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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, August 26, 2011

26 August - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

To Do

That effort reached a milestone on Friday when its lawmakers approved a program that will require its utilities to buy renewable electricity at government-set prices under long-term contracts. Japan's utilities will have to buy any electricity ...
Wall Street Journal
By Toko Sekiguchi and Mitsuru Obe Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES TOKYO (Dow Jones)--Japan's upper house of parliament Friday passed a renewable energy bill and budget financing bill, fulfilling all conditions set by Prime Minister Naoto Kan to resign. ...
The Detroit News
DTE Energy's $485 million renewable energy contract to buy 120 megawatts generated from Tuscola Bay Wind LLC was granted Thursday by the Michigan Public Service Commission. The approval puts the Detroit utility more than halfway toward its goal of 1000 ...
Adding the solar sources to the grid would help meet the state's renewable resources standard. ISO president and chief executive officer Steve Berberich said in a statement that the alliance would benefit “grid reliability and long-term costs by ...
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Human Habitat

By KEITH MORELLI | The Tampa Tribune Environmentalists around Florida are livid about the budget cutbacks for the five water management districts and they predict that the cuts will result in an inevitable decline in the quality of the state's ecology. ...
Access Washington
Ecology oversees the cleanup being conducted under an agreed order among Boeing, Seattle – which owns the steam plant property – and King County, which owns King County International Airport/Boeing Field (KCIA). This fall, the US Environmental ...
Corpus Christi Caller Times
US Ecology Texas, Inc. is one of two hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities operating in Texas and one of 17 nationwide. The company has asked the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to renew its Industrial Hazardous Waste operators ...
COMMITMENT for food security under the “Food First” program and environmental protection under the “Love Green” campaign highlighted Thursday's culmination of the 50th celebration of the Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement ...
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Water Power

Indianapolis Star
Citizens, a nonprofit public trust that operates gas, chilled water and steam utilities, more than doubled its customer base. The city will reap at least $425 million for road repaving and other infrastructure work. Besides the new name and a new ...
Sacramento Bee
26, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The FDA reminds consumers to take precautions for storing water and ensuring the safety of their food and medical supplies for themselves and their pets during and after this week's expected hurricane-related rain, ...
Was R630.95 Now R586.78 Stockholm - Investing as little as 0.16% of the world's gross domestic product - or $198bn per year- could give half a billion people regular access to safe drinking water within four years, a UN official said on Friday. ...
Lynchburg News and Advance
School officials in Bedford cancelled classes at Liberty High School on Thursday because of a water line break in the city that might have been caused by an aftershock from Tuesday's earthquake. The division said early Thursday that the high school on ...
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