The country's army has frequently intervened, both covertly and openly, in Kashmir - often with dangerous results.
Kashmir has been the major source of conflict between India and Pakistan since the departure of the British from the region in 1947. Both countries have fought open and covert wars on this thorny issue over the past 60 years.
Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, Pakistan was fully engaged on its western front for the best part of a decade and kept a low profile on the Kashmir issue. During this period, Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter Service Intelligence (ISI), cooperated with a number of other intelligence agencies to recruit, train and launch "irregulars" from Afghanistan - as well as other countries - against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. When Soviets decided to leave Afghanistan, a confident Pakistani military decided to replicate the Afghan project in Kashmir.
Three questions on Libya
Marwan Bishara
An initial Libyan scorecard
Mark LeVine
The last days of Gaddafi
Yuriko Koike
Libya: freedom is in the air
Larbi Sadiki
Guilty until proven innocent
Yasmeen El Khoudary
Glenn Beck is exploiting Israel
MJ Rosenberg
Beware of Rick Perry, the French cuff cowboy
Cliff Schecter
UK bid for US-style police reveals despair
Isaac Ontiveros
China's $3.2 trillion headache
Yao Yang
Europe's financial wasteland
Howard Davies
Kafka at the Rafah border
Diane Shammas
The socio-politics of the Middle East
Majid Rafizadeh
Social reconstruction is a family affair
Muhammad Abdul Bari
China rules the rare earth
Pepe Escobar
Britons face insurance ‘crisis’ as U.K.’s government trims flood defence
Britain’s coalition government is engaged in the biggest spending cuts since World War II to cut the country’s record budget deficit. It will reduce spending on flood defense to about 2.1 billion pounds over the next four years, from 2.36 billion pounds over the last four years, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
“This is a looming crisis,” said Jamie Reed, a lawmaker for Cumbria for the opposition Labour Party in an e-mailed statement. “Massive flood defense cuts have completely distorted the insurance market for homeowners and businesses. This could leave whole swathes of the country uninsurable and thousands of properties unmortgageable.” […]U.S. Congress Paves the Way for Coal Ash To Continue Contaminating America
According to EHS, members of the the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy recently approved an amendment to the subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.
, the EPA has been taking comments and holding public hearings on two proposed rules, one of which would create the first ever national regulation on coal ash disposal, or, as it is otherwise called, coal combustion residues.
What is Coal Ash Contamination?
Coal ash dumps across the country are volatile enough to meet the "open dumping" criteria of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) because they have contamination of arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, fluoride, lead, mercury and selenium. The Environmental Integrity Project monitored groundwater contamination in 33 states where coal ash is being dumped and found levels of these contaminants that would normally require cleanup or closure of those sites.
According to a New York Times article there are more than 1,300 coal ash dumps across the country.
From the Sourcewatch Link - not nearly all they have
- 1 Overview
- 2 Forms of waste from coal mining and combustion
- 3 Accidents and contamination
- 3.1 Study shows all coal ash ponds in N.C. are contaminating groundwater
- 3.2 Virginia residents file $1 billion suit against Dominion over fly ash site
- 3.3 4,000 gallons of sludge spill in Maryland
- 3.4 Coal ash pile in Orange County, FL may be leaking radioactivity
- 3.5 Coal waste spill at TVA's Widows Creek plant in Alabama
- 3.6 Retention pond wall collapses at TVA's Kingston plant in Tennessee
- 3.7 Drinking water contamination in Maryland
- 3.8 Massey Coal spill in Martin County, Kentucky
- 3.9 Spill by Pioneer Fuels in West Virginia
- 3.10 Study finds that Bush Administration concealed cancer risk from coal ash waste sites
- 3.11 EIP report says Pennsylvania coal ash dump is not adequately protected against groundwater contamination
- 3.12 Coal ash to melt ice
- 3.13 Duke University scientists report TVA spill is still a problem
- 3.14 Drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium from coal may cause cancer
- 4 Environmental groups demand release of list of 44 high risk coal waste sites
- 5 EPA releases list of 44 "high hazard" coal ash dumps
- 6 2010: Reports identify more "damage case" coal waste sites
- 7 Coal waste regulation
- 7.1 EPA considers regulating coal ash
- 7.2 Regulations delayed
- 7.3 Alabama Proposes Coal Ash Regulation
- 7.4 Office of Inspector General Investigates EPA's 'Partnership' with Coal Industry
- 7.5 Coal Ash Industry-EPA Interference
- 7.6 Western Governors Say States Should Regulate Coal Ash
- 7.7 South Carolina Coal Waste Permit Issues
- 7.8 EPA Proposes Competing Approaches To Regulate Coal-Ash Waste
- 7.9 Investors urge EPA action
- 7.10 Public Meetings Held on Proposed Coal Ash Regulation
- 7.11 Study: Weak Coal Ash Regulations in Tennessee Highlight Need for Federal Law
- 7.12 Coal lobbyists wooed White House staff to influence coal ash regulations
- 7.13 Enviros criticize EPA analysis on coal ash
- 7.14 House Committee votes to bar regulation as hazardous waste
- 8 Coal waste lawsuits
- 8.1 Maryland $54 million fly ash groundwater contamination class action settlement
- 8.2 Virginia Battlefield Golf Club $1 billion suit against Dominion
- 8.3 Lawsuit over dry ash disposal site in Maryland
- 8.4 Environmental groups sue EPA for release of confidential information
- 8.5 Dominican Republic toxic coal ash birth defects case
- 9 Coal waste ponds in the United States
- 10 Coal waste and environmental justice
- 11 Shareholder resolutions on coal waste
- 12 Other uses for coal combustion waste
- 13 Resources
I have seen the future of Canada's working class
How did Americans get so utterly clueless about world events? (Hint: It was no accident.)
via Current TV
The U.S. Should Follow Benin's Lead
The West African nation of Benin has abolished the death penalty. “Benin wants to promote human dignity and progressive development of human rights,” the president of the Parliament declared. Thus, Benin will become the 74th country to join the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which calls for the death penalty to be abolished.
- These executions reflect a larger policy which give it a context to understand 'the problem' in ways that take into account acts which generated Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay ( see my 'Law' file re: enabling legislation - in the Topical Index ). It's not likely you'll see 'Lost' Topical Files without prompting. The second category is the backgrounder of note to be considered in context with http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2010/04/politics-of-perception-foreign-policy.html and perhaps the 'Perception Alteration' file itself.
Parent Regrets: Why I Wished We Never Went To See Taylor Swift
Maybe my family got the vacuous experience we deserved. That would be true if it were just a benignly bad concert experience. The problem is that it was an insidious concert experience that emphasized everything but the artist's voice -- the flowing fairy dresses and saccharine monologues covering up Swift's real power. Covering up girl power.
The best moments were rare authentic ones with Swift's top lip a wee bit sweaty, hair oh-so-slightly disheveled, strumming "Mean" on a banjo and later "Fearless" on a ukulele. That's what we had come to see, but it was fleeting.
Viewing ALEC as a Political Party
As we know, ALEC is registered as a 501c3, educational service nonprofit. Most of us know that Common Cause has challenged ALEC’s 501c3 status – and rightfully so.
… political party, a group of persons organized to acquire and exercise political power. … The term party has since come to be applied to all organized groups seeking political power, whether by democratic elections or by revolution.
Please bear with me as I pose the supposition that ALEC could realistically be viewed as a - political party, based on recognizable and accepted characteristics of a political party. When in power, a party attempts to put its philosophy into practice through legislation.
Political parties perform key tasks in a democratic society, such as … Activating and mobilising citizens into participating in political decisions and transforming their opinions into viable policy options … Channelling public opinion from citizens to government
Action Spotlight

Cut Military Spending First!
The recent Washington agreement to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for budget cuts has created a historic opportunity for deep cuts in projected military spending--cuts that would help prevent future wars. By Thanksgiving, a joint House-Senate committee is supposed to recommend $1.5 trillion in cuts in projected spending over 10 years. Most of these cuts can come from the projected military budget. Email the President and your reps >The Fire Hose: Fracking, Sea Level, Climate and Conflict
An Inconvenient Truth: Christie Is Right on Climate
Christie accompanied his veto with a statement acknowledging that human activity is contributing to global climate change. Specifically, Christie explained that his original decision to withdraw from RGGI was not based upon any “quarrel” with the science.
While I acknowledge that the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are increasing, that climate change is real, that human activity plays a role in these changes and that these changes are impacting our state, I simply disagree that RGGI is an effective mechanism for addressing global warming.As Christie explained, RGGI is based upon faulty economic assumptions and “does nothing more than impose a tax on electricity” for no real environmental benefit. As he noted, “To be effective, greenhouse gas emissions must be addressed on a national and international scale.”
says:August 24, 2011, 5:01 pm
( Propaganda...never stops )
Climate cycles drive civil wars
Conflicts within a single country are twice as likely to occur during warmer El Niño years as cooler La Niña years. This is the first indication that modern societies’ stability relates strongly to climate
Links to other sites:
- Summer Drought limits the positive effects of CO2 and heat on plant growth in future climate
- Australia passes CO2 offset laws, carbon pricing next
- Global temperatures were seventh warmest on record for July
- Climate change will hit genetic diversity
- UCI researchers chart long-shrouded glacial reaches of Antarctica
- U.K. Slashes Science and Engineering Ph.D.s
- UK average tuition fees to hit £8,393
- Funders unveil 'elite' open access journal
- Inverters compete over cost
- Surface plasmons create vivid holograms
and also Climate Scientist Roger Pielke Sr. who has a website advising more or less the same. Nor are they alone...though these do not care to debate on the basis of questionable endpoints for measurement, etc. to put the gilt on the modern version of computerized crystal ball prophecy :
http://suzukielders.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/climate-change-evidence-from-the-geological-record/ (Quote)