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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 August - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

LAS VEGAS - AUGUST 11:  Bombard Electric direc...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

To Do

19, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB:AVRW), announced the retirement of Thomas Manuel, Chief Executive Officer of Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc., effective immediately. Concurrent with his retirement, ...
By ANGELA DELLI SANTI Environmental advocates hoping to influence New Jersey energy policy told a legislative panel reviewing energy use Thursday that conservation and renewable sources should play bigger roles in the state's energy future. ...
Twenty-five Minnesota farmers and rural small businesses are getting almost $300000 in renewable energy grants. The money will help them install renewable energy systems or flex fuel pumps, and make energy efficiency improvements. ...
Green Prophet
Whilst the Middle East may be known worldwide for its oil, many nations are now starting to look to renewables for a sustainable source of energy. Jordan, which ironically made headlines for its peaceful nuclear plans, was recently granted € 71 million ...
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Human Habitat

The case was brought before the high court by Citizens for Rational Shoreline Planning, Ronald Jepson and the Building Industry Association of Whatcom County against the Department of Ecology (Ecology) and Whatcom County. The lawsuit was an attempt to ...
Decoded Science
From an ecology perspective, the desert tortoise has an important role to play in its desert home. Although every species is important, some species act as ecological glue, allowing the entire system to hold together. These species are so critical that ...
By Staff The owners of some vehicles may no longer need to undergo emission testing after July 2012, as the state Department of Ecology prepares to enact changes rules to the testing program. The state requires certain vehicles in King County and other ...
Access Washington
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) has adopted a new updated motor vehicle emissions testing program rule. The changes take effect in July 2012. Vehicles in Clark, King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Spokane counties undergo emission ...
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Water Power

Elected officials and water planners gathered at the Pueblo Reservoir on Friday to celebrate the start of major construction on one of the largest water projects in Colorado in years. The Southern Delivery System project is building a new pipeline, ...
Chicago Daily Herald
AP File Photo AP File photo By Scott Morgan and Laura Stewart The US Air Force Thunderbirds and the US Army Parachute Team Golden Knights are just some of the high-flying performers who will take to the skies at the annual Chicago Air and Water Show ...
ARDMORE,OK -- The lawsuit is looking to put a stop to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board from selling water storage rights to Sardis Lake to the Oklahoma City Water Utility Trust. Those involved say this is a longstanding issue concerning who owns the ...
CBS News
Bigad Shaban reports for CBS News on how Houston is tapping into its emergency water supply, even at the risk of sinking local businesses. Lamar and Kelly Anderson's livelihood depends on Lake Conroe. But the worst one-year drought in Texas history is ...
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To Do

San Jose Mercury News
By JASON DEAREN AP FILE - In this July 14, 2010 photo, Bureau of Land Management Renewable Energy Project Manager Greg Helseth walks through a proposed solar energy plant site near McCullough Pass, Nev. Federal land managers have rejected the last of ...
Valencia County News Bulletin
The couple received a grant from USDA Rural Development, along with state and federal renewable energy tax incentives that will nearly pay for the entire project. "It's getting harder and harder to run a business," said Pete Torres. ...
GlobeNewsWire (press release)
19, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB:AVRW), announced the retirement of Thomas Manuel, Chief Executive Officer of Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings, Inc., effective immediately. Concurrent with his retirement, ...
By ANGELA DELLI SANTI Environmental advocates hoping to influence New Jersey energy policy told a legislative panel reviewing energy use Thursday that conservation and renewable sources should play bigger roles in the state's energy future. ...
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Human Habitat

Lake Chelan Mirror
The case was brought before the high court by Citizens for Rational Shoreline Planning, Ronald Jepson and the Building Industry Association of Whatcom County against the Department of Ecology (Ecology) and Whatcom County. The lawsuit was an attempt to ...
Decoded Science
From an ecology perspective, the desert tortoise has an important role to play in its desert home. Although every species is important, some species act as ecological glue, allowing the entire system to hold together. These species are so critical that ...
Issaquah Press
By Staff The owners of some vehicles may no longer need to undergo emission testing after July 2012, as the state Department of Ecology prepares to enact changes rules to the testing program. The state requires certain vehicles in King County and other ...
Access Washington
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) has adopted a new updated motor vehicle emissions testing program rule. The changes take effect in July 2012. Vehicles in Clark, King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Spokane counties undergo emission ...
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Water Power

Chicago Tribune
If it stops raining the water show may happen. The air show will not happen unless the clouds break up a bit. Due to the weather, gangbangers are also delaying their show at North Avenue Beach. To our readers: Registration is required before your ...
Elected officials and water planners gathered at the Pueblo Reservoir on Friday to celebrate the start of major construction on one of the largest water projects in Colorado in years. The Southern Delivery System project is building a new pipeline, ...
ARDMORE,OK -- The lawsuit is looking to put a stop to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board from selling water storage rights to Sardis Lake to the Oklahoma City Water Utility Trust. Those involved say this is a longstanding issue concerning who owns the ...
CBS News
Bigad Shaban reports for CBS News on how Houston is tapping into its emergency water supply, even at the risk of sinking local businesses. Lamar and Kelly Anderson's livelihood depends on Lake Conroe. But the worst one-year drought in Texas history is ...
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