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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 August - Morning Notes

The H type vertical axis wind turbineImage via Wikipedia

Massive protest at White House against Alberta tar sands pipeline

A protest at the White House against a pipeline from the Alberta tar sands is emerging as the biggest green civil disobedience campaign in a generation, organisers said.
Approximately 1,500 people signed up to court arrest during the two-week action outside the White House, which begins on Saturday morning.
The campaign is seen as a last chance to persuade Barack Obama to stop a planned 1,600-mile pipeline that will carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta across rich American farmland to the Gulf of Mexico.
The State Department is expect to produce its final environmental analysis of the pipeline by the end of the month. Obama will then have 90 days to decide whether going ahead with the project would be in the national interest.

Windfarms prevent detection of secret nuclear weapon tests, says MoD

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is blocking plans for hundreds of wind turbines because it says their "seismic noise" will prevent the detection of nuclear explosions around the world.
The MoD claims that vibrations from new windfarms across a large area of north-west England and south-west Scotland will interfere with the operation of its seismological recording station at Eskdalemuir, near Lockerbie. The station listens out for countries secretly testing nuclear warheads in breach of the 182-nation Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
At a meeting today, Carlisle council rejected the latest application for six wind turbines at Hallburn Farm, near Longtown, because of the MoD's objections. The noise from the turbines would increase interference to an unacceptable level, the MoD said.
The company that made the application, REG Windpower, warned that plans for many other windfarms in the area were similarly affected. As much as one gigawatt of renewable power was being held up by the MoD, the company told the Guardian.
This is equivalent to about a quarter of the UK's current onshore wind capacity, and could make an important contribution to meeting UK targets to cut the pollution that is causing climate change, REG Windpower argued.
But according to the MoD, the swishing blades of wind turbines cause vibrations in the ground that can be detected by the sophisticated monitoring equipment at Eskdalemuir. The UK has an international obligation to protect the operation of the station to help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, it said.
An expert study for the MoD concluded that although the station could cope with some seismic noise, increasing this beyond a certain level would cause interference. The limit has now been reached so the ministry is objecting to every new wind turbine within 50km of Eskdalemuir.
This has generated frustration among wind power developers because the area has many attractions for them. It has good wind speeds, is sparsely populated and is close to centres of electricity demand.

 ( Spread of nuclear weapons )

Rick Perry accuses scientists of 'manipulating' climate data

( In which I get in 'over my head' pretty fast....but I don't think I'm alone. Teratornis is doing yoeman duty at controlling dissent - which is much more effective if people don't notice. )


20 August 2011 6:02PM
Guess I belong to the Tea Party, then. Who knew ?
After all, when the proposition that we could predict future temperatures by co2 change first attracted my attention...it was a plot device by a couple of prominent SF authors and futurists involving a new ice age.
So when AGW came up - belatedly in my case - it was because I was finding a proposed linkage to a hoax to con the world into funding a global tax on the use of fire.
Later on, small nations avoided committing themselves to anything at Copenhagen when they were advised by the Danes that fraud was afoot.
So I started digging.....and results continually were ignored by those convinced they could bull their way through with vehement assertion coupled with appeals to authority.
Did anybody else find it interesting that substituting computer graphs and modeling for a crystal ball was much more culturally convincing ? After all ... if we wait until we know anything.... it will be too late !!!!!
No pressure there. No acknowledgement that proof was missing either.
So. How many scientists and articles do I have to find before there is some recognition that when Dr. Roy Spencer - the chap in charge of temperature monitoring at NASA - says the models aren't working out according to projections : that 'science' isn't the football being punted around with great abandon ?



Canada clamps down on criticism of Israel
In an affront to free speech, Canadian committee declares that criticism of Israel should be considered anti-Semitic.
Nearly two years after the first hearings were held in Ottawa, the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition fto Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA) released a detailed report on July 7 that found that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Canada, especially on university campuses.
While the CPCCA's final report does contain some cases of real anti-Semitism, the committee has provided little evidence that anti-Semitism has actually increased in Canada in recent years. Instead, it has focused a disproportionate amount of effort and resources on what it calls a so-called "new anti-Semitism": criticism of Israel.
Indeed, the real purpose of the CPCCA coalition seems to be to stifle critiques of Israeli policy and disrupt pro-Palestinian solidarity organizing in Canada, including, most notably, Israeli Apartheid Week events. Many of the CPCCA's findings, therefore, must be rejected as both an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of protest, and as recklessly undermining the fight against real instances of anti-Semitism.


Supermax prisons: 21st century asylums
Solitary confinement in the new dungeons of the US trigger mental illness in prisoners.
The recent hunger strike at Pelican Bay supermax prison in California exposed for three weeks the carefully planned and executed barbarism of life in supermax America. The utter desperation of the human cargo behind the concertina wire, buried deep inside concrete coffins was gut wrenching and heart breaking. Hunger strikes are a tactic of last resort for the completely subjugated; a slow, painful, non-flammable version of self-immolation.
...a UK think-tank that is close to the UK government and credited with influencing UK anti-terrorist policy. Policy Exchange is one of two conservative think-tanks we examine in our new Spinwatch report [PDF], that attempts to understand the current climate of fear being whipped up against Muslims in Britain - and indeed across Europe and the US.
The American media deploys a deep and varied arsenal of rhetorical devices in order to marginalise opinions, people and organisations as "outside the mainstream" and therefore not worth listening to. For the most part the people and groups being declaimed belong to the political Left. To take one example, the Green Party - well-organised in all 50 states - is never quoted in newspapers or invited to send a representative to television programmes that purport to present "both sides" of a political issue. (In the United States, "both sides" means the back-and-forth between centre-right Democrats and rightist Republicans)
Marginalisation is the intentional decision to exclude a voice in order to prevent a "dangerous" opinion from gaining currency, to block a politician or movement from becoming more powerful, or both. In 2000, the media-backed consortium that sponsored the presidential debate between Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush banned Green Party candidate Ralph Nader from participating. Security goons even threatened to arrest him when he showed up with a ticket and asked to be seated in the audience. Nader is a liberal consumer advocate who became famous in the US for stridently advocating for safety regulations, particularly on automobiles.

True News: The Afghanistan Slaughters

World Tells Us What It Really Thinks About Our 'Absurd' Debt Crisis

India's functioning anarchy 

many of whose opposition members appear to believe that disrupting proceedings, rather than delivering a convincing argument, is the most effective way to make their points. Last winter, an entire five-week session was lost without a single day's work, because the opposition parties united to stall the House, forcing adjournments every day. There has not been a single session in recent years in which at least some days were not lost to deliberate disruption.  

( O.K. Doesn't that sound like the G.O.P. ? )

13-Year-Old Looks at Trees, Makes Solar Power Breakthrough


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