(95) Americans for Prosperity: National feed
(67) TomDispatch - Blog
(500) ReadWriteWeb
ShareBit.ly, the URL shortener and analytics service from New York incubator Betaworks, has developed a software developers kit that leverages the forthcoming deep Twitter integration in iOS5 to enable app developers to automatically share links on...
Google's +1 Button Now Works As Intended on Plus - 37 minutes ago
ShareAmidst all the hubbub about social media referrals this week, Google has finally made the +1... -
Facebook Hits 1 Trillion Pageviews - 56 minutes ago
ShareSocial networking behemoth Facebook reached 1 trillion pageviews in June, according to new data. ...
(499) GigaOM
(500) Gizmodo
Share Back in late March, NASA's Swift satellite detected a strange and unusual energy explosion in the constellation Draco. NASA now knows what it was: "the awakening of a distant galaxy's dormant...
Watch The Virginia Earthquake Spread Across Twitter [Earthquake] - 22 minutes ago
Share You've seen the XKCD comic showing how tweets... -
1GB Black Box PIN Secure USB Drive is the Paranoid Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo] - 32 minutes ago
Share That "home video" you recorded on vacation,...

ShareYou know all that maternal hand-wringing over staying home with the kids versus going back to work?
(500) Engadget

UK Advertising Authority smacks Motorola for misleading Atrix advert (video)
20 minutes ago Share Oh dear. Remember Motorola's advert claiming the Atrix was the "world's most powerful...
Sony redesigns PlayStation Home...
43 minutes agoShare Sony updated PlayStation Home in the spring of this year,...

HTC Bliss gets its clearest...
1 hour agoShare The HTC Bliss is undoubtedly going through the typical...

Garmin nüvi navigators get...
1 hour agoShare It's time for Garmin to refresh its lineup and flood the...

Google reaches $500 million...
1 hour agoShareWe had heard that Google irked authorities at the Department...

Fujifilm FinePix XP30 hands-on:...
2 hours agoShare One thing's for sure: we're utterly thrilled with the...

Vizio Tablet gets Hulu Plus,...
3 hours agoShare Picked up one of those $300 Vizio tablets? Good news:...
(85) CyberJournalist.net

Are Working 'Supermoms' More Depressed?
in the future
(201) World - Google News
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