- Mine Information Network
- Why societies collapse
- Fanonite
- The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
- Oil Sands Truth
- Seeds of Destruction : the Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
- Global Warming, Glacier Pictures
- Transnational
- Oakland Institute - Publications
Food and Globalization - How long will it last
- A Matter of Scale
- Monsanto and its Philanthropy
- China corners over 90% of market for rare-Earth minerals
Search 'Peak Minerals' - Peruvian massacre aimed at opening Amazon to transnationals
- Rich Moy fought mining the Canadian Flathead 30 years
- Flathead Wild
Aquifer Hazard - Resources and Links on Coal Mining in the North Fork Flathead River Basin
Waterton/Glacier - 'Tyranny of Oil' a gripping, engaging read
- New Arabian Gulf oil pipeline wil detour Hormuz
- Oil : the Cold Black Facts
- Exploring Hydrocarbon Depletion
- Monsanto secures several hundred biotech patents on plants
- The Real Victor in Iraq: Monsanto