Drought Spreads Pain From Florida to Arizona
The drought is having some odd effects, economically and otherwise.
10 Surprising Reasons to Drink More Water
EPA Stops The Sale Of DuPont’s Tree-Killing Herbicide
At the American Journal of Public Health, Experts Examine the Risks Posed by Peak Petroleum
The September issue of the American Journal of Public Health is now available online featuring 8 studies and articles by an interdisciplinary set of experts, each examining the health risks posed by peak petroleum and what can be done to mitigate and protect against the onset of a major spike in energy prices.
( Set against a backdrop of economic collapse )
Pakistani belief about drones: perceptive or paranoid?
Fear and loathing in El Salvador
President Funes took the radical step of putting the army back onto the streets for the first time since the war, in an attempt to curtail the gangs, which survive on extortion, selling drugs and robbery.
The UN's Global Commission on Drug Policy affirms what we've long known: the war on drugs is failure, it empowers criminal organizations that undermine democracy, and it makes drug users and non-drug users alike worse off than they'd otherwise be. "That the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that repressive strategies will not solve the drug problem, and that the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won."The conclusions are notable because of the people who produced them: former presidents of Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, the prime minister of Greece, and former high ranking federal officials George P. Schultz and Paul Volcker. The commission had 19 members total. Other notables include writers Carlos Fuentes and Mario Vargas Llosa, and the billionaire Richard Branson, who hammered home the fiscal inefficiency of the drug war. "It's estimated that over one trillion have been spent on fighting this unwinnable battle," he said. "A legal, regulated market would cost tax payers much less money."
Syrian navy 'shells city of Latakia'
State-run news agency SANA said troops were pursuing "gunmen using machine guns, hand grenades and bombs who have been terrorising residents in al-Ramel district".The agency denied reports the area was being targeted from the sea. It quoted a health official in Latakia as saying two law enforcement officials were killed.

Recent events have underscored the less desirable traits of the US political system: gridlock and self-preservation. |

Marwan Bishara asks: will the International Monetary Fund regain its influence and reshape its role?
Syria's electronic army |
Syrian computer hackers put their own spin on democracy protests in Syria. |
U.S. Senator seeks to cut aid to elite IDF units operating in West Bank and Gaza
Senator Patrick Leahy claims Shayetet 13 unit, undercover Duvdevan unit, and the Israel Air Force Shaldag unit are involved in human rights violations in occupied territories.
Hat Tip M Jay Rosenberg
Clear Gold - Water as a Strategic Resource in the Middle East. A report by Jon B. Alterman and Michael Dziuban for The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (December 2010; 34 pages).
Regenerating the U.S.-Turkish Partnership. By J. Scott Carpenter and Soner Cagaptay for The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (Policy Notes, No. 2, November 2010; 14 pages)
The North African Military Balance. By Anthony H. Cordesman for The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (December 2010; 138 pages)
Building Security in the Persian Gulf. A report by Robert E. Hunter for the RAND Corporation (2010; 203 pages)
Food Sunday: Drought and Corn
Norway's 9/11: The Horror Is In The Message
To some people, it will always remain an inexplicable act of madness, a psycho-social kink in the human condition, horrible and insane and ultimately meaningless. There are even some writers arguing that any attempt to find meaning in the Norway massacre is a sign of an unhinged mind.
If that is the case, I am proud to be unhinged. Ultimately, I have no choice, because the meaning of the massacre is as clear to me as it apparently is to some Norwegians, such as the Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who seemed to be speaking to a foreign audience when he said:
I have a message to the people who attacked us, and those behind them. This is a message from all of Norway:If Jens Stoltenberg believed the guilty had already been found, he would not have been speaking in such terms, would he? He seemed to be responding to a secret message, rather than reacting to the crime which the police and media have described.
You will not destroy us.
You will not destroy our democracy nor our quest for a better world. We are a small nation, but we are a proud nation.
No one shall bomb us into silence or shoot us into silence. Nothing will frighten us out of being Norway.
This night we will comfort each other, talk with each other, and stand together. Tomorrow we will show the world that Norway’s democracy grows stronger when it is challenged. We shall find the guilty and hold them responsible.
But the message was no secret.
You will go along with the program. You will send your troops where we tell you, you will buy foreign products regardless of ethical considerations, you will stop supporting the vermin we are trying to eradicate, and under no circumstances will you threaten anyone.
Otherwise we will bomb your offices and kill your children.
We will do it on a famous anniversary, but it in such a way that no direct evidence leads back to us.
We will do it in a way that shows your police are thoroughly compromised and no use to you at all. We will do it in a way that exacerbates tensions between Christians and Moslems. And we will do it in a way that lends credibility to those who would trash the best features of your open, democratic society.
We will cover our tracks with a lame distraction which will confirm quite clearly -- to those with eyes to see -- that the entire world's "news" media are in our pocket. And most of your friends and neighbors -- including many who should know better -- will play along with it, if they show any interest at all.
And then ... ah, yes: then we will rejoice in your grief!