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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

28 August - News Notes

ARLINGTON, VA - MARCH 21:  A protester stands ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Impact of Gulf Spill’s Underwater Dispersants Examined

A review has now been published by Earthjustice, in collaboration with Toxipedia, an online toxicology Wiki, of all the scientific literature concerning the potential health impacts of these 57 chemicals. The report finds that “Of the 57 ingredients: 5 chemicals are associated with cancer; 33 are associated with skin irritation from rashes to burns; 33 are linked to eye irritation; 11 are or are suspected of being potential respiratory toxins or irritants; 10 are suspected kidney toxins; 8 are suspected or known to be toxic to aquatic organisms; and 5 are suspected to have a moderate acute toxicity to fish.”
While words like “associated with” or “linked to” may sound weak and unconvincing, the syntax highlights just how little is actually known about these chemicals. For 13 of the dispersant ingredients, no relevant data could be found.


On Libya Frozen Assets, US Drops "TNC" for "Relevant Authorities," Only 13 of 15 Show Up for Syria Sanctions
By Matthew Russell Lee
UNITED NATIONS, August 25 -- After a standoff on whether $1.5 billion in frozen Libya funds would be released to the National Transitional Council, the US on Thursday agreed to amend its unfreezing request to drop references to the NTC (or TNC as the US and some others call it) and replaced it with the phrase "relevant authorities."

The opinion, written by Guy Goodwin-Gill, a professor of public international law at Oxford University and a member of the legal team representing Jordan's government in 'The Wall' case against Israel at the International Court of Justice in 2004, tackles the issues of Palestinian rights, representation, and the right of return, which may all be seriously affected by the outcome of the bid.
Al Jazeera's Nour Samaha conducted an interview with Professor Goodwin-Gill to get a clearer picture of the dangers the Palestinian people may potentially face with the bid. His entire legal judgment on the problems with the current Palestinian bid for statehood can be accessed here.

NATO nations set to reap spoils of Libya war  
It looks like the more telling news on Libya has migrated to the business pages.  With jubilant reporting of Gaddafi's imminent downfall seizing headlines, it's the financial pages that have the clinical analysis. So, for instance, it is in this section that the Independent reports a "dash for profit in the post-war Libya carve up".
Similarly, Reuters, under the headline, "Investors eye promise, pitfalls in post-Gaddafi Libya" noted that a new government in that country could "herald a bonanza for Western companies and investors".
Before Tripoli has completely fallen, before Gaddafi and his supporters have stepped down and before the blood dries on the bodies that have yet to be counted, Western powers are already eyeing up what they view us just rewards for the intervention.
There are no more illusions over how far NATO forces exceeded the UN security resolution that mandated its campaign. For months, NATO officials insisted it was operating within brief - an air campaign, designed to protect civilians under threat of attack. But now it is described as an "open secret" that NATO countries were operating undercover, on the ground.
Add to that the reluctance to broker a negotiated exit, the practice of advising, arming and training the rebels, and the spearheading of an escalation in violence and it looks like NATO's job morphed from protecting civilians to regime change. 

Evidence of 'mass execution' in Tripoli 

The Unrecovery, Acknowledged

One positive thing in Bernanke’s speech — I’m trying to look on the bright side — is that for what seems to me the first time he has more or less acknowledged that we are not, in any real sense, experiencing a recovery:
Notwithstanding these more positive developments, however, it is clear that the recovery from the crisis has been much less robust than we had hoped. From the latest comprehensive revisions to the national accounts as well as the most recent estimates of growth in the first half of this year, we have learned that the recession was even deeper and the recovery even weaker than we had thought; indeed, aggregate output in the United States still has not returned to the level that it attained before the crisis. Importantly, economic growth has for the most part been at rates insufficient to achieve sustained reductions in unemployment, which has recently been fluctuating a bit above 9 percent.

Hurricane Irene: Thinking the unthinkable

Here's the bad news, according to Nate:
"According the model, a hurricane with wind speeds of about 100 miles per hour — making it a “weak” Category 2 storm — might cause on the order of $35 billion in damage if it were to pass directly over Manhattan. Such a storm would probably flood New York’s subway system as well as acres upon acres of prime real estate in neighborhoods like the East Village, the Financial District, TriBeCa, Coney Island, Red Hook, Dumbo, as well as parts of Staten Island and most of the Rockaways.
Although far from the most likely scenario, this may represent a reasonable-worst-case estimate of what could happen if Hurricane Irene took exactly the wrong turn at exactly the wrong time."
Here's the latest on what promises to be a very wet, and very wild, weekend on the East Coast.

Hurricane Irene and Risk perception. They're BOTH Dangerous 

An abstract risk usually doesn’t trigger as much concern as something we’ve actually been threatened by, or suffered from, in the past. So while the warnings will cause high alarm in some, and prompt due precautions by many, a lot of people will fail to take adequate precautions, and that leaves them at greater risk. That is the danger of The Perception Gap.

For the same reason, should evacuations be recommended, some might emperil themselves by not following that advice. Even if evacuations are mandatory, some will resist, to protect their property from thieves, which reflects an additional potentially dangerous instinctive/emotional factor that influences our perception of risk. We naturally weigh risks against benefits. Anyone who stays to protect their property is making a Risk versus Benefit choice that says the risk of a hurricane – which in a mandatory evacuation area includes the risk of dying – doesn’t feel as big as the benefit of protecting their replaceable physical belongings. OOPS!


8/26 Hurricane Irene and Risk perception. They're BOTH Dangerous
8/24 The Universal Appeal of the Arab Spring
8/16 The Japanese Government and Nuclear Power. A Meltdown of Trust
8/09 Statistical Numbing. Why Millions Can Die, and We Don’t Care.
8/04 Solving Climate Change Without Battling About Climate change
7/29 "Cool Dudes", Hot Temps; The Climate Change Battle Will Get Us Nowhere
7/27 Fear of One Form of Food Safety is Raising Your Risk
7/25 We Fear First and Think Second, and We Fear More and Think Less
7/20 Regulating the Fear of Vaccines: An Emotional Response
7/18 Vaccines. Time for Society to Say Enough is Enough


Regulating the Fear of Vaccines: An Emotional Response 

( Happening to notice this, I was struck by the repeated  structure of public posts advocating state power - and 'wisdom' - bypass and suppress citizens' concerns as specious and ill-advised ....  promoting them as 'Denierism' without the title )

How to Win an Argument With a Vegetarian
Professor of Communication, American University 
I've Always Said PETA Should Be Called "Pornographers for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"
Investigative Journalist 
Greedy Google blocks the global internet superorganism mind
History of global digital superorganism goes far back. This is our future. I put some background information for my followers here. This is going...
NASA'S Wise Mission Discovers Coolest Class of Stars
Scientists using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have discovered the coldest class of star-like bodies, with...
NASA's GRAIL Moon Twins are Joined to Their Booster 

In Focus: Secrecy shrouds costs of Perry's travel | US Life Post

OpenSecrets.org Mailbag: Contribution Limits, Obama's Campaign Cash and More
Lobbying on Clean Coal, AFL-CIO Forms Super Labor PAC and more in Capital Eye Opener: Aug 26

16 Statistics Which Prove That The American People Are Absolutely Seething With Anger

"Mix & Match" — The mysterious math behind CA's methyl iodide decision comes to light
Engineering food for whom?

This Week in Civil Liberties (8/25/2011)
Military Women Deserve Equal Medical Care

Fresh oil slicks forming over Deepwater Horizon spill site | Raw Replay
Nano Patents and Innovations: Lessons Learned From The 2 Worst ...

Obama must resign in 90 days
Disturbing article at the Post & Email

Energy Efficiency Drives Economic Growth
Obama In Sync With America On Standards

Infographic: Urbanization and Country’s Ability to Provide Improved Sanitation Service
The Stream, August 26: New Jersey Issues Ban on Fracking

The Soros-supported Center for American Progress blames rich Jews for stoking Islamophobia (Thomas Lifson/americanthinker.com)
( I posted a note about a UK propagandist originating the campaign ages ago )
Powell: Cheney taking 'cheap shots' in memoir (Meghashyam Mali/The Hill)

Alberta PC Leadership Q&A

Lost in a Yemen Jail! ... A DB Staffer Speaks About His Long, Strange Trip and the Secret Gulag America Has Built in the Middle East and Africa
The Many Collapses of Keynesianism

Friday! Friendly Fires- Paris
The Observer: Atos doctors could be struck off

See No Evil
U.S. Vs. China: Not To Worry, We Still Have Way More Guns and Poison

See No Evil
U.S. Vs. China: Not To Worry, We Still Have Way More Guns and Poison

New report maps the roots of Islamophobia

A new report traces the flow -- and funding -- of anti-Muslim ideas
Sad Tea Party freshman hates his stupid new job

Rikers Island Prisoners Left Behind to Face Irene
Newt Gingrich Fundraising Machine Shuts Down

“Poverty Is the Problem”: Efforts to Cut Education Funding, Expand Standardized Testing Assailed
Headlines for August 26, 2011

President Obama Signs Delaware Emergency Declaration
President Obama Signs Puerto Rico Disaster Declaration

Apixaban superior to warfarin for preventing stroke, reducing bleeding and saving lives, research suggests

New York survives worst of Irene

• Hurricane blamed for 11 deaths along US east coast• Irene downgraded to tropical storm from category 1• Eye of storm makes landfall at Coney...
Israeli activists launch protest squats

Don't panic about the missing Higgs - for now
Sustainable fish logos: not all they're made out to be

In wake of Irene, flooding fears along Eastern Seaboard
Libya rebels reject regime offer to negotiate

Institute plans to build floating city

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This Week’s Headlines From Across Inside Network

A Filmmaker On The Complexities Of 'Debt'
In Afghanistan, Building Up Means Scaling Down

Apple files patent application to learn the sound of your voice
Hurricane Irene hits the East Coast (roundup)

WebPutty Hosts and Maintains CSS For Your Site [Video]
Sun Bleach Your Shirt [Clothing]

Here Comes the Story of the Hurricane

Kick Your Addiction
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Will the Space Station be Abandoned?
In the wake of the Russian Progress vehicle crash, a chain of events has been set into motion that could result in the decision not to fly...
Pets During Hurricanes: What To Do 
11 Tips to Cut Your Cholesterol Fast
WebMD provides tips for things you can do now to help lower your bad cholesterol levels. From diet to medications, find the first steps here.

 End the Bombing of Libya

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