ReDress News
- USA's myopic extremists take the leadLawrence Davidson considers the worldview and political "philosophy" of America's myopic extremists, such as Michelle Bachmann and others in the Republican and Tea parties, who seem to be capturing the imagination of a significant minority of the US electorate that is essentially parochial and h( I'd be glad to be anywhere near as 'parochial' as this guy...Crichton )
- Education and behaviour in Israel and PalestineLawrence Davidson argues that while levelling charges of incitement at the Palestinian educational system, Israelis themselves have been practising on their own children a form of indoctrination that vilifies Palestinians and Arabs.
- Israel’s "Jews first, democracy second" law an ...Uri Avnery considers Israel's latest racist law, which gives primacy to Jews of any nationality over indigenous non-Jewish citizens, and views some of the unsavoury characters behind this law, from war crimes suspect Avi Dichter to members of the Kadima party, a "haphazard collection of frustrat ...
- Obama straining every nerve against UN members ...Josh Ruebner argues that Obama administration statements justifying the US position against Palestinian membership in the UN "are so illogical that they can be seen only as pretexts for clinging to the crumbling façade of Israeli occupation and apartheid".
- The Zionists and the US Islamophobes behind No ...Lawrence Davidson views the Israelis and Americans responsible for cultivating the environment in which Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik thrived and found encouragement.
Amazon Rainforest
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- Peru suffers an environmental tragedy!The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 hectares of virgin and extremely divers ...
- Earth’s Living Treasure- Celebrating Forests f ...United Nations declared 2o11 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2o11), and why Forests are the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2o11. In this special year, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are ...
- Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work ...The company leading the dam project, Norte Energia, announced that infrastructure work on roads that will provide access to the region started on Monday morning. The £7bn Belo Monte dam on the Amazon’s Xingu river is scheduled to start producing energy on 31 December 2014 and would be the seco ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Independent Perspective: Social Security M ...The Unanswered Question of “Social Security Surplus” By Linda Lewis As some politicians describe it, the Social Security program is an economic disaster forced upon younger generations by the demands of greedy baby boomers. News media obediently parrot the scare stories, seldom questioning the m ...
- Jamiol Presents
- Oh George! You got some ‘splainin‘ to do!Who at Alex Station knew what in August-September 2001? By Kevin Fenton Recent allegations made by former counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke against former CIA Director George Tenet and two other former CIA managers, Cofer Black and Richard Blee, have thrown one of the key unanswered questio ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials-August 12 ...Escobar: Syria- Why the Regime Won’t Fall, Lebanon Intercepts Covert Arms Shipment Bound for Syria, DHS Trying to Make New Terrorist “Watchlist Service” Exempt from Privacy Act, Bank of America’s Backdoor Bailout, Begging for Change, Russia & Azerbaijan: An Obstacle to the U.S. in the Caucasus & ...
- Answers in Absolute for ‘Why 9/11?’Why ‘some’ Still Question, Seek Answer(s) & Accountability For ‘some’ reason I have been receiving more than a few ‘eye-rolling’ responses when I mention our theme for the month leading up to September 11- the tenth year. You and I know where the conscious but mostly subconscious eye-rolling and ...
Afro Spear
- “Is Mubarak’s trial shame or fame ...Among the people who were moved, pained and disturbed by the tribulations and trials of former Egyptian strong man, Hosni Mubarak recently, is former Nigerian two-time president Olusegun Obassanjo. Obassanjo aired his view in Mombasa. Kenya where he was attending former presidents’ meeting, when ...
- The Audacity of Hate“The poor will always be with us…” Matthew 26:11 There are one group of people that Americans hate more than foreign terrorists. The poor within their own borders. They would rather send millions of dollars, as well as their armed forces, to assist and relieve the sufferings of the poor and dis ...
- “Mayor Nutter’s City of Tough Love ...Op-ed submission by Project 21 Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter went where few black leaders have gone. And I think I can count those other who did on one hand. Nutter dared speak truth to action on the critical state of black youth in this country. In an address confronting increasing youth v ...
- Is Britain cascading into third “worldne ...What recently transpired in the UK, unearthed a hidden malady of racism and hypocrisy. We used to believe that the UK is an ideal society that promotes and protects human rights, prosperity and equality. We goofed. UK we used to superficially know is different from the real and true one. Had thi ...
- Save The Children East Africa AppealDonate here
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well. Gr ...
Ode Magazine
- Expanding the border of local food advocatesBy: thayerd Thousands of people, mostly women and children, have been walking for days. Not just a day or two, they've been walking for fifteen to twenty days, bound for Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya. Many of the women have lost children to hunger during the tre ...
- Sharing optimism and joy with sidewalk chalkBy: mmlarsen Remember when you were a kid and you’d draw pictures and write happy thoughts with chalk in your driveway and down the sidewalks of your street? And the adults always smiled when they read the big, paste-colored messages? This is just like that. On ...
- OdeLive presents health pioneer Johan BoswinkelBy: Ode Warning! This story is about a man who has developed a groundbreaking new therapy: healing with light. The man is not a doctor. Nor is he an accredited scientist. His proof is rather anecdotal, and yes, countless skeptics are eagerly lining up to attack ...
- Three creative ways people are bringing hope a ...By: Anne Thomas Even though the initial intensity of the March 11 disaster has subsided, many people still feel a deep tugging to help Japanese disaster victims. Since that subtle pull is strong and persistent, people are finding very creative ways to bring hop ...
- Saying goodbye to David Servan-SchreiberBy: Ode Ode columnist David Servan-Schreiber died on the evening of Sunday, July 24. He was 50. A professor of psychiatry in the US and France, Servan-Schreiber wrote the bestselling Anticancer: A New Way of Life and The Instinct to Heal, both read around the w ...
OpEd News
- New York Times: Lying about Libya and PalestineConditions in Tripoli are fluid. Still nothing from the major media is credible.
- Palestinian Right of Self-DefensePalestine
- Shouts of Freedom and Joy Ring out in Liberate ...The liberation of Tripoli from 42 years of brutal, mind and soul-numbing dictatorship is in progress, as shouts of freedom fill the air and celebrations have already begun in the Libyan capital.
- Tomgram: Karen J. Greenberg, Taking the Justic ...On terrorism and national security, to take an obvious (if seldom commented upon) example, the confidence of the U.S. government seems to have been severely, perhaps irreparably, shaken when it comes to that basic and essential American institution: the courts."
- BREAKING: Rebels Close To Toppling GadhafiAfter a six month struggle that included aerial bombing by NATO forces, Libyan rebels are close to toppling Moammar Gadhafi, Libya's dictatorial ruler who has controlled Libya since September 1, 1969.
- Dirty little secrets: Neither antibacterial so ...Mae Wu, Program Attorney, Washington, DC This just in from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: “Keep waiting.” I was on the FDA website the other day, and it seems the FDA has quietly made a small change to a webpage that has big implications ...
- Latin America Climate, Energy and Environment ...Amanda Maxwell, Latin America Advocate, Washington, DC Chile The controversial Isla Riesco coal-mining project took another step forward last Friday when a high-level government commission gave final approval to the first of five mines, Mina Invi ...
- NRDC in the News 8/19: Shell's drilling risks, ...NRDC News, NRDC News Team, NRDC Offices Worldwide The Telegraph UK quoted from and referenced Frances Beinecke’s New York Times op-ed piece, where she argued that Shell should not be allowed to drill in the Arctic… In a Fortune Magazine article, ...
- NRDC in the News 8/18: Shell's drilling plans, ...NRDC News, NRDC News Team, NRDC Offices Worldwide Frances Beinecke explained the grave risk associated with Shell's plan to drill four exploratory wells off the North Slope of Alaska, in an op-ed piece published in The New York Times... In a USA T ...
- Clinton's tar sands pipeline "safety condition ...Anthony Swift, Attorney, International Program, Washington, DC Proponents of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline are using a disingenuous argument to avoid further scrutiny of TransCanada’s proposed pipeline. They argue that the concerns of lando ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Try to Contain YourselfApparently, George Pataki may try to fight Jon Hunstman for fifth place in a few blue state primaries. I await the 9,000 word Matt Bai thumbsucker in which he explains how if you don’t think “Pawlenty without the conservative orthodoxy” is a winning strategy you just don’t understand Republican ...
- PETA Porn SiteOh for Christ’s sake: In another sensational attempt to draw attention to the plight of animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is planning to launch a porn site later this year. A spokeswoman for the group says the site will feature adult content along with graphic images of ...
- Looks Like I Might Be Going Out on the Job MarketIt seems that Rhode Island is losing access to several excellent beers: Earlier this year, three major craft brewers – Avery, Dogfish Head, and Great Divide – announced that they were pulling out of some markets because the demand is outstripping brewing capacity. In other words, craft beer has ...
- Supply-Siders Against MarketsI’ve said this before, but one thing always worth nothing about the capital gains tax cut scam is that if you were a true believer in the power of the free market you would be particularly opposed to them, since you would presume that the market already correctly allocates resources to investmen ...
- Thoughts on LibyaIt looks as if things are coming to a close in the Libyan Civil War. Although Gaddafi could still surprise the rebels, this is about as bad as it’s been for him. Much can still go wrong, however, including a bloody siege of Tripoli, a bloody battle for Tripoli, or a bloody rebel purge of [...]
Desert Research Institute
- ASCENT Connecting women in atmospheric sciencesAtmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching Networks (ASCENT) is a program focusing on women in atmospheric science/meteorology. It’s designed to initiate positive professional relationships among female faculty of different ranks and postdoctoral researchers.
- DRI and UNR Scientists Help Agencies Preserve ...DRI and The University of Nevada have highly cooperative, productive and ongoing research programs across a variety of topics in the Lake Tahoe Basin that are doing their best to provide quality science to inform basin managers and policymakers.
- Storm Peak Lab Celebrates the 4th of July and ...There is nothing like a small-town parade on the 4th of July. The scientists and volunteers at the DRI Storm Peak Lab (SPL) in Steamboat Springs, Colo. participated in this year’s Steamboat Springs Fourth of July Parade. The parade theme was the “Greatest Summer on Earth.”
- In Memoriam: DRI President Dr. James V. TaranikPresident of DRI in 1987, Dr. James V. Taranik was internationally known for his research in aerospace remote sensing, and his professional career had already included senior positions with NASA, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Iowa Geological Survey, and the University of Iowa.
- DRI Researcher Earns Grant to Study the Season ...A DRI researcher will lead a team that is heading to Antarctica to study the molecular biology, and evolution of microscopic organisms.
Earth Techling
- First Solar’s 550-MW Desert Project ApprovedFirst Solar's Desert Sunlight project, a 550-megawatt plant backed by a $1.88 billion federal loan guarantee, gains Department of the Interior approval.
- Biomass Energy Plentiful And Green, DOE SaysA new federal report finds that the U.S. can replace 30 percent of its petroleum consumption with biomass resources, and do it without damaging the environment.
- Solar Coming To More Veterans HospitalsSolar provider REC has been awarded a 6.6-megawatt contract to install turnkey solar arrays on Veterans Affairs Hospitals in California and Texas.
- Portland LEED Senior Community PlannedA new eco-friendly senior living community is being planned near downtown Portland. The $29 million building will feature cool roof technology and more.
- DOE Expands Private Sector Energy PartnershipA partnership between the Department of Energy and the Clean Energy Alliance expands, allowing more small cleantech businesses to benefit from its support.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: New blood at Federal Ci ...Recent appointees bring fresh viewpoints, which could alter fate of patent cases.
- OPINION: Hold lawyers liable for misconductTwo Federal Circuit rulings make it easier for fraudulent patent practices to go unchecked.
- OPINION: Why cultural intelligence mattersCritical to the success of international transactions and cases are lawyers who can conduct business with ease in a variety of cultural settings across the globe.
- THE PRACTICE: D.C. Circuit strikes down SEC pr ...Court leveled particular criticism at agency's analysis of the costs and frequency of contests likely to occur under the rules.
- E-DISCOVERY: GPS — the plaintiffs' lawye ...Location-tracking technology and other safety features used by the trucking industry will continue to increase the burden on the e-discovery process in truck-accident lawsuits.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Controversial billboard depicting contaminated ...The Sautners from Dimock put up a billboard that has a picture of their dirty water and the words “FIX IT” on Rt. 29 in the heart of Cabot Oil & Gas territory. As soon as it went up, they held a press conference.  Angry pro-gas neighbors were also there –  and Cabot spokesman George Stark. [...]
- Waterdog Training August 11thBelow is note from Erica about the upcoming Waterdog training at Ives Run. Hello Everyone I just wanted to remind everyone that we are hosting another Advanced Waterdog Training on August 11th at Ives Run from 5-9 pm. Please let me know if you can make it and also please feel free to share it [...]
- PennFuture files federal lawsuit against Marce ...Harrisburg, PA (July 21, 2011) – Citizens for Pennsylvania‟s Future (PennFuture) filed a lawsuit today in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania against Ultra Resources, Inc., for air pollution at its Marcellus Shale drilling sites, which violates the federal Cl ...
- Advanced Waterdog Training in AugustAn advanced Waterdog training will take place on August 11th. Details from the flyer are below. Hello Waterdogs, I wanted to invite all of you to our Advanced Waterdog Training on August 11 from 5:00—9:00. This training will only be for people who have already attended the initial training. We w ...
- A Substitute for Tears…Two fellows that have had profound effects on the music in my life have each written songs about the gas drilling and want to preserve the beauty and purity of places they have come to know and love in Pennsylvania. Check out Van Wagner’s tune here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trxrh_FmPeI&fea ...
News Blaze
- Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal Sentenced to 8 Y ...She said she joins President Obama and the people of the United States in expressing their unflagging support for Shane, Joshua, Sarah and their families during this difficult time.
- Resident of Camp Ashraf Dies Due to Obstructio ...Mohsen Ansari joined the PMOI 31 years ago. He spent three years in early 80s in the mullahs' regime's prisons and dungeons.
- India: Opposition Demands PM Resign as Anti-Co ...India's government has started back channel talks with Team Anna to reach some consensus. Indian News channel NDTV reported that the Government has roped in spiritual guru Bhayyu Maharaj and top Maharashtra bureaucrat UC Sarangi...
- NATO Secretary General: The Qadhafi Regime is ...The Libyan people have suffered tremendously under Qaddafi's rule for over four decades. Now they have a chance for a new beginning. Now is the time for all threats against civilians to stop, as the United Nations Security Council demanded. Now is
- Northeast Indian Secessionist Militant Groups ...Northeast Indian Secessionist Militant Groups Warned Each Other, NDFB threatened NDFB(P)
environment 360
- The Long Strange Journey Of Earth’s Traveling ...Airborne microbes — such as bacteria, fungal spores, and tiny algae — can travel thousands of miles and high into the stratosphere. Now scientists are beginning to understand their possible role in creating clouds, causing rain, spreading disease, and even changing climate. BY FRED PEARCE
- Species Moving Rapidly in Response to Climate ...A new study finds that animal and plant species are responding to the effects of climate change at a rate two to three times faster than previously believed. Researchers at the University of York in the UK found University of YorkComma butterfly that in more than 2,000 instances, species are ch ...
- Extreme Weather Disasters Take Record Toll in ...The U.S. has already tied the record for the number of extreme weather events causing more than $1 billion in damage in one year, with the cumulative tab so far reaching $35 billion, government officials said. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there have be ...
- UK Otter Populations Rebound Two Decades After ...Environmental officials say otter populations have returned to every county in the United Kingdom, just two decades after pollution had nearly wiped them out. At least two otters have been found building homes The Independent along rivers in Kent, the last county where the animals had not be ...
- A Planetary Crisis Is A Terrible Thing to Waste There are striking similarities between the current economic and ecological crises — both involve indulgent over-consumption and a failure to consider the impacts on future generations. But it’s not too late to look to new economic and environmental models and to dramatically change course. BY ...
Red Ice Creations
- Great News: "An Alien Invasion Would Save the ...Paul Krugman Wants Manufactured Threat From OuterSpace to Revive Economy. A Keynesian-infused Space Alien Economic Bubble to revive the depressed one we have right now. Dr Michio Kaku, renowned physicist, author and the apparent mouth piece for the scientific dictatorship that is the NWO, talks ...
- Donations revive SETI questThe SETI Institute’s search for extraterrestrial intelligence is back on track, thanks to more than $200,000 in donations from thousands of fans. "We’re not completely out of the woods yet, but everybody’s smiling here," the institute’s chief executive officer, Tom Pierson, told me today. In Apr ...
- NATO and Turkey Support Armed Rebels in Syria. ...The Western media has played a central role in obfuscating the nature of foreign interference in Syria including outside support to armed insurgents. In chorus they have described recent events in Syria as a "peaceful protest movement" directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad. Recent d ...
- Why do banks make so much money?Basically, because they’re allowed to create money out of thin air — and then lend that money at an interest rate. This video explains how it works.
- Huckabee garners criticism for selling 9/11 ki ...As the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 nears, Mike Huckabee this week began promoting his company’s latest animated educational video for children: "9/11 and the War on Terror." The release of the kids’ cartoon has sparked significant criticism, accusing Huckabee of profiting off the 2001 terror at ...
Russia Today
- EU leaders urge Gaddafi to hand over powerFrance, Germany and Italy have renewed their calls for Muammar Gaddafi to officially step down in the wake of the rebel storming of Tripoli. There are fears of more bloodshed amid rumors France may order its troops to...
- Gaddafi forces up their game in Tripoli Gaddafi’s son Khamis is leading loyalist forces towards central Tripoli in a government counter-offensive against rebel forces currently rallying in Green Square celebrating an easy victory over Colonel Gaddafi.
- Trouble in Detroit as car powerhouse becomes c ...US car manufacturers received bail-out money and are now reporting profits, but the financial recovery of America’s car makers is not filtering down to the streets of the country's once-booming automotive capital.
- Defiant Assad unveils Syria’s futureIn an interview with a state TV, the Syrian president Bashar Assad said he had no intention of stepping down. However, he did concede that changes would be made to the constitution to curtail the Ba'ath party's...
- 'Rebels being gathered in Tripoli for a purpose' Independent journalist Lizzie Phelan who is in Tripoli says allowing the rebels inside the capital could well be a strategic move on the part of Libya troops who have corralled the rebels into a single location.
Not My Tribe
- The guard towers of Camp Amache, CO, Japanese- ...Visitors to what remains of the WWII-era Granada Relocation Center located on Highway 50 past Lamar, are tempted to conclude that the remote location was isolation enough to restrict the movement of the camp’s 7,000 Japanese-American internees. Gone are all 560 buildings except their concrete fo ...
- An 83% Payroll Tax, on the Workers and paid di ...That’s what I paid and, everybody who works for a “Slave Market” minimum wage Labor Contractor Service such as Labor Ready, Apprentice, Manpower, Kelly… The “tax” is paid to a Non-Governmental Organization, and is paid before the Worker gets his check. I base the 83% figure on the fact that the ...
- The shocking part about the AI PACkers… ...It’s not the blatant anti-Semitism involved in wanting to set Israel up as a target for near-total destruction, it’s not their arrogance in making money supplying the means, the money, weapons, propaganda, anti-social gospel of indifference, answering the question of Cain “am I my brothers keepe ...
- I know where Congressman Lamborn is. Because n ...Calls to Doug Lamborn’s office inquiring as to his whereabouts produces this charade: “Um, I don’t know. Let me ask. Could you hold please?” And we never get an answer. That his office won’t say, coupled with the media’s strange incuriosity, points to a self-enforced news moratorium on where a f ...
- Before tarring himself Representative Tar Baby ...Do you remember that Colorado Representative Doug Lamborn had a nickname before he pinned the latest on his sorry tail? Before Tar Baby, Lamborn was known for another remark whose meaning he insists he hadn’t intended, when he left a telephone message with a local couple, threatening “consequenc ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- San Diego's 10news Covers SecrecyKills.com - 8 ...Videos uploaded by Jon Gold http://www.10news.com/news/28922418/detail.html Richard Clarke confirms what is the main point in Kevin Fenton's new book Disconnecting the Dots where he makes the point that elements in the CIA deliberately withheld information from the FBI, among others, t ...
- AE911Truth 10th Anniversary ActivitiesPosted by John-Michael P. Talboo One simple action that can be taken to help out this campaign is sigining up to make phone calls to other ae911truth petition signers. I have made around 120 myself. You don't have to get off your butt if you don't want, but get involved! Click here for ...
- Van The BSer Romero: We Called It!Awhile back, Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog posted an entry entitled "Jesse The BSer Ventura: I Called It!" criticising Ventura for deceptive editing on the first 9/11 episode of his show Conspiracy Theory when it was revealed that he cut off the end of an experiment by explosives exp ...
- The truth and the authorityWatching AE911Truth's new mini movie on WTC7, I was reminded of what actress Christine Ebersole said five years ago on the fifth anniversary of 9/11: "Truth is authority; authority is not truth". All the debunkers have ever really had is the appeal to authority, but now they don't even ha ...
- Lack of 9/11 Air Defence Explained?Posted by John-Michael P. Talboo In a post entitled "NORAD's 'Lies' Explained?" Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog recently wrote that the blog of 9/11 Commission staffer Miles Kara explains "the erroneous assertion that the military found out about Flight 93 long before they did." ...
- Ritz Crackers With Whole Wheat, Sorta but Not ...Ritz has a new cracker on the market and it’s made with Whole Wheat! The reason we want whole wheat and whole grains in our diet is: 1. the whole grain contains many more nutrients than a refined grain 2. the celebrity nutrient in whole grains is fiber, something most of us are lacking in [...]
- Are Short School Lunch Periods Causing Obesity?Everyone’s trying to fix the obesity epidemic plaguing this country. And everyone’s got a theory as to it’s causes. Nutritionally poor school lunches are the usual suspect, but here’s an unexpected twist based on a survey conducted by the School Nutrition Association: Kids don’t get enough time ...
- Insurance Companies Say: Quit the Fizzy PopVia: Term Life Insurance Check out this infographic, published not by doctors, not by dietitians, and not by the government. This “propaganda” is disseminated by a for-profit organization that has a direct financial interest in reducing your junk food intake – an insurance company. For the ful ...
- Fall In Love With A New Whole GrainThis is a guest post by Lisa Cain, PhD, a.k.a Snack-Girl The comfort zone of American cuisine is meat, potatoes, and a wee bit of vegetables. When it comes to whole grains, we are sadly lacking. Several of my blog readers were interested in something called “Wheatberry Salad”. From Denise: I wo ...
- Velveeta’s Cheesy Skillets – Liquid Gold?Have you seen the ads for Kraft’s Velveeta brand? The cheese-like product has been around for decades, and is now expanding to the dinner table. A series of humorous TV ads has been making the rounds promoting the “liquid gold”. From Velveeta’s facebook page: In 1928, the light of VELVEETA was c ...
- Four Pre-Writing Exercises for Inspired BloggersRebecca Chelsey's recent post on ways to spark our creativity got me thinking about the next step: how to take that creativity and turn it into meaningful sentences on the page. In other words, what we do with that spark of inspiration will determine the success or setbacks we face when we blog. ...
- 8 Simple Sources of Creative InspirationAs a creative person, I've noticed that creativity and creative ideas tend to present themselves whenever they see fit, and rarely otherwise. This is an especially unfortunate habit for my creativity to have because I am in the field of design. Over the years I've researched and stumbled upon ei ...
- Culture Vulture: Social Strategies for Differe ...Social media campaigns are becoming more integrated into the overall online marketing mix. And as with anything on the Web, you need to think global to succeed in the long term. To succeed with social media marketing for different cultures, you need to familiarise yourself with what’s happening ...
- Internet Marketing and Social Media Degree Pro ...Guest post by Brian Jenkins Over a billion and a half people use the Internet, and this has created a plethora of opportunities for talented Internet marketers. Specialized knowledge in Internet marketing and social media is vital for many businesses. Yes, there are successful, self-taught Inte ...
- How to Find Great Communities, Forums, and Blo ...To market your company effectively, you need to find out where your target audience is. In this post I’ll show you how you can do this. I like using examples, so in this case, I’ll assume you sell Star Wars merchandise.
Survival International
- International condemnation of controversial Et ...The Mursi are one of the tribes living along the Omo Valley. © Eric Lafforgue/Survival Kenyan MPs and the UN’s World Heritage Committee have called on Ethiopia to halt construction of the controversial Gibe III dam on the Omo River. In its annual report published last month, UNESCO’s World ...
- Amazon pipeline gets go-ahead amid reports of ...Oil industry barges are a constant sight on the rivers of northern Peru © Survival A 200km oil pipeline in the Amazon has been given the go-ahead, amidst controversy over a âcover-upâ of evidence that uncontacted Indians live in the region. French oil company Perenco plans to spend $350m ...
- Innu protest at mineral exploration project in ...An Innu camp at Black Fish Lake, one day's journey from Natuashish and en-route to hunting grounds in the North and West. © Dominick Tyler/Survival One of the largest Innu communities in Quebec, eastern Canada, is embroiled in a row with an iron-ore mining company. The company, Cap-Ex Ve ...
- ‘Staged’ tribal TV series spurs Ethical Code f ...Filmmakers have a responsibility to portray tribal people fairly. © Survival Following the recent furore over the BBC and Travel Channelâs âstagedâ tribal TV series, Survival International has released a code of practice for filmmakers working with tribal peoples (pdf, 983 KB). The guidel ...
- Land at last for Paraguay Indians An Enxet child in Paraguay © Jonathan Mazower/Survival Almost 9,000 hectares of ancestral land has been returned to Enxet Indians in Paraguay, more than a decade after their campaign to reclaim it began. The Kelyenmagategma, a small community of Enxet Indians, had been forcibly evicted fro ...
Greg Palast
- Me and Piers Morgan:Hacked and AttackedHow Mor ...by Greg Palast exclusive for Truthout.org/Buzzflash I am not surprised that Piers Morgan has been outed for hacking phones (listening, in one case, to personal messages between Heather Mills and Paul McCartney). I learned about the creepy antics of this one-man TV-host crime spree the hard way ...
- Not Another Ransom Notefrom Congressman Boehner by Greg Palast It was quite upsetting to find our President blindfolded and tied to a chair at the GOP Tea Party headquarters, but I'm sure the $2.2 trillion ransom we paid to the hostage-takers is worth it. Well, now that the Obama presidency is over, we can move on to more serious matters ...
- Who killed "Stieg" Larsson?I asked my daughter if she would like to add her own recollections about JK Rowling and the "alternative" Harry Potter endings Jo Rowling told us when we were hanging out in the Green Room at BBC Television Centre. (I provide investigative stories for the BBC current affairs program Newsnight.) ...
- It's Not Default of Obama:Jail GOP Deadbeats f ...by Greg Palast exclusive for Truthout/Buzzflash.com Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist gave debtors' prison a bad rap. Too bad. I'd say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea. Bush reads from My Pet BudgetLet's talk about how w ...
- Harry Potter: Jo’s Other EndingBy Jo (J.K.) Rowling as told to Greg Palast and the Palast twins [18 July 2011] Some of you may recall that, years ago, when I lived in England, writing for The Guardian, when I shared the bestseller list with Jo Rowling (she at the pinnacle, me in the valley), we became buds through my twins ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I use up buffet sandwiches?We’ve had a “clever idea” email from Jos, telling us about their personal battle against food waste at work: This sounds so cheap but I regularly “steal” the last of the sandwiches after meetings at work because they’d go in the bin if I didn’t take them. I eat some fresh, freeze others to eat [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle boring white buttons?We’ve had an email from Sally: I always snip buttons from old clothes before using them for rags but after a few years of my three’s school shirts, I’ve got more plain white buttons than I know what to do with. If they were pretty I’d keep them for crafts but they’re boring! Any ideas? [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle crême brulée/desser ...We’ve had an email from Jeroen: We designed a lid for the Bonne Maman crême brulée cup that we usually through away. Here you can see a short movie about it: While I’ll admit the lid is very cute and well made, it didn’t occur to me that it needed one before reusing — my [...]
- How can I use up “past it” frozen ...We’ve had an email from Joanna: I found some part-used bags of frozen peas, sweetcorn and broccoli at the bottom of my chest freezer – expiry date 2009! My hubs is happy to ignore expiry dates but we tried some of the peas and they were tough and tasted washed out, not good! Any other [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle sweetcorn plants?Tina has asked a very timely question: what can I use sweetcorn plants for? I like to eat or use as much of my plants as possible, before composting the rest. There must be a million uses for corn plants, but can I find any? help! We’ve already covered the empty cobs, after the lovely [...]
Age of Autism
- HDNet World Reports Looks At Vaccines and Auti ...If you're in New York City, join familiar friends at Amity Hall, 80 West 3rd St. in Greenwich Village, right next to NYU Law School (between Thompson & Sullivan) for the Tuesday viewing. HDNet World Report - Vaccines and Autism:...
- Doctors on Autism Environment Tightrope: Dr. P ...By Anne Dachel August 8, 2011 the New York Times published the story, 'Environment' Poses a Knotty Challenge in Autism, by Perri Klass, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, New York University. Doctors like Klass are in a difficult position these days....
- British Medical Journal: the Emperor has no Cl ...By John Stone Three days ago I wrote about the refusal of BMJ and its editor, Fiona Godlee, to acknowledge that it is joined at the hip to US pharmaceutical giant Merck through its educational division, BMJ Learning, and Merck’s...
- We Interrupt This Program…By Cathy Jameson “…If you can't see, hear or feel something, it doesn't exist!” Say that with sour grapes in your mouth. That’s how the Katie the crotchety kangaroo character responds to Horton the Elephant in Jim Carrey’s 2008 movie...
- A Comparative Analysis of Human Rights through ...By LJ Goes (artwork Amy Einhorn books/Putnam Order the book here.) Of the many complex pieces that form the autism parenting puzzle, it's the copious amounts of scientific and medical journal reading that I find the most arduous. It would...
Global BDS Movement
- Map testView Global BDS Day of Action 2011 in a larger map
- BDS campaigners force Ahava shop to moveThe central London flagship store of Ahava, an Israeli cosmetics company whose products come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the occupied West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, has been forced to move … Continue reading →
- Rawabi remains settler-colonial sub-contractorUri Davis writes on the ongoing links between the Rawabi project and the Jewish National Fund.
- Stop the Wall release new report on Brazil’s m ...Notwithstanding its recent recognition of the Palestinian State and its long tradition of supporting Palestinian rights and upholding international law, the Brazilian government has signed contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars with Israel’s arms industry.
- Trade UnionsThe global trade union movement has consistently demonstrated its courage and commitment to human rights by adopting concrete, ground-breaking labour-led sanctions against oppressive regimes in a show of effective solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world. Adopting BDS measures has … Co ...
Farm Wars
- We Have Not Seen the Last of the Genetically M ...Canada will be the egg producing capitol of transgenicfrankenfishsalmoneelthings, with NO preemptive oversight from the FDA.
- Monsanto Targets ConsumersMonsanto leaps from commercial agriculture to take on the retail market with genetically engineered sweet corn designed with the consumer in mind.
- The “Non-GMO” Labeling ScamA company wants to market a product chock full of GMOs and every other thing under the sun, make it appear to be healthy, and use Non-GMO certification to sell it. So how do you do it?
- Smart Grid – The Birth of Global TechnocracySmart Grid - The Birth of Global Technocracy VIDEO - Patrick Wood
- New patent granted to Bayer breaks the lawThe comprehensive patent will give Bayer monopoly control over important food crops including both genetic engineering in plants and the process for conventional breeding and plants derived thereof.
Open Your Eyes News
- U.S. – Investors seeing gold in farmland ...(Reuters) – The overall economymay be struggling against a double-dip recession but in farm country the boom times have rarely been better. Farmland prices are setting records and farmer incomes have been buoyed by exports and biofuels, easing the pain of some rough summer weather from drought, ...
- Scotland’s uni funding system faces lega ...BBC – A leading human rights lawyer is planning a legal challenge to Scotland’s university funding system. Phil Shiner said the policy breaches the European Convention on Human Rights by charging students from other parts of the UK to study north of the border. Scottish students studying at home ...
- Research at UMDNJ Identifies How Vitamin D Com ...Health Canal – While for years scientists have noted an association between levels of vitamin D in a personâs body and the personâs ability to resist or minimize the effects of multiple sclerosis (MS), the mechanism involved has not been established. However new research by Sylvia Christakos, Ph ...
- Arrests made at oilsands protest in WashingtonCTV – Alberta’s embattled oilsands are at the centre of a mass protest that began this weekend with arrests in front of the most prominent government building in the United States. Read article
- UN CMTE condemns Israeli settlementsPressTV – A United Nations committee on the rights of the Palestinians has strongly condemned Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank. Read article
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- This weed can cause a world of painA potential danger for you dog is growing in your backyard and along your hiking trial. Foxtails might be any number of grasses with needle-like seed heads. After a spectacularly wet winter and a mild, unusually long growing season this...
- Laguna to support marine life with whale decalsThe Laguna Beach City Council unanimously approved Councilwoman Toni Iseman's suggestion to place decals of the new whale tail license plate on the back of city trolleys and buses. The decals will cost less than $2,000 and be installed by...
- Southwestern pond turtle making a comeback in ...The southwestern pond turtle is making a comeback in San Diego County.
- Interior department to hold big gulf oil lease ...The Obama administration plans to offer more than 20 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas leases, the first such sale since the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill.
- Agency seeks to end sea otter relocations, to ...After 24 years of barring sea otters from most Southern California waters and trying to establish a colony for the threatened animals on San Nicolas Island, federal wildlife officials on Wednesday announced a proposal to abandon the program, saying it...
- Levi’s drive for Water.org via Facebook ...Leviâs Drive for Water.org via Facebook (New York Times) – Leviâs is adding a hue to its marketing efforts: Facebook blue. The purveyor of all things denim has teamed up with the social media giant on the next phase of its âGo Forthâ campaign. On Tuesday, Leviâs will announce the campaign exclus ...
- The @water Twakeover (Globe and Mail)New trend on Twitter: handing over your account (Globe and Mail) – This month the latest social media trend seems to be encouraging legitimate takeovers. The Water.org group (@water), which works with communities in developing countries to meet water and sanitation needs, will soon be handing it ...
- Water.org will hand over its Twitter (Mashable)Water.org Will Hand Over Its Twitter Account to Contest Winner (Mashable) – Water.org is surrendering its Twitter account, @Water, for an entire week to the user who racks up the most votes on its site. To enter, you must be following @Water on Twitter. Then sign up to participate with a shor ...
- Gary White talks water on MSNBCWorld faces a water crisis (MSNBC) – Gary White interviewed by Martin Bashir June 30, 2011 Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
- Leadership wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company)Leadership Wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company) 30 second MBA video series: Part 1 – Gary White – Executive Director and Cofounder, Water.org Part 2 – Matt Damon – Cofounder, Water.org
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- Conversations on the Road To Compassion - VIDEOCanadians for Compassion-- interviews Canadians from all walks of life on three questions: How would you define compassion? Where do you see compassion working in your home/school/community? Where do you see the need for more compassion?Submitted by Care For All to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add ...
- Israeli doctors save Palestinian babyGazan seven-month-old's life saved thanks to open-heart surgery in Israeli hospital. 'Hopefully, this is a good sign for peace,' says child's grandfather.Submitted by Alexandra R. to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Hints of an Israeli False Flag"...Palestine has too much to lose with such a violent attack so close to September Statehood Declaration. Anyone in their right mind knows that they would have nothing to gain and no reason to do this..." Submitted by Sandra T. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Can We Have Health Reform Without an Individua ...The essential vote on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals panel that ruled that the individual-coverage mandate in President Obama�s healthcare reform is unconstitutional did not come from a reactionary Republican.Submitted by Michael Dewey to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Middle East Peace the Real story -PetitionAVAAZ - PETITION - Great Video to explain what is really Going on. The Israeli - Palestinian Conflict. Submitted by Zoe E. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Solar Trust of America Changes Technology for ...Solar Trust of America announced that it will no longer employ concentrated solar power (CSP) for its multibillion dollar Blythe Solar installation, but instead will use photovoltaic (PV) technology for the first phase of constructi ...
- Enel Green Power Receives Approval for North A ...Enel Green Power has received final regulatory approval to construct its groundbreaking hybrid solar and geothermal power plant in Nevada. read more
- Ascent Solar Partners with China's TGF Radiant ...Developer of solar photovoltaic�(PV) modules Ascent Solar Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: ASTI) has formed a partnership with China-based TFG Radiant Group that will result in $450 million of investment. read more
- U.S. Department of Interior Approves Largest P ...The United States Department of Interior's (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved the largest photovoltaic (PV) project to be built on public land. read more
- California's Largest Solar PV Farm OnlineLocated just outside the City of Avenal, California's largest photovoltaic (PV) solar farm is now operational. read more
News Blaze
- Shane Bauer and Joshua Fattal Sentenced to 8 Y ...She said she joins President Obama and the people of the United States in expressing their unflagging support for Shane, Joshua, Sarah and their families during this difficult time.
- Resident of Camp Ashraf Dies Due to Obstructio ...Mohsen Ansari joined the PMOI 31 years ago. He spent three years in early 80s in the mullahs' regime's prisons and dungeons.
- India: Opposition Demands PM Resign as Anti-Co ...India's government has started back channel talks with Team Anna to reach some consensus. Indian News channel NDTV reported that the Government has roped in spiritual guru Bhayyu Maharaj and top Maharashtra bureaucrat UC Sarangi...
- NATO Secretary General: The Qadhafi Regime is ...The Libyan people have suffered tremendously under Qaddafi's rule for over four decades. Now they have a chance for a new beginning. Now is the time for all threats against civilians to stop, as the United Nations Security Council demanded. Now is
- Northeast Indian Secessionist Militant Groups ...Northeast Indian Secessionist Militant Groups Warned Each Other, NDFB threatened NDFB(P)
- Goal.com 50: Cristiano Ronaldo (2) Goal.com's countdown edges closer to its climax with the introduction of the Portuguese superstar, who rewrote La Liga's goalscoring records in 2010-11 Sign up with bet365 for a free bet up to �200 By Paul Macdonald Tweet 19 Comments More On�:�Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo Getty Images Wel ...
- Dollar up from low against yen The dollar clawed back ground against the yen on Monday after hitting a historic low last week, as Tokyo upped its rhetoric over the domestic unit and indicated its willingness to intervene to stem its rise. The dollar firmed to 76.72 yen in Tokyo afternoon trade from 76.50 yen in New York ...
- Indian shares continue slide, IT stocks p ...MUMBAI: Indian shares traded weak on Monday in see-saw trade after last week's heavy sell-off, as investors fretted over the health of the global economy, darkened by fears of a slowdown in India's economic growth. The main 30-share BSE index was down 0.4 percent at 16,084.36 points by 12.3 ...
- Merkel dismisses euro bonds 'for the mome ...DEREK SCALLY in Berlin CHANCELLOR ANGELA Merkel has revived the debate about euro bonds by refusing to rule out the idea of common euro zone debt entirely, instead dismissing the concept "for the moment". Her remark on German television yesterday came as her finance minister, Wolfgang Sch�u ...
- World stock markets mixed amid US recessi ...PAMELA SAMPSON The Associated Press BANGKOK - World stocks swung between gains and losses Monday, as hopes the Federal Reserve might take action to keep the U.S. from slipping back into recession offset fears of a global slowdown. Brent crude fell to near $106 a barrel as Libyan rebels capt ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cop ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- Cuddling With 9, Smooching With 8, Winking At 7Most people have a favorite number. But why do people choose the numbers they do?
- Can Omecamtiv Mecarbil Help Heart Failure Pati ...An article published in the Lancet revealed results of two clinical trials of omecamtiv mecarbil, a drug that according to researchers could one-day benefit heart failure patients by assisting the heart to contract more easily. Omecamtiv mecarbil, developed in San Francisco, activates a protein ...
- College drinking is liberating, and a good excuseCampus life creates support for the excitement of being intoxicated, say researchers studying why alcohol education is such a tough sell.
- Bite Counter is like a pedometer for your mouthDevice can help dieters keep track of their food intake.
- Micro-organisms Are "invisible" To The Immune ...That micro-organisms have a great capacity to vary their surface structure is well known. It is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to develop vaccines against HIV and malaria, and why new influenza vaccines have to be produced every year. But it seems that these micro-organisms are also a ...
Common Dreams
- Libyan Rebels in 'Final Push' for Capital Security forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have used heavy machine guns and mortars to confront lightly armed opposition forces and protesters who took to the streets of Tripoli on Saturday night in anticipation of a final rebel advance on the capital. Fighting continued into Sunday ...
- Bill McKibben Jailed After White House Tar San ...Vermont environmental author and activist Bill McKibben went to Washington, D.C., in hopes of getting attention by getting arrested. This weekend he got that and more: a surprise two-night stay in jail. read more
- Rioters' Use of Social Media Throws Telecoms F ...After the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and this summer's looting in England, there is no longer any doubt about the speed with which large crowds can be mobilised on to the streets. read more
- Verizon Workers End Their WalkoutThe Communications Workers of America and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers agreed yesterday to end one of the largest strikes in a decade without winning a new contract agreement, sending their 45,000 members back to work at Verizon Communications Inc. nearly two weeks after walki ...
- Egypt Fury Over Border Deaths As Israel and Gaza continued to exchange deadly rocket and missile fire, the diplomatic fallout between Israel and its regional allies worsened, with both Turkey and Egypt hardening their stance against the Netanyahu government. Thousands of Egyptians rallied outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Worry and the Art of Auto Mai ...ExamineReligion: Worry and the Art of Auto Maintenance http://t.co/Cfx7ttr
- ExamineReligion: Re'eh: Behold it is for you ...ExamineReligion: Re'eh: Behold it is for you to decide http://t.co/6pmiYag
- ExamineReligion: Back to School - A Devotion h ...ExamineReligion: Back to School - A Devotion http://t.co/zET7JjZ
- ExamineReligion: Martin Luther King Jr. Nation ...ExamineReligion: Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial opens Monday http://t.co/cxfiuUK
- ExamineReligion: The Help...A metaphysical per ...ExamineReligion: The Help...A metaphysical perspective on the movie http://t.co/3dooNWK
Energy Collective
- Keeping Michele Bachmann Honest on Gas Prices� The Promise: Gas Below $2 a Gallon
- UNESCO, Rolling Stones and the Art of the Trad ...Economists have some hard and fast rules that—to put it mildly—don’t necessarily endear them to everyone around. For one, there’s the idea of trade-offs. It makes so much sense it’s sometime easy to forget how difficult an idea it really is. You can’t always get what you want. But sometimes we s ...
- Advanced Batteries: Here Come the CaliforniansSeveral of the new grants went to companies that received awards in 2009 as part of the $2 billion Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative (DOE-FOA-26). But a number of awardees were new. Most striking was the concentration of awardees in California. Amprius, App ...
- 6 Energy Topics For US Presidential CandidatesAs the US heads into the process of electing its next President, many subjects and issues will be debated. While climate change may not be the defining issue of the moment in the USA, given the long term importance of the subject it would be useful to understand how the various candidates for of ...
- Living Off the Grid: No Longer Just for the AmishWhether you’re reading this on your computer or mobile device, you needed electricity from the grid to power at least one device in the process. Those electrons come from far-flung power plants, across miles of transmission lines, and out of a plug in your wall. This process may seem like just a ...
Green House - USA Today
- Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
- What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
- U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
- Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
- Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
- With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
- This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
- App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
- Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
- Dispatch From Tripoli: Where Have Libya's Chi ...By Franklin Lamb Tripoli residents trying to fuel a car on 8/5/11 with black market benzene— often spilling a fair bit in the process. Photo: F. Lamb The quality of life continues to degrade in certain areas of western Libya while public anxiety noticeably rises over missing Libyan children ...
- NATO'S Massacre at Majer, LibyaBy Franklin Lamb Located about 20 miles east of the ancient Roman city of Leptis Magna, six miles south of Zliten, and off Libya's southern coast across the Mediterranean from Rome, Majer was a picturesque village known for the fine quality of its dates and is claimed by locals to produce th ...
- OBAMA GOING DOWN WITH DOW / OBAMAGEDDON APPROACHESBy Allen L Roland President Obama has tied his administration to the Wall Street crime syndicate and will politically go down with Wall Street as the full extent of America’s economic and moral deficit is finally unveiled. It will eventually be referred to as Obamageddon.: Allen L Roland The ...
- Bear CountryBear Country - by Stephen Lendman Financial markets provide early signals of future economic conditions, good or bad. Currently, they're flashing red. On August 19, economist David Rosenberg reported the bad news about major world stock markets in bear territory, including Germany, Franc ...
- Falsified New York Times Middle East Reportsby Stephen Lendman They appear daily like weeds on all topics. As a result, Times reports aren't fit to read, let alone print. August 18 was no exception, publishing lies about Libyan insurgent victories. On August 18, headlining, "Libyan Rebels Gain Control of Oil Refinery as Qaddafi F ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Inequality Bad for BusinessCCPA Senior Economist Armine Yalnizyan writes how the business establishment is growing concerned about income inequality in Canada in this Canada Business article. Read the article here.
- The Strange Case of Saskatchewan's Electoral B ...Simon Enoch discusses Saskatchewan's rather unique electoral boundaries and how they influenced the 2011 federal election in the CCPA's Behind the Numbers blog.
- Job posting: Online Communications OfficerThe CCPA National office is seeking an Online Communications Officer to join our communications team in Ottawa to support and expand the CCPA’s ongoing communications and outreach efforts. The deadline for applications is August 19, 2011. Click here for the full job posting.
- Hennessy's Index: Gone Fishin'Hennessy's Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA's Trish Hennessy, about Canada and its place in the world. This August, Hennessy's Index looks at vacation time - how do Canadian vacations stack up?� For other months, visit: http://policyalternatives.ca/index
- New Report - The Public Policies Needed to Bui ...With the release of the final report in the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Saskatchewan series �Transforming Saskatchewan�s Electrical Future,� former Saskatchewan Cabinet Minister Peter Prebble outlines the public policies that will be required to truly transform Saskatchewan into a ...
World Wide Hippies
- Tar-sands protestors get some action from Obam ...grist.org -The 15-day campaign at the White House to stop the Keystone XL pipeline has begun, and thanks to the U.S. Park Police, it’s taken a totally unexpected turn. In negotiations with the police prior to the action that began on Saturday, the police were very clear that what would happen af ...
- Two Cool; Boomer News – Get Bent – ...YOGA: Locals bend with this trend THE GAZETTE – Once a fringe activity popular with hippies and low-impact-sports nuts, yoga has gone mainstream in the Pikes Peak region. And adherents say itâs creating a sense of community in an area known for its transient population. We have, it seems, collec ...
- Extraterrestrials: Fukushima linked to an inte ...WWH; OK. it’s a stretch. But, what if… agoracosmopolitan.com – The key to âmaking senseâ of the Fukushima nuclear disaster may lie in our willingness to understand the unfolding of an inter-dimensional war. In this apparent inter-dimensional war, the human understanding of reality is being turne ...
- WWH News Briefs MondayClashes near Gadhafi compound in Libyan capital TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) â Tanks opened fire at rebels trying to storm Moammar Gadhafi’s main compound in Tripoli on Monday, although the whereabouts of the longtime Libyan leader remained unknown a day after a lightning advance by opposition fighters w ...
- Caught? Fake conservative identities re-writin ...opednews.com – I noticed for years that people have been going into my message boards – particularly around the time of elections – and posting right-wing propoganda – and one guy ADMITTED that he’s being paid by Conservative organizations to do this. But it appears that the Chamber of Commerce ...
- Military Debris Threaten OceansBANGALORE, Apr 14, 2011 (IPS) - Military debris dumped into the world’s oceans are hazardous to coral ecosystems, reefs, fish and marine wildlife, say experts, who also warn - in light of the recent tragedy in Japan - that earthquakes and tsunamis could disturb this debris and even wash it ashor ...
- Ocean Garbage: Floating LandminesNo matter where you travel on the Canada's West Coast, no matter how remote or seemingly untrammelled and pristine the fiord or inlet, a piece of plastic, Styrofoam or other garbage has been there before you. God knows how it got there: Dumped recklessly off a vessel, swept down a river or throu ...
- Fight Against Marine Garbage Runs Into Plastic ...HONOLULU, Hawaii, U.S., Mar 28, 2011 (IPS) - Every day, billions of plastic bags and bottles are discarded, and every day, millions of these become plastic pollution, fouling the oceans and endangering marine life. No one wants this, but there is wide disagreement about how to stop it. "Every ti ...
- Florida spring breakers find the oil (VIDEO)
Crisis Maven
- Updated Statistical, Economic and Historical R ...We have updated our References section and, for the first time, also published our References ordered by Subjects – probably the most comprehensive trove on Statistical, Economic, Monetary and Historical Data etc. … References by Subject References â General and Applied Statistics References â E ...
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Update: Greenpeace measures Caesium 40 miles f ...… and hence in areas not yet evacuated though they should obviously have been. Map of Radiation Measurements by Greenpeace team See also: Call for further evacuation around Fukushima Now, if nothing should happen, those within these areas and of course also further beyond, even in adjacent count ...
- How to protect your garden patch or field agai ...Do you own a garden, a patch of land, a field where you plant, esp. for human food or animal feed? Then you should prepare against letting the radioactive fall-out from Japan into your soil, where it will remain and contaminate your plants and e.g. livestock for probably decades. Here’s the advi ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The follo ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This ar ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Keeping Michele Bachmann Honest on Gas PricesJoin the forum discussion on this post The Promise: Gas Below $2 a Gallon Like many of you, I am often unhappy with our political leaders. One thing that annoys me the most is that many will say or do just about anything to get elected. By now, you have surely heard the news that Republican ...
- How to Fix the Broken Cellulosic Ethanol Incen ...Join the forum discussion on this post Overview: Mandates, Zero Production, Penalties, and the Failure of the Current System In the previous post, I discussed the annual ritual of rolling back the cellulosic ethanol mandates by 90% or more. For three years running, cellulosic ethanol productio ...
- Cellulosic Ethanol Targets: Mandating the None ...Join the forum discussion on this post Another Year, Another Chapter In what is becoming an annual ritual, the EPA is once more scaling back the cellulosic ethanol mandate for 2012. The 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act mandated that we would use 100 million gallons of cellulosic ethan ...
- Will a SmartGrid and GM’s Volt Stimulate the E ...Join the forum discussion on this post The following guest post is from Victor Sequeira. Mr. Sequeira is Principal of VerisNRG LLC, a Houston based energy consultancy. He can be reached at victorseq [at] comcast [dot] net —————————— Can GMâs Volt Provide a Jolt to the Electric Car Industry? ...
- When Falling Oil Prices are Bad NewsJoin the forum discussion on this post Economic Heartache Normally, consumers consider falling oil and gasoline prices to be good news. They have to pay less to fill up their tanks. And if the reason for that is that oil supplies are increasing at a rate faster than demand is increasing, it ca ...
Discovery Educator Network
- Back to School AppsTags: web_2.0, DEN, technologyby: Alexa Flores-Hull
- http://www.aclea.org/Portals/0/conferenceonlin ...Tags: ebooks, ipad, howto, epubby: Dean Mantz
- Winged SandalsTags: mythology, historyby: Jackie Gerstein
- Culturally-Situated Design ToolsComments:"Culturally Situated Design Tools: TEACHING MATH THROUGH CULTURE" - Jackie GersteinTags: math, culture, education, technologyby: Jackie Gerstein
- Google Plus, Chrome Apps and Tools gateway to ...Comments:Complete #edtech20 guide to #googleplus in #education20 . Please add comments , feed-back and your thoughts related to google plus - LUCIAN DUMATags: google, plus, guide, project, #edtech20by: LUCIAN DUMA
Rodale News
- The InGREENspirational 7!"Meet amazing people. Learn cool stuff. And have lots of fun along the way." read more
- Farmer's Markets Innovations Make Healthy Food ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—There's often a throwback feel to farmer's markets, where you can seek out the same heirloom vegetable varieties your great-grandmother adored. Old-school, heritage-breed chicken eggs? Yep, a true farmer's market probably offers them. And while the farmer's market is a p ...
- The Nickel Pincher: DIY Wedding Favor Ideas RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—At the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the guests all left with luxurious wool scarves, sporting the Union Jack in various colorful prints, that cost about $75 each. Chances are, you haven't budgeted that amount of money into your next soiree. And do ...
- Flu Season Is Coming! Are You Ready?RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The U.S. read more
- How Dangerous is Your Child's Car Seat?RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Crushed Cheerios, crumbs, pacifiers, toys, socks…they're all things you commonly find in the cracks of your child's car seat. Add to that list lead, flame retardants, and toxic plastics. HealthyStuff.org, a project of the Michigan-based Ecology Center, has released the r ...
big think
- Libyan Rebels Taking TripoliWhat's the Latest Development? After entering the Libyan capital of Tripoli without much resistance, rebel forces are battling what remains of Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists. "Clashes erupted on Monday after tanks left�Bab Azaziya, Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli, to confront the rebel assault."�Tw ...
- The Struggle Within The Struggle: Black Women ...To be honest, the anniversary of the 19th amendment that legalized the woman’s right to vote wasn’t on my mind last week. In fact, it didn’t really register to me until I began reading “The Ballot And Black Women” by Denise Oliver Velez, an adjunct faculty member at the State University of New . ...
- Human Need and the Jaded ConsumerWhat’s the Big Idea? Between 1975 and 1979, 1.7 million men, women and children were executed in the “killing fields” of Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge regime. Another million or so died of starvation and disease. Their deaths were supposed to facilitate social progress through the redistributio ...
- I've Always Said PETA Should Be Called "Pornog ...The conceptual art project known as PETA says it's planning to launch its own porn site. PETA has gotten a lot of attention for degrading women in order to stress that you shouldn't degrade animals. So, it's a natural progression for the organization, even though porn is less reliably degrading ...
- DUPLICATE POST, PLEASE DELETE[Photo credit: Sam UL, Creative Commons.]Read More
Information Liberation
- The Fix Is InThis week's wild actions on Wall Street should serve as a stark reminder that few investors have any clue as to what is really going on beneath the surface of America's troubled economy. But this week did bring startling clarity on at least one f...
- Daily Show Covers Ron Paul Media BlackoutEven when the media does remember Ron Paul, it's only to reassure themselves that there's no need to remember Ron Paul....
- Police Let Flash Mob Rob 7-11Police Let Flash Mob Loot 7-11 A 7-11 in Montgomery County, Maryland was hit by a flash mob on August 13, 2011. The clerk activated a silent alarm, but police waited until the mob left the store before responding. Further, according to the video, ...
- U.S. Anti-Piracy Police Kept Secret From The P ...Last month the MPAA and RIAA made a deal with all the major Internet providers in the United States to systematically hunt down file-sharers. The new *Copyright Alerts* system will directly affect millions of Internet users, but thus far the particip...
- Pa. judge gets 28 years in 'kids for cash' caseSCRANTON, Pa. * A longtime judge has been ordered to spend nearly three decades in prison for his role in a massive juvenile justice bribery scandal that prompted the state's high court to toss thousands of convictions. Former Luzerne County Judge...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Parliament On A Knife Edge Part II: End This N ...Since I posted my previous thread on this subject four weeks ago, things have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. The rather tawdry scandal involving Craig Thomson, Labor MHR for the seat of Dobell in New South Wales, has … Continue reading →
- Playing The Race Card Part II: Anarchy In The UKWhat do you make of the riots happening in many British cities? I’ve read with some interest the discussion on GE’s blog, although I personally believe the emphasis on race is misplaced. I’m just returned from a week on the … Continue reading →
- Now Reap The WhirlwindThe Dow Jones Industrial Average today closed down 512 pointsâthe biggest one-day fall since the 2008 financial crisisâin the wake of the stitched-up deal hammered out in the U.S. Congress on raising the debt ceiling. Carnage is expected today on … Continue reading →
- Same Old Same Old…I’ve been scanning the news pages for anything that reads like common sense in this whole debt ceiling issue. With very little success. And with less than twelve hours to go before Brucker Bummer, the American Precedent, must sign off … Continue reading →
- Is There Really Such A Thing As National Chara ...I found myself asking this question after reading GE’s thought-provoking essay in Notting Hill Editions. In it, James contrasts what he sees as different national traits of America with those of his homeland. He finds himself concluding that the positives … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Red, red, red wine and moreMy four latest science news stories now live on SpectroscopyNOW, kicking off with an item about adulteration and red wine – Various approaches to statistical analysis of spectroscopic data can reveal whether red wine has been adulterated with anthocyanins to artificially improve, “correct”, its ...
- Diluting homeopathic advertisingDiluting homeopathic advertising HT @SilvianaJ – The Advertising Standards Authority has ordered online homeopathy advertisers to stop making claims that their treatments work. [Because they don't!] The ASA’s remit was extended to regulating websites in March 2011, since when it says it has rece ...
- Billions upon billionsBack in the day, we Brits had big billions. A billion was a million millions. Obviously, the “bi” doubling up the “illion” from million. What else would it be? Well…of course…the Americans wanted to talk bigger still and so made their billion a mere 1000 million. Back then, it was hard to be a m ...
- Wi-Fi by LED lightForget Fanny by Gaslight…an LED light went on for German physicist Harald Haas who suggests that we could utilise LED lightbulbs as an alternative route for connecting to the Internet without disrupting the use of those LEDs for simple illumination. You can dim the lights so that they no longer ...
- Moving pictures for motoring moleculesResearchers in Japan have used high-speed atomic force microscopy (AFM) to shoot an action movie of the biological molecular motor ATPase. ATPase, an enzyme embedded in cell membranes, produces the cellular fuel molecule ATP. the enzyme has two rotating components, but until now only X-ray cryst ...
RFF Library
- Annual Energy Outlook 2010 Retrospective ReviewUS DOE, EIA http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/retrospective/ The Annual Energy Outlook 2010 Retrospective Review provides a yearly comparison between realized energy outcomes and the Reference case projections included in previous AEOs beginning with 1982. This edition of the report adds the AEO ...
- EPA’s Regulation of Coal-Fired Power: Is a “Tr ...Congressional Research Service http://www.lawandenvironment.com/uploads/file/CRS-EPA.pdf [From a post by Andrew Restuccia in The Hill's E2 blog] Utility industry claims that looming Environmental Protection Agency rules for power plants will create an economic “train wreck” are overblown, the no ...
- Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Marcell ...Environmental Research Letters (2011 v6 p034014+ — 9pp) / by Mohan Jiang,W Michael Griffin, Chris Hendrickson, Paulina Jaramillo, Jeanne Van Briesen and Aranya Venkatesh (seems to be open access) http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/6/3/034014/pdf/1748-9326_6_3_034014.pdf [Abstract] This study es ...
- U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2010US DOE, EIA http://www.eia.gov/environment/emissions/carbon/ [Press Release] U.S. carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels were 5,638 million metric tons carbon dioxide (MMTCO2) in 2010, an increase of 3.9 percent from the 2009 level, according to Energy-Related Carbon Diox ...
- EPA Legal Brief on the Endangerment FindingUS EPA epa-endangerment-brief [From Junk Science Post] EPA filed its legal brief this afternoon with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit defending its December 2009 decision that CO2 emissions threaten public welfare. Filed under: Energy and Climate Tagged: Climate Cha ...
Scientific American - News
- Solar Blares: Listening to the Sun May Improve ...Peering deep into the sun's churning plasma, solar physicists have discovered a way to forecast the emergence of sunspots before they reach the solar surface. [More]
- Marijuana Plant SequencedAt last, the field of genomics has something to offer Cheech and Chong. DNA sequencing hit a new high last night with the midnight release of the Cannabis sativa genome. The raw sequence was posted on Amazon’s EC2 public cloud computing service by a young company called Medicinal Genomics , whi ...
- China's First Space Lab Tiangong 1 May Launch SoonThe buzz out of Beijing is that China's Tiangong 1 space lab may fly sooner than expected, perhaps soaring into space by this month's end.That might be the case, according to China space watcher Gregory Kulacki, a senior analyst and China Project manager at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS ...
- Why Carbon Dioxide Is a Greenhouse GasThe Australia-based Galileo Movement touts a series of "basic facts" on carbon dioxide that attempt to explain why the greenhouse gas can't contribute to climate change.John Smeed, the movement's co-founder, says the case against carbon dioxide as a global warming culprit is simply a matter of " ...
- 'Galileo Movement' Fuels Climate Change Divide ...A new group challenging the general consensus on climate science is getting significant air time in Australia, where uproar over a proposed carbon tax may topple the country's minority government.Launched in February, the Galileo Movement is getting much of its lift from its influential "patron, ...
First Truths
- "Capitalism" as "Anti-Concept"
- Inverted Queries re Human NatureFrom Randall Amster's Anarchy, utopia, and the state of things to come: [T]he question is often posed: How can a society achieve the production, distribution, and maintenance of public goods absent a central authority? In other words: How can free individuals be encouraged to work and provide fo ...
- "What Anarchists Believe"The following is a favorite passage of mine from What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, edited by Donald Rooum: Anarchists believe that the point of society is to widen the choices of individuals. This is the axiom upon which the anarchist case is founded.If you were isolated you would still have ...
- Profit as Unequal ExchangeA passage from�Herfried Münkler's The New Wars�that will be interesting for anarchists: The economic rationality in their action consists in the fact that they make violence a means to an income, or that through violence they are able to influence exchange relations to their advantage. Warlords ...
- F.Y.I.Some among those reading this may already have heard the sad news that, at the end of this month, I'll be leaving C4SS, a decision required by strains on my schedule that no longer permit the volume of writing I've taken on for the past year or so. It's been an indescribable honor to be a part o ...
Media Co-Op
- Stages of PantagesRider Cooey shares these photos of the stages of demolition at the Pantages site — 138 East Hastings Street — between Tuesday 16 Aug 2011 and Saturday 20 Aug 2011. Look for people on the sidewalk. Look for protection from debris and dust. Look and see! Also see Demolition of Pantages Theatre in ...
- POVERTY PROTEST AT LOBLAWS; ‘GIVE THE BILL TO ...On the afternoon of Saturday August 20th, in a protest organized by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), dozens of people, many directly affected the Province’s cut of the Special Diet program, converged on the Loblaws grocery store, at Jarvis and Queen’s Quay, to send a message that ...
- Images from Unist'hot'en CampThese images were taken at the Unist'hot'en camp, which has been set up to protect the unceded lands of the Unist'hot'en people from a series of oil and gas pipelines proposed by the likes of Enbridge, Pacific Trails, and others ...
- Images from Unist'hot'en CampThese images were taken at the Unist'hot'en camp, which has been set up to protect the unceded lands of the Unist'hot'en people from a series of oil and gas pipelines proposed by the likes of Enbridge, Pacific Trails, and others ...
- Calling BS on the Media: Great Moments in Figh ...Riots in the UK may have caused a headache for the police services and businesses in the country, but they've also caused problems for pundits and reporters alike. Above, ...
David Seaton's News Links
- From Utoya Island to Capitol HillDavid Seaton's News LinksDefinition of DECLASSTransitive verb: to remove from a class; especially to assign to a lower social status It is ridiculed by poets and libertines; idolized by moralists; the target of speeches by politicians, popes and all others who climb into the pulpit to recruit vo ...
- Norway: a taste of the magmaDavid Seaton's News LinksMagma (from Greek μάγμα "paste") is a mixture of molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the Earth, and may also exist on other terrestrial planets. Wikipedia The Norwegian right wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed at least 7 ...
- A tribute to Amy WinehouseThis is a reprint of something I wrote in July of 2008: I admit that I had thought that Amy Winehouse was just another one of the media grotesques, a sort of Paris Hilton with a beat. I thought that her big hit "Rehab" was a catchy update of the Stax/Atlantic sound, sung in blackface. I sa ...
- Somalia FamineDavid Seaton's News Links According to the UN, more than six out of every 10,000 people are dying of hunger every day in some parts of the Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions of Somalia, with more than half the children there suffering from acute malnutrition. This is far above the normal fami ...
- The Murdoch Turkey ShootDavid Seaton's News Links (Britain's politicians) had been pushed into taking a stand by the overwhelming public revulsion that greeted the discovery that the mobile telephone of Milly Dowler, the murdered Surrey schoolgirl, had been hacked. Even so, it was a dramatic show of political will. �T ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Repealing the 16th AmendmentDoes Rick Perry really think we should repeal the 16th Amendment and completely eliminate the income tax? This has been making the rounds, so I got curious. Here's what he says in his book: This leads me to the great milestone on the road to serfdom: the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment ...
- Are the Nature vs. Nurture Wars Over?Matt Ridley has an odd column in the Wall Street Journal this weekend called "A Truce in the War Over Smarts and Genes." He's optimistic that a recent discovery in molecular genetics conclusively demonstrates that intelligence does indeed have a genetic basis but also that it doesn't matter ...
- Why Maps Are So AnnoyingQuick: does this diagram have more blue squares or more red squares? Time's up! There are more red squares. But according to Berkeley's Eduardo Andrade, most people overestimate the number of blue squares when they're lumped in the middle like this. Scatter them around in different ways and ...
- Endgame in LibyaMultiple media reports suggest that Libya's rebels are close to victory over Muammar Qaddafi. This isn't due solely to fighters from eastern Libya — who have been the focus of most of the combat until now — moving west and surrounding Tripoli, either. It's apparently been largely due to an u ...
- Bargaining vs. Hostage TakingWhen it comes to the temporary Bush tax cuts on the rich, Republicans insist that allowing them to expire would be a tax increase that they're flatly unwilling to even consider. However, when it comes to the temporary Obama payroll tax cut on the middle class, they say that letting it expire ...
Insanity Report
- PETA Does PornI swear, PETA just doesn’t get it. They really don’t. They seem to think that any publicity is good publicity. If I sound like a broken record here, it’s because I’ve said this before about them. I understand that in a way, activist have to be attention whores because if you can’t bring ...
- IC 266: RebootedTopics: Kriss shares his “moment of stupidity” Reboots & remakes of movies Kid kills great grandmother with sword Woman killed in Aruba had an insurance policy taken out on her Allen West says he’s the Modern Day Harriet Tubman Share with your friends:
- We Need Common Sense LawsIt’s no secret that I’m no fan of criminals. I watch Lockup, Jail and Locked Up Abroad just so I can laugh and make fun of all the idiots that do dumb shit that get them thrown in jail. When the prisoners at Pelican Bay went on a hunger strike to protest “harsh conditions” in [...]
- Welcome to the Campaign Rick PerryAbout a month ago, I closed the comments on a post I had written 2 years ago called “Why Texas Sucks“. I was tired of getting comments from people who clearly hadn’t even read the post. Well, last week I reopened the comments. Why? Easy: Rick Perry. Rick Perry was the force behind most of ...
- The “Fuck The Police” Face TattooYou gotta love the stupidity of the face tattoo. Nothing says “I’m not interested in becoming a regular and productive member of society” like it. I mean sure, if you become a rapper, athlete or become that 1 in 10,000,000 that hits the lotto, then yeah, maybe you can afford the gratificatio ...
Simple Climate
- Climate change gets nature movingOur warming planet is driving species away from the Equator towards cooler climes at the poles at 17.6 kilometres per decade, find Chris Thomas from the University of York, UK, and his colleagues, up to three times as fast as previously thought.
- More turtles could become fish supper with warmingBy collecting baby green turtles and clothing them in “swimming vests”, University of Queensland's David Booth and Andrew Evans have showed that higher temperatures reduce their swimming ability, making it more likely they'll be eaten as they enter the sea.
- Climate controls must cover gases other than CO2Combining controls on emissions of less well-known greenhouse gases with CO2 limits would slow warming more rapidly, say Jim Butler of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and colleagues.
- Fire amid the ice kindles global and local worriesAfter a record Arctic tundra wildfire in 2007 released as much carbon as all plants in similar landscapes absorbed in a year, University of Florida's Michelle Mack warns such fires could again become common, as they were 10,000 years ago.
- Aerosols paint clearer warming slowdown pictureContributions to climate change from “stratospheric aerosols” vary more than realised, Ellsworth Dutton and his NOAA colleagues find, potentially providing a partial explanation for slower warming from the late 1990s.
e!Science News
- Sweet insight: Discovery could speed drug deve ...The surface of cells and many biologically active molecules are studded with sugar structures that are not used to store energy, but rather are involved in communication, immunity and inflammation. In a similar manner, sugars attached to drugs can enhance, change or neutralize their effects, say ...
- Mothers' poor health impairs children's well-b ...Disadvantaged, unhealthy mothers are much more likely to have sickly children than are disadvantaged moms who are relatively healthy -- and this is not only due to genetics, suggests new research to be presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. read more
- Race and poverty often unjustifiably tied to s ...Elementary, middle, and high schools with large minority populations -- but not necessarily higher crime rates -- are far more likely than others to require students and visitors to pass through metal detectors, according to new research to be presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the America ...
- Active participation in voluntary organization ...The decline in active memberships in civic groups, fraternal organizations, and other local associations is greater than the increase in checkbook memberships, according to new research to be presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. read more
- Less depression for working moms who expect th ...Working moms have lower rates of depression than their stay-at-home counterparts, but buying into the supermom myth could put working mothers at greater risk for depression. read more
- Shell Oil Living in a Land of Make BelieveEarthjustice calls Shellâs oil spill response plan for the Arctic âtotally inadequateâ Oil drilling platforms at Cook Inlet, Alaska. (Photo: Florian Schulz / visionsofthewild.com) ...
- Friday Finds: Herbicide OverkillGenetically modified dilemma, school energy savings Monsanto's herbicide harms crops genetically modified to resist it. Image courtesy worldwidehippies.com ...
- Friday Finds: When The Cure KillsHerbicide overkill, school energy savings The herbicide gets into crops genetically modified to resist it. Image courtesy worldwidehippies.com Monsanto’s po ...
- Tr-Ash Talk: State of FailureTwelve states lack any regulation of coal ash toxic waste Coal ash Yes, we’re still waiting. And while we wait for comprehensive federal standards that regu ...
- Powerful Opposition to MTR in the Heart of Coa ...New poll finds voters of all stripes disapprove of the destructive mining practice A major new poll released today reveals some shocking truths about public op ...
Brave New Climate
- Nuclear risk insuranceGuest Post by Luke Weston. Luke is a Melbourne-based physicist and occasional freelance electronic engineer, with a strong interest in educating the community about nuclear energy and related issues. It is often said by the anti-nuclearists that the commercial nuclear energy industry “can’t get ...
- TCASE 14: Assessment of electricity generation ...In the previous TCASE post, I considered how various low-carbon energy technologies meet the following criteria: commercial readiness, scalability, dispatchability, fuel constraints, load access, storage requirements, capacity factor and emissions intensity. Here I consider the next issue: cost ...
- TCASE 13: Assessment of suitability of technol ...The problem of replacing our dependence on fossil fuels is complex. In Thinking Critically About Sustainable Energy (TCASE) #12, a checklist was provided to allow assessment of energy transition plans. The sort of questions listed in TCASE 12 are critical for evaluating the feasibility of future ...
- A critique of the 2011 IPCC Report on Renewabl ...The following is a detailed guest post by Dr Ted Trainer, University of NSW (http://ssis.arts.unsw.edu.au/tsw/). In it, he provides the most detailed critique I’ve yet seen of the recent IPCC renewable energy scenarios report. Now, I don’t agree with everything Ted says — in particular the con ...
- Hansen warns not to drink sustainable energy K ...Regular readers of BNC would know that I’m hardly the only climate change researcher to recommend serious deployment of nuclear energy to displace fossil fuels. (Although I’m often portrayed as an isolated [and presumably therefore ignorant?] voice on this point). One very prominent example of a ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Noam Chomsky - Responsibility of Intellectuals ...
- Treacherous Sympathy with Muslim Women - Qanta ...Treacherous Sympathy with Muslim Women - Qantara.de: Ever since the attacks of 9/11, feminists in the West have increasingly used the theme of the oppression of women in Islam as justification for war and domination. This strategy of using this rhetoric of "saving the women" in the name of "civi ...
- The Cuban Five and the US Supreme Court | Diss ...The Cuban Five and the US Supreme Court | Dissident Voice: Talking about Supreme Court, how about a little history. On June 15, 2009 the US Supreme Court announced its decision to reject the request for a revision of the Cuban Five case. This demand for a review was carried out by millions of pe ...
- British Jealous of America’s Savage Police | B ...British Jealous of America’s Savage Police | Black Agenda Report A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford “For white racists in Britain, just like their counterparts in the U.S., it’s not about efficient and effective policing, or any civilized notion of justice. It’s about hate.” ...
- My Fellow American - Who is Your Fellow American?My Fellow American - Who is Your Fellow American?
Republicans are a Disease
- Say it Joe. Republicans are TerroristsUnfortunately I have way too much credit card debt, and some credit lines too. I was terrorized by the fact that if the tea party traitors were able to force us to default on our debt, my interest rates, and payments would be going up. This could wipe me out. Yes Joe, they were terrorizing [...]
- Entitlement Reform? Sure! Corporate EntitlementsWhat pisses me off most is the nonsensical discussion of how we balance our budget, or reduce our deficit. The MSM narrative is the Democrats won’t stand for “entitlement” cuts and the Republicans won’t stand for any tax increases anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Deadlock. This whole argument ...
- Jim DeMint – Fuck YouFuck you Jim. You want to slam the poor, the sick, and the elderly to “balance the budget” and won’t even consider cutting corporate welfare, or having the billionaires, or the companies they own stock in pay their fair share. I pray that there is justice in this world and some day you will be [...]
- Van Jones = Reboot the American Dream“We’re not broke, we’ve been robbed. Someone has our money”
- Exxon Gets 20 Billion a Year in Corporate WelfareThe amount of taxes we don’t collect from Exxon plus their handouts equals around 20 billion dollars a year. And this is just one company. Spending isn’t the problem. Corporate welfare, and billionaire welfare is the problem.
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-26 ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- Open Letter to Warren Buffett: Put Your Money ...By David DeGraw If you are truly sick and tried of the "mega-rich" being "coddled" by a "billionaire-friendly Congress," as you said in your recent NY Times editorial, why don't you back up your words with some real action and put your money where your mouth is? [Read More]
- Download Free PDF, Kindle, Word Doc of Full Re ...You can now download the full version of our groundbreaking extensive new report, “Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America,” in several file formats here. [Read More]
- EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in ...By David DeGraw Groundbreaking extensive new report on the financial destruction of the United States: "Despite increasing personal financial hardship, most Americans remain unaware of the economic world war currently unfolding. An all-pervasive corporate and government propaganda campaign has e ...
- The Covert Origins of World War III – US ...By Nick Turse Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the U.S. military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world’s countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now. [Read More]
- The American Rebellion Has Begun – Now I ...By Kevin Zeese The people of the United States are ready to revolt against the tyranny of corporate power. We are part of a rising tide of Americans who have had enough. [Read More]
- WATCH – John Hagee at Glenn Beck event: ...Glenn Beck kicked off his “Restoring Courage” week in Israel last night with a pep rally at the ancient ampitheatre in Caesarea. On Wednesday Beck will hold the main event, inside the Old City of Jerusalem. Last time I was at Caesarea was for an Ehud Banai concert, my idol. And before that for a ...
- I was arrested for hiring a Palestinian tour guideAfter the police ineptitude and harassment experienced today, it is clear that in certain situations, Palestinians are simply guilty until proven innocent Last week my tour company, MEJDI, received a tour group from Washington DC. The group members are all part of the same Jewish congregation ...
- Rick’s Weekend Wrap: Netanyahu got the w ...What happens to a social justice movement when armed warfare gets in the way? Why the still unconfirmed identity of those responsible for Thursday’s attack is problematic and what is fizzling on Rothschild Boulevard? Rechavia âRickâ Berman gives you the weekâs top stories as they ought to be tol ...
- PHOTOS: J14 march combines social justice mess ...Taking place in the shadow of missile attacks on Israeli towns and bombings in Gaza, the weekly J14 protest was the smallest in over a month A mostly-silent march and vigil of about 5,000 people was held in Tel Aviv on Saturday night in an effort to continue the “social justice” protests, whi ...
- As rockets fly, J14 rallies struggle to put so ...Last night, the J14 movement had its biggest test yet: to continue demonstrations as usual when the spiral of violence is once again starting to get out of hand in the south. The first mistake the J14 leaders did was even before the rallies started across the country. Although it was an excellen ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Large scale environmental water release for M ...More than 150 gigalitres of water recovered for the environment will be delivered to hundreds of wetlands along the Murrumbidgee River, benefiting the Murray system as far downstream as South Australia's Lower Lakes and Coorong.
- Deadline extended for West Kimberley National ...Environment Minister Tony Burke has extended the deadline for a decision about National Heritage listing of the west Kimberley until the end of August to allow further community consultation and further consideration of whether the proposed heritage values are sufficiently comprehensive.
- Call for nominations for Environmentalist of ...Environment Minister Tony Burke has called for nominations for the 2011 Prime Minister's Environmentalist of the Year Award and the Environment Minister's Young Environmentalist of the Year Award.
- Water reuse scheme benefits Hawkesbury River Construction of a treated wastewater re-use scheme at South Windsor as part of an Australian Government funded project to improve the health of the Hawkesbury River has progressed significantly.
- World Environment Day delivers $86 million fo ...Federal Water and Environment Minister Tony Burke and South Australia’s Water and Environment Minister Paul Caica today outlined $86.7 million for a new project to improve the river’s health and resilience of its wetlands and floodplains from the Victorian border to Wellington.
Matt Weidner Blog
- Robo Signing And Desecration of Our Courts- Th ...You would have thought the banksters would have gotten the message…they were after all given a total pass. Not even a slap on the wrist, it was just a collective dodge….they were permitted to moonwalk away from the crime scenes. Did they learn any lesson? You bet, the lesson is we can just k ...
- Fraudclosure in Florida, A Survey and The Cris ...Florida was well into the acute phase of the foreclosure crisis during the dark days of fall 2008 when Bush and Paulson wrote the blank checks that bailed out the banks, Wall Street institutions and the criminals that brought our country to the brink of economic Armageddon. Bush wrote the check ...
- BOMBSHELL- Listen to This Rally on The Steps o ...The First Annual Rally in Tally! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- LYTTLE v. BANKUNITED- Another Headscratcher of ...Here goes another spellbinding appeal written by that masterful author George Gingo. You really must sit down and study the attached appellate brief which reads more like a nail biting crime novel than some dry academic appeal. I mean, seriously. Put yourself in the moment, picture the courtroom ...
- Brand New, Hot Off The Presses MERS Policy Bul ...After years of claiming that assignments don’t matter and the date of assignment certainly doesn’t matter, the MERS Monster has finally changed its tune, effective July 21, 2011: The Certifying Officer must execute the assignment of the Security Instrument from MERS before initiating foreclosure ...
abelard - news
- lefties can always be trusted - .to be idiots ...This is rich, leaks (apparently) being leaked on the leakers.
- black death | health news at abelard.orgSo it was human to human, not rat to human, amazing how long it takes to look at the evidence with logic, instead of assumptions.
- are 25% of american christianists are damned l ...Being economical with the truth is not confined just to socialists.
- yuksome - a highly nutritious meal coated in s ...Don't worry, it's holday or party food, but someone forgot 'moderation in all things'.
- criminals just can't rely on anything these da ...Just in case you hadn't realised, you leave trails of data practically everywhere.
The Parallel Parliament
- Citizenship – “Government’s ...Citizens are undertaking so many remarkable ventures across the country, at all different levels and with some interesting results. I learned from a friend of a terrific resource just this weekend called the Citizen’s Handbook. In laying out so many different dimensions of how people can make a ...
- Citizenship – “Stuck in the Middle ...I don’t know if you’ve noticed it is bookstores, but there has been an increasing amount of literature clearly pessimistic on the future of democracy itself. We’ve gone from believing we could “make the world safe for democracy” to now actually questioning if it has any validity at home. That’s ...
- Citizenship – “True Politics”Like it or not, so much of what we do can be called “politics.” Shawn is a friend of mine in London who tweets relentlessly on the unwillingness of various levels of government to solve common problems. He networks with others, puts forward ideas and concepts, and uses his skills in the digital ...
- Citizenship – “Politics By Another ...I haven’t been under any delusion about the possibility of citizens coming together on a national scope to take their country back. Our divisions, even the good ones, are so pronounced, and the challenge of starting a national conversation so confronted with obstacles, that the possibilities are ...
- Citizenship – “A Purpose Held in C ...We have all come from a rich heritage. Our democratic ideals descend from the ancient Greeks by way of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. And no matter how much this process has been defiled and corrupted over the centuries, it still constitutes the only real political morality currently in ...
Vaccine Awakening
- What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disea ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of age.1, 2 Now, federal public health officials are considering recommending that doctors give four more doses of a new vaccine – meningococcal vaccine – to babies between ...
- Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ringby Barbara Loe Fisher My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.[1] What is liberty? Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” ...
- In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccinationby Barbara Loe Fisher Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state ma ...
- Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine FailuresUPDATE: CLICK HERE TO VIEW NVIC'S PERTUSSIS VACCINE & DISEASE PAGE by Barbara Loe Fisher Reports of whooping cough outbreaks in California1,2 and in other states this summer are nothing new. Every four to five years – no matter how high the vaccination rate is - there are reports of w ...
- Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemp ...by Barbara Loe Fisher This summer, inaccurate and misleading information about B. pertussis whooping cough and the pertussis vaccine is being put out there by medical doctors, who should know better. Media campaigns designed to create fear about infectious disease are nothing new. This ...
2020 Science
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia This week I’m well and truly lost – tomorrow I’m being initiated into the mysteries of collegiate football, and I’m terrified! Just in case you are one of the 6.5 billion people in the world who doesn’t eat, drink and sleep American football (a perceived m ...
- Nanotechnology 2.0: The next ten years of nano ...Sometime in the past couple of weeks – I’m not entirely sure when as accounts are conflicting – the World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC) posted a draft of a new report examining the long-term impacts and research directions of nanotechnology. The “Nano2″ study was supported by the Nationa ...
- Rehabilitating “Risk”Now that I’ve had some time to get to grips with my new position as Director of the University of Michigan Risk Science Center, I thought it was high time I started letting people know something about where the Center will be heading over the next few years. Cross-posted on the Risk Science Ce ...
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia. Ann Arbor in the fall is beautiful. It’s possibly the closest I’ve come to an English Autumn since arriving in the US nearly eleven years ago. Walking the dog the other morning, there was a definite scent of damp, decaying leaf-litter in the air; a scent ...
- Science and the Media – a collection of essays ...Back in August, the American Academy of Arts & Sciences published a collection of essays under the editorship of Donald Kennedy and Geneva Overholster on the (seemingly) increasingly strained relationship between science and the media. I was too embroiled in the move to Michigan at the time to ...
Reader Supported News
- US Park Police Seek to Intimidate Oil Pipeline ...Kevin Gosztola reports: "In jail, the activists expected to be processed and out of jail quickly. Tar Sands Action asserts in 'multiple phone calls and in person meeting' US Park Police told protest organizers protest participants would be able to pay a $100 fine and be released the same day. Bu ...
- Flyover Surveillance Reveals Large Amount of S ...Stuart Smith reports: "We set off a firestorm Wednesday (August 17) when we reported that oil is rising once again from BP’s Macondo Well. We were informed by multiple, credible sources over the weekend and into Monday that BP had hired a fleet of shrimp boats to contain a slick sweeping across ...
- Fighting Rages in Tripoli As Rebels AdvanceAl Jazeera reports: "Security forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have used heavy machine guns and mortars to confront lightly armed opposition forces and protesters who took to the streets of Tripoli on Saturday night in anticipation of a final rebel advance on the capital." In Fre ...
- Economic Myths: We Separate Fact From FictionMichael Grabell reports: "With the recent Iowa straw poll and President Obama's bus tour, Americans are hearing a cacophony of arguments about the wobbly economy. So, here's our guide to the most prevalent economic myths." Since the Recovery Act, Congress has approved hundreds of billions of ...
- 65 Arrested Outside White House in Keystone Pi ...Lee-Anne Goodman reports: "US President Barack Obama wasn't around to see it, but 65 protesters were arrested Saturday as they participated in a peaceful protest outside the White House aimed at pressuring him to block TransCanada's controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Bill McKibben, a leading Am ...
War Resisters League
- Portand: Veteran Organizing and Economic JusticeThis past week, WRL organizers Kimber Heinz and Ali Issa attended the Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace 2011 conventions. In addition to attending workshops on the GI resistance movement now, as well as building relationships with … Continue reading →
- Digging into the Operation Recovery CampaignCheck out this post from Operation Recovery organizers who have been working hard down at Ft. Hood in Texas. To get plugged in to working with the current GI Coffeehouses, including Under the Hood Cafe near Ft. Hood, contact WRL Organizing Coordinator, Kimber Heinz at kimber@warresisters.org. By ...
- “The Flavor of Freedom” . . . and ...[The WRL blog is excited to feature a book review by Jeanne Strole, co-director of the A.J. Muste Memorial Institute, with which the War Resisters League shares a long history, as well as the building at 339 Lafayette St. in Manhattan.] Day of Honey: A Memoir of Food, Love and War by Annia Cieza ...
- Wisconsin Updates!Since Joy First’s article on the occupation of the Wisconsin capitol in the spring issue of WIN magazine, organizers have continued to coordinate actions and protests, keeping the public focused on this issue. Here are some updates: Around the grounds of the capitol on June 4, protesters set up ...
- Know Before You Go, ‘Cause There’s ...At the National Network Opposed to the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) gathering in 2009, youth staffers of the Ya-Ya (Youth Activists-Youth Allies) Network, a youth-led organization based in NYC that focuses on counter-recruitment and other kinds of social justice work, met with reps from WRL N ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Sweating the small stuff: engineered nano-mate ...Many public health hazards are too small to see. This is especially true of engineered nano-materials, or ENMs. As their name implies, these materials are small—no more than a few hundred nanometers in diameter. (For perspective, one nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or one human hair sp ...
- Dam Water in China: Water LosersAlong the Keriya River, one of twelve waterways in western China where dam construction began last year, the mood is weary and palpably tense. For those on the bank, what the dams will bring remains uncertain; what they have taken away is already great. New York Times journalist Jim Yardley writ ...
- Dam Water in China: Is It Worth It?In western China, massive dams are being built along 12 waterways. The dams are supposed to aid economic development—but experts are saying it’s likely that the dams will do more harm than good. When China pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45 percent of the 2005 levels at the Cop ...
- Organic Poultry Farms Brew Profoundly Fewer An ...Amy Sapkota's research confirms what has long been suspected but never documented in the U.S.—poultry growers who convert to an organic system can reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance and make an important contribution to safeguarding the health of the public.
- James Beard Leadership Awards: Recognizing Foo ...Today the James Beard Foundation named the 10 recipients of its inaugural Leadership Awards, expanding the Foundation’s focus to include game-changing pioneers who have inspired positive action to improve our country’s food system.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
- Raging at RawalpindiAmerican leaders are furious with Pakistan’s military in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. But twisting arms will only backfire.
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Pembina reacts to new federal regulations for ...Pembina Institute 19 Aug 2011 Edmonton, AB — Tim Weis, Director of Renewable Energy and Efficiency, made the following statement in response to today's announcement by Environme ...
- Wild West Gala: A Celebration of Wild Spaces & ...Alberta Wilderness Association 16 Sep 2011 - 18:00 The 23rd Annual Wild West Gala is a celebration of Alberta’s Wild spaces and Wildlife. It is a tradition of friends, colleagues, ...
- Alberta’s Woodland Caribou in PerilNewly-revealed Documents Show Scientists Trying to Sound the Alarm Alberta Wilderness Association 18 Aug 2011 The plight of ...
- Alberta Caribou Protection Lost in Secret Fore ...Alberta Wilderness Association Ecojustice 17 Aug 2011 With a long overdue federal recovery strategy for Alberta’s critically threatened w ...
- AEN Casino VolunteersPosition:� Sorters and Chip Runners Organization:� Alberta Environmental Network ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: August 2 ...==== 157 Days Of Bombing: 19,751 NATO Sorties, 7,459 Strike Sorties NATO Bombers Pound Tripoli, Anti-Gaddafi Bloodbath Expected Aided By Luftwaffe, Fifth Column, Franco Forces Enter Madrid U.S., NATO Coordinate Attack On Libyan Capital Venezuela: NATO Destroying Tripoli With Bombs Rebels Request ...
- Nazim Hikmet: Sad kind of freedom, free to be ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Nazim Hikmet A Sad State Of Freedom Translated by Taner Baybars You waste the attention of your eyes, the glittering labour of your hands, and knead dough enough for dozens of loaves of which you’ll taste not a morsel; you are free to s ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: August 2 ...==== NATO Eyes Early Missile Interception Capability 30-Story, 50,000-Ton U.S. Interceptor Missile Radar Deployed After Repairs Joint Strike Fighters: Australia’s Largest Military Build-Up Since WW II Most Combat Deaths Since Second World War: Poland Loses 28th Soldier In NATO’s Asian War NATO’s ...
- Paul Éluard: True law of men despite the miser ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Paul Éluard It’s The Sweet Law Of Men Translated by A. S. Kline It’s the sweet law of men They make wine from grapes They make fire from coal They make men from kisses It’s the true law of men Kept intact despite the misery and war [...]
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: August 1 ...==== FAIR: NATO Air Strikes, Libyan Deaths And Media Silence U.S. NATO Quad Partners Demand Regime Change In Syria Israeli Missile Chief Briefs U.S. Space/Interceptor Missile Conference War Training In Eastern Europe: U.S. National Guard “Partners” With 65 Nations U.S. Army Plans $1 Billion 100 ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Intel Hub
- Fukushima Radiation Cover Up With Scott from b ...Bob Tuskin August 21, 2011 You can also download the broadcast here During the 1st hour of the transmission Bob covers the large scale radiation cover up in Fukushima and takes your calls. The Fukushima nuclear disaster has been covered up the point where State Department sources have confirmed ...
- AURORA – The Real Cowboys Vs. AliensBy Clyde Lewis GroundZeroMedia.org August 22, 2011 AURORA When I first saw the previews to the movie Cowboys and Aliens some kid that was in the audience yelled out “that’s lame.” I was not only annoyed by this, but I also thought the idea would be really cool. There really hasn’t been too much ...
- ALERT! 178 X Background Radiation in Saint Lou ...YouTube August 22, 2011 ALERT!!! 178 X Background Radiation in Saint Louis Rain STAY OUT OF THE RAIN! This data may be indicative of a RECENT SIGNIFICANT radiological event in Fukushima. The reading was taken at approximately 10:20am on 8/20/11 in Saint Louis Missouri from a vehicle that had dri ...
- Playing the HAARP NicelyYupfarming By Randy Wheeler August 21, 2011 “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of (Scalar) electromagnetic waves, so there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work findi ...
- America IS A Police State – The Handling Of De ...The Intel Hub By Alexander Higgins August 21, 2011 An examination the government’s handling of numerous recent cases of extreme police brutality proves that America is indeed a police state. Across the nation there has been a recent string of high profile police brutality cases. In almost every ...
- George Jackson: Black RevolutionaryBy Walter Rodney, November 1971 To most readers in this continent, starved of authentic information by the imperialist news agencies, the name of George Jackson is either unfamiliar or just a name. The powers that be in the United States put forward the official version that George Jackson was a ...
- “George Jackson” — a song by ...40 years ago, George Jackson was killed by prison guards in San Quentin Prison. Bob Dylan wrote this song, upon hearing the news. George Jackson I woke up this mornin’ There were tears in my bed They killed a man I really loved Shot him through the head Lord, Lord They cut George Jackson down [...]
- Who can unite Libya if Gaddafi falls?21 Aug 2011 19:31 By Michael Georgy, Reuters NALUT, Libya, Aug 21 (Reuters) – Libyan rebel Husam Najjair seems more concerned about the possibility of rebels turning on each other when they try to take control of the capital Tripoli than the threat posed by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. “The ...
- Cisco Torres is free of all charges in the SF8 ...August 19, 2011 by Claude Marks Judge Philip Moscone signed and filed an order dismissing charges against Francisco Torres late Thursday, Aug. 18. Cisco was the last former Black Panther member facing charges in this 1971 case about the killing of a San Francisco police sergeant. “It took over f ...
- Palestinian Factions Reconsider Relations with ...[The Arab Spring and the European Summer and other mass challenges to the global crisis of corrupt capitalist/imperialist relations continue to disrupt traditional arrangements. In many countries, migrant and exiled peoples, who often live in the most desperate of circumstances, are encouraged ...
Ken O'Keefe
- Demand for Return of Trade Not Aid PropertyLet is be known that the pictured 18-ton truck has been fraudulently registered in the name of Catherine Sarah Myles and taken to a destination unknown and against my expressed will. The registration of the vehicle in Catherine Myles name has been verified by the Metropolitan and Swansea Police ...
- Announcing the Gaza to Ireland Youth Exchangeam beyond excited to announce that we are formalising a partnership that will ensure one of my fondest goals shall be achieved, that of a youth exchange between the children of Gaza and those of Europe. I am even more excited because we are focusing on the youth of Gaza as well as Belfast and F ...
- One for the WomenIt is said that behind every great man you will find a great woman. I do not look at myself as a great man per se, but I do see the greatness of the women in my life, and if I do indeed succeed in my ultimate goals, you can thank these women every bit as much as me. They have played the essent ...
- Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine, Trade Not AidOur Mission Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine (SIP) is a social enterprise international trade mission. We endeavour to catalyse the end of Gaza’s charitable dependency through import and export trade. We do not seek simply to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza. Our ultimate objective i ...
- Slander vs. SanityLesson number one, the actual agents who direct slander campaigns, those working for MI6, CIA, Mossad and other so-called “intelligence” agencies, they and their tactics are rendered useless without the presence of the most important element for successful subversion, and that would be… the idio ...
- A little more reading with Sunday's column...To read the column, go here. To read a statement from the Association of Black Women Historians on "The Help," go here. To read more about Victoria Davis and her stand-out performance as Aibileen Clark, go here. To read a brief snippet about Connecticut's income gap, go here. To visit the AFL- ...
- A hiking we will go -- this time for realI am taking off for a few days, into the wilds of New Hampshire, to take a hike that was blissfully interrupted by the June birth of my twin grandbabies. I suggest you all head outdoors, take a deep breath, and walk up a hill. Check back here on Wednesday and we can share our stories.
- She won't photograph ugly peopleJennifer McKendrick, a self-employed photographer, has taken a stand against bullies. She won't photograph them. I don't know. I kind of like this. Flickr photo
- Living apart in Crown HeightsYou can read more here.
- Turns out, you CAN rip a Bible in PolandA Polish court just ruled that a death metal band member's ripping a Bible onstage is an act of artistic expression, not something punishable by law. And yes, that's the band in question, Behemoth, singing "Conquer All." I really don't think he should be giving that woman any more to drink abo ...
Associated Content
- Rick Perry: Twisting the Constitution to Fit H ...In Rick Perry's book, "Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington", he says he has many innovative ways he would like to change the Constitution. Perry falsely believes he knows what our Founding Fathers wanted.Contributor: K.C. Dermody Published: Aug 20, 2011
- AP Preseason Poll Released for College FootballOklahoma University is No. 1 in the first 2011 AP College Football preseason poll.Contributor: Ryan Christopher DeVault Published: Aug 20, 2011
- Iowa Passion Video Suggest Palin Presidential RunA new video about former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's recent bus trip that included first in the nation caucus state Iowa, entitled '..."Iowa Passion,' is fueling speculation that Palin intends to run for president of the United States.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Aug 20, 2011
- Quest to Be World's 'Fattest' Woman True GluttonySusanne Eman's attempt to reach a goal weight of 2,000 pounds, set against the famine in Somalia, is gluttony at its worst.Contributor: Isa-Lee Wolf Published: Aug 19, 2011
- Facts About the West Memphis ThreeThree men convicted of killing a trio of second grade boys in West Memphis, Ark., in 1993 were freed Friday.Contributor: Jared Feldman Published: Aug 19, 2011
Popsci - Science
- New Fossils Show Sulfur-Based Microbes Lived o ...Could sulfur-based microbes live on Mars? Clusters of islands poked through hot oceans 3.4 billion years ago, when the world still had no oxygen and the seas churned under a pallid, overcast sky. But life thrived on Earth even then, scientists say — and now they have the world’s oldest fossils ...
- This Week in the Future, August 15-19, 2011This week's Baarbarian illustration shows a three-way race (...to the future!). A robot named Mabel races to prove her sporting abilities. An electric car races to prove its endurance. And an alligator races because everyone else is trying to harvest its fat. Want to win this pretty Baarbarian ...
- Dogs Can Reliably Sniff Out Lung Cancer, Germa ...A dog can accurately detect the early presence of lung cancer by sniffing patients’ breath, doctors in Germany say. While researchers have known for some time that dogs can sniff out the telltale signs of other forms of cancer, this is the first study that proves dogs can reliably smell this pa ...
- Endangered Wild Horses Get a Health CheckIn June, veterinarians at the Prague Zoo administered a check-up to Cassovia, a 550-pound female Przewalski’s horse, before moving her to a new home on the Asian steppe. Natives of Mongolia, China, Russia and Eastern Europe, Przewalski’s (pronounced “shah-val-ski”) horses are the last wild hors ...
- Genome of Marijuana Sequenced and PublishedA Netherlands-based company called Medicinal Genomics has just announced the successful genetic sequencing of Cannabis sativa, the highly regulated annual plant that has been widely consumed for centuries as an intoxicant and a medicine. The plant, known in the vernacular as grass, tea, or moos ...
Veterans Today
- Liberty for the Ron Paul GenerationThe stark reality about the Ron Paul revolution is that the power elites could not survive in a society based upon individual liberty.
- Ismail Salami: Libya After GaddafiThe tyrannical rule under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, in power for 42 years, has practically run its course as the Libyan rebels have seized most parts of the capital city, Tripoli.
- The budget deficit debate by the “Gang of Twel ...The budget deficit debate by the “Gang of Twelve” should be comical at best
- Big Brother Has ArrivedPerhaps it is time to start offering a different narrative, one without Richard Perle’s moral clarity. by Philip Giraldi
- Waiting for the Endgame in LibyaSince this observer is not privy to any secrets around here and would not share them if he were, it’s fair enough to engage in frank discussions with former colleagues in Congress and new cyber acquaintances who work on the Hill.
War is Business
- Inside Look At Yet Another Religious Group Wit ...If the state of Oregon believes the board of Akal Security is led by untrustworthy people, then why do the departments of Defense and Homeland Security continue to award contracts to the company?
- China-Pakistan Port Deal Another Sign Of Wanin ...Buy Baluchistan Buy Baluchistan • Read more at WSJ.com: World News
- Temptations Of The Flesh: GOP Freshmen CanR ...Sell promises Sell promises • Read more at National Security on iWatch News
- CJ Chivers Examines Libyan Rebels’ Seabo ...Buy scarcity Buy scarcity • Read more at NYT > Home Page
- Afghan Soldier Says ‘The Quality Of Ever ...Buy bad apples Buy bad apples • Read more at The Killid Group website - News on Afghanistan reports analysis pictures cartoon
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- July global temperatures show further riseThe latest global temperature for July, according to the UAH satellite measure, has shown a further rise from June, and now stands at 0.372C above the running 30 year mean. Adjusted to the more standard time period used by the Met Office and the WMO, the anomaly is now approximately +0.625C ...
- August warmth to be short livedThe warm air that has greeted the start of August looks set to a blip in what is certain to be described come September as yet another disappointing, unsettled summer. Highest temperatures will be in the Southeast of the UK, where 30C (86F) is likely in the next 24 hours, but the warmth will be ...
- Arctic Ice extent heads for satellite record lowExceptionally warm weather across the North Pole during the first half of July, with temperatures up to 8C above normal, could lead to record low ice extent this year according to experts, based on data collected by satellites which started in 1979. Arctic sea ice is already lower than at the ...
- My experience with solar panelsI thought I might share a recent personal experience of mine. Having considered the idea of generating my own electricity by way of solar photo voltaic panels on my roof for the last few months, I have finally taken the plunge. My house is directly south facing, so the roof is in a prime posi ...
- Rest of July heading for a washoutMost parts of the country have enjoyed a fine summers day today, with plenty of sunshine. But although it's the last thing the UK tourist industry wants to hear, the message is enjoy it while it lasts. By the weekend low pressure will again be dominating our weather as the jet stream moves fu ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Two Novels to Enjoy American Decay ByTo be sure, the United States is a pretty miserable place already that's only getting worse by the minute. The process of mortally undermining this once-proud nation that began with Bush the Second is now being put the finishing touches on by Obama. Delusional USA#1 cheerleaders aside, poll afte ...
- China Renews Its Southeast Asia Charm OffensiveIt's partly my fault as well but when you hear "China" mentioned together with "Southeast Asia," the first thing which comes to many a mind is conflict over the strategically located and (potentially) energy-rich islands in the South China Sea, AKA the Southeast Asia Sea or the West Philippine S ...
- HaHaHa: Mathlexic Biden in China, Geithner WannabeOn 1 June 2009, Tim Geithner famously elicited peals of laughter from Peking University students while blabbering about China's US Treasuries being a safe investment. As an aside, PKU students are sharp; after all, we at IDEAS have an LSE-PKU double degree programme with them. But anyway, a trip ...
- Jeff Sachs on Fixing What Ails the WestNever let it be said that Jeff Sachs has modest ambitions. After all, he's the guy who predicted that The End of Poverty was not only possible but attainable in the not-so-distant future. While those of us who lack such massive self-confidence and clairvoyance are still twiddling our thumbs, res ...
- Now for a Real Crisis: No Football in Italy, S ...You are most probably aware of the bloodbath occurring in markets worldwide in anticipation of another global slowdown, with developed countries leading the way down into the abyss. I just wanted to point out that Europe's misery is being compounded by those archetypal caviar socialists, footba ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- 21 Signs That The New Reality For Many Baby Bo ...All over America tonight, millions of elderly Americans are wondering if their money is going to run out before it is time for them to die. Those that are now past retirement age are not going to be rioting in the streets, but that doesn't mean that large numbers of them are no ...
- Taxed Into OblivionIn the United States today, we are being taxed into oblivion, yet it is being done so stealthily that most Americans don't even realize what is happening. Most people are fixated on federal income tax rates, but the federal income tax is only one of the dozens of different taxe ...
- 16 Statistics Which Prove That The American Pe ...According to a whole host of polls and surveys, the American people are incredibly angry right now. The American people are hopping mad at the government, the American people are hopping mad about the economy and the American people are hopping mad about the direction that this ...
- A 634 Point Stock Market Crash And 8 More Reas ...Are you ready for part two of the global financial collapse? Many now fear that we may be on the verge of a repeat of 2008 after the events of the last several days. On Friday, Standard & Poor's stripped the U.S. government of its AAA credit rating for the first time in histor ...
- The Debt Ceiling Deal From HellIs the debt ceiling deal supposed to be some sort of a cruel joke? Is this what the American people have been waiting months and months for? The "debt ceiling deal from hell" is a complete and total fraud. Barack Obama will not need to worry about the debt ceiling again until ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Interview with Jay Donahue about the Californi ...Jay talks about the continuing struggle inside California State prisons Download At: ...
- Anarcho-punk zine PunkWay #6, 2011...
- Need Tech Help? Offering it? Put a free ad in ...Are you part of a cool hacking, DIY, or tech project that needs more volunteers, users, or testers? Are you part of a radical project that needs...
- A Fake Image: About the Fraud of the Void Netw ...The social revolt of December 2008, triggered, among other things, an increased interest abroad about the struggles in Greece. For this reason, ...
- New Fringe Fest Musical Inspired by Union Figh ...When a coworker at Starbucks approached barista Ted Dewberry about forming a union at their workplace, his initial reaction was fear. Working 17 ho...
E U Times
- Hostilities snowball as Hamas calls off truce ...Hamas has called off its truce with Tel-Aviv as Israel and Palestine continue hostilities into a third day. The Gaza Strip has been targeted by the Israeli air force in overnight raids. “Aircraft targeted two terror tunnels and a weapons storage facility in the southern Gaza Strip, as well as a ...
- Zimbabwe: Farm Invasions Continue Across CountryThe remaining white commercial farmers across the country are facing intensified threats by mobs of land invaders, as the lawless invasions of farms continue. Last week Banket farmer Roy Crawford was reportedly abducted from his farm and tied up with barbed wire, apparently for “failing to chant ...
- Vatican set to hold conference on the Existenc ...The Vatican is now preparing us for the big message the US government and NASA are planning to announce soon. This is in anticipation to more disclosure and shocking news soon to be released little by little. Father Jonathan Morris, a corresponded of Fox News channel was the first to report this ...
- 13-Year-Old Has a Solar Power Breakthrough7th grader Aidan Dwyer was walking in the woods during the winter, and looking up, he noticed something about the bare branches above him. They didn’t appear to be growing randomly. So he took some measurements of the angles of the branches, crunched some numbers, and wouldn’t you know it, he fo ...
- Pre-Ice Age Complex Found Off Bahamas CoastResearchers for the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) have investigated an underwater site with what appears to be the remains of a collapsed multi-room building. Locals first found the structure and notified A.R.E. team members who made several expeditions to the location. The ...
Voiceless Victim
- Australian Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Deserve Ju ...The Catholic Church does not commit sex crimes against children and the vulnerable. It does, however, ensure that known child sex predators are protected by their status as representatives of the Catholic Church, facilitated to continue offending, and facilitated in privileged and unquestioned a ...
- Protect the sanctity of the confessional to co ...Responses to the Cloyne report have included calls to break that ultimate coverup con trick “the sanctity of the confessional”. That really got the paedophile protectors squealing in horror. Imagine not getting special treatment and not being allowed to commit whatever crimes they like without c ...
- Imagine How It FeelsHow many people talk about the issue of Catholic Church enabled child sexual abuse without a thought for how it feels to be the victim of such abuse? This issue is, after all, about children. Yesterday’s children whose lives were irreparably damaged by their abuse and who are still being re-abus ...
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Catholic Church Funded St ...I used to think the John Jay College of Criminal Justice was a well meaning independent organisation exploited by the Catholic Church into giving credence to Catholic lies, distractions and excuses on the issue of endemic child rape within its ranks. But with the release of the latest dangerous ...
- Vatican Guidelines Just Another PR StuntThis weeks’ latest Vatican guidelines on child sexual abuse continue efforts over recent years to appear as if things have changed, while actually doing everything possible to avoid being forced to take effective action. The Vatican love to pretend they are doing the right thing in dealing wi ...
WL Central
- 2011-08-21 The global economy is having a hear ...TweetFears of financial Armageddon proliferate as the global economy stutters, investors abandon hope and the euro teeters on the brink of collapse. �This was the week that�investors abandoned all hope,� the Financial Times dramatically�reported on Friday. �Fears of a new�credit crunch caused s ...
- 2011-08-21 Massive anti-corruption movement gr ...Tweet Millions of Indians pour out into the streets as arrest of 74-year old anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare and 2,600 supporters backfires. Attempts by the Indian government to crack down on a budding anti-corruption movement in the country have backfired. After Tuesday�s arrest of some ...
- 2011-08-21 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Ca ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT. >> The leader of India’s BJP party, L.K. Advani, demands that the Manmoh ...
- 2011-08-21 Former Wikileaks spokesman destroye ...TweetRough translation, apologies. Original at Der Spiegel Former Wikileaks spokesman Daniel Domscheit-Berg claims to have destroyed more than 3,500 unpublished files that had been sent from unknown informants and are now apparently lost irrevocably. These are documents which were stored until t ...
- 2011-08-20 WikiLeaks Statement on Daniel Domsc ...TweetSat Aug 20 23:41:31 2011 GMT Five days short of a year ago, on 25 August 2010, WikiLeaks suspended former employee "Daniel Domscheit-Berg". Over the last 11 months, we have tried to negotiate the return of various materials taken by Mr. Domscheit-Berg, including internal communications and ...
U N News
- After Brazilian judge is slain, UN human right ...A United Nations human rights expert today called on Brazilian authorities to take immediate steps to better protect the country's judges, magistrates, prosecutors, public defenders and other lawyers in the wake of the recent assassination of a high-profile judge.
- Global economy on the agenda during General As ...Economic governance, globalization and the role of the United Nations topped the agenda during a one-day visit today to Argentina by General Assembly President Joseph Deiss.
- UN-backed scheme enables Colombian indigenous ...Sixty indigenous families in Colombia are selling handicrafts in the capital, Bogotá, to cater to an influx of fans attending the ongoing youth soccer World Cup tournament as part of a United Nations-backed initiative to alleviate poverty.
- Ban welcomes measures announced by US to help ...The steps recently announced by President Barack Obama of the United States to strengthen his Government's capacity to help prevent genocide and other mass atrocities are "promising" initiatives, said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
- Murder of Dominican journalist sparks condemna ...The United Nations agency tasked with promoting press freedom today deplored the slaying of a print and television journalist in the Dominican Republic who had spoken out against drug trafficking.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- The Magic WeedHemp growing doesn't need any weed killing, no pesticide. Its raw material grows naturally and it doesn't need chemical intervention.
- Blood ColtanBlood coltan still exists. I'm holding a mobile phone. And I know that the microprocessor it contains uses coltan. And if this coltan has been obtained at the massacre of 10 or 20 villagers through slave labor, the suffering of children forced to work in the mines by the armed militia. This is i ...
- CAMP FEMA 2: Enemy of the StateSome state governments passed measures to forcibly quarantine residents, incarcerate those who refuse to be vaccinated, and to forcibly vaccinate your children. Legislation like this passed during the much hyped H1N1 flu outbreak.
- Hangar 18: The UFO WarehouseNot only was debris from many UFO crashes allegedly shipped to the base, but from the late 1940s until the end of the late 1960s, all reports regarding UFOs were conducted at Wright-Patterson for the military's official UFO investigation Project Blue Book.
- HAARP – Everything You Wanted to Know – Nick B ...You might be surprised at all of the constructive uses HAARP could be used for, but will be even more surprised by its focus on weapons and military applications, such as weather modification, geological disruption such as triggering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and perhaps most controver ...
Rewilding Institute
- The Keystone XL Pipeline: buried by bad decisionsToday’s guest post is from Brian L. Horejsi, one of Canada’s toughest conservationists. As early as fall 2011 President Obama and administration insiders will approve the construction of the massive Keystone XL pipeline. With the stroke of that pen the gates will open to the daily flow of about ...
- Congratulations to The Center for Biological D ...What terrific news from our friends at the Center! We appreciate their efforts and hope you do, too. Please show them your support with your thanks and a donation. Check out the Center’s Historic Victory website for more on this breaking agreement. I’ve been waiting years to write these w ...
- Trekking for Rewilding – Exploring Strands of ...Text and photos by John Davis Wildlands Network/TrekEast Dave Foreman summarized brilliantly in his latest Around the Campfire why we need an Eastern Wildway and what basic steps need to be taken to achieve it. As a Rewilding Fellow, and co-founder of the Wildlands Project with Dave and other s ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
Asia Sentinel
- Anwar Angrily Denies Guilt in Malaysian Courtroom• (http://twitter.com/share) Opposition leader accuses Premier Najib Tun Razak and his wife of framing him
- Indonesia's Nazaruddin Mess• (http://twitter.com/share) Allegations of corruption tarnish the ruling party but the trail leads everywhere and nowhere.
- Biden's China Visit: Supplicant to Beijing?• (http://twitter.com/share) Vague agendas, US weakness on display
- The Two Koreas' Long Slog over Nuclear Weapons• (http://twitter.com/share) We have been here before.
- Philippines President's Legislative Package St ...• (http://twitter.com/share) Aquino’s leadership style at risk
We Know the Lies
- Haiti... Death Toll From Cholera Reaches 5,96 ...
- Secret Order For Military Raids On Civilians I ...
- Screen Addiction... The Manipulating of America
- Agenda 21... A Million Diabetics to Lose Drive ...
- The Crossroads of History are Upon Us...
- NATO Slaughter in Tripoli: Operation Siren Sig ...Thierry Meyssan TARPLEY.net August 21, 2011 Tripoli, Libya, Aug. 22, 2011, 1 AM CET– On Saturday evening, at 8pm, when the hour of Iftar marked the breaking of the Ramadan fast, the NATO command launched its “Operation Siren” against Libya. The Sirens were the loudspeakers of the mosques, which ...
- CRISI: RITORNA LA GRANDE DEPRESSIONEdi Stefania Limiti – 15 Agosto 2011 Secondo Tarpley, l’agenzia di rating S&P’s potrebbe prendere di mira la Francia. La crisi attuale presenta molte affinità con quella del ’29: occorre reagire pianificando una strategia per la ripresa. E intanto in alcuni Paesi Ue, compresa l’Italia, sono viet ...
- US State Department Gives Benghazi Rebels the ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV August 9, 2011 [download video] [download audio]
- United States Under Attack by International Zo ...Webster G. Tarpley on the Alex Jones Show Infowars August 8, 2011 [download audio]
- Syrian Army Quells Rebellion of CIA-Backed Mos ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. Russia Today August 4, 2011 [download file]
Modern Survivalism
- Survival Preparedness Food Preps, Ingredients ...“When the emergency is upon us, the time of preparation has passed.” You need to start stocking food. You can do a lot if you start early. Unfortunately, “early” might have been yesterday. Now we’re way past early, and you need a reasonable plan to get food supplies that will store well and don’ ...
- Revealed! 1.2 Trillion In Loans by the US FedA hot report on Bloomberg.com reveals the enormous amount of money that Americans were (are) held liable for, $1.2 Trillion, that was loaned out across the world during the crash of 2008 to keep ‘the system’ from crashing hard. Shockingly, nearly the same amount of money that U.S. homeowners cur ...
- How Will the 2nd Great Depression Affect the A ...“Everywhere I look I am reading this message that the economy is going to blow but I have no idea what that means in real practical terms. Does any one have an informed opinion on just how bad it is going to get for the man in the street? Not the guy with the big [...]
- Today in the News:News Today (August 21, 2011) If you’re For or Against socialism, you gotta read this… U.S. Headed Toward Socialism? Social Security Disability Insurance on Brink of Insolvency as applications are up 50%. The disabled are losing their jobs and can’t find new ones. Social Security Disability Facin ...
- This System Is In Deep Trouble Waiting To BlowThe economic doom and gloom has certainly accelerated lately. It makes you wonder how much longer this thing will hold together before the next shoe drops. A few recent articles around the blogoshpere point towards sooner rather than later… The article title is part of a quote from Larry Ellio ...
Fast Company
- Sequencing The Marijuana Genome To Cure Diseas ...Medicinal Genomics has just finished sequencing the cannabis genome. Not to make some truly righteous bud, but to find the parts of the plant that are medicinally valuable and make them into drugs that don't also get people stoned. The genetic secrets of everyone's favorite munchie-inducing pla ...
- Your Smartphone Is An Artificial LimbWhile you were busy catapulting Angry Birds on your iPhone, scientists at Vanderbilt university were using the components inside your smartphone to create bionic limbs. The Vanderbilt leg, seven years in the making, anticipates the movements of the person wearing it, resulting in a more natural ...
- Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored San Franc ...Insight. Inspiration. Impact. For the past two years, Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored event in New York has gathered the people we cover in the magazine to speak candidly about how they do what they do. This past April, the people who took the stage offered an unflinching look at "the pow ...
- We Can Do Better Than Six Miles Per Gallon: R ...America's trucks burn an enormous percentage of our total fuel, but their efficiency hasn't improved in years. But new, simple additions to a truck's body can have impressive effects on fuel economy.Trucks are miserable when it comes to gas mileage. America's 2.2 million freight trucks get about ...
- India's $99 Android Tablet, Skype Buys GroupMe ...This and more important news from your Fast Company editors, with updates all day.Miramax's Multi-Title Facebook Movie App. Miramax is launching the biggest Facebook movie portal yet, with an app that works in the U.S., U.K., and Turkey (20 titles in the U.S., 10 each for the others). It's an ex ...
- الظاهر بيبرس وإبنه بركة خان� �� ��ب دمش� ا��د�مة ضر�ح حجر� م��ب �ا�بعد ع� ا�جامع ا�أم�� أ�ثر م� ث�اث مئة متر. �ذا ا�ضر�ح �ح�� مد����: �احد ��س�طا� ا�مم���� ا�ظا�ر ب�برس ا�صا�ح� �ا�آخر �اب�� ا�س�طا� بر�ة خا�. ��� جزء م� مب�� محدث �إ� �ا�ت أص��� أ��ب�ة �عر�� ج�دا� ا�دمش���� ا��دام� �ا�مؤرخ�� ا�باحث��� أ�ا ��� ا�مدر ...
- العدالة الثورية"إ٠اÙÙضاة ÙÙدرÙÙ ÙÙ ÙاسÙادة اÙرئÙس Ø٠اÙتÙدÙر اÙ٠م٠أعاد Ø¥Ù٠مصر مجÙس ÙضائÙا اÙأعÙÙ Ù٠مستÙÙ ÙÙاÙت٠ÙاÙ٠أضÙت Ø¥ÙÙ Ùذا اÙاÙجاز ÙضÙا Ùا ÙÙس٠Øسم اÙطبÙعة اÙÙاÙÙÙÙØ© ÙÙÙÙابة اÙعامة Ùشعبة أصÙÙØ© م٠شعب ...
- محمد محسن، شهيد غير عادي�عر� ع� ا�ش��د محمد محس� أ�� �ا� شابا� م�عما ب���م ا�عدا�ة �ا��رامة� ��اض� مع ر�ا�� م� أج� تح��� ح�اة �ر�مة �� ب�د� ��تط�ع إ�� حر�ة �م �ع�د�ا أب�اء ج���. �ذ�� شار� محمد �� ث�رة ��ا�ر م�ذ بدا�ت�ا� �أتت مثابرت� �إخ�اص�� �� �ر�ا��� �ت�جح �ذ� ا�ث�رة ا�مج�دة� ا�ت� سرعا� ما أ��مت ا�عا�م ��� بع ...
- The Arab-UK SpringWestern nations have long snickered at the lack of democracy in most of the Middle East and North Africa, and have offered ad nauseum free advice to Arab leaders on how to conduct their own affairs. But on occasion tables are turned and the special wisdom and expertise of these oft-derid ...
- The Makers of the RevolutionAll it takes is three or four fida�iyyin [persons ready to sacrifice for a cause] in every mosque chanting slogans after the end of prayer. It also depends on many factors. For example, in the coastal city of Banyas, the residents are all very familiar with each other, and it is easy to ...
- Ayman Mohyeldin Leaves Al Jazeera for NBC News ...Alex Weprin / TVNewser: Ayman Mohyeldin Leaves Al Jazeera for NBC News — Al Jazeera English correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin, who was the face of that channel during the Egypt uprising, is joining NBC News as a foreign correspondent in September. Mohyeldin will be based in the Middle East for ...
- 'Google needs TV' will be message at Edinburgh ...James Robinson / Guardian: ‘Google needs TV’ will be message at Edinburgh — Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, is expected to offer television executives an olive branch - and perhaps even some funding — • An open letter from Tess Alps of Thinkbox — When Google's chairman Eric Schmidt give ...
- Miramax Launching Multi-Title Facebook Movie A ...Staci D. Kramer / paidContent: Miramax Launching Multi-Title Facebook Movie App In U.S., UK & Turkey — Watching movies on Facebook isn't new—Warner Bros. (NYSE: TWX), Paramount and Universal each are trying variations on the theme. But today, paidContent can report, Miramax is launching the ...
- Tight Credit Stymies MediaNews Deal With Freed ...Wall Street Journal: Tight Credit Stymies MediaNews Deal With Freedom — Unstable markets have stalled a deal for MediaNews Group Inc. to buy Freedom Communications Inc.'s newspapers, people familiar with the matter said, setting back the companies' efforts to navigate a more challenging media ...
- Ex-'Rocky' Editor Weighs in on YourHub (Street ...Street Fight: Ex-'Rocky' Editor Weighs in on YourHub — Street Fight Columnist Tom Grubisich's recent piece about the trials and tribulations of the Denver Post's YourHub hyperlocal network sparked plenty of debate among readers in our comments and over social media. Among those responding wa ...
Chemtrail News
- Chemtrails 101 IndybayAccording to all United States federal government organizations chemtrails do not exist andor are a conspiracy theory They say the white lines in the sky ...www.indybay.org/newsitems/2011/08/22/18688329.php
- chemtrail scottland2011 - YouTubechemtrail ? contrail nethier whats your opinion on all this type of thing ?www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWZ59wXwoLo
- EXPOSED! Forbidden Chemtrail video show ...Announcements and Discussions from Blog Host and Chemtrails and News and Politics ufo alienattack alien zombie zombieapocalypse elenin comet dwarfdeath star ...ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/.../exposed-forbidden-chemt...
- Chemtrails Over Duncan, B.C. « British ...British Columbia Chemtrail Alert Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people ...https://britishcolumbiachemtrailalert.wordpress.com/.../chemtra...
- Chemtrail Hypothetical???Discussion about Chemtrail Hypothetical??? at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, ...www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1594327/pg1
World News - Top Stories
- Goal.com 50: Cristiano Ronaldo (2) Goal.com's countdown edges closer to its climax with the introduction of the Portuguese superstar, who rewrote La Liga's goalscoring records in 2010-11 Sign up with bet365 for a free bet up to �200 By Paul Macdonald Tweet 19 Comments More On�:�Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo Getty Images Wel ...
- Dollar up from low against yen The dollar clawed back ground against the yen on Monday after hitting a historic low last week, as Tokyo upped its rhetoric over the domestic unit and indicated its willingness to intervene to stem its rise. The dollar firmed to 76.72 yen in Tokyo afternoon trade from 76.50 yen in New York ...
- Indian shares continue slide, IT stocks p ...MUMBAI: Indian shares traded weak on Monday in see-saw trade after last week's heavy sell-off, as investors fretted over the health of the global economy, darkened by fears of a slowdown in India's economic growth. The main 30-share BSE index was down 0.4 percent at 16,084.36 points by 12.3 ...
- Merkel dismisses euro bonds 'for the mome ...DEREK SCALLY in Berlin CHANCELLOR ANGELA Merkel has revived the debate about euro bonds by refusing to rule out the idea of common euro zone debt entirely, instead dismissing the concept "for the moment". Her remark on German television yesterday came as her finance minister, Wolfgang Sch�u ...
- World stock markets mixed amid US recessi ...PAMELA SAMPSON The Associated Press BANGKOK - World stocks swung between gains and losses Monday, as hopes the Federal Reserve might take action to keep the U.S. from slipping back into recession offset fears of a global slowdown. Brent crude fell to near $106 a barrel as Libyan rebels capt ...
no frakking consensus
- The Backstory to the ‘Fleeing Species ...Journalists aren't telling you that the lead researcher behind the species-are-fleeing-global-warming story has come to questionable conclusions in the past.
- Behind the Aliens-Will-Smite-Us News StoryThe up-and-coming generation of scientific minds appears to assume that humans are a pox on the planet.
- Why I Won’t Be Renewing my ‘Econom ...Rather than helping to keep climate authorities honest, The Economist magazine now serves up a steady diet of green pap. When sound journalistic judgment leaves the building, I stop renewing my subscription.
- Comic ReliefA 3-minute spoof video on environmental public service announcements. No matter where you stand on global warming, this should make you chuckle.
- The Y2K Scare, the Media & Climate ChangeMedia coverage of climate change has a great deal in common with how the press covered the Y2K scare. There's little evidence that news outlets learned much from that embarrassing episode.
Anna's News
- South Sudan becomes an independent nationSouth Sudan has become the world's newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war.Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitariesSubmitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
- Polar Shifts on Rising SeasHow high will the oceans rise in response to our warming global climate, and how fast will it happen?Climate scientists have been unable to answer these basic questions with any confidence, mainly because they can't really tell how the ice caps at the....Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment � ...
- Haji Ali: A Popular Pilgrimage for all FaithHaji Ali Dargah in Mumbai is a popular pilgrimage destination for devotees of all faith. Many devotees visit Dargah from different walks of life. It is situated 500 yards off shore in the middle of Worli Bay in Mumbai. The mosque was built in 1431 by a...Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
- Green energy investment hits record global highGlobal investment in renewable energy sources grew by 32% during 2010 to reach a record level of US$211bn (£132bn), a UN study has reported.The main growth drivers were backing for wind farms in China and rooftop solar panels in Europe, it said. Submitted by Anna Smith to Green Lifestyle �|� � ...
- News of the World staff shocked at closureStaff at the News of the World have reacted with shock to news that it will be closed after this Sunday's edition.The paper's political editor, David Wooding, said the closure came as a "bombshell". Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Medical Marijuana
- 8/19/11 - Is raw milk more healthful than past ...milk.procon.org - UPDATED: Is raw milk more healthful than pasteurized milk?
- 8/18/11 - History of Performance Enhancing Dru ...sportsanddrugs.procon.org - UPDATED: History of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports - A minor league baseball player was suspended for 50 games after becoming the first professional athlete in the US to test positive for HGH.
- 8/9/11 - Are felons more likely to vote for De ...felonvoting.procon.org - UPDATED: Are felons more likely to vote for Democrats over Republicans?
- 8/5/11 - Find Your Body Mass Index (BMI)obesity.procon.org - NEW: Find Your Body Mass Index (BMI) - The average BMI in the US is 27.8 for males and 28.1 for females. Use our new chart to find your BMI and see how you compare to the national average.
- 8/5/11 - US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat ...obesity.procon.org - NEW: US and Global Obesity Levels: The Fat Chart - 21.8% of the total global population and 33.9% of the US population is obese. Between 1960 and 2006 obesity rates in the US more than doubled, making the US the most obese industrialized country on Earth. See our new chart t ...
Truth About Our World
- The Rainbow Warriors
- The Quickening
- The Activities at Mena – MENA is no myth!From: Â http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MENA/mena.php “If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.” – George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter George Bush with legendary CIA agent Felix Rodrigu ...
- Food MattersA “New” Approach to Health from Jamie Simko on Vimeo.
Gyrovague's Raves
- Sharing the BountyGut bacteria may be the missing piece that explains the connection between diet and cancer risk. Michelle G. Rooks and Wendy S. Garrett Gettyimages, Hiroshi Watanabe Like many great political alliances, symbiotic relationships in biology may have started with antagonism, before the two parties r ...
- Chromosomes and CancerTwo new papers identify how abnormal chromosome count, or aneuploidy, might relate to cancer. Jef Akst Wikimedia Commons Aneuploidyâwhen the cells of an organism contain more or fewer than the standard number of chromosomes for its speciesâis found in greater than 90 percent of all human cancers ...
- Ocean ViewHow pleasant to sit on the beach, On the beach, on the sand, in the sun, With ocean galore within reach, And nothing at all to be done! No letters to answer, No bills to be burned, No work to be shirked, No cash to be earned, It is pleasant to sit on the beach … Read more
- King of the deepLobster fishing is the greatest summer sport lex Renton As sporting fishermen head north and west this August, sorting reels, rods and flies, I shall be fixing ropes and buoys and savouring last yearâs bucket of rotten coley. For me, the pastime of plucking wild animals from the water is not don ...
- Roman Fashion CrazeAncient Sartorialists Recent finds from a Roman fort in England have sparked re-examination of common notions about fabric production some 2,000 years ago. German experts believe new evidence indicates the Romans had a surprisingly advanced textile industry — and possibly a luxury fashion addict ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
- PolicyLab on open scienceOn the morning of 1 September, we are holding a PolicyLab event with Michael Nielsen: ‘An open and shut case? debating the purposes of open science’.  We sent out this invitation to those who have signed up to hear about our events. (You can sign up by emailing science.policy@royalsociety.org ...
- Open meeting on open science – some highlightsFROM NILS HANWAHR IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE We kicked off our Science as a public enterprise study with a public event at the Southbank Centre last month. The full recording of the first debate is now available. Download audio file (Apologies for the mixed quality – the audience mikes were ...
- Engineering public engagementFROM EMMA WOODS IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE What is so unusual about geoengineering? What sets it apart from other controversial technologies? One thing that strikes me as particularly atypical is that the social dimensions of geoengineering are being addressed well ahead of the development of ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
NAU Resistance
- The Consolidation Of North America Continues B ...Top Priority "According to a newly released study by Angus Reid on behalf of the Ontario Convenience Stores Association, 60% of respondents support changing Provincial rules that currently prevent convenience and grocery stores from selling alcohol"
- U.S. Ambassador Says Perimeter Security Deal W ...- Joint Border Inspection Facilities | Relocation Of U.S. Food Inspectors At Canadian Plants And Vice-Versa |Greater Sharing Of Intelligence & Harmonizing Regulations | Greater Use Of Biometrics To Track Travelers In Real Time
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- VIDEO: “THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA AS A WAR M ..."Let the Fathers of Confederation explain to you why Canada cannot be annexed to the United States of America"- KM
Gaea Times
- Now, hairbrush that reads your mindWASHINGTON - Who says hairbrush can only be used to comb locks? Scientists have made a hairbrush like device that would be able to monitor mental activity. One of the main techniques for measuring and monitoring mental activity, called functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), can often b ...
- Man U?s bemused Fergie tells shifty Roo to res ...LONDON - Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has told key striker Wayne Rooney that he must respect the club and its traditions if he wants to stay on. Commenting on reports that suggest that the star player wants to leave Manchester United for another club - either Manchester City or ...
- Google Street Viewers spot ?God? floating over ...SYDNEY - Google Street View has spotted a god-like figure floating midair above a lake in Quarten, Switzerland. Although the image, discovered by the Gawker blog, is apparently the result of some sort of light distortion or lens flare, blogger Max Read has questioned whether it might have more ...
- Dogs reduce stress in autistic children: StudyWASHINGTON - Dogs-apart from being man’s best friend-have a special role to play in the lives of children with special needs. A new study by the Universite de Montreal has suggested that specifically trained service dogs can help reduce the anxiety and enhance the socialization skills of child ...
- How sex hormones influence right heart functionWASHINGTON - A new study has revealed human sex hormones influence the structure and function of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart. The researchers found that in women receiving hormone therapy, higher estrogen levels were associated with higher RV ejection fraction and lower RV end-systol ...
TruthNews Australia
- Sibel Edmonds: Why 9/11?For ‘some’ reason I have been receiving more than a few ‘eye-rolling’ responses when I mention our theme for the month leading up to September 11- the tenth year. You and I know where the conscious but mostly subconscious eye-rolling and in some cases eye-aversion reactions come from. A very few ...
- Some CO2 liesFrom Malcolm Roberts, of the Galileo Movement: Measurements of global CO2 levels used by the UN reveal that CO2 levels are a result of temperature, not a cause. CO2 does not drive temperature. Temperature determines CO2 levels. Yet the government and Greens tells us the opposite. Saying CO2 dr ...
- The Murdoch MeltdownRupert and James Murdoch testifying at the Parliamentary Inquiry Tonight I am joined by Josh Jackson as we explore the wider implications of the News Corp phone hacking scandal. In particular, we look at the future of news and whether this crisis signals the demise of traditional mass media. ...
- TNRA reports on the latest carbon rallyTonight we bring you the full audio (and video) from last week's carbon rally in Hyde Park, with some discussion and commentary. The gathering at Hyde Park was very rowdy - many people have a high level of anger about the current situation and this is evident in the tone of the crowd attending ...
- The Truther Girls review “Among The Trut ...Jonathan Kay went undercover among the truthers and lived to write a book about it, in which he naturally concludes what he already knew before he started his foray in the world of conspiracy theories: that truthers are crazy! More Links: New York Times book review AmongTheTruthers ...
- Less Than a Year After the Spill, Oil Leases S ...It hasn�t yet been one year since the worst accidental oil spill in history was finally stopped, but the Interior Department announced Friday that it will open more than 20 million acres of the Western Gulf of Mexico to new oil and gas exploration and development.��� Oceana�s senior campaig ...
- Friday Infographic: The Rise and Fall of a Cor ...This is part of a series of ocean infographics by artist Don Foley. These infographics also appear in Oceana board member Ted Danson�s book, �Oceana: Our Endangered Oceans and What We Can Do to Save Them.� � Coral reefs cover around 1 percent of the world�s continental shelves, yet they provide ...
- Join us for the Nautica Malibu TriathlonOn August 7, it was a great privilege to be joined by some very outgoing and incredible conservationists who raced in the Nautica New York City triathlon and raised money for Oceana. In total, the team has raised over $7,300 for Oceana and there’s still a couple weeks of fundraising left if ...
- What if an Oil Spill Happened in the Arctic?Andy Sharpless is the CEO of Oceana. Less than a year after the Deepwater Horizon gusher was finally sealed, oil companies are claiming they can drill safely in the Arctic Ocean, an even more fragile and forbidding environment than the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, our government seems to be s ...
- Kate Walsh to Fans: Give to OceanaActress and sea turtle lover Kate Walsh posted the following video blog to her fans yesterday, urging them to give to her favorite charities - including Oceana! - instead of sending her gifts: Thanks for the shout-out, Kate! And for all you Kate and/or sea turtle fans, you can also take actio ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
- New Yorker’s Bin Laden Tale Disputed� Nicholas Schmidle It just never ends, the lying the exaggeration, the shallow journalism that marks contemporary American media. But once again, a story, and by that I mean just a story is told to America. The shame. � On and on went the �tick-tock.� Yet as Paul Farhi, a Washington Post report ...
- In 19th Century Prisons, Jailers Were Wary Of ...Jailer's Key Gun Jailer's Key Gun Jailer's Key Gun Jailer's Key Gun Jailer's Key Gun Jailer's Key [...]
- Insurrection.Slaves Subjugating people is more difficult than it looks. We often forget that the slave owners have to feed and clothe the slave. The slave owner has to worry about revolts. The Army that holds a POW has to transport him and feed him, or in some way kill him. We learned from both major wor ...
- World War I Propaganda Poster In Yiddish.Yiddish World War I Propaganda Poster Yiddish is a jewish language that is mostly German and Slavic languages, a little Polish and Hebrew and Russian. It was spoken by the large Eatsern European Jewish community. The poster says: “Food will win the war! You came here seeking freedom; now yo ...
- Did The Battle Of Tsushima Help Cause World Wa ...Battl;e Of Tsushima, Japanese Print At the beginning of the Russian-Japanese conflict, Russia was an enormous empire power at the turn of the twentieth century. It’s nearest rival soon emerged as Japan. Japan was undergoing the Meiji Restoration, often called the Meiji Restoration and Moder ...
Taylor Marsh
- Libya, the UnravelingCol. Muammar el-Qaddafiâs grip on power dissolved with astonishing speed on Monday as rebels marched into the capital and arrested two of his sons, while residents raucously celebrated the prospective end of his four-decade-old rule. – Jubilant Rebels Control Much of Tripoli Pres. Obama said whe ...
- Karl Rove Humiliates Bret BaierKarl Rove came to Fox News Sunday and further humiliated Bret Baier, who recently gave one of the worst moderating performances so far of the 2012 GOP wannabe circus spectacle. It was ugly from the jump. From FNC: BAIER: Hey, Karl, at the GOP debate in Iowa, I asked all the candidates the questi ...
- Queer Talk: “Mommy, they are just like me.”Time for a feel good, make you smile and maybe shed a few happy tears story. I consider myself very fortunate in that I’ve been honored to hear many coming out stories. Some include incredibly painful and even frightening details. Some have been laugh out loud fun. They’ve come from teenagers to ...
- Sunday Early Bird News Round-UpGood morning and welcome to Sunday. On this day in history, August 21, 1609, Galileo Galilei demonstrated his new telescope in Venice, Italy. Here’s a little Sunday morning news cheat-sheet: ~Iran has unjustly sentenced the two American hikers, Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal to eight years for ille ...
- Progressive Notes: Pelosi Heckled by Betrayed ...Art offers his perspective as a movement progressive activist. BREAKING NEWS: JANE HAMSHER AND DOZENS MORE HAVE BEEN ARRESTED OUTSIDE THE WHITEHOUSE PROTESTING A PROPOSED OIL PIPELINE. More here. Clip of Minority Leader Pelosi getting heckled over her debt deal vote : Minority Leader Pelosi, Rep ...
Hudson New York
- European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Prolife ...Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of "no-go" areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims. Many of the "no-go" zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost
- The Bismarck DowngradeNo one is in the least surprised that Democrats and Republicans are blaming each other for this season's bad economic news. The left blames the Tea Party and the right blames the "Teat" Party; and over the next fifteen months we are going to hear lot
- Syria: Expect the Worst?Amid the Arab Spring, the revolution in Syria stands out after decades of the Syrian regime's absolute rule as not giving up easily, not that there have been many serious efforts to stop it. President Bashar Assad's pictures, as those of his late father
- Turkey Security Council Recommneds Drastic Mea ...Turkey's top security council convened Thursday to revisit the country's anti-terror strategy, recommending the adoption of tougher measures against outlawed groups, making new arrangements in the law enforcement structure and pressuring the internal and
- US and EU Funding Palestinian RepressionIt is time that international donors demanded that the Palestinian Authority stop using American and EU taxpayers' money to clamp down on journalists and political activists. Otherwise, the world could witness next month the creation of yet another Arab
Urban Survival
- Kinda Ended the Wave 4 Bounce (of I of P3B), Huh?I apologize in advance for some of the remarks this morning, since by the time you read this, I will be three landings, a bunch of stalls, and some back-to-back high bank turns and a recovery from unusual attitude into … Continue reading →
- Coping: With Friday in my ‘Office”While you’re munching der Wheaties heute morgen…er, this morning, I’ll be facing the following array of dials plus two new ones, not shown – the new iFly 700 GPS which will be on the left-hand yoke (no yoke, lol) and … Continue reading →
- Number Stew for PoochieHiya, Pooch! No surprise to our first item: Jobless situation sucks. But we knew that much. What we didn’t know was the numbers out this week on jobs and the Consumer Purgatory Index, so we start this morning’s tripping through … Continue reading →
- Coping: With the Drought of ‘ElevenMost readers don’t know this, claimed an email from a reader, but the drought that started the Dust Bowl period of the 1930′s was actually started in middle/western Texas. From there, it spread cancer-like until it had reach as far … Continue reading →
- The Big Slide, Part V of (1)With the usual (monotonous, but necessary) rejoinder not to try this with your own hard-earned real money and realizing I just trade for fun (and 40% this month) I just went short the market Tuesday in order not to miss … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
- Links for 2011-08-21 [del.icio.us]The History of Gold Silver Ratio by Jeff Neilson | Gold and Silver Blog The History of Gold Silver Ratio by Jeff Neilson | Gold and Silver Blog The History of Gold Silver Ratio by Jeff Neilson The History of Gold Silver Ratio by Jeff Neilson | Gold and Silver Blog The History of Gold S ...
- People getting arrested for Selling 10 cents L ...Your tax dollars go to pay the wages of these... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- The Brave New WorldThe 1990s of Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- NWO Mind Control & Propaganda by Steven JacobsonMind control techniques include political and... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- The Wrath of God interrupts Pope Benedict speechPope vigil interrupted by strong wind and rain ... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
Radical Chic
- RESPONSE TO DAVID STARKEY’S “WHITE ...Filed under: EXPOSURE Tagged: Black Crime, Crime, Criminality, David Starkey, government, life, London riots, society, UK riots
- THE CHILDISH LOOKThere’s something about the way a baby looks at people that’s different. Perhaps its something to do with the fact that for the first year or so they have a fairly limited vocabulary, and their eyes are the window through which they gain their first perceptions of life. When an adult makes eye c ...
- DARING TO UNDERSTAND FAITH 2: Primal ReligionsIt is difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of religious beliefs, so it would be much wiser to assume that several religions were at play within different cultures at opposite ends of the world. Continents like Africa, Asia and the America’s traditionally held on to certain beliefs and life ...
- MAKE US LAUGHWelcome once again to “Make Us Laugh!”. The rules are simple – Tell a short funny story using the featured picture as inspiration, in 50 words or less. We’ll kick start with a story of our own. Let’s see who can “Make Us Laugh!”. Feel free to also comment on whose story you think is [...]
- NIGERIAN GANGSTERS vs GANGSTERS IN ENGLAND“Its a beef ting, and man dem wanna come at me like I aint gon do nufink! This aint no joke, what do you fink vis is? Man lookin to lick them if they don quit gassing.” The anger on the English streets is evident in the language, even though the language itself struggles to [...]
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
- Maine marine geologist on the science of the s ...Joseph T. Kelley, a professor of Marine Geology at the University of Maine, is co-author with three other scientists of "The World's Beaches: A Global Guide to the Science of the Shoreline," which the NY Times calls "a comprehensive, readable guide to the physical features of many kinds of beach ...
- Get outside and play biologist for a dayTake advantage of the last weeks of summer to get outside and play biologist for a day. Both Mass Audubon and The Trustees of the Reservation have ongoing outings all over the state. For example, at the Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary on Martha's Vineyard, we tried out: EARLY BIRDERS Wednesd ...
- New England lab accidents in the newsTwo items of note in today's news: From Reuters:"Federal safety regulators say Yale University lab equipment responsible for a student's accidental death this spring lacked some required safety features, a finding that the school disputed on Tuesday. From the Globe: A Harvard animal research f ...
- Maine marine geologist on "The Science of the ...Joseph T. Kelley, professor of Marine Geology at the University of Maine, is co-author with three other scientists of The World's Beaches: A Global Guide to the Science of the Shoreline, which the NY Times calls "a comprehensive, readable guide to the physical features of many kinds of beaches a ...
- NYTimes on unjunked DNA and cancerThe more we learn, the less we know. Harvard researchers chime in as the NYTimes reports on yet another cancer theory. These days "junk" DNA is referred to more respectfully as "noncoding" DNA, and researchers are finding clues that "pseudogenes" lurking within this dark region may play a role ...
NRDC Switchboard
- Oil and gas industry doesn't really know how t ...Amy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C. The New York Times recently ran an op-ed from NRDC President Frances Beinecke about the oil and gas industry's inability to handle the extreme risks associated with a spill from drilling in many pl ...
- Christie breaks promise of jobs, clean energy ...Dale Bryk, Director, Air & Energy Program, New York When New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was running for office in 2009, he promised to be the Garden State’s “#1 clean energy advocate.” He wanted “not only to reduce dependence on foreign oil, ...
- Dirty little secrets: Neither antibacterial so ...Mae Wu, Program Attorney, Washington, DC This just in from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: “Keep waiting.” I was on the FDA website the other day, and it seems the FDA has quietly made a small change to a webpage that has big implications ...
- Latin America Climate, Energy and Environment ...Amanda Maxwell, Latin America Advocate, Washington, DC Chile The controversial Isla Riesco coal-mining project took another step forward last Friday when a high-level government commission gave final approval to the first of five mines, Mina Invi ...
- NRDC in the News 8/19: Shell's drilling risks, ...NRDC News, NRDC News Team, NRDC Offices Worldwide The Telegraph UK quoted from and referenced Frances Beinecke’s New York Times op-ed piece, where she argued that Shell should not be allowed to drill in the Arctic… In a Fortune Magazine article, ...
Injustice Everywhere
- Police Misconduct NewsFeed Weekend Recap 08-20 ...Here are the 13 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this weekend of August 20-21, 2011: San Juan County NM deputy cost that county $250,000 in a lawsuit settlement to a Native American man that he beat in the face and neck with his department-issu ...
- Making PostersSo, I got a little tired of doing work all the time, decided to do some photoshopping instead and made a poster riffing off of the DHS “See Something” ad campaign. It also takes a subtle swipe at states that try to outlaw filming police in public. I was going to put some [...]
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 16 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, August 19, 2011: A drunk New York NY police officer was arrested on a sexual assault charge after a witness called 911 while seeing him rape a school teacher at gun point early in th ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 18 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Thursday, August 18, 2011: Houston TX cop given indefinite suspension (fired) for punching cuffed suspect on video after chase [0] bit.ly/okmhPr Davidson Co TN sheriff’s dept loses suit for ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 27 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Wednesday, August 17, 2011: At least 8 Chicago IL police officers are under investigation after they allegedly jumped a liquor store owner when they mistook him for a burglar, let them go w ...
Total Collapse
- N. Korea warns of war as US-S. Korea exercise ...South Korea and the United States launched a massive joint military exercise on Tuesday, prompting the North to condemn the manoeuvres as provocative and warn that “all-out war” could erupt. The two allies have described the 10-day Ulchi Freedom Guardian exercise as defensive and routine but the ...
- U.S., South Korea start military exercises wit ...U.S. and South Korean troops began a 10-day military exercise around Seoul on Tuesday, maneuvers the U.S. commander called “defense-oriented” during a period of heightened tensions with the communist North. The annual “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” exercise involves about 530,000 troops from South Kor ...
- US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft ...The United States said Wednesday it would like China to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier amid broader US concerns about Beijing’s lack of transparency over its military aims. “We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment,” Stat ...
- Colonial legacy cause of UK unrestTehran’s interim Friday Prayers Leader Hojjatoleslam Kazem Seddiqi blames Britain’s colonial past for the unprecedented social unrest in the country. âNo one thought that Britain, which was once a pioneer in arrogance and colonialism, would one day be engulfed in the flames of its people’s wrath ...
- Syria, Saudi Arabia and the coming regional se ...While all the Saudi media published the speech of the King Abdullah (video) defending the human rights of the Syrian people, one Saudi newspaper missed the story and published anarticle about poverty in one of the richest kingdoms in the world. Interpreting the King’s words, it is n ...
Daily Dose
- Twitter Just Got the Respect it DeservesIf you’re one to check your analytics on a daily basis you may have noticed a pretty sharp increase in referrals from Twitter’s “t.co” domains. We noticed it almost immediately on Wednesday but naively didn’t pay much attention. A few days later and with the t.co domain suddenly our number no 1 ...
- TNW’s Daily Dose – 24 hours of tec ...There’s a whole lot more Skitch in your Evernote. The UK Government wants to meet with social networks about policing themselves during times of unrest. HP has announced that it will discontinue webOS products. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday right here on The Next Web. ...
- Twitter users are more likely to impact your b ...Now, more than ever, is the time for brands and companies to begin understanding how the chaotic and real-time world of Twitter can massively influence the ways in which consumers perceive them. With so many different channels of communication and new social networks popping up every othe ...
- Hate the new Twitter @Username tab? Here’s how ...Some users of the new Twitter @Username tab have been a little peeved at the cluttered look that shoves all of the activity around your Twitter user name into one tab. If you’re one of those users, you now have reason to rejoice as Twitter has heard your pleas and made it possible for you to us ...
- New Edgerank Pro lets you find out who views y ...Edgerank, a site that allows you to instantly check your Facebook Edgerank score, has just a launched a revamped version of its site and a brand new paid version. Edgerank Pro allows you to access in-depth stats on how your Page is performing with personalised recommendations to get the most ou ...
Beyond Zero Emissions
- Politicians Question the Role of Gas in Austra ...Politicians have raised fresh questions about the role of coal seam gas in Australia's energy future. Greens Senators Bob Brown and Christine Milne, along with MP Adam Bandt have all expressed concern about the emissions intensity of coal seam gas in the first week of the autumn session of parl ...
- Carbon Price Scheme – No Longer a Mystery PackageUpon the release of Prime Minister Julia Gillard�s carbon price package (to take effect July 1, 2012), there has been talk aplenty of her plummeting popularity. The PM has dismissed the commentary in favour of the scheme�s necessity, saying, �Polls will come and go�� I�m absolutely convinced wh ...
- BZE Executive Director pictured on front of 20 ...Beyond Zero Emissions is pleased to have been awarded the prestigous opportunity to be pictured on the front of the Sydney Whitepages by Telstra owned directory publisher Sensis. BZE Executive Director Matthew Wright is pictured on top of the Sydney Theatre Company with their new largescale ...
- Carbon Price Response: A Small Step Forward, B ...Climate and energy security think tank Beyond Zero Emissions welcome the Labor government�s carbon price package negotiated with The Greens and lower house independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor. The proposed legislation will start the process of transitioning Australia from a 19th Century ...
- Govt Must Exclude Polluting Gas from Clean Ene ...Beyond Zero Emissions welcomes the new Clean Energy Finance Corporation to support the rollout of renewable energy in Australia. The $1 billion guaranteed funding for renewable energy is welcome. However the $1 billion unspecified portion per year needs to explicitly exclude fossil gas. Conve ...
Monga Bay ( News )
- Tough sentence for ivory smuggler may spell wa ...The Republic of the Congo sentenced an ivory smuggler to an unprecedented four years in prison, proving the government's rising willingness to crack down on poachers. The wildlife trade has been decimating elephant populations in the Congo, while a recent report from the Wildlife Conservation So ...
- Over 100 protestors arrested as civil action b ...In the first two days of a planned two week sit-in at the White House in Washington DC, over 100 activists against the Keystone XL pipeline have been arrested, reports Reuters. If approved by the Obama Administration, the 1,700 mile pipeline would bring around 700,000 barrels of oil daily from C ...
- Amazon rainforest communities added to Google ...Google is adding addresses along sections of the Amazon River and Rio Negro to its Street View service.
- Picture of the day: sunrise over the upper AmazonSunrise over the Kos�ipata Valley, one of the gateways to the Western Amazon, the most biologically-rich area of forest on the planet.
- Protected areas that allow local use better at ...Protected areas in tropical forests are better at curtailing deforestation if they allow 'sustainable use' by locals, according to a new World Bank study published in the open-access journal PLoS ONE. Looking at every official protected area in the tropics from 2000 to 2008, researchers found th ...
Sierra Express
- Love One Another complements free health careConsistent with their resolve to demonstrate love at the expense of exploitation among Sierra Leoneans, the Love One Another Campaign has gifted medical equipments and other training materials to various vulnerable groups as a promotion to the free health care initiative. Speaking to the press o ...
- Thousands welcome Usman Boie as he gives thank ...The unremitting silence of Usman Boie reaches it end soon after his arrival in Kenema and Bo Friday 19th and Saturday 20th to talk to thousands of supporters, who in diverse ways joined him at polls in the just concluded Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)Â Presidential elections. Around 5 pm Fr ...
- Army Lieutenant beats up mother and childMadam Jorkeh Sesay and her daughter Abioseh Rogers suffered pitiless inhuman and brutal assault at the hands of 2nd Lieutenant SLA 1222 Felix Sorie Conteh. Lieutenant Felix Sorie Conteh, our investigation states, attacked and physically manhandled Abioseh Rogers and Madam Jorkeh Sesay (the mothe ...
- IMC concludes final training for radio techniciansThe Independent Media Commission (IMC) has concluded a two-day training session for Radio Technicians in the Western Urban/Rural areas from Thursday 11th – Friday 12th August 2011 at the Jabex Complex Calmount Road, Waterloo. There were 24 participants. The training focused on key topics such as ...
- Mr. Idiot: Army Chief – why sack Private Sidikie?Who sacked him? Why was he sacked? How was the trial conducted? All as asked above consequently identifies how high placed military officers submit to political dictates. (Photo: author) “Yes Sir, I have done it as instructed Sir. That SLPP private soldier has been sacked Sir. I have wasted no t ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
- Fonterra pulls back on organic dairyFonterra said today it is planning to scale back its unprofitable organic dairy operations amid waning public appetite to pay a premium for such products.The cooperative plans to concentrate most of its North Island organic suppliers...
- Peter Lyons: Trade truths behind great milk 'r ...So now we are having a parliamentary select committee on the price of milk sold in New Zealand. Our politicians are keen to be seen to be responding to the public outcry at the perceived price gouging by Fonterra or the supermarkets...
- Milk powder price drops to year lowWhole-milk powder prices have declined to their lowest in more than a year amid escalating concerns that global economic growth may falter and reduce demand.Powder for October delivery fell to US$3359 per tonne, the lowest level...
- Dairy prices dip 0.9pc in overnight auctionAverage prices of dairy products recorded their smallest decline in five sales at Fonterra's latest online auction, with whole milk powder leading the slide.The GDT-TWI Price Index fell 0.9 per cent to US$3,660 a metric tonne, according...
- Fran O'Sullivan: Fay playing 'local' card with ...Sir Michael Fay is clearly playing on nationalistic sentiment against the foreign ownership of New Zealand farmland to spruik his low-ball bid to acquire nine of the 16 Crafar dairy farms.It is hard to credit that one of the great...
The Bovine
- Abkhanasian centenarians’ milk cultureFrom Hella Delicious: The Abkhasians had a way of life that is out of reach for modern man, or so it seems! One of the arguments that is often used to promote modern medical technology (vaccinations etc) is that we … Continue reading →
- Rogue lemonade stand: capitol offense?Only in America?
- Complex factory foods pose the greatest risk o ...From Rady Ananda, on Global Research.ca “A close look at the people behind the raw milk scare, and the actual numbers of foodborne illness, reveals that politics more than science drives the food safety agenda in the U.S. Agriculture Secretary … Continue reading →
- Paleo diet — early man goes out to eatFrom Alesh Houdek, in The Atlantic: “The idea of the Paleo diet has been around for decades, but it’s really taken off over the last couple of years, with a slew of books, blogs, and a prominent podcast espousing its virtues. And no wonderâit … Continue reading →
- There ought to be a law… keeping kids sa ...From Dr. Richard Raymond, former Undersecretary for Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture (2005-2008) on Bill Marler’s “Real Raw Milk Facts” website: “….In Colorado, it is illegal to sell raw, unpasteurized goatsâ or cowsâ milk, but the people who fell ill … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
- Michael Pettis: Long-Term Outlook for China, E ...Via email, Michael Pettis at China Financial Markets shared his outlook for China, Europe, and the world. The overall outlook is not pretty, and includes a breakup of the Eurozone, a major slowdown for China, and a smack-down of the much beloved BRICs. Pettis Writes ... August is supposed ...
- Is Germany's Commerzbank in Need of Another Ba ...Inquiring minds are looking at a chart of Commerzbank for clues about the health of the bank, if not the entire banking system. CBK.DE - Commerzbank Weekly A friend "JMC" writes ...Hello Mish In 2009 the German Government put 10 billion Euros into Commerzbank to keep it aliv ...
- Little Resistance as Rebels Enter Tripoli, Reb ...Rebels claim to have captured two Qaddafi sons and streets erupted in celebration as Rebels Enter Tripoli Meeting Little Resistance. Rebels surged into the Libyan capital Sunday night, meeting only sporadic resistance from troops loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and setting off raucous street ...
- Video Content and Blogs by Kids, How Kids See ...Kids are actively into blogging and producing videos, and some of them are surprisingly good. Should parents encourage their kinds to pursue such activities? I think so. The future belongs to those willing to do things, not just sit and play video games. A blog produced by Calvin, my n ...
- Merkel and Sarkozy the "Imperial Couple"After a lengthy delay it's time once again for Sunday Funnies. Please consider The imperial Couple by Peter Schrank a freelance cartoonist. Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel's proposals for economic government in the eurozone have failed to reassure the markets.Click on link for more c ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- The Audacity of Hoping Hopeless Hope…And when you associate one thing with another over time, just the mention of the one brings the association of the other. What this will sometimes mean is that even when something is later exposed as a lie, if it was accepted as a truth for a long time, the exposure of it as a [...]
- Boiling Frogs Post: The Coming ChapterWhat we have been doing & what we will be doing It’s been a very busy month for Boiling Frogs Post. The ‘busy’ includes what you’ve been reading, watching and listening to here, and also what’s been taking place behind the scene invisible to you all. Let me start with what we have been doing [...]
- Jamiol Presents
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsPakistan Punished in Pipelinestan, Moving Toward Guerilla War in Afghanistan, Drone Strikes as Police Work!, Israel Withheld Evidence in Killing, The Assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai & More! I am going to start with a piece of news you all have already seen and read. I am listing this only bec ...
- Brushfire with Julia: Freedom to Withhold Info ...Department of Homeland Security Finds FOIA to be “Politically undesirable”! In theory, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) guarantees the legal right of the American public to obtain federal agency records. Judicially enforceable, FOIA was designed to ensure public access to Executive Branch ...
bloody crossroads
- Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many Iâve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
- The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly youâre being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Pirates make bold attack: Tanker hijacked whil ...Port of Salalah, Oman, (c) Robert Almeida Until recently, pirates have roamed around the open oceans looking for their next target, however they took a bold Continue Reading �
- Canada Escalates its Arctic Activities… and we ...OTTAWA (Dow Jones)–Prime Minister Stephen Harper flies this week to Canada’s High Arctic, where troops are conducting the country’s largest modern-day Arctic exercise, amid heightened Continue Reading »
- Maritime Monday; week ending August 21, 2011USS Recruit, also known as the Landship Recruit wooden mockup of a dreadnought battleship constructed by the United States Navy in the Manhattan borough of Continue Reading �
- Rescuers Find Fourth Body In Petrobras Helicop ...Photo: Agusta Westland AW139 helicopter RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)–Brazilian state-run energy giant Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR, PETR4.BR), or Petrobras, said early Sunday that rescuers had Continue Reading »
- TECH: Google Street View is shifting to the gl ...For over four years now, Google has been driving around the world’s roads to bring you 360-degree street-level imagery. The project is called street view Continue Reading »
Blogging Canadians
- Jack Layton diesMy condolences to his family and friends. Filed under: Canadian Politics
- "Three-Letter Agencies"Stop fearing three-letter agencies, friends. They're humans with slightly more paper and fancier uniforms; they are just like you and me. :) by "Lulz Security" [a/k/a "LulzSec"] As originally posted on: The Lulz Boat (LulzSec) on Twitter June 19, 2011
- Surprise: more bureaucratic bloat and waste fo ...
- Nycole Turmel slams Tory plans to give B.C., A ...
- CBC’s attempt to stab Canadians in the eye mis ...
Press TV - Middle East
- Hezbollah hails vicotry of Libyan peopleThe Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has hailed the victory of the Libyan people over the regime of dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
- UN once again delays flotilla reportThe United Nations has for the third time postponed the release of a report on Israel's deadly attack on the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla in 2010.
- Clip shows Bahraini mourners attackedNew footage shows supporters of the Bahraini regime attacking mourners in a village on the outskirts of the capital Manama.
- Israel to expel Palestinian activistsIsrael plans to expel 384 Palestinian activists from East al-Quds (Jerusalem) on grounds of their activities in the occupied land.
- 'Palestinians agree on truce with Israel'Palestinian resistance movements based in the Gaza Strip reach an 'informal' agreement to strike a ceasefire deal with Israel after Tel Aviv escalated its attacks against the enclave.