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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, August 26, 2011

26 August - Reviewing the Narrative

Valerie Plame at an event at Moravian College ...Image via Wikipedia
 The state unleashes the Dogs of Media By William Bowles

 The Myth of Global Warming

Navigating Between Faith and Skepticism

There is something remarkable — you might even say miraculous — about the way “Higher Ground” makes its gentle, thoughtful way across the burned-over terrain of the American culture wars. The film, directed with disarming grace and sharp intelligence by Vera Farmiga (who also stars in it), is about the conflict between skepticism and religious faith, but it does not treat that battle as an either/or, winner-take-all proposition.
Focused with sympathetic intensity on the ordeal of a single soul, it illuminates, as though from within, a complex spiritual struggle.

C.I.A. Demands Cuts in Book About 9/11 and Terror Fight

 In what amounts to a fight over who gets to write the history of the Sept. 11 attacks and their aftermath, the Central Intelligence Agency is demanding extensive cuts from the memoir of a former F.B.I. agent who spent years near the center of the battle against Al Qaeda.
The agent, Ali H. Soufan, argues in the book that the C.I.A. missed a chance to derail the 2001 plot by withholding from the F.B.I. information about two future 9/11 hijackers living in San Diego, according to several people who have read the manuscript. And he gives a detailed, firsthand account of the C.I.A.’s move toward brutal treatment in its interrogations, saying the harsh methods used on the agency’s first important captive, Abu Zubaydah, were unnecessary and counterproductive.

Neither critique of the C.I.A. is new. In fact, some of the information that the agency argues is classified, according to two people who have seen the correspondence between the F.B.I. and C.I.A., has previously been disclosed in open Congressional hearings, the report of the national commission on 9/11 and even the 2007 memoir of George J. Tenet, the former C.I.A. director.

Mr. Soufan, an Arabic-speaking counterterrorism agent who played a central role in most major terrorism investigations between 1997 and 2005, has told colleagues he believes the cuts are intended not to protect national security but to prevent him from recounting episodes that in his view reflect badly on the C.I.A.

Some of the scores of cuts demanded by the C.I.A. from Mr. Soufan’s book, “The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against Al Qaeda,” seem hard to explain on security grounds.

Valerie Plame, the Spy Who Got Shoved Out Into the Cold
She has never granted an interview, effectively gagged by the CIA, whose guidelines require employees to clear media contacts and publications.
Her career postings are classified, but she was one of the elite clandestine spies -- an officer with nonofficial cover who works overseas in business or other jobs and has no diplomatic protection if detected or arrested.
Plame drafted an op-ed article to explain her role in her husband's Niger trip, but the agency would not permit her to submit it for publication. "While I would love to share Valerie's article with readers, so long as her agency refuses to allow her to defend herself, there is nothing she or I can do," Wilson wrote in the recently issued paperback edition of his bestseller "The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies That Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity."

In the book he quoted a CIA response to Plame telling her "publication of your article has the potential to affect your ability to perform your official duties and the agency's ability to perform its mission." As long as she remains in the CIA -- and even beyond retirement -- national security restrictions would typically apply if she wrote, say, a memoir.

Boiling Frogs Exclusive: Intelligence & Law Enforcement Experts on Ever-Changing Bin Laden Death Script
Not All Sources and Experts Are Equal- Here Are some Real Ones!
There are ‘experts’ views,’ and then there are experts’ views. There are ‘government sources,’ and then there are government sources. Not all experts are equal. And, not all sources are reliable. Am I talking in riddles? Of course not; give me a chance and I’ll explain.

We have members of the popular media (mainstream and quasi alternatives alike) ever anxious to market and disseminate government conspiracy and propaganda. They, members of the popular media, have their own rolodex of ‘experts’ and analysts, some on their payroll, to help them propagate the delivery and execution of government-given propaganda-conspiracy. The same principle applies to ‘sources.’ The popular media relies on their government sources who act as middle-men-government messengers who’ve been given a government written and approved script to be delivered; almost always anonymously. Well, this is exactly what we have been getting from our media, around the clock, since the announcement of the Bin Laden Death Operation: ever-changing government scripts, delivered mainly by anonymous government sources to the US media, and further embellished and expanded upon by government-connected experts and analysts on the payroll.

On the other hand, there are many independent real experts whose analyses and views you won’t, or rarely, get to hear or read about; at least not in the mainstream media or at quasi-alternative sites. And there are current and former government sources not tasked with messenger duties; many of whom don’t see the ‘calculated’ necessity to remain ‘anonymous.’ I can assure you, you do not, and will not, read or hear these experts’ and sources’ statements, analyses or views when it comes to government-written stories and their media buddies.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibel_Edmonds - Cached
Sibel Deniz Edmonds (born 1970 in Iran) is a Turkish-American former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC ). ...
Sibel Edmonds Documentary - Kill The Messenger
video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=6063340745569143497 - Cached
Sibel Edmonds, a 32-year-old Turkish-American, was hired as a translator by the FBI shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 because of her ...

Locked Up Abroad — For The FBI

By Nick Baumann

 Inside the feds' secret program to have American citizens detained and interrogated by foreign governments.

Don DeBar: Libya: The Real Deal + Pepe Esobar: Iraq 2.0 + Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Exposing the Media Propaganda 

Damn It Or Fear It, The Forbidden Truth Is An Insurrection in Britain by John Pilger

All the Junk That's Fit to Debunk
PlayStation® climatology produces absurd alarmist claims? Who saw that coming? August 26, 2011
A new experiment with old apparatus reveals a flaw in models of the climate
Perry not afraid of DiOxyCarb – Dioxycarbophobiacs horrified August 26, 2011  August 26, 2011
The incredible cost of dioxycarbophobia August 26, 2011
New Jersey places moratorium on technique it doesn’t use to extract a resource it doesn’t have August 26, 2011
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Aug. 25th 2011 August 25, 2011

Paul Driessen on Oregon Dems’ attack on skeptic’s kids April 26, 2011
Carbon tax coming to the EU? March 16, 2011

The use of military power for commercial advantage ought to have vanished when the 19th century did. Its reappearance in Iraq and Libya is a worrisome sign that NATO has not learnt the lessons of history.

NATO Nations Set to Reap Spoils of Libya War
In the context of responsibility for what happens next in Libya, an anonymous British official told the Economist that NATO's involvement in the Libyan uprising means that: "Now we own it."

Arabs will welcome Saudi economic largess but may well challenge the patron-client relations that the Saudi regime has always deployed to silence regional Arab competitors. Continue

What Really Happened in the Bin Laden Raid?

By Mark Follman

Details of the story don't add up. Footage of the raid either exists or doesn't. The tale of that night in Abbottabad keeps getting more muddled. Continue 

New York Becomes the Occupied Territories

By Mark LeVine

As the US security state grows and civil rights and liberties erode, Osama bin Laden gets the last laugh. Continue 

Don't Give In To Colonization: Muammar Qaddafi Address to the people of Libya

Britain's SAS Leads Hunt For Gaddafi 

Need a laugh? Libyan ex-royal Family Working With Rebels: Libyan Prince Idris Al-Senussi is thankful to the young people of Libya and looks forward to working with a new government. ( Stockholm Syndrome ? )

Call To Probe NATO Commanders For War Crimes: Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe has urged the International Criminal Court to investigate Nato commanders for possible crimes against humanity during the organisation’s bombing operations in Libya.

AU won't recognise Libyan rebel council: diplomats: The African Union will not explicitly recognize Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC), diplomats said on Friday, in a setback for Libyan rebels who have already been recognized by more than 40 countries as the legitimate government.

Libyans, Prepare to Hail & Welcome the New NATO/UAE/AFRICOM occupation - CFR Richard Haass is pimping the International Force in Financial Times

Kucinich: NATO Pursued Regime Change in Libya

By Dennis Kucinich

NATO violated UNSC resolutions. The Obama Administration violated the U.S. Constitution by bypassing Congress on the war. These are not mere academic matters. They have moved the world community from the rule of law to the rule of force. Continue 

Russia Rejects Syria Sanctions: Russia today announced a diplomatic initiative to halt the violence in Syria, after rejecting a U.S. and European bid to impose United Nations sanctions on President Bashar al-Assad for his attacks on anti-government protesters.

Are food prices approaching a violent tipping point?: A provocative new study suggests the timing of the Arab uprisings is linked to global food price spikes, and that prices will soon permanently be above the level which sparks conflicts

Dr. Bruno Bandulet - money, gold and the EU - things we need to know... about things that come.
It's extremely difficult these days to find out what hides behind political claims about our money and future. The media often stick to 'experts' with a banker's or exchange history. Not precisely the most trustworthy sources. Too many euphoric statements I've heard the last 3 years about our economy, to only see money losing its value, politics implemented that deny real-world facts, unemployment raising and watching discontent grow about an establishment that is entrenched, or trapped, in its lies and superstitions. Obviously things go from bad to worse. Discontent has erupted into riots and demonstrations here and there

Bolivia's president accuses US of sparking protest: More than a thousand indigenous Bolivians have been marching against a highway being built across their land. Evo Morales says the US is behind the opposition.

Guerrilla War Is InevitableHistory Repeats Itself, With Mistakes of Iraq Rehearsed Afresh

By Robert Fisk

The massive presence of Western diplomats, oil-mogul representatives, highly paid Western mercenaries and shady British and French servicemen – all pretending to be "advisers" rather than participants – is the Benghazi Green Zone. Continue
'Mistakes.' Um. Leading to War
100 Orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Orders - Cached
Without a doubt, the 100 Orders fundamentally altered Iraq's existing laws. For this reason, the 100 Orders are also illegal by international law: the Hague ...

Bremer's 100 Orders - AlterNet
www.alternet.org/story/19293/ - Cached
20 Jul 2004 – Before his departure, CPA chief Paul Bremer issued 100 Orders to dramatically restructure Iraq's economy to fit free-market ideals. And no Iraqi ...

Bremer's 100 orders: The true scale of Iraq's rape and destruction
www.uruknet.info/?p=42948 - United States - Cached
10 Apr 2008 – But Bremer's 100 orders destroyed Iraq's economy not just for years but for decades to come. It undid some historical things dating back ten ...

Regulations - CPA Iraq
www.iraqcoalition.org/regulations/ - Cached
140+ items – Orders – are binding instructions or directives to the Iraqi ...
• Reg 1 – The Coalition Provisional Authority
• Reg 2 – The Development Fund for Iraq**Amended per Reg 11 Sec 1**
• Reg 4 – Establishment of the Iraqi Property Reconciliation Facility

Biopiracy and GMOs: The Fate of Iraq's Agriculture
www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=1447 - Cached
12 Dec 2005 – A closer examination of these "100 Orders" and U.S. policy in Iraq shows that the war on Iraq had nothing to do with WMD, terrorism, ...

Bremer's 100 Orders - The Rape of Iraq
www.fictionpost.com/f57/bremers-100-orders-rape-iraq-11538/ - Cached
9 posts - 1 author - Last post: 24 Oct 2008
The Handover That Wasn't By Antonia Juhasz, Foreign Policy in Focus. Posted July 20, 2004. The U.S. occupation of Iraq officially ended on ...

oilgeopolitics.net/.../Iraq_and.../iraq_and_seeds_of_democracy.HT... - Cached
'The reason we are in Iraq is to plant the seeds of democracy so they flourish ... The CPA explicitly defined the legal importance of the 100 Orders to leave no ...

Ousted Iraqi Minister : American Banking System Chokes Our Economy

By Saieb Khalil

Ex-Minster of Electricity reveals an American banking system inserted in Iraq that would dictate on the Iraqi government which countries to deal economically with and which not. Continue

John Locke on the Ultimate Aim of Usurpers »

Daily Dabble in the Classics, John Locke I have reason to conclude that he who would get me into his power without my [...]

China Opens Oil Field in Iraq

By Phyllis Schlafly The United States waged an incredibly expensive war in Iraq, got rid of their cruel dictator, set up a peaceful democratic government, and rebuilt much of the country's infrastructure. Iraq has the second largest supply of oil in the world, and the spoils of war should belong to us. We should take enough Iraqi oil to [...]

Market Crash 'Could Hit Within Weeks', Warn Bankers

By Harry Wilson, and Philip Aldrick

 A more severe crash than the one triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers could be on the way, according to alarm signals in the credit markets.

The Food Stamp Crime Wave

By Phyllis Schlafly Millionaires are now legally entitled to collect food stamps as long as they have little or no current monthly income. 35 states have abolished testing of how much money people have. The food stamp program has become a magnet for abuses and absurdities. The number of food-stamp recipients has soared from 26 million in 2007 [...]

Cannibalism in North Korea Reported in Official Document

North Korea has always been, well, horribly terrifying, due in part to its secretive nature, diminutive dictator, and now cannibalism.
CONPLAN 5029 cedes controt to U.S. and China in N.Korean emergency : North Korea : Home

America’s response to London riots — RT <- Russia Today! 

Obama Attacks Nutrition
By Alan Caruba While watching a television commercial for some prescription medication, have you ever wondered why something it states may kill you or cause serious side effects ever was permitted to be marketed to the public? For decades I have taken a full range of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements every morning. I don’t get head [...]

Monsanto and the mortal danger to traditional agriculture By Siv O’Neall

The Great Renewable Energy Scam Continues

By Alan Caruba I recently received a news release from The Council of State Governments headlined “New Report: Renewable Energy Worth Investment for Southern States” that touted “job creation, environment and public health” as benefits. It was filled with lies. I had never heard of the CSG before, but a visit to its website was [...]

Should Schools Teach American History?

By Phyllis Schlafly Just this summer, the National Assessment of Education Progress, which is an arm of the U.S. Department of Education, released its 2010 "report card" on American history, as taught in U.S. public schools. This national assessment showed that 12th-grade students have made little progress in their understanding of the concept [...]

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect 
This essay covers only developments relating directly to carbon dioxide, with a separate essay for Other Greenhouse Gases. Theories are discussed in the essay on Simple Models of Climate.

To get an overview, start with Summary: the Story in a Nutshell and then come back here. 

A Scientist Replies to Christopher Monckton 

There's a mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts 

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming

Talking point - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talking_point - Cached
A talking point in debate or discourse is a succinct statement designed to persuasively support one side taken on an issue. Such statements can either be free ...

[PDF] Sample talking points
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
These are sample talking points that you can tailor to the nature of your audience and the format and length of your program. Remember to focus on the fact that ...

[PDF] Example Congressional Meeting Talking Points
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Example Congressional Meeting Talking Points. It is not important to read or communicate all of these points during the meeting. These talking points should ...

Everything Is Negotiable, Except With Nature: You Can't Bargain About Global Warming With Chemistry and Physics 
 ( I like the intro. You can't bargain with unsupported 'science' no matter how much you push political argumentation and emotional appeal. Yes - unsupported. Unless you can convince me you have some way to VERIFY future climate via measurement. Good luck with that.  )

*Fox News Boss Ordered Staffers To Cast Doubt On Climate Change Science 
HT  123Face2Face 

Religious Harassment on Rise Throughout the World, Report Finds
*foxnews.com - Worshippers are under attack in more countries as governments crack down on religion, and social hostilities grow, according to a new report. The report, by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Relig...
John v. Kampen Daily 
( Now here's the fun part. To discredit an idea...promote it by known paid liars* or those painted as fools : 'Argument by Reputation' using 'Reverse Psychology' . This really 'fixes the frame'...which is the theme of 'Perception Alteration' )

More wacky science á la Coburn

Senator Tom Coburn has been attacking what he considers spurious science funded by the National Science Foundation. In a scathing recent report, he skewered grants that supported a robot that folds laundry (an activity recently proven to lead to Nobel Prizes) and taught shrimp how to run on a treadmill. Coburn, who holds a BS in accounting, an MD, and a PhD in BS, knows his science. 

New York declares state of emergency, orders evacuation as Irene approaches 
( Now, you'd think this will 'deflect blame' as acting responsibly. Infrastructure degradation catalogued by Levees.org may suggest otherwise...though things haven't hit the outright open abandonment of the UK...yet. 'End of an Era' suggests this could  emulate Katrina...though people will have a hard time understanding WHY I think secret 'Hydraulic Warfare' is being used against them.
Levees From Around The World )

Obsidian Wings 

Wow. Just wow.

by liberal japonicus

This news from the Electronic Frontier Foundation really has me wondering.

here is some food for thought.

My personal take on this: folks who are, say, younger than forty should not plan on living as well as their folks did.

Ch. 3: Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness by William T. Hathaway

After London riots: Internets attention turns to Pentagon's CONPLAN 3502 - domestic military riot control & martial law style enforcement grabs attention all over Internets! Hope yet for NSSE & secret military planning awareness :) 

 And some notes from Stumbleupon/Oldephartte
BP buys up Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community 
Messages From The Water
David Icke - The Freedom Road 
India's generation of children crippled by uranium waste 
Energy Healing - You Can Heal Yourself! How? Do It Yourself! 
The Dark Underbelly of Occupation: Iraq 
Mohammad of Vancouver on Ahmadinejad’s speech 
Complete 911 Timeline 
Newnations (a not-for-profit company) 
Realistic geopolitical appraisal not coloured by false adherence to 'the Narrative.' 

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