Water Power
The Intelligence Daily
- The Dark Age of Medicineby Peter Goodchild I spent the last three years in a small town in the Middle East, largely without...
- Kim Jong-il confirms readiness to return to Si ...by Russia Today North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has confirmed his preparedness to return to...
- Tests Show No Illegal Drugs In Winehouse’s Bodyby RFE/RL Amy Winehouse had no illegal drugs in her system when she died, and it is still unclear...
- UN Syria Sanctions Draft Targets Assad And Othersby RFE/RL A European and U.S. draft resolution obtained by Reuters calls for UN sanctions against...
- Western companies help Bahrain spy on democrac ...by Dr. Joseph Fitsanakis, IntelNews While Western governments preach to the world about the...
My AntiWar
- Iran Transfers Part of Centrifuges from Natanz ...Summary: Natanz plantTEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced that it has transferred a number of its centrifuge machines from the Central city of Natanz to the Fordo plant near the city of Qom. source: FarsNewsread more
- The Strange Crusade: Glenn Beck’s Holy L ...
- Flamboyant Gadhafi No Stranger to Bloodshed
- Israel’s Iron Dome System Reassures Nati ...
- Daunted Afghans Find Refuge in Former Foe Russia
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran Transfers Part of Centrifuges from Natanz ...Summary: Natanz plantTEHRAN (FNA)- Iran announced that it has transferred a number of its centrifuge machines from the Central city of Natanz to the Fordo plant near the city of Qom. source: FarsNewsread more
- MEK will never become a moderate political forceSummary: The presumption that the MEK would transform itself into a “moderate” political group if delisted is flawed. The MEK did not become “radical” as a result of being “listed” as a terrorist organization in 1997. It was an extremist group way before that date. What fuels its radicalism ...
- War Party Loves the MEK Terror CultSummary: Bolton and RajavisDaniel Larison, writer for The American Conservative Magazine, discusses the many prominent Democrats and Republicans trying to whitewash the MEK’s image; evidence that most US supporters are ignorant of the group’s terrorist credentials (and that the “M” stands fo ...
- Russia: NATO plans campaign in Syria, tightens ...Summary: NATO is planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad with a long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran, Russia's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said. source: RIA Novostiread more
- ENRICHMENT STILL THE KEY TO PROGRESS IN NUCLEA ...Summary: We have long argued that there will not be a diplomatic resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue without explicit recognition—from the United States and other Western countries, first of all—of the Islamic Republic’s right to the full range of civil nuclear technologies and activitie ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Black Holes and Pulsars Could Reveal Extra Dim ...Black holes and pulsars could reveal extra dimensions, solving that thorny problem of testing string theory, which attempts to unify all the known forces. String theory calls for extra spatial dimensions beyond the three we experience. Testing the theory has...
- Mars' Vanished Water & Atmosphere --Where Did ...Geological observations suggest rivers and seas dotted the martian surface 3.5 billion years ago. The amount of water has been equated to a planet-wide ocean half-a-kilometer deep or more. For the planet to have stayed warm enough for liquid water,...
- NASA Explores Mars' Grand Canyon --The Ophir C ...During its examination of Mars, the Viking 1 spacecraft returned images of Valles Marineris, a huge canyon system 5,000 km, or about 3,106 miles, long, whose connected chasma or valleys may have formed from a combination of erosional collapse and...
- Image of the Day: Pulsar --"First Thought to b ...Pulsars are among the most exotic objects found in the galaxy. They are the peculiar relics of massive stars that have ended their lives in a tremendously powerful explosion called "supernova". The first pulsar was discovered by a woman from...
- NASA's Humanoid Robot Powers On --Tweeting "Th ...Standing three feet four inches and 330 pounds, it’s Robonaut 2, NASA’s humanoid robot. Six months after it was first delivered to the International Space Station by Space Shuttle Discovery, the robot has been powered on for the first time....
Natural News
- Big government gone wild: Social Security on t ...(NaturalNews) Do you remember the recent debate in Congress and the White House to raise the government's ability to borrow even more money? The "debate" that was long on raising the debt ceiling but short on actually cutting government spending?It wasn't enough that our leaders failure to effec ...
- Breast cancer drugs may stop cancer, but they ...(NaturalNews) Here's another case of a so-called "wonder drug" heavily promoted by Big Pharma having a darker side than anyone knew. It turns out aromatase inhibitors (sold under the names Femara, Aromasin, and Arimidex), widely prescribed to huge numbers of women who've been diagnosed with estr ...
- Rick Perry -- Big Pharma president?(NaturalNews) Rick Perry has officially announced he is running for president, and we now face the possibility having a tyrant in control of our country. Not only does Perry have a bad track record - including having the death and harm of young women on his hands -- he "has shown himself to be t ...
- Academics who lend their names to Big Pharma g ...(NaturalNews) A college student who pays his friend to write a paper for him is guilty of plagiarism -- and if he is caught, he could receive a failing grade or even be expelled from school. But when drug companies secretly pay doctors or academics to pretend as though they wrote journal-publish ...
- Is Alex Jones for real?(NaturalNews) One of the most common question I'm asked these days is also one of the easiest to answer: Is Alex Jones for real? In a word, yes.But there's more to it than that, of course. The whole story doesn't become fully apparent until you're hanging around Alex Jones in person, at his stud ...
Threat Level
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Disputes Claims Abo ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman under fire for destroying thousands of unpublished documents submitted to the secret-spilling site last year says WikiLeaks is publicly exaggerating the contents of the deleted files. The increasingly ugly dispute is playing out over Twitter and in the press.
- Nokia-Siemens Spy Tools Aid Police Torture in ...Spy tools sold and maintained by German communications and engineering giants Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks are being used by authorities in Bahrain to aid in their interrogation and torture of human rights activists, according to Bloomberg.
- Judge OKs Unlicensed Cloud Music-Storage ServiceA federal judge backed the music storage-locker business model Monday while ruling that companies may develop services that store their customers’ songs in the cloud. The closely watched case brought by EMI against MP3tunes comes as Amazon and Google recently launched similar services without t ...
- Feds Ask Supreme Court to Validate Stolen Valo ...The Justice Department is asking the Supreme Court to uphold a 2006 law making it a criminal offense to lie about being decorated for military service. The Stolen Valor Act makes it unlawful to falsely represent, verbally or in writing “to have been awarded any decoration or medal authorized by ...
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Destroyed More Than ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman says he destroyed more than 3,500 unpublished documents that had been submitted to the secret-spilling site last year; destroyed documents may have included a copy of U.S. government's No Fly list.
PERRspectives : Blog
- Right Denounces Sharia Law in Libyan, Not Iraq ...While much about the future of post-Qaddafi Libya remains murky, some things are already quite clear. For starters, Republican leaders and GOP White House hopefuls simply cannot bring themselves to credit President Obama in any way for the apparent success of the rebellion. Unsurprisingly, the ...
- GOP Decries Class Warfare on the Tragically RichJudging from the furious reaction of some of the gilded-class crowd and their Republican protectors, billionaire Warren Buffett struck a nerve with his plea to Congress to "stop coddling the super-rich." Former American Express CEO Harvey Golub and Tea Party sugar daddy Charles Koch were quick ...
- "Truth Teller" Huntsman Takes on the "Not Inte ...This weekend, former Utah Governor and GOP White House hopeful Jon Huntsman came out swinging against his Republican rivals. Positioning himself as a "truth-teller," Huntsman blasted Rick Perry on evolution and global warming, attacked Michele Bachmann over her jaw-dropping stands on the debt c ...
- Republicans' "Missing Millionaires" Turn Up Sa ...For Republicans hoping to preserve the Bush-era tax cut windfall for the wealthy, the past week was not a happy one. While billionaire Warren Buffett asked Congress to "stop coddling the super-rich," GOP representatives found themselves under attack from constituents who polls show overwhelming ...
- Name That Texan!Karl Marx famously said that "history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." So it is with Texas Governors George W. Bush and Rick Perry. After all, Perry isn't merely trying to follow the path blazed by his predecessor from the Lone Star State to the White House. Not four years ...
Blackspot News Feed
- UntitledYeah, I�ve got nothing today.� Back tomorrow!
- InterludeRaffertie mix – Xfm 06/08/11 by Mary Anne Hobbs on Mixcloud
- What next for Wisconsin?Dems gain 2 State Senate seats in recall elections, but fail to secure needed majority
- Will CFTC Limit Excessive Speculation?Bart Chilton Pt.3: For regulations to be effective, there has to be political will and proper resources
- As Biden Visits China, Author David Wise on "T ...Vice President Joe Biden arrived in China yesterday to begin a five-day trip aimed at reassuring leaders there of the stability of the U.S. economy and to begin building a relationship with that country’s most likely next president, Xi Jinping. The visit to the largest foreign creditor to the Un ...
Consortium News
- Having a Voice in Global Debates
- US/Israel Can Respect Palestinian Rights
- Explaining Why ‘They Hate Us’
- Making Airport Screening Saner
- Why Ron Paul Gets No Respect
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds that the ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- 13-Year-Old Creates Breakthrough Solar Technol ...One of the biggest green living stories of the past several days is one of a a 13-year-old, Aidan Dwyer, who reportedly created and filed a patent for a groundbreaking, super energy-efficient solar panel array setup based on the Fibonacci sequence of some tree branches. The system was supposedly ...
- Hundreds Arrested (Including Me) in DC: The Pr ...Ending only September the 3rd, a group is planned to protest every day for two weeks, and more than 2100 people have signed up. Already, an estimated 222 people have been arrested, 65 on Saturday, 45 on Sunday, 52 on Monday and 60 on Tuesday, including Canadian actors Margot Kidder (best known a ...
- Earthquake Shuts Down Virginia Nuclear Plant { ...The North Anna nuclear power plant, located 20 miles from the epicenter, is shut down and in a safe condition, a company official and the Louisa County public information office report. There has been no release of nuclear material, Louisa County spokeswoman Amanda Reidelbach said Related po ...
- Mineral, Virginia-based Earthquake Shakes Area ...A 6.0 earthquake shook far beyond its epi-center in Mineral, Virginia; shaking was felt from as far north as Rhode Island, New York and as far south as Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Starting at approximately 1:51 PM at the epi-center 3.7 miles beneath the surface, reports are varying as to how lo ...
- Marine Habitat InfographicCheck out this super cool infographic from ReuseThisBag... which, believe it or not, sells Reusable Shopping Bags. As we've written a number of times before, there are huge garbage patches, mostly of plastic, in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean (and other oceans). Click the image to enl ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Discussion of Waterless Urinals in Internation ...img057 Click on the link above regarding an article on global sustainability and the use of waterles
- Interview with UI's Dr. Jerald SchnoorPhoto courtesy of the University of Iowa Dr. Jerald Schnoor is a professor of Civil and Environmenta
- Why Stormwater Management is important to youStormwater is not just the result of rainstorms, it is made up of water from precipitation events in
- How to Choose the Correct Water, Drop By DropThere is no single solution to all water-quality concerns; the best response is the safest and most
- What are SUDsSUDS are Sustainable urban drainage schemes. SUD schemes significantly reduce the impact that the bu
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- In Past Ten Years U.S. Has Expanded Military N ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism J
- Congress and the Dangerous Drive Towards Creat ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 20 July, 2011 Image by
- Outsourcing power (and its consequences) By Wi ...by William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad williambowles.info 23 July, 2011 Image by ssoosay
- Default Through Immorality by Philip A. Farruggioby Philip A. Farruggio Featured Writer Dandelion Salad July 22, 2011 They should really include in a
- Cuba: The Anomaly in the Caribbean by Cameron ...by Cameron Salisbury Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Opedinfo.com July 16, 2011 Image by Cristóbal d
Axis of Logic
- 'Libya rebels to divide in victory vacuum' - LibyaEditor's Note: Abdel Bari Atwan is editor of Al-Quds Al-Arabi, a newspaper in London. Despite his reputation for being anti-imperialist, an in-depth examination of his other opinion articles and interviews reveal views that reflect a quasi-western stance. We do not share his view in this video o ...
- Haiti's close call: Hurricane IRENE scrapes th ...HaitiAction.net - Port au Prince, Haiti — It may be too early, but the People of Haiti can breathe a sigh of relief as Hurricane IRENE begins to move away from the Island after forcing the tourists of Punta Cana back into their Spanish owned neocolonial mega-resorts to wait out...
- Tuesday Updates from Libya - NTC and Corporate ...As the Battle in Tripoli continues, nothing being reported in the corporate media is reliable. See our latest updates below the video. This story is being updated continously throughout the day. - LMB Tuesday, August 23, 2011 - 9:50 a.m. Al Jazeera - Zeina Khodr reporti ...
- 5.8 Earthquake Hits Virginia. Buildings Evacua ...All the networks are publishing very brief reports on a 5.9, possibly a 6.0 earthquake near Richmond, VA, 80 miles from Washington DC. It's been felt up and down the East Coast from North Carolina to Massachusetts and west as far as Ohio. CNN is reporting that they had to...
- Smiling Jack says goodbye - FeaturedIn Canada, when you say ‘Jack’, everyone knows who you mean. John Gilbert Layton was just Jack. To everyone. He even told the Queen of England, ‘Hello, Your Majesty. I’m Jack’. He died yesterday of an undisclosed cancer at the age of 61. After a lifetime that began in...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Hippie Punching is All They Have LeftIt's one thing for someone you care about to insist on doing something stupid despite your strong warnings; you figure that after they get burned they'll learn their lesson, admit you were right and follow your advice the next time. But when your badly burned friend insists on repeating the mist ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapWe love it when @KDrum gets properly exercised In a battle of the Kevins today, Kevin Drum -- who happens to be our Blogfather -- kicked Kevin Williamson's ass all the way back to the National Review and told his mother to keep him inside until he learns how to act around adults. Fixing our high ...
- "Overrun"The Libyan rebels who have managed to sieze control of their country in the last month since the ostensible commander of the rebel forces was fragged today overran the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli. Gadhafi was nowhere to be found. Rebel forces gained "full control" over Moammar Gadhafi's ...
- "Israel's biggest enemy has become itself"I visited Israel decades ago, and remember as if was yesterday how moved I was by the flourishing democracy a massacred people had built. Today, I look at Israel and see a once-successful friend crashing to the ground on the crack of overpowering violence, blind to the suicidal path it is on. St ...
- Religious Right Still Trying to Cover Its TracksThe one real advantage radical political movements have when they try to insinuate themselves in moderate, centrist societies like ours is that their ideas are so outlandish, so outside the mainstream that people have a hard time taking them seriously. And so when a few of our more alert voices ...
Care 2
- Cute Kitten Chases Mouse (video) Take Another ...This cute kitten is quite intrigued by a moving PC computer mouse. The kitten puts its paw on the screen, hoping that he will manage to catch the moving target! Submitted by BarbCat Sunshine Lady to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The 10 Most Overused Songs in Movie HistoryIt's not that the songs on this list are bad many of them are still very good but they've long since ceased being funny or serious or in any way meaningful in movies. Classical music's no exception, either. Submitted by Katie Miller to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- PLEASE CLICK TO AVOID THE SACRIFY OF souki fro ...Please click for all of them. They do deserve another opportunity. Your click is the only gift they have to go back to life. They do deserve it Many sad stories of leaving and euthanasia in perreras. When will it come to an end?Submitted by Jovita Prinz to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Co ...
- TAKE ACTION NOW! PROTECT AND RESTORE HUMAN RI ...Unilever has a problem The company buys palm oil from one of the most ruthless producers in Indonesia, Wilmar International. The world�s largest multinational palm oil company is notorious for illegal logging and severe humanSubmitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- Gov. Cuomo and DEC Commissioner: Listen to NY ...Gas extraction by high-volume, slickwater, hydraulic fracturing is a heavily industrialized process that in other states has caused significant water, air, and noise pollution, severely snarled traffic and damaged roads; and increased accidents and crimeSubmitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� � ...
Smirking Chimp
- Long live socialism! The great right-wing swin ...
- "Helpless President Lit" - The Latest Trend in ...
- Cartoon for August 24th, 2011: Rich Like You
- Nurses Say: Come Join Us on September 1 on Mai ...
- The NRA: They Apologize For The School Shootin ...
Paul Krugman
- Businessmen and MacroeconomicsJob creators aren't.
- USA! USA! USA!Land of the brave, the free, the supersized.
- Save the Statistical AbstractA truly harmful idea.
- Early Stimulus WorriesRemembrance of forebodings past.
- Low Wages in TexasNot compared with Mississippi -- but that's not the point.
No Quarter
- In Defense of Hillary ClintonLike most of our long-time regular readers, and nearly all of our writers, I was drawn to No Quarter in 2008 because it was supporting Hillary Clinton in her campaign for the presidency. NQ was one of several blogs I was reading as I scoured the Internet for people supporting her. As the prima ...
- Breaking: D.C. Earthquake Blamed on Bush (& Op ...Share what you’re hearing and seeing, if you live ’round the area of the 5.8 earthquake. I was just reading the comments on Facebook. Some think the Tea Party caused the quake. Others are blaming Bush. My money is on Casey Anthony, the most hated person in America. UPDATE: The Washington Monumen ...
- Libya, Chaos ReignsAnd the fun continues. Last night we were told in repeating BREAKING NEWS reports that the sons of Gaddafi had been captured. So today? Not so much. Saif Gaddafi popped up and is alive, well and free: [Updated at 8:56 p.m. ET, 2:56 a.m. Tuesday in Libya] CNN’s Matthew Chance has posted a picture ...
- Lady Lynn Speaks Out! (OPEN THREAD)You know how much I love Hillary Clinton. I mean as a voter, a political writer, a heterosexual man… well, hell, excuse me for my honesty! But I have to admit, I’m equally in love with the lady in this pic, Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild. This is a woman after my own heart, as [...]
- Hold Your Water and Fire on LibyaMan, the cable news folks never learn. They are almost aspirating their tongues as they struggle to lend an air of crisis and impending doom to the events unfolding in Libya. Here is what is really going on–first and foremost you are hearing and seeing a well coordinated information operation th ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Therapy News
- Poor, Abused Children Exhibit Higher Levels of ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Children of low socio-economic status (SES) and those who have experienced abuse tend to exhibit higher levels of cortisol and fewer social behaviors, according to a new study. Researchers at Leiden University, the University of Minnesota, Virginia Polytechnic Ins ...
- New Study Tests Integration of Beck’s Cognitiv ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Patrick Pössel, of the Eberhard-Karls-University, studied students to determine if a combination of two popular theories on depression, namely Beck’s Cognitive Theory and Response Style Theory, would provide better accuracy if elements of both were integrated. Pös ...
- New Research Identifies Risk Factors for Alcoh ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Researchers from the University of Michigan conducted a study to determine what pre-existing factors present the highest risk for youth developing alcohol dependency. The team examined data from 401 children for their three year-long study. The data was collected ...
- Why Do I Have to Talk About My Painful Feeling ...You’ve sat comfortably on your therapist’s couch for six months talking about everything under the sun; how you prefer to do your laundry, how nothing is ever good enough for your spouse, how irritating your mother is when she compares you to your older sister, how traffic makes you crazy. You ...
- Are the London Riots a Result of Groupthink?The recent riots in London are the worst the city has seen in years. However, the psychology that lies at the root of the mob mentality is apparent every day, everywhere. What spurs thousands of young people to damage and destroy inanimate objects? What prompts groups of people who have never me ...
Mountaintop Removal
- The Last Mountain to screen at Salem Progressi ...WilliametteLive.com The Last Mountain to screen at Salem Progressive Film Series WilliametteLive.com The film follows the exploits of activists looking to save their water supply and communities from the years of mountaintop removal of coal. Stories abound of families living near coal plants wi ...
- Mountaintop removal discussed locally - Daily ...Mountaintop removal discussed locally Daily Mail - Charleston Mountaintop removal involves deforesting, then the use of explosives and equipment to remove the coal. Proponents say the method is more efficient, cost-effective and safer than underground mining. Critics say it strips the land bare ...
- EPA visit to coal areas appreciated - Lexingto ...NY1 EPA visit to coal areas appreciated Lexington Herald Leader A recent poll of voters in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee found a majority oppose mountaintop removal and don't think environmental enforcement kills jobs. In contrast to the other coal states, Kentucky voters were ...
- Barbs flying over EPA visit - Louisville Couri ...Gothamist Barbs flying over EPA visit Louisville Courier-Journal (blog) The EPA toured the region with Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, a group that opposed strip mining, including mountaintop removal mining. I'm thrilled EPA is suddenly taking an interest in southern and eastern Kentucky. I'm ...
- Mountaintop Removal Discussion in Wood County ...Mountaintop Removal Discussion in Wood County WTAP-TV Although Wood County doesn't have to worry about mountaintop removal for coal mining here, County Commissioner, Blair Couch says it's an important issue to discuss because it's an issue many Wood County residents are passionate about. ... a ...
- Stimulus Helped Equip Climate Research Facilit ...Penny Starr / CNSNews: Stimulus Helped Equip Climate Research Facilities—In Maldives, India and Australia — (CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced last week that it has used $60 million of the $1.2 billion given to the agency in economic stimulus funds for purchasing …
- PPP Poll: Perry Takes Double-Digit Lead Over R ...NewsMax.com: PPP Poll: Perry Takes Double-Digit Lead Over Romney — More ways to share... Mixx — Stumbled — LinkedIn — Vine — Buzzflash — Newstrust — Technocrati — Forward Article — A new poll shows Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a double-digit lead nationally …
- Tax Break for Clergy Questioned (Laura Saunder ...Laura Saunders / Wall Street Journal: Tax Break for Clergy Questioned — As Congress scrutinizes every nook and cranny of the budget for possible revenue, a surprising court decision is allowing clergy members to buy or live in multiple homes tax-free. — The U.S. Tax Court ruled that Phil D ...
- Sprint to Get iPhone 5 - Sprint Nextel Corp. w ...Wall Street Journal: Sprint to Get iPhone 5 — Sprint Nextel Corp. will begin selling the new version of the Apple iPhone in mid-October, people familiar with the matter said, filling a huge hole in the No. 3 U.S. carrier's lineup and giving Apple Inc. another sales channel for its popular ga ...
- People on twitter might be joking, but in all ...Paul Krugman / Google+: People on twitter might be joking, but in all seriousness, we would see a bigger boost in spending and hence economic growth if the earthquake had done more damage.
Energy & Environment News
- Oil Reserves Sidestep U.S. VesselsIn its hurry to transport millions of barrels of oil from federal stockpiles to stabilize world oil prices earlier this summer, the Obama administration has repeatedly bypassed federal law.
- Hertz to Begin Renting Electric Cars in ChinaHertz’s plan to provide electric cars in three Chinese cities is the latest sign of Western interest in working with the Chinese government on advanced technology vehicles.
- Dot Earth Blog: Federal Inquiry is Latest to C ...A climatologist is cleared once again of research misconduct.
- Green Blog: Taking Stock of Campus SustainabilityAlready attuned to environmental concerns, more colleges and universities are addressing broader issues of sustainability.
- The Scramble for Access to Libya’s Oil ...Britain’s BP, Italy’s Eni, France’s Total and Austria’s OMV stand to gain the most once the conflict ends. But it is unclear whether a rebel government would honor contracts struck by the Qaddafi regime.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.2, eastern New Guinea region, Papua New GuineaTuesday, August 23, 2011 19:29:52 UTCWednesday, August 24, 2011 05:29:52 AM at epicenterDepth: 30.80 km (19.14 mi)
- M 5.8, VirginiaTuesday, August 23, 2011 17:51:04 UTCTuesday, August 23, 2011 01:51:04 PM at epicenterDepth: 6.00 km (3.73 mi)
- M 5.3, ColoradoTuesday, August 23, 2011 05:46:19 UTCMonday, August 22, 2011 11:46:19 PM at epicenterDepth: 4.00 km (2.49 mi)
- M 5.1, Kashmir-India border regionTuesday, August 23, 2011 01:23:00 UTCTuesday, August 23, 2011 06:53:00 AM at epicenterDepth: 41.60 km (25.85 mi)
- M 5.0, Fiji regionMonday, August 22, 2011 22:18:50 UTCTuesday, August 23, 2011 10:18:50 AM at epicenterDepth: 629.60 km (391.22 mi)
China Dialogue
- Protecting China’s wetlandsIncreasingly, the wonders of the country’s waterfowl -- and their green and blue habitats -- are being revealed. To help safeguard them, the UK conservation group WWT works with Chinese authorities, writes Malcolm Tait.[This article first appeared in the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust’s magazine Wate ...
- World Bank: Nepal dams won't stop Indian floodsIndian planners need to radically rethink flood prevention strategies in the Ganges basin, as a new World Bank study debunks old myths. Joydeep Gupta reports.For decades, Indian planners working to harness the waters of the Ganges and its tributaries have believed building dams in Nepal will sav ...
- Licence to killA group of foreign tourists looks set to get permission to hunt rare animals in western China, provoking mixed reactions among conservationists. Meng Si reports.An application by a group of American citizens to hunt China’s Bharal and Tibetan gazelle has won approval from a state expert committe ...
- Looking closer at the CongoAn NGO report on Chinese investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo opens a vital debate, but its methodology leaves the reader wanting a fuller version of the facts, write Johanna Jansson and Jiang Wenran.Editor’s note: this article concludes a series of commentaries on chinadialogue about ...
- Opaque waters at Killer LakeRwanda plans to turn dangerous gases dissolved in Lake Kivu into a major energy source. Reporting from its shores, Andre Vltchek asks if this is a blessing for locals – or a risk too far.The shores of Lake Kivu, encircled by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda, are among the mo ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Earth PreachingBelieving that the Earth is our god, government, economy and culture – all wrapped into one big institution – that is simple common sense! Â When we draw our last breath together, all the functions of living will be mixed together in that one breath. Â There won’t be separate powers anymore. Ala ...
- Enough With the Scare Tactics, Secretary PanettaIf you thought we were going to have a rational, fact-based debate about cuts to the out-of-control military budget in this country, think again. The Pentagon and their war industry allies are mounting an aggressive, fear-based campaign of hyperbole and spin to scare Congress away from cuts that ...
- Joe Walsh’s Ex-Wife: Quit LyingCongressman Joe Walsh told Obama to “quit lying.” Here, Walsh’s ex-wife tells Joe to “quit lying” about the child support he owes her. Walsh accused Obama of spending money like a drunken sailor, but Walsh is the one who spent money on vacations and his campaign while getting his condo foreclos ...
- International Human Rights Court Says Governme ...Written by Editor-in-Chief Jodi Jacobson for RH Reality Check. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. In 2002, Alyne da Silva Pimentel, a 28-year-old Afro-Brazilian woman, died after being denied basic medical care t ...
- New Jersey’s Governor is Taking His Time ...Written by Martha Kempner for RH Reality Check. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. In March, the New Jersey State Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill to prevent sexual assault survivors from being charged for the r ...
Threat Level
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Disputes Claims Abo ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman under fire for destroying thousands of unpublished documents submitted to the secret-spilling site last year says WikiLeaks is publicly exaggerating the contents of the deleted files. The increasingly ugly dispute is playing out over Twitter and in the press.
- Nokia-Siemens Spy Tools Aid Police Torture in ...Spy tools sold and maintained by German communications and engineering giants Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks are being used by authorities in Bahrain to aid in their interrogation and torture of human rights activists, according to Bloomberg.
- Judge OKs Unlicensed Cloud Music-Storage ServiceA federal judge backed the music storage-locker business model Monday while ruling that companies may develop services that store their customers’ songs in the cloud. The closely watched case brought by EMI against MP3tunes comes as Amazon and Google recently launched similar services without t ...
- Feds Ask Supreme Court to Validate Stolen Valo ...The Justice Department is asking the Supreme Court to uphold a 2006 law making it a criminal offense to lie about being decorated for military service. The Stolen Valor Act makes it unlawful to falsely represent, verbally or in writing “to have been awarded any decoration or medal authorized by ...
- Former WikiLeaks Spokesman Destroyed More Than ...A former WikiLeaks spokesman says he destroyed more than 3,500 unpublished documents that had been submitted to the secret-spilling site last year; destroyed documents may have included a copy of U.S. government's No Fly list.
Equality Trust
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future in ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Response to criticism of The Spirit LevelFind our full response to criticism of The Spirit Level here.
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- Monday was last day to get Hepatitis A vaccine ...The Cumberland County North Carolina Public Health Department said in a press release that the Hepatitis A vaccination clinic for individuals who visited the Fayetteville Olive Garden on August 8 and who may have been exposed to the illness through an employee continued through Monday, August 22 ...
- New Look at the Bottom of Marler Blog - And, A ...Hey, for those that make it to the bottom of the page: Also, do not forget to nominate my blog for inclusion to the ABA Top Law "Blawgs."
- It was a good day to be a trial lawyerIn 2009 Linda Rivera, a 57-year-old mother of six from Nevada, was stricken with what one doctor described as “the severest multi-organ (bowel, kidney, brain, lung, gall bladder, pancreas) case of E. coli O157:H7 mediated Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome I have seen in my extensive experience.” Linda’ ...
- President Obama, go back to "Bunch of Grapes" ...I was reading this morning that President Obama picked up two books on an outing to Martha’s Vineyard Bookstore “Bunch of Grapes” with daughters Sasha and Malia on Friday: "The Bayou Trilogy," a mystery collection by Daniel Woodrell set in Louisiana, and "Rodin's Debutante," a novel by Ward Just ...
- $2,500 Scholarship to be Funded in Memory of S ...A new scholarship at Maiden High School will be announced next week. The Food Safety Law Firm, Marler Clark, will donate $2,500 to fund the Bobby “Pete” Raw Hullett Science and Medicine Scholarship for students who are interested in pursuing higher education in the science or medical field. “Th ...
- Official: Audi spills the beans on production ...Filed under: Hybrid, Audi Diesel-lovin' Audi is slowly, slowly coming to grips with this whole hybrid thing. Earlier this year, the "We're not against hybrids" automaker finally gave out some real information about its hybrid Q5 (after years of teases and killing the program once,) and we ...
- Breaking: Ford, Toyota will partner on RWD hyb ...Filed under: Hybrid, Truck, Ford, Toyota Is the Prius V not big enough for you? Then you'll probably be interested to learn that Ford and Toyota announced a partnership today to develop a new hybrid system for SUVs and light trucks. The "equal partners" deal should result in a gasoline-electr ...
- Video: Presidential candidate Bachmann promise ...Filed under: Etc. How's this for bold? Congresswoman Michell Bachmann, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who won the Ames Straw Poll last weekend, has just stated that one thing we'd get with a Bachmann Administration is - ready? - cheap gasoline. According to Politico sh ...
- Report: 2012 Nissan Altima, NV van recalled fo ...Filed under: Recalls, Nissan For a two-week period this year, Nissan apparently incorrectly assembled the air bag control unit in both the 2012 Altima and the 2012 NV work van. That's the news from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which today announced a small recall of the ...
- Official: Ford Focus Electric will offer solar ...Filed under: Ford, Electric Running an electric car on the power of the sun is many an EV enthusiast's dream. Ford isn't the first company to combine EV charging with solar energy, but it is trying to make it as easy as possible to go from driving on imported oil to extremely local energy. ...
Rafe's Radar
- Receipts are the new locationsChecking in by location? Old and busted. Two new businesses check in your receipts. ...
- SurfEasy: Browsing privacy for GrandmaClever private browsing utility bundles portable browser, proxy server connection on a USB key. ...
- Will Call frees you from the tyranny of choiceSmart last-minute ticket sales site gets you into a live event hours from now. ...
- Sit back and relax: Console.fm is in your headNew Pandora-like music player that specializes in electronica gives us a preview of the indie radio station of the ...
- LaunchRock sets up site launch placeholdersYou think we're not in a bubble? Then how did a company that simply creates "coming soon" pages get funding? Thank ...
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- Egyptians Defend Viral Video Activist Charged ...Asmaa Mahfouz is one of Egyptâs most prominent activists. The 26-year-old helped co-found the influential April 6 Youth Movement in 2008 that helped pave the way for the revolution through years of grassroots organizing and street protests. A few days before January 25, she posted two videos on ...
- San Francisco Bay Area’s BART Pulls a MubarakWhat does the police killing of a homeless man in San Francisco have to do with the Arab Spring uprisings from Tunisia to Syria? The attempt to suppress the protests that followed. In our digitally networked world, the ability to communicate is increasingly viewed as a basic right. Open communi ...
- Verizon Workers, Management Dig in for Decisiv ...On the 10th day of the most important labor fight in America, striking Verizon worker Alexandra Camacho stood on a streetcorner in downtown Brooklyn and vowed to stay out as long as necessary. "They want to strip from us everything we’ve won in the past," the slender Camacho said. "They even ...
- From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Japan's Atomic Tr ...In recent weeks, radiation levels have spiked at the Fukushima nuclear power reactors in Japan, with recorded levels of 10,000 millisieverts per hour (mSv/hr) at one spot. This is the number reported by the reactor’s discredited owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co., although that number is simply as ...
- Book Excerpt: "Hiroshima Cover-up: How the War ...As the 66th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, read a chapter of Amy and David Goodman’s book, Exception to the Rulers, to learn how how the Pulitzer Prizeâwinning science reporter, William L. Laurence, was on the payroll of the War Department while also reporting for The New York Times ...
- Morning Briefing: August 19, 2011During a townhall meeting earlier this week, constituents in Rep. Randy Hultgren’s (R-IL) congressional district hectored him about raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations. The Washington Post reports, “It is a scene that has been repeated at town hall meetings across the country this Augu ...
- Businesses lose confidence in ObamaABC Professor Peter Morici discusses where the United States can turn to improve its economy and credit rating. Roubini: Bush Responsible for Economic Woes WSJ, 8/12/2011 3:01:26 PM In a clip from his interview with WSJ’s Simon Constable, Dr. Nouriel Roubini insists that it was the policies of G ...
- US checks S&P’s adding after downgradeBigPond News Sunday, August 14, 2011 » 01:29pm The US Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a probe into the process by which Standard Poor’s downgraded the US credit rating, the Wall Street Journal reported. US officials lashed out at SP after it docked the country’s credit rating fr ...
- After Supporting Tea Party Protests, Fox News ...Earlier today, former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) faced angry questions from Iowans over his proposed cuts to entitlement programs. In an attempt to dismiss the legitimate concerns of the questioners, Fox News declared them to be liberal plants. During the segment, the conservative news outlet displ ...
- BREAKING: S & P Downgrades U.S. Credit For Fir ...� Reuters reports: �The United States lost its top-notch AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor�s on Friday, in a dramatic reversal of fortune for the world�s largest economy.� The new rating is AA+. In explaining their decision Standard & Poors cites both the decision by Republicans in Congress ...
- Jackson Hole Starts FridayBy the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank Since 1978 the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has hosted an annual economic policy symposium. The event is designed as a forum for central bankers, policy experts and academics to come together to focus on a topic that is not necessarily of immediate ...
- Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financ ...[Note from CAF: This was last week's report - it was terrific. The mp3 is in the Solari Report archive. Make sure to listen!] By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday evening on the The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with scientist Adam Trombly about the use of entrainment tech ...
- The Strategic Advantages Of Community BuildingBy Brandon Smith The year was 2002, and while the majority of Americans were completely obsessed with the so called “War On Terror” and other devices of distraction, something much more real and decidedly prophetic was going on in our southern hemisphere. Argentina was in the midst of total col ...
- Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financ ...[Note from CAF: This was last week's report - it was terrific. The mp3 is in the Solari Report archive. Make sure to listen!] By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday evening on the The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with scientist Adam Trombly about the use of entrainment tech ...
- Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financ ...[Note from CAF: This was last week's report - it was terrific. The mp3 is in the Solari Report archive. Make sure to listen!] By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday evening on the The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with scientist Adam Trombly about the use of entrainment tech ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lank ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Are Wisconsin's Progressives the First Spark i ...Ambivalence in Wisconsin is ripe, with both the GOP and Democrats declaring victory. Now, the state is either the beginning of something great, or the end of what could have been.
- Why You Don't Want Rick Perry Making Decisions ...The belief that sex is "immoral" pushes Conservatives to support abstinence-only, sex-is-immoral education and policy, even though it is proven to be harmful.
- Why 'Constitutional Conservatives' Like Michel ...It's ironic that those claiming fealty to the constitution habitually thumb their noses at its most sacred principle.
- President Rick Perry's America: No Country For ...Coming of age as a woman in Rick Perry's Texas is sort of like living in the wild, wild west, like an Annie Ovary of women's health, dodging old men wielding vaginal probes.
- The Shocking Pattern of Obama Repeating Some o ...Obama forged a continuation of the Bush years, doubling Bush's war in the Arab world, hiring staff from the Bush Administration, and tossing civil liberties aside for "security."
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Our fears are unwarranted. America is in fact ...Summary: The good news is our problems are relatively minor. Our leaders probably will take the necessary reforms during the next few years. Of course they will govern in the best interests of our plutocratic elites, not us. We’re along for the ride, sliding towards the Third Republic ...
- What will our Mercs do when our wars wind down ...Summary: Again we turn harsh lights on the future of America. The US government has created a pool highly skilled mercs (on a base of people the government itself trained). What will these people do when our wars wind down? To create serious trouble only a few need sell their knowledge and e ...
- The men of US Special Operations Command are h ...Summary: The FM website discusses facts and insights too harsh for most to see (as seen in the 16 thousand comments during the past 4 years). Today we look at the men in the US Special Operations Command. Heroes, but not all the deeds we ask them to do are heroic. In many ways our Special [...]
- Very funny. But the joke is on us.Summary: More humor on the FM website, a funny circulating to American chuckles around the web. It says something about us. Something sad.  ______________________ The Wizard of Oz appeared on screen in 1939. Today, if Dorothy were to meet men with no brains, no hearts, and no balls, ...
- Listen to the voice of America’s decline ...Summary: Many comments sent to the FM website speak from the heart, sharing the writer’s response to the new world described on these pages. Sometimes clear, hard, and rational. Sometimes visionary. Sometimes delusional. But most often angry, expressing the anger that so often marks mo ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, calle ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point since mid-Dece ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. A conf ...
The Progressive Realist
- What Not to Do in LibyaI am pretty much as ignorant about Libya as the next person, so let me just suggest a few generic lessons learned from other conflicts: read more
- Libya After Gaddafi: Lessons From Iraq 2003The end of Muammar Qaddafi's regime appears near. Regardless of one's views on the wisdom of American intervention, that's cause for celebration. Indeed, celebration is the order of the day, with large crowds cheering and dancing in Libya, in front of the White House, and around the world. The g ...
- Two Sure Strategy Wins in Libya: European Acti ...Just as Tripoli was flooded with rebels, so the web has been flooded with Libya commentary. The battle for who won Libya and/or how it could’ve been done better/not at all is raging. Some are defending President Obama’s strategy for the war. See Nick Burns, Ben Smith and Anne Applebaum in prai ...
- The Interview with Syrian Ambassador Jafari, a ...Anderson Cooper grilled the Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar al-Jafari, in a long and hostile 14-minute interview earlier this week. Every question is tough, combative, and aimed at forcing the ambassador to account for his government’s brutal treatment of peaceful protesters. Kudos to Coope ...
- International Pressure on Syria GrowsThe brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protestors by Syrian military, intelligence, and security forces — which as reportedly killed more than 2200 — continued this week despite promises by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to halt military operations. The latest crackdown occurred in Homs on ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- The Good Old DaysThere's a bit of a blogospheric debate going on (see here) about whether conservative nostalgia for the 1950s is, shall we say, a little insensitive. After all the 1950s were a time when, among other things, Jim Crow was in full force, and rapists could go free if the woman was wearing a short s ...
- Our Semi-Fictional CandidatesJon Huntsman, languishing in the low single-digits in primary polls, has recently proclaimed his acceptance of both evolution and the contribution of human activity to global warming, which in today's GOP puts him somewhere to the left of Wavy Gravy. The Atlantic's James Fallows calls this the " ...
- Obama is Now Tied with His GOP OpponentsAs recently as last month, President Obama stood strong in polls against his potential Republican challengers: With the exception of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney – who lagged by several points – Obama was far ahead of each of his competitors. Now, according to the latest Gallup surv ...
- Please Step Up to the Retinal ScannerYou may remember the scenes in Minority Report where Tom Cruise walks past shops, which scan his eyes and deliver a personalized advertisement ("Stressed out, John Anderton? Need a vacation? Come to Aruba!") Well, according to the Los Angeles Times, we're almost there: Picture this: You stop in ...
- The Data-Driven CampaignMost of the decisions campaign strategists make are based on folk theories, by which I mean theories that have been developed over time by practitioners about what works and what doesn't, without much empirical evidence to demonstrate whether they're true or not. At the end of a campaign, you ha ...
- Does President Obama Have Enough Time Left to ...ERICA PAYNE FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT When Warren Buffet called on Washington to get "serious about shared sacrifice," he invoked the central premise of the American experiment, that each citizen has an obligation to look beyond one's own self-interest, to recognize the benefits that one has ...
- Because of Low Wages That Don't Feed Families, ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT It's come down to this: we have become the United States of food stamps. Food stamps are important to those in need. Studies have also shown that food stamps generate economic activity: because for every dollar spent, there are some estimates that ...
- An Obama Supporter Strikes Back: Points in Def ...DEE EVANS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Buzzflash at Truthout has run several blog entries critical of President Obama for not standing strong for progressive values. Most recently regular BuzzFlash blog writer Bill Berkowitz weighed in about his "breaking up" with Obama. As a counterpoint, Dee Eva ...
- Bernie Sanders Demands Regulators Enforce Law ...A BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT NEWS ALERT The following is a news release from the office of Sen. Bernie Sanders: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today said federal regulators should stop thumbing their noses at a year-old law and enforce limits on excessive speculation in oil markets. He cited secret d ...
- "Respecting" Rick Perry: "It Takes Balls to Ex ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Rick Perry believes that he has earned respect for being a man so brazen that he didn't even blink when confronted with the apparent fact that he executed an innocent man. Indeed, he grew even more defiant as exculpatory evidence grew. And, then ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Obama administration takes tough stance on banksOn behalf of Wall Street, Obama officials pressure the NY State Attorney General to put an end to investigations
- The Libya War argumentGadhafi's predictable demise no more resolves concerns about the war than Saddam's fall did about Iraq
- U.S. Mideast policy in a single phraseWhile publicly praising the Arab Spring, the U.S. and Israel mourn the loss of "dependably loyal" despots
- A prime aim of the growing Surveillance StateAs economic anxiety and social unrest increase, control over Internet technology and communication becomes vital
- Obama v. Bush on power over CongressIs a weak presidency real or an excuse used to justify Obama's failures?
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- More chemical wondersMore chemical wonders – Yet more chemical wonders fall under the gaze of The Alchemist this week. First up, spray on radiators coming to a home near you to help cut heating bills by a third while ethanol-imbibing bacteria offer an important clue to preventing biofuel pipeline cracks. In the anal ...
- Dissonant teaching changes environmental mindsThere are many educational and ethical issues regarding the environment and environmentalism that are generally not addressed, especially when it comes to teaching non-science students. Independent environmental services professional and college professor Chyrisse P. Tabone, who is based in Tamp ...
- Red, red, red wine and moreMy four latest science news stories now live on SpectroscopyNOW, kicking off with an item about adulteration and red wine – Various approaches to statistical analysis of spectroscopic data can reveal whether red wine has been adulterated with anthocyanins to artificially improve, “correct”, its ...
- Diluting homeopathic advertisingDiluting homeopathic advertising HT @SilvianaJ – The Advertising Standards Authority has ordered online homeopathy advertisers to stop making claims that their treatments work. [Because they don't!] The ASA’s remit was extended to regulating websites in March 2011, since when it says it has rece ...
- Billions upon billionsBack in the day, we Brits had big billions. A billion was a million millions. Obviously, the “bi” doubling up the “illion” from million. What else would it be? Well…of course…the Americans wanted to talk bigger still and so made their billion a mere 1000 million. Back then, it was hard to be a m ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Mother Nature Sends Warning as Earthquake Stri ...A 5.9 magnitude that was felt up and down the US east coast was centered in Mineral, Virginia, home to the two-reactor North Anna nuclear power plant operated by Dominion Energy.� North Anna sits just 90 miles south of Washington, DC. The plant automatically shut down following a loss of offsite ...
- Nurses to Converge on 60 Congressional Offices ...From Maine to California, nurses, joined by others fed up with the ongoing economic crisis, will call on Congress members in their local district offices September 1� to support a tax on Wall Street financial speculation, a revenue source fast becoming an international norm, to pay for healing t ...
- Affordable Housing Construction Key to Jobs Gr ...A coalition of 45 national organizations sent a letter to President Barack Obama’s domestic policy and economic teams today asking that the Administration include at least $10 billion for the National Housing Trust Fund in the President’s jobs-creation plan. Earlier this month, President Barack ...
- NOW Applauds Diallo for Courage, Condemns Pros ...The National Organization for Women deplores the decision to drop Nafissatou Diallo's charges of sexual assault against Dominique Strauss-Kahn. This miscarriage of justice exhibits all the hallmarks of a society that tolerates sexual violence by blaming and shaming the survivors -- but the real ...
- Bill Moyers Is Back: A Return to Public Broadc ...According to a report in the New York Times (8/22/11), public television icon Bill Moyers will be back on the public airwaves next year--but not on PBS. read more
Common Dreams-Views
- Domestic Workers Struggle Now Like Women in 'T ...Rebecca Smith Jill Shenker The movie “The Help” has attracted throngs of movie-goers, swept up in the story of domestic workers struggling for dignity and respect in Civil Rights–era Mississippi. ...
- Did AT&T Lie to Your Representative?Tim Karr Earlier this summer 76 House Democrats were misled by AT&T. They signed on to a letter circulated by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) that was so packed with AT&T talking points and spin that it’s worth wondering who really drafted ...
- Expanding Deserts, Falling Water Tables and To ...Lester Brown WASHINGTON - People do not normally leave their homes, their families, and their communities unless they have no other option. Yet as environmental stresses mount, we can expect to see a growing number of environmental refugee ...
- Dark Horizon for VerizonRalph Nader It was only a matter of time before the "pull down" NAFTA and WTO trade agreements on U.S. wages and jobs would be followed by "pull down" contract demands by U.S. corporations on their unionized workers toward levels of non-un ...
- Coming Home From KillingMichael Nagler The recent British film In Our Name is a returning-soldier drama featuring a married woman, Suzy, who leaves her husband and little girl to fight in Iraq. Because she’s involved in the killing of a little girl during her tou ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- Ex D.N.I. Blair: The Hippies Were Right (Again)HASH(0x9eae7c0)
- The U.S. Has Created The Next Afghan Civil WarHASH(0xa33fa28)
- Karzai's Strongman Brother Killed In The Potte ...HASH(0xa03eca0)
- Swimming In A Sea Of Night RaidsHASH(0xa2ef660)
- 2 notes on Afghanistan and the failure of COINHASH(0x9dab938)
Water Wars
- Water WarsSPARKS – Dozens of Washoe County residents turned out at Sparks High School Thursday during the last of nine Bureau of Land Management (BLM) open house sessions to protest a proposed pipeline that would ship water from rural northeastern Nevada to Las Vegas, citing the loss of environmental, eco ...
- Water WarsSPARKS – Dozens of Washoe County residents turned out at Sparks High School Thursday during the last of nine Bureau of Land Management (BLM) open house sessions to protest a proposed pipeline that would ship water from rural northeastern Nevada to Las Vegas, citing the loss of environmental, eco ...
- Water Wars ContinueAlabama and Florida are appealing a ruling that handed metro Atlanta a big victory in a tri-state fight over water.
- Alabama, Florida Appeal Water Wars RulingToday Alabama, Florida, Alabama Power Company and the City of Apalachicola, Florida asked the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider a ruling made by a three-judge panel in June that focuses on how much water the city of Atlanta can withdraw from Lake Lanier and the Chattahoochee River.
- Ala., Fla. appeal ruling in tri-state water warsThis story will be updated. http://www.gainesvilletimes.com/ encourages readers to interact with one another. We will not edit your comments, but we reserve the right to delete any inappropriate responses.
WordPress | Economics
- Gareth Morgan. It is an interesting state of affairs when we have “winners”, wealthy economists, sayi
- And that's a lot...source From the cornucopia that is Network Awesome: Buckminster Fuller – Everything I K
- 8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Backby Bruce E. Levine “Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a majo
- The Bums will Always Lose... Or Will They?Seems to a lot of people that there are individuals and families out yonder that they’ve SEEN
- More dismal chartsIn the past few days I’ve come across another couple of charts which emphasise the “dism
Electronic Intifada
- Barren tables at Ramadan as PA loses $35 milli ...The Electronic IntifadaRamallah Palestinian families are facing increasing financial woes this Ramadan, as the Palestinian Authority juggles with its dwindling�budget.
- Gaza, West Bank governments urged to abolish d ...Mel FrykbergThe Electronic IntifadaRamallah Judicial sentencing procedures differ between courts in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip, especially in death penalty�cases.
- Demolitions by Israel increase fivefold, says ...IRINThe Electronic IntifadaRamallah Skyrocketing Israeli policies of home demolitions in Area C have displaced more than 650 Palestinians In the first six months of 2011�alone.
- Gaza lifeguards deprived of rescue equipment b ...Eva BartlettThe Electronic IntifadaGaza Strip Power cuts and a lack of basic rescue equipment due to Israeli restrictions mean that Gaza lifeguards can’t reach swimmers in danger.
- Palestinian youth in Gaza skeptical about PA's ...Mohammed Rabah SulimanThe Electronic IntifadaGaza Strip As the Palestinian Authority approaches the United Nations to ask for full membership for the “State of Palestine,” many young people in Gaza are highly doubtful the move can secure Palestinian rights.
The Wonk Room
- Econ 101: August 24, 2011Welcome to ThinkProgress Economy’s morning link roundup. This is what we’re reading. Have you seen any interesting news? Let us know in the comments section. You can also follow ThinkProgress Economy on Twitter. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is unlikely to unveil any new measures aimed a ...
- Breakfast Links: August 24, 2011â David Frum’s healthcare fixes (this seems to me like a man who’s slouching toward single payer). â We have lots of household debt. â And more on the household debt. â The end of history and the failure of the Federal Reserve. â The Greek yogurt boom. â A telling result or an implicit [...]
- Investigation Finds Shell Has Dreadful Safety ...An investigation from a Scottish newspaper, the Sunday Herald, shows that Royal Dutch Shell has been censured for breaking safety rules 25 times in six years, giving it the second-worst safety record in the United Kingdom. The piece was released days after Shell closed a pipeline leak in the Nor ...
- Justiceline: August 24, 2011Welcome to Justiceline, ThinkProgress Justice’s morning round-up of the latest legal news and developments. Remember to follow us on Twitter at @TPJustice. Congratulations to Virginia Delegate Adam Ebbin who, by winning his state senate primary last night, effectively became the first openly gay ...
- Morning CheckUp: August 24, 2011HHS hopes bundling payments to providers will save money: “Much like the current system Medicare uses to pay hospitals by the diagnosis. If providers can treat a patient for less than the specified payment, they can keep the extra money as profit. If it costs them more â for example, if the pati ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Thoughts About Jack LaytonWhile I preferred the Jack Layton who held Paul Martin directly responsible for homeless deaths, to the "serious" statesman who wouldn't let his MPs heckle the war-criminal criminal moron psychopath bush II when that piece of shit slithered across our border and was making noises about addressin ...
- Oppressed People Complain Too MuchExcept for the REAL oppressed people that is: WHITE MALES Yeah, because EXCUSE ME, but First Nations peoples get to occupy buildings and land all the time, and they DON'T ALWAYS GET SHOT AND KILLED FOR IT!!! And Black People? Get a ticket on the "Clue Train": Racism was defeated in the Ame ...
- Excellent Article on European Financial CrisisAs good a source as I've yet found on the subject - Vicente Navarro: "Crisis and Class Struggle in the Eurozone" Another characteristic of this group of countries is the acceptance by the governing social democratic parties of most of the neoliberal policies pushed by the EU establishment. Th ...
- Sometimtes They Really Are Just Fucking MoronsReagan, bush II, harper, Mike Harris, Tim Hudak, Ernie Eves, John Baird, Jim Flaherty, William Kristol, Ezra Levant, and of course, Rob Ford. When you factor in the way that they get so handsomely rewarded for their services and the fact that they want government to fail in order to slash ser ...
- Socialist DucksThis essay was penned by Brian LaBreton. It was the winning entry into the Fraiser Institute's "Future 'Conservative' Hacks of Canada" contest. Brian is a second-year university student, studying economics. His parents are both high-school teachers and he hates them deeply. He also had the misfo ...
on Government Oversight
- The National Institutes of Health New Ethics R ...HASH(0xb8a0068)
- North Anna Nuclear Reactors Only Designed to W ...HASH(0xb7d4860)
- Forget Bipartisan, Think Transpartisan HASH(0xb7cc160)
- Who Authorized Document Destruction at the SEC?HASH(0xbc1e7c0)
- New NIH Rules on Conflicts of Interest: What's ...HASH(0xb583548)
Digital Journal
- NGOs: The Parasitic AltruistsSome NGOs genuinely contribute to enhancing welfare, to the mitigation of hunger, the furtherance of human and civil rights, or the curbing of disease. Others are ideologically biased, religiously-committed and, often, at the service of special interests.
- Three immigrants on Canadian wanted list now i ...Yesterday the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced three of the 31 people on its most recent most wanted list have been arrested and are awaiting deportation.
- Woman who stabbed sister given conditional dis ...A Nigerian woman who stabbed her sister while living in Canada was given a conditional discharge, with the judge taking into account the fact that a criminal record could have created immigration issues for her.
- Torontorians mourn Jack LaytonThe leader of the NDP, Jack Layton died Monday in Toronto. His death was meant with shock by many of Torontorians who had hoped that he would win his battle with cancer.
- Crystal Beach, Fort Erie hosts breast cancer f ...Ontario beach-goers were entertained Saturday by live performances, speeches from cancer survivors and multiple fashion shows, all topped off with an appearance by singer Karl Wolf.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe a ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 10 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Jack Layton: Peace ActivistJack was a friend of the peace movement, and could be counted upon to find an alternative to war and to stand up for Canadian values of co-operation and diplomacy.
- Australia’s F-35 order ‘up in the air’Australian Defence Minister Stephen Smith has warned Parliament that repeated cost increases and delays in the F-35 programme were falling out of line with limits set by the government and military planners (Australia to decide on F-35 fighter purchase in 2012: Govt, Reuters, 17 August 2011). Sm ...
- Peacekeeping contribution remains dismalCanada was once the largest single contributor to UN peacekeeping operations. Today, according to Canadians for Peacekeeping‘s third annual factsheet on Canada and UN peacekeeping, we rank 53rd among contributing countries. The ranking represents a slight drop in Canada’s position compared to la ...
- A Season of Non-Violence: 64 Ways for 64 DaysPummy Kaur, a Vancouver-based author and social justice activist, has just released a new book entitled 'A Season of Non-Violence: 64 Ways for 64 Days'.
- National Post: U.S. troubles darken cloud over ...A National Post editorial from the ninth of August raises concerns about Canada’s purchase of the F-35 amid the budgetary crisis playing out in the United States (“Editorial: U.S. Troubles darken cloud over F-35,” National Post, 9 August 2011). Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), a former naval aviat ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Johnson & Johnson Recall MORE Tylenol!July 6th, 2011 Yahoo! Finance By: Associated Press Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday announced another Tylenol recall due to a musty moldy odor linked to a trace chemical. The company’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit is recalling one product lot of Tylenol Extra Strength Caplets made in February 200 ...
- BPA Plastics Chemical Found to Feminize MalesJuly 6th, 2011 Natural News By: S.L. Baker Don’t worry, be happy. Just ignore the fact that countless researchers have warned time and time again that the chemical bisphenol A (BPA for short) is a major hormone disruptor and is a huge threat to human health. After all, we must all be safe becaus ...
- Big Pharma’s Latest Shady Ploy to Sell Depress ...July 6th, 2011 Alternet.org By: Martha Rosenberg The discovery that many people with life problems or occasional bad moods would willingly dose themselves with antidepressants sailed the drug industry through the 2000s. A good chunk of the $4.5 billion a year direct-to-consumer advertising has b ...
- The “Top 7 Diets” ExposedAn interesting story came out recently. The headline is, Top Seven Diets for 2011. Itâs put out by Consumer Reports magazine, so you know it’s going to be good because Consumer Reports doesnât take advertising dollars. Consumer Reports is always fair and honest! If Consumer Reports says it’s â ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-8-11Today, Kevin Trudeau and Dr. Andrew Wakefield join forces to expose Big Pharma and the media! Find out why Dr. Wakefield has lost his medical license, career, and country ALL because he stood by his research that links the MMR vaccine to autism and bowel disease in children. Read For Yourself: V ...
Pambazuka News
- Global: Why Haiti can't forget its pastThank you for the attention you have brought to the country of Haiti. In response to your New York Times op ed piece I wanted to widen your perspective a bit. I don't pretend to represent anyone. I've been living in Haiti since 1985. I grew up in New...
- Ekiti must hold free, fair electionsThe North America-based Ekiti Focus Group has strongly condemned election violence and intimidation in Nigeria’s Ekiti State, describing reported cases of ‘arson, maiming, ballot stuffing, ballot hijacking, and shooting’ as ‘barbaric acts’. In a statement the group called for ‘the release of tru ...
- 45 years after the assassination of Malcolm XMalcolm X was assassinated 45 years ago this weekend. Earlier this year, WNYC Radio unearthed a 1960s interview between the civil rights leader and a reporter named Eleanor Fischer. On this somber anniversary, we consider Malcolm X’s legacy through t...
- Global: US city opens doors to Cuban 5On Saturday March 13, in the auditorium of the Lavonya DeJean Middle School, in the City of Richmond California, a large number of people gathered to commemorate International Women's Day for the third consecutive year. Under the title "Women in Soli...
- Haiti: Where solidarity means survivalPerhaps more than anything today, Haiti needs a new macro-economy, one based above all on meeting the needs of its citizens. Post-earthquake economic restructuring could include equitable distribution of resources, high levels of employment with fair...
War in Context
- Libya is no Iraq – this revolution is the real ...Mohamed Salem writes: Muammar Gaddafi and his sons are now on the run, fleeing from the Libyan people, yet already the doomsayers and prophets of disaster have lined up to tell the world it isn’t worth it, that Libya is destined to go down the route of chaos and fragmentation. Libya will be ano ...
- The situation in Sinai and Egypt-Israel relationsIssandr El Amrani writes: The events of the last week or so in Sinai have been overshadowed by the current diplomatic rift and public outrage over Israel’s shooting of at least three Egyptian border guards a few days ago. The question of security and state legitimacy in the Sinai, the attack th ...
- NTC leader: ‘Free elections in eight months’Al Jazeera reports: The leader of Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) has said the new government will hold free elections within eight months and pledged to put Muammar Gaddafi on trial in the country rather than an international court. In comments published on Wednesday in Italy’s La ...
- Libya’s crumbling regime
- Libya conflict: journalists trapped in Tripoli ...The Guardian reports: Conditions have deteriorated sharply at the Rixos hotel in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, where more than 30 foreign journalists are trapped by fighting in the surrounding streets. The BBC’s Matthew Price gave a graphic account of life inside the five-star hotel close to Mu ...
Watts Up With That?
- “Apollo 18″ – possibly the w ...I suppose it has come to this. We have no manned space program anymore, Muslim outreach is a NASA priority according to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, and a recent paper from a NASA postdoc suggests aliens will kill us because … Continue reading →
- I can drive to Russia from my houseSomething I never expected, worth sharing. I wonder if they’ll have an exit for Yamal? From Slashdot, news that leads me to think that someday I’ll be able to put my car on the train in Alaska and drive it … Continue reading →
- Row to the Pole photo caption contestThe image below is from the Whisky powered Row to The Pole publicity stunt. It needs a caption. I’m sure WUWT readers will be able to provide several. My caption suggestion is below. Winner gets 1000 carbon credits in a … Continue reading →
- Imaging Hurricane IreneFrom the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center TRMM gets a look at Irene, the first hurricane of the Atlantic season The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite has been busy measuring rainfall within Hurricane Irene, and forecasts call for between 5 and … Continue reading →
- 5.9 Earthquake in VirginiaNote: USGS upgraded to 5.9 from the 5.8 preliminary estimate Between Richmond and Charlottesville (h/t Corey S) More: Magnitude 5.9 Date-Time Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 17:51:03 UTC Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 01:51:03 PM at epicenter Location 37.975°N, 77.969°W … Continue reading →
- Virginia's Earthquake-Triggered Nuclear Reacto ...Image: USGS After yesterday's earthquake on the US East Coast, two nuclear reactors at the North Anna Power Station in Louisa County, Virginia, were shut down. I know many people will have questions about what this mean (is it a routine precaution or something gone terribly wrong?), so I di ...
- California's Proposed Shark Fin Ban Divides Ch ...Photo via wikimedia creative commons We've talked about the pending legislation that would ban shark fins in California several times here on TreeHugger. Assembly Bill 376 would prohibit the sale, purchase or possession of shark fins for all but licensed fishermen in California, starting on ...
- Bill McKibben Talks Tar Sands Pipeline on Olbe ...Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Reaction To Virginia Earthquake Stronger Than ...photo: Bethany L King/CC BY-ND "Hey! Stop kicking my fuckin' bench! Stop kickin' my bench!" That's how I first noticed yesterday's 5.8 earthquake in Virginia, sitting in Tompkins Square Park eating my lunch, with an obviously disturbed homeless man trying to sleep a few benches down. My ...
- NASA Satellite Photographs Massive Phytoplankt ...Photo by NASA A NASA satellite has sent down an image of a phytoplankton bloom stretching across the Barents Sea, located north of Norway and Russia. The bloom is over 500 miles long and several hundred miles wide. While it is a common occurrence for the area during August, it is rare to ge ...
- Drug Reverses Accelerated Aging in Human CellsThe drug rapamycin has been found to reverse the effects of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a fatal genetic disease that resembles rapid aging, in cells taken from patients with the disease. Rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, has already ...
- Oxygen on the BrainAN ANCIENT CELLULAR PROGRAM to protect cells when oxygen is low seems crucial for the production of new brain cells. For more than two billion years on this planet, O2 has been the go-to gas for generating efficient cellular energy. But life on Earth never takes oxygen for granted. “When it runs ...
- A Nanotube Patch to Help Heal the Heart Researchers create carbon nanotubes that mimic natural tissue and can regenerate heart cells in a dish. A conductive patch of carbon nanotubes can regenerate heart tissue growing in a dish, according to preliminary research from Brown University. The patch, made of tiny chains of carbon atoms th ...
- Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent PreeclampsiaAn inexpensive dietary supplement appears to help prevent the serious pregnancy complication preeclampsia in high-risk women, according to a new study. But researchers say the effect in lower-risk pregnancies remains to be determined. In the study from Mexico, women who ate daily food bars conta ...
- Tiny variation in one gene may have led to cru ...The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features — the deep fissures and convolutions that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract thoughts. An international collaboration of scientists from the Yale School of Medicine and Turkey may have discovere ...
- Not much pop to corn controversy
- The icky problem of sewage treatment
- CEI's Chris Horner on White House lawsuit
- Eco-Lifestyles becoming a regular part of campus
- Interview: House Resources on Healthy Forests
Ria Novosti Online News
- N.Korea agrees gas pipeline deal and return to ...North Korean leader Kim Jong-il agreed on a deal with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday for a gas export pipeline to South Korea and said his country would return to nuclear talks without precondition.
- Medvedev calls on Ukraine to join Customs UnionRussia wants Ukraine to become a fully-fledged member of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, President Dmitry Medvedev reiterated on Wednesday.
- Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan
- Belarus wants all Russian oil delivered by pip ...Belarus has asked Moscow to send all its 2011 oil exports via pipelines to cut transport costs, a government source told Prime news agency.
- Russian and North Korean leaders find common a ...Russian and North Korean leaders Dmitry Medvedev and Kim Jong-il have agreed on an approach to the problem of North Korea's Soviet-era debt to Russia, a Russian delegation source said following a meeting between the two leaders in Russia's Buryatia region on Wednesday.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Robonaut successfully passes first test on ISSThe first human-like robot and permanent resident of the International Space Station, Robonaut 2 or R2, has successfully passed its first test, the official Rabonaut`s microblog reported on Tuesday.
- Missing satellite found off designated orbitThe Russian Express-AM4 communication satellite, missing after Thursday's launch, could not separate from the booster and was found off the designated orbit, a source in the Russian space program said on Friday.
- Russia may allocate $340 mln for new technoparksThe Russian Communications Ministry is hoping to receive an additional 9.9 billion rubles ($340 million) from the state budget for the construction of new technological clusters, Russian daily Izvestia said on Friday.
- Chinese scientists come up with plan to save E ...A group of Chinese scientists have proposed using a solar sail to prevent the possible collision of Apophis, a 46 million ton asteroid, with the Earth in 2036.
- Dalai Lama awarded honorary doctorate in EstoniaThe Dalai Lama was on Thursday awarded an honorary doctorate in Oriental Studies from the University of Tartu in Estonia.
Pruning Shears
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Marine Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson, 19, of Pace, FL.Army Spc. Joshua M. Seals, 21, of Porter, OK.Army ...
- 'No on Issue 2': Yes, GOP, this is really happ ...Last week the Ohio politics blog Plunderbund had a series of posts about the sudden and dramatic sense of desperation that had seized the right. The panic began with an editorial from the conservative Columbus Dispatch. It was so completely at odds with reality that even a casual follower of s ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Spc. Spencer C. Duncan, 21, of Olathe, KS.Army Sgt. Alexander J. Bennett, 24, of Tacoma, WA.Army ...
- Wisconsin's big union win and the growing libe ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postTuesday’s recall elections in Wisconsin were a stunning rebuke to the Republican party. As Craig Gilbert wrote back in March: “History tells us that most of the 16 recall attempts under way in Wisconsin are likely to fail. It als ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Staff Sgt. Kirk A. Owen, 37, of Sapulpa, OK.Marine Staff Sgt. Leon H. Lucas Jr., 32, of Wilson, N ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Monsanto's King Corn Takes Root in HawaiiKunai Research Farm, Oahu, Hawaii -- On a furrowed hillside suspended between alternate takes on paradise, with rugged, green mountains above and the placid waters of Pearl Harbor below, Hawaii's plantation legacy is constantly re-emerging.Click here to read this article
- 10 Faux Progressive Companies ... with Some Di ...Many of these companies have earned credibility among progressives, despite having a poor track record with the environment, sexism, union busting, monopolizing, and more. Click here to read this article
- Climate Change Will Hit Genetic DiversityClimate change represents a threat not only to the existence of individual species, but also to the genetic diversity hidden within them, researchers say. The finding promises to complicate assessments of how climate change will affect biodiversity, as well as conservationists' task in preservin ...
- Sorry, NY Times: GMOs Still Won't Save the WorldWith all due respect, Nina Federoff's New York Times op-ed reads like it was written two decades ago, when the jury was still out about the potential of the biotech industry to reduce hunger, increase nutritional quality in foods, and decrease agriculture's reliance on toxic chemicals and other ...
- As Obama Pushes for Rural Jobs, His Regulators ...When I'm not writing about food rights, I serve on the board of a small high-tech information service company that is growing quickly by serving a global market. Earlier this week, we had a board meeting -- it felt refreshing to be bouncing around ideas for increasing market share, dealing with ...
Center for a Livable Future
- Sweating the small stuff: engineered nano-mate ...Many public health hazards are too small to see. This is especially true of engineered nano-materials, or ENMs. As their name implies, these materials are small—no more than a few hundred nanometers in diameter. (For perspective, one nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or one human hair sp ...
- Dam Water in China: Water LosersAlong the Keriya River, one of twelve waterways in western China where dam construction began last year, the mood is weary and palpably tense. For those on the bank, what the dams will bring remains uncertain; what they have taken away is already great. New York Times journalist Jim Yardley writ ...
- Dam Water in China: Is It Worth It?In western China, massive dams are being built along 12 waterways. The dams are supposed to aid economic development—but experts are saying it’s likely that the dams will do more harm than good. When China pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40-45 percent of the 2005 levels at the Cop ...
- Organic Poultry Farms Brew Profoundly Fewer An ...Amy Sapkota's research confirms what has long been suspected but never documented in the U.S.—poultry growers who convert to an organic system can reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance and make an important contribution to safeguarding the health of the public.
- James Beard Leadership Awards: Recognizing Foo ...Today the James Beard Foundation named the 10 recipients of its inaugural Leadership Awards, expanding the Foundation’s focus to include game-changing pioneers who have inspired positive action to improve our country’s food system.
Investigate - Breaking News
- Reviews of Breaking Silence by Ian WishartREVIEWS OF BREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE BY IAN WISHART Firstly, we are very glad to have read it and thankful that Wishart (and King) have written it. Wishart has done the entire body politic a great deal of good....
- Climate study endorses central premise of Air ConA central premise of my book Air Con, from 2009, appears to have been validated by new peer reviewed research. My argument, which Climate Change minister Nick Smith and self-proclaimed climate expert - truffle grower Gareth Renowden, tried to challenge...
- BREAKING SILENCE: what the Coroner was not all ...FROM AN EXTRACT OF BREAKING SILENCE Published in the latest Investigate HIS/HERS magazine... What you are about to read has been described as the most controversial book ever published in New Zealand. It wasn’t supposed to be. But news sent...
- BREAKING SILENCE news releaseBREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE By Ian Wishart $39.99, Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd RELEASE DATE: Imminent Final opportunity to pre-order for delivery on Day One: www.howlingatthemoon.com The new book that shatters myths surrounding the Kahui murder case is...
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART Major bookstore chains have today been forced to cancel orders for the explosive new book on the Kahui twins murders, BREAKING SILENCE In response, Author and publisher Ian Wishart has confirmed the book will go...
My Care2 Picks
- The distorted representation of Gaza's women i ...Story of our life: the White Man (and Woman) come to Palestine to teach us about our rights, while supporting the very entity that�s continuously depriving us from them. Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Don't Know Much About History....so pathetic about the demagoguery of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck is that their understanding of history is so puerile they would be laughed off stage in civilized debateSubmitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- A Coal-tastrophe? Stop the BLM from heading us ...This time, the Bureau of Land Management has proposed to auction off more than 269 million tons of coal in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, a move that would allow the Buckskin coal mine north of Gillette to expand by more than 1,000 acres Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� ...
- How did Americans get so utterly clueless abou ...If you could just see what passes for �news� here in the USA, in both electronic and print media, you would understand American ignorance better. It is literally a 24/7 barrage of straight-faced lies, distortions, and slick disinformation delivered on Submitted by Walter L Bradley Jr to US Poli ...
- Oil Rising from Macondo Well: BP Hires Fleet o ...No, this isn�t a post from last year. Oil from the Macondo Well site is fouling the Gulf anew � and BP is scrambling to contain both the crude and the PR nightmare that waits in the wings. Reliable sources tell us that BP has hired 40 boats from Venice toSubmitted by Barbara W. to US Politics & ...
Angry Indian News
- Perú: Defensoría del Pueblo saluda aprobación ...Servindi - Perú: Defensoría del Pueblo saluda aprobación de Ley de Consulta a Pueblos Indígenas Servindi, August 23, 2011 .- The Ombudsman's office, Eduardo Vega welcomed the decision of the full... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- 55 Palestinians Injured As Army Invades Hebron ...55 Palestinians Injured As Army Invades Hebron - International Middle East Media Center: The sources stated that some of the wounded residents were hit by rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Sobre la Toma Municipalidad Ercilla por estudi ...Sobre la Toma Municipalidad Ercilla por estudiantes Mapuche de educaci�n secundaria "Ya No Queremos Militarizaci�n en Nuestras Comunidades" One of the young people who are within the municipality is... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Bolivia: “Que Evo baje a la marcha” on Qoriank ...Bolivia: “Que Evo baje a la marcha” on Qorianka Kilcher's TwitWall Servindi / Aini, August 21, 2011 .- The Indian demand that President Evo Morales to march down. This is the conclusion to... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- answercoalition.org / The Truth About the Situ ...The Truth About the Situation in Libya: By Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition [answercoalition.org] Libya is a small country of just over 6 million people but it possesses the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- TS Radio: Glenn Morton on ObamacareJoin us Tuesday evening at 8 CST! Date / Time: 08-23-11 6:00 pm PST 8:00 pm CST 9:00 pm EST “My name is Glenn Morton, and I am President of Taylor, Levi, and Associates, an insurance brokerage firm in Maryland. I have been in the health care/health insurance business for almost 20 years, working ...
- We Have Not Seen the Last of the Genetically M ...Canada will be the egg producing capitol of transgenicfrankenfishsalmoneelthings, with NO preemptive oversight from the FDA.
- Monsanto Targets ConsumersMonsanto leaps from commercial agriculture to take on the retail market with genetically engineered sweet corn designed with the consumer in mind.
- The “Non-GMO” Labeling ScamA company wants to market a product chock full of GMOs and every other thing under the sun, make it appear to be healthy, and use Non-GMO certification to sell it. So how do you do it?
- Smart Grid – The Birth of Global TechnocracySmart Grid - The Birth of Global Technocracy VIDEO - Patrick Wood
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Washington Monument top cracked by earthquakeShareThisWashington Monument top cracked by earthquake --Park service: Monument will be closed indefinitely to keep public safe 23 Aug 2011 The National Park Service says engineers have found a crack near the top of the Washington Monument presumably caused by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake that sho ...
- Defiant Gaddafi 'vows to fight'ShareThisDefiant Gaddafi 'vows to fight' --BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Tripoli: "The city erupted in gunfire". 24 Aug 2011 Col Muammar Gaddafi has vowed death or victory in the fight against "aggression", reports say, after Libyan rebels seized his Tripoli compound. Pro-Gaddafi al-Urubah TV ...
- Sharpton's RacketShareThisSharpton's Racket By Harry Siegel 17 Aug 2011 [Al Sharpton's] decision [in 2001] not to back Democrat Mark Green after he beat out Sharpton's then-ally Fernando Ferrer in a runoff for the party's nod was crucial to Michael Bloomberg's surprise win. Sharpton has kept a low profile during ...
- Fukushima homes unliveable for yearsShareThisFukushima homes unliveable for years --New data revealed unsafe levels of radiation outside 20-kilometre exclusion zone 24 Aug 2011 People who lived close to the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant are to be told their homes may be uninhabitable for decades. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Ka ...
- Romney to quadruple La Jolla mansion sizeShareThisRomney to quadruple La Jolla mansion size 20 Aug 2011 GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney, scheduled to attend a series of fundraisers this weekend in San Diego, is also working on plans to nearly quadruple the size of his $12 million oceanfront manse in La Jolla. Romney has filed an ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – ...Article continued from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of The Body Replenishing the vital mineral base We must look to children with Autism to determine the full extent of “vaccine toxicity” derived nutrient deficiencies incurred in the body. All vaccine d ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – ...Article intended to be read in conjunction with VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body The Long Road To Recovery There are unfortunately no shortcuts to restoring natural, optimal health levels in the body, no quick fix solutions ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5 – ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – ...Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; hindering the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, s ...
- VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, ...Article is intended to be read in conjunction with Part 1: VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix â A Legacy Of Shame Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury fe ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal f ...
Michael Yon
- Edvard Munch in the Marijuana PatchMy heavily armed tent mates hours before the mission. 24 August 2011 Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Task Force Spartan, 4-4Cav We live in tents.� Nice tents with air conditioning.� But not now; the electricity and air conditioning are out again and I�m sweating in a boiling ten ...
- Tracer BurnoutA Female Engagement Team (FET) at work in an Afghan compound. The notions that women should not, cannot, or do not go into combat, all are invalid. They should, they can, and they do. And here we need them. 22 August 2011 Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Task Force Spartan, 4-4Cav ...
- Battlefield Forensics The Later meeting 18 August 2011 Task Force Spartan, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan During a planning session at a sand table, numerous firefights broke out.� We were at safe distance but close enough to hear heavy volumes of machine gun, AK-47 and RPGs.� The enemy had hit three targets simult ...
- Body Bags & Speedballs Body bag drag 16 August 2011 Zhary District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan The enemy is easily resupplied.� His arteries for food and water are shorter than snake legs.�� He can buy or steal much of what he needs to fight.��� We don�t steal food or materials from locals, so we must plan for ...
- War Dogs & Veloci-Chickens in AfghanistanTask Force Spartan Pushing Deeper into Taliban Country. A canine team at rest. 15 August 2011 Zhary District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan War Puppies Friday morning I was out for a run on base and must have seen five working dogs and their handlers.� The two dogs you will see in these disp ...
The Killing Train
- Things they don't tell you about capitalism: a ...Published on ZNet Ha-Joon Chang is a development economist with a special interest in economic history. His most recent book, “23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism”, as well as previous books, have critiqued neoliberalism and laissez-faire economics. I interviewed him by telephone on A ...
- Ultraviolent conflictsBetween economic austerity and riot stories, my reading is out of sync with the headlines. I've been reading more about African conflicts, especially very recent and ongoing ones. Specifically: -Allen and Vlassenroot's book on the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. -Jason Stearns's book on the Co ...
- Numeracy alert. Gravy drain.I read Metro Today on the subway today. There was a story blaming City of Toronto staff for squandering - wait for it - up to $1 MILLION dollars in sole-sourced contracts. So, Rob Ford is right, and there is waste to be cut, eh? Except that $1 million is, for example, 1/3 of what the KPMG report ...
- The politics of economic self-destructionSorry for the hiatus. Partly I've been busy with work and life and been unable to spend as much time doing articles. Partly I am trying to train myself to not relate to the world through 2000 word articles but to have a little more variety, including longer things (ie., books), one of which I am ...
- Tories would rather shut down the CBC than ans ...This is a video that should be watched widely. These are Harper voters.
- Virginia's Earthquake-Triggered Nuclear Reacto ...Image: USGS After yesterday's earthquake on the US East Coast, two nuclear reactors at the North Anna Power Station in Louisa County, Virginia, were shut down. I know many people will have questions about what this mean (is it a routine precaution or something gone terribly wrong?), so I di ...
- California's Proposed Shark Fin Ban Divides Ch ...Photo via wikimedia creative commons We've talked about the pending legislation that would ban shark fins in California several times here on TreeHugger. Assembly Bill 376 would prohibit the sale, purchase or possession of shark fins for all but licensed fishermen in California, starting on ...
- Bill McKibben Talks Tar Sands Pipeline on Olbe ...Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Reaction To Virginia Earthquake Stronger Than ...photo: Bethany L King/CC BY-ND "Hey! Stop kicking my fuckin' bench! Stop kickin' my bench!" That's how I first noticed yesterday's 5.8 earthquake in Virginia, sitting in Tompkins Square Park eating my lunch, with an obviously disturbed homeless man trying to sleep a few benches down. My ...
- NASA Satellite Photographs Massive Phytoplankt ...Photo by NASA A NASA satellite has sent down an image of a phytoplankton bloom stretching across the Barents Sea, located north of Norway and Russia. The bloom is over 500 miles long and several hundred miles wide. While it is a common occurrence for the area during August, it is rare to ge ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Signs of change evoke mixed reactionsSigns of change evoke mixed reactions
- Lawyers seek end to persecutionA group of lawyers are to seek re-instatement with a press conference tomorrow after losing licenses as a result of representing political clients
- Prome detainees barred from having visitorsYouths held on vague charges in central Burma's Pegu division have been barred from receiving family or legal visitors as they await trial
- UN envoy attends parliamentUN rights envoy Quintana attended parliament, where he met senior regime figures ahead of a planned meeting with Suu Kyi today
- Karen state minister ambushedA convoy carrying two senior Burmese govt officials recently ambushed by the DKBA near the border town of Myawaddy
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Arctic ice cap 'near 2007 record minimum'The polar ice cap in the Arctic has melted to near its 2007 record minimum level and in some areas is 50 per cent smaller than average, Russia's environmental monitoring agency has claimed.
- Rajendra Pachauri is back to tell us: Trust meThe IPCC's chairman wants us to forget all those scandals about hockey sticks and HImalayan glaciers, writes Christopher Booker.
- Can Prof Rajendra Pachauri really survive 'Gla ...The head of the UN panel on climate change, Prof Rajendra Pachauri, is still adamant that one famously exaggerated report should not cost him his job , says Peter Stanford.
- Steve Jones tells the BBC: don't give 'deniali ...In his report for the BBC Trust, Steve Jones actually attacks Auntie for having too little global-warming bias, writes Christopher Booker.
- Horn of Africa drought: African desperationTelegraph View: In the 1980s rich nations reacted far too slowly to mass starvation in Ethiopia. The same mistake must not be repeated.
National Geographic | Environment
- Rare Earthquake Hits Virginia, Rattles U.S. Ea ...The magnitude 5.8 earthquake that struck Virginia today was a rare but significant event for the region, an expert says.
- Hurricane Irene Headed for U.S. East CoastA strengthening Hurricane Irene could make landfall on the North Carolina coast this weekend as a major hurricane, experts say.
- Is Canadian Oil Bound for China Via Pipeline t ...In a global economy, sending more Canadian oil to Texas could be a modern silk route, a “Tar Sands Road” to China, economist says.
- Pictures: Huge Dust Storm Swallows PhoenixNoneSee the dust fly as the Phoenix area gets hit by its third major dust storm, or haboob, since early July.
- A Quest to Clean Up Canada's Oil Sands CarbonThe first large-scale effort to capture carbon dioxide emissions in the Canadian oil sands is moving closer to reality, but costs are high.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Thailand court acquits ex-wife of ex-PM Thaksin[JURIST] A Thai court on Wednesday acquitted Pojamarn Shinawatra [JURIST news archive], the ex-wife of former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra [BBC profile; JURIST news archive], overturning a tax evasion conviction. Shinawatra was convicted of tax evasion [JURIST report] in July 2008 for ...
- ICC ends first war crimes trial[JURIST] The International Criminal Court (ICC) [official website] on Wednesday concluded its first war crimes trial after two years. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) militia leader Thomas Lubanga [ICC materials; BBC profile] was taken into ICC custody in March 2006, becoming the first DRC war ...
- UN rights expert urges Thailand to combat huma ...[JURIST] UN Special Rapporteur on human trafficking Joy Ngozi Ezeilo [official profile] on Monday urged the government of Thailand to improve measures to combat human trafficking [press release], as well as protect the rights of migrant workers. The trafficking trade in Thailand is predominantly ...
- Federal judge rules music file-sharing site li ...[JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York [official website] on Monday ruled [opinion, PDF] that a music file-sharing site could be held liable for contributory copyright infringement. EMI [corporate website], along with a number of record companies and mus ...
- Liberia constitutional referendum ballot error ...[JURIST] The National Election Commission (NEC) [official website] of Liberia distributed defective paper ballots for Liberia's constitutional referendum Tuesday. Liberians were slated to vote today [Front Page Africa report] on four constitutional amendments, including a provision to change the ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Washington Wants to Avoid Default, but It Can' ...With time running out, lawmakers still haven't crafted any bill that can raise the debt limit. Will they manage to pass one by Aug. 2? APThe aspirations don't match the situation.To hear them talk, the White House and every key player on Capitol Hill wants to avoid the first-ever default ...
- Boehner: Tough to Revive Bipartisan 'Humpty Du ...The House Speaker said Republicans would press ahead with their own proposal should Obama continue to reject a two-tier plan With Asian markets set to deliver a verdict within hours on the U.S. debt crisis, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said on ...
- Progress Toward a Debt Deal?With the clock ticking down to the reopening of the markets, Congressional leaders try to patch together a two-step agreement ...
- Let Them Eat Cake Alive & Well in Beverly HillsI love Los Angeles (I know -- few seem to want to admit it), but I love Washington, DC more. I love DC's intrigue and policy banter -- the passionate debates about Israel and Palestine, about nuclear vs. renewables, about Grover Norquist vs. big government Republicans (& MoveOn), about whethe ...
- How to Be a Right-Leaning JournalistA libertarian guide for young reporters tells us how media, ideological or otherwise, should work in the digital age With the rise of ideological journalism over the past decade, a period when opinionated bloggers, Web journalists, and muckraking activists have changed the face of the profess ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans cl ...
Tikun Olam
- Israel’s Channel 10 Tzinor Layla Interview on ...Israel’s Tzinor Layla (Nightline) interviewed me this morning for their lead story about the Eilat terror attack. They devoted three minutes to my debunking of the Israeli government claim (rapidly dissolving for those of you who read the post I published a few hours ago) that the Eilat attack ...
- Of Sycophants and Stenographers: Carrying Wate ...Of ships and shoes and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings. –Jabberwocky The journalists which Israeli military-intelligence circles are employing to cover their sins involving the Eilat terror attack and its aftermath are certainly not kings, though they might be cabbages. Â They are sycophants ...
- Were Eilat Attackers Egyptian?Before I get into this post, I want to make clear that I’m reporting based on a story in the Egyptian media. Â So I don’t know how reliable the source is or the information reported. Â But the idea that Egyptians may’ve perpetrated the Eilat attack is intriguing and worth entertaining. Al Masry ...
- As Qadafi Falls, What Next?As the Qadafi regimes slowly crumbles there are many questions to ask about what comes next both there and in the broader region. Â What will be the nature of the government which takes over from the former dictator? Â Will it be a tolerant one? Â Will it be democratic or at least more inclusive ...
- Shabak Blames IDF for Eilat Terror AttackUntil yesterday night, I thought I knew or understood most of the facts of the Eilat terror attack.  That changed with Anshel Pfeffer’s article in Haaretz (Hebrew) which reveals a huge fissure developing between Shabak and the IDF over the terror incident.  Israel’s intelligence service claim ...
If Americans Knew
- Denying Nazi-Zionist collusion: The Sacramento ...In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn't cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn't include a response from the flier's authors.
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
David J. Gregory
- Help to overcomeSIGLER/Chronicle David Gregory has a condition that causes him to need a van equipped with a chair lift so he can access it from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. The van he currently uses is in poor shape, so he is in need of a new van. Friends have opened a bank account to [...]
- USA PATRIOT Act: The Myth of a Secure European ...The U.S. is home to the world's largest technology companies, offering cloud services from simple storage to complex web applications to users across the world. But data held even in European datacenters, protected by strict European data laws, may still be vulnerable to inspection by U.S. autho ...
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PLEASE REPOSTby David Gregory on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 1:56pm For those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years [...]
- My PredicamentFor those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years of service. Unfortunately, because I work I do not quali ...
- High Time in the Old town TONIGHT, MAYBE/O.K., most of you have heard of all the doomsayers that have been around the last few years and all have heard in one form, or another, about the 2012 Mayan prophecy, so you put it all in a sack and shake it up. What do you get? Well, whether, or not, any of these [...]
Unsuitable Blog
- The Consumer Culture Will Never Be ConvictedNovember 28, 2008: As the recession really started to bite in the Western world, something was stirring in the minds of people across the USA. Black Friday, that time of year when, traditionally, retail businesses move from being in the “red” to being in the “black”, had taken on a Pavlovian sig ...
- London 2012: Crass, Commercial and Completely ...The Olympic Charter reads as follows: Fundamental Principles of Olympism 1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of eff ...
- Why So Few Unsuitablogs?I’ve been looking at the main page at pondering on the lack of recent posts. There is a reason for this – not the pondering, but the lack of posts – and it stems from the tension that arises between the part of an activist that writes about what is going on with the world [...]
- Money for Nothing and Your Soul for FreeWe, the media and I, have an interesting relationship. They leave me alone for the most part, and I give them hell because for the most part they are an industry dedicated to anti-life propaganda. Sometimes, though, they will contact me for a quote, an interview and some advice on how to keep th ...
- Lush’s Dirty Laundry [by Cory Morningstar]In an unlikely alliance, Lush Cosmetics joins the Indigenous Environmental Network against the Canadian tar sands. The Lush campaign targets the tar sands, yet the CEO of Lush fails to target his own family’s dynasty built on the continued exploration of oil, gas and mining. Today, the environme ...
Subalternate Reality
- Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: âWhen a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.â I wasnât commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to describe the s ...
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlanticâs Jeffrey Goldberg â one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq â has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement thatâs taken over the streets of Egypt. âI support democratization, but,â he cautions, âthe democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
- All That Happens In The Middle East Can’ ...Uncertainly rules the day in Tunisia. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the countryâs strong-armed and authoritarian ruler since 1987, is in Saudi Arabia while the interim government struggles to restore some semblance of order. âConfusion, fear and horror in Tunisia as old regime’s militia carries on ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- NextDrop Tackles Water Availability Issues in ...In Western countries, we take it for granted that we have access to clean water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At our fingertips is water that is plentiful enough to run our washing machines, warm enough for a hot shower, and safe enough to drink. In much of the developing world, however, this s ...
- Mobile Tech Brings Hope to Children in Zimbabwe In Zimbabwe, it's common for people to receive information over their mobile phones rather than using email or the Internet. That's why Kubatana, a non-profit that aims to improve the accessibility of human rights and civic information in Zimbabwe, teamed up with Freedom Fone to broaden access t ...
- Public Lab Helps Communities Do 'Civic Science ...Recently, a resident of Plaquemines Parish, La., made a striking comment to me about the importance of local involvement and knowledge in post-disaster projects: Listen to the people that have been down here, lived here, fished here, and camped here their whole entire lives and even their pa ...
- An Inside Look at Stroome's Metamorphosis in T ...If you've used Stroome, our collaborative video remixing site, in the last few weeks, you will have noticed, and hopefully enjoyed, a complete redesign of the site. User flow has now been streamlined, and the embedded community and collaborative elements make the process a lot more fun: ...
- With The Tiziano Project, Citizen Media Evolves In 2006, the phrase "community journalism" was exploding as a possible savior for the journalism industry (similar to the much-hyped hyper-local journalism today). Somewhere along the way, however, the concept got washed over by a sea of organizations simply distributing Flip Video cameras a ...
Cutting Edge News
- Europe on Edge - Growth of Islamistan in Europ ...Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of "no-go" areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims.Many of the "no-go" zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are ...
- Israelis and Palestinians - Defensible Borders ...Events in Israel over the past week have a “back to the future” vibe. Terrorism from over the Egyptian border, renewed rocket attacks from Gaza, threats of violence from the Palestinian Authority and Hezbollah, continuing violence in Syria and shock waves in Jordan all are reminders that ultimat ...
- The Battle for Libya - Libyan Rebels’ Immediat ...Since Libyan National Transitional Council forces entered the capital city, the council’s two top officials have issued statements to remind the rebels that victory is not assured. Though the rebel council has announced the end of the Moammar Gadhafi era, it also continues to warn that areas of ...
- Africa on Edge - Resolving Hunger in the Horn ...As the food crisis across the Horn of Africa is intensifying, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will help thousands of Somali refugees in northeast Kenya by providing critical services in the soon-to-be opened Kambioos extension to the Dadaab refugee camp. CRS is making a five-year commitment to wo ...
- The 2012 Vote - Approval Rating for Congress H ...Americans' approval of Congress tied an all-time low in a new Gallup poll released on August 16, underscoring the sour opinion facing lawmakers during their August recess. Just 13 percent of U.S. adults said they approve of the way Congress is handling its job, tying a previous low point set in ...
High Country News
- River rafting -- no car requiredHow to enjoy a summer raft trip, fossil-fuel-free.
- The Taj Mahal, the pyramids - and HCN? Summer visitors; corrections and clarifications.
- Idaho: The CAFO state?Idaho rolls out the welcome mat for chicken farms and other huge livestock operations.
- The casual violence of drivingWe seldom notice the animals killed by today's fast-moving cars, unless we're traveling slowly, on a bicycle.
- Invasion of the feral pigsFeral pigs are invading the West, but New Mexico's biologists are working hard to stop them.
- Set Title HereEnter Text Here
- Fear And Loathing In The Housing Market- The G ...By William HicksContinuing the recent run of bad economic news, an S&P/Case Shiller report on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. home prices in most major markets have resumed falling after stabilizing for a couple of years
- Disastrous US Jobs Report Points To Deepening ...By Barry GreyUS payrolls grew by a paltry 54,000 in May and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percent since March, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department
- A State For JewsBy William James Martin Why are we providing almost incalculable support and sustenance to a state - Israel- which is a state for Jews, and exclusively for Jews, at the expense of the indigenous native Palestinians
- Israelis Rush For Second PassportsBy Franklin Lamb Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue. A 2008 s ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young people. ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. � Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber � Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The main thing o ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out:Â http://forusa.org/fall-2010-renewing-movement Rhetoric and Re ...
Yid With Lid
- Congressional Racial Agitators Ramp Up Their ...There is no other way to put it Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) were joined by other prominent African Americans to spew some vile racist charges against the tea party.� The jobs fair run by the CBC previously featured Congresswoman Maxine Waters telling the tea ...
- The Rick Perry Secession Myth-He Never Advocat ...One claim that has been pushed by progressives is that Rick Perry suggested that Texas secede from the union.� Like many many progressive memes, that simply is not the truth but a liberal spin on what came out of the Texas governor's mouth. The rumors began with a grain of truth, after a ...
- A Tale of Two Arab Intellectuals: Treasuring o ...By Barry Rubin In a real sense, there was more intellectual freedom in the Arabic-speaking world in 1930 or 1940 then there is today. Long years of nationalist dictatorship have been more repressive than the oligarchical democracies of the pre-1952 (the year an Egyptian military coup br ...
- Newsbusted Exclusive: Obama To Register Illega ...The earthquake felt in Washington DC earlier today had nothing to do with the movement of the tectonic plates.� It was the reaction of concerned American voters who were about to have their individual votes watered down thanks to President Obama's new program for illegal aliens. Learn all about ...
- Obama Approval Hits New LOW In Both Rasmussen ...It seems as if President Obama's bus tour and divisive political message isn't doing him much good, in the latest Rasmussen three day rolling approval poll, his approval index hit a new low -26.� Gallup has Obama's approval sinking to a new low 38%. The Rasmussen approval index compares vot ...
The Real Agenda
- Pregnant Women Being Dosed with Chemotherapyby Christina Luisa NaturalNews.com August 24, 2011 In the world of medicine, the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs is widely known. They make your hair fall out, after all, and that’s on top of the muscle wasting, vomiting and overall health deterioration that chemo drugs admittedly produce. But no ...
- NATO, US Wars Successfully Drive Chinese OutAFP August 23, 2011 China’s largest oil and gas producer has shut down six major projects in war-torn Libya, Syria and other restive nations because of political instability, state media said Tuesday. The decision came as Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi’s regime appeared close to collapse after reb ...
- Corporate Media, NATO Psy-op in Libya CollapsesTony Cartalucci Infowars.com August 23, 2011 Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign followed by NATO special forces on the ground supporting mobs of US/UK/French/Qatari backed Al Qaeda thugs which swarmed Tripol ...
- Ron Paul beats Obama among Independents – ...The Texas Congressman is virtually tied with Obama when faced against the incumbent as the Republican candidate. Gallup August 22, 2011 President Barack Obama is closely matched against each of four possible Republican opponents when registered voters are asked whom they would support if the 201 ...
- Intelligence Agency Rejects Osama Murder in Pa ...Stratfor disputes OBL killing in Abbottabad The Nation August 22, 2011 Globally recognised intelligence and forecast STRATFOR has rejected the US Central Intelligence Agency claim that the man killed in Abbottabad’s compound by US Naval SEALs was al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. This was one of t ...
Wind Watch
- Perth and Kinross planning chief intervenes to ...The furious windfarm row which has divided a Fife town has escalated after a neighbouring local authority waded in. For months, residents of Newburgh have been at loggerheads over proposals to create a “community windfarm” on local land. Now Perth and Kinross Council has entered the debate, expr ...
- Hepburn wind farm: local doctor speaks outA local doctor has spoken out publicly for the first time after treating patients for symptoms associated with living near wind turbines. Dr Andja Mitric-Andjic, who practises in Daylesford, said she had treated at least two local patients for sleep deprivation, and spoken with others living nea ...
- Judge orders wind company’s tower to toppleFAIRFIELD TWP., Mich. � A 262-foot tower set up last fall to monitor weather for a potential wind energy project must come down, a judge ruled Monday. The tower built by Orisol Energy U.S. Inc. is in violation of Fairfield Township zoning ordinances, ruled Lenawee County Circuit Judge Margaret M ...
- Environment ministry memo puts wind under wing ...GUELPH � Opponents of wind farms proposed for Wellington County have more ammunition to use in their fight. A freedom of information request filed by Wind Concerns Ontario revealed a concerning memo written by Cameron Hall, a senior environmental officer in the Ontario Ministry of the Environmen ...
- Celebrations as wind farm plan is droppedVillagers are celebrating after an energy giant confirmed to the Advertiser that it had halted plans for a massive wind farm on their doorstep. The news ends almost 10 years of uncertainty for residents in Abbots Bromley and Marchington who have fought bitterly against the plans for a developmen ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a C ...
- About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (:Submitted by Evelyn J. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- Which Strategy Really Ended the Great Depression?“World War II got us out of the Great Depression.” Many people said that during the war, and some still do today. The quality of American life, however, was precarious during the war. Food was rationed, luxuries removed, taxes high, and work dangerous. A recovery that does not make—as Robert Hig ...
- Taylorism, Progressivism, and Rule by ExpertsThe Progressive movement at the turn of the twentieth century—the doctrine from which the main current of modern liberalism developed—is sometimes erroneously viewed as an “anti-business” philosophy. It was anti-market to be sure, but by no means necessarily anti-business. Progressivism was, mor ...
- A Tale of Two SituationsOnce upon a time selling a chicken was fraught with few if any legal implications. Remodeling a shed was equally simple from a regulatory standpoint. Today, however, we live in more enlightened times. Protected from our wayward desires by an empowered bureaucracy, we can rest easier knowing that ...
- Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an IdeaIt has always been hard to pin down just what “conservatism” stands for, what with people of such widely divergent views as Barry Goldwater, Jerry Falwell, and both George Bushes described by that term. The relatively recent addition to the political lexicon of “neoconservatism” complicates matt ...
- The Struggle to Limit Government: A Modern Pol ...Today’s most crucial policy battles are about federal spending and the scope of government power. Cato Institute scholar John Samples reminds us in this book that those battles have their origins in the Progressive era, the New Deal, and the Great Society. Early in the twentieth century Herbert ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- 5,000 followers on TwitterSure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a little thrill when the zeros turn over. The screen capture above is from yesterday, July 31, 2011. See my recent posts about Twitter and journalism. Sure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a litt ...
- 6 Proposals for Journalism Education TodayI’ve spent a huge amount of time this year thinking about and working on journalism curriculum. From developing and teaching a four-week program to train journalism educators in Africa in the practice of online journalism, to helping with a major overhaul of the undergraduate curriculum in my o ...
- Getting a journalism degree, getting a journal ...This is an endorsement I like to see: I have never once regretted studying journalism. And I am not alone. That comes from Elana Zak, writing at 10,000 Words on June 24. According to her post, she received a journalism degree in June 2007, got a job three months later, and has “been gainfully ...
- Journalists, take another look at TumblrFor a long time I had trouble appreciating Tumblr, but I think I finally understand its strengths — and I must not be the only one. Tumblr is now one of the top 25 websites in the U.S., according to data from Quancast, as reported in a new article at TechCrunch. It gets close to 5,000 pagevie ...
- Branding: Should journalists build a personal ...If you’re teaching journalism today, you must be aware of the discussion that surrounds branding. If you’re a young journalist, or someone planning to enter the field of journalism, you need to understand what personal branding means. On June 23, Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten wrote ...
Facing South
- Earthquake scare at Virginia nuclear plant com ...The scare over the impact the Aug. 23 earthquake in Virginia had on Dominion's North Anna nuclear station underscores the seismic risks facing the U.S. nuclear industry -- and it raises urgent questions about federal regulators' reluctance to promptly implement the lessons of Japan's Fukushima d ...
- Gov. Rick Perry flunks civil rights lesson in ...Each presidential election, Republicans declare that this could be the year they might win over African-American voters, or at least enough to tip the balance in key battleground states. But if surging White House hopeful Gov. Rick Perry of Texas ends up clinching the GOP nomination, he may hav ...
- Katrina Pain Index 2011: Race, Gender, PovertyBy Bill Quigley and Davida Finger Six years ago, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. The impact of Katrina and government bungling continue to inflict major pain on the people left behind. It is impossible to understand what happened and what still remains without considering race, gender, ...
- Union members carrying the banner in Virginia, ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South Time for another Labor South round-up: Verizon workers in Virginia join walkout Virginia workers are among the 45,000 employees of Verizon Communication who have staged a walkout stretching from the mid-Atlantic states to Maine to protest a company that pays i ...
- Is oil still leaking from BP's Gulf disaster site?There is growing concern on the Gulf Coast that oil is rising again from BP's Macondo well, site of last year's catastrophic Deepwater Horizon spill, with reports of oil sightings in the area confirmed last week during aerial surveillance by a team from Louisiana's Gulf Restoration Network. On ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Morocco: All Hail the (Democratic) KingMorocco's recent constitutional referendum is not only being welcomed by the people, but could set an example across the Arab region in terms of the potential of reform.
- North Africa and E.U. Energy SecurityGiven the energy dependence of European countries on North African and Middle Eastern states, financial consequences of further upheavals in the Arab world could be global and deep.
- Living with Disabilities in UgandaThe plight of persons with disabilities in Uganda and other parts of Africa is exacerbated by the fact that PWD are discriminated against and not protected by the law.
- Women's Struggle in Sierra LeoneThe struggle for equal opportunities for women in all aspects of Sierra Leone's socio-economic life is as crucial for our country's future as it is for women.
- South Sudan: Safeguarding IndependenceThe world's newest nation has reason to look positively as its future, but South Sudan must work hard to safeguard its hard-won independence.
Telegraph UK - oil
- North Sea oil spill is worst in a decadeAn oil spill from a Shell platform has become the worst in the North Sea in a decade, it was disclosed last night.
- Hope for motorists as oil price tumblesDrivers can finally expect some relief at the petrol pump, after the price of oil dropped sharply.
- Oil refinery blast: Chevron site has excellent ...The safety record at the Chevron oil refinery in Pembroke has been praised following the fire and explosion which killed four contractors.
- Petrol retailers told to help motorists as oil ...Petrol retailers are under pressure to cut the cost of motoring after oil prices plummeted on the world market.
- Chris Huhne needs a lesson in economicsPlundering the profits from North Sea oil will only hold back Britain's recovery, argues Jeremy Warner.
Ian Welsh
- Austerity killsOn Friday, four people died in flash flooding in Pittsburgh. Those deaths were preventable as the road that they were on is a known flood basin and the road most likely had blocked storm drains. Storm drains, especially drains at the bottom of a collection area will get blocked up with dirt, sa ...
- Austerity killsOn Friday, four people died in flash flooding in Pittsburgh. Those deaths were preventable as the road that they were on is a known flood basin and the road most likely had blocked storm drains. Storm drains, especially drains at the bottom of a collection area will get blocked up with dirt, sa ...
- RIP, Jack Layton, Federal New Democratic Party ...If you haven’t heard, Jack died of cancer. I only saw him in person once, at a Toronto council meeting back when he was a city councilor, but he impressed me at the time as one of only three councilors who showed decent respect to the citizens giving testimony. I didn’t know then, and don’t ...
- RIP, Jack Layton, Federal New Democratic Party ...If you haven’t heard, Jack died of cancer. I only saw him in person once, at a Toronto council meeting back when he was a city councilor, but he impressed me at the time as one of only three councilors who showed decent respect to the citizens giving testimony. I didn’t know then, and don’t ...
- The Next President of the USNot that my track record on Presidential predictions is all that good, but I’m laying odds it’s Rick Perry.
Media Consortium
- Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile Usability | ...Mobile applications are important for providing users with an alternate means of accessing your web page, as well as keeping connected anywhere and at any time. The programs are an integral part of staying competitive within your market, so they should be created wisely.
- 1.4 million fans can’t be wrong: NPR’s Faceboo ...But Carvin also emphasized the importance of audience expectations. “They still see our site as mainly dedicated to consuming news,” he said. Facebook, on the other hand, is a web venue in which people are used to chatting with their family and friends. ..NPR’s Facebook page is a complement to, ...
- The Newsonomics of 2011 news metrics to watch ...
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvi ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenome ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many mo ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world po ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Alleged assassin of Iranian physicist pleads g ...Majid Jamali-Fashi appeared in a Tehran court today to plead guilty to the assassination of Masoud Alimohammadi, a particle physicist at the University of Tehran who was killed by a bomb explosion on 12 January 2010. The Guardian says that: Jamali-Fashi confessed to having attached a remo ...
- Earthquake shakes eastern United StatesVibrations from a major earthquake in rural Virginia rattled residents across much of the Eastern United States today, prompting evacuations of many buildings in Washington DC, New York and Boston. Ivan Semeniuk from Nature's Washington DC bureau, snapped this image of evacuees on Pennsylvania A ...
- Iberian Lynx proves that low genetic diversity ...Posted on behalf of Lee Sweetlove A recent paper in Nature Climate Change suggests that global warming will cause substantial loss of genetic diversity amongst species (see 'Climate change will hit genetic diversity'). This is generally considered to be a bad thing – genetic variation is the ...
- Starling waves help flocks flummox falconsHigh speed video studies of the spectacular synchronised movements of starling flocks have confirmed that ‘waves’ that ripple through these huge aggregations of birds (seen here in an unrelated video) are an effective anti-predator response. Despite suspicions that waves in bird flocks are tr ...
- NASA funds technology development for future s ...NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist has has announced three space propulsion missions to develop technology that might be used on future science probes, at a combined cost to the US taxpayer of $175 million. The three missions are: A demonstration in which lasers will be used to commun ...
new geography
- Inside The SinosphereAvis Tang, a cool, well-dressed software company executive, lives on the glossy frontier of China’s global expansion. From his perch amid tower blocks of Tianfu Software Park on the outskirts of the Sichuan capital of Chengdu, the 48-year-old graduate of Taiwan’s National Institute of the ...
- What Does Rick Perry Have To Do With Texas' Su ...You don’t have to like Rick Perry or his sometimes scary neo-confederate politics to admire what has been happening in Texas over the past decade. Rather than trashing the state in order to demean its governor, perhaps the mainstream media should be thinking about what the Lone Star’s su ...
- Megabus – King of the RoadIn recent years there’s been a resurgence in intercity bus travel, driven by the rise of low cost, non-stop service linking tier one cities like New York, Chicago, and Washington, DC with other regional hubs in their surrounding areas. This is a lively and diverse market, particularly on the ea ...
- From China’s Interior, A Step Back in Time, A ...In the China of the 21th century, the one where all is about reckless growth, competition and the inevitable slide down into vicious consumerism of colossal proportions, there is still a big portion of it that has not caught up with the craze and preserves its most traditional qualities almo ...
- Dulles Metrorail Silver Line Vs Bus Rapid TransitLong overdue rapid transit service from Washington DC to Dulles airport is now under construction. The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project, known as the Silver Line, may seem like it was an obvious choice as a way to improve the region's public transportation. Construction began in March 2009, a ...
GM Watch
- ConAgra sued over GMO '100% Natural' cooking oilsEXTRACT: Ironically, the complaint cites a definition of GMOs by none other than Monsanto, the company most notorious for its promotion of the technology. According to Monsanto, GMOs are: "Plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally their ...
- Deregulated approach to GM crops 'deeply flawed'NOTE: For more on Prof Jones: http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Jonathan_Jones EXTRACT: The notion that the already inadequate checks and balances [on GM] should be further weakened by smoothing the pathway to approval of GM crops should be seen for what it is: somewhat cynical and entirely s ...
- Deregulated approach to GM crops 'deeply flawed'NOTE: For more on Prof Jones: http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/Jonathan_Jones EXTRACT: The notion that the already inadequate checks and balances [on GM] should be further weakened by smoothing the pathway to approval of GM crops should be seen for what it is: somewhat cynical and entirely s ...
- GM firms pin their hopes on India's BRAI bill1.Protesters opposing the BRAI bill arrested 2.Agri-biotech firms pin their hopes on the BRAI Bill VIDEO: Peaceful protesters against the BRAI bill arrested at Parliament House: http://t.co/AWwMMUz TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition against the BRAI bill: http://t.co/3H9EWvW Over 57,000 people fr ...
- GM firms pin their hopes on India's BRAI bill1.Protesters opposing the BRAI bill arrested 2.Agri-biotech firms pin their hopes on the BRAI Bill VIDEO: Peaceful protesters against the BRAI bill arrested at Parliament House: http://t.co/AWwMMUz TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition against the BRAI bill: http://t.co/3H9EWvW Over 57,000 people fr ...
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn: a modern-day scapegoatIn the past, backward villagers would invest a goat with the sins of the village and then cast it out. Feminists tried the same trick with DSK.
- Health and safety gone mad? Don’t blame us!The Health and Safety Executive loves peddling the myth that it isn’t to blame for our risk-averse culture.
- The tyranny of parental determinismThe Lib-Con government is using junk neuroscience to claim that bad parenting causes all of society’s ills.
- Cameron’s cure will make society sickerThe PM's post-riots promise of more intervention into troubled families is mad – it is precisely such intervention that devastated parental authority.
- A hole in more than a windscreenWhat an act of petty vandalism on a Salford estate reveals about British society after the recent riots.
- UK PMs Internet Censorship Insinuation Receive ...Via: ZeroPaid: You know your internet censorship plans are too strict when China praises you for it. I’ll say this right off the bat, if someone told me one month ago that I would end up writing a headline like that, I would have told them they were insane. I am simply stunned that it [...]
- Hugo Chavez Orders $11 Billion of Gold Home Fr ...Via: Bloomberg: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’ institutions such as the Bank of England as the metal rises to record levels behind a weakening U.S. dollar. Venezuela, which holds 211 tons of its 365 ...
- Single Seat Electric Vehicle Sets 1,000 Miles- ...Via: PhysOrg: An experimental electric vehicle called “Schluckspecht” (“boozer,” or “tippler” in German) has set the record for achieving the longest drive in a battery-powered vehicle on a single battery charge. Its record-breaking distance was 1,013.8 miles (1,631.5 km). The trip lasted 36 hou ...
- Long Beach Police Department Claims Authority ...The U.S. horror show is plumbing new depths of fascism now. This one will definitely cause you to skip a beat. Even I had to pause and re-read this one in disbelief. Via: Long Beach Post: Police Chief Jim McDonnell has confirmed that detaining photographers for taking pictures “with no apparent ...
- Who—and What—Are Behind the “ ...I just included a tiny piece of this. Click through, but be ready to for a lengthy and careful meditation on total absurdity of this fabricated spectacle. Via: Who What Why: The establishment media just keep getting worse. They’re further and further from good, tough investigative journalism, an ...
The Economic Collapse
- Wake Up America! 10 Very Obvious Reasons Why T ...Do you have friends, neighbors and relatives that can't find work? Well, unfortunately the current U.S. jobs famine is about to get a whole lot worse. Right now there are approximately 13.9 million unemployed Americans. That does not count those that "are not looking for work ...
- Bad NewsThe bad news about the economy just keeps rolling in. If this is an economic recovery, what in the world is the next "recession" going to look like? Today there was another huge truckload of bad economic news. The stock market had another 400 point "correction", applications ...
- 20 Signs That The World Could Be Headed For An ...If you thought that 2011 was a bad year for the world economy, just wait until you see what happens in 2012. The U.S. and Europe are both dealing with unprecedented debt problems, the financial markets are flailing about wildly, austerity programs are being implemented all over ...
- 16 Statistics Which Prove That The American Pe ...According to a whole host of polls and surveys, the American people are incredibly angry right now. The American people are hopping mad at the government, the American people are hopping mad about the economy and the American people are hopping mad about the direction that this ...
- 10 Signs That Economic Riots And Civil Unrest ...You should let the video footage of the wild violence that just took place in London burn into your memory because the same things are going to be happening all over the United States as the economy continues to crumble. We have raised an entire generation of young people with ...
- Desertification Field Practices, a new group o ...One can find a huge amount of information on desertification, drought and poverty on the internet. Unfortunately, there is no particular site where interested people can find a collection of the existing best practices, the success stories, methods and techniques … Continue reading →
- The intricacy of the water situation in the Mi ...Read at : http://www.greenprophet.com/2011/08/infographic-water-middle-east/ Water & The Middle East At A Glance (Infographic) Arwa Aburawa This infographic by Carboun tells you everything you ever wanted to know about water and the Middle East but couldnât be bothered to read Building … Continu ...
- Agriculture’s contribution to poverty re ...Read at : http://www.eldis.org/go/display&type=Document&id=58915?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+eldis-agriculture+%28Eldis+Agriculture%29 Agricultural Growth and Investment Options for Poverty Reduction in Malawi Authors: S. Benin; J. Thurlow; X. Diao Publisher: Inter ...
- The complexities of the global land-grab pheno ...Read at : http://www.worldwatch.org/node/8674?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+worldwatch%2Fall+%28Worldwatch+Institute%29 âLand Grabsâ in Agriculture: Fairer Deals Needed to Ensure Opportunity for Locals Worldwatchâs Nourishing the Planet team examines the complexities ...
- A United Nations-European Union initiative to ...Read at : http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=39222&Cr=Togo&Cr1= UN-backed investment to help poor farmers in Togo almost doubles its returns A United Nations-European Union initiative to help Togo cope with high food prices and bad weather by providing seeds, fertilizers and other inpu ...
The Paper Trail
- Since 9/11, Koch Industries has fought against ...Corporate Accountability Koch argues that tough restrictions on petrochemicals aren’t necessary because there hasn’t been a terrorist attack here since 9/11 Koch plant in Texas AP Koch Industries, a leader of industry resistance to proposed post-9/11 anti-terrorism safeg ...
- Romney fundraiser jumps from campaign to super PACPolitics Mitt Romney, GOP presidential candidate Mary Schwalm/AP Top Romney campaign fundraiser Steve Roche has jumped to Restore Our Future to help spearhead the Super PAC’s multimillion-dollar fundraising operation, in another sign of synergies between the campaign an ...
- What's it like living near a chemical plant?Corporate Accountability Help inform our reporting through the Public Insight Network Pat Sullivan/The Associated Press A new investigation from iWatch News has found that Koch Industries, a leader of industry resistance to proposed anti-terrorism safeguards at chemical p ...
- Judge rules in favor of military retirees who ...Debt Deception? Dr. Louis Kroot and his wife, Kathie, of Lexington, Kentucky signed over his U.S. Navy pension to Structured Investments for eight years in exchange for nearly $92,000 to pay urgent bills. � Lee P. Thomas for iWatch News� On Aug.
- What are the risks of an earthquake beneath a ...Energy Event underscores delay by NRC in revising understated seismic risks to nuclear plants Indian Point nuclear power plant's containment silos rise above the skyline along the Hudson River.� Julie Jacobson / Associated Press The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said two ...
- Jack Layton’s bequest to the WestBy Frank Moher As God's cruel jokes go, this one's a doozy. Jack Layton, having built the NDP into the Official Opposition and created a sense of hope for the resurgence of a genuine left in Canada, one that would keep the right from running roughshod over the poor, the middle-class, ...
- Is CSIS replaying the Arar card?By Alison@Creekside A leaked 2004 CSIS report from LaPresse on Thursday purports to be a summary of a conversation between Abousfian Abdelrazik and Adil Charkaoui in 2000 in which they plotted to blow up an airplane enroute between Montreal and France. It has already been enthusiasticall ...
- Designer Wormsby Eric Pettifor Remember all those episodes of the various Star Treks where characters were genetically altered, either willingly or unwillingly, by some means or other? It would happen within the course of a single episode and be neatly fixed at the end, with a hypo from the lovely Dr. ...
- Hinkle, Lilley, Mammoliti: So much Con Klown b ...By Montreal Simon Oh dear. What a dilemma eh? I just created my very own Con Klown Hypocrisy Award. But now I can't seem to decide who is this week's winner. So please help me out . Here are the candidates in no particular order: (1) PHILLIP HINKLE, the 64-year old Republican State ...
- The Star and The Mark: open for shillingBy Shannon Rupp The Toronto Star just announced that you can’t trust a thing you read on their website -- although that’s not quite the way they phrased it. Canada’s largest daily has joined forces with TheMarkNews.com, one of those free blogger sites, to acquire a small army of unpaid "commu ...
- Verizon Strike Highlights Need for New Workers ...verizon.jpg 45,000 American workers from the CWA have been on strike for nearly two weeks. Adam Ford, of Infantile Disorder, examines the lengths the company and the state have gone to to undermine t ...
- Philippine airline workers under attack!Philippine airline workers under attack! This is the latest development in the Philippines concerning the state and capitalists' attacks against the working class. The union despite its "pro-worker" rhetoric still cling to legal mean ...
- IWW – Major gains at Heron Tower disputeHeron Tower.jpg Industrial Workers of the World Cleaners and Allied Grades Branch has secured significant gains to the benefit of low-paid cleaning staff Following negotiations ...
- An open letter to those who condemn looting (P ...Looted-goods-lie-on-the-p-007.jpg Second part of an open letter from Socialism and/or barbarism about responses to looting. First part can be found here on Libcom. 3. They are ...
- An open letter to those who condemn looting (P ...Rioting-in-Brixton-002.jpg An open letter from Socialism and/or barbarism about responses to looting. Dear you all, I fear we have nothing to say to each other. read more
Free Range International
- These Aren’t the Droids You’re Loo ...Over on the excellent Afghanistan blog, Ghosts of Alexander, Christian Bleuer has re-posted a piece written by an anonymous friend of his entitled, How to be an Afghan Expert. It’s a 12-point tutorial on how to portray yourself as an Afghanistan expert in order to land yourself a $1,000/day sala ...
- Attention To DetailMy good friend E2 has kept FRI alive, which enables me to throw up a post I’m dying to share. Â I’m still going to stay mum about where I am and what we’re up to, but, we’ll complete our remaining projects in a few months allowing me to tell that story fairly soon…Inshallah from the [...]
- Who’s the Enemy Here?Last week I wrote about how ordinary Afghans have much to fear from the villains when traveling on the highways and roads in this country. This week, I’d like to address one of the biggest threats to those of us in the Kabul expat community: the Afghan government security apparatus. I was insp ...
- This Ain’t Route 66Since so many people in the western media have been freely tossing words like “Taliban” and “terrorist” around recently, I thought I’d give you all a slice of life glimpse into what it’s like to actually live here in Afghanistan with real terrorists. We Americans have a love affair with cars, ...
- An Open Letter to Martin FrostDear Mr. Frost, Yesterday, while perusing through my usual roundup of blogs and new sites, I ran across your article, The Tea Party Taliban, on Politico.com. I’m sure you thought you were quite clever, likening the American Tea Party to the Afghan Taliban, with statements such as this: Ten year ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Chuck Baldwin Hits the Nail SQUARELY!!� �Come Out Of Her, My People� By Chuck Baldwin August 18, 2011 Archived column: http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/home/?p=3859 It is no hyperbole to say that the vast majority of today�s churches do not remotely resemble the New Testament pattern. In the first place, the Church was never intended to ...
- Things That Make You Say HMMMMMMM!He served 10 presidents, but died alone in squalor: What happened to Theodoric C. James? White House Photo – Theodoric James Jr. worked in the White House for almost 50 years. His Northwest Washington neighbors never knew he catalogued important, sometimes sensitive, documents. By Christian Dave ...
- A Message to Horowitz and Kane – the Ill ...You indeed are the masters of spin – the masters of lying hypocrisy – the masters of obfuscation and calling evil good and good evil. As Khazarian Double Agents, I highly doubt you have ever read The Bible – have you? I doubt you have read Isaiah – so let me share his words: “WOE [...]
- Zombie Apocalpyse – What Others Are Now ...I first reported on this immediately after the CDC issued its report. Now others are also writing on this topic. GREAT NEWS!!! A. True Ott, PhD THE MEANING OF CDC “ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE” PART 2 By Dr. Stephen C. L’Hommedieu August 17, 2011 NewsWithViews.com CDC Creating a âZombie Horrorâ Conscio ...
- The Amazing TRUE STORY of Susan Lindauer. EXT ...Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq Susan Lindauer
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work www.tumbleweedhouses.com The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Mellissa Fung, Kidnapped in Afghanistan (May 1 ...CBC Journalist and author of Under an Afghan Sky tells Peter about her kidnapping in Afghanistan.
- Bob McDonald Part 2 (Apr 9, 2011)Part two of our annual show where CBC's Science Correspondent answers your questions about the mysteries of the world that have always puzzled you.
- Milos Raonic, ATP Tennis Player (Apr 2, 2011)The Canadian tennis star and his power serve are making waves around the world. Peter talks with Raonic about childhood ambition, focus and the sport he loves.
- Bob McDonald - Part 1 (Mar 26, 2011)Time for our annual show where you ask CBC's Science Correspondent about the mysteries that have always puzzled you!
- Dan Bjarnason (March 19, 2011)Former CBC Correspondent and author of Triumph at Kapyong talks about the critical battle won by Canadians in the Korean War.
Scotts Contracting
- CAD Drafting Details-Structural Porch FrameMisc CADD Details for Adding a Porch to an Existing Home. Existing House Framing CADD Detail 1/306 Option 1 Porch Framing CADD Detail 1/307 Exterior Finish CADD Detail 1/308
- Scotts Contracting- Home Energy Pros Membershi ...Congratulations! Your Home Energy Pros membership has been approved. Invite your friends to join you: http://homeenergypros.lbl.gov/main/invitation/new?xg_source=msg_wel_network Thanks for joining us! Home Energy Pros Home Energy Pros is a social network *Scott’s Contracting* Green Me UP-Scotty ...
- Go green with your building project– How to build your green building business –In the building industry, green business is the only good news that is left for the consumers. Are you a promoter who is looking for constructing buildings and still struggling within the sluggish market conditions? Though traditional buildings may no ...
- Future FightersSustainable Living Education at Unity College Say the words, “renewable energy” or “sustainable living” to the average person on the street, and you are liable to get a furrowed brow, and a cobbled together response about the environment and solar energy. Most people have a vague idea of what th ...
- Porch Column CAD Drawings by Scotts ContractingCAD Details of Simple Porch Footings, Foundations, Reinforcement, Stone Ledge, and Anchor Bolts for the Column
The View From Abroad
- Ron Paul is the Only OneWanted: a new president with an understanding of economics, knowledge of international affairs, and a dedication to constitutional rights.
- We Can’t Afford to Raise the Debt CeilingObama was correct to reject raising the debt ceiling in 2006.
- Western Imperialism Strikes AgainThe invasion of Libya is about imperialism not protection of civilians.
- What Obama Should Have SaidAs I was reading President Obama's speech last week, I dozed off into a glorious daydream.
- “Where’s the Beef”?After Osama bin Laden was killed, why wasn't his body displayed for verification.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Governments KillGovernments kill on our behalf. This arrangement is a form of social contract, which means that governments are basically contract killers.
- Naval Base Tears Apart Korean VillageThe struggle over Jeju Island in South Korea is heating up, with civil society activists standing up against a powerful military.
- Loose Nukes: Real Threat?There's a lot of radioactive material in the world. But is the illegal market in nukes really a threat?
- U.S. and Russia: Where's the Reset?The much-proclaimed reset in U.S.-Russian relations has been more rhetorical than real.
- Nye's Future of PowerJoseph Nye updates his analysis of soft and hard power.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- American hikers' saga shows the reason Iran ge ...Iran’s ruling theocrats complain that their regime, which they say is the inheritor of Persian history and culture, doesn’t get the respect they believe it deserves. It’s true enough they don’t get much respect, and over the weekend this corrupt and arbitrary government gave the world another r ...
- Pakistan to Supply Nuclear Arms & Troops to Sa ...MANAMA, Bahrain, Aug. 22 (UPI) -- The tiny Persian Gulf kingdom of Bahrain has reported to have recruited 3,000 Pakistanis to serve in its security forces to quell protesters from the Shiite majority the government says are backed by Iran.read more
- دیدار و گریبان گیری 3 ساعته مهدی کروبی و اژه ا ...پاسخ کروبی به اژه ای و قاضی صلواتی که در دادسرای اوین مستقر است این بوده است:
- Man pleads guilty to assassinating Iranian nuc ...A man accused by Iran of carrying out an assassination "sponsored and designed by Israel" has pleaded guilty to the murder of an Iranian "nuclear scientist". According to Iranian media, Majid Jamali-Fashi, 26, admitted killing Masoud Ali-Mohammadi, a particle physicist who Iran says was involved ...
- Iran shows U.N. official all nuclear sites: envoy(Reuters) - Iran allowed a senior U.N. nuclear inspector rare access to a facility for developing advanced uranium enrichment machines during a tour of all of the country's main atomic sites, an Iranian envoy said on Tuesday. Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's ambassador to the International Atomic En ...
Most Revolutionary Act
- Did Fracking Cause the Virginia Earthquake?Fracking Injects High Pressure Fluid Deep in Rock Bed *** Earthquakes in the nation’s capitol are as rare as hen’s teeth. The epicenter of Tuesday’s quake was in Mineral, Virginia, which is located on three very quiet fault lines. The occurrence of yet another freak earthquake in an unusual loca ...
- Gun Control: Playing the Race Card1967 Detroit Riots Progressive “scholarly” research into gun control generally makes two equally salient points: 1) the aim of gun control legislation is to control people (mainly disenfranchised minorities and the poor), not guns and 2) in countries with strict gun control laws, the use of dead ...
- Progressives Who Oppose Gun ControlLyndon Johnson: Father of Gun Control I’ve always been curious how American progressives got on the wrong – anti-civil liberties – side of gun control. In my mind this has been a grave strategic error. I have written elsewhere about the extreme difficulty liberals and progressives face in engagi ...
- State and Local Support for Marijuana Decrimin ...Sativex - marijuana by prescription This is the last of three posts on ending the War on Drugs. Unlike the federal government, states aren’t allowed to run deficits. Since the 2008 economic collapse, both Democratic and Republican dominated states have been extremely proactive in reduc ...
- The Cato Institute and the Drug WarThe Cato Institute This is the 2nd of 3 posts about growing broad spectrum support for ending the War on Drugs. The extremely conservative Cato Institute are clearly in the forefront of the campaign to end the war on drugs. I got a mind bending wake-up call last week from visiting their website ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- ABC's This Week, 8/21/11: David Axelrod Talks ...At 7:10: JAKE TAPPER: Progressive filmmaker Michael Moore had this question that he wanted me to ask you: "Are you aware of how profoundly disappointed so many of the President's supporters are? Do you realize that each time the President moves to the right, he picks up no votes and loses many ...
- Statement by “V for Vendetta” author Alan Moor ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 8, 2011 Contact: Matt Smucker, 717.209.0445, jms@beyondthechoir.org Statement by “V for Vendetta” author Alan Moore in Support of PFC Bradley Manning Alan Moore, the world-renowned British author, issued the following statement today in support of accused WikiL ...
- Letter from Environmental Leaders on the Perse ...Dear Friends, On July 26th 2011, climate activist Tim DeChristopher will be sentenced at the Salt Lake City federal courthouse. On March 3rd, Tim was found guilty of two felony counts for participating in a peaceful act of civil disobedience. A bright, charismatic young man could face up to ...
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: Address at Forbes Field ...ROOSEVELT: Mr. Chairman, Governor Earle, my friends of Pennsylvania: A baseball park is a good place to talk about box scores. Tonight I am going to talk to you about the box score of the Government of the United States. I am going to tell you the story of our fight to beat down the depression ...
- Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks filmRevolution Truth Primary Contact: Tangerine Bolen, Executive Director Phone: 1-503-887-0773 Email: tangerine.bolen@revolutiontruth.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks film 13 July 2011 - On the day that Julian Assange begins his appeal against extradition to Swe ...
- What Michele Bachmann would have to do to deli ...It has been a week since Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told the country that she would bring gasoline prices down to under $2 per gallon if she were president. The reaction has run from "Wow! Can she really do that?" to "There is no way a president can determine the cost of gasoline." Candid ...
- How to make Sarah Palin disappearThe safe bet remains that Sarah Palin is simply engaged in a long and tiresome tease. Every few weeks comes some new sign of her supposedly imminent entry into the GOP�presidential race, but nothing ever seems to happen.�
- Romney advisor advocating for terrorist groupA foreign policy advisor to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been active in recent months in an advocacy campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of an underground organization in Iran known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq. The MEK has been designated by the U.S. State Department as ...
- National Review asks why Obama reads criticall ...Barack Obama is reading gritty rural neo-noir by an acknowledged master of the crime fiction genre, and the National Review is not happy with him. The president bought Daniel Woodrell's "Bayou Trilogy," along with a number of other novels, at a Martha's Vineyard bookstore, and Tevi Troy, a "s ...
- What's next for Wisconsin progressives?Stephanie Haw needed a good cry.
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metr ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Honouring Layton’s legacy in TorontoToronto should find a way to honour Jack Layton’s many contributions to the city.
- Shielding Syrian killers Russia and China mock the United Nations and the declaration of universal rights by failing to censure Syrian President Bashar Assad's sickening repression.
- Jack Layton’s message of hopeJack Layton left a powerful message of hope in the hours before his untimely death.
- Let UN take the leadThe United Nations, not NATO, should play the lead role helping Libya's new regime establish itself.
- ‘Jack’ leaves an enormous gapJack Layton's death so soon after his greatest triumph leaves an enormous gap in Canada's political life.
Energy Collective
- Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Energy AmbitionsCurbing domestic oil use is a key driver Turki al_faisal, Saudia Arabia's point man on nuclear energy. Photo: Saudia Arabia Embassy, Washington, DC
- Oil Sands Anxiety Is OverblownAs I was catching up on a two-week backlog of news after my vacation, I ran across a New York Times editorial with the promising title of "Tar Sands and the Carbon Numbers." Thinking that perhaps the Times might have woken up to the necessity of comparing the lifecycle emissions from oil sands t ...
- It’s The Chinese, StupidIt’s time to take off the kids’ gloves in the energy debate. For the last five years, clean-tech advocates have extolled the potential benefits of a clean energy economy. You know the drill: millions of new jobs; freedom from oil; better technologies and cleaner air.
- Nico Hotz On Hydrogen Storage For Solar SystemsNico Hotz, a Duke University researcher, discusses solar power generation research that involves using hydrogen as a vehicle for creating electricity. �Full Transcript:
- What If It Is All A Big Hoax?This cartoon has been makings its rounds since Copenhagen. Sadly, it’s as apt as ever.By Joel Pett.
EU Times
- Russia Reports Nuclear Explosions Hit Vast US ...A frightening foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that over the past nearly 36 hours the vast intercontinental military tunnel complex constructed by the United States Air force over the past nearly 45 years was hit with two powerful nuc ...
- Gaddafi compound in Tripoli seizedLibyan opposition forces say they took control of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s compound in the capital city of Tripoli. Opposition sources said the fighters entered Bab al-Aziziyah compound through its western entrance on Tuesday. “Our forces are surrounding Bab al-Azizyah. There is a fierc ...
- Iran to send Kavoshgar 5 into spaceIran plans to launch another domestically-built satellite carrier, Kavoshgar 5, into space by the end of summer, the head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) says. âKavoshgar (Explorer)’s cargo, with a weight of 300 kg, contains a biological capsule in which a rhesus monkey will be placed,â Hamid ...
- Teens get arrested in Washington for Selling L ...In response to a recent wave of lemonade stand shut downs and harassment of children over such petty regulations as are used to shut them down, several activist gathered at the west lawn of the capitol in Washington, DC to sell lemonade and were arrested. While the officers were technically on s ...
- Bulletproof human skin underwayScientists working on a bio-art project to create bulletproof skin are using genetically engineered goat and silkworms to make a strong material for artificial tendons and ligaments. After their bio-art project for the creation of a bulletproof skin, Randy Lewis and his colleagues are planning t ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- iPhone 5 Release for Sprint in OctoberIt appears that Sprint, one of the “big four” carriers in the USA to NOT have gotten their hands on any version of the iPhone thus far, will be amongst those lucky 3 (T-Mobile still not included) that are able to sell the next-generation device come October. It’s the Wall Street Journal that’s ...
- Wall Street Expects Fed Money PrintingFrom Bloomberg : Stocks surged on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq up more than 2 percent, as buyers emerged before a highly anticipated address by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke later this week. Technology and other growth stocks drove much of the market’s gains, with the S&P In ...
- BlackBerry Curve 9350 + Curve 9360 + Curve 9370A new, thinner look to one of BlackBerry ’s most popular models. Research In Motion ( RIM ), the maker of BlackBerry devices announced 3 new BlackBerry Curve smartphones – the BlackBerry Curve 9350, Curve 9360, and Curve 9370. Slim and ergonomically shaped for comfort, each sports the BlackBerr ...
- Activists say Syrian troops killed 7 following ...BEIRUT â Syrian security forces killed at least seven people in a flashpoint central city following a visit by members of a U.N. humanitarian team, activists said Tuesday. The United Nationâs top human rights body, meanwhile, voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to demand that Syria end its bloody crac ...
- Andy Coulson and the News International severa ...I have a feeling that the Labour Party will have a good try here: also, that they’ll not get very far : A series of severance payments were made to former News of the World editor Andy Coulson for several months after he began working for the Tories, according to the BBC. The instalments totall ...
- Its a Gift: Evasive Witnesses Are Doing You a ...To begin with, why are you cross-examining the witness in the first place? The point of cross is not to get information from the witness. The point of cross is not to get the witness to change his story. And most of the time, the point of cross is not to destroy the witness with contradictions ...
- GLaDOS Pops the Question in Geeky Portal 2 Pro ...Hudston, a graphics designer living in Preston in England's Lancashire, says he had been planning on proposing to Harbeson for a while, but he was waiting for the perfect idea. "I had always promised Stephy that my proposal to her would be geeky and unique," Hudston said. He found his muse when ...
- HP will ship more bargain Touchpads"We had a great response to the new price and are now temporarily out of stock on hp.com and at many local retailers," wrote HP blogger and PR man Mark Budgell. "We will have more available shortly. Please keep an eye on www.hp.com/go/touchpad-availability. We will have a link up soon where you ...
- $25 PC alpha board successfully runs LinuxLate last month we reported that the $25 PC had gone into alpha production. That meant the spec of the board had been finalized by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and they wanted hardware to start testing. Now they have an alpha board to play with. The alpha board is significantly larger than the ...
- Earthquake Drops Voice Calls In Mass-Calling ...Very little damage was reported following Tuesday's 5.8-magnitude earthquake in Virginia that was felt up and down the East Coast, but the phones sure seemed broken. The four major wireless carriers in the U.S. reported disruptions to their voice services following what one called a "mass-callin ...
- August 22, 2011, WideShut WebcastGovernment announces curfew powers, banks banning cash machines, cops moving next door? And much more.
- Cameron’s Crackdown: 08/15/2011 WideShut ...On this week's WideShut Webcast Keelan looks at some of the fallout from the riots.
- Perfect Storm: The England Riots DocumentaryA look at the wider context surrounding the recent England Riots from those that experienced them.
- Has Facebook Censorship On Riots Already Begun?Facebook appears to be censoring certain posts that contain the word riots.
- Parliament: Social Networking Is To Blame For ...More CCTV, electronic tracking and shutting down of communication, Big Brother will save us as Britain collapses.
Politics in the Zeros
- Virginia earthquakeDespite West Coast mocking, 5.8 is a sizable quake (I lived in LA for years.) Further, most Californians would be terrified if a hurricane, something they have no experience with, hit them.
- Bernanke and treason(from a reader) In 1972, after Nixon had imposed price controls on the entire American economy, Fed Chairman Arthur Burns inflated the money supply by a then-record 8.7%. The Republicans praised him as a genius. The obvious purpose was to create a mini-boom to get Richard Nixon re-elected in 197 ...
- Bassnectar at Shambala 2010
- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on the push to b ...Featuring an in-depth, town hall with Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, Sapphire’s own Denise Gitsham asks about support for 3rd generation biofuels. The Navy plans to go to 50% biofuel, commercial airlines are definitely interested, and so is the Department of Energy. Homegrown is always better t ...
- ‘I don’t know why you’re so surprised that the ...An excellent video explaining why everyone should love America’s two party dictatorship, via Poli-Tea, via Rise of the Center. The Daily Show – The Correspondents Explain – Political Parties – The Two-Party SystemGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- Israel's 'J14': New potential for Jewish-Pales ...As I have chronicled here and elsewhere many times, over the past decade the once-vibrant movement of Israelis actively working for an end to the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza had become increasingly moribund. Yes, a small number of brave Jewish-Israeli souls participated in the weekly p ...
- Syria, authoritarianism, war, and peaceI regret that I haven't had much time in recent months to blog and write about the many developments in the still-unfolding 'Arab Spring.' However, I think that much of what I was writing back in March and April-- especially on the extremely upsetting and complicated series of events in Libya an ...
- Remembering Qana, five years onOn this day five years ago, at 1:30 am Lebanon time, Israel's U.S.-supplied warplanes attacked houses in the south Lebanese village of Qana, killing more than 60 civilians, 37 of them children. Go watch this soberly reported video clip from Britain's Channel 4 to get a measure of the horror. Th ...
- Place your orders now for Zurayk's 'War Diary: ...You can now go to the 'Buy' button on the web-page for Rami Zurayk's 'War Diary: Lebanon 2006' and place your advance order for this unique, 60-page work. The ebook will cost you $4.00 (in many different formats), and the paperback will cost you $7.00, plus shipping. Here is the back-cover text ...
- Nurturing that better futureAll my wonderful longtime readers here at JWN may wonder why I've been so silent recently. Two reasons, mainly. I've been deep immersed in the most wonderful forms of family life; and I've also been racing against the clock on the 'War Diary: Lebanon 2006' project. In the past three months, we' ...
- Riding the first of the on-road Cycle TrailsThis weekend, I got to ride big parts of the 180km route from Taumarunui to New Plymouth. The ride was a celebration of the opening of the first on-road component of Nga Haerenga, the New Zealand Cycle Trail. The weekend had a bit of everything: gorgeous scenery, local hospitality, wide-eyed chi ...
- General debate, August 24, 2011
- Organic Dairy or GE nightmare?Soil and Health pose an interesting argument about why Fonterra is trying to cripple the organic dairy industry. Fonterra’s Gutting Of Organic Dairying Is The Next Step To GE Farms. Fonterra has taken its next step towards genetically engineered pastures, with its announced scaling back of organ ...
- Mayoral backing for Auckland Harbour Bridge Wa ...It looks like there may be a breakthrough in the years long campaign for a bikeway/cycleway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge. Yesterday I attended the launch of the Pathway Working Group”s concept plan in the newly opened waterfront Wynyard Quarter. Auckland Mayor Len Brown spoke very positively ...
- Greens’ Clean Water InitiativeYesterday we launched the Greens’ Clean Water initiative. You can read all about it here. It involves setting minimum standards, for water quality and for agricultural practice; putting a price on irrigation water; and using the funds raised to provide support for the cleaning up of rivers an ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- The Shamans among us: A World of Perpetual Con ...Economic models are mere policy proposals; they are not the consequences of any economic system based on "natural law or even good theory, " they are not scientific; they are merely ad hoc. Furthermore, deleterious consequences often result from these models. Economists also routinely simpli ...
- Disintegrating Economic RecoveryThe word 'recover' always has the connotation of "getting back." But who is going to get back what when the economy "recovers"? Few at most. So what does an economic recovery look like? No one knows. The word 'recovery' can not be applied to objects willy-nilly. A sick person goes into the ...
- Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and JobsWhat's known as the economy has not only had horrid consequences, it is ultimately unsustainable. In two centuries, it has turned human beings into beasts of burden and their rulers into mere teamsters, it has polluted the Earth, extinguished uncounted species and exterminated millions of people ...
- (Land of the Fee and the Home of the Knave) Mo ...President Obama has said that he will not allow people-programs to be cut so that the wealthy can receive tax cuts because our nation is "better than that." But what America is cannot be distinguished from its economy which exists merely to accumulate money. It's why the maxim is let the buy ...
- The Supreme Court, the Constitution and the Fi ...The Supreme Court's First Amendment opinions result not from interpreting the First Amendment but from deliberately and insidiously changing its diction in ways that make the Amendment unrecognizable. The Court's arguments in these opinions are pure cant and do nothing but turn the Justice ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Enormously Useful Allergy Treatment - With Vir ...� Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comThis allergy season could be worse than those of past years in the U.S., heavy snow and rain in many places, followed by a sudden shift to warm weather, have led to a profusion of tree pollen and mold. A new study in the Proceedings of the Natio ...
- Are You Fat Because You are Being Poisoned?Recent research has implicated environmental contaminants in the pathogenesis of obesity. A new study sought to explore the relationship between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and fat mass. The results showed that blood plasma concentrations of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD), PCBs, and ...
- New Study Shows Soy No Help for Bone Loss or H ...Soy supplements are reputed to stave off hot flashes, night sweats, and other uncomfortable menopausal symptoms.� But the latest in a series of disappointing studies finds that soy supplements do not actually have any such effect,�they do not reduce the aging-related bone loss that can lead to o ...
- Stunningly Lovely Time-Lapse Video of Cloud Fo ...El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife from Daniel López on Vimeo.These scenes were taken at Tenerife, more than 2,000 meters above sea level. The photographer took over a year to capture all possible shades, clouds, stars, and colors from a unique landscape.
- Avoid This Before Bed if You Want a Good Night ...A recent study evaluated the effects of valerian extract taken nightly on the improvement of sleep quality in postmenopausal women. �Somewhere around 50 percent of postmenopausal women experience sleep disturbances, such as insomnia. Study participants consisted of 100 postmenopausal women who ...
- Body Adiposity Index, Body Mass Index, and Bod ...
- Medical Kits for In-flight Medical Emergencies ...
- The Promise of Electronic Records: Around the ...
- Going Home on the Right Medications: Prescript ...
- The Older Smoker [Commentary]
Survival - tribal peoples
- Peru approves ‘historic’ indigenous rights lawAshéninka girl in south-east Peru © David Hill/Survival On Tuesday night, Peruâs Congress unanimously approved a âhistoricâ new law that guarantees indigenous peopleâs right to free, prior and informed consent to any projects affecting them and their lands. President Ollanta Humala says ...
- Beef barons hold government to ransomVast blocks of the Ayoreo's forest have been cleared by BBC S.A. and River Plate S.A. © Survival Brazilian beef barons are holding Paraguay’s government to ransom over land inhabited by uncontacted tribes. Ayoreo Indians were granted legal title to the land last year, but ranchers have ref ...
- Worldwide protests against Amazon mega-damBrazilians protest against Belo Monte dam in the Amazonian city of Belém © Sue Cunningham Thousands of people have taken to the streets in dozens of cities worldwide, to protest against the Belo Monte mega-dam being built in the Brazilian Amazon. Groups across Brazil called on Brazil�s Pre ...
- International condemnation of controversial Et ...The Mursi are one of the tribes living along the Omo Valley. © Eric Lafforgue/Survival Kenyan MPs and the UN’s World Heritage Committee have called on Ethiopia to halt construction of the controversial Gibe III dam on the Omo River. In its annual report published last month, UNESCO’s World ...
- Amazon pipeline gets go-ahead amid reports of ...Oil industry barges are a constant sight on the rivers of northern Peru © Survival A 200km oil pipeline in the Amazon has been given the go-ahead, amidst controversy over a âcover-upâ of evidence that uncontacted Indians live in the region. French oil company Perenco plans to spend $350m ...
Montreal Gazette
- Effect of residents' strike will be felt for y ...Since July 11, the F�d�ration des M�decins R�sidents du Qu�bec has been on a teaching strike, severely affecting the clinical education of Quebec medical students.
- What the mourning for Jack Layton teaches usCanadians from all walks of life are pouring out their feelings of loss at the death of Jack Layton: online, in books of condolence, on pieces of cardboard stuck to walls and at makeshift memorials, including one at Layton's Toronto home.
- Letter of the Day: Jack Layton: A role model f ...Jack Layton was one of a dying breed.
- Your Views: Jack Layton’s impact and legacyJack Layton did live long enough to know that he had made a big breakthrough.
- The Gazette's View: What the mourning for Jack ...Canadians from all walks of life are pouring out their feelings of loss at the death of Jack Layton