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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

24 August - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

To Do

I'm a freelance journalist covering renewable energy and other green tech topics. I'm good at explaining how stuff works, and why and how government policies play a big role in promoting renewable energy, electric cars, energy efficiency gadgets and ...
By Jack Kaskey - Wed Aug 24 15:00:05 GMT 2011 Genomatica Inc., which genetically engineers microorganisms like E. coli to make chemicals used in spandex and running shoes, applied to raise as much as $100 million through an initial public offering of ...
By Annette Cary, Tri-City Herald KENNEWICK -- It doesn't make economic sense to be required to buy more power than needed to support certain renewable energy projects, such as wind farms, said speakers at a public hearing Tuesday. ...
By TheStreet Wire 08/24/11 - 07:01 AM EDT NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Green Plains Renewable Energy (Nasdaq:GPRE) has been upgraded by TheStreet Ratings from sell to hold. The company's strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its robust revenue ...
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Human Habitat

ZDNet (blog)
By Doc | August 24, 2011, 7:30am PDT Summary: In an open competitive bidding process, the Washington departments of General Administration and Ecology have awarded a new public-private Managed Print Services contract that will further reduce Ecology's ...
San Jose Mercury News
This month: “The Amazing Pantanal” with Doug Cheeseman, professor emeritus of zoology and ecology at De Anza College and founder of Cheesemans' Ecology Safaris. Doug will present photos and stories about some of the outstanding wildlife found in the ...
The Seattle Times
Department of Ecology officials say the rule is the first step in making children's products safer. "It's a pretty carefully constructed list. All of those chemicals are not good for children," said Ecology toxics coordinator Carol Kraege. ...
Crews will remove about 19000 square feet of garbage and contaminated soil from the Eldridge Municipal Landfill site at the park, said Washington Department of Ecology spokeswoman Katie Skipper. Work is expected to wrap up in late September. ...
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Water Power

San Jose Mercury News
By Paul Rogers An Arizona company's plan to build the largest housing development on the shores of San Francisco Bay since the birth of Foster City more than 50 years ago is hitting a potentially significant new hurdle: lack of water. ...
Residents still being advised to boil water until tests confirm it is safe to drink from the tap. Community members install the new Pescadero town sign on August 12th, 2011. Water service has been restored to the rural San Mateo County community of ...
Nevada water authority officials, however, argue the study -- which they were required to do as part of their application -- proves the project is feasible and that the biggest potential rate increase for water users is about $30 per month. ...
By Arash Markazi AP Photo/David Quin Mark Fabiani has LA roots. But the Chargers exec doesn't see the team playing in LA next season. The man in charge of finding the San Diego Chargers a new stadium for the past decade once spent nine years serving as ...
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