Pesticide-free soap — finally!
FDA first flagged concerns about triclosan in consumer products back in 1972. In 1978, they proposed banning the pesticide from hospital scrubs and hand soaps within a couple of years, but for some reason, nothing was done. The same thing happened again nearly 20 years later, in 1994.
This time around, market pressure is beating regulators to the punch. It turns out consumers don't want a chemical in our soap that disrupts hormones and messes with our immune systems, thyroid function and (for the males among us) sperm production.Especially when studies show that washing up with plain old soap and water prevents disease just as well.
Water as a Tool of War: Qaddafi Loyalists Turn Off Tap for Half of Libya
Muammar Qaddafi’s great achievement of tapping desert aquifers and sending the water hundreds of kilometers to Tripoli, the capital, and other coastal cities is now the focal point for sabotage and siege. Aid agencies have begun humanitarian relief as rebel leaders try to gain control of water-producing regions.
Libyan forces loyal to Qaddafi have taken control of the operation center that supplies Tripoli with water from the Great Manmade River — the 2,820-kilometer (1,752-mile) network of pipes, pumps, and storage tanks that Qaddafi began building in 1984 — according to yesterday’s report by The National, an English-language newspaper in the United Arab Emirates.
The western half of the country is now without running water, according to The National, and international organizations have initiated relief efforts in the Libyan capital. Power cuts have disrupted the pumps running the water supply. Qaddafi’s forces have attacked water operation centers and still control two cities that are essential to operating the system. There have also been rumors that Qaddafi’s supporters have poisoned a reservoir, according to The National.
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NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River in Libya cutting water supply to people
NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River in Libya cutting water supply to people
It is a war crime to attack essential civilian infrastructure. 95% of Libya is desert and 70% of Libyans depend on water which is piped in from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System under the southern desert. The water pipe infrastructure is probably the most essential civilian infrastructure in Libya. Key to its continued function, particularly in time of war, is the Brega pipe factory which enables leaks and breaks in the system to be repaired.NATO has admitted that its jets attacked the pipe factory on 22 July, claiming in justification that it was used as a military storage facility and rockets were launched from there.
“The water changed lives. For the first time in our history, there was water in the tap for washing, shaving and showering. The quality of life is better now, and it’s impacting on the whole country.”
On 3 April Libya warned that NATO-led air strikes could cause a “human and environmental disaster” if air strikes damaged the Great Man-Made River project.
Read More
- Bill van Auken: NATO is waging a war against Civilians
- Libyan rebel commander says 50,000 dead
- The leading role rebel Islamic extremists have played throughout the Libyan conflict
- Lizzie Phelan Latest
- Impending massacre in Sirte
- Rare mainstream airing of voices opposed to NATO/rebel forces
- Where is the so called International Criminal Court?
- War – what is it good for – absolutely nothing
- Eid Mubarak
- More Tripoli Atrocities – Alex Thomson saves Nigerians
- Finally… The UNHCR breaks the silence on murders of blacks in Tripoli
- NATO’s peaceful and sustainable political solution: turn Tripoli into a slaughterhouse
- The BBC coverage of Libya
- Luis Moreno-Ocampo and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
- Bombing of Zlitan by the RAF
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- NATO bombs health clinic in Zlitan, Libya
- NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River
- The Libyan National Transitional Council and Mustafa Abdel Jalil
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- The death of Jan Mohammed Khan