absence of any mention of the Israeli occupation in the British general election campaign, against the background of the paralysing influence of the Israel lobby on the three main political parties and the silent complicity of the mainstream media, including t ...
- Israel’s Stasi watch over imams: Islamic posts fil ...Jonathan Cook reports on a case which revealed that job interviews for the position of imam at mosques in Israel are conducted not by senior clerics but by Israel’s secret police, and that the Israeli government uses spies to report on the political opinions of Muslim clerics and relay gossip about ...
Amazon Rainforest
- Second rancher sentenced for contract kill of Doro ...A second rancher has been sentenced for his role in the murder of Dorothy Stang, an American nun who was gunned down in 2005 for her efforts on behalf of poor farmers in the Amazon Rainforest. Regivaldo Galvao was sentenced to 30 years in prison by a jury in the city of Pará. Last month [...]
- Yasuni National Park- SAVED!President Raphael Correa now has approved an agreement to leave Ecuador’s largest oil reserves, amounting to some 900 million barrels, underground in Yasuni National Park in exchange for more than $3 billion. Under the unprecedented agreement, known as the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, the government of Ec ...
- Amazon watchgroups SILENT over new Chevron oil spi ...In the space of a week, a Chevron technical team has discovered two fresh oil spills in Ecuador’s oil-producing Amazon region. One covers three hectares (7.4 acres) near state-owned oil company Petroecuador’s Guanta production station in the heart of Cofan indigenous country. The other impacts half ...
- Amazon River dolphin new stunning photos!The Amazon River dolphin (Bufeo, Bufeo Colorado, Boto, Boto Cor de Rosa, Boutu, Nay, Tonina) or Pink River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), is a freshwater River dolphin endemic to the Orinoco, Amazon and Araguaia/Tocantins River systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. These we ...
- Belo Monte dam auction proceeds despite protests!Bidding for electricity generated by Brazil’s planned Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon rainforest has been marked by protests and legal confusion. A court injunction issued late Monday suspended the dam auction overnight, throwing the bidding process into a state of chaos. Just moments before the aucti ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Jamiol Presents
- Crossing ZeroThe Vanishing Point for the American Empire The region today delineated as both Afghanistan and Pakistan has known many borders over the millennia, yet none have been more artificial or contentious than the one today separating Pakistan from Afghanistan known as the Durand line but referred to by th ...
- Podcast Show #28The Boiling Frogs Presents Professor Francis Boyle Professor Francis Boyle discusses the October 2001 anthrax attack, the technology behind the letter to Senator Daschle, and assesses the case based on his years of expertise with America’s bio-weapons programs, and as an expert who was responsibl ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Boiling Frogs Video Presents Colonel Larry Wilkers ...Exclusive Interview: Tyranny & Politics of Fear, Loyalty to Israel vs. US Boiling Frogs Post presents an exclusive interview with Colonel Larry Wilkerson on the tyrannical presidency and politics of fear, Israel’s interests versus US interests and the question of loyalties, and more: As a card carry ...
Afro Spear
- Bunny Wailer – Liberation!When I was a part of the Uhuru Movement here in Oakland Ca, back in the late 1980s, I was introduced to alot of powerful protest music, and most of it was Roots Reggae. I was already familiar with Bob Marley, since his hit Roots, Rock, Reggae was played “on the R and B” here [...]
- A Compassionate Soulwho will cry for the little boy, lost and all alone who will cry for the little boy, abandoned without his own who will cry for the little boy, he cried himself to sleep who will cry for the little boy, who never had it for keeps who will cry for the little boy, who [...]
- “Can Egypt lay such claims over the river Th ...Hearing the mealymouthed hypocrisy-cum-lie propounded by Egyptian authorities, one feels nauseous. There is this standoff regarding who should and who should not use the waters of Nile. Egyptians and Sudanese want colonial agreement over the use of Nile water to apply as it deprives upstream countri ...
- Jonah’s Gourd VineI love the Book of Jonah in the Bible. I love how Jonah was so self indulgent, yet God was so patient with him. As we know, Jonah did not want to prophesy to the people Nineveh as God had commanded him, so he rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the [...]
- At The Museum: Carrie Mae WeemsLast weekend (4/24/10), I visited New York’s Museum of Modern Art & fell in love in the photography gallery. I always fall in love in their portrait gallery so this is really no new news! What made me fall during my most recent visit was Carrie Mae Weems’ “From Here I Saw What Happened and [...]
Expose the BNP
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative candidat ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop denying ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well ...
- Nick Griffin: “If Hitler hadn’t been s ...The following is a transcript of Dominic Carmen’s speech given at the Expose the BNP media briefing, held at the NUJ headquarters on 7th April. At the 1987 General Election, the BNP put up two candidates and received 553 votes. It was beaten hands down by the Monster Raving Loony Party which put up ...
- Journalists expose ‘murky world’ of far rightLeading anti-fascist journalists last week gave a fascinating insight into the “murky and disturbing world of far right politics”. Nick Griffin’s biographer Dominic Carman and photojournalist Marc Vallée shed light on the violent and antidemocratic core of the BNP and the English Defence League. A s ...
- Gulf Oil Disaster Action CentralThe Gulf Oil Disaster is the latest symptom of the madness being unleashed on Mother Earth, Mankind, Wildlife and Life itself. SEN will here post links to every action you can take. Visit often because more will arise in coming weeks and months. If you learn of one we've missed, please enter it in a ...
- Petition for Global Warming Facts on Fox News, PLU ...SEN's Co-Founder Gregory Hilbert told Huffington bloggers Mary Ellen Harte PhD and John Harte PhD of cooltheearth, "The Discovery Palin Alaska petition-condemnation-boycott campaigns by Defenders of Wildlife, Credo, Change.org, Center for Biodiversity, Care2 Petitioners, Facebook groups and SEN have ...
- Climate&Energy “Speak Up&Out” ResultsIn April SENÂ published “Drill Oil and the USA and World to Hell?” To our users we said “Tell Sustainability Education Network’s sen4earth.org what YOU believe and what YOU Demand of government in Energy & Climate policy and legislation.” “SEN will report the overall results to you and to media, AN ...
- Earth Day 2010Take Initiative! earth day SEN encourages you to take the Clinton Foundation’s climate change quiz and tell your friends to do it too! For every person who takes the quiz by April 22 – Earth Day, $2 will automatically be donated to purchase solar flashlights for victims of the Haiti earthquake. When ...
- A Prayer Chain for Mother EarthClick Here for “Hug Spiritual Trees” on SEN You’ll find a Prayer for Mother Earth, a Prayer for All Life, and a Prayer Chain for Earth that’s just getting underway. Help it spread around the world!Â
If Americans Knew
- The invisible government: Propaganda Disguised as ...John Pilger: In a speech in Chicago, John Pilger describes how propaganda has become such a potent force in our lives and, in the words of one of its founders, represents 'an invisible government'.
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine providence ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
- Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first week to ...
- Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... i ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their Gandh ...
David J. Gregory
- Oil Rig in Gulf pictures, Last momentsEveryone now knows of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig which caught fire, burned for two days, and then sank in 5,000 ft of water in the Gulf of Mexico. There are still 11 men missing, and they are not expected to be found. Here are some details that you may not have seen or heard [...]
- Gulf Catastrophe or Drill, Baby, DrillThe depth of this catastrophe will have worldwide ramifications and note who it is that covers this story with in-depth analysis; it is not the American media, but rather the BBC. The tentacles of Corporate America will soon discover even their manipulation of the news will not hide these facts. (DR ...
- The Odd World of Right Wing Rage
- Very BusyWe have been busy working on a new site, EYEONCITRUS.COM, which will be a news site with an emphasis on Citrus County and the surrounding areas. In addition to the local news we will offer National and International news along with sporting news. Along with this we are continually working on our DVD ...
- REMINDER: The Vast Majority Of The Government Defi ...Many people right now are making a scare story out of the U.S. government’s future deficit projections. Many of these same people are also blaming our government’s horrific projected deficits on the current administration. Problem is, as shown in the chart below (via The Economist), America’s defic ...
Unsuitable Blog
- Sustainable Brands 2010 (from The Good Human)David at The Good Human got in touch to let me know about his brilliant article on yet another “Hey guys, aren’t we green!” PR back-slapping shindig. Of course I had to repost it, and couldn’t resist a little subvertising (see above)… What do you get when a bunch of unsustainable companies pay a lo ...
- We Are The Hollow MenThe difference is stark and intense – from a vision of the sub-American suburban Utopia ringed with shopping malls and trunk roads, to a house on the edge of a Scottish village within earshot of the River Tweed, surrounded by the kind of garden that would tempt the most driven individual to pack up ...
- Taking A Break, So Here’s Someone Else’ ...We’ve been enjoying the sunshine (yes, wonderful sunshine) of North Wales for the past week and now we’re moving house, so The Unsuitablog has had to take a back seat for the time being. Don’t worry, we will be back soon, but to tide you over is the latest from the RANVideo YouTube channel, which [ ...
- Jan Lundberg Attacks Sierra Club’s Support f ...Our good friends The Sierra Club are at it again – this time with regards to motor transport. The Sierra Club believe you can have “clean cars” as demonstrated by this press release, emanating from the new radical Executive Director, Michael Brune (didn’t take long for him to become a member of the ...
- Greenwash of the Week: Chevron’s Solar Proje ...Yes, I’m being lazy: we’re packing to move house so The Unsuitablog will be a bit sporadic for a while. Thank goodness there’s so much greenwash to choose from out there. (That was a joke)
Subalternate Reality
- Aliou KumbayaMy brother Aliou Niasse has saved the day. He was the first to spot smoke coming out of the Nissan Pathfinder that Faisal Shahzad intended to detonate in crowded Times Square. Thankfully, the incompetence of Shahzab and the alertness of Niasse and two other gentlemen, both of whom are Vietnam War v ...
- Exploring The Idea Of The “Intolerant Muslim”In his column today, the New York Times Ross Douthat takes Comedy Central and others to task for censoring depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. Douthat sees a double standard afoot, pointing out that while our sensibilities are routinely satirized, “Islam is just about the only place where we draw a ...
- Lingering Racism Against African-IraqisToday, the New York Times posted a rather disturbing article about the level racism in Iraq. There are an estimated 1.2 million African-Iraqis. By and large, nearly all are treated like second-class citizens. In fact, the discrimination is so engrained “that they are commonly referred to as “abd” ...
- Galbraith: 2nd Stimulus NeededUniversity of Texas economics professor James Galbraith appeared on Al Jazeera today to discuss his vision for economic recovery. The first priority, said Galbraith, is to fill state budget gaps. While the concern over of the growing deficit and the national debt is important, ultimately, “unless ...
- Evo Morales Scores AgainEvo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has secured reelection by a landslide. In fact, the victory gives him an even greater mandate than the one he previously enjoyed. Unofficial results show that Morales received 63 percent of the vote, an increase of almost 10 percentage points from ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Freedom Fone Answers Questions on Zimbabwe Constit ...Two weeks ago the latest version of Freedom Fone , affectionately known to his handlers as "Fred," was set loose. Inspired by the cockney rhyming slang "dog and bone" (meaning phone), the Freedom Fone dog logo and quirky character of Fred was born a few years ago. Fred is still young, but after a ...
- Programming Language for Kids Banned from Apple Ap ...The MIT News Office recently interviewed one of our colleagues at the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, Mitch Resnick. Resnick is a long-time Media Lab professor best known for helping develop and deploy Scratch, a programming language for kids. But this month Apple rejected an app that would al ...
- In Need of a DocumentCloud for Video, DataBrainstorming the next brilliant News Challenge project? I've got two for you, and you've got until fall to noodle over them. As the program director for DocumentCloud I spend a lot of time talking to journalists, writers and researchers about what DocumentCloud is and, often, what it isn't. Do ...
- Programmer-Journalist? Hacker-Journalist? Our Iden ...Jacqui Maher is the most recent addition to my Interactive News team at the New York Times, and although she started almost six months ago, I have yet to get her business cards -- an embarrassing fact she (rightly) points out at regular intervals. I'm not raising this to highlight my shortcomings as ...
- A Real Watershed Moment for Citizen Journalism in ...Ever heard of load shedding? It's one of the cleverest bits of Orwellian double speak the south African government (or in this case the government-owned electricity company ESKOM ) has ever cooked up. It means, in plain English, power cuts -- as in cutting off electricity to whole areas. Not beca ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Edge of Justice - Gamut of Legal Experts Quest ...Several former U.S. attorneys general, a former deputy attorney general, more than half-a-dozen former U.S. attorneys and a former federal judge have authored and signed letters to the judge in the Sholom Rubashkin case , criticizing the prosecutors’ recommendation that Rubashkin receive life in pri ...
- Wikipedia Promotes Mob Rule in InformationI quite agree with your author that Wikipedia is a vast threat to mankind's reservoir of knowledge (see “Wikipedia—The Dumbing Down of World Knowledge” , Page One, April 12, 2010). This threat increases each day as more and more students consult Wikipedia, even though teachers and scholars continue ...
- Wikipedia on the Edge - Wikipedia Struggles with H ...Wikipedia posters continued to struggle with the campaign to delete information about IBM’s involvement in the Holocaust as contributors posted and reposted conflicting theories of what should and should not be allowed to appear in the Internet encyclopedia. Wikipedia is the massive online project a ...
- Edge of Recovery - Goldman Sachs E-mails Suggest F ...A Senate panel has released e-mails from Goldman Sachs executives that suggest the investment bank profited from the mortgage crisis. The e-mails released Saturday by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations show Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein saying the bank initially los ...
- The Obama Edge - A Wrong Turn in Obama’s Mideast P ...Nothing illustrates more how off-track the Obama Administration policy has gone as its expressions that a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is critical to winning over Arab support for America’s policy to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. This is a lazy and ultimately futile way ...
High Country News
- Goodbye, Rocky Mountain News; hello, Mrs. LiFormer Rocky Mountain News employees meet to lament -- and celebrate -- how their lives have changed since Colorado's oldest newspaper folded a year ago.
- Grand Canyon River GuidesAn illustrated timeline follows the development of professional Grand Canyon river rafting.
- One Way to Save the Wolf? Hunt It.Montana wildlife managers say the state's first wolf hunt has been a success -- for both the hunters and their prey.
- Audio: High Country Views, episode 5Hal Herring and Cally Carswell talk hunting, conservation and wolves.
- Urban habitatThe ups and downs of an Audubon nature center in the middle of low-income urban L.A.
- Supporting Maoists Will Invite 10 Year JailBy Times of India Those who speak in favour of Maoist guerrillas will face legal action and 10 years imprisonment, the government announced Thursday in a warning to civil society groups who raise voices in favour of Leftwing extremism
- Genetically ModifiedBy Layla Anwar Thousands of Iraqi mothers are being asked not to get pregnant at all.The reason for this pregnancy dissuasion stems from the fact that the West who cares so much about its own little infants, had absolutely no qualms into pouring tons of lethal chemicals as in Weapons of Mass Destr ...
- Iraq - Its An Iranian AllianceBy Tariq Alhomayed There is no other way to describe the electoral alliance that was announced on Tuesday between the State of Law Coalition and the Iraqi National Alliance except as an Iranian one. What is considered a purely sectarian alliance made sectarianism prevail over the nation, with the ...
- Greek Parliament Approves Deep Social Cuts In Face ...By Joe Kishore & Alex Lantier The Greek Parliament voted to approve 30 billion Euros in cuts to jobs, wages, pensions, and social spending Thursday, the day after a general strike against the measures. The cuts were agreed to by Prime Minister George Papandreou as part of a loan package from Euro ...
- Greeces Workers RevoltBy Antonis Davenellos Antonis Davenellos, a member of International Workers Left, reports from Athens on the brewing protests as the government imposes harsh austerity measures
Contagious Love Experiment
- The Next Step: Responsibility and ReconciliationLast week was filled with interviews where myself and, at times, another member of the company I deployed with, talked to as many people as we could about the Collateral Murder video, focusing on three points. 1. The video, in context, is not a case of soldiers breaking from the system 2. With the t ...
- OPPORTUNITY TO HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFGHANISTANAn amazing opportunity is available for communities across the country: The videos from Our Journey to Smile which I’ve been posting on here have been compiled into one long film. On 3/27 at 9pm (est), we will be showing the film along with others groups across the US. Additionally, we will be live ...
- The Ink PeopleLast week, my friend from Eureka, CA, Dave Berman informed me that the community organization where Conor and I spoke on Halloween night was hit by a 6.5 earthquake. The Ink People are, as Dave said, ” limping along”: They are “only able to find temporary space for some admin work and a few of its ...
- You might just find that you get what you needThroughout these intense past few years, there have been times when I have nearly lost any kind of faith. Sometimes what I was seeing on a day to day basis looked far to ugly for there to be a God. Though questions still abound, I understand that sometimes it takes the worst kind of suffering to [.. ...
- Dangerous gatherings in Afghanistan!
Yid With Lid
- After Times Square: The Media's Refusal to Discuss ...By Barry Rubin A lot has been said about media contortions to avoid the “I” word when talking about terrorists, and most specifically about the Times Square bomber. But when one sees it in an extended analysis (22 long paragraphs) in the country’s best newspaper, not just some remarks on te ...
- No Transparency Obama's EPA: Press Conference Spea ...Once or twice a week I attend conference calls with public officials or lobbyists to get a briefing on their latest projects. Sometimes the information is useful and I write it up, others are saved for later and still others provide information that is not really new and is ignored. But at all times ...
- EXPOSED: A Brand New Obama Lie About ObamacareDuring the long heath care debate the President kept saying over and over � "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people, If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep yo ...
- Schumer's Campaign Finance Bill Restricts Corpora ...Two weeks ago Chuck Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court building to announce a fight against the first amendment, the "Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act" the DISCLOSE act. DISCLOSE "Get it?" asked Schumer when he announced the bill. Oh we got it, thi ...
- Ahmadinejad Unveils His Grand Strategy: A Nuclear ...By Barry Rubin Whatever you think of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad he is not a stupid man. And he's also not acting like an intimidated one. During the latest UN meeting on nuclear issues, when the new International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)director-general urged Iran to "clarify" ...
The Real Agenda
- The New Prison Industrial-ComplexGlobal Research There is a new technological trend in the United States that promises to use advances in Internet, GPS, and chemical detection technology to manage states’ surging prison and parolee populations. Several states, particularly those with massive budget deficits like California and Mich ...
- Watch out for Diabetes Drugs. Your Heart will tha ...Natural News Widely used diabetes drugs appear to increase patients’ risk of potentially fatal heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in the British Medical Journal. Researchers examined patient and prescription records to examine ra ...
- How Big is the Reserve and How Big are the Lies?Money Changer On February 15 a friend called me today to ask how much money the banking system could have created on $100 in 1947. I dug into my files and into the St. Louis Fed’s data On February 15 a friend called metoday to ask how much money the banking system could have created on $100 in ...
- Let’s talk European Double DipRT The US and Russia are gaining traction on an economic rebound, with China posting rudely healthy 1Q 2010 GDP growth. But its time for Europe to get ready for Recession – the sequel. Jean Claude Trichet is an urbane, intelligent and eminently reasonable man, and the ECB he leads has, as he rightly ...
- Scientists say ‘climate change science under ...Is recent history not a cause for concern? Everyone and everything in science should be under a magnifying glass, especially when fraud has been found. Climate science has become a religion and therefore it is the scientists who have to convince us their findings are real and not manipulation of d ...
Wind Watch
- Thorndike votes for strict wind ordinanceTHORNDIKE — With no discussion and little fanfare, Thorndike residents voted at Saturday morning’s annual town meeting to adopt a comprehensive, strict wind energy ordinance, which would require mile-long setbacks between wind turbine towers and homes. Although some of the estimated 100 people prese ...
- Scots wind farm shut over safety fears after 150ft ...Europe’s largest wind farm ground to a halt after a 150ft blade snapped off one of the turbines. All 140 of the giant machines were immediately shut down at the £300million development near Glasgow until they could be inspected. Engineers at Whitelee wind farm, which is run by ScottishPower Renewa ...
- Wind giveth, but power plants may be taking awayWind energy is seen as a vital piece of the renewable-energy movement. But it may be contributing to the pollution problem along the Front Range, according to a draft report sponsored by members of Colorado’s natural gas industry. The report says that the greatly increased use of wind energy in th ...
- PUC rejects Deepwater contract on priceWARWICK – The R.I. Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday rejected as too expensive a proposed power-purchase agreement between Deepwater Wind LLC and National Grid Plc, dealing a heavy blow to Deepwater’s plan to build a wind farm off Block Island. The three commissioners unanimously voted down the ...
- Wellfleet selectmen kill turbine planFive years of work to build a 400-foot-tall wind turbine on town-owned land overlooking White Crest Beach came to a crashing halt last night as selectmen voted unanimously to kill the project. “I embrace alternative energy and it grieves me to be supporting the end of this project,” Selectman Jacque ...
Not My Tribe
- Simon Wiesenthal Center makes best case against Is ...Give Israel credit for answering their critics head on, but that is the Zionist hubris. Simon Wiesenthal is propagating the latest Hasbara crib sheet to counter the ten most threatening lies about Israel. We couldn’t have summarized the arguments better ourselves. One man’s “lies” are his victim’s d ...
- Update on Times Square Poseur… Smile for the ...As predicted, the Anti-Immigrant faction of DumFox Nation have pounced on the immigrant status… actually, long time naturalized citizenship, of the Alleged Taliban. More and more I get the feeling that ICE and DHS set this up as a False Flag to end all False Flags. Hired a swarthy looking fellow cho ...
- BP Deepwater Horizon oil well blowoutAt up to 30 gallons per second, is it a spill, a leak, or a torrent? Of course “Oil Spill” no longer means substance fallen out, nor leak, amount escaped. It describes the mess that’s left, and the Deepwater Horizon is still being downplayed as potentially worse than the Exxon Valdez, but nowhere ne ...
- UCSD divestment hearing tweetedThe University of California San Diego student council decided to postpone its resolution to address the suffering of Palestine, but let public comments play out. UCSD Divest For Peace chronicled the proceeding in Tweets which we retweet below so future student discussions don’t have to rehash the b ...
- 2-word punchline for President Obama: Predator Dro ...A protective father warns off potential first suitors with the specter of Predator Drones. Nothing outré about gallows humor, but people are put off when it comes from the mouth of the hangman. Of course, what have the Jonas Brothers really to fear — US drone strikes hit very few of their intended ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- WTC Free Fall Rebuttal to dprjonesStooBradley YouTube.com May 04, 2010 In a recent video dprjones challenged "Truthers" to address his 5 points about the collapse of the WTC towers on 9/11. Contrary to his advice to avoid facts and evidence, here is my rebuttal that offers a more accurate way to measure collapse speeds and a closer ...
- More Discrediting by AssociationPat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog asks the question " How Indeed Could We Think of the Truthers As Kooks and Weirdos ;" pointing to these articles posted on 911blogger.com yesterday. An anonymous commenter on Pat's blog first made note that above the 911blogger post in question it is clea ...
- Bin Laden "Living Comfortably in Iran"Is there a country you want to invade? Can't get those pesky free-thinking citizens to agree? No problem, we've got just the thing to you! It's called Feathered Cocaine - The Bogeyman Reviver! Guaranteed to resurrect your favourite long-dead, face-changing, ex-CIA asset ... or your money back!
- 9/11 Un-debunked Version 2.0A new version of my "9/11 Un -debunked" series. I will be uploading new videos to the playlist from time to time. To view the videos separately , please go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/citizenfor911truth1
- My New Blog [Renamed]As people may have noticed, I haven't exactly been staying on topic in recent months in my blog posts. So to avoid discrediting this blog any further, I've created my own personal blog to talk about general stuff that's beyond the scope of this blog. It's called "Scootle The Anti-Skeptic" (I need to ...
Blacklisted News
- Romania braces for austerity ROMANIA braced on Friday for a wave of protests after the president unveiled austerity cuts in public sector wages and pensions to meet a deficit target set by the IMF and avoid a Greek emergency scenario.
- Untapping the EU-US trade potential: Taking the Tr ...
- Greek protesters encircle parliament as new auster ...Tens of thousands of Greek citizens marched in the center of Athens on Thursday afternoon, encircling the parliament building, while inside the bill on the new austerity measures was approved.
- CIA allowed to kill terrorist suspects without ide ...The CIA received secret permission to attack a wider range of targets, including suspected militants whose names are not known, as part of a dramatic expansion of its campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan's border region, current and former counter-terrorism officials say.
- High-Speed Trading Glitch Costs Investors Billions“ Procter & Gamble should never have traded at $39. But a lot of people lost money as if the prices were meant to drop.”
The Intelligence Daily
- Possible Responses to Peak Oil: Some Lessons from ...This is a guest post by Dr. Joerg Friedrichs, University Lecturer in Politics, University of...
- 8 Theories For Why The Stock Market Plunged Almost ...By Michael T. Snyder (The Intelligence Daily) — In one of the most dizzying half-hours in...
- GM Biofuels: Another Planned DisasterBy Rady Ananda (The Intelligence Daily) — Governments around the world have proposed...
- There is a bit of Neanderthal in all of usMany people alive today possess some Neanderthal ancestry, according to a landmark scientific...
- Israel Prepares for Possibility of Summer War with ...Emerging from a briefing earlier this week with top Israeli intelligence officers, one Israeli...
My AntiWar
- IAEA’s Amano Oversteps His Bounds on IranSummary: Yukiya AmanoAccording to the New York Times, IAEA head Amano has “asserted a right” to investigate Iran’s missile program because it could be related to nuclear weapons. He has also repeated the mantra that the IAEA cannot verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program be ...
- Iran positive on fresh nuclear talks with WestSummary: ANKARA ? Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has welcomed a proposal for new talks with Western powers over his country’s nuclear programme, possibly in Turkey, media reported late Friday. source: AFPread more
- Pentagon: More Money for Weapons, Less Money for T ...
- Pakistani Militant Groups Out in the Open
- ‘Sergio’ Makes Clear How Much Was Lost ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- IAEA's Amano Oversteps His Bounds on IranSummary: Yukiya Amano According to the New York Times, IAEA head Amano has "asserted a right" to investigate Iran's missile program because it could be related to nuclear weapons. He has also repeated the mantra that the IAEA cannot verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear progr ...
- Iran positive on fresh nuclear talks with WestSummary: ANKARA — Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has welcomed a proposal for new talks with Western powers over his country's nuclear programme, possibly in Turkey, media reported late Friday. source: AFP read more
- The NPT farceSummary: While no one seems to have any logical answers to these questions, the United Nations ceremoniously holds NPT "Review Conferences" every five years. The May 2010 Review Conference would have been just another routine event had it not been for Iran's president, Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, w ...
- Iran, the US and the UN Nuclear ConferenceSummary: The Obama administration and the US media have exploited the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to New York to again threaten Iran with further UN sanctions and military action over its nuclear programs and demonise the Iranian president. Ahmadinejad was present for the ope ...
- Russia says Iran attack 'disastrous'Summary: In a meeting with ambassadors from Arab states on Wednesday, Lavrov reaffirmed Moscow's support for diplomatically engaging Tehran and warned against the “disastrous” consequences of taking military action. source: Press TV read more
The Daily Galaxy
- NASA: 4-Billion-Year-Old Antarctica Meteorite Poin ...Emboldened by the recent discovery of an ancient ocean and warm-water lakes on early Mars as well as the discovery of biologically-produced methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet, NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old controversy on...
- DNA Time Travel - Species Discovered that Sleep fo ...Nature has found a way send genetic information forward through time, and no, it doesn't involve Doctor Who finally getting with Rose. Tiny crustaceans can bury their young in the Earth for centuries, and scientists in the new and awesomely-named...
- Vast Cloud of Antimatter Discovered Near Center of ...Several years of observations from the European Space Agency’s Integral (INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) satellite have solved one of the most vexing mysteries in our Milky Way: the origin of a giant cloud of antimatter surrounding the galactic center. The...
- Antimatter Surges Observed in the UniverseScientists have seen surges in antimatter particles sweeping through space, and some believe the cause could be collapsing cosmic strings. As opposed to Ming the Merciless. Note that cosmic strings are entirely different strings from string theory - blame any...
- Our Android Future? Biomaterials Mimic BiologyLike a pair of droids out of Blade Runner, DARPA is creating a soft robot and Virginia Tech has engineered artificial proteins can now mimic the elastic properties of muscles in living organisms. "Our goal is to use these biomaterials...
Natural News
- The BP plan for offshore rig riches (comic)(NaturalNews) Reports about the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill have been largely underestimated, according to commentators, including Paul Noel, a Software Engineer for the U.S. Army at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. He believes that the pocket of oil that's been hit is so powerful and under so much ...
- NIH panel foolishly insists Alzheimer's can't be p ...(NaturalNews) An independent panel of supposed experts recently met at the National Institutes of Health near Washington, D.C., to discuss whether or not Alzheimer's Disease can be prevented through dietary and lifestyle changes. After evaluating a handful of studies that deal with the subject, the ...
- Drink to your kidney health with lemonade to avoid ...(NaturalNews) Kidney stones are solid pieces of material that form in a kidney. They can stay there or they may travel down the urinary tract until they are eliminated naturally. Unfortunately, kidney stones can also get stuck in the ureter, bladder or urethra. The result can be bleeding, blockage o ...
- Diabetes drugs warning: they cause heart problems(NaturalNews) Widely used diabetes drugs appear to increase patients' risk of potentially fatal heart problems, according to a study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and published in the British Medical Journal .Researchers examined patient and prescription records to examine ra ...
- Mary Aspinwall joins NaturalNews Talk Hour to expl ...(NaturalNews) This week the NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Mary Aspinwall, registered Homeopath and best-selling author with an important message about your health. Don't miss this show -- LIVE -- Thursday night 6 pm (PST) / 9 pm (EST). Free registration is required. Simply enter your email address ...
Threat Level
- FCC Lets Hollywood Turn Off Your Output JacksHollywood will soon have the power to remotely disable the analog outputs on your set-top box, under a decision by federal regulators on Friday intended to prevent home recording of new movie releases. The move by the Federal Communications Commission grants cable and satellite providers the power ...
- Coder Journeys From Wall Street to PrisonOver a month has elapsed since the years-long investigation and prosecution of TJX hacker Albert Gonzalez came to a dramatic end, with Gonzalez sentenced to 20 years in prison for the largest identity theft case in U.S. history. Now a little-noted postscript to that high-profile case is unfolding aw ...
- Wired Urges Judge to Unseal Gizmodo SearchWired.com and other news outlets are asking a California judge to unseal the search warrant affidavit that led to a police raid on the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, who paid $5,000 for a prototype 4G iPhone. Under California law, the public has a right to see the documents that led San Mateo Co ...
- Bombing Arrest Followed Law Enforcement Slip-Ups a ...“I was expecting you,” suspected bomber Faisal Shahzad reportedly told the border agents who seized him from his Dubai-bound flight Monday evening. And clearly the suspect should have been expecting agents, given the trail of clues he allegedly left behind and the steps investigators were taking t ...
- Judge Rules Post on Cop-Rating Site is Protected S ...A federal judge has struck down a Florida law prohibiting the publication of a police officer’s name, phone number or address, calling the statute an unconstitutional restraint on speech. The decision leaves Arizona, Colorado and Washington state with similar laws on the books. Florida authoritie ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Tea Party Woodstock Slated for 9/11 AnniversaryThis September 11th, Tea Party organizers will commemorate that American tragedy not with a plea for shared sacrifice and national unity, but with a partisan shindig. But what they are calling the " Woodstock of tea parties " has only one thing in common with the legendary 1969 gathering in upstate ...
- God's Own Tea PartyThe first lesson in Tea Party 101 is this: Tea Party supporters are just Republicans , only more so. They're old, white, very conservative and vote Republican. They shout the same incendiary slogans on display at any McCain-Palin rally circa October 2008. Tea Baggers and Republicans believe the s ...
- McCain's Triple Flip-Flop on ImmigrationIt was just three weeks ago that John McCain rewrote his autobiography by proclaiming, "I never considered myself a maverick." Now, the draconian new immigration law in his home state of Arizona has highlighted McCain's tortured reversals on the issue. As even CNN noted on Friday, John McCain was ...
- Intensity vs. Propensity in the 2010 CampaignThis week has brought a mixed bag for Democrats anxious about the party's prospects for the 2010 midterm elections. Gallup reported a marked shrinkage in the " enthusiasm gap ," as the GOP's edge in "very enthusiastic" voters dropped by half since early April/ But as Hotline reported, Democratic ...
- History Shows Democrats the Party to Trust on Wall ...In just a matter of days, the Republican effort to protect predatory Wall Street bankers has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. Last week, Mitch McConnell endlessly parroted Frank Luntz' " permanent bailout " talking point - the day after meeting with financial executives in New York. Then o ...
Blackspot News Feed
- McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About ...Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been blasting the Senate’s financial regulatory reform bill in recent days, falsely arguing that it “institutionalizes” bailouts for Wall Street. read more
- Arizona Legislature Makes Being Undocumented a Cri ...Arizona is on track to become the first state in the nation to make it a misdemeanor for a person to be there without legal immigration documents.
- Welcome to “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month”We are halfway through April, which you may not have realized has been dubbed “Abortion Recovery Awareness Month” for the second year in a row by Texas Governor, Rick Perry and Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty. Just for the record: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month is not designed to offer comfort t ...
- Tax Grousing Tells Half The StoryIt’s tax time again, the time of year when Americans grouse about forking over part of their hard-earned cash to the dear old government. These days, there’s a whole movement dedicated to grumbling about taxes full time — I’m talking, of course, about the Right’s latest incarnation — tea partiers, w ...
- Turkish Mayor Acquitted on Misconduct Charges ... ...The charges related to his decision to provide up to 10 tons of water free of charge to district residents in a stand against water privatization.
Consortium News
- Key October Surprise Evidence HiddenA Russian report on the 1980 October Surprise case was apparently kept from the chief congressional investigator, says Robert Parry. May 6, 2010
- The Original Anti-War Mother's DayThe first Mother's Day was not just a time to express sentimentality; it was a protest against the evils of war, recalls Gary G. Kohls. May 6, 2010
- Loose Lips on Iran Can Sink AmericaLoose talk on Iraq tricked the U.S into the disastrous war in Iraq; now the same loose lips are flapping about Iran, says Ray McGovern. May 5, 2010
- BP Flouted US Safety RulesBesides the oil spill fouling the Gulf of Mexico, BP has a history of cutting corners on safety regulations, reports Jason Leopold. May 5, 2010
- The Tea Party's Blind Eye on TortureTea Partiers say they want liberty from Big Government, but didn't object to President Bush's "war on terror" abuses, notes Ivan Eland. May 4, 2010
- :
- Greg Moses : Mormons for Racial Profiling?
- Alexander Cockburn : Marijuana, Boom and Bust
- Alexander Cockburn : The White House Egg Roll v. G ...
- Uri Avnery : The Dubai Hit
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Return, so be it (Anayat Durrani, Al-Ahram Weekly ...The eighth Annual International Al-Awda Convention kicked off in Anaheim, California, this past weekend to a packed audience of Palestinians and their growing supporters. Commemorating 62 years of Nakba, the three-day convention also marked 10 years of the existence and strong commitment of the Al-A ...
- More suspects named in Dubai murder (Al Jazeera)Police in Dubai have named five new suspects in connection with the murder of a Hamas officialin January, officials have said. The five men reportedly carried passports from Britain, Australia and France. Authorities in New Zealand are also checking whether one of their passports was used by the men ...
- Israel plans new train network in West Bank ()Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz announced Tuesday that his ministry was promoting a plan to establish a train network in the occupied West Bank which will converge with the new train tracks planned throughout Israel. Katz was quoted in the Israeli press as saying that the plan had been ...
- West Bank mosque destroyed (Al Jazeera)
- In pictures: Gaza artificial limb centre (BBC New ...A slideshow of photos and stories from the Gaza artificial limb centre. The Artificial Limb and Polio Centre is Gaza's only prosthetics workshop. Abdullah al-Krunz has worked as a te ...
Water - AlterNet
- 10 Ways to Change Your LifeWith simple modifications to your daily routine, you can be part of a cleaner, more sustainable world.
- Gulf Coast Braces for Economic Disasater In Wake o ...As if the ecological destruction weren't enough, the Gulf Coast economy faces billions in losses from BP's recklessness.
- The Pill Turns 50: Its Surprising Effects on Popul ...With so many women today taking the pill, we need to think about the adverse ecological effects that this powerful pharmaceutical have on our water supply.
- The Political Impact of the BP Gulf Spill So FarThe germ of genuine policy and action can be planted during the course of such a disaster -- has it?
- BP's Oil Disaster: The Numbers Will Shock YouAt best 20% of the oil spill may be recoverable. Though we don't yet know the full extent of the disaster, one thing is for sure: regulatory failures paved the way.
- TruthHugger is on indefinite vacation.Zzzzzzzz Time is not on my side. Although I continue to observe and analyze current events and political shenanigans with critical eyes. I am setting aside the venting of opinion and observation to attend to personal priorities. TruthHugger may be resurrected during the next political disaster, but ...
- Note to readersI’m om a hiatus again. Check back now and then, I may surprise you. Tagged: Personal Note
- Texas Progressive Alliance Monday, February 22, 20 ...Monday, February 22, 2010 Texas Blog Roundup The Texas Progressive Alliance reminds you that early voting runs through this Friday at 7 PM for the primaries as it brings you this week’s blog highlights. BossKitty at TruthHugger is amazed that anger is directed toward the Internal Revenue Servic ...
- Tax and Defiance – Short Sighted Protester, Joe St ...Income Tax is Public money that is managed by our elected politicians, who also design the rules for how to use that money. The American Voter is where the ultimate responsibility lies. If the American voter cannot recognize they are complicit in creating a monster taxation system, they can throw ...
- Military Sexual Offenses, Nothing New – Don’t Ask, ...How American’s deal with their sexual drives has a long twisted history of abuse and disinformation
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Who is a Threat to World Peace? by Finian Cunningh ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/04/who-is-a-threat-to-world-peace-by-fi
- Socialism? Un-American? I Think Not! By Timothy V. ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/04/socialism-un-american-i-think-not-by
- The Lady Doth Protest Too Much By Ed Ciacciotweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/the-lady-doth-protest-too-much-by-ed
- The Drone Bomber by Cindy Sheehantweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/the-drone-bomber-by-cindy-sheehan/';
- Why Not... Save Our Republic? by Philip A. Faruggi ...tweetmeme_url = 'http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2010/05/07/why-not-save-our-republic-by-philip-
Axis of Logic
- PCHR Weekly Report: 7 civilians wounded, 40 abduct ...In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory for the week of 29 April – 05 May 2010, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that 7 Palestinian civilians, including two children and a journalist, were wounded by Israeli gunfire in the ...
- Israel Arrests its Own Citizen, a Human Rights Dir ...Ramallah, 6 May 2010] This morning at 3:10 a.m., Israeli Security Agency (GSS) agents accompanied by Israeli police raided Ameer Makhoul’s family home in Haifa and arrested him. Mr. Makhoul is a human rights defender and serves as the general director of Ittijah – The Union of Arab Community-Based ...
- Statement By Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of ...Statement By His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Before The 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons (NPT) ...
- Greece's workers revolt as government approves mas ...Antonis Davenellos, a member of International Workers Left, reports from Athens on the brewing protests as the government imposes harsh austerity measures. WITH AN enormous general strike and massive rallies May 5--including a mobilization of more than 200,000 workers in the capital of Athens a ...
- Wiesenthal's PR Exercise to Counter Truth About Is ...As Israel reels from successive blows to its image as a 'civilized democracy' its supporters have in another desperate attempt to salvage this bruised profile come up with a rescue plan. This time the Simon Wiesenthal Center has produced a brochure titled “2010 Top Ten Anti-Israel Lies” that they ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Truman Days 2010 in Jackson County, MissouriIt's that time of year again. Your intrepid bloggers are feeding the content beast (well, at least I am) and are busily schmoozing with the good Democrats of Jackson County at their annual Truman Days celebration here at the Hyatt Crown Center in Kansas City. It's an opportunity to see old Democrati ...
- ACTA and the Overblown Threat of PiracyA secretly negotiated international treaty recently had a draft released. �It has all the earmarks of a consumer-hostile power grab by the entertainment industry, happily aided by the Obama administration. For more on pruning back executive power see Pruning Shears . No Associated Press content wa ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapIf you are seeing this note, we didn't get a roundup done tonight. Some days the stars just line up so neither of us have the time to get it done. (It is rather time consuming doing this thing every night, after all.) Interesting things abound. Prove yourselves worthy and do a roundup in comments! ...
- Congress Goes to Bat For Wall StreetFrom an Alternet article by Zach Carter: Congress Goes to Bat For Wall Street, Rejects Plan To Break up Banks I'm really having a hard time buying into the notion that the Democrats...as a political party... have any interest whatsoever in saving the country from the ravages of the Wall Street spawn ...
- Shock Doctrine and Social SecurityIt's come to this. The biggest economy in the world is so flat on its back that the Disaster Capitalism vultures and hyenas are circling America's safety net as if we were Haiti. Digby on the Obama-blessed Summit to Kill Social Security and Medicare Once and For All: Depending on the details about h ...
Care 2
- Thank you! Again! For now … Missouri House Rejects ...The pro-horse slaughter provisions from Missouri H.B. 1747, that were sneakily buried in S.B. 795, an unrelated bill, have now been withdrawn from S.B. 795. The Missouri House of Representatives began debating S.B. 795 yesterday with the pro-horse Submitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �Note- ...
- Shell spilled nearly 14,000 tons of oil in NigeriaRoyal Dutch Shell PLC spilled nearly 14,000 tons of crude oil into the creeks of the Niger Delta last year, the company has announced, blaming thieves and militants for the environmental damage. Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Skeletons unearthed by Gloucester Linkages workme ...Two complete skeletons thought to date back to medieval times have been dug up by workmen in Gloucester. Submitted by Marty Powell to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Perth: Rally opposes new police powersOn April 20, 200 angry protesters shouted down state police minister Rob Johnson, as he tried to justify the anti-democratic stop-and-search laws. The proposed legislation allows police to conduct potentially intrusive body searches without suspicion of Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to World �|� �N ...
- Free Lolita Worldwide Protest ! Date,Times and Loc ..."People against Marine Animals in Captivity" Retire "LOLITA" A captive Orca in Miami! Submitted by Claudia For the Oceans to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new r ...
- Global Water Scarcity: Risks and Challenges for Bu ...This new Lloyd's 360 Risk Insight report says businesses must act now in the face of diminishing water supplies. The report, produced in conjunction with the WWF, looks at the issue of water scarcity and its impact on business.
- EPA Contest Seeks the Biggest (Kilowatt) LoserLooking to tap into the popularity of contest-based reality shows, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is staging its version of "The Biggest Loser" -- a competition to see which commercial building can shed the most energy waste and be declared the most efficient in the country.
- Why PepsiCo is Building Dams in IndiaNot so long ago, environmental activists in India targeted PepsiCo and other beverage companies for consuming excessive groundwater in local communities. PepsiCo is striving to make a difference by reducing its water use and helping communities secure clean water.
- U.S. Office Buildings Need to Get Smart, New Study ...Despite rapidly developing technology to support and manage facilities, office buildings in the U.S. are falling behind the curve when it comes to adopting smart solutions that can ramp up energy efficiency and other aspects that affect costs, occupants' comfort and productivity, according to new re ...
Reuters Global
- With Karzai off to Washington, Taliban talks back ...Afghan President Hamid Karzai's visit to Washington next week is unlikely to provide the clarity some people are looking for about talks with the Taliban. But it should provide some clues.
- Colombian election heats upThe surprising surge of two-time Bogota mayor Antanas Mockus in Colombia's presidential race.
- 65 years after WW2 – should Germans still fe ...Germany
- Groundbreaking new cancer report?The President's Cancer Panel has issued a new report saying that Americans are being "bombarded" with carcinogens.
- Could you pass bin Laden to the left please?Osama bin Laden is beginning to acquire the taint of the unwanted guest
Paul Krugman
- O Nao!Anno Domini 2010 is shaping up to be Anno Domino instead.
- A Cross Of GoldAmerica as a currency area.
- Hung Over in BritainThe big loser here, clearly, is the Queen.
- Jobs, Jobs, JobsAn actually good job report.
- What?The thousand-point typo?
No Quarter
- Economic Downturn Not Turning AroundTalk about trying to put lipstick on a pig, many in the media and the Obama team are touting today’s surge in unemployment as “good news” because even though more are reported as unemployed more jobs are being created. While we are at it maybe we can talk about the good news associated with [...]
- Crazy Joe LiebermanWhen it comes to political pandering Joe Lieberman is a champ. Eager to seize a moment in the spotlight shining on failed terrorist Faisal Shahzad, Crazy Joe insists the only way to keep America safe is to strip Shahzad of his citizenship: The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee drew ...
- Students Sent Home For Wearing Patriotic ClothesI could not believe my eyes when I saw this story last night, “Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees; Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?.” Now, there are times kids might need to change their t-shirts, or turn them inside out, or what have you, for in ...
- May 6, 2010 Trading Was Crony Capitalism!!While the market is working to digest the better than expected Unemployment Report this morning, put the pom-poms away please. No, I am not negative on the report, I am calling bulls%*# on a crony capitalist system that allows for so-called market exchanges to develop and function as they did yester ...
- Liberal Kitten� Spoke Steve Dennis, Roll Call, and Selina Zito, PTR, re the sudden retirement announcement of the Liberal Lion of WI-7, David Obey, chair of the House Appropriations Committee and therefore the Cardinal of Cardinals. Obey overstayed his welcome a decade ago, and his last hurrah was the stimulus ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Human Evolution and Survival of the RichestThe devolution of a concept as old as life itself: Sex and "Survival of the Fittest" read more
- Cement that Helps Reduce PollutionWho would ever believe we could construct buildings that could "kill" pollution? read more
- The World's Most Incredible Road TripsIf you love driving, there are hundreds of fantastic and unforgettable road trips, from the legendary Route 66 in America to the shorter scenic UK jeep jaunts. read more
- The Art of Papering Over RealitySometimes you don't need fancy software and modern technology for 21st century artistic creations. Ben Heine's tools are a pencil and camera. Check out the 10 photos! read more
- Ireland's Ancient Celtic Christian ArchitectureIreland off the beaten track; Ireland away from the towns and cities. read more
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Drug Policy DisconnectThe Obama administration's rhetoric on drug policy has changed dramatically. But has the policy changed to fit the rhetoric?
- Mexico's State of ImpunityThe killing of two human rights activists in Mexico is only the most recent example of Mexico’s slide into lawlessness. The Mexican government, columnist Laura Carlsen argues, is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
- Obama and U.S. Military Engagement in AfricaUpon replacing George W. Bush as US president, hopes were high that Barack Obama would oversee sweeping change in relation to US military policy. But far from seeing a reversal, such policy has in fact intensified, entirely at the expense of more progressive diplomatic and economically-based approac ...
- Sanctions Debate Heats UpThe recent and highly unusual public launch of a "conference committee" of both houses of Congress to hash out differences in long-pending legislation to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran marks a new stage in the escalating debate over what to do about Tehran's nuclear programme.
- Needed: A Coherent U.S. Strategy for IndiaUS policy towards India can no longer be reduced to narrowly defined regional issues, especially after a decade of sustained growth and the changes wrought by the Bush administration.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will be c ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s p ...
Al Jazeera
- UK parties court Lib Dems leaderNick Clegg at centre of negotiations to form government despite coming last in elections.
- PLO debates indirect Israel talksPalestinian leaders meet as US envoy continues push to secure deal to relaunch talks.
- ICC prosecutor arrives in KenyaMoreno-Ocampo expected to meet victims of post-poll violence as part of his investigation.
- EU leaders pledge to defend euroEurozone nations create emergency fund to defend currency amid fears of Greek contagion.
- Vault in place to cap US oil spillBP's containment device aims to stop crude gushing from oil well in Gulf of Mexico.
Green Inc. - NYT
- What Are You Seeing?Send us your photos and accounts of what you're seeing as the oil spill reaches land.
- Selling Cape Wind's Future WaresCape Wind announced on Friday that it had signed a deal to sell half the project's electricity output to National Grid, a New England utility, for a price beginning at 20.7 cents a kilowatt-hour.
- To Some in Australia, U.S. Response Looks GoodThe response of the Obama administration, some environmentalists in Australia say, has been swift and significant compared with what they call the lackluster response of the Australian government to a spill there last year.
- In the Chandeleur Islands, Spotting the Spill's 'L ...Researchers spot the "leading edge" of the Deepwater Horizon spill encroaching on the Chandeleur Islands.
- Calls for a 'Blue Ribbon' Panel on SpillA look at the two big questions after an accident like the gulf oil spill: Who is at fault, and how can future accidents be prevented?
Dot Earth News
- Dot Shot: Leafcutter Ants on ParadeA video snapshot of hard-working leafcutter ants in a Costa Rican reserve.
- Oil Now and in the Long HaulThe Gulf stain provides powerful signals of next steps for America on energy.
- Varied Critics Assail Official Probing Climate Sci ...The investigation of a climate scientist by Virginia's attorney general draws fire from many directions.
- Tape Exposes Rich-Poor Tussle in CopenhagenA German paper releases recordings disclosing the turbulent final hours in Copenhagen as world leaders debated a climate accord.
- Is a Drop in U.S. CO2 a Blip or Trend?An energy expert warns against cheering over a big drop in carbon dioxide emissions.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- The biggest scandal in world history; WANTAGATE, L ...Draft conspiracy post note - this rough draft story lacks links but I want to get it up anyways... Have fun everyone! UPDATE: Hi to everyone from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Leo_Wanta/ - keep it up :) This guy, Leo Wanta / Lee Wanta / Ambassador Leo Wanta, could be the key to the big ...
- 2010 Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy Notes for Ap ...Jesse Trentadue : …who’s testifying about Howe had reported that the plan to bomb the Murrah building four months in advance, had gone with Strassmeir and others to scout the target – the first thing the U.S. Attorney does when Graham stops testifying is ask the judge to seal the transcript, and the ...
- BlackListedNews: BOMBSHELL – Whistle Blower Comes ...I can only apologize for not pushing the breakdown of the gold market story out more. It is finally coming loose it seems, & when this occurs it will be another giant 'discontinuity' that'll get filled up with more inflationary ripoffs. A huge basis of the system is gonna croak sometime soon... ...
- Palin Bachmann: 2010 GOP Convention Center Rally H ...Scored tickets & blogger access to the Palin-Bachmann event, surely the best GOP show of the season... A mellow crowd greeted Minnesota's top Republicans, ready to slug out another election season. There isn't much new news to report, but Andrew French ( @tacomachine ) got really nice photos ...
- Oh noes: Epic FBI white supremacist troll Hal Turn ...Alright here's a bizarre story about a strange man from New Jersey, Hal Turner, who rose to fame as a racist, anti-semitic blogger and radio talk show host whose violent rhetoric upset many people. Alex Jones to his credit accurately flagged Turner years ago as an FBI informant/operative. No mainstr ...
Daily Censored
- Bread and CircusThe Roman and US Empires: A point of view “There is nothing so frightening as ignorance in action.” â Goethe The fall of the Roman Empire has been the subject of much debate and comment for many centuries. Indeed, the founding of our own republic was built on the founderâs of this countryâ ...
- Dodd’s ‘financial reform’ bill is a black holeChris Dodd, everybody’s favorite hairdo, has introduced a “tough” financial “reform” bill that he claims will “limit the risk [financial institutions] can assume.” Of course, most people with a pulse realize that a 1565 page bill introduced by one of the top recipients of financial industry lobb ...
- Ghosts of War Crimes Past, Present and Future Haun ...On April 24, 2010, lured to Malaysia and Singapore by a hefty £350,000 speaking fee, Tony Blair, the former prime minister of Britain, carefully hid from protestors armed with slippers to throw at him, as well as from a posse of delegates charged with serving Blair an indictment for war crimes.[1] ...
- Mothers: ending war is the origin of Mother’s Day. ...video live at source. Ending unlawful US wars is similar to the work of the Civil Rights Movement: both are functions of transformative civic education inside and outside of classrooms, transformative media communication, and transformative political education and policy. Both are founded upon honor ...
- Leonard J. Martin for State Superintendent of Publ ...There is an alternative to the corporate candidates in the race for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the upcoming California primary elections. Not just a candidate who isn’t entirely beholden to corporate interests, including the lucrative charter-voucher industry, but a candidate with ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Shadowy group pours $1.5 million into Arkansas pri ...
- Obama could name Supreme Court pick 'at any moment ...
- The ‘Woodstockâ€&tra ...
- Despite conservatives’ claims, ...
- Jobs starting to come back, but broader economic m ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- From the Frontlines: May 7th, 2010News and commentary on policy and social movements.
- A Blog for the Rest of UsIPS has a new blog.
- Assessing the BP Oil DisasterThe Sierra Club calls warns against more offshore oil drilling.
- The Unfinished Business of Financial ReformLawmakers will need to consider financial speculation taxes in the next round of the fight to rein in Wall Street.
- Terrorists' Right to Bear ArmsTwo GOP senators say they wouldn't support a bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying weapons.
Pine River World News
- F. William Engdahl: The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Jo ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. The "Evil Guys List"? "Free Journalism" in the Service of U.S. Foreign Policy � �F. William Engdahl Source: � Global Research May 5, 2010 An organization calling itself Reporters Without Borders (RWB; French: Reporters san ...
- Gordon Duff: Times Square Bomb Hoax, Israeli Intel ...Blogmaster note : At first I wasn't going to republish the following commentary but in light of all the media hoopla about the "Pakistani Taliban" supposedly behind the car bomb found in New York City's Times Square it is necessary for my readers to start thinking along the lines of a "set up" - wit ...
- YEMEN TIMES: British ambassador's attacker trained ...The following article is reprinted with permission from Yemen Times, Sana'a. British ambassador's attacker trained in Marib for three years � � Yemen Times By Nadia Al-Sakkaf Published: �April 29, 2010 The 22 year-old from Taiz governorate responsible for the attack on the British ambassador's env ...
- Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video mad ...The following article is from Azeri Press Agency (APA), Baku, Azerbaijan. Polish Military Prosecutor's Office: The video made several minutes after the crash of Polish president's plane in Russia is true � � APA April 28, 2010 �14:14 Baku - APA. The video made several minutes after the crash of Po ...
- Jeff Gates: When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Aga ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Veterans Today . When Will Israel Attack the U.S. - Again? � �Jeff Gates Source: �Veterans Today April 26, 2010 Israel has long been waging war on the U.S. by way of deception. To date, its operatives have worked from the shadows hoping no ...
- Mossad agent in Dubai assassination also wanted in ...An Israeli Mossad officer wanted by New Zealand authorities is among five suspects recently identified and named by Dubai police in connection with the assassination of a Hamas official.
- News you may have missed #345Mossad assassins fled Dubai through Johannesburg. New CIA deputy director sworn in. Indian researcher detained for spying in Estonia.
- News you may have missed #344CIA base in Afghanistan hit again. Fiji to set up new spy agency. MI5 and MI6 must release Guantánamo records, says judge.
- Recording of candid speech by Blackwater CEO leake ...A recording of a relatively recent candid speech given by Erik Prince, the media-shy owner of Xe Services (formerly known as Blackwater), has been obtained by The Nation magazine.
- UK barring replacement of London’s Mossad re ...The British government is officially preventing the replacement of Israeli intelligence service Mossad’s London representative, after it expelled his predecessor six weeks ago.
After Downing Street.org
- Rep. Kucinich Town Hall Meeting On Wars read more
- The Other 98% Takes Wall Street read more
- Turning Point In US Anti-War MovementMore at The Real News read more
- Chinese Military Seeks to Extend Its Naval PowerChinese Military Seeks to Extend Its Naval Power By Edward Wong | NY Times The Chinese military is seeking to project naval power well beyond the Chinese coast, from the oil ports of the Middle East to the shipping lanes of the Pacific, where the United States Navy has long reigned as the dominant ...
- Erik Prince Protesters Rally Outside Blackwater Fo ...Erik Prince Protesters Rally Outside Blackwater Founder's Luncheon Speech By John Tunison | The Grand Rapids Press A tape of a Prince speech hit the Internet yesterday. Lorna Hernandez-Jarvis, a Hope psychology professor and protester, said Prince was a poor choice for a speaker. "The festival is ...
Grist - News
- Dome plunged deep into sea to cap U.S. oil leakby Agence France-Presse The dome en route to the oil spill.Photo: U.S. Coast GuardVENICE, Louisiana -- Workers lowered a huge dome over an oil leak gushing from a sunken rig deep in the Gulf of Mexico Friday as energy giant BP raced to contain a slick moving perilously closer to the U.S. coast. ...
- Key U.S. senator: climate bill progress impossibleby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- A key U.S. senator said Friday that action on legislation to fight climate change was "impossible" for now because of fierce new opposition to offshore drilling after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. "I believe it would be wise to pause the process and reasse ...
- With Gulf-spill facts in short supply, spin takes ...by Grist You spin me right round ...Photo: Pip Wilson For all the fire-hose coverage of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, it’s a story with startlingly few known facts. We don’t know how much oil has actually spilled out. We don’t know where or when it will hit land. We don’t know exactly what ...
- Betting site sets odds on BP containment domeby Jonathan Hiskes From our sports department a press release, we learn that at least one online gambling site is taking bets on whether BP's underwater mega-dome will be successful. BP is attempting an unprecedented engineering feat to deal with the Gulf oil spill: a 100-ton, 40-foot-tall, ...
- Palin bashes ‘foreign’ oil companies w ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - Right-wing darling Sarah Palin, who championed offshore oil drilling in Alaska and then around the county, bashed "foreign" companies Wednesday as the culprits behind the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In a message sent via Twitter on Wednesday ...
Popular Bookmarks on Del.icio.us
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Winning The Public Opinion War On ImmigrationArizona governor Jan Brewer is taking it to President Obama in hopes of maintaining support for their new controversial legislation.
- The Reduction and Rise of Simona HalepSimona Halep has made quite a splash on the WTA tour, not for her good looks, but for her incredible performance.
- Reds (Full of) Fight or Flight (Of Fancy)?Reds: playing up or to their level?
- Al Franken Analyzes Political Cartoons On The Sena ...While pitching an amendment to Dodd's financial reform bill, he solicits the help of cartoonist Tom Toles.
- If You Are Against Education Don’t Hang Your Hat o ...Do not blame Islam for women’s lack of education
Time - Top Stories
- The Big Spill: Will the Domes Do the Trick?Even if they do, the damage from the "oilpocalypse" is already immense
- The Philippines: Will Cory Aquino's Son Be Preside ...In an echo of the past, the late Corazon Aquino's son Noynoy is running for President of the Philippines. Is he up to saving his beleaguered nation?
- The Bombing Suspect's TaleCollege, job, suburban house: Faisal Shahzad seemed to be pursuing the American Dream. But the feds allege that he somehow got swept up in the ambitions of Pakistani militant groups
- 'Mother and Child' Review: Bening, Watts Take On A ...Annette Bening, Naomi Watts and Kerry Washington lead an impeccable cast through a manipulative yet rewarding tearjerker about adoption and parenthood
- Stocks Finish One of the Worst Weeks EverWhat do we make of a market that ignores good news? That's what the Dow appeared to do Friday
Washington Independent
- Senate Condemns Tyranny in BurmaIn a symbolic gesture, the Senate this afternoon approved a resolution calling for the immediate release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Burmese pro-democacy activist and Nobel Laureate whose been under house arrest at the hands of Burma’s military leaders for most of the last two decades. The resolution a ...
- Warner, Kaufman Propose Regulating High Frequency ...After yesterday’s market boomerang — when the Dow Jones Industrial Average cratered nearly 1,000 points before rebounding, all in a matter of minutes and possibly because of a computer trading system error — Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Ted Kaufman (D-Del.) say that they want an inquiry into high-f ...
- A Congressional Shout Out to Hemp History WeekYesterday, to honor Hemp History Week (who knew?), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) used the occasion to promote his proposal to legalize the domestic production of industrial hemp, a genetic but non-psychoactive relative of marijuana. Paul’s sprawling speech touched on more topics surrounding the plant than ...
- Why Do Budget Hawks Keep Invoking Reagan?This morning, Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, wondered aloud why Democrats faced with the recent recession didn’t adopt the same policies favored by Ronald Reagan during the economic downturn nearly 30 years ago. “President Reagan pursued pro-growth p ...
- W.Va. Bishop Challenges Industry, Regulators Over ...It seems that the criticism aimed at the coal industry and government safety officials following a deadly West Virginia mining blast last month has far transcended lawmakers and unions. From the altar, Michael J. Bransfield, Catholic Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, also took up the issue recently, ar ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Change, They Say, Is Good. But Is It?It's said that Alexander the Great wept when he realised there were no more lands left for him to conquer. In other words, there was nothing new to challenge him; there was no raison d'être. It's a laughable thought today, isn't it? Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture ...
- Teacher breaks 4th graders arm for forgetting Iq ...LAHORE: A female teacher of a private school thrashed Muhammad Jahanzeb, a fourth grade student when he was unable to explain a poem by Allama Iqbal, causing multiple fractures in his arm. Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglias Climatic R Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- We're expanding, while economy shrinksAmericans now have another excuse for hitting the fast food establishments and getting farther out of shape by adding unwanted weight, and it's allegedly not their fault. The latest health discovery is called "recession pounds," and some researchers Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to So ...
- Reports call for radical rethink on food policy to ...The food and farming sector is not pulling its weight when it comes to tacking climate change and food shortages could be the consequence if we fail to make fundamental changes to the way we farm, process, distribute and eat our food over the next 20 year Submitted by cowboss for the farm animals to ...
- Jon Stewart : Mocks Rekers’s Rentboy Romp, B ...Stewart Takes On EVERYTHING: Mocks Rekers’s Rentboy Romp, BP, Greece, And More (VIDEO) Huff Post- First Posted: 05- 7-10 08:16 AMÂ Â Â |Â Â Â Updated: 05- 7-10 08:44 AM While it was tempting to just discuss the fact that Roland Martin inexplicably wore an ascot on national television, Jon Stewart ha ...
- Another battle of OkinawaDespite protests, the U.S. insists on going ahead with plans for a new military base on the island. By Chalmers Johnson, Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2010 The United States is on the verge of permanently damaging its alliance with Japan in a dispute over a military base in Okinawa. This island prefectu ...
- Israeli general ‘tried to cover up truth about dea ...Israeli war hero accused of suppressing testimony that could reveal what really happened to Gaza activist By Ben Lynfield, The Independent/UK, May 7, 2010 AP The peace activist Rachel Corrie died on 16 March 2003 Seven years after the American activist Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli army bul ...
- Britain Blocks Mossad Replacement Over Passport Th ...Truthdig May 5, 2010 The United Kingdom will not allow an official representative of Israel’s security services into the country, according to an Israeli report, until Israel promises, in writing, not to abuse British passports. Israel has so far refused, the report said. The previous Mossad represe ...
- As Britain Votes, Economic Clouds HoverBy JOHN F. BURNS and LANDON THOMAS Jr. | NYT | Published: May 5, 2010 LONDON — Even with rioters on the streets of Athens and the 16 countries using the euro threatened with mounting turmoil, the economy remained the most frequently — and least candidly — discussed topic here as the three main parti ...
- Unemployed for Over 27 WeeksChart of the Day: No Green Shoots at All for the Long-Term Unemployed We saw this coming long ago. Some wonderful people warned us and offered alternatives. Here is the proof. Related Viewing: Sir James Goldsmith: Interview with Charlie Rose Ross Perot: Presidential Debate Related Reading: Catherin ...
- Rep. Grayson: You Own the Red Roof Inn!Continue reading YouTube Video
- The Biggest 2010 Health Care Act Change You Never .... . . The coming avalanche of business-to-business 1099 Forms. Our accounting firm just confirmed the truth of the little-covered story that as part of the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, (Pub.L. 111-148) (“2010 Health Care Act”). Congress slipped in a provision that require ...
- Quote du Jour“You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. You may find you can get away with virtual Presidents, virtual Prime Ministers, Virtual everything.” Bill Clinton, in Ireland, September, 19, 1998
- Spanking BuffetLast weekend at the annual Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting, Goldman Sachs preferred stock investor Warren Buffet made a big deal about supporting Goldman Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein under fire (”Thumbing Down on Blankfein“). By Thursday, the WSJ headlines reported that “SEC Examines Berkshir ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job. [. ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan , Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban . ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Lieberman Preys on Voter Fears, Proposes Law to Pr ...Lieberman's latest assault on constitutional rights: a proposal to circumvent due process for U.S. citizens by conveniently stripping their citizenship.
- Portrait of a Jihadist: New Documentary 'The Oath' ...Documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras discusses her new film about Salim Hamdan's brother-in-law, Abu Jandal, a Yemeni taxi driver who was Osama bin Laden's bodyguard.
- The Taserification of AmericaThe whole justification for police to get tasers in the first place was to subdue potentially violent suspects -- but it's gone way, way, past that.
- Phoenix Basketball Team Becomes 'Los Suns' In Prot ...Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, a harsh critic of a new Arizona immigration law, will have his team wear the Latino-supporting version of its jersey in the NBA playoffs.
- Swift Response to Times Square Plot Shows We Can H ...Fifty-three "is a pretty good number," Police commissioner Raymond Kelly said Tuesday, referring to the number of hours it took for investigators to apprehend the suspect.
Sideways News
- Green Party makes electoral historyBrighton Pavilion voted for Green Party leader Caroline Lucas to become its MP, the party's first ever representative in the House of Commons. The Greens ran a targeted campaign in the constituency and managed to take the seat from Labour. Ms Lucas, speaking after the result was announced, said: "To ...
- Bone marrow MS trial 'encouraging'A study into a new type of treatment for multiple sclerosis where patients are treated with bone marrow stem cells has proven "encouraging", according to scientists. Volunteers for the treatment were given a general anaesthetic during which bone marrow was harvested. The marrow was then injected int ...
- Phoenix hope for disbanded football clubChester City Football Club has been given fresh hope of rising anew from liquidation after councillors leased its former ground to supporters. The fate of the stadium was in the hands of Cheshire West and Chester Council, which had to choose between fans and a business proposal from Danish consortiu ...
- Course promotes activism in fashionAn innovative new online course has opened this week to enable people to explore the link between fashion and Fairtrade and act upon their findings. The course is run by People and Planet, the UK’s largest student campaigning network, and culminates with students creating their own video to help a c ...
- Civil society gains from aid effortsInternational donors have learned that supporting on the ground groups is the most effective way of distributing aid in Burma, according to the report “I want to help my country” released by Human Rights Watch over the weekend. In a policy change many large donors are now channelling money to toward ...
Fabius Maximus
- The evolution of the Republican Party has shaped A ...The evolution of the Republican Party has been one of the great forces shaping American politics since the 1960′s — an amazing transformation from pro-civil rights, isolationism, and fiscal prudence to advocacy of racism, foreign wars, and massive deficits. Goldwater’s decision to vote against th ...
- FM newswire for May 7, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. This is a tale about the horrors of medical care in Mexico (next to us, but with a very different system), Fred Reed, 18 April 2010 Big expenditures on fun things:Â “A Tale of Carrier ...
- FM newswire for May 7, interesting articles about ...Todayâs links to interesting news and analysis. If you find this useful, please pass it to a friend or colleague. “Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?“, Richard S. Lindzen (Prof MIT), presented at a conference on 29-31 August 2008 Don’t try to prove police corruption. ...
- About the Euro crisis: the experts are wrong; the ...The great and wise tell us that the European unification project — of which the Euro is now center state — is good. And the foolish German people are short-sighted and foolish to oppose aid to Greece that’s necessary to preserve it. They’re wrong. The German people are right. From Eurointelli ...
- We’re at a key point in the Gulf Oil spill, ...Two stories about the Gulf oil spill. First, the real story. Today begins efforts to place a hood over the major oil leak. It’s never been attempted at this depth, and (so far as I can tell) never been done successfully. See Reuters for the latest information. If this fails, the spill will c ...
Open Your Eyes News
- FDA: Drug maker McNeil knew of contaminationUSA Today – Food and Drug Administration inspectors found in April that McNeil Consumer Healthcare, which has voluntarily recalled certain lots of its children’s and infants’ Tylenol products, knowingly used bacteria-contaminated materials to make them, a report posted Tuesday by the agency says. F ...
- US: Senator Joyce’s proposed Bills would curb elec ...Randolph Herald — State [Massachusetts] Sen. Brian Joyce hopes that two ongoing investigations will bring more scrutiny to the practice of aversive therapy at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in Canton, spurring legislators to pass his bills that will more strictly regulate the practice. The JRC is ...
- US to expand Pakistan drone strikesAl Jazeera – The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been granted approval by the US government to expand drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal regions in a move to step up military operations against Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, officials have said. Read article
- US: Migrant border deaths rose to 417 in 2009AP — The number of people who died trying to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border last year rose to 417 – the first increase in four years – despite declines in apprehensions, according to an advocacy group. The number of deaths hit a peak of 492 in 2005, but had fallen every year since [...]
- EU to get powers to launch criminal investigationsTelegraph – The EU will get powers to launch its own criminal investigations into tax and financial fraud, under wide ranging plans announced by the European Commission. The plan to turn Eurojust, an existing body based on non-binding judicial co-operation, into an investigator, with the power to or ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Sa napipintong eleksyon sa PilipinasSa napipintong eleksyon sa Pilipinas (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com) Ilang araw na lang ang nabibilang bago magsimula ang eleksyong presidensyal. Ang taumbayan, na naman, ay mamimili kung sino ang kanilang susunod na mang-aapi. Tulad ng dati, panloloko sa mamamayan ang eleksyon ngayon. Binibigyan ng mg ...
- Arizona SB1070, the Continuing War Against the Mex ...Arizona SB1070, the Continuing War Against the Mexicano People (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Recently the Arizona state legislature passed, and Governor Jan Brewer signed into law, SB1070, as of now the most draconian law passed directed at undocumented immigrants. Arizona Senate Bill 1070 mak ...
- Драг Маоисту-Третосвети сту, како ќе дојде социјал ...Драг Маоисту-Третосвети сту, како ќе дојде социјализмот во Северна Америка? (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (English) (Macedonian) “Драг Маоисту-Третосвети сту, Сфаќам дека прво-световците се купени. Тоа е очигледно. Човек не треба да е марксист за да го знае тоа. Се` што треба да има се очи и м ...
- Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Ma ...Isang mabilisang tingin sa ilang pagkakamali ni Mao (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) (Tagalog) (English) Si Mao Zedong ang pinakadakilang rebolusyonaryo ng nakaraang siglo. Pinangunahan ni Mao ang sangkapat ng daigdig sa pagtatapon ng mga kadena ng imperyalismo, pyudalismo at kapitalismo. “Ang Ts ...
- Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World), Polish j ...Red Salute to Trzeci Świat (Third World)! (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com, trzeciswiat.wordpress.com) Monkey Smashes Heaven salutes Trzeci Świat (Third World) is a Maoist-Third Worldist journal of the Polish Maoist-Third Worldist Group. Their journal can be read at http://trzeciswiat.wordpress.co ...
- A Wedding To Start A WarHow the wedlock between a Pakistani sportsman and an Indian tennis player is a PR disaster for India and holds implications for relations with Pakistan. A sign of Pakistan-India peace? Hardly. Read how the celebrity wedding was loaded with the kind of symbolism that rattled India and sent the wrong ...
- Alert: Pakistan, Iran set to face hot July—JULY 2010 appears to be a crucial month in American plan —After July 2010, the components would be in place to start a proper war against Iran and do an amputation surgery on Pakistan —A network of Patriot Defence System (PAC-3) has been established in UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia ...
- India’s ‘Kyrgyz plan’ for PakistanRAW was created in the late sixties with one purpose, to destabilize Pakistan. Its first target was East Pakistan. Its second target was Bangladesh. In 1971 RAW was successful in creating the Mukti Bahni, recruiting 80,000 Hindus and then sending them into Muslim Bengal disguised as Pakistani soldie ...
- Who REALLY Owns The Media In 2010?“NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control,” states the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. “Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to th ...
- Transhumanism, PsyWar and B.E.P.’s “Imma Be”The Black Eyed Peas “Imma Be / Rock that Body” video is a masterpiece of high tech computer-generated imagery and state of the art digital music production. It is also one of the most blatant examples of Psychological Warfare and deception that I have ever seen in modern mass media. This article wil ...
- Toyota Introducing $50k Fuel Cell Car in 2015Last year, Toyota re-committed to producing a hydrogen fuel cell car by 2015 and it looks like they're keeping their promise, and making it cheaper. The automaker says it has slashed the cost of producing a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle by 90 percent, allowing them to introduce a fuel cell sedan in 2 ...
- Another Hurdle Cleared for Cape WindLast week, the Cape Wind offshore wind farm was approved by the federal government , but there were still some unknowns left to deal with, a major one being who would buy the power the wind farm generated. Today, that part has at least partially been decided, with Massachusetts utility National Gr ...
- Printed Paper Solar CellsSolar panel materials are getting thinner and thinner. Now, MIT researchers have announced a method for printing solar cell material on paper . The efficiency of this method is far lower than other kinds of solar cells. The paper solar cells have an efficiency of around 1.5-2%, while commercial ...
- Japan Turns to Adult Diapers for FuelJapan's population is getting older. Their birth rate has declined, and with that, a drop in production of baby diapers. But conversely, the production of adult diapers has risen seven percent in just two years, hitting 5 billion units last year. Leave it to Japan to turn an increase in adult di ...
- NASA's Robot Diver is Fueled by Ocean TempsNASA's newest robot can dive and swim for indefinite periods of time because it's powered by an unlimited resource: the ocean's temperatures. The robotic buoy utilizes thermal energy each time it moves from cold deep waters to warm surface waters. The SOLO-TREC diver has been taking 500-meter di ...
- FOX and the Conspiracy-Laden 'Coverage' of the BP ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Jeffrey Joseph With over 200,000 gallons of oil leaking into the Gulf from the disaster on the BP platform, discussion over the the plausibility of environmentally friendly drilling has taken a turn against the hopes of the oil industry. Just the mention of the event h ...
- Anti-Gay Co-Founder of Family Research Council Cau ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH Needing someone “to lift his luggage” Was George Allan Rekers' explanation .As far as in the closet chutzpah goes, That wins my sincerest admiration. read more
- Fallout From Recent Flooding In Nashville -- Verse ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH With Mother Nature You never know :Now they need rowboats On Music Row .read more
- A Universal Conspiracy of DuncesBody We grievously thought that BP's oil spill is a catastrophe. But we were wrong. It is, rather, says "national incident commander" Thad Allen, of the U.S. Coast Guard, "an asymmetrical, anomalous complex unprecedented event." Yep, it's an AACUE, which rhymes with SNAFU, both of whi ...
- It'll be Okay to be in Love With Your Gun in Oklah ...KAREN MOORE FOR BUZZFLASH If you voted to pass open carry in Oklahoma in the state legislature , how exactly will I know who has a license and who doesn’t? How will I know if you are a bad guy or a good guy with a gun? Should I call 911 when I see a person with a gun or just walk right up and say ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Bloggingheads with David Frum & other mattersA couple of days ago, I had a BloggingheadsTV discussion with�David�Frum, posted below, regarding Elena Kagan and Harriet Miers; the extent to which "epistemic closure"�exists among progressives as well as conservatives; Obama's embrace of Bush's Terrorism policies; and the�Times Square incident and ...
- Blog newsI'm taking the next week off and will return here on Monday, May 10.� Sadly, I'm not taking a traveling/disappearing vacation, but mostly a working one:��to finish a long magazine article I've been working on for too long and also, hopefully, to finish my slightly overdue book.� As a result, if some ...
- Obama's criticisms of the Warren and Burger courts(updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV) Yesterday I wrote about what seemed to be President Obama's fairly stunning disparagement of the Warren and Burger Courts (expressed on the eve of naming Justice Stevens' replacement), as he echoed the classic, decades-old, right-wing ...
- More Obama DOJ attacks on whistle-blowers(updated below - Update II) In February, 2008, the Bush DOJ issued a subpoena to The New York Times ' James Risen, demanding the identity of his source(s) for one chapter in Risen's best-selling book, State of War .� The chapter in question described a painfully inept and counter-produc ...
- Obama speaks about the Supreme CourtPresident Obama gave an interview last night aboard Air Force One in which he was asked about his views of the Supreme Court, and this is what he said: It used to be that the notion of an activist judge was somebody who ignored the will of Congress, ignored democratic processes, and tried t ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate floo ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Bookmarks for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23These are my links for May 4th from 07:56 to 15:23: Interview with Michael Mueller aka @eurogene aka @nutrigenomics – The pros and cons of being a scientist WolframTones ringtones with a scientific twist – Create your own mobile phone ringtones using Wolfram's audio perspective on the computationa ...
- April Alchemist ArrivesThe Alchemist travels back billions of years to the dawn of life this week to learn how aspartic acid may be the crystal Eve, the mother of all chirality while heading back to the future also discovers how biology and nanotechnology might be fused to produce new metamaterials for a range of medical ...
- Nuclear reactors and soft X-raysScience links for this week, including my latest news in Materials Today Self-powered sensors: Biomaterials – Piezoelectric arrays could provide the power for a lab-on-a-chip device Pushing droplets around: Surface science – Pushing droplets around a surface A safe reaction: Nuclear – Self-healing ...
- Lifelong learning online is about connecting peopl ...Individuals now have the autonomy to make their own learning choices and in recent years there has been an emphasis on the “self made learner”, especially in adult education and ongoing professional development. As such, online communities and other so-called web 2.0 tools have come to the fore as p ...
- Hubble enhanced, open science, and bogus researchThese are a few of the science stories that caught my eye this past week: Hubble’s 20th anniversary treat – A stupendous image of a distant region of space, colour enhanced (of course) but amazing nevertheless. Draft White Paper – Researcher identifiers – How about a "SciID", like OpenID or a DOI b ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Settlement Will Secure Habitat for Black Abalone E ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Center for Biological Diversity A court-ordered settlement filed yesterday requires the federal government to protect habitat for the endangered black abalone. The agreement results from a lawsuit filed by the Center for Biological Diversity challenging the Natio ...
- State Assembly Passes Bill Eliminating Barriers to ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Equality California (EQCA) Today the California State Assembly passed the Separation Equity Act (AB 2700) in a 44-21 vote. The bill, introduced by Assemblymember Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) and co-sponsored by Equality California and the Conference of California Bar ...
- President’s Cancer Panel Warns Public About Chemic ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Environmental Working Group (EWG) In a landmark report issued today , the President's Cancer Panel asserts that public health officials have "grossly underestimated" the likelihood that environmental contaminants trigger a large proportion of the cancers diagnosed ...
- Public Citizen to Congress: Legislation to Restrai ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Public Citizen Before the 2010 elections, Congress should approve legislation designed to restrain corporate election spending and close the loopholes of current campaign finance laws, Public Citizen told the Committee on House Appropriations today. read more
- * BP and D.C. * 'Worst Industrial Disaster'FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2010 Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) ANTONIA JUHASZ Juhasz recently wrote a piece for the UK Guardian titled " BP spends millions lobbying as it drills ever deeper and the environment pays ." read more
Common Dreams-Views
- Enlightened Founders Favored Pluralism Not a Law S ...by John Nichols Federal Judge Barbara Crabb recalled an inconvenient truth with her ruling that the National Day of Prayer, which was established by Congress in 1952 and is celbrated this May 6, is unconstitutional. Specifically, the judge for the Western District of Wisconsin determined that th ...
- 'Los Suns' Set Against Arizona's Immigration Lawby Dave Zirin A battle has been joined for the very soul of Arizona . On one side, there are the Minutemen, the craven state Republican lawmakers, Governor Jan Brewer, and the utterly unprincipled John McCain , all supporting SB 1070, a law that codifies racial profiling of immigrants in the state. ...
- Some Nuclear Sunshineby Joseph Cirincione & Benjamin Loehrke For the first time since America first tested a nuclear weapon 65 years ago, the government has disclosed how many nuclear weapons are in our active stockpile. It is long overdue. read more
- Why Future Prosperity Depends on More Socializingby Bill McKibben The following is excerpted from McKibben's latest book, Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet : read more
- Gracias, Arizona!by Miguel Perez For exposing the racial profiling and ethnic discrimination promoted by right-wing extremists, for making comprehensive immigration reform possible much sooner than anyone expected, for uniting the Latino community and other ethnic minorities like never before, for striking the final ...
Karl Burkart
- The 5 worst oil spills on recordPlanet 100 investigates the 5 worst oil spills on record and how the Gulf oil spill compares.
- Crowd-sourced news comes to the rescue in the GulfThe Ushahidi mobile reporting platform has comes to the rescue in Haiti, India and Congo. Now it comes to the Louisiana Gulf to aid in the oil spill cleanup.
- Google's crisis response in the GulfGoogle Crisis Response launches a Gulf oil spill crisis page equipped with satellite imagery and breaking video.
- Mckibben raps about life on a new planet called 'E ...According to America's leading climate scientist, 'connectedness' may be the one resource that gets us through a planetary crisis of biblical proportions.
- The betacup challenge - eliminate paper cups58 billion cups are landfilled each year and Betacup wants to stop it through design.
Water Privatization
- City Weighs Employment Tax As Pension FixWhile it may be America's most-livable city, Pittsburgh has been losing population and tax dollars for decades.� Its pension plan needs millions of dollars, but if you ask workers in the city if they're willing to pay more, you can guess their reaction.
- Timeshare Relief, Inc. Sponsors Exclusive Los Ange ...With Director's Question & Answer; Keynote Speaker: Astronaut & Test Pilot Brian Binnie
- Research and Markets: UAE Power & Water Industry O ...DUBLIN----Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "UAE Power & Water Industry Overview - 2010" report to their offering.
- Sure, there are a lot of jokes in the new 'Iron Ma ...I've often heard folks who just returned from vacation say they visited a particular park or attraction "just to say I've been there." The implication is they visited the Jell-O Museum or whatever not because they wanted to but because they felt obliged to. Much of "Iron Man 2" feels like that.
- Protests intensify versus Angat plant privatizatio ...Advocacy group Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) has mounted protests versus the recent privatization of the 246-megawatt Angat hydropower facility, citing in particular potential circumstantial impact on Metro Manila's drinking water.
- Hung parliament - live coverage• Clegg consults his party about forming pact with Tories • Tory and Lib Dem teams to meet tomorrow at 11am • Labour ministers urge Lib Dems to reject Tory offer • SNP urges Lib Dems to join a pro-PR alliance • Read a summary of events so far today 1.39pm: Here's a lunchtime summary: • Nick Clegg h ...
- Harrods sold for £1.5bn to Qatari royals, reports ...Qatari royals' investment arm said to have bought Knightsbridge department store for more than £1.5bn Harrods has reportedly been sold by Mohamed Fayed to the Qatari royal family for more than £1.5bn. Qatar Holding, the Gulf state's strategic investment arm has bought the famous Knightsbridge store, ...
- EU launches €70bn plan for euroAngela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy say strategy to preserve eurozone stability to be in place when markets open on Monday EU leaders have agreed a financial defence plan in an attempt to protect the eurozone countries from speculative attacks in the wake of the Greek debt crisis. The German chancello ...
- Volcano causes new flight disruptionRenewed activity in Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano causes cancellation of UK flights to Spain and Portugal Thousands of air passengers face further flight disruption this weekend as a cloud of ash from the erupting volcano in Iceland drifts over western Europe. Ash over Spain and Portugal caused ...
- Carragher set for shock England call• Fabio Capello lures defender out of retirement • Anxiety over England's growing injury list Fabio Capello intends to select Jamie Carragher in England's provisional 30-man squad for the World Cup after the Liverpool defender indicated a willingness to come out of international retirement for the t ...
- Commentary: Reading the moving tea leaves on 'Race ...It's hard enough to read tea leaves without having somebody rearrange them all the time.
- Commentary: Anti-immigration zealotry goes after t ...It didn't take long for Arizona to turn its anti-immigration vitriol on children.
- Commentary: From a mother's perspective, it still ...As we celebrate Mother's Day this weekend, I'm reminded of the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child."
- Bipartisan statesmanship reigns in Senate banking ...WASHINGTON — The Senate's debate on historic legislation to overhaul regulation of the financial world is unlike anything Congress has done in years — filled with quick bipartisan deals to defuse controversies and overwhelming bipartisan votes to change how the government oversees banks big and smal ...
- Why full-body airport scanners might reveal too mu ...A Miami International Airport federal security screener has been arrested for allegedly using an expandable police baton to beat up a co-worker.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Deep reflections on the ozone storyThere'll be a party in the chemistry labs at Cambridge University this Friday. But no-one will turn up with hugely coiffured hair, the champagne will be served warm, and if a fire should break out, there'll be nothing to use on it but old-fashioned water, CO2 and sand. Well... that's how life migh ...
- The bare facts of biodiversityWe've known for a couple of years or so that one of the impressive-sounding environmental promises that governments are signed up to - the pledge to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss significantly by 2010 - isn't going to be met. Now, an analysis just published in the journal Science is giving u ...
- Climate party risks losing its guestsWhen you're deciding whether to get dolled up and head off to the party, do you stop to ask who else might be going? Few want to risk being seen somewhere where the action is not; most will do what they can to avoid arriving so early as to give the impression that they need the party more than the ...
- Oil stirs troubled watersAs anyone who's ever dressed a salad in vinaigrette will testify, oil and water just don't mix. That's especially true of crude oil and sea water that supports sea lifeforms from fish to birds to plankton to mammals. So when we discover that 42,000 gallons of oil are leaking daily from a stricken ...
- Ozone's joined-up climateRemember the unseemly rush to biofuels ? The sudden impetus from all kinds of bodies including UN institutions, the EU, and governments such as the UK that began about four years ago to ramp up the growing of fuel crops and to adopt liquids made from them as the low-carbon transport panacea? While ...
The Wonk Room
- Yesterday’s 2:45 Crash Boosts The Case For A ...Yesterday, at about 2:45 p.m., the stock market abruptly fell by more than 900 points, the largest intraday plunge on record. The fall lasted only 16 minutes, with the Dow closing down by about 350 points, but as the New York Times put it, the quick plunge “left Wall Street experts and ordinary inve ...
- Traditional Values Coalition Asks Newly Minted  ...Earlier this week, a handful of conservative Republican lawmakers formed the Tenth Amendment Task Force to “uphold the principle that the will of the people is best served at the state and local levels, and that the federal government should not interfere in matters that are fully within the purview ...
- Biloxi NAACP: Oil Disaster Compounds Environmental ...The Wonk Room is blogging, photographing, and tweeting live from the Gulf Coast. See previous dispatches from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Biloxi beach This week, the Wonk Room has traveled the Gulf Coast from New Orleans to Pensacola, learning how the people of the region are preparing for ...
- Are The Tea Party Inspired Campaings To Nullify He ...Politico’s Sarah Kliff points out that conservative efforts to repeal health care reform through lawsuit or state referendum — you can see who’s doing what here — are running into roadblocks, as voters are quickly turning against the idea. “By a slight majority, likely voters tend to oppose the heal ...
- Krauthammer: Let’s Just Pretend Shahzad Has ...In apparent need to live up to his reputation as critic-in-chief and find fault with the Obama administration about something, anything, Charles Krauthammer acknowledges the excellent work done by authorities in tracking, apprehending, and interrogating alleged attempted Times Square bomber Faisal S ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Song Stuck In My HeadMy partner had to critique the movie "Jarhead" for an English class, and as a result of hearing it over and over, I've got this song stuck in my head, so I'll share it with you ... ... and what the hell, why not ...
- General Natynczyk Clears His OrganizationPlease, please General Natynczyk ! I already said not to bother investigating yourselves! (Sigh!) Gen. Walter Natynczyk, the chief of defence staff, said Friday that the Canadian Forces have reviewed the interpreter's testimony to a parliamentary committee and are convinced that their soldiers ac ...
- "Investors," High Frequency Trading, and Market Me ...Okay. Even assuming that all of Greece's economic troubles were caused by a bloated, inefficient public sector and counter-productive social programs, I'd still get a real kick out of all these nameless "investors" who want to make sure that the Greeks endure a really, really punishing austerity pr ...
- Still Alive ...Here's a video: I'll be typing more in about a week.
- ConsequencesSupposedly this big oil-rig explosion thing in the Gulf is a big deal. A major environmental catastrophe . The sane people are currently pointing the blame for it to the relaxation of safety regulations for the US oil industry as negotiated privately between oil-industry sleaze-ball, Vice-President ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Feed has movedThis feed has moved to .
- Market Observation: The Long and Short of Itby Brian Pretti. "It has been a very long while since I’ve taken up a big chunk of a discussion to write about crude oil. The time is now for a multiplicity of reasons. You know the old market truism that after bear markets in equities, old leadership rarely emerges as new leadership. And of course ...
- Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3 by Elliott Wave Int. "With the market’s downtrend recently in abeyance, these transgressions failed to capture the imagination of the public or the scrutiny of law enforcement. But the extreme recriminatory power of the next leg down in social mood suggests that Goldman’s dealings will become a ligh ...
- A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist. "The founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung, proposed the existence of something he called the collective unconscious. He said it was the most misunderstood of his empirical concepts. Its reality could be inferred from the presence of archetypes, most readily discoverable in dr ...
- Market Observation: Fear Strikes Outby Martin Goldberg, CMT. "The markets are heading straight up without even taking a breather. As of Thursday after completing the January correction, there have been 34 days up and only 13 days down. Over that timeframe the S&P has gained about 16%. None of the down days were particularly scary and ...
on Government Oversight
- Legislative Odds and Ends-- Bryan Rahija
- The Amount of Royalties Taxpayers Have Lost in the ...Although the math for this is incredibly complicated, depending on transportation cost deductions and other possible deductions, we thought we would try to calculate a very approximate idea of what this spill could be costing taxpayers in royalties. Assuming the...
- Morning Smoke: Government Agency Gradually Shifted ...Oil Regulator Ceded Oversight to Drillers by Russell Gold and Stephen Power [Wall Street Journal] How ‘Hard to Fathom’ Derivatives Rule Emerged in U.S. Senate by Phil Mattingly and Robert Schmidt [Bloomberg] Former Oil Rig Worker Says Cheating on Blowout...
- What Does Obey's Retirement Mean for the F-22?I'm sure you haven't heard, but the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, David Obey (D-WI), is retiring. It's hardly being reported and no one's freaking out about it. My good government listservs are quivering at the intentions of the...
- Guest Post: Obama Supports Small Businesses, but W ...The Pew Research Center, in a recent survey on “trust in government”, has not only confirmed the fact that the Federal government is not trusted, but that bureaucrats have neglected small businesses, which was viewed as having a positive impact...
Digital Journal
- Police in Edinburgh issue concern about missing 38 ...Police in Edinburgh are growing more concerned for the whereabouts of a city woman who has not been seen since Tuesday May 4.
- Help with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - get your ...This green and renewable method to combat the oil spill that is spreading across the Gulf of Mexico is getting buy-in from people all across North America.
- Who should Toronto trust to carry in the next deca ...During a recent event David Miller said that to be mayor one has to be willing to give 16 hour days seven days a week. After seven years at the post Miller is ready for a rest.
- iPad available in Canada, 8 other countries on May ...Apple announced today that its popular iPad will be available in nine more countries beginning Friday, May 28. Apple sold more than one million units in the United States in less than a month when it first went on sale.
- Eating disorders do not have an easy fixIn Canada one out of five women between the ages of 20 and 34 is underweight. Despite being in healthy weight ranges 40 percent of nine-year girls have been on a diet. Four-fifths of 18-year-old women have dieted.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- There's No Such Thing As "Homeless"" The human race has evolved, Spike." "Into a bunch of namby-pamby self-analyzing wankers .... " —from the TV show Angel I'm a Metis. For those of you out there who don't know what that is, it's French and North American Aboriginal. The correct term for my lineage is Wissikodiwinnme but that's a bit ...
- Help Protect Victims of Domestic Violence from Unf ...If you think being the victim of intimate-partner or family violence is a raw deal, how about being forced into homelessness because of it? Imagine being battered by your partner, and then getting evicted because you were perceived as a nuisance by your neighbors — your wails, a cacophony. You will ...
- It's Up to Us: Ending Homelessness One Person at a ...As the communications specialist at the National Alliance to End Homelessness , I get a lot of questions. Among the more popular: * How many homeless people are there? * How many homeless people are in my state/city/neighborhood? * Why are people homeless? * How has the recession impacted homeles ...
- The Difference Between Homeless People and VictimsOne of the most curious things I've learned about the word "homeless" is that there's not one accepted definition . A reporter who wanted to do a story on me a while back was confused and annoyed because the photos I had of me "being homeless" weren't depressing enough. "Who smiles when they're hom ...
- Now This Is How You Close Down a Tent CityMore tent city news ! If only the triumphs and tragedies of those living in tents got as much media coverage year-round as they have in the past couple months. At least this news is good. A five-year-old tent city called Transition Park is being shut down in Camden, New Jersey this week. I know, I k ...
- TVO’s The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeeper ...TVO's The Agenda - After Afghanistan: Peacekeepers or War makers? Recorded Thursday, April 29 2010. Canada's military role After Afghanistan. Live from the Munk School of Global Affairs.
- Where have all the Blue Berets gone?A recent discussion on the future role of Canada’s military forces demonstrated once again that some of Canada’s most well known defence and foreign policy experts don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to UN peacekeeping. Four years ago, David Bercuson, Director of the DND-funded Cent ...
- Cannon fires a dud at NPT RevCon“Canada has managed the extraordinary feat of presenting its opening statement to the NPT Review Conference without any substantive reference to ‘disarmament’ â one of the three foundational pillars of the Treaty,” reports arms control expert Ernie Regehr (”Canadaâs opening statement at NPT: pro ...
- Five thousand one hundred and thirteenFor the first time, the United States has formally disclosed the current size of its nuclear stockpile–5113 weapons as of 30 September 2009 (Anne Gearan, “U.S. comes clean on size of nuclear stockpile: 5,113,” Associated Press, 3 May 2010). U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed the numbe ...
- Cons, Libs talking about new Afghanistan role?The federal Liberals and Conservatives are informally discussing Canada’s role in Afghanistan following the scheduled end of the combat mission in Kandahar, the Canadian Press reports (Steev Rennie, “Tories, Grits talking post-2011 role in Afghanistan; combat off the table,” Canadian Press, 2 May 20 ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- More Groups Forming as Dissatisfaction with Washin ...Click here for the full report.
- U.S. Food Prices ‘Spiraling Out of Control’May 7, 2010 The Trumpet U.S. food prices jumped by 2.4% in March 2010 in the largest monthly leap in more than 26 years, and the sixth consecutive monthly increase. The National Inflation Association (NIA) issued an alert to its members April 22 warning that the sharp upswing in U.S. food inflation ...
- Hyper-Inflationary Great Depression Is ComingMay 7, 2010 International Business Times The Gold Report: John, last December you stated, “The U.S. economic and systemic crisis of the past of the past two years are just precursors to a great collapse,” or what you call a “hyper-inflationary great depression.” Is this prediction unique to the U.S. ...
- UK Budget Deficit To Surpass Greece’sMay 7, 2010 Guardian By Katie Allen Whoever wins the election must make sorting out the public finances the top priority, the European commission warned on the eve of the poll, as it predicted the British budget deficit would swell this year to become the biggest in the European Union, overtaking ev ...
- Stocks Dive Worldwide on European Debt ConcernMay 7, 2010 Bloomberg By Michael P. Regan and Rita Nazareth May 7 (Bloomberg) — Global stocks tumbled, while Treasuries rallied after Europeâs debt crisis spurred a market rout yesterday that undermined confidence in financial trading mechanisms. Oil slid 1.5 percent to lead commodities lower. The ...
Pambazuka News
- Haiti: Women demand role in reconstructionWomen's civil society groups were noticeable by their absence from the landmark Haiti donor conference on 31 March, which secured pledges of US$5.3 billion over the next two years to support the country’s post-quake recovery. Their lack of a presenc...
- African diplomats reject anti-Cuba resolution pass ...The ambassador of the Republic of Congo to Cuba, Pascal Onguemby, rejected the lies included in an anti-Cuba resolution recently approved by the European Parliament. Addressing participants in the inauguration of the Eleventh International Conference...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. war ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism in t ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
- Global: It takes a VillagerOwino Odhiambo left his tiny Kenyan village less than a decade ago to immerse himself completely in American culture. Equipped with American citizenship, two degrees, and five years experience working as a dedicated graphic designer in New York City,...
War in Context
- Israel still might not dodge a human rights threat ...“Sighs of relief will have been heard in Israel’s London embassy on Friday morning as it emerged that Britain’s Liberal Democrat party had failed to capitalize on a surge in pre-election opinion polls,” Haaretz reported. Cleggmania might have proven to be short-lived — or at least not translated we ...
- Lieberman’s TEA party and dual loyaltyJoe Lieberman’s Terrorist Expatriation Act is designed to strip the constitutional rights from any American who is accused of supporting terrorism, but the political sentiment he’s tapping into is simply, America first. Does Lieberman have no concern about where this might go? How about this New Yo ...
- An arrest warrant needs a name on it; a death warr ...In the narrative that sketches the legality of the war on terrorism, the tribal nature of the “battlefield” is the pretext used to justify killing people instead of attempting to arrest them. Counterterrorism experts scoff at the notion that FBI agents (or Pakistani law enforcement officials for tha ...
- The Israeli exceptionAt Foreign Policy in Focus, John Feffer draws attention to the contradiction between Israel’s behavior as a rogue state and the fact that it is about to be granted the privileged status of membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — unless that is, a country such as Tur ...
- Afghanistan: is it time to talk to the Taliban?In The Guardian, Jonathan Steele writes: Eight years after they were overthrown by US air power, a drumbeat is starting to sound across Afghanistan in favour of talking to the Taliban, the country’s once-hated former rulers. An idea that used to seem absurd, if not defeatist, is coming to be seen a ...
Watts Up With That?
- Climate Actually Changes! Film at 11:00!Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Last month (April 2010), the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) put out a study called “Climate Change Indicators in the United States” (13 Mb PDF). I read through it … depressingly bad science. To start … Continue reading →
- Friday funny: I scream, you scream, we all scream ...It was really hot out… More: The sculpture is called âHot With a Chance of Late Stormâ by The Glue Society. These photos are from the display at Sculpture By The Sea, in Sydney, Australia in 2006.
- Spencer: strong negative feedback found in radiati ...Strong Negative Feedback from the Latest CERES Radiation Budget Measurements Over the Global Oceans By Dr. Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. Arguably the single most important scientific issue â and unresolved question â in the global warming debate is climate … Continue reading →
- Drill spill kills bill?In the greatest of ironies, it appears the BP oil drilling spill may kill the chances for the Kerry-Lieberman sans Graham (pick one:climate, energy, jobs, flavor of the minute) bill they say they will unveil on May 12th. Excerpt from … Continue reading →
- “The decrease in upper ocean heat content fr ...Recent Variations In Upper Ocean Heat Content â Information From Phil Klotzbach By Dr. Roger Pielke Senior Phil Klotzbach has graciously permitted me to post an update on upper ocean heat content in the equatorial upper ocean. He writes âThe Climate Prediction … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Sen. Bernie Sanders Explains Gutting Audit The Fed ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ MoxNewsDotCom http://MOXNews.com/ May 07, 2010 MSNBC Dylan Ratigan Sen Sanders Explains Gutting Audit The FED Amendment see Bernie Sanders Full Floor Speech on Federal Reserve Transparancy Amendment Stock Market Collapse: More Goldman Market Rigging? by Dr. Ellen ...
- Warmongers of the world, unite By John Pilgerhttp://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ By John Pilger Information Clearing House www.johnpilger.com May 06, 2010 Staring at the vast military history section in the airport shop, I had a choice: the derring-do of psychopaths or scholarly tomes with their illicit devotion to the cult of organised killi ...
- New Colonialism: Pentagon Carves Africa Into Milit ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism May 5, 2010 Last year the commander of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), General William Ward, said the Pentagon had military partnerships with 35 of the continent’s 53 nations, “representing U.S. relatio ...
- Slick Operator: The BP I’ve known too well b ...http://www.buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1093088 by Greg Palast Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.gregpalast.com for Truthout.org 5 May, 2010 I’ve seen this movie before. In 1989, I was a fraud investigator hired to dig into the cause of the Exxon Valdez disaster. Despite Exxon’s name on that boat, I ...
- Who is a Threat to World Peace? by Finian Cunningh ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Finian.cunningham@gmail.com 4 May, 2010 The Declared Nuclear Powers, America, Britain and France Defeated by the Power of Reason It is a fairly reliable rule of thumb that when a person refuses to listen to the argument of another, it is a sign th ...
Your New Reality
- No titleArtist Chris Ware's rejected cover for Fortune Magazine : Why was it rejected? Boing Boing explains : (Chris Ware) filled the image with tons of satirical imagery, like the U.S. Treasuring being raided by Wall Street, China dumping money into the ocean, homes being flooded, homes being foreclosed ...
- No titleRiot Dog If you've been watching footage of the Greece Riots, and you keep seeing that a dog darting amongst protesters and squaring up to the police and you've been thinking, 'Weird, that dog looks so familiar', you're right. He is familiar. Because he's been out front of numerous protests and ma ...
- No titleGlenn Beck's Star Fading Fast As Advertisers Bail Don't let anybody ever tell you that boycotting corporations that you disagree with, for their actions or for their decisions on who they support their advertising dollars, don't work. They work. Rupert Murdoch now has to deny to the media that he ...
- No titleThe War On Nipples, Or The 2010 British Elections By Darryl Mason Brits have gone to the polls today to elect a new government. As you may already be aware, the rise of the Liberal Democrats party to almost equal pegging with prime minister Gordon Brown's Labour Party shows just what sort of chaos ...
- No title
Wired - Science
- Photo: Icelandic Volcano Begins Erupting AgainIceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano began erupting again earlier this week. This image, captured May 6 by the European Space Agency’s Envisat satellite, clearly shows the grayish brown ash of the plume blowing east. The eruption is the latest in a string that began March 20 and that grounded flights ...
- Finding the Right Asteroid for Astronauts to Land ...The Little Prince, who stood tall on his fictional house-sized asteroid B612, may soon have company. Since President Obama announced last month that NASA plans to send people to an asteroid by 2025 (SN: 5/8/10, p. 10), scientists have been scrambling to fill in the details. Before astronauts can em ...
- Better Oil Dispersant Tests Delayed in GulfA promising alternative to the highly toxic oil dispersant being used in the Gulf is finally being tested, but slowly. Dispersit was approved 10 years ago by the Environmental Protection Agency for emergency cleanup use. In lab comparisons, it’s twice as good at breaking down South Louisiana crude ...
- New Global Map of Every Country’s Tallest BuildingYou can now see the tallest building in every country of the world on one big map, thanks to an obsessive documentarian of engineering accomplishments. The anonymous cartographer described the new map on the website,
- Photo: Looking Back at the Space Station From Eart ...The newly installed cupola on the International Space Station provides the astronauts with a window onto the Earth below them. Now, Ralf Vandebergh has captured an image of that space station component from his backyard telescope. The new viewing station was launched in February on space shuttle mi ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Chomsky, scientists: Technion develops death techSenior academics from Tel Aviv University, Weizmann Institute, and other top institutions around world denounce Boston Science Museum's sponsorship of Israeli exhibit, calling it propaganda campaign.... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- The IOA’s First FUNDRAISER…DearIOA readers, We need your support, and we need it now. Your support will enable us to continue, expand, and improve coverage of the Occupation. Please help the IOA by clicking on the Donate... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian ...
- Noam Chomsky: Hopes and Prospects – Chomsky-signed ...Noam Chomsky's support of the IOA knows no bounds... In addition to being an active member of the IOA Advisory Board, Noam agreed to sign copies of his new book Hopes and Prospects which we are... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, n ...
- Why won’t Israel allow Gazans to import coriander?The Defense Ministry is refusing - on security grounds, it says - to reveal why Israel prohibits the import into the Gaza Strip of items such as cilantro, sage, jam, chocolate, french fries, dried... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
- IOA Exclusive Interview – Rashid Khalidi: “Inform ...The IOA sat with Professor Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, to discuss US-Israel relations, The Obama Administration's Middle East policies, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Iran's nuclear program
- Blackseafor warships successfully complete drills ...The warships of the Black Sea Naval group successfully completed exercises in the Black Sea on Tuesday in an effort to maintain stability in the region, a Black Sea Fleet commander has said
- Post-Soviet security bloc completes joint anti-ter ...Units from the Collective Security Treaty Organization's rapid reaction force have completed joint command-and-staff counter-terrorism exercises in Tajikistan, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said on Monday.
- Drills in Far East to involve warships of three Ru ...Warships of three Russian fleets will meet in the Sea of Japan during large-scale military exercises in the Far East.
- Russian warship repels simulated air strikeThe heavy nuclear-powered cruiser Pyotr Veliky (Peter the Great) and the Guards guided missile cruiser Moskva conducted a tactical exercise in the eastern sector of the Indian Ocean and repelled a simulated air strike
- Drug Now Used to Treat Erectile Dysfuncton May Enh ...New research by scientists at Cedars-Sinai's Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute suggests that a drug currently approved to treat erectile dysfunction may significantly enhance the delivery of the anti-cancer drug Herceptin to certain hard-to-treat brain tumors. The research, published in the curr ...
- Scientists Identify a New Protein Involved in Long ...Researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Thomas Jefferson University have found that the level of a single protein in the tiny roundworm C. elegans determines how long it lives.
- Creighton University to Offer New Alternative Ener ...Creighton University will begin assembling a large array of solar panels and wind turbines at various locations across campus. When completed, the solar array will be the largest in the state.The alternative energy project will be part of a new degree program for students studying technology and app ...
- Brain's Master Switch Is Verified by ResearcherThe protein that has long been suspected by scientists of being the master switch allowing brains to function has now been verified by Iowa State University researcher Yeon-Kyun Shin. The professor of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology has shown that the protein called synaptotagmin1 (Sy ...
- Researchers Uncover Fragile X Syndrome Gene's Role ...Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered how the genetic mutation that causes Fragile X syndrome, the most common form of inherited mental retardation, interferes with the "pruning" of nerve connections in the brain. Their findings appear in the April 29 issue of Neuron.
Intel Trends
- NOTICE: IntelTrends is moving to Blogger* * Effective 10-FEB-2010 this blog is moving to Blogger. * * The new URL is: http://inteltrends.blogspot.com RSS subscribers need to "re-subscribe" to the updated newsfeed URL. http://feeds.feedburner.com/inteltrends Thank you for your patience during the transition. Steve Permalin ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Peace Campaign Hyp ...The following comment is from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Reprinted with permission. Peace Campaign Hypes and the Rogue War-mongering Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 10, 2010 �17:46 �administrator Of Late, the invading forces led by America and their surrogates have l ...
- Sahara Becomes Desert of TerrorismThe following article is reprinted with permission from Pravda, Moscow. Sahara Becomes Desert of Terrorism © Pravda By Sergey Balmasov February 10, 2010 Senegal's president Abdoulaye Wade urged African leaders and the West to join forces in the fight against al-Qaeda's North African branch ...
- IntelTrends 10-FEB-2010Military hospitals under pressure in advance of new offensive Telegraph, 10 Feb Military hospitals in Afghanistan and the U.K. are operating close to capacity as British forces prepare to launch a major offensive against the Taliban. Arab diplomat annuls wedding with hairy bride Al Arabiya, 10 ...
- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: On the So-called R ...The following opinion is reprinted with permission from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. On the So-called Re-integration Source: �Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan February 9, 2010 �08:56 �S.H. The recent American tactic to lure away members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the nam ...
Organic Consumers.org
- We Need a Road Map to a Coal Free FutureIn 1776, Thomas Paine challenged our country to embrace the cause of independence over compromise. In a moment of crisis, he declared: "We have it in our power to make the world over again." Click here to read this article
- D.C. Council Launching Campaign Against Childhood ...The D.C. Council plans to give final approval Tuesday to school nutrition and physical education standards that would be among the strictest in the country, mandating that low-calorie and low-fat meals be served to about 71,000 students and eventually tripling the time they are required to spend exe ...
- Americans Bombarded with Cancer SourcesAmericans are being "bombarded" with cancer-causing chemicals and radiation and the federal government must do far more to protect them, presidential cancer advisers said on Thursday. Click here to read this article
- The Raw StoryA small, feisty band of well-connected health nuts are battling the state for the right to buy raw milk from local farms, and for the moment they are losing. It's just the kind of flap I like: a vast, bovine state and federal bureaucracy in unequal combat with a ragtag militia of udderly committed b ...
- Big Dairies and Massachusetts Officials Trying to ...I'd like to personally thank the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for articulating its food-rights policy. I know, I don't usually have nice things to say about the FDA, but I'm feeling appreciative because the agency has made it so much easier to explain the food-rights struggle to large numbers o ...
- Imágenes de bosques y santuarios naturales (37 fot ...Nota: Haz click aquí o sobre la imagen para entrar y ver todas las fotografías. Una de las especialidades del Banco de Imágenes Gratuitas, son las fotografías de paisajes naturales o escenarios campestres. Por eso mismo, no es de extrañarse que el día de hoy tenga para todos ustedes un paquete... ...
- Flores de primavera (33 fotos gratis de Montreal, ...Nuestra sección de Foto Reportajes, trae hasta usted un excelente relato sobre la llegada de la primavera en Canadá. Descubra en 33 fotografías gratuitas, el cambio entre estaciones y sea testigo de la belleza de las flores, los parques, jardines y algunos otros elementos que seguramente le harán... ...
- Imágenes fantásticas con movimiento (34 archivos . ...Luego de algunos días de intenso trabajo, ya tenemos lista la nueva colección de imágenes fantásticas con movimiento. Son 34 elementos que usted podrá utilizar para colocar en sus blogs, como firma en su correo o simplemente para compartir un bonito detalle en Facebook o en alguna otra red social... ...
- Fotos increíbles en blanco y negro (34 elementos)Bonita colección de 34 imágenes en blanco y negro. En este paquete, usted será testigo de cómo a veces, la creatividad va más allá de nuestra imaginación. Descubra entonces la magia que un grupo de buenos fotógrafos ha logrado implementar en esta interesante colección de monocromos.Nota: Haz click.. ...
- 17 Wallpapers muy creativos para fans de Apple MacHace poco, les proporcioné una serie de imágenes bien bonitas para su iPhone y iPod touch. Posteriormente, les ofrecí en directo una súper colección de imágenes para su iPad. Y hoy, deseo compartir con todos ustedes 17 wallpapers muy creativos para todos los fans de Apple. Nota: Haz click aquí o... ...
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks more tr ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoking g ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Report ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of global wa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
- Global Warming can burn your fingersHere's another bit of EU-sponsored propaganda, starring Mads Mikkelsen (the guy with the bleeding eye in Casino Royale, remember?).
Opinio Juris
- Chief Justice Roberts to Teach at Melbourne Law Sc ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller He’s obviously not my favorite Justice — my con-law professor, Gerald Guenther, always referred to me as Justice Black — but I think it’s fantastic for the school nonetheless. Here is the description: During his visit, the Chief Justice will conduct a wor ...
- Russians Let Go of Pirates; Blame Flaws in Interna ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Last week, Russia announced with some fanfare that it had captured several Somali pirates who had attacked a Russian-flagged vessel. Â It had also announced that (like the U.S.), these pirates would be brought back to Russia for trial. Â And then yesterday, Russia announ ...
- Chief Justice Roberts to Teach at Melbourne Law Sc ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller He’s obviously not my favorite Justice — my con-law professor, Gerald Guenther, always referred to me as Justice Black — but I think it’s fantastic for the school nonetheless. Here is the description: During his visit, the Chief Justice will conduct a wor ...
- Russians Let Go of Pirates; Blame Flaws in Interna ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Last week, Russia announced with some fanfare that it had captured several Somali pirates who had attacked a Russian-flagged vessel. Â It had also announced that (like the U.S.), these pirates would be brought back to Russia for trial. Â And then yesterday, Russia announ ...
- Chevron’s Discovery of Crude Outtakesby Roger Alford Yesterday a federal court in New York granted Chevron's request for discovery of outtakes from the 2009 documentary Crude about the multi-billion dollar litigation in Ecuador. Chevron's request was pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1782 , which authorizes a judge in the United States to order ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
Public News Service
- Not All Recycling is Good for the Environment Not All Recycling is Good for the Environment Arizonans who want to recycle old electronics have a new way to find out if their recycler does its job responsibly. The Basel (BASS-el) Action Networks e-Steward Certification is the world’s first global e-waste recycler certification, and the first su ...
- Report: Drivers Paying the Price for Road and Brid ...Report: Drivers Paying the Price for Road and Bridge Neglect Phoenix, AZ – Many of America’s roads and bridges are falling apart from a lack of proper maintenance. That’s the gist of a new report from the Public Interest Research Group, which says too much highway money is being diverted to new cons ...
- Report on School Safety: Wakeup Call on Possible C ...Report on School Safety: Wakeup Call on Possible Cell Tower Danger Washington, DC – New research examines the practice of siting cell towers and antennas near schools and students’ risk of exposure to potentially dangerous radiation levels. The "BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools" being unveiled today ...
- Groups Call on Congress to End LGBT Job Discrimina ...Groups Call on Congress to End LGBT Job Discrimination Phoenix, AZ – Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups and their allies, including Equality Arizona, are calling on Congress to outlaw job discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank ...
- 10,000 AZ Families to Lose Cash Assistance July 1s ...10,000 AZ Families to Lose Cash Assistance July 1st Phoenix, AZ – Some 10-thousand low-income Arizona families will lose their temporary cash assistance payments on July 1st as a result of state budget cuts. In many cases, the payments make it possible for low-income workers to stay employed, accord ...
My Care2 Picks
- Offshore Hazard and Risk Assessment ServicesThe spiders come up with odd 'finds' when you run Google Ads. This one came up on a Post Confirmation...and I started to laugh. Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- UK--- Farmland birds decliningFARMLAND birds which have provided the musical backdrop to the South West's countryside for generations are becoming increasingly sparse, according to a new repo Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Executive Entitlement Vs We The People DemocracyFishermen thrown out of work by BP's huge Gulf oil catastrophe BP makes them sign a form saying that they won't ask for more than $5,000 for ruining their livelihood. Deregulation,"tort reform," which means citizens can't sue for compensation for damages Submitted by John Farnham to Business �|� �N ...
- The Death Penalty for Murderous Corporate Persons ...Incorporation is a legal process designed to remove personal liability from corporate activity. If they are persons, though, that is not so. Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- What kind of a 'person' is a corporation?Take a look at Home Depot, which i know well from a close friend; Home Depot screws up family life with weird schedules on a weekly basis;it injures employees through physical demands greater than most employers in many states. It cripples, impoverishes Submitted by Jaime Dough to Business �|� �Not ...
Angry Indian News
- Dallas man is latest of several people charged wit ...Dallas man is latest of several people charged with threatening Obama: As federal agents tell it, Brian D. Miller inveighed against the Democrats' health-care overhaul, writing on a Craigslist... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- John John: Greece: Resistance to the terrorism of ...Greece: Resistance to the terrorism of capital! There is another road!:As they resort to the “rescue plan” of the EU and the IMF which is usury of the worst degree, the government, the bourgeoisie... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- John Shafer: United States apologizes to American ...Post submitted by Victoria, BC correspondent John Shafer:United States apologizes to American Indians – but forgets to tell them?!April 28th,... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Pakistan: CIA drones have broader list of targetsPakistan: CIA drones have broader list of targets - latimes.com: "Reporting from WashingtonThe CIA received secret permission to attack a wider range of targets, including suspected militants whose... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Louisiana KKK Leader Pleads Guilty to Killing Recr ...Louisiana KKK Leader Pleads Guilty to Killing Recruit Who Wanted Out | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center: "The murder trial of Louisiana klansman Raymond “Chuck” Foster ended abruptly Wednesday... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Military Law – No Longer Just for the Military: Ar ...No “Branch” of Military, or anyone who comes under Title 10 and the UCMJ is at any time supposed to be “deciding” or adjudicating civilian affairs. The Coast Guard as this Special Branch of Military is filing “civil complaints” and “charges” against whom it is itself identifying as civilians.
- More than 80 Groups Urge FDA and USDA to Change U. ...For Immediate release Naomi Starkman Consumers Union nstarkman@gmail.com 917.539.3924-c Position Will Create Problems for American Producers to Label Products GM/GE-Free Upcoming International Codex Meeting to Discuss Food Labeling, May 3 Yonkers, NY—Consumers Union, the nonprofit publishe ...
- S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act: ...The PPJ Gazette Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved ________________________ “I guess, Henry Waxman was the only person to discover this close tie between financial reform and dietary supplements. Who would have imagined such a thing? Guess that’s why he’s a Senator; he can divin ...
- A news flash for the District of Criminals: It is ...We can send troops all over the world to defend other people (only if they have assets we want), to bring democracy to people who don’t want it (after all, look at the example we have set) and appear out of no where when an earthquake occurs on an island. But we can’t defend America from an illegal ...
- What the MSM won’t tell you about about the ranche ...As you know, one of our local ranchers, Bob Krentz, an R-CALF member, was murdered in Douglas, AZ, two weeks ago. His funeral is tomorrow. I received three messages from different officers within the Rangers and law enforcement. Yesterday afternoon I talked to another rancher near us who is a friend ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- Israeli Pres. Peres: Israel ready for deal on Pale ...Noted by Eileen White Read on May 7, 2010 1:05 PM
- How the Times Square bomber almost got away (msn.c ...Noted by Sue Frause on May 7, 2010 12:05 PM
- BBC News - Election: Cameron makes offer to Lib De ...Noted by Jamelle Bouie on May 7, 2010 12:05 PM
- Travel guru Rick Steves teams up with Smithsonian ...Noted by Sue Frause on May 7, 2010 12:05 PM
- Bomb stash found at George Clooney's Italian villa ...Noted by Sue Frause on May 7, 2010 12:05 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- U.S. interrogators scared Canadian with rape taleShareThis U.S. interrogators scared Canadian with rape tale --Khadr has said he was threatened with rape, beaten, thrown to the ground, chained in painful positions, forced to urinate on himself, terrorized by dogs and subjected to freezing temperatures and sleep deprivation at Bagram and Guantanamo ...
- Pentagon bans 4 journalists from Guantanamo courtShareThis Pentagon bans 4 journalists from Guantanamo court 06 May 2010 The Pentagon on Thursday banned four journalists from future sessions of the Guantanamo war crimes [kangaroo] court for reporting the name of a disgraced former U.S. Army interrogator. His name had been widely published during a ...
- Senate Rejects Consumer Amendment to Overhaul Bill ...ShareThis Senate Rejects Consumer Amendment to Overhaul Bill 07 May 2010 The U.S. Senate yesterday rejected two significant changes to its financial-overhaul bill, voting down restrictions on a proposed consumer-protection bureau and a plan that would have forced the largest banks to shrink in size. ...
- Taleban disown Times Square 'Idiot Bomber' ShareThis Taleban disown Times Square 'Idiot Bomber' 07 May 2010 The alleged would-be Times Square terrorist was disowned by the Pakistani Taleban yesterday as American politicians called for him to be stripped of his US citizenship so he can be tried by a military tribunal. Faisal Shahzad -- nickna ...
- Labor unions, civil-rights groups boycott ArizonaShareThis Labor unions, civil-rights groups boycott Arizona 06 May 2010 Leaders of national labor unions and civil rights groups said Thursday that they will boycott Arizona until the state's toughest-in-the-nation immigration law is repealed, overturned by the courts or superseded by congressional ...
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Online petition to scrap Emissions Trading SchemesSend a signal to the NZ government, and in fact governments everywhere... � "SUSPEND THE EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEME" PETITION On July 1st National intends to inflict on New Zealand the world's most comprehensive and expensive emissions trading scheme. It will increase the cost of power and petrol ...
- Stoat bites TrufflehunterNot sure whether to feel good or recoil in horror at the realisation arch global-warmist William 'Stoat" Connolly and I agree on something. I nearly posted on yet more bad science from Hot Topic last week, but in the end...
- Why is Obama looking sheepish?CAPTION: "Go on, Barry, tell me you didn't you ol hounddog..." A Tiger, a Baker, a scandalstick maker.... You couldn't make it up...but then again maybe you could. Is the Obama cheating scandal with Vera Baker for real? Drudge frontpaged...
- Labour's $100K donation claimTo read the story, click on the cover...
- NZ Prime Minister under pressure from coalition pa ...Act Party leader Rodney Hide has just released an open letter to Prime Minister John Key, calling on him to delay New Zealand's emissions trading scheme, due to start July 1. Hide argues the government's excuses about an obligation to...
- Jewish charity blacklists and the Israel questionWhat do Jewish Voice for Peace, Madre, Amnesty International, New Israel Fund, American Friends Service Committee, Media Matters and Institute for Policy Studies all have in common? There has been a growing backlash since the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation first announced the most re ...
- Finkelstein is movin on up to velvet rope in meatp ...Rick Congress went to a party last night for Norman Finkelstein's new Gaza book, This Time We Went Too Far, at a bar on Gansevoort Street in New York. His report: It was really strange. The Griffin is one of� those insider no-name black-painted facade clubs that has a bouncer outside and your name ...
- Postponing Jerusalem will put the nail in the coff ...As the United States, Israel and the Palestinian Authority prepared for so-called proximity talks, David Axelrod, a senior adviser to President Obama, told reporters from the Jewish press last Tuesday that “Jerusalem as an issue can’t be the first issue for negotiations. It probably will be the last ...
- My Holocaust educationI'm writing my Senior Research Paper (at Cal State Northridge) on the Palestinian Right of Return, and my professor suggested I examine the precedents of compensation and repatriation set by the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. I started investigating the Claims Conference stuff, and I decided to ...
- The 2 brothers from Al-Walaja can only enter Jerus ...Yesterday we picked up a report on the arrest of Mazin Qumsiyeh, geneticist and human-rights activist, in a small village south of Jerusalem where he was protesting Israel's gobbling of more Palestinian land for Jewish settlements. Here is Qumisyeh's report on his day: Our ten-hour ordeal with the ...
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Massive Recall Of Children’s Tylenol Pr ...MASSIVE RECALL OF CHILDREN’S TYLENOL, MOTRIN, ZYRTEC & BENADRYL PRODUCTS UNDERWAY Raw materials used to make over-the-counter infant’s and children’s medications, which are subject to a massive recall, tested positive for bacterial contamination, according to a Food and Drug Administration inspe ...
- VRM: Pregnancy TipsI was recently alerted by a newly pregnant mother of a child with Autism for tips on minerals & vitamins to help strengthen her immune system during the coming months. She believes vaccines were the cause of her child’s Autism and has begun a shift away from her GP. Based on all my research thus far ...
- VRM: Family Charts The Gradual Decline Of Daughter ...VACCINE CRIME: Family charts the gradual decline of daughter (b. 6-3-95) attributed to vaccine trauma: Hepatitis B/6-19-95 (rash), HBPV, OPV, DPT & Hepatitis B/7-27-95 (floppy limbs noted), DPT, HBPV & OPV/9-27-95 (floppiness persisted, outbreak of Eczema, dissociative autistic behavior), DPT & ...
- VRM: Autism – Steps To Take Toward Prevention & Re ...1) Vitamin D is highly recommended – According to Dr. John Cannell, âAutism is caused from a quantitative, not qualitative, variation in one of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. That is, there are no structural differences in these enzymes in autism, only agenetically determined difference in ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- Welcome to the Waterpik Experience!A few days back my wife mentioned that the showerhead was getting clogged again and that we'd need to soak it in vinegar again. Our last waterbill is still on my mind so when she told me this I thought, "What a great excuse to get a new water-saving showerhead!". The model that had gotten bloc ...
- Simple Living: CDs and DVDsIf like me, you were a teen in the 90's, you probably have a huge stack of CDs like I do. I would also bet that, like me, you rarely listen to any of those CDs. Over the last few years I've also noticed the same thing with my DVDs. I had a whole shelf of CDs and DVD but never touched 99% of ...
- The Newest Excitement In My Life: Dual-Flush Toile ...Last week I got my quarterly municipal water bill: $ 240 ! That's about $1000 a year I'm paying for water which dries out my skin and reeks of chlorine. This was ample motivation for me to finally get around to installing a dual-flush adapter to our existing toilets. I picked this thing ...
- My Quick and Easy Square Foot GardenHere's my little garden that I did last week. �It's a modified square foot garden where instead of a 4 x 4 bed this is 1 x 28. I have a small 50x 50 lot so there isn't room for anything much larger. The walls of the bed are plastic fake stones. �They're $15 for 9 feet at Walmart and Cana ...
- Simple Living: Getting Rid of "Stuff""The stuff you own, owns you." I know that saying sounds bizarre and maybe a little paranoid but in many ways it's true. In my the back of my mind I'm always thinking, "I have to clean up and organize; my house is too cluttered.". �It's a little thing but it's one more stress in my life an ...
Michael Yon
- Big Guns28 April 2010 The intention was to write a detailed dispatch on the 3-17th Field Artillerly. Unfortunately, General Stanley McChrystals’ crew broke an agreement I had with the Army to stay until 5/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team leaves Afghanistan, and so the research on this dispatch was not comp ...
- Battle for KandaharBattle for Kandahar Baghtu Valley 25 April 2010 Afghanistan The counteroffensive has begun. More accurately, it might be called a counter-counteroffensive. Close to a decade ago, we beat the Taliban and al Qaeda here. The Taliban regrew and waged an increasingly successful counteroffensive. ...
- War above McChrystal's HeadPublished: 17 April 2010 Originally posted on Facebook {loadposition user8}
- Supportfooter{loadposition user8}
- A WhisperPublished: 16 April 2010 By: MAJ JF Sucher, MD A singular sentence in reply to a common, simple question. A whisper from Afghanistan has returned a loud echo from Laconia, New Hampshire, a small town of 12,000 (40,000 in the summer) nestled amongst the glacial lakes in the center of the state. D ...
The Killing Train
- Contested spaces worth defendingIntroductory Note: The Sociology and Equity Studies in Education (SESE) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) Graduate Student Conference this year took place on April 3, 2010. It had the theme “Contested Spaces: The (Re)Organization of Schooling Under Neoliberalism”. From the con ...
- Slumdogs vs. Millionaires: Sainath in TorontoThe lecture hall slowly filled up as slides of families of the 200,000 farmers who committed suicide in India between 1997-2005 played on the flat screens on the side of the room. P Sainath, the day's speaker, was the journalist who brought the farmer suicides to wide attention. He opened his talk b ...
- Implementing the Bolivarian Revolution: Julio Chav ...On October 10/09 Venezuelan former mayor, now state legislator Julio Chavez spoke at the University of Toronto sponsored by Hands off Venezuela and the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle. He came in sporting the unassuming Bolivarian fashion: red T-shirt, red baseball cap (with a Canada logo on it), jeans ...
- Realclimate on the hacked climate change emailsA friend asked me for my take on the hacked climate change emails. Before formulating my thoughts I went to realclimate.org to see if they had anything. They do... and it's indispensable as usual .
- If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief ef ...If you are thinking of donating to Haiti relief efforts I would recommend either of these two organizations: The Haiti Emergency Relief Fund or Partners in Health
- Living Walls go Mainstream, Hit the Homes SectionsMichael Riley's over-the-top walls; Paul Costello for The New York Times Kristina Shevory writes in the New York Times that living walls are becoming increasingly popular in homes. "Avid and aspiring gardeners, frustrated with little outdoor space, are taking another look at their walls and not ...
- UNC to Stop Burning Coal: First Victory for Sierra ...Image credit: IndyWeek As far as college towns go, Chapel Hill in North Carolina has a fair few things going for it. From being the birthplace of crop mob , through free buses, to the admittedly controversial Greenbridge high-end eco-condos , there are plenty of folks in this town who are pushi ...
- The Week in Pictures: BP Gulf Oil Spill, Disturbin ...From the news that a modern Robin Hood used an arrow with 4 razor blades and a crossbow to free an endangered Right Whale to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which is on par to outpace the Exxon Valdez oil spill in terms of size, impact, and devastation, a lot happened this week in green. ...
- The Gulf Coast Oil Spill & Your Health: Who's At R ...Booms set up on Breton Island in preparation for oil landfall. Photo: NRDC via flickr. This is a repost of an article written by Dr Gina Solomon from
- Aww! Turkish Family Finds Abandoned Baby Grizzly B ...Photo via Hürriyet WebTV Most little girls are lucky to get a puppy or kitten to play with; Tuba Haykır's family adopted a baby bear they found abandoned in a nearby forest and the 11-year-old quickly became fast friends with the cub, bottle-feeding it milk every day. It's all just too cute for ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Burma to enact anti-terror lawsNew laws follow in the wake of a series of bombings across Burma that the government has pinned on exiled opposition groups
- New opposition says Suu Kyi ‘is still leader’National Democratic Force party, formed from the ashes of the National League for Democracy, will soon register for controversial elections in Burma
- National League for Democracy: R.I.P…?Four luminaries of the pro-democracy movement - Zoya Phan, U Win Tin, Harn Yawnghwe and Aung Naing Oo - chart the past and future of Burma's principal opposition party
- ‘Vigorous Warrior’ held for Rangoon bombingPolice arrest member of the exiled Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors group on charges related to the deadly Rangoon bombings in April
- Political parties slam ‘rule-breaking’ PMElection laws stipulating that government workers cannot set up their own political parties may have been broken by Burma's current prime minister
Telegraph - Climate Change
- General election 2010: hung Parliament could stren ...A hung Parliament could mean tougher policies on climate change, with parties agreed on building more wind turbines and insulating homes.
- Gulf oil slick is a disaster for world climate dea ...Offshore oil drilling could become unacceptable, eliminating Barack Obama's bargaining tool with the Republicans, writes Geoffrey Lean.
- General Election 2010: Political parties are green ...There is one party that fully endorses the rejectionist case on global warming, says Geoffrey Lean.
- World fails to stop extinctionWorld leaders have failed to prevent the extinction of species despite pumping millions of pounds into nature conservation, according to a new study.
- Volcano crisis: Sense vanishes in a puff of ash The closure of our airspace casts a highly disturbing light on the way we are governed, says Christopher Booker.
National Geographic | Environment
- Nature Fighting Back Against Gulf Oil SpillEvaporation, dilution, and oil-hungry bacteria are already combatting the Gulf slick, experts say.
- Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?Twenty-five years later, the lingering "hole" over Antarctica is close to closing—but that may not be entirely a good thing. Antarctica - Antarctic - Polar Regions - Ozone depletion - Environment
- Hurricane Could Push Spilled Gulf Oil Into New Orl ...With predictions for a feisty 2010 hurricane season, experts fear that a major storm could carry oil from the Gulf spill into downtown.
- Gulf Oil Spill a "Dead Zone in the Making"?As the world watches for oil-covered birds, experts warn that the Gulf of Mexico spill could pose greater risks to life deep in the ocean. Oil spill - Gulf of Mexico - Environment - Energy - Petroleum in the Environment
- Bald Eagles May Have to Eat Toxic Seals, Study Say ...Eagles on California's Channel Islands are finding fewer of their traditional prey, which may force them to scavenge DDT-laced blubber. California - Channel Island - Bald Eagle - California's Channel Islands - Channel Islands National Park
Jurist - Legal Research
- Canada high court rules journalists lack broad rig ...[JURIST] The Canadian Supreme Court [official website] ruled [judgment text] Friday that journalists do not have an automatic right to shield their sources and that decisions on who is entitled to remain anonymous will be made on a case by case basis. The ruling upholds an order requiring a former N ...
- Federal appeals court rejects bid to remove 'God' ...[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit [official website] on Friday rejected [opinion, PDF] an attempt to remove the phrase "so help me God" from the presidential oath. The challenge was brought by atheist Michael Newdow [JURIST news archive] and several other groups, ...
- Turkish parliament approves constitutional reforms ...[JURIST] The Turkish Grand National Assembly [official website, in Turkish] on Friday approved a series of constitutional amendments [text, in Turkish] which had been proposed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) [official website, in Turkish]. Changes in the reform package include an o ...
- Lithuania court overturns gay pride parade ban[JURIST] The Lithuanian Supreme Administration Court ruled Friday that the nation's first gay pride parade may proceed as scheduled, overturning a lower court's decision to ban the parade. The lower court imposed the ban last week citing safety concerns for the participants due to fear of violent pr ...
- Kenya AG publishes draft constitution[JURIST] Kenyan Attorney General Amos Wako [official profile] on Thursday published the country's draft constitution [text, PDF], which proposes more balance of power in the government. President Mwai Kibaki [official profile], Prime Minister Raila Odinga, and Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka have all ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Question Time with Marc AmbinderThanks for a great series of questions on SCOTUS, the legislative agenda, Obama's blackness, and more.�
- Bringing California's Budget Back From the BrinkJohn A. Perez, the speaker of the California State Assembly, was sitting in a corner of a hotel lounge in Washington D.C. describing in matter-of-fact terms how one of the largest economies in the world is coping with the greatest budget crisis it has ever confronted. �(He was in Washington to exped ...
- The Night Beat: The Next Chief of StaffWhat matters tomorrow ... tonight. Read it and sleep. The Queen of England wants to sleep late. She won't see anyone with a plan for government until 1:00 pm GMT tomorrow. As in the day after tomorrow, in the states. Majority for Tories is TBD; as you know, the current PM's government gets the first ...
- On Terror, Obama Draws Lines, Bright and FuzzyThe White House is denying reports, picked up by prominent blogs , that secret U.S. Defense Department assets were used to help pinpoint the location of terrorism suspect Faisal Shahbaz. Benjamin C. Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, said last night that " th ...
- Why Palin Endorsed FiorinaI've studiously avoided the argument between Joshua Green and Andrew Sullivan about Sarah Palin. Josh believes that Palin is a harmless, if demagogic, publicity and fame hound. Sullivan believes that Palin is a nefarious genius who intends to run for president. Somewhere in the middle of all this is ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] Help Oppose Canada's Top Weapons Bazaar! - ...
- [COAT] Haiti Protests! 100s of photos/videos/artic ...
- [COAT] James Bond vs CIDA in Haiti: Voodoo Power & ...
- [COAT] Making a Killing on War! Cancel CANSEC, Can ...
- [COAT] Canada's Arms Exports to Israel: Aiding & A ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | Ass ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious blast ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms tre ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's energy ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans closed ...
Tikun Olam
- Why Does the Shin Bet Hate and Fear Ameer Makhoul?To my great delight, Israeli bloggers, unlike their journalistic counterparts, are defying the Shin Bet’s gag order on reporting the secret arrest of Ameer Makhoul, director of the Israeli Palestinian human rights NGO, Ittijah. Â Kol hakavod to friends and allies Uri Breitman, Yossi Gurvitz, Idan La ...
- Tel Aviv University Honors Dershowitz with Honorar ...Tel Aviv University will confer an honorary doctorate on Alan Dershowitz tomorrow Saturday, May 8th at 9PM at Smolarz Auditorium on campus. Perhaps you good reader would like to speculate on the particular speciality for which the Dersh will be honored. Perhaps Israel’s leading hasbarist? Perh ...
- Links for 2010-03-21 [Digg]Happy Passover: Settlers, Immigrants, and Jewish Values "You shall not oppress the stranger because you know the soul of the stranger for you yourselves were immigrants in the land of Egypt (Exodus 23:9)"
- Shin Bet’s Israeli Cult of Secrecy Continues, Arab ...The Israeli Shin Bet continue riding roughshod over the rights of the nation’s citizens. In the past few months, it was Anat Kamm and Uri Blau who were subjected to gag orders (specifically Kamm) and her name couldn’t be spoken publicly in the media. We broke that gag order with the help of brav ...
- Shin Bet Nabs Spanish Clown Intent on Damaging Nat ...Boy, am I glad there’s a Shin Bet around to protect Israel. First, they nab that bitch traitor Anat Kamm who sold the nation’s secrets to Hamas. Then, they send that other spy Uri Blau packing off the London where he belongs. Maybe if they’re lucky they’ll close down that nest of vipers at the ...
Ode Magazine
- The joy of dirtSoil is as essential a natural resource as air and water. Yet weâre running out of healthy, fertile dirt at an alarming rate. One manâs odyssey to retrace and reduce his soil footprint. At his farm in Willits, California, John Jeavons teaches the next generation to grow soil. P ...
- Book Excerpt: Power and Love by Adam KahanePublished by: Berrett-Koehler , San Francisco, 2010 Beyond War and Peace Our two most common ways of trying to address our toughest social challenges are the extreme ones: aggressive war and submissive peace. Neither of these ways works. We can try, using our gu ...
- America's most sustainable breweriesComing Soon. Issue: March 2010 Related Reading Spain goes green Gene Seidman Old world tradition meets real world reality in one amazing day Kurt Zuelsdorf
- Experiments in workplace autonomyTraditional employee management techniques are out of sync with human nature. Get ready for a renaissance of self-direction. Photo: Dusanzidar/ Dreamstime.com A little past noon on a rainy Friday in Charlottesville, Virginia, only a third of CEO Jeff Gunther’s employees ha ...
- Five freedoms for allHow the 2048 movement is helping âmeâ and âweâ to work together. Photo: istockphoto.com/arissanjay 2048 is a plan to prevent future wars, eliminate poverty and create the conditions necessary for a sustainable existence on our planet. These ends can be achieved th ...
OpEd News
- Systemic Injustice Against Two Longtime Political ...Forty years in prison for crimes they didnapos;t commit
- Saving Face in AfghanistanAs in Vietnam years ago, the US is primarily fighting a war in Asia primarily to save face.
- Talking with Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Wa ...For 14 years, we have been reading the daily Palestinian newspapers, watching Palestinian Authority official TV and studying their schoolbooks. Our goal is to get an accurate picture of the internal Arabic language Palestinian world and especially what Palestinian leadership is saying to their child ...
- On Moms, In Time for Motherapos;s DayLonesome for that show "Kids Say the Darnedest Things"? Well, here are some choice second-gradersapos; answers to: Why did God make moms? Whatapos;s the difference between moms and dads? and other scintillating questions. After you pick yourself off the floor, pass it along.
- Apocalypse Never: Read This Book or DieDaley has a unique argument for the moral necessity of sharing his goal and promoting either his book or others like it: our only alternative is the annihilation of all life on earth.
- Community Needs on the Gulf Coast: LouisianaLocal groups in Louisiana are scrambling to respond to the looming threat to their health and economy that lurks offshore. I met with some local groups today and here is what I learned: The Louisiana Bucket Brigade had a small army of volunteers meeting outside their offices this morning. They have ...
- Dolphins in OilUsually I’m jealous of people who get to spend their time on the water, but not these days. Yesterday afternoon a few of my NRDC colleagues who are down in the Gulf to document the growing environmental disaster watched some two dozen bottlenose dolphins swim in the emulsified oil and sheen that’s ...
- In Wake of Oil Spill, Most Americans See Need for ...This week, NRDC has been making the case that the Gulf Oil spill is a disaster that should shock the Congress into acting on a big scale to reform our energy system and get moving on clean energy and climate legislation. After all if we really want to prevent future oil spills, we have to cut back o ...
- Farmers aren’t the only ones who should be concern ...Earlier this week, the New York Times reported on an emerging threat facing farmers, rural communities and the environment: The proliferation of “superweeds” that are resistant to the widely used herbicide “Roundup” (also sold generically as glyphosate). First some background: In the 1990s, Monsant ...
- Offshore Drilling Is – and Will Remain – A Risky B ...“At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.” – Author Unknown As talk in the Gulf (and in Washington, DC) turns from the technological glitches that caused the Deepwater Horizon spill to th ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Robin Roberts and the Whiz KidsAnother great tribute from Posnanski. Roberts was just a tremendous pitcher for his first 8 years (and had a second wave of very good pitching after joining the Orioles in the 60s), although because of the relative failure of his teams doesn’t seem to get discussed in that light as much as [...] ...
- Random Airport Blogging, PDX Edition: Britain Vote ...I board the first of two flights on a PDX-AMS-BRS itinerary in 90 60 minutes (which means I am safely ensconced in an airport bar). Â I am missing election day, which suits me fine, because in this election the real drama should be what follows the voting itself. Where does that stand? Â First, turn ...
- Broder/Snowe ‘12!I’m not sure which of the many obviously idiotic arguments in the latest demonstration of utter cluelessness by Mark Penn, Union Buster (TM) is the very dumbest. But I think I’m going to have to go with his assertion that the socially liberal/fiscally conservative view is underrepresented in Ameri ...
- Némirovsky and Anti-SemitismThis rather odd recent article about the novelist Irène Némirovsky is a good example of a journalistic technique I can’t stand: allowing people to respond to uncited “critics” without linking to their arguments, describing them in sufficient detail, or giving them a chance to respond. Némirovsk ...
- Welcome To My Life, TabooAlthough Brian Leiter beat me to it, this David Bernstein post is such a remarkable piece of work that I can’t resist piling on. Â Â Angry about the possibility that someone might be criticized (with, properly in my view, no other consequences as far as I can tell) for expressing racist views, he p ...
Desert Research Institute
- Doctoral Student Todd Caldwell Earns 2010 Warden A ...Todd Caldwell was named the 2010 winner of the Colin Warden Memorial Endowment Award for his paper titled “Spatial structure of hydraulic properties from canopy to interspace in the Mojave Desert".
- The Mojave Desert Book Earns PROSE AwardThe Mojave Desert , edited by DRI researchers Lynn Festermaker and Eric McDonald, gives readers one of the most comprehensive looks at North America's driest desert.
- Mercury Depletion Events at the Dead SeaResearchers characterize atmospheric mercury depletion events at the Dead Sea in Israel and the atmospheric chemistry responsible for these events.
- Storm Peak Lab Contributes Data to Microbe Researc ...Using data collected at DRI's Storm Peak Lab, researchers have found that airborne microbial diversity is much greater than expected.
- Cloud Seeding Program Receives Support from SNWA a ...Cloud seeding will continue this year in the Tahoe/Truckee River Basin, the Ruby Mountains and with one generator near Tuscarora, Nevada.
Earth Techling
- Toyota Getting Ducks In Order For Hydrogen Fuel Ce ...Toyota looks to be closer than ever to releasing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, publicly saying what it believes would be a target price range for a potential 2015 debut.
- Green Machine App Gets You In Touch With Inner Rec ...A fun new free app available for iPhone owners lets one see how their recyclables like paper and scrap metals convert to measures of positive environmental savings.
- Smart Meters Get Thumbs Down In Small California T ...A small town in northern California is challenging a large local utility over the installation of smart meters claiming, among other things, that these wireless devices could threaten the health of residents.
- Truck Made From Renewable Woods Bound For AfricaStudents at Purdue have developed a novel solution for helping rural Africans get their crops to market, cheaply, with a solution that can be locally built: the Basic Utility Vehicle, a truck made largely of wood.
- Cape Wind Large Scale Wind Farm Project Gets A Big ...The Cape Wind large scale offshore wind farm project in Massachusetts nets a big utility client as National Grid, a large Northeast electricity provider, aims to purchase half of the farm's energy output potential.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Behind Closed DoorsNo cameras, no audio and now, no main entry to the high court. Is Court growing more insular under Roberts?
- DOJ presses law firms in LCD probeThe U.S. Department of Justice's broad investigation into price-fixing by the LCD screen industry has netted more than $860 million in fines and resulted in criminal charges against nearly a dozen executives.
- Murder mystery heads to trialThis week — almost four years after D.C. lawyer Robert Wone was found dead — a former Arent Fox partner and two others will go to trial for crimes related to Wone's murder.
- Open Web, Insert FootIt's not as if lawyers never misbehaved before. But now they're making the same old mistakes — soliciting for sex, slamming judges, talking trash about clients — online, leaving a digital trail for bar counsel to follow.
- Firms looking at leases' end find friendly D.C. ma ...It's a good year to be a law firm near the end of its lease in Washington. Commercial vacancy rates have hit double digits for the first time in more than a decade, driving landlords to make valuable concessions.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Stunned at Shuster’s WordsHere are a few letters to the editor from a paper out of Bedford, PA area. This was sent to me by a farmer who lives in that are whose livestock and water has been polluted. She does not have a lease with any gas company but lives near a large compressor station and gas [...]
- House Bill 2235 LetterHere’s is a sample letter to my local representative. Please feel free to copy and paste it if you are not sure how to write your own. Make sure you send it to your correct representative. Representative Matthew Baker Ryan Office Building, Room 115 451 North Third Street Harrisburg, PA 17120-2068 De ...
- A Letter to the Editor…The following letter to the editor in today’s Williamsport Sun-Gazette has some interesting ideas. Whether or not you agree with any or all of these, it surely will get you considering ways to think out of the box in addressing gas drilling issues. A Gas Drilling Protection Plan-Posted April 29th-le ...
- Delay Equals Opportunity…make your voice hea ...Last week’s expected House floor action on the Save the Forests bill (HB 2235) – to protect the best parts of our state forest land from gas drilling – was pushed back to next week. HB 2235 would impose a five-year freeze on new leasing of state land for gas drilling until the state can [...]
News Blaze
- Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters Endorses ...Barbara Alby, acting State Board of Equalization member and taxpayer advocate for the second district has been endorsed by Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters.
- America's Favorite Cowboy Will Roberts Taking Tech ...Roberts is now taking humor into the age of the iPhone with a little help from the brilliant engineers at Apple, Roberts is taking technology to create some tongue and cheek humor that will enlighten the mind and captivate the soul.
- Paul Mooney: It's The End of the World DVD ReviewFor this hilarious concert flick, comedian Paul Mooney brought his irreverent standup act to The Lodge, a gentleman's club located in Dallas, Texas.
- Red Skelton Tribute Artist Brian Hoffman Adds Satu ...Veteran comedian and celebrity impersonator Brian Hoffman receives overwhelming response to afternoon show prompting action to be taken to secure a Saturday night 9 o'clock time slot.
- Socially Responsible Investment Firm Wins Big Vote ...Such hypocrisy, however, appears to be standard fair for management. No wonder, as Blankfein himself stated at the shareholder meeting, there is a disconnect between how the company views itself and how outsiders see Goldman Sachs.
environment 360
- Rare Temperature Record Dates Back to 1886 in East ...Every day since Jan. 1, 1896, a consistent record of temperature has been kept by a single family and its friends at The Mohonk Preserve, a resort and nature area 90 miles north of New York City. The record, maintained for the National Weather Service, is a rare one — 114 years of readings taken on ...
- Dozens of Critical Bird Sites in Path of Massive G ...The American Bird Conservancy says the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill will affect bird populations Click to enlarge American Bird Conservancy Critical bird sites threatened by the oil spill from Canada to South America, with important nesting and migratory stopover sites along the Gulf Coast direc ...
- Google Directly Invests In Wind Power Project in N ...Google has invested $39 million in a 160-megawatt wind farm in North Dakota, marking the first time that the search engine giant has made a direct investment in a wind energy project . Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org, has previously invested in renewable energy startups, such as the solar the ...
- Interview: Unlocking Secrets from the Ice in a Rap ...Earlier this year, climatologist Ellen Mosley-Thompson led an expedition to drill into glacial ice on the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the world’s fastest-warming regions. Working for 42 days in frigid temperatures at 6,500 feet, Mosley-Thompson and her six-person team encountered numerous hardships ...
- Unlocking Secrets from the Ice In a Rapidly Warmin ...Earlier this year, climatologist Ellen Mosley-Thompson led an expedition to drill into glacial ice on the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the world’s fastest-warming regions. In an interview with Yale Environment 360 , Mosley-Thompson explains what the Antarctic ice cores may reveal and describes what i ...
Red Ice Creations
- Do Aliens Exist? Denver Puts It to the Vote
- Darwin Dynasty Cursed By Inbreeding
- Government cannot use secret evidence in Guantánam ...
- Greece braces for "violent modernization"
- "Security slip" let suspect on plane, near takeoff
Russia Today
- 7th Symphony – inspiration to besieged LeningradComposer Dmitry Shostakovich, who witnessed the horrific Siege of Leningrad, wrote his legendary 7th Symphony in the first year of the war. The symphony has become a symbol of resistance and the will for victory.
- Pavlov’s House – a famous stronghold in the histor ...The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the most epic battles in world history. A building, called “Pavlov’s House” became a genuine fortress at a decisive point of the fight.
- Battle of Kursk – a turning point of WWIIThe Russian town of Prokhorovka, in the south of Russia, is where a crucial battle of the Kursk defense took place in 1943. This fiercest of tank clashes switched the momentum on the Eastern Front to the Soviets.
- Victory Day – rift among former USSR nations Countries around the world are commemorating Victory Day, but it seems those who once fought side by side are now fighting each other. Post–Soviet nations are torn apart over the views on victory and Nazi occupation.
- WWII Victory Day: international celebration on Red ...On May 9, Moscow will host the 65th anniversary Victory Day parade. For the first time in decades, foreign troops are participating in it.
Dad2059′s Webzine of Science Fiction, Science Fact and Esoterica
- CGI Tour of Mars: Proof of Life?Below is a YouTube presentation of a “Google Mars” type tour of the planet Mars depicting vegetation and ancient city blocks. I couldn’t tell anything, but the overhead effects were pretty good. Who ever set this up knew what they were doing, but I’m no expert in CGI or Photoshop. Enjoy. … Intellige ...
- NASA Mars Life Disclaimer / But there’s proo ...On April 28th last Wednesday, The Sun of the UK, published an article about a NASA source claiming there was evidence for life on Mars (they have since taken it out). However, it didn’t take NASA long to print a disclaimer: A Wednesday article in the U.K.’s “The Sun” newspaper entitled, “NASA: Evide ...
- And now, from the Fortean perspective…All week long we’ve looked at different articles with conflicting viewpoints on Hawking’s statements that we should take care in broadcasting our presence to the Universe, because we might attract a powerful interstellar nomadic species that could very well steal our planet and kill us all. Of cours ...
- Post Obama Speech Meeting At KSCOn April 15th just this past week, the Obamanator stopped by Kennedy Spaceflight Center to back up his FY2011 vision of changes for NASA. His plan includes an increase to NASA’s budget of $6 billion $omolian$ over a period of 5 years, but it cancels the beleaguered Constellation Program that is long ...
- Proof of Kardashev-Type 3 Civilization?Possible proof of another ‘intelligent’ civilization in the Universe? A refutation of the Fermi Paradox? Maybe. There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen an ...
Tippers News
- American Cancer Society: The World's Wealthiest ...(ACS) accumulating great wealth as a "charity" fixated on damage control, diagnosis and treatment, with indifference or even hostility to cancer prevention.~ High overhead + Political donations, Only 26% on prevention. The rest on overhead-salaries etc Submitted by Tippers A. to Business �|� �Note- ...
- Protect Tigers from Illegal TradeHelp The International Tiger Coalition and Big Cat Rescue tighten regulations to protect captive tigers in the U.S. and prevent increased demand for tiger products that put wild populations at risk. TAKE ACTION!!! Submitted by Borg Drone to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- ACTION ALERT: Tepic Teens Torture Dog & Post on Fa ...Other violence begins to move rapidly between the community social network Nayarit Facebook: a deranged young man of 17 years up photographs and a video in the company of two friends and two dogs of the breed pit bull, Tortured with extreme cruelty Submitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �| ...
- Students help kick off Food Drive ~ Saturday May 8 ...From green beans to peaches to macaroni and cheese, provisions flooded in from children, families and teachers. It was no surprise: For three years, the Jacksonville Florida school has helped kick off the annual food drive conducted nationally by NALC Submitted by Tippers A. to Society & Culture �| ...
- Postal Carriers pick up Food Donations- Saturday M ...Postal carriers across the country pick up bags of food donations Saturday during their routes, The program started 18 years ago, more than 982 million pounds of food has been collected and distributed, according to the NALC. Submitted by Tippers A. to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
The Freeman
- Fed-Audit Compromise Hammered Out in Senate“Last-minute maneuvering in the Senate allowed the Federal Reserve to sidestep legislation that would have exposed its interest-rate decision-making to congressional auditors. Pressure from the Obama administration led Senate lawmakers to alter a provision pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) tha ...
- Federal-State Showdown Possible in Arizona Law Dis ...“If U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder decides to challenge Arizona’s tough new immigration-enforcement law in court, it will be a rare and likely powerful test of a state law by the federal government.” (Arizona Republic, Friday) Is there an impartial court to hear the case? FEE Timely Classic “The ...
- President Wants Line-Item Veto“President Obama, in his latest effort to signal fiscal responsibility against the rising debt, plans this month to ask Congress to give him and future presidents greater power to try to delete individual items from spending bills. In doing so, Mr. Obama will join a long line of his predecessors who ...
- Subjugating OurselvesÉtienne de La Boétie established the undeniable but overlooked truth that in any political system the ruled vastly outnumber the rulers.
- Freddie Mac Asks Taxpayers for More“Freddie Mac is asking for $10.6 billion in additional federal aid after posting a big loss in the first three months of the year. ” (New York Times, Thursday) Just a little more; then it will be fine. FEE Timely Classic “Bailing Out Statism” by Sheldon Richman
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