The Star Online
Copyright AFP, 2011 | Aug 15, 2011
Tough economic times hit Indian property firms
interest rates push up the cost of home loans.A succession of rate hikes has prompted prospective buyers to delay purchases
All Things Considered - NPR
Blog of Rights - ACLU
Palestinians 'flee Syrian camp'
Thousands of Palestinian refugees are fleeing a camp in Syria's port of Latakia which is being shelled by government troops, a UN agency says.
Circle of Blue - water news
C Net
Common Dreams
Tea Party Leaves For Space. We Wish It Godspeed.Daily Bell
Democracy Now!
What if Earth Was a Cube?
Back in 1884, a Swiss astronomer by the name of Arndt made headlines when he claimed to have discovered a very curious planet in an orbit beyond...
Xinhua - all 3391 related »
Libya shows signs of slipping from Muammar Gaddafi's grasp
As rebels seem close to controlling supply routes, and a senior minister leaves the country, opposition forces are optimisticMuammar Gaddafi's...
Gulf of Mexico,Deepwater Horizon,Corexit
Inside Facebook
Buddy Media Raises $54 Million Fourth Round That Could Further Fuel Facebook Marketing Consolidation
NPR - News
Obama Conspiracy Theories
Open Secrets
( Take note of the source - definitely opinionated floggers of Torah )
PEW Clean Energy
Pesticide Action Network
Monsanto empire hungry for sweet corn
Philippines News Watch
Psychology Today
Reef News and Issues
Rescuing the Frog
Satellite News
Bangalore students live Nasa dream
The ultimate dream for any school student would be to make it to in the US and win a competition there. Students of Bishop Cotton Boys School did...
Science Daily
Scientific American
Ten Percent
Unexplained Mysteries
The Muslim-baiting right can't decide what to make of the Texas governor's past
Electronic Tattoo' May Help Monitor Patients
Ultra-thin electronics, which can be placed on the skin as easily as a temporary tattoo, could pave the way for patient monitoring systems that...
How to of the Day
7 Tips for Achieving Your Full Potential
Once you've developed your full potential, it's time to work continuously toward achieving it regularly. Sail your own ocean, and you never know...